Page 1: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

C l t r B d i a o a ^

T H: = = ^ ^ = = = —

, VO L. 18 , NO. 206., - •

C o r d b i i o f ( O f f i c e r s S

A r m e d J jPossemenlPrepare for

In Capture of Dei ■ From .M

MUSKOGEE, Okla., Dcc. 3 - w ho fled tho clty-fcdcral ja il

' c ra te dead and a dptcctivo c h l llovcd trapped ton ight n e a r Cl

T h a t sou theastern Oklahom in a aearch of bloodhounds, i

< m en and sherifffl posses. Thc ■(loried near Cliiyton, about 120' niiics south of here.

Tho cordon of offipcra fail- ■ ; '.( .d 'lo flush any o / 'th o 'T u tr i-

livcH o u t of the ir supiioseil hkUng p lacu In the nigsCd Kia- jn;chi mouniain /oothUU and Ml-

------doviij lo“an »elge.Four or Ihs qulnici vere I rb h

0'.M&Ucy 8 « t tg s 4 e r t . mem ben ot one Of tb# wor*t UdnaplnR. b iu k robbing gangs tluil e v e r toim cd lhe _8ouUiwesl. Ofllcers ucrc prciiarcrt loiilghl for anoUicr bloody light like lha l m ark­ing lhe ja llb rtak here In whlcn Jolm Blackburn, of ConovcC WUcon-Mn, (irre^ted on a mall Mck ihefi o.'.injc, wa.1 JclJIffd nnd U-'lfCllvu C.'ile; ili'jj Bolton bounded daniji'roujy.

Wlfo VWU Oann*'-?Bhortly before noon, thc wlie of

-oiie-CM aU ey-C imuier, Dun Kcndy, of Kan»a« Clly. kiatcd him goodbjs,

■ n llc r a Jail vlsll. Aa he lefl. Hcidy - ll*nhrd a KUir. — ........................ ■

— ScUlnc. more guns lii thc Jnil uiscnul aa Heady covi':cd an a t- tctidwit, Uw 41* dftihod :onard ire-

......'d u in :....... — •• - ---------------Heady. Dcn’cy Ollmore ot Dallas,

'Iv-xaa, and .Ruiwll Coopcr of Ftfrt Smltli. Arkiinsai. all O'Mallej cimg- aicfs imd convlcled of robbing iwo Okcmali, Oklahomi, banka on llie £.ime aay-a-crlm o fon- had dured

-BUtmiti bhic-j lhe day* of the Dalton brolhen.

Thc fourlh O'SfiKey coiiJcdcmtc, U onard Shorl. .J'alciin. Ati:.sourl. v,rc6lUng promoter, coni'ictcd oi' robbing ooo-ot Uie OKcniaU banka.

..— _iJoa-Q»netl.-Mftnu-Mi-violBiorr

( •u d Blacktam ,OetecUvt Chlsf Bolton ruU-d hU

____£un lo Wock thfl_conyci4‘ andwn* ahot thrbi«U’Uie head..

PoUe« Chief Marslj C oriau up- " t e m d 'l a U nfl'to 'vound Ui'Milntrii

falalijr durln f th i lU(hC from prUon• - to tbejwtomobUe of lhe H.

illck’k u . vhlcli the fiigltUv^.i/A?.

O ftteoaC IoM ln ... Bloodhound! wera* u lle d from tbe

~ penlCentlarr a t McAleater a lU r lhe tbu idoned ’ automobile xvas

- iound. O ftloen taki they h id aur* rounded the live convlcu In a dense­ly wooded area seven miles ft-cst of Clayton. A

Offloari from aU secllons of the sU ta moved In oa the region. An alrpl&na from Tulsa and anoUicr

----- trom-Muahkccee droned overhuui..Mrs. Don Ucady. «Ue o! thc va-

CtiiJi'U jJilAuiici. mu uiiiMSfa-'tuT" (juesUonlni.

PoUct Radio OiKrulor ClnK.- Uvr- nard . forced by Heady a t Mu* point of A pUtol to Ubente ihu prhonen aald:

"1 was siiardlng Heady while hc uas visiting with hts wife. He kl&wd

-------Iier-too<ll>yft and .u ld he.^Mt.% rtad j,10 go back lu lib .ccll. I so rte d lo lead him back «h«n lu Jammed a

* su a Jato zaj' ribt and ordered m e to ------open" Uie'door leading oul o f 'l h t

• -ccll block inio the stalloii." 'Bernard wua forced lo llocralc Ihc

■ *i)ihfrii. T»'o ot lllf <i'ilntvl. aiiicli-burn and O ancli. v.erc iu i.mcjj,

L T I G H ^


f In D ay’s E v e n t t

iDy 'H iu Auoclalcd Preu)

~ V S co“ o f *Aulhdnty—A T iir ro N . Callf.-W hen Pollce-

iniiii Rollcn Somers si>caks, let no dog bark.

Here Is lhe repori he (llcd a l hend- qua rien yeslerday:

"W eal to ad«Sc4S ched ilu i. com- )lalnt about a barkinv don) and lold the dog to shui'ui>. Hc did as iii- Blrucled." ■ ■ *

• K n o w # H ie ^k ftto B —SALT LAKE CITV - Newell H.

Claylon will, probably o )» er\'e 'h li DHih blrliiday next year wliii nn cxhlblilon of roller skating. lU-^ been prBCilcln* thc a rt three llmci. a week or ofiencr lor the iast 30 yean<

............V I.U w w h tn .l was young—~ #iiough to Ieam to-^o-lt'." he »ald

hi explanation of hU.agUlly a t fig- . live eighu; heel and toc (urna and

ciher., maneuvers thnl are the c a w 'ur~tbe n'clghborliodd Uiia.

Tba last lim t ho fcU down, mui .. Mr. CUyton. w u l u t winter, when

n young girl collided with him.1 " I don't ever fall down^" he ex- j'lalned. "Wienever I go down some­

one knock.<i me down. But they don:tp — (lo j» lhB i-o tun .-rnu ia ibc t_aW euo

keep oul of their way,"— ------ M rrClayion-w M -bora-ln-W lntcf.

J Quarters, now Morchce, Nebraaka. 5 In 1S47. a son o! .WlUlam Claylon. \ persooal clerk and historian to

Urlgham Younir nnd a member, of | the I lru imriy ol Mo.'-i-n pionccrj

i E T \lau o cn Atmrr DtnuuQ

_________ oy oiBcuLfnowa_________

O k la h o m a S u r r o u n d s f a i l B r e a k e r sl o r A n o t h e r B I o o d y . F i g h t

S e s p e r a t e F u g i t i v e s .

. M u s k o g e e

3 — Five heavily arm ed prieoncra a il today, leaving a six th confcd- ch iof WTjunded critically , were be- r C layton, Oklahoma, tom a tou'n bocamo th e focal point in, nirplnne observers, federal C* 'h e fuRitivcs’ ca r wn.s found aban- 120-^-------------------------------------------------

liJOilClSiSCiEr la h ! , _ -------- ;J’” Prisoners Kidnap Deputy

Warden o( Stale ■toj PenitentiaryOhn j ' —Wn.l NASHVllLE, T enn, Ber. J (,T> n;c, —Thrto eonrlcU of the Tennet- U ni i«e ptnllentlary, all ncn'lnj .time

for robbery, ctcaptil thli afler- noon after bidnaplcc Deputy

I of Warden Cd Connors and halillng ^Qv, him prUontr In h li own aulomo* Ibj;^, • bile for 15 n b ta ln . ' V ''^dy Tonight dozens oi_iUie andJcKal

offifcra, thclr fliigcra nroiintl’.nm- J‘*“ chine uuns. raced toRjrd Mrmpiils.

hoping llicy were on lhe irall of lhe

--------WBid«»:-A-_\V.. Nccly Mid thoseUas, vi'ijo I'jcuiKd were;

G uj McColg. -ja 15 to 30 ycurs: •>8- Pelc Dcnn. 10, llvt years, und IWO George Wilbur Movj. iJ . servliij livellie years. ________

‘red ] Comiors i'ald liie Uihe tcj;ad liihi l-on jiu he wnx rclilrnltig truni luiii-h to

hl.i o f/ljt. J u s t . ncnivs a roadway ■ate. from Chc I)rl^0Il ho-.Icry nilK. wlicrc >url. lhe three fugitives were mcchaiilcs.

01' Kc »:ild he ^loppcd hib car .md k i. WH.S iiuit Mnrlhig lo ncl oul wlicii ilorri-'.'D»Bi»-7«tu*‘kT"—’•nUe—

jand ll<)ved me back Into ilie front hU scat.”

and l "McCoig got hi on the other Mdc ■■■'Ulld aiiic^ ^ ''s u iri in iiy M d c ,* ' he

up-|»uld. '.Mo:s was hi thc back w al. turii I Dean drove. ”U m i Tbrealcned lo Sboot '• A 'v 'W o o 'ancd low '- 7...1I-"

Connors' coiiUnueff? -we got lo tho ■ gale and stopped. McColg »luck the

Bun closer and aald lo me. ‘tell Iilm tUie gatekeeper) tenietlilns, or I'U

Iter blow you In two'." •U-as ThB deputy warden salti he told sur* j jc k Orr, (tatekecper, to "let us by.

u - j all right."I of "Oncc ouulde the wnll.'," Con­

nors related. 'I nslci-d II-1 couldn'l the oul of the car, I lold them All ihey hnd niy enr and lliey didn't

■>»cr need me uny more, "niey lold mc d.. u> slay..wUh.lhem, that they ml«hl ys» m c my money. ' '

no niono' they lei me git about a 5er- hnlf milo from the prison."8lnl ---------------------------

':TlEiiPi8tl^rirPRBiBe to J . - 'Ih'e ■■ --------

Two of Five . Escaping Con- iflii — »icts,_0n6— GiviliaiH^

Meet Deatli

J [ noSTON. Dec. 1 (,1'^Three m tn perUlied.lodar I" Ihf

J aliem pt of five loni-lerm con- 3 vleU (0 e»cape from the Ma»»a.

fhw itt* tU l* priien In-..'ihr- Charlrsiotrn >ectlon, ’('eur olhrr« f were iroundrd.^ WlUlam (Ki'd) Mc.Mamui. 'J7.

;sfrvJnit >roni '21 to. 24 yeara 'I'lr armed robberj-. died tonijjht

- - iTTJwn' -htMiiUai; rii8^i,Bd....ijM U , s'oundcd a fte r a battte «1Ui prison

Runrds. nnd hnd been Identified by a prison Instructor tt* the mnn who

. beat to death Louis Rlchard-v 27- ycar old. Somerville truck driver, llw only clvlUan casually!

nichards was preparing lo lond

_>»,■ (Continued on rage 2. Col. ai

■^iMrsrRoosevt £ Suit For $85(; 30 • -—

NEW .YORK. .Dec. 3 «■) - il ia , ■ling FMiiklln D, Roosevell hod a sniile laid fo rV prw!e»~>ii‘rw-f- lodny— ' fig . Wllh IUI t t i r 'p f ficr^ou»uc.>.i Hi- and uTvcr approaclicd her durhiR n a w lunchcoii_oI_m t_N aiioual-Pul>lie

Huuiuii Cougreii. -rtld "I bc< your wirdon. Mrs. lloosc- hen veil," he sa ld 'ha ju ly , "but-may 1

aen'e th u summons on you?", ex- Mrs, nooKveli wnlled plcn.ianily, me- nccei ted acrvlee. und rtyuc--tfd lh;.: Bn;t the iummons be dollvcred to 331 UO Madlton Bvemie. the uddre-a of the

Democrailc iiallonln'coSnim a'--------itcf. r.jTI«iJUmmDnB^aibulki-.d6eu««iL. Ika. w u in the M»,000 damage sull of Ion. Sunnyslde O irdciu _ ^ low-casl

to;hou»lng dcvelopmtnt-oRalnsl bond- : ofj holders at;d directors of the city :crj ho;:.illi>; ,co.‘ pj:allan, Mrs.

. 'A C C V R A ' i

w m : ,- ■ /

“m m m-TO i i B1ER8 ■ s I K e i f f l iN Ih t R o o se v e lt S u g g p t s Looi< a

F in an c ia l . J o u r n a l s M lgti

A id in Id e h ti fy in g M ei

— m S p ee cIera _ i _c d - ' <By’n ie A.iiiclAledPreu) b c - W A R ^ r s i ’K ^N G S, G n„ Dcc

3— r r c s id e n t ’ U oosevo lt su g lin t s e a te d to d n y t h a t a look a t th t Cl- f in n n c ia l jonrniil.H d u r in g th i

a n - Im nk in^ ' criHisi o f lOUa miKh— f)c w o rth w hfJc in .HcekinR t(

i ik ’n lil 'y th u b u n k e rs - w hi____ aliiiu l-O jkM JuU on-w uW -^U in i

JUI u»».rKi;>ivy d t b t o f 5 5 U I f VI) billiun «i(^llar.s. r r u'mUmi ij.jauly, tlu p.'cildeu l-L ..m u o „ 4.iv-,nit.-..,uon-iti-rc»pon«!-l(

. <]ueoi'^ a:, to w .u: bankers no wa. . :flCTri:n’ lu «<:.« hc la fti.

u ty Allnnia ;,iica'n lu t'w eek Ih t l soon leaumi! ini.m c:;rsltad told him sucl a liwb-' tuKTKi'itcy debl could bi .-.iiU'jy

Utri;a UU S :cn t I>U. U :;ii.kd t aald he had a Ua

W ot ijiiiu-.r* Him some leiu-rs but hi ” ■ ttc:ivf(i uu im ufjl lor makmg ilieji

puojic aiiii /n u no fntencion of dO' ■J' ing *0, JU uQQju m e rtniark laa

‘ a s : uie-Tinaneial juurAal-ille. JJ,* ot Uu iHTioc m ijiii bs' wortli while. • • - His comnicnt-waa made nboul tin

- , i-anii,. uia.j Oovcrnor Kugene T al m a...,. 0. c.-ll.e oi the N «C j iiI. \wtfU a demand In AtlaiiU

• Ihui .Mr. i:tu .cvcli muK'j pubilc lln n am ji ci uie oaiikjrs, -----

lose Icnvniaon to DjcldeAAktd U hc »;u~n CBnUldalc^fo:

ind HcaM;vclt flicked liU.. .clBai.iie aiKl ijuicUly replied wlU

It biiiilu llio Jeinucrutic nailonn ' declde -w here-thi

'! coiivviiuun will be held nnd tha ^,.,y ilic eoiivtniiiiii will decide w ho 'l

Io b.' Jhc tviinJiilMl.'. lies. A ic'iid.iir Irurn Ncw York CllJ .Uld luliKd: '.t.iy;. Mr. Munihy."

___ Utuiliaie lu’ariily. Mr,_ltomcvelrcealleu iiic Kcalurea of the Ut' Charle. Mun>hy. old Tammany Jjpsj inciilfninUy he foughl the Murphy

''‘f'® ■C iiiniiuiy niiichlnc In hls j a r ly day 111 Nrw York iwUtlu." '

Long P rison Term - FuT S layer o f Aum

lh e ' Ihim"' CENVER.'. Dcc. 3- OP) — VanCi r u Henderson. 30-year-old Iowa youUi

»was te h te n c ^ here today to a 50 told yw.:* term liTCoIorado a u te prlsoi by. a fte r he had pleaded guUty to slay

hiR an nunl who was dccrlbed as hi on- Ijeat Irlend.Un'l Scheduled lo fc'cc Uial for-fir* lem degree murder. Henderson askei dn 't pcriuUslon of District Judge Ott' me Doek to plead gullly lo a secom

l«l,l di-Brec chargc in connection wltl the Bhootlns of .M n . Elong WcD<

ll' a Wltuc'.'sea CflUc'd lu tcsllfy for lh— hifomiailon ut Judjjc Bock afte:

: ho had uecepted the plea, aald HenI derson apparently was wildly drUnl— -when he entered the Wells hem'

I on lhe n ight of the shooting,' When h it aun l rcmonslratcd will H Z' lihii for throwing n piece ot mea

4 I \ floor, w iuiea^s u ld . Hcndersoi rushed to hla room. ..obtained .»i

........hutomatle pistol, ran back lo thkllchen and shot her.

— t a i n l g l W i r - B O T t e B ”

V illage in Kcuadoii QUAYQUIL, Ecuiitlor. Dcc. 3 t/n- The Ecundomn Rovernmcni s|)cd rc

• lief worken lod.iy into the Ande nren where a slide buried lhe vlUag of Verde Cocha nnd Its 80 Inhabit mils na it rolled ovTr a front of near

ff* ly t«o nillra,Nui nn Inhnbllnnl of Ihe vUlag

:;urvivod.•“r Wiihout w.irnliiK n muss of rock

J.'" ' lu id .ta tlh broke.from the gray an' iccu .erc&a luountatnsldQ and, tecom l:ou pnnled l>y an uhderground'nimblini , by fell on the village,Alio I-iirHc portions p f widely kno'wi 27- rniifhi-s wero destroyed by Uie slid vrr. —ll’i' hnclendna known ns Ymanca; “ -nnd Ounyncsl.-H erds wers.burlei ond undrr Uie tumbling rocks ond din— Thr disaster occurred a t 3:15 t I I Ih r vlllngera and ranchen slept.

tf : ~ v elt Smiles At 50,000 DamagesUj’s. .sjL ibFilefendanU chained with mis lll le : I ('i::r.''ni,'vilort and excessl^ c h an e

Mi.. Hll* Nrw York ni.iu.

; n 'itii' wiiicess server, 3<-year-ol( ,1,110- M --Ji-JU**ol,-4ald-laleri-— —

"I tiimk Mrs. RooMvell has a ver: u ; . churming personiU ty.' y 1: "I approached her tn d a tfd 1 di

not wisli to cause you any ineon. Illy, -.uiilcnce and If you prefer you neet Jji.i iio'.^ieeepi #cr\'lce a l ihls. time one 331 J'lac?,'th e ' "S!ie spilled anti tald 'I woutdn'i

cu t. m e flirn»crnpon:lW ouM-lt-b«-po» I of slble 10 aend 11 to 331 Madison ave. casi nuc7‘ 1 found oul th a t was thi md- Democrallc nallonal committee, city •• I

- n i r s u m m o n * wclih* fo'oj aul 3B9

I 4 T E - A N A S S O C I A T E D F

F A L ](v in f a l l s , IDAHO, W ED N ESI

'{ ] I C a l l s f o r C a a h .

| F Mat

ightHen f A . W j B P ' W


th eth o

I to hvlio and -



w «hii

lomo !.,»sueh' SECRETARY Of the Treasury Mm

Rcnthiu rejects a proposal attrU uted to Ihe federal farm admlnti tn llon lo suspend collection i

, processing taxes for a l le u t" " “ I-- _____________

l i i r a i TS 1 1 -SCHi


Administration- Proposes t nS Suspend (SHIeotioiTF w ij Processing Levies'U i t . • ------------,- - • ••th a l iCo|>yrlEh\, 1935. AiuoclaKd f n u lO- K • WASHINOTON, Dec. 3 — Hlgli

nyirljl iiM rUrt d i i e h ^ loiMj City Hlral a proposal to sSspcnd all

rnllrrllon of procenlog U ses fot . . . I , « l Irait a monlh had b<m mntfr

- b j^ th f-T irH ra an iln lS lS lB iT iaaw . rejected by m e treu a ry .--------- ---phy- Tlieie' aources aald the. suopenslo days niovB wa.t given "careful and k j------ loiu'coa'ildcraUDn'* u a KCrture te

ward friendly processors and th a unable to finance suits to cnjoi

n eollecllon.i Taxes , pais by 10 per cen t of .Ml

J*»»' nation's prosesson.'U was Mid, * e i ahown In » recenl atudy to be H e

anee up in court depositories pending )U^. final decision on AAA's validity b ' ^ the suprtme court cxpeeleO In Jan rlson uary.

One resjon for abandonment < » a “ the move to sujp.'nd all collectior

untU Uie coutl rulea. out of defer k i ence to Ihe'iiaylnK 30 |>er cent, wa

I*'''" “ fc«Ung lh i thc public niiKlit huve mlslnter

»» «n AAA reU eat m an *cng "f' ndverte dcclslon.----- '■ I jp tt- oMBctea Vound------■ the "lusurmnuntablc otatocles." wer i f u r have b « n found In a enrcft :Ien* study of thc suapmsion and th rtlnk plan w u abandonccLJt was under icme Itood Uiat lecal difficulties slood i

t l« way, Tlie treasury would hav wlUi had lo order Ihe suspension, meal ©ne QUMilon reported' raised, wn

o f 'lh e iulll'orlty of Ah ndmlhlsll'A ■f*®" tlvc bnnch ol covvrnment to sus I is 'i pend eoJJectJen of »/»■ tax JevJfd b

congress.Tl^e AAA ofllclal.’! broui{hl up th

.. question of sui-iiciudon. l l was sal<

vanlagu In mtiibllshln:; prlc< l O r >>e aceruhiB to manu

facturen not now paying the taxf ,/P>_ to .the trtamirv.[J Some officials wrre la ld lo hav ndc8 ‘hat f^iouM Ciie supreme coui llagc uixea lo be unconatllultonBbll- then Ihotie proceuors wiw hav lear- bton depoaluiig tlu) money In tli

courts would be able to r«ov< llagc much more speedily than tho»e wli

have'pald Into the treasury.

leiGcBIii= 1IVE8JTIS1i r te t l_____ . _dirt.> » Headwjnds Slow Huge Se* = plane Slightly on • j.' Hop to Midway

MIDWAV IbXAND, P m . ) W V M (VU A nencan Airways' Eaiio)->

Tbe China Clipper iwooped dmrr to a landing here a t U:SO p. m

m l.. lEottern siondsrd U ne). oomptet- ine< Its IBIl-wlle fll{bt from Wolie ;lop, k o o n and S9 mUiBlM.

C apum EdwUi C. Musick report4' beodwUids h id slowed'.Uic huge alil

------.sUghU y-on-ilie-lhlrd-lap-ol-lls-rtturn 'tnp from Manila to CaUforuia,

-Uanolalu S 'es l-S lop --------I The China CUpper will tak* ol cori. tomorrow momlne fo rjipno lu lu .-1 tjMd win make the 3<00-mllc hop froi and Honolulu to Alameda Thurada

night. ' , j| ':ijn'i Captain Musick said th e moil m

Bve- er President Hayes bound for th the Orient.

The President Hayes left 8 a Pranclseo November ?J. Iho sam

fo'or day the Chlua-Cllpjxi took off ob‘- | tiB i io i n u - e ic U M I ^ zbau

I P R E S S N E f f S P A P i B B ^ I

E S D!SDAY m o r n i n g ; DECEM BER

S B i i EI i e R iii. ii iI m i f MlB London and Washington ExH Pierts Study Problemffi Involved-in PreparatioP o f Reciprocal Agreemen

(Oopyrtshl. 1935. Associated Pre.ism LONDON. Dec. 3 — Th S United Slated hai; undertakei H preliminary work fo r a rcc ir■ ro ca l '■nKrocmcnt w ith h e■ fo rc ic p cu.stom cr — G r e a■ B n > i n . a n • a i i th o r i tu t iv | H ao in 'te diHclniii'd to n ig h t .

‘~ 'r h l s T o llow d '" UiJol P c w jc la iio n o f a t r a d o aotoc .o l m e n l be tw eon W ash in trto i

a m Ihc D om inion o f C an ud ii I wns le arn ed th n t su rv e y ;

: « arc under way In London ani 4yH Waaiingion to determine the prac S UcabUliy and benefits of a reclprocs


tr?b^ ■ Prepare ItAckfronnd Into* BrlUali bonrd of trade experu ar n of prcparlni! a background In Londo s t « for poulble dlacuaalcgi. ,Cnrrej|K)n

ding experts In the department c _ _ Slate, commerce nnd ogrleulture 1

WMtiiiiRton, It was staled, hftv

5 h«d the work under survey sine . . . Ule_6unmicr. .

NegoilaUons At the beglnHin^mu — ~ be conducted on bolh-slde* o f-th j r Atlnnlir, bul officials believe the Ull* likely .^ U1 be CQncluded' ih"W ajhI I L laston.

. - While the CaiiBdUn m-goUaUon ' took r«o and a lu l l years to eoai t o plele. It la. believed the Anglo

____ AUKilco2i,u u tk may bo speeded u— - wlth-a-porKilblUly-ot-a-omclUJlo;

next summer.Orflclub here recognize the grea

. . . . obstacles Uiat couliont Uie tw countries bccause ul the m any-ln

f ? ~ ' lerjocking DrKlili'trade Bgrecnient ‘I*** with oilier counlrlfji, but l l w,i ^ agreed llie tUiie Is rlpe for nn Anglo

Aiperlcan iresly.{. AfTffmenU Xaun Kiplre

sSa Tlie OitawB empiri ugrecinenU wqlcli dealt a ilsgterlng blow t

Itlon Amerluii salts to Oreat BriUli B tr. « | l r e In 1037. Some of Britain

how U lf thov; with Oeiiniark and Ar ijBia M ltn a , likewise wUI soon ex iiri

» BritUh a ii atresdy seeking r« I t i to of Uielr Ruuian_ tn ^ e or

jOBgement as well.-tied An American Bgreenient therefor ^ I, m ight b t dovetailed Into tho Brills: f by economic situauan naw. whereas Jan - year or more hence ii likely’ woul

be ’Impossible because of conUnu i of ances of the more important m id Ions allowances.•fer- , --------------------

§T1NG m sTful _____

thed e r. More Tlian 1,600 Person

at Final Rites lor ■ Mildred Hook

TACOMA, W *ih, l>ee, I tjr t- ° Afon (Aon f,$00 penons adended

tuneral Mrvlcea here loday fot ' the Mildred Hook. 21. ilaln loat week»ald, near Twin FaUs. Idalio._________

' Hundreds unable to. gel Into Ui jn u . crowded^ mortuary chaivel nwnlte JM... outalde until the ca.ikel was remo>

cd.have Dougina Vnn Vlaek. the girl's foi rourc mer husband, nlttttd ty tiiui ndmlKc :lon- he Ulled her aficr he fnially ahi have a aUte traffic officer who tried I

tlK question him. He Is held In IV I :over Palls on a charge ot murder for tl who officer's denUi,

M lu Hook's fnther, Joseph Hoo is u writer of delccilvc fli:tlon nn

] ncilcles.I WWle the scnJcfj were beh:

■ held,- Van Vtaek's parentsr Mr.-on> 11% Mra. Carl Van Vlaei; remained > 111 I their home a few ynrdV from -itI I residence'. Mrs, Van Vinck’w:

reporled confined lo her room sui— ferine from.shock, _____ _

iea- --------- ’

I ■ K i n g s H a v e T h e i r

T r o u b l e s D i s h i n g

n j - O u t t h e J o b s—

»vrn PIERRE, 8. 0 .. Dee. 3-N«w m.’ Unit King George U bnck in lhe

'*“ • ' ■' s a d d l e ovirake ' j g r - ■•jn in o r e c c i -

■ - > a .jiiU!r-..tirBlT{irt4'u yeara lort-'ti

uia. rylng about_______. pickinK.Jilniz

' mler. I t kin- from 'der mnke. mesdaj.’ grin U) know

I «vm a King haspaironnue prob- ' u). I lems. X flggered Uie Democrats Ivav'l tiad oU o f ‘cm pver hero, \ .

— I-doh 't B U ^ Oeorge la ^MiotV l l„ on fd le n who U ilnk'Ink'll mnw

good premiers, H he is I could 3ft.; even send him a few frdm-Souih

Dokoui.- •I on t o m BEERY; .


A I L Y;R-i,-io:«i„:________________

IK Ickes Dis( I T o B i o

F o rEx- ______e m s S e c r e t a r y D e c l a r e s H

tio n W e e k s A g o R e g a r i

l e n l j . b a r g o . W a s ‘J

j;;'>iNew Version B rirk tn i (By -nie Am cip= W A S H IN G T O N . Doc. 3 - h e r A m rricn n oil t o seop in to I t i

! « i t trac t'd by in d ire c tio n in o n e l iv e ^vliiU*.«iioUior sc row cd t ig h t c i

' .'‘hiimiciit.'*. ' j ly ir i rV f rciwoiifl n o t fu lly cxp li r o c . jTi'.t.s todny th n t h e hnd be en ' ; to n ‘-1 w hen he w a s q uo ted ns p n id a . ------------------------------------------------

liifioopscrarw n ljf l iJ S S o l in i! s „ E r i t r e a [ |_ F o r M j

I °n M e e t M ain B o i ly . of

iincc E th io p ian A rm y

h h i y ~ WITH t h e 1 t a l l « t e o o p b- th e -AT.MAXAIX. Ethiopia, Dee. 3 liT) they < “ •Italy’s Eritrean troop* mrt Ihe a sh -^ 'n u ln body of the 'F thleplon. nor-

' them anny faee to faee today 'In p .: 111 a brief r lu h a t oatpoiU on the :], “ :-Dolo.Makalo line. ' ig lo .' Tlie flslitlng wns over quickly J up -It’t! EUiloplaiis reUrlng almost lm- ulon mrdlately.

— Onc-Itallan-whlt# soldler^w auc: ' , iporled wounilcd. The enemy lo.«c.- , ; were hot known.

J _A uihoriiiu Mid tiie ikirmiHrwaj , “ ^ in o i the blg ai. GeorBe-s dny BattK

ilo r which they were prepared. However, iliry coiislderrd li iig-

° jiiltlcniii because ll Indlcaled strong I forces on boili iJdes now nre wlUi-I in reacli ot each other._______ .

ceuuidcnl Wiui iiic miuaT clash ” ‘^ ’ lli w u announced a.number ot Ueu-

jtennnts of Deggiac Kassa Sebat nin-A' ««alnst Uio llallniis rc.

cently u t AiW, were submUtlng lo ihi fascists;; ■

itrA Uhlopian forces aro advaneing towards tho Mskal* iront reports to llsUan headquarters said

Rtts Kasia w u said to be march lug toword U)s lu lla n lines wlU his army, while Uie warriors of Ra

Ulsh MulugheU, minister of war, wer u a (Utted to 'be following, ould Tjic rear eolumn w u movln Inu- nonh from AddLs Ababa, accom m dc panietj by food trains.

. Thc reporud advance came oi tho feast day ot 81. Oeorge. E ^ l opla's bnllle saint. Ilallan precau Uons hud been doubled i^lier scout brought wuid ihu i bands of E thl oplans were near Itollan outposU

, ■ I Uuiig out atiend ot Marshal P lelr I I I " UadSiioT’anny. ■IHL ^ fommunlfiiir from toAcUl hend

"News ol the enemy advanc finds Uie morale ot the troops ver

lOnS high. They are ready to moot th EUiloplan army, which has h ither to tried tl) eKTupe contact will our tfoopj."

R u tieynum. redoublublc tonne-------Jiiler in THrfi provliicr wnt h»p. lleved to have readied a post m uu J Z of Makale where toe can Joint forcc . . . with Ethiopians marching north

. , ,k ward. Tills lert officers to believe i b.nlilo U Imminent,

- U irilullBU hiKli command wlilch .be a lted ; lleves a victory over a large body o mov-1 Ethiopians would Induce IDnpero

I HaUfl Selassie to seek peace.

I ttc d‘Gillis W ins Prize uwi In Silent Campaiffriv m ■ --------r the . NEWHUilYPOIlT. Mnwi.. Dec,

1 ('I’;-Andrrw J. iIlo^Ky) Glllla lit tnr.'c '■‘■“ 'b ' whlsjlered hlA wny back' hit

„ ,,,;illie mayon' olllru I'nnlKliUCarnpalKulns on a >lr'Han "allenc

:lt golden" In direct con iru i to hi 3eJ»B I bomlKiiClc fanfare of prertou* cam ' “aa-palttns. .Uie .erslwhllr "Peek'* Bai “ "V Boy" of lixil iw llllu bi'came.miiyo

nl llib anci'.ni iinnh tliore cllppe • ''■■*'*' jiorl for the third Ume by a majorli sui- of 024 votes.

Only In, one of thc city’s sl jwardSiihU homo w ard -d ld -01(11)

------ opponent for. the »l.:oo a year JoCity Councilor John M. Kellchc

r ■ receive more volea tiian Bojsy.

Four Boys Al ii” Found Phyl lK . L.^CmCAQO..Ut».J->i’/<rAiUlUBa f '( i unprecedenled In 1Li compelltlo I, I I was handed Ju c li^ uf lhe heali '01- -eliBmpJonshtp of-llie Four-H .clu\ O'n of. America today when four boj lr?ii. . and thr«.Birli.-wm:tvundrTir;uall ire- I perfect pliyslcally,:“>* ' The seven. u ‘scorcd by, physician ”'<■ won Uie hinlieat 1-ollnits of nny enl 'OW . rants ever eolni>ellng in the 14 .ve;

’ old nallonal 6ontcii which embrace the membership ol the clubs, mo:

' t.Uian ].100.000 farm boys and Rlrla \‘A \L -•‘.AJnabte-lo-s^'lw'V-one-boy-chatii

7p lon^n a-on ‘e^Rlrl-*hnmplonr-Ui 'Uin corps o( phy.'lclnns from the Amei

.lean Medical n.«oclatlnn and_lfc Elltabelh McCormick memorli

' fund, decided 10 b c » w blua rlbbor — 00 Hit KHO.

I ■ ’ .

f N E I

sclaimsPu ack Oil Shi Italians, I

H i s S t a t e m e n t o f T h r e e

a r d i n g M u n i t i o n s E m -

‘M i s u n d e r s t o o d ’

: in g s Cheer To I t a l y

Associated Presa)— A p r e s e n t policy o f tl lo w ln j I tn ly in “ n o rm a l" q u a n titiw i w af

m e n d m in is tr a t in n t i i ia r lc r to d a y i tc r t h c a b so lu te b a iu if ra ln a t a rn u

ici)liun53, i jK r e t a r y ickes to ld th« in "m isu n d e rf ito o d " la s t N ovem b«i p ro tn o tin j r a v o h m ta ry o il om bar-

— KO a g a in s t U aly nnd E th lop ln O th e r adn iln rfllra lio ii branch^ •es hav o s o u g h t to dlscouraK< a n y " ix c c s s i \ ’e ” re p o r ta to th c

El% beUlgerenla.U Almost slmuiuneousty. f jrcrtU n n Hull In diplomatic language Uircat- ” ened legal acUon against ony mak-

e n or exportm of a rr^ and'am - •jjgj munlUon who have .not* regUlcr«

qtilrtd by the neulrsllly law. Th< te j ^ n t f o n dradftne ran Noivmbei 30, Hull .reiwrted U had llsle<l thenuelves.

U w u.6ecretary Ickes' oil slate- m enl today.-howovsr, U m t. sUrret

,‘"2 Ui» wtdort-and most-hnmedlate In- lornaUonal-reactlon. At a presscw-

, ' ferenco he saitt lhal wtien speaklnf [],' about oU .three weeka ago 'he hac

been “misunderstood" a i-urg lne i •kh. voluntary wlUiholdlng of -war ma- 'i^*: terials" shlpm^nti. Actually th<

i«rm used, lie aald. w u "munlUonj _ n j. of wnr." Oil Is nol cliisaed wltf >.w.i mirnlll&nirA-W JjorttT-of-rtporlen

had undentood him to usu the wore was ''malerlals." — -—u tle ' llatlsQi ricoKd

. .-I« ,R om e. where sharp y -vnUneni llg . wn.1 voiced over the remarks orlg- -ong ImUy attributed lo tbe Interior.eec- lUi- rctar)'. olflcUl circles expre&se(

pleasure over hts new statement. a»h,l In L cauue^oniillons pircles a' ieu* Geneva tbe lU le m en t.n w .In te r' :bat. Jire5.«d u IndlesUon U » t the UnU', rc-rrff*ata le« Koremmenl Intends. t< I the live mi lo lU neulmlllyja!it.r*»iud

ItfS 'of what the H g u ^ does ei a d - aoncllons agsliut lUly.

ronl. In London, uneulntss tha t Sec u td i relary Ickes' sutement m ^ t be i rch - possible’forenmncr of a ching» t win* the Unllcd Siktes' policy whlcl Ra* would render Uw. application o

sanctions far more dlfflcuJr. wa noted In authorliallve quarten.

'’ I*'* -IniemaUonal observen here n-cn » ’" • divided u to how much Importaoo

.ifiouM be atUched Jo lekes' option ' Concededly.he U not a spokesmai

on America's neutrality policy, '

S C o n f e s s i o n a l S y n o d

i X ____D e f i e s N a z i D e c r e <

end . HERUW. Dee. 3 CflV-Leadera o-------Uia Liuiuiua rrw ^ lu iit Ctinfesslonanc« "I Bynod. foUowlng w ltb acUoi very tXel' announced defiance of na i m e dlciaUon, ordslned ftve' minister

h e r- today. ............. . . ..wlUi Tl'® Bovenmienl took no-acUon t

dliturb the cenniony In suburbai nne r Aniio's ehureh. In wilte o r th

h». iinnotinccmrnl h.i I lnn fV rrrl. hem ou th of llie dep.irimrnt uf chtlrch attain jrccs ‘he Synod could' not .indue Irth- a The ordination followed a decla

mtlon by a spu^..iman for the con

l,e . would no^ ablil6 by Kerrl'i ruiun iV of whleh took from them all adminls ,efOf trailve and suthoriUtlve rigliU.

Six P lanes Search F or A laskan FHen

° ANCIIORACi;, Alaska, Dec. 3 {/{ 3 Six alr]>1nnej searched today o n

ilt . till' Ibl. fforen, aiiow-covered re Into Klo” Ijetween Nuknek and DiUIng

linin, a i!l->iaiice ol 50 inUrs. fnr tw lencc »"'>i who have bren nilvMng In th;l ) his airr-lniio for nine days.;am - CsU, pUot, tnBad Siitil 'y Jlermanson. AnaW ag

,ny6r nrutfristr-leli-Hnknckr Novenlber-a ipper >0.’ n ^ll'l^l tlltfhl In the Brlsu orlly Bay (ll^Lria.southwcsl ol here.

A ifiipper s( Nsknck rcporle s ix ; hearing a piano e u t of the tow

jl(Uft’.U -w K k.ago.------------- L _ . 1 , -: Job! THr men carried two •weeks' sut cher.i plv i>r food, ammunlllon and blaii

[ket*. •<*

Lnd Thre Girls- ysically Perfeci,Itlon H. IJ. Coe ol Knti5r\ S U IF cuIITk' eallh 'chiilruMn l>f the tienllli coniesclu\rt wrre; :----- --------- ------*l»ys Ffidirlek, AbH. JO, of. Oa<lsdei

, Hownrd Co'bb. IB, of Oreeni. Nc

J e „ ■ Cli.i;k-Wnr(liin. Jr„ H , of Belol ■need Kii“-'‘-i-''more J. Altn/i lllffle. 20, of Irla, Hill. .Ml'..'<JUrl. • .lam------•■rj.f-«i>l-wliinetB-wer«;------------- t i n ■ -Timiy .Q;i\!lllr, 15, Of ftldgCWa: m er- Soiiiti_ lh e Eloiw Oarrrll, 14, Of Uriah, Aln lorlal bann. . \ibons' Marion ,McUuiiiain. IS. of Tieii

. Jo jl , ^ d W ilia .’

----------T O D A Y iiC fe g i^

W S : -0 ' P B IC E . F I V E C E N T 5


, o c w r a i ,1 f BRiTi:. jly?as -------»y , W a s ti lh g to n ,T a l< e s N ew S e c -

“ “ — tio n to E n fo rc e N e u t ra l-

® ~ n ^ I ^ H o y j B h i o p l a n

W a r r i o r s ' .M e e t F a s o ls t s

* ____________ = -------------------c h . ------ -----------------------— ,

£ W a r D e v e l o p m e n t e(By The Aseoelat«4 r r t a )

>VA6IIINGT0N -O o T en u tB t moves lo cnforc«>neitnmyt 8eo.

" j reUry lekes says hU e U jtsJ* .

^ • L O ^ O N - King O to rp u - ^ Bsrts Britain -arteW ty- needs ™ ImpToted defenses; pledgee go»-

e/Ament (o' bock L espe ffrmty.ROME - Cabinet approm

m euurea Improving defeasts aad designed to resist poestbU «U e a -

^ -b * rg e ._ _ :.. - - ____ .In- . MAKAMS-—-ltaUaw=Ti»part- on- huge Ethlot^on a m y odranelnr Ing toward northern front, with mln* had ar euso ltle s In abort UlUal eUeh.Z a - T O U L O N -F fw jeh fleet Iea m na- for manenTen In MedftemBeaB. the near tla ilon Uland ef Bordlolo. ons CAIRO - Empeter BoUe Be- ,-lth iBsale appeaU (o bead ef Ceptle Iers- -charch.10 oi>fn peace aggoUatlona ord with II Doce. “I

. TAIUS — Loral BUV o n *- power'«oaferenoe (o break dsod<

^eal. Jo e k on E th la p a a ,p e « j m l ^ ; riR. AnsloJrTcneh peoee pK a fiTlns M . rtaly strip o f Ethtepfs, n - 3ed ported rcjN ted by II boee.

W a s h in g to n m ov«d l i r m iy „j[‘ 1 T u e s d a y to c n fo rc e ita p o lic y

w l o f A m e ric a n n e u tra l i ty in th ^ ttd - - i4 la lo -E th io p in ji 'w a r . ' Rnd” ilifl

“ 'c o n a c q u tn t p u r o p c a ir c r is is :—

sec-1 C d m in a l p ro se c u tio n o f mu< B • ; o itio n a . a n d a rm s d e a le n w he Hlih I r c g ia te rc d 'w lth th «

o ( ii{ o v c m m o n t, a a req u ire d by w u ' by the neutrality act, was threateoed

; by Becreury llu ll, re re : Prom tbe Afrlcas tbeo tn of war iQce u m e nows of the first clash bHween fon. the Invading JtsJUns an<Tth* main n a n ' body ot Ethiopian northern warrion.

The batUe wm erer quIcUy wlUi apparent minor cuualUes but lU llon offlcen i t Makali con* sldered It slgoltlcont In Uiat it

c e demonstrated large opposing a n » .

of, ‘'Preparedness' w u t t e keynote

lion ' - fCon’q^ued on paga J.cof, J L

luc t _____

* -d e w and .More Stringent------Measure— Proposed—

S.‘- by Committee • ■

wAsniNOToN. n « . J Wl -Capltol Hill snoreei eloM to the

>I*Q senate mnnltloni committee re- “ porled today that the drofUng of

a .n ew and more stringent nea- trsUty but already Is under way, wilh its .nbmlsalon iateftJed, for

, early January,Ing-Iwo l u Rcncral piovblons^ as now h 'l r tciilallvcly written, were cafil suth*

erllatlvcly lo caH for: ta d I. Cotttiismag the present Umpo- rsge fsry mandatory ban on shipment r-34-of numltlona.lo oU.bemgerenis. laiot 2. Providing dlscreUonary t<ow«

for llio pretldenl lo embargo certain 'rie«l Olher orUcles.

3. Placing a mandatory bsr sgalml___ lonns (Uld <rcdlls to beUlgerenis. •

•up- 4. Provldinit 'a nianditory-ordei lan- agalnsi UAIUmI Stales cliUens be-

.coming paaaengeri on belligerents _ Vessels. \

: 5. D o m a j from American poru vessels of any nation whose vessel:

S> are found lo have used Uie Ameri- ^ cun flng as a blind to approoel;


Wllhln striking dlii.mee of enem) crall,

Wether tliU bUI would receive ad- m hilnnttlun e n d o r s e m e n t , oi

(l-by;'.wli_etlieriU^^f^-p8S-b<Kti-hpu.w liJiji., In'" aSything llbr'^W s—form—wfre ilesl, oi'b ' umllcrs-pf conjecture.

................................ ............

d 'n . G u n s h o t F a t a l t o

Newi “ H i r v a r d - P r o f e s s o r

IX)S ANOELES, Dec. 5 ' (/!■) - Milnian P»n7. 3?. professor of lan-

■ KuarKCs In Harvard unlverslly; died s-'nl Irom a guiwhot wound m ihe chcsi

^ a y . _____

way,' Parry, his. wife, said ll was an acel- ~22yiV ~ ii7 tlK o t-d re iD ln if-froo i_ tiUAl.........Ill m i'iii Iis mil |||iiiiililii|| It U«

I ,n room nl an Alvnrrto^K'iIL lisWL len- iTlie Pulnisi. iMr*. Parry v u la OU

atyuliUti# rwui*

Page 2: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

S H H IF j ■iim in'-Wonan-Who'Allejedly Shot “ - • Her Son^ Suffers ui

Breakdown u _ “

SANTA aAltg4»H i OkUr- Dm.

e o p t .M 0 m < i( s lM w U iw t* k U tier t«]

' ^ n a n J f , w ffewd » m »tow fc«rtdoiTn M v - Dr.A lttutQ -ttpauliU Df WMMid- ^

meoc<t M Uw Mool«oUo bcm* of T U n . I.onBeof)e w b a n iba became h n u r lc 4i u u t u lJud Im tlttuO lr.

' u * nauOM d u ber ilde co u tu U jr.------9 bnucb-{riM uU ,-U n.-L ooieop» —

ftMMlMl to bcr dlToroV bmbtod , kh Jem U w tnioft, fir , WWI * « • « / „

— (T«lW rto«um ouab]rA U pU& iftPr.O'Avtgnoa C l

w u t Mr. livermor* l« w ad u i (oc Dr. D’A tlfnoa rl(h t awtr." •>» ral laid . " U d bavt him catcb tb* B tn o-clock p ja st tonUbt aod get bars ' tomorrov Irom U ka Placid, Naw ««

,^ o r f c . X-waat-AoUiln« don* to the coi bor un tu be gtU here." eei

l a O ruk«n Q oam l - >|P

iboou&g tier *0Q tn • dninlua-quar. ^ rel b u t m ia j r momUw. . /J

Tb4 boat'* condlUoo waa aUU crlt- • ‘J . .le a l .tonlabt, altbou(b-I>r. Ktvlue ^

Dwbar aod. Dr. I rr lm WUli ex- ^ p rem d b ^ M wlU recover unleu ^

Tha bullet ( ra n a i a callbr* rlna . antered tb s routb'a cban, p (un(« l m downward through th* Uv»r t n ca. atopped aew < ba aplna. • • f f i

- — No attempta-baye .been mada t i rtm ora the bilUet, and non* «U1 ba

. mad*, th f phTticUnt lald, until Um ^ p u th rtc«la>‘fali itnncUL • o a

Yontli C la tn -A n lta U : ^r t t m m - lastsu u>« c w iu iU

w u aooldenial. alUuugh Undcf? lai tb u U i Jack Roaa n id ba l e a ^ jHtha fflottur flt«d Ul* tin* alter K lt m d a n d bar to ihpot blm vban> b ln (or-drinklaff.-— D * « u o t-A ttw iy ~ ferer-H ec k » -' -

dorr Queitionjf U U i u a r r rrlnk , 16.7ear*cl<l fWMttwait ot Um roMib t i todffc n M | i n laid Uvannora w u 11 •obar H u n b* M ( b v houi* u u Tfeaiita |M «r-B i«M Jer U a T«ai< da&oa.

Tba b o f i h U m , wbo « m * bar* Croa th* I M vb a a JnfoctMd of Ui« r r

AlUuugh U w n m : .wovtd a o t ^- ri— nant Ik w u r« e tta d b* p l^ *

oad to '.taba l*t«l d tp t lo tavaln „ euitedr of Faul aod J*«ai J r , who wara avftfdad to tbatr mother .a t

.U » 'M o a q l th a d lw r o a f a im

l i l f i i i s iI S M B l l l s

- ' ——. . / ' .‘Any Han'Could fnvy’ Idatio “

Senator's Follovylng |j>Thomas Deolarei m

■ ' , • U“

/ WAflHZKOTDtr. Doo. I M V - 7 ^ ^ un tted a u tc a *m a to r» -« '‘D aon- ' c r»t w d a Rapublkan—pt«dlct«d , (otejr th a t Senatdr WllUam E. . . . Borah of Idaho, probabir would

“ E ra ? T J s rw iin rH n tt> w a d T » ^^ l U p u b l l e u p t t d t a l U nsml-

aanaOoc Tlucoaa (D>Vtah) aald Z ! B o rtoJw ould ."!* a t r o o f '. J n .J h a “J

and UM«d Idaho, Oragon. ” w aihlngton. Oallfomia, and o th m ^ u Itatea which protably would tup* ^ port Ul* Teteran Idaho teoalor.

: aenator B td«er <R,Ci«) waa le u ' MxwlUvB In hla a—ert lopa eonoem- ^

i5 " T « s m r a i r ( a to c — t u t — ii i a S. thero T U no qucaUop th a t - the ”

Idahoan would re« lr« .Or*gon'« “ * _ p rttrB reo tlal-prtm ary_T O te ._ lt^he ^ _fihoiilf1 m lf r th l t r ire , anrt-wwild —

c a rrr tha ita t« 'ln tha gtD onl alao* tlon. Aa lor Waablngton, Btelwer ^ Bald It WM .>-nol sueh a aura thtng” ” na Oregon, but added Republican ” p a r tr ’leaden In th a t atata a n pre* I* dlffUng victor? next yetr.'. ?

WhUe u r in g It would be a "ca- -lamlty" for a Republican to be -

. eleeted t>n*ldent'Miit T ev, T hom u conceded Borah an edge In "every district where' the votera dUlLke "

. 'b o t h Pn-eldent noosevclt and Sen- ,:t a to r Bornh." . - ' _

**The ‘Aialnsf vote naturally „ would'go to the eenator If he nhould

' receive Uw Republican nomtnstlon,'' *Riomu u ld .

-nve Democralti p.arty »UU. b x the mlnorlly party In tliU coun- ‘

- - t r r , .a n d cannot, afford • ,amgle plaoe. 1 bcUev* Uiat we will » in next .year, .bu t e re rr P»rty

' member U’ going lo hive to w^rk _ long and Ijard." -. • g,

B o n h h u a following whleh •'any'm an could eny?,‘‘ tw tald.-imtl U nomlnitod by 'the- Rcpubllc&ns ^ vould be a reat) threat. Thomai con­ceded UiU with the U ih o tn car- ,

. . r>'lng the RepuWlcto banim- there , ‘would be a paaslbllity of IUlno<9, „ Penniylvanhi and. Mawachuaet'U following him. . ^

' ' Stelwer did .n o l limit hla own , t ta te to . the RepuWean column

-t-^only-if flenator-BoraJx-is-the-party . ^ i i t a ^ T i l?btanr.« but ptedlcled ’thfr

a S t r w u V d T S S S r i O I i - M ,~ ” » n I f 'a n y 'l lb c ra l 'i j nominated. ;

I lls prediction waa In direct opposl- , tlon to one «ttribul«d to FoAtmia- ,

. te r O enenl rarley t h i t Oregon wU ' one of U>e ila te t Use DemocraUe ,

leaden would b* ture bf next year, j B U I n r aald Um JtaU would have ,

none Republlcai priw ’ to thel algtj- ’ lug of the Canadian trade agree--'

ment, but UiM lh* ag re em ^ t had ' — r*inMMlT*very-<ioitb»-aa-50't h » n t^ : ' tlon iof Oregon n te is . He bawd, liU | X prem aion on-lnereaecd ftrcog th u ,

— a jl* u U ji , th t i r t td e _ « s « e m e n i on i th e la a e rtlon .tha t both th*.lum btr |

“ ’S w H o c k raUIng Indjutrlei of the i a tate woulil be ''harmed greatly'* by th e Increased oompetlUon of Can-

' f l

a * i« u r u i 4 Tbvadayj raUtr >*CI

IJg tgh and low taaperatur*!

ta rda r u feport*d*by Uu gorira. m ent vw tther oburver vera 48 and . Ud*gTa«:thBr*wu»TarU bl* *u>d •0 4 Uie ik r w u parUy cloudy; m*trlo preuure a t S p. n . w u n.«4 i iDobM and Um humldltr n ti|» . » n lo 11 par cent of u tu n l l o a 2

W aatber a y*ar ago w u clear v ltb , K m p e n tu ra of Sfl and U degree*. .

_____ • fc

i C l o u d y S k i e s O v e r

F a r W e s t e r n S t a t e s »

> - A - ^ t o r a - > a i « m m - l n - ( h , {JJ> aouUiwaat, central In aouthem Call* ^ ‘ fom U l u t night, h u cauKd eloudl- ^• n e u ove r. a wide area, including .

California, Nevada,' Utah and Arl*I looft yeiterday, and there has been> rain lo central CallfomU. Herida ' and-aouUiweitem 'Idaho.> The w ejtem high prewure ctnler r w u over Wyoming l u t night, and> eonneeta with a ilrong high preuure

eenter overlying tha upper Uluis*• alppl- valley, wliich it brlnjliig t i t ro ;^ nor^lerly y ind i and lo»er

Temperaturea In the wetitm aal tU U t a r t generaliy lower than lu t

! night, exceptaig . in ArUona and Uoi' central Callfomla,-where ycjierdiy'i ani' maximum *tem p4ntuni exceeded quj

Mocdaya. ma

l i * ___ r s ,S S S T j:^ ,’; s 'S Sllelnia ____ U II ,M__ ClMt— llO

^ 1 1 i ' 2 t Omaha ■ «“ t t T ciaa<r cle

IS 'ci 'r' '- JI t . Leuii __U n JO cioiidr ble

iR T jrjI irS S 3 S i ! (SI IpekaM ___ M t t .ee CU«dT 1: s a £ , . ' , a - « ii- g a g ' i ; ;

------------------------ ' t o

i THREE MEN PERISH ai : . j IN PRISON BREAK “I (^ontlnued From P a p One) .

' hla tn e k in front of the prlrai- * **" g*"y of con* ,1

V t o U ^ « h W killed h l m ' ^ ' *4laa

; H w UUrd to dl* WM PhUlp Ka* ^ ; pJe^ SJ, Pf .Woioeatar, aerrlng a ^

lone t* ro for anned r o b ^ , ihot

% ft« I |h t yw d of t i M a S w r o d ^M tm in l lm t d . --------------- ---------- iffl

T ha'attem ptad ««eape. apparent* t n l r oonflM d'to flva of tbe tnaUtu* • ' tun'a.mocothanW O prUontr*, com* ^ mlationer o ; correction! ArUiur t . ^ Lymaa aald. atarted when Rlcfiardi qu waa alaln and hla truek aelaed. fy]

' ■‘O arw ilK q m tb a narrow p rlnn . ] d rtra f ro f fU ^ far alOa ot tbe prlr- rei

) on yard, th e five men drova th6 m< tn e k tb r o u ^ Unoa gatai to teach wi t h t atreet. Halted UmponiUy • In tti UMlr fllgbt Ul* c rW la c of th* Iti vebld* aa I t craahed agalm t gattt, ‘ they a«l»d'anoU)er walUng to en* of

ta r the yard. . aU

\ Bcba T b M T n e k t«

‘ W han Um t failed to mak* It run ^: firU ier U iin N yarOi, they com- ^. mandMtwl a third truck, but left “

Uielr com panron,'T nplw r<W M '«i yUl* Itree t from giUr<y gunfUt. ^

[ btjxlnf'Clum pion. WUler 'D abe"' Wllaon, a t th e wheel of the com* •; mandaerod truek dbobeyed Uw‘ oonvlcta' curt: "Don't atop or youU' get youn." ., Although Wilson aald Uiree of Om in• men earrlad kn lvu . ha itopped Uie u ; truck, flimg open a rtnor Imwiklng i t ! two of Uiem to Um atreet. Tben,I Uwy fled to Uie railroad trackf. oi‘ The first pair, Edft-anl MeArdle, ~i4 M,~BomervH1w ' »*rr1n r 411

>*can for armed robbery, in d ai! C harlu D’BKen, M, Serving 18 to m

» yean for armed robbery, were m- captured by a Boston , and Maine .“ nllroftd police lieutenant and a po- .• ta to dUtrlbutor, Jack Carp, 37, ef m

Brookline.' 1 NO'Brien wba wounded In Uie leg. ^

• Commlulontt L rm in ••14. • 'The l u t two caught were Me*

' Manu*', aerrlng J l t o '2« yean for '• armed robbery, critically wounded Pl ‘‘ I n 'th e cheM and abdomen, and "i

Prank Jo jre .-J l , aJlaa ■'Turkey'V< 'J Morlartly, Boiton. aervlng 10, lo i r *5 }-ean for armed robbery. ^

I; B u r l i n g t o n C r e w s S

; . R e a d y f o r S t r i l i e 5

‘J OHlCAOO. D « . J H V n i . ITM “ '* membera of the broiherhood of lo*

comotU-e flremtn and 'mglnemen * employed by the Chicago, Burllng- 'ibn Wld Quincy rsllro»d"were ready p

U* lo' ilrlke tonight. rJ ' J . P.. Parrell. v l« prealdent of j

the union,, announced Uiey had j; voted' U> leave tiMlr poiU to enforce ft demand th a t th« Burlington em- t ploy two men liutead of on# In th* /

' cab* of DteMl-powered itrcamllna <: ^ tralnj. . - s

Parrefl dlKloae<} th* mei» J u i d i 2! ftUthorlaetf a iin k e call by * vote |

• .'Iflrsilr-ln-exetu q L im je « u ir j^ i '”* two-thlnt-m tt3onO '."fn«” Uid- w e j 7 - unloiV w u willing to negotiate- %“ ■ settlement, but* would not recede i

from Its pwltlon.- •“ W. P. *nileh0fr, general manager 1

of tb« Burlington, u ld be would I ioiuldor .'the offer btfora outlining 1

Ij* th» company’! future couWj , j

. ' MlRAOO’a SON NAUSD I^ TOItYO, Dec. 4 (Wednesdiy) W ' ^ = I iV lie c o rd B n » ^ t> i '^ n a ih l.:r l^ ^ : i‘l* llie accond eon of Emptror Hlrohlto • “ ond the Em prca Nnftako, bom No­on TCfnbor 28. today wm named M u«- >cr hlto'Yo*liln6ml)-ft-prmee'0f - |t n u - • .119 Ino rlgh\cousne.«." •

Jl- Leatbtf Itlll Fold*, Brief aod 7-lnt — L p * r-C m a t-a* :D ««b-» t9t*« -^T .-^

. : f W W T A D M - p j U L T


l l i n j Q e o rg e P l e d j e s J I ^ l o n

a n d U rg e s I m p r o v e m e n t i

\ In D e fe n s e

‘ l0M >O», Dm . I W - I t t o i G « m p M ie d G reat.B rita la.lo* . day to -fltin aapport e f Uw le ag M a t NatlOM” and “BrganUy" reo .' 'onm ended Improvemento fa d ^ fenae for tbe 'adeq iu te ufegvard* tng of Uia empire.'*The ipeech from Ui* thrope a t

the opening of parliament w u read ' b r tha lord chancellor, Viacount Hallihajn. Becauie of tba daaUi of U ia_Prlneeu. Victoria, O ^o rg tl lU- ter, Uter* w u non* of th e pomp and pageanU7 auocla ted with a ita to opening of parliam ent

"The government’* forelgn_policy will, aa heretofon, be baied on the fln a lupport of-Uia League o t Na* Uom," the monarch daclared. “They (Ui« sovernm ent) nm aln prepared to fulfill, lo coDpenUon w ith other ' memberi of th e U ague, Uie obllga* tlon i of Uie covenant.

Bonadi Wanfing

' fainung a > a rn in g nofe;" the.king ■" la id : *

■■TTi* ruffU taent of our Interna- Uonal-obllgBtloni under the coren- ' an t (U ague), no le u than Uia ade­quate aafeguarding of Ui* empire, make*,U urgtnUy ncccuaiy Uiat de* ,, flc len i^ i In Uie defenie foroea be «>mad* good. ------------------------------*

“The m ln liten will, la due couru . „ lubm lt proposals which will be Ilm- ^ lled-to-tKe-ralnlm um rrequlr«d"f6r ^ theu-tliro purpoua."

Mott o t the monareh'i ahort mei* tl lago w u devoted to domesUc poll* ai clea. al

Shortly before parliament auem* a bled Uie treaiuiT a p n n r a lurprlie ci by announcUig it hod floaUd huge u loam toUllng 300,000.000 pound] . (about |l.458.000W ».

W hat tho cum- w u to be used for'waa, not announced. I t v u u * «tumed a trJ e a s ti:0O.000A)O.would be ^devoted to Iwadi bentlng 'filghtr R rate i of lntereie-:-creitlng ipecula* ti ,Uon about ^ lo remalhlnu 100,000,- V000 pound*. ■ . gl

' B earinu ien t 'Attacked ^

-When parliament got down '(b work, tne rearm ament pitogram u * luggu ted in tha klng'a speech w u atUohed-by:UM-<ypotlUori;-xL-: U . Major Cleihent • AtUe«. labor “

Itador, M ld 'ln commom th a t ‘ In- crA ied armaments" w u Uia real point of the addrea* and th a t Ui* r< real w u merely "wlndow*dreuInganrt trtmfplnra." __________ • p. To tbU c n u c lsa ,' Ptlm a if ln li ta r , fltanlay H«lflylt. -U i 't o lo*a no c h a n u for U ik ooun* try to get-peace Im tead of war.’*' ’T b a U aguo la on trUl, and If tha ;« a g u o .lt ablo_t0_ c n d .tb ii terrible dlipute, every lover ol peaea* In Europe- win be g n u f u l and Uiank-> fuL" . .' But BrttUh. offlelala appeared tb '

regard an oU blockade ot Italy aa ' iMVltable and ware peulmlstlc. I t

v u laid. In ‘ auUiorltatlve clrelei U u n U not Uie allghteit Indlcatloa

I Italy la ready to talk peace.There v u uneaslneu upon newt

of Secntary leke*’ Waihlngton atatement th a t h it pnvloui oo t on exporu to Italy had 'b een mliln* ttrprtU d. Some quarten feared a change In Uie Amerloan itAnd inilob

' might maka Uia appllcaUon of sano* '■ Uons moro difficult ot ImpoiUble. ’ •

‘ m r i A L M E A S U R E S '^ ’

: “ D C C U P Y A n E N T I O N “ "

; ■ O F B R IT A IN , IT A L Y

‘ IConllnwd r to m Ptgt Out)• In Surope. BoUi G reat Britain and■ Ilaly planned to Improve Uielr .da-l i c w e s . ’ _ . King Oeorge, In a mauaga to tbe

opening of parliament, promUed . . "llrm tUDDort" of the U asue o t Ni*I- 4 io n * '-b r-U ia -im n flrg o v em m e7 t - 1 and "urgently” advUed improve*> menu In defense fot' Uia "adeqilau> urejuardlng of the empire.", i' . Italy F ean Embargo

Holy's cabinet ground out boUi f mlllUry a n d ' economic m euures.

Naval leaves, U w u nported. have , been cancelled and vacancies In the

Dir force were ordend filled... • ■. Fcitlng an oil embargo by' the r Uague .o f Natlom, fu c ls t ^ d « n i planned to speed up. oil production j nnd lo pre.wrvo the supply.>• . A Prcnch fleet of m on than to ff wuriliips itc u n cd out for moneuvan

In' tlia M edlttcranein clota to tha itallnn-owned Island o( Sardinia.

Pnnch dlplomatlo sourcu aald Premier P le m U v al w u ' consld* ertng a three-power confennce

0 among himself, s i r Samuel U oan, ’ - the .Urllisli forelaii Kcrelory, and . Baron Pompeo Alolsl of Italy in an

attempt to break .the current dead- ’* lock on Ethiopian pcace.I' ' . Peace Plan Hetlred .

Paris npo rted a* nvlved Anglo*' PTcnch-pcBct-plan to-glve-Itely-a , ploce.of Elhlopla w u rejecud by » Ptcnilir Mussolini; who wants mere - d land..' .* A peace, move from a new Quar*>* U r wus ii-llably reported ujidcrway.■ An authoritative source tn C&lTo I* disclosed th a t Emperor Halle Seliis*

file had’ u k e d 'th e supreme i iu d cf 4 . tUa__coptio_Chri»Uan_cl»urth._»ho

lives lil i i y p t and wlioio. authority cxtcn ji—Intu—K hloplBp-ltri - h^yln -

»e jK-atd convcrsatlom with Italy.» A huge batlle appeand In, Uie X making on the war front.

iVillau precautions hav t been er’ retlbubled iii anticipation of on at* Id tacki-Secreiary ickes of the Interior ig said I n . Washington h t liad been

•mlsundenlood" two weeks ago when he w u Interpreted u urging the oil Industry to halt shipment^ lo Ethl*

f l opla. . • - • _____________

”?B E N Cll 6CiEN fi3T D iE S' “ b - -P A R la Dccr 3. - Protessor A- Cliarlni ftlchet. tTcnch pliysloloitit u - -4'ho won a-Nobcl-prUc.ftv-IOU,.died

todny a t the. age of 8S.

In- Walcrjnan and Ejlerbrook-Potm- r.-iiiiln .££iu.aLCloiJluok 2itorc.-Adv.-

T N E w a ; ■ n r m r A L L f l r P A H



I I n V i ' AiL /

- —A KU.I...J-..U l i t - iflLIl F - l ' f imcriit. sbUlda, and s ta ta u y , tbeee N

EnfUnd'a defeat o t Emperer Theodon ' ttng iolelde. The lnM t,-beeau« oT ils ] "nedem s,'' antw ed eontldenble InUrt

. PARIS O t^W hllo Italian k g l ^ - bl* are invading Ethiopia,, u r t ^ t l r e a1 p.

world a rt center, ta an a ttam p t'to tc■ gain Prench sympaUijr for th* cauae U*. o f-H a ll* ;fleh» lr.-------- ------ — 7

When cam assei from th e coHee- * . tlon of PKnch realdenta o t SUilopla > and Um Somalllandt, iw onb.

shleldt and wooden stiituei w«te ti- exhibited, a eurloua ParUlan. crowd ii t camo to. Judge wheUier, W hlopW c B artlsU belled the O ueei e la ln th ty9 w en an Inferior race. ■- h4 Prench art connolsscura c u t cH'ii* ^ . cat glancct a l one c in v u . I t depUts . U» battle of Magdala w hen Lord, " r R o b e r t'-N ap lc i^ - A nglo-a>dlan ^ . troopa stormed U ioeltadel of Em*. peror Thernlore In ISW. In the back*

ground ’Tlieodon woefuUy bolds his bend In one hand while b e shoots hU bn ln s out ^ U i the other. s

Another th a t attracted attenUon k , w u a "portrait of a g lrl'" tha t look- ci ' ed u If It might havo co n e from si

the-studio o'f an ultra-lmpreealpn* b:. U t of'tho-jnodSiTielTOOlr^------------T. Most Ethiopian actlsU 4raw from si J memory and u ie colon made from bi I vegetable compounds. They tnrafl*I aUy deal wtih doil^ .life—tb* bunt,, cow l_«?.n«. jr»r_(JaDC«^.lb»tUefc C r s —


' -

r t

r* • ' .-y-h) •s*of . ,

w ' ' ' ■

tie . " ■

Ul■t* ■ ■or ' • - ■ .en . • .en . ' -NDll • .it* , .

;or V..... ^

B 0 . W lb ifU ^ A T UOfiHmO,

[VADi» PARIS, ■ f i EMPIRE'S c lW r U ] ^ I

rtK'rentalaed.'’ bnidet'bBnttariK«ti(«.' » t IWO canvaaca. The lane one depleU o n in i m wllh the monarch commit*Ils rtsemblanct to Ih* work e t lome

U rest . B

birth. deaUi and the lives of salnla. " - Sa lnu alway* ir e portrayed lu i- ^ . pended In air. for It U a tacrtlege I to draw a holy man with his feet on' \ I the ground.. ”


• NANKING, China’ (/t> -aufferen B ! from uU uaa and chronlo coughsI the world over may sooa look to P< » China for nllef from Ihelr IBs.- ol* R cseanh worken of Uia Nanking ol

health admlnlslmloli claim «n an-. dently used drug derived from a *1 , specie* of com U more Mfecllve ^ I than ephedrlne aod atropine In J irtotlag. uUima. .


I PAPEETE. 'TahIU M>> - Tlie ^ Soulh Sea Island* have succumbcd

1 10 the automobile. More than 000 ■ can ara In servlc* in TahiU and 1 small atolls with onty a mile of usa* st ’ ble n n d also havo c tn . Buses on m ' TWiltl-cartT‘People,-baga-of-coprar tl 1 stdnga of fish, - dogs, firewood, al 1 t o a n u and .mlsccllineoui tre lg h t pi

, DIariet aad O aieodir^tor IIM a t a i CSea.Beok.ll«rB^.Adr.------- g)

■ P ” i

^ ■ 1 J i h e proo]

i s i n t h e .

H r i t a l w a y s

' . SiSi want a <

I _ orinslpii ■ " f a dgarel

- — I ;----- ------ they-can


^ 7 { f e ? G h e s i

Q, PyBMBBB 4rlM 5-

S im jfl-lilEfPiENegus Credited With' Re- C

quest for Negotiations WIth'Envoy . /

(Copyright, !M9, Assodilltd Pn ts) !

IberiUUr* reUfoaa m n t ■ 41^ ela*Ml (sday th a t i b t tw W M baad of tb s Ctpl* Christian oi ebwcb, a l U u rtqaaU a t Emper- H • r llsOt Selassie, probably , will «betln eonvenaUoni wlUi the llal« »»ian minittar k m fas ■Od.lHeen- ^

. .b e r.Io a a « lle n p M d U i* ) la le .. ”Ethl*plai> war. - ____ __The em petoTil was aUted. lought

Um In tm sn tlon of Patriarch Jo- f? hanna, whose authority extends ^ orer -Ethiopia, propoilng tha t “Uie most fivornble moment to begin eonversatlom wili be between De- ^ oembee 10 and Deoember 18,’ ^

The request wna understood to have been made through Abuna ** Cyril, lhe. high bishop ef EUilopU. l u t Wedneiday, th* day befon Uie king of k lngi *et out for hls new “ headquarten a t 'B c s a y e . 'n s mlJ« '' '

.- iwrthHuit'orAfldtrTijiiHn--------------^

! U n g Considered ' la’ The Abuna formerly w u an {l!■ EByptlan monk, whom Johannei

selcclcd BS bead of tbe EUilopUn “ Coptic church.' The patrUrch, th e aeat of whoae \I

. authorlly Is a t Cairo, w u under­stood to l» r e been contemplsUng discussing th e altuaUon wlUi the Italian mlnUler foe several months.

, The head ot Uie CopUo Christian W ' ch u ^h now h u auUiorlty over only tli■ Egypt and EUilopla, although be vl , sUIl Tttalns the UUe "the moft holy v . pope and patrhirch of the g n a t city u

of Alexandria and of all Um land 8 i ( of E ^p t. of Jerusalem ths holy . city, of Nubia, Abysalnla and Pent- « . apolls, and all Uie preachings of Bt. * . Mark.", The aeat of the .chureh w u j>rlg-

Inally a t Alexanctria but later, was mored to Uie f o r t r ^ - town of Babylon fold Cairo) and finally to Cairo pr(3»er.


; DCTROrr, Dec. S Wi-Elghteen strlken, tv o polleemen and a wo*

; man w en Injured tonight In a bat* r tl#-of-nlght-iUeks-and-brick-b»ta , a t the Motor Prqihieti /o rp o n llo n . p la n t The clash occurred when

guard* toased tear g u bombs Into a 1 crowd ef striken gathered a t tbe

o f o f t h e d g a r e t t

f s m o k i n g . . . a n

JS w i l l b e --------

mokere—t»th men m 3 w i

a cigarette to be mfld—yet pid -Atr the same time the rette that givea item'teste an-eiijoy.

C h e s l e r f i e U s a r e o u l s l a t i i

s s — o u t s t a n d i n g f o r b e t l e r i

i d t h a t o u t i y s m o k i n g t h e n

s t e r f i e l ( f e - a T e w l

I.C.C.HliOlllZE8 : m |L R«TEs. C o m n ilts lo n O rd e r ’ M o d if ie s

P ro v is io n s o f l o n i a n d

/ S h o r t H au l b a u s e ■_____

I , WAafONOTON, Osc. S ( f ) - Termed t a eseouragtment to - w ute lu l transporUUoa'* by two dlutnU ng oofiunlHtooen, ao order of Uis int«nt«t« oomnaro* eowmU' Ilon today modified provUIons of the long and 'abo rt haul e lau u lo auUwrlie lovarlDff ef n t w over car* lain clrouUou* rail and rail-wsUr routes. _ _■ The lob i’and abort baul dause of _

, th e -t ra n « w ru u o n act In g e ^. forbids lower ratea o n 'a long haul , U un 'fb r shorter hauls on the route.

A reu De*igat«4 ; T bs n i u undtr today's ruling wUl . apply b ttw eta "eenu«l t s r r l to r r '-

Oblo,' IlllnoU, IndUna and Mlchl- ., gan--aod New York aad New. Eng*

Und points and between ‘cenUwl nortb AUanUs ports.

I The aeUon loday marked the see- , ond reccnt ICO mov* to rtlax p r ^

VUlons of-Uw-clause,-a ruUng-lasi

disregard the clause under stlpu* latcd condillom tn the transporu* lion of citrus ftulU from Plorlda to

' territory* and mid-Atlantic and I northeastern points.

Wife Slayer Draws Life Prison Term

! L 0 8 * N o a H ~ i t e . 1 i n -1 W ithout an outvard ahow of emo*■ tlon. gray Eventt McNeer, con*I victed of murdering his estranged - wife, Betiy Helene McNeer, w u > senUneed to life ImprUonment In I San Quentin today.■ Oddiy enougbp McNeer w u f ln t . convicted of tecond degree murder,. whleh would havo meant a ten*

L ^ ( ^ 0 W

BASKET’ Twin Palls Townsend Club No.

dinner will be held In tbe I.O.OJ’. ‘ December fourth and Uiat every i

Invjled to eome u there will be i _alber.m aUert-of-vltat-lhtereaV bttl

' Uie gathering. Memben are uked ‘ m eat If convenient. Table aervlce ai ‘ A good and highly InteresUng , Towmend ju ll t will be on dUplsy.

1, ,1.1 I

't te ;

n d ■

women— . ” -------et riot fiat they WMtste—'taite.... I . ’ /

andittg for mild- | r taste. You can . em.

vhatthe)f ss^rtj

S a ^ ^ S S 9 B B 9 S B S S ^ S 9 ' t«BM a troA 19 m n to Uf* Im-

prM enM al.<X* ipp ftlsd , obuioad * a tw ^ W il t a d . v u fouad'fuU ty t l a n rd s r la^b * t in t dsgr**, which

I o a n M a a ttaeoaU e Uf* lentefice.I Pello* etflearr l**Ufi*d Uwy found I Uotfeer seatsd oa Ui« •nnm lsg

board o t til l gutomoUs, • buUst wound -ta Ms forabtad a lg b t

( 19 /un* . t m . B l t t t i M U T ^ tn w g td w its lay dead oa th e f t w i ta a t of Ul* e«r. Ihrt* bvUst hcis* ta b t r h s ^ aad aMc.

- W io jio f lb c M o m io it F lf out of bed.

■ Aaiwet th l t f rig tia t c sU - ‘'SchilUoiuuuijCoffeceeni

,, ,.commmin|uu_upll!'|___,_____ .

, Schilling Coffee wiU- s tx o d b rp u I ik c i /rJ en J - - ify o u jiv e ith i lf adunce ia tbem sluo j. I thas ice rtiJflstu td / qu ilitf iU itio w a .

S c h i l l i h g

Coffee ^! There are two Schilling Coffeo.'

Ooe fotpetcolslof.: One for drip.


0. 1 annauncu U ut a 'b tg b u k e t 'J’. HaU a t 8;ao P.'M . Wednuday,7 member of the Olub Uurgently « n ^ club pU m foreiuUted and «ldes-th«-tnJoyaW *-ioctal-Blda'er' “ Kl to bring full basket IneludUv a : and coffee will be provided, fig program U promised and tbe

they are—"T-- o uH tU M sn at

t ■ . •

Page 3: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

GRHIfll.ElliiliES'• i i r a j i i o M i

____OAKLKY, Orr.'3—QndUiitfDii'tt*cTCbea '« trc tKkl in lhe 0 »kU> Second ■ in t L. D. a . cbuich 8un« Aty Sw U n n B. noU iacs u d C hirlei I amlUi.-who eonvUted their wwk In tht prlmiry lion, Tlwlr tc»chfr. A n i noblnson. cnve the Introduction tnd Ch»rle»

• J . am lth told tlw requlnmenU-Xor RndutUcm. Loren B. Roblnion told th t itoi7 or the Aaronle Prtestbood •nd preKntAtton of eenldcate* v u

.by Bcrt.hj Cratwr. « r d prtmwy nreild<-nt. BUhop W*ll*ce A. H*le •tw Wllforcl-W..S»8er», -president «r iJie Y ounj Men-* Muti«l Im-

— pforemcnt ajecclitlPD. ____M onm Saceri h a d hit tonsils re*'

inored ThinlUKlflntr dsy. iMr. and M n , Andrev Butler n n d '

rtJuRlitcn. R « u in d Brlly, Ncviids. ‘ nrv vlMlin* relMlves her?.

Oakle; (rnrie school fumUlted, thB Think»Bt»1n| p ro p tm i t the high sehool.

Cordell 8t«ck upent the holldajn; 111 Lo^nn vU ltlrt (rlend« snd rei* i

•»ilve.v 'I Mr. nnri M n . C. H . M(A(urrar and | . ' vcjiiMfgtLJyf^f holMn'i In 3s!t <

Cllr vlalline r e l i U v « r ~ ~ i Prealdent Chirlea 8. Clsrk s n d ;

<-hil(lr;n 9T>enl th e holidays In; Provo, u u h . I

Mr. 111(1 Mi(. Parley Clntk. Mr.: Ulld Mi.v Saul CTark. Mr. m d Mrn. Monroe Crannty. Mr. u u t Mrs. Ktndrlck Hftwkes. Kiy Tllndet*. cilfnn Cooper n n d Hugh Puller

holldsya iri UinU. :MW Huttlc Ciivnno’. bluilcnt i l

liie-Unlvtrslly ot-Idalio.. soutiiem branch, returned to ftwaW to * i« r

" »Pendln« tb « hoUdaji » lth reli- ti«vs ind Mends here. • I

TJie followlnj Albion Nonnil stu* | ilriiu siwjl the liolldah here; Mer*' Mil noblnvjn, HIphel Knle. Edsel 1 Halo. 0 « rg e O erm d, Alto Hun-1

. ter, RuMon 'Hunler. Kithljrn Cran- ii«y. Helen Warr. M sdje Mitthawi, Dorca.i Siolth, Luells Aodenon, Merrill Walker. Nile Corrlnje. Dor- r.1* nmim; Aim* <j^lm«n, Allon

— - -MmlntfBlo,- Deim-SeTrre,—Martnn.“ici'ere. Ver» .^fartln and T hurai) Martlndale. . . ' *

Mr. ind ilr i . AWn Lunalord, I ProTo. Utah, art vtelllnj M n. P e le r ' o , Mirlln.

Mr. and Mn. Amrrid Reid and < Mm Arletme Curtli spent tlw Thinkjjlrlnff hoUdajn visltlnK n l-

_____Mlvea In flaJt lAke CTty, Utah.SnaTOeorjla Bell. 'Nanipa.' r iiit-

ed her brothe[, Homer Bell, here th u TWlt. ^

Mr. and Mra. Bd DnemSn spent R-eek-end In Pocatello.

Mr. ind -M h .-J-R .-P ow lea -and children >pent T h m k ijlv ln j holl*

------- chys-M -juests.of Mr. iw ^M rs. c .De^ey H slr In S a lt Uio* ttly .' '

»Mr. mil Mn. Merrill Wnrr nwnt ] . TH ank'clrlnj In Ojden. i


STILLWATEn'.' Okll.- i/f) - T l j - ; i<jm, from tl)elr h im rooh. hive ,

pouUr? nock* of Ih ta jU t* ;

— T e l l Y o u r


54 C ars ai

Special Terms

ry ’30— DESOTO S SEDAN. I' T reconditioned, ready t

T ; ' r — I’OIU) COUPE..........

. Ml— PONTIAC 8 SEDAN,T stue , hna rad io .!.....

■’.11-rFORD TUDOR SED.A only I I mon(hs old'..:

-■31— FORD COUl’E , U.OC mllce, Rood as new ...

M.1— FORD s e d a n , has j halfoons, tow mileage


--------- _ ’33— FORD DcLUXE.SED. buill In trunk , rndlo,■Run 10,000 m llcR .....


You ciin't ride WISH

. they a rc so Incxpcnsi'

Cnsh or Icrm.^ ^ve nr



t t . ; ------- ‘ tW ednetday) ------------GREEK KJNO 0 0 E 8 BACK TO

“ ?! TliBONE^ ' K w c r o x A n i” d e b a t z

I d Tlew ef eu rrtn t ntUoniride dlscuision. paramount N m pi»- senu opUilons ef people who have

^ « * r ljh t to ipeik.. ? I M; A. W irriner. Oorothtfc

Antel. Neills BereU, Dr. Adolf Lorenx.

^ New York de U c tlw n ib six )cw e irr thleres, reputed te be bold* e>t m u te r encksm en ln_the n»>


~ * im T H -« A V C T fO N 9 --------------—re- ARMY-NAVY FOOTBALL CLAS*

! SIC.a n d ' OFFICIALS of church

VISIT AT MURTAUGHl iy i :n u I MURTAUOH. Dee. 3 - Tlie L. D.

' s . lU ke presidency, Jesse W. Rlch> a -„d |eh s’and J. E..Allred of TwLo PalU

' arid Roy/tl c . Tolman of Murtiijgli.

ichurch. Sundiy.I Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gillen enter* 'talned a l dinner Tb^sdajr for Mr.

. . . land Mrs. McLean of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Hoft-ard Hall of Tn-ln PalU, Mr. and M n. 'H arold Jamto. Bill O arn^tt and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton

M rJand M n .-L « n ird Chrlslen- , , sen, o f. Logan. Utah. »pent t!ie

Tlwiksglvlng holidays licrr wUli 'f " Mr. and Mrs. Hynim Pickett.

Mrs. Fay WUIfilte and Mr*. C. C. Callen have returned from N yui.

- I Oregon, where they were called by 'tu* the de ith of the ir nephew, Robert '" •W a lte r s .

Tlie Glendale group or the UdleV un- A i d ' l l postponed lu Christmas Ul* party, oa iccount of Ulneu.!wi, Tho Infant daughters ot Mr. and un , Mra. Joseph Botl were christened >or* m thelr home Sunday by presldeni Ilon Jesje W. Rlchenj and Royal. C. Ian T olm an 'and 'w ere given lhe naotci i« a )o / Florence Le Bean »nd H aiti Le

Dean, . ;Kd, I --------------------


BURLEY. Dec. 3-A«>ert Hawker 0 / Menan, jd a h a w»a a rlsltor a t

"*■ the Kcttcnrlng sanltwlum here M ondajrjolni'on-Jo-D eelo to Tbit with » cousin.

UncM Marshall of Maho PalU rW led here orer the week-end w lthliU parenU , M r.andM rs, John

J Marfihall a t tfie Kettenrlng sani* ^

. C. ^

ito ft number of dlseafes aod para- iMtes. u y s Prof. L. H. Moe, bu:- , tcr^orotoglst and reterinarlan o!: Oklahoma A. to d M. college,

hrc I In addition to Uce and fleas. Moc ^st.ld pigeons could hare spread tu*

>lg- j berculosls, tj-phold and pullorum iiveldbeoKS reported In flocks w:er lhe late^suue. 't ' ' -

‘ Y O U G A N B

^SAFELy i fh e r e V o i I - S e e T h h

i r F r i e n H s — C o i

S r i n g Y o u r W i l

5 a n d T r u c k s ' — T h e y A r c i

m s — 2 5 % D o w n a n d u p tc

■ ' B a l a n c e ,

N. molor ' 'ja—BUK Jylo(io.»200 rubb ... .........*270A N ,'n r e a l ’J.'J— CU E................ SK D

5 D A N ,U V "11*'"d '..; ....... ^ $ 4 3 3 • 3 5 - i - m

1,000 . .. ..........................V....... :..$4U ’30-CHK

jumbo ' '.12-CHE« ffC ........ V I 5 '. r i -F O ll ,

EBAN..;.»25(>.............. 'a a - r a R5EDAN.,»2»fl ' . ■ '30-fO l!iRI).\N wilh ____'JO ^T lIlidlo. h e a te r . '2 0 ~ C H E

...............5 6 5 0 M l - F O R

;D A S‘ 9 1 7 5 . , ,* '2 f ) - r O R

ISU K S, h u t y o u can rid e o n e o f oi

^nsivc th n t y o u wUI w ish y o u h a d i

f n r c h p a d q u n r tc r s f o r t|(>nnniicn l

i f o i r M o t o f' Y ouF f O RD D e ^ e r ~


— -im PER T . Dec. J-U nder 'the aus* TO P lcu ot Rupert Business and Pro­

fessional Women’s club a looal U l­en t coteruinm ent, Btack and

r f ^ Whlt« M lnsinl. was pitM ntcd In an Vienlng's program a t the Wll*

lavo »on theatre, Monday night. The allow was directed by Mr*. Edna

hea Armstrong, Mlw Ruih PhUllpa and doK Mrs. E diu Sinclair wtlh a four-

pleee orchestra. Mn, sinchilr. Mrs. «»• W ard Woolford. Betty "Lou Jonei >td* nnd Oordon CiofC providing accom- ti* ' panlmenU;

A plantation eruemblc w ith spec- IttUIvs In a wide Yirletr and i

'— •- e n o ra r'o r-M -T o fc « * ir ro n t« i-th e AS* opening wctlon of the show.

Wllh Ed Lacy, interlocutor, and n ca*t of WUU* enierulnera be.’.lde. llie end mrn. D. L Carlson. Ward Woolfortl-. Earner Davis, G ran l Cat-

• mull and Ed McKevltl as Beoter U n the minstrel numben nere launch­

ed,Q An olio lind an after piece. "Mum*

ich Rummlefcand Dummies," of-Jfil! fered variety to Uie entertainment,

adding a louch of burlesijuc loi^ ^ e io » -U > r event,-----------;----------------

j . O 'e r 7J of Itui>?ri s muilcii'ii.. (gf.:dancers and eniertnhie'M_ look part

the pcrformnnc.', and .


'“ " i V IS IT O V ER .H O L ID A Y S

'w c ' HAmFUO-D. Dec. 3 - Among Hit viiii I »ludtni4 :i>eii(Ung the holldnys heru

'weiC: Lnurriice nnd Oeorge Rcngnn, C . ' ^ n Valciunt, Hugh Nelion, Oerl/,

’u a . I Walton. Roscoe BaljUigion all o{ i by Oooding college, and Jnck Abboi: bert “ I'd Earl Wilson from the Univer-

.'Ity of Idiihr). w uilirrn brnnch, nt llcVjrocuiello. Mnlcolm Herd of Oregon mas Clly ua» w guest at the Rcngnn

home.and Mr. and .Mrt. Harr}' Durall and med iv'o chUdren spent (he llianksglv- lent IriB holidays a l Prulilaiid. Idaho.. G.i Nwl Hudson., employed for, i lif o,c-,-'pastrJett“ monilis Bi ihc Chevrolel I Le Karage here, lell Monday lor Good­

ing.. .Mr. and Mrj. T. A. Bum s and iwo

children spent T iiinktglvlng ' tn ITnlik rMlls wllh hfr parenuy I Paiilctii Uitvi!«n. who Iws been

■'‘t f .terlously ill ni a OoodinB ho.'iilial, ' I n'os aWc 10 be jemoved lo her Jioroe ‘fre ;In Palrfleld, Sunday.rblt --------------- ---- -----------------■------------

' ■ CARD OF TirANKS • - 'a tu We. wiiih lo ihnnk our m.inj end friends and relnlly.e* for thelr klnt olin cxprexr.lons of symimihy nnd beiiuti, » i l - ' l ul-flornl PffcrliH!!. Siteclnl llinnfcr

. I to Hev. L. D. Smllh lor hw coiuol.:__ 'in g words during our lu lt bereave~ ment. • "ira -1 C. t . LANCASTER AND PANHLY jnc-1 MR. AND MRS. JOHN PADGET,


Moe TER. -A dvtu* I '. ■—

rum ChrUtntas Creeling Cardi a lhe I price* ot one to fifty cents a l .Clo

. I Book St«re.-TAdr.

o m e Y o u r s e l f /

r i f e !

r c G ' o i n g O u t

I t o 1 8 M o n t h s o n

iL'lCK SED A N ,, nearly new iibberT Dwn^d by well known urty Ih .T w In Fnlls. I t 'sjy .........................................$225UEVHOLET .MASTBR SIX EDAN. ncw paint, sideUHints ........................ $ 3 9 5

OKD D eL l'X E TVDOH, newn u n r n n le c ..............................$550HKVROLBT SEDAn ..,,$ 1 9 0 HEVROLET SEDAN .. .» 2 9 0 , ORf>J>eI.UXE FORDOR $ 4 5 0 OKI) TU D 0R SE D A N ';.$ i5^^

ORD FORDOR SED .V N ,,$190 rU D ER A K ER COUPFJ . .$ 1 2 5 riEV.'TRL'CK; D. t t '.— : $ 1 7 5 '“

ORI) TRUCK, 1 5 7 ..... . .$ 2 2 5 'O RD ’TRUCK, bcei body $ 1 2 5

r our K(K)d used cars, and * '

ad injpccjed thein before,

icnl trnnsporlatlon.



] |V PAUtFIEU}, DM. 3 - Wwk or WPA projecu In C o m u county re­sumed U st W tdneU i; oa\ipprave<

ius* city *trM t-lm p»o»«nanU -tn-r» lt. ’TO- field. 01 44 workable caM< In the U l- eouniy. according to J . E. GUI, ad- ■n'l mlnlstrilor, M men wfre pu t to woili

l u t week Md the remainder will prcbably M used this weelr.

‘ "'1 T ilt p rojca conslsu o t remortni a Isyer ot dirt and gra>-e) to s depl^i 0/ ts'o ietl a /ie f wWeh il wtll be filled In with rocks and irav* el to keep the i t r n u frttn becomlni

9nt- impassable In the spring ., 8ome ' dralfkge wotk Is also iMlng done.

! 1 There are a t present M dlrtel ttw and woric«We'^a«s-W-{he-'eounly

whereas, Isn y ta r IhVre were 93 at in d th li (Ime.lde.\ -----------;----------

Keep posted on ti»e war in Africa ClM iloek Store has Glebe* and At.

^^^Jposef la ossfit yoo.—

■*0 r r ^ .ent. ' “ ' ' ,


K - " C

\ ^I . . V E L' Paraffg flows:----------— ---------- ---------- ^ n d - b <

.................... ...........-SAFE' crankc

• O r d ' : solid I

d if f ic u ■ 'Sub-Z .

_ sistenc ' ■ • 'a s colc

F t

1 - 3

i L-ZiLii



re- ____________•pvedoir. - Vrvlces,‘lor;jo*eph.W H-the llam WnUer. Twin. P«IU resident

Ior Uw p,vi IJ y ta n , were held KJlerOa} ({t(.-m<}on a t tft« MeSh*

» 1U odUt Episeoptl church. He ,iue- cumt>eU Iv t Saturday to a sudden lieari.aiinck. ptormer netgblwr* and

ffnilfrleniU irom Oakley in d Mur- > • taugh." « here Ue hod cogaced In • H «{U e sjw p rolling projects y I prior to iiLk TOldence In Twin n i l s . >»'*i]olne(l rrlaiuM In paying tribute.jme ------e . Rev, f; i. w hile and IK r. R. S-

Ree.n oiininicd. James Reynold* r tc t uvng -L'rouMnB thc B a r and a trio, inly M rt-Jrm r-fn rtm fla: - W,I at iiendrr^oii mul Mrs. Claude Brown,

iJStii: 'T o Sleep Awlilh." M n. C. H. ,SUa-oa iiiA)e<l the Mcompnnl-

rtcs.:"’^"'-'-At*: . rnlibrurtrA «ere W. M. Klehi-

■ koi/l. It. hckeii. J. Winiille. r.


m[‘s c

“ o i d P r o o f c^ O T O R O'ELTEX is a top-grade 100% I affin-Base Mofor Oil.- Cold-Pi

freely in cold weather, evei 4jelowrr-liof-<}uick«rT-e»«i«t4U •E cold-weather- lubrication, ( ikcase and refill with VELTEX/


u b - Z e n)rdinar.y gear grease gets so i \n cold ,wcs^he^, fha( gear s icult and lubrication - poor, •Zero Gear Grease stays the r :ncy regardless • of temp^ratL old as 30 degrees below zero.




■V '

{G. DECEMBER 4 .1 0 8 5

TirrlU tn d P. WokholU, M uruujh. and C. Clausen, Twlo Falls."

Interment w u Ui TwUi l>%iiiv T r cemetery, under tlie.dlrtctlon of the I r While mortuary,

s i D f i i S r "- iS, ifll SHOREue- , _____

‘‘f " M r.'M u ry ElUabelh fihore. 13. “ ’‘’ .reiidfni of Twin PalU since iBll. “ f ' died >esterday m ornlnj a t ' 10:41 tn o'clock a t her rural home, Mra.

aiiore ««* bom fn Toronto, Canada, Itl*. Shr lud been III for the past »ever* te. al mouths., s . She U Min'lved by a daughler. Jld* Mfn. R, P. Pribble. Tu'In Palli; and Ho, t brother. Wltllam Orey, DiKUh

Columbu.—Uor -husband,—A n ^w . , n . Shore, died December 33. 1921. ,

H. Tlie body resU at' the While mor- ml- loarr pending funeral arrangemenin..

:h i- , (or aU ages and ladles atP. I Ihe Cl<n Book Niore-^Adr,


ed W) iL Gb EASTERN i« tl -■Proofed, itven at lero quicks

I, drain t h e " ............ 9»sX Motor Oil. '

C h ek -C ing par

__ _____________ that- »vi

l a r - t ______ . .Station:

■p G e a r0 thick and Thorr shiff[rjg is gears, wr, VELTEX in sub-c righf con- • and staature—even which "■0 . your nc


R O I L Cf i t r«>w kinw M i r k t

: Bfl. HUBEI FfiOST P i EiUfliTl

' Im preu lre rlteg wcre held yeater, day monUng a t the,W hite moriuan

'chapel for Dr. H. Margaret Proat n r Oooding, who d ltd Sunday a i ih- Hh T v ln m i l cdUnty general hospital ■'‘- Rer. O. L .‘ Clark, pastor of thi

' PreabyterUn chureh. conducted thi■3 , lerrlccs.

Bll I Jam es Reynolds, accompanied b; ) 4 iiM n . NeUle Oitrom. u n g "Tlie Ron , ” lary- and "Abide With Me."

j PoUbtOrtra were W. G. Tlio»ij»Dr . .. . ' A rthur BUftr and Wayne Costello

rTwln Palls, and H- M, Robinson. E ;D. BoKe and John A. Johnson Oooding. •

tnterm ont was In.,Twin Knll cemetery, under the dlrecuon ot iii

”^»-fmcrrttr«rT;------------- ;--------- ------ •-


' RldJen„has an appl^ whirli « hh pre I a t.s e n td -w ith elov'es by h lj ntotlmr 7: - j j « r a »ga •.

> V


w i n t e r G r a c5 A S 0 L 1 NILTEX GwdtrM it ad ^sted t< her conditions. You can be < sfarNfifl in co ld w e a th e r , a n d H- operation when you have VE ^ tai>k. -...... .

lUTEX Specialized Lubricati. ;-Chart System) will protect t »»fts of your car, because it as; every point will bo properly li the'RIGHI grease or oil.

ons." ~ - f - -

r G r e a tloroughly and prop<ft'ly lubric ;, which shift n?adiJy, easily ani jb-2cro wca.ther, .and protect; starting niechanijm from th h "frozen" greases put upon fh nearest VELTEX Servicc Man


Z Q M P A hrk ft« r« In the K e r^ w e s t

— .

_ I ••



I L bURLCY. Dee. ^.Evetgreeo chapter. Order ef C uU m fltar, meg

T - M o i « t t j r w « B « r w « w w r : « r“ J: J'«I*,_J«SJ» JletUletd waa eleeted lr7 Iw orthy matron; Ed aehrOWeiVwor. i i J patron; Bemtoe Y ouains. u *

soelite mitron: C. U . Johnion, u *• socfate patron; n th s r aeltoler. <on.

‘ii; ; duciTMs; Maybelle pm aitad . aiK>.elate eonductretis: May -OrlfflUu.

by *« rcu ry and Minnie Myer*; trets- lou. urer.

nntallallon fit offlcen will take »on. pl,aee Jn t r o aeeJu t l tiie Jfonday =>*»• evvnlns meeUng. Deeonber 18. Ooe '• week tiom the eleclkm meeting on ' *""• 111" evening ot December 9. a card 'nils ^ihr.i ' ------------

----------------- -

Nonce U hereby given Uiat the undcralgncd wllLuot be responslMe

, G. for any debts or obligation* ineuired nre- by R o u Dellc Wlnana after Nortm- r 75| lPr 21. 1934.

( J. E. WINANS. • -A dr.

d e


be surety of • • - • id efficien tVELTEX m __________

ition (The .• th e work- assures you

lubricated5 ; T E C T £ X ------------— ^ ------------; -

s erica tes the )nd quickly : ts ba ttery th e strains them . Ask an;

At '

Page 4: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

. i ' ; i . . ■• .1 • • - • •

■■ ^

-T^ IHN f a l l s DAILYITOWS 2- '— nmM Itn j motnlM ttwLMonilJ. W m< va.3&I1SSI?’: !i

s i f « i . , s a r ;; SUMCRJPTION BATES

By CanU r Piy»blo in Adnace th

IK . = « « (K . _ m .n a p w .b t . t . , » r , |e r

* laB V M A Jt ■• •

unc Y ear--------------------------------------------- Jf-®;SIX Montlu ...------------------------------------- ! ‘ o . 111

« " • u ii .

------ MESlUEn OF ASSOCIATED PRESSTh# Associated Pfc« b cxcluilvely enUUcd lo

the i « fo r> b llca ilon of «U newj <IUpfltchMcredltKt to It. or not otHerwlw ur, n*ner and to llJB locnl newt publUhed hercwK l r ilh u ot republlcatlon of apoctaf dlapalcbei lt<

_ h e rc la »Uo rw enfd . <n

Wl mconj Aisoclated

Member Audit Bureau' ot Clrculatloni. • j,o

“ NATIONAL n E P R E S E N T ^ r a ^ ' «- • ■ 1 ....... . i r t r n >Nn PRPDOEN. New - -i dlt' ' York. GMcago. San PrwcUco. •__________•nr

71J9 N<W» aaaumct no tlnandal rwponalbllUj for error* In aa»trtl«m enU bul In ^ wher* gn tha papet U a t lault a correcUon ol lhat'n>arl > i,a ot“ lw advcftlaement In which thc error occun ^ l l l» publbhed wlthout dtargc,____________

All notlcei required by law or by order ot i« eourt ot competent jurUdlci;pn to be publUhM weekly, will b« publUhed in the W e«lnc^y Itfue ot thla paper put<uanl to Scctlon S3>10B L C. A. l9W, a i added thereto by Chapter 1S \ 1W8 itc Snslon Lsw» o t tdaho.

T H B R E L IE F D IL E M A IA S ta rv a t io n a n d ta x a t io n a r e tw o.u iip lcH H -

n n t th in g s t h a t h a v e to b e ta lk e d a b o u tT E n f - ^ p lo y m e n t g ro w s , b u t th e r e a r c s t i l l m il l io n s u id le . T h o P re s id e n t-h a n f o u n d ’ I t n e c e s s a r y i

' t o o n n o u n c o -^ llin l'i ieo p le w lH Tiot bo a llo w ed m to s ta r v e th is w in te r , e i th e r , e v en i f p rcvon -v tio n p o s tp o n e s th e b a la n c in g o f th e f e d e ra l ^

bu d g e t.T h e fed e rn l b u rd e n w o u ld b e l ig h t e r i f cn

s la te s a n d c itie s colild o r w o u ld a s su n ie ' th e i r ot . th a re o f th e load . B u t th e i r c re d i t , a s a ru le , ot i s n p L so so o d a s th c g o v e rn m D n t’B, a t id so m e “ •

" o f th e m w ho could t a k e c a r e o f t h e i r o w n p eop le d e lib e ra te ly p a s s th e b u c k . •

t h c re v o lt a g a in s t n e w tn x c s h n s s c a r e d [Tii -Trtnfii->i>eti1a to r a ^ a v a - iu b u f l in C 33. w r i te r , o f _

c o n d itio n s lo h is s t a t e :^ 'T odav lio libdyJtL w ill ln g iQ -P ro p o sc f o rm s

-T if wnillrf he nCCdcd tO prCVCntth c D ec em b er s ta r v in g s . O n e c o u n ty r e l i e f ^ c h a ir m a n se e m s o n ly s u r e t h a t th e y c a n 't b ela n d ta x e s ; th e le g a l l im i t fo rb id s t h n t . H c ' n does n o t s a y w h i t th e y s h o u ld b e . N o. oneis w illin g to s u g g e s t in co m c ta x e s , w i th th o l r ^a t te n d a n t p u b lic ity I o r n il e a r n e d in c o m es . “ T h e o n ly t a x b e in g w id e ly a d v o c a te d a t th iatim e is th e t r a n s a c t io n s ta x o f tw o p e r c e n t , c

'o n e t h a t w o u ld p u t in d e p c n r fc n t-m c rc h n n ts uo u t o f b u s ineas.*' ®

IN T E R N A T IO N A L B A B Y ^' ‘T h e law ,” one o f D ic k o n s ' c h a r a c te r s

re m a r k s , *‘iH ' n n 'a s s . ' I t o f te n ,• a c e m s go. ii

" V l i c r o 'i s t h e 'b a b v . f o r In a ta n ce . t lm t h a s th e “ A m e ric a n c it iz e n s h ip la w t ie d In k n o ts , b y ^ th e c irc u m s ta n c e * o f i t s b i r th . • u

T h e r e a r e tw o s e ts o f k n o ts . T h c f i r s t s e t n c o n c e rn s th e ’ tn o th e r , w ho cum e f r o m G o ri m a n y n s a c h ild , n n d h a s a lw n y s r e g a r d e d > h e r s e l f a s a n A m e ric a n c itiz e n b c c a u sc h e r ■

_ _ f » th r r hpcnm e -n a tu rn liz e d ._ B u t .it h a p p e n s ^ th a t h e w a s n ’t n n tu rn l iz c d u n ti l a f t e r sh e

"■ w na m a r r ie d . S h e m a r r ie d a G erm a n -A m e rl* ,, c an w iio o iily 'h n s h is f i r s t c itlz cn sh lp . p a p e rs , n S o th c la w d o u b ts w h e th e r th c m o th e r la a n a

A m e rlc n n . ^,._ :_ ..T hc 'aceoud 2Cl-«£.-Wifffcfxotfcci:n8 th o b nby . *’

T lic m o th e r h a d g o n e to G erm a n y f o r a v is i t , w ilh a n a lie n e n t r y p a ss to r c -a d n i iM » c r , „ n n d th e bnby- w iis b o r a p r e m a tu r e ly a t se a . g on th e w ay b uck , tw o h o u rs b e fo re , th e s h ip i landed n t N ew Y o rk , i l was* a G erm u n .'dilp. i So tlie luw lioiiUl.s w h clh 'er th e biiby is A nvcri- *

cnn . ' ^T h u s on b o lh accouiiU i th e p ro b le n i goes

b e fo re n b o a rd o f in q u iry In d e te rm in e w h e th - j o r th e linby .‘<li»U bo uHdwoiI to rc m u in in < A m cricu .

-M nybe th n t b a b y ^houiii lie in te r n a t io n a l- ’ i^od. n n d a d o p te d by th e l .e u c u e o f N a t io n s j o r so m e tli in c lik e Ih u l. (J r n iuybe i t sho u ld .be r e g a rd e d a s be lonK ina to th e sh ip o n w h ic h | i t \y a s b o rn , ^ n d a h u ttlc back nnd f o r t h be- >

t)vecn . E u ro p e n n d A mcricu" na a a h lp '* m ns- co t. O r m a y b e tiie la w ; in a in o m e n t o f com ­m on Hensc, sh o u ld a n iu m n ce t l ia t tlio -l)a b y be longs w itli ’its niDUier, trf loch-

n icalitio .« . ^__________________________

. 'U N IO N S ....... ‘

. T h o ty p ic a l A m e ric a n la b o r unioH- nns b e e n th c c r a f t u n io n , r u n n in g h o r iz o n ta lly f ro m in d u s t ry to . in d u .s try nntl r e p re se n te d in th e F e d e ra t io n <?f L a b o r . M any o f th e se .

.......c r a f t s , t o b a c k h u n d r e d s a n d th o u s a n d s of

‘— y e ara .-U t Is n a tu r a l e n o u g h -H in t J ’ re s id e n t w il l i a m G re e n a n d h is su b o r d in a te s s liou ld . h o id o u t f o r th e m . T r a d it i o n a n d s e n t im e n t at-o b e h in d th e m . B u t th e y h av e g ro w n le.s.s

• e f f e e t lv e , , a s th e m n c h rn e ngc h n s brokei'i d o w n o ld h a n d c r a f t s a n d haa a ls o te n d ed m o re a tid m o re to b r e a k do w n m o d e rn m a-

— in lin e c ra f t s . -r-W h e th e r jlc lik « i l o r n o t, i t is p ro W ljl;; j


-I t r u e th a t 't h e in i t u e t r ia l c r u f t rc p re a e o te d b y ’ J o h n L . L cw iB 'und h i s U n ite d M in e W o rk e rs ; th e s im p le “ v c r t i c t l ” u n io n tf tk io ff in th o

I v a rie d g ro u p s o f ft s in g le I n d u s tr y l i in th e j lino o f e v o lu tio n .: ' - 'T h c r t - h f t v e - b w n —A m e r i c i m - w n o m J s t s - -

p ro p h esy in g , f o r a g e n e r a t i o n , th f t t In d u s- < \_ ( r lc s hke c o a l . ^ t e ^ . m o to rs , c h e m lu l s . e lec­tr ic eq u ip m en t , a n d so on , w o u ld f lven tually b e o rg an iz ed a s la b o r u n i ts . S o m e h a v e oven > gr tlio u g h t th a t oa ch o f o u r b ig in d u s t r ie s w ould bccom c a s in g le o r g f tn lz a t io n in c lu d in g b o th la b o r and c a p itf tl , m e n a n d d o lla r s . W e a r e : g b till f a r f ro m th a t , b u t m a y h e la k in g som e 11 f i r s t s tep s to w a rd i t . I

(CaldweU Newi-Trlbune) IA kialbliclaii who enjoys painting p lc turu In tl|* I

ures gives out the Interesting Intormatlon that If.all I lederal Jobholde»-lhe ot them -w ere laid Iend to end they would form an unbroken line I fiii I miles m length. I t aUo U found to be a mathemallcal I truUi lliat It Uie annual aalaries ot these federal Job* I holders »ere paid In one-dollar bills they—the hlU »- , t (( plac«l end lo end. would extend tJW M miles, •

- (UsianM of’considerably more thaa live times around.die »onu. ' , , J ” ....... ..

And Ul conncctlon with these figures, which are loo «} great to be withm in in l il grasp, here‘is a ihought tr l)U«d uputi careful bralhltorm atia^sU . Mr. Hopkins ^o might dlrccl tlwse one-doUar blUa be pUc»d u ft ribbon iluil n'ould IhriM enclrcld'lhe e'^rth and th in „ 'be gaiKteO. one a t ft time, and piled. Tills procedure, would be pretcrable to boondogglln* leaves-ond It, dl •pereliance. sny ol the bill* were lost in pollllcal dust itorms ihe laxpnyers would readily make tepUcementi. ^

• ■ ■ • qi;.NOT A fcA8E TO R EXPULSION of

iBaker Ocmocrat-Herald) ^Up IQ Kverelt. Washlngion, tluee IltUe glrU are

f. liirenicned with expulsion from Khool lor refusal, on religious grounds, to salute the AmetUan flag, it u to be hoped nothing of the sort ukes place. ^

■y Small chlldrcn are whatever the ir home Intluences ^ ;d -have m ade-them .-If-they ha re been Uught ll U fq J.V *rong loM lute lho flag they ahould be unUught, n o f P< I by violent coercive' meaiure*, but by klndneu and

persuasion over a period bf Ume.ChUdren ot lAu kind need the pubUe school Inllu- «i.

If cnce moie perhaps lhan any oUiera. To deprlry uwm 81 ir ol u wotild be lhe w ont possible thing to do. People m c, ot all ages should aalute the flag because they lore

It, not trom a lectlng th a t they have to.In the caae of a chUd-1t U a m a tte r df eorrteUng ni

a mtsuken home iralnlng without shaking the faith ui ■ ! i t the . child in ellher home or religion, Not an 'easy

'd chliiiT'to do bul In thU nstanee a very nece.uaiy thing.

>1 ._____________ _ ____________. hSPEAKmO o r iO K ES ^

I , ( lW .n . I n d w n J tn l l JDenver Khool children are being given a eouiae In p,

. humor. " - . , ‘ >■ bi■ " -We believe Jokes axe, or should be, a part of every-

day life." aald MUa E lU abelh.W^ lpt]. iC ' They are. and here'* one on ihe achooU: | ’ie Last Congress paued the DUlrlct ot Columblft ap- ^ {r proprlaUon bUl wllh an "anti-red" cUuse, urged by p

th a l slar-pponsKd'Statcunan. the Hon. Tom Olonton t) ' ' ot Texas, ThU u ld tha t none ot the money could bo

spent for ''leaching or advocating Communlim." Th# J' Corporation Counsel ruled tlu itlh U dldn'l mean th st ,

t« leochers couldn'l teach about Communism, But el Compifoltcr a c n e h i McCarl rules tha l leacherj must ‘I take an oath every day tha t Ihey are gullUess d violating the law. Thc rider opens the schooU to a g., sj’stcm of esplonsge and terrorism. c'

Tills new cdueallonal formula ngalnst unpleaianl 1] 0. things opens up vsit passibllltlea .for. CongreM.— It P flQ Uia' theory U 'w unil ^ ig r e s s . cbq' wipe oul war In ^ “ -A frtC 8n»> y»> ™ nn-poiy tiraB r^c7r:fiaJttn rin 'a*r^ c ^ many and unemployment, crime and poverty In the

Ulted States sltnply by torblddlrig school 'leaeliers to ; c t mention such tilings. 'i r . -------------------------- :■cd REKORM IN tiOVKRNSlENT AN IJROt.NT NEtD ■ c r . (Salem Statesman)JJJ ■nie. new deal which h u endeavo.-ed J p set lhe In-

a ttem pt a t selt-retorm In the tlelU. of governmtiit. R«- lorm b not like cliarlly. which begins at home. Vlr-

rs. luaUy the only govemmeutal changes made by ihe an admnUtnUlon have been abdication by congress of

powers of leglilailon; and the supreme court U wUely jy imlUng ft hull to that-

Polllclans h a n been quick to KOld tiie bankers and ' dbdpllne them. They have poUited tlagers ot sliame pr. nl liiduslrlallits tor being loo greedy. Bul Uie con- i^a. grcss h u n ^ e r stopped srafL u i running lis own ahow.- lip Lcglslaiors loiid uji Uie public payrolb «IUi Incom- {p, iKlenls or rclallvcj. The United Stales senate holds j. |. InquUltlons which bore Into the private buslneu o(

IndlvlduaU and corporations, bul It keeps Us own ex- ' pense lUl an undUcloeed aecrel.

The admlnUlratlve branch ot government has been th - no more etflclenl, though IU cxpendliurts are all audlt- in cd and thc gratl b nil k-BallMd.

Uow many senators and congreuuieu would be able to bear ui> under the Ilghl ot puWlcUy If ihelr letter

I Illes and Utelr private conversations «eie printed tor i iiubllO jperusatT

We do not mean lo condoue Die oUenkci which Ich politlcbui have uneoi'cred'ln ftiiy field; bul lo polnl be- out Uiai Use hunuui inaierlaJ U fbuslnus and in poll* (la- vies U much the same. For corrupt liidusUlaUu iliire

arc genemUy corrupt iwlltlclans. Tlie elemeni of hu- , man weakiieu urt nui conllned lo any one group In

' • our social syndii. It there U nn o.-8*nUftilon which needs purgUig nncl dcllailon and reorgaiuatlou ll Is the pouderoui machine .which we call the federal government:'i)ui no president has ever'been able' lo ' accomplish -the ia.\k, Tlic cnlrehched bureaucrats arc. too powerful, acme day ii will crash In a heap u ihp Intlaled buslntM structure did In ,JDM. — •

i t e d ___________ _____________ ‘‘

‘" f ' _ b r e a k f a s t F0O D .. ;

IL 'II-------------------------I l iE iL ^ U l U A lE D - -_____ ______m i l ._T lie-m achU .4oum am «nt-T rarT jm rT uinuK 7onB, i ; n t : m ile boy l^ad mlued an easy shot and let illu a reai , man*slied oalh.ics-s ■ "Edwardl” called llip iiteuclier Iri>m the'»ixclulors'ikei^ bench. "W lial du llulc boys who swesr w(n-n Uifj- arc

playing marbles lurn Into?""Goiters." was the reply.

m n - , ---------------- . ' .D lufr_Jfi«iBliig-Hilo iciU uranH -^D o-yw r-M rvr

, , , crabs here?"* b v i W alU r-"Sure. We *in'* a« o n * . Ml d m .*

r nbWb, t w m rjiaa, ip a h o

'' New-York |s Day Day |ij

---------B T C )rO -~ H c lN T V K E “S

KEW'YOEUC. O te: t~ T tw teasoo . has spawned a fonnldabli lehool of >ri orchestra leaders, ft tleeUy groomed Sl

' group Ihat adds ft wrtolOe or ao lo sh ,th e carefully m assagtd-browa ot »

" 1oiiS~esttbllshed'bat0n wletdeia. Hie ta newcomer* Uut«t«n to e d f t ou t mt* »

9 m l In high fc

PftTO T^ such!ro fts O uy Lomb*r-1

l^ ^ lw d R u d y j» e

cessful daneeor-;b( cheatra leader, what wlto

O .O .M elnlire d e f i n i t e l y ln!^|‘ whal U called “Uj* ImporUat mon- » ey " dlvbion. A musical big shot. ro

I Esch has a tollowlng >a dlstlnel'n , ' aild iiVinusuatte 'a s 'i"a la r^ w f-llif a ir or screen and mostv notes a re ' frequently greater. A combined ss l- 'u . for a top notcher b In aeveral tn - ;“ ' sunces »000 a w eek 'and M500 b , '“ not umisual. Each h u a hlgh-pow-r'* ered irrt.*a agent. '

1 Among am vU tti who IhreaU’n t o ' „ dim Uie lustre of settled directors are Al Donohue, Rlcliard Hlmbre,' U nnie llayton and Ray Noble.] . These have K unpered up the Iadd:r i quickly. And cach h u a apeclal. bsK | o f irkka In the way o t personal | maKnctlim, gesturing a n d presm -. Ullon.

O relw tra leaders arc., remindful | | th a t the two m ott perfect Mta of II natural masculine leelh are those o t Eddie Duohln and Oeorge 01- acn;- Either could-and mayba- h»» ^ for all I kno* -p lck-up » Udy sum

- posing tor toolh paste ads. on the side. The haadMmesl M t ot fem­inine teeth, many agree, ■were th o « n of Sally ruher. once adorning mu- ^ alcal shows but now retired. Oscar Shaw and Jack WhlUng. jiow a rage o in Lonilon. have exceptional molars, .y too. I p:

Major )e*-elry eaUblbhmenta | jj have not-sutfwed a successful hold- up In Olb generation. Shall shops hare been looted time a fle r time ^ bu t the expensive aUllera were un- ,,, touchcd. Expert crooks ,kno.w ^Uicy haw n’t a chance. The entrance ot

^ s - i tn n je r in -O B rtle r 'a -a n d — ^ tany'i. tor InsUnce, tfirow* up a , , , defense u automatically aa th«],j p reu of a button flood*.an electrlcj,,

- bulb.............................._____________ Jl

U WM ArUiur Train, as 1 recSll. „ ' In'one of hli earllar wagtiU ie aterlea

innoctntlyenough U irtw’a monkey j, wrench Into Uio machinery o f « • „

’ pemlrc Jewelry protection, H b pure- (| I ly ln«Rlnatlve plol ahowed how , one of the big store* could b e -

and in the story wa*—robbed. I t |' caused an outcry when printed In p,• a nallonal weekly and several; ehangea had to be made In protcc- i , tive devlcu. t

Douglaa Talrbaaks, Jr.. h u be- ' come quite a lo tt in London. A

ch it-chat column In a Brttlih week- <. ; ly halU him as. one «f the most , t popuUr-young-men-Amcrlca. _ .h u J , sen t over. Already he h u poUshed [, ‘ the rough edges ot a Plcadllly ac- c* cen t "into an almost pcY fcct^ fiiP ' £


Something I , ;--------------------------------------

• l -■ ~ ^

; / 'YotoiI awfo

WHO. _ . . . V M O t i



„ , ■' M T f O MI / p ^


! 0 , ^ D N E S D A Y U O R t ^ Q , 1

Un-glou- And ha h u t t e le e n . f Jointed figure th a l atU off tveedy toga. Hb romanoe wlUi oertrude Uwrence curled, bu t Uiey remain friends and how and Uwa frequent the grllU together. ThoM aupposed lo*know aay h* wlU become a per­manent figure In EngUsh tU a pro* ‘

“diicifigr _____ . -

M anhatUn h u a sort of *ecre't fraternity tha l might be called the Stay Abed All Day Club. Member- ‘J ship U compoMd of high-powered ‘ execuUvea who are Uklng one of (wo (tm-i fl n*""*** m i l -During thU Interluda no one may rcach them, not eren tbelr aecre- “ tarlei. They read no mall. In d u lr 5, In light diet and resl In a (htrkened ^

I'room.■I -------- hiI w iui the exception of LoU Long, je

■ all the bright femlniD# talkeraaeem trII to have deKrled New York for Hoi- pi :',ii^55a7T>6r6in ? -p sT ter-ts-1n - h t r r - r l»eMid year there and Virginia

' Fnulkner and Te:s Slculnger have fa'Ibcenarllcledtostudloroullne.T heir *e■ Icoiwerallonal a rt b U n t o tthand Jl ' c u u s ln cu that so neaUy follow# a bt ; bored but somewhat studied )awn, “

'111 tf.'flalcj stuffed ihlrU and In- ol 'Ideed makes cver^'body within car- P' 'jslioi lear whatever may be said will

sound Insane. So when they enter a , room, they Immediately have the “

‘noor. And do they take Itl *!, I 1 piI Kfom AugusU. Maine: •T liem em -: « ber. ot our haunird house explor- ju

•mg loclety havj tound_ a plppln.|b< '■All deeertcd and 'tlw ecene of two di TmuJilen. 15 mlltJ Irom any road-1 , way, will you Join ii.i on ottr-vWt j In , Uie Ilrst week In January?'’ • ' c« I Hfti?n't you heard? T hat's l h e ! lr 'nx jk I a ttend Ihc animal meeting hi lot the Bluffed 0 « l Collectors. Love di ■to thc spooks. *“

(CopyrlRht. IDM. J1 McNausht S.'-ndleate)

- ■ ■ a

■ S r a C i P l : ; SEESlillTLOOKf; •• ------------------------ - - - B

Back from a two weeks' trip to ' the Chicago automobile ahow and •|lnlem *tlona! HarvesUr company {factories In Illlnols. Indiana, and V

■ Ohio, Oeorge McVey of Uu C ra ol ■iMeVey a rid Son. Twin P.ilb, ex- LiipresKfl high optlmLwi over the business oultook tor lib firm In j .

'1 1938. particularly for the sale of -,i •ininlftr trucks, A large part ot Mr. h, ' McVey's clieerful view ot prospecU j i• w u Inspired by reporU from h a r- ui■ vesler company otIlcUU. made iil a h ; special luncheon In Chicago given y ! by lhe company tor £ome 400 o t il T T B T h J f t^ -a t te n d a n o e -a t—ih c . «| '] automobile show. . Tliese reports Msho«-ed th a l new regblratlons of p 'IInternational trucka durlne the r

Ilrst nine months eif UiU year have a been IS J per cent greater lhan In p

• the conwpondlng period of 1034. a• and’ iR arg a in 4- r e r - | i r m a k r t - - o f s '■ trucka have been J«,«-per - c e n t, n■ Harvester ottlclaU expreJted con- c■ tldene** to r n t le a n u good a rcc-

orii for intemaUooal trucks In .' i i m ^‘ I "That the han'ester company sin- '! cerely-teeU th b way about U,"says ■' Mr. McVey. "U atUsted by the tact• tlwl It hM recently approprlftted

11.750,000 for expansion ot Ils mo- v‘ tor truek planU a t Fort WajTie, In - I'

• dliuia, and Springfield. Ohio."' Mr. McVey’a Ulp w u madr In I■ company with 15 oUier Intem atlon-‘ at tf.'aler* from Ulah. Idahp. Ore- c• (Wn and WyomlnB..thc,group form- I' 1 Ing a *peelal delegation from the ^• company’s Sail Lake Clly branch f • jte rn tory . '

r M o r ^ h a ^ C a r p e i i t i x J

,o '< H (w B v.e ■ ■ - V .... - — —

5011.0 t t t t WVJ \ f O R M . a i s t l H W i X

to iowwtfefu'

a m_ T o H t / y

■ o ■

/ ■ ' ~ ** ~ " W p n H h f

, D B C T ^ E B . j l W a ■ - ' '

Guiding Your Child


-------- - ; ------- — I -m iM lM a A VtPEB

“Me’i Jealoua." -Do you know. „ th e baby doesn't Uke even hU fa- ®' th e r to U m me, he’* to jealous" 5 -She'* e a ^ up wiUj jealousx," "

O f all d e m u u n c cmoUon*. Jeal- “ ouay (I Uie worst, and yet people ^ lirfeooMlouiIjr foster I t In UielrchU- _ dren. If It were carefuUr ahunned u ® a u p le of convtnaUon. and made a <* dugraectul word to uM. there mlgh^ be lesa In the world. '■

Half the m aud ju ttm enu of chU- ^ hood can be Iraced'to tome torm ot Jealousy. Even a fU r the rooU of Uie .7 trouble ha re betn explained to Uie “ parenu , ha lf of them cannoi tee■w htfrrther-havrbeen-at-fault;--------i ,

In many adulU there U a desire fo r power which makea Uiem enjoy * seeing a child squirm In m enul « agony. A moUier, n u r ^ g a new ” baby, likes to teel the dependence and eager posaeatlvenctt wblch the ■' older child allows when he Irlea to pull Ihe baby out of her Up and “ U ke lb place hlmMlf.

Instead of foreaeetng the trouble nhead and trying lo e a u lhe older child's anxiety, she pushes him off ?'

' w ith the remark, “Wo. thU U Baby’* “ Tplncc noa'I" m tV IW T n iy lin ifB n i “ j saving. “Tommy U so funnyl He b jUKt as Jealoua o t Baby u he can

1 be. ond irled lo take hU pUce to- . I day." tlI 80 the seeds of m U eryare pUnted I in Tommy and nourblied by sue- I ceedlng evenU imlU they blOMom I into an u p u tree which shadowa h b whole life knd pobons It. I t U ft deslructlve force, and nol to be Iftughed a t o r neglecUd. Th* child »' n h o shows signs of It needs apeclal f help a t once. Ho must be made lo J ' feci hU Importance, h b pUce In *li th e lamlly. For If hs b net r e u - " sored, he will in time come to hate A no t only tha baby, but the whole |>

I world, and the longer the dbeate— >o for It U a dUeasc—runs, the harder

-It U to cure. . C«■ n:


B u iu x y , Dec. 1 - n u tb e lh dVolkman and Nets O. Sllndee, boUi -ilof Burley, were married In Salt biLake Clly on Prlday, November M. b.

Mrs. Sllndee b Um daughter of etJ. S. Sm ith of Burley. She h u re- ei.■sided In Burley Uie greater pa rt o t f< he r life." u n tu -eight months ago' b she conducted the B lu b e lh shop,un excla^lve ready to wear ahop. ** celling out h e r'b u sln eu to ”1118MoQ)" to accept a ' t r a ^ h g posi- atlon^ covering . . th e 's fil th eu tem *

Returning trom th b trip accom- luinled by Mrs. EUiel Small, she ‘ m e t Mr. Sllntl^.'e In SaU Lake Clly and atler the ceremony, the cou- ® pie relurned to Burley on Saturday : and will make the ir home here where Mr. Sllndee. b ow ner'nnd * mnnaffer o^-lhe Sllndee—produce f company. ^


— t BURLEY. Dee. 3-M em orlal ser­

vices were conducted'by the Bur- , ley lodge o t Q ks Itere In the Elks lta1l. Sunday altem oon. Harry L Harpster wns the speaker.

Tlie ritualistic sen-lcts were 1 carried out . by the otneers o t the lodge. J. C.' llynch.'exalted niU r: W alter •ChrysJer.-'leadlng knight;R. E. Smedtey, loyal knlghl; A. T. K lInkrkcturinrkn lgh triJoe-H xlonr -

r Needed _________

: z i i z r | ^ i

S a-

V iM V b rn K N e r-y o r li TrU«n*. lac.


. (OcpTngbt. ^UfcOlura Ml

-------------W A snm oT O N -------------- tiBy BAY TUC&EB a

VtwtLOtt ~ Dan Roper’* famoift ' Buslneu Adiisery council fore- ti . gaU xn again thU veek in mUder n

mood Uian wben they l u t cooled|ri Uielr heels on Uie W^IU H oiueja

, doontep.— Ten have-qull-durinrthe-aummer., But ‘ Dnele Dan" unooUud d 9 tn I grumbling h*n»er*-on wiui prom- : bes tha t Mr. Reouvelt Intended to ' "UM" Uiem biere freely. Meantime

economlo oon dl Uons hava improved r during Uis sumMtr truce and cer*. u in Indbcreet colleague* - "Ed"1 Hutton and Orval A dam*-have In- , currcd publlo m U i by counseUlng

a banker-buslneM vendetU against JP D R T M r. i t o p t r i 'a w p oyg't f onT .. want lo lay ihemseWes open to Ok ] charge ot rMklng the rowboat of „ recovery. ^ •. Some flare-ups and reslgnaUon*. ar* anUelpaled. But an allbl h u , been arranged. I t will be given out 1 tha l hereatler members will "ro­

u te " so tha t U rgsr groups may be g brought within thU suppoMd Irvier . circle. Insiead of resigning, the f qulltera will simply " rou te" otf the , lhe council. Oerard Swope slipped ^ Ui Mr, noner. who reeof ■I nbes a UteUne when he mcs ll.

) TACTICS — Behind the Kenes of Uie holding company baltle rival

1 counsel, are ptaj'Ing calch-u-calch- . can wtih the courts. T lib exclica , lawyers more keenly thnn doea the . utllliy bsue luelf.I John W. Davb clioie thc BalU- e more eourt for h it clients' original 1 a tu ck an the Uw bceause Uiey ex- I peeled a favorable decUlon there.) Judge Coleoiau w u known lo have n deUvered a secret Indictment ot thc . New Deal a t a prtvate gathering, e Another utility group mado Ita mo- e Uon a t Wilmington, where the NRA _ lost the famous Welrtoii case. Appeal r trom these dUtrlet courU m ust be

carried' to circuit courts a t Rich- ' mood and PhlladelphU th a t are

held to be "lough spoU" by FDR's legaUtex.

/ But by opening a surprUe often- ' sive agalnsi non-regUterlng com-

paples Uie govemment wa* able to 1 choose l u own balUeground. I t I started action In New York becauso I both dUtrlct and circuit eourt Micm- I. bers are admittedly more expcrlenc- f ed In UUa kind of UUgatlon. In sev-- eral major trIaU Uiey havt found f for the New Deal. "Brain trust"}■ law ytn- aUo' flgu rt~ thac 'even "ot I, they don't win. the New* York legal I stage wlU provide-an exeeUent pub- g Icliy springboard tor their vocal . arguments. It's a tactical 'as well n u a legal scrimmage.

“^“ ECONOMY — You can tag -a -po - e lillcal "it" to all o ttlcb l and unot- . flclal assurances th a t, curu ltm ent ' ot govemment expenditures will bey - .................

ij esquire;-Pranfc. Hob?on,-guard:-and e R, L. Pence, M creun'. '

^(usical num ben were ftirnbhed by Mrs. Catherine Zillner. violin-, b t. accompanied by Mrs. HOQ. Church a l the piano and by M h.

e H. T. Andrews, who u n g two solo.v ** accompanied by Mbs Jane Daven a t

the piano.

^ *

, R eal E s ta te T r a n s f e r s

t l •• Iif FumUhed by the Twin Falb Title i • : ____ Wld Abstracl.Corhpnny_____

______ Mendav. December i_______1 Deed: R. P, Boyd to C. M. Gor-

= den. 11, N!i SW 17 tO 18.- I Deed: R. n . Allmon to T. A. All-

Imon, Lol 11 Blk 3 SouUi Park Addn.- _D eed;. J —At B slto -lo 0,- Brownr ™ $1, E li Lol 3 Warburg Carrico

Tract No. 3.Deed: D, R. CaUiro to A. Hansing,

118,000. N 4 NW 9 10 17.------ D eedr-J. Crocker T t. to H .. . B.

Rts'd, *200, Lot 7 Blk 131 Twin p.ilb.,- . D eedrL T A rSm ltn-to-R rP tttneX ri

tlO, Lot s BU *». Twin Falb. |Deed: T, F. Couniy to H. C.;

Schurger. tiO, S E 'i U t 3 Blk 33, Twin ra lb ..


Gi r l s who are the center « l attraction, keep their akin deft-

eusly dainty In color and texture. W th ChamberUln’* Lotion, I t 1* e u y to have that kind of skin. N ot gummy or sticky, absorbed In only

37 seconds, it Is a complete beauty treatmtnl, a blend ol thirteen im-

ported oils. T ry Chamber- Iain's on your hands and akin. Two tlxet — ftt any

1 ■ ■ ] drug or department atore.

i o

I . k20lo-SJ0JrtifS'''‘_______R e d u c tio n . o n .S t e w a r L i—

W a r n e r R o f r iiro ra to ra

a i i g h t i f t J i ? i n \ - ! r —1 D e m o n s tra to r s I

i - A ny Slxe O r ’M odel


K oto D ldg,N e x t lo O rp h e u m T h e a te r

ite>. I

■ V.

t o r l i g i g "( D 1 H E N B W 8 )R tn p a p tr SndlcaU )

(h t p a u word ftt tb a WhUa Hotat and 00 Capltot KUl nex t year.

, Nobody who .know* ppUUca ques- . tlon* FDR'* desire ta reduc*. ordi- ■• nary and exlraordlnanr eo*U In a 11 reelectlon year. Messr*. MorgtnUisu I and RooeereU are living up to po­

llUcal'performanee when they lay, U it-U gU toU n-m ust-rake -up -m w — I funds for payment of Uie bonu* and , em errncy outlayi beyond budge- ► ta ry . provUIons. Their paper pUnn I call for smaller appropriations sll I around. They ate hedging *o u lo . meel Uit “spending spree" tndlci- ’ ment, tor It seems to be th t o o r ’s■ llT ut Usue. ' ■ r But coUapM of U lt preMnt up-' ward movement would provt even t l i r e fm u n o th ra d m ln U tr a tJ o n rA - - -■ slump starting nexl spring and last- ’ Ing through Uie ta U -n o t an im-

posslbilltyx-oilght finish tbe NewI D eal II might force the doctors' to rely on 'new flnaoelal ahoU In' the arm. Including large rellet end■ PWA appropriaUon* and possibly■ payment 'of tha veu. That'* what ‘ Injideta hinl a l when they prombe: economy ‘I I ' private busUics* obllget j I by carrying the uiiempoymeni losd.

; ^IKADACHES — Inalda rivalries nmong New Dealer* nav i raU^U ' more liavoc than atU cks by oiil-

t aide enemies. Tlie current excUe- I menl over facllonal knlflnga revolv- ' es nround Ilarn’ Hopkins' hnndllng ‘ of Rex Tugwells repori on Uw■ status of lhe rural resettlemeni and

rcnablllUllon experiments.■ .Mr. Hopkin's bright young men 1 publicUed a report reveaUng Uisi• the TugwtUlles were employing 12,-• 000 people to adminUter to only ! 5,000 IndlvlduaU. The WPA release ‘ made no mention of the fac t that

Mr. Tugwell w u abo relublliuilng‘ 390,000 farmers whose troub lu lie * Inherited when Uiey w ert deUched

1 from Hopkln*' FERA. According to8 the Tugwell believer*, yie Hopkln.^- stalement gave a false picture ot c RRA’s accomplbhmenU.s The Incident h u had Mrlous con-

sequence*. Always a ohloinf target,- Mr. Tugwell'* performance u dei-- crlbed by Mr. Kopkln* U cited ai D a colorful and'professlonal um ple t of New Deal wasw and InetllcUncy.B l l ’s slips like-these which give FDR- ft'hendnche.

TAXED—Made-in-Oermany toys i will no t be so plentiful In Aoiericnii " .■•hop) during Uie tn& ChrUUnss t season. So H ansX uther,>^err Hlt- ■1 ler's am basudor a t 'Washington, U- pnying trequenl calls on Secreiary '.1 Hull these dayail Oermany IrrtUted Trader Hull

when sho refused to extend to us thr tow rales she gives to oUier naUcns

' and -th e -u rilf- irra ty -b etw M n .U itl—- two couniries w u abruptly terminat-t ed. Mr. Hull trted vainly to persuade ., e the Oerman dIeutot^Ui.conclude-«-J . reelproeal agreement. Then he drop-■ ped the matter.j —N ow -M r.-L uU ier-U tuggeiU ug-.

some arrangement. Mr. Hull lUieiiA courteously but expUlns Ihal he

. won't, go aliead on the barter-anti- q; bargain basU H iller w anu. Thu.%, Otrman goods now pay top unifi>.

What makes It w one tor Teutonic ; loy-mnkers U tha t thew high duiie.t

relntorce the .voluntary boycott which many American incrchanu of Jewish ancesiry have Imposed on (he Nail product. I t means the la's of millions In cash lo Oermany.

NOTES-No former presldenl «ss las liberal u RooMrelt In permiltlng subordinates U) speak out ot turn

- r — The mo*t tlghl-lipped-cablu£t_- olflce U MorgenUiau . . . Lord Fair­

fax’* old home near Mounl Vemon~ i ’no'~B M orani~counu7 'd u B ~ r r r -

Slums that surrounded, the Capltot {'. nre rapidly dUappearlng — ninkliig I) way for boulevards and parks . . .

N»vy-deparU nent-cafctertft"«rvciI~ •o BiO clerks-w1th 15-ccnt turkey dm-

ncr l u l Tuesday . . . Oil men tay . that Investigator LouU R. OUvI.i

h u a denlh-grtp on the OU Tender ^ a r ti.

'• ' " ~ ' ' -

c . ; P U B L id S A L E 'A* I a a leavlag thU fana . wUl seU a t PBblU Anellon a t Ihe

- plM cSm UeiBcrlhand l ' i n i ln ) east «t Filer, or « mile ea«< tf |

m Itloroa Sehoel l(o«M, Ihe follew- v d 1 Ing preperly on— , Jr THURSDAY, DEC. I J’A Cemmrnelng a t lt:M A. M. ^■ ! l - n ( a d OaemMy C a lll» -:i %■ , 1 8-yr.*old QuemMy cow. Ju t |

frwh: t S-yr-old Oaemsey eow. f fresh in Jaaeaiy : 1 7-yr..«ld V

< Onensey eow, io be fresh m n : i ] <-yr.-old Oterasey eewa, le be fresh soon:'« «-yr.-eJd GBemiry. rowi, lo be tresh sood; 4 3-yr.>«ld Gntmsey eows. te be fresh smd;3 l-yr.-o ld^n erns< y helfen. bred: • O t f n k y heifer calve* t le I months Md: 1 Qwemiey heiter calves. Hwd sire. S yesn eld. sired by Sob o>-AaUerat. Tbs fesndat^sn ef IhU herd were ali

«( eUglbU te regUtry. Have ustd A- enly U t beti sire* U farther lh* r«- herd and erery animal will de ,1* weil fer the pwekaaer.'o t s-nerw * and M ale»-t 'v Team bay naret. tmeetii moeth,

wi. :0M; Brewn horae, I yn . ell. Jlt. 1U<: Serrtl herM, tme«lh

i neatb . wt. 1(50; Gray geUlng 1*J yr*. eld. wt. ISJO; Sorrel hor*e 11

^ yr*. eld. wl. It0«: Spaa melw.^ smeeihmoaUi. wt. :<»•■ BAT ANT> ^R A IN • a 39 lotu second and third eelUac M alfalfa. 300' bosheU eom. 3M■ bntheh seed oaU." MILKING MACHINE, Etc.-*-. ^ . — tti>a-aa,avat,«ittint:mftcW AL~ eoBiplele, praetiealjy new^ D*-

i l.»val tsparator. large site, power maehlne. extra^ good. Eleeirle, waler heater. Wafh tank. E1|W.

J tta a l‘ niilk.tan's..>yik A rtj___ _uT H A R irsu m E h « J b^ t

I lsmoilili* beoed eewa. U fsr-n=«Ff-.M ^J»T!aBipthtr»-a«‘*-a.monUis eld. BampahUe keae I monthi old.' '


Llmeh ScrrtdbyiM areaW em u'i Clab.

W . L . B R O W N . O w n e r ,, Earl,0. Waller, AaeUbnert

Cimtr 1 1 1 ^ . CTerk


Page 5: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

: FIGilSPOR LIFE !m o s ii ita l Attendants Report

H. C. Givens Probalily Out of Danger

L_____T b t third* u itr le d victim ot

D ouglu Viui Vlack’* tu n was re*------jjoneflTnttm blr'eut of"aaiiBcr*l«*t

night. Uiougli liiAcondlUon renjain* cd MflOU).

An atltndlng phjniclan announced tiiftl t UircAtened IntecUoa had been brought UQdcr conlrol and thal Deputy Shcrttt Henry C. Qlvcni ot 1'uiii Piilli county waa lo be fed luDiiantUI (ood Uirough % tQlM Jeiitling pait the bullft-sei'ercd tra- clica.

ll'i» nw>nnd lert arm when he and Kon-

' talne Cooper, iia lc trattlc ottlcer. auciiiptcd to stop Vnn Vluck and hU nllegcdly kidnaped wJtc. Mildred Itook o t Taeomb, on tlie highway near Buhl l u t November 25. Coop­cr wns killed InLtantly.

H'alli For Aliomey .Mbi Hook's body, « lth Uie head

croaheu tn d tom by a bullel Idenli- tlcd os having come trom Van VUcka’ gun. wm dlAcovered In n

' im i]UB a - ^ ln T t"*<iuU»>:fiii, n t . lu m last Kriday morning, three dnys n tlr r Van Vlack lurreiidered to vot- uiiteer pouemen on the ■ highway two mllei norlh -of-H ollister and about »U mllea trom where Uie girl'9 body VM found.

• ■Van Vlack. held without-bond on A tinil degree murder charge In tonecilon with Cooper'a death, wn«- rd In his lall cell here yesterday tO( the arrival o( a Tacoma attomey and trlesd ot the lamlly, Leo TeaU, whom U u murder*eturged m an «x- peeled yuU rday. The Tacoma a t. torney had not arrived and there Wll* h f word trom him Jnte laai evening,

VlsUed \n Cell'Uuhng Uie day Van Viack wat

vliltcd by & V. Larson, form er Twin Fulls.counly proucutor who lu d been ctillcd Into a lamlly eonter- rnce when the prUoner'a parenu, Mr. and M n. Cnrl Van Vlack o( Tacoma, wera here last Wednesday evening. Van VJack’a parent* lelt rnrly the next day relum ing to Ta-

.He has confeued to Sherltf E. P, T ru er and to newspaper reporters llm l he tallied his Lormer wlte, but -ptrjidfnitiy refuses to m ake-atate- nirn; Under oath U> th a t e tfect lo Ih r projeeutlng attorney, explain- IIIK th a t lie wanlA lo wull unUI he h io seen his mother again.

t.arson ' said a lter vltiiing Vnn Vlack yesterday he had no stale-

___ nicnt to mnke reaardlng the visit,.iiu n iu T K e Im d'nofbPcnrTTtnlncg

a*-ai»-flliuiiu'>'"lor Van" VlMk,

-TfillEllSJLt-fllfES - M B f i N I

William Jolm TnUcrsall. M. lUu- K ’l U n e dlAtrlct farmer, wa.-i paid .■>11 imiiirwlve tribute ye.sterrt.iy nil- riiioon .a t the Twin Falla mortuary ch.-vi>cl. nev. R. S. R «a, Twin Fttllbi, a.-~Sitcd by RCT. LcRoy Walker, Bur- Iry. otflelatln*.

Ntl« Mabel Case and Mr*, bor- olliy Montooth aanjc 'T ho Old Rug-

___ Red Creas" and ''Somcllme WellU noerstand.'--------- - ------------

_____J!alllxwers._wtte_Ai,b?rt_Dcnny,_Charter Dcrmcra and Kenneth Bai-

' 'Is. Eden; and Max Dayiey. Darrell Ditylcy and Rex BuxKt.w, Burlcy.

------ z_inuim«>t-»aa-la--.lliiucrv...cemt-'ttry beside U>e srave ot hi* moUicr, i iimlcr llw direction ot U k mortu. |


HACERMAN, Dcc, 3 — Charle.s -'liiultly" AbbaU, 19. son of Mr. nnd and Mrs. Charle* Abbott,'riled at

f llii; a t. Lu1:c’s liii.pllM In »okc •5 Biinfiay morning following nn opcr-^ f allon {Rr appenilltltl^. runerivl scr-!

\lcer. will be-hi-ld a t the homr.i ^ Tut:<i;i>', alternoon, ^

' ' Hov/ to K

U N D E R ^

C o fc fifn g C o W ?.. IVIcki Va-trb*noi helps B ^ven l mony Colds m

At ihe (itK warning nasal irrit,v ■ tion. tnllTIc or-ineeze, ii*e Vicks

Va-tro-nol—Just a few d r o ^ up.• cadin?8tril;ya-tro-not is'cspcclally doiKncd for the nose and ufper ihroot—u/iere mort cofd* jiarf. It

• itfenulatea Nature'a oct functloni —in the nojc—to help p revent colds, and to throw off bead colds in thcir ta rly stages. Used in time, Va-tn>-nol liclpj ovoid many.colds,

„■> FoUow V icka w i n forA liclpful guide to fiu rr mids nnd

- - - - ^ ^ C h e m tt t t i ix U v ie d lc i lS jU r r j^ tlcliiR phyildan*—furtlicr prove loiti. Tlte Plan Is fully nplalno!

I W i l l i e W i l l i ?By BOBER'n QUILLEN

^ "Aljnm a IsM tne lo plek u l a dmift (Bit Ibat woolda'l m U rasUy. ba t ab* meant to le i tompthln’ Ibat

^ —m m M irt-ibeni-thfr^ lre.--------------


0^^ H E L D A T H O L L IS T E R

HOLLISTEIt. Dcc. 3 - Mr. and ^ Mrs. A. E Caldwell en terta lnod 'a t

their hoaie JitrfT lianksgivm g doy tor Mr, and Mrs, J. EL^Poljlmnn nnd

■' daughters R’lodo and C atlierli.\ Mr.' ^ and Mrs. M. N. Kmidson and son.

Sirlckllng and 'fom lly or Qoodlng ‘ and C, E. Caldwell ot Daiile >!oun-

tain Nevada. tii( Mra. rohlm an acc<inip»nled her

daughler, M n. SlrlckUiig. to Oood- on InK. Thursday night. She returned In Sunday.

■tt- fttr. and Mrs. George Konoptck tor (ind family o t Buhl and M r.-and (ley Mrs. j . O. Scliwlng were dinner lU . gue iu a t th* home ot Mr. and Mra. «x- Joha CaldweU Tbanksfflvlng day.*1’ and M n . Msrtoh R«y of

Bobo spenl Uie week end a t Uie homo of Mr. and Mr*. F.. Z. Law­rence. Tliey were enroute to Los Angles where they will vlill wlUi M r and Mrt. DeU Ray.

Mr. a n d .M n . John Molenkamp « d ntid non Harold have moved lo cr* Wnuiwn. . ‘ '

?“» C A M P F IR E G IR L S O F

r . - F IL E R N A M E O F F IC E R S

f . nL E R . D « . a -C nm p Plre grwip \rlth Mrs. Rupert Williamson aa Ruardlan. met a t her hoino Moo- (lay afternoon with ten mcmbera

^ present. Dorothy Sm ith wa* a a ls t- ‘D* m il ho\lc.«. he

Hectlotis of oftlccrs ^-as held /an with Shirley ‘Ann M ore^nd being lie- clcctcd president; Bcatrlcc Thoma*. Isit, vlee-presldent: B etty Jo Johnson. nm v iartlfan RhaararItn urer; M.\xln§ Joliav>n, KrJbe; Jonn

Olllilan, tons leader.



N ! WENDSXL. Dec. 3 - R.' L. Wll- " * Ilamron, Filer, has been hired by the

bchool board to teiich £n;lbJi In the local high achool filling the va-

*“ ‘ |cnney cnuwd by the rc.'lunatlon of I Mrf. Robert H um s nec Vivienne Harman,

iiryIlls, Oerald Price and Radiael Mil- u r. cJifJ ol . fo^coK' ,»p<’rjt J/ie Twtikji-

Klvinj holidays with thelr parenu, „ Bob Abbott, tormerly of Wendell.

returned with Oerald.'e ll Irena Dean of PMatello, Oeorce

U nd-Dorolhou Cook.-Lotiije Ealonr Elsie Plelschman and Ulanehf Pooic. nll-of-A lblonrTpent-the-V ftcn'.lon- wlUi their parenla,

nt-_i "■ ';icr,i

! S c h i l l i n g— i— Bur-pepper-iKW , J - AL ' n i;p w ________.

hooh -u’/htt y o u m v e f2 o - p e p p e r loiJ,

oke 4 o : . p C p p C r 1 5 ^

S-! 8o : : p c p p e r 25( 'imr,:

K e e p C o l d s '

lt.-i> If a cold Ims developed, tub Vicks cks - VapoRub on throat ond chest otUp. ' bedtim e.V apoR ubo^dlrcc t—iioo

illy iiia>'J III on« : (I) By stimulation per jlirough tlic skin like a p o u |iI« o r’

I t p lasty; (2) By inhalation of its ons n ^ Ic a tc d v a potsdircc tto in/Iamed tiit flir-passasp. Through th e H g h 't r Jds tills combined vapor-poulticc ac- TV, tion looser^ ph]ri;m, sootbcs irri- Ids. tation, hcli».bi(eak cflngcstion. fo r B etier C ontrol of'^Cotdit and shrrttT coldj^D cyclopd Jtf.VJcks____rijaicd.ln_alcnjlvc.cU nic».by-prac--— • >roved In everyday home use by mil- ained in each Vicks package. .

Vuij Ofm IhuH! KlA « r»i, r) m c

e c B c c s s e e s w e



I B r i g h t N lb a t S ? -------- --

E . |

I 'I 't Mday ff . I. y nnd W V '; .Mr.' ^ wn. K


- iner V C T V '

' “ Ii l / O ' ^‘“" l l ' " y

' W A DAY IN „ d THE YEA] I’S If 1/ FOR HIMoup W All yo iu iK rtte rs look Corw

„ r t lo C h r is tm a s f o r n io i on- a n 'l m o n th s . T o .thon i « ra th e jr rcn te .'it d n y I n '

y e a r. G o t y o u r Imy th e o f l l i in r s h o w u n ls to V

S ! '■'i ' - t h o y ’rc p r ic c d v c rj- i ) aqnaW c n t V »ij. E n s r f .

lo y . iS i

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„ „ ; , M O U SE B E L T S .. * 1 5 R D J w o o l . A C

: 5.5 S W E A T E R S ..... : y 0S I IE E I-

“S a M N E I) 6 9 f lv « . |M C O A T S .........9 i E t a 3

I ■ ~'i W A R M . 4 f M riT K N S ............

- r i i s ^ s '“ , . $ 2 . snis, : ;• RO O T a ■W l. U S O C K S .................... A 2

E f w o o l .« f« S.? C O S SA C K f l

,j! | c o A T s r : " : ? l * " «

_ ■; T A K E A G IF T T I P■- From lh e 'W o m e n --------

Wha W ear Them! j

i |U ^{r Yen doa’t ha te lo pend D - . a b eu t Ih e “ rifllil (bad ' B i'lt ' voncier If tlirv’re «fai H 4 ' toou|& when you glte

■ E)/ j ^ u m m i n q B f r dI (!s 'r u n rA snioxto MositnYm f l■ T';

V S« mlity ibeer. te perfect cks riihlonrd, •o im arlly tun

•“ w i^ -t hlB oeiium* col ll* cI b, , . , that th e y .arc iio u iid to ^ ll Ion * • e»»T7 feminine n a n jji^ y o :or- p ^ •its

TTiefr m ederatr pKc« wtfl 1 . ■ lrue"S an ta CUui” lo yo<

« ; . a r l i t t M . BuJ«»t. .

" H 7 9 c -98<

j;,; P a c k cd in in tiiv id iia l ^ bnxcfl. T h e itlca l pro.-;




lew Gifts Fo

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Ja ile r .., . . . ■ ■■a your '

' ----- — I.F..VT-ilEIUit:LTS-►-----------------n m rn i lu a n rh n T r r t rB c l l. I n ‘Illack o r lin iw ii w il

r L c n t



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DOW N STAIIIIS u n t i i ’.H h c .id iiu a rlc r .i ni w i th a l)Q \viliicrinj' n rra ;

■y L ny -m v iiy (ovk im u ! A, . . ' nn.'nl:< In >iiil vm ii' cm n ' I •


.U ’Pl i i o r s H

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M p ; W E p tm S D A Y M ro ^ Mno.'D ECEM BER 4, IOSB"


t O n Y o u r L is

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0 8 e tf

RS D EPARTM ENTnre ojicii to youn;; nnd old—

Tay (if Kifls l‘> J’liil every «ko..-(niall d o p 'ts it w ill tlo! Pny-




rally fits n l OhriNlmuH tim^.ii.'Ji'irtint'nl of .Hlyli:,'<. D’Orsny, rnlli-sT^roiniHithVt^-sr.lORT*^--------

$ 2 ^ 9 7 “ “ ^(imcn'H — Childn.'n '.4

M’S r

[ l i E i T i H

i s t - - G i f t s I I I


A h a n d f io m c K ift a n d th c luck n tjv e r b e l ie v e t h a t th e y co st a s ic ty o f p a t te r n n n ro h e re to ct; R a y o n 'p a j a in a s m a k e *inighty b c u u s o th e a e a r e o f crow n te s t T h o 8 « l t ......... ;.....•’...............

T R A V E L E R. /

w h o c n j o p Rood luK ffaw — w ill n o t f in d a m o re com - ,

■ n lc tc a n d m H ntv ln ir »c- ' lo c tio n o f f in e trav e l Bootls n n y w h c rc . T h ey 're

. p r ic c d lo w to k e e p w ith in th e C hristn iB B b u d g e t.-----------

F itte d O vern igh t Cases

A r e a l ftccM sory fo r th e . s m a r t fe m in in e tra v e le r,

lin e d a n d \ n t h blouse po ckelft. f i t te d o r n o t f i t ­te d , j u s t a s y o u choosc.

$ 4 .9 8$ 9 l ° 9 0

, Kiddies Like New T ^ ^ ChriBt

HOLIDAY FRG ay a s h o d y niicf ',m w tlc toc--a i

. ,sh<-<'r ilrofl.-ios n n d fin e b ro ad c

7 9 cWOOLLY S \

TIh t o ’."! a .soft .s |io t in ev ery > .soft sw en lc r .t. J u a t w h n t one w

9 8 c \SNO

T h ftt w ill keep l i l t lc fo lks w a r w in lc r w e a th e r . 2 piece su its

; jyiEN’S HANfiKERCP.Mnde o f pik’n w n t crcpe w ith ! d iirk K round?. Huch n s nnvy ,

^ J - :n d i su t boxed f o r a ham lsom T h e ...................

—V a f t r € i gYOU R CHRIST

____1 ____

h e ^ ^ U ^

$ 1 .9 5 IiMAS ' . 5AND I N D I ^ HEAD iicky m an who Rets these wlH ?a s IU tlc a s th e y d o ! A blirvB N Ichoose from . — »

ity nlco g if ts . Practical, too, I

!‘!™™”’.....$2i9.8 i


--------- ^ -------1

Men’s Leather i Luggage j

S m a r t G la d s to n es , a tu r - ] d y s u i t c ase s, a s n ice a f g i f t a s a m a n cou ld w iBh. _ j

z ^ 6 . 9 5 — J ^ 11 .50 , j

Things to Wear for .i stmas------------------- - “

ROO^^o^ ^ \•a n d j u s t a s tvclcom c— {|.t/n l3' p d c lo th s . T h e y 're ncw . f

9 8 c jSWEATEKS i’ y o u n g s te r ’s h e a r t fo r the .sc i i w o u ld e x |)c a l o f S a n tn C lnua. ^

$ 1 . 9 8 j0 SUITS i

$ 4 .9 8 ji

JHl^ANDTlESE'TS jh s c rc e n p a in te d p u ltc n is on i

m a ro o n , b row n nnd trree n . i

■ ■ 6 9 c j

--------- ---------------------------- I

^elenV jITMAS S'TORE ^

. . . I

Page 6: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

slirriiiirir 1liuem L: Fay Cox,- on'trlal ’lor so- ~| , ‘ cond'Time, Answers

Theft Charge

— n y - 0 « - * t lUmlMrly.-ea u ^ . - ■'WJlh hU brolhtt. Otcw Cox. !o r r ” M 83BnW fl'TJineeount-(rf alleged

4be(( of » atetr Uu Qlfht of A ufu tt 37, m nU tcd 6n tto wltoeu tU n d

'- in - lh * dW rtct eoua htw -yM U nUy - •' h li o ra r tn lo n ot tlte aucrted .

thelU■ Coxwu Ul# l in t Kltnett eaUtd by

^ leo M attoneys, C h trla A. North 3 0 d W. U Dunn, lo lUlUy after

. rnaecuU uc Attorney E d « |^ Oab< toek tate in t t e afferoeoo annouDC- •d tll l t U u Itate ra ted lU caie. > The new tr til »WeiJ wai^ordered ^ fnurt| npfnwl Mon- _jday roonilttl.

Tlw original tiUl, a t which Uie aeeuKd broUien wen found guilty a sd #entcnced to lerre l*to-14-year te im i in Uie lU te prlMD. occupied Jlre dayi to December, 1933.

A y Cos' tesUfled yuten&y th a t he tlld purchiMd Uie st«er In q u u - Uon from his uncle, "flud" Cox iRho lived no rtheu t of iOmberiy;

"dlreeUy to IiU own home, n iithw eft of KInibtrly. he drare about 13 mllea to Murtiugh. then acrou Stinke

^ v e r a t tlie Murtaugh bridge oti a .- tmslDtti-vlslt to a,KMUi side resi­

dent. in d returned home lito a t jiIshL

On the Ulp .he u ld his car n n m t of gaiolloe Uiree limes.

Al Murtaugh ha u ld lie vUltcd SU rs PerUnt brother of M. L. Per- klni. owner of the illrgedly itdlen

~ete«r: T h it anlma] h id been pas­tured In Snake r ln r canyon near S S the V unaugh bridge.

He tlld th a t H. U rika and W ll- ^ llam Hranac, lU te 'i w iuicuei vho

. KatUkd Uiey foUdved Uie car and i .traltar.aod IdenUfled Uia Iteer, had "

-ioUoved him to h ll home and con- i. Tened wlUi him for lomi Umo there. telUnc Uiem, he iild , th i t Uia iteer In Uie trailer w u oot Uie a o la a l they b id a t f ln t Uiougbt It was.

m[iiSs• 'imELDfiflMHa-

_____ . ila i

BOtSE, Dee. a (X>-a. E . M c ^ vejr. lU to conm£BltiMfr-^>f-TWECc

T n r b , announced tonight th a t bldi t r a wlU be opened here December 17 on clot Ihre* highway projecti. i ' in i

. One calU for g n d in j. drajnlng o U and^iurficlng wllh cnuhed”gr»»el n. . S.tOt miles or the nielirietd branch M n o t Ute 8awtooUi P irk highway be- uie

.A *e«.-Bhoihone in d M irley In Llneola county. lea

T to lecdnd is for eonstrucUoa ot rati th e -roadbed, drainage itruc tures m a s d crushed rock lurfaetng o t 9.534 ing inllei of the Spirit U te hlgliwiy, guc rorUi and tou th of Blanchard, In hoj Bonner county.

TUe oUier l i for cocstnicUen ot j /a t to nadbed and drainage itructures j /£ on 8 j n mUcs of tho Sawtooth Park highway between ElUs and Salmon " in K m hl counly. . ^

U l f l H i i O N p

"liMEeE-------- lls.

BOISB, Dec. S l/PHOlof Nelson thisof Logan, Utah, w u U« low bidder Ahere todiy lo r construction of tlic foUiroidbed, drainage itn ic lu m .and Ilrscrushed gniTet -turficlng of 3J*7 Varrollei o f 't t o Old Oregon TraU be- Baijween •onyx^ind 'UeCammon. in Boi

. OUier bids were W. C. B um s ot 5 0 ’Idaho Palls, $15,603; Hoops Con- f V "sVruciron- c o ra p an fo t Twin P^IU, j

r n j j j , and-the Western Construe, -n , tlon csmptmy ol PocateUo, W l^ i l . m . The englneer'i csllm ili w u 969,731.

Tlie Inlentalo Engineering ' and --Constnietlon company o t Newport, a t

Washlpffton, was the low bidder for aiii . *contlntcUon ot a 163-foot concrele of

overhead structure over Die tracks Vci of Uie ChlciBo, Milwaukee, Bt. Paul wo and PaeUle railroiil, and grading mi- the apiiroichei and surtaclng with bus graret f J>9 miles of die Spirit Lake highway from Bplrtl Lake louth In .;/,i Koolenal coumy. ,T lie. oMtr / - r 130,397. The^iigtiiMi's e>tlmal« wix 131407. P. H. DcAlley and-company of Lewlitoa. bid «3,fll7.

W .S.lillEOKiHTSmspESls

—___ tur.W aller.S, Parrish, w as.last r le l it ort

elected eminent commander of Twin Soi Falli commandr>', No. 10, Knlglils >ne Templir, In rrguliir MMlon a t T »ln Pai Flails- M uonlc lull. A large atlcn- Mr danca w u present. clit

Olher officers named were: Pred W. Harder, generMlulmo; Guy D. B8>

. MUler. captain genenl; J . H.- Bark- - e r -of Buhl, senior wardeix: Joe Tli ' Koehler; junior wirdeni D /. nobert i u

A. Parrott, prclalei'LawTcnCo Clos, n«' treuu re r; O eorge^M berg. record- ani

- e r; Pred Parish stnndard to ••bearer;' Claude aordid,-••.■nrcier; iwi

Pred Reichert of Plltr^Jword bear- lar c r; A. D. Bobler.^otlnel. . dci

Samuel H. Kuylcr. p u t g n n d see com rainder,-w as liisralllng ottlcer J

' wllll J. A. Johnson as marshnll. nn, ............... UU'

G oau Bring P n t l t cs— gA w -8A 83tf^‘i t i ; m t - j : r . -w p- w -C o n n e n m D O ie r-H e fe rb b f lg h l ' '» Na

held of goau for tJ& four montlis sei before tiiearmg tlm i. Re sold »M3.- die l i worth of tnohalr. fi$m Uieim and dci

lett. . Tll

-talon r tp f f . forporatlon’i Fine Lo' '■u u u u i f / ^ i , n r w « . i i » f e A j C T rp tt

I j t A K E T H I S M O B. T w i n F a l l s D a i l y

> • ‘

■RP*- ItJWl

i SV ' - ' \ v - “ . . * ,\v i to

- * - N ( ’ ' ‘ .V ' f ^ k . . Wl• / V '& A I trl

\ y I • Ull

p i p" V T v T M a T s

, i S ’

r i l i pr •» . ' ■ "

\ \ J I ' I

S O G I E T Y o ,Phone 32

A s im u la te d e v e rg re e n fo re s t fo r f o r t h e 0 . A . 0 . C lu b ’s p re-ho lidn A m e ric a n L e g io n M em o ria l l in i l . d c rc d th e o r c h c a l r a p la tfo rm ,- f ro HaAvks p la y e d th ro u f fh o u t the -eve i ia r ly d e c o ra tc d , a a w a s lhc*“ “lo u n g e , room .___________________^ su

T h o c o ffc e la b le w as a l- |" ® ' t r a c t i v e w i th a w h ite linen cloth, sUi-er ien-lce«, and red tapers .u . In illrerliolders, based wllh wrcallu Ot and hoUday-grMnery. Mrt. n . a . Read. h tn . C. A. Ballcy ind M n . 0 . P, Duvall were In charge of 3 ^ lhe refreslimenls. Mra. S . H. Orave.i, •a\, Mri.Mlfea Browoiug and M n. Cli^r-'chc l u D. Beymer impenlsed the dfco-J[iai ralloni. ' i* r

Numeroui cocktaU parties, lnclu{l. ,p , Ing those honoring out*ot‘ lown mt guests, were arranged by I'w ln Falls coi hosts preceding the dsnce; ^cl


Mrs. A. H. Dykman w u elecied noble grand of Priniroie Rvbckali Lodge a l a meeling a t Uie I. O. O. P.Hnil lest evening preceding tbe beiielll card party. Mra. Ed Vanre was elected vice president; Miss •’• Isa Driskell, llnunclal socrotary: Mra.'TAVr n .-C hue ,-ieo r« la t7 ;-M t3: _ E. O. lU lncs, treasurer: Mr*. W. T. T

Its. second trustee; and Mrs. Cyn­thia Slcvens, th ird trustee. u

At the benefit'.card Jiarty which followed, C trl Anderson won the flrsl p rii(i:at conlm ct; M rs.''0 . D. m Van Tilberk a l pinochle; Mr*. V. C. lor BillantynK aucilonj and Mrs. Cordi Bowen a irb ridge keeno.-Refresh- '.


S O /) /lf./rV M lHASaKH mcyonJiO Q IU AiLJLlRTY

m e §odttUly of -the Blessrtl Vlr- gUi met Sunday In the cltib room ot 61. Edward's Catholic church nnd , made platis for a Clirlslmas parly T lo be held D eccm bcr-iuciitlcih .nl Ut’. Edward's'school. M tu B a m c iu , Anderson was appointed chalrmiin ot arrungcmeiite, iisMilcU by Miss ” Veronica Thomey, Mls.> Margaret Woods and Miss Auiiu'Mhh Mulberg. . MUS Irene Lopet prcjldcd a t thc business testlon.

.U,1KA- rilM /.V i'«OG-«/l.V i'i' r R K ^ K s n i ) n r c n . x n 'K n.Ch 'spU r.D , r . j:.!© . sisterhood, sm

was enleruincd h u t cvculnrf a t the Cli home ot Mrs.-M; J .^ c iim at liVMlss ' ' Vlvym Kllnk w m asiLHiml hostess. 1 A p«>gr«m on Mari; 'rttiiln > na pre- Ici wmcU by ,\lrj. Karl Fell. cle


Members of Uie iV enileib Cen- wl lurj- Club were enlerlalned with a orogram ••.\routid iho World In ' Sons nnd.Diiiicc.” nt .a luncheon Wi mecilns I'o icnlny nflernoon n l the ot Park lU ioid. Mr;., Jl;iy Agcc nnd gll Mts. Cnrl Uensoii wc.u proitram chalrmcn. Toys wore .collected tor ' the Melon Vidley School, 'n io club i f agre itf lo s|)oiisor tlm exterior dec- M; m ating nroiraui as In pa tl yean. n. Tlie belt exterior.d?cojlilloo iu .U ie - • east sccllon of ino town wlU be nwurtlcil biiff dollar and flfly cenU, ja and the jnme priro will be nwarded d,

[ lo lhe be»t exterior decoraUon In the la iiorui'tccllon of the tQwn.Two'dol- «•[

. la rs -A’lll be awnrdcd for ihd best m decoraUon lu the souih and ' west

: sccllon combined.Mrs. II. II. siukca ud the com- n|

munlly. slncliig ol "OIubIb Uclls" mid "Sllfiii NiBlil." M n. J, H. U am - = cs .Inlroduccd Mri?, p. w . McRob- , ,

: r a , wh0 (p0l:e bn" tlic“l«nguo 'or I NntlBns. pancemombcTS'w cre-pre- — I senled by/ du: IX-^imoiid-Datcs Btif- . dio ot D uidnl:. .Mli.h.Cl»rlco Soun- ai 1 d e n WIU In olurgc o( the m\uuc. t

Tlie proijram Included: . . p i Ohlnene dance. 'Jo Oheli und Ann ni

; Loul*r Olbdon: Hii” lt'ii dsncf. K.'j m u j r i n in a toit U

) b E A t h o i ® e ji l y N e w s P a t t e r n

OAT B irr r o N S a n s T m s n o t eON SLENDKRIZINQ HOVSB

FROCK— ----------- P A T m i r f n w ------- :— I

h f d i t n c C U i m SYou'd Uke your houM frock a

b it feitlre; wouldn't you, prortded _XUJmea&t .BO .extra work t^ .'yeuf

Well, thU one Is, and tn a w iy » Uial'a boUi simple and smart. I t „ UM< button i — ten, and no more, io highlight Its attractively design- e ed 'shoU lderi and surplice bodlee. J Who’d ever Uilnk an tnexpetulvo I trim could bc u> elfeetlvel. Too, Uiere'i everything' to bc u l d tor _ Uie ease w ith which Uils frock can * bo pul togclhcr-composed ot bul tour m ajor pleces-tw o front, two f bick->(or six. with belt nnd collar), ” IT i^eollnr's enUrely optional, how- e v te and your frock's Just u im art 5

•^vIliM ^ltr-A ny-pre-shrunk-eo tton ; j such a i percale or broadcIoUi. Is I, nice. 5

P allem U2B i i avillible In alies * M, 1«, 1$, 30, 32, 34, 39, 38, 40, *' 43, 44 and 49. I t takes 4 yard i f 30 Inch fabric, illuslrntcd step-by- L

-Step setclng .lulrucU ont-lnc luded.-’ ^ **

Dftid HJTEBV CtKTI (lie) In coiu " ' or iunit« (coiQ ptffmKi) for t&ii' 0

Ana* AA«au pktt«ru. Writ* plilnlT dj S T S " v s „ “ S ; i ; ' " “ «

TMK AHISg •'.(a ttr -lUQittoioeiyUliulrattd pm m . S.roull Mild Jiut til t im irl tnd tu r-lo - h ui« p tllim iloitnx )uii «ant—to Kitp ,,rouMfir Uld UniUr *ell rtrm td tfl tl •euoD tiirousti. Eii.'lu>ic> tlwliiu (or 01 cren occtiloit^lionis. OwIiich. wbool. r,pituei. (Diui. n ecu . unoiu . , . ^ten , dBlI vtrdrabet. rMclntllDi w e ltltll t(0 mik« (or | l t u Hclptul tdvlco on p< (tbrle*. icceMorln. Mauu. tllq iix it ot (1r«M. ItND »-OIt VOt'n COPV TODAVl rnicK (IP u n o x nrcr.BN c k k ti . C DOOK AND rATXEU.S TOOCTUUI, nlr^VENn--rivi: ce.s t*.- „

A44rtia ordtra 10 Tain rtlla^Dtll) „ Newt Pailtni Dcpirtmcnt. T«lB>rtllt. ^ IdtSq.

■ I Ia n d C L U B S


32___________ ________________ I

Mfo rm e d a n a l lu r in g b a ck frro u n d

lidny dn n c c l a s t c v c n in g 'a t th o tll . F u l l- g ro w n ’cv crjcro cn s b o r’- f ro m w h ic h G le n B a te s ' N ig h t ni e v e n in g . T h e b a lc o n y w a s si^m- ot

I Skinner, lola Steam s. Jo QlUy Mote- rmiuiu, nBtlonaW luiOan song,-lUgh — [school girls' chorusrH aw allan dance, lUioda PhUllps; llaUan song. "O ar- ^ abalill H>'mn." cornel .by uugtf.i[u* lyn. accompanied by Miss Prtkj^ ^ "MarMllnls."' l»y s ' clioru4:~nuiis- nrlaii syjv'y dunce, Uicllc Jackllit; apanlsli dance. Uelly Viirbrougli; , , 'S tar Spangled Panncr." nilked Z.

, chorus; "Otari■ftnd filrlpes Forever." .)■,‘>--Jennings....................r tied tnp«n In ailver holders holly spr»y« and woodwardla made thc tables nUracUvc. -Ilic' dfconuing coinnilltcc liiclnded Mesdumes It. c. . SJchurgw, J . C. Nordllng, J. W. -V Nettmtn, Joh tr Biiljcli, J . B. McPar- land, C. J. Sahlberg, R. P. Rob- Inwn and J. H. SeaVer, Junior. 'Hie lunelieon commltiee Incloded Mes- S* damc.» K. O. Rnlncs, R. B. Boblcr nnd C, W. Burgess. Members ot the rcccptloii committee Ineluded Mes­dames E. M. Wolte, Alvin Ca.iey and Ri R. P. Logan. . fr<

-----------:__________ 111- - ■ lln

j---------- - , Cj

- C i m r i H j f - E c e H B r i ! ,

U.i.' i'..-.:;yi7ii.;ii uiQies' Aid to- , clcj- vvlii .iitcui 'Hiuridny nflernoon III ly30 o'clock In the church par-lo t . '^ , . ,„ . - . . ^

'I'he A uililary of Sponlsh War ve tc ana will-m eet ' ‘n rnrB ftyB T t- f*

J o'cjock In lhe J>gJwj AJc- mortnl hull. Officers will be etec:- t il . All, mcmia r t ar# -urged-to-be pec:em’ \ _ . -V

n i Counlry Women's club will ,V mwt^ Wednesday ofteriiion wlih Mrs. iUroId lllncs.

rtcketfs Progress Clas* foclal will “'J be positioned from Dece iber 6 to * Dccemtjcf 13,

Ths Ladles’ Aid soclefty of the SLiiihernn church will meet 'rim rs- fiday nflernoon. In the church [jur-' nlura. All members ore urged lo 2bo i*ficnt. o r n m s will be Tlfctcd. gRoll J call! u ill be • aii%»'ercd with SsuCReitionti foe mnkiiit: ItiPHRcn.ilvc N

I ChrUliuRs g llu .. ________ ' — ^

Mra, Lawrcnce Murphy alll. en- . Icrtiilii thu LaOlc-V .Ml«lonary :o- ^

clety o f lhe Church of the nr<-th- P rcn a t the homo of Mr.v K A, ;.^l.||. Buchanun Mreet, ’niur.'4ay n lirr- tiooii. A C hrhtnias gift cNcliansc

• will be licld. ~

I 'llie Momlngslde club will mrrl I Wcdiiii.'dsy aflemoon n l Iho home■ ot Mm. Mne flmoel:. 11:8 .annu.il1 gill e.xcli.iiigp will be conducted. II \ -------- i■ The ii;i!mon Social club nlll mee: 1 ' 'I'hiir.vlay olternooiK il thc Jiomi ul j• Mrs, Mnry Miller. A Chrlilm w niflj exchnii|jc Rill .b t'conduclcd. |

’ Thff Thcolosy and Testliiiony d e -1; partinpiu uf llic L- D. S. Ilellcf »u-'‘ elelr will meet 'nuirmliiy ‘In llie’ labUDadc a t 2 . |i . nv 'T lie sub jec t.^; wll! he '-n io Niiuvoo Temple," wUli »«f Mr.i, M Ttic BJlier ss leader.

ChrU nia« Sr.ib, Ta*» and Wrap-. .".1 . Pinii n I loi Kodi Slore.-Adv, pr

I ______ tr.■ ' rn

r D ull H c a d a c h e sC o n e ;----------------- -5 5 im p le - H c m c ttr t ) o ts i t i^"

JIf.idachc.i caused by eonsllpatljii• arc bone uficr onedoac ot Adlerikn, n,' '■ Thil clcims pollens out of BQ’l'H up. ‘ in . |iw nild lewer Ixwel,. Ends bad sIitji, | ' ‘1 1 neni'ousiics.-:. Mnjestle Pham iiicy-ln

Mt Stuay'a rharm iicy~ l ^

I M Fi FOIiSICillT:- C ro v S d e d -H o u s e -P ro m lse d - 'a t t

Sym phony O r c h e s t r a t

Concert . *» , _____ ' ’ n1 A prot?*iil« *eIl;out fo r the en- ‘7 gagement ot the SeatUe Symphony i

orchetm 's 'concert her* tomorrow i c\-etilng. Is ei'peeled by Tw la FaUt

5. Junior Chamber of Commerce,0 Uie (|;oniOrliig organization. <

J M rance isles liai-e been very n good, members of the Junior cham-

b ^ snld, and It U hoped th a t the . a sa le /o f ceneral admission .pickets , b e lW n no r tnd the Umn o f-lhe ^

colierrt will fill llie Orpheum th e . 01 lAer to c ^ e l ty . >>

J f D r Dttsll'Cameron and h li 80 b• laieritNl musicians wl|l arrive In 0 , Twin Falls I t 3 p. m. tomorrow a tt- a , emoon tollotflng Ih rw 'h lgh ly lue- d■ eeisful eiigatemenU in Ogden. S alt sl . Lake iiid Provo. 'The orchestra*! to- h .. cal conccrt'.U scheduled-to eom- j|

mencc a t 8:30 p. m, tomorrow eve- b nInJr, and the public U urged to bn ”

i ' on time as nu ono will be en ted y during tli<* iir.*.vni*ilon of the pro- .• gram numbers. •

, Symphony. mKtl u th« finest or-■ clier.lfji in the we:»t. 1% one o t JustI threo nppearsncei Uiat U ils'noted nr organluU on Is making In ih ls ita le . 1!• LcwUlon and ^^ttl«;,Jirc th a only b , o lher Idaho cities having the op- a > portunlty to hear this aggregaUon. V { Scftls mny still bc resen'cd^ Or a

georral ndmtvlon tlckela purchased , 5»l the Orpheum theater box-oftlce t

which will be ojien trom 10 a. m.’ until 10 p. m, today and lomorrow.


0 R € V I T i e S '___ ft

' Leave for Coatl—Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Jones havo gene to San rranclrco to make their homo.

W inler Ln C iu 'fem la-M r. and TMrs. u . N. llsnsen are leaving to- q

I day for Long Scach lo spend the p , winler.

* aLlienscd lo Wed—H erman H.

. Nice and Elliel Roth, bo th o t FUir. f, , obtained a marriage license a l Tvi-ln

FulU counly recorder’s office q icrdoy.

' kupert toupio lu e iita - .—-A son y• was born Sunday>-to Mr. aoi} Mrs. ~ ' William McDonald, £ 6 ^ 1 . lormer' 7 ^ t> F a lL i m]{lents. a t lhe Jones Q: matcmlty-home.-..----------------------- ---

HojplUI flftff M e«l*-D r. H. F.; Lnmb adrlrcr^cd the sta ff of thc I Twin PsH.t w m ty hosiilUf oh ,,

"Ulcer.' of tho’Ilium" a t a meetlnc jj o f l h e group last' w vnlng a t the |,,

. inslliuiloci. .

In New, Location—Singer Sewing gj .Machine company haa completed

! the removal of Ita p lice of busl- ,. . ncM In Twin Falls from ISl ^ U n ; avenue east to lls new home iV i i i . Sho.'hone alreet north, a cro u from j, . llie lA\ho thenler.

• ■ lcHome l-'rom C o a tl-M r. in d Mrs,

; Reese' M. Wllliatjin liav^ returned from Callforilljy where they vlslled 1- th d r daughlcryMiss Sunshm!TA\11^-[^ lliimg, a r t Instructor n t Lindsay, California, and'U ielr son,'Reese WII-

.)lnm^ Utiirtwnt «t Htnnfnrri im hfr. .,slty.' m

i Bor Recover* — Pred Meech, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred W, Meech. '

' who h u been crlUcnlly III for the □ p u l several weeks. Is sultslaetorlly “ Improving aud tils complete rccov-

, cry I* assured,^ a ^ o rd l^ g ^ o word

; _ i^-yiU n, D sn .F ccil- 'r iB JIiag lit* 5{' of ■ Pyihlas’ nnnuiil pheaisn t feedwin be held th is evening i t lhe °

I Ulac ,Oirden«. All K hlihU and f ' Uielr wives and Pylhlun Sisters are

Invited lo bo present. Tbpw dcslr- ”ing Iransportatlon are atked lo com- ,

I iniinicAte with O. H. Coleman, phone „1 ._________________ il

j I T o o L a te | ” ! I ' To C lassify ' | :

■ ttXtJKWCKCro.W OMAN WANTS •homework. I Write Box 4:, carc

News. (

• TOR HENT - f t VE ROOM MOD-em unfumlUied house. Adults.

• Call a t IID Eighth Ave. N;• ‘

Pd e.NerVqu iFokiiiniDCDOTH

I > Al rour uttreit druE il6ie iC tlt utck- 0:

iftitftt# from lh*;«». 'm t ^ n«ip». t*• ttitll '01610111 «Uli mriJ for 1 >|

ivrfk. At 111® md nf 'Ili tt j+rl(«a. U D!’. -ilil trn IIOI slr'iiliiR wrll. II iour ip- rt

lirllto liM'OOt IRiprovfxl, 1( fnii don't nt«-i »ifon|tr, l.ivo morr niyrt)'. mor* u

f riidiirtner. trd If rou clon/i «*ii> t l (■KTuii s l)Ou»tl» of nrtli t>

'!ii>mtlt -TitiKU ttld roiir iiionri Kill ic------------"i—;----------K.

, Till* tm ttliil offfr. «hlcti hw lif»n d.' tii»d« tll o n r mr rouiilO'. <*i) inudiice ti. remirliitl* r«iin» i>«c»u»o K»l- it . iiuiult worn* on tu fiiliretv-cBW prl*- «iiciple. u .g iu iifh t duwn ,w iiie uu ic <s

L « m S c h r ' a m m .

' ■ 1


E V A X Q E L IS tS P E A K S - ■' i

‘ 'A T K N U L L M E E T IN G S I

r ■ XNULL Dec. 8 - eraiiicU itlc I meetings ot>cned lu re Monday eve- I nlng r.t lhe iCnuil BapUit Commun-

lly churcli wlUi Rev, Earl R .D erg ,I y u jo r of BulU BipUil chundi, eon- j

Hs chwe -Worship and Uie C hrii- ' tlan L' as his subject Monday evening and wnlghi spoke on “Bev- en s i f ju lo eplrliu il P r o p w ," The meellngi wlii coutUiue for Uie M xt two weeks.

‘ His topics tor the remainder o t i r thU week ire : ‘The Plan Work of , f the Kingdom-; “A DMded H ia rl”; ( -Ood't a rc * t Love .Story.”- - - |

' S H E R IF F ’S AID SO U G H T i

; IN H U N T FOR B R O T H E R '5 • -------- .1 Mni. Horeiice Robertson ot By,* cg Nevada, h u applied lo the ilie riff 'i (, office hero lo t aultUnco in local-

Ihg her brother, John Scdgwlck, ,_ Who, i he b illevat , U wlUi— h la x) brother, William Sedgwick, mining ^I on Snake rlver between Twin Plilla i. and Filer "where U ie^idder goea ,. down 10 the . river." ReijueiUnr lhe .t ih en ft 's a^lstance, Mrs. R obtrtsoa'i. letter yeslerday said she did no t. know how to address a letter to he r. b ro thS r 'bu t 'U ia l there v u urgent 1, need for geitlng in tousli w ilb 'lo n . *I ----------------- 1

• R E P U B L IC A N S BOW T O '

r — t e e A t - M U S ) 6 A f c £ V B f f t

I 'A meeling ot 'Twin Falls coiuity J1 Rr|iiibl1eans a l dinner a t which ■' . Henry C. Dworsliak of Durley ia to oI be Ihc gucii speaker is- lo be held a. a l Uic Pnrk holel In 'rw ln 'fa lls ou a

Wednesday evening.- December I I . a r and nol u originally planned on t:I next "niursday evening. Ed P etty - a ) gro'^e ot Hansen, Republlcan'couniy

chairman, SDnouiiced last evening. > 'fhe dinner meeting d ile waa %

changed, Mr. Pettygrove said, be- tiCAUK ol conflict r llh Uie Seattle bSymphony orchestra concert licro u 'Tliursday evening.

' ------ . . . -— s>


■ SE N A T O R ’S S E C R E T A ftY "

0 0 L 3 a Dec. a W 'Asenalor Jim e.i p I P. Pope (D-Idahoj today announced ‘ lhe apiwlnlnienl ot Mark Felt, io n .; or .\lr. and Mrs, Earl Fell of Twin ' Palls, u his assistant secretary.

' Fell wilt leave for WuAhbigton, ^ D. C., wllhln llie ne ti twu wccka, t<

’ he s.iid. and will attend to his ecc- u ’ rctsrial duties while fmishlng hla T■ work tor a degree m law from t(■ Oeorge- W uhlnglon unlverslly.

The senaior'i tecreiary U Ralph Olmsiead. also formerly of Tw in -

L Faiu,T 5 ------------ -— - -

‘ - S ^ L A B iE S - O F J E A C H E f lS - I

IN PU B L iC .S C H O O L S L A G ]

; . U0I6K, Dec. 3 tiP) - Salaries ot fiuiiliy members and oftlclils ot

: loahu's liisiiluUoas ot higher learn­ing are about baek to pre-depru-

I Ilou fUures bul the payroll of IdtL- ho's 4100 public school'teachers b

: oidy ilighily above the low m ark - ' of recent j-cirs, Jolm W.** Condle,

state jiipsrliitenden^ of public la-- strucllon, observed lotilght.

Uls com m ent'w u made on the eve ot hls deiwrture tor Chicago und Wuiilngton, U. 0 ,. where hc plans 10 atU nd educational conferences.

tii la r in of university officials an^ . Instruclorv were Increased Novtm- .lKc-l-lnjieoordan#a wlUi approiirta- tlon measures puscd by the lastlcflUto»ire,-lH)-recalled.-.................... ..

Tlie changcs In lhe payroll were

meeting lale In September, lie u ld . and were announced a t Uia^ lime.


E X A lrflN E A P P L IC A N T S

~BOUJE, Dcc. 3 y r v N l n e '^ p l 'P “ c inU tor JJeenses to pracllce law In Idaho bcKan wrlUngihelr_exnniliia- .

' tlons'Iierc'loday'under 'Uio dlrecllon ot John W, Oraham ot 'Fwln Falls, chalnnan ot the Idaho Bar commls-

; ilon, and W; H. Anderson ot Pocu- lello, member of the commission.'

'rhose tnklng lhe examination arc ; JoM>ph -D; Sullivan of Mounutin ’ Home; Wllllani Eugene Sullivan and

-M. O. Koelsch ot Boise; La Rue Kendricks Merrill and WlUlam Bab­cock ot Twill Falls; f te d Rnis ot Nuiiipa; Faber P. T#ay and Robert Wright St. Clalr ot Idaho Falls, and J in ie i r. Butler of Lewlslan. ‘


Royal Neighbors cf Amerlea Old I'lnb Cafe RolldInK m Main Avenue W nt Saturday. December J

ll5.Jlllh llWIICan'tSleep!His!. o( m « t wwknrMM. (4-^NDi;i» aTAHVINO r q * IpblNK." »il«;ft« no»>

i»yt. " tliti U Ihl ctu»« ot jiinduwn• roiunUoHfc of ptIiiieM, i/r»^ .' «inrlM tnru. ikinnlneM." nny.r hid<i*n iittHi* requiifc - U f lilup ld«iiy■ miion of lodlnt. iDou'i iMmia'-el iliu I WIUj ordlnur clumletl 'lofinf. »ltilch ' H It«|iienily to>Je.l Wllhfliil ll. liur>- I (til to wotk. ■ulmlltlloV (allrr>. m«tt>I boium bfConiM lrrf*iiUr »ml mn food- ynu—♦•».—lm*t»*«l-e*—iiouiUliiiia—»«>!. - 1 iciiita lilinnir lr> (lot up th* triKlil Mid ' Tit»p-yoa t*'rt8“ «!r Ai|hirBtsri-T\»iT - 1 Dtnitll lait)-. Mtke lllf l « l suiiir-lrtl , f »bov«, C\en llie flrtt f«w d««’ tr»t(.‘ menl will glv* you Iht* bmt n ith t 'i > «leep htd in T»n. Kelpaintu

. J o h n s o n S



r. • - ■_____ __ ■ ■ I

- £niioatsmaii----------A d d te w e s 1J ■ M o n th ly M e e tin g o l |

J u n l 6 f e t r a m b c r . ' :l — ■ ■ 1 , Addreasi&f tax audience of m e <• 80 p c r ^ , a t a regular monlhly 1 >1 d im xr meeUng ot IWm Fails Junior; ouamber of commerce ai.U ie Park I

hotel l m et-entag, o . WorUi Clark, representative in congresi from Uie Second Idaho district, told of his receot^hasardoui Journey down Uie

3 Rirer ot No Return.^ 'The ipeaker w u ' Introduced by

Jolm B. Robertson, who filled the '•* ch iir in the absence of the prealdent i » Claude U. DetweUer,'' A m etaixr of tfte N affoaal O to- i

I briifly tbe trip and ila Menlo beau- .• ties and Uien pointed out th a expert I• navlgaUon netded to safely mtki? } ® Uie journey. j ^ Fereeter Diea i r to n ' Uie Journey betldea the cmi-t fresaman .were two b o a tm ^ two SI. govemmenl giologlsu, a forestry de- I

parUneni repreientatlve who died * irom effeete of pnaumoiUa on the c th ird d iy out. a mining expert and '

ITie ipeaker lold ot expert work- «f m inship m construcllon of the 33- rI foot boat, made ot green plno boards < ) one-halt Inch thick on the sidesI and- ono inch thick on Uie IwUom. (I and paid tribute to the boaUnen who -. safely manipulated th e craft - I through raging torrents, Whirlpools• and waterfalls.' }ie reported Uiat wild life w u i. seen in abundance, but Uint Ihere II were no l so many nnlmals ^aleng E• th s r ire r banki u there would have t f been If IIk expedlUon ht<t m ltedI untli nex t spring. j

CUrk. took many motion p lc lu ru r<nil the trip nnd the m agtslne re- apoKcr snipped n)ore tlian 3000 illU t Ufa pictures, m iny of which .were

’ In color. . J' I'

: P O P E S E T S D A TE F O R 1

! . R E T U R N TO CA PI-TA L „

BOISE, D e c .T l^ - a e n a to r and *, M rs.'Jamea P. Pope and th e sena- a. tor’s secrctar}'. RalpTi OJmitead, win e

leave for W uhlngton, D. C.. next rI 'Thursday, U te.senalor announced E: ItAllghl. u

Tomorrow morning Mr. Pope wiU h1 ____________ ______

' - : S

I s1

L f ur-TiC ■

' S T A T ?

I t ’s a g if t . 'Y o u rea lly c o a t v a lu e s o f fe re d r ru a r y .

‘ C L E V E R w o n

- - - -------TH IS S A X E I■J _______

1 "1, ■ G R O U P

C o a la m a d e tO M lI I

i M i■l“ ' CO

O n ly a t S w e e tb r ia r i Uie..Heasoii’A sm a rtc ta i lo r in g . T h c r i g h t ;

, f o r y o u to b e ojio o f


li \h V alu es t o $ 3 .9 i

iV -------- -------------------------------------It



Rl V n . M argaret Bayhurat, mother I of NaUian H aybun t. who died Is

Twln-Falls laa t M arch 11. applied ' to lhe probate 'cou rt there yeslcr-

dsy for appolnUnent as admlnlstra- a tr lx -o(-hef-»en 'a-« ta te wW di, ae»

cordinc to ber peUUon. e o n U u ot a Judgment, o t unknown value, Igalnst liie Boyd hoepltal. Mearhii on the peiH\pa was M /or'D ecem - b v » • Mrs. K ay h u n t U rvpreeenU

„ ed In probal* prooMdtnga by j . R. i j Bolhwell, Twin Falls attomey.

j P i L I C E l M T f l N ^

J IS IB llB U IB U liyle Twin FaUs poUce department yea- It, terdsy released InformaUon con­

cerning the burglary a l Uie home ot >• Roy W ashburn. 330 E lg h u i^ n n u e n n^rihi flntiiT'Tlfty t vtnlngi—!d Oftlcers h id made no irrests , but I ' staled lh a l several hundredi of dol- n Ion .worth of raluiblea were Uken ic wben tite hourj w u entered t>y

breiking a window and unfutcnlng a Uloh,

Reported stolen were six guns, a 34-33 rUle, tw o 33 rifles, two 13- g iu te shotguns and a 30-30 rifle;

^ two suits of m en’s clothing and an M overcoat; seven women's dresses and Id a coal; a quantity ot WTapped gift t l psekagw. h 0 5 l f g ^ l r u . h |U u«a:

600 Indian head penwes and 14 > worih o t . dimes. A diamond ring.). placed under a powder puff, w u left l5 ou a bureau.


BOISE, Dec. 3 (;)>-Oongressman IS D. Worth a n r k <D-Idaho) plans lo -e leave for Waslilngton, D. c ; next « Sunday. M lu Lulu Shank, his secre- ■e taiy, annomiced lon lgh t d U lu Shank and he r mother, Mra.

J. M. Shank, will leave lomorrow la jor Twin'FaUs, the ir tormer home,• and then wlil drive to Uie c o u t and U tlicn back to Washington. ’ e Congressman Clark is .uow in . aouihem Idaho. He wlU return here

lomorrow night, and Pridny he will lake part In th e poelofflcc dedica­tion a t BlsckfooA

I Ho p lans'to spend a day In Poca- ^ lello before goUig East.i^

d ■■■ “.- address a meeting of federal emerg-U tney rtUtl otlMtts la Bolee-.-lomoT-:t row n ight he will speak briefly ind Burliy nnd w ed n u d a y he Is sched­

uled to a d d re u a BoiuRrtlle countyII bar assoclaUon meeting. ^

r s A Gls w ^ e t b r i a p

s A L- O F -

rrimmedI t T I N G W K D 'N E S U A Y ,

ally ow e i t to t h e w e a th e r m a n . T ri :d n t th i s so n so n . M o re lik e bn rga;

j m e n ' w h o s a v e f r cE C A N P U T I T I N - T H E I ---------------------R r r n f i F T T S ^

U P I .;[II up lo f 2 4 . 7 5 . Conlit m il

2 l $


’33a r can y o u f in d su c h c o a ts ! A " h t ir te a t m o d e ls . F in o fn b ric s i_ l iw u h t s izes a n d c o lo rs . A c o a t sa le th I o f th e f i r s t c u s to m e rs a t o u r s to

- S A L E -E a r l y F a l l S h o

^ __ Here ls ,a cliancaJoc-a-double-■ T . ; budget victory! M oner In your U pockei and choice ot UiLi w itunning footwear Uisl you

• cun p u t right on wear all winter- - and • Inlo - spring.. pumpe. Strap#, Ties, In lu rdr. kid, fabrics, and novelty lea- thers . . . A host of th n iien

O et here earlyl ,



E wcomr* '

^ Applioanls-Iot-fieetralnlnB-" Order File Brief on ;! . Appeal JI , --------IL BOISE, Deo. 8 COBlUlU-

tlonallty of the Idaho a ^ cent r t - laU sa lu u x w u a step nearer d if '

r - te rm ln aU o n -b rth p ld ah o cupremi court today u a resull o{>ths filing ol the appeUanla' brief tn Uie ap-

Ypeal from Ute Third district court.TtM appeUants are tha 0 , c . An-

deiwm Siorei Co., Ino., and p. k.. J()hnson ot Boise, who seek to res-

^ train Ben Dlefendorf, sta ta ooounb- . . slooer ot finance, trom collecting the of W*-.. TtM respondent, Dlefendorf, now „ > lM L»j» IltiUiU b r te f -

A fter Uiat Uie appeUants tiave 30 ,j. days in whteh lo lUe an anawer to ^ Uie respondent'! bOef, and the case „ probably wUl not be argued before ,g February 1, atlomeya predlcled.

i e e ™ III

i Cmi[i'01l[CTII(TE«; ---------y . ----------- ;^ Mllci J . Browning of tho Brown- f : mg' Auto compcnj-. has been named

a member Df the bo ird of dlreclon ot Twin Falls Chamber o t Commerco to luccecd Harry' Benoll, 'resigned, according lo announcement yester-

I day by PruldenV-G. H. Krengel and P. E. Haasch. chalrman of tbe elec­tions committee. ,

I>lr. BrowiUng will be Uisialled a t >0 Uia regular directors' meelhig a t r t Uio chamber club ro (n ii Friday and :* the general membersliip of the

chamber of commerce U invUed to »• a ttend the session, according to Kar- w old R.. Harvey, secretary. ,

Mr. Benoll resigned iro m the dl- rec^ ra te foUowlng his reccnt elec- llotf^UB to "pressure of outside bus- Iness." .

rc111 =

No More Laxatives — No t- , More Cathartics •*- and

NO CONBTlPA'nOK WHEN TOU L TAKK YOUR L m X E DAILT" D 03E OF KRUSOHEN SALTS.........{- 'Take only u much a s ^ U i He on

a dime In your niom log cup of tea in or coffee — gain glorious healUi — 1- phj-slcal altractlvencsi -> 40 cenls. ly At Wllcy Drug Co., and drugglsU



r E

jCoajls^, DEC. 4th :

Truly th e m ost sensational Rains you’d expect in F eb . -


G R O U P 2 v ' nade lo srli up (o $39.78

1 2pp $1 0 .7 5 '

‘hand picked” collection of xurious fur.H. and i« r fe c t th a t makes It w ortli wliiie store W ednesday. > Ip rn in ? .. .

o e s

” Vnlun l o t4 .« t

Page 7: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

- S iTO SH

— S T O R EAll D ay W ednesday


_ _ ^ s } f ^ L A A


„ ^ - y J YOU

/ G s ^ ^ f A l Ih tx t — ha v e a

t ' I new p it- d a j» .

T » W r fe i/ > 5 ^ I

lHrte«coi C whll« Iln

- - A. IY_ cQvcn wl^ ^ ■ ^ ' * * 5 ' PRIC

\ K ettle. / l i T > ?2.No.

/ K ettle,?125. I

9 Two'Co

S — ^ e v e n

i c J “Milm n Heavym I I *< ersw H l[a '~ \ \ ^ bottomj9 > 4 Reg. 53

9 - OttTer"j l ___________ respond

. . . .XMASSAtER

= =SrcractJiasTD -------- . — EFFIi

| ^ | l

' <t


- ------- — ------ RM ost beauUfuI and cfHc EN A M ELED outside with a life tim e. Ivory qnd m c r REG. $60.00 Value NOW O N L V ...........

■ — P M a

t n ® t t f o r ^

IM iE S ^a A RE I: C L O S E a ) ,

iay to P rep a re for T his ELLIN6 EV EN T

Grand Array

« W tw l< 1 0 1 I I W » /


PAYh e se o u ts t a n d in g low p r ic e s y o u 'l l ; a KTand t im e p ic k in g o u t th e

pieces y o u ’ll ne ed f o r t h e hoH*I.

EDERAt ^VOGUE** ENAMEtWARE»t deep Ivory eimmel with w nlU ry ) linings. N an>ttmlihlng CHROMIUM •8 vlUi bakellU knobi. ^RICES CUT FOB TlflS SALE -

lie , < i-quart, K eg . O A m

5. N o w .........................i-C o a st E n a m e lw a re B o w ls , D ou­

b le B oIkrA , P n n s , K e t t le s T N - G R E A T E R R E D U ^ I O N S ^ ■MIRRO" A L U M IN U M W A R E ’ . v y g a u g e a lu m in u m d o u b le .l^ l l* w ith th e h e a t s a v in g d o u b le b la ck o m s.................................................... •'•• .••••

.... $ 2 .6 9e r a ln m in u m w a re u U n s ila c o r. (ondingl y l o w . _____________

ROASTER Y ALIJE^[ | j H p Q H | H e a o * enaR ieled ^ ^ Q l ^ ^ H b l a O ' S p e c k l e d o v . ■ I ^ ^ ^ ^ l a l sc am -

se lf-bastlng )> ^ H B ^ ^ H | c l o s c * f l ( t i n g to p s H ^ ^ ^ f f ^ i n s l d e r a c k to ^ ^ j ^ M i t a ^ p r e v e n l b u r n in g .

i’'7 'IN o. 1 (Ue SrECIAL

W tiM 9SC/ r ^ K o - > »ite hold io-

pvuid turker. 12 r M ^ ^ l v »; V. pooDd r o u t

m k ' i $1.69T ..|N e. I tb e holdi K-

7 ^ ponod roBitMmM 'Y o u r C h a n c e t ^

S a v e


T o b u y t h i s c irc u la t in g h e a te r a l a s a v in g . O nly f o u r , m odels^ I c f l in fitock a n d p r lc c d to se ll.T h e . m o s t e f f ic ie n t fire*box c o n s tru c te d a n d w ill posl- tiv c ly o u t la s t o th e r s . F ra m e i s o f tw o 'c o lo r im ita t io n w ood f in ish a n d w ill h a r- m o n iz e w ith a n y ty p e fuc*

^ ■ - n l s h i n g s . ----------------------- -


S n o m j , | „18.|neh flrt- flrt-


i $4 |.50 |»36.S0


-Range— —1-----•f fic lc n t r a n g e e v e r fauift. F l l f ^ i v lth a fu l l e n am e led o v e n . W ill la st recn tr im . NYlth h ig h s h e lf .

.....:....:........: . $ i u . s o

B B B B i B H j j l i a

S a U[N A GI

LO O KAm)»iAKE «

s M W w t j’ W - C i

■ ' —

H ER Em SiryJM B e a u t ifu l p o rce la ln -

_ . b a se T a b le L a m p s -

9 A clo se 'D u t specia l IC .......9 8 c .m - • — I

i - . . -HO u r 5om*plete a tock o f

9 “ t h e a h a r p s la s h in pcj Q U A L IT Y C A M B B lD i

o r. A T . T H E S E L O W PU

^-------- —T h e la t e s t G A M D nroQ. L ily o f th e Vall

\ R e j f . J l . 1 5 E a^ G o b le ts , S h e rb e ts C

led m v /JV. N O L V .......... ....................


G o b le ts a n d Sherbe IAI* R e g . 51 .00

NOW-..:'........... ...................


"40% Off ■ ^CAM

^-------^ -C o m in g - a t - th ls 4 im « 4G L A S S I le m s a t a t r

, 4 b e a u tif u l co lo rs : e n* e rc u m e r s a n d s u w r s , i


H i g h Q u aI n iR SAYINGS ivhtn

I n . _____ ___________ M i


S em i-po rce la in 32-

i g ......$ :« • - . 3 2 E e . S E T G E ^

WARWICK CR e g . $16 .70 - C f < N O ^ V ............


E! .

~ . .C n k e .C o v e t .W l th .M e ta l T J f J i K ee p s C a k e s F re n h . H an d ) la s t C a r ry . " iJcau tlfu ! G tfrden (

D e s ig n . 10 K eg .' fl.O O V alu e



i H a ^I G A N T




[ i n 5 B j S 9 f c _

Th» P frff f t C l/t for MoUirr A ll-Am erican Pre*»ure

[----------------- jCQOKER

I E R E ^of fine, h igh-grade g lassw are a t PCjce.1 . TRICED TO SELL A N D IDGE an d FOSTORIA ST E JnV A PRICES. • ___

D G B -Pattem -----------A n o th e r-N erI’alley Delicate, LacyEach Reg. $1.00I C ocktails ' Goblets, Sherbe

....Q ^ V , ONLY__ ______f U A ............................. FOSTORIA S n v ........................... PA TTE « t * “ ....................-Goblets Sherbisi RN..........................w in e rb e ts Ooly.................................Reg. 7

m t% g% N O W .....9 7 V O N L Y ..................

SENSATIONAM B R I D G E '& L ^e-il-flv«® -)W j4he-unlque-opportti I trem endous saving. You m ustse

EVERY ITEM IS em erald , gulcl. rose and c ry sta l. <

“s, decanters, ccnterpIeccs, and o th


i a i i l y D i n n e r w aen J'OU purchOHc d in n e rw a rc N o w


Semi-porcelainIRN Reg. 98.50 32*pc. s e t N o w ........................

» 3 . 8 9 SPECIAL

C H I N A George I»1 A f i -Reg.S13.50 •

Now Oniy .............

1 T ra y ndy ton G irl -

9 c

S ^ i ^ a y JrWIN FALLS_______

ffliWa. TW W FALLB, IDAHO, 1

M sI C S T €

W i





Pattern f lT f l i l i ' Commaallyt S i H - 1 1 r u t e 1r * S J ; H B llrtr. e

. 'Wtre . e

J4 Pc. Set . * Ina ltruU ve

Wooden ICabinet j

.$31.50 J

. v a l u e :i t CLO SE-O U T P R IC E S . Y o u w il I D S E L L F A S T . Y o u r c h a n c o i ^ A R E Bt a frn c tio n o f .i ts r e a l v a lu e

fe w ^ P a t te n i - -— ■ ■ • ■c y 01,1) IV Y CAMI.00 . E ach . CRY■bets, C w k ln lls Hp

S i k ^ G o b le ts , .She~ — N o ^ v

. S H E R M A N . • o n l y ...........T E R N ■— ■■■ J jc t s C o M s n o c V A L U E J


N O W R e d u ce d 4 9 c E ach .............. ..

A L SAVINGS A S S G IFT W AIr tu n ity r ti^ -p u te h t ta e - lh e -w e U -k o o ’ t s e e th ls -d isp lay .[ S R E D U C E D 40%1. C a n d le s tic k s , vums. bow ls, a sh } th e r s to o n u m e ro u s lo m e n tio n .

iem bered christm

a r e a t D e e p C uo w . I'ricV d in s e ts nnd a lso a v a i ir ) U U D E A U T JF U L D IS PL A Y

X t GREATLY REDUC.A U (5 H L IN POPEE P A T T E R N m tt in . 32 .p c . S e t f ? * * *

c a At%Seml-Pr>rc<

. service now“:°"..3 ^ P c S E '

I P a t te r n W A R W I

E le c tr ic I m p o r te d

^ Sandwich ■». JO f"T o a s te r ,

B nudru l

P ^ n W Complete u llh. . H ftlim

OKLV s 59C- ■^ - $1.39 89c

Hdw. Co.. AHC


. C o .)R E-W I

M i

. u e s Xhit s FOR PUR- I sowed



REAL f l l i VALUE


Thl* ll a h lfh qiulUy while Ieup and tauerr wllh a n b . Ied dcroratloD arannd Ibe 1 edff. Yon can aHord a dot- v - - - cn a t th li pric*. «

Both Cup and Saucer 'BIx n Reg. 15c « « •" ONLY ............. . . . / V ,

A 'ill-bo a s to u n d e d a t 3 io o b ta in FIRST lue. N EV ER AGAIN

IBRIDGE lYSTAL ,Reg. KOc*herbets, Cocktails .

- 3 2 c


;ed to

lREn o w n T C -A J IB B U W E ^ r:;--------------

*mh tray s, coinpoles,

r»fAS GIFT 1 =

l l i i P r i c e s j Hliiable in open stuck

>CED "BGOSSER BSLROSE »ITTERN ■r c e la ln !iz - rc . S e t

$ 9 . S 9 Ie t g e n u in e - - H( ICK CHINA n

$ 8 . 9 5 I


3 ECEMBER * . 1B » ___________

-GffersT« JDieQppoi ID E EV

S T O R E C DUi Day Wednesday to Pn


— -------------- -------------------- --------------

ereJs_W hatiA w iiits_A BROOM BARGAD

hat Not Be Equalre"a<«eri'’gobd q U 8lIty four-row wed green housew m * a t o n l y ....... ...........9 7 ^

R e g . 60e v a ld a W H I L E T H E Y L A S T

Highest Quality Fiye- How Sewed “Miss '

Idaho" Bropms69c

R e g . 8Sc va lu «

Imported Tea An Pott

\ | j P .

( cap ( i t t . VarioM colon M d - B t i eoratloB*. .

O n ir 2 9 c m . U t


I n l

r ^ \ W '


H PrUCOOllfiHQr n,N iv ia V g / •

SB B / 1 1 ^

v < ^ p u

■ ■ I I M

] A Siuat.ty t I At This

^ = $ ' 6 ;!very* liouB ew lfe-can -now -en joy -th i n lx e r— one th a t w iil a c tu a l ly do t xpensiv£ f(K)d m ix e r a v a ih ib l e - ^ t IW. A pproved by th e U n d e rw ri lo rs

’o " ¥ o n ^

atonity- ^^ E N T . J

. O S E D’ r e p a r e f o r T h i s

} E V E N T .

lI oil. J L _ _IN I .laUed ^ .

II A p ^ i ^ a t e d

t n r popntar w htetllaf tea ketllo

Ellher Oleamlnc

fc. A 1 copper or

A lnmlnun a g S K K c r V.MR H ^ H h n o w

89c .


J wm m


9 R .'m n ;uos(‘MUE9. bowl UmVOCAQUI CUSS-SPICIUIV


'ftOTATING ■PLATFOaM ■m M n u i i T B - .......... - - —k a k U u ix in sK U iiu tM o u ■THOMUOH g

s Low Price

;;95lh e* iux tirr» » f* « n -« I« t« ‘l ^ "9 th e w o rk o f Ih e m ost -at a p r ic e s o a m az in g ly ors. . ~ . ___________ ■



Page 8: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

^ E V E If -M IN DE 5 5 # V o g » W

UM imiii)

sYNonis: Tm r wro*« *■ »t 2 ih* A m w tM to U>« •!* • "iteL IcUliNT O t e r f Fo*. « » « -toch». th*l b« pwpoMi io h»Tt U n ^•blpm m t 9t ( f i tp M S t ho l w u e « M to oee *bo « eo boM< ^-PM*)olhjr lU i MBo n lih t. Fo* ^fcjiowa (h«( » f* M tnmbto. fo r tho « natlTo fOT«nuD«jt U ralie^ «P taihe deUr. AiW rt Wwt know, iho Fo

’ lame ihliv . u d >* tliIn r pUno 1« bo In on iha |m v br wbenerrr »nd whwewr It tiMio.

. . . cWipUr 5* « n •... JjJ

TEIUIY XUIQINS jo. w m eti wtnt on. ‘•Dod'i *ilUin up '

_tht_rlY er_w .iU J,*-.«_ln toM d « vU) o t QUlAlAO IB U)» O lW . n Thttt itu lf. soe* »U«inl Um "Pw »- cc

toniKliU" *U'"SltUce oae, Otorsr.',” brwUicu Uie to

- f l r l . ........................................................... '••WnuW>ou mind tflllns me uliAl »«

iotiTe foJw JO t i o r Fox J»4)(Kl fxh UU Ulcly. »»

WlUett Mtfutfged. llo"Ilow do I kJtOK/ W an off for ihe J

docM «ui(l lake my cuc a> 1 50 aloiw. Ot Tlie ship clcaiB a t noon tomorrow." pti

■ “ AlJBlra fl/ckM Iwr glfartU nto Ujc wli

droRKfd' i i *petdy wiion. S « p on t l» CM »nd cuicb Uio tlsnnbi u you | " •ped by. , <>0*

"Cb you w uii to (0 tlonff. lm Ocorpj?" »?i« »»k«J JMily. “Or Jiew 1 ftbout ll over Uio radio?- ww

Two men looUns 1 her-on*-M *''tl'> tonbhed, Uio ot»er ilU i downright eer ■ppreheiuion.

- -H uhi-iald \YlUeii uncBrtalnly. arc *Xio aJoBj” . '

lunny Ujat waj'," Fox said Nel yapldiy. Ho -(eit * llttio IrrlUUd. IaI Bomthow' thoy mado Um f»el Uko Bn the kind ol a perw a who put hto loet ,»hi in hot water and i m uilard piaster «or

^ on fiJs c/i«{ e m r lime then wa* * yer drauBht. • ' M

Into golDi w . thl•'Loy off Uio looe wolf stuff. Terry. Bn

•Tomonow—" • Th-fonJjIH,- « ld WUteU, a o t ovta Jt J

lookln* a t him, -Uieyl* toadlng the , / •Pawjnlbo."’ Hll cj-e* wero oa Uio out BlrJ. fflo

Tonlghtt Aiwayi tool«htl Pox glo •wu » man In a leaky ro rto a t buok- (C

_jne.* .stfo i« .««rea{. «adJ!tt.toCTJt. — "Are you leriou* about lom e?"

H15 tjTleo WM elaboratdy oawal. “flpauM If you a r t IH 'bo to to go . with you, I suppoae." m

Ho p lim ed .- f ‘'RulB One Of thtf e«JeJeat rcrtjgn 5

OUlccr—'PromoUnK and proteoUnj (ho Intem U of Um UnltM S u i t} . M d lU eltlnnt."^ C

“Vwih," drawled ^ o t t . “ao thoy bbu ieft me. UllMi wtP ’ruuoB ~ w aen 'hq4^ mcs' thoae dothet. B«U«r c«t • eo*t> day

•-Oeorre.” ---------— ---------------- I ehaFox nodito4 aad itrodo up nat

th e path U naid th* L etatloa Olub. s WlUeii watobad h im 19. and then (or tum ed qvikiar »• th* ilrL |Ab«

"So i ts r . ’' hoidiac out h i« ;uu band.

•'You’r* noi w atttaf for him to a 1 jo m e ba«k1- Cli

He ahook hta h»ad. ' thi: -'X«avln( by a aid* raM. U Iher* wlr VM any t»«W« oM Om/«« wwM be 1

ricaught la a bad »pol."- _ ,_ * « Ho imlled. Bh* Uked W l *nlle. Thi

•»hll9 U elh In th* broni* of hU faoe. e*P and hU eyei crlttkli:^ U th* cor- Moi oers. ™

-Stay away f ro n iSoeix olsb t." Poi h* J lld eoilly. "No band* plajrto* or ma; ptopt* w av lng-Jun *om* damn ma ioou itumbllne over packln* boioa W'i

• and wlibinc Uioy wor* dlplwnau—" Wi t u rtrmoed hat' hand and tam *d —

away; loavlng twfund *oowttuiit Ih a t h * i hit him que«ly and pm m L t ’l

Back lo Ui» Job. Uj* ovtrlaailag G reat Ood Job. Wearily flghUng both th* Pal\-a and mallcloui red • tapfr-U w reoc* WlUeU walling for him, lookln* *»e*tly down (h* iH tc, 1 « 43 In h ll hand for all tho Chalklt ttu

Ills own hand t«nlaU\'eIy touohed tlx lilght bulge under hU left arm. 1

Oood mxUeln* for th* dook* a t Loi Jtojliuk D. A lovoly gUi la «-en!ng Mi 8OWU—poor > )X hod potiplred blood. in<

He went out Uie sldo o t tha l,e* 1 -gntion-O lub-ftnd-halled an ambling Bo!

cam iee.As a child lhe h id lored to follow Ku

choM a briui baiid aiul ihejSCe ttwid of marclimg {e«t. And whent I tho ring In lhe air iwMed she tuid;tln ulwuyl fell the s u t^ of a desire lo Qu kcci> alive thiK not* of i|>lrlted _ rliyiljm—wmchow.

Tue gudcni wvre rery ttulot, bul a nole aUU rang. A ih w - l ip i^ younK m.ifi had comv und Rone; oome her* , aided uy a shaldn«'kmbiuwy runner, of and Rone wllh a grin lor the wei'- (u Jfttc ut art allAChe.She knew Mu imd im

-»^cn.Ji_i>anMle—and..UiB gurilMui kc were vfry quiet. M:

mie got up rM ileuly and >wani _ back to the Ughltd LegaUoa Club, -

' allpping Ihrough a door on th* ter­race into a iw lrl of muelo and the |

S a v e D a y s l ,'U T rav el by Air to ;!B

~ " : \ SPOK ANE------- 1■-.A- PORTLAND . . J

— — CHICAGO— ^Y O R I ^ I

• Unird a 3-miIe-i.minuie, (nin- tnginrd|>!tneitBoiteoiI’tKitctlciinci rjve houn, even diyicopointt horiK, Clil,. wett. Kcoiwfflical faio . Two j'ilon. Sftwardesj servicc. H*»tH o l ’int. KS million milcj HyinR »pcri< fncc. Fn>ni DOISE (U ., t

■ '-C rnTSrm TlsrB pflk inrJ-hrrrl'oT trr - la'nd 2-i l>r>.. Sc»(Je •>}{ hr*- Proih .

' u.m.) to:Sin Kririci>co6hn., Chlcigo j lJSlin-,N c<»Y ofkl6)4ht». * rvfuieticiioruanitfn/orruit/dH^^^

Clukt'dnkiRoicnon.lW M.PitkHst^^



tf » a i g a a r44 -

I D ^ T H E - t A D Y -M G o r M B S S S

“ K n i t ■(rf"'fM {rra«lI“ of“ l ti r(M d ~ (tuit*, and cocktalk, and perfumM.

. atw .re ireyed Sh» *e*n« esHmai- lagly ft m om ent,.^lanetne It agaUiit thouaands of others, and then morad •tralght Uirough a poUlely Impot* tuning •Ug llne toward the conwr- Tatory.

U w u th e n that 7V>x found her. Fox with a topcoat buitoned about h ll Uiroat nnd a w ft black snap brim In-W l hand. »

••WUKU—?“ he.bejtan;"Jfe'« gone,” alie told him. imkln*

Into a chair, ••ykiiow. darlu«, ilio , lamp of reason Wnd ol b.ickfifc<! oa ycu, didn’t It? Why?”

, Why? Pox dldn t car* to toll h*r ] th l reaaoo. Knowledgrliki that wllh - ; Wm/a’TfftnrttiHhl'W raial.'-H e-rec- - . ognlzed a mercUna stra in of q-jlek-

allrer la this girl who had Icaraod } to a ik f a m . from nobody.

Th* lamp of rcaMii—Iic'd r.erer I loit It, Me only'kiicw th n t'ttie one - . thing In the . world ^ho recocnlxd

w u acllon, quick. nwnt.''n«>u< m - tlon.

: And llnccrliy w u a kcynola to . Otorge Pos'a characti-r. He kiww• ptrfcctly veil he was falllns 'ln love• wltli her. -r -»l-oould.chaM aft« r-h lm -C ± tJ} b . . .

[ i ^ b c n 'l . ” ahe advised brlcnj'. •>: don't th ink he Uktd th e idea of hiv-

. ing you lag along."■ Uer eyea ware kind. hone;'cr. Uo

ww nloe. be}'1e and somoihlnsi»Ui> r m of th lrcrow d dldn 'l havt, A , ceftaln Wylah eamMtncM, perhaps.

Dut attache* don t risk pro'*Ilng . around dockn.

•TOere'a .JUaMarr dancing wllh . KeU." ahe la ld tuddcaU-. " I dCjplM . lA U an; he 's followed ua from _ I Bueno* AlTM like t ecaraiglng ; 'ihark ta th* wake of a .-Wp. Do go , 'jforth to war, George, and unhorie • , 'yon varlel.-I Ue hoillated a moment.Tliere was

, yet Ume lor»lilm to - d u h out Inlo - 'U ii 'darkneaa like a new edition of ., Brcagall a t a Ilfiy-cent matinee. ,

Then lie took off h li cont and ilung I ] ( Into A chair.I Allaire watched him aa he «-cnt I out on th* floor to ipparaie her

mother from the,p<^l*l>ed, lelf-HTled globe-trotter. La-Marr.

■ (Oopyright. 1PM. by David OarUi)

(Conllnued in Next I.uiie) • ■

IOWA A B E R D E E N .A N G U S ^ '


CHIOAOO. Dc:. 2 OlV^A velvety bbkck Aberdeen-Angua rcnchcd thc prfearlour]jinnacle'of-stockdom-to- — diy—w tnotn; accoMde s* grand g

I champion steer of th o 30lh Inter- ' nitlonal livestock expoalUoii., I t w u a trlum i^ for low i and * (or farm youUi u well aa for the lAberdeen^Angui breed for •'P nfi

I ilu* ribbon" wiileh ^ o n the 8-day ihow l ma]«r award w u rnised. by

> a IQ year old Uawkeya form lad. CIN Yoder of Wellman. Cleo was Ul* youngeit breeder in years to

I win the ihow 'i cUmacllo aK*ard.I B ut "P»f# bJu^rlbbon 's '; rclgn

was dutlnecLto be ahort llv«l. On ', 'Thursday h ^ w lll .be led ftom thc ., expodUon'i royal s ta ll to (he auction . bloek carrying hla m aster's hop tt he

WlU brtDg mote th a n the 13 a• point la « year"! ctoamplco com-■ manded. I f he does. IOU pound 15 I month and Uire* weeks old "Pai'i 1 blue nbbon" would be w orlh wme■ |3I»9........................................ ■ -------------- '

■ S T U D E N T S A T W E N D E L L

r M A K E R O L L O F HO NO R e

! — ' N. WBNDHA Deo. J — Nineteen n- I ttudenu of Wendell high school _ . mad* thaJiopof-n>U_for th* lecond 1 tlx weeka period of *eliool. • ■ . 'nioe* winning hlgb honors m *: t Lorraine Anderson . P a lty Wnrd.{ Marian ^{ncQultry. Lewis Renua , and Mary stock. . ,. The 93-fij rating Vat won by ,[ Bob Aimuiscu. OpalJBean, Loaenej

Prench, Kntlileen Hiilet, Maureen 1 Kulel. Yvonne Koholi nnd WUiIa! k

• jStovenj. j _ J In Ui« 81-91 class were'Bob B a y - i“ l^tlnger, Vivian Caldwell. Ja m e s ln [I'Qunnlng. Orac* Mnlone, Elm* J c a i iU 1 _ _ _ _ _ ' •

I 13 EPILEPSY INHE3irrED? it CAN r r UF. CORED? ■• A boi'kk'i coiituhilng the o p in io n '

of famous d o c tu r ^ thla Intcrcetlns 1• lUbJccl 9-m b- ^c^^ FREE, while they , i last, to flns-,ji-iulcr ATlllns to tin;'1 EduatloifBTBlvWbn, D epi: » - l0 l,l

MS 1 -1 ^ Avr.. New York, N. Y. j

■iii™: [•mai] T O D A Y I

A I lc lu rn ! H t ,


; POPEYE__ * , ■ • ___


■ I r i L CO O K W n H ~ ^ T T f e R ^ : ■ IF I H A P T A -B IT T - -j : S H IP W E C O O K

. ri8-4.

I '' DIXIE DUGAN ‘ ,rS A y .W .O O N 'T C W ^ T H IN K

> - : W C R E A LL-B EIN 'A UTTLE . , MEAN'TO Dl» e - 7 / ^

fn ^ P o / ^ U V A N | r f r j (^W ITHAN(


(l PO P'S CAWOfi 19 Y ' t h /I vu ffT A iM in - m e n ) w h aI WITM A R IP IM TW' J TO I


‘ Jul. - I I I ■ i i M i i i 'n m W

I \ W i f m W .

u s a ------- r r ^ f ' , <-

Nlclun. U !a Hlel-ion and ‘ Merle 1 nohdi.I ‘1 --------- ------------------------------— r-

- BAZAAR- ' I • ; Dee. i lb and 81b '

lly U d lf i of StTMitb Day Ad , Tcntbt Chnrth a i lU Malo We<t . In Dnlldlng lately occupied by- , Club Cale. . ' \

' ■ ■

t e n i n T- ^ t m k. M ..

;i Thursday’i . Kye—8;30-p.m. -l.i [

T he E v e n l o f ,E v e n ts



nn G R E A T A R T IST S!


[ ^ C ^ U C T I N C !

I . D O N ’T W A IT ,J Until lumorruw tveiilni

f I to buy O cn r» l Adtnls-M ; slon t l A r i i ^ G t t them■ I today I t tfio Orphruni

i ho t OfficeI Only Rio■ 'Box sfllcfl open troni

. . 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. .

• - '— RtSElW 'Eb KEATS ^ ~>1.1: .

n r irm llo m by phone wccfplcd tintll t p. m.

T hnndiy

r . I n r i T T i i i i n i w w j —

,Y NIW a^TgTO FAIX8 ,;roA H *

^ rpopevEJ HE^s ft\ - IM ts w « a « F R O M / . i



' . 1

J K .Y M E A N - ' 1 - 1 W eLL.M AV8E riE )-BECAU5E DIXIE’S TAUD nrnJE •DON'T'. i.think vou / “ LIKE HER TALK IT OVEF ANTIN' AROUN' HER- sir' WOTHER GIRL'S --- , r<^ G

'THATHOLgN— I ■■■■■

^ 1

tAST tiMER TOD.\T Dlek Dowell - Kuby KfHer^ 1


H 0 , W IDNHD AY V O I ^ q ,


OECLKMD W ft« o h ) i

^ A N D A P R I V I L E S ^ t o J



- j

I — u N C tE jo t - .n 'a — ;

‘ T tlD A Y O.NI^Y!------------' MATINEE PRU 't:fi’; .iDM.TS • KJOOra.5

a s c l o c

B '

ill ' I .

j V t'J* AT 3:00 r . M. ONI.V: ’ j ♦ T H R S I L V E U JA C K l’O T "


■ I 1H 06i»

— A nd-lhe-A rli« i*-W raaile tm _ 1

n o t e ! l l ' r A i r in Fun.Tana-TTe N *«r ItmbB Our/»’rl<ei - Kmn!K3 1»c - Ain'LTS ts*;

8 . P E C T M B B E . .4 . a i » '


• ' - j - - i V - *

r f V


- ’'U H - 7 E L L M E , V — ,41- W HAT W OULD Y OU 0 0 I T H / IF VOU W E R E INI M R, \ ' B £ e STU B A D ‘5 S H O E S ^ A N W f > i ' F - A N y ^ C iA G O O D ^ V O U N G LOOKtN <5AL L I K E /T - I 'M SU R S I S - ? p — —

McX.ntl.1 .yivlirtf, 'i

I THIS .HOLE WA9 Af^p THIS f ^^OTAtAPE ^ - A * / ' A-SSVMfH

! 6NA&-THAT'C»'«V. U K e-Z k N1 U ^ v e A O A G o tP ) SW 9fl — f:

. c u r PBOM T?<e < • ^A XSO Ai Ba.v rowAEO Twe ) , r ' p o c r . '

»ir '

■ j E S w T


' E n ch o f (h c m c rc h n n ls I s .p u t h e re f o r y o u r c( Bcrv ice o f a n “ E x p e r t. ' '

U 5I0T 0R • 1 9 * n « SERVICE

I “The CarburetorI Shpp” „_ ______, The Carburetor li tlie Iieart ef

Yoor Cnilnr. 11 Govcmi Ter* formance a n i Ecenomy. Our £«•

I peri Bcrrlee U What It-Ncedi.

i UO"'she«h'oae"WMt

•AM Can Eqolpped With

; • - tow Ralet.On Oot-oNTown ‘

t i . l lo nr, Serrlc* .

— READ T H E SE -I I ADS EVERY' ; .^W EDNESPAY— - ] I AND^SUNDAY^ ': ■ ’W T h W w J S i T y i r N M d *

T h e 'S e n - ic e j r ^ i n f ix p « r t l '; _______________■

' •X • ■ ' ''



* >- f \

m i S m j L . - A V ^ a ! r \ ^

— -----------------------------------

f f M ' S O N M ' l l r r S E E M S k a U N A H E A D T H E E A U LK t o - f a t s o ' s . l i k e s ' f aJ h H O U S E ! r S K E A T D B

B y J . P . M c E V O Y a i

, 1 1 1 . r H A T 'S , l l

i e l i i 5 ^ c ig h t J - i t AteAN5 rrH c u r - eoM&Bocrf w a s jw th'kN If:^:-------- ^■tANoe WITH.M3UR O-F C O M . ANQ DEl.1BEeATEt.V OABO ■ 61ASHED' -QIE KBBL ZTH- V T O SINK I T / ~ j e A N

t-AFA/aSE WAS '*•


A N E X In(s I la lcd b e lo w « rc ‘‘E x p c r lf l” In r c o n v c n ic n c c . K cnd I t , u se il wl r l . ’’

M o d e r n i z e Y o u r

O l d M a t t r e s s

Lel Dl put nprin ti In' your olil mnt- I re n , a t , a . very . d . W

- nemlnal r< « rr t’all —J * " ' : u« for furtlier ltt< formation. .

T W I N F A L L S M A T T R E S S C O . *

JZ8 2nd .South

I W H Y ~. . . - GAMBLE?

C iv e v o u f f lc lf th e a s s u ra n c e o f S A F E T V th r o u g h th c w in te r m o n th s .M!T NEW TREAnS

____________ o n y o u r TIRESn.OM Mile Guarantee

■ n B c u n c T T O t ^ K B t r ^I t : 2 n d 'Avenne Wcit

T a c k fix - itW vV SlIE R S

. . _ g H lN RRR.S --------------------- 1 R 0 M E R S „ - _____

Any Ktod o( U B id ry e^nlptBcntl .

I “ — P h o n e s " ' ^I MOON’S

' ■ f ' , ...


4 ^ - ■


15 1 0 WE,') WHY WOULD I L , ^ A N EAPL BE OU A^mEQESTED N A ) ^ l ^ P £ E 5 0 N ^ . --------- -

and J. H. STRIEBEL ’

t e i £ t ;\l e t e a r ]

'—I W '

d/ A ^

Sl ffl ilj'/'. '• - g f I kI V ;

P E R T !In ihelr line. This cu'de whenever you need thc


^ S 1 C ^ ^ ’STRCME.NTS_ I


P i lO N B ^ S ® ^ "

Equipped to Do All Kinds ot Hauling,

: Moving & Transfer McNICHOLS TRANS. CO.

■ I’h. MO ’ McCOV COAI^COJ^h. 3

_ ".S. -.MtCoj-, Prop.r - ~G «nuln«A b«d£ta.C oiL O n!l------ :

. /trhe Q ii_allly .£fll^L ^»_ _ '

ELECTRIC WELDING. . G e n e ra l r e p a i r •


PHONE NO, m atler. wliai '---------brealta..we.«njl*. _

It for youi '

_ - SECFl*W^CrCO.-—— u a t i a Ate. So

Page 9: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"


=SevenlfSpwts~' Writers Sel^t

Palo Aild Ace1 9 3 5 E le v en M a r k e d 'b y A b-

---------- s t n c e ^ f - p i a y e r s - F r a t r '

N o n -C o n fe re n o o S c h o o ls ;

M osorip S e t s R e co rd

Br RUSSELL J . NEWl^NU <A«oel»t«l PrtM BporU Wrtler)I SAN rR A N ciso a . D?e.

font unlw rilty’fl Rose Bowl.bound fooibill if«m p liced fire plijer* on Ihe Ai40cl»l«l Pr?**' #ll-PMlllc

— ceM tiiriU r^tifiT ciU P C JM A ___ 7 •S«lfclloni wtre tho c<m«iuui

«uorU w lt«ra. coache*-tnd of* flel*U w countlna fo r lh« he*vl«Jt billotinc »lnce the first mylhlc*' tfxm «&* plektd In 1933.

James "Monk" Moecrip, SUtiforiS’* fleM 10*1 kIcUn? end, eUmaxe<i M*Miul pll}' b r m aU ns ih» te*m •forclhe .Uilrd..succeaslve ye»r, »n

. ».-Jilev«n(*l5l no o the r p lw cr h » •ccotnplijhtd.

Tno of hU team m iw . fullba^J, Bobby o rajM n «nd t*ckl« Bob nojnoldi, were nanied for the ttC‘ , ond tlralght time nnd tv o othefi' Ruard LU17 Roublo and c tn u r ’

’ Wes MuUer, e trned places to com- I plele- a Stanford landslide of al>’ s ta r role«.

. • 7» Pfck G n rio it Grarton, tnaU nr % tirlUlant blai

lo retala all America honors piin* • * 'e d - I u t year. PoUed tlw he*vle>l

■ vole, aerentr. o f 71 picker#. nam«l___ hlm-4 or-tae.hatikfield.-H e-dreg. M -

voK* for the fullbtek campared » (Ire for. Ed Novosroski of W u h ln l ' ton and one eaeh for Nello palasbl nf Santa O u a and Herb Schrlbfr . o ; St. i i u j ' i .

For tlie (econd succeulve Ka* ; non. Onlvecstiy of 6ou(liem Cali­fornia,'on:e predominant in a lU tw MltcUons. (ailed to place * man on the ( tn t team . Aaron R0*‘ 'nbery, fuard, and I r r Warburton' quarttr. K r« the l u t repre«nta* ll\-M. In WSJ.

Tills Ytar's eleven alto w u mar b . . *(l ty tfte »tw nco of pUj-e« ifO ^ . non-PMlHc cow t conference mem* bcrf, nffUbly St. Mary'*.’ a a n » CUra, O onufa t n d Loyola.

Qne 0/ the W jhllghts o( thc *» • j o n « u tho comeback o f ' LaW

-•i - Ufti.'Vnlveretly of Oallfomia-t*c- kle. vho piaced vU h a commandini vote. He made the 1933 team a* a Aophomore bu t waa out*sli*do»'M the following i-ea r ..

VenaUt* Baekfleld ' T h t 19JS team em bhce* «el|l>t ' and tpeed In tlie line, with a v<r- uU le. h ird -cha rjln» *ct o( back*- Quanerback O oddard' o( WaiiiltU* ten s u te , halfijack* Ohejhlre of lhe Unlrerstly of CalKomla a t U» An««ie* and Haines o( Washli'f* ton. antf" fullbasK 'Grajr^n! '* « sharp passers u well ait'vuuuitd* Inf ball c an len . Goddard Is a rV<f punt?r. ._ _ _ _ 'Tho l»«w th« «r1lk4threat ot the place klcUne abilltr of Moscrip. On th* otlier funlt. Jnck BrItUngham of oallfomia >* ranktd with the beet pass catcher* on the coa*t. Max StarcetKl'.

' w »shtn|ton guard, complttes lh*’ team.

; Two Comnussions To Name Champ

. N ew Y oi-k, I llin o is f a i l

^ ' t o R e c o g n iz e F re d d ie

F M il le r

I NEW VOBK. DM. Sift’f - 'n te I)* llnols and New York sU te athie‘l« commissions afreed today upofl,^*

'p lan 10 o tlN ra .w oria (eatlicr^it!|hc dumploc.^rreddle MUler of Cincinnati »

' /Tccomlstd by th e NaUonal Box> inc Msoclatlon a s world champion

------ hut-hli-tlU i-l<-iiot--re«)Bnl8edIhl New York and nilnol* comml*-

' Klona, which are not ^ tm bcr« “f the N. B. A.

As a preliminary lo chooelnl ^ x champion, th* New York Mmo''5'' .<<lon matched Mik* BeUol^ of tit*'

York s f i ln i t Claude V im er of »»* ton, th* winner to meet the w liulf

> . of a fljh t anangw l by the Illinois commission between Oeorce nuh^*

-mire ot Sioux Oily, Iowa, and I MuUlns, Vlnoennea, tnd.. a pair of

Chlc* |0 b a tU trs ..Th* ultimate wlnt>er then will b*

matched acalnsC Baby .Arisi><ndt-------of~Me«tco tn a WB Tlfltor -Bf-ihirtt ~ “ (iin » p r iru e -T e f» rte d -b r ih 'i - 1«

slale commission* u woild-ch*®* plon,

; SU m ealhi ap> the DUnob .■ New York authnrltle*, KhlsM

ler they would allow him six month*; to entase In a tit le -ttch t in either

sUle before recocnltlnc the N. A. chimplOTShJp. No *uch fljhe has taken phc* becauae M iller haa held

:— b u r ro n i-f iO iO w rr iir fn tw T -------

r T . - e . “ U ; 1 : o - P l a y -----------

j ' - - — I n - ^ a r - B o w l

• NEJV ORLKANS. !)« .• J 1* ! - LeoU atu SUt« a n lre n f tr and Tm*

, M ChrlsUan nalvefilty wm* - I w k

• “I

Graysos n r O H

I - s r i ^

:e H l i K S W B I


IftE Y N bL D ^l > T a c k le . ;Ul*. S T A N ^ ^ : -






??; T H E P A C IF IC C o a s t C onfer* icr U m e— S t a n f o r d — pU ced. f i r e 0 m* b a ll e le v e n . W a a h in g t w a s nex iJl’ ■*

S- All-CoasxeJl ___________________________

' « „ • J 7 1 ___" i i rto End* . Ai

, i . Jamea Moacrlp. S U n fo rd ..............ZJack B ritilnshim . CaUfomla------ 23

Robert Reynolds. S U nford------- -.23Lawrence tu U , CaHforala -.,..—...22 Guard*

‘I:, Lawrence Rouble. SU nford--------- 21Max SUrcevlch. W uhln jton

L Ocnler^ WesUey MuUer, BUntord ........ .. 21^ Quarlerbaclc

Ed Goddard, W uhlnglon Stale . ..20 ^ Halfbacks ^

r t Charll* Ch**hl»i,-U,Ci#.A.— - ^ loni Haine*. WashUigton ........30m* Fullback1" Robert ar*y*ot). SUnford ..............21

Second (ca n :

End—Eddie ErdeUti. SL Mary'a End—K ellh Tepplnr. Btanford.

, a Tackle ■«- U e m in SItbUr, 81. ltd Mary'*.

-- Tackle—Delbert BJorfc, Ortfon U.' Ooard—Roia CarUr, Oregon V.

O u ard -E a r l Bargeot, U.C.UA..tL C cnter^B ob llenrtg. C*U(oniia. !ig* Q n a r ie ^ D a re Dari*. U.8.C. of I ta i r - J e a Gray, Oregoa SUte.

JJ! V aU -B ob Uamllten,-SUnford. f t t r iJU -E d NowogToikI, Wa*hingten.^ _ ;• - .................. .......

j s jF o o tb a l l - A tnk.

s R e c o r d s 1the ________^

Increas€fi in College High as For

^ ' ■ By ALA^(A*soelated Pres

i n N E W Y O R K , D ec. 3 ( /P ) - C ( i p t c r i n s a s te a d y u p tu r n s in c e

cU ckcd o f f Bubfltftntial inc rc aa . II s e a so n . T h c p a in s rnnffed a s I

n o te w o r th y in s ta n c e s b u t th e w h 'o le p r o b a b ly d id n o t cxcccd

A cc o rd in B to f iffiirc s o b ta in ' P r e s s p o ll, 29 o u t o f 47 m a jo r tc n d n n c e . T h o rcm a ln in jr 18

jl- e i t h e r r e p o r te d d e c rea ses o r t h a t t h e y w e re “ n b o u t e v e n ”

ihc w t h J9 9 4 .-A j» l i c j* o f « c re c > “ conccmlng attendance was revealed

Ij a t several Instltullons. Incliitllng Columbia.

lion Tl>e g a la i BrnrmUy »'ere_ more by m arkcd 'along the easlern seaboard'

nl»* during one of the eporl's moet ex- of clung .seasons but the mlddlt west

and fa: w s t alw corfUlbuted hcar- ( a lly to Ull attendance figures. The Ills* souUi counltd lU blgtrat (oottall

crowd of a ll ttme when 4SM0 aaw >M* Duke upset North Carolina a t Dur*

ham on Nowmber 19. A record ^ols Rocky m ountain erowd of JJ.8M saw lilt* Colorado beat Denrer on Thanki- 0011 gjvinf day.' N o tn Dime F epdar'I be Notre Dame, with IU best t«am tndJ tn « « rear*, prwed tho country'*' iW riBttnrJrt-dniw lnttw d-by-it-W r-m ar- two gin: T he-irtsh 'heiped ittn e i"4 8 J:- im» 01» fan* In nine game*. This rep*

reaenlcd a big Jump o^tr their IS31 and m ark of 357,000 for eight conlesU, f.1!: T o r the firi't Utn* on record Nary

ouldrew Army. Tlie midshipmen I . pUycd b jfore 3MM0 In nine games

while the csdeU attricted 35«M0 In U « same number ol engage-

— menta.----------^Princelon. lhank* to Uie InlerWt

— in - JU - tmhfwlfn . campalgn.-ahoatd. a tremendous Increase. The TlgerB

1^1 drew 3Qg.0M In nine game* u com*

r — ed tonight a | th i t c ^ a le play In •« . Ih s annn*} Sagtr B ent loolhMlI

............r ' i —

>h Head€ l o T f f i e i1 F 0 R D P L A C E s l i

H IHAI N ES ll H alF b ^ k K

fe re n c e r e p r e s e n ta t iv e t o t h e Ro»< e o f .itg f i r s l s l r l n c f i n T h e A ssoc l le x t lh r e p r e s e n ta t i o n ' i ^ t M w o m<

■■■-=' " ■ 'T '

s t Elevens ‘Year Var.

- A g T w t r i l t r i S ^ H ^ e ' n j w n — ..2 2 IM fl-0 Snl Adena, Oblo.- 2 3 m e-2 3 rd ; Beverley HUU, Cal

...22 23< e-< Jrd Okmulgee, Okla.

...22 aoo 9.0 Jrd Santa Ana, Cal.

...21 m s - 1 1 3rd SanPruicU co ^ 2 ) I t s 3*9. and Morgan Park. Wn.

...21 2 » 6-0 Jrd G lindale, Cal.

....20 110 a-g 2nd EsMndldo, Oat, -

^ :? l- l7 M .ll-2 rd -L o * -A n g e le* ----------...30 J73 »■> Jnd Bfnd, OfcjoD.

...31 m <-0 3rd Portland, Ore.

Third toam:E nd-B tan liy Rlordan, Ortgon t*

' a hnd—Dan taxarcrlch . Waahtng- I. (o n ..81, Tackle-Bob McCoe, Idaho.

- TacUo—Sam SUwlAy, U.C.Lj\ . u G oard-W oodr Adam*. SUaford.

G aatd - KfchaA Baitf, Sants CUra.

Center—Sherman Chiroor. U. C ia. U A .

q oarw r-lU m er Logg, >Vaahlng*lOQ..n a lf-F lo y d Blower. CaUfordla.

1. 'H a lf-» U lto n ropoHch. Montana Ion. FnM -Frank Mlchek. Oregon U.

t t t e n d a n e e — ; S h o w G a in sge Turnouts Range as i'orty P e r C entLAN OOVLD P n u flporu Writer)- C o lle g e fo o tb a l l t u r n s t i l e s , reg ls - ice t h e d e p re s s io n " lo w " o f 1932, 'c aa ca in a t te n d a n c e f o r th o 138C IS hi<?h as f o r ty * p e r c c n t Jn som e lh e in c re a s e f o r th e c o u n try a s a « c d te n p e r c cn t. a in e d in a n a tio n -w id e A ssoc ia ted J o r collcK cs e n jo y e d In c rea sed a t-1 8 ? - ^ ---------------------------------------o r i pared with 178.000 In eight contcjti

'n ” l‘ “SO. Yale also rcglAtettd a „ „> l2UbstanUal gaUi;, w lth_M J,W ;

' nln* games. 100.000 more Uian the I Ella a ttracted In elghl c o n ta tU u i

" " » l « i r . -----------i OalUomli'a Oolden Bear* dls-

lore I placed SouUiem California a* the ard Paciric-Coail’* 'N o '.Tdfti«m e-card rx- Attendant* a t ten gam^s In which rest lhe Beam parUctpated wu estlmat- ■ar- ed a t M 4W . rhe - n ijt Ten RlraUball .o liio s u to and MlnnewU were u w rivals • for attendance honors fn >ur. lh* Big Ten. «1Uj th e Bucks en- «rd Joying a slight margin, Uianks te •aw the capacity crowd of Bl,Otl''that lU - paid to KO Uie Notre D,unc thriller

At Columbus. ■This crowd w u topped .o a l iJ u

lhe attendance ot M,00o' (or tlic tam CillfornU-SUntord game. Armx’i ry ’* j«me* -wilh Notne Oam ; In New la r- -Voflt.and lM ,N ik i a t_Ehlla<itlDhliiSJT- r tch a ltr a e S F* Rocky mountain crowds Just IS31 about held their own, on the whole. lU, wllh 170,000 reported for 18 gamei

u OenYcr. Colorado sod UUh unl- lersllltJ, Uw- main drawing card*. •

'Hie Inlensc rivalry of SouUierr /yn Melhodlst and Texas ChrUUan unl-

n r s ld t t in tbe- «ouUjwe,c satJfed totlLyh.ooV_aA t^ n j^ c 0 ^ w y e r a l

\J iimuKand over 1D34. Tlie erond ol rest 33.000 tha l packed T . C. U.'s sU-a'cd. i««t BatiifHij, y g j mujm]cers Urgeat In SouUiwoct conferencc jm* history-. 'D ianks-to the 50,000 thal

aW'6outhem-MeUio<U9»-tn-artlor a t Lo* Antelt*. against U. C. U A

r In tl;- MusUng* outdrew tl'.clr rlralj btU I93JCO-itri21J70 f lttt e ieh bsrln t


ds Stani' • • •

rd~Bask<F iW W E lE V E N I

P —P u llb s c k n

- " \

T « £ k l«^ r r * 9 H c a u f o r n ia I I ^ h i

toee B ow l f o r t h e t h i r d succeBsW * o c la te d P re s a ’ 1 935 A ll C o a a t f o o t­m e n w h ile t h « o th e r sc h o o ls p la c -

q DECEMBERr e iD A r , I

___ Ogltlhiry* (g) T t Miami (I*) _


' 'Cenfr* '**. WMtara Kentncky -Senth C v e lln a Tt. Florida -------L«aUlasa Teck r t. Taaipa

■m1 T ix u Tecli 130) n . O klahim a Cl

Wn. I SoBlhtm Methodist (3S) n . T *ui'<

i Washington (14) ts. Southern Cl ' Ortgon t7l n . 81. M a rr 'i U») ~

- Teaas Christian (9) t*. SanU C lan

------1------^ -----------SATURDAY;

' Fillaburgh (30) rs. Sonlhem Callfi U.C.LJ4. 16) TS. 81. Mary’* l«» —I'tah n . Hawaii ...............................

WEDNKSDAY 1 V. 1 Ing- sottthtrn California rs. Townie* ....

; K tntuckr State u . X a v ie r -------

A. • WEDNESDAY, JAord. • 1u iU Roi« Bowl G a n i ...............

SOBlhim Calllomla **. Hawaii . . C. E ut-W eat All-KUr Oame ..... ..

Ing. j — -' " T . . . ,

ana. Ex-Champ Barred = From Idaho Rings

R a lp h D av is S u s p e n d s Y ouni

| g ! J a c k T h o m iiso n ; B u rk e

M e e ts S u b s t i tu t e

BOiaE, Idaho, Dec. 3 Oll-B.llrf Davb, Slate lioxlng 'commlsslonet today said ho liaU "uidellultely sut pciiUcd" yuuiig Jack TtiompMii. for

' mer weltcnelEhi champloD, froa , tlghUng In Idaho, "ou t o( condition

{IS- two days before a scheduled Ilgh 132, v u given as the reason.335 Thompson, lii retirement thre

years, was lo slart a comeback hen 'niuTBdoy night agaliu t Jackli

8 a flurko of Ogden. A subiUtule will to ! UMd agalnM nurke.'Tliomptoii cotil<

lp(! I not be reachcd for cummtnl toniKh 'jj‘j_ Jand It WM ii'iKtrtcd he tiHd Id

csU I . '

" i j ; L o p e z C o n q u e r s

D a v i s c o u r l

dls- 8AN blEO O , Calif., Dec, 3 Ihe VUicent Lotvti, 330^ormerty of Mrx

a rd : iK o-ciij'"*nd-M ffiot!inridaho,-woi :ilch from Dick luvlM ourt. 330, Vlili nat- CalKornlH^n ih tir wresUUig maicl

h e n tonight. >- DavlKoufi iippartntly w m unabl

« r e ; lo cotillnuc atier eight minutes am f n 'f l r e eectmdi. Ile tald he dlslocaifi

en- :a thum b by striking a turnbufkK.ii I to a rln^ comer, th a tj • '----------*-----------------

" I F r a n k S p e e r W i n s ■ £*1— O v e r i ’ a t O ’S h o c k e iax ’s :-------Kew MXNNEAPOLtS, Dec. 3 i,tv - ihla T tank Speer. AilanU, pinned Pa

O 'B B o eK C T .'^ ttT U k trC lty r-li^ l Juit minutes In the windup bout of iujle. v i 'e s t l in g ^ n l lonigiit..__________mes — — ------ . ' '■imU .JO B SAVOLDI-^MNS-!*• SAlT PUANCIStk). Dec. J-J/P) - iem Jumping Jo* Savoldl. 300. forme unl- Notre Dame footi>ail itar.'-deftaiei Ifed We* Wltti* Davts. 349, of Flrgliili

lituJlJDUuilCUlLKtNlllDU&UiKll!I Of ------------------- :-------SU- 81eet Traps Wild Oack«nd-l-;aO O D L-A N D,-K ttr-T4T-~-W lli mco ducks were cspturcd along high tha t ways th this vlcfnlty whei'l unabl ilon- A. wings. After the sun capfi ou t ttie: iVals thawed ou t sufflclenUy to take t rlnff I t/ie a ir again, but not untU a -o u a

jhsr n i l n . . ; U . . .1 —

r s m s , tW lN T A L L g . IDAHI



{ A l l - C o a t

ll • I ESHIREI HilFbaekI . .I '

l v

Itc inn: x rlddera on th e m r th lc a l < o t - t h e an n u al concensus o f coache a c - t o ) .


Bentb....... ....... .............. - ....— NUbI iNlghl)



■nlhw est. Clly lOi .................. ....... Oklahima Citya i'A . and M. 10) ------------ CiUegi SUtioD

WertCaliforni* t 7 ) _______ X * i Angelei_____________________ J a n r ra a t lse j

lata (7) ...................... ..........San r ra a t lK t

AYrDECEMBER-14-----------------------------■ W eitaiifemla ( i ) ................... J . - . t o * Aagelti.......... ........ ...................... ....San Franeistt_____ HonelnlulAY, nECE>niEn u

WestI -...... - ''H ifta iu lu

............................New Orleani

iJA N ilSbtY i, i m • - I ■W M -

... __________________________Fa*adeaaII ----------Heiwloln.... , . ___ __________ __San Praaclseo

i B O W L IN Gf fA ' Kallonal u u n d iy bowlen romp. y s ed o n r the crippled Budler.Wigencr 3 team lost night to win Uiree straight— g tn t i . B. fcn l.o t .U n .y ln n ea Je ii

th a scorers with a single gam* ol ung 234 and 851 for Uie stflea.

In a minor league tin Uie Idahc■ Power WOJI two game* and halTee

one wtth Swift's Brooklltld outfit N. B. Nesby of Ull winners led scor­ing wlUi a slngli gami ol 1S3 ani!

, 1 , iiU (eam mate. W. (. Tanntr. « « JIIJ;’ h igh tor the series «lth.4H .

ro!: . r r Z ? . “i!^7si mrrom ------------ » ; ' ! » {g }?■lon-'l£??.»“ ..................’ \ii }S g 5 ilight B. I m __________J » m ISI SJI

t ,r « l T « u i__________ 111 m n ‘ ^ ‘1Hcrcf lu«»f ITfiencr icklB'neuUi . . . __ ____ in n* i** **>“ f e l K . i - r i ' r : : : " ; l i ; lU I ”otiM Oiimmy ne 14* i niljjln lliinim} . .J . . . .... m He Hi » 'I 'f 'j Toul .................... I ll HI III in :

' l«sh9 rowrfiK. n. H ttb j_______ns HI lu <tn u m m /----------------m u s l:s 3J:no t M tciBK -^izT-iii IU in

- 1- W.-t;'Ttnntr-:::=z..; -in-*7-W. I. JibB ten-------HI H> IM 41!

■ T»Ul --------------- U> 7JI l lH li l'I','.--1 BmktUlV

’Vu»»«____________-1» }» ^: I W ^ ^ Z Z . _____ . I i i " j u “ in ~ n ;

aicii S r r 'i a '. j : r z z :z :m } * M n - «

i T O U I............ .......«» J«e i « « tand ------- —atta

. I', ANO I 6tsr ■

[PEACE Of Mihfl)

ated B E A T C O L D W C A m R -

, g : ! s a i f t H O N E Y

ilgh.lable ■ j | j u p | l j | | H U H p p | H

j T i •1 ” I Je to ■ J - T I V. J V I ^


S t a r t s GSO C IA T ED P r I s S

1 5 ^ 1 9 3 5 1

r ! ' p S f f i q B B S SBno C e n b a r I


ll eleven scored one each. K ot « s ;heS] officials, s p o rts w ritera .an de

Utah And Col hi) Nine Stars C

' Mouniain F;sjl935 Eleven Feature; :iir , And Stonewall "°“j Players Callc(“JJl DENVER, Dec. 3 (/P )-W h i

‘ ahead in tho football world, thc — T c a n T s e l c c lc d 'fo l 'n ln r i^ S B T ?

. seem to h ave it.1^0 Power, speed, defensive toirg iniu fiery s r ld battles—all aro wr

' winninar th is year’s honom. Iuiii A bout tho only th in g i t docsi rani'of tho en tire conference.

I . Colorado and U tah m ade s v irtua l "closed corporation" ol th e all-<onference JJneuit win.

i - i- nlng nine poslUons. Utah SUle which tied for the champlooaiilf wiUt Oolorado. and Denver divided

= ; the two Place* lett by Ihe Buff* anc

T ill conference coaches and (oot' T ball writers wtro asked lo nooUnali

th il r a ll-star teama and (rom a poo of the ir (Irst string rotes th li lm'

np- pre**l»B'a»gregttlon-emewed: ner d« i R iuhhart. Colorado, ane « h t Thonilcy Swan, UUh, end*; ^rcc M . l»«h ' .n d W «ller DfU.> Ot kill, Colondo, uckles; D are Mut'

phy, Oolorado, and Alex DrobniUh aho Denrer, guards: ’Harold Roberts I 'ed Utah, center; BUI <Kayo> Lam, Col lfll. orado, quarterback; Dei M ar L ar tor- Mn, UUh. and K ent Ryan, UUI and s u u , halibacks, and Eddl* Wagnei «as Colorado, fullback.

Three SU nd Oot HuYe of Uieie players, la Ut* op

4U Inlon of Ul* pickers, ilood out (oi J** the tr striking play aU season. T hui J ij wer* Ryan, Lam and Droboltch, u t Differences of opinion m elud la

— to a hoeanna of praise where then Uiree players were concerned.

Every voter In the poll wrote dowi <*) Ul* name of Ryan, U U h 'S U te 'i

flaming Iriihmaii. who won Un ■«» conferenc* scoring race with 6i *» polnl.% and did evpr^ thing rls* wlU

the artistry and ’nonclialance ot i born fooibaU m anei.

Lam and Drobiillch wera prac ttcally as popular, each mlsilni

*1 unanimous choice by the margli 4H of one vote.

-474 -D R rtnltch-»«*-U i* kiud-o/.guan lha t 'm sk ta ep m y fullbacks icel

JJU another way abound when trying ti pick up a (Irit down through th< middle or the line.

^ H tre is tiie aU-star second team ' h j “ JUltyrColorad6”coHfger»nd lU rt

4U ‘S.;

• [ d in e s QUj, M IN ED AT


“ STOVEl “ S ~ N U T “ ...— .r:::r^8.:

r - 0 ~ p E \^ zn iz z z r i: '1 O SLACK ____ 5.I ’ T - FLC

^ " s K ^ p e d in IJox C ars—SI — -j A lw > ys_G ltJ

H A cross th e T racks Frora S — O.S.L..Pa8senger-Depol.

m '


f l s C o a s j

kidifon:S TEA M : ~


ro] _

K V X ire:-.^

BBISTANTORPa s in g le e le r e a p laced a m a n on d e x p e r ts ^ th e gam e,->-(/P) Fho -

o l o r a d o M a c i f *

O n A I I . R o c k y

F o o t b a l l T e a m

res G reat Pow er. Speed 11 D efense; Three iled O utstanfling ..

V hatever it is a team needs to gei th e all-Rocky Mountain conferencc r ie a W n 'i» y ’ T lie “ A '8 -5 w lS lfd T rc i!

i tfg h n e ss, e x p e r ie n c e b o m o n m any w ra p p ed up in t h e e lev e n p la y e n

Dcsn’t hav e Is a w id e r c p r e s e n ta i lo t

Ic a man. Coiorado s u te . ends: Lal ’• o f and-T. Murphy, Greeley s u te , tack „ i„ le t; Ptterson, VU h Btate, am

Mureft, D enrer, ruardi;,W oor*7Col orado, eenter; Rasmussen, UUl s u te , quarterback; Kramer. t^Uh and Orlatt, Colorado, lialfbacka: stringham, Brigham Young, fuU' back.

oot- • ______________nate ^

Cl Champion..Qui s am Exhibition ToutFYed ,^ -PH <}iaaXr-ArU ,. 0*e. I . l« ^

Jamta J. Braddock. world'* heary- "i**' weight boxlnf champion, le ft bj

train loday for New York, abandon- Ing an exhibition tour through, tti'iWUtllMlt. .

I t -KU reportod her* Braddoc) »-as suf/erlnf from an Injured llg' tment. but tlic cliampion and hli psriy were already en rout* hcim

I op . and could nol b* reached (or com' ; for ment.tie** ------------------------- -...

lln. B ask e tee rsV ie in ' Jun io r H ig h Gamei

B |h [ m ort llrU IwuIwiImH le tm ihB claUltd ytJlerday In the Twin P»01

, „ junior lilgh achool Red*Whlto hooi *iu,ironlM t. 'The sextet Irom 013 gan . . 'I tliriiia ldens trom Oil a tough acraj

In a 9 to 10 vlciory (or Oil. Roon j n trounced 218. 13 lo 3. room 11 ftll M m onslaught ot 013. 15 to 3 And 314 «ro* out on the small en<

^ ot I..-9 too , Iray with 114.Ilm/v1 ____ .leek Vlai* OeT 'S kyK piSet'TU tk'^''lg 10 CHICAGO W — The akyscrape

the motif h u Invaded milady'* boudol In till form ot a p«r(um* Tlal rack

^am; shniii her*. wlUi Uie bottle* buMdUrt-‘ tng-tip lnlft a-modem-*kylUie.e((ecl


RI C E S ■ Esack «

A tT ard n tllrtred m i b a P

“ a o . — . 7 . 7 5 = ^ 4 0 0 - '

5 .2 5 ............. 6 .0 0 ......._ . . 3 5 c ®F I M TAX H

::S lo rc d Iri O o A re d -B t t t s — %’< u - !t C lean . D ry C oal.

o t P h o n f e 3 7 5 |.LWOOP. Mgr. .

it Tealii« • •

1 DebateJ Coaches' D i^ e e |

On 'Slow WMstle, And Lateral PassBlocking Beccmcs'losl Art''

■' S a m e , b tf lo la l- D ec la re s !

I Mentera Express V|ewi

By KENNETH QBe S o BT ‘ (Associated Prts* Sport* Wrter)■ ATI/ANTA; GaTDcc. S-(/r) —An assertion by Frank Lane, Big Ten football offi-thfs Dcasoawas Just "glorified backetbiill” and that tho "slow' whistlo” and attendant lateral- passing had mado blocking a “lost art” hns stirred debate amonr-Bonthcrn toKchc8rttF~rorablo and oUtcnrise.

Seme tak« the view tha t th* "slow whlsti*- and lateral p a td n r have brought about an Increase In Injurie* by decreasing the protee- Ilon for ball earrien, whUe- o tben se* no reiuon to become alarmed.

Tech Ceaeh Dtsacret*O' m u ia rn A. A lm n d s o( O tor-

gla Tech; who**'team 'UUIIIM'tlw • _ isleral pos* about u often u any “ team In DUle. d lia g rm wlUi X*oe'*— vlem entirely.a *^t I ru been- a very InUratUng

Kuoo,'* h* says. " A im .h a s been good blocklnc and good UckUnr.

f 'The alow whUU* keep* Uie |tm a ' and^oes not cau u Injurie*.'* ----------H eartI«r_(lO inU _jA n(lfW on_of.M NorUi oaroUna SUU agree* wlUt ■■ U n* th a t laletaU ahould bo per­

mitted only behind th* tlm of . J acrimmag* and 1* of th i opinion

Uu *low wtilsUe t i u lemlted In ad­ditional injurit*. He dot* no t b«: Ilar*. blocking h u become a l o i t art-" . . 4 ■ u ‘

r a t i n Old «*1*^, Bill Britton. Tenneaiei'* bead

; e t coach, said he b heartily in favor :fce 0( going back to Uie old nil* by . , r which, tha n tr m falls the h*T1

dead when the p la jtr 's (otw ird progreas ts (topped. '

.ny DUagreelnc wlUi Uw stow wliis- e ra tie. Coach Bem li H. Uoofw of

Louisiana SU U . u td he h u seen , a t least one t t r y fine back Uowed

down thi* year "and possibly knock-— ed out of an all-America poailbll- Lalr ity" by attomptlng a lateral a(ter ick- being uckled.and " I think," h* **yi, " t h a f Ui* 7oI- •o n n a l whistle, u fn (he past, U u h The only sa(* thing."Uh, ■ —:— ..

S Sliarkey Barred Ih Rhode Island

PA W TOC K ctTrT I , Pec. S - Charle* Reynolds. sUte boxing oom-

J p mlMfoner, lU d (oday Jack Sharkey, (ormer lieavywelght champion, would not b* alknred to ligh t In I l l i w I. Uiw l Us 'u l J the

’*J[* w u baied on Shatkey'* recent bout wlUi -uoknown- Winston, Hart(ord. Coftn.-, Nero^_______

Babe Risko Signs ^ Tb Figh^McAvoy

NBW YORK, Dec. J W - Bab* RUko, world mlddlewelgbt boxlnc champion, and Jock lIcAroy, Ui* BriU*h UUehoIder a t tb* aam* weight, t o ^ y wtT* m*lehM by

ICS u o d la o n -^ a r e garden (or a ten- round non-tlU* (Ight In U » gar-

anu den December W.' •

lOOp-------- ------------- -- ■ ' ■


SMOKED.’EM FREE!iper I f y o u a r * a “ makln'a '*imok«rwhc doU' woold eojoy rolltos a b*tter ciga

^*tto, heV* I* a timarilkbl* &e-ri*l recL •• <lown yonr alley

Roll arid *m6k*'WPrinc*'A tbiH cigarttte*. If you don 't u y they ari

■ ■ th* b e lt roll-yov-pwn dgar*ttoa yoi • r e r bad, r ito h ) l i* tin witb Uji rest of lh* tobacco in i t to os a t anj

. Um* Tithia a montli from thi* date " and We will refund yoar -full pur • cba«*j)rlc«, plus poeUge.

Prlnco'Albort h u to u tis fy you. Aod w* believe i l will. For w* cm only cbolc* tobacco. Theo It Is “crlmt cu t’* for e u y rolling and ilow, coc imaklRg. All " U te" It remored t<

_ .jnak* prince Albertmild and delicaU

ta-ilubig S.ounc* *coDomy tin . SQ i t ' i

'l litle wwider'lhafTfieB 'ara-^ifcl:; , iBrwTriB«rAib«ftr*’Uir»ojet5r: . rolJJoy'am oke,"backedupbyiuch*

fair and iquare offerlHar* VCM tried Prince A ibert Voa ovei It to ywutcU to know w bat Ui? dltTerenc* U. P. A.

U- goef-mtchty-riwt»41y4a,a-Bipo-kiQ. (Signed) R. J- Reynold* Tobacco

— C o n y ^ -W tn 3 tw » S a lc a ry .C .—

' b lHKMBlHTn J j i W i l . s i w i i l i C i

' . vAQBivSm

Page 10: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

I s i O C M i i T

j s i j f j i f f l G :■--- ' T

L a s t-H o u r R ush A t t r ib u te d p

■ P a r t ly to R e p o c led I

P e a c e M oves I!'C II


MARKETS AT, A GLANCE ”(Dy ItiB AiwcUlcd Preia) r

}tTN Y oaK :Sicclu: Slrons; rails n o d

mctaU IfAd nttvrnooii rally.Donitf;‘Sic(ulr; U. S, govern-

mfnts iiiid )o*'-prie«<l nil* in^de-

Curb; HlRlicr; miccwUW and fllL, rally. “

fofcijii e.^chaiisoi.; MUcil;. 5olirc iirri'iic« dreliMP. '

Cotton: 8lc«rty; buliUh AAjS, atfcage uinoun«nieni.

Sugar: Steady: steadier apol_

Ccrfcc: Steady:'trade support. 'CJIICAQO; ^

Wheat: r in ii. KufOiiMii con- iIiifnlKl >Njyiiii!. :

' Com: ile'^rwcd of(er-iiiRS prcdlcl«(l7”

CitiJf.- D«'vi m iii'? flim; ton T. »M.W. . f

Ilog.s; S'.'-i'dy in i r lu'icr; 10(»■ WM.' " ' . , - 1 ,

Uy FIIANK .\Ue.MIU.EN (Aiioclatcd Prew Finniiclnl w rller) oj

NKW YOilK. Dcc. 3 -A last-hour bur^i o: buymg wlticli left llic lick- u r r behind llie maiktl. diov« tiocks

• up Jor ne t Ot 1 u* < polnU loday. ■ • fo

Tha latfl demand, wWcii came on „lhe hecU or t nokYment vlilcli li«d i,, been nuletly hlittier. was allrlbule<1

' In brokerage clrclea partly to rcporU q,O iai-pcaee.ttom wero under way «looking 10 leiaenJent <rf llw lU lo - ^ EthlopUn dlspute.'It « u aUo-re> mar)icd ihat lhe market recenily

- may hare been ovfi»Wd. ' -------Q rb t ;or lhe irudlnc mill had been

coiiildereU tencrolly (avorablc and, | q under ths leoder»lilp or the rails; metab and tpeclalUeo. prices had ruled moderately bUher up to tba

— MTlval-oMh4-repcirledUllcinDl»_^t u llQUldallon of lortlsn hoillllllej.

Al this Juncture, llnanclal observ- '^ e rt tald. ohoru ununbled to cover

and n]d-ou( longi'made h a s t | u> 'replace commRme«U^W ^had aold > recently owlnj to tfitfs ol ■ wlden-

. In t eonJUet. vc.Measured by The Auoclated PieM

average of CO sloekt, the market ad­vanced M to 55.1. Tlte rlM i-qunlled that ot Nm-ember 2J, and w u t te

.• Tnuuactloni totaled D M S K ahares •{a lnn 1.565,300 Monday. 31.

New U lih for Uall*. - The average oT. IS rail aharet wius 3 ‘

up 1 polnl lo 394, a new hluh (or 3* 'm e year. AnalysU aald Ih i occumu- 3* 'U ttun was attrlbuiable to lhe best 3‘ octobcr operallng income In live 3

. yi-irx nnd to llie opinion Ihat Uie 3> ouUook lor industrial improvement 3' ulter the lurn of the j-eiir wUl bring 3' lieavier movement of Irelght. 3a

Ttia buylJifl of metals was put 3« down by somi to a mild revival o( 31 inflalloa talk. Amertcaa MeUi a t 31. Amertcan Smelling al OlS and := McJwyre Porcupine a i 3»li, had 3s gains o t I to more (huu 2 poliiU. 3t

Radio *B'* prelened ihot up fi 9^ pobls to MK, oUte: prominent Is-

.sues with gains 6( 1 to 3 or more 3s polnu were Allied Chemical a t 163?. 2 '-

- American Can " a f HO, Amrricnn • - Telephone a t 1ST . Belltlelicm Steel

— »ri81l7Chr78$R-8t-9*Hnlem«tt<Hiel- — ■ Nickel iit43 ii and UB. Slcel a t 47S.- - ‘ * EsUmates of a good holidays trade ex

atlrncled buying to the STbtt-sharc*. a ■ N(

• ^ ^ ------ M• T W IN FA L L S M A R K E T S

TH* TwlB tn*tkei-ipc..Uvniscli m

K 'S S 'S , m s% r= d tS 5UMcUf,,. IK.JW 16.. «

-sssptinr umm ^ _________ ..» rw

• u.i« ”IIum.W.'k'o- ll ........ ........ lie 10 «kIHIMCU, Ho. U __________ ___ « c Pl

. J l t u• r»uinj ^

" t s f .rd'.orr.! ijf'i* I ’r- Jct.fStiu:n uioutr* ----------- -- 1.


n;nimffl TQilifji

No. 1 hna ........ ........................... :jcINo I Ul(l ’liciu - ____________ .O'-


niil!arI«J. Hi> i .........

■ Hinill rnU, No. 1» ______• . . n oo I!— nmsTn«tr-«cr*r« —,..r-----I>UlUU ...........- . . . . ..... W (M„

: . wtieat-mnrt-Sllll t t t i ^

nt«n; 11 qHlcxJc toed. lOO-pouiid IntA .l I J i °H;t>cl; rood, 100.po\iad lol* '

. D«u. lOO-wuiid io-ji____________Wr tliaflfy. lOO-poiIiid lo U ___ — — t-W

— ;;fj'ffiinn-nttnar.-lgiLJBr_-: ■ _ _

■UlnilP", iiimrJy ^

Ctlftr ------ — —-------------,

. . - a u ^ ^ f - . r ^ d i * i n i . j j ,

. 110 iiid »il!>

------------------------------ ' — — ,f

Stook'Maj<ct Averages

1 (OsapUid br Tbl AMoeutfd rrwi)1 ,J ,J DJ

'5 i: ■«*. i sd r 47 ' j : , ‘% r «« {

MODlb 0<S -.IJO ii-J »■; AiiS ',!K = S i S:i ili Jin s w5r ;_ 4 » J u.» Jl# AiS l 'io» I T I ' I 3l!t A

- { g i r = t i r T i i T s s lit;? 5IWT loV . _ Jt.a MJ « u s u A

' -Trend O f ^ I staple Prices |s

“ N B ^ y d n K T O c cT a - nit~A i- ° soclated Press wliolcsulc price In- c dez of 20 '«as1c cummoditiH today gadvanced to 75.70. a.

Previous day 7S.M. »cck mo *jJ5, om onth ago 74M. year njo 69.10 o

Ranga of recent years; g . . .W35 IMi 1BJ3 o

High _______70.44 72,5i 61.10 0Ij o v ' ...... .....;.69.H SO,81 ' JBJT g

(1020'average vquaU 100< d^ Kl

H nt m ■ ■' ’'1^ ®wero mude by Mucy a l i Sears Roe- o buek a t C0\ and Moiitsonirfy Ward

la t 38!;. a;I Case led 'llie lann pqulpmenla ^ with u gain of to lbl--,, Cater- ^ pillar Tractor rose 3‘i- to and ai International Har\’citcr 2 polnta lo O'

> 02c. ■ ' illf The over subscription or t h f new ir- U. S. treasury Isiuo K» e a lUllp }"* to (he bond nrnrket. j<,* Tha Frencli franc rulfd lower In k<

foiclfn exchange dealings on re- ^° pons th a t the chamber ol deputies ^“ had suspended, Acssloii today w in g m^ to a pohtlcal dLipute. II c1um.‘<1 down ^* .00*4 of a ccnt n l 0 J 8 \ cents. The m ^ pound sierllng was ui> '.i of a cenl u* o t ....................

y * METALS kI- “ NEW YORK, Dec.-3 yV;-Coi'l>er « ' qulel:'electrolyilc, sp<t and luture ^

li 18.25: export. 10.75 to W80, Tin H' 7 steady', spot and nearby W2: luture g ' (40. Iron dull: unclianged. Lead p,

; ateady; spot, New York UJO to p« »* J5 ;-E asi_B l._ t*u l.'!_$U l. ^ -

QuIel; East St, Louts spot and fitiuie■ I P3. Aluminum 119 to I'-nJ. Anti- I ' f mony sp IH.75. ac5 _____ ' BAR HILVEK ct

* NEW VORK. Dee. 3 i/V^-Bur 'sil­ver qulei and unchanged nt cs '.c. ct

* OOVKll.'.ME.VT BONU.S elI NEW VORK, Dec, 3 (,!■) - Uoiid * p (juoiatlons: - ^

* 4V.S «-52 , JlSJ su 3>^s 43*45 . 105.10

44-54 . , lt0.:!ts 3 ‘ts 40-50 , 103.1 3.:r 3»1» 40-43 J u n e ....... .— J074 «* 3 * ,v » - « . .--- 10413 to,f 3*i»-4i.4S-Much’ '107.17:e 3 '.s 41 ... . 107J0 tle 3'«s 44-4( . 104.28 s(II 3 '..s 40-4« .. 103,11] SI g 3'iB 49-52 . 103.14

3s 40-40.............. ......................102.18 flIt 3s 61-65 - 1 ------------------------- 102.19 wIf 3!»s 65-80________________ 100. aA Federal fa rm M ortnge d 3 ;;s 43-47 .. 100.d 3» 47 __ _ 101.10 tl

3t * 8 ....... . 100J5 Cfi JW S04-___________________ 103.18 n:

U n u Owneti U a n Se 3s A 52 „ 100J3 2.. 2--.S 3fl-4S .. 2.11----- . .. ........... ............ .... ...... a:l -------- I;:

I.' - NBW YORKvDec. 3 M>)-Jtrclgn ll t exchange irregular; Francs demand 5. >> 0 .58 \; cables 6.58^; Montreal in d « New York D0.87S; New York in i f " Montreal 101.12!i. “ • . lo:


money steady; K per eent all day;« prtm# cbmmertlal paper • % per V ccnt; time logins i le n ^ '; 80 dnys- . « 0 monllu 1 per cent offered: baiik- ^ ers acceptances unchan([ed; redls- S count Tate.-N.-V,-Reserv«.baol»,-IV Tl« _____ ______________ B


nouneement'of llie adinlnlstrallon't ’’collon program for-1939 v as XoUow* f

k: rd by acllre buying of collon todny.>c Prices advanced 12 to 34 polatsr- ”

ONION ^tURKETwJ cmCAOO. Dec. 3 (/!■) (U SD A i- .<=• Onions: Jjupplles mt>dcrnte, demand J

r.low, niurket steady, belter leellng ‘lc preVBihng: most receivers- holdlnc , i (9 t-J '‘£her priccs; track tales to

Jobbers; Mlnnrsonbraacki-.TJS-NiT *lo I., Minn, yelloM's 70 per cent 3.1nch *'

Iiiid liiruer tl.OO. 30-60 per cenl 2incli nnd UrKrr 90; Idatio Valencias, ^

1: 3 mell niln, no early aales reported, ^it nr,W ns-|lJO -25,-3-3-lnoh-no-early h

Miles reiioricd, asking $l,I0-15.. ' J


K- celpts; nutter 173,WO lbs.; chec<e I no lba.; eggs no cn«3. I'■Outter’iiichanjed.EkSv Candled clinnSm all extrM v

Iroiiltty: lfen.\-. nroller.1, l - l ' j Ihi.i

i : i : m rr i ’:.2 iM b5, 21.

* • s.\.s rnANCISCO rnoD U C c ■ i ___a,»LS rn A .sc3 S co ,-D c c- i- i» r— o

••n:nierrat'33;;.. . — '. ' ' . Jg;l===flotaii»to.yU»l(M00 I>;iA (11‘trlci lone while* $!.C0 tn i., |^’-sl.15;-No.-2i-BSc: - Burbanks-»1.7i ^ tn IIM ; 6r«vnn Khimnlh dblriei •

N-' H.'-i CIrm.i i r fi. Ill I l.U lo JI.D''; i.' fc» j ; to 1*10; Idaho Rusjcts V S

Ti S. 11.7.) to j;.ao. <:o ■ 1‘riiUr;-: Ilro:l^r.^ S!'- to 2Jc; k

iv.vtryr. (drr.v.-<lt 23 lo 25c. tCurs, I;iri;p. a i ' , ; mediums, :6V.-; ?

5in.ilL-i, J t ' j ; i)i;tter and cheese.vm-,I- C tlprd:

.CHlfAOO PRODUCE , r <c .. CIIICAOO. Dec.' 3 (,p>—Poultry:': w l;vc, 1 car,‘4l tnicks; Meady; heiw. 0, lei,t than 4S lb. IT ic . 4'.4. lh.'- «P-

J= «prlnKs''.I9-lo SOC, cljlpred 'lfl!l .to lO’ie : I-cshom. chlcken.1 15e; hen , turkey:. :.’c. vointv toms 2Cr. ''Ul ir.c: No.,3 l-trkry. Jdc; l,r(ivy o.ic':’ •

y , : ■' N E W ’

s — IM r s n s M i i ^ T ^ ------- p^ AlMU JUHM U__ l lw j3 i r s s . s « ' s s ‘s ' i i I | ; s ' s r . ' ^ = ' s , i - £ ' . . ‘s: 1

J, 1J A a ludu to r ____ at',* ta i i ” u i' Am Smelt ik R tna - si)« eou ' Sl*i I» An Buiar pt ____ llsU iMlb US*! i■1 AS) TM * T«I . — IMh IMIk m i t <" s s ; r ”w . s r z ‘s i s . ' ! i 1 - i J S S K T T C r iS j ' l a i; i

IMtUebna ___4Sb ' 3 i ! ,BUTT AM Uieb ___21^ 2J)! u ' t *Ooltt rtek io i ___ JSU 3s(i asi! ‘CTalumtt * liK lk _ ' ilk sK t i t ■J c u sd u n PuUie _ l t | ( u i i | ; i

>. Oelum O u M B m - ll<i i j u 1

3 g s r ^ i r * s . i ^ u ! - : J J J ! ; ;0 Oom PrtJducw — tO 'i o ' . m il 1J CuttlM Wrliht ---- 3>. a»i s i' Orlavva lIudMn . . 3SU 9a>k UU

Du I>onS a t Hrm _I3»|J IM * jS 'fXuUBtn KodU .... .103 ]«s i n ' I

= nee.Pow 4i U fb t _. «ik s>k ‘^ g j R R ^ ----------“ ',. Oentrtl B f c tr te ----JJi.l fll.l “ n f l

.S ir jm .? JJI: Su 2 !: i_ Ooodrnr RiibbCT. - : n , sou a t 'i ^. OrkUim PtJ(« ___ 31, 3U 3tii tid a r « i Norm R p f , . i3>. 31U M 'i a0 arta l Wmi pf ....... »> , j j j j .J i

llurp Motor. _____ 2*. JH J.*, I

V Int Ilktm U r -7~. «3 * M ej *^ I n t w '* '™ {3’* li’* n ' ’

■)ohnt Uuivtii* pe as to 1Q KtnaKsit Copptr’ ! js», si»j r. U n * U ren n i ] b i i j i u l u

n Uld cinit m ....... . iR’i ij i j iji- c'* MtMourJ Paelfls . . . JU jiJ j . ' Fe MteMurt r»e pf — <•, 31, 4 *|«1 Uonlietnnr W«r4 38>t Ja'k lai’.U

Motor »»>*♦! ....... ... IJ‘ IJ? ij'MNub Uoton ie<> 18 16IS >Nil Cub n«f A ___3J>« 30 3}>ihK»t D»lnr 7:.. IDIi l^ J

! r . ' f S r Z i r i l ; 1:'^I NT NH A Hlfd ...... «>, Ia0 North Aro«r Co ..... a 24 a i>

dKofUirrn P»ctne __23% I2»i IVI 1Ptekint Uoton'-*__ 8% eii

0 penaejr Co ..........* p.c -

- I7c. small 18c; northem (icese lOc.lli aouthem lie ; ca|»ns 6 to 7 lbs. 24e. }

Dressed turkeys; Steady; un- » changed, c

Duller recelpls 6757 lbs; firm; un- t clianged.

Egg recelpt.i 33U; stendy; un- chanted. * s

II * ■ ------- s. SUGAR l(

. _ iJE W -Y 0 R iC -0 « ^a -W ,------ JU «t 41sugar « v unchanged today. )

0 R u r e ^ current late yesterday of I t Mies 0 a decline of 6 points or a i g

3.10. were confirmed. They includ- <l cd 35,000 bag.^ of o ’er-quotA Puer- 6

3 to R}can.f» Deeember-shlpment to X' 7: ii*^l<icaV-^'lii^V...»hile»>small quan'* ,0 tliy.-of this year'R-LouLilann rows !3 sold to southern i-.-flners a t tlie ,1] same basis, 514 Buyers were salri tn be \tio\vini:18 furtlier Interest today, bill there19 v u 'n o th ln s more‘'avallable excepl

at 3.15 for Cubas and 3.35 for duty treea. '

Final prlce.1 were a t tlie b ^ i of10 the jeftslon on most po.tllloiislwlih I [J Dtwmber net cmchanffed nnd «au.T:u monllis 1 to 2 pplnts ne t hliher. <

Sales 4350 tons. Closing: December 13 2.H hid, January 2.06 bid. Mjirch ly 2.0s bid. M a r 2.11 bid. July 3.141 btd. >> .. ai'Utembrr 2,15 bltl. NoiTmb-'r' 2.33 ■'

Wd. “ I------R*ho*d-w ft»-t.n«‘Wf,l,----- W .ilfr Jl11 lut.prices remained -uiichaused a t d 5.10 to 5.30. refiners Renerally re-, 1' tl duced Ihelr aelllng prlee# 10 pointsI, I fflr Immediate stilpment to the biwls

lot S.OO ror fine gmnulntMl. |

p i i T m n r ,>* -• 1.0 s ANGKI.ES POTATOES "• I,

Borbtnks ILOO t« 11.70 cw t. ipee- [Isl marks I I M ; fab IL40 t« I liO ; .ordinary tl.OS to 11,11; Idaho Rot- >,ielt I’. S. No. I »I.5.1 lo ltI.S7<i; *

. peorrr IJJO cwt,. U. 8 . No. S M .lT i cy le n.20: new erop local n il« Tri- |

napHi S ta 3l4e opund. - 3

n » A n 0 f0 T A T 0 E 5 p ll)A<lrf>ALL.S, Dee. 3

. Slilpplnc point Infarm.allon for v; Slonday. ,” I'pner VaUey: Carloads f.o.b. iu .li „ Iq trtl;/; R uneU U.S. 1 moally around i

5'! ilonj'f Mte*ffl«er. U ^. S mostlj'■. Kurils, eomblnallon grade p lalnij , boil. ■ few 70e. Caah to growen n

bulk per ewt; RuskIs UJ». I moal- li iJ ly Iradinf in eortot quantltlN »Se. «

A few points lower. U .S /Z -J5 ' W | iic , moally 40e.• Twin FalU-Uutley: Carload. f,o.b. 0

>. ca.«h Iraek te dealen: Rnisets U.S. e 1 mostly ’>1.03. A few lower. Many t hrld tilgher. U.ti. 2 SS te COe. most- li ly.)7<) to 6MF. Casb to growers knlk { |irr ewl: R b m Is U.S. I 75 lo IS\'. a I .S. : 30 lo 35e. A few 40e. I

kvi . ------- t' t'lllCAOO rOTATOtK 1 ! < lltt/.VUO. Dee. 3 (/niUSIJAi _ ‘

rrrelpU 3S ean ; on t» e k •7 ; 3i'irtntnt-U;Sr«lili)m(nt413irrasii:o '•

- lluv rtt . Urge, good ttoek. firm, dr-

:n|..iul norllirrii ilofli abouW ilfsdy, ?lild ftM hd- .low. .uppllro ^llbfral: [ M 'ariifd per fwl Idalm IlUMeh U.S.

r. SI.7S lo 11.90.'Cair-qQalKr *S l .f l li 't J . No. 2 motlly J1.J0; Min- ’iir<ut< and North Dakota Red Illrer *

c; w'fiipii (Vbblrni U.S. No. 1. MiO;t'«lur-dn Jlenures U.S, No. 1. Jl.SJ: '

; NcbraAik IIIIm irium plii U.S. Nr. f1- , I, M.40 to SI.15; Wyom ng Blln Tri- *--lum nli. r,S-.^-n i->at f ij «

~ i ' . ~ ^ 1y-'r~77.----------7^--------------1 «

I [CTflPV MID^rTC > i:p U H l j I 1 l i lH n n r J yto ,en ^ • PORTI.'AND I.IVP.STOCK Iic: ro n T i,.\N n , LyoAt «>:•. ^ itn 6l.-.- ?ctr: •.,|„iUiit; :.;.Ariv

t o f W i s w i W SllVKS l?!^-ii? jb,j



NjM g^E“ S i r : 7 J = s r s i n i : K

!•! SriDiSt V w ee o Z Silk M tl « l t is : i M r . . “ :S . g -g ,j

■ * 8*0 H»t lot pl ---- t l i *7' S7,!4 sum Union * l — U‘i u n l»*iU tUmmoM Oo ---------17 ^ }|t^ l tui i duiiT Oil ------ IS > is l j j ' i1 » c . T w ^ o a - : a « ' IJi* J l ' ,\ \ HouUi.m PteUle _ M tk ^ 41 ]

i5; BiSlrt S'l'N J — - W l “ (J S u l Is s s a . s - ' K . - lt T .11. corp ------- J4<j M ii S«»i. ‘

u Tlmkao noil B«ir _ t 1 \ a ■■ n>t

i! Jii 11 r ; s»s:“L= ,s ra “;i;::;

s ro i'r j.p ^s !i s sMU 8 Ind Alcohol _ 47 4 « ( 47 I

u D ■ nutitwr___ iHk 14 i IS*. ,!T! s ; ,)i W«ttn>^ Oaloo — « h M i 71U 1

^si t 5 ! : ;y, CVItB M.4IUUT ,IL tn w tOOIUC. Dfe, J M7-Curb quo-

Ulloiu— 'it Amrr Uiiper rower ................. ...... 51, j

nup t^ iiui^tt^ auliiT ta------------<s :,

' niw Bond A 5ft*r» p f _________ _ ,

I', N ii(u« iriidMo t . \ „ . ....t 11ti Huiuliln* Ulnlng--------------------- ^o'i | |

Ti^ti "fit ; ” ‘'} r I, Unll faundtt* ............... Jl>ll'* s r c c m T WIW 'Ij Siidlfr. Wrsttitr stM eemptnrr '

EX'* Did*.. Twin ratli ' 1

Idaho retsloca . i(■; Jtau trr PnutoM .......... . n o o 't' Mueh Pouinei-.- —r -------n . i s - u j j i '

------ in m . Truiu 1I', Corp Trmt ________ _______ 'i J la /

.Pmirt- In tn - ....... ............. .;____,2.79tQuift Ine fiharM ____________ 41.83 ,

S W i H E ------- *■’* 'IS.Uouataln Cltr OODoer ____a3 .lo .tiu

‘ lAm Om ind Dfctric ..................... j; i j;k|K«_^l^«fr and L ighl________ j. ; j

nlicuu . r 33\ I:;Ik s .13. ; ; : = = = = ;

P»i»tnounl ne tu r« ------ _______> .______________________ r

c.! largely II0J5; ;40.280 Ib. quotable e. }0.50-7S; light llghu eligible nround :t i. I9J0-10.00; packing sows S7J0-8.00;l!

choice light feeder pigs quotable u p :I- to 110.00 or above. - t

C a t t le -150; calves; IS: q u a lm '’ I. mostly plain;-scattered sale? around 'j• steady; no fni steers offered eartv: j

short feds saleable up to I7.3S: ' longer fedi-around 17.75; odd heod "

a. ligh t— stock— sie«s-t5 J0 ;-4 itU «rL U S4.00-75; low cutler and cu tt« r cows

if 13.00-3.00; eommon, to ' medium'I grades »2J0-4JS; good beet c o n s" . quoUble up to I4.7S; bulls sn leab le '' . I3.75-4.7S; good to iJ ,75-4.75; good^ 0 X0 'choice vealers quotable riJO-r> , 8.50. i j g Sheep; 300: nominally steady good. > e to choice fat lambs quotable, 19.35-{S

so; tew medium grades sdld IS.25;: s . yearlings ellRlblc up lo 17.00; (at 11 . cA-es saleable around }4ilO: load t

choice fed ewea Monday I4.7j. !

SAN FRANCISCO LIVESTOCK ' I if SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3 <,?,»US ■ *I, DA>—Hog receipu 1050; about threer ]wicJsl&5{Q33jlb.CaUfor»last}0J0.-f.. top; pocking sows mainly t7.50; > ‘r best qw ted up to 17,76.II Cattle receipu .900: under. 900 lb .'I kteers absent: good quoted up to t t ; 'i load 1000 Ib. CaUfornla fed heifers ;G

10J5; tiatf-load 900 Itr. Idaho grass;(u helfew M3S: odd h eari t>iill< S4.W _ t to 15. Calrea 50; load holdover 335

lb. mixed Ooiorado stock ealt'es 17; « Jl ctwlce vealers quoted up to MJO.^^ n i Sheep receipts 300; cholc« under

80 lb> wooled Ismbs quoted up to 3 t10;-'ewes quoted 14.35 down.

! CBICAOO UVESTOCK ' omOAOO, Dec. 3 (4 (USDA)-- t

- IC loa: . . . . IHogs; U,000: mostly 5-10 lower .

~ llian Monday'i average; clcsing duU ’- a t decline; few strictly heavy but- i ^ohsrs-abou t- steady; sows steady to t " shads b lsb tr; cxcesslvs numbers I• Unded to depreu m arktt: prac* e '! tk a l U ta top WJO; ejrly lop |9M ; s '* Inle bulk desirable 17&-320 lbs. ts.70-: 80; 140-160 Ibs. montly »9,S0-7S nl> clou, medium kinds »elUntt down• lo 19.00 In Instances; shippers took ,• 3.000; holdovers J.OOO. ^

Cattle: 8,000: closed lully steady: 'clearance fairly good on all grades '

‘’ 'welshty steers and better grade f>r light offerings but . considerable '

slowness lato on common nnd medl* ‘ h uni light tlM rt and llglii heifers;

light sleers of long yearling type u-Jtopped-at414-50:.J>t4l tie an -jlee rs .C-/JM.20; heavier j-earllngs llI .2 S ra II * njshe Slock firm; bulls 10-15 tilgher™ and vealers. aller strong sta rt, ens- f' I- Ing off: practical top weighty tW s-e. age bulls I 8.00; sejetted vealers ''• 111,00.-----------------------------------------g

Sheep: 9,000; strong on slaughtor *b. offerings affer steady to ra-^ler op- ^5. enlng: feedUtg lambs firm; good ‘ ly to choice native and fed w utem1- lamb* 111.00-40; all Interests com-Ik petlns 'medium to good' quality ,e. a>ound 11035-75 Ift lutiiied nun#- f

bert; common to medium na th e '' Ihrowouts l8.50-9.50; slaushter ewes ” 14.50-5.35 mostly, lop fed u-estems • 1550: ctiolee feeding lambu 110.00, |

i V------- OODEN UVESTOCK-----------^I® oaOBN: Dee. 1 {/RCC/SDAi-Ho# .

higher; gene.ral loi\.W.75; low smaU .' lots eholce medium welshis up to ' 10.85; mixed wtiKlifj--ond8rftdes-M '

^ to »9.50; bulk packing sovst 17 to 1 I7J0. , '

Cattle rec«i{>is 0J8; Lm Angelas { ; market 119; llmltni e a r ly 'sa le a ‘

*' steady; odd loti ri^dRiin locol.sleers * I U 10 15.50: few liellers M.50 to 16: '

c a l tv aild common eows «3.50 to ‘ = i?jJrlitttAlyiiig3ne<lliim-<n«»»aod

tocal grass ateers and hslfers 15 to < 1 10;. common kinds downward to I

13.35; btilk medium and good c cm

to 12^5; few. good and-cholo« bulls J t<.25 to 14.73: lower, grades* down .to

1330; medium and good m l calves 1 ,1 16 to <7.75;. common cAves around | .„:.iSiO down. a '4 '6,] sltfiffi US«, lU te r w r - :


^ l E i T M S

■ F I T I M l iij7“ — ---------• . . . . I

Grain More Than Overcomes t

|‘ | . Earlier Price Slumps • ' * at Chicago' !

, ny JOHN P. BOL'QIIAN - j .^1 (Assoclsted P re^ Market Editor) « i ; CHICAOO. Dec. 3-Helped by t i ’• reducUon of unofficial estlm te i of i 111 the Argenano exportable surplus.. < •i I wlieat IaU today moro lhan over* ( I* came eariler fosses In price. ' i r Prlvale cables figured Argentina'*

probably exportable turplos of wheat • \f this season as totaling 66,OOOM to I I: 6 j ;w ;(W T » W e is rT h e '« « iw ir ti - - !>>re 10.000.000 to l.OOOJttO bushtls 1' ' undrr previous tr a d e ' esUmates.

More or less further stimulus to jf wheat prtc* nrilles came from Win- i i | nipeg messages that reported some t | i buying of whest futures attributed > ,* to Europesn continental account, c

Clojlng quotations on wheat were i: iin.iettled a t the sj»me u yetUrdays y

’• flnl.^h to •; higher. May 90S-,*., i; >, jrnrii ‘ i o f f to np, Mny 38'.i.*i, c , 'cni* unchanged to ’i lilglier. and f l f T Vflr w a n r »noTini! ';-- t« i» - t( r^ if r^ r

rriii.i Advtncf, ;i, j Dominating the Chicago wheal V 11 market n t the otii.«et and durtng «

1 much of the ttme alterward woj* the P ;* 1 fact tha t Ll^Tipoo; Had failed to <■ '[rM pond to tli<* nivnilght threaten- » :.[lng tenor of Eiiroix-.m pollllcal de- ^

\Tlopment*. -I Much bearWi ti'lK w.i.< current ” [tnihy Ihat pre,wire of Aiutrallah ^

/ wtr.'ii and after the prfMurr B 'l o t Argentine aliea: fm the world V » j market Ilea elo« ahead.“ 1 Com. o*U and -tye displayed . IS steadiness In eonlrn*t with wheat. ^ '9 PrfivlMoM were helped uflwsrd „ by action of eottoa'eed oil.. .» yu CIIICAOO. D ff 3 :i“— 'B Optn W l» low Clotf «

' K 'h n i- 1. TVf • "7J. «». a

■; j'.'v M'!- « •! s ? I ‘‘l *'

V:Hm * , . . M l,';; ^. 19', lO’.

rvc* *” a * . J3>. Ji'«. c

Z i » ! : S l ; ;p '^ 'i u r l r , - \ \

•• Id i n " i j « i : j 7 u .« i :J7

J.n 12*0 i r « 1JJ3 t> « !

I-I*: C1IICAG0"CASU OR.lIN s ' - CmCAQO. Dre. 3 'f ,? i - Ca.'vhj' e ‘ «lient; No. 3 red durum SS'ic; No, , d i4 red 08’, c; No, 4 red tough 98‘ic; *•

f No, 3 hard 11.07. Corn; No. 4 mixed e . M-.c: No, S mixed 51 to 5tc: No, 3 !

0 .ye llr-w .sr; JO S7',c; No. 4 yellowLf - iS 4 ', ioS5c: No, 5 wlilte 53'. to55c; , ; Mmple grade 47 to 50c. OaU: No, 3 l! ■tlwiiiit 3 5 \ to 39’ic : No, 4 wWto 3ji® d to 26e; sample grade-3P. to !S 'ic. ,

No rj’e- Soy beans: No, 4 yellow f ■ 78Hc. Barley: Wisconsin tough 73c: *' nominal feed 30 lo 43e; malting 40

3 : to 8le. Timothy Ked *3 to 13,35 cwt, e ' Clowr seed 113 lo 117J0 cwi. l

Lard: Tierces 112,75; loov 11M3, ‘ ; I B?llles 119.03.

1,' PORTLAND IIAV: ■ PORTUND, Dec, 3 i.T*. - Ilay, „ s : Stead)-, unchanged. dt ! • • ------------------------------- ---1— ______WINNIPEG GRALS-......... ’i WINNIPEO, Dee. 3 l/Pj - C u h . ; Wheat: No, 1 northem tSU: No. 2 r

northem 83U: No. J northem Tt*,. t r <3ats: No. 3 white 39; No. 3 wlilte* „

__ Sn t x ;

D U L tm i. Dec. 3 U’/-F1ax un <,- tf ta k |l ,7 4 'i . Dee, 11.74’j ; May

11.741*. Ir -1 ------------------------------------------------- kei; about track load local lambs 19;3 besij.rst Iambs laU Monday-«9-lo 'It I8J5; lot n lb. nixed fat and feed- c■ er lambs 18,66; lew lots feeders e ; around 18; small lot ewes I4 .'' d

I * .ST. JOSEPH SHKEP II ST. JJ08EPH. Dec. J i.P, iU ‘ A)—Sheep: RecelpU 3000; holding

. fully suatbr or up to 111 on natives ’J and 111.10 and above for, fed west- '. emera. Load good 90 pound NrwI Mexico m rlliig s 19. Load platn. Idaho eaes 14.60.

I O.MAHA.'SHEEr ■ )8 OMAKA. Dec, 3 W) lUSDA> - iI SJiPfp: 3,500;-lambs un»r»»,-siesd>’ ,r to 25 lower, ■decline oii Inbetwecn j. native offerings; bulk sorted native *. lambs .110.50-05; fed wooled lambs ^t up to 111.10 this price paid bj- both ^- packera.tnd shippers: fed yearlings , . 97 Ibe. average W35: load'loU-eVes' , . up to 15.40: odd lo u at IS.SO; noi feeden Included. |.

] DENVER SUEEP„ DENVER. Dec, 3 Ml lU S D A i- ,' Sheep 3500; 1160 througii; trucked Ie In lambe iteady a t 89.76-l0.60; com-1. mo nto medium |8,76-9JS: best held >, 111.34 fre ig h t paid; yearlings 16.50.!, 8.78; ewea atrong a t 15.00*50; year- 1■ ling ewes 17,00-50. _ _ _

WOOL •\ - 3 o a fro N , Dee. -.s .u i i o s d a ) - J met^ll-fTwlerrttf-TlomtaUc-wools^ ii had"soma coll, but sales on the whole; Z w ^ ' more seattered than' du rfos’ a m « t of November. Depleted sup*i o piles accotmted-for-som e o f the :

spotly'acUvlty, At the same time,! a demand fof several days lacked lhe 1

keenneu apparent oUy a lew weeks , ago. Prleea w’sf» firm u recently

quoted levels. Sales weft closed cm ; SUlctly combing S6e. H Uood and

a grease, rsU 1.1M.9W r . u a l i 01 OUI., I I

0 • FORT HTOOKTON. Tex. (/F^-Pe- > !s oo« coimty'a Infant Industry of sa lt 1d production eompleted lU first year |

of ppemtlon *1lh f, toul_w ipui o f :> i m w - ’aauiuSfc ________ ___ J

— f c - ' » ' • •



{ ■ P i u a i . DM.'-’l - - I n i t r NM CIUB (m et. Moodojr. e ran ln i wtih 0«ne» lm -H lehobon -fo r-» toylaqri - party , tha guesU eomlng dreited A toys. Mlsa winnUred F ije r rceelved '

S the prtsq (or the bett costume.Miss Nicholson la a elever manner

, aonounctd her appro«ehlng mar* J rUge to l^rman Sngle of Pocatello which wm t«ke place Ohrlstntas day.

Several gunes of bridge were en­joyed with Mrs. .Morris Carlson re­ceiving htgh s « r e and Mrs. Lynn- vtlls Brown, second high. OucsU ol

» the club were Mrs. loTinvllle Drown f and Mrs. Trueblood; Asilstant hoit- I.. esses for the party were Misses Sue* Glenn Bunce and Viola Ebersole.

; LEGION AUXILIARY ! f - H A X E m m Y T O T S i!. — n : * • ]® yfcROME, Dcc. 3 - Amerlcnn '- Legion Auxiliary met a i the '■* home of Mrs. C h a r l i e Pyne. ‘ 1 Monday evening. -Mrs. W. E. tiUi- '- clalr. president, conducted the meet- ‘ e Inc. New consUtutlon and by-laws I s were read, bul letl open unlll thc ' . next iiiectlng tor alterSilons. One '

ch i'fr barkei was sent to n needy I 1 fiiniily. P b n s wre made tor thc

;ii Uio counto- homo ol' Mrs. C. Y, I I Williamson on December id. O lfu c [ wilt be exchanged and a 7 o'eloek c . poi-lucic dinner will be served. Ke- t , trcsJmienu were served to 14 mcm- < . bers by the husie.M nnd asslsiant. a . Mrs. Arch Campbell. t

A conjoint .M. 1. A. meeting «ns | I held at llie L. U. S, recrcation linll. | i , Sunday eventng. ll i e progi-nin nui. j . given hy thc Gleaner OlrU and I thc *M. men In lionor ot Ju..'ph (

am ith 's- birthday ond. Chruimas. . Thc opening wng wtfs "Far. Far,'‘ Away on Judea's Plain." Oeor .r I, I Whitley iro n i.S a il .U k o gave . i !j

o iw iing prnycr%nd »ahg "W onili.- ing Awe;" M. I. A. slogan. ‘ Wc Slnnd for Spirituality and Hnppl- .

. JICS4 in the Home,'’ led by Opal Thompson; tnlk on life of Joiepli

* Sm ith. Fiorcnce Shmglcton; vocnl • I aolo. .'Unknown Grave," Kcnnetn

Fol<mnn; Christmas reading, Thora ** Petenon; Christmas enrols by ' chorus. M. men and Olcnner glil.;

talk on Christmas,'M rs. CBtliertnel^ Crouch: closing song. "Carry on ;"K

t bcnedlction..Lew Pratt_____.•______ !•j(


• _____ . h1 > IfOlSi;. IX'c. 1 111’,—te s te r F. Al- j ■ ■ b e n of DoLm: announced tonlghl th a t , < [ ihe IftuJit* dciwrtaient ot Ihc Amerl-j^

I departmeou'V 'hlch competed In thc | ’ recent •nni'hjnal membership drive.

’ Albert Ll ndjutant of the Idaho U glon. , .

: Idnho lilted lt:> quota of new mem*' bera, but Increased activity on the ' pnrl of olher depanm enu dropped . ‘■the orgsnliatlon from tecond to : fourth place In the rell csll. Albert ? !sald.'' LouLslnna wa^ ranked flrat. with '• Nevnda and N<jrth Dakota following i . In tha t order, i _ _ _________ • '


MAROA, Dec. J -M aroa school ] ' honor roll, ns announced here to- j

day by Em esl H. Ragland, prinel- i- pnl.-follows;--------------------------------- 1- -B rst-gT ade-R nfi< ne-K laas;-sfc -. i } ond grade. Dorothea Miller and j* Duane Ranueyvr; third grade. i

Charles Mogensen and James Pitch-* i'* fftrd; fifth gmd?, W alu Cochrane i

and Hatel Ruth Nesblt; sixth grade, iDorothy Childers; eighth grade, ,Wlhna Wilson, Alene Shovcr. Max- i

’ me Miller and Ulllan Tegan. 1V - — I IDAHO SILVER PRODUCER .. 1

: PAYS 50-CENt .o m n E S D I

; YAKIMA, Wash., Dec.' 3 «■) - (0 Directors of the-Sunshlne • Mining j- company, great Idaho' sUwr produc- , a er, voUd a 90*,cenl quarterly dlvl- |

dend today. 10 cenU a share larger jthnn the September dlsbiirsement. ,II wlirbe paid Deceraber 30 to stock- ,

V. liolders of r«oord December 14. ;' This payment, amounting to ,[ 1744,000. will bring the year’s dlvl- ,' dends lo 12,100,000 or 11.40 a share. ,


JEROME. Dec. 3—Tlie following ' marrlaae llccnsc* have been Issued

[here reeently: Clyde E, Vane* ot- Lovell, Wyoming, and Ellen Ilolver-V fon-o f fdaho WHs: Earl ARdemon‘ and IrU Baker, both of Jerome; ^' ncyd 'L am m ond DorLs Shombaugti, ,» boih of Jerome; Harry Morris and ’ V esu Barga. both of Jerome; James* B .-W ood-and-H aiel-C ope.-l»th.of* llaKlton.0 _________


B r o w n in g 's

1 S p e c io l


& GREASED ..c. 1le I

i! $1>50Idi r ■___________

' B ro w n in g Jl , A u to C o .!Jl BUICK ' PONI'IACBf ' . ___ _______

S, DECEMBEB <, 1638

Legal AdvertisementsiN - ANOTBEK SUMMONS, j

.H in 'thaO isU letC ouno tU M iaevu ith ^ Judicial Dlstrtet of tha 8U te of ^ _ Id \h o .- la andJoc_tbe.C oim ty-ol. J Twin Falls.M Swllt tnd Company, a corporafloo,


” Ilorence (Cozier; ,M ortarel Crozisrt10 George Croder; Roben Crotler; ,y the unknown helni and the tm* n. knoT.n devisees pf W. e . L. Croder. ( , .deceased; the unknown lieirs and II. lhe unknown devlsee» of John ol Llltle, deceased; Uie unknown rn owners of Lota l a d 8, In Block 146. t- m the city and couniy of Twin je Falls, state of Idaho.

Defendants. Tbe State of Idalio sends greetliiga

to the above named defendanu;You ar« hereby noUfled tliat a

complalnl lias been filed a n ln i t you V ■ n rn iT B a m e rc o ttr ro rw E ic v en tir

Judicial D btrlct of thc Stale of Idaho. In and for T a 'l»F alls County

„ by tlie above named iilolntlff, and ,c you are liereby directed to appear

and plead to said complalnl wlihlii twenty days of ths scr;-lce of thts

t . Another Summons; and you are further notified tha t unl»u you so

IS appear and plend lo aald complaint ,e within the lime herein siKClfied, the ly PlalnUff will lake Judgmeni Bgnln&t ic you 03 priiycd in eald complaint.

r . the plaimlft lo the following des-u cr(b.*<l reat prope.-cy. situated m the:k county of Twin Falls, state of Idaho.•- to-wIt: U U Seven <7i and EightI- (81. In Dlcek One Hundred.-Forly-i. six i;«6). In the c ity 'ol.Tw ln Fnlls.

according to the flnnl n n d 'v n c n d ^IS plal of .said townslie on record in 11. > the office of the County Recorder of11 snld Twin Fulls County. ! id \Vitness, my Innd nnd the i>ciil lh of'the-said District Court, this 3rd s. day of December, 1835.r , ; — FRA NK -J.'Sm TH , .'^liSEALi . . Clerk.I ; H aro' Benoit.• * Attorney for PlalntUf,'c Residence: Tu-ln Palls, Idalio.


!jl In the Probate Courl of Twin ^ l E Couniy, S tale ot Idaho,

.J In the .Matter of the F j ta i : of Jean ,y Baptiste Mlehtel.'!. DeceiLsed,

Notice ts hereby given by the un* [1 derslgned J. E. While. Admliutralor .-•Iof the Eslale of Jean Baptiste ’ [Mlchlels, Dwcftsed. to the creditors

I of snd all persons 'having ■claims la jalnst the .said deceased, to exhibit :tliem with the necessary vouchers, {wllhln .six m ontlu ntier the flrsl

r ! imbllcailon of ihls notice, to the sold t i Admlnlstralor nt the offee of J . E.

I White, 139 Mam Avenue. East, TwmI.!F alls, Idolio, th is being thc place m ' fixed lor the tmiwactton ot the busl- j 'ne.vs ot said Cataie,,g 'l_P a ied this 8-Ji c;.v of No,ember; , t 11835, , ■

- , J. E. wHn.'e.,- ,0 . Administrator of thc

Estate . Df Jean Bop- ,. liste Mlchlels. De-,j ceased..() Walters. Parry and Thoniun.[o Allomeys for Administrator, r l Residence: Twtn Falls. Idaho.


ig In the Probaie’Couri c t Twin Falls Counly, State of Idaho. '

. In the ^Ulter of lhe Estate ol Wil- h tm Focht.'Decca.scd.

- To the Credliofs, Claimants. Heirsantf All O ther Per8on.s Inieresied

I m the Estate of tvilllam Focht. Deceased:NoUce Is hereby gtven, that John

ol E. U tte r of T«'in Falb . Idaho, hos >• filed m thb court his pelltlon. set- 1- ting forth, th a t the deeeuscd Wll- - llam-Foeht-k resldeni-ot-Tutn-Falk

II. Couaii^H iau.Q f Tdiiho..dled.on.Uie. id 15th day of February. 1024. hnvmg e. an undetermined Interest in certain \ ' real propeny situate in Twin Falls le County, State of Idaho, and dcs- e. crlbed as Lol Seven <7) Yeaiman's t . Addlilon to T»-m I'all.s, and that c- tnld\ petitioner and Constance J,

U ber, hb wife, are now the owners of a portion of solc^ tract, to-wli,

. . tJie.North half of. the South half ;0 Ihereof. nnd praying for an order

of th b court determining thc dnte of death of deceased, his interest In

'8 said propeny.'and 'ine rlg h l'o n ie lr- e- ship therein and of descent thereof,

ood that Mondo}-, the 33rd day of er December. 1038, a t u n o'clock A. M.

on sold day, at'U ic courtroom of ihla couri, In the city of Twm Falls, has been appointed as the tlmo ond

‘0 place for the hearmg of said pell- 1* tlon, when and where any heir, ’• creditor, clalmont or other person

lnlere.ited m said eslale may oppear and sh'&w eau.i« if any uiiy said pc- tlllon thould nol be gninied. • -•

,1; Dated this I8ih dny ot 1®M'

' ' GUY L. KINNEV,* Probale Judge.

? ; c ; A. Dailey, Atiorney Ior ' ' ' • Petitioner. Re.sidhig ai

‘Jj Twin Falb, fdaho.


Estate'b( r ;~ H .'O oldsworthy. D«- _ ceaMd.- Nolice is hereby given by lhe■ undersigned Administrator ot the

estate ef R. H. Ooldsn-ertliy. de* ceased, to the credltvrs ot and all

1 persons having claims against .the Mid deceased, to exhibit them with the nefeisary vouchers. *'li’iln six months alter the first publication of this notice, to the said Admlnb-

■jSickmanr Ritomey-ot-law, Twin . FuU* Coutny o t Twin Falla, SU le

■ of Idaho,'Ihtt jKing the plaee fbicd- f t» the iransncilon of the busmesr of snld estnte.

Dated November 4. 1835.H. 6.-OOLDSWORTHY.

................... A dmlnljirolor-of EstateOf R , ' h . Ooldsworthy, Deceoied.

[Turner B. Hackman.AttornV for Admlnlstralor. Rftldenee, Twin Falls, Idaho.

ADVERTISE.’IIENT FOR BIOS- -8 ea led -W d r- ir tlH * -re e r ired -b y r

Murtaugh independent School DUt- rtct No, 8 of T*'ln PalU County.

ottSec o t the dUtrlct Jn . ih t school . building - In- Murtaugh.-. Id •ho.-^o^ : the fnm bhlng of a ll lobo.- and m»- . . I fr tit necessary for the eonstruc-

uon of t ccilmg4n-thv Gymnasium

Of Uu SQlipol BuU«n« loa tcd U Murt«u|ta. Idaho. Blda «lU ba

- ^ n a d in pubUo a t the office of.the <UiMet U eight o'cJock P. M , oa

Lh Deoember 11, 18W.- of ' Bldi u ~ lubmitted obtU be f c t ' of. m»ttrlaU-&D<LlAtaueparatcly..Jo*

formation concerning constnictlOB o , and nutertola lo be. used may b*

had upon application lo the. cleric of tlie distrlcl.

r t ' T !ie'board of tn fiuea of Mur< r; u ugh Independent Seheiol D lstrM n* No. 8 reserve the right lo reject anjt •r. nnd all bids and to waive any ln-< id fonnalltles.m Address all bids lo Oliver W, m Johjison, Clerk of Murtaugh„Tnd*« 16. pendent School Dbtrtcl No. 8. Mur* m taugti. Idaho..• ThU Advertbement dated a t Mur­

taugh, Idaho. November 30. 1035. gs • OLIVER W. JOHNSON,

,.Clerk of M uruugh Inde- ft pendent Scliool ' Dbtrtc*

XI _________No. 6. M uruu^i; Idaho.


Estale ot Geneva L, Sweeley. De-

“ ■ Nollw Is hereby given by llie'uii- ' derslgned administrator of the estaia

of Oeneva L, Sweeley, deceased, to thc ercdliors of and all persons hav-

^ Ing claims ogalnsi the said deceased, to exhibit them wlUi the necessary

2, vouchers, within six months after the first imbllcallon o( th b notice.

, to Morim J..8wcelcy.’adm lnbiraior *'*■ ■ c rm re s ta te 'D fn n e 'sa w -'O m m -tir

aweefer. a t his oWJce Jn Uie D. D. Moorman Bulldlpg In -the Clly of

”• Twm Fnlls. In the Counly of Twin Falls. StAle or Idaho, this being tlia place fUed for the transaction ot tha

i business of said estate.Dated November ISth, 1935.-

“) MARLIN J. SWEELEY,0* Admlnbtrator.


In ths Dbtrlct Coun of the Eleventh - Judletul Dbtrlci of thc State of

Idulio. In and for Twin Falb Counly.

H. F. ^Harder. Plnmilff.“ * _vs.—

W. A. McDonald,'alsp known as Wif- f- llam A. McDonald, a widower, and

Cnrrle B. McDonald. Defendants. Uilfler ond by virtue o f a judg­

ment ond d e ^ e .of foreclosure ot the obo\-c enlltlcd court, dated Nov-

* ember 19, 1935, m the above entitled “ action, wherein K. F. H irder, plam- „ tiff, obumed a Judgment and de- ™ crec.of.fortclosure ngamsl thc de- “ lendoni, W. A. M cOonaId;'for-lh»!-' sum of 15,14858, togelher with in-

le rest. ihercon a t iKe rale ot six , i per cent per annum from the data g Ihereof until paid, which said de- , ' cree of foreclosure wos against oil

of the defendants-111 the above e n -' " lltled action named, and an order

of sale issued Ihercon oul of -lald court, a fcd tJic ie tb day ol Nov-

^ em berr 'l9I6r'and-to .m f,-as-shariff- ot Twm Falb Counly, State of Ida­ho, dlrcclcd and delivered;.I am

’* commanded to sell all th a t cerinln I ' real propeny, hcrcliiatter described,

or so much thereof as shall ba ncces- iory'tirSBtUfy tilam tllt's sold Judg­ment and decree. In the amount aforesaid, and expenses of sale, which said real property Is lylni;,

" sliunu and belnit In T n ln FnlU County, Slate ol Idoho. und is

lls tlcuiiiVIy dcseribed as follows:'m e West half cf the North-

ll- esse Quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southwest Quar-

rs ■ ter of section ihlrty-sbc, lon’n- rd ' ship twelve Soulh. range fifteen IC. Enst of (tie Botse Mertdlan; to­

gether with the teaemeoU, here­in d ium enu and appurtenancea os thereto belonging or m nny wise t- ippertalnmg..1- Notice is hereby niveu Umt. im Ik ihe.I2 ih .(lay .o t December. 193S. :a I^kjuo hni.r ftf 10-DQ o -fln rk -A -\f- .-„ - ig that day. a t the Iront door of thn In County Court House, in the Cliy of Ils Twin Fnlls, Twin Folb Counly. Stnto s- of Idaho, I will, in obedience to sold I'S judgmeni and decree of forcclosuin a t and order of sole, sell all of the above J, dcKrlbcd property, or so much ra thereof as shall be necessary, to sat- 11, bfy plaintiff’s aald Ju<tament and ilf decree, wllh talerest thereon, a.s cr aforesaid, and expenses of sale, to ' te the highest bidder, for cash, lawful m nioiiey.of tht.Unltcd SUtcs.of A m ct.-

)f, lialed th b I8lb day of November, of 1036. . ^

E. F. PRATER, lla Sheriff ot T*-ln FulLsas ' County, Slnte of IdalioId — ■ —'■*: NOTICE M R PUBLICATION OF




In th'e Probate 'Oourf'of T*-ln F a ll i ' Counly^, sta te of Idaho.

' in ihe Matter o f th e EsUle of Wil­liam H. Turner. Deceased.Notice is hereby given tha l Ollln

“ M.' Tale, wlfa of Frank Tate, ha.i this diy filed with the c lerk of this

« . Court a Petition ptaymg tha t Cs-n- thlo O. Turner, Admlnlstratrtx of the esu te of WUllam II. Turner bo

ho directed to make nnd execute a con* fl. veyance to her covering LoU Eighs ill (81 and Nine (9» in Block Twcnty- he two (33) of Kimberly Townslie. Twin tit FalU Counly, Idaho, according to ,lx the offlclM plat thereof on file., and on of record In the ofllcc ot tlie.Cminty 1, . Recorder of Twin Falls Couniy, tf Idaho. nursLinnl to lhe terms of J - Hn cerialn contract of sale mode, by and iw between tbe said WlUlam H. Turn­ey. er„ as seller., and the aald Franle IH- -Tnte, ns purchn«r. on Fabruary jlO ..

1830. 'as will more fully apjiear from said Pelltlon filed as aforesaid^, and lo which reference U hereby made

ne for further particulars, u And Jiotlw Is hereby glren tha t

' Frtday. Iha 6th day of Oecember, 1935. nt ten o'clock A. M. a t th« Court Room of snld Court In 'sa id County

. , and SUle, has beth fixed for liear- mg the said Pelltlon when anrt

1 where any person Interested In wld b t tryl flU W rt^nIt- objcctlona -to lK -‘ g ran tn tr '0 * -» ‘(i- ty. PellUon and may be heard and jwo-

h e objections.90l Daled Ihb 51b dsy of Novembrr,

OUY L. KINNEY^10- (SEaM ~'>~*- Probate Juilee and ,m ' ■•Ex-Offlclo Clerk..

Page 11: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"


Bta per Ost p tr tMj---------lcThrM t e j i . per l l u p a dty— . •«

_ 0 » to r . .per - — s ------

8 3 H % D isc o u n t ■F o r C u i r

_________P ^ ° ° « ‘tor tn M U ker


■ AUtM for ftm ;B*rT«cA P«T« - ■

I BuilaMt DlrjctoTT— ??'£ s r , K , ° ® ; ? r = = s^ s s K & :-------- = i

S i S ' « . S ' ^ = 5 — - f s s s r n a 5 W » ^ ^ »

KirTKnt m.c«[tinwu^ — »

mnt* *nrt V n tw W — .— i» m n m t Olrwt«w—■■ i Jr<inilitirt fer fiitr - ”

ledtw. Boe1tta«— ■■'' ■ *

5 3 S ^ -

5 a ' ! y » ^ f l w S — I — 33-a Rtki bt«M far a»l« — ,. TtK S S % M f c = S

•itutUoiu^ S f i S l » S J S l S ^ = = S ^ 5 S l S M r . ' s = i i ? i

, ^ ror a*]t or T m i.._____ ,n

THX ITEW8 m S B IS TO UASB H etaar. to r e td in Of Um e lu d -

Oed ptt* U]*t thero U a f trtet rule t n l n i t |lrto< in ? t4dUIon>

---------t t tnfarrniUea «oao«mlng-^Miultd r * tb a t - b . adKrtltemeota ilfDed with a box Bumbcr la eart ot (h i Ktwi.

Personals 4B U W rtS S w iu . ^ B £

-yplfh MniMh/-!- wnmnnfor her coapianr. Ph. W8-W.

V O im DAY AND NIOHT ICIDDIE Nureery b now open. Our d t r w e * a r^ JJo en hour or flOe for 4 houn . Bmlth n iot Bldc-. of- fleo Room 1, Ph. IMP.__________

WIN MW0.00 CASH. NAME TKE new mar^'(!lolu Nosh m otor..G et entry blanlcs. Rcj-noldt Motor Co., 30J-90 Bhotbond Bt. Bo.

FUB C 0A 1« h e p a ir e d , w o r k fuarantecd. JM 5th Ave, No.


LoSf and Found 5fb U N t IN pX H lttD CAR^NOV-

I ember 20. sullcM*. Owner may re­covcr enme by descrlblni the bas

--------- and locntlon. of.parked car. CaU

W IU i PERSON WHO T O O K brown aport eoat by mistake on wrong check a t Radlotind Ttiurs* day nlfflit, retum tame to Newt office. Reward,

j m ik CAI4, roR ftfauLTr<riioN« tl

/ S U R E E N O l t i F L E X I B L EW V JE W U P TWW\ _____\ V feST E R D K Y - ^• |


aW ERV . V L L W , f U P I’LL F U R N I S H

... . ^ ^ ~ n | --AMO .S A M B .F Q R -O I . 1 I F VOU'LL F U R M \S H

0 M 5 C O M D I

r - r

s s ' ---------- B B a u ty ^ h o p s ----------6

I S m t A L " R : R U A N I N n ^ " im * o il u . PUlh Arc. Beautr Shop.

. #e «18 5th Eait, Ph. W W .

J2« n iO eB WHO BAVB BCFZRaNO- ■’ ’ M oor'work'rfcnow tb a t our mith-

oda abd the iklU of our operator* arv fujxiic?. You may bow b a n one o t OUI oU ware* for a*-tow u

tSM> II.M. Crawford'* Beauly Saloa. lU » « Main Are. Soutb. Pbooa W l

PERMANENT WAVE, tl.SO TO.----------«3a.~239 fllb -A W rf«J.-lW .-lft* :


5 Aulos lor Sale 7

3 l WE HAVE UBED OARB THAT - » m n a* cheap as ITiO. Reynold* I S Motor Co, acn-00 ahothone St. 6o.


---------IWf T toael' A U 6Q »?ttO -------

-J The AUTO MART ,7 , : Next to Kyle Waite'*

‘ WB a i ;y - « tL - T B A D 8

s = = = = —

3^ . W H I T E ' S «M « 1931 Dodge Bedaa — — 4376 *« * 19W B Ford ■ *

J c o u p o .- ........ .................. t t1 8 »■5 * 1030 Chev. B edan---------- MTJ ^5 * MM Ford P ic k u p --------tlM *J» * lOaS Chry&ler Coupe .->> IOU Bulrk Roadster — ItlS *JO « 1038 Pontiac Bedan • IS *. » * :027 C h e v ^ e n ---------- • »

* Monj'Coiher Rood buy*. ♦

j ' * - , ’ J n o . B . W h i t e . J— * 'T he UtW Car Man** ’ “ 1 ♦ I« -2 n d Ave. North • * r g » ■ * ^let ___________________ •

S ' “ S T U D E B A K E R

I Certified Uied Can" I , *M Plymouth Sedan— I 1J34 PontlBB Sedan

A ,1S2B Stude. Die. Mdao ^ -33 OldamobUe Bedan

^ I IBJO Ford Bedan ,^ _ -34 Stude Tudor____

I . S a l e s a n d S e r v i c e.QIC 3M Main NO, Phone M

' “*• L j» « * «

Prices ;Co.,' ’

I * Mean notliliiB' unless you je t <H. value received for your money. 4

>RK L Our prlec* are lower, for cars nI In ths sftbe condition, than *

— *■ you can find elsewhere. j, ■flBJ, * f o r E xam ple- * — ♦ '39 Pord truck. I )i ton, (ood *

)L motor, tires exlra good. Start- 45 .j . 'e r and generator O K. Brakes «

___ * good. Haa Worford Overdrive. .OV- * Oraln bsd and beet box for ’f re - * otily 175. *bag * Vou wUl save money by Irad* ^CaU ____ Ing wllh us ^

^ I USED CAR CO, J» O'* » 31B Shoshone West. Ph. 1»9 .

» We Buy Equities ’


. T H E G U M P

4 o u 6 i H - \ n V*L E 6 1 A S S \ 1WRZE P 0 \M T 6’- T M M r ^ O N E y / \r H O T T l P S r ~ / ~ >□ e s ’n o N - J


r ^ K ES H T H E L IM E ,i - o u R - c H i ^ N g ^ f X — ., S H T H E B R IC K S -I O H -O H ! ] l ' i D i r i p N . X ' J

- e j --------- - A u t o r f o r S a l e - 7(Ceatlawd ft« a rrtetdiBisCttaaaR)

FOR B m BUYS IN UBED CAR! 2 * CO, 307-0(

___ aw ebogT B t. 6a :SS l HAVE *200 J Q U r r e IN A NE« ^ International truck t l MeVer'i U ft will aacrlflee. Call Al Bmlth, W .

Male HeIp.Wanted i"t o U A N " P O R 'o O F F H lR O O T T r |i I f i ir —*-«etk~oppottun lty .—AutomoMl

given a* bonus. Write Alb« Minn, 92J0 Monmouth, C la tln a tt

S i tu a t io n s W a n te d 1<

^ S t o To o r a w S T ^ o o k j^ S SJp 4 yr*. experience, wishes work. p «

' manent empIo)’menUdeslred. Vic ___ - let HtiU, 360 Jackaon St. • '

'" B u s i n e s ^ p p o K u i i i l i B y i i

r , THE V hOT M4ALL B U S IN M T li Twin PaUs. Write Box 100, cai News. '

__•' Mone^Jo Loan Tf* *• 9 ' n m CENT M O N K TO^LOAl

* on business buUdlsgt. J . E. De* Wltl. Ph. 374.

IS « --------- --------------------------------------« ■ -

18 « MONEY TO LOAN'rt 4 • On DweUlngs H J, Lowest R st« t-L ong T erm s- IS * Qulek Servlot

i s :JO -i* 123 Main E. Phone 427

« I n* — ' ' * • „ ' ' '* For-Sale Ml&ellaneous 1* UBED M A Y T ^* WABKEfiT

* * tiow. only »«430. Terms. Bampso Mualc Co.

----- , USED FENCE WIRE, M AND 3- l n .1 8 and 300 p tr rod.-:0-m L.a

West of Twin PaUs. R. A. Cane . Rt. 1.________________________

FOR SAIjENumber of good used beatera

, . and rang ti' . MTN, STATES IMP. CO.

J L - _ -------------- ------------------------t i — ■

CHRISTMAS 1 TREES . „ Last j-car >-e sold out a weok* * ahead of ChrUtmas of thoee

T beautiful never-shed tf e u . Don'l* be dbappolnted. G el your* the J llrst Ume you are In town;

et « HARRY MUSGRAVE i y. « L----------------------------- 1---------- -----

n ♦ LOW PRICES~ON. FIRBT GRAD ^ plumbing fixtures, valves, plM an

pipe flttlnga. Krengtl's HanlA'ar

^ * 270 L l N l ^ PEET, NO. 301 GAI , j v an l«d flume. 20 saugej ne;

* -P e a V e y -T a ^ Co., inc. '

’f * FURNITURE - NEW ANO OSE* furniture o t all kinds, eoal range 4t eleetrlo rangea eooJ stoves; etrci « lito rs and other houiehold furr

— t -bW i\g* -«w » 'fc -P b ft. Stor# No-l* Ph 318, Stofo No I

D * FIRE INSURANCE. RATE RESl* denco 70c per hundred, 3 year « Outside Tw in Falls elty tl.00. .

¥ E. Roberts.

a T 5 T U t CALL roR RUUlTt'-r&OBi :

[ P 5 - 7 j v t h e n A S i

f y r ^ T O R w i e \X iN eY S O ^^E H O W - E T IN O U “T H W r ' K N D S H 6 W N i^ ^ A ^ , BlNi ICW4 -7 E A N U P T O O

m E A L L E Y - T W O I B I R

v o o o e u v e r ! ^3 V O O R B R I C K S 0 / # ^ | I • A T 'M V -' S A R A G B i



' . • '■ j

7 F o r S a l t , M l!o e lla n e o u a l ' «*■“ «■*< ft— >*»«*<«■*

lUtS HOMEUADI PIESr r ^ Clly P t rk Qtoeta

■ m Bhoabcp* Nartb

IEW CORROOATED ROOFINO. R l 'ey*. urorelAc steel, ttructontl Iro tio. and plate. itceL K rto id '* » * « S25T ware.

9 WHY PAY WAR PRICES A carload o t Muresco In bulk.

*49 Buy w hal you need, bring baek obtle —whtfr-youbtve-tofU-W«-lou»-fM ib«rt t brush to puv H on wUb tre*. n tu . McMurtry Pain t. 4«___ Hour Entmel, Floor tn d L ln-= oleum V tm lsh dries In two

, . houn—A large slock of- Wall H Paper.

pS . MOON’SDer- .-ViriN PALLS* PHONB 5 Vlo.

s Wanted Miscellaneous 17-r 4 5 - ■ W A N T B D ^H O R fB H A lR !-!?^ ____ Langdon. JM 4th Ave. W ett.

rORNIURE WANTED W» BU used fumlture, coal range*. *to*

_ _ to d lee te re f . W« p a r easb. P

l 6 *■F r u i t s a n d . V e j e t a b l e s 1

DEUCrtJOH APPLES 14 MI. & Of; Kimberly,^ Bhambtuih.

7— 1 APPLTO - JONA'niANB, ROM l and& lle lous. U Ml. B. o t Kin berly. Ph. 37Rt. John W. Htr<U

APPLES — ROME BSAU'fV 7^ Jonathan, picked belore tbe fre« H i mL e a« on Kimberly Bot

tr , . D. D. Voaburg.

— J HAY. POTATOBS. CARROTS PC= ■ . sale. Ph. 01B7-J4.__________ :

5 1 7 SMALL DEUOIOUB. J5o P J bushel, c , V. Jones,-8 ml. Bo.

^ P«P°t. Ph. 0389-Jl.

' MCINTOSH RED APPLES AI r r : other faU varieties aro now rta ' f ^ a l tha E. L. Won*eott Orchard,

ml. e m w -R lm b<rly-road.-ti-t

' EARLY PICKED APPLES. FB I ------ Haggardt. 1 Ml. So. of Bouth P a

Electric Appliances 1’ 8LI0H1XY. i r a i r b " " R m u a m

tors, subaUntlal discount. Ei terms, Sampson MUsle.CP.____

— For Sale or Trade 2I im 'oM E V . lH TO NTO

horses, Immejs, eow*. 3 ml. I of So. Park. 4 Ul. W., 3H I

c m • Oh«les cartee. " "

the WANTED TO TRADE—1929 FOF roadsltr, A-l condition, tor h a n 1 mile west. 1 mile aouth o t Dee

/ Prorlfi/ai pJac«,

— — CLOVER AND ALPALPA OHAP ■AO® onions, double unit Empire mil 1“ " “ Ing machuie, llrst cloo* condlUo

wheal straw, phone 0197-J4.

40 ACRES, HANSEN D IST. 1C cash, baianec ime i tn t or wUl U

____ acreage or Income property heISED neatby town for half,nsea veer nmortiscd loan on b tltn i

WT»e*Hl Wataui S l . T»-ln Pal


H n .. Furniture for Sale., 210. j ‘ GOOD USFD>IANO,l76T,TCRN

Bampaon Mmlc Co.____________

« T n T U I CALL rty i nrstJLTi“-rh # D t

f V ^ Q F T H E M O ^

¥ VT b O E S N T M A T T E R \ 6 K T TX E M 0t4E Y -T H E

r C A H T B E A.NV O R . 1 ^ 0 T lO H T V jK b VJOULD

^ ____



f T D ' H A U L 1 fti . THEM O V E F^


17 . Radios and ervIoe SS-Jo o b b " USED RADXOft' £ S

tenns. Bampton Muilo Oo.


SFBCIAL BAROAIN PR IC W 0 used Radios. M oosl P a in t* r u n Kur* Store. • .

E S 7 --------------------- --------------------iHt Wanted to Buy 2row— W G H B ^ A tf ltR N HUOiw TO m . carloads broke*.or range hors) « • mules and eolta. Fred C btndl

In - H ory and Mule Market, O btrlto :wo lo w trtU ■

USED OALVANIZED ORANAR quote price. Write Box P, ea News.

J s ----------------------------------------------------= OET OOR BIDS ON RED OLOVE- . and alfalfa teed belore. aeUln 7-A Olobe Seed and Feed, Twin Fal

Globe. Be«J et Peed

b o y FURNITURE WANTED-WB BU tovas used fuii^lture. coal ran g u slo r . Pb. and lee boxes. Wp pay caih Pboi ____ B. Moon'i

L l ? H o u ses lo r R e n t 2

i ROOM F U R jH in E D H O i^ rs ___ Aih street.M ES -----------

S ' . Apartments 2■T5S f o r r e n t - S-ROOM rURJ

bh»d apt. Adults only. 3W .Bl Lakts North. Ph. 1033.

• FURNISHED, JUSTAMERE IN Ph. « a and Oasln. Ph. 971.

— Rooms for R ^ t 2P E R __________________________

k>. or FUR.VISHED ROOM, 411 3NC AVWeit,

AND FRONT BEDROOM, BOARD ready desired. Ph. 7I3J.Lfd 3 ■■■ I I I —14 ^ LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUT_____' able for ^ .-grotlem en-prvfeni*RED 13e eth Ave. No.Park . I I— WELL HEATED FRONT BOO:

'{g Ph. 131U. 811 3nd W.

e r r D um A B L E r o o m , o t r i i i i entrtiice. elote In. Gentlemen pi

* “ » fcrrtd. Ph. J3J.

= = MODERN FRONT BEOTOOM. J Z l s th E u t. ...................• -

PO R BOOU ANO BOABD ■-- l? l 71I, Bo. No.

W a n te d lo R e n l 3

"ORD A » r80."nXvE ^G O oV E quipidra enea. . I c tn Ilnsnee m rt'lf and five n Deelo,I' e r tn m . Write Oox 11, C t r t N n

------- AOREAOE CU5SE IN.^AFP, Bos 3, eare Neva.m i l k - ............... ........— .lUon: FURNISHED FARM. CAN Ol\

best of relereoce, Charles Cart*------- 2 fl. of 8, Pk.. 4 W.. 2H So.

10% ----------------------------------------------; U ke ABOUT 10 OR 20 ACRES NW

here Twin Falls, u s h rent. Write B If. 20 B8, care News._______________

Fall*; Beal Estate for Sale .3—130 a ACRE ORCHARD. GOOD D ------ - —provemenU,..»2250..J..£;,„\^ie.

23 W ACRES—A GOOD ONE. GOO . I Impnn'ements. N e a r itaielic

RMS.I .P riee 18,000. 42.900 cash. J. i DeWltt.

-TUl CAU roR #Mtn.Ti“-rb«a»

>Jn e y l e n d e r s

A l 1 / l'M 6E m N (O N < k Q U IC K ,! |>E^L, ANS IA, LOT OF MON

'— ^ ONE V(EEK-HA UT-n.6 lAPK


■ ^_ . i _ - . f e ' . ? .


^ on' \ '. I N E E D - ^ ^ W r f l i l i i I'- " ^ e x iB s a s e ^ g s , f T - -Ajyfa THE J p f -

'7 .

3-A ■ Real Estate for Sale 3i( C . . . . . . . i „ . C . I W

A REAL B N A P -rr WALKED U------ this momlng tn d w b tl a int)ICE. 40 sen* ociand wltb 99 sbaree <

water, small bul good roek hou» fenced and In culllvation. Locate

C « 13 mUea from O ^ l n g , I ' i m w n - from t Khool. Priced a l pnly IDO

• I2M cash, »«(J March I . IJM, an ------ balance nexi fall, l l io farm wl

Kault you but location may not i pIcsK do nol write u* If you i 7 ^ not e»ri! tftl lW! th l i far.Schmitt & Whlpkey. Ooodln

“ ?**• Idaho, ndlar ^

» M Acre* w ith modem S- » room bungalow, U mile from If Haasen.

____ ^ 40 Acre* So. Kimberly. Im-)VER » proved. A good buy a t ttOO per lUlng. Z acn.FaUl. * Ifl Acres clOte to Twin Falla— ;_ o n .h lRhwi.r. Priced Id m il ^

■ wo nave aome good buj-s In* modern homea and building

BTIT ^^ * BUDLER-WEGENER 00. ^ 1* Elks Bidg. • Phono gio

' « « « « « « «


¥ POR SA LE-A real bargain____ * tn tl40ac roT tnch .-K lm ber-—; r ; • ly district, wlih B room house,

26 ¥ hardwood floor*, fuU con-* Crete basemini. good bam.

imN - V ir tna ry . garage, t l l fenced.Blue ¥ Priee •116,00 per te re . Term*

V Ilka rrnt.■ * J .E , ROBERTS

INN, Retltor¥ Phone 563


DESIRABLE FILER P R O P ^____ for atle, S room aeml-modei3 IP weU buUt house, with or wltho

amtU acrcsge, dose In, good Ioc— tlon.-Reasonable. Write Box ! lUIT- care News.ened. --------------

MODERN 9 ROOM HOUBE. WE] : locaUd. large lol. 12300, IflOO dot

OOM. J. E. White.

------- OOOD 40 NEAR FILER, SMAl'BID* house. I4M0. Wilt cary back US' > P " - e t 6% Owner. Box 44 Care Net

t * » Tp. lo! l i Ifl. 3U mUea west, ‘ mile souih-of T»'ln Palls. Pi

"vpQ Improvements, immediate pou« ^ alen. Ptavey-Tabfr ^ C o , Inc.

CAU r » RtavLT8--rai>oi

E f f ,

" ^ 1 h v e ^ ^ o K . e e o R s e ,-------' G OT A , I f IM 9 0 T H /? IU 6 t3OIVE F t A T . 'i ie o T W H V 'P iP K r i‘ ” " '1 - V a U f t U V A

! V H O U 6 E ?

s Box C - Q , ^

Hchilli I

IOOD, r / s . ’S

____ n - - * -)B» n

1 N 6 11*4 V U A A -M .- ^ <, SURE-FIRE , TO>'l NEED 'vSi’S S v S ? - \ u c v P o a - W A R N Y O U —SifiW ASiT t h o se ONE


i f l : ®

OT, DECEMBER 4. I W ..........

3 2 R e a l E s t a t e ( o r S a le 3u t t) (Cctitea** r w rw e ed m Crtaau> IN EXIBA OOOD WELL lUPROVl snap. IM .elo tt to, 1180 p e r te rt . J. eeof WbU*.

c?{m 40 ACRES IMPROVED B0~~( nm berly . A good buy. |40

Ijoo; Tenaa. Al Smith, P h . 910.

' “ ' ‘jJ FOR SALB OR CASH RCN H tcrea, riate lh. Ph. 02951 7.

____ BrJalaJJyestoclcI:200 TOUNO "e w w T I w o e d ^

____ ttU . Ray WUklhson, 3»i wesLSo. Wesi cor, o t BuhL

t CHOICE GUERNBEY HEIFERS. 8- * few choice cows. Ph. oiOJJtS' v

om ’ oln*i. L. A- W arner.

m- * 28 HEAD EWES, 3 BUCKS, LAM [wr « V to 0 yr. oldt. Ph. 31J10 FUcT.Yi

ft eent and Armes.

* 79 HEAD FINE CftJA U TY HCT- r r * •n iJ ia ~ M ttI !r - rW “ par{lcu1a«^

- Jerome Auto W recking Co, « R tljjh Hafer, I S Ml. So.« Gooding.

“lO * FOR SALE - 3 MARBS. WEIG) M » 3400 Ibt, tBd oolt lix montha o T Bart Ebon, 2V, mllea south Ed<

200 HEAD CROSS-BRED W lllf faced yearling bucka, nin(

* r tbed . In f lr tt c la s t condltli In * Can be seen a t A. O. Doman rani

* 4H ml. so . of Burley. Ph. Biif’ . I i»yi3fl. •

IJj; * Poultry and Supplies ;1 LARGE BRONZE TURKEY* next yr*. brtedera, priccd rig:* l* i ml. No. E. H tn te n brldg«.I


------- ST. LOUIS (^FVrHomeepun bdEtlTV ny tppetr* In the ttu d y of Vflseo

Tbne Table*» 33, schtduU of FaiMOtvr Traiat i

.Matsr BuiN rasslag T brtaib Tir .lin ,5TOX-----------O ,w i0 ^ « 0 » J .U K » _ _down. ^ ju u a ry a i. im ) ^ _____ TrLn S72 Imtm 3:I» ^^ " ^ |T r . ln S 7 1 l m J : ! ? r ! - l o « . .*3A00 xnon s c iMTM_____ -J J O p.News. IVKUI DRANCII

^=55; T n J r g » ii* T f tr r - |^ * ^ ^ 3 3 6 ~ p :**• M TaralB 4M »m»M _ _ __J oo o

Fair tmioM rA C inc stao b * OM*S- ^nc. LWf«_______ ________ ..S 3 0 t .BOI n t.»TM - p.'

LtU'ir p .'. . . . UUi» snlTlni « 1I:SS tU Jtto

XVciiUfil tnd Uoodinc ollien Tit E .

m et L«4r«t --------------------tBJi ^i ^ a r ..................—

t t ? » = = = = = . " ' . • : INT out* Imin* kl a:DS p. m. tl» . ^ oini. Hrriiddl >sd aoodttx; oibcn^ “ “ other ™rA"6i UNI*

Tula rUli-lUUir-Ktlcana

I.<»TM „.....•.----------------- l l « a.^ 9 ATfl»[» _ _____________ .^39 p.> s Mill Clotln* Tlm*

Bw> mtll iM p, m. to d iM p. ^ Wnl Ditll IJ} a. m. 1:40 p. m. i

$ Daily Cross. ACROII, Soluilon Of'

--------of Bowefi |K | A j I j J jC II

7. i’ttilsn coin In lR M O Lti n . Youni air* u r< r i iv ju i __ li. Buiiuti«fy iL lO IP H A II

niDiiiur* IS, ^ 11. 0oni of snt’i ID E F I C

. * H a ^ ei:! Anc’inl £ m b V, ^IB"

/Jll "^*uui»wtunr [F L W k e j

E S ; '" ”RJ t ti. OMSIn H. aiiironr . .I, II. m r eKoriter:[ 11. Comtililn H. Dicifj l>. Nltlvg lUit M. Op (dIa*y InOlan chltt II. Cauilni1 <>. O.ntfil nsht . ^ •motloBf IJ. i'arrtlof li. Ctnreltillyi >ro<in>i «». Comroriti ; II. Illrft it-rtllr «t. I 'yw lst'd

• i»nii'er«nir* «j. o f lii tit I ir. At or rrom t orliln

II. r r m ‘ ?d*.lth OOWNo»ri 1. Look* tnm i

— TT~¥~^~^~¥~W;U ~ - 7^ " W

3 ---------------------------------- K

^ - ' * = = = i ^ = rI a

--------- 3 T — J

32 B U S I N E S S '

S J I D I R E C T O R Ym x j ----------------------------------------------J . E. PB A V n TABEH O O . 0 (0 . PBON

301. Flrt and au to ta ta n n e t.~ O F . . " " I J . ,HOOO. plant life pubUshed by the M btoo

Botanical garden here.7 — "Shin oak." '•bcggv t llee," *de» ,^ T r. IV. c u w .” - lew bUnket. -ol

_ mans beard" t n d -Dutchmtn' “ Tj} pipe" ure some o t the prorlncli —o D naaiet. ■‘flh e ep -so rre t-u -kngw in------. "sheeptour" tn d Jkurtl&ns b* TO "pulley." H tw lhom b more genwtl •*Sa« ly known as “red haw."

« ' Q I M I T I ^ F t I P

— 1 2 3 4 50 1 0 ^ 2 i 3 t e

^ 1.-S 1 6 1 7 1 8 19B 0feIITE-ange. 1 2 2 1 2 J I Z 4 l /0 I Z D I ^ / |Z l

S n h i A R i i l \ench, Z 9 I3 0 I3 1 I I I IBur-

= 1 O N L Yi s . A F E W M O R E

^ S h o p p i n g

E D W s

= U n t u

. X M A S !> ~ a. m.

“ • S hop Ih c M a d s earcfuD j p*- S ' «v e ry d t y — E » « r y o n e I

lo ok ing ( o r p r e s e n ts Ib a i T - s : - w o i lH -8 U llT a ll i« rT 3 n it r e i ,p .B ^ S is te r o r M o th e r . ' '

P e r h a p s t h e v e ry g l / t 1 t . ml I r ig h t h e re , p. ta.p. m! —

•w tS : ] I f you h a v e s o m e th te g yo' ‘ I rio lo n g e r n e e d w h y n b l Ir

. _ j s e r t t q u ic k a c t io n N ew W a n M d .

t i i . M A K E E X T R A '

, V S X M A S C A S H

P H O N E 32 ' S : T O D A Y

L — — —

5s-Word Puzzleof Y ts to d sy 't P u n lt » . ti l t ’^i ----------- --------———*3.-W«ijt*ln -pB»

a tlil 14. niswvD*II. Ulmloai At

~ll.~K i«a-ornu .-

« . , s r j o .t>. Uiii'alinr

Nti'kultc*St. KlUMcO SI.. Uluiii aj tirltil IC. UlllCUl ID

c«rlAt»SI. Th* ab.oluU

(UUOIUIK* II. IU» &<tay U SS. Cubic u iti r t

abrtt_lw toTiuS*a*af-.^U -J*K tipopul*r }* yu“''>'» hum*

" 1 t i S K ' " . u l f f l . .S. trtjsnd «•

> *' '* '* d t * l g ' i i t «*• ToX*Mrt la t 1 Pseki con.I. Covtrinf* for t ^ if»t

J lh* htsd Kvil ipMtI. Anti.B « Cii'a of Olh

lirm tnt S] I'.iri pltrcd19. BililInf IB M I Kcl. .

IIII* or St. Convert Into rrllr Min» «nlr lu th tr .

^ f” ^ ^

Page 12: w m :, FAL]ES D AILYf N E IW S - Twin Falls Public · ~ penlCentlarr at McAleater alUr ... -----open"

: | U 3

I USH„ i — --------------------------

I A N DI __^

. DRY Ga A I’ci


l i i ' • URV Cln ' IT 'S c uIS THIS FINE P

i ~ 5Service o r chiffon weiKhi o f a t any tim e you foci thi

• S y ou f woaey'fl w orth brlni W ceivc ft hew p a ir free

i DRV G(K IT’S 1


1 S__ Z ___ Givfl thU linsiory th n t lw

2 f a r more to both you and - - a — w in ter shades aro -------

§ ah o w n ________________

D o t s a n d D :

^ I d a h o ’ s

'A : DOLL C■ g . . F or IG inc:

' i - — W

t8 K EY WOOD <

Full sovonteen

..i ....... V...29■~ij| “ “ WOODtiN' PL. , CHAI

f - —

. ^ . 49

t- 312 PAGE STO

Size TV^xlO. M other Go( _.— tB o o k .3 c(L IinMLStory_I

" n ® 'land, U lia r t ’jlf l’Bi'.U t l

-4 - — 4 9


) - U S HM ei

i; ( iO O D S D E P T .I 't r f c c l V a lu e !


S 59CServicc n n d chiffon weighta both. A sood

. iitting , l o n g wearing hose with thc additional splaah-proof feature. ,A full range < f winter ahad^i. • . ■ ' ,:

( ;O O i)S 1)EI*T.(iUAKANTEEl)


9 8 cfight c jth c r one. I f fo r nny rea.-<on

th a t th is hose haan 't g iven you ^ c k o n d re-


9 8 ciLbeara a famQus-nnmo Tf mtvitm a i^ ^ r ._ ^ l l of Kayaer’s new mid*_

......9 8 c

----------------- S IE N ^ S -S T O K E -^

A Christmaa Stock of Men’a rre>Shrunl<


rPinc, fa s t color broad­cloth in white, g ray , tan, .. blue andjfrcon.^SJses t« 18. Thoy, have pleated sleeves, gnthcred bncks, and nro w rapped in


D a s h e s F r o h i > T

' s L a r g e s t

[. CABS 8 Kinch dolls


D CLARINETS SEI:en inclics long ; ' - - ] ) A m .......................: . ..Safcl» y C ; - , ' • ' I w i 'c

^ f A Y l l 6 U S F f ^ ' ~ 'AIRS10x10x19 ■ '* ,,

i 9 c ~ ^ ' ^ ^TORY BOOKS rGoose, W onderful S tory *-

ry_Book. All T i i ru -S to ^ _________r s m i 'y '•* -

I 9 c - ^ —


l E R I N GT c h a n d ij

M E N ’S S T O R E .


D RESS h o s e '

N e w l^ H le x T op ,

'on ■>.d 5 0 cing

— - A 'f u H la s le x t o p - h o s eb u il t o n n new p rin cip le . T h e y c o m c - . i n „ j i e a t l y c locked p a t te r n s in col*

— — - o n r o H la c V - r n a v jv b iw n -a n d B ra y . C h r is tm a s b o x ­

e s fnV thcHC C A o ^ hose a r o f re e .. 3 ^ " ^

M E N 'S S T O R E

, . ID E A L P R E S E N '


C U n ifo rm s , A x e s / K nives c h ie fs . C ook K its , F l a s h 'L o m e te r s . F i r e M a k in g S e K its , F i r s t A id K its.

CLOSING Cian. ____ n nv (JOODS 1)kl--_____ -LOVELY SILKC DANCETTES l^C

A h e a v y q u a l i ty s a tin n n t____ n n 'u n u s u a l va lu e a t n n y ti~ co lor, S i ic s S2, S I am i 30. ’

~ I rim m e 'd u f la c eo f ---------------------------



F in e c a r d s w ith nove lty h a goo d lo o k in g



t,; _ P A J A M A W A R D Jted T w o s u i t s o jf iin e n ove lty p k s , p iickcd in n fo ld in g k i t . T l

in nnd p a n ts a re in tc rch a n g c j

C you f o u r d i f f e r e n t com b in ­a t io n s In '^ le e p ln g w e a r ......

f O Y L ^1 K E Y M E T A L S A X O P H <

F o ii 'r te e n - in c h e s long

— 4 9 c --------E T O F 3 0 G E N U I N E M i l

M O U S E W O O D B L O Cnfcly blocks w ith .ro .un il, .corners nn SH coliirs.

............... 6 9 c "' • T H E O R I G I N A L l i U e i

R O G E R S R O C K E T P I S l

3 9 cB A L L B E A R I N G R O L L

........ S K A T E S _______

S t3 3 S ! s 3 S S £ ! .’5 S g ’^ S S 0 S S 3



T H E A S 0 N-i O U T Iike A t Sl

^ _ MEN’S .ST O R E




9 8 c

^ The tie o f th e year. They A .. a re wrinkle proof and w<

] don't m ean maybe. Thl».is tho ono tic, th a t s tay s knot-

M i l l - — 9 8 c( I n y _____________

K E • ■ Jl

iN T S _

[IIPMENT I 'FICIAL I STORE Ives, Neeker- ■ closc*outs fr V L ig h ts , Ped- ■ th a t had cs Sets, Sewing Thoy are ro.

tim d y vnlui

! OUT .' M lV v,K SATIN - FOR GIFTSnnd in our opinion i tim e. Ten ro.'ie in

, - , = 9 8 C __________rr

i J ) E P T .

K BRIDGE ' y a f e

y bnckH, .packed in

JE LOOM J R O B E ^ S , ..

l r " ; " , ™foab le , thus iiivinK;ln . . new....... n ijo rlm cn

. , , , 1


and harm


m m m m m m m

stmas Store”

5 N E \ O F 1

B r o k e n ■ H ash in g

DRY (JOftDS DEPT. p T h r e c Piecc Toilcl Sots of

E»YRAI,1N IVORY ,J A long liimdlcil French

beveled plnte giass mir- !^ ]ro r ; a large white b ristle _ V .) ru s h nnd a cnmb.'They

are all iinckcd .in s atin _K. rayon lined box. The

are liand dccorated

> $ 3 .9 8MEN'S STORE

NEW!IN’S ALL WOOL )RSTED PANTSiivy’.’ds nnd also mod- ing mun’rt tdncki?. These are

from two pan t su it houses ex tra pairs to dispose of.

good nnd A O ilues ............




^ $ J L 9 8 ^ ^ I

ither n f coiir.-(o in sm art grains nnd dull m at calf . 'n j s.~Tii£-iilia<l<'!;-H r e black,- —M and navy. Tho of

lidjiy .slyk's artf in ■ this

.nt.. l$ l» 9 8 p

0 3 ! ^ » s . ^ a 0 s s i ! j a i 0 s

W C H ] L 9 3 5 -t i n e s O R e d u e t i

■ , —



WOMEN’S DRET h a t Form erly Sold to S

$ 8 .9 8All wools, velvets and velvete of exceptional dress value?

H ER E ARE T H E S • 1 DresB, Size 1

I 6 Dresses, Size 2 Dresses, Size H

4 Dre.<i3es, Size ] H Ol 1 Dress, Size 2(I I ---------------------- i1-Dr«'Vflr-SlzO‘JM 2 Drpsse.s, S iz e -1« Your Choice

I $ 8 .9 8B ■ IvCONOMY BASEM

I 12n LADIES’ NICE DIH From Our R egular Valu< M Thc sizes nre 14 to 20. Thei ' | n silks nnd novelty wool spor 5 1 excellent chance to g e t a 'r

tiie lio lidhys a tn { real anving ..............................*



SKIRTS-T w eed m ixtures In pnrt wooc

g ren t variety of pa tte rns bn some value flt ............

■ > .....REA DY 1


R e g u la r Val V /inn flccce I (tbrltt. m lxtutt

liG, OECEMBER i, 1988

R I S T ]

) f S e a s o io n s

U E A ir-CLOS]


Values u p to S7£

^ $ 4 'B eautiful fu r trim: coon, badger, and aro by F o rstm ann j offering J u s t in tim. th e h o lid a y s ...........



t> o m O ur Rc| Brown and g ra y ch trim a In th is groui

^ e c o n 6 m 5 CLOSl


These a re oar I Sport coa ts and fi length rnyon and si Wack, broivn, grecr 38. A swell buy wh last ....................


OUT ^ •

JESSES _loS 16 .50 fo r

8 ■ ''oteens. A nice tot

A f l u j HE S IZ E S - - - --------Q h M

■ze 14 V. W He 16 M K Sz e i s -c20 JHWj o 4 0 - ------ -—ici2 . . . N m B B


DRESSSS ' i B f f lilucs to $3.99 'here Are rayons, port dresses. A r ' a new dress fpr

^ 1 . 9 9 ' - p P §lEMENT V J fOUT

U LA R 98c S . - ■•ood sk irts. N ot a

“ . . . 7 9 0 ■-------------------------- REAIY TO W E A R ..... f ,,.}TNG OTTT__________

2 9

bP R E N ’,S. .:_ - “ A F OU' E R C O A T ^ - ^ ”^-

Values to $3.90 •e Unthg. Mm«,plle '• • •'

!?ofu” sli<J V elvets, brim;;oau. 8Ue 4 faco styles. /:oata.Jtoe.7----------- -b rd « r-4 o o n ak

'gooas every ,!

' ' ■ -1

>lrH 'II

M A S ^ I_______________ ' _ i

m a b le |i

— — ^ t.OY TO W EA K ' § SING-OUT._______; «.!€[*■■ 'IOUR S E S T ■ ' «D DRESS COATS 1179.50. Your choice to r t f

1 9 . 5 0 IImmed coats. Beaver, ra - 3^ id blue fo x .T h o fabrics M n and H offm an. A w orthy W

'!!!!: $ 4 9 .5 0 • i)Y TO W EA R «SING OUT I,1 5 „ i ’S FINE SPORT 1 OATS IRegular $9.90 Ratifte checke. T here a re no fu r

! !^ : ! - .$ 7 .9 0 IHY BASEM ENT Ks m o O U T §

- 1 0 — IIrFINE-WINTERT- r « OATS ir R egular $8.99 Coats Kfu r trim m ed coats. Fu ll Msilk lined coats. Colors of f t

5cn and navy. Size.? 14 to

! ' ; ! i '! : ! : . $ 5 .9 0 ■ . i

I ' I



x o s i n g ’o u t J g

T5* .....................

UR FALL AND ..........§I FELT HATS AT «, , I

Formerly' Sold to 85.00 S

Ims, tu rbans and off th e ^ All new'' fall shades.’ In

akc_ ro o m -fo r-C h ris tm aa_ _ h a t >n thia B

I' ' I ................. ^ i

1 • *1

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