
Color Harmonies

MonochromaticThe monochromatic color scheme uses

variations in lightness and saturation of a single color. This scheme looks clean and elegant. Monochromatic colors go well together, producing a soothing effect.


Analogous Colors   Pros: The analogous

color scheme is as easy to create as the monochromatic, but looks richer.


Contrasting schemes use shades from opposite segments on the color wheel. Contrasting bold primary and secondary colors - red and green, yellow and violet, or blue and orange - will create a very dramatic look.

Split-complimentaryA juxtaposition of any hue and the two colors located on either sides of its complement.

Double Complimentary

Two colors and their complements

Triadic Any combination of the primary hues: red, yellow, and blue; and their tints and shades.  Any combination of the secondary colors: violet, orange, and green; and their tints and shades.


Neutral colors primarily consist of a selection grays, beiges, tans, creams and taupe. Black, white, and gray are not on the color wheel, but are the basis for neutral color harmonies.

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