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    1. INDEX

    1. INDEX


    3.1.Work of Thucydides




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    2. HISTORICAL CONTEXTThe Peloponnesian wars were a conflict of the ancient Greece and whose objective was

    the supremacy of the whole of the polis. The opposing territories were Athens, which was

    at the forefront of the Delian League and the polis of Sparta, which was in charge ofleading the Peloponnesian League. Furthermore, was the confrontation of two completely

    different systems of Government: the Spartan oligarchy and the Athenian democracy.

    These wars have been divided into three parts: the first has been called the Aquidamic War,

    in which the Spartan king Archidamus leaded the project skiritai invade Attica. The

    continuous destruction of the Athenian fields and big diseases ended up reducing forces and

    also the psychological resilience of Athens. It is in that context in which pronounced the

    funeral oration of Pericles in honor of the fallen of the first year of war. This period of the

    war was concluded in 421 BC, with the signing of the peace of Nicias. However, shortly

    after the Treaty was nullified by new fighting in the Peloponnese. It began a second phase,

    in which Athens sent a huge army to attack Syracuse in Sicily. It ended in disaster, with the

    destruction of a large part of the army and the slavery of thousands of Athenian and Allied


    This led to the final phase of the war, which is called Deceleas War. In this phase,

    Sparta, with the help of Persia and a part of Asia, supported rebellions in States under the

    domination of Athens in the Aegean Sea and Ionia, undermining to the Delian League and,

    eventually, depriving Athens of its maritime supremacy. The destruction of the Athenian

    fleet at Aegospotami put an end to the war, and Athens surrendered the following year.

    These wars caused changes in ancient Greece. One of them was the change of the

    geography after the war. Before the war, Athens was the most important city, and was then

    reduced to a small territory. Meanwhile, Sparta was the most important region. Greece

    became a profuna economic crisis and poverty spread throughout the Peloponnese.

    Respect to Greek society; the conflict between the Athenian democracy and the Spartan

    oligarchy was the causa of a lot of civil wars in the Ancient Greece.

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    The Peloponnesian War, destroyed religious and cultural taboos, devastated vast

    territories and destroyed entire cities, the final dramatic of Golden 5th century marked BC

    of Greece.

    3. THE AUTHORThe biography of Thucydides are scarce. Only know exactly what has come to us

    from himself: was elected strategos in 424 BC, year in which was also banished from

    Athens by having not gone on time in aid of the city of Amphipolis. His date of birth could

    be around 454 BC. We cannot know exactly when was the time of his death. Some

    accounts say he died in Athens, others say he died in Thrace. Indeed, it did not return to

    Athens before dying.

    Aristocrat of birth and well-endowed economically received an education according

    to their status and assimilated the lessons of the rhetorical and philosophical movements of

    his time. His childhood and youth coincide with the period of greatest splendor of Athens.

    It probably spent most of his exile in gold of Thrace possessions, but you could also make

    trips through the stages of the war.

    3.1. Work of Thucydides

    His book about history is divided into eight books, and the purpose is to tell about

    the Peloponnesian War. A synthesis may be the following:

    Book I. Expresses the importance of this with respect to the previous wars and tell

    us the early history of Greece.

    Books II, III, IV and V. Archidamian War, that receives the name of the Spartan

    king Archidamus. Invasion of Attica by the Spartans in 431 until the peace of Nicias. Truce

    and resumption of the war.

    Books VI and VII. Expedition to Sicily from the Athenians. Athenian disaster.

    Book VIII. Describes of the second stage of the war, which is interrupted, perhaps

    because surprised the author death before completing the final work. In the origins of this

    work, Thucydides has the Ionians logographers and Herodotus as precedents in his

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    historical work, but there are notable differences with them. Firstly, it was unusual to write

    a work of contemporary history, because its predecessors narrated the glories of the past. In

    terms of sources, Thucydides says that he describes the events lived by himself or having

    carefully considered their information. Finally, Thucydides excludes the divine of the

    course of events, as the motor of history is not the "envy" of the gods, but the internal logic

    of the deeds of men.

    Within the facts present that seeks to narrate highlights the politicians and military,

    therefore excludes from his narrative all manifestation on the intellectual and artistic life of


    4. ANALYSIS OF THE FUNERAL ORATION OF PERICLESConcerning the funeral oration of Pericles, it is important to say that this pronounced

    with nearly 65 years, and when remained little more than one year that died victim of the

    plague that gripped Athens. In the time that Pericles made his speech, the war was almost

    freshly started. Shortly afterwards the strategos would dismissed for the disastrous

    consequences of their plan of resistance. The funeral oration of Pericles is perhaps the

    better elaborate discourses of Thucydides. We know that Pericles delivered another funeral

    oration in honor of those who died in the war of Samos, but ancient authors always refer to

    a single speech.

    The speech talk about the first year of the war in order to remember the dead in the

    battle. Normally the dead soldiers were buried on the battlefield, but for this occasion had

    been exposed in the Agora of Athens and the boule had designated Pericles to deliver a

    speech in favour of the dead.

    In the first part of the speech begins speaking Pericles on the way in which oratory had

    carried out by their predecessors. It explains the difficulty for him just talk of

    accomplishments that other men have achieved in the war until death.

    Carries out a great praise to the dead as who have created a great nation. He refers to his

    parents already previous generations, who struggled to get a great empire. Pericles is proud

    of the great empire that his predecessors have managed, and gives a hopeful speech for the

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    moment were living. Probably the war against Sparta could be a possibility to further

    expand the Empire. However, it is considered more important to achieve collective goods

    like new territories or new possessions that the lives of many men. Why are soon

    mentioned the achievements made by the warriors to the courage that have been giving his

    life. The people are subordinated to Community ideals.

    Then, the discourse begins to address the system of Government wich is in the city:

    democracy. He explains that not look for the interests of a few people, if not the well-being

    and the participation of all. These way refers to the poor, saying, as also say the philosophy

    of Aristotle, that their economic status is the result of their social status. However, he

    explains that these people may also participate in policy and the activities of the city.

    Government model and social models among citizens, goes on to talk about relations

    between citizens, not involving the forces of the State. Citizens are free to carry out any

    type of relationship in the most legal way possible in terms of private matters as well as in

    public affairs. It also refers to the Athenian citizens strictly respect laws.

    Then Pericles refers to the entertainments and affairs in which Athenians can occupy

    your free time. Speaking of the local festivals, places dedicated to fun, and all kinds of

    great quality goods that can enjoy the Athenian society.

    Also deals with the war. He criticizes several attitudes and several tactics that have

    other peoples to improve ways of ensuring the security of the territory. He especially

    criticizes the Spartans by its hard military training and harsh conditions that have foreigners

    by be considered spies. The Athenians assert that everything they do is with great

    confidence and a strong will. It also speaks of foreigners good way claiming that Athens is

    a cosmopolitan city that foreigners come to enjoy its comforts. Speaks of the Athenian

    society as a model to follow since the Athenian citizen is able to and deal with the private

    affairs of his everyday life and simultaneously combine them with matters of politics and

    public life.

    Speaking of Athens as a model for all Greece. The fame of Athens is confirmed each

    time that it is attacked, it is the winner of all wars. In addition, claims Pericles, when

    Greece lost a war, also triumphed, because he has been brave army to face enemy. Together

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    they have achieved an admired nation, and men who have died were fighting for this


    After the eulogy of the motherland, Pericles begins to speak of the dead for the country.

    It explains the reason for the brevity of the reference to the dead. He says that he hasalready explained previously that the homeland is the reason for his death. The Athenian

    citizen is educated for heroism. He explains that the death could have fled in the battle and,

    however, did not. Also this idea could make reference to the Greek idea of the "kalos

    thnatos", so that the soldier died at the peak of his life in full physical condition fighting

    for their homeland.

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    5. BIBLIOGRAPHY- TRITLE, L., The Peloponnesian War, Greenwood Press, USA, 2004.- CAWKWELL, G., Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War, Routledge, London,



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