
UNESCO/ Review Group Amman November 2015 UNESCO QA Process Self Assessment Self Assessment Review- Recommendations - Review- Recommendations - QIP Implementation QIP Implementation QIP Preparation QIP Preparation QA should be continuous and not once in a lifetime. Basic Concept Quality Improvement Processes come in many shapes and sizes go by many different names With a common goal To improve and assure the quality and standards while minimising red tape burden in higher education Need for Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Those indicators that identify whether the university/college is meeting, or failing to meet, its aims and objectives. Why measure performance? If you dont measure results, you cant tell success from failure If you cant see success you cant reward it If you cant reward success, youre probably rewarding failure If you cant see success, you cant learn from it If you cant recognise failure, you cant correct it If you can demonstrate results, you can win staff/students/ministry/university support What gets measured gets done. If you dont have a goal, you cant measure its results Example of Strategic Aims: University of Baghdad Supplying qualified manpower in different fields that correspond to the evolving needs of the labor market. Improving educational and administrative processes to realize the vision and mission of the university. Developing and improving the capacities of Faculty members. Improving scientific products in accord with ISO. Developing educational programs and benefiting from international experiences in different disciplines. Improving the capacities of workers and creating new capabilities in accord with the quality requirements. Re-engineering procedures by facilitating and using modern technologies. Reviewing of the framework of the University, colleges and institutes and centers in accord with the new orientation of the University. Making improvements to the adopted job description of all formations of the University. Improving of the methods of assessing performance taking into consideration quality at the expense of quantity. Supporting cultural and scientific links between the Arabic Universities and as well as International Universities. The Independence in the work of the University. Mission: To educate people and contribute to world knowledge through research and publications Vision: To be world leading university Goals or Aims: increase number of students by 30%; increase the quality of research by focusing on publication in quality journals; improve the quality of education through providing more training to staff Example of Strategic Aims: University of Southampton Example of KPI based on Strategic Aims- University of Southampton University of Southampton: Development of KPIs - CSFs Revised KPIs based on Critical Success Factors (2006) 11 Critical success factors identified covering Student recruitment Staff recruitment Staff and student experience Enterprise Reputation Funding Business processes Research activity Select Performance Measures Set goals for measures: A SMART goal is a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time based. In other words, a goal that is very clear and easily understood. . . Are Your Goals SMART ones? SPECIFIC What exactly will you accomplish? To what standard? Performance objectives are generally phrased using action words. MEASURABLE Watch for words that can be misinterpreted such as: Improve, increase, reduce -> by how much? If you include them, also include how they will be measured. ACHIEVABLE Are 'expected' outcomes able to be completed: within the given timeframe? with the current resources? with the knowledge and skill required for the role? RELEVANT Are the objectives related to the staff member's role? Are the objectives related to the departmental goals? TIME-FRAMED When should the objective be completed? Establishing deadlines help the staff member track the progress of achieving objectives. It helps with ongoing performance discussions when discussing performance and progress. Example VAGUE OBJECTIVE: Ensure that all work is completed properly. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: Complete and submit monthly academic reports to head of department by the end of each month. Plan Development and Implementation Plan Development Are the mission, vision, values and priorities clear and widely understood? Is there a published plan that specifies broad university/college goals? Is the plan appropriately disseminated? Is there a formalised planning process with clearly defined steps? Does the planning process consider: Your mission, vision and values. Needs of staff and students. Challenges and opportunities? Resources availability? Organisational capabilities? Does the planning process ensure broad participation? How is the process reviewed and improved? Quality improvement happens through: Teamwork Leadership Commitment by department, university and ministry Self-examination of practice Being open to change Outside support and training Plan Implementation Are staff implementation roles and responsibilities clearly defined? Is information about changes/progress broadly and effectively communicated? Does follow-through ensure that: Goals, strategies, action plans are clear Short and long term goals have been defined Staff are appropriately engaged Resources are available Training needs are identified Is progress on plans, goals and action steps monitored to ensure follow- through? Examples of QIPs Exercise Lets make the perfect Dolma! Where Do We Start? OK Great!! So how do we actually do this when: We are short of vine leaves, rice and meat No preparation method is available We do not have sufficient cooking experience The chef is not interested in quality Learning Do we all define the process in the same way? Did we assume steps without spelling them out? Did we all address the problem in the same way, or were there variations in our processes? Where Do We Start in Our Workplace? So how do we actually do this when we are: Only slightly interested Busy with lots of complicated issues (politics, job, bureaucracy, time, etc) Short on resources (should all our money go for buildings?) Lacking QI skills (not understood by Ministry and University Managers) Where Do We Start? The Steps: 1. Create the Basic Structures 2. Evaluate & Determine Priorities 3. Select Performance Measures 4. Collect Data/Determine a Baseline 5. Analyse Data/Evaluate Performance 6. Plan & Implement Changes for Improvement 7. Monitor Performance Over Time What Do We Mean by Improvement? Lets PLAN The Perfect Dolma!!!! What do we want to improve? What change should we test? What is our anticipated outcome? Theorize What Do We Mean by Improvement? Lets DO The Perfect Dolma!!! Put the theory into practice Map the new plan Carry out the change on a small scale or pilot basis Evaluate change with qualitative and quantitative data What Do We Mean by Improvement? Lets STUDY The Perfect Dolma!!! Everyone appreciates every bite Procedure followed best available protocol Lessons learned Improvement means are identified What Do We Mean by Improvement? Lets ACT ON The Perfect Dolma!!! Adopt by testing on a larger scale in a new cycle Adapt based on lessons learned from the test Abandon By trying something different Use the Improvement Cycle (Plan, Do, Study, Action) for: 1. Testing or adapting a change 2. Implementing an improvement 3. Spreading the improvements to the rest of your university Success Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts Winston Churchill

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