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• TOPIC Asking for Permission and Giving Permission

• Part One SPEAKING• New words and expressions• permission // n. 允 ( 准 ) 许 , 答应 , 同意 , 许可• approval // n. 核定 ; 批准 ; 赞成 ; 认可 p• part-time // adj. 兼职的,用部分时间的• allowance // n. 津贴 , 补助 , 零用钱• insist // v. 坚持 ; 坚决主张 ; 坚决认为• way too 太……

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• Leading in• I. Do you know what kinds of words or sentences you can use when as

king for permission and giving permission? (Students offer. The teacher writes on the blackboard.)

• Asking for Permission• Can I open the window?• Would you mind if …?• Can you allow me …?• Am I allowed to …?• Do you agree that …?• Do you approve of …?• I want to go to bed, can I?• Giving Permission• That’s fine!• That’s the right thing to do!• I very much approve of your decision.• You have my approval.• You are allowed to …• You have my permission.• I approve of it.

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• II. Language Sample • A:Dad, I’ve decided to look for a part-time job.• B: Why? We give you enough allowance.• A: I want to buy a new bicycle.• B: What? Why do you think you need a new bicycle? What’s wrong with the

bicycle you own now?• A: It’s way too old.• B: I still think it’s a waste of money to buy something unneccessary. Howeve

r, If you insist, you have my approval.• A: Thank you, dad.• III. Speaking improvement• Task 1. Act out the dialogue above and role-play it.• Task 2. Retell the the dialogue above.• Task 3. Create a new dialogue according to the one above.

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• PART TWO LISTENING• New words and expressions• attack / / vt. 攻击• robber // n. 强盗 , 盗贼• concert // n.. 音乐会• avenue // n. 美 ( 城市中心 ) 大街• apartment // n. 公寓式房屋• dye // v. 染 ; 把 ... 染上颜色 ; 给 ... 着色• lightener // n. 亮发剂• picky // adj. 过分讲究的 ; 吹毛求疵的 ; 找麻烦

的• private // adj. 私人的 , 个人的 , 私有的• receptionist / / n. 接待员• attach // v. 使附属 , 使隶属• profession // n. 职业 ( 尤指从事脑力劳动或受过专门训练

的 )• approve // v. 赞成 , 满意

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• I. Listen to a statement, then make your choice.• . A. In the library. B. In the restaurant.• C. At the station. D. In the class.• . A. A schoobag. B. A record.• C. A movie. D. A ticket.• . A. She lost her bag.. B.She was attacked by a robber..• C.She found her money bag missing. D. She was mad.• . A. Time. B. Concert..• C. Weather. D. Movie.• . A. Sun Avenue. B. In an apartment in city.• C. Abroad. D. With her son.• II. Listen to Conversation one, then get the correct choice. • . A. She cut her hair. B. She dyed her hair.• C. She put some lightener on it. D. She lost her hair.• . A. She is worried. B. She is glad.• C. She is angry. D. She didn’t approve of it.








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• III. Listen to Conversation two, then get the correct choice. • . A. Red. B. Black. C. White. D. Blue.• . A. She thinks the color isn’t suitable.• B. She thinks it is perfect.• C. She thinks it is expensive.• D. She think the style isn’t suitable.• . A. It is the sales season.• B. They love shopping.• C. They are too picky..• D. They don’t have enough money.• IV. Listen to a passage, answer the following 5 questions. Complete th

e answer to the question with a word or a short phrase (in not more than 3 words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed already.

• 1. In the Western countries, what should you do before you go to see a • doctor?• You should have an at his private office.• 2. What does the receptionist do? • The receptionist usually the phone.• 3. Sometimes what is attached to his office?• Sometimes a is attached to his office.






_____ lab

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• 4. How is the lad used?• Several doctors may work in the same buiding and the use of the • lab. • 5. What do people think of doctors?• Doctors are generally thought to belong to a profession.

• Section B Readings• PART ONE Intensive• Topic Is There a Fat Gene - Revolution Health?• By Rochelle L. Levy



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• Warming Up More than half of the population carries a gene that makes people more likely to pile on the pounds, scientists announce. They hope the discovery could finally help people lose extra weight they carry simply because of their genetic make-up. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other medical problem. This text may suggest a possible answer to someone who might ask, “I eat the same and do as much exercise as my friend next door, so why am I fatter?'."1 You choose fruit instead of fries, put in your hour at the gym 3 times a week and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Yet those 10 or 20 extra pounds stubbornly refuse to disappear. 2 "Hey, it's not my fault," you'd like to say. "It's just the way I'm wired."3 If only it were that simple. While it is true that your parents are partly to blame — if one or both is obese, you have a greater chance of being overweight — genetics alone are not solely responsible for weight issues. Nor, it turns out, is there one specific genetic culprit.4 "There are many different genes that regulate body weight," says Andrew S. Greenberg. According to Greenberg, scientists are still trying to get a better idea of the role that genes might play in weight gain. "We're at least 10 years away from finding more specific answers," he says. 5 In 1991, Greenberg and his colleagues made a groundbreaking discovery — a new protein within fat cells called perilipin. 6 "It coats the surface of fat that's stored in fat cells," he says. "And its level seems to regulate the breakdown of fat." The more perilipin in your fat cells, the more fat that gets stored rather than broken down.7 "Probably a current estimate is 30 to 60% of weight gain is heredity," says Michael L. Goran.

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• To illustrate, he recalls a classic experiment in which identical twins with the same genes were overfed by the same amount. Certain twin pairs gained a lot of weight, while some pairs didn't gain at all. Within each twin pair, however, they gained about the same.8 Of course, environment and lifestyle also greatly affect weight issues. "If you try to link when obesity started, there's a pretty good relationship to when cars became popular — around the '50s and '60s," says Robert Girandola.9 The advent of television just made us even more sedentary. And we're not getting any thinner. "Since 1990, the level of overweight people in the United States has gone from 51% to 65%," he says. "People are eating all day long. And, at the same time, our activity has gone down."10 Since most of us are tied to our desks, Zhaoping Li recommends being as consciously active as possible — apart from a set exercise schedule11 "Never stop moving around," she says. "Burn calories by cleaning the house yourself instead of hiring a maid. Walk around while you're on the phone. And," she adds, "if you can stand, don't sit."12 This means that if you gain weight easily, you need to force yourself to park further away from the store or take a walk during your lunch hour. And, of course, eat less while making smart, healthful food choices. "Eat fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, very limited treats," Li recommends.13 "Obesity is driven by acquired behavior," Goran says. "Unlike smoking, we have to eat. That's the irony and what makes it more challenging. Humans are designed to hunt for calories, and body fat is the only way that the body can store calories." 14 But our hunting days are long gone. In today's society — with drive-thru and delivery — we sit in our cars or houses, and the food comes directly to us.15 Finding a balance between your weight goals and your lifestyle is key. And anyone who has tried to lose weight knows that's a difficult goal. "You can always exercise and eat less," says Greenberg, "But in reality, people are busy, so it's not easy to do."

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• New Words • gym / dƷim/ n. a room for doing exercises 体育馆 , 健身房• elevator /eliveitə/ n. 电梯 , 升降机• extra /ekstrə/ a. More than or beyond what is usual, normal, expected, or

• necessary 超额的,额外的 , 多余的• stubbornly /stʌbənli/ ad. 倔强地 , 顽固地• wired /waiəd/ a. 联网的,连线的;兴奋的,紧张不安的• blame /bleim/ n. 1. to hold responsible. 负责• v. 2. to find fault with; censure. 指责 , 找…的差错• 3. being the cause or source of something 归咎 , 把责任• 归于…• obese /əbz/ a. extremely fat 极胖的;• obesity /ə bisiti / n. the condition of being obese 肥胖 , 肥大• gene  / dƷ i: n/ n. 基因• genetic / dƷ inetik/ a. 基因的,遗传的• genetics / dƷ inetiks/ n. 遗传(学)• culprit /kʌlprit/ n. 祸根,罪魁祸首,犯人• solely /səuli/ ad. alone; singly, only 独自地 , 单独地 , 唯一地• issue /i∫u : / n. a matter of public concern 议题,公众关心的事物• regulate /regjuleit / vt. to control according to rule, or law 管制 , 控制 , 调节• groundbreaking /graund breikiŋ/ a. original or innovative 先锋的 , 最初的 , 现代的 , • 创新的• protein /prəut i: n/ n. 蛋白质• perilipin /pəri lipin/ n. (=lipid) 油脂• estimate /estimeit/ v. to calculate closely but not exactly 估计,估算

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• heredity /hiredəti/ n. 遗传• illustrate /iləstreit/ v. to clarify 举例说明,阐明• classic /klsik/ a. 一流的,经典的• identical /aidentikl/ a. being the same 同一的,同样的• advent /ædvənt/ n. the coming or arrival 到来• sedentary /sedntəri/ a. 久坐的 , 坐惯的• recommend /,rekəmend/ v. 推荐• consciously /kɔn∫əsli/ ad. 有意识地 , 自觉地• schedule /ske dƷ jul/ n. 时间表 , 进度表• calorie /kæləri/ n. 卡路里• lean /li: n / n. meat with little or no fat. 瘦肉,含很少或

• 没有脂肪的肉• a. 消瘦的:没有肉或脂肪的;瘦的• treat /tri: t/ v. 对待,款待;处理;治疗• n. 乐趣,款待,享受• acquire /əkwaiə/ v. gain or get by one's own efforts 取得,获得• challenging /t∫ælin dƷ iŋ/ a. calling for full use of one‘s ability 有挑战性 • 的• thru /θru : / prep. (informal) = through• delivery /dilivəri/ n. 递送 , 交付• Andrew S. Greenberg /ændru: es gri:nbəg/ n. ( 男子名 ) 安德鲁 ·S · 格林伯

格• Michael L. Goran /maikəl es gəra:n / n. 迈克尔 ·L· 戈伦树• Robert Girandola /r ɔbət dƷ ə: r ændələ/ n. 罗伯特 吉兰德拉

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• Phrases and Expressions• be responsible for 为 ... 负责 , 形成 ... 的原因• turn out 生产,制造;证明是,结果是 • play a (leading or major) role in 在…方面扮演(主要)作用• be stored in 被储存在…• rather than 而不是…,而非• as… as possible 尽可能地• apart from 除…之外• instead of 代替,而不是• hunt for 搜寻,寻找• Notes to Text• If only it were that simple. 要是真那么简单就好了! if only 意为“要是… 就好了” “ if only”引导的感叹句中,一般使用虚拟语气。又如: If only he knew how we miss him.

• Nor, it turns out, is there one specific genetic culprit. 结果证明:也不是某个特定基因的过错。 Nor (用于肯定动词前,表示同意前面提及的否定命题)也不。又如: She doesn’t like math, nor does Jerry.

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• The more perilipin in your fat cells, the more fat that gets stored rather than broken down. 你的脂肪细胞里含有的 perilipin越多,储存起来的脂肪就越多,而分解掉的脂肪就越少。“ the more … the more” “越…就越…”又如: The more I knew him, the more I liked him. The older she becomes, the more beautiful she becomes.

• To illustrate, he recalls a classic experiment in which identical twins with the same genes were overfed by the same amount. Certain twin pairs gained a lot of weight, while some pairs didn't gain at all. Within each twin pair, however, they gained about the same. 为了证实(这一观点),他引用了一个经典的实验:在这个实验里,人们给含有相同基因的双胞胎过量地提供同等数量的食物。有些对双胞胎体重增加很多,而有些对双胞胎体重却根本没有增加。不过,就每一对双胞胎而言,两人增加的体重相等。

• 5. And, of course, eat less while making smart, healthful food choices. "Eat fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, very limited treats," Li recommends.

• 当然,要少吃,并且要选择益智、健康的食物。李建议:多吃水果、蔬菜和含脂肪少的蛋白,少吃丰盛的大餐。

• 6. In today's society — with drive-thru and delivery — we sit in our cars or houses, and the food comes directly to us.在当今社会,有了快餐店和送货上门服务,我们坐在车里或者屋里,就能直接吃到饭菜。 drive-thru “免下车”餐馆,快餐店。

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• 7. Andrew S. Greenberg. M.D., director of the Obesity and Metabolism Laboratory at Tufts University in Boston, Mass., and one of the world's foremost authorities on fat-cell metabolism. 安德鲁格林伯格。医学博士,马萨诸塞州波士顿塔夫茨大学肥胖与代谢实验室主任,是全世界脂肪细胞代谢研究的权威之一。

• 8. Michael L. Goran: Ph.D., professor of preventive medicine, physiology and biophysics at the University of Southern California's (USC) Keck School of Medicine, and associate director of the medical school's Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research. 迈克尔湖戈兰斯:博士,南加州大学的(南加大)凯克医学院预防医学,生理学和生物物理学教授以及医学院研究所的促进健康与疾病预防的研究副主任。

• 9. Robert Girandola, Ph.D., a USC associate professor of kinesiology, and a nutrition and obesity expert. 罗伯特:博士,南加州大学运动学副教授和研究营养不良与肥胖方面专家。

• 10. Zhaoping Li, M.D., associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of

• California, Los Angeles, Center for Human Nutrition, and its director for clinical research. 李昭平,医学博士,加州大学洛杉矶分校临床医学副教授,该中心从事人类营养研究,其负责人

• 主要从事临床研究。

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• Exercises• I. Reading Out • Fill in the missing words without referring to the text, and then learn• the following passage by heart.• If only it were that . While it is true that your parents are partly to • blame — if one or both is , you have a greater chance of being • — genetics alone are not solely for weight issues. Nor, • it turns out, is there one specific culprit.

• II. Reading Comprehension• Answer the following questions according to the text.• According to para.• . how do people usually do to lose weight?

_____ simple ______ obese

_______overweight ________ responsible



To lose weight, people usually choose fruit instead of fries, put in hours at the gym 3 times a week and take the stairs instead of the elevator.

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• .Are your parents to blame for your obesity?

• .Are the genetics the only cause for the body weight?

• .According to the present research findings, to what extent is the weight gained by heredity?

• .Why did Goran recall the classic experiment according to para.7?

• .Apart from heredity, are there any other reasons responsible for weight issues according to para. 8?


Yes, if one or both is obese, you have a greater chance of being overweight


No, genetics alone are not solely responsible for weight issues.


Probably a current estimate is 30 to 60% of weight gain is heredity


He recalled the experiment to illustrate that 30 to 60% of weight gain is heredity.


Environment and lifestyle also greatly affect weight issues.

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• .What did Zhaoping Li recommend to keep slim?

• Ⅲ.Word Match• . blame A. To control according to rule, or law• . solely B. Special, distinctive, or unique• . specific C. Being the cause or source of something• . regulate D. Entirely; only• . groundbreaking E. Calling for full use of ability • . illustrate F. the coming or arrival• . estimate G. very fat• . obese H. original or innovative• . advent I. to clarify• .challenging J. to calculate closely but not exactly


Zhaoping Li recommends being as consciously active as possible — apart from a set exercise schedule.












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• Ⅳ. Working with Expressions• Fill in the following blanks with the proper preposition or adverb.• 1. You’ll have a greater chance being overweight

• 2. It coats the surface of fat that's stored fat cells

• 3. The media play a major role influencing people’s opinions.

• 4. You should go to class instead lying in bed.

• 5. People are eating all day . And, at the same time, our activity has • gone down.

• 6. He is responsible all what has happened.

• 7. It turned that he was a friend of my sister.

• 8. I have solved all the problems apart the last one.









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• V . Sentence Structure• Rewrite the following sentences with the phrase “instead of” • Model 1: • I didn’t go to class yesterday. I stayed at the dormitory.• I stayed at the dormitory instead of going to class.• . She usually works on weekends. She doesn’t work on weekdays.

• . You should go to class. You shouldn’t lie in bed.

• . You don’t go to visit her. So I will go.

• . He ordered chickens. He didn’t order the fish.


She usually works on weekends instead of working on weekdays.


You should go to class instead of lying in bed.


I’ll go to visit her instead of you.


He ordered chickens instead of the fish.

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• Ⅵ. Translation• Translate the following into English.• . 你还有获得一等奖学金的机会。( have a chance of doing )

• . 布鲁斯 ·李在这部电影中扮演重要角色。( play a leading role in )

• . 你应该出去工作而不是整天呆在家里。( instead of )

• .当然,你应该少吃点,但是要选择益智和健康的食物。( make … choices )

• VII . Translate the following into Chinese.• .You choose fruit instead of fries, put in your hour at the gym 3 times a week

and take the stairs instead of the elevator.


You’ll still have a chance of winning the first-class scholarship.


Bruce Li played a leading role in the movie.


You should go out to work instead of staying at home all day long.


Of course, eat less while making smart and healthful food choices.


你选择水果而不是薯条,每周 3次去健身房,选择走楼梯而不是乘电梯。

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• .If only it were that simple. While it is true that your parents are partly to blame — if one or both is obese, you have a greater chance of being overweight.

• ."It coats the surface of fat that's stored in fat cells," he says. "And its level seems to regulate the breakdown of fat.“

• .Of course, environment and lifestyle also greatly affect weight issues.

• ."Obesity is driven by acquired behavior," Goran says. "Unlike smoking, .• we have to eat. That's the irony and what makes it more challenging.

• .Finding a balance between your weight goals and your lifestyle is key. And anyone who has tried to lose weight knows that's a difficult goal.


如果真的那么简单就好了。当然,有一部分原因应归于你的父母 --如果父母一方或双方肥胖的话,你肥胖的机会将增加。








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• Part Two Extensive Reading• Topic The Modern Family• New words and Expressions• divorce /di'v ɔ: s/ n. 离婚• huge /hju:ʤ / adj. 巨大的• support  /sə'pɔ:t/ vt 支持;援助 • raising /'reiziŋ/ v. 养育;抚养 • breadwinner /'bredwinə/ n. 养家糊口的人• sharp /'∫a:p/ a. 急剧的;明显的 • blame /bleim/ v. 谴责;归咎• lack  /læk/ v. 缺乏• nursery /'n ə:səri/ n. 托儿所• juggle  /'ʤʌgl/ vt. 不断改变某事的安排• single mothers 单身母亲• dealing with 与…相处 • mixing with 与…融合• childcare facilities 儿童福利机构,设施 male role model 男性角色模范

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• 1 Many mothers in Britain have to juggle their work and home life. Father leaves for work in the morning after breakfast. The two children take the bus to school , and mother stays home cooking and cleaning until father and the kids return home in the evening. This is the traditional picture of a happy family living in Britain. But is it true today?

• 2 The answer is no! The past 20 years have seen enormous changes in the lives and structure of families in Britain.

• 3 The biggest change has been caused by divorce. As many as 2 out of 3 marriages now end in divorce , leading to a situation where many children live with one parent and only see the other at weekends or holidays.

• 4 There has also been a huge rise in the number of women with children who work. The large rise in divorces has meant many women need to work to support themselves and their children. Even where there is no divorce ,many families need both parents to work in order to survive. This has caused an increase in childcare facilities , though it is very expensive and can be difficult to find in many areas.

• 5 In addition , women are no longer happy to stay at home raising children , and many have careers earning as much or even more than men , the traditional breadwinner.

• 6 There has also been a sharp increase in the number of single mothers ,particularly among teenagers. Some people have blamed this increase for the rise in crime. They feel the lack of a male role model has damaged these children in society.

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• 7 However , these changes have not had a totally negative effect. For women , it is now much easier to have a career and good salary. Although it is difficult to be a working mother , it has become normal and is no longer seen as a bad thing for the children.

• 8 As for children themselves , some argue that modern children grow up more independent and mature than in the past. From an early age they have to go to childminders or nurseries , and so are used to dealing with strangers and mixing with other children.

•  • 选自

• Exercises• I. Choose the best answers for each of the following statements accord

ing to the text• . In Britain, the traditional picture of a happy family is __________. • A.Parents go to work after breakfast and the kids go to school by bus.• B.Mother goes to work and do some housework at home• C.Father goes to work and mother stays at home• D.Mother needs to work in order to support the family.


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• . The situation that changes the traditional family is _________. • A. the society develops a lot• B. most families nowadays end in divorce• C. a huge rise in the number of working mothers• D. an increase in childcare facilities• . The reason that leads to an increase in childcare facilities is ___________. • A. more mothers and fathers need to work in order to survive• B. many families end in divorce• C. mothers become the breadwinners• D. fathers are no longer the breadwinners• . The main idea of this passage is to __________. • A. introduce the modern families in Britain• B. explain the effect of the divorce• C. describe the role of mother in the family today.• D. introduce the situation of modern children.• . Why modern children grow up more independent and mature than in the • past? • A. Because modern children are cleverer.• B. Because modern children are used to meeting more strangers and • playing with other children.• C. Because modern children used to go to childminders or nurseries• D. Because more children live with one parent

2 B


4 A


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• II. Match the words in column A with column B.• A B• .childminder A. bring up (a child)• .rise B.common• .juggle C.change the arrangement of sth • .negative D. someone who look after child• .survive E.not helpful • .raise F.increase• .normal G. continue to live or exist • . Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.• There has also been a huge rise in the number of women with children who

work. The large rise in divorces has meant many women need to work to support themselves and their children. Even where there is no divorce , many families need both parents to work in order to survive. This has caused an increase in childcare facilities , though it is very expensive and can be difficult to find in many areas.








有工作并且也带着孩子的妇女数量成上升的趋势 ,离婚率的上升意味着更多的女性要通过工作养活自己和孩子 .即使一个家庭没有离婚 ,夫妇双方为了生存都要工作 .这种现象使儿童保育机构的出现越来越普遍 ,虽然价格比较昂贵 ,在很多地区也较难找到 .

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• Section C• Grammar, Writing, Translation and Reading Skills• Part One Grammar • Agreement ( 主谓一致 )• 主谓一致是指谓语在人称和数.主要与主语保持一致。一般来说,主语为单数,谓语动词常用单数形式;主语为复数,谓语动词也要用复数。如:

• The question raised by Xiao Wang is very important.• Cutting tools are made from high-speed steels. • 但以下几种情况要特别注意:• l. 谓语动词需用单数的几种情况• 1 )主语由动名词短语、不定式短语以及名词性从句构成• Whether you understand it or not doesn’t concern me.• Combing steel with other metals yields alloy steel.• To learn more than one foreign language is helpful for the overseas students.• 2 )主语是一个抽象概念,如 information , knowledge , traffic , behavior等,以及

有些集合名词如 equipment , furniture , luggage , clothing和 scenery等• The traffic is at a standstill. • The scenery of the mountain is attractive.• 3 )有些名词如 news ,以及表示学科名称的名词,如 politics等作主语时,• The news is inspiring.• Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects for me.• 4 )主语是单数,尽管后面跟有 with , together with , as well as ,等引导的短语• Nobody but Linda and Rose was there.• The little boy together with his parents always goes for a walk after supper.

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• 5 )由“ many a , more than one ”所修饰的词作主语• Many a person has had that kind of experience.• More than one person was involved in the case.• 6 ) and 连接两个并列主语是同一人或同一物(通常 and后的名词前没有冠词)• The bread and butter was all he asked for.• 7 )表示时间、金钱、重量、体积等名词作主语(作为整体来看)• Three weeks was allowed for making the necessary preparations.• 8 )由 either 或 neither作主语或修饰主语• Either of them is practical.• 2. 谓语动词需用复数形式的几种情况• 1 )有些集合名词如 people, folk, youth, police, cattle等作主语时,它们形式上 虽然是单数,但

意义上却是复数。• The police are investigating the case.• Are there any cattle from Australia? • 2 )由两部分物体构成的名词作主语。如: glasses, scissors, gloves, trousers, shoes等。• My shoes were out of fashion.• The scissors are dull. • 3 )用 and 连接两个不同的人或物(通常 and后的名词前有冠词)• The editor and the director were very satisfied with the play.• 4 )不可数名词前面有表数量的复数名词作主语。• Three million tons of cotton were exported that year. • 3. 从意思上确定谓语动词的单复数• 1 )有些集合名词,如 : audience , club , committee , company , family , team等,从意思上看,它们代表一个整体就用单数,如果代表全体成员就用复数。

• The national table tennis team are all good players.• The national table tennis team is preparing for the Olympic Games.

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• 2 ) number, majority, population等词修饰主语时• A number of workers were suffering from poor working condition.• The number of books adapted from the story is amazing.• 3 )带有修饰词的名词作主语时,应以中心词为准来确定谓语的单复数• The price of all these shoes is 120 dollars.• 4. 定语从句中的主谓一致问题• 1 )定语从句中的谓语动词是单数还是复数取决于先行词• Is there any more milk that is left in the bottle.• He is one of those persons who know the truth.• 2 )当 one前有“ the only”等限定词和修饰语时,定语从句的谓语动词要用单数。

• He is the only one of those persons who knows the truth.• Task 1 Choose the best answer.• . Ten minutes ___________ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.• A. seemed B. to seem C. seem D. seems• . The owner and editor of the newspaper__________ the conference.• A. were attending B. were to attend C. is to attend D. are to attend• . Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university ___

_______.• A. has been accepted B. have been accepted• C. was accepted D. were accepted• . London is one of the cities in the world that __________ famous for their har

bors.• A. is B. have been C. are D. has been









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• . Smoking cigarettes ___________not allowed in public places.• A. are B. is C. were D. bas• . John as well as Jack _________ just been back from an • important meeting.• A. have B. has C. are D. is• . Many a man ___________ life is meaningless without a • purpose.• A. think B. thinks C. to have thought D. have thought• . If you should meet Mr. White or Mrs. White, tell _________ • about the meeting.• A. him B. them C. her D. their• Task 2 Choose the correct words in the blankets according

to the sentence.• 1. There (is/are) a pair of shoes on the floor. The shoes • (is/ are) mine.• 2. Neither you nor Li Hua been to Shanghai before. (have / • has )












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• 3. Not only you but also he late for yesterday's class meeting. ( was / were )

• 4. My family big. (is / are )• 5. My family all friendly. (is / are )• 6. The doctor and writer (have/has ) been here for two years.• 7. Tom and I (be) going to see a film this evening.• 8. Everyone but Lucy and Lily the idea. (like / likes )• Part Two Practical Writing • Letter of Application( 求职信 )• 求职信( letter of application) 是求职者与雇主交流沟通的重要桥梁,是一种重要的信函类型,也可视作推销自己的广告。与简历的面面俱到不同,求职信对于自己的介绍应有重点地展开。通过求职信,应让雇主了解到求职者的基本情况,语言文字表达能力,因而关系着获得面试的机会,进而获得工作的机会。

• 求职信切忌言而不实,也不可以一味奉承。应该做到用词准确,突出重点,有理有节。

• 在求职信的格式方面,简单概括为:第一部分:明确求职意愿。第二部分:简明扼要描述求职者的资质。第三部分:请求面试机会。






_____ likes

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• Sample • Dear Sir/Madam, • Your advertisement for an interpreter in Taiyuan Youth Daily interested

me. That is a position I am seeking for.• I graduated from Taiyuan University. My major is business English. In t

he college I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. In addition, I am good at English writing and speaking, and have passed PETS-3. During my internship, I have showed the ability to work independently and good communication skills.

• I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will appreciate that if you offer me a chance for interview. I can be reached at 0351-6224861 at any time. Thanks for reading my application.

• Yours faithfully,• Zhang Lei • Translate the above Sample into Chinese.Task 1

致启者: 我在太原青年报上看见你们招聘口译人员的广告,对此我很感兴趣。这正是我所要找的工作。 我毕业于太原大学商务英语专业。在校期间,我已经掌握了课程所授的知识并掌握了实践技巧。而且,我擅长英文读写,已通过全国英语等级考试。实习期间,我就已经表现出独立工作以及良好的沟通能力。 我认为自己能够胜任这份工作。如能得到面试的机会将不胜感激。我的联系方式是 0351-6224861。 随时等候您的回音。感谢您阅读的我的求职信。 张磊

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• Write a letter of application according to the following • information.• 致启者:• 我希望在贵公司谋求一个职位。我现年 35岁。目前受雇于天天进出口公司,已经在那里工作了十年。

• 我离职的原因只是想要谋求更多自身发展的机会,积累更多贸易上的经验。现在的职位似乎不能给我进一步发展的机会。

• 由于我在交际和谈判工作有些能力,所以外贸工作一直深深吸引着我。关于我的人品和能力,如果必要的话,我可以请天天进出口公司写介绍信供您参考。

• 李明

Task 2

Dear Sir or Madam, I wish to apply for a position with your company. I am 35 years old and at present employed by Tiantian Export and Import Company. I have been there for the past 10 years. I just want to seek more chances to improve myself and get more experience in trading. I feel there is no further opportunity in my present position. Doing foreign trade has always had a great appeal to me as I have some abilities in communicating and negotiation. As to my character and ability I can give you references from Tiantian Export and Import Company if necessary. Yours Truly, Li ming

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• Part Three Translation • Translation Skills of Negative Forms• ( 否定形式的几种译法)• 英语中,否定概念的表达形式主要分为两类:显形否定和隐形否定。• 显形否定一般借助否定词或者含否定意义的句型来表达,其否定意义较为直观,绝大多数否定形


• 一、显形否定• 1. 句子中含有明显的否定意义的副词,如, no, never, not, none, nobody, neither, but that, rega

rdless of, rather than, out of the question。• Write a short passage of not less than 200 words. • Don’t always ask for help. • 2. 英语中有一类型短语表达的也是否定含义。• The question is quite beyond me. • I am now out of crash. • 3. 有某种固定句型和固定结构表达否定意义。• He is too young to go to school. • If only he had asked for my advice! • The bell rang before I could look over my answers. • I know better than to believe him. • Mind your own business. • 二、隐性否定• 这类否定既无特定句型,又无否定词,其否定意义多为习惯用语或者引申义。• Catch me making the same error again. • She bears her age well. • For all I care! • Keep it dark!

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• 三、否定形式的几种译法• 1. 对应法:此种方法为最基本的译法,直陈式的句子多用对应法。• It is unlikely but not impossible. 这事可能性不大,但也不是不可能。• 2. 转移法:此种方法多用于错位否定(也就是语法中的否定转移现象)的句

子中。• I do not think you are right. 我认为是你不对。• 3. 近义法:用另外的表达方法来表述句子中表示否定意义的词或短语。• He refuses to give up until all hope is gone. 他是不到黄河心不死。• 4. 转换法:即否定译为肯定,肯定译为否定,双重否定译成肯定。• No less than fifty people were killed in the accident. 事故中多达五十人死亡。• I’m only too glad to help you. 能为您效劳,我高兴极了。• 5. 引申法:此种译法多用于隐形否定。• Your question beats me. 你的问题令我迷惑不解。• Task 1 Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention

to the translation skills.• . 出租车就在不到 100米远的地方。

• . 过了不到 10秒钟他感到非常恶心。

• . 我并不真正了解他。




The taxi was not a hundred meters away.

Not ten seconds later was he violently sick.

I don’t really know him.

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• . 闪闪发光的东西不一定都是金子。

• . 他并不因为工作中有太多的困难而抱怨。• • . 要把这些词都学会,时间远远不够。

• . 他们用非常准确的言辞表示了他们的不满。

• . 他们去那儿不止一两次。

• . 我不是告诉过你不要同他玩吗?

• . 我不知道我们还能不能再得到更多。

• Task 2 Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the translation skills.








All that glitters is not gold.

He does not complain because there are a lot of difficulties in the work.

There is not nearly enough time to learn all these words.

They expressed their disapproval in no uncertain terms.

They’ve been there not once or twice.

Didn’t tell you weren’t to play with him?

I wonder if we can get any more.

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• . He is not richer than I. • He is no richer than I.

• . You can't be too careful when driving.

• . The car has been past repair since it is so badly damaged.

• . He’s more brave than resourceful.

• . For answer, he merely stared at me.

• . I don’t know how often I haven’t warned you.

• . Don’t you think if he has not asked too much of her?

• . They didn’t criticize him mildly.

• . He is too ready to speak.











开车时愈小心愈好 ( 或尽可能小心 )。








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• . What’s the use of complaining?

• Part Four Reading skills• Skimming (跳读 )• Skimming (跳读)是种常用的快速阅读方式。 Skimming是选择性地阅读,读者在阅读过程中,可跳过某些细节,以求在最短的时间内抓住文章的大意。 Skimming 中,平均阅读理解率达到50% 或 60%即可。

• Skimming 时可运用“变速阅读”的阅读技巧:• 精读文章的首段、末段,力求抓住文章大意、主题等。(慢速)• 略去细节不读。 (快速)• 精读段落的主题句和结论句。 (慢速)• 注意转折词、序号词等路标词,把握作者思路。(慢速)• e.g. Impression of Bethlehem College, Tauranga• I was impressed with how Bethlehem College supports internati

onal students in their studies and their lives. When they first arrive at the school, all international students take prep classes.



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• These classes include all the subjects that students will take in mainstream classes. In these prep classes, teachers systematically introduce background knowledge and English terms and phrases for each subject. To check students’ comprehension, students are asked to perform experiments, do presentations, finish projects and even follow recipes to make New Zealand food. The students time in this program varies according to their English ability.

• All international students live with homestay families. Bethlehem College works hard to ensure the quality of the homes by investigating and then interviewing each family before signing a contract with them. The coordinator also visits every family twice a year and talks to the homestay students regularly.

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• …• I really like the way courses are arranged at Bethlehem College. The older t

he students get, the more freedom they have to choose classes. Starting with year seven, students take not only core subjects but also compulsory rotational subjects. So for six weeks at a time, they add a class like information technology or art etc. In this way , students experience a wide range of courses while not having to deal with too many subjects at once.

• The College offers many educational and cultural activities as well. Twice a time , Bethlehem College has a mufti day when students don’t have to wear their uniform. The purpose is to raise money for charity- so students who wear muftis are expected to donate money to charity. When I was there , the primary school kids raised NZD $ 1,500 for a little boy’s operation! Needless to say, the students were thrilled.

• 析:本文是一篇对新西兰伯利恒中学的简介。它介绍了学校对国际学生在学习上和生活上的照顾、管理。在读文章时,我们只要抓住各段开头的一、两句就可以了解文章的大意。

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• SECTION D• CULTUREAL TIPS • • Love Your Parents ( 感激父母 )• Who gives us birth? Who brings us up? Who gives us food? Who gives us cl

othes? Who gives us care? Our parents.• They don’t want to get any reward from us. All the parents in the world don’t

charge anything from their children. They give us everything they can. They spend their whole life loving us. So showing respect to parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral values. As most of the students today are “the only child” in their family, they often regard themselves as the “centre” of the family, without caring much about their parents. But we should do the following.

• “Remember your parents' birthdays and express your best wishes to them; say “hello” to your parents when you see them returning home; and tell your parents where you go when you leave home.”

• 孝顺其实是很难用言语来表述的东西 ,它是发自内心的对父母长辈的一种关心 ,一种体贴 ,孝顺其实挺容易 ---在父母长辈需要时或未想到时牵挂他们 , 一个电话 , 一个问候 ,帮助父母长辈做一点家务都能叫孝顺 ,但是他也很难 , 因为真正的孝顺是坚持 .

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