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Thinkfree Media – About Our Company… “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” -Aristotle

Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

Over 15 Years in Digital & Online Marketing Google Qualified AdWords Professional Innovative & Creative Interactive Marketing First-Class Customer Satisfaction Guaranty

Houston Clients & Partners

Top Drawer Lingerie Zoom Moving Pictures

Ruggles Green Live Local Music in Houston

Café Adobe TruVoltz

Fornos of Italy Elgie Consulting

Women’s Intuition Fun Folks Unlimited

The Outlaw Dave Show The Ad Factory ClickedSolutions

Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

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Welcome to Thinkfree Media! OUR MISSION AND PHILOSOPHY Founded by Adrienne Menden in 2009, Thinkfree Media, LLC specializes in mobile advertising, website development, reputation management, online public relations, social media promotion and digital video production. In addition to pursuing a B.S. Degree in Physics at the Honors College at University of Houston; with a minor in Writing; Adrienne is the Associate Producer of the Houston 24 Hour Film Race. Adrienne is also an advocate for StandUp for Kids, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the homeless and at-risk youth population to stabilize and improve their lives. Thinkfree Media’s creative team consists of a dynamic group of talented designers, producers, marketing consultants and public relations specialists; each with diverse backgrounds and specializations. We are a team of critical thinkers dedicated to exceeding client expectations. Our team of experts collaborates with each client to provide original, innovative and effective solutions. We believe our philosophy of innovative thinking combined with reliability, honesty, and hard work sets us apart from the competition. It is our desire to promote free thought and imagination by supporting the arts and sciences. “If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” – Albert Einstein

Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

Thinkfree Media – About Our Company… “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” -Aristotle

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Integrated Digital Marketing Package “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” -Peter F Drucker

Integrated Digital Marketing Package

Review Management & Reporting (ORM)

Digital Video Production & Marketing

Claim & Update Place Pages (Google, Yelp)

Content is King: Online PR & Event Marketing

• Press & News Releases

• Website/Blog - Posts & Articles

• Social Media Branding & Promotion

• Email Marketing & Newsletters

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Online Review / Reputation Management

What are people saying about your business?

According to a new study conducted by comScore with The Kelsey Group, 24% of internet users reported using online reviews prior to paying for a

service delivered offline. Of those, 97% said they made a purchase based on an online review. Additionally, the study found consumers are willing to pay at least 20% more for offline services that received an “Excellent” or 5-star rating than for the same service when it received a “Good” or 4-star rating, the study found.

Benefits of Online Reputation / Review Mgmt:

Monitor & Manage Your Online Reviews Monitor Twitter, Facebook, Blogs Monitor Search Engines, Articles, etc. Improve Positive Perception Protect Your Brand & Reputation Proactive Public Relations Early Warning For Reactive PR Gain Insight About Competitors Recognize & Capitalize On Early Industry Trends Increase Overall Customer Satisfaction

Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

Integrated Digital Marketing Package “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” -Jeff Bezos of

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Online Review & Reputation Management

What are people saying about your business?

Online Reputation Management promotes a positive online image of your company, product, or brand. Monitor what people are saying about your business. Discover how audiences interact with your brand. Attempt to repair and reverse negative Google results by responding to fake reviews, competitor attacks and other attempts to damage your Internet reputation. Improve customer loyalty, and encourage positive customer feedback.

1. Track: Thinkfree Media Monitors what people are saying about your business online on sites like: Facebook, Twitter, Google,

Blogs, Citysearch, Google, Yelp,, Angie’s List, Chowhound, Insider Pages, Search Engines, News Outlets & Blogs.

2. Analyze: Thinkfree Media Evaluates what is being said and the impact it has on your business. Thinkfree Media interprets the

meaning behind the online conversation. Are there any risks? How big or small are they? What can be done to improve the online


3. Engage: Thinkfree Media Positions your brand strategically by engaging and participating in online conversations through

discussions on blogs, forums, and consumer review sites; and responds to comments, good or bad, that are being said about you

or your brand in a timely manner. Thinkfree Media creates a positive brand image with integrated digital marketing solutions that

include press releases, website/blog posts, social media & email marketing campaigns.

4. Report: Thinkfree Media provides you with a detailed summary of all online activity in one easy to read report.

Thinkfree Media’s Online Reputation / Review Management Solution: Track, Analyze, Engage & Report

How Thinkfree Media Promotes & Protects Your Brand:

Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

Integrated Digital Marketing Package “Conversation in the marketplace happens whether you like it or not. Good marketing encourages the right sort of conversation.” -Seth Godin

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Integrated Digital Marketing Package “Of all our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.” -Walt Disney

Digital Video Production & Video Marketing

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Increase Revenue with Local Video Marketing

According to comScore, 80% of web users have watched a video ad online, 52% took action after viewing the video. Of those, 15% visited the store and 12% made a purchase. A recent Yellow Pages study showed that 80% of web users have watched a video ad online, 16% talked to their friends/family about the product and 9% forwarded the video ad to their friends/family.

Benefits of Digital Video Marketing:

Increase Search Engine Ranking & Website Traffic Integrated into Email Marketing & Social Media Build & Promote Your Brand Image Effectively Communicate Your Message Gain Recognition & Credibility Instant Online Visibility Complement Traditional PR Drive Foot Traffic – Increase Sales Become Known As The Expert In Your Field Stay Ahead Of Competitors – Dominate The Niche

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Integrated Digital Marketing Package “There’s an old saying in Hollywood: It’s not the length of your film, it’s how you use it.” -Ben Stiller

Digital Video Production & Video Marketing

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Increase Revenue with Local Video Marketing

Digital Video Production & Marketing allows you to showcase your business online . Video viewers feel they have a familiarity with your business and are more likely to visit your store and make an offline purchase. Online video empowers small business to engage viewers. Local business owners can actually reap more benefits from online video marketing compared to the big brands. You can use the videos to rank well at the Google search pages which will ensure organic traffic for the site. Internet holds huge earning potential for local business owners.

1. Create: From pre-production to post, Thinkfree Media works with you to craft your message and deliver it to your targeted

audience. Thinkfree’ Media’s production team will script, cast and shoot your video for web marketing.

2. Upload: Your video is search engine optimized with relevant tags and keywords, and uploaded to sites such as Google Video,

YouTube, Vimeo, as well as your Website.

3. Market: Thinkfree Media promotes your video locally by adding video integration to your Facebook, Twitter & Website. It is

integrated into your Press Release, Social Media, Blog & Email Marketing.

4. Grow: Watch your business grow, increase revenue and attract new customers with online video marketing.

Thinkfree Media’s Digital Web Video Marketing Solution: Create, Upload, Market, Grow

How Thinkfree Media Produces & Markets Your Video:

Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

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Integrated Digital Marketing Package “Mr. Breton didn't know about location, location, location.” - Daniel Pinkwater , Author of Once Upon a Blue Moose (The Little Restaurant in the Big Woods)

Claim Your Place On The Web

Location! Location! Location! – Dominate Local Search

According to (comScore Networks), 43% of all searches on Google are related to searches for local services or businesses. 82% of people performing an online local search follow-up via an online inquiry, phone call or visit to an offline local business (Local Marketing Source).

Benefits of Claiming Your Place on the Web:

Increase Search Engine Ranking & Website Traffic Monitor Your Online Reviews Get Found in Online Local Searches Update Business Info: Hours, Address, Phone Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website Increase Foot Traffic from Local Search Instant Online Visibility Add Photos & Videos Stand Out from the Competition Show Customers what makes you Different

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Integrated Digital Marketing Package “Google loves brands – build one.” -Dave Naylor, Search Engine Marketing Expert

Claim Your Place On The Web

Location! Location! Location! – Dominate Local Search

Claiming your place on the web allows you to dominate local search, keep information about your business up-to-date and differentiate yourself from the competition. It enhances online visibility with photos, video and unique information about your business.

1. Claim: Thinkfree Media claims your place on the web by verifying your business information accurate on sites like Google Places,

Google+,, Yelp, Facebook and other Cityguide Directories.

2. Develop: Thinkfree Media develops up-to-date content for you Place Pages by adding photos, videos, menus, private party details,

catering information and appropriate contact information.

3. Monitor: Thinkfree Media monitors your place pages and makes changes when necessary to make sure your business information

is always correct, current and up-to-date.

4. Increase: Watch revenue increase by converting online traffic into actual foot traffic.

Thinkfree Media’s Claim Your Place Solution: Claim, Develop, Monitor, Increase

How Thinkfree Claim’s Your Place On The Web:

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Integrated Digital Marketing Package "You have to decide what 'image' you want for your brand. Image means personality. It can make or break them in the market place." -David Ogilvy

Content Is King! Online PR & Event Marketing Online Press Releases, Website/Blog Posts, Social Media Promotion, Email Marketing

According to Search Engine Journal (SEJ), 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine and 70% of the links clicked are organic. Search and

e-mail are the top two internet activities. Companies that blog have 434% more indexed pages. Companies with more indexed pages get far more leads. 133 Million Americans read blogs. 88% of marketers reported social media increased brand awareness.

Press Releases, Blogs, Social Media & Email Marketing Create A Buzz About Your Business Promote Events & Parties Expand Your Local Reach Get Your Media Message Out Bring new Customers To Your Business Increase Content – Increase Search Visibility Instant Results & Visibility Engage With Customers In Online Conversation Increase Brand Awareness Inspire Viral Sharing & Awareness

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Integrated Digital Marketing Package “The public is the only critic whose opinion is worth anything at all.” -Oscar Wilde

Facebook has transformed into the top destination for online news. Stories routinely break on Twitter. Social media can give you immediate access to literally thousands of potential customers. There are nearly 200 million blogs currently in existence. When integrated with press releases, blogs, video and email marketing, social media increases brand awareness and drives revenue.

1. Craft: Thinkfree Media creates online content that increases your visibility in the search engines by helping you create newsworthy

events at your business. Thinkfree Media develops content and promotes these evenets by crafting press releases, blog articles,

social media posts and tweets, and integrates it into your email marketing campaign.

1. Distribute: Thinkfree Media Circulates your press releases, blog articles, social media promotion and email marketing for instant

visibility . Your press releases are distributed online through Google News and your Website.

2. Boost: ThinkFree Media boosts your search engine rankings by adding relevant content to your website via blogs, press releases

and article creation. These press releases are integrated into your Email Marketing and Social Media Campaigns for even more

visibility and awareness.

3. Aggregate: Thinkfree Media aggregates your content on your Blog with articles, press releases, video, social media links, video,

email list sign-up, and information about your business.

Thinkfree Media’s Content Creation Solution: Craft, Distribute, Boost, Aggregate

How Thinkfree Media Builds Content & Increases Revenue:

Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

Content Is King! Online PR & Event Marketing Online Press Releases, Website/Blog Posts, Social Media Promotion, Email Marketing

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Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

Thinkfree Media, LLC – Houston, TX “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” -Aristotle

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” -Peter F Drucker

Digital Marketing Solutions Mobile Advertising & Smartphone Solutions Website Design & Advanced Development Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Pay-Per-Click Campaign Management (PPC)

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “Technology has to be invented or adopted.” – Jared Diamond , Author & Scientist

Mobile Advertising & Smartphone Solutions

Increase Your Reach – Don’t Get Left Behind

In 2011, there were 835 million smartphone users, 5.6 billion feature phone users (Morgan Stanley Research). 64% of mobile phone time is spent on apps (Nielson 2012). Adults spend more media time on mobile than newspapers and magazines combined (Emarketer Dec 2011). 61% of customers who visit a mobile unfriendly site are likely to go to a competitor’s site (IABALM 2012). 61% of smartphone users make local searches from a device (comScore). Mentioning a location in an ad or search result can increase click-through rates up to 200% (ThinkNear 2012).

Benefits of Mobile Advertising for Local Business

Increase Reach – Over 55 Million Smartphones Mobile is the Fastest Growing Audience Omnipresence - Multiple Advertising Modes Be a Leader -Stay Ahead of Your Competition Highly Targeted Advertising – Increases ROI Recognize & Capitalize On Early Industry Trends Superior Convenience – Maximize Exposure Geotargeting & Instant Exposure Intimacy – Users & Their Personal Devices

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “Technology is very seductive, and it is certainly changing the way things are designed and made and taught.” –Arthur Ganson

Mobile Advertising & Smartphone Solutions

Increase Your Reach – Don’t Get Left Behind

Mobile advertising is increasingly important, as smartphone adoption rates soar. Mobile Advertising options include SMS, WAP, Mobile App Display

Ads, Search Ads, Rich Media, Mobile Video , Mobile Websites and Push Notifications. It is estimated that by 2014 half of American’s web browsing will be done on mobile devices. According to eMarketer 2011, 81% of users prefer mobile sites to apps for price research, 79% for product reviews, 63% for purchasing.

1. Consult: Thinkfree Media consults with you to establish a mobile advertising budget, helps to determine what your needs are and

provides the best technological solution to fit those needs.

2. Reach: Thinkfree develops a mobile advertising campaign that increases your reach with smartphone users, increasing overall ROI

with highly targeted marketing.

3. Expand: Thinkfree Media analyzes the data from your mobile advertising campaign to determine which mediums are providing the

best return on your investment. Thinkfree then uses the data to continually improve your campaign bringing the highest level of


4. Report: Thinkfree provides you with a detailed summary of all mobile advertising activity in one easy to read report.

Thinkfree Media’s Mobile Advertising & Smartphone Solution: Consult, Reach, Expand, Report

How Thinkfree Media Advances Your Technology Reach:

Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” -Steve Jobs

Website Design & Advanced Development

You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression

Websites with high quality scores rank higher in search engines, particularly Google. 91% of businesses in a new survey have web sites, 64% plan to improve their web site design in 2010, and 70% plan to improve functionality (AIS Media Inc).

Benefits of Professional Website Design

Quality Web Design Attracts More Visitors Professional Websites Equal Higher ROI Increase & Improve Search Engine Visibility Higher Quality Score = Lower PPC Cost Increase Traffic Conversion Into Sales Receive More Visits From Targeted Audience Increase Unique Visitors & Page Hits Decrease Your Website Bounce Rate Communicate Your Message More Effective Drive Traffic From The Internet To Your Front Door

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo da Vinci

Website Design & Advanced Development

You Never get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression

Professional website design is the first thing consumers notice about your business. It is your billboard on the internet. Your website needs to be clean cut, easy to navigate, and functional. It needs to clearly represent your services and products, as well as effectively communicate your message to potential customer.

1. Consult: Thinkfree Consults with you to assess what your website needs are; from simple informative design to highly developed

ecommerce sites. What message needs to be delivered and what functionality is necessary to achieve the desired results.

2. Design: Thinkfree Media’s development team designs a professional website to meet your needs, provides information to your

customers, helps you attain new customers, and increases online ecommerce ROI.

3. Market: Thinkfree gets your website the visibility and search engine placement you need by utilizing the newest search engine

algorithms, search marketing & social media methods approved and recommended by the major search engines.

4. Enhance: Enhance the popularity of your business by being found on the web at the time when consumers are ready to purchase

the products and/or services your business offers.

Thinkfree Media’s Website Design & Advanced Development Solution: Consult, Design, Market, Enhance

How Thinkfree Media Creates A Professional Online Image For Your Business:

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “Aim for the highest.” -Andrew Carnegie

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Top Rankings. More Traffic. Qualified Conversions. Higher ROI.

Google continues to dominate the worldwide search market, with its sites accounting for over 66% of searches conducted globally during December 2009, according to data from comScore. Over 113 billion searches were conducted globally during July, up by 41% compared to a year ago (comScore).

Benefits of Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

80% Of Users Never Go Past The First Page Increase Website Traffic Improve Search Engine Ranking Consumers Search For Your Service/Product Capture the Local Market – Own It Dominate The Competition Increase Relevant Search Traffic SEO Proves Higher Conversion Rate Measure Value Through Reporting & Analytics Drive Foot Traffic – Increase Sales

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “Almost overnight, the Internet's gone from a technical wonder to a business must.” -Bill Schrader, CEO of PSINet

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Top Rankings. More Traffic. Qualified Conversions. Higher ROI.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) includes many facets of website development and internet marketing. Common tools for effective SEO are relevant content and keywords, sleek website design and link building. SEO increases your visibility in the search engines and has the highest rate of click to conversion.

1. Develop: Thinkfree Media consults with you to develop the right budget and most effective SEO campaign for your business.

2. Implement: Thinkfree Media provides thorough keyword research and competitive analysis, optimizes the appropriate keywords

into your site using methods widely accepted by Google and other search engines; such as keyword density and relevance.

Thinkfree Media uses only white-listed methods for Search Engine Optimization.

3. Analyze: Thinkfree Media monitors your search engine ranking, traffic, and conversion analysis using Google Analytics and other

analytical methods. Thinkfree uses this data to continually improve your search engine ranking and conversion to increase ROI.

4. Overtake: Overtake your competitors. Search engine ranking provides reputation. The higher you rank, the better your results.

80% of users never go past the first page. It’s more important than ever to stay ahead of the competition.

Thinkfree Media’s Search Engine Optimization Solution: Develop, Implement, Analyze, Overtake

How Thinkfree Increases Your Online Visibility With SEO:

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “One of the Internet's strengths is its ability to help consumers find the right needle in a digital haystack of data.” –Jared Sandberg, WSJ

Pay-Per-Click Campaign Management (PPC)

Dominate Your Local Market! Immediate Exposure = Instant Results!

In 2009, 81%, or $470 billion of the total $575 billion spent on search engine marketing was spent on Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing. Pay-Pr-Click (PPC) advertising and campaigns are the primary way of advertising on the internet. As of May 2009, the three largest players in the market are Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Benefits of Pay-Per-Click Mgmt (PPC)

Stay On Top Of Your Competition Immediate Exposure With Online Visibility Highly Targeted Marketing Increases Conversion Target By Specific Demographic Geo-Target Consumers By Location Gain Recognition & Credibility Increase Relevant Website Traffic Best ROI In Online Marketing Strategies Increase Brand Awareness In Your Market Proven Results With Real-Time Tracking

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Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions “Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.” -Mark Twain

Pay-Per-Click Campaign Management (PPC)

Dominate Your Local Market! Immediate Exposure = Instant Results!

While SEO is a highly effective way to increase traffic via organic listings, it can take awhile to get your business to the first page. On

the other hand, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns guaranty instant placement at the top of the search engines, thus providing immediate

results. It’s always a good idea to begin your internet marketing campaign with a solid mix of online marketing strategies.

1. Establish: Thinkfree Media works with you to establish an appropriate pay-per-click budget to meet the needs of your business.

2. Research: Thinkfree Media researches the most effective relevant keywords for your business. Thinkfree then analyzes your

competition to stay abreast of what’s working for others in your industry.

3. Increase: Thinkfree Media monitors and manages your pay-per-click campaign to continually improve your cost-per-click and

conversion ratio.

4. Track Results: Thinkfree Media provides thorough detailed reporting on how many impressions your ad received, how many

people visited your site by clicking the ad, how much of your budget was distributed via these clicks, and how much income was

generated for your business.

Thinkfree Media’s Pay-Per-Click Solution: Establish, Research, Increase, Track

How Thinkfree Provides Instant Visibility & Immediate ROI:

Thinkfree Media Digital Marketing & Technology Solutions

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