Page 1: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah


T e i f ? B j ^ M I S T . JBUmTM. JMUaoaiiy.

T H E U W iitmatmnr-

B a p t i s t B o o k H o u s e , Ofavn. rniotmmi *c«L,r»»p«..

aoir S«ctuul U. aiemvfcliH Tmmm t u b t K K B M b M l M n onpuiteMt k t r U M p a r > uf antvircaa: tlw danumlaaUoa and UM > «nui «U uw rtaiMianl BaiXlat pabU-eaOoaa unl HanOajr-aritoui Ut*nusn>ia^ IMMOI mnrwb«T», and at pafalbilMnt'ffdL

MtSMUHA-noSAI. • U » U U I M A S K M M - W H A T O T I T ? Br J a Uravaa. In Uat mitX UuFaiulMir Jis

tCflott asUnrUr. il liu- uid Lemlmariu or Uw apuKlmne aiul prtmuii* ehmelurs and unnnaauaun wtwt tua b«ta Uus cnniTml pntniW <il Um eliureiMo uf Cbriat in A mitt-tttii/mtur*. TlilawnkJartEfalBaertBCJam anU awniwi tnftjrmslbui.iuxl la-aaompMa ana muaanmlilv irtndirataba of Oid Land-mai-lr>am ET«r tttni Laddmarlur ibaald lamrlOKtra U Um liu«eat poaribla Areata. timu asepagw. FrUa VJB M T X B e s u r x i a x u n r w E n r B A V t .

Y c r r c m r B r M j c s I M o j M c m i r t i i K A i . M M m M r w X H M T t J I T — B T -T K U t B T o . TlwMUMr I ha vkole «nbj«<it at Uw Umniaonwr at> albvnlKr aew iiaatmmt, abuwtad Uua Uut tnmiHlji hnherto omiplati <ir Bapilar auOKita am Uu tktj wcakaat Ihm aeri|Ni>naaauca.ajul moatM Ibem whoilv 'aoiaiialilaandtetnietlTalo lh« anraolUiaB pUxtdsnatninmUon,aodlolbl» caaaa Ita aluOttite!! Uur srtnrlnc illiailliraii Om In Umi tlecnminatlon wUit oar la—in praet)aa,anil tiw InergaaiM bnlitnaaa or tHbainlila in aaanlltnc It. TIm aoUiac «(ab-UiAra ebafeU eammauiaa la ba caoah by tlMt wnrd cri Uod. praeCeait by Uwr bdia rtinrnlwm ami aMmmud in aU AfttdM or Faitii, and tbat a ntarn lo the yrinitttT* ptartlca mnild ba pnaooUva at imai and proapantr Uiraa«lu>tit oar buonda. Tlw wmlairaatJiwnt la>d U>e«l»iunh of bla arcumant ia B>r Uw OtatUmadrratoM nui nt the ifmixuiam uf Uun aicmmta OMd to mit brala tha H«pt>«. Htla «hoa:d ba In tha tunOa of every iblHlat, aiul thiaw nnjadtepd Kjaiaat tiam by ciyof tit*Dtry. Pnra, H-flU

W H A T W B K K T K s A m u i i r ' Bf J RUnavaa Turn cmmiaa«a uf faa-tlatn. uia tha anthot tmb>«at at Um Snppar ite (rua attnvrtlter a aaw ataudpotnt. Ba Ont •«acii«iM Iba lael tliat baptlam n bi batnUiwnurtnlaa.JiirUiapcu aan - pnjftaaum oi the ibal nalM Om aavtinattUioi Uw soapat— rt»ljl.&ltt! la pwf urd tln«a la no taapUam — atHi«n lulu wbat all di-noaUoaUoiia tmpUu wta WW emr (nax Kxamplar waa baeUaMt—aU hta Uiittnma an teqatmd to ba bapuaad ta lUu inaiuwr to biui ail riaht-Thm aysitinUam oi ttle ordtaanea •rxutatiua; Uta< act Uirtat cuaimandnl catab-macntatnni; Owa tMaaIajr% -and ti ll0a,ertUai

WK tit mtJ, and ui« prwwiut MmacinsantiDa ^ baptlamaiabid. • llaatlieeiraieltUlarteiittD PTia tLin uxTue u m i r r . Hy j. Marvm.

itaaa Uw boo* to aiaea tn Ite joa^U It. wm bvmM utmrimaB. l*MmtacluUi.

s i r a i s a ^ s - a ^ r r a s f f ^ i g ^ ^ and cnaiTlaeliis. Tbia teST^.


n » CHnli Ma rmutr MM •nll-•••««•• By K»» H i£*na*.l> I> Tbia Duok. <K> • uapa(taat oriilact, (iTaaUtf ranlta or Or. Uarrar^ auxtjaa at laaar yaan. aad ma »atacane»ofhiataBHirwito the TlieotoK Iral flaMM at HuaiHao, N Y. it ta a bttd ^ potatadntaMBBantar tha aai«MC Ron Uatategdgol^ itwUI bakawdaiMctaUjr wtrnvantlohanatliaMt Jt. taanfctac our vtawa ntioreto onpuUxuiaa and aoilur BAmn rACWH n. KKCHMtST nCTIoa. B]rA.C.lJart<iii. TIa«TaiT«»ok b> tirralato asMoc yoor MalbadM Mauda. la eloUt. MB pac^ » da.

Tbth aauKv aau Ibrtli tn i mannar tbe great Importance ofCJirljiUan autoo. bow U micfat befaraosht aliM^Uuiiit any aaCTUSea at eooaciraa). that tlia want of U la not Uw AnU <K tu* "aptiala. Ftloa to eloU» tuaL

-ZS?.®?^ Theolaiical and EededwtieaL A Dlaw rtatlun on Comman-ioDb7T.e.JaDM,OJ)u Price, la eloUi. ILU

Cna BrPsnaie-eta.


Brrtwrtaatleal UnKy. A.JoiuB.jr_ Btfrltlam. J.B.amTBL. w t o « Sprinkling (or Baptia A Tkjaa Qnapd OwKtemn^ dnffganw • Dr. Hen- 10 " d d ^ ' l ^ etnnlatt Kvary tapttat ooslit to tloa at tliMW tnuna.


Baiiuaa ta Kngland. Both ebiw^aleaUr

aotao^ T«rt-boo« an CaStpbemamrA band bMof Bapuathlatacy. ^ S f i ^ t o ^nab la oootrtKtton lo BapUst lltaratiS bcinc a edtteetlon or Iilaiorial (tela, viih Sa'.JSL'tSii wotenu and Iiasaa, vxfltt.

of Uae itMnib

a Taioobia lltUa WW*, and kaa a^D Maaaad ta ttw anamoiuaa at a graaa asany lo Uw aaiwMadUi.aaatatn.ii||U»a«t u^tadcaln it. a«p|i. rtiem,me .v^MSF.'"!"*"®"- Byjr.if.p«idjat«i. Ilila In auBianspaeta latiw Tary bMtot aUltenaoTimluoa in* •tttriect.and tte aa«bor% diTWon of oOkiiaerS^IteocuU SrSraana te B^ prattrabla lo tteSSu mvata and, ntnea Ui«a* larata at* ambtcootia. l>rusB,ljn eluln.taata. JjoeoaM ol Uapuai ehoislwa. ZST pa«ae.

I^Uat M m HatkML-By Kdwaid T. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Utii warft to ^ •im a tatmt, «fma«iia*>l bat rrnnnrahi iia>»a vlawuntMiaa pulamaitfUlbraneawtUett dia. BapUaia Drttm uUi*r HxnumlaaUooa, tainimtM,tn uia laurt ioeia aiyla. tar

uogul-h Baptirta Drttm otliardanu auo lo lanilatt Uw baat ai rawad wnnta and In Uur woo <ri»h lu know, and Uxw wuo wuti Kidaflmuosr aiawa. TKlUatmA, BEATM ar •mmmm RMmMt ISr._ UUBL-Ylila la a int«a boS Outt tZ provad ttwiiaatti nt mntutadcaof Uaia. U alan Uwm tnr UiaacUoaaoruSfcr own Uaoatai AaaaaibTlaa and C&nllcraiMM. •ptm qoMHlou Uwy aaniiotanawar •a.-Antfta Iwynama at U>a ""-trn ' tttmita eboM nilidr" If • TmrttwT tSarahT Mnrtt tea ItaSn^uliiKe tofil tnw^m^^^ray . ua^umu^r mn

tuoi, and baan a wnipt n taaprtiaoar u> anwa 'Ha Umm Uwy aom/y inaUr •UnaaaUtlulrantinaaMWL. aM U uw «uawua Cknnk la ctk* Ada£iw Wnawa or wrvalatlaauL tlwn —-au« aa« aU, M bar •laagmaia. «-'-•—--VimT.Tai winialln VMatloaa at MUmk Imimmmmm SSaSm i C K s s s i i i r . i i s ^ a ' S E S a ^


p;rtmpli<a,apirit, polity, poZffim^^'Infl^ Prter.Mcta.

. TbbilaiKw^tba abicat wvcka a(k tba laltfaet axtaal. " mlniatar ekn welt adbhl to Da wlUun OctaToof orrrMBpacw. FMca.fUH. r A K r a i x u 9 a b x p m u w . B y a . p . W UUamTSSx^u of lb« aUMt ^ pmdoecd IB tcftitaUoD of tbe p mlclooa mm^m vlawa held and C&rlatlan chnreta. ftfee m doUi. »U< THB IHnBEI.'S •ACSJHTKS. book by tbe prinea at writen, Dr. A. a Dayton bi on* that mnrj ftmUy ahooht bar*. Itaatylalaebannli^ FamW.

PriMjndoUi.CljSa _TRK*BaHIA mmmm w, Tk. •eralM ar ralUi. By A. C. Oaylbn. U-loxtratod. Tbe aattlect of bapUam la Lhor aachty dtmaaed la a popalarand allracUre ityl& Voi.J.,p.<H. Hq^Uyboand. cloUi.njsai PrdabayUal nwl CaaaabrlUta laa-•Mnlaa. A. C. Dayton. T&ta U a review of the aix<unenu of Ufa. WaUer. i^ler, Waylaad.BrnHliEiand otbeia. A Tatnable book, and ahoohl ba genenOly nauL In elath,xmpa«ei,M eta. ~ —'aOonTwSb Bo»an

K*t «*maa»MMaM. By D B Ray. A ! SLS^SF vahuibje work Ajt aU who wbdi to aiOtr- j viKttlS. •tand Caoipbdtinn. Price. tl.&U I 'loaan or Price, «I.&U IMtCiBniAI. ASA KXJEGETICAL.

In three arc> oetaro , K ooMi—over HU pacea. This valuable work alTords atauat a complete ayatem ol Ueoiocy.a^ la vaf ubla b«a>id eatlmate In any mlnlatefa Ubjary. Fl^KJJO. • e m Pta««nantia»a Or.the Bcdemp. tlTe work oT chrtat 8c< |A]afaed In the wo -kgrcM week of (days. A key to tbe typical and prophetical f>crtptiina. The •nthortjreatw^ ByJBOnww CmumAX PAKABOXn. ILCrawftnl. This ta a hook of ginrt valtw moat of whrnn are perplexed

m D L K T o m Sermooa on Import PCBdMan. Thlalaaatiiv Pi«oa.lBaiatb.t>jgi

•elyatbUMPaJHt. UaUi.«UuL n u m H i — f c f»nUi,WW.

— I " O O M B wmm « M 7 B C H O L B B U

aacb np la lia mm, and. with * Mfcitr to rnr Osw wrtten, beantifolly hanaoiazlac uiem. Price UeloUi,»iJO. paiUNM»rav «p REUGiov. ay w. C. Bnrk. An able%tirk. and one that can te

elecUoo. aalvatlon by pace, atonewt.^ forSSeb-

of yonratate alter death and beftm ihe™ nalla^ Uet Uila book, mid R t ^ cat^ UtUe book yna e*er lead. and wiU iS^ I

P«»I»rl NWlUUll* •ndlbniM

^ Jtlce.iJOO bMlaaUcu*

plain a larse namb«-r of tbe moat dUBeolt £5SI5?*fi ««"P«on>- V<w »h<wld read It wttbsotMl. Price by mall. CliflaUan Wrtriwea. A Cbmpendlnn i ea- Tbaak» by J. it. PHHlietoa. ufSTSS fawescdlentwatkof«U pacea, iarn tyiM Prioe, In ctoui aua. vpn. |

teachetB. Two TOlnmea, eaeto «t.7ijr

endtaTtn- or wo^loua*

• d t ^ without _ O T T O U T s * m i

fuSTwJy'to i^Ve ' t i ! ' ' ' "" '

•UCKLLAJIMtni. raccBKnTiAva B A I I . T T U A S I I .

"Uia book Iptoira larevarr day thTM bnndred and ' - i t ; Toamlnlaur aaalrtleai help,

beeome la treaaa-

Uae on aocna textc. in the year. Tturaj

•oennrteir Beeoid'BDok wrar Uetkawho havwm tba mlBtttaa and their eborehaa

pavar, •oearaielr mied, mvMlaat and naelhl MBM MJba eborehea. lUtBBook tar reeontlac 'SSTmSM

S S i i - — . in tbki Itttta Irnna m

ttjig>aiiigS.urT^ .. . laiafliaiiMiiMili lim Man ydanontinalton Oam UM nraSt It will atiow yoo to dajn at tbm Apoatleak la Pulanitrnoc with Uw mwl aaaaalaa aharce. but Flotawanu K laahoJlca-and enmmn5ty tb

The C-hnnb of OirM. Thia la a aawSd CreaUyanlarpKladlUon. PrteiaBcSr

araaUontoiCK B WllUama, D U. Priae,n.» airi retltfoaa UbSvTJv^^KSn^fB^

Liberty t Cewlewe* mhI haa. By Itov. W.A.JarTaL T b ^ a m w and alda Ctetannlal Ttaat. of if i i j i . la doth, a> eta.

(.-autuo. «| VknrcM," Uy Bar." W. S In paper Mela., In eioth

. Tba bero martyr af the alx-' fi'lSiTwlrir •NCHBAT-BCBieoUI. By li«no» T^toanwab.eahnble a ^ ly iaK«MlfiB| wock «a a Boat tan-dealiw. • twhae erstedeuu •iKaidtavaihiabaak. Pnaa In eiotb. tub.

cnBiej^ajoS HUM twMiaaM oC-Ouau •nbapiiiird. ngu TaUd,

ail.eiMw Run BapcM ^-au#ua(aani aaio

Pnaaky aaali.!

res-KMiCAfc. nuTS u S l o S a ' S g : " aMnoftbaaaa. H« wtnaHn th* I *ala


Bap^aad JtattndKia bai arar baen priT Mied la tha AoMricaa PBtaiia. ium pam Printad « tow paiwr. PiJSL la «oei. iSSr the abora book wUt tmitlTtW uitaau rohuaaa, thaa: Im-

an auawated in tola wonT , '•IM Bay-LacM B

- -januu PBee.lUa.

-Oa CkapbaD.

2>«W«e^metitarlmra^be a i iSrf fa w^wi.iHvntwim.anu ine ataboT'ifl al fir ihn laaw an Price, per vol., «t JO I


fc IkBooaaeaded mtmgara of an rriea,|l.S By Bar H Harrey, D D. •Et-LCMnALvM tJk« Avta ar Ba. -aaiaaa. Sj M& A. e UimTea. iL t S book la por ing the atitaiid'wlka'^^ lUHttU Kthmle ebnreh In mooWUti?Sd ^ ^ U a m l u d a o r UwtlaUufgfiSSu^

Prle», In «{ntti. CLfBi

by a maateriy band, tba e n ^ ™ U ^ , and Uw nnutkl mlairteaon^"

bayU. Tba A a

n la m a b S ^ ^ i T ' S S ^

PnUlat^y Ite U J ^ ^ M UM beat aldtoBIHoatadyyatpataiah^ Itanoteaanbdaf and nSl££5XL,mSSai SihM^naaUn: .VltkoatU. .BtbKaal

Ttct^ are reraaled. Uera tb* deweelKS tM ti^aea. tm0 atnelUMs t t e^S^K^^ deatcna the Roman CathoUe eIniS M

. ®«"«'»a«^Betatt»e, to Aortealar Uandnahw, and tie retauw M •«»»<*:•«•* cellbaijf. oooventa. m r ^ ^ ^ monltty.andnTira -KarJU W

^ . a


It la raeoauBandad by N^bnuy la eomplete , tPfl^lB •beep, HUM s Ma* Caaerally

earn If a t aadeMaaSSrSf aad whieh bav* narar b*fcf* bm m te^ te pAUa la aaad aoS^SSSJSriJS^ SIS? . _ Prtca.«.« Oraitaa'k <

and iwViaed edition. In wfajelTwUl 'iS tn plae^tbaoldlnda«.ooaail5»ii:i5ia typie. and^abu maay aew aad.SrorUtI 'WUM bymaa, taking th^piaee of ouwa MMb I lim i m waattncla awettTTba lS5«S{SS I CSSSi S S S ^ ? * ^ aot bean l a t S n j ^

S S S S f e - — —

I a l l I—, manota, gUt. j^^tti^I* um | ju raK. T»aa.

THE l i S l S ^ T e e a r

' "Kntered at Uw Pwt Office of Mampbla. T^nn, aa Becoad «aa Mat»^

O l d S e r i w - V o l . X X X Y H .

O u r P u l p i t ,

l i i ^ f f l ^ T E I H . , J U l i E 1 9 , 1 8 8 0 . H e w S e r i e e - Y o l . X D L S >

OUR D i s r i N t r n v E p r i n c i p l e s a s b a p

T I O T S , A N H O U R U T E B A T U B E N f i C E S -

s a r y t o a t r u e a n d C O M -


WH AT ia a trno and cronptete ' J ^ what priDdpkB a n ^ t t t F l ^

of stiBOii the Rteat utterance of O ^ , * ® ^ Jewl4 nUer. "Ye must t e Ik.™ sonal regeneration an the thing to man for entering the k l n j ^ m in this life or the next, whether t h e ^ - d l ^ Church®, or the H e r e a n e r o f i ^ ; ««.toU truth in Chrtot'8 preaching, whatevwai^ ^ o r y he had before him. To the 4nleararf and fnSTwoman at the weU of Jacob. ««» to the l i l i n S o d e m u s . Jeeu, t-ughtaUke t h e ^ truth-theneceBrity of ^ haoian aooi most be bom of the Spirit and t t o SSTTo an eternal Ufe. There can be no t rw eSgeliwn. In which this truth Is not given the

and the ' T n T ^ K h e n talking to Nicodmns. and iJbte^wlth the moTBemphatlc relter%tloa o f ^ tenth "V«rUy,.T«rily.I»»y nnto thee, except a

' and ot the Spirit, be canwA

est f r l ^ ; but within t i l t waU is God. In w l ^ we indeed " li*e and move and haw w t t b * ^ . He wiU have no creatnre between Umaelf aBfl Mch sGol that he has made, and e m of p ^

i«po«awuty is the h l ^ which he has gifted m: It Is the crown of h o m ^ Ity which irtws » above tbe »"««». BshofaUt t ie lower than the angds." A trae and complete evangelism most appeal to t h i ^

ol oemmal respoodbUlty. The b o o I mnat be

holy of holies, where, with all hnman vofcsa nuiy Ol noiMB. w u c t , — - — ~ hiwhed, and standing before the ™ man can listen to the word of God, and can ^ so atead&atly into UM»e " deep pathetic eyeatw S o S T t o d i t h to «tve him," that Ged*. «»ile wUl hide all the trowns of men, and his frown darken the earth though ail men smUed,

A . a logical coroliaiy from the n e c e m i ^ ^ genecation awl pewooaJ accoantabiUty, t h « e ^ to« Oie doctrine of a converted ship, aa Indispensable to a t r * and evMgelfam When! look over the c h n r ^ ^ •ee how hungry they are tor eager to make large reporta, 1 am temped to Uwthatstatlslicsare an inventioii o l O i e m a ^ . T h e vroret place In the world tor annnwgeBBWtwl J S ^ I a i n r f ^ c J i u r c h . T ^ h ^ ^ B ^ ^ tomidin all Satan^a pharmaoopola whW»

th« mm fact oC

dinn^ and give UbeiaUy. and yo« wiU ofland them." " Wfil," said the partor," yua did want me lo p » r h about boi»ty laat a t t a i n be«B«e Gen. A 'a hrotb« iatdy drfiiolter. Pray, what aubiect can 1 taket" Alter miBUte's reflection, the d « « « a a a v e ^ "PreBdi against tbe Mormtws tbej haveat % fHcBd in town." ,

Whea tha aioging is • " M W ^ ^ ^ W Toica. with BO porpon to w ^ p God, and wlMB the pceaebliw la tfmpty. iNuntalBBMKt. with nothing to mffla the paaertal a ^ iaterat In the I t o o B ^ pray, w h a l j p ^ wlU thai chttich havetatbenaxtworidf it conviBCB "ofata, of righteguiB^ o j ^ meotT" How many win It hdng to p t e ^ tiMogh U may have a loBg lott of memfa^_w^ Mcept the oBtnot flowery hada of e y . to whl^ tote^v(;yedtohaav«iT Thed<(vU ol i K i ^ ten enters that d r a n ^ bringing with w m other devila wona than himidf, and

bslal nnHMilty. a laigemembetAlp, a n d o ^

S B ^ T ^ M S T r h a t church >«ce«p» bjjrt whk* kadfl tiw largert nnmbet of soulB to a u l 4 . and bailda np the nohtat Oiriatlan character ^ itamemben.

A coovacted chBieb ntembeiBUlHlm IMP

la the flodi «l the Oreai O w v l i ^ ^ ^ ^

SoSi!L>t, t ieWrit boUda np chnrch« of t S T a o S ^ to rt^ forth aatypea of that grand

wtosetoiHrtoneahaUbel^ ^ ranaomed « « » ^ ^ ^

the choms of the angds shooting, " G ^ OTto it." There can be no evangelbm that d ^ «rvee the name, which does not Sen's cowdence. their need of S i that which it involvw. Man d o i ^ ^ i f n S y to this doctrine; he o h J ^ ^ * * ^ ^ when he is old! thinks It beneath hU S f t J iSome as a Uttle child, now that he ^

a S m and pataway.chUdlsh thinga-hia

needotastrengthgieaterthanhiso^n. Y e t , t o t ^

w S ^ - i ^ t i o n polWe; fcL^d ^ c e p t ye be converted and becoma T ^ c i m l S j ^ not enter into the Wng. dom of heaven."

The mepd, Uk® the law, comee home to men From the flaming ^ ^

S l d T t b e tbo««ds of Israel, "ye "hall S r - thoatOialtnot." The gospd k n o « n ^ rf mnttltades; only of separate aools. WMle ol mnttitades; only of acparaie bq»i». Sen ' , plana to remedy the evils ft^ to^theracaaa a whole,the goqiel SSedeptha,takese«ai man by the ^ SpSi S W with his ihce Mm Uft up the brother nearert him. ^ w ^ tte grandit «h«nw for the elevation « the r a« Sto^-«reetn«i and light" have S S t y -entencas whne the vart stream of gaUt S S S d . this r-pe* tlmaiBnds from the corrapUon of dea«i.and m ^ tKeni kinga and prieate nnto God fccever. ^ a n linked together by a t h o a e a ^ ^ y ^ t i n ^ deepeat aenae we atand alone in the alone with God. Bound i n v i ^ and topenetraWe wall, s t a t t ^ » fh)m the kwwledge even Of the neaw* ana 4Bai-

appealB to thenraxmvWiedipaiBhIm by . I t i ^ b e m d e i a i n t i m a t e that he. ia ftali M-

iota rt«Hilng. ia in " the gaU of bU. t « t t « and the booda of iniquity."

Bat the evils of an unconverted chun^nnm-bershlp. are ba from being confined to thoae who u e thus lulled Into afitalpeace. Thepowerof the Church 18 weakened. A n m wto h a a ^ aeen the deadly guilt of sin through the e n l l ^ eniug of the Holy Spirit, is not ^ ^ to M "woe is me if sools are not «ved.» H helaa man of natural ability and enemy, he »ay «»• come a »leading brother "-intaested ta putting UP a magnlficeot hMise of woashlp, with a m ^ n f f l c e n T X w . He wffl h ^ ^ - ^ f S t S ^

to bay a big organ, to make the memb« of tM

glT® Uberally to aecnre for the choir tha wrvto J* a star ringer from an opera, and la p e r f a ^ y j ^ Inc. U sbe wlU bat trill and quaver, a ^ dJapJ^ 2 ' p ^ e r . by a - t e a of rtng to an unknown tongue or ta BO toogue a t ^ waWng God beta* to Wi ey« w> S ^ SundayTmWlaa pertonnance. ^ ^ S ^ S ^ ^ o r c h t o c a U B B V . T^r.^Orm.^ ^ n i r t e wlU "draw," it bring understood that

of a sermon b to en te r t^ ThcBe ar« tbe brethren who woidd have the ^

y s S J ' S i l s n ^ with ^ ^ ^ ^ w ^ l ^ ^ r t s t ««d to Slcodemns. One of

h T L i e d "anaft" w « deacon ef a church out WeS^Td w S S r a y a afraid hi. ^ S g olfenBive to wme one. » What ^ S w ^ ^ o n next Sunday?" he ooe day

t f S d f i S S ^ "Oh.donotpr«Siabonl tha t ; d r ^ men Who attend OCT - ** •

i t u M ta Ita powar to ^ ^ ^ . Bian eaniwt Impart health to a hayHil. w W one diasaMd man may aa entiK dty. Obo unconvertad b m m ^ i n deaden the aeal of a aoota of Ctolrt to, thataeal totothedHuuwlar parade aad o*ple-tlon. AchMehla»pow«fKgood todii«*2^ pottlon to theq^ritaal lUi of m mcmkea. tka tattle k Bot to the « i n « to wmbo^oclotka atioog to wealth, but to tbe altmc totaUh«i»d hopeandlove. MohoBumeoatxtvaMa.<aa W t o n e J i i 4 « « o a c h « ^ W f i a ^ talae a dead body to life. l ife . |iritwl and lito tempood a n aU alike heyood tha nadi of van*. ^ S ^ h e can n ^ tbe one and taka the oOiir: to can giva neither. The Spirit mn* i n W l ^ the of the watea. a»d tl«t ^ f c ^ f e •ct where two oc tb»a are pOheredtDtilliirto Christ*, name, not when bundnda have eooM to

be entertained by ^ f S ewya on current topics. hM y ofaa weapon, ao to aa haa been

S g a w n d T o ^ and q M t "todiffttolDjata muran.*' But h«rta a » not to be plerort V that .word when Ibi edge ha. been ground off te ftar of hurting aome one.

Qivman unconverted dioidb, and an mtoiatiy soon follow«;-llka pBosh.,lto

An imconvwted mtol.tar to v ^ ^ to vad tlw old foiyel nrocd, eowtos m a ^ wittiilken cuAlooa, that tt m v ~ ^ a n a B s l o a . t o t a U n m a D a w t U a f i ^ c ^ S S ^ w . stale totham. ««d they a » ^ . t o

te^ben te HTCod yaaBtcaaelilaf a b o « t ^

aotjeet. j B O W f t o ^ t o i

Page 2: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah

T m m J B A j i M T i s ^

Tiio oki BO Blare U » palpit

mfnftfiiiii, tf

framttHm. T&qrdoKibt tte e M ^ puaiBbi ai Urn «iekMt;4lMV MaA UMBiwivp^iite tlum Q n M eaneBmliic Uie Seriptiam; they seek to * '»« • tiesJBOHs" t^ t m a g U mwmr mnd ItknattttoaoDKHiitBiartliBday. B a t n ^ i u e aqt ta|toilif«d.ia ttJa-vi; foHn .thair vtm. Un-m m M iniiaataEi &id thelBtsert n m tium the aid M a y of cautat and him croeilted, wwi llfaCTttBn—ter to ftmA than Qod'g remedy IcoE Ha. How eatt ire expect than to labor for tlw eoBTCBian or nolB. and to **van] every one

Blllit «ay with tear," when thisr have never ttaemnlnB been eonvetted? How can tbey

know of the need «f a new Wrth, when the light {rflih in GIkM baa never bnAeh over their ey»r And eoju^ainlKfatfaaoOT day. m nrtiy an

hdaati*by beeooa an inunaral and a o B ^ MaMi^ . Baaotlfat eamyi on ethia will

e ^ o ^ iifffa In Chtfrt to AQos

ttwbwttewterthaiea whkdi dvUI-- hnt onnqf etwnie. QTvn an

oaeuavafiid rftnitifc, and yoa •fetll have an nn-a a r » M ndnMzy, the goBpel neglected, vice and Imiiiixity lainpant, and over the nationB that JDOittBiIbiedazkiieMarwbldijreMBRM^: ^Ogi i t lltaf toln &ee be daikmn. how great to Uni chudmeeL"

Do I dxav too dark « gletnte of the evOs rawilt. ug from in nneoaverted ehnzeb-membaahlp? The jidBreB dawn t^ the btotny of thii worid ^ d a t k v ^ Becallteyoawelvea the stale of nUgtoo In when Weiky aiDee. preuh-

U u ^ m^led with error, the great truth, ~Te mmt be bom again"—when, acconfingto ^ le , dnmkennaa, gambUnir. ewearimr, »nd

MaU.'* ^lOnkorflMBne^eakahlavaenenofthe-BonotCattioUeehafditWhen Lniher took that

hlili^Bi iiniu^^iifc the — —' ) ^mndi^Kt'fbt good, iaindle-

And ID M W iBaiiiaar, ttw mm» Men laawn mm taosfat JgJJ, «fcii«h»eot fhm ^ t o d into PnftBrfanhni. PnlTenaUm. and ^ Mlfeiaat IvJiOe In the gcDeial w m k of

ttttftoy B . , ^ alone " t o te demotion to trnth, becanae they

• t o w M tnght M t e t i r ^ gmt ••IMHIJ to« oae and eompMa ivamaOenk-the

Only OiptMe hate BMfacnly u d £a in their htat^ inabted W b ^ ^ ^ t t ^ I a n ae a srvHeqalalta to ehoRb.

yg* lay g o ^ lamip tcinuned and bornitae.

bf t h e ^ :

j * ^ P* S ^Jtood tor B»; bot afaHf their Into t h ^ cbiwha by

j ^ J tetf Che" There to aqi • naeif dkietdne inaIIBeveii^in > ^ nm

the Bapttoia atone Sold iffl f j ^ ^ ^ « m e tiiiie malididii t h e ™

l ^ v iteiadfy and p«|ty.


JiWooe,,,^ hc^biroweth^

"^he VoUoweth ..ritoftheA. „

"ITot witheb^dlng pretense truth

preached: and I t h ^ n do rtjolce, yU, and wiU nji^ce."

Unto wbomsoevn- mnch is given, aball much be reqnli^." II Ood has led oa into thCK great truths, he demands of us the more o r o ^ efli»t to spread them ainoo^ men. Whoever etoeto qni^ and indlOseat, we ma<<t t>e in esmnt, too-late and untiring in a warliire with evil whlcb known no trace, so dBcharge, no compromise. Wi», of aU men, dare not stand with folded hands, while iniSdelity eate out the lives of the cburehcs, and ritnaltam mocks Christ with its offaricg of Bead 8e> apiries. Our distinctive principtei are nrrnniiy to a troe and complete evangelism; the wwld most be evangeUaed, and we must be up and doing. We^mnat not thhik the truth of thc^ prindplesao plain that men cannot help e e ^ them, nijadlce, education, evil hearts of unbe-Oef; Satan and hto allies, the worid and the Oe^, can blind men's eyes to any truth, however plain. A n g ^ might seeUiemata glance; but we are not called to evangelize aogeb. but poor iaUen, lidli-We men, who will "love darkncn rather than llghL"

And in order that these distlnctiTe leineipIeB Shan go frartb conquering and to conquer, we must, Ibatot all, believe them oondvei h««rtUy. He who to not firmly convinced of the troth he uttexi,'cannot convince others. To poU men out of the skngh; one must stand tn solid rock, not on sinking nod. Earnest men move the world, «nd they alone are like the lightning bolt w h ^ ahatteiB, tatber than the Aurora Boradto which daaale*, but leaves no mark behind. We most ^ P-inl's grand " I know;»' the world fa too busy and life too short for men to stop to listen ^ "I^wppow." **W«v«iIog aooto nUy ardoad ftcm anw^'VaMii

ftom laflMtty aiid John Ruart H m dedared, "onepenon with a heltoTto aaoeial power equal to ninety-nine H W have only Intererts." W e want men who know that these things areas, and are cm fire to make the world believe them; ao shall a true evaagdism go forth for the saving of the nations,

lied on to

T ^ ^ — • " " " wvin* oi lae nauons,

and the knowledge of the glory of Ood rise higher and higher tin "as the waters cover the s e a , " ^ earth shall be enveloped, and all that to Mk and ' and unholy, perish beneath the puii^King

m i i g a o d to oOme ajAwtottt^ffM,,. w » ^

P^ m ^sam, ^imSAta^iMdaQmit^

Bat something men to neoesnoy for thetiae m d complete evangrilan of the world. W e must

have a Utwature which shall reach and teadj the peo^e in their homes. 11» only way evw du-taivered to k e ^ weeds out ol« Add, to to plant a crop and cnltlvatB tt cardhlly. The w«ld wfll wa^ and there fa no more pnaslnOtdy-before

w than to see tiiat men are furnished with allt^ J ^ . Which shaO teach the whole truth as we be-Oeve. A»lntheaaidenofBi«bdi^thew<iii-

® femtlng efery

o f g ^ ^ c f v I L ThtotreetothejaJntlnrprM, the irnlt thereof to thb l itmta»Jir«tod^

Tbew to, Indeed, Ihtft Which Shan'••nllgWen the

and "leaves Which are te the heaUng of thenatlbos;" but fliere to atoolhtitthatfapofaon.

And Sutan stm scands under the tree, -

men fruit wMeh fa deidly, and astog the old t ^ ^ t tiiat proved so atal to Eve. Men, b l l n ^ hy c^orfty and sdf-conadsnee, Thread daMerw

of evfl thataot ooe man In » after reading a bad book as

"WasBcfcrt. BmayfaenecesBaqrnowandfhea

Chrto^that to may toaww it, and the t«ji to can do otben-wiU compa«SB Jbr the «Til be does hiiBi^ In fiksnMiT^w

Icoatsgte that be may:l««n S r t o i S S S j

_ many good John Bandolpb

* 'fiF> onegave HnHtoEfcys tflijtead, iipder to " devdop

hfa IndividuaU^," "broaden culture," and b ^ h l m "abreast of the times." Ibdlevethoee are among the stoidc id>ra9« that datan uses-to-day whai seeking to lead men astray. Bot the givCT also gave Randdph an answer to the infidel bocdc, as an antid<^ to the poison to coanteract its effect. In alter years, be wirote to a Mend an-noondog hto conv««ioo, and said, " the antidote was not equal to thepofaon." Foryeaishto mind had many a bitter conflict with hfa doubts ere he could a o ^ Christ and find peace in beUeving. Hjwmany(rtfaershave found "the antidbte not' equal to the poison," and have never come to the light, only eternity will tdl.

Let no one read a vile book, a false bo(^, or a

sani-lnfldd book.' Hiere are ministeiB who can tdl you what the infideto ot the day think, but who would be utterly blank if asked what was the "Bisect of Zachariah'g prophecy. It seems very necessaiy for them to be "abreast of the times," hot by no means necessary for them to be Ikmiliar with t l ^ Bibles. And thus they must needs seek for a skeptical literature, and ne^ect that which expounds the plain pid traUw of the Scrip-uues. Thus Uxty begsi doidit in the pew. In the minds of those who never would havedoubted but tor the sermobs to which they listdied; as in the case of the old man at Oxford who said, •• I have beaid all the sermons preached at thto uni^^ty for.thlrty years, and, thank'God, Pjn a Christian atiU." Mintoten give the views of some master Infidd, and thdr ai-guments in reply are often puerile, so that the " antidote to nut equal to the poi»n.» JioMover men are not converted by arguicg against their errors. Felix would nbt have trembled bad gone into a dWulslUon to loove tbem were no such beings as Jupttor and HliMtva,>nd.^ the Ddphto wm ala

to m«ii« men treble Is „

^ and gospel; so shaU tiw to made to irraible bdbKr tlw^w, and be mdted into contrition by the stray of tlie c r ^

I ^ e no cialm to What pawas current In some

qoarteiH under tto name of liberaUly. 1 do not ^vethatalletoenUOed toasmu^ consWoS-

S L ^ ^ k * ^ liUadiood, any nwire than yeUow fever, a liUr duinoe In tto i ^ d . Not that I would invoke sword and fiwbt. By no means-moral batUes must to foMht^th mor^weHwus. Let tto akepUc lalik as loudly as to pleases; I would persuade all m m totumirw t W ^ I-t hlm write . many books wtohes; Z wooU educate fuUlc opinion so i i ^ no man would buy or reaul them. I would have

to^ truth, and dad In Ito whole armor of .iabd. Truthtonarrpw,whlle error fa broad. T b m b but one true accomit of any event, while tttere maytoatboMawI ftlse aocbuntSjand so ofany p o ^ In sdence or religion, there js tot one Sue bdirfto a thousand erroneous ones. But while I r ^ t o nanow. It fa aiply suflldent fbr tto a e r d n ofaU oorjpowets throughout dmity.

tBItol mkL: '•Tbe chuieh has endured a pagan and a papalpersecutlM. Tbqts retrains tor tor an iofidd peoecntlon, genei^O, bitter, puri^. ing, and eowaang." That pmUtlon fanSw upon OB, general and bitter. God gimnt ttot 'lt may to r o r i l ^ and cwnentlng. Ittooomln« now In Its deadUest Ibnn, in those h a t t S e w i ^ T t o n ^ tbewo^of lles.

Oh, Ibr days like tboae, beibm men sought to mix goodandevfllnoae "m^venalpatent treade*" when men either tolieved ocdtobdleved ocdto^

J S S i r ^ an ttolr h a ^ n S T S r ^ S amaogyynn ^ther ,Tbm Patnes or Jo£dtian

and fltior, r d ^ tofld^jfccttl eadi ottier Jhlily i S ^ t a i w ™

S S b l l i r ^ i J ^ . ^ " Wleved was diflnlte, dtotiiMfi. aeenrafe, and onmlstakable i a n d l ^ ene# w«ra sol M d l with p e r t o ^ ^ ^

S'-i." •



B B on our own arcount; ttot we tove no personal worthinece to plead; that our application fix Uie sake anything in us. Or anythii« done by m, w t ^ to utterly unavailing; but equally eonsdem of tto Meased fitd that, through infinite riches of grace, we are ooe with Chrfat—mOcAword.

If it was our privilege to chedc npcm the buik ef New York in the name of Stewart or Vani dert>ilt to any amount we chose, would any of ue topoor? WeU It to the privilege of every Cbitei tian to check upon the bank of heav^ so to speak, for whatever we need in the name of Christ and we tove tbe asauiance it wiU to gnmted. Oh why tb«i do we live at thto poor dying rate Want ol faltb evidenUy U the reason. U k e tto poor woodman, we think u^ess we have dcpodted means thoe we cannot draw it out. Forgetting ttot our frioad Hnd brother has large depodts and we may draw In hto name. s. )

T H E BGSETTINO BIN O F PBEACHEBS. rpEEE besetting dn of' our preaching to-day to -a. ttot It to too dedamatory. In nine cases out of ten it needs to to more conveesstionaL If you want tO'speak well, said Brougham to a young £ most first leam totalkwdL Not tbat tto bdghts of doquence can to reached by thto style, or that there are not cases whae tto preacher must lighten and thunder as wdl plead. But bnistB of oratory are necmsarlly tto exception, not the rule, in a sermon; momver, .few tove the genius for them; and therelora we tolleye ttot there would to a great gidu of power, If ordinarily the preacher would slmi^y talk l|o hto hearers as a man talks to hto friend;

At any rate, when be does pitch hto voice on a high key, he should liave a totter reason for so doing than old Dr. Beecher tod on a certain Bua-day. Coming home from .ciiurcb, be said to biu ton Henry, w to teUs thel anecdote: " It seems to ine I neva made a wonse sermon than I did thto morning." " Why, fiObw," said U o u y , " I never

I yo^preadi aolo^ In all my life.. Tfaftt to '^always baU(

oncerwe^ UtonotttoiUiui^^bttt'tbel^'^^^ ' ^ ^ tttttdotttbe executlwi, and irwoolddo t ^

samit i( WW no crash In ^ e douds.


fliHE Woman's Baptist Mtosiooary Sodete m s X oig«nIsM nine yt«n ago. According to tto t ^ annual report, the Sodety had thtrty-two miaslonarI«>* In the fordgn Add bwt year, tiro of whom—Miss Harah Barrows, oi Maulmain, and Mi« E. F. McAllister, o f ^ B a » d n - ^ S Maine. Fonr iatodouaries tove gone out durins the ywiusi dcsoJ: The recdpts of thto Sodety during the past Ittne years show a remarkable increrae. In ttie flnt year of tto Sodety*s htetim the receipts weret9,f(7±63; secondyar, Ia>,isg.d3 • third year, t a W ^ & J ; fourth yw^^ fffl,<»9aoi fifth «3.360 e9: dxth yearV «S5>85.(tt;

ninth yesr. Jut dosed. W,v/8.3S, making a ta^ for the nine years of «2S1,100.01. And tore also we are to to able to'say thia durl^ the past year tto w ^ e n ii| our Baptist churctaes in Maira Increased their contritotlon toi f&irWdibas*« Bip. tist SOxdoBaty Bodety over ttot dT tto precedl^ year. Kbe amount contributed year before aeoording to tbe r patt atJ^p^ IfTO, wastl,74i:49. During the past jwar tto contiibuttons wim

JOeoc^ IttrOmd. Ha:etoanaixanization,& ora^nte body, out'

dde and Indep^cnt of the churches of Christ, that tove assumed tto rigtit to take diai^i oC tto gospd, and to sdect and ai^otnt miarionaries to go a ^ preach i ^ top^ and report to It their wodE, and it Is a B a p ^ organisation J ^ .

- .5s.. ^ , • • • 1 ,

M I N I S X E B U L M S A K N E ^

foGowing ways in 'vhl^ m^hiderU'i^m

neSB sometimes diowa itself . ' i . ' ] ^ d l e p a n s ^ p r M e -

:;i..ce88or. • ' ^ • • : ^ & Miatoterial maMmm so^ibiM m a ^ i ^

itadfia dispimtgtD^ dommepte«nieerBiiy ti- |ao-OBBBOt.''-.' •• 8. MiidsterlaliaeMmeaB nOT^

In the methods takai with regard to wbom tto snecesBorahallbe.

4. Ministttial meulneM aooietimeH exoMis itsdf In an unrightewu citidra of another^ setw mon&

5. MlntoteriiJ meannes sometinin diows ftodf In w unwillingness to recognize ito sneeeM of others.

& Uinistedal meaniwss sometimes shows ilsdf In an unwillingnea to share equaiiy with others ministerial hoocas.

MINISTEB? A N D DEAOO^ii' MEETINQ. -nEAR BAPTIbT:—The Executive Board at ^ Central AssodaUon to holding a aedes<tf med* ings with the diurdies o w tto eonntry, whicb we call mintotras* and deaooo^ meetingik Tto object of these meetings to to arouse and CBCouage tto diurches to deeds of ptactiksal Christian life. They need to to stimulated In funlly religion, modd church work, Sunday'^chod wodc, and miadons.

How sad a htdc we find among our churdieH ttot ttoy do not read our <lent.Hntna onal litoni-ture! Recent meetings have bem toid with Eldad and Spring Hill cfanrcha with faaM>7 results, topiei ot pmetlcd utility having been dtocUMed,8abbath iichoola organised and a forward movement bcKun. It to expected, at an eady day, to organiza a Sabbttth-scfaoot Ccmvaotlon, to te made up of the churchea, or schools, witUn ^mr bounds, looki^ to and hoplnig to augmtti tto labor and iut«n»t of the State Suo^-ttshod Board. '

The next ministets' and dtttooos' meeting will to hdd with S^Iem church, five miksnorthenat of Trenton, on the first Sabbath and ttoturday beftMS in July next. A. cordial invitation fa extended to our brethren and Mends ^rougbout the country.

J. H . SSSTXtt, Clerk Executive Board Central Awwiatton.

Trv-nton, Ti'un., June 8, ISSO.

EXEGESIS. uori tt u

to Wlwit liivke to hia diiidp^ 'in this tut,'aOM have exiiUiaed it to thti'<«ttotoct)km U m / m & d Mr. tibwrwood, in b^ valoiOOe 6a tto' pddi, says, f' The^t are nuny xnannionii'ln 'tlie house g« high.", As I have m«t witfct n ^ I n g satto(au:t«fy to mind, I tow thought'f^per to give I uudeuui^ to uu^ht in tto' ttsC

FiOtoc's ikuus^" 'A]^ unaantand the mealing,of thn wool house to l^^^dwdHi^ place, n«dd«snoc., hsbbatiida. And w h m ' ' dwdiing phbco; Dayid. in Cbb cuudx, th^ sublime language: r* Whltfatar;dsaU |flw &wl|iy prwenoe? If X aaand tyi Into heaven, th6n art tfaeroi if I makenty bsdUi hdl, behold, t ^ art there. If £ take tne wings of tto mohii%,llnd dwell In tto»,(#etm<M parts of tto sea,' wea ( H m shall thy buM lesd me, and thy right h ^ shall h«M nu .'V, Xbe universe to QtidV ot dweUiag pUceu ; In the tuivene thexe ars ^ o t ^ beyond nuitulMiCr- tto.aatnioauiv, with'the aid of tto best tetescope, cannot count thdn—aom of wUdkareM'Waattysnperira totw woHd as itol thto dwindles into IndyiLIc*^ Qina thoo^-fiil mind beliere that thto to oi^' wraid that Ctod made for the a ^ e 6< iIadU^(ell( b d ^ r Surdynot.

Then out thoughts subUme ti;*^ ilb^ain Fattoc'shoasy are many inandoos." Thtowcnid, thatwaa a ^ thfB s twde cf hoty' bdngi^ has been defiled of all its beanty and excdlcaje by Uie U^htUv imtil i becomes « a d

Qiectede to' tto prsti^da. to tto only onie ofltoiramy roaado^ thiU h a e ^ revolted againak,tto goyaDmatV ot God,tl>erd)y todoao^ eootaininatad, M ^ ' l i ' t o nb longer itt' Itt tto abode of i K ^ b d n ^ '

Chr^ £i tor!s thnm^ ta tto seat of hto foven^NUt^ 'and eaiue tb' thto duih, uwe tto l u ^ tEf iUr became titodieat irato diUh, anddetniMfed ttdoftoamptreoridm^iiio

destroyed tlito oiaea beaaUM I hadcouqasscdMaatrtiohadlto fumm at i teeaaMlKtkltein tto mighty eoBfiUi. I M ^ ^ V Uie keais of hMteaad daaa with. Uok

Havl^ ItiUr iwimetad Ms chie* aa hto w e -tiv« oa eartl to vow ewlows te Jnamton of hto tody with poMorteea on hlg^ and •aomied to Us f^dfaer: and when to haBjChgaa and M d M AJuOdeat number to Inhditt thto aaamta in tto l^iha:^ houas, renwved a * c n w l r m tU|i w t h and leatond it to tto paradtoieatafa,to wUl enos

Ml sacdve hto ndaomed ones nnto htmastf. anil dweU wiOi them forever iA thto " new earth Bad new haven, whendn dweUeth i l|1itiiwia" Even so come Lord Jesus. I. T. nn^nf.

Edinburg, Ark., May SI, 1890.

T H E BOY T H A T D m OOOIX nnHEBE lived a boy la O i l t aamed

WilUam Tyrcet. He was a nay cheakad, dout, brave, liule <dIow. and a grwt kvartts wiUi all Um ndghborfc At adiool no om wm ofteoer at tto head of hto dap, u d no « M brought home mcce tkkata. Ooa night, M te lamily wtee all dtting round abdi^qMKldlBg fire, Mr. Tyrrd said, " GhUdrea what naka yoa most happy?" Some answered ooe Udag aaa some another, but WilUam hxtkad op aad aid: "t^Uio^ I am hl^^4est wtoo I can make eilNr people happy." " Bight, rii^t, a y aon,* aid Mr. Tyrrd, "stick to th^ allyuur UBi,aadyw wHl to a h a i ^ atan. Benember ttownrdicf UteLord Jema, tow to said, ' H to a o n U a n d to i^ve than to reodve.' snto OMdaa .

A»a Mrta |>af< Sli ttatCMUtar •aa*«it«Mliw toMtr U toVnlty mmmmgk tm » n i . wtll Bra

llUii . ft afeirfl WO.

jue ravished with tto •ir ia the text, ^>In my

iwak, iMiii Vi^tawWJ«0(c tiifes-Mt srl __ SDOMorUMMttooUaanaannr: fct. tootnaqr.ywsisiM KMordaa kawr. A«aiM»bmvZm-


x r ^ Biu • euOoMv.'tt lalMftfinia

raM^s-W Aom iul^iS&tKdr-inMftib'teim ' yciquHaa iiaa»ii>Maisiiii

•laH « « ttMT m ' a m n ^ * — •* • ft'ri r ms ii nT i II• I a w ai a w m m r


aosi4rad» >a«UMi.tM M ^ r'Tsnfrti toilalaiiton

JgaWt Hoi^ SCemy^Kl


iti—iwwui o r u m


AS unaaagwayWas aSvMM* ite OM arMBUlinCluMto^ •

"•Milaa tat tte teitk tteorUwdajr. Ad Mbpntat atae aa A >


Btiaal sidlnUitaw teulasL' AflnanyTMMr.Titea vMh

ifeiteflu^.'" man


intteartt. Tna%faMi IbattaM^iftea.

trmupaa A<HiiS; -lurtmt^i

Page 3: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah

T H B O U K G L C S I S Q E X E B C I H E 8 A T T H E

b o o t h W l B Z E B S . B A P r i ^ r U N I V E B S I T Y .

»|*HJBBiH,a»of t t e o m t a .

o»to» to a m n Indi-vQiiUaa.

Iteenaiiuflaa npoo vMdi adruienixnt is

dt^iued m written oam. Imdrad

quBMioas m KiTn ttas ftadait and if be cao

anrnrUf awnrar lo wrillnir Mlxtjr«ran witbont

to M y i>opfc orirtrtaice fkom any one

h« ptmm, and o n oonnnaneb the next aefaoot or

claw. CuaioMaoement haa been niven to tbe

d<*rtiHf nondaea of tiw etrilcitiato your rinm

clctertnine who a m euoiiiHRice tbe next daa*.


W e witnaMKi ttm ezaminalkni of Prot JamuWa

Fii^man daaa in areek, and we were i'npreaaed

ibatlhediiU had been mart thoroagh in tbat aU

important tut book of tbe coorae-the gnunmar

of the ]angtta«(>. The tamUtaiity the adiolan

evinoad wUb the dedendoaa and coojogatioilfe of

ibelamiof eontneUonandaixent,etc.,main the

liiKfaertd«nesatiriiictory. It haa kwc best m M

^Ptaf./arman,tbatU there waa any atudy la a

hiiyhewouldiBtitioat of him if any man could

andUvaaaatooiiihlnir how much he had sotten


^ a d v a a « d Ommm in Greek and LaUn nad

and accuracy. The lepi^ of ihe exsailnayon in mathemaUoi were Knulfying

The examination of Prof. GrilBn'ada* In toslc

waa a i^w thioK In the Unlvrailty and a w a k ^

anu«»l lalmmL Bim redtiOlona throoRh the r ^

have nut amoantcd to more than flvemontha-

and yet hia daaa

. S ! ! "

MitOm in the aqnoMnta given th«D by the

^ to make kiglcfana of themaeiwa. In oar

- J m ^ n o ^ to the tlnl^artiy i, more Im-

H o w Important far a mttooal

fc ^ ^ ^ ^ eorreeUy and to

r HOaidiV m a ^ W e m pimmmt to 7 h « been mwle to PttA

Orilltt'a trnmitm in the tnlTenlty the coming

I tee .waa • ^eiiiBg eviifenee a pngnm In

aavol r^paeto Uda year, and a muked one of

tfaoe waa. all UwapeKhea made I9 the jnong men w m «%|S9al--farpw<iog to be their own com-

poritiaw. l^liaattfihoaldba^ It la objected

that thia aabwh tfca ttmagmt tmpftkm tode-

wpU<m, that flamt htten and lUaiary raiaUoos

" i d ai* eim Id ooqm to tbe mepe. as in

the pndaoiaft lepd lor eompaaitiiMia at the nc

hlUtioaB of atNmrof anr poiMtlar boardlBg aehoob

—mitii^ W u A , at VaihTiOe, when ynciig law-

yen gp to haat thair own pcodnetimia read by the

M r aam, - is pafaUe 0 0 the atage." Let the

(oKihcn junt iuli abaiaar opoa hk honor, and

k e ^ aaeb aarosea, and promptly degrade the

flnt olftnder, and there win be litth. dangw of

Araad. 11m yooag geotlenAi well, and Uie

matter of their neehea waa genenlly creditable.

TbtawaFiUbeaDmefiaeipeakenitanwdaataf the

Unl-milty In tbe next two yean. Tbe bar and

the palpitaiud In gnat seed of them.

The iwo Utenry ancietin rqawoted theoK wilvea in a poUfc debate by theft adeeted apeaken, which affiiflied a lara entertabimeat to a laige audleaee.

W e aboold ha-n bafof* thto mentiaiied the u

meetlm of tbe J . B . a S o d W y . o f Beiigioai la-

qoiry.hiUl ill the afa«ant.acidaty room at tbe

P n i v ^ t y . Qolte a nmsber of M m ^ were

p n m t . and aadb vUtor waa called sfioa fcr «

•P^andaUbataQezaapoiMied. JfTatebte among

^ waa the •peech Of f ^ J . P . Boyw, Of tin

^ n a r y . H a waa ^naonhly aarixiMd at find,

in K i o l ^ . warty irf IW , e l m i e ^

L BlTenity, enjoying ao flae a room, and orgnrfaad

iwmchoifeetivewwk. Hahlghiyanmvad the

f ^ ^ the «idety and ahonld expect

™ i m xnidtB teaoL U. Ila eserdaes

« t o e ^ l w . p « , t o t y to theatBdlnaodereidwi rftheSaoinaiy. H e aald, with great that no minlater wa. w w i t S T t b e ^ ^ nnlen be could bring bis dinloma of g ^ « « » in a full college coune. UnJen i ^ S J l

^ ^ or Ibur octavo pages at a kBBoo without

» ^ g i M w or lexicon, be coold not enter

^ c U a a i n ^ gemln«y where tbne langu.g«

w r t q ^ and waa to select aome i L g l ^

^ « . d ^ « t l s l l e d w i t h a l o w g r a d e o f S ^

^ P , eic. H e nixentiy advised the young minle.

t « to go through ths full c m n e at t h e c o U ^

and thra coma to the Seminary, and if i b ^ S l

• ^ in them thfy would nnv. iI him.

l a r t i S S who atodied

wiU hear and take the advice of Dr. Boyce-re^

go t ^ h with it. and not unlll t b ^ t o k •boat going4o the Seminary. '


t ^ Aliimnl^on Wedn«day night, waa by

univnaity. It waa pronounced a aoUd production M d gave gnat aatlafiwtion to the aodety

Ta£ last DAY. •IJiw was but oue of the daw of ISTIMO who

i » ^ i n a ^ d a n c e f i v e y « w . H e e v l n ^ t o

•U hia examinaUona floe attalnmento, and bb

g r ^ u t l ^ onUon more than surprlsHl and de-l i ^ ^ aU. ItwaaaflneprodncUon,foraaeniur ^ d d I M With great c a l m n « ;nd drifSJ :


^ have caltod uimn the frieuda of mlnlaterlal

^ o ^ o n to aid in putUng through tohtognSmT-

^ thia year. N o one who in after lile. who nuw

S ' d ^ ?

. » «««» . for only a hNin It fa. rfnce It WiU « e lo..g be returned to \bo B«uS to hdp other yoang mialaleni.

TUB u r a a A K Y Auouaa .

J ^ . J ^ A . T . Bwntt. Prataaor «*^hetnatlc« In the Mafy Sharp C J o l b W w i ^ Mme, lorn. Never « Uomtd af'nwZim, the acuity of a college, n w cooimunily, man agreeably snrpriaed imhI "carried dear a w a y " than by thia addrem. Prof. BarrM was con nt«t^ with a female college, and the imprcasion larome-how made tbat we can't expi.ct much fn>m teachen in our female cuilegea. Andthrabewaa t«cher of mathematics, arithmetic, alicebn. conic section*, and what beyond the viaion of

L / '

of atndenta from ahre«l than I any fcrmer year, notwithatanding the qa««ntli e

to^rtant ^ g e a have hern made In the cui-

^ o m . ^ cerUflcatea of pmmotloo. and of

hereafter t^awaidert.

" J ' «»ve hern ^ ^ ^ t e d pMchmentdlplomaawni be given in

^ ^ «*f AVB .

^ ^ r Important change which "J® He wUi have

^ U i c and attested credit for all he a c ^ n ! T i " '^"ere he la In hh

ooune, and when he can couiplete It. and can ad.

npldlyaa he can gain promotion cer-

weieam. todrcoialeamoogthechurchea In thfal " d Statn. « . d g T a c q u a l n ^ i t h T n

D n ^ t y l ^ e a d of -ending their aoo« lo8ch.«l>i

^ " he nid to the ^ I t of the Faculiy, that only one student h^a b j ^ ^ p e n d r t the past year, and no rioU h a ^


A college where the m o r ^ o f the student have been more uniformly

!» menUoned between Ihe waten ^ e b ^ n and the gulf, and thia feature we call the attenl^ of parents who expect to send their sons away from hmne anotlier ynir.

VEwa n u » a T B B axATCa.

IWrnbw,. and iut. T. T. KKtoo .ppoinuu pwSdMt*^

- uni viBIun Ol

ploi and minus, signa and co^igne, and the dry

roots of things and who coold expect tbat a man

of Boch studies could charm by hi^Wcgant rhetoric

and tnnatiort by repeated bnibto of the lofUcet

«K»tory. Butsach waathe ewe. And when the

npt audience waa rrieaaed from tbe magic spell

that bad been thrown ov«-r them for one hour. It

gave vent to its admiration by tbe most fervid

applanae; and each one seemed to look into bU

n ^ b o r ' a £ice and empbaalxed the qoertion

- W h o is her- " Did you ever hear a n t i n g ,0 c o ^ w l t h l t r - On IheEoetnim w ^ giLve

w ^ in thb and other countries bad

listened to Uterary addrewe. and to us they de-

d a ^ that It rarpened any Utenwy address they

^ T f " Immediately r^u«,ted

for pubUcaUon and we trust the rcqowt will be

^ ^ with, and if the addren wiU appear

f*^' ^ ^ the " W h o la Prof. Rcrrett. that this eflbrt abould b^ e x p ^ o f h i m r Weanswer, "Hefaagmiuatai ^ B o c f a ^ University, K e w York, and woo to U«rt nnivendty the «tmnd medal of gold for o M ^ . and haa been for yean peat the Profosaor

caOedtheFemaleUillvenltyof theSoSh. Thus doaed another anahm of oar Univenity

of which every Baptist In the Bonthwert h u •on to bo grateAil. and in which be abould

edBcalehisbQsv. ^ ^

TaxaxATos or t h e cirrvKsarrY.

The £seeaUve Board again this year made the

pienring aonoaneenNDt, that thia year dosed with

-- — •

^ r t r ^ . i ' i r ' ' ' ^ * • .7«Ha eMiri^ ^ mat Ui» ao«4 wiUBjr^ dortncui. p « t « «to.

I.SI3 oUMr eoownioos la mMUocn htU wiili pMton. 9 Baiid«74ehooU wtsal.^ I ehnreb baiMliici metZTaiul Mtacd lo tmUdlag U oUieim.''-JiU|««Mu O t M

The UdBCTml AMoeiMkNi ot KorUt OfotcU mM(« at OalBOiTilhi on Tbantar l>«ore um toorUi BoadU In JbIt. th. Avcw U^m, JMMm •ajr«: "SUmjbUi««nno«lreport w«.printedMomcuUleHer

uabMo itnlTad ftom Rav. Wm. J. Whli^ iotT«iq»ndinB MCTManr ot (h« Mlakmarr BapUM Cm>««iiUoQ (coi^i O^-sla. >UUdi Uiat at U>«tr Board M«Ui>s. Api1lTirw« TOM tu appropri.!* t M a>r faiKlnc Mwtoton which U.a Atlanta HapUt BmHuty .Bd. ; n o toward. o.n.lI«Urt«

InctduLa expeiuta, maUog las. which, wim tin l^anoa^ upendrd on th* areonda, makeaaiouiofuis. Ihajr "too »ot«d to adl U.elr oW rtUa.«o» at.a torn Ow prccceda wrer u> U>a Bom" UimltmSoelMr' — ^ The mwUBipi in hahaUoT th. mtnUoaary work o^"-^ « l e a n BaptUrt Pi.hl.oaUon war. U i l n S T i ^ ^ doTlnc th. «<»k, (a. 1. moaita Atlanta), bat U.7aodS«.

A iWkr raport h r ^ ^ Ih,

Jtod at Kolbacrr Otora. Htrtlbrd cooaty, reeeat y. ^ h ^ ^ n ^ ^ o ^ t b . Chowan lOrnnriiJi^^:^^^,-^

^ 1. A r»d flaw ^ ^ • M . -SoMnfcr. Tha BaMth BapilM Fcmala toaUl^

—to". _-P™r. Badd, ot V ^ t^ in

anry.lnocg^aaa.aadddlTmd with markad^i*^ ^ p a u n t «,ua, p«»o«« . u th. h. at ftom tmr loMnm tiaa. tn, jtMuawutoT^

' 'U^eoodaetad hjr Bro. Ftaa,.

caprtla Of aiH^auaa

Bulbar I> Jalr. Maridlaa,

« toai^ on Frlda,

^ ^ -Dwta,

T H i f i 8 7

'BMr e m v * aamBis m i tbat tr BAT as DOBiSmimii


n»i Bdllor, AasoTar,


at iaadctaapor aid.

MMlasaialilaK rHMtplaa

»wiaB¥W5ra etiiad wmmttj

th* ecdlaaBaei «< ObrM

M, and alTiaa otadthia


ehnr^or^ a poaoaal telUi la CBUM, i

' * Ckan* reUljr. 1. Baptuu bfllava that a ChrlWUn ehsich U a tocaQooa-

fncaUoa.aad com Plata la ItMlt a^dlSiprSdwlP^^ ehatota la ahaolntatr aoTanlaa

^ Th«fu1<kSi eiiareh Chr at wnaitttad tha Hria goardl-aoahlpaadoootiolortha and Mmlnlalarlna naatlii

4. That ao atoStaoea ot eeela •SKTclaad aava by a local ehoreh.

S ThataMh loeal ahnrch aloo* la lavaaM with aU aeela-•laMleal powcr-powar to riant aad eommlmlon and dapoaa lit owa affiean,-powar to raealva, dIaelpUoa aad axehtda llMown BMiabaaa.

•laUacalahtBC raU<7 BUImImI —ytlata. n * Boa<4aw|nUtloa ol hantan aoetallM aa Bertrtatal

ah«nihaahraiBaatloa.mlnlatartalac iwiialMtlr • alllaaM or ^Mratkm that la aoaeapUfeM of

GSTwo^lattt a aqnailtr with

Kliaac* la Ilia i

omalhMd by oar iMmbanorttii&^ar aloemlatotarlal

at melMit ACMaarllc* ar Krrer.

preadied. and this tqr tbe contempt of the worldly wiae are are cmdfied.

Tbem<«alandttielesMin«fitaUistlilB: What* ever coo^ of it. glory stfll in (%rist Go In for tlda,d«Br Meads, that whether ye t« in honor or in dteboonr, in good report or in evil repot, ^rfwtlwr Ood mnltii^y your aubstaaee and make yoa rich, ot diminiah it and make yoa poor, yoa •riUgtorystiUfaitbecmof Chrtet. Ifyonhave health, and strength, and vigor to work te him, or if yoa have to lie upon a bed of languhihing, and bear in patience all yoor heavenly FWhet^ wUI. rcadlve that you wiU sUU glory in the crcaa. liBt thia be the potot of your gloiylng tbro^ghotit ycnr lives.' Go down tbe steeps of Jordan and go through Jordan itself, stifl gt<^ng to the cnw, fw in tbe heaven of gl<ay you will find that the Idood-beoght boata celetomte tbe c n n as tbe trophy of their redemptton. c. b . a.


• ^ U L


CBUVinKDTO THB WOBUk -WRshaUaoon aeetheevideneeot thia craciax-

toa iwiina ebittunpt

^ " 8*nl TO 1 g m t » n a n


a rlaaalc acbolar and a phUoat^blc thinker, a uaq of great mental powen, and fit to take tbe lead In learned clrcleB. But when FteiU began to preach Oirbt crndfled—Bab," thqr nld, " h e Is an utterfooll Ueedhimnot! " Or ^ they cried. *'Di»wn with himl H e Is an opcetate!" Tb«y curaed bim. His name brought wrath into tbe liK-eof Mil Jews tbat mentioned It, and all intd> ligent Grwka likewise. " Paul f H e la nobody!" H e WM8 everybody when be thought their way he is noboily miw that be thinks to God'a way.

And tken they put bim to op«) sbame by snv pecUng all hiii. motives, and by misrepreaenttog all bLshctiuna. It did not matter what Paul did they were quite certain tbat he was self^eeking; tiwt he waa endeavoring to make a fine thtog of it lor himself: When lie acted so tint they were forced to own tbat he was right, they pat it In such a light that t h ^ made it out to be a-rong. There were aome who denied his apoatieahip, and wtld that be was never sent of Ood ; and othen questioned bis abiUty to ineach the goapei. Bo they cmdfied poor Paul one way and another to tbeftall.

They went fbrther atUl. They deqilBed, they shunned him. His old friends Ibraook him. Some got out of the way, othen pdnted at him tbe flngtr of aeom In tbe streets. Hit pemeaton allowed their rancor against him, now atontoghim with lynch-Iaw, and anon with a amblanee of legality dnggtog him belbre the magiatTBtTg, Pnul waacradfled totbem. Aa for his teaching, they decried bim aa a baUto-a aetter iatth of stnuge gods. I daie aay tb«y otten a n n n d at the cross of CSiriat which be preadied ai tolBe days' wonder, an almost exidoded doctrine, and said, If yoo do bat abot tbe moatba erf soch men asPliul,it wiliaooiibeforgotteB.'* I have heard than aay to modem timea to lesser men, " Y o u r old-fiisblooed Faritantsm b nearly dead; era loi^ It will be atteriy extinct r But we pnadi Christ cnicUled; tbe same <04 ilodrine m tbe apoatlci

B R E V r r i B S .

Bro. Eoff, one ol tbe young mtolsten fhun tbe

University at Jackaon, is now onndoctiog meetinga

at Ridge High church, near thia dty.

The Baptist Book Hou^^ of this city, has re-

ceived a luU supply of " i>et-Washing," by Eld.

W . A . Jarrel, and can fill all ofden promptly.

W e are invited to. act as a member of a oonndl

that is to meet to Cbarieston, Ark., next July.


In our notice of "Or. Tyree'a excelleiit book,

" Tbe Gioriotts Sufficiency of Christ." we (tiled to

todlcato tbe fvke. It will be sent, pout paid, on

recdpt of 60 cts., by the BapUstt Book House.

Memphis. Tenn.

W e are In receipt of Mr. Bumns's seventh Letttt, and it will appear next week. It will be rei^led to by Dr. Onves on his return from tbe examination at Wtochester, Tenn. Mr. B. de-layed answering Dr. G.'s last Lustter several weeks, else tbe dlacusdon would have aided ere thia.

There will tie no aervicB at the First dmrdi to-« M m w , at It a. m., on aecooni of the abaotce ol tin W . A . Mootcacneiy at Btowna-y l ^ w i ^ ^ d d l y m the commepcBiaeni

Bro. T . J. fiowaa, oT th^ O ^ ucrupy h b pal|rit Sunday nlgbt:

W e puNlsb und» "Our Pulpit," this w e ^ , the addrest ddlvered before the Baptist Annlvwaarin at Santoga, by Dr. T. T . BUon, of FMeiabatg, Va., on " The Distinctive Prindpln <a Baptiata." It is a most valuable and timely productioB, and sboald receive the thoughtfdi ooa^detidicm of Bajrti^s generally.

In my arUde on ' H o w May Oar Minlatoa

Become More Consecnted ? ' I find tbe foUowIng

oron : Undasecond head the prtoter makesme

aay, 'he successfully aflsnmes every argument,*

when it aliould read, • he sncceasfuUy

every argument.' And under tiie tliird head

wages' Kbouhl read 'wage.'"—.A. J. JHuoetU.

W e notice with pain tbe death of Bcv. S. B .

Gregoiy, of Bacrunento, GU.. pastor of tbeSeeood

cburdi. W e learned to toveaa weU aa to highly

erteem him, tbe few days wespent to Sacrameuto,

— a devoted Christfaui and a hdMriuia and edf-

aaeriUdng minister of Chriat. It ia well with

him. Weextend ouraympathies to his atri^an


CHABAcmuanc .— W e wrote to the Now Or-

leans €Mitkm AdvoeaU^moa nquertad qiaeB in

tbat paper to eomct, in moat cxmrteoos k ^ M f e ,

the grasa miflatatementa of Mr. Btnincdyi of

Arcadia, La., and>tbe editor reeoses. This to not

Chriattan, bat diaiacteristleally MisthodW, Joar-

nattam—aoocrespoident wOl wiUfiiUy

lent, and the editor act as bla accomplieel

"Bev.xxiL9seem«toteaditbatsainti do be-o m e aogeb."—iT. a. Boorer, N.t. Not in the least—Utenlly, " I am thy fieUow^ervant, tall tbe angda are only tbe servants of Ood Maainto are, and therefore oar idlow-eervaata and tha MlowHservantB of the pn^bets}, and tbe MIow-MTVut ef all who keep the aayiE«a of thia book.'* Angids are our JieUow-eervanta Is tbe tao^t.

Bro. & F. D k t e m wiitaa w ftom 8 t Joaaph,

Mo., that the dootriae aad p o ^ advooalad fay

this'paper are ateeady to tha aaunrtaiwy, aad

npMly tocrnesli^ la h k wghn—piaadi for tha

Lectares and for tlie eompMioa of tbe Bevan


Bev. T . J. SlnM, of M e » a i H y . Texaa, odled

to this weriuas be paand thromdi thectty.en

rooto to L d p ^ Oensaay, wheia ha iiatiuin to

^ n d a yew. Bro. Bton la a noit aatimaWe

yoang mtoWar, aad we gn^ly ei^qyed hia visit.

H e la a gndnato of the Unlvefslty of Mladarififi

aad ot the Soatbem Baptist Tbeoiogkml Seminary.

During hia watdawce to Gecmaay bla ooataa of

stndin WiU be piindpidly coaAaed totharlsariew,

historical and sctanUfic.

Bro. Rhodes, of Chliforala, aeoda as hia expqpi-

tion of John ill.S, ia which ha taJras "bora of

water" to reter to water baptiam, aad te thia, be

aaya, aome of his brethren l»aad him with

'KJampbelliam." Beoaaae Otmpbetliten, to eom-

moo with OathoUn and Pralartaals,wnrt this to

support baptismal iigtiueiattoaand aaleatioa, by

cMistrnlng kii^dam of heaven to nawaa ultimate

glory, some Baptists have been Inanencidto make

It reliK to anything ciae. At the reqaeat of many

we are prepariag a a m o n for pabUcatton on tiUa


Tbe admirable artidai on the " Thraa Cntdfix-

ions," which we plaoed to tbeodiladal eatamna

during tbe ahsenre of the (dU«4a-ehlei; at-

tending the commeneemente «if our achooia to

Tenneasee, are adccted from one of Spargaoa'a

beat sermona. W e trubt every patron of thia

paptr baa read them thougbtftilly, and will turn

tm^ and re-read them, and t l ^ de^ie the

momentous quesUon wltlcfa every pro>»^<d Chria-

tian should dedde with him'rifi Have I ladasd

hew c m d l M with Christ t A m I crodiad unto

the work! ? Is the worid crudBad nnto tte^ or

does my life say, that I have idaased thia Bamb-•

bM and coi^gned Chriat alone to tin omaf

C .C . Brown, Sooth QuiiUBa,aa old atadipt


qrmpathy with Tata duagams'ilmK' W

these brethrsn owe It to tbemasivaa aad to tha de-

nominstioo to come frankly forth aad nnfffiniii or

disavow thdr sympathy with ftoLt^. W h y

does PtoC Braadns remato to camp, ^bile hh feUowxaptatoa are doing battla tha h k h

idacM of tha field, in delteee of the v e r U ]»4(a-

ttoa of Qod'k word? U to h k drpartmaat that

infideUty haa tovaded - why to his award, tir Iba

whole year pe«t, undrawn? H o w c u he, wltboot

the leaat apparent coBoetn, witnen thto ooaiai* far

the supreme authority of God'a word, and abika

Qota btow? Hto poaitioa to to ns aa lagtokoaa

one. Uever.UtoaowtbeMaatercallelh twUbi .

a a Brown, to the A p M Coaricr, Sooth Ur-

oilna, writes: " A petrifledorthodoxy baaalnMly

KoiUutined Prof. To^, the priaee of Ataokaa

adtolara, [?}. Othen mart foOow, and tbqr are

entering tbe field already." TbatheolcBy tan^t

by Boyce and M i u ^ to here Ubeilcd br &to

"tom-tlt" ofBoath Chroltaaaa a petrijBrtT rtho-doxy, and that ita qilrit to toqaiittarbd. K to a great diabooor to tbe Seminary flnt a pQaHarii«SQcb vlewiand dnald bear «ay of Ua diplomas, and yet he shbihs togk«y la tbe

report that one-third of tbe atadeota Idt tfaa Ban-

Inaty last year to taU Kympathy with the tuiiii^

Tlewa of FrotToy. It to a aad tet that thb to trae of aome of hto atndento—mtoarten BOW occoh pying praninenl paatthms—n tbdir ruMtohrd

aitideB evince, and thto tKt makea it fba inponi-

Uve dety of thoae piofceon dhaigedwUb bdding

like TiewB to fitO/patge tbaawivn of emiy aa*. pidcB of sympathy with P R ^ T o v .

A test to giveo by tha OMtfaa tentay Oat

aoeewOl deny to be waallag to vt^pw: ^ U w m

a n wHIlag to do what aobody olae win da^ n

wbel odKidy etoe WiU bear,it to ttoeo wa areazt lv lar ia^ potot o f a d i ^ l ^ nqoind In t b e t e ^ S m : " ^

Page 4: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah

88 AKOre FQ* PB&CB.

1 • AtMthattataid.Ma viMm. ^ wrrt : fcr f Hut Ota tnut tfbiU thatetttaa

or Ita Wa Itu UMlbU at UM ay; Ajr. a M ^ •• 7«a wmM iwJtaainB;

Ajr. tena.mi tt, uijr«»taT»<taB« •• nmamlMfwi aaaljaatjoa in boma

JUMlaUUmtfajranodU' Uiaaaa. IW «to <i»u lum tiNMl vlttaoot IMor T

who hara MK vllhoat ptln? Aad vtatfuU toid «mr wtth Ua BaiSknTr VUb pniaiwar paan wttb Iba Cbrtnr

Tfca m m BBw tajr taod oo »tr lja»»w: Mar »laa> aaat dlaftaoa, Um ndl ttaa:

Ma* ifcia mam. a. Wood rtaUu At«iaa« to baanUftel baici;

Mar ihmui tbam la bteek OU ibar tot w Aa atooito wttli that* (taotrna of taan: Mar irtad aa to doat aatf t u ^ Bi. Mar tha jtao, Ob, Uta i^Ulaa jrWB:

Tka ymai^ (tf Oultt an barond Umbi : Tlu tnttba br Uta Vaaaiaaa Mclil,

WltftttatnuBpof Owaaaapoa tl)aa^ Xbar aadma aa ;;hcmsb atpa m n nancbt:

IhaiUaartamajdiUDiap Uj, joajjUlai, Eire* plaoa tha plattt.

«««r«!»• plaaa»iba moomaina, MOTtBtalaa ratom la tlia main;

• ' '" '"•"•ntallnni oraaaaaMr uka giaaa; bat Ui« nfgs

oritaMaaaieUaaadTaxatkiiis U«am, BO, a»»ara atalo.

Ga Mrtt totba OaUaaaOManrlnc, Hue aoBaa aod ba glad aa ran so ;

Turn* an taada Uiat taka root wtlboot mwJo,. And bw* aoBM fttUt »hathar or no.

Aad tba loa ihaU iltliM «ooa«r or latar, tJwwh Uu mldal«« bnak gnoBd on tb. noni.

^nM apfMl roa to Cbztat. Uia Creator, to Btar-li^nlad Tlma, Hla to«-bom.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — JSaSrMi" MOtr. SUXMM&Y. .

•r^B. a. THaAcnrriaoi: "The leoepted,and we think

•cxipdmUdoetiina touehing the Soppw ia, that tt mint iia apnad 6y lome church; that each «iMiroh SI duuged to aee that only Scriptandly quaaflBdpaaoBB partake." We think this view

mOimA oautA to mtmaBftilly wntrovortsd. « « ttw Btriptaal qaaUflcttloos? The

" The pMwqniaitea to the Supper

OD the 28th ^ y . ^ •ad bid &lr to i»e sacowfuL from it acain aooo^

nadjoiebegiiii. ^ e hope to hear

T t o a r t ^ by B«r.T.x..Craig upon the -Many Manriona" we commend to ^ e a t t e ^ „ . J r ^

A negro man waa hanged at Star Clt, lau another id to be hanged a^xt

Friday at Warren. The one hanged at Star inniderBd hi^ wife, and made a fuU confteioo oi tt under the gaiiowd. He said he murdered her ^ ^ t caune. and deaerved to die. The one to to h u g ^ at Warren murdered Mr. Edwards, of a^ t i t t l l o , a hvery man. We have not heard of IUb making any confeawion.


pBDfCIPLE, in the Hen% in which we use the term, meana, " a fundamojtal truth or tenet."

In mattes of religion there are certain prindria or teseta around which aU the truths ot the BUtie jiMter.aad to aacridce these prinaples, or hold them tooseiy, makea our religious (aith mere

Thobe who have no religioas tenets which they hold as fundamental n e w b ^ anyj i^Uve t e ^ o n y against error, for they have

tooPPOfle U unless thejr hold «niethlng to to true. But u . t h ^ hold that j w m e i ^ as true and vital, and thit opposition to " i s dangerous error, that tomeihina held to to troe is a i«inciple or tenet.

Now tf we have rdigious prindpla at all, we tofiiithfaltothem. He who denl« tte

ftm^ental prindples of his religion denies the author of his rdigion, and becomes a traiUw to the cause he has espoused, and one enemy in the camps can do more harm than ten without In order m to Bsithfnl to our religious prindples, we must personally act them out in ourUves. We must prwsice what we preach. We must convince the world that we are in wnieat by our uniform

testimony. We must not to content to hold these prindpla ibr ouraelves and five them ta oar Uves bat we must use every possible means

. 80*7 p n y ^ CauM In tha iMof thAordiitanee w&anmrftlsohMmd." WeaBk.4focBthfacoo-diatoB nm ii— i ily IbOow t Ifao, tbemembaaof one church offvertotefnvitHl toputldpate with CBoffior u r d i In pTtaVtwy of the Lord's Kqppffr, ftv a is thflfirr%]|i« to partake •• wherever it ia ohMsmd." If tlUspaBitfoncaii tosntained, ttftdlawalhatdnndi niembeoilttve some r ^ t s to ehnrch piivilegai ia othn (AurdMa bttidM their own. And then tt foOnwa that each church is not hidependeBl, ainoi those outside of its men-tomhtp have righta thcsdn, and each church hM juriadh^km over the membeia of ibibsr diuichea. "Win Bro. QamhreU aJBrm this <o be one of the landmarto of our dewmiinntlon T Wetliinka*^ Then EJb poHilian irast to dafeetive, onlen there b a aUlaey ahoot our n m d n t , and if than fa we hope be wOI ahow it.

£av. J . F. Hinann, of Mlndea, La., wri ts that h« m d i cpr "a jmrna iy" every week, and fa nuKhpteaaed wfthit; that lUs chnrcha ate all in a pcspeftmB conditio^ and that th e ^ are receiving Qwmhen by czpeianee and toptism neady evoy meeting. WercjdcetohearthfagoodittwsfhJm Bro. HinBaB*a OkM at labor. Bia e n t ^ the ministry in Arluuisas, and haa beat very socoesB-Ad in 2Tatth Lauiaiana.

"Oundan fa an imporlaat pladb, btr mouiB it riMuIdtoflCBBpfad. Thaehnehatpnamlhaano psitar. Bm. JaoieaBa radgaad on aocount of h b health, and baa aeoq tai work w State evangeiiat. Tha church needs a'atinint a u n that win coatrait himself with the anmitiidiii|B and work till a brigbtardaydawna. Sbey ars not ahie to pay a Iirge salary, but am wQUng to do tha beat they

-A ifemsBtt Bro. Fawcdi was at pundm «i*tli*-Biath. Jameoo and C U i ^ n ittai&Ming,fnttiwliBacetowiote OB iMe

opposeus. IT, In order to court the firvor of these enMista, we compromiae our prindples, we not only prove ourselves traitors to the truth we proftas to hold, and thereby justly forfeit the fel-lowBhip of our own br^hren, but we also forfdt the respect of our opponents, for whose friencbhip we compromised our convictions of truth; for no <me can reBpe<et a traitor, and he who will sacri-tke his prindples has nothing left tbat deserves

tt it is a sad fact that many act as though they dther held no r d ^ o n s prindples at all, or, if they do, they do not regard such principles' as worth maintaining and propagating. ThescnsaUed Baptiat who makes no sacrifices to attend his churdi meetings, prayer-mei^iigs and Sunday-schoids, who don not contribute of the means with whldi the Lord has intrusted him t» btUId tqiair and ftimish the churdi-hotEie, who cwh tributes nothing to have the gospel preadied faith-fully and efBdenUy, and to have t to prindples of Baptists fairly represented before t to world, I«ovra hinwdf a traitor to t to prindples he has pobQdy, and ia t to name of t to Fathe-, Son and Holy ^ i r l t , profflBsed in Us topt&m and mem-beBhipinttochurdu I t is possible that there are those who are Baptist in-name flrom fiirce of dr-eomatanes, who have never Investigated t to tenets of our faith for themadves in t to light of t to Scripturei, and who really have no wdl defined rdigiona {MtisdpleB at -aO. T h m are merely santlmeotalists, whose rdigious faith con-^ In impulae and Heeling. Such do not care how much dangeroos error a man holds and teaches, so he fa a nfce, smooth speaker, and says Bolt things that make them fed g ^ Sudi w o ^ leave their own maetingj to heara man of some ottotfalth.preach, if to happened to be » better ontor, or in9 XBon popular Tim tto nuases tluu

their own minister. Such never flsel t to necessity ^ Baptirt preaching. Like str*y cattle, thCT are

to graae in w t o d y ' s pastur*. But the la oofc plifaiedwiththljcouiBe. If ashep-

herd had a flock of costly sheep to would not to willing for them to giaae lor a aingia day in a PMture known to to thickly set with pobonoos weeds. And can t to Good Shepherd, who gave hfa life for hfa sheep, to indlfliarent as to t to pae-turai in which ttoy graze? Such balf-ud half ^^ptists do our cause no good, and are a poaiUve

to t to progress of our prlndplas. Self-^ v ^ S " ^ "now. ooght to Inspire them to ^ e higby ground, and to fUthfbi to thdr prin-d p l « or abandon them at once and leave t to Baptist ranks.

^ is the faith of Yu ^ tolieveand pracUce

The prindirfes of our faith are formulattd into o ^ n tenets, and these are based dthor upon a pomve command or a plain example of Scripture. i b ^ . m fundamental, and must to fldthfiilly raalat^sd. The true witneme of Jesus tove held them from the days of the apoaUes till now, Mdfer which many have suffered their property c h e a t e d ; many have been incarcerated in P ^ ; many tove been driven from their homes to seek shelter in the defts of the rocks: many tove p ^ e d at the stake, amid the c u S flames^the fires of persecuUon, while some, even J ^ ^ e r i c a , have been pubUcly whipped till the o ^ n ^ oozed from the quivering flesh, and ailed thek shoes with blood. T h a e w e t e ^ y n to prindples, and shall we who bear t h ^ nobie name prove recreant to the trust our profes-sion No, thank God, there will to a nmnant, according to the decUon of grace, who will never ^ t e r , but when tto Master ^metT tS make up his jewds to wiU find them occupying ^ kmgdo^ and eame^rtly contending f o V i ; tjuto onro debvered to tto saints. "Fear not, little flodc, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."

" KUm aa bia throna bhi pnuBlae ataod*. And b* can writ aoeai* Wbat l*v» eomtnlttca lo bta luuids. 3141 tha daetidva boor.'

• DR. TM^Oet OVH. SiBOXBCOM.' g B O . 6BA V£S:—I see In T h e Baptiot of t to " t t t h i n s t , your sermon on Acts xix. 8, Which I hlghlyappredatefor Its deantess and thorough-ness on that subject. But I was surprised to see at the doee of Dr. T ^ ' s , of Cklifomia, these words, "Tto t ApoUas and t to twdve remained as they were, they must tove gone to perdition, for they had not been immersed the full, the rounded oat, and, wtot had now been t to faith of Xesus Christ. Aud into this they must to im-mersed, if immersed at aU, or perish." Does he mean to say immersion is essential to salvation ?, Q d . May 17, iSSO."^' We suppose to understands tto force of his own

language. We believe it true with respect to the twdye disdples, because they were evidenUy not I t e r a t e d , but not true of ApoUas, who tod ^oubUos been toptized by John upona profasion ol repentance toward God and iUth in Christ

" I N MY NAME." A N UlitOTte countryman sold a lot of fir®.

toak.wrenauked thocountryman. •awmed the gentleman;" totro w i t h S t S S ; .

rf psper to t to tonk, ha^l i t t o ^ ' ^ S ^ S d K l y w the ^

not toen tar tte n ^ t to e o u ^ ^ ^ l ^ X

T H E B A P T I S T .

bit ot OOI8 or Sabbinens about such men; and t to blows they stmrk tor tmth, givm with aU the force of earnest faith and dear cmivictinn, shook Satan's throne. But in these days the land Is flooded with books that are ndther hot nor cold, which dedare no dear bdlefa or duubta, but are like " a landscape covered with mist," as t to London limtM said of Dean Stanley's theory of

union. " They contain a great many truths." Oh, yes; put in a half-hearted waj,-, in poeUcal language, pertops, and with great wealth of learning; but they contain errors also, which will be certain to do thdr deadly work in the aoul. For, as ituskin says, " Medicine olten fails in ite effed, but poison never." The good seed often fall on barren ground and is choked by thorns, tot tto bures find no soil too barren, not will the good seed root out theevlL The error wiU

eifed rather than the truth. Paine and Hume are comparatively .harmless beside these men of half-faith and half-doubt, who are "Uberal" and unwiUing to tove thdr •• individuality," wtoir ever that may be, 'Icramped by crteds." Would t tot men were dther or hot! Would that they dther accepted the Bible as God's word, or r^ected it utterly! Would ttot they either n -cdved Christ as tha Divine Redeemer whom tto Scriptures reveal, ot rejected him as an impostor! But our enemies wiU not array themsdves thus; they will continue to scatter their writings, scwnd here and unsound there, approving one truth and explaining away another into rarified mist, to " decdve, it It were possible, the vwy dect." It l>ehooves us, therefore, to redouble our efforts to place tofore the peoiJe an atondance of whole-some literature, teaching t to truth in its purity.

In all t to work in which we, as a denomination are engaged, there is none mote important, none more needini or more.urgent, none whose neglect WiU more surdy destroy qs, " t h e fooUshneas of preaching " alone excepted, than the work of our Publlcattim Sodety. M we would tove our chU-drea ria^Uy txatned^ oat. preachcn thoroughly

help on the evangeitam of t to w«M, by ineaaa of this literature. There fa no renoa wby all t to BaptMsof the land should not join in tiUs work. Tto stream whldiflo«miiowlstota narrow riU, compared to what It will to when t to B ip t i ^ of America rally in t h d r strength to t h f a c a u * . God hasten the day when it shall be, as in t to piophdir vision—up to t to ankles—up to t to loins—a great sea, whidi no man can cross! If we wUI do our duty with idl our hearts, feeling in every fibre the importance of t to truth, loaUiIng with all our souls whatever Is false, no matto- tow brUliant, till we iro like Paul in oonrage, love, and determlnatlnn that meo shall to aaved from sin; with t to Holy Spirit ipdng before us, nations would to bom in a day, light break out over all the worid's darit pfacses. whence t to foul shadows would forever flee away from a purified earth and a ransomed race, m the Millennial

eiMRtfal to thdr creed or ^ p s t « B 0 ( i e 0 | ^ But Baptlsta hold tbat baplkm can ooly to adofinla-lered to t to «ved, I to nitSMrrta h«Ml. ttaw-fore ttore caa to nonecoadty larlfaadnriBistr^ tlon except as an Initlatoiy rila lato t to ekanb. Aa an a d of obedleoee It fa no-moPS eswMtlal »toB oining t to cJiurdi. AdmUUateKid u y t to authority of t to mlnlAer, whwte no cimtk oMb, oonftm no church privOegw, m d neUtor Ito

i i L litL iiiw i j -'tTrrfni r • ^ . And thfa grand work fa to to deM.hy Ican BaptliA TubUcaOon Sodc^. I t fa thimq^ tbfa Soddy we rniHt labor, building op and tUd-lug It by every means in our power. Too long has thfa woric been left dilefly to one dty, airi especially to one noble family of Ood-fearlng m ^ and women, who, with a suUlme devotion to the truth, have tome, well nigh alone, t to burddi whldi God meant for the stnrdy shoolders of two and a half million Baptfats. It Lj time tor us to work, not simply by making speeches and pasdng rcsdutions, tot by, first, giving more liberally to t to Missionary Department, ttot the poor may to supidied with the truth, and those who are ih-diiferent may to induced to read; and.secoM, we

buy thfa litmture oursdves, talk about it, and persuade others to toy also. We need to en-large the operations of th is Sodety, that tii^ may have mwe means to disseminate the-lltentare that to written, and to employ the floest minds to write few them, that their books may to to a h ^ and more Interesting tton those which teach emv, and so may command attention by tto talent shown in them, as wdl as deserve it by thdr fUtl^ folnev to truttu

Every day the need for the wodcs of thfa Sodety grows more and more imperative, as every day t to dark stream U mot Sows, eyer-Mdenli^, from » thousand presses. The stream of pure water must rush forth on its deanaing way, re-slstieas In ito God-given strength; dse we and our childi«n shall to swept away beneath t to d i A wavOKtfpoUatlcm. Thfa land tora|ddly becoming a vast Uteiary Augean stable, and there fa but one Bci«nIeBV^ho can deansett^ttie American Bap-tfatPublicatkn Sodety. And feeling thfa, ftdlt^ tt more and rtuae keenly every day, I toTs'i^e to ^Ig^ with aU t to eamestnesB I can commuid, u ^ l ^ SkptfMa MKmtded ia ooondl I would tnga B^?thto evoywiMre. to pdsh f * ^ thfa woi* with all poalUe oideavar, (»witfhg no lime, nor labor, nor moaer, wasted, which can

Day dawn upon an unbroktn band of Baptists endrding the worid. AUTHORITY TO BAPTIZE-THE VIEWS


AS thfa question seems to to one of considerable interest just now, and fa no longw a mere

ahstracUon, tot a practical lasue, I iwopose to ^ the view* of one layman, wto in years past had thought it was a setUed qoestion among Baptfafa, with poBibly here and thee an excepUon, that tto authority to administer the ordinances was vested spldy in the local dinrch- And with tto vast hosts of our Intdligmt and Bible reading laymen, and ministers as wdl, thfa belief-fa sUU main-tained.

Christ fa t to only law-giver In hfa kingdom, and he has placed the executive power aomewliere. The questton to to dedded is, in whom or in wtot organixitton did he vest thfa execuUve power? M In t to local churdjes, whldi oansUtule hfa kingdom, then the dratch alone has power to execute them. It in the ministry, then tto min-ister alone has power to administer Uie ordinances and pceadi t to go<9d, and can do so wiUioat i to ^ianeOatt or eoacttmBes ot the dundk. If ttoy to^tfe^tto^tittfeNrtttrM

f mlnMv

cburctos norttowoddregi^ Ite ndplBit member of Christ's kingdom. BaiiUBm faa pohUc protearion of Christ » our King, u A toUi tto

rdation in tto nooomy of a Otoiattei diurch ttot aa oath ttf allagianoe do* to t to body politic. ABoathotall«gianoe.or prtiBc iwof^-tion tto poaon as a dtteen or nfclacl, fa will and vdd Uadmlnfatared outddatto JoiadkStaaor the rtate or kingdom. Thfa wia tiated during tto ^lateunplnaaantti—" 8o with baptfam, tto public prefasston of a u faitt In Christ and our atoK^aace to him « XlBf .

But, says one, mlnistecs can bapUat m thdr o w n r e ^ K f f l r f b i l ^ o i i l y l n e x o n i f l o B a l ^ l ^ there fa no chmdi. Whfch means that CfarlM AOJed to inak» pnividoa te ava tyeBtageaey t t o t might arise in t t o propagatiOB of t t o g o s p A I t o New Teatament fa a fUl and ctBnpieto n m i a t k B , andadmifaafaoexeeptioaB. No ehnrch cr hody of men on earth tos the right to ami^ or amfaid tto faws given by Christ ftg the admfttfaHalfam of the orflinf tha guvamnent of hfa dmrehes.

Tto examplp of Philip toptlxliig t to «nuKh fa brought forwaid to estabUsh thfa new t k y y . Wtot Phnip did was under tto tmmcdlate ffliec-tkm of Ins5»iiation, and certainly na iiilnli*« dalms to to spedaioy InqilrBd ta pcrfgna thesa baptisms. Whenever they can dww t to mna ipedal authority In tto«ame«pBdd w a i o w l d phOip, aien they can ScriptaraOy artmlnfatw Mditoptisma. BrsldeB, P h i l i p w a s a d e r o ^ hdd no ddegated authority hy ^ Uoo. \n iy cannot otherdeaenostothemet^ if thfa fa acaselnpiant? JtJmttoB^^tfattop^ without hlmsdftoving recdved b ^ ^ S ^ l r J " Vf^ imtMntlasd mm to admlnWy top-

there are tot two ocdltiasees In t to dmreh, awl t to same faw must of tooodty gtmrn both.

I »iaim that an authority to preach t to gospd and administer tto ordinances fa vested by Cnrfat alone in hfa dmrdMs, and wiUMUt t to sanction of some one of these no man has t to right to do the one or tto other. But t to idea fa advanced ttot by virtue of ordinaticm the churdi re4degated her authority to tai^ixe. Bat just whero the church gete thfa authority to transfiar or diitt Ite responsibili^ on the shouldets (^heta fa not stoted. Beddes, it fa a well-known axiom that ddegated antharity cannot to re-dd«gated, and thfa bdag t to case, she could not if sto wouSd, andstiIItolQyaltoChrfai,re-ddegatelKiantlirrity to any man or set of men.

If there fa any one questioa In thedogy more universally conceded than another, It fa that top-tism fa the Inltlatoiy rite, or, as it fa sometimes tamed, door. Into the kingdom of Oirfat, and If so It must Inttfate into diordi-tellowship, fiir m one enters t to kingdom ChrM set upon thfa earth e x c ^ by connectloti with a dmtdi.

Even those who administer t to ortUnance as a sacrament or means of grace, toptiae Into their serversl organizations. With them who thus be-Deve and teach, it follows as a logical tonMty that the mlnfaten tove oi^ority to toptfae w h e i e ^ and whenever a sntject fa fouod, for death might ensue aikl the person to lost bddie a church could to reached; but even they toptize Into some diurch. Whenever a OtthoUc priest adminbtenirtiat to terms bHAhoD, t to n l i i m to tonceforth regarded as « member of t to OsthoUc dnat& WiaOkthoHcradFrotaMatttdeacHai^

penKHlB ww*e| W aiiy reasoifa leaifiBg to thfa vrtide of thdr fatth Is t to fact Biatb^)ttetti confers fegenteatloo of toart, and transforms tto sinner into a Oufatiah. I t fa

^'idm^Urihmli^malMmmt W v . ^ of ordination, rdalndsaie or JLaOar^ddctilM af Justlflcatlbn by fUth. Too mfgld think tkfa would to fatal to Inlaat baptfam i a i t o U A m church. Not tqfany meana. Tto falUi fa dde-gated by the parent or sponsor to t to InfaBt, n d thus t h ^ exercise'faith. Soma way tod to to Invented to get round t i ^ point, t te t ta t l in i toi arp to to ojolea into ttotoUef thatUxTUtlMXlae toptism, hot ttoy da B wtoB tbey ordalM i t o mlnfater, and to ever aftetwanfa judges for ttam of tho soondniM t t o faith and t to fltaaa «f t to appQcant for the ordtnance. Aiiy oo»om n » that thfa virtually takes t to Mdltontea out of t t o jurfadidioa of t to drarttos, and pfaoss thorn la tto* bands of t to ndnfatiy?

I t fa MKtted that a minirter toa tiia a n u authority to topOse by virtue of U i ordlaatloa that t to governor ot a State ban to a u n t e Ito pardoning power. Let ua see If ttoy are aadaguas. Xtfa not denied by ttoae wtotoid to thfa SMDiy ttot the gospel « w contmnBd to t t o driMMs— ttot they are tto enciOlve pOwar, aaS-an ta-sponsIUe to Christ fbrtfa p n ^ axenfioa.^ I t fa therdbrea ddqcatalpawar. T to aathoHty af a govemw to pardkn fa • ddegated auttority, cna-feitM apoB him byttopeopfa^amogb Itoimper diannds. But can the gonmor i»i1i<Bgata kfa ddegated aathonty? Ctaa teaot toc teaO*!*^ of t to Supreme Court to eacicelsi t to iputfaalag power? E^ao tnaaiia. AH povor In li iipalUlt -

tTaoicu. v Mw iv MUM * - - r"" tkms t to tnlnfater fa virtinBy Tested wIOi raprnoe atithority Ih judging of t to faith or fltaea of — — — ^ — — — pmnst tnl t lngwit t i tbem.aBdaMort to necea- aathotlty if U b a a ^ l i m m O j

JIVWCK 4 JUJ MV liiUBiiai AM J^ww m a i y r e fa fehocBt la t to people, aaS aS a i t tadty «nr -dsed t v their ofBeen la ddagalBd.

In t to bands of laJudldaBB ordalgBlvgaaifai under thfa theay, wIdMprwd coii^idiM aad !•• catodaHeif^aty wodd to dooa to t t o mm of Chilit Bot t to chanlMi eaa t d * w m r thfa

Wdl let m iM how t t ts wadoi tlcaliy. Watavakaowaaiood iDany iHlu la our day when chatdwi atlwuptod to slfaBa^

Page 5: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah

a H A . t ^ l & J * .

' o n t l -r i n n r a M t a b e

I H ^ ,iw«Biiiwa, i u d ,

f! j l i t a r K k m i i o t « « B Um o ^ . f i i n i w f c b w b e m

t « l t m « W f b f U m M u B i A ttartJiwtoiMrt htm. S o Jifa hirthfiwi j w a d rttody fawUd. I a f i l e ^ UVtm a i a l i t e r bKnOam Tfirtaeof onUnatkim a i d Um v o t e of a e k a n k s M p t y admibi t o eborefa n i i i t l i n , t l w i V e e l K t e v q q U te amnrthartwd a u m i K f t U a c f s t L e t o ^ of U M d u u d i . tteaoIdiMt tardftiiiaed UuU u y «l«iBat Ja t h w i B f w M w r e o a l A i t o w a a t O a A a a t b i n t t r n f O m , ^ w m s o t u o O e B r i i e i ^ i i d t t a r w i m g a g * / M p « g . l y n o t w a w t n l r t u r i m

T ^ l i i r t ^ t H ^ in* ffrf irrprfiT.nntlwritjr o f i i im cfaggih, I j i i w p * t t e ? o t e w w t a k e n i b r • tolaBjr d t f i a ^ p m y w , faioi o p d a Ida o w n , for v t a t w r s i m d I m n rnifcmil b y oidi i ia i ioo h a d i M M n t a i m i a w v - t f a d E t t U B M a l e o f t b I i i » , a n i l v i l j k t ] # tiav a t t lw a i i t l i a r i ^

t o . d c r I b o a r e f a a x d i n w b o l u m fcpettm^swt a u n y . t h a a a u i d a c w n

r j p p i f .|[LB<»«r lae'm o r t d ^ . w l a k l M c thty ewr baa o a j f t o A l l o w

^ B S XiAST j P A P E B , E T O . Y : O O K k M t l M a ( K a . S . ) i B « N ! a r t f a e l m t Q C f i W ^ beatoT ttaaataaqo, w f a B e l R c a n i a a e k i i a a K -b s a a ** p a r a g o i d " csatalolnc; M n D o a w d a i t t e k a wot t l iy o t repeated n a d i a g a m i d p r a n r y a t i o n

teaplMitlaJiifciUtiH. G h z M b ^ t b e a a t t w r o t g i n toliyn, and j f a i j ^ l a a Iwrnidlaaiaaa

anoKtiitalgr d o a a i .^geueA u p , a n d dlff l-aOiim p i i i i i t i i i l OaU a ^ at ao KtaUoai Ht l a p i t j a o t U a c r i M t t ^ • A « H a t a U e i a t e e a M a D , " a ^ t t e m o d wrthwitortif a n d " a d T a a e n i " oT t b e N«fr landmariEeni i r i B luadljF'tafcanAHEB b ^ i n d tbia tnhnuJc o f apoataear. W h i t e mmm a n b»-•WHUng tba i a d e g e n d k n e y o f t l i e e b i i z d w a , t i w t l a p baan the p t o a d boMt at a n t h M o r f c a l

• i i w d M " fiom U w t i s r o r t t e a p M t i a B B B t a n o w , Umqp b a s i l y d e e m i t pait i ie t o g o t o t l i t e utaamot "caDtniiatttm'* fo tviiaid thk ai^a-a o d f f ^ ai>rtdtirirginf<iiiKtiwgy.

I n t o w i n d a c g a a l a i t i m la t b a p e a n n b a p t i n d b y mtnialarial aBtbadty ? N o t j(a(o a n y d u n d L to t i p a la a o a a e b t h a n a a a B a p t l a t . e h m d M d . i u w ^ j n a p v l a t a t b e U a g d o n i f i r G h z f a t r C b i M iMf a a fclaf^ A t h k o B i ^ (dunelMH. A U a c d a B m i l a i i r t t l t i t t l i a i ^ t t f b p a f o d i g n m

aapeeiaUj o u r edItu 'aa i t ld leB iQMn t b e p o w e r a n d p n n v d i T C B o f a fa i r td ian ebmefa. B a t t n m back to the iaat nnmbwr a n d read the Rnmd ; ^ m o o b y F o i t o o o n H€aiVDKii,IJfiBandBe^poaal-bOttlaB," w o r t h y t o b e p o t into t iac t taaa kx oni-T a o a l d i e t d a t i o a . l ^ i e B t i i e l l i s t a a i n b e r a l l t l i Q a e tfaoogfatfai a z t i d n from t h e pen oT D r . F n t L H U a a a t i e B w U i d o o b t l a B b e t l d b . a a t b e s a l j e c t a t o b e d lwrinr i l a i e aa Impotfanf and h«ra I w o o i d a s k the g o o d I}oetor h o w i u h e { a e ^ e a l e freedom of matter-r-tt baa n o Impntnpn. o a l y nMrrea w b o i acted apon, |md constantly a i l e d a p o n , a n d a s F i v e aaya, B o o n d tet in I k t a . " I t a e a n s t o m e that freedom m only b e predicated of i n t d i l g e n t b d n g a , a n d m o n l tiee> d o m of m o r a l beincs . . W i l l t h e Doctor e x p l a i n a n d obl ige h is o a m y t e a d e n on UlIs aide <4 the B i ^ r

T b e n there ie B r a JBatfm'aai t lde on " D e n o m l -natfwial IMerBtare ," a n d t h e Impcatanoe o T l t a p n d a c t i o n and drenlat lon, a capitideBBay, w h i d I tzaat wi t tat l r the hearta of thOBMands t o w a k e o p a n d . d o aomethlng. I t ahoold b e a m a t t e r o T ffyipf^nlati^ w^*** PiwrWn ftf thp Booth and Weat UmU t h e " S a p t i a t B o o k H o ! i 8 » ' * a t 3 I ^ phtet ia In ac t ive operation a n d abie t o flil o d e i s te a l l o a r tkitwwninational Htwratnre aa clieap as t h e p o M M x i i n o f l t . I h i a i a y o o d f o r na, a n d t h e eatarpriBB ahould be l iberal ly patronlaed. W h y not aend all oar atdea t o t i i l a h o a a e i u i d a i d i n b o n d i n g i t a p t W e can g e t onr booka aa cheap a n d aaire freit^t from Phi ladelphia a n d N e w Y o r k .

T h e lettcx at B r o . Barlesoa la i n t e n t h i g , a n d B i o . M o n n ^ a r t l d e i s aoond to t h e cote u d abowa t h e dr i f t o^Bapt ie taent tmept I n A i k a n a a a . l a m a a t i n f l n d that the daya of InteraaiDmumton a n hnmbered. T h e e x t i a c t from D r . B o m t ^ aermon, ia d e g a n t a n d e o n d u a i v e t t a d the i t y d l d a n i f e r Q n C U v a i y . I t a e e m a t b a t t t i e t l ^ kglBBl artwlara are at tempUng to g ^ i n a p i a t j c a o a t Ql i b a a b l e , and G o d o o t of t h e

i i b a p i p R l I n l o i o

Ibia a u H . B a t la a o ^ the anngaaa h « v i o l i i a i m r u j l a w of C f a ^

pmm t o b f a s impai lHr,an • M m t w i t . h . w ^ n t « i i ^ J t s ^ i w , n d n m k i n t , w a U o i r i a g i n beaatty l a U a k t t t o B i h e w i n the peiaaltlea <d H a U b e d l a w b e l n f l i a U M l a p a L h l m T l a Ihia not a at tange a ^ o f k l a i t o t X h a B a l i a k i a g . a a d b i w 8 g o T -anUoK tte kagito, J9t Urn rnOm can M af ldnat t i « o a a a n d da(^ U w o t b a r w i t b i a a l t t a » ] a a o f o « « g B « ^ o a t o f tbia k l a g d a w , h o w w r a a w q r t h y h a m a y p r a v e . N o oarthi^ i rao idrdign o m aocb a k ^ BotJt tdtawa hofw i t k t a o a i y ia f b a idea tf a k h i g -d a p ^ C ^ ' a a ^ at h k d m r ^ a j i d h o w o t t i ^ BciWKbai, aa i ter t h f t HHbiy» t h e d m ^ d M i w ^ M f o j u l a t t i j i tba podfar of

_ .. , , ioT.tha EflThto

| t i # n n , ] # w J x p j k a tiia " d i d p a t b a , " a m ftw t l * a d » a ( > o k d i e n g o p aoiaa a i p l d n g tacOar w i ^ : i a l a l y fBoatftaca M B u « n i i d a g m w apiwIhtiBt ipdhatf I n d g t f i l a a e a r p o l i ^ , to g^Jtu^Mdrnm^^imOmr N d r i < f t i » > a m o T a t b a m ^ a n J k t h » iafc to a w t a b i t h a

nr taai aiif aaim fa t h a dajwrninaaoi i . « <iUi« i i a i a a . d e » a i t i

A n n t & a l a f a i B i e £ | i b y f h i X l a c I a u i M r t a i . N o n a n i c a a i ^ i M l ^ i i ^ toM^a^ o t i u m Q r the g o q p d « i C i ^ to iuqr e ^ M i d i ? W i n d o a i to Im a o c m

A D s u x n .

/ w h a t a b a l l l m y — t U a o n l y t o m y brethren, r m i t A e ^ bteth-ren, 1/ y o a h a v e not l e a d a n d If y o o h a v ^ r ^ read t h e m . T h e e z f i a e t frtun tbA CUd P h l t e d ^ p h i a Onnfradnn of F a i t h provea e o n d a a l v e l y that o a r preeent wimteaale I n t a ' ^ o i p m o n l o n la a n e w

a m o n g Baptiata. I b a a i a n i i s are waJ^ng a n z i o a d y far the n e w w o d c o n " I n t e r K s m * m a a h n " .by o a r editor. I cannot d o e e w i t h o a t m y l n g T . i l k e B r o . Searey'a axttdea and m m m a i l e a aplendld ly—they a t e fliil of inftwmfittfin a ^ In-a t r a e t k o — n o t m e r e cfaafL X traat t h a t bl> M o -neetlon w i t h t h e p i ^ w i l l b e p e n n a a e n t . i a a t l y b u t not leaat, for t h e « M o a i a g e m e n t of t l i i d e J a a M B t l a t m e a a y T h e Y o a n g S o a i h la a featme In t h a p ^ p e r , i t t a g e ^ better e v e r y A t o a r hoaae wtaem there a n a o m a n y of t h e ' y o a n g

S o o t h , the <ddliQUn h a v e n o Mti t l iKtkm w i t h t h e C ^ d i i i d a A e r a n o t h a m o d h a v e l t t o

read t h e n k a a i t i c i e B a n d to j r ^ o o t t h e a i lg> OMa. I h a v e a b o o t m a d e o p j u y m i n d t o t ^ t w o e o f t a f l f the paper tbia volomeb o n e for t h e d d U n n ' h aoi« oaa. Xhla l w m d o i r i t l i p l e M i i t e If t h ^ w i U agree to r ( ^ a i i i d fie the ir p i ^ . X tookopinypm tow;^Jarta i r o i ^ o r t w o u d b a n n m <», b a t y e n m o a t e x c ^ m e . i ^ t wxtte dOen, bajt t t e p i i ^ Jttai ten to good fiv a yepr part I f d t i ^ b ^ . I Joat e o i ^

ido. J.^itam, I t e d d l t t C t o B D ^

F E Q K OBQBC^liA, A B K A N 8 A B . T ^ E A B B B O l k i E B h a n • L f e o a u a a a e ^ t b a e r e c ^ l o a a r a B i p t M d l i i ^

l a tide j p ^ h a v e e o n l z a d a d w I t t tfta to bcdid the h o a n ^ y ^ j t

B i p a a n d palnUBc. to t l ia ftimafatina

falaidrthaktpaldto.and moat o f t h a n u t t e i ^ a a s n a d . T h a alto l i a ' b e m d S U o u i , a n d t b e j^lnfp w h e n flalited w i l l bii a a o r a a i a c n t to

. M t '

t o w n , a n d a g r e a t p l e a w i r o totheBi^ptiatebCTejp " K a o e d o a i a . * * W « e t p e t t to h a v e t h e b o w e eoa^jieto b y t b e Acrt o f N u m a b e r n e x t . B a t w e w a n t Joat a l i t t le h e l p to a n a U e na to flnfeih I t A s y o o a n a i rara , w e a r e few in n o m b e r , a n d poor In tbia w o r l d s goods, a l i ^ omitribatioa from al l t h e fiieula o f o a r d i a r d i w o u l d a i d m a t o i a l l y J o t n o w , a n d w o a M b e t b a n k f t d i y r e e d v e d , a n d a p p r e d a t e d . I f a n y o n e aboold wiab to a i d M i n t h b great a n d tforlooa nnrterfaklnir, t t e y can send w h a t e v e r iamoavt t h e y a n w l l i i i « t o g i v e t o t h e wribinr, w h o w i l l k c ! ^ a correct statenMot o f the aame, a s a b o t h e n a m e o f t h e doner , a n d fimish y o a w i t h a u i e f o r pablicat ion. T b e n l is n o field w h i t e r to harvest t h a n tbia, and t h a t h a s a o f e w l a l i o r e t s . W e a n a s y e t in a d v a n c e of a n y o t l ^ organixaUon here , nmnerical ly , a n d w i t h t q e h e l p o f a good aoand B a p t i r t minister , located here a m o n s i u , w e w o u l d soon see t h e proqfwrity o f c w i ^ o d t i o a s c a u s e a c c o m ^ S d i e d . W l i l y o a a l d OS I17 a d E f i « otheta to h d p ? Y o a i o i o w about h o w w e a n aitaated, a n d can weU a p p n c i a t B o a r m d e r m i n g .

W e b a y e b e m w i t b o a t a pastor for aome t i m e , but h a v e auoceeded In aeienring this senHioea of S e o . A . J . K i s c a l e , o f Q i v t o g t o n , TIemiJ, ftrtbe n m a k l e r t h e y e a r , to c o m n i m c e In n d i t W e beiteve U s w o r k wUi p r o v e socceatfkil i n d that w e wiU b e m o c b strengthened t h e i d ^ .

M y w i f e Is I n v e r y 111 health, I fear s h e w i l l n e v e r b e w d l a g a i n . F t a y for as .

A s modondcv of t h e Oaceola B a p t i s t A a a x l a -t l o o , I a m r e c e i v i n g n u m y l e t t ^ I s q u i t i n g w h e t h e r or n o t y o o w i l l be p r m t . a n d p n ^ c h t h e l n t r o d n c t o r y a o m o n a a y o u w m m n n l m o a ^ chosen to d o , a t ' o a r i a s t meet ing. O a r n e x t meet-i n g i s S a t a r d a y b e f b n the third fiabbath i n 8ep-tember n e x t . I f possible, we w a n t y o u to come. Bf i^ect fr i l ly , J . K . P . H A U 5 .

Oaoeobt, A r k . , J u n e 1,1880.

O n w h a t subject. B i o . Hale .—£i>. ' ' ^

O B E T U A & Y .

iNed a t M a n s f i d d , I m ^ J a n e 8, 1880. BeaiU Ibfent d a i ^ b t a r of £ l d . Q^ W . and

iiptafilte'^lriffi'^ tottelrbereavenien

o n t t e Ard o f A p t l i , n e a r P i n e X e v d , In M r a ^ p m e r y o o ^ t y , A l a . , U a . Gar-nurd. S b e w a s b o n O c f o l m 12, in' ^ k s e o a n t y , . a a . . n t o r t h e o l d homestead oifbOT g i ^ d -fether, j o a a t b a n D a v i s , S r . H e x fiUhCT,Benj9. m i n Qoss, t h e s m ot Bep^amin G o ^ ' ; ^ . , or q . beet e o o n t y , G a . , m o v e d thm W l l k s to S f i ^ o n o o a n t y , G ^ , In 1809. I n - l E u t h , 182^ afae w a s baptiaed h y ^ E l d . J o n a t h a n NIchtdMw, ani) re> oelved Into t h e l i l b e r t y B a p ^ e l o r c h ^ 'near B a n d t o m . I n N o v e m b e r o f O e s a m e y e u i d w

n u n i e d to H & a m Oarrat i , ' d r i P ^ t i ^ G a . , a g n m d s o n b f JoIiq G w i a i d , o f

P o s t m e e .

M c w i m B a r r a i i B a n .

y n u n county , O a . X h t y settled n e a r D a n v i l l e In N y f f t o n o o « m ^ , a n d m o v e d from t h a t p t t c e to U o o t g o m e i y e o a n i y , A l a . , i n XJeoeixiber ^852 H ^ h a A a n d , I>eacon B i n u n G a m i d , ^ e d In N o v o n b e r 1 ^ 1 . Bha died to s h e ^ ttved-h a p p y - O n e of h e r h s t e x p n a d o n a " W " G l o r l o u s ^ I e t e r n a l J o y l "

B I G B A T C H I E A B S O d A X I O N .

n ™ b o d y w i l l m e e t w i t h t b « B e t h d chtttch, * TIptcm e q n i d y , i y n n . , o n S d i a i ^ b d b » t h a fi^ l ^ s d v to J u l , , n e x t ^ i S ^ ^

from l U M s e s t a t l b n . on t h e l f ^ ^

l o e . B . O e d c . •

t l i e m .

d l thtoga

. w e r e tt not fat a I k ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ? fdl th is poor w o d d . ^ ; ^ ^

a n d t h a t b o p e la t n l e M l b e ' i f c W n . N ^ ^ Of Q a M ' ,

m m ic M n d to <tM(lw. or wiMB y n i ^ •tmtbe•dltortorn yoai ltam,rtm vixtld OMtkr k Urar « * UM<d«kbr vriUni tlw liiMt— m w*tm totttn •it • w t e •haMocaUrofiwiMr. UwlOMTattinKTaM MMWitM ttmc »od Ub^r.iand to mora ecr

l i i ^ M t i a o U m a j r t o i u i t tA Mm* m-"oBily^aiidiirwjui tuMU l i -

t M M n r W t la i»|im» siUim

^rStecaOw on

V M « M t M a s s o n irnvt eliuccd to a dUkrmtaottoaioakyottmiuialra boU> roar i n i M t votoehw Mid vUh UM olukiic* iBMle V cannot malM etoaa— BDlyanlUa Udooa.

• • • U o v c i ^ t i b r i a l a K t i t o n wacrs p n . l a l m ^ M * m i t ^ CMljr wmwoMmitmUwko-an -watumt tar pn. mluma to tutm Uiat flnt In Meh

••«?«<%. ^ eowpleto. ttot* vt|l to flo tMvbiai. W« rff l iaw

UttU MeMiBia a i fqpocta a n r B o t t i ^ Al-• jr tnr ituiM, pg^flloe and |SMa In

, FlDTtdenoa .. kwma«iimith»JB4«* hma.

fffirnmgxmtamuti^^ , .. ^^^iMaiytdonarlwfani lMflm

ltm,SPW«itbr«ok. JUariadwi-aMteu^ e«r bat wqn a Qdcndkt dimel«r aa a Cbrta-U a a a a s p c o i i M t t n M M i t . BamwU^ n p p a f t ftw aiMtlMr j M r . tat ilMMUd noi

tlM Datrtnltr . Wm yon at* irtiat roar u o a a m a wUI n t e tir h l a t Toor niMddilaairiillalMnaii appneiaUd.

B HUI, a«o(sl»-W« hsra •splaiiMd llw LookoTwjroar flia

•MMi-Wm jr«« tmr to kor8i«.XKO««a, tkat

h T o r ^ h a d bM a»

aad tkonaawkat auaUaaitt la IhaMwIart hniM»»i«l

P r e m i a m s E i U r a o r d i i u r y !

« T i i e B a p t i s t

D e m o r e s t ' s M a g a z i n e

F a r

a a m , th« Biadd parior aaaaawaor Aiaar> lea. amtalaa Um MMttala «( aU aOMn, tpetadtac SflOM lBtui»U taiUimdciiwt-maota. n w o ^ BaUaU* ftoUoaa la an UMirdetaUi.

» o r a « M v * « m a n d H u M A n m , (pHaafKNvaad D«aora«% lIoa4Mr Ibai^ ciaa m n par aannm) wtth «>• or t t o Taallr vaiBtfiia yraBlBKR aOkcvd to' D«aiotaal to

a. AaalaeUoaaC'AjlYTWOarUM Mlaw — - ou pietara, -Xim Uoea

% to jwtoomalle B r r t w Maairtawr, thrw aC aptoDdM Seiaan, ^

E d i t o r i a l N o t i c e s .

tf I infcn-nm aad

»J«Wi.f b ^ S ^ to toSSruSi'ltSSSi

\ ran jBWicuti^^ t h a t n o m iamMr. 'v. B.Ttay«r, l« eoa-

a«^adiin^tofclial)r«adirl»<»aaiia.«taet «r jrawany^ Watetoa, Oockm. aie.

I>i««lM7Bad|«iMll«dateankapt 00 or »BttU to ardWahttort noUaa. ^ a t e B a M a l w M l d g o M t e a i b W a mpa. ^ a m p t o j * M M i m t

w o k -m w m o M to^MW iai«»rt«r. Hl» iMT bMM o ^ a f l ^ u M U M FtotodT V o ^ S W e l ^ l h W m w i r t t e a a i i t y l ^ a i d a n i r t w a ^ a a y t i d i i K t i i ^ l a tum mn liiniad togttateaacatl. t t o ^ t e M i ^ t e a d Uiat PriMOfjMNbyla ItMBt^H M M * SI pm MMi te aetto toliic. »ll«« a a d ) « t l t ^ > Ult* l i te u t w aad Mtofifd a a t ^ Mva

at O a

A t i a a t It i n m a a M i M amoMaa. m «

• Uite Mtoidaiai^to

— a e w e i b * . i l e l H » - i f c w awuHrto «Mata paMte SiVMt'aad pogaiiriijr Sir ttiait. ««iiai-ftd aad'M «iiMi tatt ler ' irMUMa i f l ^ M H l a i H W i i y i i f i a U u M . AadttteafenahM

•-gUiiiai te'arto.maaaod. - D K - a a V k ^flback M W m i ' oa* tf4*-

wrrtmtwidwnw oaswd to B>a p^aua. i n - Iw M v of aai t a M U a w p i m t M 0 1 ^ Mi tta t«ai v w t h aad awHi

T 7 . i t e f c ^ i i f e i ^ ^ t o i M w aysam jfar

' " » ! % • DMUaBtt tiattaMftaa.

I&OMarStrWitlt«rak)oUV . r adlttoa : Mat ftaa. aaS IVlB««-. tir •uridna nwralBei«ov*araar*cd ilM.ui.. w m tnw

aanuMal^ vie^ flomoiata: pd*t ft«a. U . A a UdkM* ObM* to KMdIa Wi

InbroUc^, «te ia> Haa" MMh uyadlac: P M IMv , l a . HOMAoaHiBia aad BwMljMa,. aoa-

_ J 7 . A ^ 00m *olam* or th* wwks at typa,«B<l naiidiun rimHihwatir ^ ^ ^

i tddna

O r d e r D e p a r t m e u t .

T h e L m i s a n d B o d y B m ^ n » B B A c i t a i r i ta j t i . . -xb a m m iw

to MBd tha Bwaa by « a l l , « a havabaida daMfipttra alitiUar ptfatad, s fv l to <«U dinoUaaaairpatUasoa aiaS v w i b v i a l t o bow to p«t tosattor, a iva l iaTatofakat t apan vtoaaMitfegrBiaato n o t d knalclaa' a r tttlaaMaa^^tbanvlMntaat a I W a i i i neataBSspraMOi^aat fhaMtlMni Mat tolhalrrdMoiBM. A a b e a U r v U t to smbI to aaroo* aeodti* BB poilal eatd.

The 1 * 7 to* 1e thM « e hai* ttant tB iBBNai IWVWjr J Ml • |IB inmitKirlmnd, and UM kaowa, i i ^ BBBtoiB toor than.

o r K a i i y o t a M « i a , w f l t B i : oi taTtbaaa nalBt tha Bnaa iOBM iBlr, Wl^ aad Sad tt aUUIaiaaaaiaaaaMltoto^ ftatotttite. via«aM«aad avOTT A t a M a r *

Page 6: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah

V i T F r W B A g T I B T ,

a a d B a r e B o o k !

O l d X a n d n i f t r i

W l i f t t i s i t ? »

• r B a r * « i B A m . U A .

Thla vork !• tnm tha pen of «b* of the laotf tsigtna uat Ti«aRiin olonrdcsamljm-ttiBttt b M vutalr Kaows • • ISdltarud AathorSvsKiraUianUUnj-tlm* rmn. KT«t7BN>t>«i«IAlastoondaaUn(I Uir prlnclplBi and poUey dmamlBmMd. OLD I.XSIll(ABKtSS.%bi>aldMod lor • Uu*TmlM»»fa08k.fl»«tl«tM»Mim •^im II cBCVUr wtut fiatl Tkbhr or OiiBtaiiai vm b* wmltlnr wfwnlmWnn. XUawmkatXpp. IIIII iW etxix. niaptw*. nch In tlw mxycmi Uss oTtwy itoMmlnBtton*! prladptoa, polity maf foetta 1* an acM.

i t au . r—t AiWi— «a cfdgm to

«wK Bocau .

A WXXS. IQadi j ^adv j ^Aoma ja r i l rB i ^ rtilili— T»u» * Ob-


1 7 - S t o p O r g a n s

l>nb'liMii«OiitcnBtiUn>.bagfa A ihto'iLoalr •*T.n. n- w ITan—. t I M to •t.M*, B«tnt« 5HI; tmr ui tmammaat b* Mm t» m» TBS

Id-omacr oOta- O Iw tn f tA , fi««b Ad-' r . a n n r * WaMilBCtan. X J.

FQUNTiBLESSING K. 0. *T«rta(, <AuW aC kAMl aar» na<7.


rl«r.bixaj.r •WW wkI jiapBlar man. Sun taptoar. Swpic

Cc!mja.Boom Owe***.


m yxuxi uwu tuwu. HAUJ tR * OUl.

a tsmM

T h e M e E e n z i e R o u t e


N a s h v i l l e


s o o B usiErs Of i m u t h i g s i i .


< a u i « t a a « a s » a . ( l i e So inUicast

o s m Um tzsraUlac pobUe doabi* dallr tjmliu, Wtu» umxish ear amuje-

mcsn, ani U>«

• • IT U M aiMvlaK O n Be> twMfi JlaakTUl*

laktlW tU>igU»IMT»l(«mphl> anm I. Ajr Ilapot, tiMit <« Mala atnat.

tAtis td CDftt^in «f ToHSHe

Ar« kmtcd an and ttear to Uil« Une, ean bA readied iBda^UgbioiUr via McKenale.

ror Ueketa asd Amber In'oination apply to J axes SPEED. Ticket Acen^

ST Main Ktnet, Or Depot offlce, beed of Main 8t„ Memphla.

C , P . A T X O R C , J r ,

Pi—iiHi' Acent. Memphie.

Axuxtxu ia

I A (lAAAcevlaWuiMtnUMBoaUirni WyUUU asd Weetem Malea tor thr eraod. eettrlanpbaftlieeca^ tW* p ^ mentii and


mam l u n s t m u K m s i i i i i i T

t h a t

I T e l l o w P e v e r

Ctaa be FBSTzarXD br tlu mw or

W A B t n U K ' t

S i n Kwm m L i n t Cm.

In eooaeetioa wltb

W a r n e r ' s S a f e P i l l s .

AUanUiarUleaaa tlie eattjeet deelM* Td-^ Mrrer to be a MoedpMwn. TbebteaUiins ta« nf a malarial tafteled tnumpUtn aettec ttn-MUr on tue blood.

n hi kaown^ admitted, and to «ntl>c Tooebed tor, Uiat

Wtner'i Sth iHiej u i Unr (k t

with WAWrXR-B SAFE la

nUAae ta%aBt t daea,«neUr apea tbe fuipui»-u»> ictitaeTii and U'ver-tbat ttmam «*d psno- tbe &< tBe bast sod oatr. eaeeUve fatuad porlfler BOW k a o n .

F * r M e k r a U D n i n l a u .

I I Off. S<l h o i i i WU. M t ^

» i a j M UMUUBi

CMeaeo-» S U A

H i M l T S r s i ^ o f T i r g h O f t .

PM—e Jbelretntl^at-Ma or lMrlJiv8eliaot;x To Umee vtMrpMtKiee ^ v ^pma t a t r . aad To ptmaoSSblSi tokave M bMl the adTaatage «r «nt»ra-


11^00 raytosrasLtisss^


IW tmm Mm I p i f if bmm a

b o j A a s i u I n e t

T a m a i ' i Se l t z e r A j pe r i ea t ,

jpmm. IB i^eoo^^^iM - b T D n ^ S S r S

- T H E -

M E D I C A L A . 1 > V I S E B ,

A FVUa a n d PLAl> TBK . tlBB OV THE

L a w s o f H e a l t h , a n d X > i s e a s e ,


T h e o i r i d d P r a c t i c e o l M e d i c i n e , f o r F a m i l y U s e .

By Br. KEZUr n iOVM->« . or •eM«ine.TMUk Memier . „ i,,,^,,, n|--Tiiieijiiie lie Hi ii. 'lf-

"ne poHlt.' r Kwv^t ; ot a UDorooahlj ra«imeheiiatT«,aiid retleble hnnwiinlil m^iiMl WOTk U ao a^pma U»peat ^Sne e m wan Dr»Dt pa J^demand A>r imeh a that the praent TOlninera vtSSal

IT t ^ thlajeaund la now. lbrU?flnt Ume, t a t t f m S t ^ ^ Anihor or u u a l a a dlKlncnHbied pibiuian ot more than «rty •—ii imTui iii • i

themyai darkeat i b««t extant tor the oli|{«:t eontraplated.

-- -- -- . n s t Theabo«bookwUlbe»eot,poatp«ld.toanyaddr«aiont*«lptof prteeu Addna

- T M K B A r r p n m o o m MOVMK, rn^mrium, vmm.



' ^ • r nSMCa ar iim Offal.. Ml wiMM.1 aa^ MM




S e r m o n s b y t h e B o t . C h ^ . H . S p u r g e b h ,

O F IX>9nM>X, B M O M M m .

nmsenea. With ao Intn)dncU«m and Bketeh of bla Un>, br Rev E L Mesoon, D D. With a fine eteel-plate portrait-1 toL Umo, cloth — t l »

SeeoDdSerlea. contalnlnc a new ateel-plat* portrait. cograrM e*pr»ealy fcr the eolnne — 1 SB

Third Berlee. Contalnln* a eteel-plate enciaTlnc'or Borrrr Kittle Hall. lAn-dao,e«v»'ede*pre™i7lbrtheTolaBie 1 60

FDvrth Bene*. OSBtalahis » Sotnoaa. 12mo.eloth > M

Fifth ScTiea. XUnaumted with a One atael plate. reprearaUnf the Rer C H Bpntieao preacBtoc tn l a m r Moale HaU.l ToLlSmo.— I SO

StxthSerlee. Ithatrated with a Oneeteel plate orJIr Bpnisem^ »*w TUwmaele. I ToJ. ttmo, eloth —- 1 »

Satenth Bert««. 1 veL 12mo. cloth 160 El^ th Berlee. I -red. ISmo, eloth 1 BO yinth Sertea. i Tel. Kmo,etoeh I SO Horalnc by Morning; or. Dally Raad-

iDgi. 1 TOt 12mo™_„..~. 1 50 Brolng by Evenlag; or. Bradinc* et

Erendda. I toL 12mo ; 1 M Oema. Being BnBtant Pa—«ei Horn the

BarBumaof theBerC H Spazgeon. lTaLUta>o,eloih

of . f »

The Saint and hla BaTtor. 1 rot. Umo-... I SO Gleaning* Among ttia BhaaTw. I rot. -lemo, beveled boarda l a

John Flooghraan'a TaDn; or. Rata Ad-vice Aw Plain raople. lvol.I«ao 90

FeathcntarArrowa. iTOLVmo 1>pee and EmDIema. Being a OoUeetioa

or Bermona preaehed on ftnnday and Thtuaday erenlngi at the Metropolian Tabemaele: J V<d. Brno, cloth i as

Lectnree to my Btndenla. A Selection ftom Addreaaea deUvered to the Btn-dente of the l>aatDr<a OoUege, Hetnvol-Itan Tabernacle, by the ptealdent, Ber CBSpaxgeon. 1 vol. ctmo i as

Commenting and Oommentarlee. Lee-torea addraaaad to the mndenta ol the em»er% College, tagethar with a lut or the beat BibUcal Vkimm«iUrtea and Expoaittona. ThU Tptaae alap eootalna Sporgeon i Leetnre on "Eoceiitile Pteaehvre;'* alaoaeompIeM Uit o< aU of Bptugeon^ Seimona pnbllabad In thU eoaatiy. with the Berlptare tezta need. I vol. l ^ o , j ^

The Malchlea Myitay and other Bar-mona: with ladezea of flerlptnia Tazta, andratDeetatotheUv^aftheAmBd 1 So

Sent, poat-pald.on raeelpt of price. Addreaa, » f n m a o r a a o m . a«M»kta. t m o .

D . W . H U U H E S ,

W A T C H E S , C L O C K S ,

J e w e l r y , S i l r e r a n d P l a t e d

W a r e ,

am Mmlmrntu

rnXi* A g—cnoiBMeiametrono—Impor-X f l A n tOTs" laleea I^gaat Onapany

AJaertea—efipie aitlai*— plawiX wwjbody-Jftade «ontlini*lir .to.-

M B f Aceata wanted everywhere baer •aaaieaiS—doa% wwte »- eeial for

Oarnlar. BDBT WSU& 4IVweyBt.,K Y. P .aBoxUr .


latiDovniT^ngtai aseet «r the Hotaa and Cattle 1 .wa h>»aar» •ntlhliiliaali BaaayataatflSw!

— . . — — a b m t M e t y p u r a

11 I I I II lie I • eiiaaiiai lilMlllliai ^ewdeia. Daea.1 leeeeiiwiiui t e l a C t K a

HISSe&TENITBe Be dajaesaapted) M>« m.

T E L J S B - A J E > T I S T 43 T o i d l S u f f e r e r s from P r o -

l a p s e d O r g a n s .

I t a t o t U i w t b o d o t ;oar at-kat iattott ieaaelnted Bodr u d Laat Baet, whkb ] bMn mM ia the hrt •tllitgw JMIS, Uwt I maj aiake It a

. faaMit to KT paper by auMng it a b i g n a w j j w l ttoToa. 1 wu tiM^ five yen mv leaMtna for

iMonnMBdixK tU i i n t a l i uM aitida to TOO. Mai* tban a i A m n yeaii ago, I tma t f aa raw^ broim i io*a fat -nk* ham Mcaattw pwariiiag; I cm iH t i ^ b«« a littla lAiib vithoat trttinc hoane; •ivtiuoa(iraBgtiMcaII]rio(a>a»l caiilT bittatad, aad i t i toM lieeaiM heary and hsiky; aponaha^ iMoo t i gkwt^ i ka t taotaMo; nnta at the elaae of a kng •MB t i ^ a y Tolce frOad eatintT, under tha a A i ^ of a duoidc laiynntiB tliat m n •aperiadnciedbnHidtitM, which aeii-o u i j wnataned m j lifk ,I waa now companed to deekt bom pnachiog, and. If Main>K OTeroome dioae dilBcnlUea, ana leooTar the loat tieanue,—the y t i n , tliat ta a miniitw or lawyer is Bom nlnabl* titan gold or j e v ^ — or U rilent fiuvrer. I iqjitdied to the most oniaeat phyridana. a i ^ waa bat Httle bdped; mtb the exddoa of aa akacatea UToIa, they ooold do nothing bat adviae lert; and thb I waa com-peSM to t ab . What eanaed and orw fia^ that constant irritation and

o o n ^ they could neither ex-plain nor prerrent. PioTidence threw the l e n ^ y In my way. Mywiitwas Aiteiag bom p n d a ^ nterC and the prohmat at the theory ^ piacuoe oi medidne in the V n i w d t y of Naahviile Dr. Vnnaton, waa Iter phyddan, and he prtMsibed te bar tUa MenUcai Brao^ whidt needOy ntievad b?* 8he com-dataed ot a "dtagcing down;" and ao iaagnage ooaM better expreaa my fteHagi. aad aipedaliy after pieadiing. Uooeuied to me if it wae good for <»ie cmm ei "diagring down," why not Gx •Botber. W S b m t eooaoltiag any one, I ptoeonid oae Urge enoogh for myxelt

pot it on. the ftnt time doubtleei r a w wotw-bv a oun for aodi

wofa aacrly tan yean withoateoomaci-eattnghiwoiiidetiitl advaatagea to any aae, badum T thoni^t I waa ttdng an artlide Uiat waa inrmted for the nae of

thaMMa o f i a t ^nk and laarcMirt t l i a beavy, bnaky Toioe; with I eaa

: lour boon a day witboat exhana-or IiaaxMDieak I now tue it only

and thna pmenrem; when voice aad aaTphyiicd eneq te I «fo not b ^ w that any one wonH erer be aOicted with JWaeo, or fldai, a

' ' .ft loina) Aoold ha wear it of the back ordiaaxfly

or [t i i a preaerrsr

looee, an 'pattugl nrsrota

and only t i ^ t whan forth o n n a ^ e&rta. good aad of a

aoond phyaicai condition. I t ahoold be worn by ereiy miniaier and public apeater to carry the eneigy and Tigw oi Im youth far into old age, and by eTcry old man ta asant iiim to aupport tiie gro winx weakneea of a^e.

HiuuiredK of old men yearly are using tho Brace fbr toeat oaeit with invariable satisfaction.

I do not ciaim that the Body and Long Brace wil l cure every that flath is heir t s ; bat it wi l l te-Ueve, where it does not fUUy cure, all tliat grent am iy of ills and achra tiiat soon brealc down the beet consti-tutions, which are caused by pro-iaptta of the mutda tckich nqyport the iiUemal orgam. This Is the only mechanical contrivance ever dis-covered that uplifts the abdomen rather than compresses it, aa all trufoKCS do.

TIds is what it does, as thooaands who Iiave used it are prepared to testify: I t supports the oack, at>do-Dieo, stomach, lungs and womb. I t , t h «^ore , prc\'entB lassitude, hoane-nesB, piles bemia, conmmption, and •• lat tcnible diseat^,—dyspepsia.

I t increesm the breathing capad t£e

fenalea only. Privately, to a few Menda who w«e anilning as I I explained the use ot the Brace, and t S r o i ^ me they obtained it. and were rriieredaalwaa. I now made known the paver of the Brace to i ^ r e , strength en and pMerre the voice in pnblic •peafeera, aikl then commenced o(ferii» it as a i^eminm to ministeni for rabaerib-•n .

I b e canae of hoaneneai, aore thiDat, l a r y i q ^ and finally bioodiitis in lublic

ad aUtiiese symptoms of "d i^-j , " goneneaa, exhaustion after

,and weakneamof the back and ea, and oeraia, it the tUght iv-c/ the abdominal mtucjet,

whteh taiSn the bomU to eteTaS AnotM bv marked hoOotet oner the

of the Amm. 2I«w all know that t ie liaingior the atonadi a n onnnected with tbeae of the throat aad aflect

vocal (Hnna, and when the dnka a strainiag is broiigfat to bear npoa the tiuoat, and speaftng ot talk-b y win inftata i t aad prodnce hoarse-nasB. and if ooatinnto. son throat, aad an tiain of evils tidit pablic spwkvn •m went to eonplaino^ and w U d b s eairisd bnndredt to their graves, and

xdw m nsekss

How, after a petaonal experience of asaily twwrty yeaa. and tba added expe--**-aa of w m than <ne thousand minis-

aad<MMliUe ^eaken npon whom I tho

(salaMsita. Aooldhsvo

and thereby gives strength body.

I t ejBpands and enlarpev the l and thiH renders breathing free ani esRv, and thereby promote* digestion.

I t rdievGs chronic costiveneM and piles when all other mams nave bJied.

I t invariably relieve all cxses of prolaptta uUrt in tinnale& a disease that DO medicine can teacfa, beeaose, like a broken l imb, it needs mechani-cal support.

I t relieves piles and sroftmsia cmf, - ^ ^ ^

I t is being used more u d more X M ^ , a K m j n d n e ttr-kno^ by pablle B|«*ilcsRi m d slagen, and & those having wiwJc lungs and backs; and by thone having stoopUig shoul-ders and hacking oougti^ Uie rare precursors of consumption. And m a n y a suiferer ims been cured of d y ^ p s i a and liver complaint who had bera considered in the last staee of conxum ptinn.

orm i j i rKovKik bkacsc. The original Bni«e, nmde only for

ladies, WHS too weak for the stmier sex. 1 remedied it by an imporUnt improvement, as the following will show:—

Let all Take XaUea. -nta • • M i i y the aadmlnM-d

i a i t ' W K K ^ s r s L t - s S ? ^

atberrar t j raMnkartheOM*

Office o 'ManTa0o,0iSi? iS? l* lg2^ Other party in this d t y or the

Bonth sells m y fin proved Brace, un-

bler W . a l a ^ w u ^ ' l l l s ^ CtavftcdTnis, IDMb-^

XBRUKMnr e v M w u c

The fcUowing oeitifiade flKm Go t . Pottec, who baa thoroagUy tested the moitB of our Improved Biaee, should be read by all aaf laen . H e

tgely. If not attos^ber, owes b k O e c t i o D (o t h e B a c e . Notice


O r . J . WL. C m v e a — D e a r S i r : S n e d t k e B c a c e s e a t k y r e a r -a e i r d a r l a j r m g l a t e ca tavaaae f tv« j State . I t w a a e r T e r y g r e a t ae>f r i c e t e a i e , a a « 1 foet v e r y w e U sa t l aBed t h a t i r i hs tdcMsa-• a e a c e d I ts a s e a w e e k , e a r t l e r t k a t Bar r e l c e w e a M a e i b e e a e S t e t e d a t a l l . Tk i U m e I a a e d t t I a d O r e M e * l a r g e c r o w d e r peeiMe l a t k e e p e a a i r , a a d I teaad f k a t a v v o l e e w a a v e n r m a c k Btrea e a e d , a a 4 a t t k e c leee e f a k e o r ' a ayeeck I w a s f k « « I k « m m y a a a a l ftellav e f w e a r l a e o a n d e x k a a a t t o a .

T e r r K e s p e c t n u l y , J A B . D . P O K T E B .

•TlakMr OUM I « M

• T n T n w

ss. 1

^ " I ^ Z W . FWAorlhlid BavtMObardW et. iMla.

,CX.-ItM «aM artka

leas he ean show miadon from me.

a writfaan oom-

. but pi give a few Boutbon ptactifionen, who are known or may be written t a

The late Dr. Kane, the great snr-w o n of New Orleans^ pttmounced it the i>erfection of meduinicBl inven-tion for the purpose intended: i , e., the g i f t i n g of t t o boweis, and n d d of air causes of prdiqisus of the In-ternal organs.

I preMTibed one of voor Braces to a lady patient of mine W fiOL She sam w e would not take (me hundred' dol lan fiar tt,if8heoa«iklnotgeHan-! othor one of tiie same kind, -i- t f

8. Tdbiteb, MJX->; Hayneville, l a . , A p r i l l O T . ^ AU the ftaces wb l d i F

dered rive the gnateM tntir^bHHft,'

. JiiS- £;a ' VI-JV J.ji; liiji. i

The Biaee r received tema roa I find Is of great beoeflt to me. I was aficaid it was not what It was reoom-m« i ded t obe ; b a t i waslodneed my physidan to get one. Shortly aiharwaid, the churdli that I was a member of caUed me to serve them as paMca-; and I accepted on the coo-ditloB that they should get me a Bnce. I was entirely broken down frcMn over speaking. I ooold not speak longer titan fifteen minntos tm-tu I became very hoaiae; bat, i the Brace on, I can gpei^ w i & per-fiBcteasecmeboor: a i id ,afbar ipM-log, I do not fbd tbat tmptifijwantneBi at stomach that I d id tbe lanoe . I cao a y tbat the Biad i is aU tbat is claimed for I t : and ~ would advise all raaken w^o tatigne and laiBltiue alter speaking by all means to get them a Baoe, behoetheybaveto X l iMl todo . I

Ocitetnan. K o . DAVID DTT, X haTO aiTan the BnMS a Wr tifaL

find H alf that Is daimeJ for I t I wonkl not take ftOO tethe it. I hope that att B 7 brethica wlUpnciueoiie. '

J . A iB l tXOkU, P n l t i « , M i » . m ! L •

I ean pnacfa day and a i i ^ t fer tVP ontha withavBawaoBaisdBit bs _

faoam m I woald in om weak wilbmt i t : erary n ia i t a ' , strong shoold have one. A.,Boozs.

Unka S ^ s t , East ^

.•—1 hava bea- _ Baanl»i>aody and liaag Braee i

SEev tn aiy dieat. aad aea^hf id ly that f aaa aBSsMiis ni l i , t>aiah nothing Uke dear my aaalady. I aaniMahiaae-

a ' d M v S t t t e ' S E u e w S S S i a t w a j e S a t o do ta a lae« Usm. I Sad tke

B m to be tndy tka vacr w d g t f M ^

Bd.J. a Oeavei Peer Str: i haea aoaf aand with the tinUealej^RadBraaaate fiaayaa.aitdltlaUBnaatWeta'Bie wftad «arda tn vklch to enraa tbetr delight. Tka Baea I OTdeiad ar d i k t nptora, with tam


ss wSd]

kaaBsuadoftlKe nqitaia pad aa«. orn.ttetall. Tbayhavaall

themanddevtthOBt. O. n-SZEDMAS. lliiiitliiaciln. A ^

n s n a a T s e r r k a i I have been weanag one ttryoBT Body am

Btsea laai Ama t ; aiadi: «Bi arv gntuaOa to yon aw ta l ama a n ^ a a d wtaan I a aae v*f l icBm^vr«i«a-

•Me aor aoBaal tabor, aad had hmm, Mr arreB n an , alsHat worthleiBaaaeeasataf a weak baek and geoc^ debility, fma wkha the Baee hae gtvoa a a gieatndM. In rtdtag Hnnw hark, ao u u hae aay eon-eeptton ef Us worth, t heMmn to be aU yoadatm. IwaddBotbavttbaattt.

ive twee altvlr ««paaWMe w It w l ^ B t the K M k UajNe-he vanr thlag air thaee who five eminently the vaqrthtBgairUiaeei.

to travel maeh on horMifaaek. bttaDvho

Qundes^ Mhb.. JaanairSikCl A«KMMIA BVAJIBBI.BT.

Baviw given the BaaaiBg Biat* a iatr trial, I cheerfUIy bear a y tesUiaoDy to ita valne. I can perform a y Ufaor with

per ooit more ease aad aoaiort thaa I wtwld aot be withoat i t for

twice ito price. T. C. BoTxm. Snnday-ediool ETugeliaL

AUaaU, Oa.

carwaU marrikM. t received oae ot your Body aaoie Uopagk

Bev. J. W. Han eome Oiae in KemmlMa. and have been ereartac tt tSaoe that

SS te^

aad have been ereartag tt Maoe theti irroaa Biy ahort trta! onba Biaea, I M nuited In e^rtiu tbat n hae ao equal lormy dleraee. whieb iB cSuonle dMurhea of tVMtr

t t o e l h ^ & b e e t n tkeaOHMed. _

I have ordered from yos 1 fcr^fceaale frleada.

;i> ir- IM?, • • . s -

n U e n a h w bndr Im^edbife^y. r am well pinncd with the Braen. I t k the only a(q>potter flat I iiaTe M«o or teed in m y extemdTe practioe that I lan rely imon withoutany amiMr-snceofenlf iamllsnBe. I sha l ! after intradoce U into my piaetice, and ftiirtri iioriaiiiiilssbgi

A . A.nAVXB,lLI>.<i> Hoostonia, l l o . . ^ r

n u c B e r . i.; m The loiee of t b k Bemb botamt iM

war was tao, aad I S when atMd "br

the tnedkal profSBaslQD. .t> The P i ^ n t b a v ^ expiivd, J b u m

the mangaMit«re,n|lf«i»e|.

i ngp r i c a :— Rate Kaaejosaaaigr m S M ^


lefltemybagpsered Btaee W kairaaV a s a n o B i a a k« Id aetr m^acOmftt^ T x B ^ i i R m a t t S f(»iaHkimi<pm^ ai id«L iar.«Mqr SBfaseElbwjiaaiSio

- ' ^ ' a n s . B n t e aashtOflawA.


IMke* taipa. 'tryiM Me«'»at«. '

I n aU eases the t H k B W t eeede* p m tbs OBdor, i4th.kaBrl|rt Stmrn

Afcii SfeMebgrflMdl.. • p « f e d l cnanatee4. Hid Biaos wi l l be ^bmitea t a r j i n i ^ g y q l a g g ^

f^ysssjswei dmtXBi Ai


Page 7: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah

T j F l l f i T H J f c C B ^ J P T I S T 4 1

r n — y e4tua tetaiT. • ili—i niBB I to

XaohvilledeckBan holding meet-ings OQ the •ot^cet of daring atom at i lx o 'doA dozing t t e enminer ] | jy .J .B.McOuui . of NasbviUe,

dajr. He n r red with diakiaction dar-ing Uw late war in the Cuofedeiate umj. At Knoxville, Wood Bbjrsr t as saeuzfld a Jodgm^t for five tnaaaaad doOan avUnat employm of the East Tmbwbb. Viigiaia and Georgia tall-road oompanr far rfectlan from a train at a nilraad pienie two years At Uie mealing of the Board of at the Emt Tenoenae Uni-veni^ .beidat KaaxvUIeui aCooday last, I M James IMnwiddfe, of CSaricB-viUe, waaoiecledtotfai^newefaalr of pare mattematiai: P n C £dward Jafm to the oonaoifatelad chair of E^idlBb and mademlai«nagei: FtoL W.1}. STAdoo. I m t o K ^ fi tbe de-par tmnt of £nglfah faistranr, was (deetedntaariimTWa O. Deaderb^ was deded inatmctor In ancient lan> gnaga, and CbL Sam B. Ciavford waaaiiiictBd lastnwtor in mathematlci and commandant of cadebi.

MiacaDXASBon. Tinker la arming it la atid in an-tidpatlao of a war with Greeca. TtMsa are, U la ndd. Go-man ProtntantB in Bruii, most of whom a n Lotheiana. C o n i M adjwimed on the ISth last, amid the nauai conftutoa and nproar of flnal atQaaniBMnL t h e pteOminaiy working of the tmuMi mnneeUnir JSngland nnd l l s n n b m Q i t aatkfiKtory. iSx-GovarwH' Brown, the new United Statea Senator tmm Geonia, laadd to be worth t3,000,000. Tbe King of Greece la vialUog Kngtapd, and waa entertained to vhe

_ _ h i drowned an the 12th, Inat. miMlalll i la ia bnOdingfree laUte fcr her poor riawH a movement whtefa It woold be wdl fiar other dtlai to Imitate. The Memphia and Uttie BiM?k raO-raad company have oiipiniaeU on ex-pnm department to eaoducl the ei-praa hnanem on or over its line of nOraHl.

.•Pw town of Savoy, Texas, wan deatroyad by a eytdooe, on the1!8th OIL Uoly Bve lioaHa were kA nn-Iqjand,and nine petaona were killed and clxty woanded. WiUte. tnated pnaldent. eaahier, and goseial ntiiity man of tha F f n t Mntfanai Bank, v3 Bnttle-bam, Vnrmont, robe that institntloD of «250,000aad makea hia escape.

The BBtBvnM eoort dedtfas that tbe part a / the Louiaianji Jteeme law re-lating to CDmmerdal travelen from idhar EKates, taxing tfaem twenty-five dottanpermonthjli nneonatltBi Tbe Honae, in a liberal mowL agreed to p a j to tbe family bein o( ueoeral 7jirhariah Ttyior $25,000, whlefa was the amomt of aaiuy tbr tbe remainder of iKto term afint hia deatb. Statiatiei from the trade of Ckkntta Blew that for tlie last f i ^ y e a r a t t e proportkm of the wboie trade ab-aotdbd by J baa been slowiy decieasiag, wOIa that of Aauriea and CSdna baa been inerearing. A BL JPMenboig c o m m a t a i m u b a : Advtaa from S::biina and Fbrt Nanr ia statea that tbe Cadneeeprevent tbe Bwetfan camvana ftam craaning the fhmtier. I t la ramarvd that tbe Odnese bave taken Fwt Nararin-»»

breath at n ^ t bat n ^ t air? Tbe dioice l i between pare ntgfat air from witiMJOt and fool air from witidn. Most p e c ^ ptefier t t e latter. An ouaecuuntabte ciiolce. What will tbcgr nay if it is p r o ^ to be true t b a t f ^ o n e - b a i f o f a l i the diseaaei we sufler from are oecarioned by people sleeping with their windows ahotr An opened window, most nigbta in the year, can never hart anywie. In n e a t citiea, night air la often then the bestand parestair to bo bad in twenty four boota. 1 coald better nndecatand shotting tbe windows in town daring tbe Jay than dnrinf tiie night, fur the sake of sick. Tbe absence, of «noke, the Qaiet,aO t«id to make night the tMst time for airins the paUent. One of onr highest miHlinU author-lUes on consamptioo and dimate baa told me that tbe air in Ixmdoo is never so good ss after ten o ' d o ^ at night Always air your room then from tbe ootslde air. If poasible. Windows are made to open, doois are made to shn(-Hi troth which aeems extremdy difficolt of apptebession Every room most be aired from witboat—every passage from within. Bat tbe fewer pasMges there are in a hospital tbe better.—Itorenee Night-ingaU.

An atraordinary fitiUcy Is tbe t i ^ o f d f ^ a i r . What air cap we

CtuoQle Itummim of ib* Bowala rwnlbi ftom Impi-r&etdlgwtiuo, and Ihls a^ln from rtnttiMhla UncnlariUM Bad inUrrapUon*. Tb* emOH Us la Uu> torpidUjr ai tte U*«r. and Um con tau tak* Wmnion» Uvar Baco-Sator to aid dtiaUon. to MlmtUata thadnU and (tnoUh Urar and to rtfnlaia Um •For twenty montlu I vm atOlctad Tttt Oiairbna. SombantofpbjralHaaapnKTUriBg mt nuaMt my «m»—tbeir nwdtetar •(I;aatrtDBMit,acsnTaUBg rareoBdltltiit. IvMadTtMdtoBMMmmonaLlTar lUfola-Xbla •MdlelM aoaa Indicated lb« ipv diacnotU—an iiapora matter, aa ovlad mwi a dlaonlend LtTvr.aad, eoonuit tbw pa—ai ot Ita buwala, IrrttaUd and In. OaoMd (o a diaeand eandlUoa. In a Jkw ««As tba madleina eomeiad IL 1 wm n-•land to pwlwt bMttb and IwTatamatnad •o a m nro ywn,no atmptanu ba«ta( r» tOTScd. 1 aaa It In m j SuaUy aa aqpaeUIa

America baa now neariy one han-dred'variettcs of grapes ander cuiti-vatioo, and more tluuirigbt hundred vaneUes of years. To prevent dub-ront la cabbages, an exchaoge says, throw a table-spoonfai of line salt pround tbe stalk of tbe cabbage sotm after it la planted. Tills will make it ancomfortalrfe also for tbe cat-w(«a. Bees use a large amount of water in preparing food for their young, and when tb i^ themselves are secreting wax. If no water is nrar the apiary, shallow troughs, with fluats In them, sboald tie k e ^ cnnstanlly filial with water lor tbdr use, and In this way macb time and Isbur may tie saved tbcan. The SeiaUiJk Amaican has found a ose for e m ^ frait cans. It recom mencto pierdng one or m(»e pio b<4eB in the bottom and sinking them in tlie earth near tha roots of strawberry or tomato or other plants, tbe holes to be made of such i b e that when the can Is filled with water tbe fluid can only eacape into the ground very dowly. A very little care In fliiing tbe cans occasitmaliy will k e ^ tbe groaod well irrigated.

Tka FriilhtAU rK». Yaltotr F«T«r eaa M pnTcstad far ba naa of WatuarViaHfc KMoay and U w Cot*, and Vr»mr% Sab PUli. Kaap tba bloa • elMui and pom, and Malarial raraia wUI noi ba apparent. Tbcae Bamadlea kaep tba KMnejrt and LItw In patftet acUoo. and wben tbey do tbelr duty tbe blood wlU bapon.

Ybast.—B(ril potatoea soft, then peal them, and an you mash them, add as macb boiling watvr as will make tbem the oonsiitency ot ctm-mon yeast; pat in a half teacup of moIaH»eB a ^ two tatrfespamfUb of yeast while the potatoes ate a tittle warm; keep it warm and allow a l a m space for fermentation. Wiien it b done fwmenting, it is fit liar use. To C l bah PAiKT^An oanoe of mlveriaed borax, a pouad of ba«t >rown soap in small pieoes and three quarts of water are ta be mixed and put on the fire. I t idiould simmer until tho soap dimotvei, being Ire-qu<wUy Btirfed. Do not alloV it to boil. Use with flannel and rinse otf as noon as the paint Is dean. This mixture is also reoommended for washing dotbes. CCMENT FOB GI.A8B. —A gOOd cement for glaas and one which coof pletvly resists tbe solvent action of water, may, it is said,beprepared by the following proceaa: From five to ten parts of pare, dry Kdatlne are diasMved In 100 jorta or water. To tbe solution about ten per cent of a concentrated aolution of bicbromate of potash is added, and tbe liquid Is kept in the dark. Wben artidra joined by this cement are exposed to tbe light, the gelatine illm is acted njpon by tbe chemical rays, the chromate being partially redared, tbe iilm ot cement tiecomes tougb and durable.

r r a t t )a«idiiac. Tbe calls at'en-tion to tbe prufitabicaiesB ot llbenJ mulching in growing small froits. The grapevine is a great feeder, re-qidring before planting a dero prepa-n.tion of the soU, good caiUvaUon and frequent applications ot mannre to the sar&ce ever a f ^ . Currants and gooBdjcrriM rrqnire frequent mulching to keep oat tM bloe grass, krep down w e e ^ and to p r o m t s laxnriant growth. The Uackcap l a M ^ n y cannot be grown succoss-(ulv on any snil withoat buavily mamtring, aitd should be cultivated both ways, lilce com, and no tips al-lowed to grow. The strawberry bed also requirea a frequent ti^Mirening of wdLJOtted craii|«oet,and the plants sboold be kept thin on tliegraand. Cbeny trees, old enough to bear, t>y heavily manuring, will prtxinee nearly double tbe number of basltda, much larger and sweeter, and firom ten days to two weeks aariitt. I tbaa been a theon with fruit-growers, and has generally been conceded, that apple orchards, even wb«i down in m m , are better oIT without manure, wlien an a i ^ ordiard ia not in ei.1-tivatiim, a M is old enoogH to bear, a good maldiing In tbe fail or winter wU, in tiina easea oi^ of ten, resoltin a fair crop of apple, tbe next

AaXrMMBle A terrible scourge rRH>mhllng dys-entery Is prevailing in Murth Adams Mass., wbich so n r bus ImlSed tbe skill of the physicians. Over one thousand persons, old and young, have been strickra down. Thephy-sidaiu are busy day and night Many cases, it Is feared, wiU be fatal. There la little douM but that tne epidemic la caiMd by imporitiM of ttie water in tbe reservoir.

DlaaldUiatoiMOBtotaTaryaKir raal In viUMi wbn go to Deorar, CW., to raoovar baaUb, aartr ratani to tba Jfiut or Boatli aptaaacorpaa. Tba nndartakna, n«ztlf> tba botal kempmw,bmrm tbe mrprf-fludda boinna. Tbla exeeaalTa momaity may ba pravaated and paUMta aerTed and eared nnder tha ear* of Menda and lovad onea at boaa.ir4b*y will tmt um Hup Bitten In UOM. Tbla we know. 8<re otbvr eolnmn.

PHaaa. aSM. a s amirewt baakern wlSi of ^ jr T, has tadaead tba pnipnMMi af that graat itiadlrltia. Hoy Blttaii, ta oBte fan la pcna to tba youcM ebtid that aaya Hop Bttian plalBlr.ta aar l«B««atv,-1Mnraaa Maxt, tSM. aadJiily4,aB'. T&l* to a Iibecal and latar^ aOac aflhr. aad awjbodir aad bla Mta •boa)daaadt«tiecatBtaax>l» tba Bop BH-taa Xft CB Koebacwr, ir T, P a A. tbr eumi-lar, glTinc mn partlealatB. and iMsIa at oaea ta taaiiti tbaeblMian to lay Hop Bttlsr«aad

The strongest argument in favor of oxen for the hravy work ot the larm. bS ttiat alter they have servwl their purpose such, they inxy tx' readily mttoted and converted into «>xcelleiit beef, and easily sold fur as much tbey originally en<t, or would hitve Mdd lor when yoong. Tl»e salable value of a bor w or luule de(!ri>a'<rM reenlarly with iiirressing age. until, wben no longer fit for work, they become utterly worthless, and swne-times a dead expea»e on the farmer's hands. With ordinary good treat-ment a yoke of oxen, at teu ortwelve yean of age, wUi bring as much in market, when fattened, as wben only foar or five How much will a wind-broken, foundered, blind, puUevlled. and qmvined horse sell for? ,—It la aa nndentool fcrt ibat* Tel ov Fkver and Ita eompanions, Intmalt-taat aad Bnatttaat raTen, ara tha reaolto oC polaoned blood, made Impon by bnatblnt aa iBfteiad atmoapbara Jfo madldna la axl»-wtn no qnickly porlQr the blood aa

To THS C Lssxs or Bxrtm ( Hoscaia. —WiU send to any Charch Clerk who will send OS 10 eta, to pay postage, 20 Letters «| Disiniaaion, with letter of notiflcstion attached. Address BimBr BOOK Houaa, 227 Second St., Memphia. Tsnn. Tk« nr*> Baaalt.

In alraoat ararr caaa Iba flnt aad Im ae-dlate reaolt of tha ma of ••Oonpovnd Oxygin " la aa Inenaaa or aiipatUo aad a naw aaaaa M bodUy Ub and eamMat. Omt Traatlaa aettt baa. Adonae pta atarksy * r ^ n , umilranl atraat. rtalladeipbia, rm.

Waniar<S Bali Kldnay aad U n r ConsBaed la eoosaetlao with Waraei^ Batt nila.

Sbeepwiil thrive'far better when confined in the same Odd with cattle than tbe cattle will; and tbe latter— whether mllck cows, young ball ywrilngK or ralves—will thrive much bettor when no sheep are allowed to gnzH In their pastures. Tbe reason is, sheep utuslly bite loucb doser than cattle; consequently, when all are nquired to icnsw In tbesame field, the stH«p will live almost entirely on the ynutiK and tendiT gram; while cattle fuunt put up wiib a second quality of jfraas—the leavings of the stteep which tliey tutve run over In selediug theyouiigiHt ami tenderest. THE Bcaaax w u r •ai manabetnren or threahinc machinery are an anxloaa to make aMeparator of tba 'Vibrator" cLiua, ta biealMa It baa bean promt beyond a qaeaUon that tbe pttaelplM apoa which the"Vlb ator"la IniUt ata tbe only correct ooea. It may not be c««erany known, bat It las awt, that the word «V|. Iirator " la not to be fcmod In tbe dietloaary, tmt waa cutn«d awl co|iyTt|ht<4 l>y Nlebola, Bhrpheniaco, oi Battle Creak, Mleb., (or thalr thrwhlng machinery. Tba «aoecM ot thU Orm 1* almoct phenamanal, and yet It bat UtoatratM tha bettbat traa nuMt wm always aneeeed. Kydlmvartng and apply* lug tha tnie prlnclplea of eonatmetkia, aad natnc uoly tha very bekt matarials In maan. laetarlnc, tbla lirm baa rtoa to the lint pod« tlon In their Una. aad tba •Vtbratar''8epa> laton atti|.£D(Inaa are now oaad aU orer Iba wiirld. Any ooe ta tending to boy aay tbrmbinc maehlnaty does hlmaair grtM la* Jnatloe U be dooa net flnteblBlB Adt bUknaa. tkn nom lham aad aaretatlr aia^aa tha rnmta of their toods.

Ton Bbsakfast .—Troat or mark-erei split open and brtrtled, scrambled eggs on andiovy toast, buttered eggs withe tomato saace, fried aolca with cot lemon, k l d n ^ stewed or fried, kidney toart, bam toast, omdets, cnrxi^ fowl m rabbit, rissoles, p o t t ^ meat, and lobster oe saimoo twets , are all excdlent dishes for bieakCut, and not very difBcalt to prepare.

H. « . Hallaabars wtioae eatabllabmeat beta la waU kaowa aa tba laixaat and beat appotntadXaiteHoaH la tha Booth weal. hM rMmtlr astMdad Itia baaiBan.aoaatoteelUtatpUa trada Im Ar-kaaaaa. by opaalas • braaah Booaa In UtUa Boek. rtma wbM wa kaewbl lfr.R.,wa ean MtMy pradlet a popnisrtty aad prooparl-ty airtbe Uttte Book boaae, aeoood oaly lo that aajoytd by hto bpQM is tMo^bia.

. Jttnili i . Dr.BBpagr«daatodtaiUiaolasy w«atbadasEwe<a.I),t*aetir yaaia aco tba asmmeckat M a w Dalracatiiy.laaoagla. Kay ba wear hto a— wsfthity aad gtMMUr."-. — »n«t«t witb BhUob eboteh. BUlibaco sooaty. maatly. Om eaata ( m tha MeOoiUato. A aaw ahweh was ovwlaad u Itaa Blofl; llaHoa aouty. Bot loag alaea. Elder L. J. stnunoaa w

KaMMk|r.-Tba daorah at Kew Prorldenoa, Tumble aoaaty, caaaiDod Bro. Varvte FMIa to Uta work of Uta BUaiitty,llajiaia..— XboCkaeaUTaBoanlotUMKea toaky BapUat Bonday-aohael UmTaatloa reeoouaenda tbe Bi« Sonday bi Joly aa a propar day to bold tbair oantaanaiT eaiatealtaM or tbaamsdtas of Baaday-aebaoia, "My laMttata aw tba *M aad attb at JToaa wm ba bakl at Header. aaa«Bilaadori>adBaah.aaat a i« ptopoaad. oa aeeoont ef thaabMBcaofFaMrUapaa from booo U time. Tbe oUiar apntatBMaU i*m«la aa beftxa idBotiaead.''-^. W, Jt" JBee»rilir..i— « Bar. A. F. Baker has eatarad opoB bis laboca aa paaloc ol tha ebareh In Owoatoo. uta eecnspotdaata wtU aitdraw htm at that pUee Inataad of WlBcbaMar.--Jtaanlfr. 'TaoteidBy waa tbe Ont Mahbath tba Ftm «banb ol tbla aiy {St. Joaeph) arer apeat In tbelr booaa CnMofdabtaBdlrcaofBortsasa. m eoana It waaaglorioaa day, Tlie aaatl debt baa baaa alealy and umIIj pioTldad Itar.tbamortsiit* baa baaa lined aad waaurt otit oa a aaw •ftuaerofawftilniea. Tbtae yean aco tha afaorebwat In debt mm. la tUa tbaa wa baT* axpaaded aboattUWoa Im-pcoTvmaats, bealdea rsMns aa atiniial «nm oi aboat |Z,SOO lut ebareh espiniae and otbar otttecta. Tbtotiasood abow-40S. whan yoa remember Ibat the ebareh la aot a rlea one." -mm. Bttrrit,tm Omirat aiiBit. Bro. P.8. Q. Watwm.of Tczaa, to now PlophsUe editor of the MU* flag The •Shoteb at BoUa haaaaeat botna ot wonhtp,and a worklns ataBibetBhlp. Tbay are tookinc anmnd let a paatnr. It to a •dealrablaaadiaTlUiisficIdtoaaincleman or one or email family. PleaaaBt Polat ehoreh, Johaeon eonnty, have oalted Eld. F. M. Wett to OU thair polplt. Alabawa — Bar. J. A.Chami>llaa. otHoo.h CbroUna, de-Itrered tba Alnmnl addiaea balbra Howard uoueie, Mailan, oa tba Itth laat. Eldar B. F. BUey, Opeilka. wriua to tba Alabama BapUt•• Wa hate Sva amtlB« baptku. We rcoelved last week aa atad and InHaeBUal <sttUen, whom I wUL bapUaa aait Banday. Our prayer meaUns la larcely attaadcd aranr wiak.' CUar J.J. D. RealToe, editor or Cathcart^ Bbeyelopedia tor Alabama, make* tbe foilowlnt etaWmant la tba XialoaKi BoftlM, oooeemlng the work: •• 1 aapeot to Sntoh my work tat Cathcart^ Eneyelopadla by tbe MoTAoswa. Tba minlaten and other IntcUUut brelhran la tba Siata eooM Imptova aty wa'A vary macb by eudln* aa boar la dvias BM a tow facto la tba llto ol a Ihw ot tb* de-parted oM ana 'or whcm the world waa/lot worthy.* lean oaljr la a nry abort abatehdmea. lam limited lo twwav pasaa, WIlH alaa baadrad woMa lo «a« pac% ao that thSMtMtdoWaalaaoataenyUUacthMtaaaatBta. X oaty Ml I I aiaaiiiiwrBM»whod>adlatbaatataerwboa»»aow lt*aM(l9 thastata.' Teiwue Williame, of Ok« tba aoamlttaa aa he^taUty. pabUabai tbe fbUowiac cant IB tba Jtonwd.tor tha galdaaea of thoee who expect to at tend tha BMaCbavaailoa: "HaapltaUtywrnba extended to «elual deto«|taa aad eomapoadlog meaeensan who IbrwanI their naaaaaaadpomoffle^addraai to tbe committee by the flnt day of Joly. Bach delegate to rcqoeeted to write the «omralltea, by potlaleaid, that ha to comins, and be «U1 be aoUlledlnniplroriheplacaaailgnedhlni. Uu not embat-ram tbe oommlttae byaendlos word to Irtrodit that jua are cocalrg to their boraea: wrlta oa Uiat yoo dcatre tu ba aa-•igned with aoeh Irteada, and we will conjarm to yourwtobca aadadvtoayoaaeconllntly. Oates>t«e wilt pleaae pn«erve tbMr eanta aad preeeut thtm to the committee on arrival. Tbey wUl ba dlraetad to tbe place aaidgDed wtiboatlnw or Ubm. Tha OaUTeatlou wilt ortanin and tnusael ihelr bfMlBeat at Uelver Bail - Ue oae of whleb baa been klnoly taadaiad — aa tbe moat eoltabto lor thto parpaee." — Proh. Qolaehe aad Jobnaon, of tba (Mau Onlvarvlty, bai-e bought oot the Oxtoid Inatltnte, aad will opea a lemale s>-t>ool next atu. mrnuot OaraUaa.-" Rev. A. J. H. Tboma.. baa only r»-cvaUy aaramed eharse of Ht. Ebal chorcii, near Bataabuig, aad yet ha baa already bapctaed eigbt, and othara a» await-tag tba otdinaaea."—>tn%——Bra. I . D. ah>< waa or-'dalaad to tba nui . work or tbe goipal mintotry by Hebioa chateh, Xarloa ooanty, the Oltb Babbath ia May. Bar. W.H.Btrtcklaad.eeoMa(TortheStato Mlatooa Boaid, wUI labor among the eborehea of tbaBalnda AnoetoUon aortng tba atoBth of Jaly. Tba Saadayaebuol ot the Flm ebaieb, ISildtMer, ha> beea ta cqMratlon •ixty.CMu jmtu. Taaaaaaaa. The Boaday-Kbool CoavcnUon ol the Oea-•ral Aaoetnloa of Eaat Taaaa«m wUl hold a mace-m««tlug at Whltadmrs, eoBuaaaelng Jnty *. Tba Btobopavllle ebareh, at Uatoaell^ atatloa, Knox eoorty. ordalntd Btn. J. T.JooaatotbateU work o( the aitBtotry tha lith Inat Tba next awalaa of tha Oaaeral AaeoelaUoa will be held at Maarvirask. "The eboRAi (at Uartbase] bv bought a lotaadbaiaaarlyaUthaaialaMaloatbasrooad for bolld lag. Tbay aaad moaay, hewarar. to enabla tham to eom-ylala thalr hoaaa of wor»b!p.and they aak ihelr brethrwn thioaghMa tba Btala ta aM tham. Bead to Bar. A. IX niitliia. atouthava, aad it war bo pniparly apptoiHiated.'' •Itiaiaii.-^ »Wa, aa Bbpttota, ia these l«rtt, wooU be Bia^ pleased Ibr aooia abla aMa, a msb that to able ta pnaeh th« tralb tha tnitb aad dalkad the aame. to coma aaddwaUamosgae. Wb ara oertala maeh good woald be aaewnpitolMd. Waaiapoarpsspl«,aataaraed, with an abla awn aaaav am aad w« aia taufal tbat tha Bbpttoi OMBw wui go dowa aataaa wa hava help. Tba radoea ara morlag to andfla^aadmatoaraataanyinRy Uwday. There ara Bve aaMU BapUat ebafdns Ui OvaMoa eoaaty. aad I am «ar« lk«rw;^baTMidrtob<lpaBilatottrMaineh at may ata »pakli* Ikta, «u» BWfr IMdrn aiB^ at* J

our needs aad aiaji vamdlBac(1ptate.a aU<tar.''-G. W, XMaaMa, Onrtoa <oaa^ THE LBCTUBES AT WOOI»WkNa

TN nrder to give ourself a brief test between the commencements at Jackson and tiie Mary

Sharp, we accepted tbe invitation of tbe cburcb at Woodland, ten miles east of Brownsville, to d d i m the tedoras on

THB CHUBCH AND TTS OBOINANCBS. Thte is one of Bro. Geo. Bay's dinrcbes, and be

says tbe very bast church be ever knew. Tbe audiences that grvfited us w«re faurge and very atr traUve, and all egreed that a good and lasUng impres<don was made. If there was one Pedo baptist made mad or even mflSed in tonper, no one beard of it, but many were made seriooa and thoughtful, and desimas of hearing aMre. We never delivn the oouse snfiWng so much |Hdn and phybicil exhaastion fhun the ptevailing com-plaint. After tbe lectures we rested witb Bro. J . M. Rice dining out in tbe neigbliorbood nearly everyday. We shall never forgettbeddigbtfbl visit made at Mr. OirryVi and Ool. McSbaw's, awl those magoiflcent dinners! Their wives are sis-ters, and incomiHttable bousekeepeis, cultivated and agreeable ladies. Mr. MtSbaw is tbe wealthiest farmer in tbe county. Ue has several large farms. His hwue place contains four thous-and acres. In a park of seventy acres he has nearly one hundred deer, of all agts, and we sop-poee is the only farmer in ToDnessee who sustains a dear park of any sice.

We are under great obligations to Bro. Norveil and lady, and BL tcr Nirholton with whom we boarded during the Icdurts for especial kindness, without wbich, wv cuuld never have bekl up to have gone through the la bun of the nrcsslon. God b l m them, and reward the zeal and saerifices of Bro. (jurliii, live deacon of \Voodland, for ciw-veyan^e to tho railroad, and to whose activity the chun-h owert tbuw lectures. We agreed to de-liver them to lb« church in Denmark on the sec-ond or fourth Sattday in August, at which time an tmoienaa old'faatilMied Baptirt gatttettng

notice be given In time. DEDICATION OF THE "CHURCH

HOME." m i l E "(Church Home," recently fitted up by the Ladiek;' ChrfeUan A«ocUti<w, wiw dedicated la)»t Sunday. Dr. W. A. Montgoiuery, of the F1r<»t chun-h made the |>riocip«a aildrcas at the dedicMlion, whi.<:b wo take nrwit pleasure in lay-ing l>efore our r^-aders. it is indwil a gwn of "purest r.iy:"—

At the t lcwo .if a lengthy service on a hot sfterno-'u. It I*, of ciiunw, not expected that i sbaii make luany remarks. I &>el ttiat an apology li due to thU aullence for Sityln;; a word. this bo my eicusc—ray deep intereot in this noble charity, I ban which none a p p ^ more rtrongly to my vmpathies, or, as 1 think, mate lilustrales the glories of our common O i r l ^ n l t y .

— ^ forth tbe bdpinc band to lift tbsBi mayrealianberlnsplEatioa. I t is wben i tytalmofri tagiovesfor«ars^wt>k(JM9l does oot fear to ooine in Qontael^fli "pgHfcaBiand sinners" that it has its ml^ttieat conqae*. I t is tbe Christianity, not of e rMd^bot^ t i f t . fbht becomes asodal force] wiilulUmatelyi , and Fltjrenoe N%fatingalcs are the IdldMi and most socceasftd ^preBdWEa of tba ward." Bocb God proootmcea heroes, and world acoorda a unl-" S h d w e n o t - f o l l o w " -the"foUowed€3hiiat?"

-Ob: whowaaUaoiaaridtortaa Amid UitolOfdnM cblvmltT.-We may, nay, we must, imitate them, if we would retain our hold on tlie confidence of men. This day, tills hoas& this swiwhbUge, are full of hopeful auguary. Let it be tbe beginning of iwt-ter, becaase more iaborioos, days Intfais nobia at-tempt to reach and to save tbe fallen, tlmae for whom ofttimes even Christians have no word ot hope, yet tboae for whom Jeaas died, and whom he has commanded i s to "seek and to aava." Let uaareeognixe our rBRMmsiblUty, and meet H boldly, earniwy, lovingly, and Ood, even our God, WiU bless as.

Abstract truth is never potentiaL It ia only wbra It touches the necwities of humanity in t ^ oi n-crde form of helpful labor that U becomes felt in Its mighty powCT. While It remalmi in tbe doody and debatable btnd of opinion and creed it don not honor Ood or bless mao. I t must materialize in earnest wwk, to acknowledged, and IMt, and loved. The trouble witb too much of the Christtanlty of to-day ^ it is rigidly and formal-Istically orthodox and irof>otent I t tithes the mint anise and cummin of the pna^etics, tait neglects tbe weightier matters of Judgment, mercy and the love of God. Humanity faUeo among thieves. lies helpless in its blood, calilag In agony for rdie^ but with b ^ b s o u n t i ^ pto-ftesloii, broad pbylacte^ aad flowing r o ^ modem GhrfeUanlty too often passes coldly by on the other side. But tbe wi»ld demands of us that wtiich oomes in tbe name of tbe "cmdficd," tbe kindly toiKb of tbe Good Samaritan to bind up and tieal its bleeding woanilo, aad will have fuit that or nothing. It asks for 6r«id-i t will not re-cdve a ifone—no, not the name of aa Ike orthodoay OH earth. I t knows that that rellgioa whKb has Cbrist ae U author, Uke its a ^ o r , -goes aboutdoiag good," that Uke him it comes " not to be ministered to, bat to minbter." Men yidd tbdr hearts, therefore, not to learned disqal-slUcm of aerfbe-and priest, but to the angel of mercy that wiprn t h e m ol'aoRow. raises ap tbe fallen, reseaes the petfebing, and wMmen to tbe lotreot that y ^ t b m ia b t ^ , wltOs she^ieMiea

VIBGINIA NOTBH. De a r b a p t i s t : — T h e General Awic^atina

of Virginia, has Just dosed Its annual m M ' Ing, held this year at PetersiHug. Tbe atlexidance was laige, and In tbe main tbe taiainraa f ^n i l l y and harmoniously dispaldied. Bat Um^ have in common witb all our State bodies sniM -vexed questions. For instance, tlie qnertioo of t i x m -i nonce In colleges.

As a Westemo' I waa a spadatnr, ua l iawid myself ftrqoently drawing compariiioaBb*l**ea mt-n and mewnrw East and men and mritimvB West Perhaps my spectadee bad MiuutliiBg tn do witb the plctnrm, bnt the Webt did not MBer iu tbe comparison. Yet It mast be saM af Ibe Baptists of Viiginla, that they ani euhlvatad, piuuii, agKresive, and a piiwer In the <Ad 1>i>-.ninion.

TUK fllt-HT CUUCHU ClOTBVSrilU Immedistdy after tbe Aaaodatioa ad jo iu^ i , wa went m matte to Riehmaad, eeabnuibd «xn data. Or. Burrows iguv'a aairiew of thm etiareh'a bistatar, f^egfaniag itf' ijm'wUh fourteen membets, amid p>«aecntlan aa>i; ifar. One BaptLxt lo eadi mie hundred and five of popuLtUon. In t88l», nineteen. chiiidieK, and every fifth inbaltitant, a BipU' U A grand growtb, thily. aoinriiwcsT vtBoixia.

ThlH the Swilseriand of tb» Btala. Xttw River, aiiicfa and Hdhton Valley b d i * ttao- gar-dens, while the lofty mountain nmgea eatituQ tbem. With - strung Baptist popalatlon osSt of t h m , and tbe seventy-fiv* tboasond BiqiHais of East Tenn., Southwest of ttwm, wa #oahl tbem to be of the swne stamp, tat it ta mboineary ground. Perhaps t^ere Is no distrid in thrSeuth with fewer vigorous churdies.

From Bristol to Lyncbbuig (SM miles,) t M n to not a cburcb that <supp(»ti a paster all QMi' i ^ e . Still there is a growing element finroriag Immer-sion. Bev. J . B. Hartison Ins beea wotfclA^ fat tbe Bute mlsRlon board In tUte rn^oB, alMangB-litrt, and during tbe year has been vcqr 'iiMliSidbl. Over five bundred conveatons ars.-rspeaiiSL Ha wni probably continue in tbe fi^ AS BHatoi tbe cause seems to be advandog. BiptfaoM «cc«' almost every Sabbath. Thl^-Bve ' addltlans since February. Tbe but one baptised had been a Methodist lor thbtjrrMra. Bristol F a ^ Oo|. lege has just closed a very BOcoeaBfal year. Prof-D. a Wester oontinuca at Us lidm, and witb, an energetic faculty engaged fbr the comlnc t e m , it is destined to be tbe instltntioo o f t b i t n ^ ^ ^ Allow me to sigr a wwd aboat TTx BAmBT,— good as it baa been, it grows. E d i t o r i ^ It lost none of its power, UnrioBBc^ or tadepend-

enoe. Bro. Searcy shows bis gentle smOlBg iace ia

every line of bis cootribatiOM. BMth. Vtnrcett, and OkilabaB,anmaldnctbeioMtmMt. They ate growing men.

May tiie Old Banner ever wave until ib»llaatb-is nwiihallfd in tbe rpula iol t r i ^ aad

Page 8: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah

4:3 The Young South.

• CXdJE JAJiJ»," to whom saeomoumloUaa t BiV b* addnwd oan Xm &umaT.


for ttank waste piazaa Uk« atcal TIw janalBc, Intns hcait.

Aamanflaslla btislUiicH Enqr OUUas taUB.

liM wviMs nfiaet IB kUutiMH numr. knra-Ut gtavou

Wpwii •inijr.gmu», mr, I t a n » ao iMttar plaa—

JParaBsxxwoBdsean nvrtr Uhet wbaz kind OMB can.

Far, O! • nf t won! •pokan Ifiqr Bum U» itiibiMTii MMl

TT»»t mu malA pron daflant aboold w«nd> or Umodar loU.

•eMkaomr.BnUraTar; * Vends bKmtfalnc nombt «Te toTr;

Ami asaa our Ml mait wm btoom Ml nmtmm atnim. WILL ZDUCAXIOS MAKE A MAX HAPPY ?

OBICIXAl. « T ¥ IpiacBiice ia blisB, ' t k fidly to be wise," ia a

tZM HTlng; btu ia ignatsnoe bllas ? Drnihtl— ttl«K> to many. Aa a Mend of mine

tarn a i d h e n aze Uuae who are "bzainl«<B, , dod ftttexed, and gaod for nothing on

• i f h , ba£ a faBntdnun Benedii^ whose horizon, bolh BMOtal and actual, fa the nil-fence of his fiatrtatkm Aa a c a i e a l mie the most ignorant, mm fonriitered the nuxt contented; and oar own y m a l obaenratian would teach as as much. Bok t i what nabBs fa t h ^ happInesB? If the OKBBlappatitifaHtiriied, thqrare content, from BO " t * ^ tTUfHr"** than thwt which inducei the bird to watbie its aung oi thrilHng aweetneH. nMgrknow milling of that sobUme swdling of t t e b a i f , that exalted revermce fiir the great and glodoOB thiaci of God% cpaOion. Thero ia no taaty, BO takaa at 0«d's «Mnidpatenea to them, l a tWrganil aeeae^ o< the anC^aented woods,

, — riiBraaw'ieai-tbsra^ In zfeh p to tekm bynatHTB^

m ^ i ^ b i i M : T b o r m not capacitated to enjoy tUi deii JBat of mind and aool, t h ^ a r e beings d mere physieal lift, becaose their natures have • a w beoft otevatod by edocation. Would not lha vamdtaat prince, whose powwmiona arealmoat InwuwiaMa, wlHIngiy give half his wealth to be •hlB to maka ids own caicnlations, and transact UaowBlnr i iunT

Ta ta fMB fila OB f w evo-y duty in life, and I Oi flnmi moitlfyiag Unndos and embarraaa-

Ik g i w eaoe, cmllitenoe and cheerfnlnesa, n tt a a i o s aadal and agreeable compan-

Bptiitnal and intailectnal ei^oymenta ate Ik* aooat Ciqairitg of life—a Idnd of fore-taate of

T«lt ttm a n u m a minds so organiwd, tliat t f a v m kaeoly alive to aQ that is aabllme, beantt-fid, para and good even ia an uncultivated state, ba l tlMQr am aa much aoperior to the conunoQ tad. aa tba Ughi or cfay, fa to the &eble rays of a •fcHi^^h* t i ^ i and what stan woald they be. If •mtlii.iiied by Ignonmce!

II i K m r duly to aducate; educatioa elevato, aadl ba or iJw who acqoires tite moat Icnowledge, fa the giaalMt and the happiest, because most like a God. BECTJkH.

A HOirE FOB HOTELEH. 1|CBIH£BB called me to the United States Land ' ' OOat, While t h e n a l a d apparentlydztees or MveBiOQH yean of iqte came ia and pmeated a cflctificaia fcr &rty acra cf land.

I waa itrock with the coontenance and general igpaaranca of the boy. and Inquired of him for whom ha waa parrharing the land.

" I t e n y a d f . i i r , " I than iaqoind where he had got the money.

S a aonrarad,»I earned it f W i n g then an increaaed desire to know some-

thing more about the boy I abked aboat Mtmfif and hfa panota. He took a aeaf and gave me the JbOowiBf nanative:

"IamtfaeokleBt(tfflTe .childnn. l U h o t to a drinking man, and often woold return home drunk, f inding that Sttber would not abatain fiRHoiiqiiarlieaotTedtomakeaD efEact in some way to help my motlier and brothers and sistara. I got an axe and went into a new part of tlie coantry and wa i t to work dear^yg land and I hare saved money enough to boy torty acres of land thoe ."

" Weil my good boy, what are you going to do with your land?"

I will work on it, baild a log house, and when tt is aU ready, will teing Mher and mother, aifiteni and brothea to live with me. The land I want for my mother, wtiich will secure her from want in h a old age."

"And what will you do with your father if he continue to dr ink?"

" Oh, sir, when we get him on the turn he will feel at Itome and be happy and I hope become a s i ^ r man."

" Young man may God's blearings attend you in yoar efflirtB to help and to honor youriather and mother."

J ^ this time the receiva handed him his receipt for his forty acres of land. Aa he was leaving the office he said:

"At last I have a home for my mother.*'— Eiehangt.

" MY SPARE MOMENTS." A POOB country Ivi came one morning to the

doOT of the head-master of a cel^rated school, and aslced to seu him. The servant eyed his mean clothes, and, jhinking he looked more like a beggar than anything eiae, told him to go round to the idtchen. The boy did as he was desired, and soon appeared at the back door.

^ I sboa id i ike toseoMr. ^,"aaidhe. " Yoa want a break&st, most i ikdy,". aaid the

s e t v ^ ; " a n d I can ^ v e you that without troubling him."

" Thank you," said the boy; " I 've no objection to a mt of bread, bat I ahoald like to see Mr. , if he can see me.

"lOaium M ' fAaaiim, uuyrbe yoa want. ' ' w-nuurked theaervanf, agatn gyring tl>e boy'a pafch°d cioilMB. *.'I think he has none to spare ;" and without at all minding the boy'a request, iriie went about her work.

"Can I see Mr. 1 " again asked the boy, after eating hia bread and butter.

" Wdl, he's in the litoary; if he most be inter-rupted, he most, but he does like to be alone aometimea," aaid the girl, in a peeviah tone. Opening the library door, she said, " Here, is somebody, dr , who is very anxious to see you, and ao I let him in."

I do not Icnow liow Uie boy introduced himself, or how opened liis bUiineaB, biit I know that, after talking awhile, tbe principal put aside the p i ^ be was studying and took up a Latin book and began to examine the new comer. Tlie ex-amination lasted some time. Every . question which the principal asked, the boy anawered as readily as could be. **WeU!" exdaimed the principal, "you certainly do wei l l" looking at the boy from head to foot, over his spectadrs. " W h y , my boy, where did you pick up'bo m u c h ? "

** In my spare moments," ans i ra :^ the boy.. Here he was, poor and hard-working, with but

opportunitieB for schooling, and yet idmoat fitted for cQl]<«e, by simply improving hia spare momentsi Truly, are not spare moments the •• g(dd dust of time? " How predooa they ahoold be{ And yet, how apt we are to waste them!

What acooont can you give of your qaue mo-menta? What dm yoa show for them? Lotdc and see. Ihfa boy could td l yoa bow much, how very miKh, can be laid np by wisdy improving tliem; and there are many, many other boys, I am abaid, In the jail. In th« boose of eonreetlon, m the Ibteeastle of a wbalMbip, In the gambling* hoaae or the tavern W1K>, If you could ask them when they began their d n M coanes, might answer, ** In 'my spore mootflats." " I n my span momenta I gambled for matbieB." "JamyegMUQ moments I began to smoke and diink." " I t w a a

in my spare moments that I first b e ^ to steal chestnuts from the old woman's stand." '* I t In my spare momenta that I got acquaint^ with wicked anodates." TUce care of your qaue mo> ments! - lh« CUldrtrft Beeord.

BEAD THIS GIBLS. T EABN to dam stockings neatly and tiien al-

ways see that your own aro in order. Do not let a button be off your shoes a minute longer thanneedfuL IttakesJustaiKHitaminuto tosew one on, and oh, how much neater a foot looks in a trimly buttoned boot than It does in a lopsided alEiir with half the buttons off. Every girl should make the simide artides of dothing. We know a little Mias of seven who could do ail this and who aiao made the whole of a blue calico dress for herself, and i^eced a large bed-quilt. She ww not an over taxed child, either, but a merry, romping, indulged, only daughter. But she was **smart," and ahe did not die young, either. Indeed, we have seldom icnow children too smart to live." Very few ever die of that complaint, whatever their grandmothera may think.

So never be afhdd a bit of over-doing the busi-neaa. H d p aU you can and study over the business dally. Once get in the haUt of looking ovor your things, and you will like it wonderfiiUy. You will have the independent feding tiiat you need not wait for any on^a convenience In repair-ing and making, biU that you can be beforeSu^ with ail such matters. The rdlef to your weary mother will be more than you can ever estimate. Prttbglericat JoumaL

POST-OFFICE. Willie B.— Yonr answer was n ther late, but

it was rorrect. Try always to be punctual, for to make a good bottinesa man you will find it veiy essential.

IXHiia Bettis.— You aak how to address your letteri to "The Young South." If yoa will look just under the heading of the laat t h M numbers, you will find how and . where to aiddreas your lettera.

Uncus J am es :—Ab I hc.vo never iMd ore writttai;^ I tlMmictot X w<M^ writv and answer " In yoar bmxie oTStme^O.' I ttilM^ I tnal." We have a thrivbig U Atlanta. Bev. F. M. D ^ n i ^ l s oar paator. We

We have a thrt' Utye Av in are having a protracted meeting this'week. Mr. IXmiela ia assiited by Bev. fir. Headin, from Cartersville. Papa takes T n s BApmr , and Ukes It very much. As this ia my first ktter, 1 will doae. I wish you much aucceaa.

CI.ACOE K e l t j t k k . Atlanta, Ga., June 9, ISSO.

BIBLE ENIGMA. 1. In what river did John baptise the people?

(.Marki). What doea Christ promiije those wlio follow

him? (John x). " 3. Unto what are Chriatlans ktpt by the power

of God? (1 Peter i). * 4. Becauae of what did those to whom the gcaiiei

was first prcactied enter not into rest? (Heb. iv).-4. Through what ahouid nothing be 'done?

{Pliil* ii)» 6. How otten did CSirist auflfcr the Just for the

nnjuat? (1 Peter lii). * ,7. Mame one ot the three ciaaa^ of which not

many are called to b^ Chriatlana. (1 Cor. i). 8. Wluit did Chriat promtae to put in the hearts

and write in the minite of hia people? (Heb. x ) J | 9. What dom Ohriat td l ua to take upon us ana

which la easy ? (Matt xl). ^ • The InitiaLi of the corrvct answers wilt give us

all the means whereby we must be »(v<>d. J. B., s.». 8.

A BIBiacAl. PBUBLEM. Multiply the number of branches of the candle-

stick in the t a ^ a d e by twelve; add three times the number of loops In one curtain of the taber. t ^ e ; divide by the number of cubits the tahie of shittim wo«rf was long; subtract the number of a o c k ^ of silver under twenty boards; nmltitdy by the number of tdllara of the do(»; the nimiber of cubit} the altar of Iraral waa broad; add the numberdtftaloiisof i

of the huly place; divide b y l h i number of bowk in one branch ot the cand lo t iS •5? ^ lings^of gold the incense, a l t o addrt t o g e ^ and have the n u m S ^ pillara on the south aide. J a s b .

We hope all oar UtOe matfaemaUdana wiU give this BibUcal problem a b i r trial, aad send an answer to the " Pust-OffioR," ,We would like to know who fa best vened la tbto very important branch of learning.

Snnday-Sclloo) Books KDfB WORDS.

lBauitaa«<jna«ioBBook(U U. Hboek)

I ^ U t f L Man„.

J ^ i T ^ part rr, (R j,., ^^

*-tlTTlMaDuulLi.L- J. a>nr.Ver<lann.|iA

" « » P « KDMUML

• OI tta* la-

Any of the above book* twot hy mmll, post

T h e G r ^ t C h u r d i j j g k t n iSKV PATB3(T KEPLKCTOBS

Jmaia. f « etmiUr and ca.



or iMor». U efti per yeST ' —""

t ^ jtmt. vthcr atuaba la pcopor maeh

HOnCVfthOHlri a. —Mwaaa vnv •MW1.T »«alert. Addren all rabacrl

UxaplUa. Ttam. Sample oopin wnt &M on appl lalu^^ zuilzmx


F o r S n n d a r - S c h o o l s !

f or T e i n p e r a n c e t

^ S ? b e s t S E W BOOKS

•Wpopntan^H »<«alD« ita

Wf,! ^ j j ^ U J

aad t t ] | uu

w^vMf^mt ••«Haifa waaMMiL n

Os l l«x in« O.

H p C o r e , JTo P a y .

-I w duanc

B o g e r s & Co. JOB PKINTERS,

BOOK P r B L U O E R S ,

mm & BIUI BOIK lAICTACIim^ >* .au Wala ttrMl.

M E a t r i i u , - - . t e s s .

V«rnKo CiMB, Wanmrx. OotFm.,

(11(14 l u m ITG, AM Of which t. done ln u numt


their onlM,

Bibles Ss Testaments! 47

(Ooouaaa Vankm.!

Kia Cathartic Pills

S n a j j CO the fZHLSL?!!??" 1?** g y w a . aad

Ko-m. Hameaa So. m T ^ ^ S J i S S : H ^ Bam. « SO. m. rtgj.^ Woum lOaioa. itooL te A A ^ m u ! - .

so-ns. 8amea»No.l7T.wlUKHite«mt rii«r*eta.


BbleNo.t;. Bible Ho.m. ralpi t BtMea.

A»Mtot«a Paracnyk Btklo. I TA

la idotii- «.»To.»n<>«p. „ j j j

. • M i

Om, raeUlliaa fter M a t t a c InU

X'Ummt^ CfceertWIly

ONE D O I I A R l a (he Teaigir

s u B s c B i m o j r PRICE f ^ B T B E


K s e •Cia^i and pbotaviapii.

T H E B I B L E D O C T J R D f i

As a EKaaer nn thcT Iwa no aqoL

Mass. ^ • » *r *u. nata m u i


W. .W, r a w i i i i , te tka aaeHh.

a t few, INIIHMfTO *g I

c ^ Cat* and Paia j e ^ ^

y - w a ta haaaimnio ***

Page 9: U W iitmatmnr- · I^Uat Mm HatkML-B Kdwai Tyd. ma«.a.U.D. nwaHf^M Uti warfi t to ^ •im a tatmt «fma«iia*>, balt rrnnnrah

4.8 Ck MACML JSy HeV U. tawvv* ACMW wwe

rmvi^t book tCMhlM OBT Ttew» of •UBh ocxiaiswiaa and poiUjr p^^ gj, upmrr

!-•••'•• •• •••iiMi nuwAMortiw mlnMer fm OBtaTWdf cmrMMM. m«e.»«. L, Br A. P.

to dfcolM* mmmmtjaar MalbalMCtioDda. lB«*CM,«eUk • m -nvnoA cnanEMOMt,

MB wuaoM way n 11 nil w

jlMllii BU* *** ^ Smurnrnrnu By Wlc.Donoai, FSria aiotm M ViWM>,-« CH-

Sk MmOotr, DdO. la

vHaVZ is OM uuA

TUSWO^TK^T® rwwy

mUi gnatlamitBUMlinpwdtont. mJkro ot Ttiith _ M

SS^^StaSf. iSSVndttt IJnItr- A-Jon€«,Jr


pidd; thraipHductmiUn. •mOBIC&L.

MUaiABBV •WrVKT. fi OkSutforSniMMl. Vat. i. SSSS^vcCLXPA jrnes» BT ttB- BV. miSSr YSrSoMTflB cSaiMlSanr. A

^ ^ ^ SbSTufelroS •oSTMSSI'w

s&fisisssfesr ^

IMC IBWAI. "SHpMaWK*ICAl» In «a>«a '-<Mrar 9N> MM*- TUo nuoaM* ^ SmSZ Ii ^ BooBBiatB ardMB ol

Is Un'in^t^CtM, iMim

tia. .Btdtaon.ytww —— — PK>m an onlflnd W aa«*.

tratad a aaUiartl ant projplwtie— »..>—

n Mill iiiiiwu. iii'i — ~ — r**"'*™

liannoiilxtns Uiem. Frle* tn ciotb. tUW. raiMMMPKT «r BKUdlMk By W. eBoek. able work, and one that i^^ti^' atoflt kr Modenu aud aUMaia CHraCB>]iUWBBBS> BASS-MOB av TBJWmSt. Br orrcU Bobntno. T^^^^St rnS^ oa tbo «1I1. —

tS^tm, or aoBm Mndanla of UmoW,


rile»,pcr T0l.ll» yipMrtiwiM caota.BJi»i

•wrns WB •«» cmtwHHi.

2Stt?«lUioiit textliar etphuwih*, . «1T OCT orwwKT.

wnrnTor KB mr i •'wrrTi mM

nMt.Bi ln* am biwrt

toKM I iid aetelar. tt dir t|M wo taaw SriM'saBdarHKiiooai Zd soadarMtutoi tcaeiwn. Two rolmwa, eeeb lUX

y aaaadfraia&^metf A m-miTCB apon a crltteU M^ w-r dodnaa lor paMon and Simday-

BAJraAL •rJ.H.raaitotoB. ^ MwMteWilw vanr _Bi aanw aablOTt. aM U»

I c«BMli BiMtawT- ar BOwani , pO k AjaM lAa doMirUM aM

imaallM tiM Afoattaa. • anaaai iTwuiai Vmm aanaoarotUui valoabia •. aiad tlw MiUwr la a

mnw—n _ _ tba la M tlM nuaiau

t aiiiTt Bulk ail III EdwanlT. BWiniMai, PI*. TlM SIMU CMMUCI-Cdi aiidRlWaaiUMRtr. BrO««

. Br waa

£ Tka Badnevtac CkavcO. Br Mav. W. O. CkavM.'» mur. W. O. CaWBtt. «pacta. IiipavtrNreW,li»«hiUi itan martrr af tba to

»ATHMBOeU. Br .ft«ak, v«iM^ awl. , lataraatl It iiiManl ~ -_ _ JluMattbar M a'taadwr aritu«»au SooHkaTatUiboak. PtWa ta eioik,»bM4 rouonoAJu

-y—^ _ mstMlaaasa

• I Im.

r t s s s n s ^ s :

n* itrnj-Umtrnt lMbM»-On Owp^ ••I. « paisa,BM

^ ^ ^ ^ mlndaoC UM rialim pnataUoo. nCBWOBABMrU^UM JcSW

TleUma an> rrraalad. Bar* tto Um latnaaea, ^ ^



It; tha eoat of Uwjwmtg.ata. 'a ^ elilldkbadt. IxoSath.NjMN.Bela. BBKaa.9A]lfMN».


rw itifL

it ^ii^ki^ befora UL And jr tikU tmflH-tkt ^ b ^ tnrwofco vitli the tntdta of tin Btbte Wltir iBt diiilwBl^ fliaiibBd» ii dind^tbcni^'iraai^^ 3re ba In. tte idtbrlpt^ yott draaclvcs: KMV ^ a ^

to in yoii; {tOoc. xtti. ••Hb

^ iod 4ilnkelli air Mood*' »dmllath fa (Jdittvi SS.)' ^ lift tiMni.«j(JahBzvl(. Whttd^tcntb

f^fmmt^kad iu bmp9 tanisiifUly:


odr hiuhittetfew. teodttb fe dtooM ^ doaiy, sad mwftBirlm tte bwie Is t>» «al tittwa iriMi ite ^ ^ dipt. bo4y to deM becBme of Idit. Our nifaiDptiaa by Ofettak eiciBQiltaiiiotfrw UieoQbfliet ud tte Vid^ or thetari;«M^. We onat esmtmd. Um gdm ^nuMnieoam f^er.ud ««bc Uifdec^oBrtsiqMwoiirbiQV. We nait cQt --mdar^ mc iieeaiiteofaiB. - Oeetb hBQi FMB npoo aU moi. foe tbet bO baveaiiiaed.'* AndilitolBW mniJas aaxefeided, iktu^ChtkA bas dcUvcnd m from O*: cone. FhMii'thto

raiUtae,eveBtlM tioii-eoodBBiwd jtad im 'av nnr' wcii^; teaIbleepiifikt,i>o.TC^^ biHpew to Uw widced^ t^ ritMedpe they laoUi Mam tbewQdd br tteiMiiMdbmd Ycooea* of dtonlii. ab&> /BM tte cfaaiai^ id dairth to turffHally dbanged; and bw^ Itos dUtocii^ tlMbaecaak^^ UB taran; lKtlie otli«,'Wlr iaTeited wtth aU Ito d u o ^

ia bdentkUe dMtm to ttebe-fiwer to letni. CbdrtdOd not dietoezt»ptai from the adag of doitlL If, becaaa» of nrjjfBal and ladw«llli« «iB In tbe reteMntn, tJM|f an^ tBrflHif death;7et, beoHMeor patdoDedrialbittM

tbe<iUtt«cM.efdeaUi tovaal.^

Hex K t | L . f

Uea Uie eomtae «Maqr Uw bmUtoi ^wide' UoatbttB»bamilacii|aadtte« -bodirtodead.

H^tbe%i<H to IU»b«eaaMQf il|l to «a4B(BUad V tte ti

On tcf jrvIU at ooee fo fo^teiMeiliw i^it Ss^ SiSttt. O f ^ TUfdltaoa bleM«dlMiil|yneaBMtbeor vlwH thrA;^^

and tounadd pattof tbe i blt of Bu, mA aot tlw nteoeiktiaK of Ood. ntltlMA BUBt be mdmtood at bmIbW

tteanaedfiulBnHtiB oidnrimAlitf flpItUaal btH a a d ^ b^g'pBed ^ ^neteoelnal.' -ii^-f-- —— • :-pm B«bm to itmv^iiim'^^ aewMdaikl qiMnaed wit! Bib. IftbebiairkdBMi] - BStilKt wtlh • beeaMeOittofctoae Oa tlie broad •AefOMMfftti

in of jmaikamtermait^

n * bum* ar BaaOk^ VUUM Bttn. A ba*fc that ta wdtMi Ib

f t a ^ ay brut aiM gasssask-KjBbjjgj- -

•r®» toAartsnlarOo

knak ara . OMMood „aiwartti* tha Booaa l-IMaUTa .and Ra nlattona to •aetrdolal eaUbaor, cnaTMia. moraUtr. and dju and latlgtooa UbM.. arrJ o WMtai ai PP> rrlsa,l

tbat*a»wm SMtp uaAmaatMBna ot


iiTiRn ywm* Bawtliani ImOmM. A MW, iibho^

and nawbattna hm iwt baaa lak IMk IIIMIM XSSSlfe.. n z liana ataa. iiian. Laiva alaa, BMiooao, gm, polplt •

avi:it«Bi(Mi.'«r eooiwt <M with' l j tha ttoth fw whM «a itail

. . jflaaioo. OhiiiitolattKMUem. tl»baikTac.toiBCaiitot. WocMiDcAbe lte«begtaeBof ObilN^imweiBCIirisi

bead oH di iBffMeal bedjr. So tih ir MpBlft lgllil iii iW bMiMt. dr. ^VtHabA/rMm

*i«S{«iUlr dirtfl * • tin. ^HuhMBHiwuayi

{^nm mm lir^cta^9«IIedtfaeia by te , Bad to boir ta heaTeB.|» aitiHt Jkic ttiiia

Tetatii BMMiEMf. hei aimfii ihat dveli

. iflK^aB tfldSthto

Wilh liiMK ahd BMMitorMti' Addiwint

Bto dexpeaili;

It tothea that he nal^ biiliw to ttvow m OrnSk tb» thit the lifi witUa fe in the birthday of hto tomoAli^. ttaa, la the awfutqfl of tte eewaijit, death aaki the dirf ot Ua Mawiii«i. iM>d beept^ a w ^ j

• Dtaith to falii.*' the artoaUMd btfeMT, "deeth^^l

Minwlngt I hi^ heea iiroet to eoa-teoipliteU aaaQr dlMrtcnxBivWdnMd H ea aay gnafd lse}" Yea; tf diath ii^Mid aeemlty, «li'aliotbepc«oloaa privlleie oCaBr haiBR. In tttfeanof tboae who amto Caitiil foiw, It ^ tteexecatiott of aJadldalaei aBei bM Oe fliiiiMi el a eanoKU flMR|y»l • And wd the tiaiii auurka the vmptoiai ot hto aiftcMaUaf aad eoMtaUe dtaniatiim-BateUaff the dov bat a» uli dinMUbto adTaBe* of thefttt deit^^ eadataij ea he nallBea thai thei» iB demaiaiai to theito tbataie la OuM

"ttwf.OaaOi. iniBM* \

tekMladla. ttetXvluAitkki iCBtoumaMli .

••BieMwoT rfo.'*' Ahl tt to tida tnth vhnee diriE ahaitoir filbr a o ^ the farigbtaoB of the tairiklai|» eondlUtofc' att saniib eetoail^ asd eommi tiaMAi iMt to iu t A ^ %li]Nld «• " ^ r ^fiecran of ita.?

iaiBwOBte ud fiu^M* eiw*eh<**alb tf» • • ' ma^m

wopJd have b&Miht Ahd

l i l i i m N d i * * ttaa ^ at^ ^^'mmsmrntiirtm^

Ifitt «teMthiaBtii%#

d itewwaee idlS^l haw v W ^ h e i 1 ChiMtoiayttfMeoan» l ^ a i a g a B ^ tif the 1Uch(liRNB0ne->I ilvt la One

of cf the Ito tauMlt to'iliBally. Bi| atliieda^HiSilii avBlto u; ai^ 11* ewiFaell. ^^bpwlelirttka dwthtoaiaxIMoi eigthiri via bon latnaortaUly. ft basMliHlh liato aient, aad, amfllai ajiiiiii' •liiiyj way to«l«y. lioa«.9ad oedjliien. Moilaofciiinntd. jhioiiallliii m OB ftil ftar a lifi fo COBB to hei llto. JjiA Che llfc fiaiiii^mlitti

, i»«atcr aiM r»«yaii OmU-^nd aow.fwBOdttiCi ttwUlbeitoCbi^ hflavea iuad the ntw


J to OhiM>ii giain tet li^Ba b ie ig j^ hoBW oCisoaratiiff I iid w auNh Jii tldi for OBCMoFe heami. that la otdB to IhMa thBitlraad baiiBa«ol thto Bod^

nay baaa ia theipm; la •BdetiHtadC k um^i^m^^ dapi aad'liutaaij- i jjaiiltoif M '

lhat Mf^ ii ti lliMit ' IM •• •

•M. f

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