Page 1: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

ZoutpansbergerZoutpansberger11 November 2011

PRYS: R3,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 27 Vol. 44Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8

Donderstorm kos boer tussen R200 000 en R300 000 ná weerlig 21 dragtige verse doodslaan

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Die 21 dragtige verse waar hulle in ‘n lang, reguit ry dood lê in die veld, nadat hulle deur weerlig getref is. “Die hartseer is ‘n mens kan niks met die vleis doen nie. Al wat ons kon doen, was om die laaigraaf in te bring, ‘n gat te grawe en hulle toe te stoot,” het eienaar mnr. Brink Schlesinger gesê. Foto verskaf.

Weerlig slaan beeste doodDeur Andries van Zyl

Ná Sondagmiddag se hewige donderstorm het mnr. Brink Schlesinger nog opgemerk dat hy dankbaar is vir die 15mm reën wat hy op sy plaas ontvang het, terwyl ander boere niks gekry het. Dit was egter voordat hy uitgevind het die weerlig het 21 van sy dragtige verse

doodgeslaan.Schlesinger, van die plaas Black Stone bo-op die

berg naby Waterpoort, vertel dat hulle Sondagmid-dag nog die trop dragtige verse in ‘n kamp laer af teen die berg ingejaag het. “Ons vat hulle so twee weke voordat hulle moet kalf na die vlakte. Ek wil nie hê hulle moet in die berg kalf nie, want dan vang die luiperds die kalwers,” het Schlesinger gesê.

In daardie stadium was daar nog geen aandui ding van enige donderstorm nie. Sowat ‘n uur nadat hulle in die nuwe kamp ingejaag is, het die verse egter dood gelê in die veld nadat hulle deur weerlig getref is. Schlesinger het eers Maandagoggend van sy verlies uitgevind, nadat sy beeswagters op die skokvonds afgekom het.

“Dit is so ‘n skok om die beeste so te sien,” het

Schlesinger gesê. Skaars drie weke vantevore het hy nog aan ‘n vriend opgemerk dat hy bly is hy boer nie meer met gewasse nie. Dit nadat heelparty boere hulle hele oeste verloor het in die onlangse verwoestende haelstorm in die Waterpoort/Vivo-omgewing.

(Vervolg op p.2)

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Acornhoek Tel: 082 941 8063Bochum Tel: 015 505 3054Bungeni Tel: 082 880 6624Dwarsloop Tel: 082 806 6270Dzanani Tel: 015 970 4794Elim Tel: 015 556 4033Elti Villas Tel: 015 516 4834Giyani Tel: 015 812 1259Hammanskraal Tel: 012 711 3648Jane Furse Tel: 013 265 1628Kabokweni Tel: 013 796 1100

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Page 2: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

BUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkNew service or business in town?BUSINESS talk is a column focus sing on new developments in the local business arena.

Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the col-

umn free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpans-

berger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

Met Nissan se bekendstelling van hul nuutste toevoeging tot die Suid-Afrikaanse motormark, die nuwe Nissan Juke, was die eerste gelukkige koper van dié voertuig op Louis Trichardt mnr. T. A. Thangwane (regs). Hy het die motor by Mount Fuji Motors aangeskaf. Saam met hom staan verkoopsman mnr. Marnus Badenhorst. Foto verskaf.

Davonnies offers a whole range of fancy cards and gift boxes, thanks to their excellent new die cutter machine that has been in use since the beginning of October. All fancy cards and boxes can be personalised to suit every customer. Da vonnies is at Shop 8 in the Makhado Crossing Mall , Louis Trichardt. In the photo, from left, are Melinda Strydom (shop assistant) and Sarah du Toit (owner).

Staff members with exceptionally long, uninterrupted service received recognition during the annual prize-giving event at Makhado Beer Distributors (MBD) in Louis Trichardt this week. At the back, from left, are Joseph Mudzusi (25 years), Samson Matari and Elias Mudau (20 years), Johan van Niewenhuizen (distribution mananger at MBD) and Eugene Maree (warehouse manager, MBD). In front are Edward Muvulahwa and Edward Hlungwane (20 years). Absent: Simon Khoza (20 years).

A “very sick” senior magistrate Ronnie Rambau was spotted driving around Louis Trich-ardt, causing quite a few raised eyebrows this week.

Rambau, accused of accepting bribe money to infl uence court cases, was supposed to be in Po lokwane on Monday where his disciplinary hearing was ex-pected to start. He was, however, spotted at the Hajee Noor Centre in Louis Trichardt while he was, according to his advocate, in hospital with a severe stomach illness.

Rambau was seen entering Checkers in the centre half an hour before his hearing was supposed to start. The Zout-pansberger was able to obtain a photograph of Rambau leaving the centre. He was driving his double cab Isuzu and was wear-ing a striped T-shirt, sweat pants and sandals.

The secretary of the Magis-trate’s Commission, Mr Danie Schoeman, confi rmed via email on Monday that Rambau was supposed to attend a misconduct hearing in Polokwane.

“Due to an illness, Regional Magistrate Rambau was not able to attend the trial,” Schoe-man said.

According to information, Rambau submitted a medical certifi cate to the commission. On Friday, Rambau’s lawyer phoned the commission to inform them that Rambau had been admitted to hospital. Which hospital could not be confi rmed. All Schoeman could confi rm by Tuesday was that the allegations of Ram-bau’s being spotted in Louis Tri chardt had been passed on to their Department of Ethics for further action. The outcome of this investigation, according to a source close to the hearing, will

determine whether Rambau’s sal-ary will be cancelled or not. Since his arrest on corruption charges in February last year, Rambau had been receiving his full salary, despite the fact that he was not allowed back in his offi ce.

Rambau, together with his co-accused, prosecutor Estene Wil-lemse and attorney T E Lubisi, are currently standing trial for allegedly pre-determining the sentence of vehicle theft cases by means of a plea agreement.

The trio is also accused of receiving bribe money in mur-der and rape cases. All three are expected to appear in the Musina Magistrate’s Court on 24 and 25 November to start their testimony.

In the meantime, Schoeman confi rmed that Rambau’s mis-conduct hearing was postponed until 24 and 25 January of next year.

By Isabel Venter

“Very sick” Rambau seen driving around

A heavy vehicle caused havoc on the N1 north on Wednesday morning when it fi rst crashed hit a sedan, than another truck before crashing down the mountain. The accident happened about 1km before the Witvlag-turn off road. According to the driver, Mr Reuben Makombe from Zimbabwe, he lost control over the truck after the steering became stuck. Miraculously he escaped without a scratch. His security guard that accompanied him however had to be taken to hospital for treatment. The accident severely affected traffi c fl ow on the N1.

Senior magistrate Ronnie Rambau (insert) leaves the Hajee Noor Centre on Monday morning.

Deur Andries van Zyl

Weerlig slaan 21 beeste op plaas dood(Vervolg van p.1)“Ek het baie simpatie met

daardie boere,” het Schlesinger gesê.

Hy wil nie te veel tob oor sy verlies nie. “Dit was ‘n frats,” het Schle singer gesê. Tog is die dood van sy 21 verse vir hom ‘n dubbele verlies – eintlik 42 beeste, as almal gekalf het. Hy beraam sy verlies op tussen R200 000 en R300 000.

Beeste wat deur weerlig dood-geslaan word, is egter nie ‘n ongewone verskynsel in dié omgewing nie. Hy vertel dat weerlig in 2007 op die buurplaas Bushy-Rise vyf koeie doodg-eslaan het en in 2009 vier koeie met kalwers op dieselfde plaas.

“Ons het spesifi eke kampe al op Bushy-Rise waar die beeste nie hierdie tyd van die jaar loop nie, juis as gevolg van die

donderstorms en weerlig. Dit is egter die eerste keer dat dit op my plaas gebeur,” het Schlesinger gesê. Hy sê hy weet nie hoekom die weerlig so lief is om daar so gereeld te slaan nie.

“Die hartseer is ‘n mens kan niks met die vleis doen nie. Al wat ons kon doen was om die laaigraaf in te bring, ‘n gat te grawe en hulle toe te stoot,” het Schlesinger gesê.

2 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Page 3: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

311 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER

Deur Isabel Venter

Nog ‘n man van Louis Tri-chardt is verlede Woensdag in die Streekhof op Louis Tri chardt skuldig bevind aan kindermolestering.

Die 48-jarige Wayne Roper het terreggestaan op ‘n klag van seksuele aanranding, nadat hy ‘n vriendin se 12-jarige dogtertjie onsedelik betas het. Dit alles het gebeur op 25 Junie vanjaar.

Die ma en haar dogter het by Roper se huis oorgeslaap. Hulle het die aand daar gekuier. Aldrie het op ‘n matras voor die kag-gelvuur aan die slaap geraak.

Die meisie het tydens haar hofverskyning getuig dat Roper gedurende die aand haar den-

imbroek losgeknoop het en toe aan haar privaatdele gevat het. Sy het die volgende oggend vir haar ma vertel wat gebeur het en hulle het dadelik die saak by die polisie aangegee. Roper het egter op sy beurt alle skuld in die voorval ontken en getuig dat nie net hy nie, maar die ma en die dogter die aand gedrink het en dat hulle nie by hulle volle positiewe was nie. Hy en die ma het glo bier en whiskey gedrink.

“Sy [die ma] het haar dogter dié aand laat bier drink,” het Roper getuig. “Ek dink drank beheer mens,” het hy verder getuig.

Roper het wel erken dat hy

onder die indruk was dat hy aan die ma gevat het, want toe hulle gaan slaap het, het sy langs hom gelê en nie die dogtertjie nie.

Tydens vonnisoplegging het Landdros Pat Cloete gesê dat hy Roper eerder tronk toe sou wou stuur weens sy mog-het-troffe verdediging. Hy het Roper tot twee jaar gevangenisstraf gevon nis, wat vir vyf jaar op-geskort is. Buiten vir tronkstraf is Roper se naam ook in die Na-sionale Seks oortredersregister opgeneem. Hy is ook onbevoeg verklaar om ‘n vuurwapen te besit en beveel om R40 000 skadevergoeding aan die meisie te betaal.

Man wat met meisie lol swaar beboet

Deur Andries van Zyl

Jong man vir sy dapperheid beloonDie 19-jarige mnr. Ferdie Landman van Louis Trichardt het Saterdag die eerste ontvanger geword van die Soutpansberg Distrikslandbou-unie se Boerekruis vir Dapperheid.

Landman het op 28 Mei vanjaar sy eie lewe in gevaar geplaas deur mnr. Jan Louw (49) van die plaas Nooitgedacth te hulp te snel tydens ‘n gewelddadige plaasaanval. In die proses is beide Landman en Louw herhaaldelik met messe gesteek, maar hulle kon daarin slaag om hul aanvallers te verwilder en die aanval te oorleef.

Die uitsonderlike durf wat Landman openbaar het om Louw te hulp te snel, het die SDLU aang-espoor om hom vir sy dapperheid te beloon. Die Boerekruis vir Dapperheid is aan hom toegeken tydens die Louis Trichardt Boerevereniging se jaarlikse prysuitdeling- en jaareindfunksie by die Beja Hengeloord.

Mnr. Doors le Roux, veiligheidsverteenwoor-diger van die SDLU en voorsitter van die TLU SA Noord veiligheidskomitee, het ter agtergrond gesê dat die eertydse weermag ‘n Honorus Crux-medalje toegeken het aan iemand wat uitsonderlike dapperheid getoon het.

“Na vele veranderinge is die voorreg om erken-ning te gee vir dapperheid ongelukkig nie langer in gebruik in Suid-Afrika nie,” het Le Roux gesê. Derhalwe het die SDLU besluit om hierdie trotse tradisie weer te laat herleef.

Le Roux het die gebeure van daardie byna noodlottige Saterdagaand in herinnering te roep vandat hulle Louw se stem oor die plaaswagradio hoor roep het: “Hulle het ons aangeval. Ons bloei baie.” Minute vantevore is Louw en Landman met ‘n gesteelde vuurwapen by Louw se huis inged-wing. Ferdie het voor geloop. Louw het omgeswaai, die aanvallers se vuurwapen gegryp en hulle by die huis uitgedryf.

Buite het Louw om sy lewe geveg teen twee aanvallers, een met ‘n .303-geweer en die ander met ‘n mes. Hy is herhaaldelik gesteek terwyl hy aan die geweer vasgeklou het en het na Landman geroep om hom te kom help. Landman het uit die veiligheid van die huis gestorm om Louw by te staan. In die proses is hy ook herhaaldelik gesteek.

Le Roux het vertel dat Landman ure na die voorval in die hospitaal sou bieg: “Ek was bang. Ek het geweet as ek nou die deur sluit, is ek en my ma veilig, maar ek het ook geweet as ek Oom Jan alleen los, is hy dood.”

Le Roux het Landman se optrede vergelyk met die van die 15-jarige Afrikaner-kinderheld, Dirkie Uys. Dirkie het ook uit veiligheid teruggejaag om sy pa, wat deur die Zoeloes oorval is, te onder-steun. Sy dapper besluit het beide hom en sy pa se lewe gekos.

“Hy was ‘n kind met ‘n buitengewone sterk pligsgevoel. Hy het die moed en durf gehad om dit wat hy as plig beskou het, te doen, selfs al was dit ten koste van sy eie lewe,” het Le Roux met verwysing na Dirkie gesê. Le Roux het bygevoeg dat dit vir hom ‘n eer is om erkenning te gee aan ‘n dapper jong man met moed en durf.

Voorsitter van die SDLU mnr. Stephen Hoffman het op sy beurt die hoop uitgespreek dat “nie een van sy mense ooit weer in so ‘n posisie geplaas sal word, waar hulle moet veg vir hulle eie lewe, sowel as dié van hulle familie en vriende nie.”

Die 19-jarige mnr. Ferdie Landman (regs) met sy Boerekruis vir Dapperheid. Die medalje is aan hom oorhandig deur mnr. Doors le Roux, veiligheidsverteenwoordiger van die SDLU en voorsitter van die TLU SA Noord se veiligheidskomitee.

Landman wys die messteke in sy rug kort na die aanval in Mei.


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Page 4: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

4 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Na maande se redekawel het mnr. Louis Jou bert van Louis Trichardt uiteindelik ‘n uitbetaling op sy versekeringeis ontvang, maar dit was ‘n uitbetaling wat ‘n wrang smaak in sy mond gelaat het.

Joubert se saagmeule is op 28 Mei vanjaar deur ‘n brand in puin gelê. In daardie stadium was hy weens gesondheidsredes reeds vir maande nie meer betrokke by die saagmeule nie, maar het dit uitverhuur.

Ná die brand het Joubert ‘n eis by versekeraars Santam ingedien en kort daarna, sê Joubert, het hul nagmerrie begin.

Santam het die maatskappy Censeo, ‘n maats-kappy wat daarin spesialiseer om die geldigheid van eise te ondersoek, aangestel. Volgens Joubert het hulle van meet af aan probeer om hom as ‘n skurk uit te maak. Dit nadat alles daarop gedui het dat die brand doelbewus gestig is. Van die huidige huurder se finansiële verknorsing waarin hy hom ten tye van die brand bevind het, wou Censeo niks weet nie. Joubert sê dat Censeo selfs sover gegaan het om hom en sy vrou, Lizette, in hulle eie huis as leuenaars uit te kryt.

Later sou aan die lig kom dat Santam aan-dele in Censeo besit. Hierdie verwikkeling is ondermeer uitgelig in ‘n Noseweek-artikel op 1 Julie vanjaar onder die opskrif “Heads they win – Tails they win”. Die artikel het gehandel oor Santam se verbintenis met Censeo en die feit dat beide maatskappye finansieël baat, sou eise nie toegestaan of ten volle uitbetaal word nie.

Die artikel het heelparty wenkbroue laat lig en uiteindelik vir Santam genoop om op 29 Julie ‘n verklaring uit te reik oor hul verbintenis met Censeo. In die verklaring sê Santam dat verseke-ringsbedrog jaarliks eerlike verbruikers miljarde rande kos aan verhoogde premies om verliese vanweë versekeringsbedrog te subsidieer. As ‘n versekeraar, het Santam aangevoer, is dit hulle verantwoordelikheid om hierdie praktyk hok te slaan en het hulle hul interne werkswyse in die assessering van meriete eise aangepas. Dié aan-passing het samesprekings met Censeo behels, ‘n maatskappy wat daarin spesialiseer om die geldigheid van meriete eise, soos dié van Joubert, verder te ondersoek. Dié samesprekings het later daartoe gelei dat Santam ‘n 37,5% aandeel in Censeo bekom het.

In dieselfde verklaring verduidelik Santam hoe Censeo vir hul dienste betaal word. Aanvanklik is Censeo R5 000 per eisondersoek betaal, asook ‘n wisselende fooi van 25% van die waarde van ‘n eis wat verwerp word. In Maart vanjaar, sê Santam, het hulle egter hierdie betalingstruktuur aangepas en word Censeo nou ‘n R10 000 fooi per eis betaal en steeds ook ‘n wisselende fooi wat elke ses maande bereken word op grond van volume eise en prestasie. Santam het egter in die verklaring toegegee dat hierdie betalingstruktuur moontlik kan lei tot misbruik en het derhalwe sekere maatreëls in plek gestel om moontlike misbruik van dié stelsel hok te slaan. Santam het

afgesluit deur dit duidelik te stel dat die finale besluit om ‘n eis goed te keur of te verwerp steeds by hulle berus en nie by Censeo nie.

Intussen het die Joubert se geveg met Santam en Censeo voortgeduur tot op 10 Oktober vanjaar, toe Santam hom ‘n vorm laat teken het waarop hulle ‘n uitbetaling van R3,7 miljoen aan hom toestaan. Dit was nie eers 44% van die aanvank-like eiswaarde waarop Joubert volle premies by Santam betaal het nie en het ingesluit ‘n skrale R100 000 uitbetaling op die gebou, waarop San-tam premies vir ‘n waarde van R480 000 gehef het. Vir Joubert was die uitbetaling ‘n kwessie van “vat wat ons jou aanbied of jy kry dalk niks nie”. Die uitbetalingsbedrag was Santam se finale aanbod nadat die polisie in Augustus bevind het dat die brand wel kwaadwillig gestig is, maar geen verdagtes kon identifiseer nie.

“Nêrens in my kontrak staan daar dat, sou ek onttrek van die besigheid, dat ek ‘n mindere bedrag uitbetaal sou word as wanneer ek sou aan-gaan met die besigheid en so iets gebeur nie,” het Joubert gesê. Aan die hand van Santam en Cen-seo se hantering en ondersoek het Joubert gesê hulle is niks anders as “boelies wat ou apartheid sekuriteitspolisietegnieke” gebruik om eisers te intimideer nie. Joubert se geveg met Santam het ook die aandag getrek van die FIA (Financial Intermediaries Association of Southern Africa).

In ‘n skrywe vanaf Santam se hoof uitvoerende beampte, mnr. Ian Kirk, aan mnr. Clive Franks, kommunikasiebestuurder van die FIA , op 13 Ok tober, sê Kirk in sy terugvoer aan die FIA dat die onafhanklike ondersoek wat geloods is teen Censeo na aanleiding van Joubert se klagte niks verkeerd kon vind met Censeo se optrede nie. Die ondersoek na Censeo is gedoen deur KPMG. In die skrywe gee Kirk wel toe dat die klagte rondom Censeo se optrede en Santam se verbintenis met hulle, Santam wel genoop het om hul bestuur van kliëntediens tot voordeel van hul kliënte aan te pas. Kirk het ook gesê dat Santam kennis geneem het van die persepsie dat Censeo aangespoor word om eise ongeldig te verklaar en derhalwe munt te slaan ten opsigte van die wisselende fooi betalingstruktuur. Dit, sê hy, was egter nooit die geval nie. Alhoewel dit volgens Santam nie die geval was nie, het Kirk bygevoeg dat Santam steeds verdere maatreëls in plek gestel het om die proses te monitor.

Dié maatreëls het onder meer ingesluit beter kommunikasie tussen Santam, hul kliënte en hul makelaars en nog verdere maatreëls om die ondersoekproses en kliëntetevredenheid te monitor. Kirk het gesê dat hul diens sedertdien baie verbeter het en dat hy glo hierdie maatreëls bring Censeo nader aan hul filosofie van geen onaangename verassings vir die kliënt nie en om eise so vinnig moontlik af te handel.

Joubert het na aanleiding van sy ervaring gesê die publiek moet baie versigtig wees as hulle ‘n versekeraar kies en vooraf deeglik hul huiswerk doen, veral as dit kom by besigheidsverseke ring.

Deur Andries van Zyl

Uitbetaling laat wrang smaak in mond

Bouwerk aan Louis Trichardt se tweede rioolaanleg vorder fluks, maar die vraag word gevra of dit by voltooiing ‘n volhoubare oplossing sal bring vir die dorp se kroniese riool-probleme.

“Dit sal gebeur as al die ander kontrakte wat met riolering ver-band hou, soos die opgradering van pompstasies en ou pype, ook suksesvol afgehandel word,” het mnr. Henk Geldenhuys, tegniese direkteur en professionele inge-nieur van WorleyParsons, op 3 November gesê. WorleyParsons is die raadgewende ingenieurs en Rubicon Civils die siviele ingenieurs.

In hierdie stadium vind kon-struksie plaas van die balanseer-tenk, die tweede deel van die sisteem net na die inlaatwerke. By voltooiing sal die balanseer-tenk genoeg volume kan berg om ‘n nie-gelykmatige vloei van rioolwater te kan ontvang, te meng en in die sisteem in te pomp teen ‘n gelykmatige vloei en tempo.

By die inlaatwerke is die goeie nuus dat die riool wat voorheen deur die pompstasie in die indus-triële area hanteer is, nou reguit in die nuwe aanleg ingelaat gaan word.

“Met die nuwe sisteem sal die industriële pompstasie, wat nooit op die regte plek gebou is nie, verdwyn,” het Geldenhuys gesê.

Daar is ook reeds begin met

grondwerke waar die biologiese reaktor gaan kom.

“Die biologiese reaktor is die hart van die hele aanleg. Hierdie is ‘n aërobiese verteringsporses, want lug het ingang tot die wa-ter. Die lug is om die bakterieë lewend te hou wat die chemika-lieë afbreek ... Die belugtingsv-lakke en slykvlakke in die reaktor is redelik gemeganiseer en is derhalwe nie so moeilik om te bedryf nie,” sê terreiningenieur mnr. Connie Vlok.

Die beheerkamer is al dak-hoog te en ‘n betondak word tans gegiet. Die kantoorgebou is grondhoogte en die span van mnr. Jafta Mtsetwa, eienaar van Landwhooks Engineering and Projects, is besig met die steenwerke.

Daar sal as deel van hierdie projek twee sekondêre besink-tenks (suiweringstenks) gebou word. Die plan is egter so ont-werp dat twee primêre besink-tenks naby die inlaatwerke en nog twee sekondêre besinktenks in die toekoms kan bykom. Dit is van die uiterste belang , want dit sal die aanleg se daaglikse kapasiteit van 5 megaliter na 10 megaliter opstoot.

Die dorp se bestaande riool-aanleg is aanvanklik vir 7.5 megaliter daagliks ontwerp, maar word geforseer om tot 12 mega-liter daagliks te hanteer. Dit is die grootste oorsaak van die kroniese rioolstortings.

Die nuwe aanleg sal riool vanaf die industriële area, Uit-breiding 8, Eltivillas, die maksi-mum sekuritetisgevangenis en Tshikota hanteer. Die bestaande rioolaanleg , wat opgegradeer is teen ‘n koste van sowat R11.5 miljoen, sal riool uit die dorp hanteer. Die twee aanlegte sal onafhanklik funksioneer.

“Die bestaande biofilter-aan-leg, wat anaërobies werk, kan nie regtig opgegradeer word om in samewerking met hierdie aëro-biese aanleg te werk nie. Daar is ook nie genoeg spasie nie,” het Geldenhuys gesê.

Die Makhado Munisipalit-eit het ‘n bedrag van net minder as R46,3 miljoen begroot vir die projek, maar dit sal waar-skynlik net die huidige siviele ingenieurs werke insluit. Gelden-huys sê dat as die meganiese en elektriese ingenieurswerke bykom, dit die koste na sowat R70m sal opstoot.

Volgens Makhado munisipale woordvoerder mnr. Louis Bobodi sal die rioolaanleg teen einde September 2012 voltooi word, afhangende van die weer en om-standighede buite die kontrakteur se beheer.

Tans is die projek 12% voltooi. Geldenhuys meen egter dat met die meganiese en elektriese werke wat nog moet bykom, die vroegste operasionele datum om na te kyk eers einde volgende jaar sal wees.

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Bouwerk aan rioolaanleg vorder fluks

Konstruksiewerk aan die aanleg se balanseertenk vind tans plaas. Reuse uitgrawings is gedoen en Rubicon Civils is besig met die betonwerke vir die balanseertenk. Skuins agter kan die beheerkamer gesien word, wat al dakhoogte is.

Hier waar die biologiese reaktor van die dorp se nuwe rioolaanleg gaan kom, is die spanne al met grondwerke besig. Van links is mnre. Theuns Botha, terreinbestuurder van Rubicon Civils, en Connie Vlok, terreiningenieur van WorleyParsons.

Die terreinkaart van die nuwe rioolaanleg, die Makhado Rietvley-rioolsuiweringsaanleg. Die ontwerp is so gedoen dat met die byvoeg van ekstra besinktenks die aanleg se daaglikse kapasiteit van 5 megaliter na 10 megaliter kan vergroot.

Page 5: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

511 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER

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Page 6: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

6 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Court news




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Life long sentences for two rapists

Erkenning vir dekade se getroue diens

Two young men from Tsha-kuma were sentenced to life imprisonment after gangrap-ing a 52-year-old woman.

Ntambudzeni Nagana (28) and Tshifhiwa Madzivhandila (30) appeared in the Louis Trichardt Regional Court last Wednesday on single counts of rape and robbery with aggravating cir-cumstances.

The rape took place on 21 February last year. The woman was collecting wood together with her husband near Levubu when Nagana and Madzivhandila approached them. First the men asked the woman’s husband for cigarettes and R10.

When he told them that he had nothing on him, they took his panga by force. Nagana and Madzivhandila threatened to kill the husband if he tried anything and ordered him to leave. They then used the panga to hit the woman and threaten her before raping her, taking turns while one would stand on the lookout.

After they fi nished raping the woman, she told police later, the two men debated over whether or not to kill her. The men left her for dead, however, and fl ed the scene with her cellphone.

The woman’s husband found her in the bushes when he later returned with help. She was

taken to hospital, where DNA-samples of the two men were recovered from her. Nagana and Madzivhandila were arrested after police traced the cellphone they had stolen from the woman.

During their trial, the men were unable to explain how their DNA got inside the woman. They pleaded not guilty on both charges.

Both were sentenced to life in prison on the count of rape and fi ve years on the count of robbery. The court ordered, however, that the sentences be served out concurrently, meaning that they received an effective 20 years’ imprisonment.

Twee lede van die Louis Trich-ardt Boerevereniging het op 5 November, tydens die verenig-ing se jaarlikse prysuitdelings-funksie by die Albasinidam, hul brons TLU SA-knopies ontvang vir 10 jaar se getroue diens. Terselfdertyd het die vereniging ook sy 10de bestaansjaar gevier.

Mnr. Fritz Ahrens, wat sedert die stigting van die vereniging op 1 Februarie 2001 as voorsitter optree, was die een ontvanger.

Mnr. Stephen Hoffman, voor-sitter van die Soutpansberg Dis-trikslandbou-unie (SDLU), het

gesê dat die boerevereniging, onder leiding van Ahrens, sedert stigting ‘n goeie grondslag gelê het waarop net voortgebou kan word. Ahrens het op sy beurt die gemeenskap bedank vir die ondersteuning wat hy die af-gelope 10 jaar van hulle ontvang het. Die ander ontvanger van die TLU SA se brons knopie was mnr. Jacques Bouwer. Bouwer het egter reeds twee jaar voor die stigting van die boerever-eniging ‘n veiligheidstruktuur, die Plaaswag, op plase op die been gebring en staan sedertdien aan die stuur daarvan. “Jacques

Bouwer, oftewel Juliet Bravo, is sinoniem met veiligheid. Hy het nie net op boe reverenigingvlak nie, maar ook op distriksvlak ‘n groot bydrae gelewer en sy besondere eienskap om beheer te neem van ‘n situasie het die gemeenskap rustig laat volg,” het Hoffman gesê. Die toekenning is met groot heim wee aan Bouwer gemaak, wat aangekondig het dat hy die teuels as voorsitter van die groter Louis Trichardt-plaaswagstruktuur, asook as veiligheidsvoorsitter van Louis Trichardt Boere vereniging, gaan neerlê. Ridgeway Independent School announced their Student Council for 2012 on 3 November.

From left are Fatima Dawood (head of council), and council members Meghna Patel, Nkateko Mkansi, Ahmed Manzoor, Mishal Aboobaker, Roli Mughivi and Amaara Ayob.

Twee lede van die Louis Trichardt Boerevereniging, mnre. Frits Ahrens (tweede van links) en Jacques Bouwer (regs), het op 5 November, tydens die vereniging se jaarlikse prysuitdelingsfunksie by die Albasinidam, hul brons TLU SA-knopies ontvang vir tien jaar se getroue diens. Saam met hulle staan mnre. Stephen Hoffman en Dries Joubert (tweede van regs) wat onlangs sy goue TLU SA-knopie ontvang het.

Page 7: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

711 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER

Page 8: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

8 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.


WHAT’S HAPPENING?We need your club, school, church or non-profi t organisation’s events for 2011. Please send the details to [email protected], fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at

WAT GEBEUR?Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en nie-winsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2011. Stuur besonderhede na [email protected], faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by

LOUIS TRICHARDT• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594• Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395• Electricity/Elektrisiteit - 015 516 2990• Water - 015 516 2990• Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554• Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000• Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9• Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980• SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827

MUSINA• SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601• Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061• Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061• Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7• Municipality - 015 534 6000• Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183

LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121• Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)


Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan [email protected] Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to [email protected] New churches welcome.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT)Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272 • Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina)Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126• Agapé Gemeente (LTT)Munnikstraat 90, Sondag 09:00, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538• AGS Charisma (LTT)Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina)Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959• AGS Charisma (Levubu)Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486)• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT)93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT)128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Gail Blunden, Tel: 015 516 5165• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714. • Baird Ministries (LTT)Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631.• Catholic Church (Musina)National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085• Catholic Church (LTT)Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448.• Church of England / St Peters (LTT)33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT)Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658• Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 10:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566. • Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina)Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723• Hervormde Kerk Louis TrichardtH/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT)H/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. PJ van der Merwe, Tel: 015 516 1220 / 082 678 3537• Hervormde Kerk (Musina)H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT)Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfi eld)Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937• Methodist Church (LTT)79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446• NG Kerk (Levubu)Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081 • NG Kerk (LTT)Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350.• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT)H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366• NG Kerk (Musina)Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT)115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT)Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667• Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT)Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50• Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT)Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374• Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina)H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526• Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp)Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751)• Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT)H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Stefan Pieterse, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 082 462 6755• Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina)H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493

ZoutieWeatherLouis Trichardt(Seven-day forecast)


Sunny and hot.

Thursday, November 10

High: 33oC Low: 17oC

A shower in places in the morning; otherwise, partly sunny and not as hot.

Friday, November 11

High: 28oC Low: 15oC Saturday, November 12

High: 31oC Low: 19oC

Partly sunny with a couple of showers and a thunderstorm.

Sunday, November 13

High: 31oC Low: 17oC

Cooler with periods of rain.

Monday, November 14

High: 22oC Low: 14oC Tuesday, November 15

High: 29oC Low: 19oC

Variable clouds with thunderstorms.


Albasini Dam 46.4% 46.8%Ebenezer Dam 99.3% 98.3%Flag Boshielo Dam 94.3% 95.3%Glen Alpine Dam 74.2% 74.8%Luphephe Dam 78.6% 79.1%Middel Letaba Dam 9.4% 9.5%Nandoni Dam 99.9% 99.9%Nsami Dam 42.9% 42.4%Nwanedzi Dam 76% 76.4%Nzhelele Dam 84.8% 86.1%Tzaneen Dam 94.2% 94.1%Vondo Dam 86% 86.5%



07/11/2011 31/10/2011

According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as

on Monday, November 7.


* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press

• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederdu-itsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbs-straat en Forestryweg op Louis Trichardt.

Alle senior burgers is welkom by die klub-vergaderings waar die programme interessante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike boods-kappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit.

Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 geskakel word.

Partly sunny and warmer.


SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT DBVInsp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

Plenty of sunshine.

• WIMPY-UITSTAPPIE VIR AF-GETREDENES Marietjie Wentzel en die vroueselgroep van Baird Ministries koördineer ‘n maandelikse Woensdagoggend-uitstappie na die Wimpy by Makhado Crossing, waar ’n gratis muffi n en tee of koffi e geniet word.

Dié uitstappie is gemik op bejaardes en alleen-mense en begin om 10:00. Die datums vir die res van die jaar is 12 Oktober, 9 November en 14 Desember. Belangstellendes kan vir Marietjie skakel by 078 480 8783.

• BABAHUIS HET HULP NO-DIG Die Shilioh Babahuis op Louis Trichardt vra dat die gemeenskap betrokke raak met skenkings in die vorm van poeiermelk vir babas, weggooidoeke, babaklere ensovoorts.

Finansiële bydraes is ook welkom.Vir meer inligting, skakel Annetjie Blom by

tel. 015 516 6582.

• REÜNIE Hoërskool Warmbad is op-soek na die kontakbesonderhede van die 1982 matrieks.

Die skool beplan ‘n 30-jaar reunie vir volgen-de jaar. Die besonderhede kan aangestuur word vir Lizette Rossouw Breytenbach by [email protected] of sy kan gekontak word by 082 399 6981.

• BEJAARDES EET BY MIKE’S Afgetredenes kan ‘n heerlike driegang ete teen ‘n afslagprys by Mike’s Kitchen geniet op die eerste of tweede Maandag van die maand.

Die datum vir die res van die jaar is 12 Desem-ber. Die ete kan vanaf 11:30 tot 14:00 genuttig word.

Die prys is R40 per persoon en besprekings moet teen die voorafgaande Vrydag by Marietjie Wentzel by 078 480 8783 gedoen word.

• MANNE VAN DIE WOORD BYEEN Die Manne van die Woord op Louis Trichardt kom elke Vrydagoggend van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat bymekaar.

Alle mans is welkom om dié opbouende byeenkoms, waar mans mekaar aanmoedig om die Here te dien, by te woon.

Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.

Wednesday, November 16

High: 29oC Low: 18oC

• BELLY DANCE SHOWCASE The Chimera Belly Dance Academy in Louis Trichardt presents their Student Showcase 2011 on November 19 at the Soutpansberg Golf Club.

The event will start at 18:30 for 19:00 and will also serve as the academy’s year-end function.

For more information, phone Christine at Tel 072 372 2301.


• GESINSMIDDAG MET KERS-LIEDERE ‘n Heerlike gesinsmiddag met kersliedere, samesang en kinderoptredes word deur die Manne van die Woord van Louis Trich-ardt vir Saterdag, 26 November beplan.

Wian Vos word vir die geleentheid uitgenooi. Meer inligting sal nader aan die geleentheid bekend gemaak word.

• INFORMATION DAY AT TRIE GIES Louis Trichardt Primary will be holding an information day for prospective Grade R and 1 pupils on November 11 from 08:00. For more information, phone the school offi ce at Tel 015 516 5151.

• LEER MEER OOR GEOPENDE DEURE ‘n Bekendstelling van Geopende Deure, wat diens aan vervolgde Christene wêreldwyd lewer, word op Vrydag, 11 Novem-ber, om 18:00 by die Agapé Christensentrum in Louis Trichardt aangebied.

Die geleentheid sal ‘n vertoning van ‘n DVD insluit en tee sal bedien word. Toegang beloop R35, wat as ‘n donasie vir Geopende Deure aangewend sal word.

Vir meer inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by 015 516 3735 of Geopende Deure by 011 888 9341 of 071 364 6318.

Tuesday, November 15

High: 29Partly sunny and warmer.

• BONSAIKLUB VERGADER Die volgende bonsai-werkswinkel op Louis Trichardt sal aangebied word te Douthwaitstraat 34 op Saterdag, 12 November.

Die werkswinkel duur van 09:00 tot 12:00.Vir meer inligting kan Dawid Kruger geskakel

word by 084 363 0041.

• WIAN VOS KOM KUIER Wian Vos, ‘n aanbidding-sleier wat oor die hele land uitgenooi word, besoek Louis Trichardt van 25 tot 27 November as gas van Manne van die Woord.

Wian bedien die Vrydagoggend die Manne van die Woord by Ocean Basket. Hulle byeenkoms strek van 05:45 tot 06:45.

Vrydagaand is daar ‘n gesinsaand met Wian se orkes in die Edgars-parkeerarea vanaf 18:30. Die toegang vir die aand is ‘n nie-bederfbare produk. Sonda-goggend om 09:00 sal Wian ‘n aanbiddingsdiens by die NG Kerk Louis Trichardt-gemeente lei en die aand ‘n Kerssangdiens.

Friday, November 11

High: 28

Sunday, November 13

High: 31

• MOTH’S REMEMBER THE FALLEN The MOTHs (Memorable Order of Tin Hats) Turbi Shell in Louis Trichardt invites members of the public to their annual Remem-brance Day parade (Poppy Day) and wreath-laying on Sunday, 13 November.

Proceedings will start at 10:30 for 11:00 at the MOTHs offi ces at 66 Burger Street.

• KERSSPEL BY SPB-GE-MEENTE Inwoners van Louis Trichardt word uitgenooi na die junior kategese van die NG Kerk Soutpansberg-gemeente se Kersspel op Sondag, 13 November.

Die Kersspel begin om 18:00 en almal is

welkom.Vir meer inligting, skakel Pétria by tel. 082

555 1672.






Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00——————————————————————————————————

SHANGHAI ¸ ÇFri, Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30Sun, Tue: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00


IN TIME ˛ÇFri: 11:45, 14:15, 17:45, 20:20, 22:50Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:15, 17:45, 20:20, 22:50Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:45, 14:15, 17:45, 20:20Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:15, 17:45, 20:20


THE SMURFS ˛◊ßFri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30Mon: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:30Wed: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00Thu: 12:00, 14:30, 17:00, 19:45


ABDUCTION ˛ÇΩFri, Sat: 9:10, 11:30, 14:40, 17:10, 19:40, 22:10Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:30, 14:40, 17:10, 19:40Mon: 11:30, 14:40, 17:10, 19:40Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:40, 17:10, 19:40


CRAZY STUPID LOVE ˛ÇFri, Sat: 9:10, 11:45, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10, 22:50Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:45, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:50, 17:30, 20:10


ZOOKEEPER ˛ÇßFri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:50, 22:20Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:50Mon: 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:50


Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15——————————————————————————————————

IMMORTALS 3D ¸ ◊§Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 14:40, 17:10, 19:50, 22:20Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 14:40, 17:10, 19:50Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 14:40, 17:10, 19:50



Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00——————————————————————————————————


Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:10Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30


TOWER HEIST ˛◊Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00


KILLER ELITE ˛◊∞Fri: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:10, 22:45Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:10Mon: 11:45, 14:30, 17:30, 20:10



Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 14:50, 17:20, 19:40, 22:00Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 14:50, 17:20, 19:40Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 14:50, 17:20, 19:40



Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 15:00, 17:40, 20:20, 22:50Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 15:00, 17:40, 20:20Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:00, 17:40, 20:20



Page 9: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

911 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER



SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT DBVInsp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151


• INTERKERKLIKE KRIEKET Die AGS Charisma op Louis Trichardt daag weer al die ander gemeentes op Louis Trichardt uit vir ‘n interkerklike ses-aan-‘n-kant krieketwedstryd.

Die wedstryde vind plaas vanaf 08:00 op 12 November op Cloud’s End Hotel se veld. Spanne moet bestaan uit drie mans en drie vroue en inskrywing kos R30 per speler.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Cornelia by tel. 084 674 0594.

• GRAB-A-GRANNY UITGE-STEL Die Grab-a-Granny rolstoelwedren en pretloop word uitgestel, en wel na Saterdag, 19 November.

Dié instelling is nou al wyd en syd bekend vir die pret wat deelnemers het saam met die inwo-ners van Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis. Almal word hart-lik uitgenooi om deel te wees daarvan. Vir dié wat kans sien daarvoor, is daar weer ‘n pretdraf, terwyl die minder-gedrewenes sal kan loop. Die hoogtepunt sal die rolstoelwedren wees, waar van die tehuis se inwoners in rolstoele gestoot sal word deur lede van die Soutpansberg Atletiek-klub. Heerlike eet en drinkgoed sal ook te koop aangebied word.

Vir meer besonderhede kan Lucas en Rina Vermeulen geskakel word by Funky Bush Cloth-ing (083 297 6924) of LCV Verspreiders (083 297 6925).

Book in advance

• GROEPERINGSKIET Die Sout-pansberg Skietklub nooi alle skuts, oud of jonk, na hul jaarlikse groeperingskiet by die ou kommando skietbane buite Louis Trichardt op 3 Desember.

Die skietdag begin om 09:00 en buiten me-daljes vir die presteerders, is daar ook ‘n wis-seltrofee vir juniors.

Om 16:00 sal daar ‘n prysuitdeling wees, gevolg deur ‘n bring-en-braai. Pap en sous sal voorsien word, maar eie stoele, drinkgoed en vleis moet saamgebring word.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Ampie du Toit by tel. 082 742 0168.


• DR ISAK BURGER BY CHRISTUSFEES Die welbekende spreker en president van die AGS, dr. Isak Burger, sal gedurende die jaarlikse Christusfees by die AGS El-Shaddai in Musina drie dienste lewer op 26 en 27 November.

Burger se eerste diens is die Saterdag om 18:00 tydens die Christusfees, gevolg deur ‘n Engelse diens Sondag om 10:00 met die tema 5 minutes after death. Om 18:00 sal hy ‘n Afri-kaanse diens met dieselfde tema aanbied.

Van Burger se boeke sal na die dienste beskik-baar wees.

Vir meer inligting, skakel El - Shaddai by 015 534 3361 of 084 456 6959.

• WEEKLY WALK/RUN The Sout-pansberg Athletics Club invites everyone to their weekly walk and run.

“Let’s better your time on a fi xed route,” invites the club.

The walk and run takes place every Tuesday from 17:15 at their club house, next to the mu-nicipal swimming pool in Louis Trichardt.

For more information, phone Leonie at Tel 072 347 9327.

• KUNS KERSMARK ‘n Kuns kers-mark, geskoei op die welbekende Irene Kuns-mark, word beplan vir 3 Desember vanaf 09:00 tot 17:00 by die Lalapanzi Hotel op die N1 suid van Louis Trichardt.

Kunstenaars, bakkers, besighede en tuis-ondernemings is welkom om hul produkte vir die feestyd te kom uitstal en te koop aan te bied. Die kaasfabriek in Haenertsburg, vars blomme, Kuhestan-vrugtesouse en produkte sal almal uit-gestal word. Lalapanzi sal ook heerlike eetgoed te koop aanbied, tesame met ponieritte vir die kinders.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Tanya Richter by tel. 073 200 5829.


Pet owners who wish to board their pets (cats and dogs) at the SPCA’s Louis Trichardt ken-nels during the December holidays must do so in advance.

Bookings can only be made with Mrs Bea Re-imer between 18:30 and 19:00 or with Lawrence Khodobo during the day between 08:00 and 16:00. No other bookings will be accepted.

“Please do not leave a voice message on any phone and presume your booking has been ac-cepted,” said Reimer.

All pets, cats and dogs, must be inoculated, de-wormed and bathed or dipped before coming into the kennels. Inoculation must take place 10 days before the pet is brought to the kennels. Reimer and Khodobo must also be made aware of pets on medication while these are at the kennels.

“If you intend leaving your pets at home during the holiday, please make adequate arrangements with a reliable person for them. Remember, there will be fi reworks while you are away, so be pre-pared,” Reimer warned.

The boarding fees are R30 per dog per day and R20 per cat per day.

For more information, phone Reimer on 082 424 5712 or Khodobo at 082 965 5151.

Conquesta awards were part of the prize-giving ceremony of Ridgeway Independent School. Conquesta Olimpiads and papers enable independent schools to measure students’ abilities against national and international averages. In the front is Alec Hugo, who has the highest marks in Conquesta in the school. At the back, from left, are Conquesta winners Amaara Ayob, Sina Davhachi and Zaynah Aboo.

Awards for public speaking were presented at the prize-giving ceremony of Ridgeway Independent School that was hosted on 3 November in the Fransie Vermaak Hall in Louis Trichardt. From left are Emlyn Foord (best junior Afrikaans orator), Zaynah Aboo (best junior English orator), Ismaeel Ayob (best senior English orator) and Mienca Bezuidenhout (best senior Afrikaans orator).

These four learners of Ridgeway Independent School outside Louis Trichardt received top awards for academic excellence at the school’s prize-giving ceremony on 3 November. From left are Ismaeel Ayob (Grade 7), Amaara Ayob (Grade 6), Sina Davhachi (Grade 5) and Emlyn Foord (Grade 4).

Oracio José of Ridgeway Independent School received the Helpfulness Trophy as well as the Perserverance Cup. The event was school’s prize-giving ceremony on 3 November in Louis Trichardt.

Alec Hugo is the Dux Student of Ridgeway Independent School. He received this prestigious award at the school’s prize-giving ceremony on 3 November.Ismaeel Ayob received the prestigious

Ridgeway Ambassador trophy at the prize-giving ceremony of Ridgeway Independent School, hosted on 3 November in Louis Trichardt.

Page 10: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

10 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Cnr Rissik & Kroghstr Louis Trichardt 015 516 5142 082 902 5653

We have upgraded with new suppliers to give you only top Quality Products. We have come a long way and now match

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Telefax: 015 516 1881 Cell: 082 337 4127

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Louis Trichardt Cartridges

* TONER cartridges from R350.00* Colour & Black Inkjet Cartridges R110.00

Lede van Tafelrondte Zoutpansberg 66 in Louis Trichardt, afgeneem tydens nasionale Bandana Dag op 12 Oktober waar hulle by die plaaslike Pick ‘n Pay gehelp het om bandanas ten bate van die Sunfl ower Fund en leukemie pasiënte te verkoop. Voor, van links, is Jaco Kock, Jan du Plessis en André Muller. Agter is Dirk Meissenheimer, Freddie de Swardt en Rudi Meissenheimer. Foto verskaf.

Subrina Schlesinger en André du Preez is Laerskool Louis Trichardt se kultuurmeisie en -seun van die jaar. Dié toekennings is gemaak tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober. Subrina ontvang ook die trofee as toppresteerder in kultuur.

Could it be that the heaps of crusher dust next to the bowls court are meant for the roadworks in Anderson Street between Ruh and Stubbs Street? To date, the Makhado Municipality has been silent on the issue of the roadworks near the local high school, causing inconvenience to parents, teachers and residents.

A Moon Quiz was held during an astronomy outreach event held at Makhado Crossing. The event formed part of the global International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN 2011) on 8 October and was hosted by the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) with help from Trappers Trading. The two fi rst correct entries drawn by Eben Oliver (back) from Trappers were Annette Rennings (front left) and Dihan Pretorius (front middle). They received their Galileoscopes from Kos Coronaios (front right), chairman of the SAC. The SAC thanked the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) for donating the Galileoscopes and those who assisted with various telescopes during the International Observe the Moon Night. Photo supplied.

Page 11: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

1111 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER


Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Laerskool Louis Trichardt het hul hoofleiers vir 2012 tydens die senior prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober bekendgemaak. Voor, van links, is die hoofseun Chris van Wyk en die hoofmeisie Emené Jordaan. Agter is die onderhoofmeisie Leandri Muller en die onderhoofseun André Viljoen.

Marius Gilfillan op St Helena, besig om ‘n krans te lê by een van die twee graniet gedenkpilare ter ere van boere wat afgesterwe het tydens hul krygsgevangennisskap (1900-1902) op die eiland. Foto verskaf.

“Lewenslange student” vereer

Boere-oorloggrafte roer plaaslik ook die hartsnare

‘n “Lewenslange student” wie se leergierigheid en innovering ‘n voorbeeld is vir almal in die onder-wys, het ‘n FAK Prestige toeken-ning ontvang.

Me. Sussa Ehlers, onderwyser by Laerskool Louis Trichardt, se volge-houe betrokkenheid op die voorpunt van die onderwys en haar passie vir haar beroep en haar leerlinge is erken met die oorhandiging van die HB en MJ Thom-onderwysprys. Dit is ‘n gesogte onderwystoekenning vir uitnemende bydrae in die onderwys.

Ehlers ontvang dié toekenning tydens ‘n FAK Prestige toeken-

ningsgeleentheid op 28 Oktober 2011 in die Centurion Teater.

Prof. Danie Goosen, voorsitter van die FAK, het uitgewys dat Ehlers verlede jaar die graad B.Ed in Onder-rig en Leer met lof behaal het en deur die Noordwes Universiteit se Potchefstroom-kampus aangewys is as die beste student in die kursus. Goosen het ook gesê dat Ehlers ge-reeld opknappingskursusse bywoon en haar onderrigmetodes in lyn bring met wêreldwye tendense en dit baseer op die nuutste navorsing oor effek-tiewe onderrig en leer.

Ehlers was ook die organiseerder

Die boere-oorloggrafte op die ei-land St Helena het besoekers van Louis Trichardt diep getref.

Tussen 1900 en 1902 was daar ongeveer 6 000 boere krygsgevan-genes op St Helena, ‘n eiland in die Atlantiese Oseaan.

Marius en Inga Gilfillan van Louis Trichardt het gesien dat die grafte van boere krygsgevangenes van die Anglo- Boere-oorlog (1899-1902) goed versorg word. Hulle het ook die nostalgie beleef om iets te begryp van hoe afgesonderd en eensaam die krygsgevangenes op die eiland was.

“Ons het ‘n foto gesien van hoe die boere sit en die vlooie en luise uit hulle komberse haal. Gelukkig kon hulle redelik rondbeweeg en het hulself goed besig gehou,” sê Inga.

Die gevangenes het die beste ge-maak van hul tyd in gevangenisskap en het hul vaardighede beoefen, land-

bou bedryf, geleenthede georganiseer, hulle eie koerant gepubliseer en selfs hul eie besighede besit.

In 1900 is daar ‘n uitstalling gehou en die boere krygsgevangenes is uit-genooi om deel te neem. So baie het deelgeneem dat hulle ‘n aparte kamer benodig het om al hul ware ten toon te stel om te verkoop. Hulle het artikels uit hout gekerf, soos muurpanele, pyphouers, bokse en speelgoed. Servethouers en pype is uit been vervaardig. Hulle moes werk met wat hulle tot hulle beskikking gehad het en tafelmesse moes dien as ‘n saag.

Die Gilfillans het ‘n besonde-re belangstelling in hierdie items, aangesien hulle ook die plaaslike boere-oorlogmuseum bedryf. In die Zoutpansberg Skermutseling en Er-fenismuseum by die Lalapanzi Hotel is daar items gekerf uit hout, been en klip te sien, ook van die spesifieke

van Limpopo se ATKV redenaarskompetisie.

“Alhoewel die HB en MJ Thom-onder-wystoekenning verkies-lik toegeken word aan jong onderwysers, is Sussa - te midde van 31 jaar se onderwysonder-vinding - ‘n uitstekende ‘jong’ wenner!” het Goosen gesê.

Ehlers het die skool-hoof, mnr. Louis Linde, bedank vir die vertroue wat hy in haar gestel het om haar aan te beveel vir die toekenning.

“Dit was vir my ‘n groot eer en voorreg om myself te kon meet teenoor die maatstawwe van die hoogs bekwame onderwysers landswyd. In my onderwysloop-baan was daar hoogte-punte wat baie vir my beteken het, maar hi-erdie een is vir my baie spesiaal,” het Ehlers gesê.

Me. Sussa Ehlers is vereer met die HB en MJ Thom-onderwysprys tydens die FAK Prestige-toekenningsgeleentheid op 28 Oktober. Foto verskaf.

items wat aan die einde van die oorlog saam met die krygsgevangenes van St Helena na Suid-Afrika gekom het.

Na die bootreis van 2 750km, was die grootste oomblik die neerlê van ‘n bos loof en blomme by die monumente van die boere wat dood is op St Helena. Marius het die kranslegging gedoen. In 1913 het die destydse Unie van Suid-Afrika twee granietmonumente as gedenkpilare na St Helena gestuur. Daarop verskyn die name van al die oorledenes saam met hulle ouderdomme, wat wissel tussen 16 en 61 jaar.

“Ons het ook grafte van die kinders van Dini-zulu besoek,” sê Inga. Die Zoeloe leier, Dinizulu, arriveer in 1890 op St Helena saam met sy twee ooms en verskeie vroue. Die eiland se beroemdste gevangene was sekerlik Napoleon Bonaparte. Die verslane Franse keiser het in 1815 aangekom en in 1821 daar gesterf. Die Suid-Afrikaanse groep, wat die reis per boot na St Helena in Augustus onderneem het, het bestaan uit die Gilfillans, prof. Louis Changuoin, Linda Wilkinson en Jan en Mari-jke van Braak. Verlede jaar het die van Braaks, wat in Holland woon, ‘n krans vanuit Louis Trichardt by die gedenkpilare gelê en ‘n gedig aan die “Hel-den van Zuid-Afrika” voorgedra.

Die Zoutpansberg Skermutseling- en Erfenis-stigting nooi almal wat meer oor St Helena wil weet, uit na ‘n Generale-aand op 19 November, wat sal handel oor genl. Cronjé, wat ‘n krygsgevangene op St Helena was.

Page 12: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

12 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER



Werda ToyotaH/v Burger & Rissik Straat, Louis Trichardt • Tel: 015 516 0284/5/6 TOYOTANEEM LEIDING

Willie Venter 079 344 2737Hilbert Sevhugwane 073 864 4231Anthonie Krügell 072 225 3599Joop Coetzer 082 424 9978Gert Coetzee 083 327 5128Johan Rootman 073 718 6816Michael Maynier 082 702 6701


16 November 2011

VERBRUIKERSBESKERMINGSWET 68 VAN 2008Koper moet registreer. Id dokument en bewys van permanente verblyf word benodig. Regulasies in terme van bogemelde wet beskikbaar op en Limpopolaan 10, Musina. Veiling is onderhewig aan bekragtiging. Kopers wat namens regspersoon koop, moet skriftelike bewys aan afslaer toon.

Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg het op 26 Oktober tydens hul skool se jaarlikse prysuitdeling hul toppresteerders beloon. Inge Wepener (links) stap weg met die trofee vir Laerskool Zoutie van die Jaar, terwyl Cornel Dercksen (regs) die trofee as Hoërskool Zoutie van die Jaar ontvang. Foto’s verskaf.

Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se beste rugby- en netbalspelers die afgelope jaar was (van links) Erwee Robbertze (beste laerskool rugbyspeler), Charnelle Boonzaaier (beste hoërskool netbalspeler) en Cody Zaaiman (beste hoërskool rugbyspeler). Foto’s verskaf.

Toekennings vir landloop, hokkie en skaak het gegaan aan (van links) Jani Badenhorst (beste landloopatleet), Janco Marais (beste seunshokkiespeler) en Rynard Pretorius (beste skaakspeler) tydens die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 26 Oktober. Foto’s verskaf.

Dié leerlinge is aangewys as die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se top sportsterre die afgelope jaar. Van links is Janco Marais (senior sportseun van die jaar), Annika Schwerdfeger (beste meisiesatleet) en Dihan Pretorius (beste seunsatleet). Die toekennings is aan hulle gemaak tydens die skool se prysuitdelingsfunksie op 26 Oktober. Foto’s verskaf.

Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg het tydens hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling verlede week hul top presteerders vanaf Graad 4 tot 12 gedurende 2011 aangewys. Voor, van links, is Hendrik Badenhorst (Graad 6), Inge Wepener (Graad 4) en Gray Badenhorst (Graad 5). Agter is Melissa Stemmet (Graad 8), Larissa du Plessis (Graad 9) en TJ van Eeden (Graad 7). Inlas: Charnelle Boonzaaier (Graad 10 tot 12). Foto verskaf.

Page 13: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

1311 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER

By Linda van der Westhuizen

Petitions against the name change of the town Louis Trichardt to Makhado were launched after the Minister of Arts and Culture had pub-lished the name change in the Government Gazette of October 14.

As a reason for changing the name to Makhado, Minister Paul Mashatile said: “A request had been received from the Makhado Municipality to change the name and all necessary processes had been followed in terms of the South African Geographical names Council.”

Those signing the petition confirmed that they had not been reasonably consulted in a bona fide manner and that a proper and fair administrative process had not been followed. They also confirmed that changing the name of the town would affect the region adversely and that the money could be better spent for proper service delivery and the empowerment of poor people.

Petitions circulated for about

two weeks had to be handed in to the Chairpersons Associa-tion (CA) by November 4. The CA won the appeal court case when the name of the town was changed to Makhado the first time round and the name change had to be set aside. A total of 6 462 signatories signed the petition. That is about 1 500 more signatures than the first time round.

“The Hlanganani Concerned group handed in 3 294 signato-ries, if I am not mistaken. We found the time restriction of two weeks difficult. If it were not for that, we could nearly have doubled that,” said the group’s spokesperson, Mr Jeffrey Gohell. Mr André Naudé, chairperson of the CA, explained that 5 021 signatories are from the region and 1 441 from other regions.

“This is a matter in the interest of the nation, not only the region. Nowhere in the country should cultural groups be polarised nor cultural goods be destroyed,” Naudé said. He expressed the

same sentiment as Gohell that the time restriction prevented them from getting many more signatures.

The time restriction was due to the fact that any objection to the name change had to be made within 30 days of the publication of the name in the Gazette. The CA wanted to add the petition lists to the objection.

“We are not happy about the whole name-change process. We say that the municipality has actually sent a wrong report to the minister, who believes them. We regard it as one-sided information from the side of the municipal-ity that did not consult all the people. People are not against change, but change should not be brought about through ‘kangaroo consultation’ where people are hoodwinked that the government wants the name to be changed. A name change should come from the people themselves, and not the municipality forcing the people to change the name,” Gohell said.

By Linda van der Westhuizen

Thousands say they were not consulted

Petitions against the name change of the town Louis Trichardt to Makhado were launched after the Minister of Arts and Culture had published the name change in the Government Gazette of October 14. A total of 6 462 signatories signed the petition in two weeks.

An official objection against the changing of the name of Louis Trichardt to Makhado was submitted to the office of the Minister of Arts and Culture.

A 16-page objection, accompanied by more than 400 pages of supporting documentation, was sent to Pretoria this week to be presented to Minister Paul Mashatile. The objection was made by the Chairpersons Association. The date of the objec-tion is 8 November, in time for the objection period which expires on 14 November.

“The name Makhado is offensive to the Shan-gaans, some of the Venda people and the Afrikaans and English people,” is stated in the objection. The reasons given were that Makhado was seen as a murderer, who not only killed many Shangaans, but was fuming to kill his brother. Makhado was cited to have said about his brother Davhana (also known as Tabana) that if he could find him, he would capture him and “put him in a wet skin of a cow, hang him up in a tree and let him rot there, catch up his juices” and pour it over his father’s grave (Twintig Jaren in Zout-pansberg, 1865-1885 by Stephanus Hofmeyr).

In contrast, Louis Tri-chardt reflected “a sym-bol of peace amongst cultural groups”, the CA argues in its objection. Louis Trichardt and Rasithuu Ramabulana (the father of Makhado) “were the first example of cooperation between leaders of different cultural groups, finding peace in South Africa,” the CA states.

The CA summarises its objection under two points. Firstly, there “was no consultation process as to whether a need existed to change the name of the town. Like with the previous process, which was set aside by the Court, the Makhado Municipality blindly followed instructions from above to change the name of the town for political reasons and expediency.” Secondly, no proper and adequate consultation process was conducted at all as to what the “new” name of the town should be.

The CA asked the Minister to endorse their objection and motivated it with 25 reasons, in-cluding their perspective on Makhado and Louis Trichardt. “Makhado attacked Afrikaans people not because he was anti-white but because he was anti-Christian,” the CA states and says that, in contrast

to the peace-seeking and anti-imperialist Louis Trichardt, Makhado was “a warrior who caused a lot of suffering and pain, which is offensive to many cultural groups”.

The fact that the Makhado Municipality did not honour their undertaking to draw up and imple-ment a policy in respect of cultural heritage is mentioned. Since there was no policy document, the name change “was emotionally and politically driven and not rationally from a cultural-heritage point of view,” argues the CA.

The CA states that Louis Tri chardt is not a correction of any town name and that it is “not offensive”. The town was founded by General Piet Joubert around 1898 as the original town of Louis Trichardt, where it is today. The CA states that the town where Makhado lived and where he was expelled to by his father “because he was a troublemaker” was called Tshiruluni, near Hanglip.

“He never lived in Louis Trichardt or in the area of Louis Trichardt ... The changing of the name

destroys respect and is contrary to reconcilia-tion and polarises the people in the area,” reads the CA’s objection.

Procedurally, no ad-mi nistra tively just pro-cedures were followed, says the CA. The Makha-

do Municipality embarked on a so-called election process and not a consultation process. “The same people had been transported per truck from one ward to another to bring out the same votes repeat-edly, “states the CA .

“The processes followed by the Makhado Mu-nicipality, the Provincial Names Committee as well as the South African Geographical Names Council (SAGNC) were “flawed and corrupt in law”, reads the document.

The CA feels strongly about the fact that all the organs had not been transparent at all “by hiding documentation and information from the CA and other stakeholders.” They also once again object to the inclusion of Adv Tommy Ntsewa on the SAGNC, since it was cited in the Appeal Court that he had the mindset that “a consultation process will not make any difference”.

“If our objection is not endorsed, we shall go to court to have the name change reviewed,” said Mr Andre Naudé, chairperson of the CA.

CA officially objects to renaming process

“The name Makhado is offensive to the Shangaans,

some of the Venda people and the Afrikaans and English

people,” says CA

Page 14: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

14 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER

By Peter Muthambi

102 President Street, Louis Trichardt 0920

Tel: (015) 516 1427Fax: (015) 516 1160E-mail: [email protected]


CAREL HAMMANN 082 923 1620

SANDRIVIER 445ha.445ha. met 50ha. lande. Goeie water. Woonhuis, store, slag- en koelkamer, implemente,

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You are hereby notifi ed that by virtue of the powers conferred on the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) by the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998)(NEMA), and on the basis of information submitted to the Department and subject to compliance with conditions of the Environmental Authorisation, the Department authorises Limpopo Coal Company (Pty) Ltd (LCC)/Coal of Africa Limited (CoAL) to undertake the following listed activities as described in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the second Section 24G dated August 2011:

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION1(k) The construction of facilities or infrastructure, including associated structures or infrastructure, for the bulk transportation of sewage and water, including storm water in pipeline with – i. An internal diameter of 0.36 meters or more; or ii. A peak throughput of 120 liters per second or more.1(q) The construction of facilities or infrastructure, including associated structures or infrastructure for the landing, parking and maintenance of aircraft including – i. Helicopter landing pads, excluding helicopter landing facilities and stops used exclusively for emergency services; ii. Unpaved aircraft landing strips shorter than 1.4 km.7 The above ground storage of dangerous good, including petrol, diesel, liquid petroleum, gas or paraffi n, in containers with combined capacity of more than 30 cubic meters but less than 1 000 cubic meters at any one location or site.

The Environmental Authorisation and reasons for the decision are attached herewith. In line with the environmental justice principle, any person disgruntled by the decision may submit an intention to appeal to the Minister within 20 days of the date of the Environmental Authorisation (31st October 2011). The actual appeal must be submitted to the Minister within 30 days after the lapsing of the period of 20 days provided for the lodging of the notice of intention to appeal.An appeal should be prepared according to appeal procedures prescribed in Chapter 7 of GN R 543 of 2010. All appeals must be submitted in writing by facsimile, post or hand delivered to Mr. T. Zwane (Senior Legal Administration Offi cer). He may also be contacted at (012) 310 3929.

Facsimile: (012) 320 7561Postal Address:Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001

Physical Address: 2nd Floor, Fedsure Building, North Tower

Cnr. Van Der Walt and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria

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The Congress of the People in Louis Trichardt is accusing the Speaker of the Makhado Municipality of denying its councillors an opportunity to express themselves during council meetings.

In a statement this week, Cope's regional chairperson, Mr Geoffrey Tshibvumo, ac-cused the Speaker, Mr David Mutavhatsindi, of harassing and intimidating Cope councillors in council. He added that Mu-tavhatsindi failed to adhere to and enforce council rules with regard

to the nomination of ward com-mittee members. He also abuses the powers of the Speaker to intimidate opposition members, expel council members from duly constituted settings of council and thwart debate and discussion on predetermined agenda items.

He further states that on nu-merous occasions the Speaker has allowed complete changes in the executive committee recom-mendations at council meetings "to an extent that new motions are adopted without testing them against recommendations from

Exco." The speaker, David Mu-tavhatsindi, denied the allega-tions and said that if councillors had questions, they should direct them to Council and not the me-dia, in terms of the standing rules and orders. "We have taken all councillors to an induction so as to ensure that all councillors un-derstand how Council runs, but it seems as if Cope councillors did not learn anything. Tshibvumo is out of order. The man is not even a councillor at the Makhado Municipality; no wonder he does not understand," he said.

Cope says Speaker is silencing them

For the 40th anniversary of Mapakophele Primary School, Mr Amie Chhaya of Louis Trichardt donated maize meal to assist with the celebration.To his right are staff members M.S.Ramapala and M. Mulabisani, who expressed their profound appreciation for the donation. Chhaya was handed a praise poem in return.The poem hailed him as a Golden Man, a Generous Man and a Living Hero of the school.



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Page 15: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

1511 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER


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NOTICEIN THE ESTATE OF L AT E S A L M O N J O H N M U L L E R , M A S T E R ’ S R E F : 582/2009, IDENTITY NUMBER: 550708 5033 081, MARRIED OUT OF COMMU-NITY OF PROPER-TY WIT ANNETTE MULLER, IDENTI-TY NUMBER: 570303 0064 087, WHO WAS ORDINARILY RESI-DENT AT THE FARM W E L G E VO N D E N IN THE DISTRICT SOUTPANSBERG AND WHO DIED ON 1 JANUARY 2009The First and Final Liquidation and Distri-bution account in this estate will lie open for inspection of the High Court Thohoyandou and at the offi ces of Mag-istrate Soutpansberg for a period of 21 days from date of publication hereof.B O O Y E N S D U PREEZ & BOSHOFF ING.Landdroslaan 28B. Pos-bus 1305, Louis Tri-chardt, 0920Tel: (015) 516 1404/5Fax: 015 516 1624VERW: S BOOYENS/DK/M648



AT POLOKWANECase Number: 5772/2010In the case between: DAVEL DE KLERK KGATLA INC Execution Creditor and VENTER, JURIE JACOBUS Execu-tion debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN

EXECUTIONPURSUANT to a judg-ment by the Magistrate POLOKWANE given on 24 AUGUST 2010 the under mentioned goods will be sold on 25 NO-VEMBER 2011 at 11h00 by public auction to be held at 2 Whyte Street, at the back of Gateway Primary School, Musina by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court, Musina to the high-est bidder for cash, namely:1 x Ford Bantam L.A.W White, 1 x Ford 5600 Trekker, 1 x 4 Wheel Trailer, 1 x Number of ir-rigation Units.Signed at POLOKWANE on this 26th day of SEP-TEMBER 2011(SGD) SF DE WETAttorneys for Execution CreditorDAVEL DE KLERK KGATLA ATTORNEYS19 Watermelon StreetPlatinum Park, Bendor, Polokwane, Tel: 015 297 3310, Docex:17Ref: B J de Klerk/bg/BD0785


GEHOU TE MUSINASAAK NR: 107/11In die saak tussen:


VERKOPING GELIEWE KENNIS TE NEEM dat die onder-staande goedere op die 25ste dag van NOVEM-BER 2011 om 11:00 deur die Balju van MUSINA te White Straat (Langs Gateway Primary School), aan die hoogste bieder geregtelik verkoop word, naamlik: 1 x Tata Trok - Reg No: BPS 990 B1 x Tata Trok - Reg No: BNK 435 B1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No: BRV 643 B1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No; BHN 352 B1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No: BPN 019 B 1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No: BNW 631 B1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No: BNH 368 BGEDATEER te MUSINA hierdie 4de dag van NO-VEMBER 2011ERWEE PROKUREURSProkureurs vir eiser Irwin straat 9 Posbus 1689 MUSINA 0900TEL: (015) 534-3394/6/7 FAKS: (015) 534-3402VERW:HE/ev/N700/B401/J201



VERKOPING GELIEWE KENNIS TE NEEM dat die onder-staande goedere op die 25ste dag van NOVEM-BER 2011 om 11:00 deur die Balju van MUSINA te White Straat (Langs Gateway Primary School), aan die hoogste bieder geregtelik verkoop word, naamlik: 1 x Tata Trok - Reg No: BPS 990 B1 x Tata Trok - Reg No: BNK 435 B1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No: BRV 643 B1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No; BHN 352 B1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No: BPN 019 B 1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No: BNW 631 B1 x Toyota Bakkie - Reg No: BNH 368 BGEDATEER te MUSINA hierdie 4de dag van NO-VEMBER 2011ERWEE PROKUREURSProkureurs vir eiser Irwin straat 9 Posbus 1689 MUSINA 0900TEL: (015) 534-3394/6/7 FAKS: (015) 534-3402

V E R W : H E / e v /M2575/9815



MUSINACASE NO: 179/10In the matter between:RUPERT DE JAGER Execution Creditor andTIGERE MHITI 1ST Exe-cution Debtor & MOEMI SAM PITSI 2nd Execution DebtorNOTICE OF SALE IN

EXECUTIONIn the execution of a Judg-ment of the Magistrate’s Court for the district of Musina held at Musina, a Sale without reserve, subject to the Magistrate’s Court Act and the rules made thereunder, will be held at 2 White street, Mu-sina, on 23rd of November 2011 at 11:00, of the under mentioned property of the Defendant on conditions to be read out by the auc-tioneer at the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the offi ce of the Sheriff, Musina, at 2 White Street, Musina prior to the sale.Certain: Erf 500 Messina Extension1, Registration division M.T Limpopo Province, Musina Local Municipality, Extend 991 (nine nine one) square metres, Held under Title Deed – T60311/2008(Known as: 886 Isaac Singo Street, Nancefl ied, MusinaTerms: A cash payment immediately on the prop-erty being knocked down to the purchaser, of 10% of the purchase price, the balance and interest on the full purchase price at current bond rates pay-able against registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank, building society of other acceptable guaran-tees to be furnished to the Sheriff within 14(fourteen) days from date of sale.Auctioneers charges are payable and calculated at 6% on the proceeding of the Sale up to a price of R 30 000.00 and thereafter 3.5% to a maximum fee of R8 750.00 and a minimum of R 440.00Payments in cash or Bank guaranteed cheques.DATED at MUSINA on this 10th day of Octo-ber2011Erwee AttorneysAttorneys for PlaintiffIrwin street 9 ,PO Box 1689 MUSINA 0900TEL: (015) 534-3394/6/7FAKS: (015) 534-3402R E F : H E / e v / 0 9 / 0 3 1 [8416]

Page 16: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

16 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER


Kontak George, Yolanda of Pieter by

015 516 4996

(Vervolg vanaf p15)



MUSINACASE NO: 389/2011In the matter between:THOMAS KWINDA Execution Creditor and N N D WA G E O R G E MAKWASENA Execu-tion DebtorNOTICE OF SALE IN

EXECUTIONKINDLY TAKE NO-TICE THAT the under mentioned goods will be sold on 25 November 2011 at 11:00 by the Sheriff of Musina at Whyte Street, (next to Gateway Primary School) to the highest bid-der, namely:1 x BM W ( Re g N o : GEORGES L)DATED at MUSINA on this 18th day of October 2011ERWEE ATTORNEYSAttorneys for PlaintiffIrwin street 9 , PO Box 1689 , MUSINA 0900TEL: (015) 534-3394/6/7FAKS: (015) 534-3402REF:HE/mk/K352/9959


GEHOU TE MUSINASAAK NO: 696/2010In die saak tussen:S T A R K E AY R E S (EDMS) BEPERK Eiser en SUNSHINE FARMS BK Verweerder


VERKOPINGVoorspruitend ui t ‘n Hofbevel gemaak deur die Agbare Hof op 30 MEI 2011 die daaropvol-gende beslag legging sal die volgende goedere verkoop word vir kon-tant op 25 November 2011 om 11h00 by die LANDDROSKANTOOR te Whitestraat 4 (agter Gateway Skool) , Musina1 x Dubble Disk1 x Ripper1 x Enkel as Sleepwa.Beraamde waarde: +-R12 000 .00GETEKEN te POTCHEF-STROOM op hede die 4de dag van November 2011GERRIT COETZEE PROKUREURSProkureurs vir ApplikantEerste Vloer, Octrong-ebouDr James Morokastraat 62Potchefstroom, Posbus 69, Potchefstroom 2520Tel: 018 297 1310V E R W : G C / H B / n h /S76/10(785)


CASE NO: 1852/2011In the matter between:THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD (1962/000738/06) Plaintiff and HLOMPHO MPETA 1st Defendant & MAMOTENA ALPH-ONCINA MPETA 2nd DefendantNOTICE OF SALE IN

EXECUTIONIn pursuance of a judgment and Writ of Execution of the abovementioned Court, a sale in execution of the undermentioned property is to be held without re-serve at the premises 24 PINE GROVE, CNR REITZ & VORSTER STREET, MAKHADO on WEDNESDAY 30 NO-VEMBER 2011 at 11H00. Full Conditions of Sale can be inspected at the Sheriff

of MAKHADO (LOUIS TRICHARDT) AT 111 KRUGER STREET, MAKHADO and will also be read prior to the sale. No warranties are given with regard to the description and/or improvements. (a) SECTION No. 24 as shown and more fully de-scribed on Sectional Plan No. SS702/2008 in the scheme known as Pine Grove in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Louis Trich-ardt, of which section the floor area, according to the said Sectional Plan, is 152 square metres in extent; and(b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quo-ta as endorsed on the said Sectional Plan.H E L D B Y D E E D O F T R A N S F E R S T 70986/2008 STREET ADDRESS:24 PINE GROVE, CNR REITZ & VORSTER STREET, MAKHADO, LIMPOPO PROVINCEZone Residential:IMPROVEMENTS:Unit consisting of: 3 x bedrooms, 2 x bathrooms, 1 x kitchenTake note of the following requirements for all pro-spective buyers:1. R 10 000 refundable registration fee on date of auction2. Presentation to the Sher-iff of the following FICA documents:2.1 Copy of Identity docu-ment2.2 Proof of residential addressSIGNED AT PRETORIA ON THE 31ST DAY OF OCTOBER 2011H A A S B R O E K & BOEZAART INC.Attorneys for PlaintiffHB Forum13 Stamvrug StreetVal De Grace Pretoria Tel no: 012-481 3555Fax no: 086 673 2394(Ref: BVDMERWE/fg/S1234/5781)C/O DocexSaambou building - Lower Level, Shop Nr 2, Andries Street, Pretoria



In terms of Regulation 543 of the regulations published in Government Notice No. 33306 of 2010 under Sec-tion 54 read with section 44 of the National Envi-ronmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), notice is hereby given that Mapungubwe Game Reserve (Pty) Ltd is of intention to carry out the following activity:Project Name: Modena Eco-EstateProject Description: Es-tablishment of a heritage-estate that will consist of twenty erven, where each erf will be approximately three hectares in size. En-gineering services like ac-cess roads, sewage, water supply and electricity will be installed.Project Location: The pro-posed development area is located on the Farm Modena 13 MS. The appli-cation property is situated approximately 3km south-east of Pontdrif Border Post.The project is registered with the Department of Environmental Affairs with reference number DEA/EIA/697/2011.Sewage will be treated on site by means of a Biogeza

System (or similar type system). The basic technol-ogy used is the activated sludge process. The acti-vated sludge process is a natural process. This activ-ity needs a waste license in terms of the National En-vironmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008). This activity is registered with the Depart-ment of Environmental Af-fairs with reference number 12/12/20/2542.In order to ensure that you are identifi ed as an inter-ested and/or affected party, please submit, in writing, your name, contact infor-mation and interest in the matter, within 30 days of publication of this adver-tisement, to the address hereunder.TEKPLAN ENVIRON-MENTAL, P.O. Box 55714, POLOK-WANE, 0700Tel: (015) 291 4176/7Fax: 086 218 3267Email: [email protected]


STIGTING VAN DORPDie Makhado plaaslike munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 69(6)(A) saamgelees met Artikel 96(3) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ‘n aansoek om die dorp in die bylae hieronder, te stig deur hom ontvang is. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae ge-durende kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur, Munisipale Sekretariaat, 1 ste vloer, Burgersen-trum, Makhado (Louis Tri-chardt), (128 Kroghstraat), vir 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 11 November 2011. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne 'n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 11 November 2011 skriftelik by of tot die Direkteur, Munisipale sekretariaat, by bovermel-de adres of by Privaatsak x2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920 ingedien of gerig word. BYLAE: NAAM VAN DORP: MAKHADO FUEL CITY. NAAM VAN AANSOEKER: STONY RIVER PROPERTIES 199 CC (REG. 200608203223) - voormelde aansoek is na-mens die eienaar opgestel en ingehandig deur De-veloplan Pietersburg Ing. Stads & streeksbeplanners. ERWE IN DIE VOORG-ESTELDE DORP: SPE-SIAAL - 1 Erf (gesoneer “Spesiaal“ vir ’n vulstasie, ”Quick shop” geriefswin-kel nie groter as 250vk.m., ’n karwasfasil i tei t en gepaardgaande ablusieg-eriewe). LANDBOU - 1 Erf (gesoneer “Landbou“). GRONDBESKRYWING: Restant van Gedeelte 42 van die plaas Rondebosch 287, Registrasie afdeling LS, Limpopo Provinsie. LIGGING VAN VOORG-ESTELDE DORP: Die eiendom is geleë aang-rensend aan die N1 pad, ongeveer 1 km suid vanaf die dorpsgebied bekend as Louis Trichardt Uitbreiding 5, op die suidwestelike hoek van die kruising van die N1 pad en die R578 pad (ook bekend as die Ledig/Elim/Waterval paaie kruising). MAKHADO WYSIGINGSKEMA 26: Voorts word ook kennis ge-gee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van voormelde or-donnansie, dat DEVELO-PLAN aansoek gedoen het by die Makhado munisipal-iteit vir die wysiging van die dorpsbeplanningskema

bekend as die Makhado Grondgebruikskema 2009, deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 1 van Erf 495 en die Restant van Erf 495, Louis Trichardt (geleë te 64 en 64a Andersonstraat) vanaf “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 3” vir doel om residensiële wooneen-hede op die perseel te voorsien. Besonderhede van die aansoek sal by dieselfde adres, tydens dieselfde tye as hierbo vermeld, ter insae le. Die-selfde kondisies geld ook ten opsigte van besware. Agent: Developlan, Posbus 1883, Polokwane, 0700.



The Makhado Local mu-nicipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 69(6)(A) read together with Section 96(3) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordi-nance 15 of 1986), that an application to establish the township referred to in the annexure hereto, has been received by it. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during nor-mal offi ce hours at the of-fi ce of the Director, Munic-ipal Secretariat, 1st fl oor, Civic centre, Makhado (Louis Trichardt), (128 Krogh street), for a period of 28 days from 11 Novem-ber 2011. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Director, Municipal secretariat at the above address or at Pri-vate bag x2596, Makhado, 0920 within a period of 28 days from 11 Novem-ber 2011. ANNEXURE: NAME OF TOWNSHIP: MAKHADO FUEL CITY. NAME OF APPLICANT: STONY RIVER PROP-ERTIES 199 CC (REG. 200608203223) – the ap-plication was compiled and submitted on behalf of the owner by Developlan Pietersburg Inc. Town and Regional Planners. ERVEN IN PROPOSED TOWN-SHIP: SPECIAL: 1 Erf (zoned ”Special” for a fi lling station, Quick shop/convenience store (not exceeding 250sq.m), a car wash facility and ablutions. AGRICULTURE: 1 Erf (zoned ”Agriculture”). DE-SCRIPTION OF LAND: Portion 42 Rondebosch 287-LS (Remainder) , Registration division LS, Limpopo Province. LO-CATION OF PROPOSED TOWNSHIP: The site is located adjacent to the N1 road approximately 1km south of the township known as Louis Trichardt Extension 5, on the south-western corner of the inter-section of the N1 road and the R578 road, (also known as the Elim/Waterval/Ledig road intersection). MA-KHADO AMENDMENT SCHEME 26: Further-more notice is also given in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the formentioned ordinance, that DEVEL-OPLAN has applied to the Makhado municipal-ity for the amendment of the town planning scheme known as the Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009 by the rezoning of Portion 1 of Erf 495 and the Re-mainder of Erf 495, Louis Trichardt (situated at 64 and 64a Anderson street) from “Residential 1" to “Residential 3” for the pur-pose of erecting residential dwelling units. Particulars of the application will lie

for inspection at the same address during the same times as mentioned above. The same conditions as mentioned above applies to objections. Agent: De-veloplan, P.O. Box 1883, Polokwane, 0700.

Lodge Operations ManagerVACANCY

The company is looking for a suitably qualifi ed person to fulfi l the role of a Food and Beverage Manager (Operations).


THE JOB INCUMBENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING:• To assume full responsibility for the effi cient and profi table operation of the Food and Bever-

age Operation.

GUEST SATISFACTION / SERVICE • To assist and oversee all VIP functions• To give appropriate response to all Guest Complaints and document this in writing• To ensure that guest queries and complaints are being dealt with in an effi cient, prompt and

courteous manner achieving maximum guest satisfaction.

HEALTH AND SAFETY • To ensure Health and Safety standards are maintained throughout all outlets

FINANCIAL ACUMEN • To monitor all variances from daily stock takes • To monitor the results of all Operating Equipment Stock Takes• To ensure all outlet managers conduct regular stock takes of Food, Beverage and Operating

Equipment as per laid down procedures and to ensure they investigate and give feedback on all variances

• To ensure that outlet managers maintain the correct stock levels of Food and Beverage Items, Guest Supplies and Operating Equipment

KITCHEN • To ensure that menus are planned according to the budgeted food cost and the Lodge Man-

ager’s vision, together with the Restaurant Manager/Executive Chef• To ensure that the operation of the kitchen is carried out smoothly achieving maximum stand-

ards of food quality and guest satisfaction.• To ensure that a high standard of cleanliness is maintained at all times.

RESTAURANT / BARS • To ensure that effi cient, quick and friendly service is provided to the guest.• To ensure that a high standard of cleanliness is maintained.

STORES / FOOD & BEVERAGE CONTROL • To ensure that all food, liquor, cleaning and guest supplies are being purchased according to

Company policy maintaining the lowest possible stock levels and adhering to the budgeted expenditure allowances.

• To ensure that stock shortages are acted upon immediately.

FORMAL QUALIFICATIONS Minimum: • Matric.• Formal qualifi cation such as a Hotel School Diploma or University Degree directly related to

F&B required.

PRIOR EXPERIENCE Minimum:• 5 years experience in the F&B division of a 3 star operation/organisation• Computer literate in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, • Good administration skills

Should your profi le meet the above criteria, please send your CV to: [email protected]. The closing date for applications is the 18th November 2011. Applicants not contacted within two weeks after the closing date of advertisement should consider themselves unsuccessful. Preference will be given to HDSA applicants, resident/from the area

Hoërskool Louis TrichardtVAKATURE

Die pos behels die hantering van koshuisfi nansies, personeelrekords en ander

algemene kantoorwerk

Administratiewe pos 06:45 - 13:00

Posvereistes1. Matriek of gelykwaardige kwalifi kasie2. Grondige kennis van fi nanasiële stelsels3. Ervaring in die hantering van fi nansies4. Rekenaargeletterheid (Word/Excel)5. Tweetaligheid (Afrikaans/Engels)6. Goeie menseverhoudinge7. Moet onder druk kan werk

Aansoeke:1. Sluitingsdatum: Maandag 14 November 2011 om 13:002. Handig ‘n volledige CV by die kantoor in3. Diensaanvaarding: 1 Januarie 20124. Navrae: Die Hoof, Hoërskool Louis Trichardt (015 516 4965)5. Kortlyskandidate sal voor of op 18 November gekontak word


Do you need a job?

Do you need staff? We can be an integral part of your staff employment!

• Tel: 015 516 2745 • 084 882 2744Anderson Street 87, Louis Trichardt

Many candidates available:• Bookkeeping • Admin • Cashiers • Domestic Workers

• Welders • Heavy Duty drivers • Plumbers • Diesel Mechanics • Lots of young job seekers available

We have the following vacancies:• Looking for young men • Bookkeeping with Pastel • Mechanic

• Technician on photocopy machine • Auto Electrician • Person with Coraldraw experience • Young people to work in Security Industry

Betty and Sally are reliable cleaning la-dies with 20 years of experience and references. I would

stronlgy recom-mend them for any

domestic work.

Contact Hester:072 997 2337

Page 17: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

1711 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER

Business slack? Profits down?Discuss your

marketing strategies with us

TODAY!! Contact George, Yolanda or Pieter at 015 516 4996,

or fax: 015 516 2303

Executive Secretary / PAVele Colliery - Musina Area

CoAl is a listed company, focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of thermal and metallurgical coal projects in South Africa.

The Company is looking for a suitably qualified person to fulfil the role of Executive Sec-retary, reporting directly to the General Manager at our Vele Colliery near Musina.

The job incumbent will be responsible for:• Responsible for providing administrative and secretarial support to senior management .• Managing and maintaining senior management ‘s schedules.• Reading and analysing incoming memos, submissions, and reports in order to determine their significance and plan their distribution.• Opening, sorting, and distributing incoming correspondence, including faxes and emails.• Filing and retrieving corporate documents, records, and reports.• Greeting visitors and determining whether they should be given access to specific individuals.• Preparing responses to correspondence containing routine inquiries.• Performing general office duties such as ordering supplies, maintaining records management systems, and performing basic bookkeeping work.• Preparing agendas and making arrangements for management and other meetings.• Making travel arrangements for management.• Attending meetings in order to record ,compile and distribute minutes of meetings.

Requirements and Qualifications:• Degree/Diploma --Preferably secretarial.• Clerical -- Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such as word processing, managing files and records, transcription, designing forms, and other office procedures and terminology.• English Language -- Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.• Customer and Personal Service -- Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.• Administration and Management -- Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.

Required minimum work experience:• Minimum of three years of Secreterial experience.

Should your profile meet the above criteria, please send your CV to: [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 18TH NOVEMBER 2011. Applicants not contacted two weeks after the closing date of advertisement

should consider themselves unsuccessful. Preference will be given to HDI applicants, resident/from the area.

Environmental OfficerVele Colliery - Musina Area

CoAl is a listed company, focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of thermal and metallurgical coal projects in South Africa.

The Company is looking for a suitably qualified person to fulfil the role of Environmental Officer, reporting directly to the Environmental Manager at our Vele Colliery near Musina.

The job incumbent will be responsible for:• the provision of assistance and support in the implementation of an effective environment management framework best practice,• fostering sound environment management at the operational mine• Supporting regular environment performance assessments to monitor compliance with regulatory and legislative requirements and • facilitating continual improvement of environmental practises.

Requirements and Qualifications:• Tertiary qualification (degree) preferably in environmental management science; or a national diploma in natural resources management.• Knowledge of current environmental regulations and legal requirements• Environmental data interpretation, with specific reference to environmental impact assessments, environmental auditing and monitoring and reporting.• Practical experience in the implementation of environmental legislation,regulations and guidelines.• Training in Computer Programmes,in particular MS Word,Excel,Powerpoint,Acess and exposure to the field of environmental database management.

Required minimum work experience:• Minimum of three years of environmental management experience preferably in a mining environment, or regulatory environment that relates to mining development.• Ability to interpret requirements of legislation, manage environmental systems, management plans and best environmental practices, including site specific condi- tions as stipulated in various environmental authorisations.• Ability to determine mechanisms to improve environmental practices and facilitate compliance.• Ability to communicate and articulate (verbally and written) environmental issues and create capacity at all levels• Make sound decisions based on logical and critical examination of given situations• Conflict handling and management capabilities• Ability to conduct environmental audits and write environmental reports

Personal attributes required: Good interpersonal relationships, a drive for results, decision-making skill,professionalism and communication skills.

Should your profile meet the above criteria, please send your CV to: [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 18TH NOVEMBER 2011. Applicants not contacted two weeks after the closing date of advertisement

should consider themselves unsuccessful. Preference will be given to HDI applicants, resident/from the area.

CVO SKOOL ZOUTPANSBERGVakante onderwysposte

Pos 1: Voltyds Pos 2: Voltyds Pos 3: Deeltyds Pos 4: Deeltyds

RTT Gr.10 - 12 Engels Gr. 5 Algemene Wetenskap / Tegnologie Gr 5 - 6

GasvryheidstudiesGr.10 - 12 ofToerisme Gr. 10 - 12

Engels Gr.6 - 7 Geskiedenis Gr. 6 - 7

Fisiese WetenskappeGr. 7 - 9

Bybel Gr. 8 - 11 Geografie Gr. 5 - 6 Bybel Gr. 7

Lewensoriëntering Gr.5 - 6

Tegnologie Gr. 7 - 9

Gasvryheidstudie Gr.10 - 12

Bybel Gr. 7

Die volgende poste is beskikbaar by CVO Skool Zoutpansberg:

Stuur u CV na [email protected] of kontak die hoof, mnr Boet Groenewald by n/u :079 033 4235 of 079 203 1209 in skooltyd.

Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke : 16 NOVEMBER OM 12:00.

Booyens, Du Preez & Boshoff

ProkureursVakante pos

Ons benodig ‘n tikster by ons Louis Trichardt

kantoor. Vorige tik ondervinding noodsaa-

klik. Salaris onder-handelbaar volgens


Faks aansoek na Mnr. Booyens:

015 516 1624

Trainee Dog Groomer Wanted* Fluent in Afrikaans or English* Live in or near Louis Trichardt* Matric* Must love dogs

Contact:083 301 8130

VAKATUREBou voorman

Persoon met nodige ervaring en verwysings

verlang.Faks CV na: 015 516 5835

Kontak Jossie: 015 516 1341

requires the services of a TLB


Phone Callie Burger: 082 654 5962




has vacancies for a TLB Operator and an Excavator Operator with relevant

experience.Competitive salary offered.

No chancers please!

Phone Jaco at: 082 564 9988

Vacancies / Vakatures

Page 18: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

18 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER


Estab shed 18 1 [email protected]

Shop 24 Makhado Crossing Tel:0155163973

Mon - Fri 08:30 - 17:30 Sat 09:00 - 13:00

Opsoek na gekwalifiseerde NQF level 4 of 5 eiendoms agente vir Acutts Eiendoms agentskapFaks of email cv’s na 015 516 6973 of [email protected]

Looking for qualified NQF level 4 and 5 estate agentsat Acutts Properties to start a.s.a.p. Fax or email cv’sto 015 516 6973 or [email protected]

Op kulturele gebied is Dihan Pretorius (links) aangewys as beste laerskool kultuurleerling en Melissa Stemmet (regs) as beste hoërskool kultuurleerling tydens die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg se jaarlikse prysuitdeling op 26 Oktober. Foto’s verskaf.

Alec Hugo (left) and Jadie McLeod received the sportsmanship trophies for boy and girl at the prize-giving ceremony of Ridgeway Independent School that was hosted on 3 November in the Fransie Vermaak Hall.

Pieter Guillaume en Subrina Schlesinger is Laerskool Louis Trichardt se sportseun en -meisie van 2011. Hulle ontvang hul trofeë tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober.

Hierdie vier atlete van Laerskool Louis Trichardt ontvang trofeë tydens die skool se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober. Van links is Daniël Joubert (senior Victor Ludorum), Subrina Schlesinger (senior Victrix Ludorum), Nsuku Baloyui (junior Victor Ludorum) en Alida du Preez (junior Victrix Ludorum).

Vanjaar se sokkertrofeë gaan aan drie sokkerspelers van Laerskool Louis Trichardt. Van links is Janin Makhubele (beste A-spanspeler), Daniël Joubert (beste B-spanspeler) en Zwinake Mbedzi (beste meisiesokkerspeler). Die geleentheid was die skool se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober.

Hierdie tennisspelers van Laerskool Louis Trichardt ontvang trofeë tydens die skool se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober. Voor, van links, is Jenika Pohl ( beste senior tennisspeler: meisie), Dewald Stroebel (beste senior tennisspeler: seun) en Michaela Gilfillan (beste junior tennisspeler). Agter is Minelise Reynders (beste vordering: junior meisie), Stephanie Scheepers (beste vordering: meisie) en Chris van Wyk (beste vordering: seun).

Ravi Vansia (left) walked away with the trophy as best junior cricket player during Eric Louw High School’s annual prize-giving function on October 19. Martin Maphaha (right) was the rugby player who showed the most improvement the past year. Photo supplied.

Allie Sefole ontvang die trofee as die beste vlugbalspeler van Laerskool louis Trichardt en neem ook die trofee van die ligakampioene in ontvangs. Die geleentheid was die skool se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober.

Page 19: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

1911 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER

Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe

Wat is jou standpunt in verband met sonde? - Markus 9:42-50

Elke mens moet ‘n standpunt inneem in verband met sonde. Die regte stand-

punt is Rom. 6. Sterf vir sonde sodat jy lewend kan wees vir God. Dit is nie iets wat mens self bereik nie, maar wat God in ons en vir ons doen. Daarom het ons niks in onsself om oor te roem nie, ons roem is in Jesus Christus.

Met dit in gedagte kom ons kyk na die Skrif om te sien wat God ons wil leer oor die regte stundpunt oor sonde.

Wees bereid om die minste te wees. Mark. 9:35.

Johannes die Doper sê in Joh. 3:30: “Hy moet meer word, en ek minder.”

Gal. 5:24-25: “Die wat aan Christus behoort, het hulle sondige natuur met al sy hartstogte en begeertes gekruisig. Ons lewe deur die Gees, laat die Gees nou ook ons gedrag bepaal.”

Wees bereid om deur God gesout te word. (v. 49-50). Ons begeerte na reinheid moet so sterk wees dat dit nie saak maak as ons vermink word nie. (v. 43-47).

Sout bewaar, werk verderf tee en gee smaak. Heb. 12:4: “Julle het nog nie so teen die sonde weerstand gebied dat dit vir julle ‘n stryd om lewe en dood geword het nie.” Besluit self watter vuur vir jou die aanvaarbare een is; God se vuur van beproewing waardeur ons gelouter word (v. 49) of die vuur van die hel.

Wees bereid om in vrede te leef met ander (v. 50). Hoe? Deur nie te twis nie. Twis openbaar ‘n dieper siekte van die siel. Kol. 4:6: “Wat julle sê, moet altyd vriendelik wees en va goeie smaak ge-tuig; en julle moet weet hoe julle elkeen behoort te antwoord.”

Anders word jou sout laf en beteken niks.

- 079 5168303

Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to [email protected] jy ‘n goeie grappie?

Stuur dit per e-pos na [email protected]


“Meneer die makelaar, gee asseblief ons hardverdiende geld terug”


Write to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Tri-chardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of news@



Sonder julle sou ons dit nie doen nie


Ons waardeer julle gesindheid

Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange leent hede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letters

concerning local matters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.

Storie: Die nuus van die skielike dood van die 27-jarige mnr. Eric Oosthuizen van Louis Trich-

ardt het Maandag (10/10) as groot skok gekom vir sy familie en vriende.

Kommentaar: Ai Eric, dis noual n rukkie en nog steeds kan ons dit nie aanvaar of verwerk nie ...

ons mis jou elke dag ... ons mis jou vriendelikheid/bedagsaamheid/kuiertjies ontsettend baie!! - Hantie Coetzee

Storie: Daar is laas week uiteindelik begin met die verwydering van bourommel by die padwerke

aan ‘n gedeelte van Andersonstraat in Louis Trich-ardt, tot verligting van die inwoners.

Kommentaar: Frustrasie de-Lux !! - Renata Joubert

Storie: Die polisie se haas om ’n skuldige vas te trek wat in 2005 die standbeeld van Makhado

geverf het, het ’n lastige nadraai vir die Minister van Veiligheid en Sekuriteit, asook die plaaslike stasiebevelvoerder, Kol. Francois Ramovha.

Kommentaar: Lead by example?????? WTF??? - Fanie Engelbrecht

Storie: Asof moeilike ekonomiese omstandighe de, die droogte en onsekerheid rondom eienaarskap

van grond nie genoeg is nie, word daar van boere ook nog verwag om in baie opsigte ‘n verloorstryd teen onwettige jagters te veg.

Kommentaar: Jaaaa... Wat kan ons doen ne’ ?!? - Johan Joè Stander

Wat ‘n hartseer onderwerp om oor te skryf, maar as ‘n mens direk

geraak word, is dit my plig om mede persone of voornemende beleggers, wat hulle geld wat hulle hard voor gewerk wil belê, te waarsku.

U moet tog verstaan dat daar persone met ‘n baie mooi voorkoms en baie gladde mond (of noem dit maar bek) gebore word – so ‘n persoon wat baie maklik ‘n rat voor baie persone se oë kan draai, soos byvoorbeeld die twee makelaars wat tans in Durban op klagte van bedrog, diefstal en geldwassery teregstaan.

Jammer om te sê, maar hier in ons dorp (u sal onthou) was en is daar ook sulke makelaars – party met tragiese gevolge – wat mense steeds belieg en bedrieg. Make-laars wat hulle as kinders van God voordoen en ook op kerkrade dien. Ek wonder hoe sulke makelaars voel as hulle die Bybel lees, veral oor hoe God voel oor lieg en bedrieg, of slaan hulle sulke gedeeltes oor? Solank hulle sakke vol is van

bloedgeld en julle jul luukse motors, huise en plase kan geniet, voel julle vere vir ons wat tans ‘n sukkel-bestaan voer.

Ek en baie ander persone in ons dorp is tans die prooi wat gevang is deur ‘n gladde bek en as jy die makelaar konfronteer, word jy gedreig dat jy al jou hartverdiende geld kan verloor en tevrede moet wees met ‘n karige rentekoers. As daar dalk vanaand ‘n Hemelwese voor u verskyn en aan u vra “Wat het jy aan jou medemense gedoen?” sal jy soos Gehasi van ouds ant-woord “Ek het niks gedoen nie en het ‘n skoon gewete”?

Meneer die makelaar, al wat ons vra is: Hou maar die karige rente en gee net ons geld wat julle by ons ‘geleen’ het terug!

Mense, dink baie mooi voordat jy ook gevang word – die media is vol sulke onreëlmatigheid. Jammer, ek was ook onnosel.

- Daan Snyman(Louis Trichardt)

Ons wil graag die volgende per-sone en besighede hartlik bedank

vir die bydrae wat hulle gemaak het om van KANSA se Relay For Life-loodsing op Louis Trichardt ‘n groot sukses te maak. Sonder julle sou ons dit nie kon doen nie.

Dankie Larissa Venter, Edna Prinsloo, Elsabé Potgieter, Anette Muller, Naomy Phillipson, Leanda le Cornu, Annetjie Wilbers, Sout-pansberg Koelkamers, Kevin Gil-bert, Madi Gra Water, Pick & Pay,

U-Print, LCV, die Hervormde Kerk, Cloud’s End Hotel, Dinnermates, Madicor, Spar en Checkers.

Dan vir my hele bestuur, dankie vir alles wat julle gedoen het, dit was ‘n groot sukses. Persone wat graag betrokke wil raak by die Relay for Lige-projek kan my gerus skakel.

- Dirk Meissenheimer(082 789 3927)


Donations are much appreciated

We are very grateful for Mr Amie Chhaya’s non-stop support of

the Elim Hlanganani Society for the Care of the Aged.

We want to thank you for the do-nation of three bags of 80kg mealie meal, box of soap and cooking oil. Without your support, we couldn’t

make it by ourselves.Elim Hlanganani is able to help

those who are in need through you generous support. You donations are very much appreciated.

- Florence Khosa(Elim Hlanganani)

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt wil spesiaal dankie sê aan Fruit &

Veg vir hulle hulp en bydrae tydens ons snoekbraai aand.

Ons waardeer julle gesindheid

teenoor ons skool. Julle ondersteu-ning het bygedra tot ‘n suksesvolle aand. Ons as skool ondersteun julle met graagte.

- Die organiseerders

Let you be the judge ...

A man returns home a day early from a business trip. It’s after midnight.

While en route home he asks the cabby if he would be a witness.

The man suspects his wife is having an affair and he wants to catch her in the act. For R1 000, the cabby agrees.

Quietly arriving home, the husband and cabby tip toe into the bedroom.

The husband switches on the lights, yanks the blanket back and there is his wife in bed with another man!

The husband puts a gun to the naked man’s head.

The wife shouts, ‘Don’t do it! I lied when I told you I inherited money.

HE paid for the Range Rover I gave you.HE paid for our new motorhome.HE paid for your season Blue Bull

tickets.HE paid for our house at the South

Coast.HE paid for our country club

membership, and HE even pays the monthly dues!’

Shaking his head from side-to-side, the husband lowers the gun. He looks over at the cabby and says, ‘What would you do?

The cabby replies, ‘I’d cover him with that blanket before he catches a cold!

Mike en die Olifant

Klein Mike en sy ma is by die dieretuin, en hulle hou die olifante dop. Na ‘n ruk begin die olifantbul met ‘n reuse straal te pie. Mike wys na die olifant se instrument, en vra: “Ma, wat is dit?”

Mike se ma is ‘n goeie meisie van die Vrystaat, en sy bloos net en sê dis niks.

‘n Week of twee later is klein Mike weer by die dieretuin, hierdie keer saam met sy pa. Weer kom hulle voor die olifante te staan, en weer wys Mike na die olifant se instrument en vra: “Pa, wat is dit?”

Sy pa is ook maar onseker oor wat om te sê. “Het jou ma jou nog nie vertel nie?”

“Ma het gesê dis niks,” antwoord Mike. “Wel, seun, jou ma is


Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt.

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Page 20: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

20 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER


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Laerskool Messina het hul nuwe prefekte vir 2012 aangewys. Hulle is (voor, van links) M. Visser, W. Roos, H. Nieuwoudt, B. Kundlande, S. Taute, G. Fourie en D. Viljoen. In die tweede ry is N. Whelan, T. Argyroupoulou, J. Akeroyd, C. Guthrie, V. Devdhara, J. Limbach, H. Vorster en A. Bezuidenhout. In die derde ry is M. Naudé, J. Oberholzer, M. Uys, G. Msimango, A. Matamela en K. Vansia. Agter is P. Mulea, A. Tshilande, E. Lyon, K. van der Merwe, T. van den Berg en M. Bezemer. Foto verskaf.

´n Stinkende rioolmoeras maak hierdie gedeelte van ´n straat in die nywerheidsgebied in Louis Trichardt bykans onbegaanbaar. Verkeer word deur dié stinkende modderpoel verplig om op die sypaadjie te ry. Oorloop riool uit die rigting van die slagpale loop vryelik af langs die straat.

Preparations are underway for the multi-billion-rand changing of Venetia Mine’s current open-pit mine to an underground mining process. This can effectively extend the mining operations at South Africa’s largest producer of diamonds for a further 30 years.

Venetia mine north of the Soutpansberg opened on 14 August 1992 with an estimated mine life of 20 years. The Venetia cluster comprises 12 groups of one kimberlite bodies. The two largest pipes are currently being mined in a single open-pit operation which will probably cease between 2020 and 2023. As part of Venetia Mine’s long-term strategy, the mine intends to exploit resources deeper than the current open-pit horizons by changing to an underground mining process. Mining could then be extended up until 2050.

De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited gave notice this month of an amendment to the existing environmental management programme (EMP) and the development of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the proposed underground mining operations.

Public meetings were previously held with interested and affected parties for the scoping phase of this project. The scoping report has been approved and a second round of public meetings will now be held for the EIA phase.The draft EIA and EMP amendment reports will be out for public comment from 24 November until 14 Desember at various points in Musina (library and the Nance-fi eld community hall), Alldays municipal offi ces, Mapungubwe National Park, Venetia Mine and Pontdrif police station.

Interested and affected parties can fi nd out more about the project and make comments by register-ing with Kate Stuart-Williams of ERM (reference no. 0137363) at tel. 011 798 4300, Fax 011 804 2289 or e-mail [email protected]

Public open days will also be held at the Alldays community hall on 6 December from 09:00 to 14:00, the Nancefi eld Board Room on 7 December from 09:00 to 12:00 and Messina Primary School on 7 December from 13:00 to 18:00.

Venetia mine’s life-span to be extended

Terwyl die multi-miljoen-rand Chinese groothandelskompleks op Musina voltooiing nader, is daar ná bykans ‘n dekade nog geen aanduiding van enige aanstaltes om te begin nie met die veelbesproke "Colour steel factory" waarvan die luisterryke hoeksteenleggingseremonie indertyd deur provinsiale hoogwaardigheidsbekleërs in Louis Trichardt se nywerheidsgebied bygewoon is nie. Al wat vandag nog sigbaar is van dié Chinese ontwikkeling op Louis Trichardt is ´n geroeste staal heining rondom ´n onbeheerde boskasie. Die fabriek sou opgerig word as die vrug van verskeie duur amptelike besoeke aan China deur senior lede van die Makhado Munisipaliteit.





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Page 21: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

2111 November 2011ZOUTPANSBERGER


Gogo Elsie Sebola (71) is congratulated by Musina Municipality´s sports officer, Nyarai Ngobeli (left), after her achievement in Bloemfontein.

Gold for gogo during Golden Games A 71-year-old gogo from Mu-sina made everyone proud when she won a gold medal during the national Golden Games that were held recently in Bloem fontein.

Gogo Elsie Sebola became the overall winner in the 100m, outrunning more than 200 com-petitors during the competition.

The competition, organised by Sports and Recreation SA, is aimed at encouraging healthy lifestyles for the aged. Elsie’s fame dates back when she won the Vhembe District and Lim-popo Provincial competitions,

giving her an opportunity to participate in the national com-petition in Bloemfontein. She is a member of the Musina Gogo Getters group, which encourages healthy living among the elderly.

Elsie says she knew she was going to win because she is full of courage and does everything wholeheartedly.

“During the district competi-tions, I told my colleagues that I am going to win and the same went on with the provincial com-petitions. I will continue making my community proud because I am prepared to scoop more

awards in future. Since I started engaging myself in athletics three years ago, I no longer suffer from illnesses and it keeps me healthy and strong.”

She encourages other senior citizens to take part in sports. “Sports builds friendship, keeps us healthy and unifies us.”

Mayor Carol Phiri says she is proud of Elsie’s achievement. “Young people should learn from her that sports keep us fit and healthy. We are very proud of this old lady and we have no doubt that she will keep on put-ting us on the map.”

Hierdie groepie karatekas van die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub het goed presteer tydens Karate SA se kampioenskap in Durban op 8 Oktober. Voor is Renier Kruger (silwer kumité). In die middel, van links, is die klub se sensei Jonathan Janse van Rensburg, sensei Tommy Janse van Rensburg en Maretha Erasmus (goud kata). Agter is Charl van der Westhuizen (goud kata) en Riaan Kruger (brons kata). Die karatekas wat medaljes verower het, is gekies om in April 2012 in Portugal aan die wêreldkampioenskappe deel te neem. Foto verskaf.

Tydens Laerskool Louis Trichardt se senior fase prysuitdeling op 27 Oktober ontvang hierdie vier hokkiespelers trofeë. Van links is Pieter Guillaume (beste eerstespan seuns speler), Wynand Mouton (beste vordering: seun), Subrina Schlesinger (beste eerstespan meisie speler) en Alida du Preez (beste vordering: meisie).

Dynamos’ chances for taking the league title to Giyani at the end of the National First Divi-sion season are fast becoming slim.

They dropped more league points last weekend when they played to a goalless draw against Witbank Spurs at the Puma Rugby Stadium in Witbank.

The visitors from Giyani wasted numerous scoring op-portunities in the game. Although Dynamos were superior in terms

of ball possession, the scoreboard was still blank at the end of the match.

Dynamos are now lying in the ninth position on the log, follow-ing a string of poor results.

Carara Kicks shared the spoils with the title chasers, Thanda Royal Zulu, at the Charles Mo-pedi Stadium. They scored one goal apiece.

United FC shocked University of Pretoria when they held them to a goalless draw at the Botsha-

belo Stadium, while Sevutsa Stars crushed their neighbours, Mpumalanga Black Aces, 3-0.

FC AK continued to collect vital points, following their 1-0 victory over Atlie FC at the Eldorado Park Stadium. Chippa United donated points to Bay United. They lost 1-2 at the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polok-wane. Vasco da Gama lost 1-3 to FC Cape Town and the pace setters, Blackburn Rovers, lost 0-1 to African Warriors.


Dynamos fall further behind in league

Mzikayise Mashaba of Free State Stars gets a shot past Ernort Dzaga of Black Leopards in their Premier League match at the Peter Mokaba Satdium last Wednesday evening. Leopards lost the match 1-3. ©Chris Ricco/Backpagepix.


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Page 22: Zoutpansberger 11 November 2011

22 11 November 2011 ZOUTPANSBERGER


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22 11 November 2011

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Mario van der Westhuizen from the Louis Trichardt Rugby Lapa hands over the black ball fl oating trophy to Kevin Waller, winner of the Louis Trichardt Black Ball league for September. The rankings for October are (from one to ten), Kevin, Mario, Sean Ward, Anthony Eshmade, Louis Human, Marcel Louw, Jan Theunissen, Ilze van der Westhuizen, Rudi Barker, Robert Marais, Mias Haasbroek, Stephan Pretorius, Marnell Haasbroek and Sean Taylor. League play-off takes place every Wednesday from 18:00 at the lapa. Photo supplied.

Musina Mayor Carol Phiri bids farewell to some of the cyclists at the Beit Bridge Taxi Rank before they engage in their long haul from Musina to Durban. The cyclists are, from left,: Matema Thosago (25), Victor Coutries (70) and Benedict Jackson (26).

Seventeen cyclists departed on Wednes-day morning on their bicycles from the Beit Bridge border post in Musina on their way to Durban in a bid to raise awareness about environmental and climate-change issues.

The cyclists will also supply informa-tion regarding the COP (Conference of Parties) 17 conference, which will be held in Durban from 28 November to 9 Decem-ber. This is the conference of the states that have signed on for the United Nations Framework Conven-tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC).The parties have been meeting an-nually to assess progress in dealing with climate change since 1995.

The cyclists are ex-pected to arrive in Dur-ban on 25 November.

The Southern Af-rica Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) Justice and Peace De-partment has organised buses from different locations in the country that will arrive in Dur-ban on the morning of 25 November in order to welcome the cyclists.

The cyclists, who will cycle a total distance of 1 335km from Musina, were bidden farewell by Musina Mayor Car-ol Phiri. She praised their dedication and en-couraged community members to care for the

environment and to support the COP 17 Conference. “Even though environmental issues like pollution and global warming are big problems, there are lots of little things we can do to pitch in and keep the planet healthy. As communities, I believe we have the responsibility to teach our people to care for our world," she added.

Father Mike Deeb of the SACBC says the cyclists will travel for a total of 17 days. “They will also rest 17 times in 17 towns to highlight these environmental

issues. We have done all the preparations for this trip and we will arrive in Durban as planned.”

One of the cyclists is 70-year-old Victor Coutries from Jabulani in Soweto, who has been a professional cyclist for the past 30 years. “All the cyclists are ready and we have trained hard for this haul. We have no doubt that our trip will assist in highlighting the issues of environmental awareness and the promotion of the COP 17 Conference,” he said.

Cyclists to raise awareness about climate change

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