  • t

    Dept. of Agronomy and Soil ScienCff 2525 Varney C::hle University or M..:twaii

    Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

    !111 USI fll Ot:..1'111 roa THI CQUletIOII 01 MAUllltJM DlflCJllle'Y

    DI n:MaCAU


    UllffllS1.Tr fll IIAU.11 D fAUUt ntflt.t.Mllff

    C'JI TRI UQUlUMlftS roa TD l>IGlll ('JI


    D AGl.

  • Date _____A_u_g_us_t_. _2_3__,_1_9_6_5~

    Dean of the Graduate School University of Hawaii

    I hereby certify that the thesis presented by--~~~~

    ~----E~YwB6llilll8.....8QJA~s.._____________~, candidate for... the

    -----"~·w$~,______degree in the field of ___A~G~B~P.N~QM~Y.....-------~ has been checked by me and conforms to the requirements

    demanded by a majority of the members of the Thesis Committee.

  • We certtf7 tbat ve uw rutl th1• tbeata •Dd that la our opiaf.oe it h aetlafactorJ la acope 41114 4111allt1 •• •

    thHl• for tbe dqn• of Neater of Sd.•c• ta Aanaoay•



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    u TAILI a, Car!'IITI

    Lift Of TAIi.iS. . . U.l

    • • • . . • • 1 . . . • • • 3

    . . . . . . 4 1:ekalaa Dua• 1-4 4. . . • • • • • • • •laperllleatal Proceclure .. . . • • • • • • 4 1'rMtaeate • • • • • • • • • • • J loU • • . . • • • . . . . • • • • Sotl Aaalyel• •••••• . . . . • • • • • • • 6 '

    Cation ••uaa• ca,aeltJ • • . . . . . . . .' 6 lacl.lana•••t• ......,\Illa. • • • . . . . . . . 6 lxe••••ltl• calolu • • . . . . . . • • • • 1 lachaaa••ltl• ,ot•••t•. • • • • • • . . . . 1 A••tlabl• plloaphorue •• • • . . • • • • 7 A•allal»l• nlf~r .••• . . . . • • • • • • 7

    Plaat. • • • • • . . . . • a"••lyal• . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • • 8 1-,11... •t Bal'ftat • • • . . . . . 10

    ISSULT Alft> D1SCU8110lt. . . . 11 llaneet,.. of tl&e 1-,.rt-t. • • • • • • • • • • 11 SoU Aaat,-ta. . . . . 14

    • • • • • • • • • 14 Cati•••.._• c•pacit7 •••••• • • • • • • • • 14 laN ••tvattoa . • • • . . . . . 14 lxe~•l• ealel\la aafl ,ota1alua. • • • • • 14&xcuaa•••l• ......1........ . • • • • • • • 14 lxtrNtable eUlcoa •• 17 ...,1.~1. ,1ao.,11oru•. .... • • • • • 17 Ava11a•l• aulfur •• • • • • • • • • • 17

    Plaat Aaal,.te • • • . . . • • • • • • • • • 19 & an••

  • lU

    LltT 01 T.A.ltll

    T.Altl I. IISULT8 01 llllVISTDIG OI THI 1UL1> unaDIDl'f JLAW'l'ID GIi rAPAA SILTY Ct.AT SOIL. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12

    11. ADL111 or VAIUNCI JOI TOIIS OI CAIi PR ACI.I, TCIIS OI St»AI .... .ACU, fOL MID run RKllff . 13

    III. pB, CATIDnllft MIS a, THI C&.€1' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • 20

    VII. LIYII.S or sn.tCQI DI CAIi SHIATB .ua, 1•10 JftlllfflDIS II ,near Dill WllOIT Ar "10 l>D'J'llllff AGII or TIii CIOP ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22

  • ,.••• O'I OLlYDI voa TRI CCUICTlOll

    0, MAGnlIUM D1ftCUIIC1

    D lm.RCAII

    011•1• Naalt u, •• tnque11tl7 •Md ta •..,....1 co,aiatrt•• u • NUl'ee of ..,_atua for NWl'al crop•. It c•tala• coaai4e1'«t.le quaul• of at.Ueae ad troe, •• wll •• ......1.. OUvi• l• cout4ue4 1>1

    .... autllora .. bellla •••1 to ••tlliar. Aa oU'YiM t• a altndaat •c.eri•l ta tbl llwaU• Xtlude, a fle14

    •xpel'1Mat •• plaated • t• lalaad of lawal on a lapaa Silty Clay Soll. •• Al atooue Fff'l'Vliaov• Lat••l, ta oriel' to t••• tt• value •• • cbe•• aeurc.e of .....,1.. for avaarcae. lilkahl Du•, • IMacla

    e41ad vklch coatatae fairly l•ra• et1M111ta of oll•iae, ..... uaed to t••t tllat ,.••,~tltt1.

    The expertaeat•l tnat••• wn (a)• ......tua applied, (I>) 500

    ,.... per acre of .....tu••••u.1... (c) 2,,00 pouadl per ..... •f

    ....., u oUY1M 1 acl (cl) JOO pou,MI per on of _ ...tu•• Ip••

    aalt. Otber •••••tlal .1....,,••1, ,, It, ca. s, I,"°• a4 ta••wn np

    pU.•d t.n quaatltl•• tbougbt to be,••~••• for •ua•reae. The ..,.rtaeat •• MrNated •t 2J IIOlltba of••• aad tbe ,.rtlMAt eupl•• vue taltea to 4etenaiae ta. vet11't ••d quality f t1'e ..... Sot.1 •d plaat •-,tu

    wr• t•k• at t

    the effect, of the trut-t• on tlw toil aad oa tM ea• plaa.

    The n•ulta of tbe •rw•t o.f t'be n,-rt-t abowd ao atattattcelly •tantft.caat re••••• of hl•l'e•• to the application of •••••tma wn applied eltblr •• ollviae or•• 1,.....1,.


  • • Tm 1.ewle of _ ...,.,. both f.a aoll aact ta pleat were foacl to i..

    adetlU(lte. la ptaac1 1 the •.-tua lnele •.._.•et_., lacr•• wtth

    ea• o.f el'o,. TIie utloa exc...._• ca,.cltJ and•• fl of tlle MU wn aot af•

    futed ,,. tllll tn•t-t1.

    Ta •r, low of Utl'Mtat.le It la •otll ad pl•t• ._e,ted

    tbe ,-etbUity of• •illcoo deflel•ey la the ,ou.

    l• a••r•l, tM ttet.•• of ta otllill" matsteat• i• aolla and plnt•

    ,,.. fOllllld to be e4eC(uate for aorMl al'O'Wtla of •••r «•·


  • lftllOJ>UC'ftON

    OUYlDe l>ualt i• • COIIIIOII ,arat rock of aoUa. It

    coataiu ahowt 471 MIO, 401. s1oi_ 1 ad 91 PeO (SherMn Ad Veur•. 19'6),

    and ta oaa of tllia atUeate •baar•l• ...t• to 1NMtheriag

    (Jaok••• .tS. .!l• 1948, aacl Jack.•• and Shel'Na, 1953). lhenan ad

    Uehara (19.56) f oww tl!aat vbea oU•1•• weather tHy r•l••N •1aeelua

    tn .fairly taqe qwmttU.••. Tlle.J •1•• fouad that dud... tll• watliert..

    of olivlM •• the ba•u are nle...d by alow leachiaa oacl•r r••trlcted

    drataaa•, • .,.,aorUloatt• clay a...1.,•• That clay ha• hi.ah catloa

    axcMftS• eapac1t7 aad •••bana••-.1• Mgaeab.aa. U.cter at.altar cU•ttc

    coaditloa• w'her• 41'•1MS• l• 1ood, • kaoU.11 clay ••.elope.

    OIi t¥ lalad of laual, oa a beab at l'Atlta1la, • de, of

    oli•i• a11cl e.Ol'al aatld occur•. lt v•• tbouaht that ttd.e ..,ertal could

    'be uNful •••••re• of --•t• for- •US•l'cane f•rtlllutta. TM project of \ilhtcla thla the•t.a isa part. "•• •••il•d to teat that po••t~tU.ty.

    Oltviae •-ti•• baa Ma u••d •• • f•rtUf... ••re• ef .....eta ill other plac•• of tbe world. t.oaaetaff •• Crahlla (1951) • ••1• ao,bua ••clU.111• ta e.ultune of Mad ncl coHotd•l clay. fo_. tllat the

    Ml••1u• ,uppl ted b7 • arouad oltYina •t•, iaen•••• arevtb by S7

    to 130 pennt. s..i:,, Mel Qt• (1960) • aro,daa oat• ta veter e•ltun,

    f.-d tut the ayaUabiU.tJ of •pe•il'• fl'oa oU.,rtne •• tnflg•ct•d by

    tlle fl••..•• of the o11Y1• •t•rtal aacl by the of acl4lty ta tM

    i.utfer ..1vt1oa. TIiey coacludad that very f lnely arotmd oUvta• ean

    , .. ,,1,. all tta. -•••ta nqutn..t• of t•• plant. leMo (1947) Wl'fdaa OQ uaproductlY• foren aoUa obt•t•d aa tncr•••• lD the r•t• of 1ronh


  • 2

    of tonat tr•• of 17. J tu'bu per ,ur tbrmaah the uN of crt1alled

    ollvtae t.•••lt ..d dl•IMI••• wlllln tu pnvtou• 1nvth ha4 ken 0.64 iaellea per ,ur.

    Mapee1•• la a very i-,o1'tal. ooaatttu•t of plat,. It 1• ••·

    ••• coaatituat of tbt aucl•u• of the chlorophyll aolecu1•. lt

    ta Jmon to be • c011atttueat of illfOl't.Dt ....,.. 1,at••• ntated to tbe

    c•rbobJ r•t• •t•bolia•, 1ucb • • pyruyate car'-osU••• •d pJl"fflC eai•

    daH. •ol••• aad peptide.. , •d to IMa a conetltu•t of ohloroplaet:lc

    protetaa (Jevltt, 1963 1 ..d l•aaa, 1959).

    Tt. vleual .,..,_. of ......1... deftcteae7 ln •ua•n••• wer• flrat de•cribed by Martla (19J4). He n,ort• that ta •uaareaH 111 vtrlut

    1oluU.OQ without .., ... 1.. the JCNIII l•ne• an Usbt ar... vbU.a tllil

    older oa•• are yellowbh anea la color. A1 tM d•Uctaacy lacreaHa.

    ••11 cblontic apota appur wldcla tn the old•r 1.....1 vUl bNoae ••·

    erotic. TMN aecrottc 1pota •taht lune•• ta quntlty ••d atve tbe

    older l•ave• • ~••t1 •Pl"l•r••••· luabert and Hart 111 (19SS) , and RUIINrt

    (1963) ladtut• tut tlMt •,ottl• ta aon proaouued ta otur ti.. ta

    , 1••.,.•• aad tbat tlMa etalu •1 latenal t.rowataa.

    1 ....... (19S9) dda tut tbe _..atva deficteat c...• awe •hort•r au

    t~i...r latemod••·

    A .S.aUar aet of •J'IIPC... appeartaa la the lawaUa I•lada IMaa

    baa called Mfncltllna", aad ta of c....,. occurnnce la tht ••n fl•lda of ti.. viadvud a14• of buat. AIIOll,-a (1963) r•,ort•4 tut tide

    fnckled appearaace waa fNC1ueatlJ ••eoctated ••tl• eootat.alaa l'atlMlr 1Ull ,11110U11ta of exeu•••'-1• •aae,11111. It ha• •l•o uea ~•· ported that the fr•ckliq a,-ptOM dtaappeared and the eqar ylel4 1..


  • ' er••••• wlaea calelua •Uicat• •• TVA •l• •• added (Aaoa,-u•• 1962, 1963, ••• c1...., •• 1965).


    TIie autMI' ar•t•full:, acnowlecla•• cbe •••lataac• of the etaff of

    tM J>•parc-t of Aaroaoay and Soil Scteace, Uaf.-..nltJ of HnaU. ••

    wi••• to tbaak tile Mf.•l•tr., of •artcultvn of v_.suela for provtcH111 the Uuac.1•1 ftpport for t'bi1 ato47. Alao, ht wt.•lw• to ac1ceov1._.

    tM •••htaace of Mr•. Betty s ...d• for typl• the auwecrt,c.

  • l!MIM Put IMf

    The lablla du•••• tan olt•ta•coral And foimd on thl l•ward beacbea of 1'.awal. It 1• auppoMcl to uw •111.utetl fr• c1114•1'• of volcno •nptiou that f·an tato thl IN vld.c• •ft•r • ••r,taa perto4

    of t!N •• hrou&l'tt to tile au alton latenf.Ncl vtth ool'•l uterlal

    ff•••• l96S). la tld.• ,tucly, • l'.ekau dua• ••• w• v•ecl •• a ••r•• of oU.YlM and _...1w..

    "91Mllill• Tu reuu ._. und \lttU1ed ta the ftelct t••t.• • ......... w,a 8 ..-1,-. •• fou..,

    M.n olt•111a ,o.n .....U.t• 15.0I calclua eat'NMt•

    SiDN ollriH eontatae about 171 •pe•tua, tM total ......tu. pftffllt

    ta leulla duae Na4 11 ••tf.•t.. to be 14.11.

    bnt&Matei tuc•ar• fit14 ID!r\MIS. A fte14 eaper1Mllt •• ••tabUabed • ••

    Alumiaou• Penvatnou• Latoaol Mil at tbe tcauat r••h St•tlon.

    t'Jnlw1t1tt7 of BnaU., H the l•lAIMI of bv•t. lt waa plaated 111

    KOVflllber, 1962 uatna the c•• •••t•t11•39•7021 ta• raa40lll..ct c..

    pl•t• block d.eatan c-,rt11111 four tn•t•at• r-,1tc.ate4 i ovr U.11111.

    TM , 1 .. of •aoh plot •• 40' • so•, with •iaht row• of e.aae 5 f '"t apart .

  • 5

    Iu•IMMI Bn,ramltl• Thea apeoltic trut•ata uadn teat wen•• followa1


    0 0 ,oo 3,))3 •• ollviae

    2.soo 16.665 •• oliviDAt .5,000 aa lpSOII Nlt

    J.M!'l tatlMPII. The ba1ic tn•t-t applied broadc•at Offl' the

    v le •r••, eoeabted of 600 pouada o.ttroa•n per acre••""• (461 •>. 600 pound• potaealwa •• pot•••iua cbloride (501. l), 1000 pow:ada phoe•

    phoru• •• 1uperphoapu1e (211 P), 10 pouada boroo •• bor•• (11.31. I),

    2.5 pou.ada aol)'ltdanua •• H

  • 6

    vltb ttled tNterial moderate, au naular bloek:,

    atructure; v•r1 fev fine poree; MDJ' NOta; f•w

    vcma caat•a •ad bard •naular pebbl•• more nu•ro •

    wtt d•ptti.

    IMPUM• Thi'•• different c.-,oatt• •aapl•• of eon were takft

    for tbil etudy. They wenu (a) f'l"Oll tba tap.OU of ••ch plot• (b)

    frcim the aubaoU ot each trutaant, aad (c) fr• an uncultivated aru

    a4Jac•t to the aperiMBt.

    b&l Aatltfil

    £,t&M tUHMI s•M•&!X• Tbe eat 1cm eutaaa• capacity .••• de•

    teralad by WtiQI ....ta .acetate •• uablq aoluU.oa, follo,Nad i., vaaMaa• wit •th.aaol and tbeo p;,taaalum·· eblorl4a •olut f.ou to ad up

    wit~ an extract troa which ......1. ••• dtett11e4, •114 tttrat•d vltb

    1/14 ! eulfuric acld, Jacka• (1951). The reaulte wre e:apreaucl ••

    a1.lltequiva1e ta per 100 11'....

    b!MMHI!&! NIMfA•·* na •tllo4 for tba d.etenlaatio'a of ..,. Matua ta plan• d•••l'i.bed •, Jolmaon ••• tJlrlch (1959) •• daptN for

    -.••iua detenlMt loll ta eoU utracta. TM fUt11•t• fna .....,. hydroalcle ••la.1111 •• 4rt,ed wt •d Lt• ora••lc ••••r NIIO'Nd wtth. lei llydroclalol'le ad.411• aa4 clUuted. Pr• tlle di.lute filtrate •• •11·

    41vot w•• takea acl treat•d wt.ell 2 •1 tl'iethallol•t• •ad 5 •1 .....S.• h, ........1. etalnl&a llt11ff•r aolut101I to ellld.ute tat•rf•r•c•

    ot....., •t•l•. 'l1an "" dro,•. of ll'toc...._ llaclc T 1 ..lcator wn added. aad titrated vt.tb IJTA ••luttoa •• deacrtbeil ~, Jobuola aad

    Ull'tcb (19J9). Tlua nault• tllu• oln\atM4 repruent the MIO\IBI of cal•

    '*lquiveleat to abanbecl plu• aoluble •sne•i11t1.


  • 1

    eima pl.a• ••••iv•. *1••1• we• o•t•tacl l>y eul,tl'aetioa of calctw fl'• thil total aalc.tua plu• -••tua.

    IUM!Mfl!lt ttl!b.9• TM •tllo4 of plat calot.. •t•nd.uU.•

    ~1 DIA thrati• 41eurtM4. '-1 Jo1Mae• aad Olrt II (1951) • •• ••ills tlle IIOtlifiecl calceia iacltcatv of Tvcl:ar (19S7) • ,,.. a4opted to Qtenla

    calclu• ta eoU utiraata. Aa aUquot •• taaa fna the ... •stract _., for •1••1••IWlutl•• aad trated vltla 2 al et trtet....1.•

    aaiM aa4 Sal eocU.• h)'dl'Olll4e··,...lua eJaalde kffer eold1ea to

    ellatut• ..., •t•l taterf•aace. Ta MNtfled Catceta ladicator

    (ooat 10 atllisr...) of Tucbr (lt,7) wu -44-d aa4 t a tttrate4 ••

    4a1crt.Md ~1 Jota•• ad Ulrich (1959).

    IUMMHJtlt UlWl¥11• hl•••l• •• detentMd fl'• the 1011

    ••r•ct b:, n... p1'otoatry •• la,.U.e:atetl bJ Jac1r.8GII (1951). lllD!l·•,11 tU&t18• latractable •tttcoe •• det•nlM4 ttaNNab

    ta. •tbed of Pa (19 5) • Thi MU ••• •laab• for 4 laour• vith •• atr•cU.111 eolution .... of ,00.,. Ca(H21e4) 1 at pJ1 ,.,. •114 at •

    IOU ,estl'aettna aolutiea •• of lt 10. Aft•r fUterllla. • 5 al •U.•

    .-ot of that ••tract •••• ,tnated vlth 4 .i of lOt. .....1. •11'd•t•

    •olutloa, 1 al 12 J! till ocl 3 al lOI. oulio actct..... to ffl\1111l ••

    read eolO'l't..trleall7.

    w,,.,, IMIRMDI• •••u.~1. P .............. threualt tba aodtfled ,.._ •tllo4 ••1111 0.02 I J!il04 •• utracttea aolutioa ...

    1,100 MUI aolutt• ratio'• a.a 4-tenla.4 •• the pltotplao-•l:,W•t•


    6-ulltll• IYlbl:• AT&tlat.1• s •• detent.ned throuah tha •tltod

    of ru .!1.!l• (lt64) ••lag Ca(l2Y04>2 •• atraottaa .•obattoa. •••..-


  • 8

    rettna •IMI dtp•ttna the atraat to deatoy oraam.e: eGilllfO',lad• and

    d•t•Riiataa it turl>idl•trtcaU7 •• i.so4 preclp1ta.t.• •

    .d· TM pH detentDatl• wa• 4oU bJ u•tna • I: 1 ratio ef aoU

    to '\Id.ff• dlgeaU.QI for 30 aiautea With ocual.-1 et11'1'UIS• • Ad tMII

    ...aurtog it with a al••• el41Cttocle.


    lmU•· fl.ft •t•l• ..... to• fr• ..... flot •t 10 ·- II -t"- of •1• of the Cfttf. fr• 1...... '• 4, 5, _. ,. thl a111Nt11a u4•• •n M,er•t•d au,......... for further ...1,at• •• laclt..-cated bJ c:1...ata (19S3, 1959, 1961).

    tlfie fiftla •ttad4•rnocltl ••• •Atl•d •• f.ladteated bf ci....,e

    (1961) •• followe: t» •ldclle portt• of the neeatl7 Mtvr• fifth llltenode, cNaU.111 ctowaward fNII CM ol•••t U.•tna 1..1, •• cut off• altced, d.rled at 10° C, aacl 1.....S la a WU•7 M1.11. The ftftla aad tht

    1•10 1a,..._ uapl•• WU4t t•• fr• tN .... stalk• u the 1111NtM ad -.1.,••.

    n. 1-10 f..atefll04e •t•l'i.•l w•• e-,led •• lll4tcatecl 1>1 Ataoa,-,• (l9S9) • follonc tbe Cfttl'al ,-tloa of ••ell ta1e....- e1on-e..,...ltia

    to 1..... a.,. ••4 10 ••• cut •ff, c_,,.• to thi• •U••• •114 drt-4 at 10° c. 1nuad ta• wu., Mt11 eu etor•• f• furtblr au1,-1e•

    . !:tfaM•:l!a• fbl IM&M•1• Ccoatent of the •••tha aad 8•10 t11t•r•

    no.da• w•• 4•t•rmlud h)' t1trat1oa wtt.h DrA, follovl.81 the Jt¥OHdvn al•• by Jo-..on and Ulrlclt. (19'9) , -4 tt •• ftPI'••••' ta P•l'eUt dry niaht.


  • t

    S1J9J.9. C•lctua cleterwlaatloa la bollt e- •heatu •• tat•ned••

    (8•10) •• •• follwa1 fftll the ext...ot of ti. ••Md •t•rt•l, 5 •1

    au.quota wr• taua, chn 2 al SOI trtatu•t...._ _. J al of aodt•

    h,clnal4• • aoclbm c,-.t•• eolvtioa wn ad4ed •• iaclt.c•t•• •1 Jolmaoa •d Olrlcla (19S9). after v\llela oout 10 • of Nocllfted•l•

    ladtcator wen a4-d, and tttratl• vitb BDf.l ,.,.,..... TM naulta

    •n npretaed •• ,erceat dry wf.aht. TM ~ifted C.lceia llldf.cator 11

    ,...,.Nd wt.tit 1 ,arc ef calc•i•• 6 pert• of ch,-lpbtbalet.11 ad 100

    ,-ta of potaeatua elaloride ("fuelt•r, 1957). The color cuea• of t.1111 Mod1fie4 C.lceia tlldicator • froa ana to purple, 11 aharper than tlle

    Ueht•anea to brow cu111• of ~•le•tn alone.

    !!lfll&va• C la abeaihl •-4 8•10 !atel'llOd•• ••• deteralne4 b7

    fh• apectro 11oc..tr1 •• d••er-t.lMl4 t.1 Anoa,-u.- (1957a).

    SUiS98• St coatnt of c... ellllatu Gd 8•10 1a.tenou1 vu de•

    tenine4 aravf.•tr1cally followt• tba •tbocl 1,y c1...,e (1959). The

    extract fl'OII the ab of the •Utcoa det•m•tloa •• uNcl for the de•

    t.i11tnatton of ; , Ca, and l !a both aheatu aad 8·10 1atemod••·

    bf•UJRl'.U• P coatant of abeatha anct tnt•nod•• w•• det•mtned colori•trically on ••h extravt• and reported oa • dry utter 111••1•.

    3. 5 !! · .aiwa mot7W.t• aad ataaaou• ehlortde •olutloa wen uaed for

    color 4eveloptNnt (Aaoaymoua, 19'7).

    R&ftoUI· The clet.entaatt• of attroa•• tn ~lad•• ••4 lAt•l'DO.t•• •• na 1>7 tbe Xjeldaltl •thod (Cl•••t•, 1959) , aa4 11 upr••••d oa •

    dry ..tteT ba1ta.

    fplfu. s 1 ••• •hutha ••• detenlaed aravtatrtcau,. The

    enpl• w•• dr,-aahed Ma(lf03)2, •114 lulfc detendsaed oa tlNI ••· t~ect by ,.,..ctptc.tton with 11ae12

  • 10

    lmU•• •s Btnt.11 Yield of lt.aneatect .... wa• INtN4 • all anvtta teu11 vl..ttd,11 •

    10-foot 41-ter cl.n1• taken h• eacla plot of the apen...t at bar-

    wat u... The fr•• aatffl4il ••• wtabed to • h1a tau of .... ,.., acn • ._ t._ nb••-,l•cl for tlae naluatt• ta tlla la11iffato.-7 of c•• ,..,.tf.t,i ...1,., kl•• ht'ltJ• Pol peneat ..... au hl ratlo. Cau qulUy •• naluatu tu..11 the•• of Pol retto •tl!otl of ....


  • IUutTI AID DUCUlll

  • 12

    !AILI I. USut.ft a, IIAIYISTDO or T8 ,ULD IDftlMDT tLOtD Olf DPAA U..ft CIA! IOU..

    , ... of lloclt c...h••t•••


    lo .....•1• appU.ed

    500 ..... ......b.. ,........ •• oU•t•

    2 , SOO po'IIIICI• ......, .. par acre •• oU•t.•

    ,oo ..... ......1.

    -.. .... .... .. -'.\

    .;:,· 1,-- Nlt


    • 96.SJ

    • 101.21

    • 101.29


    Toa• of 'Pol •••I' ratio

    I.ti •su









    fiber ..l 12.8




    "Baell flpn r.,n••t• n awraa• o.f toa plota.

  • 13


    •• ,ua mcm CAR

    Sowc• OearN•lt• of m&Mla ot fftMl.9 19!1111 ·-,Ton• of TN&tlllate 35.Je ,.r ecr• ,a.,•• 158.11

    lrror 9 22,.56

    'l'ou •f na•r Trubata 3 2.JJI ,.r acr• ,bpUcat•• 6.62

    lnor ,.o,• Pol l.atto 'l'reatMllta J 0.2,

    lepU••t•• 3 11.,,,.1,IITOI' '

    Pt.kl' pel'cnt Tnemeat• J 0.1, caaa ,1.,11c.,•• o.,.

    Iner 0.22'



  • 14

    ldl Mtlt!&I

    RI• T.tltle U .l •hO!lf• • altabtly taf.gbel' pll fn l>otl\ t .. appU.cattoe of ...••lt.111 •• oUvtu aad u lp!IOII ••lt at tba alddl• et tlla crop

    c1¢1•, •• capand to th• ao ...-•tua appU.eatt•, but that dlffereaoe

    1'M 4bappeare4 bJ harteat tt•. Ia• •cultivated adjacent •n• , .. pl of tbe ••11 ••• btaber tua ta Uae ett• of ti. -,.rl-t.

    Stllsm IUMIII Ml!!&I!• TN n1ulte •.._ l• Taitt• Ill ia4lc•t•

    tut then v•• little or ao •ffeot of oU•llle au 1,... ••lt • &be

    catl• •:u••• capectcy of the NJ.1. !•M •tlBIUSJI• The appU.catioa of 2•'°° ...... of ••

    ollvtu aacl t• lp1oa ••lt 1aena...t t• ,.reat It•• MturaU.• at tlta ff.rat ...,uaa dace, tbb dlff•nac• •• aot nfleotecl • yt•l-S..

    la Tat.le Ill, tt 1• .... that thrl pere•11t ••• aatuntioa of tlw

    aoil deer••••• tlle crop set old•r.

    !asbal,alt ulsla 9d NI•••&•· ta. 1.evei. of •xchNeeat.l• uleta ta the •U at tbe fir•• •..,u,. tou.,.., the ... patten •• the yt•14• of•- au•••"• kt tbla •ltdl•1rtt)' 4la•nun4 ,,. the

    ea4 of thl era,. !at.l• IV. C.lcia •tao •lloft tM • teatun

    of ht.ah lnel• ta tide ..u •t th• atart -4 •"'*' nductt• at. the t•ntraatloa of tlla cro,pl• per1ocl.

    Tbia •••••bl• ,ot•••l• d•• aot foll• ••1 atptfiuat p.ttte111. lNt U• 1 ..... 1 ••,..... t be at.ON tM crtttcal 1...1 et 100 ppa l ff•

    pated bJ .,.... au RUlllbert (1957) ia ....u. At CM ftd ., tbt

    Ol'OPPI.• pe,rlod ti. eacuaa•••l• I Ml•• rNwce4 by OM•helf. IUM!lt•k,• li!D!!\a• hcluaqealt·l• -aealua cHd aot ehc,v aay

    ·•taotflcaat dtft•l'••• for tnataeat• la thl coabf.llN -..1,.1, of varlance J.t eholM4 lliah at1atttca11ce to~ dat.. of ...,u•.

  • 15

    TAIL& 1Il. , • • c&TlOll IXCJWfGI CA.PACnt. AID , IASI U.TVIATtal 11 TIii Tonon•

    . A!•!II 1161. lld1!!!t11 H.t~ Tn•t•at - c.1.c... .... pl c.1.c... .... ••• ........ ••tur

    !&&• llMII,.•••./100 I ' ••••11001 Ro ...~eta

    applte4 ,.2 20.J JJ.9 ,.2 20.0 21.J

    ,oo ...........,_ ,., 20.4 ,,.1 ,.1 19.8 19.4t•r ••n •• oU•tae

    1,,00 ,-Ilda •aae•tua ,.. 20.1 ,,.. 5.2 20.5 20.,P4l1' ac" •• olt'rin•



    ,oo ..... ......t. per ecwe •• ,., 21., JJ.7 ,.2 21.6 17.7 ··- ••lt

    flhcJa f t1an npreN11t• • neraa• of four plot•.

    -Catt• lacha•• c.,.d.ty.


  • 16


    At&Ul,lHJ ..J!ulllNr . ,1\HAT•••t-t •• Ca X u .c.~-.. C !II ... . L '........ l . ,.. - ' applied 1.1ea UI 242 722 44 U6

    JOO powd.1......,..... acre .. l,l~J 101 22, 619 51 llJ olt•t•

    2,500 ...... ......1.. ,... ..... •• 1,476 117 204 659 ,a 111 oU.vlu

    500 ..........,.. ,... ..... •• 1,272 102 70 1102'2 1,•• ••lt '"'

  • 17

    ta Tattle IV, it b c1••1'1)' ••11 tbat then ta • ndacUoa 1a tbl 1...1 of ......, .. fna the firat elate of' • ..,11• to the ••c•'d _.,.

    t'bia ruucttoa •• for Ca aa4 X Milla of t1iie nder of OM•half ti. •t•rttaa

    celltaat. Tbl at• •llow that tlla lewl• of ....1.. ta all tnat-11

    1• hiabel' thaa tlae critical ln.1 of 50 p,- ~ l'e,orted 1-7 Aaaa,-oue


    a••,.... of •ua•rc .. to -••l• appU.catloaa lau 'beea • ran featun ta tbe a.watt.a tNS•r illQetry (A-,-oua, 19S7). th,ene (11J9)

    1 1~1tteh Gui... repcnrta that •ua•reaaa r•.,.... to ......,ua f•rtlliaa• tloa 11 •••• la place• of wry low ••Mlll••'-1• ...-•tua.

    !Bt!!l•ltlt !U&S99• •• •'*- la V, the ••rtau•• of ex

    tractable St --. tr·••t••t• at the ••• date of •..,u.. ta ""' ...u, ut vbea det•• of a--,u.oa an e-,and •taaifte-nn at the ff le-..l appeare. It ie aleo .... that t• 111...1e •r• relatt-..11 tow (rox, 196S). Tilt•, •••oclat-4 "ltla tbe fact of tile lov ,raluea tor the

    •n a.-aa•• for tnatMata, •uaa••t• thl ,oeetbtUtJ of• 'Nl"Y ••11 nl••H of aolul>l• 1tlicoe f~oia oll•l.. o.- aoae at all.

    AY•iltllll IMIIMDt• A.vaUabl• P •• Ntent...a 1>7 the -41tted

    Tnoa •thod ,...,. eoealclel'abl• dUf•rac•• •--. tl'Nt...,a. wt tboa•

    dtffenace• 44..d aot reecll etatlattcat •taatfteace. tba ••rtattOD .....

    Teplleat•• wa• alao •11h.

    6DU1f!lt 1,iea,. •••u.,1. I ••.ctet•nt.., .,, the •thod of Fa (1 65) a•• wry U.ttl• ••l'laU.oa noaa treat•at ad ~•pllcat•• •• well.

    lta coefflot.•t of •• ••• '"1'7 lov.


  • 18


    TreatMAt Aug,u1t 1963** 1964•

    •o -•••b•appUed 7.26 4.74

    ,oo ........ uaae,tu•.... acn •• 7.02 1.1, olt•dn•

    2 ,JOO ,ouda per •er• •• 1.2, 7.03 oUvtn•

    soo poa4• M1De1tum

    ,;,,\ per ffft •• 7.61 6.62\:' 1:paom ••lt

    ""'!aeb u,-,.,.. repnaent• a average of tour ptota.

  • 19

    _,,. lhyt,y. Tbll coa1tl.Md asael,el• of varlaea for •bll•tb-Ms •howe4

    ,U.ffereac•• ..... tn•t-t• to • •tsaifleAt at the .n lewl. It al10

    nwaled tM dlff•r•••• for dat•• ot aaapUaa •• for•• to be

    •taatftcaat at tile 1~ 1..-1. 11o1111-..r. tt fatl-4 to ebov etaatttcaat

    correlati011 with •ua•r yleld•.

    c1.....c1 (1959) eatat.U.abed tatatlwlJ tbe e, l«Nl of

    ......i\la ill alleatu •• 0.11,t. of tbll eua•r-fl'N drJ wtatat. .....,....

    (19,7) au HuaNt't (1963) report lt •• 1a tbe netahl>orhoocl of 11.

    dr, wtatat. Ia thia -,.rl-t au tbe tn•t-t neraa• ••1•• •n Ml• 0.17)1. dry wl1llt aa4 abcml 1'1 4ry wetaht.

    1:19 lalilDUIJ• The coeiae4 a.aalyaia of varl•c• ef 8•10 totar

    •ocl••·Ma r~••l•d no a:lgaiflc••t •tfference f.or treat1lilata but• 'bia,11 etaat.ftaaot OM for dat•• of ••11PU111. 8•10 t•t•nole•·Ha aot ebov

    atsalftcaat correlation wtt.h ylelcte of naar.

    The lewh of 8•10 lnt•ncHt••·ka wr• ta au cu•• llf.1lwr tlaaD tlle crttlcal 1..-el o.'/ o.on. glffll b:, thtllbert (1 63).

    It 1• latereatl111 to aot• llien tut tlllen v•• coutderel>l• taenau

    la plaat•lfa vttb laena•i• .. (I• Table YI).

    S:•Js&n IMttll. The aver•&• ln•l• of abeatlt-Ca wn re.latifflJ Ill.alt for

    all treataeata •••Pt for tile c'bN.k wldcla •• at or klow ta•l

    level. Cleaeat• (19,t) noted tbat crtttcal level 11•• eOMVNN betwea

    0.151. •ad 0.171 Ca ta ·tbll dr-, •tt•r.


  • 20

    1'AILI Vt. tlfftS o, MACIIISIUM ll c:,.. 8111&.'l'B MID •-to ms••• II PDCDT lll.Y UIGIT AT TWO DlfflUIIT

    MIii a, Pl CIOP*

    9DI! lliJ'** 1111..i.1 l!li**' , .......1 Sbuth 8•10 Sheath 8•10 &lhndtl &MtlMIU .......,_.~-i.:· .,,u.•d 0.10, o.oa1 0.156 0.139

    ,00 ........ ......1 • . per acl'e •• 0.099 O.OIS 0.1S7 0.112 olt•i•

    2,500 peu ell ......1. per un •• 0.115 0.100 0.17l 0.1,1 ou....1..

    .., ·, ..., soo powad.e..........

    0.111 0.171 0.184 !,- Altper •c-r• •• 0.1,,

    frD•t•nd.Mct lJy tllie Mtltod •f Jolla... .eacl Ulric {ltJt),aodtftN ~, TueluJr (1957). t.laun repn••t• •• ......,.of fwr plot•.

  • Zl

    1·19 ilStDMtl• Tlae ••lt•• .for Ca ta the 1•10 tat...,•• are ffl'J Id.all OOIIP•n• to the cd.tlcal ••1•• of 0.061 •• a1wa ~., I\IIINrt (lffJ).


    The r•• lt• tr• tlle aul79•• of eheath _. 8•10 latenoctea I: • ...._. tblt ,.t•••tu• ••• vltW.a tbe ao.,..l r-.• for 1804 1rowtll. JJUm

    'S11Mtll- alld. a-10 tat•nocte-Sl val•• are low, au a aot follow ••1 •laalfteat patten, INt tllAJ 4o •1111••• • hi1h atNUat of ••rt.abUit.f ..., plot• of the ..... tnat..u. ,,.. ••l•• of It ta abeatu au 1•18 tatefllOd•• •n •ltow la Tat>t• Vll.

    ttMr ll!Jllldt

    Tbe 1 ...1. of P ta CIM •••tit, ,•• _. a-10 lateno4U "" at lnel• re,.Tted to" ........,. for Mnal arwtll.

  • 22

    TA:ltl Vil. LIVIU Of 81LICCJl XN CAD SIIA'l'lt AID 8•10 Dft'DIODIS II ftllellff l>&Y WllOBT AT flle. D1ff1111T

    MIS or T1II Cl.Of•

    AYl!IIS 12,~.. S•1tf1!J1U .l!I~ .. Tnat•at Sheatlt 8•10 1•10

    t11tmt41• .•l:N!DM!!


    - ·-··" 1lo ugneat.aa

    appU.•d 0.343 0.073 O.SJ4

    ,oo pouad•......,-..,.. aen •• 0.,1, 0.0-56 0.324 oU•iu

    2 ,,oo ...... .....11111 per ..... •• o.,,, 0.072 o.,,, ollvlH

    soc pouada •aae•tua.. aore •• 0.,1• 0.072 o.,os .,... ••lt '*l..,11.. ••• 4... at 10 aACl 22 aoatb• of.,••



    fr• crttlcal ...1711• of tlla ••t• et •1uaiua c•t•at la aoU ud 1D plnt, aad fr• the •t•tlatf.ul ••l,at• of )'ield of c•• aad -.•r ,-r acre lt .la eoaclu4ecl tll&t tllen ,... •• ••••1• def ioieac7 Ulld.•r tbe cOlldtU,a• ef tllle ._....,...t, or •l..• tllat •ua•rc ... v•• •·

    •~1• to •Jaov 1t. •• 11 1a pnaeat la o1t'f'lM ill bf.all ftlOUllta and •• lt vaa •-

    that lacn••lD& ._..,. •f •U•t• a.,,lled dt aot f.MnaH tlle •oU aad plaat leYela ef •••tlable St, it l• •uaa••t•4 that ettber Sl i• aot nlea1ed la ...Nrabl• q.antiti••, or Ult 1, nle...4 ta c•etd•l'••t•

    aao•t• • it la not la • ton uHfwl to the plat.

    c1-11t• (1965) foad tut ta pot •x,ert•nt• pla11tad to aua•n•• there traa •• re•poa•• to .....,iaa alllc•t• baarilla ..~ri•l• (olt•tae

    •• cinder) wldl• outatan4f.aa n,,..... ven .a.talaed ealctua

    eU1eate 11... 'l'llie atHwe·-Uoaed fllMlllla ..... to lMt cOl'roborated by

    tba fact tMt oltvlM 11 • •IM•l• Ma1"taa Mt•ri•l• faUecl to .,,..c...

    tu frnkU.111 pn'blN.

    The leffle of t.M cue a1watb aacl 8•10 Latel'IIOU haif •

    e••lcl•r•ltl• tacr••N wttll iacna•taa aa• et tM erop.

    ta a••r•l, thl lhlt.r1tloul etat • of •••re... •• aood for tu

    whole crop e7d• • except for the fact tut the l•ffl• o.f ....uot• Si

    la pl•t •• ••U wen "TJ low.


  • ,-r>.·-:·.·-·

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    1915. Pereoul c....atcattoa. . .. .... il -·


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