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of the provision of emergency relief goods, as well as food, water, sanitation etc. Japan is alsoexpected to send a unit of six helicopters and some 300 SDF Troops

• Jordan A plane carrying food and medical supplies left for Pakistan on 15 August. It iscarrying a 25-member medical team, including nine doctors, as well as 21,000 typhoid andcholera vaccines.

• Kosovo donated €150,000 to the Government of Pakistan's flood relief efforts.

• Kuwait donated US $5 million to victims of the severe floods in Pakistan, according toKuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) .

• Lebanon sent a plane to Pakistan with humanitarian aid.

• Lithuania donated LTL 50,000.

• Malaysia has donated $1 million to help people in flood-hit Pakistan

• Maldives donated MVR 3 million to Pakistan.

• Morocco sent a plane carrying 12 tonnes of humanitarian aid.

• Nepal cabinet provided cash assistance of Rs 10 million for flood victims in Pakistan.

• Netherlands donated €3.6 million euros. Netherlands The population of the Netherlandshas collected more more than 17 million euros for relief aid in Pakistan.

• New Zealand donated NZ$4 million towards relief efforts in Pakistan.

• Nigeria also assisted Pakistan by donating US$ 1 million.

• Norway facilitated relief operation by providing NOK 30 million. NOK 9 million were givento UN Central Emergency Response Fund , and NOK 21 million were allocated to UNICEF,Pakistan Emergency Response Fund (ERF), and Pakistan Red Crescent Society

• The Oman Charitable Organisation (OCO) send 2,336MT of aid to Pakistan, comprisingfoodstuffs, water , Dates , tents, relief supplies and tools.

• Palestine donated 3000 tons humanitarian supplies to Pakistan.• Qatar Red Crescent has appealed for QR 6.5 million and as part of its Ramadancampaign allocated QR1.5 million to its humanitarian mission. QATAR Charity (QC) has

started delivering food packs worth QR7 million ($2 million) in collaboration with the WorldFood Programme (WFP). It also plans to airlift 80 tonnes of emergency relief items, totallingaround QR 2.2 million ($600,000).

• Russia have sent two Russian Il-76 cargo planes with emergency relief.

• Samoa donated US$20,000.

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• Saudi Arabia released a statement announcing the establishment of an air-bridge to ferryrelief-supplies to Pakistan. In total Saudi Arabia has allocated US $112.3 million. for the relief-operation. So far relief goods worth USD 40 million has been delivered and some USD 67million worth of relief goods are in pipeline besides USD 5.3 million has been handed over toNational Disaster Management Authority – NDMA Pakistan in cash. Two 100-bed mobilehospitals were also donated by the Saudi Government to the flood victims.

• Singapore donated 50 thousand US dollars, 800 water filters and 10,000 blankets.

• Slovakia donated power generators, water pumps and tents.

• Sri Lanka dispatched 18 metric tons of relief goods worth approx US$ 3 million to Pakistanon a Sri Lankan Air Force C-130 .[185][186][187] The Health Ministry will also send will be in the 15member special medical team to Pakistan.

• Spain have sent out two aircraft containing 15 tonnes of aid material for the victims.

• Sweden will send eight water cleaning aggregates which together have a capacity tosupport 18,000 people with clean drinking water.

• Switzerland donated CHF 3 million to Pakistan.

• Sudan donated 10 tonnes of food, medicine and shelter equipments as well as a medicalteam including all disciplines.

• Syria announced that it would send 35 tonnes of foodstuffs, medical supplies, medicinesand many other necessary materials to help flood victims.

• Thailand donated $75,000.

• Tunisia sent a plane with 13 tons of food products, medicine , blankets and clothes .

• Turkey has donated US$ 5 million to Pakistan initially, in addition to 115 tonnes of humanitarian aid consisting of food packages, blankets, sleeping bags and beds delivered toPakistan Red Crescent Society. By 18 August, Turkey has donated more than US$11 million

and issued a rallying cry and launched a large-scale relief effort for flood-ravaged Pakistan.• Turkmenistan sent about 40 tons of cargo, including food and medicines.

• United Arab Emirates A fleet of Chinook helicopters was deployed to help in evacuation,according to the commander of the UAE Armed Forces Relief Team in Pakistan. The UAEForce in Afghanistan distributed 30MT of relief materials and food to flooded areas of thecountry. The UAE also pledged to donate $ 5 million for the flood relief operations in Pakistan.A telethon campaign by the Red Crescent Authority (RCA) raised 79 million AED ($21 million)for the flood victims. The Red Crescent also dispatched 70 tons of essential relief supplies.

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• The government of the United Kingdom has committed £64.3 million (US $100 million) tothe relief and recovery effort, in addition to bringing forward a £10 million bridge project toreplace some of those washed away. Interventions carried out or under way include the flyingin of 400 metric tons of aid, and providing tents, shelter kits, blankets, water containers andnutritional interventions. Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has also acknowledgedthe slow international response and urged British public to donate generously. Britishmonarch, Queen Elizabeth II has made a personal donation to the relief effort for flood victimsin Pakistan, the Queen gave an undisclosed amount via the British Red Cross . AdditionallyNick Clegg , the Deputy Prime Minister, described the international response as "absolutelypitiful" on August 16th.

• The United States has been at the forefront of the relief effort. The United States statedthat it would provide 56,000 ready meals on 1 August and 2, twelve temporary bridges and twowater-filtration-plants to help the flood-victims as part of a US$10 million aid-pledge.Commenting on the floods, the United States Secretary of State , Hillary Clinton, stated, "ThePakistani people are friends and partners, and the United States is standing with them as the

tragic human toll mounts from flooding in northwest Pakistan." Hillary Clinton personally donated$10 for flood-relief in an effort to encourage people to donate, no matter how small the amount.On 10 August, US announced another $20 million to provide relief for the affected, taking theflood related aid from United States to US$ 55 million. On 11 August, US increased its assistancefor flood-ravaged Pakistan to $ 71 million. Additionally, United States initially provided six USArmy CH-47 Chinook helicopters from their duty in Afghanistan. On 12 August, it provided twomore CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters to assist Pakistan Army in their relief efforts. The twohelicopters are first of 19 helicopters that US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has urgentlyordered for Pakistan in next few days. Senator John Kerry also visited Pakistan in order to surveythe damage from the disaster, and to raise US public awareness about Pakistani relief needs. On13 August, US increased its aid to US $84 million as USS Peleliu gets ready to dispatch more

helicopters pledged earlier by US Defense Secretary. In addition to this, the United States isproviding $3 million to the World Health Organization to expand the capacity of Pakistan'sDisease Early Warning System (DEWS) and to establish the first 15 treatment centers for water-borne illness. It is also working with the humanitarian community to spread awareness throughradio stations regarding safety precautions against water-borne diseases. On 14 August, further two CH-53E Super Stallion and a MH-53E Sea Dragon arrived in Pakistan to work with Pakistanmilitary in flood-affected areas. ] On Thursday, 20 August, the United States pledged an additional$60 million to the U.N. flood relief effort in Pakistan, bringing its total contribution to $150 million ina move designed to encourage other governments and private donors to boost their aid. OnFriday, 27 August, the USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) and her Amphibious Ready Group will deploy toPakistan to assist.

• Uzbekistan has sent 300,000 dollars worth of humanitarian aid to Pakistan.

• Vietnam donated 50,000 dollars.

• Yemen have donated relief materials including medicine and edible oil.

• World Bank provided US$ 1.3 million to Pakistani government for relief work. The bank hasadditionally approved a loan of US$ 900 million for medium and long term reconstruction.

• International Monetary Fund (IMF) has also offered to discuss how to help Pakistan managethe economic impact of the floods.

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• Asian Development Bank in response to the floods has offered a loan of 2 billion dollars for thereconstruction efforts.

• Islamic Development Bank in response to the floods has offered a loan of 11 million dollars for the reconstruction efforts.


With Pashtun Muslims living all around the world, it is inevitable that there will be differences in howpeople in different countries celebrate both Ramadan and Eid. Islamic countries tend to havemore provisions in place for Ramadan and Eid.

Spotlight on : United Arab Emirates

Between the 20 th August and 14 th September, there was a Ramadan and Eid themed exhibition at theADNEC, Abu Dhabi. The popular exhibition combines a consumer show with traditional

celebration. The event showcases family-friendly consumer goods, unique gift items,Arabic food, toys and games, as well as traditional song and dance to bring in thefestivity and an ambience of togetherness during the month of Ramadan.

Because the UAE is an Islamic country, there are provisions in place to help ease the fastingexperience, as well as facilitating the celebration of Eid.

Supermarkets and service stations were open with food and drink available for purchase but not toconsume in the place of purchase or anywhere in public during the day.

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Most high end hotels have room service and sometimes one or two outlets open during the day.Alcohol was banned, until after Fatoor.

The larger shopping centers in the Dubai area, had several shops open for takeaways only but notfor dining in. An exception to this was The Dubai Mall which has an area in the upstairs food courtwhere people could dine in, this year. This may change on a yearly basis. Food courts are usuallyclosed during the day, except in some of the Dubai Free Zones and at Dubai International Airport .

Food and drink outlets open during the day during Ramadan are not always obvious and tend tobe discreet. Outlets need a special license from the Dubai Municipality to operate for dine-induring daylight hours in Ramadan.

A concern of many, are for those who work out in the heat, such as construction. Labourers andworkers in the UAE can break their fast during the day in the UAE according to a Fatwa issued bythe UAE General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments (AWQAF) according to newsreports on the 9th August 2010. The fatwa said " It is permissible for workers in certain professionsto break the fast because of severe hardship, ". This was in response to a question from an oil rigworker about working outside in the extreme summer climate of the UAE. However, workers areexpected to start the day by fasting and only break the fast if conditions are unbearable.

Dubai and the rest of the UAE comes to life, for and after Fatoor – many restaurants and hotelsacross the country open, with a huge feast along with Ramadan themed events and activities.These usually stay open until Sahoor time, after which they close for the rest of the day.

Spotlight on : United Kingdom

The UK, being home to a large population of Pashtuns, as well as Muslims of other ethnic groups,there is no shortage of small local event going on across the country throughout Ramadan andEid. Local Muslim restaurants, hotels and communities across the country have events,

mainly focused on the theme of the Islam and charity fund raising. Mosques usually arrangespecial lectures and seminars, whilst large charity organizations, such as Islamic Relief, host‘Iftaar fundraising dinner’ events and the like. London, being the UK’s multicultural hub, will behosting an Eid celebration event, in Trafalgar Square, London. This event is open to all,including non-Muslims, with h ighlights including a selection of delicious Eid food as wellas souks, exhibitions and special activities for children. Live music comes courtesy of Polish Egyptian male hip hop artist Quest-Rah, as well as UK based band Cheb Nacim,who play rai music with an Arabic and French twist. Other acts performing at thefestival include acoustic sufi rock and soul band SilkRoad, and African drum bandNahini Doumbia.

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Unless you are living in one of the highly-Muslim populated areas of the UK, such as London,Bradford, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham etc, you will find that there are usually no specialprovisions in place for Muslim workers who are also fasting. Some employers are willing toschedule breaks or ‘lunch times’ according to the time of Fatoor, however this is usually bydiscretion and dependent on the type of company you are working for. Parts of the UKmentioned above, sometimes allow school days off for children, for the celebration of Eid,however, this depends on the local Council and school. There are no changes whatsoever toopening hours of business establishments, restaurants or stores. However, if the business isMuslim owned, they may change timetables, according to Ramadan. For example, a Muslimowner of a restaurant will be closed during the day and re-open for Fatoor, to accommodatethe local Muslim community.

Spotlight on : India

(Information provided by Saima Majid)

No special no events are planned to take place for either Ramadan or Eid, and although the countryis a non-Muslim country, India has one of the largest Muslim populations in the world. Indiancities, such as Jaipur, Mumbai and Delhi have a hand full of local mosques, which are usuallydecorated extravagantly during Ramadan and Eid and these become the base for anyRamadan and Eid themed events, around the country.

Ramadan particularly becomes harder in India, as no relief is given at workplace. No days off aregiven to employees, especially after nights, such as laila-tul-Qadr. For Eid day, employees areusually given one day off to celebrate.

Spotlight on : Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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(Information provided by Haroon Afridi)

When it comes to the announcing of Ramadan and Eid, a commitee within the Central Mosque of Peshawar makes the decision. Muhabat Khan Mosque, informs all other local mosques.When is comes to Eid and Ramadan, Pashtuns rarely follow the instructions of the PakistaniGovernment.

At the start of Ramadan, a sense of excitement runs throughout Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Onesignificant event, are the Terawih prayers, with local Mosques being the main attractionthroughout the month. However, due to the security situation in the area, organized eventsare limited and not well attended and people celebrate by visiting each other in their homes.

Some gatherings and events can be found in adjoining areas, close to Peshawar, such asBannu Meeraan Shah, however not within Peshawar or Bara.

A new trend has started amongst the younger generation, where they play cricket the whole night inthe streets, and special arrangements are made for this. People enjoy watching the games allnight, until Sahoor.

College hours are shortened during Ramadan, to help facilitate fasting and there are no real burdensplaced on students, such as tests, etc Also, during Ramadan, College canteens and Cafés closedown.

During Eid, making and serving meat dishes is quite traditional and people make specialarrangements for this. The Afridi tribe have a tradition of serving Tikka along with boiled rice withghee. This is served immediately after the Eid prayer has been completed and the whole family have

to sit together to eat.


Contributed by Unnkit Maaryannu:

The wretched Pashtun race is currently suffering from the effects of the worst natural crisis in living memory, amongst the growingterror sparked by the sinister I.S.I. Directorate's radical puppets &loyalists. Our dearest Pukhtun, Dr. Haider Ali Khan, is the

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former President of Malgari Doctoron Hayat Abad Medical Complex : Dr. Haider Ali Khan formedBaacha Khan Aman Jirga Sewaat in 2007. He is an MPA in the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as NWFP) and is the current Chairperson of all political members of the standing committee No. 12 within the Health Department. Apart from this, Dr. Haider Ali Khan isalso the Foreign Secretary of the Pakhtun Movement, Party & Pacifistic Revolution in the world, theAwami National Party.

Unlike the Pakistani federal authorities, Pakistani Military Machine, and the Punjabi establishment of Pakistan, our ANP is sincerely accountable for every dollar supported by our western sisters &brothers. Dr. Haider Ali Khan, on behalf of Awami National Party , is trying to organize, long-termfunding and humanitarian aid (including medicines, food & clean water, etc.) for the miserablePakhtouns suffering in Swat, Malakand, Nowshaar, Charsadda, & other Pakhtoon zones ravaged bymother nature. The international community needs to realize that it is ANP, which has been outrightthe No.1 Party dedicated to obliterating militancy, extremism, & violence from the Pakhtun Belt.

Pakhtuns settled overseas need toknow that it is ANP which has beenoutright, are the Pakhtun race'schampions in fighting theinfluence of the agency-directorateof I.S.I.

Currently, malgari DoctoronPukhtoonkhwa have establishedMedical camps in different parts of Flood-affected areas, and are

trying to provide medical facilities to the camps arranged by the Bacha Khan Trust EducationFoundation and other sister affiliates. The total cost of all the ruined livelihoods, assets,warehouses, fortunes & hopes, of the millions of Pakhtuns who have been affected recently by fate'sweather, can not amount to perhaps less than one trillion rupees, thus being the greatest loss toKhyber Pakhtunkhwa, FATA, Balochistan and other northern parts of Pakistan.

Doctor Haider Ali Khan, an intellectual force behind ANP, has not given up hope.Our chivalrous, like-minded, overseas-based humanitarian Pakthuns are asked to contact Dr. Haider Ali Khan directly, if perhaps interested in helping out the Pakhtun race. International Fund managerscan contact Him directly on: [email protected]:-+92 300 5749911 or +92 300 5749444


Poetry contributed by Saeed Shah:

ه م ی د ا س

ز ه م ی ه ف خ ه ک ی ل ا ح ش و خ د ز

ز ه م ی ه ه پ ل و ش ه د و خ څ څ

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؟ ه ن ک ی ر ک ز د ا ا ج د چ ړ ز ه م ی ه م ي و ر و و ی د ه ک ځ څ

ک ر ت ا غ و س ه ر ز ي ړ ګ ړ ز ه م ی ه ر و س و و ي د ګ

ئ غ ر ا ا ج د ک ب و خ ه پ ا ي ز ه م ی ی چ ی پ و خ ګ ګ

ک ر ا ي غ د د ا ئ ن ي ج ړ ز ه م ی ه ن پ ئ ی ه ا و خ ښ ځ

ه ه ي و خ ه م ی ږ څ ږ ز ه م ی ه و خ ه پ ه و ي ګ ړ

ه و غ ه د ب ش ق ا س ه ش ر ړ ز ه م ی ه و ج ه پ و د چ ځ

ه ص ه ز ا ش ي س ه م ی ډ ړ ز ه م ی د ا س چ د خ

خ ن س د ګ

و ش ه خ م د د څ ه و ش ه خ ح س د د ر و خ ه ش څ ر

خ و ک س ا ي س د ک ه ط خ ا ص

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و ش ه خ م ي پ د څ ه

خ ک ه پ چ و ش ر ا ک ا ی ر ړذ و ش ه خ ن م ع م ا څ

ک ه پ و ز و ش د ا ج د ا ږ ډ ګ و ش ه خ ن د ه ع ه څ

ي ک ل ک ر ه ر و خ س ک ظ ږچ ړ ړ و ش ه خ د ت ي غ د و ش ه څ ټ څ

و ش ج ا ک ر و ک خ ه پ چ د څ س

و ش ه خ ر و ي پ ا ک د ؤ څ ی ښ

ه غ ر ژ ي ا و ي پ د چ ړپ و ش ه خ ر د و د ن د څ ه ګ ګ

و ش و ا خ و ن ش و س ر و د ر ی ګخ و ش ه خ ن س د د ا ج د څ ه ګ

ن ق ګ

ه و غ ن ه و غ ب ش ه ز ړ ګ ړ ه و غ ن ج و س د ا ا ج د ز ړ ګ ګ

ا ا ج د ي و د ت پ ه ن ي س ه ګ پ ه و غ و چ ه ز ړ ګ

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و ا و و چ چ ئ ر ځ ڼځ ه و غ ه ل ه ز ړ ګ ډ ډ

ر ن س ا ي چ و ک و ش و ک ګ غ ګ ه و غ ن ه ي ش ړه ګ

ک و ه پ ک چ ا ف د ږ ه و غ ئ ک ر و ک و د ړ ګ ړ

ه م ی ه و خ س ر ا د ر ه پ ز ښ ه و غ ن و پ ړ ګ ښ ښ ښ

ه ا ر ش و ج ه ک ړ ه و غ ن ق ه و خ ه ن ي س ي د ړ ګ

ر ا ر ی د د ا س ا ش ي س څ ه و غ ک ا و ه ک و ړ ګ ړ ړ څ

ر ش

ه و ش ر ه ه د ز ځ ە

ه و ش ر ا خ و س د ا چ د چ ګ

ن ه م ص ا غ د ز ه و ش ر د ه پ و غ ر و ن ه ځ

س ا ه خ ه س ش ه پ ز ګ ه و ش ر ش ه پ ز ر و ه ک خ ښ

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ش و د پ ه و ش ر ا ی ز چ ګ

د ا ه ز د ن ج ه ا ډ ه و ش ر د خ ه ه ز ر و ځ

ا ن ش ه غ و ش ر د ه ر ړ ه و ش ر ا ز چ ه ه ګ ګ

ژ ه ر ر و ه پ د ز ه و ش ر ا ن خ د ه پ ګ ګ

ه م خ ل ظ د ه ز ه و ش ر ر ه ب و خ ه ک چ

ز ه م ئ چ و ک غ د ا پ د ه و ش ر ا د چ ه ه س د ښ

ر و غ ژ ه ن ه ا ش س ز ګ ځ ه و ش ر ا ک د ک ن ه پ چ

و پ

ي ز ه و پ ه م ی ک ه پ ه ړر ړ و ی خ ر و ه ن ی ه ش ه و ي ګع ګ

ا ي ع د ت ي غ ي غ ه ا چ ځ ا ق ه ک ا ي ک ظ ه خ ښ ه ړ ړ

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و س د ه پ و م ي د ه و ګم ړ ا ي ک و و ر و د د ا ی ه ت ا ړک ټ

ک ر ر ه پ و ن ا ج د ا ګ ګ ن ا س د ه ش و غ ه خ ږ

د س ا و غ ه پ ي خ د چ ر و ه ډ ګ س د ک ر ه و ک ن د ه ړ ر

؟ د ا س ه پ چ چ ن ه ګ ن څ ا م ی ه ی د ه ا ي ش ر ا ر ښ چ

و ه چ ه ا ش ي س ي څ ه ږ ا ج د ه و و ق ل و ش ا ق د ه ټو

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