
Unit 4 Amazing ScienceUnit 4 Amazing Science

Topic 2 When was it invented?Topic 2 When was it invented?

Task 1 : Brainstorming

wood cotton

carbonsteel iron ['aɪən] plastic

leather cloth

It’s made of metal , it’s used for sending satellites or spaceships into space.

rocketsatellite['rɔkɪt] n.


['sætəlaɪt ] n. 卫星 (可数)

['metl] n. metal

Task 2 : Guessing game


It’s made of plastic. It’s used for brushing teeth.

toothbrush ['tu:θbrʌʃ]

n. 牙刷 ( 可数 )

复数形式: toothbrushes

It’s made from carbon. It’s used for writing in.

[ɪŋk] n. ink 墨水(不可数)

两瓶墨水 two bottles of ink

1. rocket

2. metal

3. satellite

4. ink

5. toothbrush for6. be used

New words

['rɔkɪt] n. 火箭(可数)

['sætəlaɪt ] n. 卫星 (可数)

['tu:θbrʌʃ] n. 牙刷 ( 可数 )

[ɪŋk] n. 墨水(不可数)

['metl] n. 金属(不可数)


+ doing sth.

+ do sth.被用于做……

computer desk / wood / hold a computer

sweater / cotton / keep warm

A: What’s this in English?B: It’s __________________ .A: What’s it made _______?B: It’s made ____________.A: What’s it used for?B: It’s used for ___________. = It’s used to ___________.

a computer desk

ofof wood

holding a computer

hold a computer

a sweater

ofof cotton

keeping warm

keep warm

paper / wood / write on

ink / carbon / write in

A: What’s the English for this?B: It’s __________________ .A: What’s it made _______?B: It’s made ____________.A: What’s it used for?B: It’s used for ___________. = It’s used to ___________.

a piece of paper

fromfrom wood

writing onwrite on

a bottle of inkfrom

from carbon

writing inwrite in

The pencil is made of wood.

The paper is made from wood.

be made of

由…制成+ 材料

+ 材料



1.The desks __________________________ wood.2.The red wine __________________________ grapes.3.The bed _________________________ iron.

are made ofis made from

is made of

be made from

1.The brushes ____________ plastic. They are used for ______________.

2.The bed ______________________ iron. It’s used for ______________.

3.The ruler ______________________ steel. It’s used for ____________.

4. This bottle of ink ___________ carbon. It’s used for __________.

is made of

is made of

are made ofbrushing teeth

sleeping on

measuring with

is made fromwriting in

Task 3: Speaking practice 1:

Task4: Speaking practice2: Pair workExample:A: What’s this in English? =What’s the English for this?B: It’s a(an) …A: What’s it made …?B: It’s made ….A: What’s it used for?B: It’s used for (to) ...

be made of 由某种物质做成 ( 看得出原材料 , 物理过程 )be made from 由某种物质制成 ( 看不出原材料 , 化学过程 )be made up of 由几部分组成be made in 在某地制造be made by 由某人制造be made into 被制成be used for doing 被用来做= be used to do 被用来做be used as 被用作used to do sth. 过去常做be used to doing sth. 习惯于做


Our class is made up of fourteen boys and sixteen girls.

The car is made in China.The cake was made by my mother.The cloth is made into a bag.

English is used as a foreign language in China.

They used to swim in the river.

I am used to getting up early in the morning.


1. — What are your shoes made ________?

— Leather.

2. His watch was made ________ Shanghai.

3. The machines were made _________ many workers.

4. Glass can be made ________ bottles.

5. Everyone knows ink is made _________ carbon.

Fill in the blanks with Fill in the blanks with of; from; by; into; inof; from; by; into; in. .






1. Clothes _______________ keeping warm.

2. The car belonged to my grandfather, but it

___________ my father now.

3. Chinese _________________ the mother tongue by us


4. The knife _____________ cut meat.

= The knife is used for cutting meat.

Fill in the blanks with Fill in the blanks with be used for; be used to do; be used for; be used to do; be used as; be used by be used as; be used by ..

are used for

is used by

is used as

is used to

Task 6: Describe the things around you with your partner:

be made ofbe made frombe made in be used for doing used to do sth.…

This is (These are)… It is one of my favorite ... It is made of / from … It is used for / to … I often… I like it very much.

Wow !A model rocket !

Task 5: Look, listen and answer.

A. What’s it made of?B. It’s made of metal.A. Do you know what it is used for?B. It’s used for sending satellites or spaceships into space.

Key points1. 被允许做…… _________________2. 花时间(金钱)做…… _________________3. 某一天 ,总有一天 (将来 ) _________________4. 变成真的 ,实现 _________________5. 我希望将来有一天我能上太空。

6. 我希望你的愿望能实现。

7. 如果你花太长时间在它们身上会对你的健康有害。

8. 我不被批准玩电脑游戏。

some day=one daycome true

be allowed to do sth.spend…on sth./ (in)doing sth.

I wish I could go into space some day.

I hope your dream will come true.

It’s bad for your health if you spend too much time on them.

I’m not allowed to play computer games.

1. People who drink wine _____ to drive after May Day. (2011 广东)

A. don’t allow B. isn’t allowed

C. mustn’t allow D. mustn’t be allowed

2. – Excuse me, what’s this for?

– It’s a cleaner and it _____ to pick up dirt. (2010 广州)

A. uses B. is used C. is using D. used

3. It _____ last week that the haze (雾霾) in Beijing caused many problems. ( 2013 肇庆)

A. reports B. reported

C. is reported D. was reported




What have we learned today? 本节收获

2.Phrases:be allowed to do made ofbe made frombe used for doing used to do sth.

1.Words:rocket 、 metal 、 satellite 、toothbrush 、 ink

1. Write a short passage about one of your favorite things.2. Recite 1a.3. Finish the exercises of Section A in workbook.

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