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Design Competition for the Construction of

the Banyue Huan Park, Pingshan New

Central District

第二阶段 竞赛文件和任务书Competition File and Design Brief of StageⅡ

主办方:深圳市坪山新区城市管理局Client: Pingshan New District Urban Management Bureau of

Shenzhen Municipality

承办方 Organizer:深圳市坪山新区规划国土事务中心

Pingshan New District Urban Planning and Land Affairs

Center of Shenzhen Municipality

深圳市城市设计促进中心Shenzhen Center For Design

2015 年 11 月 20 日 Nov 20, 2015

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坪山新区中心区半月环公园建设工程设计竞赛Design Competition for the Construction of the Banyue

Huan Park, Pingshan New Central District

第二阶段竞赛文件Competition File of StageⅡ

1. 特别条款 Special Provisions

坪山新区中心区半月环公园建设工程设计第一阶段竞赛已结束,竞赛结果已于 2015年 10月 28日公布 http://,现进入第二阶段竞赛。根据本项目设计竞赛第一阶段开展情况、专家意见、参赛单位诉求及组织方意愿,经研究决定,对第一阶段公布的相关竞赛规则进行一定的优化调整,内容如下:

Stage of the Design Competition for the Construction of theⅠ

Banyue Huan Park, Pingshan Central District has been completed and

the review result was

publicized on Oct 28, 2015. And now it is for Stage . According to theⅡ

competition situation of Stage , the experts’ opinion, demands of theⅠ

competitors and the will of the organizer, it is decided that there will be

some optimization and adjustment for the related rules of the

competition file of Stage . Detailed adjustment is as follows:Ⅰ


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The competitors of Stage aren’t required to have Ⅱ China’s Grade

A Landscape Design Certificate. If the bid winner doesn’t have the

Grade A certificate, he must join with the one who has relevant

qualification while signing the design contract.


Those who failed in Stage can still join with theⅠ one who are

selected for StageⅡ.

3)各参赛单位第二阶段所提交的设计文本应精炼简洁,整体篇幅宜控制在 120-150页(A3幅面);设计内容应突出创意、力求创新,并注意论证设计内容的可实施性;所提交的设计成果与第一阶段设计方案图文内容的重复度应小于 20%;最终汇报文件展示及讲述时间限定为 30分钟,表达方式自定。

The scheme booklet of Stage should be refined and concise,Ⅱ

within 120-150 pages of A3 size. The content should highlight

creativity and pay attention to the demonstration of the feasibility of the

design. The deliverables should have less than 20% of the duplication

from Stage . There will be 30 minutes for the final report in freeⅠ

expression form.

2. 竞赛内容 Competition Contents


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The basic requirement of this stage is to further deepen the scheme

of Stage and highlight the characteristics of Pingshan industry, cultureⅠ

and ecology through deep research and consideration, so as to submit a

feasible master plan and design scheme and an estimate for the

construction investment that meets the requirements of the design brief.


The competitors will negotiate the design contract with the client

by the ranking order of the scheme review result. And the bid winner

will be responsible for the overall design of the Banyue Huan Park and

preliminary design, construction design, construction and subsequent

preparation of as-built drawings and follow-up cooperation of Phase 1


3. 参赛确认 Participation Confirmation

1)参赛团队应按本阶段竞赛文件要求,提交《参赛确认函》。第一阶段竞赛排名前 5名的设计机构将入围进入第二阶段的方案


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设计竞赛。如前 5名有退出第二阶段竞赛的,则按排名顺序,由第 6~10名依序替补。

The competitors should submit the Participation Confirmation

Letter according to the competition file. The top 5 competitors of

Stage will enter Stage . Ⅰ Ⅱ If any of them quit, 6th prize to10th prize

winners will enter by order.

2)每家入围设计单位只允许提交一份设计成果。Each competitor can submit one scheme only.

3)所有参赛者于 2015年 11月 23号前将参赛确认函等文件以电子邮件方式发送至邮箱:[email protected];纸质文件请在 2015年 11月 27号前提交至承办单位。邮寄地址:深圳市坪山新区龙坪路 6号规划国土事务中心 826 室;收件人:苗芬芬;联系电话:0755-28297842。

The competitors should submit the photocopy of the Participation

Confirmation Letter to [email protected] before Nov 23, 2015.

And the physical copy should be sent to the organizer before Nov 27,

2015. And the mailing address is Room 826, Urban Planning and Land

Affairs Center, Longping Road No.6, Pingshan New District,

Shenzhen. receiver: Ms Miao, Tel:0755-28297842.

4) 坪山新区管委会拥有本次参赛单位参赛成果的知识产权。Administrative Committee of Pingshan New District owns the

intellectual property of all the designs of the competitors.

4. 评审规则 Review Rules


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1) 由主办方确定 9名专家组成评审专家委员会。The client will decide 9 jurors to form the scheme review jury.


The review of this stage will be open and the competitors should

interpret their schemes and answer questions from the jury.

3)评审专家委员会对 5家入围单位提交的第二阶段成果文件进行评审,评选出一等奖 1名、二等奖 2名、三等奖 2名,并对获得一等奖的方案提出修改意见。

The jury will review on the 5 schemes and select one for 1st prize

winner, two winners for the 2nd prize and two winners for the 3rd prize,

and they give advice on modification for the 1st Prize Winner.


The jury recommend the 1st Prize Winner to the client as the bid

winner. If both parties can’t come to agreement on the late business

affairs, the client will select the alternative bid winner according to the

ranking order of the scheme review result.


The jury will apply open vote. If there is any question or dispute

during the review, the jury will discuss and chairman of the jury will


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make a verdict.

6)评审过程接受坪山新区纪检、监察部门的监督。The competition will be supervised by the supervision group

entrusted by the discipline inspection department of Pingshan New


7)竞赛评委会将根据以下原则进行评审:The jury will review in accordance with the following principles:

a、符合国家及深圳市有关法律、法规、规范;In line with the relevant laws, regulations and norms China and


b、符合竞赛设计任务书的要求;In line with the requirements of the design brief;

c、主要设计理念具有原创性;Originality of the major design concepts;

d、设计方案内容有可实施性;Feasibility of the design scheme;

e、设计内容贯彻了低碳环保和建设运营可持续原则。In line with the principle of environmental, low-carbon and

sustainable design, construction and operation.

5. 奖金标准 Bonus

一等奖(1名)授予后续设计合同及费用,不另颁奖金;The 1st prize winner will get the design contract without extra


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二等奖(2名)奖金 20 万元/家;The 2nd prize winners each will get RMB200,000.

三等奖(2名)奖金 10 万元/家。The 3rd prize winners each will get RMB100,000.


Bonus mentioned above include tax and the prize winners should

provide China-paid invoice. And it will start to pay after the notice of

the review results of each stage.

参赛单位参赛的所有费用自理。The competitors should deal with the expense for the participation

of the competition.

6. 中标取费 Design Fee

中标单位的设计费实行政府指导价,基本数额按国家发展计划委员会、建设部颁布的《工程勘察设计收费标准》(2002 版)计算,专业调整系数 1.1,工程复杂程度调整系数 1.15,其他调整系数 1.2,竣工图编制 8%,浮动幅度值-10%,方案设计、初步设计、施工图设计所占比例为 3:2:5。使用差额法计算得出最终的设计费。

Design fee should follow the government’s guidance. Basing on

the approved project budget for the construction and installation issued

by Development and Reform Bureau of the district, calculate according


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to Engineering Survey and Design Fees (2002 edition) issued by the

State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of

Construction, with an adjustment of 1.1 for professional factor, 1.15 for

project complexity and 1.2 for other factors, 8% for as-built drawings,

with a float of -10%. Scheme design takes 30% of the design fee,

preliminary design takes 20%, and construction drawing design takes

50%. The final design fee will be calculated by the maximum

difference method.

中标设计单位将承担公园总体规划设计方案及公园第一期建设范围的公园初步设计、施工图设计、施工配合和竣工图编制及后续服务工作。公园整体方案设计费确定为 237 万元(包干价)。公园第一期建设范围暂定为龙坪路以东区域,初步设计费以新区发展和财政局概算批复中建安费为计价基数,施工图设计费以工程审计结算价为计价基数计费。

The bid winner will be responsible for the overall design of the

park and preliminary design, construction design, construction and

subsequent preparation of as-built drawings and follow-up cooperation.

The design fee will be RMB2,370,000. Phase 1 construction of the park

tentatively will be within the area on the east of Longping Road. The

design fee for the preliminary design should follow the construction

and installation fee approved by the development and finance bureau of

the district, while the design fee for the construction design should be

caculated based on the project audit price.


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7. 竞赛日程 Competition Schedule2015.11.14 专家研讨会

Workshop of the experts2015.11.20 发放第二阶段设计任务书,提交《参赛确认

函》Send out the design brief of Stage and submitⅡ the Participation Confirmation Letter

2015.12.30 第二阶段竞赛成果文件提交Submission of the design results of Stage Ⅱ

2016.1.5 ( 暂 定tentatively)

第二阶段评审会Jury review meeting of Stage Ⅱ

2016.1.6 ( 暂 定tentatively)

第二阶段评审公告Notice of the review results of Stage Ⅱ

8. 有效成果 Validity of the Submittals

8.1 竞赛成果文件如若被 2/3以上的评审委员会成员认为有下列情况之一的,其竞赛成果文件将视为无效:

If 2/3 of the jurors consider that any of the submittals have the

following situations, it will be treated as invalid.

1)提交竞赛成果文件截止日后,擅自更改设计内容的;Revise content without authorization after the submission


2)未按要求签署和递交《参赛确认函》的;Do not hand in the Participation Confirmation Letter as required;

3)竞赛成果文件逾期送达的;Overdue submittals;


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Do not meet the requirements and terms in the Design Brief, or the

content is incomplete, which hasn’t been passed by the jury;

5)竞赛成果文件明显抄袭、原创性差、已经公开发表过,或经 2/3以上评委认为与其他同类作品雷同的;

The submitted scheme is not originally created, or has been

published, or is verified similar to other schemes by over 2/3 of

members of jury committee;

8.2 无效参赛文件由设计单位在收到通知后 10日内自行取回,逾期未取的无效参赛文件,由主办方作报废处理。

The invalid submittals should be taken back within 10 days after

receiving the notification. Otherwise, it will be disposed by the client.

9. 版权处理 Intellectual Property

9.1 所有参赛成果文件在评审后不退还设计单位;中标单位与主办方签订设计合同后,按照合同规定完成设计工作,主办方支付完相应阶段的设计费后,其设计成果的有关著作权的相应权益归该主办方所有,设计方拥有署名权。

All the submittals won’t be returned. The bid winner shall

complete all the required design work after signing the Design Contract

with the client. All copyrights belong to the client after paying off the

design fee. And the designer owns the authorship only.


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9.2 组织单位有权使用参赛成果文件进行出版和展览,并通过传媒、专业杂志、专业书刊或其它形式介绍、展示及评价参赛成果文件。

The organizer are entitled to apply the design schemes and

publicly display design results after appraisal, introduce and appraise

design schemes through media, professional magazines, books or other


9.3 所有提交的参赛成果文件内容均应由参赛的设计单位原创,如发生任何侵犯第三者知识产权的行为,将取消侵权方参加本次参赛活动的资格,并由侵权方承担相应的法律责任。

All submitted schemes must be originally created by the related

participants and are not allowed to cover any material infringing the

intellectual property right of any third party. Otherwise, the

participation qualification will be abolished, and the infringing party

shall undertake all legal responsibilities.

9.4 主办方提供给设计单位的所有技术基础资料(文字、图纸、电子数据等)均受国家版权法保护。未得授权,任何人不得将内容复制、改编、分发、发布、外借、转让,否则将承担相关法律责任。

All the technical documents provided by the client (including

texts, drawings and electronic data) are exposed to copyright

protection. Without authorization, no person is allowed to duplicate,

amend, distribute, disclosure, lend or transfer the concerned contents.


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Otherwise, he will assume all relevant liability.9.5 适用法律:本次公开竞赛活动受中华人民共和国法律管辖,竞赛工作和所有参赛成果文件适用中国法律。

Governing laws: The competition is governed by laws of the

People’s Republic of China. All activities and documents are applicable

to laws of the People’s Republic of China.

9.6 成果保密:组织单位在收到设计单位提交的参赛成果文件后,应做好相应的保密工作。评审活动结束前任何人员或机构未经主办方或政府有关部门许可,都不得以任何方式披露、公开或展示参赛成果文件,否则将追究其相关法律责任。

Confidentiality: After receiving all the submittals, the client and

the organizer should be responsible for confidentiality of the

submittals. Without permission of the client or the government, no

person or institution is allowed to disclose, publicize or display the

design schemes in any form before the accreditation is completed.

Otherwise, he will bear related legal liabilities.

10. 资料索取及文件提交 Inquiry of the Information and Submittal


竞赛文件、确认函及其他附件,请点击以下网站下载:For the Competition File, Participation Confirmation Letter and

other related attachments, please visit the websites below:

报名文件及最终成果文件提交邮箱: 12

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Sign-up document and the final design schemes should be sent to:

[email protected]

11. 附则 Miscellaneous

11.1 本次竞赛活动使用中文为官方语言,国外参赛单位的设计文件应采用中英文对照格式。中英文表述内容不一致时,以中文为准。

The official language of the competition is Chinese. The

deliverables of the foreign competitors shall be bilingual in both

Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies between Chinese version

and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

11.2 主办方有权适当调整活动日程安排。如有改动,将提前一周通知各有关单位和人员。

The client has the right to adjust the schedule. It will be informed

a week ahead if there is any change.

11.3 提交确认函参加本次竞赛活动的设计单位,均视为已同意本竞赛文件的所有约定内容。

All the participants of this international competition will be

regarded to confirm all contents herein.

11.4 竞赛中标单位应根据评审委员会推荐的入选方案进行修改完善工作,而后签订设计合同,并确保其项目负责人和主要设计人员始终参与本项目工作;境外设计单位应确保有境外机构的人员参与、签名和加盖机构印章。


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The bid winner should make revisions to his scheme in accordance

with suggestions of the jury members before signing the contract and

guarantee the participation of the project leader and major designers in

the whole design. As for overseas companies, they shall ensure the

foreign architects’ participation, their signatures and company’s stamp.

11.5 如中标单位未能遵守本竞赛文件的有关规定,则主办单位可取消其中标资格,并可将设计合同授予排名其后的获奖设计单位,甚至重新组织竞赛。

If the bid winner fails to comply with the provisions of the

competition file, he will be disqualified off the bid. And the client will

sign the design contract with the 2nd prize winner or re-organize the


11.6 本竞赛文件由承办单位负责解释。The client is responsible for the interpretation of the competition


12. 联系方式 Contacts

主办单位:深圳市坪山新区城市管理局Client: Pingshan New District Urban Management Bureau of Shenzhen


承办单位Organizer:深圳市坪山新区规划国土事务中心深圳市城市设计促进中心Pingshan New District Urban Planning and Land Affairs Center of


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Shenzhen Municipality

Shenzhen Center For Design

联系人 Contact person:苗芬芬 Ms Miao

电话 Tel: (86)755-28297842

电子邮箱 Email:[email protected]

资料发布网站 Notice website:

坪山新区政府在线 The website of the Administrative Committee of

Pingshan New District:

竞赛专用微博 Weibo account for the competition:

竞赛专用 微 信: shenzhen-design (可直接扫 描下方二维 码 添加)Wechat account for the competition: shenzhen-design( you can

also scan the code directly)


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坪山新区中心区半月环公园建设工程设计竞赛Design Competition for the Construction of the

Banyue Huan Park of the Central Pingshan New District

第二阶段工作任务书Design Brief of StageⅡ

1. 项目概况 Project Overview


Pingshan New District is one of the five sub-centers of Shenzhen.

Pingshan center is not only one of the 15 key development areas, but also

a core function area and the key area for leaping development with high-

end productive services and life service functions that has important

strategic significance and position.


Pingshan center has been divided into business office area, living

service area and administrative area by the unit plans of the center and the

statutory plans. And the Banyue Huan Park is the spatial link of the three


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major theme functions, also the most important public space of the central

district. The International Consulting for the Conceptual Planning of

Pingshan Central District put forward the concept of "Ecological +

Culture" for the public space development of Banyue Huan.

半月环公园的性质为带状城市公园,规划预期是以绿廊形式,形成地方魅力场所和营造地方文化环境特征的重要载体,是坪山中心区的绿肺及市民健身、休闲游玩的重要场所。 近年来,半月环公园及其周边地区开发建设在相关规划指导下有序推进,已建成行政中心、中心公园、大工业区体育中心等公共服务设施及招商花园城、万科金域缇香等高端生活服务设施;文化综合体项目正在建设;地铁 14号线(线位未定)、16号线(线位已定)、有轨电车 1号线(项目未定)将于十三五期间开工建设;正山甲、飞东等多个城市更新项目也在快速推进。

Banyue Huan Park will be an urban park that’s expected to be

planned in the form of green corridor to create an attractive local place,

becoming an important carrier for local culture and the green lung of the

district, also serving as an important place for public fitness and leisure.

In recent years, the park and its surrounding areas have been orderly

developed under relevant planning guidance for the development and

construction. Some of the public service facilities have been completed

such as the administrative center, the central park, the sports center of the

large industrial area, as well as some completed high-end living service

facilities such as China Merchant Garden Estate, and Vanke Golden

Fragrant Field. The cultural complex project is under construction. And


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Metro Line 4(not settled yet), Metro Line 16(already settled) and Tram

Line 1(not settled yet) will be constructed in the period of the Thirteenth

Five-Year Plan. The urban renewal projects such as the Zheng Shanjia

Project and Fei Dong Project are carried forward rapidly.半月环公园项目拟由政府投资建设,项目预计总投资约 2.4亿元

人民币,其中建安费 2.04亿元。Banyue Huan Park is proposed to be invested by the government,

with a total investment of RMB 240 million, among which construction

and installation costs RMB 204 million.

1.1 项目区位及用地范围 Project Site and Red Land

项目位于坪山新区新中心区。公园总用地面积为 483500㎡。设计范围为松坪路(规划)、荷康路(规划)、站前路、丹梓大道红线围合区域(包括坪兰路、兰竹西路、昌盛路、龙坪路、长安二街、长安一街等道路穿过半月环部分)。设计研究范围可涉及坪山中心区。

The project is located in the center of Pingshan New District, with a

total land area of 483,500㎡. The design scope will be the redline within

Songping Road(under planning), Hekang Road(under planning),

Zhanqian Road and Danzi Boulevard, including the part of Pinglan Road,

Lanzu West Road, Changsheng Road, Longping Road, Chang An 2nd

Street, Chang An 1st Street that is crossing Banyue Huan Park. The design

research area can consider Pingshan Center.


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1.2 现状概况 Current Conditions

1)地形地貌 Topography


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Height of the project terrain reduce gradually from both ends to the

middle part of the land. The terrain on the whole is relatively flat with

slopes mainly on the south and southeast.

2)地质灾害评估Geological Disaster Assessment

岩溶灾害地质条件: 无塌陷灾害的非可溶性岩(多数地段);非可溶性岩为第四系堆积层覆盖段(局部地段)。

Karst disaster geological conditions: most of the land is non soluble

rock without sinkhole collapse. Part of the non soluble rock is quaternary

accumulation coverage.

水文地质条件:松散岩类孔隙,块状岩类裂隙水。Hydrogeological conditions: loose rock pore and massive rock

fissure water.


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The characteristics of most of karst development area are as follows:

Under the eluvial soil band most is granite, then comes the carboniferous

sand shale and sandy conglomerate. Besides regional fault area, the rock

mass is stable with good foundation, without karst collapses. It is suitable

for all kinds of buildings especially suitable to construct important

buildings near the fault area. Besides, it is suitable for high-rise residence

and office buildings.

注:资料来源《深圳市龙岗区岩溶塌陷灾害勘查报告》。Notes: Source of the material is the Karst Collapse Disaster Survey

Report of Longgang District, Shenzhen .


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3)水系 Hydrography


The hydrography of the project is showed as the picture. Songzi

Keng Reservoir and Sanke Song Reservoir are the important water source

for the park. The flood drainage is located in the Xingzheng 8th Road,

mainly serving as the drainage system for the park and the administrative

area. Xin Heshui, Fei Xishui and Pingshan River mainly collect rain with

the problem of insufficient flood discharge.

4)场地交通环境 Traffic


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通网络不完善。断头路较多。External traffic of the project mainly include Shenzhen-Shantou

Highway, Zhanqian Road and Danzi Boulevard. Internal traffic network

is deficient with a lot of dead end roads.

2. 项目定位 Project Proposition

2.1 功能定位 Function Proposition


Banyue Huan Park is an import ecological green heart and a good

public recreation space of Pingshan center. It is not only a display

platform for the core cultural view of Pingshan, but also a mixed

functional area for ecological and environmental protection, leisure and

entertainment, cultural activities, business show and other activities.


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2.2 用地性质 Land Use

G1+C1+U(公园绿地兼容商业用地和公用设施用地)。G1+C1+U(green park land mixed with commercial land and public

facilities land)

3. 设计依据与设计原则 Design Basis and Design Principles

3.1 设计依据Design Basis

1)招标单位提供的现状及条件图Current status and condition maps provided by the client

2)《深圳市标准化指导性技术文件—综合公园建设规范》Shenzhen’s Standard Technical Guidance for Construction of the

Comprehensive Park

3)《深圳市城市规划标准与准则》Urban Planning Standards and Guidelines of Shenzhen

4)《种植屋面工程技术规程》Technical Specifications for Planted Roof

5)《深圳市绿色建筑设计导则》Shenzhen Design Guidelines for Green Building

6)国家与地方现行的有关景观工程建设的法律法规 Relevant laws and regulations for the landscape construction of China

and Shenzhen

3.2 设计原则 Design Principles


Consider the integrated use of the underground by following the

principle of the integrated use of the ground and underground space, and


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put forward solutions to the related problems within the area such as the



Protect and upgrade the current structure and ecological system of

the central park, trying to satisfy the requirements of the park.


The design should follow the low-impact development principle and

reflect the feature of green ecology. Consider the design idea of low

carbon and environmental protection and try to make use of the

earthworks and the construction waste.


The internal functions should be coordinated. Besides, the theme

concept and function zoning of the park should be coordinated with the

features of the surrounding functions.


Make use of the current resources with the consideration of the

ecological features of Pingshan center as well as the contact between the

park and the surrounding ecological systems such as the reservoir and

mountains .


The master plan of the park should satisfy the need of public


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transportation and provide convenience for the citizens who use low-

carbon transports to reach the park such as metro, bus, bicycles and green



The traffic system should consider the surrounding area, by using

open layout, setting multiple entries, as well as increasing the

accessibility to the sites.

4. 设计内容 Design Contents


Reasonably locate the construction goal of the park and the service

functions and etc. Provide specific schemes on the master plan, function

zoning, facilities setting, landscape structure, traffic organization,

underground development, operation and development of the park and



Define the construction of necessary public facilities and building


3)设计条件及要求 Design Conditions and Requirements


内容 Contents




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保护现状中心公园整体格局和生态体系,进行适当升级改造。Preserve the overall layout and ecosystem of

the central park and properly upgrade it.



区域内无重点需要保护植被No specific vegetation within the project needs

important protection.

可不考虑No need to consider



场地附近的松子坑水库为饮用水源,场地东侧(现状中心公园)的补水来源为中芯国际再生水厂的再生水及雨水补给;场地西侧补水来源为三棵松水库及雨水。场地附近的新和水、飞西水及坪山河部分时节行洪断面不足The Songzi Keng Reservoir nearby is the

source for drinking water. On the east( the

central park) is the water source of recycled

water from Zhongrui International Renewable

Water Plant and rain water. On the west is the

Sanke Song Reservoir and rain water. Xin

Heshui, Fei Xishui and Pingshan River in the

neighborhood have the problem of insufficient

flood discharge sometime.

与《水专项规划》提出的方案相衔接,并对水动力及防洪泄洪问题进行考虑和论证分析It should be

cohesive with the

Special Plan

Chapter for Water

and consider and

provide an analysis

and argument for

the problems of

water power and

flood control and



平交道路包括长安一街、长安二街、昌盛路;公园堆坡上跨道路包括坪兰路、兰竹西路(西段)、龙坪大道;兰竹西路东段架设景观桥Level crossing roads include Chang An 1st

Street, Chang An 2nd Street, Changsheng Road,

while slope crossing roads include Pinglan

与《法定图则》及《半月环交通系统专题研究》相衔接 It should be

cohesive with the

Statutory Plan and


System Research of


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Road, the west part of Lanzu West Road,

Longping Boulevard. East part of Lanzu West

Road will be equipped with a view bridge.

Banyue Huan Park.



区域内无重点需要保护建筑No specific building within the project needs

important protection.

可不考虑现状建筑保留、保护问题No need to consider

the preservation of

the current




中芯国际污水处理厂 3100m³/d,4129㎡(已建成)两处垃圾转运站 01-15,829㎡;DY05-

12,815㎡Zhongrui International Renewable Water Plant

3100m³/d, 4129㎡ is already built, together

with two refuse transfer stations 01-15,829㎡;DY05-12,815㎡.

注意污水处理厂及垃圾转运站与周边景观环境的协调 Pay attention to the


between the


landscape and the

water plant and the

refuse transfer





根据公园功能定位,公园设计突出坪山产业特色、文化特色和生态特色。 Basing on the function proposition of the park,

the design should highlight the characteristics

of Pingshan industry, culture and ecology.


nd space

地下空间开发可参考《中心区发展单元规划》的相关要求,结合公园活动功能按需设置Refer to the related requirements of the Unit

Plans of Pingshan Center for the development

of the underground space. Besides, consider the

综合考虑人防、防灾、应急避难场所等相关要求Consider the

requirements of

civil air defense,


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actual need for underground space of the park


disaster prevention,

emergency shelters

and etc.

土方平衡Balance of

cut and fill

公园建设所涉及的土方问题应在园区内就地平衡。The earthwork from construction should be solved within the park.



鼓励饮用清洁能源、低冲击开发、绿色建筑等设计内容Encourage to use clean energy, low impact development, green

building design and etc.



应考虑为市民提供运动、休闲、健身等服务的项目设置和场地Consider to provide space for sports, leisure and fitness services for

the citizens.




沿线设休闲健身步道和休闲自行车道:休闲健身步道北接松子坑森林公园,南接坪山河和燕子岭湿地公园,并跨丹梓西路建设生态廊道Set some walking trails and bike paths along the park. The walking

trails should connect the Songzi Keng Forest Park on the north and the

Pingshan River and Yanzi Wetland Park on the south. Also build an

ecological corridor across the Danzi West Road.




按照国家和地方相关技术规范In line with correlated technical specifications of China and Shenzhen



按照国家和地方相关技术规范In line with correlated technical specifications of China and Shenzhen


Provide a chapter of green design for the park, and put forward the


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disposition of plants and three-dimensional greening for the park, and

raise the upgrading requirements for the current greening of the central


5)提出公园的开发建设模式与策略,供实际开发建设参考。Provide the development mode and strategies of the park for the

reference of actual development and construction

6)估算公园建设及运营维护投资。Provide an estimate for the construction, operation and maintenance

of the park.


Reasonably arrange the park’s service buildings and facilities

according to China’s relevant regulations and the Standard Technical

Guidance of Shenzhen.

5. 成果要求 Requirements of the Deliverables

1)A0 展板 4张,内容自定,打印要求为横向;4 pieces of presentation boards in landcape printing, A0 size;

2)多媒体方案介绍一份,5分钟以内,文件格式mpg;A multimedia document of the scheme within 5 minutes, in the form

of mpg;

3)A3设计文本 5套,内容应简洁、清晰;5 scheme booklets, A3 size, with concise and clear contents;

4)图文展示汇报文件一份;A multimedia presentation;

5)电子文件(包括展板、设计文本及相关文本及图纸的电子文档 PDF、JPG、WORD、CAD等),用电子邮件上传及刻录光盘 2


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张。2 CDs of the e-file that should include the presentation boards,

scheme design, and all the drawings. It should also be sent to the

appointed email address.


The design scheme should be bilingual in both Chinese and English.

If there is any difference between the Chinese and English version, the

Chinese version should prevail.

设计成果文件请邮递至:广东省深圳市坪山新区龙坪路 6号规划国土事务中心;收件人:苗芬芬;联系电话:0755-28297842。

All the deliverables should be sent to: Room 826, Urban Planning

and Land Affairs center, Longping Road No.6, Pingshan New District,

Shenzhen. Receiver: Ms Miao, Tel 0755-28297842.

电子文件发送至:[email protected]

The e-file should be sent to [email protected] .

所有参赛文件应于 2015年 12月 30日下午 18 点前发送或寄送到以上地址,逾期不候。

All the deliverables should be submitted before 18:00, December 30,

2015. Overdue submission won’t be accepted.


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