Page 1: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

Дубейко Мария Владимировна,

учитель английского языка

гимназии №1

Тема урока: “Healthy lifestyle”

Пояснительная записка:

В конкурсной работе представлена разработка урока английского языка для 5 класса. В структуру и содержание урока включены медиа- и мультимедиа- компоненты, позволяющие реализовать принципы наглядности, доступности и системности изложения учебного материала, его интерактивность и легкость для понимания учащихся. Данный урок разработан по плану в соответствии с тематическим планированием. Объем нового материала оптимальный по учебной программе, базируется на уже имеющейся в опыте учащихся системе знаний. На данном уроке используются следующие модули: новые подходы в преподавании и обучении, обучение критическому мышлению, формативное оценивание, которое помогает выработать навыки самостоятельной работы, работы в группе, повышает чувство взаимопомощи.


1. Закрепление грамматических навыков употребления модального глагола “Should/Shouldn’t”;

2. Развитие навыков чтения и навыков устной разговорной речи по теме «Здоровый образ жизни»; развитие умения работать в группах; развитие навыков критического мышления; развитие навыков аудирования;

3. Привитие учащимся интереса и любви к здоровому образу жизни; расширение общего кругозора учащихся

Page 2: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

Вид урока: смешанный

Тип урока: комбинированный

Методы обучения: частично поисковый, словесный, наглядный

Форма обучения: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая, коллективная

Прогнозируемый результат: умение учащихся разрабатывать советы по теме «Здоровый образ жизни»; умение употреблять модальный глагол “Should/Shouldn’t” в устных речевых высказываниях

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, презентация с элементами слайд-шоу, исполненная посредством программных средств ACTIVSTUDIO, раздаточный материал: карточки для деления на группы, карточки с заданиями и картинки, рабочие листы, стикеры, смайлы, клей

План урока

I. Организационный момент

II. Целеполаганиеa) Просмотр видео «Жить здорово!»b) Мозговая атака

III. Деление на группы «Фруктовый микс»

IV. Приём «Кластер»a) Составление кластера «ЗОЖ»b) Презентация кластера «ЗОЖ»

V. Приём «Перепутанные цепочки»

VI. Работа с текстом «Как сохранить здоровье»a) Аудирование «Пойми на слух»b) Чтение по группам «Мозаика» c) Приём «Ключевая идея»d) Приём «Заполни пробел»

VII. Разминка «Прыгай как звезда!»

VIII. Приём «Дай совет»a) Повторение грамматики «Модальный глагол Should»

Page 3: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

b) Составление правил ЗОЖc) Презентация «Тебе следует ...»d) Коллективное обсуждение «Выбор лучших идей»

IX. Подведение итогов

X. Домашнее задание

XI. Рефлексия

Ход урока

Этапы урока /

Steps of the lessonВиды

работы /Types of


Слова учителя / Teacher’s activity Действия учеников / Students’ activity

Оценивание /


I. Org. moment

- Good day, students! I am very glad to see you.- Take your seats. How are you? Are you ready for the lesson?- So let’s start!

Students answer the questions

II. Identifying the lesson’s


a) Video “Let’s star jump!”

- I think that the topic of our lesson will be very interesting for you but I won’t call it. You will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. (слайд 1)

Students watch the


b) Brainstorming

Page 4: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead


- Do you know what theme of our lesson is today? Can you call the topic of our lesson?- The theme of the lesson is… (cлайд 2)

- How do you think what aims of the lesson are there?- The aims of the lesson are… (cлайд 3)

- What will we do during our lesson?- We will…

- So, the theme of our lesson is “Healthy Lifestyle”. You will talk about how to stay healthy and make up a cluster on this theme. You are going to work upon the text, you will practice your listening and speaking skills. During the lesson you’re going to evaluate yourselves. You’ve got stickers, smiles and evaluation papers. After each task you have to evaluate other groups, and give anyone points for the work.

Students answer the questions

Page 5: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

III. Dividing

into groups “Fruit mix”

- There are pictures on my table. Please, stand up and choose one of the pictures. (The pictures are apples, oranges and mangos)- Look at your fruit and find the table you are to sit at. Apple is the first group. Orange is the second one. And Mango is the group number three.

Students choose the fruit and

seat at their groups

IV. “Cluster”

a) Making up a cluster “Healthy Lifestyle”

- What associations with healthy way of life do you have? Now, you should make up clusters “Healthy Lifestyle”. Brush up as many words on this theme as you can. Each group has a sheet of paper, markers and stickers. Make your clusters colourful and bright. Besides you have to present your work. You may choose one student from your group to present or you can do it altogether.

Students make up clusters

b) Presenting a cluster “Healthy Lifestyle”

- It’s time to present your clusters. Please, come up to the board and present clusters. You may start your presentation with the words: For us healthy lifestyle is (are): … . (слайд 4)

Students present their


- Assess the clusters of the other groups. Put stickers on the preferable cluster.

Summary - I see you know many words on this topic. I hope, you will use them during the lesson.

- Before working upon the text and knowing about how to stay healthy we’ll get acquaintance with new vocabulary. Each group has paperswith new words and their transcriptions, appropriate pictures and definitions to them. But they are mixed. Match the words, the

pictures and the definitions correctly using glue.

Page 6: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

V. “Mixed chains”

Words: Healthy – adj a person, who looks after his, or her, body or

something which is good for you; Fit – adj If you are …, you can do a lot of exercise without

getting too tired; Energy – noun when you have … , you fell strong and

want to do lots of exercise; Crisps – noun a type of food made of very thin, flat pieces

of potato; Sugar – noun a type of food that is used to make things

sweet; Cabbage – noun a type of food with big green leaves that

you cook; Calcium – noun something that is in some foods, for

example cheese and milk; Sardine – noun a type of small fish (слайд 5)

- Now, read the words and their definitions one by one.

Students match the

words, pictures and definitions. Then read

them one by one

- Exchange your papers, look at the board and compare the work of the other groups to the correct variant.

Summary - Is everything clear for you?Students’ answers

a) Listening “Understand it”

- We all want to live healthily, but how to stay fit and healthy? The text we are going to read will help us to answer this question. Open your Class Books at p. 90, ex. 1,2.- Listen to the text.- Name three ways to stay healthy. (take lots of exercise, eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water and milk)

Students listen to the

text and name three

ways to stay healthy

b) Reading in groups “Jigsaw”

- Now, each group should read one of the parts of the text.

Page 7: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

VI. Work upon the

text “How to stay


Text:(group 1) Take lots of exercise Watching TV or playing computer games won’t make you fit, but playing sports will. You can join a club or play with your friends in a park. If you don’t like team sports, you can walk to school, go swimming or try skating instead. Regular exercise makes you feel stronger and gives you more energy.(group 2) Eat a healthy diet Sweets, chocolate and crisps are fun to eat sometimes, but it is not good to eat them every day. These foods contain too much sugar, fat or salt. Make sure you eat vegetables, such as cabbage, with every meal, and plenty of fruit, too. Fruit and vegetables help you stay healthy and

grow strong.(group 3) Drink lots of water and milk Water or juices are better for you than fizzy drinks because fizzy drinks contain lots of sugar. Eating a lot of sugar is bad for your teeth. One can of cola contains about nine teaspoons of sugar! Milk is good because it contains a lot of calcium. You need calcium to help your 206 bones to grow and keep your teeth strong. There is much calcium in a serving of a glass of milk, two sardines, cabbage, cheese, yogurt and beans.

(слайд 6)

Students read the text

in groups

c) “Key idea”

- Identify the main idea of your part of the text.

- Express the main idea of your part in one sentence.

Students identify the main idea in groups and express it

- Show us your hand signals. (after each idea)

d) Filling in the gaps

- The next activity we are going to do is completing sentences. You should fill in the missing words into the sentences. You Each child

Page 8: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

can see the text on the board.Sentences:1. Walking or skating are types of … . (exercise)2. You should eat … with every meal. (fruit and vegetables)3. There is a lot of … in fizzy drinks. (sugar)4. … has got a lot of calcium. (milk)5. Vegetables help you to stay … . (fit)6. Calcium keeps your … strong. (bones)- Come up to the board and write the missing words. Read the sentences you’ve completed. . (слайд 7)

fulfills the task on the

papers. Students go to the board one by one and fill in the words with the

interactive pen

- Please, applause to each other.

Summary - You’ve done the task perfectly! Thank you for being active!

(слайд 8)

VII. Relaxation time “Let’s

Star Jump!”

- Now, children, let’s relax a little. Stand up, watch the video and follow the actions.

Students dance

following the actions

- Please, applause to each other.

Page 9: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

VIII. “Giving advice”

a) Brushing up grammar “Should”

- Find one modal verb in the previous activity. (Should)- Brush up when we use Should/Shouldn’t. (We use Should/Shouldn’t to say what is good and not good for you)

Students name the rule of the modal verb


b) Making up advice “How to stay healthy”

- Each group has got a poster. You need 7 minutes to think over the advice on how to keep healthy lifestyle. Write them down on the posters.

- Here are the criteria upon which the other groups will evaluate your work: (слайд 9)

Should 6 sentences Grammar New vocabulary

Students make up advice,

write them down on the poster upon the criteria

c) Presenting the advice “You should …”

- It’s time to present your advice.- Read your sentences.

One member of

a group hangs the poster on the board, reads the sentences.

- Evaluate the poster upon the criteria.

d) Discussion “The best choice”


Page 10: Web viewYou will do it yourselves. I would like you to watch a video. You should try to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. ... go swimming or try skating instead

- Now, let’s choose the best tips for healthy lifestyle. I’ll write them down on the board.

choose the best tips from the posters.

Summary - So, what are the best ways to stay fit and healthy?Students

answer the question

IX. Conclusion


- You see, children, health is the most important thing in our life! I wish you to be healthy!- Have we achieved the aims of the lesson?- Have you known anything new today?

Students answer the questions

IX. Home task:

- Write down your home task: Ex. 1,2,3, p.83 (WB) To learn the new vocabulary

(слайд 10)

Students write down home task

X. Reflection

So, children, at last we’ve come to the end. This time I would like you to use the smiles which you have. Please, raise happy smiles if you understood everything and liked the lesson. Raise apathetic smiles if you had fun but you didn’t understand some items. Raise disappointed smiles if you didn’t like the lesson or you understood nothing at all.

- Thank you for the lesson, children. Good bye!

Students raise the smiles

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