Page 1: YELLOWSTONE & ANTELOPE CANYON YELLOWSTONE/PCC/YLS...1 1 = Overnights Los Angeles San Francisco Modesto Lake Tahoe Reno Las Vegas St. George NEVADA UTAH Bryce Canyon National Park Antelope


= Overnights1

Los Angeles

San Francisco


Lake Tahoe


Las Vegas

St. George


Bryce Canyon National Park

Antelope Canyan

Yellowstone Natioanl Park

Grand Teton National Park






Yosemite National Park

Salt Lake City







每週六出发 Depart every Sat. (5/21 ~ 10/01/2016)






团费 Tour Fare团号: YLS

七天团 7 Days Tour

六天团 6 Days Tour

五天团 5 Days Tour

四天团 4 Days Tour

七天团,六天团自费行程7 Days, 6 Days Optional Tour

五天团,四天团自费行程5 Days, 4 Days Optional Tour



第三人3rd Person

第四人4th Person


大人 Adult $小孩 Child $

大人 Adult $小孩 Child $

大人 Adult $小孩 Child $

大人 Adult $小孩 Child $

* 独家精心安排住黄石公园老忠实喷泉小木 屋,让您轻鬆自由自在地观赏老忠实喷泉準 时爆发的魅力! 尽情享受白天和晚上不一 样的老忠实喷泉面貌,您更可以在老忠 实喷泉餐厅享受美食的同时,随时随地来 倒数计时从不间断的喷泉, 享受这种专为您 打造“贵不可攀”的感受!(不像其他旅行 团只能冲冲来、匆匆走,疲於奔命)* 羚羊彩穴(上羚羊)──它是世界上最著名的 狭缝型峡谷之一,也是热门的摄影景点。* 造访布莱斯峡谷,感受千变万化的亮丽彩 虹,跃动的峡谷,随阳光照射的角度不同, 千变万化的色彩,让人叹为观止。


普渥市-大提顿国家公园-黄石公园Provo - Grand Teton National Park - Yellowstone National Park

黄石公园-熊世界-盐湖城Yellowstone National Park - Bear World - Salt Lake City

盐湖城市区观光-大盐湖-雷诺Salt Lake City - Great Salt Lake - Reno

雷诺-太浩湖-旧金山-莫德士都Reno - Lake Tahoe - San Francisco - Modesto

莫德士都-优胜美地国家公园-洛杉矶Modesto – Yosemite National Park – Los Angeles

羚羊彩穴(上羚羊)-布莱斯峡谷-普渥市Antelope Canyon - Bryce Canyon National Park - Provo

早上出发,沿著圣伯那丁诺森林,进入莫哈比大沙漠,翠绿的约书亚树,点缀在一望无边的黄沙中,别有一番情趣。午餐後前往拉斯维加斯大道浏览仿埃及尼罗河文明建造的金字塔及海盗故事为背景的金银岛。还有金殿、米高梅、凯撒宫、神剑、纽约纽约、蒙地卡罗、百乐宫、威尼斯、巴黎铁塔及Wynn摩登大酒店等等,都在我们巡礼之中,夜宿圣乔治。(自费包餐:晚餐)Start the tour following the route of San Bernardino Mountain and enter to Mojave Desert to the State of Nevada. After lunch, tour at Las Vegas Boulevard to see the beautiful decorative hotels and casinos, such as Mirage, MGM Grand, Caesars Palace, Excalibur, New York - New York, Monte Carlo, Bellagio, Venetian, Paris and Wynn etc. Overnight at St. George.

早餐後,前往大提顿国家公园。中午抵达傑克森牛仔城用餐,市中心的「鹿角公园」您一定不能错过,午餐後沿著蛇河河谷,进入大提顿国家公园,高耸入云的山巅,覆盖著千年的冰河,宛如进入人间仙境,午後进入黄石公园,沿途可发现成群的美洲水牛及麋鹿等著遊客为它们拍照,彷彿进了野生动物园,举世闻名的「老忠实喷泉」它之所以被称为「老忠实」就因为它总是有规律的喷发。每隔45分钟到2小时肯定会喷发一次。老忠实喷泉有规律的喷发了至少有200年,而它始终如一的忠实程度受到世人喜爱。夜宿黄石公园。(自费包餐:午餐)After breakfast, drive along the Snake River and enter Grand Teton National Park. Proceed to Yellowstone National Park. Overnight at Yellowstone National Park.

上午继续遊览黄石公园,浪漫迷人的黄石湖、雄伟秀丽的大峡谷、万马奔腾的黄石瀑布、神秘静谧的森林、屹立湖山间的钓鱼桥、隆隆巨声的火山口美景,分佈在这块古老的火山高原及全美最大的野生动物保留区,清澈的溪流,鱼儿力争上游,如茵的草原,野生麋鹿觅食其上,其他如黑熊、灰熊、高角鹿和多种稀有水鸟亦以此为家,夜宿盐湖城。(自费包餐:晚餐)Enjoy tour of Yellowstone National Park. Visit the beautiful scenery and the biggest U.S. wild animals reservation. Overnight at Salt Lake City.

早餐後,参观位於城市中心的摩门圣殿,犹他州政府,鹰门及议会大厦。盐湖城是犹他州的首府,亦是摩门教的圣城。此城之建立应归功於摩门教友的热忱与奉献,才得以在这一片盐水中建立这麽一个现代化及工业化的城市。随後前往较一般海水盐份高出七倍的大盐湖。大盐湖是全世界第二大盐水湖,仅次於死海。傍晚抵达全世界最大的小城市──雷诺赌城,七彩艳丽的霓虹灯,五光十色的夜生活,您可自费观赏精彩的歌舞表演,夜宿雷诺。(自费包餐:午餐/晚餐)Morning tour in Salt Lake City, where to visit Mormon Temple, State Capital and the city tour. Continue Traveling to the Great Salt Lake, The salinity of water here is seven times greater than that of the ocean. Overnight at Reno. “The biggest little city in the world.”

清晨出发,前往太浩湖,此湖位於海拔六千尺以上,跨越内华达州和加州之间的滑雪胜地,更是夏季旅遊和泛舟的好去处。中午抵达各位嚮往已久的金山市──旧金山,著名的金门大桥,渔人码头,艺术宮等都能让您流连忘返。尤其是那旧金山高低起伏的地形,配合维多利亚式的古典建筑,加上凉爽舒适的气候,被誉为全美最受欢迎的城市之一。您可以自费参加海湾遊轮,欣赏海湾美景及近距离环绕金门大桥。夜宿莫德士都。(自费包餐:晚餐)Left Reno, heading to the Lake Tahoe, it’s famous for camping, hiking & fishing insummer, skiing in winter. Before noon, arrive to San Francisco. Visiting Golden Gate Bridge, Palace of Fine Arts, Fisherman’s Wharf and join optional ride of the Bay Cruise. Overnight at Modesto.

清晨即起,前往优胜美地国家公园,专车穿越一片片葡萄园、桃林、杏林。迎著清新的晨风进入加州最美丽的优胜美地国家公园,园内古木参天、巨石耸立、高山流水、千年不化的冰河,切割如屏的巨岩,此乃亿万年前冰河的遗迹。双层大瀑布、巨石、峭壁上秀丽的优胜美地瀑布,使您如置身於世外桃源。傍晚返回洛杉矶,结束七天精彩而丰富的黄石公园、羚羊彩穴假期。(自费包餐:午餐)Early morning, heading toward Yosemite National Park, visit highest waterfalls in California - Yosemite Falls, El Capitan Rock and Tunnel View Point. The rivers, falls, wild lifes and unusual beauty make Yosemite a National Park, arrive Los Angels in the evening. ( Please arrange LAX departure flight after 9:30pm)

清晨即起,迎著清新的晨风,前往羚羊彩穴,您可自费参加羚羊彩穴吉普车之旅,由当地印第安原住民嚮导带领一探峡谷之美。午餐後,专车前往8000英尺高的布莱斯峡谷。成千上万个由风霜侵蚀而成的石柱,有的如宝剑直插入云,有的如少女婷婷玉立,由不得您不 囋叹宇宙沧海桑田和造物者的神奇。夜宿普渥市。(自费包餐:晚餐)Early morning start tour to Antelope Canyon you can join Indian Jeep tours(optional). After lunch travel to Bryce Canyon National Park. Overnight at Provo.

搭机飞往拉斯维加斯的团员,请安排下午一点之前抵达的班机,导遊将於下午两点钟在MGM Grand Hotel (West Wing Bar旁边Starbucks Coffee) 与您会合。Arrival in Las Vegas, please meet your tour guide in M GM Grand Hotel (West Wing Bar Starbucks Coffee) at 2:00pm.

四天团之团员,从盐湖城离开。晚上前往盐湖城机场,搭机返回家园,全程结束。4 days tour members, depart from Salt Lake City. Evening transfer to airport.Have a pleasant flight back to hometown. (Please arrange SLC departure flight after 9:30pm.)

五天团之团员,参观完盐湖城市区观光後,上午前往盐湖城机场,搭机返回家园,全程结束。5 days tour members, after Salt Lake City tour, transfer to airport, have apleasant flight back to hometown. (please arrange SLC departure flight after 1pm.)

六天团之团员,从雷诺离开,早餐後自行搭乘旅馆免费接驳车前往雷诺机场,搭机返回家园。从旧金山离开的团员,晚上前往旧金山机场,搭机返回家园,全程结束。6 days tour members, depart from Reno, After breakfast take hotel free shuttle to airport. Depart from San Francisco, evening transfer to Airport. Have a pleasant flight back to hometown. (Please arrange SFO departure flight after 8pm)






羚羊彩穴(上羚羊)印第安吉普车之旅、旧金山海湾遊轮。Antelope Canyon Indian Jeep Tour, San Francisco Bay Cruise.

羚羊彩穴(上羚羊)印第安吉普车之旅。Antelope Canyon Indian Jeep Tour.

* 布莱斯峡谷、黄石、大提顿、优胜美地国家公园门票及熊世界、大盐湖景点门票所有团 员必须支付。(每人/ Per Person$ ) Bryce Canyon, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Yosemite National Park Entrance fee and Great Salt Lake, Bear World Admission fee are mandatory for all Passenger.

* 黄石公园老忠实喷泉小木屋附加费每房$80 Yellowstone National Park Old Faithful Lodge Cabins Surcharge $80/room

洛杉矶-拉斯维加斯-圣乔治Los Angeles - Las Vegas - St. George





7days 6nights七天六夜



















Text Box
Page 2: YELLOWSTONE & ANTELOPE CANYON YELLOWSTONE/PCC/YLS...1 1 = Overnights Los Angeles San Francisco Modesto Lake Tahoe Reno Las Vegas St. George NEVADA UTAH Bryce Canyon National Park Antelope

所有行程係由黄金假期PCC USA VACATION INC.以其丰富之经验精心设计,本公司将竭尽所能以求行程之安全及住宿之旅馆按照行程所列来进行,但如因本公司无法控制之因素而必须改变行程或更换旅馆,本公司当竭尽所能安排,但不需为任何变动负担任何责任。为适应各地交通时间及政治因素之可能变动,並为维护团体之最高权益,本公司之领队有权视当时之情况保留所有行程之更动权及更换同等级旅馆之权利,团员不得異议。有关之旅行安全问题,各航空公司、遊轮公司、汽车公司或各大饭店原有其个别之条例,直接对旅客负责,如遇交通延误、车辆故障,行李遗失或损坏、意外等情事,当根据各该公司所定条例为解决之根据与本公司无关。旅途中所订之餐宿及遊览等,均为本公司依丰富之经验所订,不得因个人之特殊需要而要求变更,如欲变更其所增加之费用,则由各自负责,不得異议。为维护团体之最高利益,若是任何旅客有妨碍团体之正常活动及利益之情况,本公司之领队人员有绝对的权力取消其继续参加旅程之资格,已缴交之团费恕不退还,自该旅客离团之时算起,一切行动均与本公司无关。本公司导遊未接受照料残障人仕之专业训练,如需要特别照料本公司恕不负责提供。如遇罢工、政治因素、天气不良或其他人力不可抵抗之因素,而导致行程延誤,其因耽誤时间而引起之额外费用,则由全体团员共同分担,不得異议。所有行程若因人数不足未能成行时,本公司保有取消出团的权利,得於出发前通知旅客更改出发日期或无息退还费用。(退费部份,只限旅行团团费部份,其他费用一概与本公司无关)。本公司强烈建议孕妇、婴儿(2岁以下)不适合长途旅行。为了公平原则,巴士座位团员需每日轮換,请与导遊合作,避免无谓的纷争。如出现电脑或人为结算错誤,本公司保留重新向旅客发出正确发票的权利。










订位办法及取消办法订位时缴交订金每人USD $150(订金恕不退还),餘额请於出发前30日缴清。缴清费用者,视同瞭解行程及各项规定(事後不得異议)。出发前22-29 天取消者,每人收取消费用15% 之团费(以目录之价格为準)。出发前15-21 天取消者,每人收取消费用25% 之团费(以目录之价格为準)。出发前8-14 天取消者,每人收取消费用50% 之团费(以目录之价格为準)。出发前3-7 天取消者,每人收取消费用75% 之团费(以目录之价格为準)。旅客因故取消(包括因事,因病或出庭事宜)。本公司将所有已缴交之费用扣除上列取消费用,无息退还。所有取消通知请以电邮或传真传送到黄金假期订位组(以黄金假期收到当日起计算)。出发前48 小时及当日不克成行(包括因事,因病或出庭事宜)或搭错旅行团时,全部团费恕不退还。出发前未缴清团费者(包括代理旅行社)本公司有权拒绝其参加。旅客因而产生任何损失与本公司无关。本公司强烈建议,为降低意外发生时所造成旅客的额外损失,请另外购买旅行保险(或取消保险)。


费用不包括行程中往返机票及全部的膳食(行程上特别包餐除外)司机、导遊服务费及其他小费。各种医疗保险及旅行意外保险。一切纯属个人性质之费用,例如电话费,洗衣费、旅馆餐饮费及闭路电视或网路等等。机场及旅馆行李搬运费。所有必付费用包括国家公园门票,景点门票及自费项目之自费行程、门票及飞机,渡轮费用。付小孩及第4人费用者(包含零团费者),以不佔床位为原则(如需加床,费用自付)。买2送1或买3送1, 同房任何一人如不能参加,必须要在出发前14天取消,如违反规定者,则需缴交罚款(支付小孩或第四人团费),同房者(或拼房者)必须支付罚款,不得異议。















RESERVATIONS AND CANCELLATIONDeposit - USD$150 per person (non-refundable)Final Payment - Final payment at least 30 days prior to tour departure date.Cancellation - All cancellation written notice must be made directly to PCC USA Vacation Inc. either by mail or fax only.The following scale of charges will apply when notice of cancellation is given after the booking is confirmed. • 22 - 29 days prior to departure: 15% of tour fare (based on brochure price). • 15 - 21 days prior to departure: 25% of tour fare (based on brochure price). • 8 - 14 days prior to departure: 50% of tour fare (based on brochure price). • 3-7 days prior to departure: 75% of tour fare (based on brochure price). • Within 48 hours prior to departure. Including no shows on departure date: 100% no refund.TOUR FARE INCLUDESTransportation: By deluxe air-conditioned motor coaches with reclining seats.Hotel accommodation: Based on two adults sharing one room, double occupancy when booking triple andQuad rooms (included child fare), no extra bed. Based on sharing room with 1st and 2nd adult.Tour director: Escorted tours are conducted in Chinese speaking by professional tour director.Meals will be provides as mentioned in the itinerary.TOUR FARE NOT INCLUDESNational park entrance fee and any optional tour or activity in the itinerary.Meals not detailed in the itinerary.Any personal charges, such as: excess baggage, phone bills, laundry, beverage, movies, smoking, internet access and insurance of all kinds.Transportation fee to / from your home town to the airport.Tips to tour directors, drivers, bellmen, maid etc.GENERAL CONDITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITYTour cancellation: PCC USA Vacation Inc. reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule any tour departure in accordancewith operating requirements or circumstances beyond its control. If cancellation is made any time prior to departure ofthe tour, PCC USA Vacation Inc. only. Liability will be to refund to the passenger the amount it has received for the tourbooking, PCC USA Vacation Inc. will try to re-book the same or similar tour, subject to availability.Seat rotation: All seats are rotated daily and particular seats on coaches can’t be booked.Itinerary variations: PCC USA Vacation Inc. constantly strives to improve tour itinerary and features. If suchimprovements can be made or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control make changes necessary we reservethe right to vary itineraries and to substitute hotel.Passport & visa: To enter and leave the Canada all passenger (including children) must be in possession of proof ofcitizenship such as passport, birth certificate, non-US citizens must carry a valid passport and VISA or alien card.PCC USA Vacation Inc. responsible to the passenger for supplying the services described in this brochure, exceptwhere such service can’t be supplied or the itinerary used is changed due to delays or other cause of whatever kindor nature beyond the control of the PCC USA Vacation Inc. in such circumstances, PCC USA Vacation Inc. will be the bestto supply comparable service, accommodations and itinerary and there shall be no refund in this connection.In the case of computer or human billing errors. We reserve the right to re-invoice passengers with correct billing.PCC USA Vacation Inc. reserves the right to decline, to accept or retain any person as tour participant shouldsuch person’s health mental condition physical infirmity or general deportment impede the operation of thetour or the rights. Welfare of enjoyment of other tour participant.Baggage is carried at own risk and baggage insurance is recommended.Our tour directors are not professionally trained in supplementing disabled person. PCC USA Vacation Inc. isnot in the position of providing any kind of special tending.It is strongly recommended that infants under two years old and pregnant women are not suitable for long distance traveling.The general conditions under which you agree to utilize the services of PCC USA Vacation Inc. may not beamended in any way, except in writing by an authorized officer of PCC USA Vacation Inc.. By venue for all claimsshall be the county of Riverside, state of California and such claims shall be determined according to the lawand jurisdiction of the state of California.

w w w . p c c t o u r s . c o m

著作权所有 • 本公司保留法律追诉权 PCC USA Vacation Inc. Copyright reserved




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La Quinta Inn & Suite - Orem

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