Page 1: What is good feedback? - Elaine Campbell and Victoria Murray

“A lot of the feedback I have received has been positive as well as critical and I believe both are important. The positive feedback gave me a sense of pride in my work and encouraged me to press on even when the work seemed really hard. The critical feedback allowed me to identify the areas that could be improved and this was also constructive, giving me the tools necessary to improve.” “The most useful thing in the SLO was the feedback and guidance from the supervisor, as it helped me improve my work over time and was always constructive.” “Feedback on work from our supervisor and understanding why she had made changes in work we submitted.” “Getting feedback on my work to understand how I should improve and it what ways I could do this.” “The level of supervision was very high. The feedback I received from my supervisor was by far the most useful aspect of my experience.” “Receiving constant feedback from a professional that has actually been in the "working world“”

In response to what students found most useful....

Page 2: What is good feedback? - Elaine Campbell and Victoria Murray

What is good feedback?

Page 3: What is good feedback? - Elaine Campbell and Victoria Murray

Our session today

• Opportunity to share what we do when we give feedback to students in clinic

• Explore the research and look at some contentious points.

Page 4: What is good feedback? - Elaine Campbell and Victoria Murray

“information communicated to the learner that is intended to modify the learner’s thinking or behaviour for the purpose of improving learning”

(Shute, 2007)

Page 5: What is good feedback? - Elaine Campbell and Victoria Murray

Useful resources

• Focus feedback on the task, not the learner:


• Destructive/constructive phrases:


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