Page 1: Working at the public-private interface to improve the outlook for coral reefs

Working  at  the  public-­‐private  interface  to  improve  the  outlook  for  coral  reefs  Dr  Paul  Marshall  Assoc  Professor  -­‐  University  of  Queensland    Director-­‐    Reef  Ecologic    Dr  Adam  Smith  Director  –  Reef  Ecologic  

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“ConservaAon  is  not  rocket  science;  

Game  et  al.  2014  

it  is  far  more  complex.”  

Page 3: Working at the public-private interface to improve the outlook for coral reefs

Coral  reefs  –  unprecedented  challenges  Founda=on  of  sustainable  economy  Reef  management  must  adapt  Ø Investment  Ø Innova=on  Ø Capacity  building  Ø Partnerships  &  par-cipa-on    

Key  points  

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Partnerships  –  cornerstone  of  the  Reef  2050  Plan    A  key  principle  outlined  in  the  Plan  is  adop=ng  a  partnership  approach  to  management,  where  decisions  con=nue  to  support  a  wide  range  of  sustainable  economic,  social  and  cultural  ac=vi=es  opportuni=es,  and  management  is  coopera=ve  and  fosters  stewardship  and  strong  community  support.  This  partnership  approach  is  central  to  taking  on  the  challenge  of  implemen=ng  the  Reef  2050  Plan.      

AUSTRALIAN  GOVERNMENT  (2015).  Reef  2050  Long-­‐Term  Sustainability  Plan      

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Reef  2050:  Principles  in  decision  making      Maintaining  and  enhancing  outstanding  universal  value  in  every  ac-on      Basing  decisions  on  the  best  available  science      Delivering  a  net  benefit  to  the  ecosystem      Adop-ng  a  partnership  approach  to  management      

AUSTRALIAN  GOVERNMENT  (2015).  Reef  2050  Long-­‐Term  Sustainability  Plan      

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GBRMPA:  focus  on  partnerships    

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•  Encourages  governments  to  priori=ze  coral  reef  conserva=on  and  sustainable  management…  

•  Recognizes  that  educa=on,  capacity  building  and  knowledge  transfer  on  the  importance  of  coral  reefs  and  related  ecosystems  is  crucial  

•  Encourages  Governments….  to  further  develop  public-­‐private  partnerships  with  industry,  including  fisheries,  aquaculture  and  tourism,  and  civil  society,  to  protect  and  sustainably  manage  coral  reefs…...  

United  Na=ons  Environment  Programme  (UNEP)  DraT  Resolu=on  on  Sustainable  Management  of  Coral  Reefs    

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Public-­‐private  partnerships  (PPP)  •  Share  risks,  share  benefits  


How  partnerships  can  help  

•  Incen=vise  investment  &  stewardship  

•  Access  exper=se  &  innova=on  

•  Increase  responsiveness  

•  Share  the  workload  


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Degrees  of  par=cipa=on  

Arnstein’s  Ladder  of  ParAcipaAon  1969  

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Reef  Ecologic  –  Partnering  to  improve  the  outlook  for  coral  reefs  •  Ecosystem  services  •  Reef  Trust  –  projects  for  private  investment  •  Belize  MPA  management  •  Maldives  resilience  planning  •  Guide  to  Community  Stewardship  •  Capacity  Building  •  Reef  recovery  •  Code  of  prac=ce  

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Services  from  marine  ecosystems  increasingly  important  Healthy  reefs  =  healthy  people  Nature-­‐based  adapta=on  Coral  reefs  key  to  (sustainable)  growth  

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Ecosystem  services:  connec=ng  the  dots  

Natural Capital

biodiversity & ecosystem processes



economic activity & non-monetary benefits


Page 13: Working at the public-private interface to improve the outlook for coral reefs

Natural  capital    (the  building  blocks)  

Ecosystem  services    (the  products)  

Human  wellbeing  (the  benefits)  

Natural  capital  –    the  source  of  ecosystem  services  &    founda=on  of  community  wellbeing    

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Ecosystem  degrada=on  as  a  business  risk  

From “Natural Capital at Risk”, KPMG et al 2014

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Can  ecosystem  services  help  with  GBR  management?  

• Catchment  management  &  restora=on  • Reducing  stakeholder  conflict  • Biodiversity  offsets  • Trade-­‐off  decisions  

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Reef  Trust:  Investment  opportuni=es  project  Project  Purpose:  IdenAfy  projects  that  may  be  

a[racAve  to  private  investment  to  leverage  

Government  funding  and  help  achieve  goals  of  

the  Reef  2050  plan.  

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Reef  Trust:  Investment  opportuni=es  project  

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Reef  Trust:  Investment  opportuni=es  project  

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Partnerships  for  management  in  Belize  

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Partnerships  for  management  in  Belize  

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Partnerships  for  management  in  St  Lucia  Fisheries  priority  areas  

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Resilience-­‐based  MSP:  the  Maldives  

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Resilience-­‐based  Management  

Increased  Governance  

Marine  Protected  Areas            (Government)  

Marine  Managed  Areas            (Resorts)  

Locally  Managed  Marine  Areas        (Communi=es)  

Resilience-­‐based  MSP:  the  Maldives  

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Maldives:  resilience  to  climate  change?  

1998  2010  2016  

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Maldives:    Planning  for  social-­‐ecological  resilience  

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Sustainability  through  Stewardship  Reef  Guardian  Program  in  GBR  

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Reef  Guardian  Programs  in  the  Caribbean  Sustainability  through  Stewardship  

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Reef  Guardian  Programs  in  the  Caribbean  Sustainability  through  Stewardship  

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Partnerships  for  capacity  building  Sustainability  through  Stewardship  

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Capacity  building  Coral  reef  management  &  leadership  

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State   Private   Federal  










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Numbers  Indicators   Number  

Plans   2  

Capacity  building  interna=onal   11  people  

Presenta=ons-­‐workshops-­‐industry   50  people  +  

Time   21  days  

Loca=on   North  Queensland  

Communica=on   TV,  radio,  newspaper,  social  

Sa=sfac=on   8-­‐10/10  

Public  funding   $160,000  

Private  funding   Est  $250,000  

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Page 38: Working at the public-private interface to improve the outlook for coral reefs

ü Community, scientists, industry and government working together by sharing knowledge, monitoring and taking action to restore coral reefs to a healthy state around Magnetic Island

We have a plan to help local reefs

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Magne=c  Island  




Study sites (quadrats) Magnetic Island

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Nelly  Bay  

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Quadrat  sampling  

Research  ques-on  1.    Which  method  is  best  to  remove  macroalgae?    1.   Hand  removal  2.   Small  tool  removal  

2  X  2m  quadrat  -­‐  Before  -­‐  AUer  -­‐  Macroalgae  removed  

-­‐  Wt,  number  -­‐  Damage?  -­‐  Other?  


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What  will  success  look  like?  

Individual  •  Learns  skills    •  Have  fun  •  Changed  behaviour  

Project  •  100  divers  in  year  1  •  2  science  projects  •  500  kg  macroalgae  removed  •  Percentage  cover  of  coral  


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State   Private   Federal  


REEF  ECOLOGIC  Consultants  






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Numbers  Indicators   Number  

Plans   3  

Capacity  building  interna=onal  &  local   94  (10)  people  

Research   6  days  

Environment   64  sq  m  habitat,  62  kg  seaweed  

Communica=on   TV,  radio,  newspaper,  social  

Sa=sfac=on   8-­‐10/10  

Public  funding   $1000  

Private  funding   Est  $30,000  

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Page 46: Working at the public-private interface to improve the outlook for coral reefs

1.  Desktop*•  Literature*review*

•  Tabulate*fishing*COPs*

•  Tabulate*best*prac=ce*COPs*

•  March*2016*


•  Feedback*on*report*1*

•  Workshop*COP*messages,*


•  May*2016*



•  List*of*stakeholders*and*recommended*process*

•  DraN*COP*products*and*feedback*from*fishers*

•  July*2016*



•  October*2016*


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Effec=veness  of  a  COP  

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The  Power  of  Partnerships  

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Next  steps  

Founda=on  Document  

Simple  messages  

Exis=ng  COP,  COC,  COE  and  best  prac=ces  

Partnerships  Consulta-on  Products  Resources  Champions  Launch    

Measurement-­‐  Relevance,  Currency,  Review  

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State   Private   Federal  QLD  FISHERIES  NSW  DPI  





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•  Priority,  opportuni=es,  values,  scope,  risk,  KPIs  •  Private  do  significant  ‘Pro-­‐bono’    •  Private  can  be  innova=ve,  fast,  adap=ve  and  efficient  


•  Planning  is  key  •  Communica=on  plan  •  Adap=ve  

3.  CONTRACT-­‐    •  People,  roles,  milestones  and  budget    

•  Tender?    4.  REVIEW  

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Capacity  building  Sustainable  ac=vi=es  

Coopera=ve  management  Community  support  Habitat  restora=on  Local  business  Posi=ve  media  

$  1:1.5  -­‐30  ra=o  

Page 54: Working at the public-private interface to improve the outlook for coral reefs

Reef  ecosystems  under  pressure  

Wellbeing  &  economies  depend  on  reefs  

Management  challenges  

Investment,  innova=on,  capacity  Partnerships  



[email protected]  

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Ques=ons  and  informa=on    

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Raw  data  Loca-on   Before  %  

algae  AUer  %  algae  

Weight  (kg)   Number  

Picnic   67.5   7.5   10.8   256  Arthur   45   7.3   16.8   143  Arthur   45   5   5.6   99  Nelly   31.25   5   10.2   367  Nelly   23.5   6.25   11   278  Nelly   37.5   7.5   7.8   135  Averages   41.6   6.4   10.3   213  

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