  1. 1. UO Libraries CJK Vernacular Video Tours
  2. 2. CJK Library Tours in North American Academic Libraries Marquette University Raynor Memorial Libraries (English and Chinese) Miami University Libraries (English and Chinese) University of Colorado Boulder Libraries (Arabic, English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean for both main library and branches: business and engineering)
  3. 3. International Students at the UO Source: 2013-2014 UO International Student and Scholar Services Annual Report
  4. 4. Creation and Collaboration Drafting an English script Working with Chinese, Japanese and Korean students and library staff to translate the script Collaborating with CMET to film and narrate the videos Cooperating with the Library Communications and Marketing team to create promotional materials Coordinating with the Outreach and Student Engagement Librarian and the International Student Association to sponsor an ISA coffee hour
  5. 5. Promotional Materials
  6. 6. International Students Association Coffee Hour (April 26, 2015) Library sponsored ISA coffee hour 100 - 150 attendees Streaming CJK library videos Library promotional materials (bookmarks, posters, etc.)
  7. 7. Challenges Technical Visual consistency and quality Editing Sound effects Logistical Funding and budget Recruiting Coordination
  8. 8. Lessons Learned Filming and recording in one session Having a professional do video shooting and editing Editing and updating videos Coordinating with language specialists to create a consistent script Length of the video
  9. 9. Links to videos on You Tube Chinese: Japanese: Korean: UO CJK Videos Closing Scene
  10. 10. Conclusions Collaboration is the key. Here are our partners within and outside the library at CU and UO: Library and Campus Administration Media Services Communications and Marketing Academic Departments International Student Organizations ESL Institutes East Asian Studies Librarians can and should take an active role in engaging and reaching out to international students

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