Page 1: Web viewAnother word used to express “on account/because of”. ... and an ephah of flour unleavened-bread = and he made unleavened bread from an ephah of flour”


Judges 6 – Notes on translation/grammar

Let me preface these notes by admitting even I found Judges 6 a little challenging because of the vocabulary. There is a lot of rare unusual vocabulary in this story.


One of the vowels .–ויתנ verb + object suffix. PGN of suffix? That leaves = ויתנםreduced because of the object suffix so try analyzing *ויתן. Form? PGN? This is an extremely common 1st נ verb that you should be used to recognizing by now.

.Place/people name – מדין

Note syntax for numbers in this case {NUMBER} + {NOUN}. For – שבע שניםnumbers 3-9 masculine numbers for feminine nouns.


= עזז .Form? PGN? Tough to analyze because this is a final geminate verb – ותעז“be strong” under BDB 738a.

נהרות .מנהר־ article + noun. Gender and number of noun? That leaves = המUnder what root should you look? Remember מ is a common noun preformative. מנהרה = “cave? crevice? stronghold?” under BDB 626a. This might be a hapax legomenon and the meaning is not certain.

is a preformative מ article + noun. Under what root should you look? If = המערותthat leaves ער. So try עור/עיר or ערר or ערה. מערה = “cave” under BDB 792b.

צדה. מצד or צדד or ציד/צוד is a preformative try מ Just like above. If – המצדות= “fastness, stronghold” under BDB 844b.


.sow, scatter seed” under BDB 281a“ = זרע

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.People/place name – עמלק

.front, east, aforetime” under BDB 869b“ = קדם

.”literally “sons of the east = easterners = בני־קדם


Tough verse with a lot of new/unusual vocabulary.

Get out Hebrew verb helps and try #A4. If .חנ Form? PGN? That leaves – ויחנוyou have trouble remember this root you can find it camped under BDB 333a.

= שחת ?Form? PGN? Note the a - long i vowel pattern. Conjugation – וישחיתוHiphil “spoil, ruin” under BDB 1008a.

.produce of soil” under BDB 384b“ = יבול

.verb + possessive suffix? PGN of suffix? Form? This is just bizarre = בואךLiterally “your entering” but who or what is the subject?

could represent two ע Place name. Can you recognize it? Remember that – עזהdifferent sounds in ancient Hebrew. `Ayin and Ghayin. So either `azza(h) or ghazza(h). Recognize it now?

Literally(?) “until your entering Gaza = until you enter Gaza =? up – עד־בואך עזהto the entrance of Gaza”.

Hiphil = שאר ?Form? PGN? Note a – long i vowel pattern. Conjugation – ישאירו“leave over, spare” under BDB 984a.

is a preformative then try מ Under what root will you find this in BDB? If – מחיה .preservation of life, sustenance” under BDB 313b“ = חיה. מחיה

.one of a flock, sheep or goat” under BDB 961b“ = שה

.head of cattle, bullock” under BDB 1004a“ = שור

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.he-ass aka donkey” under BDB 331a“ = חמור


.cattle” under BDB 889a“ = מקנה .noun + possessive suffix = מקניהם

tent” under BDB 13b. Note the shift“ = אהל .noun + possessive suffix = אהליהםfrom אהל to אהל־ with suffix. ‘uhl(u) > ‘uhl >’úhel > ‘óhel הלא .

.Hunh? This makes no sense. Look in the margin. We have a ketib-qere – יבאו


So read the qere using the vowels of the ketib = Better? If you have .ובאוtrouble with this form review Isbell 259. If the ketib is correct this is one of the 10% of ו + perfect verbs that is not a waw-reversive. Could these be prefixed preterite verbs? Or are they imperfect verbs expressing incomplete/ongoing action in the past?1

Now what is odd about these forms in this context? Hint = these – יעלו... יבאוverbs are not wayyiqtol. Sure enough there are a couple text critical notes.

is כדי sufficiency, enough” under BDB 191a. But“ = די .preposition + noun = כדיan idiom used in many ways.

a kind of locust” (perhaps “swarm”?) under BDB 916a. Difficult to find“ = ארבהwhat root this is under in BDB.

.multitude, abundance, greatness” under BDB 913b“ = רב

Difficult to make sense of the phrase. “Like a – כדי־ארבה לרבsufficiency/abundance of locust for multitude = (perhaps) like a swarm of locusts in number”. Compare different translations:

NIV - They came up with their livestock and their tents like swarms of locusts.

1 b nonn Mss ut Q; prb l c K יבאו cf 𝔊B παρεγινοντο; 𝔊* παρεφερον. “Some manuscripts read as the qere, we could read with the ketib יבאו. Compare Septuagint codex Vaticanus which has ‘???’ and original Greek ‘???’”.

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RSV - For they would come up with their cattle and their tents, coming like locusts for number.

New JPS aka Tanakh - For they would come up with their livestock and their tents, swarming as thick as locusts.

.camel” under BDB 168b“ = גמל .noun + possessive suffix + ולגמליהם = ו

.number, tale” (perhaps “accounting”?) under BDB 708b“ = מספר

Literally “and to them and to their camels there = ולהם ולגמליהם אין מספר(is/was) no number”.

preposition + verb + suffix. Form? Indication of conjugation other than = לשחתהQal? You just learned this root in verse 4.


ל or Niphal. Unfortunately נ Form? PGN? Note strong dagesh. Could be 1st = וידthis is a final geminate verb and is difficult to analyze. Try דלל = Niphal “be brought low, laid low” under BDB 195b.

cry, cry“ = זעק ?Form? PGN? Indication of conjugation other than Qal – ויזעקוout, call” under BDB 277a. This is a pretty common root. Learn it now.


cause” under BDB 15b. Another word used“ = אודה ?Gender and number – אדותto express “on account/because of”.

Note verse 6 ends ויזעקו בני־ישראל אל־יהוה and verse 7 begins ויהי כי־זעקוRepetition? Sure enough there is a text critical note.2 .בני־ישראל אל־יהוה

(6:8)2 a-a > 𝔊*𝔖𝔙, dupl ad 6b? Which means something like “this phrase is missing in original Greek, Peshitta, and Vulgate. Was it added from verse 6b?” What do you think? This is one of those rare occasions where I am inclined to agree that the Septuagint (and other versions) are correct. Is this an example of dittography? Or did a scribe add this to the Masoretic Text in order to make a theological point?

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preformative. Conjugation? If the form confuses ה Form? PGN? Note – העליתיyou review Isbell 277.

ו Somewhat challenging form because of the doubly weak verb. The – ואציאshould tell you what form. PGN? Note long i class vowel. Conjugation? If you have trouble review Isbell 132 and 285.

Gender and number? Remember that the masculine plural can sometimes – עבדיםexpress the abstract. So if עבד = “slave, servant” then עבדים = “slaves, servants” or ___?


Hiphil “take = נצל ?Form? PGN? Note a – i vowel pattern. Conjugation – ואצלaway, snatch away; rescue” under BDB 664b.

?verb(?) + suffix. Difficult to analyze but note o in first syllable. Form = לחציהםIndication of other than Qal? לחץ = “squeeze, press; oppress” under BDB 537b. Remember that participles are verbal adjectives. Therefore is this participle/adjective being used as a predicate, attributive, or substantive?

Predicate adjective The noun is x.Attributive adjective The x noun.Substantive adjective The x (thing doing x)

If .ר Form? PGN? A little difficult to analyze because of the PGN and – ואגרשyou need help review Isbell 276. גרש = Piel “drive out, away” under BDB 176b.

help? We אתן is confusing. PGN? Would ה Form? Although the final – ואתנהsaw this form back in 2 Samuel 12. The long wayyiqtol appears mostly in post-exilic text aka Late Biblical Hebrew. If you want to be an expert on this form check out Richard M Wright, Linguistic Evidence for the Pre-Exilic Date of the Yahwistic Source, Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 419 (London: T and T Clark, 2005), 22-26.

noun + possessive suffix. Note how segolate nouns go back to their = ארצםoriginal form before a suffix. Compare ארץ to ארצ־.

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Hey wait a second. Didn’t we just see another one of these? Is there a – ואמרהreason this unusual form appears in 2 Samuel 12 and now twice in Judges 6? This is one of the Final Six weak 1st א verbs.

?Indication of other than Qal .ירא Form? PGN? That leaves – תיראו

.article + gentilic aka collective people name = האמרי

?This is a verb. Note long o vowel. Inflection – יושבים

= Literally “who/which you (are) living in their land – אשר אתם יושבים בארצםin whose land you are living”. Remember there is no “whose” in Hebrew. Instead one must use the relative pronoun אשר followed by a resumptive pronoun.


Kittel neat verb trick #1 is lonely from disuse. Take it for a walk. I was – וישבthrown for a moment by the use of this verb. “An angel/messenger lives under a tree?!?” Then remember this root can mean “sit, dwell, inhabit”.

.terebinth” (kind of tree) under BDB 18b“ = אלה

Place name. Is this ⁽aprā(h) or ⁽oprā(h)? Get in the habit of recognizing – עפרהthat qamets in an unaccented closed syllable is probably a qamets qaton – unless there is a meteg or other accent to indicate otherwise.

.Personal name – יורש

Apparently this is a gentilic aka people name. Not “father of the – אבי העזריEzrite” but “Abiezrite”.

.Personal name. Main character of the story – גדעון

noun + possessive suffix. You should have no trouble with suffixes at this = בנוpoint. If you need help review and memorize Isbell 61.

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beat off, beat out” (which sounds a little“ = חבט .pattern כוככ Note the – חבטobscene so how about “thresh” in this context?) under BDB 286a.

Under what root will you find this? Note the strong dagesh. So maybe – חטים .what” under BDB 334b“ = חנט? חטה

.יגן wine-press” under BDB 387b. Good thing BDB tells us this is under“ = גת

preformative and long i ה preposition + noun. A little tricky but note the = להניסvowel. See if Hebrew verb help #A2a or Kittel verb trick #2 helps you identify the root. Follow up with Kittel verb trick #H1. נוס = Hiphil “put to flight; hide” under BDB 630b.


רא יו – Form? PGN? Root and conjugation are tricky. This is an apocopated form. Would *יראה help? Note three full vowels.

ך < before suffix because *⁽imm(u) עמ־ but עם preposition + suffix. Note = עמ⁽imm > ⁽im עם and the geminate מ returns before suffix.

strong, might” under BDB 150a. Is this adjective being used as an“ = גבורattributive, predicate, or substantive? As a substantive often translated “warrior”.

אשת strength, efficiency” under BDB 298b. Often translated “valor” as in“ = חיל”?a woman of valor – who can find“ חיל מי ימצא

Literally “mighty/strong (one) of the strength”. Remember that – גבור החילHebrew often uses a construct phrase x-(of)-{CHARACTERISTIC} to express {CHARACTERISTIC} x.


Words are clear but meaning is a little awkward. Literally – בי אדני ויש יהוה עמנו“with me my-Lord and is Adonai with-us = (if) my Lord is with me and Adonai is with us”.

.Remember this is the “why” of complaint/protest – למה

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which is a little מצאת־ verb + object suffix. PGN of suffix? That leaves = מצאתנוdifficult to analyze because (a) the object suffix pulls the accent and makes the vowel reduce and (b) normally the 3fs perfect verbal suffix is ־ה but it was originally ־ת which returns before a suffix. Would מצאה help?

Literally “found-us all this = (here) befallen us”.3 – מצאתנו כל־זאת

.where?” under BDB 32b“ = איה

verb + possessive suffix. PGN of suffix? If you need help review and = נפלאתיוmemorize Isbell 138. That leaves נפלאת which is a little tricky. The נ־ can be either 1cp prefix or Niphal conjugation prefix. Which is correct? Form? Inflection? Review Isbell 107. פלא = Niphal “be extraordinary, wonderful” under BDB 810a. Apparently the Niphal participle of פלא can be used substantively to express “marvelous things (of God)”.

Piel = ספר .Form? PGN? Note strong dagesh in middle root letter – ספרו“recount, relate” under BDB 707b.

noun + possessive suffix. This is a masculine noun that uses the = אבותינוfeminine plural ending. It is one of the most common nouns in Biblical Hebrew so learn it now.

which is not easy העל־ verb + object suffix. PGN of suffix? That leaves = העלנוto analyze. Note the ה preformative. Would העלה help? Review Isbell 285. And didn’t we just see something like this back in verse 8?

,leave“ = נטש־. נטש verb + object suffix. PGN of suffix? That leaves = נטשנוforsake, permit” under BDB 643b.

.verb + object suffix. Boy we are getting good exercise in verbs + suffixes = ויתננוPGN of suffix? That leaves ויתן־. Form? PGN? Note strong dagesh in first(?) root letter. This is one of the most common verbs in Biblical Hebrew and you should be used to it by now.

hollow, flat of the hand, palm, sole” under BDB 496a. Remember what we“ = כףhave said about repetition and variation in Biblical Hebrew?

3 a 𝔊* τα κακα ταυτα =הרעה הזאת . “Original Greek has ‘these evil things’”.

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Form? PGN? This is an apocopated form. Review Isbell 78. So what is the – ויפןroot? Indication of other than Qal? פנה = “turn” under BDB 815a.

Text critical note. Who exactly turns/faces? Adonai? or his messenger/angel?4

.You should be used to this very common verb form by now – לך

is listed כח preposition + noun + suffix. Difficult to find under what root = בכחךin BDB. If not כיח/כוח then try כחח. כח = “strength, power” under BDB 470b.

Literally “in-strength-your this = in this your strength”. Note on – בכחך זאsyntax – When a demonstrative (like זה) modifies a noun with a suffix the demonstrative usually does not have an article. It is then considered a demonstrative pronoun in attributive position.

?Conjugation .ו preformative followed by long ה Form? PGN? Note – והושעת .Hiphil “deliver, save” under BDB 446a = ישע

?Form? PGN .שלחתי־ verb + object suffix. PGN of suffix? That leaves = שלחתיךIndication of other than Qal? You should know this verb very well by now.


Compare verse 13. Perhaps this is being used as a form of address as in “O my – ביLord!” This is how all modern translations take this expression but I am not able to find it under BDB 88a-91a.

preposition + interrogative. Literally “by what = how?” See under BDB = במה90a.

thousand; (rarely) family” under“ = אלף .preposition + possessive suffix = אלפיBDB 48b.

4 a Ms מלאך, 𝔊 pr ο αγγελος cf 11 sq which means “one manuscript has מלאך, Septuagint adds ‘the angel/messenger’ before Adonai, compare verse 11(and?) following”. Which do you think is more plausible?

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low, poor, weak, thin” under BDB 195b. We know this word from way back“ = דלin Genesis 41.

.People name – מנשה

Literally “my-family the poor in Manasseh = my family is the – אלפי הדל במנשהpoorest in Manasseh”.

.little, insignificant, young” under BDB 859a“ = צעיר


.Form? PGN? A little hard to analyze because the root is doubly weak – והכיתNote the ה preformative and the strong dagesh in the first(?) root letter. You should know this root but perhaps BDB645a will smite your memory.


.sign” under BDB 16b“ = אות

relative particle(!?!) + personal pronoun. This is just brutal because this is = שאתהa late/dialectal form intruding into a story supposedly set in the pre-Monarchic period. ש־ = “who, which, that” under BDB 979a. Note on syntax – This use of ש־ is called nominalizing because it turns the clause that follows into the equivalent of a noun. Gideon will know that = you are the one speaking to me.

.preformative and strong dagesh in middle root letter מ־ Note – מדבר


= מוש ?so be careful. PGN אל־נא Form? This verb is associated with – תמש“depart” under BDB 559a.

5 a-a 𝔊* ο αγγελος κυριου. κυριος εσται μετα σου cf 14a which means “original Greek has ‘the angel of the Lord, “the Lord with be will you”’, compare verse 14a”. Compare 14a indeed. There seems to be some confusion whether this is Adonai or his angel/messenger who is appearing and speaking to Gideon. We see the same thing in Exodus 3 with Moses and the burning bush. So how does the Septuagint deal with this?

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.verb + possessive suffix = באי

?help הוצאתי Form? PGN? This verb is written defectively. Would – והצאתיNote ה preformative.

gift, tribute, offering” under BDB“ = מנחה .noun + possessive suffix = מנחתי585a.

preformative. I will help you out because this is a ה Form? PGN? Note – והנחתיtough form. Remember that some hollow verbs have more than one Hiphil form. And each Hiphil form has a different meaning. נוח = Hiphil B “lay, set down, place” under BDB 628a.

verb + possessive suffix. You should know this very common verb by now = שובךbut perhaps your memory will return if you check under BDB 996b.


.kid (animal)” under BDB 152a“ = גדי

.ephah (grain measure)” under BDB 35a“ = איפת – איפה

Hint = you .מצאה Perhaps you would recognize this word in the singular – מצאתeat it at Passover.

Literally “and he made… and an ephah of flour – ויעש...ואיפת־קמח מצאתunleavened-bread = and he made unleavened bread from an ephah of flour”. This may be another double accusative where one noun is the material used and the other is the product/result.

but this is a verb. You should know this root by שם Careful. Looks like – שםnow.

.basket” under BDB 700b. Rare“ = סל

juice stewed out of meat, broth” under BDB 600a. Very rare. Not sure I“ = מרקcan explain why המרק and not המרק.

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pot” under BDB 807b. Very rare. I had a dickens of a time finding this in“ = פרורBDB. Not פרר but פור.

Form? PGN? Note strong dagesh in second(?) root letter. Tough verb to – ויגשanalyze because the vowels are not what we expect. נגש = Hiphil “cause to approach, bring near” under BDB 620b.


?Well this isn’t so hard now that we just saw this stem in verse 19. Form – והנח

.crag, cliff” under BDB 700b“ = סלע

under BDB 229b. If I recall correctly my (זה rare synonym for) ”this“ = הלזDoktorvater argued in his doctoral dissertation and subsequent book that this is an example of spoken Hebrew. Consider the distinction between written and spoken Arabic. Or for that matter written and spoken English. When I teach English I sometimes remind students “this is spoken English, don’t use it in an article!”

An unusual example of a verb written defectively with an extra vowel – שפוךletter. Normally just שפך. Form? PGN? Indication of other than Qal? Would ?help תשפך


and construct קזה end, extremity” under BDB 892a. Compare absolute“ = קזהform קזה.

.staff” under BDB 1044a. Very rare“ = משענת

Form? PGN? This is an apocopated form and so difficult to tell the – ותעלdifference between Qal and Hiphil. How can you tell? Hint = who or what is the subject?

.rock, cliff” under BDB 849b“ = צור


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.יראה Form? PGN? This is another apocopated form. Compare – וירא

Wait – seriously? Only now does Gideon realize this?!?

.interjection “alas!” under BDB 13b. Rare = אהה

therefore” under BDB 487a. It seems there are many ways to say“ = על־כן“because” or “therefore” in Biblical Hebrew. Sometimes there are subtle and important differences. If you have a minute read how BDB describes the exact sense of על־כן.


Short and simple.


.יבנה Form? PGN? Another apocopated form. Compare – ויבן

זבח noun preformative turns מ altar” under BDB 258a. Note how the“ = מזבח“sacrifice” into מזבח “place of sacrifice = altar”.

.Name of the altar/place – יהוה שלום

adverb(?) + pronominal suffix. “Still/yet it”. Note the heavy 3ms suffix = עודנוbecause many adverbs in Biblical Hebrew originally ended in short a. Remember that verbs/words ending in short u or short a can take the “heavy” suffixes. Verbs/words ending in short i or no short vowel can never take “heavy” suffixes.


You actually should know this word but you have to go way back to Genesis – פר41. Instead of having a cow just look under BDB 830b.

head of cattle, bullock” under BDB 1004a. Have you noticed how often in“ = שורBiblical Hebrew one does not just say “animal x” but “animal x – specifically y”?

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throw down, break or“ = הרס ?Form? PGN? Indication of other than Qal – והרסתtear down” under BDB 248b.

We know this guy. We learn something interesting about the religious – הבעלlandscape of Israel during the pre-Monarchic period.

Asherah; sacred tree/pole” under“ = אשרה .article + (proper?) noun – האשרהBDB 81a. As I was saying. Gideon’s father was not a good Yahwist was he?


place of means of safety, protection” under BDB 731b. Often translated“ = מעוז“stronghold”.7

row, rank, battle-line” under BDB 790a. Not entirely clear how this“ = מערכהword is being used here.

Form? PGN? This is one of those times you cannot tell the difference – והעליתbetween Qal and Hiphil. Which makes more sense here?

Interesting detail that helps us understand exactly – בעצי האשרה אשר תכרתwhat האשרה is.


.ten” under BDB 797a. In case you needed a reminder“ = עשרה

.preposition + noun + possessive suffix = מעבדיו

6 a-a 𝔊* τον μοσχον τον σιτευτον, prb l את־הפר השני cf c which means “the original Greek has ‘the fattened bullock’, so perhaps read ‘the bullock the fattened(?) one’, compare note c”. Text critical notes suggest the same thing שני not שני for verses 26 and 28. I was unable to find שני = “fattened” in BDB. What do you think is more plausible? That a second bullock was interpreted to mean fattened? or the other way around? I have already hinted at my opinion. Difficilior lectio preferenda est.

7 a pc Mss et pc Mssmg ־ון (sic Soraei). “A few manuscripts and a few ?? manuscripts have מעון ‘dwelling, habitation’ (thus Soraei)”. This might be a simple case of confusing ז and ן.

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You should know this stem aka verb + conjugation. Ah but what form and – יראinflection? Is this 3ms perfect or msa participle?

?־ות preposition + verb. Which verb form sometimes ends in = מעשות

.daytime, by day” under BDB 401a“ = יומם

This whole verse is interesting and again tells us something important about the religious landscape of Israel during this time. We also gain some insight into social and family structures.

Note on syntax – Apparently this use of כאשר “because” to introduce a causal clause is rare.


Hiphil = שכם ?Form? PGN? Note a – long i vowel pattern. Conjugation – וישכימו“start, rise early” under BDB 1014b.

Not an easy verb to analyze because we have not spent much time on this – נתץconjugation. The נ suggests 1cp prefix or Niphal but the vowel pattern is all wrong and in fact the נ is simply the first root letter. This is a Pual which is the passive form of the Piel conjugation. נתץ = Pual “be torn down” under BDB 683a. Can you explain why a qibbuts instead of a shureq under the נ? Remember the short vowel chart. Short u class vowel in a closed unaccented syllable is usually qamets qaton but qibbuts before a strong dagesh.

Well well. Good thing we just mentioned the Pual because we have – כרתהanother. Except this time 3fs not 3ms. Can you explain why qibbuts in נתץ but holem in כרתה?

Note on syntax – You might not have noticed but is there anything odd about ואת Look at the verse. It is not the direct ?את Hint – why ?...הפר השני העלתobject of any verb. This is called the emphatic accusative of specification. The accusative (1) precedes the verb (2) is the logical subject and (3) is preceded by את. Williams notes that despite the name it does not necessarily indicate emphasis.

Page 16: Web viewAnother word used to express “on account/because of”. ... and an ephah of flour unleavened-bread = and he made unleavened bread from an ephah of flour”


preformative. This is ה We’re on a theme here. Now this time we have a – העלהa Hophal which is the passive form the Hiphil conjugation.

י article + verb. Good time to review Qal participles. The Qal passive = הבנוparticiple is ככוכ as opposed to active כוככ. Where does the י come from? Remember that 3rd ה verbs were originally 3rd י and the final י reappears in this form. Note on syntax – The participle can be translated as a relative clause. “Sacrificed on the altar which had been built”.


friend, companion” often translated“ = רע .noun + possessive suffix = רעהו“neighbor” under BDB 945b.

We are getting to the point where you should be needing less guidance – וידרשוwith simpler forms. דרש = “resort to, seek” often translated “ask, inquire” under BDB 205a.

בקש .Note shwa under verbal prefix and full vowel under first root letter – ויבקשו= Piel “seek” under BDB 134b.

Now pause and reflect for a moment. A good Yahwist might hear this story and think “darn right Gideon and his ten men tore down that altar and burned that pole! G-d told them so of course it was the right thing to do!” Look at it from the point of view of the men of that city. “Who tore down the synagogue/church and burned the scroll/cross?” I’m not saying Gideon and his pals did anything wrong. Just inviting us to reflect what this would be like if it happened today. This is pretty strong stuff.


.help? Review Isbell 285 if you need help תוציא prefix. Would ה Note – הוצא

Form? PGN? Indication of other than Qal? You should know this verb but – וימתif you think you’ll just die if you can’t remember look under BDB 559a. Speaking of Gideon and his pals showing religious tolerance how about these guys?


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A little ambiguous. Could mean anything from “standing by him” to – עמדו עליו“taking a stand against him”. Most modern translations interpret this more negatively.

interrogative + personal pronoun. You should know your personal – האתםpronouns by heart and under enemy fire by now. If you need help review Isbell 35.

ן may throw you a little. Analyze this like you would ־ן That final – תריבו .תריבוForm? PGN? Hebrew verb help #A2 might help. ריב = “strive, contend” under BDB 936a.

Now about that ן ending. Despite my best efforts could not find in Kittel or ־וIsbell. This is what Gesenius paragraph 48m says:

There are, especially in the older books, over 300 forms with the fuller ending ן always (with Nun paragogicum) וbearing the tone… This usually expressed marked emphasis, and consequently occurs most commonly at the end of sentences.

Sometimes called paragogic nun or energic nun. Basically an older(?) 3mp prefixed verb ending that seems to express emphasis.

ן after verbal ו Similar but note the different vowel pattern especially – תושיעוprefix. Take Kittel verb trick #H4 out for a spin. ישע = Hiphil “deliver, save; give victory” under BDB 446a.

ה... We have seen this construction a couple times. In Biblical Hebrew – ה... אם”?…expresses “{QUESTION}… or אם

.Look like we picked a good time to review Pual and Hophal conjugations – יומתThis is the Hophal of a hollow verb. The Hophal is basically the same as a Hiphil but with two important differences in the vowel pattern. A u class vowel after the conjugation/verbal prefix and an a class vowel before the final root letter. Compare הפקיד to הפקד perfect and יפקיד to יפקד imperfect forms. Because מות is hollow the u vowel in the prefix is now in an open syllable and lengthens to .ו

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I do not entirely understand this statement. Whoever – אשר יריב לו יומת עד־בקרtried to defend the deity will be killed by morning?!? This is a very important point being made – gods can defend themselves and do not need human beings to defend them. So is Joash a good Baalist or not? Note on syntax – Note the temporal use of עד “to, until, during, while, as long as”. So something occurs up to the time indicated. עד הבקר = “by morning”.

For hollow verbs the .ירב to jussive יריב A little tricky. Compare imperfect – ירבjussive and wayyiqtol forms are shortened. This is because the jussive and wayyiqtol originally did not have a final short vowel. And there is a rule in Biblical Hebrew that long vowels in originally closed syllables reduce to short vowels.


.Place/object name – ירבעל


?can be 1cp prefix or Niphal conjugation prefix. Which is it? Form נ The – נאספוPGN? אסף = Niphal “assemble”.

You should know this stem already. But if it does not cross your mind – ויעברוlook under BDB 716b.

.Again. If you need a reminder it is encamped under BDB 333a – ויחנו

.vale, valley” under BDB 770b“ = עמק

that is part of the common noun suffix א Place name. Notice the silent – יזרעאל.”which means “greatest, supreme אל


,put on, wear, clothe“ = לבש ?Form? PGN? Indication of other than Qal – לבשהbe clothed” under BDB 527b.

.A very interesting way to express this idea – ורוח יהוה לבשה את־גדעון

Page 19: Web viewAnother word used to express “on account/because of”. ... and an ephah of flour unleavened-bread = and he made unleavened bread from an ephah of flour”


.thrust, clap, give a blow, blast” under BDB 1075a“ = ויתקע

.horn (for blowing)” under BDB 1051b“ = שופר

זעק ?Note three full vowels in a prefixed form. Form? PGN? Conjugation – ויזעק= Niphal “be called together, assemble, join” under BDB 277b.


.Name of a tribe – אשר

ן .Name of a tribe – זבלו

.Name of a tribe – נפתלי

.preposition + verb + pronominal suffix. Form? This is a little odd = לקראתםThere are two parallel verbs קרה and II קרא both of which mean “encounter, meet, befall” under BDB 896b. For some reason קרא the infinitive construct shows ־ת like some weak verbs.


.”particle of existence + pronoun. “You are = ישך

?after preformative and long i vowel. Form ו preformative and מ Note – מושיעConjugation?

.”Literally “if you are saving – אם ישך מושיע


preformative and strong dagesh and long i vowel. This is a tough מ Note – מציגverb to analyze because the root is יצג and normally 1st י does not assimilate like this. יצג = Hiphil “set, place (a vivid and forcible synonym of שם)” under BDB 426b.

.fleece” under BDB 159b. Very rare“ = גזת – גזה

.wool” under BDB 856a“ = צמר

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threshing floor” under BDB 175a. Surprisingly common. This might be a“ = גרןgood time to mention that in graduate school I take an “experimental” course on Agriculture in the Ancient Near East. One of the main texts for the course is the excellent (if not always exciting to read) Agriculture in Iron Age Israel by Oded Borowski which discusses and describes all of these different agricultural terms and practices.

We met this word in 1 Kings 17. There was none in the land until Elijah said – טלso.

ה preposition(?) + pronominal suffix. PGN of suffix? If you have trouble = לבדremembering this expression you are probably not alone so look under BDB 94b.

.dryness, drought, heat” under BDB 351a“ = חרב


.morrow (day following a past day)” under BDB 564a“ = מחרת

III “press down and out” under = זור .Form? PGN? This is a shortened form – ויזרBDB 267a. Very rare.

drain, drain out” under“ = מצה .Form? PGN? This is an apocopated form – וימץBDB 594b.

.fullness, that which fills” under BDB 571a“ = מלוא

.bowl” under BDB 705b. Very rare“ = ספל

.”Literally “fullness (of) the bowl water = a full bowl of water – מלוא הספל מים


This is an apocopated form. It helps that you know this verb and it is used – יחרwith אפך. If you are just burning to remember look under 354a.

.surely, yet” under BDB 36b“ = אך

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.foot, anvil, occurrence” often translated “time” under BDB 821b“ = פעם

Note shwa (or shwa vowel) under verbal prefix and strong dagesh in – אנסהmiddle(?) root letter. נסה = Piel “test, try” under BDB 650a.

.only, altogether, surely” under BDB 956a“ = רק

.”Literally “only once = just once more – רק־הפעם


Repetitive so should be no problems.

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