  • 7/29/2019 Vocabulario Alimentos - Basico


    Alimentos - Iniciante

    bake (verb) = assarcook in an ovenBake the cake in the oven for 45 minutes.

    beef (noun) = bife

    meat from a cowLet's cook beef and rice for dinner.

    boil (verb) = fervercook in very hot waterBoil the spaghetti in hot, bubbling water for ten minutes.

    bread (noun) = poa common food made from flour, water, and yeastWe need some bread for the sandwiches.

    breakfast (noun) = caf da manhthe first meal of the dayMichael never eats breakfast in the morning, but he always has a big lunch.

    burnt (adjective) = queimado/queimadacooked too muchSherry left the pie in the oven too long and now it's burnt.

    canned (adjective) = enlatadostored in a container made of metalCanned vegetables will last for months, but they don't taste as good as fresh


    cheese (noun) = queijoa solid food made from milkIs there too much cheese on the pizza?

    chicken (noun) = galinha, frangoa small farm bird OR meat from a farm birdChristine doesn't eat fish or red meat, but she does eat chicken.

    chop (verb) = picar

    cut into small piecesChop the carrots into small pieces with a sharp knife.

    cook (verb) = cozinharmake food using heatSylvia cooked dinner for us last night.

    cut (verb) = cortaruse a knife to break a food into piecesEllen cut the apple into four pieces with a knife.

    dinner (noun) = jantarthe main meal of the day, usually in the eveningWe will eat dinner tonight at 7:00 in the dining room.

  • 7/29/2019 Vocabulario Alimentos - Basico


    Alimentos - Iniciante (2)

    drink (verb) = beberconsume liquidIt's healthy to drink a lot of water.

    fish (noun) = peixean animal that lives in water, has scales, and breathes with gillsWilliam likes to catch fish at the lake and eat them for dinner.

    fruit (noun) = frutaa sweet food that grows on trees or on other plantsGrapes are my favorite fruit.

    fry (verb) = fritarcook in a pan with oilFry the chicken in a pan with oil until it turns brown.

    lunch (noun) = almooa meal in the middle of the dayDo you want a hamburger for lunch this afternoon?

    meat (noun) = carnefood from animal fleshKendra eats meat and potatoes for dinner once a week.

    milk (noun) = leitea white drink that comes from a cow, goat, or other animal

    My son has a glass of milk every night before bed.

    mix (verb) = misturarput different things together in one container and combine themPaul mixed the eggs and the flour in a bowl to make the cake batter.

    peel (verb) = descascartake the skin off a fruit or vegetableWould you peel the apple for me? I don't like to eat the skin.

    pour (verb) = colocar lquido em um recipiente

    make a liquid flow from a containerShawn poured his beer into a glass because he doesn't like to drink it from a bottle.

    slice (verb) = fatiarcut something into a flat, thin pieceThe recipe says to slice an onion and fry it in oil.

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