dr dan burisch

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  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch




    Dr Dan Burisch, Project Lotus and Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial


    Overview of Burisch saga, which focuses on the J-rod/Gray

    extraterrestrials. Urges to not forget other, more friendly extraterrestrial

    beings and more benign agendas.

    Exopolitical Comment #12

    By Michael alla, PhD!"1"!

    O# Apr$l %& 2004& a# art$clebe'a# to c$rc(late amo#' me)$a or'a#$*at$o#sa#) the $#ter#et cla$m$#' that Da#$el +,atselas- (r$sch& hD.& am$crob$olo'$st who has wore) $# the 1blac proects1 that )eal w$the3traterrestr$al races a#) tech#olo'$es wa#ts to )$sclose $#ormat$o# o h$sclass$$e) act$5$t$es to the 6S ,o#'ress7http://www.re#se.com/'e#eral8/)a#.htm9. S(ch test$mo# wo(l)

    pres(mabl )$sclose a# e3traterrestr$al prese#ce o# Earth that has bee#s(ppresse) rom p(bl$c #owle)'e or o5er $5e )eca)es. S(ch test$mo# $$t occ(rre)& wo(l) ormall be'$# a post;)$sclos(re worl) where the 'e#eral

    p(bl$c wo(l) ha5e to s())e#l )eal w$th a mr$a) #(mber o $ss(esassoc$ate) w$th the e3traterrestr$al prese#ce.

    Da# (r$sch $s #o stra#'er to those wor$#' o# )$sclos(re o thee3traterrestr$al prese#ce )(e to a co;a(thore) boo o h$s t$tle)& Ea'lesD$sobe: The ,ase or I#ca ,$t Mars 7""%9 that release) $#ormat$o# o#a#c$e#t art$acts o# Mars to the p(bl$c. Th$s was the $rst $#sta#ce o (r$sch

    com$#' orth $#to the p(bl$c are#a w$th $#ormat$o# that $s #ot release)thro('h the #at$o#al sec(r$t sstem& a#) o someo#e w$th a co#sc$e#ce thatwa#ts to help $# promot$#' )$sclos(re o the e3traterrestr$al prese#ce. Morerece#tl& (r$sch $s assoc$ate) w$th roect Lot(s wh$ch $s base) at Area 8&


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Th$s mster$o(s part$cle $s s(ppose) to be the e to ope#$#' (p the mostpower(l orce $# creat$o# wh$ch $s the 1see) o l$e1 $tsel& a#) has the ab$l$tto heal )ama'e) cells. So we ha5e echoes o the Ep$c o =$l'amesh wherethe hero =$l'amesh set o(t o# a ?(est or the secret o $mmortal$t& a#) 'otta#tal$*$#'l close to s(ccess beore be$#' robbe) b a w$l serpe#t. As amo)er# )a 5ers$o# o =$l'amesh& Dr (r$sch comes across as a 5er

    pr$#c$ple) a#) sp$r$t(al ma# who wa#ts to mae s(re that th$s esoter$c a#)sc$e#t$$c #owle)'e $s (se) $# a respo#s$ble wa s$#ce $t has #oth$#' lesstha# the or$'$#al creat$5e orce beh$#) $t& a#) ca# be (se) e$ther or creat$o#or 'reat )estr(ct$o#. Th$s th(s ra$ses rel$'$o(s $ss(es s(ch as the 1See) oL$e1& 1@er(b$m1 7a#'el$c protectors9& 1oo o =e#es$s1& etc.7http://www.swatch;research.or'/messa'e.htm9

    (r$sch $s oppose) b those $#s$)e the ma#a'eme#t sstem create) to )eal

    w$th e3traterrestr$als& the ,omm$ttee o the Maor$t& who appare#tl wa#tto ma#$p(late th$s tech#olo' or the tp$cal ra#'e o m$l$tar;$#)(str$al (sesthat #at$o#al sec(r$t tpes are obsesse) abo(t $# terms o cre)$ble 1threatsce#ar$os1. Ima'$#e a# threat poss$ble& a#) $ o( ca# (st$ $t as pla(s$ble&the# o( w$ll ha5e reso(rces l$terall throw# at o( as the #at$o#al sec(r$tsstem comes (p w$th the a)5a#ce) tech#olo' to )eal w$th the #ew threat.I# the process& o co(rse& o#e (#w$tt$#'l e#ha#ces the 5er threat that o#e$s tr$#' to pre5e#t. Th$s sel;(l$ll$#' process has the (#ort(#ate eect omesmer$*$#' #at$o#al sec(r$t strate'$sts $#to bel$e5$#' the latest sp$# p(t tothem b the$r 1strate'$sts1 or 1corporate co#s(lta#ts1 who co#sta#tl )ream (p#ew tech#olo'$cal respo#ses to the latest threat sce#ar$o& a#) how th$s ca# be)o#e w$tho(t prec$p$tat$#' the 5er threat be$#' prepare) or. Th(s 'rowsthe m$l$tar;$#)(str$al comple3& a power(l h)ra that secretl co#s(mes

    b$ll$o#s o )ollars as eortlessl as ormer Tco e3ec(t$5es ratchet (p1#ecessar1 corporate e3pe#ses s(ch as B&000 shower c(rta$#s.

    Da# (r$sch has also wore) w$th o#e e3traterrestr$al b$olo'$cal e#t$t& a1=ra1 he calle) C;Ro)& w$th whom he ha) a close wor$#' relat$o#sh$p w$that Area 8. Th$s C;Ro) esse#t$all perorme) a 1m$#);mel)1 w$th h$m where

    he )ow#loa)e) m(ch 5al(able $#ormat$o# o# the 'e#es$s o l$e7http://www.swatch;research.or'/messa'e.htm9.

    The $#terest$#' th$#' abo(t (r$sch $s that a #(mber o $#)epe#)e#tresearchers ha5e bee# able to wor w$th h$m a#) e5e# ha) ace to ace$#ter5$ews& etc& thereb lea$#' all th$s h$'hl class$$e) $#ormat$o# o(t tothe 'e#eral comm(#$t. These $#cl()e researchers s(ch as C ol& $ll


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    am$lto#& a#) more rece#tl $#)$5$)(als rom the pop(lar =o)l$ero)(ct$o# or(m& arr Dschaa Sterl$#' D. Alla#. ,learl all theseresearchers ha5e )etecte) someth$#' o proo(#) $mporta#ce happe#$#' $#the (r$sch case& wh$le the$r access to (r$sch a#) the lea$#' o mater$als(''ests that the ha5e $#s$)er s(pport. rom$#e#t $#)$5$)(als w$th$# the1,omm$tte o the Maor$t1 are ac$l$tat$#' access& a#) e#abl$#' the)$str$b(t$o# o the (r$sch mater$al. Accor)$#' to (r$sch1s s(pporters& th$s$s beca(se Da# $s $#s$st$#' o# the $#ormat$o# be$#' )$str$b(te) to the p(bl$c&otherw$se he wo(l)#1t cooperate $# roect Lot(s wh$ch $s esse#t$al s$#ce heappare#tl $s the o#l m$crob$olo'$st w$th the re?($s$te #owle)'e to )ealw$th the =a#esh part$cle. hat $s o#e to mae o all the mater$al that has

    bee# )$str$b(te) o# the (r$sch case s$#ce $t $s e#$'mat$c& 5er comple3&?($te lo#' w$th a lot o rambl$#'& a#) $s poss$bl base) o# m(ch)$s$#ormat$o#G

    Some o the maor themes com$#' thro('h the (r$sch sa'a are that thereare two act$o#s o C;Ro)s or =ras. O#e act$o# $s appare#tl help$#'(r$sch $# h$s research a#) $s be#$'#& a#) wa#ts the #owle)'e )$ssem$#ate)$# a wa that helps h(ma#$t& a#) also ass$sts the =ras/C;Ro)s themsel5es$# repa$r$#' the$r ow# )ama'e) D

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    )eeper a'e#)a here where two act$o#s o the same secret$5e or'a#$*at$o# $sbattl$#' or )om$#at$o#. I th$# that the (r$sch sa'a has power(l echoes oth$s wh$ch $s wh I wo(l) ass(me ma# o (s who ha5e bee# ollow$#'e3traterrestr$al $ss(es or some t$me wo(l) s$)e more w$th the pro'ress$5es$# th$s sa'a s$#ce we $#st$#ct$5el )es$re )$sclos(re a#) acco(#tab$l$t.

    owe5er& we #ee) to be aware that there $s a )eeper a'e#)a here. O#e wherethere $s le'$t$mac a#) ac#owle)'eme#t '$5e# to o#e act$o# o the el$teco#trollers o the e3traterrestr$al prese#ce& a#) the part$c(lar sp$# the are

    p(tt$#' o# the e3traterrestr$al prese#ce. That there $s a sp$# happe#$#' $# allth$s $s prett appare#t to me s$#ce the sa'a appears to h$#'e o# two act$o#so =ras/C;Ro)s p$tte) a'a$#st each other& a#) the$r respect$5e h(ma# all$es.I# all th$s co#l$ct& there $s #o me#t$o# o other e3traterrestr$al races whoha5e bee# watch$#' a#) $#teract$#' w$th h(ma#$t or m$lle##$a $# some


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    react$o#ar C;Ro)s a#) thereb proscr$be) rom $#teract$#' w$th c$5$l$a#s.A# c$5$l$a#s ca('ht comm(#$cat$#' or co#tact$#' w$th e3traterrestr$als)eeme) to be 1(#r$e#)l1& wo(l) be l$able to $mpr$so#me#t& repress$o#& etc.

    As o( ma ha5e '(esse) b #ow& I1m 5er sept$cal abo(t the 1be#$'#1$#te#t$o#s o those w$th$# the e3traterrestr$al ma#a'eme#t sstem who arelea$#' $#ormat$o# o# Da# (r$sch& a#) bas$call e#'a'$#' $# a p(bl$crelat$o#s e3erc$se to promote the$r perspect$5e or 1sp$#1 to the 'e#eral

    pop(lat$o#. h$le I see some mer$t $# what the pro'ress$5es $# thee3traterrestr$al ma#a'eme#t sstem are )o$#' to promote )$sclos(re& I alsosmell a trap a#) w$sh to alert others that we are be$#' sp(# a tale that w$llle'$t$m$*e e#o('h o the prese#t #at$o#al sec(r$t sstem so that $t s(r5$5esa# )$sclos(re a##o(#ceme#t w$th m$#$mal )ama'e a#) calls or cha#'e.F(rthermore& acco(#tab$l$t wo(l) be l$m$te) to some 1scape'oats1 who are

    )$scre)$te) a#) p(#$she)& a#) where there w$ll be #o real 1tra#spare#c1 s$#ceth$s wo(l) be )eeme) to be a #at$o#al sec(r$t threat. Esse#t$all& we wo(l)ha5e someth$#' a$# to a Mar3$st;Le#$#$st 1)$ctatorsh$p o the proletar$at1 orlato#$c 1,o(#c$l o =(ar)$a#s1& that wo(l) be $lle) b the ra#s o the el$teco#trollers to '(ar) (s a'a$#st 1react$o#ar1 or 1(#r$e#)l1 e3traterrestr$alsa#) the$r 1h(ma# assets1 wa#t$#' to )estab$l$*e h(ma#$t a#) e#sla5e (s. Allo co(rse to promote the co#t$#(e) operat$o# a#) (#ct$o#al$t o a secret$5e#at$o#al sec(r$t sstem that operates w$th m$#$mal tra#spare#c a#)acco(#tab$l$t. A (rther res(lt wo(l) be to le'$t$m$*e o#e act$o# o C;Ro)s/=ras as e3traterrestr$als that are worth all$es& )esp$te the act thatthese e3traterrestr$als part$c$pate) or )eca)es $# secret a'reeme#ts that$#5ol5e) h(ma# ab)(ct$o#s& e3per$me#ts a#) hbr$)$*at$o# pro'rams.

    So $# co#cl(s$o#& wh$le the (r$sch sa'a $#)$cates a str(''le that appears'e#($#e e#o('h& a#) has pro'ress$5e a#) react$o#ar compo#e#ts& we #ee)to be alert to the )eeper a'e#)a that $s pla$#' $tsel o(t here a#) wh$ch hastwo $mporta#t aspects. The $rst $s to le'$t$m$*e 1pro'ress$5e1 act$o#s amo#'el$te h(ma# co#trollers a#) =ras/C;Ro)s or a post;)$sclos(re worl). Theseco#) a'e#)a $s to create a #at$o#al sec(r$t sstem that e3cl()es rom

    $#teract$#' w$th h(ma#s a#) #at$o#al 'o5er#me#ts those e3traterrestr$alraces that #e5er a'ree) to part$c$pate $# secret a'reeme#ts or reaso#s thatappear to be h$'hl pr$#c$ple) a#) so(#).

    I we rema$# alert o th$s (#)erl$#' a'e#)a& the# we ca# st$ll part$c$pate $#the )$sclos(re process wh$ch $s 5er $mporta#t& b(t $# that wa we e#s(rethat the so calle) 1pro'ress$5es1 )o#1t (st p(t a sp$# o# the e3traterrestr$al


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    prese#ce that res(lts $# them le'$t$m$*$#' themsel5es a#) the$r1e3traterrestr$al r$e#)s1& a#) creat$#' a s(per$c$all more tra#spare#t a#)acco(#table #at$o#al sec(r$t sstem. hat we #ee) to oc(s o# $s (ll)$sclos(re o all the e3traterrestr$al races that are operat$#' o# Earth& a#) #ot

    (st two act$o#s o the =ras/C;Ro)s s(ppose)l battl$#' or the be#e$t or)etr$me#t o all h(ma#$t. D$sclos(re that $s ma)e w$th the Da# (r$schsce#ar$o at $ts core& $s someth$#' that $s so h$'hl co#tr$5e)& that $t wo(l)amo(#t to l$ttle more tha# two small steps orwar) ollowe) ?($cl b o#elar'e step bac. At the e#)& we wo(l)#1t #ow $ we were better o or #ot.Ater $5e )eca)es o secrec o5er the e3traterrestr$al prese#ce& h(ma#$t)eser5es a more ho#est reco#$#' o what has bee# happe#$#' beh$#) thesce#es w$th the e3traterrestr$al prese#ce& a#) a# (#amb$'(o(s step orwar)$#to a post;)$sclos(re worl).

    ,opr$'ht H M$chael E. Salla& hD 7Apr$l 0& 20049

    $rea %1 Micro&iolo'ist (eady to )al*

    Dr+ Dan Burisch, ho is in loc*"don, or*in' ith the Lotus project, see*s

    immunity to stand &efore a Con'ressional hearin' or other appropriate

    pu&lic &ody, to disclose his first"hand *noled'e, ith proof, of -++

    'o.ernment in.ol.ement in desi'ner .iruses and other &lac*"ops+

    Greater Things News Service

    Apr$l %& 2004

    LAS E=AS&

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    able to create #ew l$5$#' or'a#$sm w$th spec$$c o(tcomes& both $# terms otar'et as well as res(lt$#' )$sease.

    (r$sch state) that m$crob$olo'$sts ha5e a wa o e#co)$#' the$r Js$'#at(reJ $#tothe )es$'#er D

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch



    Mystery "! cientist

    Dr+ Dan Burisch s $li.eFrom Col00!Col00!Kro'ers.com


    $ Ce&I ha5e 'reat #ews. I ca# pos$t$5el report that Dr. Da# (r$sch $s al$5e& a#)has bee# o(#) a#) photo'raphe) part$c$pat$#' $# a Formal Maest$cOperat$o# that too place at the Fre#chma# Mo(#ta$# comple3& (st East oLas e'as& #ear the Star'ate h$ll )(r$#' the $rst wee o Febr(ar& 200>.

    I rearra#'e) m tra5el sche)(le to allow me to be $# Las e'as at the samet$me as the operat$o# was s(ppose) to tae place. I ase) or help rom Ala#=()a$t$s& the Re'$o#al D$rector o M6FO< $# Las e'as& a#) he a'ree) toaccompa# me $#to the h$lls to help )oc(me#t what m$'ht happe#. e a#) I

    both ha) a# e3te#s$5e arra o e?($pme#t& a#) were able to capt(re l$terallh(#)re)s o rames o p$ct(res& as well as abo(t 0 m$#(tes o ra)$o chatterrom Da# at the t$me o the operat$o#.The r(mors that Da# 'ets sal(te) b o$c$al perso##el ha5e also bee#co#$rme). I ha5e photo'raph$c proo. $s )r$5er 7who was later $)e#t$$e)as h$s w$e ; belo#'$#' to sOpsSec w$th$# Maest$c9 e3$te) the 5eh$cle&wale) aro(#) to h$s )oor& ope#e) $t& )rew hersel (p to atte#t$o#& a#)s#appe) (p a sal(te wh$ch she hel) or se5eral seco#)s (#t$l he emer'e)rom the 5eh$cle a#) ret(r#e) $t.


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    http://www.ea'les)$sobe.com/al$5e.htmI ha5e m(ch more abo(t th$s operat$o# )oc(me#te) o#www.ea'les)$sobe.com a#) w$ll be a))$#' more as the )as 'o o#. Therewas s(ch a lar'e 5ol(me o )oc(me#tat$o# ma)e )(r$#' th$s operat$o# that Ica#1t 'et $t all poste) $# o#e or two )as.(t& co#trar to ta$#te) $#ormat$o# that I rece$5e) last all& Dr. Da# (r$sch


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    $s 5er m(ch al$5e. e was obser5e)& recor)e)& photo'raphe) a#) thosephotos were later 5$ewe) b $ll am$lto# who #ows Da# ater ha5$#'$#ter5$ewe) h$m e3te#s$5el. A#) (po#m ret(r# rom ,al$or#$a& I showe)the photos to Doree# ,ra$#& Da#1s mother or her comme#ts. She was able to$)e#t$ the )r$5er as Deb& her )a('hter;$#;law& a#) the passa#'er as Da# $#the photos I showe) her. There $s #o lo#'er a# )o(btNThe ?(est$o# rema$#s& wh was ta$#te) $#ormat$o# passe) o to me lastear. robabl a# attempt to )era$l the o#'o$#' $#5est$'at$o# $#to Dr.(r$sch& h$s wor o# the Lot(s roect& a#) h$s co##ect$o#s to Area;8& S4&a#) Maest$c. Da# ha) become perhaps too 5ocal& tal$#' o# se5eraloccas$o#s to $ll am$lto# a#) e5e# 'ra#t$#' $ll a#) I the opport(#$t to5$)eotape o(r last $#ter5$ew w$th h$m. Mabe Maest$c was (st tr$#' tomae Da# 5a#$sh rom the p(bl$c ee. ell& that1s #ot 'o$#' to be so eas.Too ma# people re(se) to '$5e (p hope. Too ma# 'ot cla#)est$#e wor)

    that Da# was $#)ee) st$ll al$5e& people s(ch as 1Do#Dep1 who I bel$e5e maha5e hear) rom the same so(rce as I )$) a pre5$o(sl (##ow# co#tactthat $#all 'a5e me a p(sh $# the r$'ht 'e#eral )$rect$o# w$th post$#'s to mmessa'e boar) o# Ea'les.It1s clear that people are $#tereste) $# what Da# $s )o$#'& h$s co##ect$o#s $#toMaest$c a#) MC2& a#) what he ca# tell (s abo(t the 'o$#'s;o# at Area;8&S4 a#) other s(per;secret bases. hether or #ot we are able to 'et all thetr(th (#co5ere)& (st #ow$#' that Dr. (r$sch $s al$5e maes me th$# thatthe opt$m$sm I saw $# so ma# o the 6FO researchers a#) obser5ers al$ewas (st$$e).C olhttp://www.ea'les)$sobe.comFor (rther (p)ates& 5$s$t www.ea'les)$sobe.com

    )o Dr+ Burisch from terlin'

    after scrubbed meeting on !ril "

    )o Dr+ Burisch from 3all(ace 4terlin' D+ $llan5

    http://www.'o)l$epro)(ct$o#s.com/bbs/messa'e.phpGpa'eP2"top$cP>messa'eP2!%2!%mpa'ePshow)ateP4/!/04ello Da#&

    Sterl$#' Alla# here& s$tt$#' at a comp(ter #e3t to arr Dschaa $# Lase'as&

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    o( ca# see o(r photos athttp://alla#2004.com

    Th$s $s m $rst post to the =DL or(m.

    I am s$tt$#' $# Las e'as est l$brar. It $s #ow 0:40 am Apr$l >& 2004 7$thas tae# a ew m$#(tes or me to lo' $# a#) re'$ster or the $rst t$me9

    arr Dschaa a#) I were 'o$#' to meet w$th o( at 0:00 am th$s mor#$#'at the 6

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    the pla#et a#) bel$e5e that ma#$#) sho(l) be tol) the tr(th. e probablplace) h$msel $# 'reat eopar) $# )o$#' so.

    O# a tr$5$al #ote& #e$ther arr #or I are $# a $#a#c$al pos$t$o# to ha5eaor)e) th$s tr$p& b(t somehow arr scrape) to'ether mea#s to 'et )ow#here& $#cl()$#' b($#' a m$#$5a# ester)a or B00. e slept $# the5eh$cle last #$'ht to sa5e the %!.00 $t wo(l) ha5e cost (s to sta $# acocroach hotel $# the c$t that #e5er sleeps& espec$all o# Fr$)a #$'ht&whe# rates are m(ch h$'her.

    I #earl e5e# tale) arr $#to ta$#' a shower th$s mor#$#' w$th the o#eshower t$cet we spr(#' betwee# the two o (s at the Fl$#' C #orth o tow#.e were o# o(r wa to spl(r'e o# o#e (mbrella at al;Mart whe# arrQsw$e calle) to $#orm (s that the meet$#' ha) bee# scrappe).

    I me#t$o# these l$ttle s#$ppets $# h(mor to pa$#t the p$ct(re o sacr$$ce. ep(t e5erth$#' as$)e $# or)er to mae th$s happe#. M w$e $s eel$#' $ll& a#)ha) to )eal w$th three o(#' ch$l)re# last #$'ht a#) th$s mor#$#' wh$le alsotr$#' to 'et rea) to 'o to m s$ster;$#;laws we))$#' shower. I was 'o$#'to be watch$#' the $)s.

    A#wa& we are )e)$cate) to a h$'her ca(se& a#) we p(t o(r pr$5ateco#cer#s as$)e& to mae th$s tr$p. I e5e# p(t m aa$rs $# or)er $# terms o

    pass$#' o# m (ser#ame a#) passwor)s or m e acco(#ts to a tr(st r$e#)$# case I )$) #ot come bac.

    e were #ot (st p(tt$#' o(r temporar aa$rs o# hol)& we were w$ll$#' top(t o(r l$5es o# the l$#e& #ow$#' the poss$ble r$ss o 'ett$#' ca('ht a#)t(r#e) $#to the #e3t (#w$ll$#' lesh/bo#e )o#ors or the blac ops. O(r a$th$s that =o) $s #ot )o#e w$th (s et a#) w$ll mae a wa ope#& so the tho('hto what m$'ht happe# to (s was #ot a# o5er;r$)$#' ear. Rather& we were$lle) w$th resol5e.

    es$)es& I ha5e ha) the pleas(re o hear$#' se5eral o arrQs arr stor$es.hat a '(N Feat(re $lm mater$al. L$st$#' to h$m tal $s l$e pl(''$#' $# atape rom a capt$5at$#' speaer& e3cept that there he $s l$5e $# the seat #e3t too( )r$5$#' B8 M o# the Freewa& #ot pa$#' atte#t$o# to )r$5$#' b(tchatt$#' awa at "0 M. e tol) the stor o h$s tr$p to o#)(ras where hewore) or a ear $# a 'ol) m$#e operat$o#& was )eporte) o# bo'(s char'es&we#t bac to 'et h$s tr(c a#) e?($pme#t& tho('h he was perso#a;#o#;'rata


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    $# the co(#tr& WstoleX h$s tr(c rom the '( who ha) possesse) $t& how hewas spr(#' rom a$l tw$ce& crosse) the r$5er w$th the sh$rt o# h$s bac& etc.

    M (#$5ers$t tra$#$#' $s $# m$crob$olo' 7.S. rom 6& Y2 ears o 'ra)wor towar) h.D.: at 6 $# $rolo'& $oelectrochem$st (#)er Dr.Leo . er#o# " mo#ths at 6 o A& T(cso# hs$olo'& where I st()$e) theeects o low p o# pre)$spos$#' D

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    meet$#'& #e5er o#ce )$) arr a#) I plot (st what we were 'o$#' to aso(& e3cept a# occas$o#al 'e#eral comme#t abo(t some o the p(rposes thatm$'ht be ser5e) $# o(r meet$#'. e are both W$# the mome#tX $#) o peoplethat r$)e the wa5e that comes alo#' $# o(r l$e rather tha# tr$#' to co#trole5er mome#t a#) pre;)e$#e the )es$re) o(tcome.

    To show o( the small worl) IQm $#& the perso# w$th whom I e#tr(ste) mWco#t$#(e w$tho(t meX $#ormat$o# ester)a happe#s to #ow $llam$lto#& w$th whom o( co#5erse) $# o(r Wlast #ow# $#ter5$ewX o a)oc(me#te) #at(re.

    I rea) that tra#scr$pt wh$le watche) the 5$)eo o $t a co(ple o mo#ths a'o&tha#s to arr br$#'$#' $t to m atte#t$o#. h$le some o the m$crob$olo'terms we#t o5er m hea)& I was able to ollow m(ch o $t a#) ha5e a prett

    'oo) $)ea o what o( were sa$#'. I was hop$#' to)a to 'et a morecomplete p$ct(re o the act(al metho)s o( emplo $# o(r research& to

    poss$bl help 'et the tech#olo' elsewhere where $t ca# )o more peoplesome 'oo).

    Tho('h we were pla##$#' o# 'ett$#' $# to)a (#)er a co5er $)e#t$t& arra#) I both tho('ht that $t wo(l) tae o( all b(t a ew seco#)s to #ow thatwe are #ot ma$. e are amo#' the Wwea a#) s$mpleX th$#'s o the earthspoe# o $# scr$pt(re who the h$'h a#) m$'ht )o#Qt pa m(ch atte#t$o# to&

    b(t who w$ll be $#str(me#tal $# br$#'$#' abo(t a maor s(rpr$setra#sormat$o# o the pla#et rom chaos to or)er& rom hate to lo5e& rom)estr(ct$o# to creat$o#.

    e $#te#)e) to ha5e o(r (ll perm$ss$o# a#) bless$#' to share what$#ormat$o# o( )$5(l'e) to (s& be$#' co#$)e#t that o( wo(l) #ow whowe reall were a#) wh we were there.

    erhaps to)aQs botche) meet$#' w$ll p(t o(r ha#)lers o# h$'her alert& a#)s(ch a meet$#' $# the (t(re w$ll be all the more )$$c(lt.

    There $s someth$#' else I wo(l) l$e to share w$th o(. Th$s $s o aperso#al/pr$5ate matter& et I share $t $# th$s p(bl$c or(m $# the sp$r$t oope##ess a#) heal$#'.

    arrQs w$e $s a healer. She has ma# sp$r$t(al '$ts. She #ew whe# o(were $# a maor s(r'er a co(ple o mo#ths a'o& a#) she stoo) 5$'$l b o(r


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    s$)e& tho('h #o#e were w$th o( $# the lesh other tha# the let;bra$#e)&somewhat (#eel$#' )octors a#) #(rses atte#)$#' o(.

    arr has bee# ollow$#' o(r s$t(at$o# l$e a )$sc$ple or mo#ths. e hasp(t as$)e h$s perso#al proess$o#& a#) has bee# atte#)$#' chat or(ms l$eth$s o#e& e5e# as h$s b$lls are stac$#' (p a#) the cre)$tors are call$#'.

    e were able to mae th$s tr$p beca(se h$s )a) ope#e) h$s wallet or h$m the$rst t$me that he recalls $# h$s l$e& a#) ore) o(t se5eral tho(sa#) )ollars tohelp o(t. $tho(t so m(ch as a bat o a# ee& arr ha#)e) me a wa) ocash at m home ester)a& #ow$#' that th$#'s are #ot eas or me e$ther asIQ5e bee# awa$t$#' (#)$#' o the or'a#$*at$o# IQm o(#)$#'.

    e $s a# e3traor)$#ar perso#. orWe3treme bel$esX as ma#$est at www.'reaterth$#'s.com9& a#) o#e o m'reatest pet pee5es $s th$s whole me#tal$t o wh$tewash$#' the tr(th or thesae o the WweaerX amo#' the Wsa$#ts.X I $#) the tr(th so m(ch more


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    reresh$#' a#) $#terest$#'. The slo'a# poste) at the bottom o e5er pa'e at'reaterth$#'s.com 7#ot o# the ree e#er' sect$o#9 $s Wwo(l) that ALL theLor)Qs people were prophets.X

    ower to the people. E*. ! sas the Lor) $s a'a$#st the shepher)s o Israelbeca(se the ee) themsel5es b(t the w$ll #ot ee) the people. Th$s $s tr(e$# the Mormo# ,h(rch& a#) most other ch(rches rom what I ca# 'ather a#)$t $s tr(e $# 'o5er#me#t a#) $t $s tr(e $# th$s whole blac ops s$t(at$o#.Those Wh$'h a#) m$'htX o#es who th$# the are so smart a#) sa55& hol)

    bac the tr(th or the (#)erl$#'s who are too WlowlX to apprec$ate $t or to beable to ha#)le $t.

    C(st tr (s. e ca# ha#)le $t.

    es& ree)om )oes allow or wro#' cho$ces& b(t there $s #oth$#' moree##obl$#' tha# someo#e who $s '$5e# ree)om a#) who maes the r$'htcho$ce w$th $t.

    =$5e (s that cha#ce.


    Sterl$#' D. Alla#

    See also

    /ext 6Area 8 I#s$)er I#5$tes Sterl$#' arr or a Seco#) Shot atMeet$#' w$th Dr. Da# (r$sch7Apr$l 4& 20049

    Pre.ious 6I#s$)er $#5$tes Sterl$#' arr to 5$s$t Da# (r$sch o#Apr$l >

    Ma$# (r$sch $#)e3

    In Support of a Congressional Hearing for Dr. Dan Burisch

    $ew ,(rre#t S$'#at(res ; S$'# the et$t$o#

    To: o#orable Orr$# atch& ,ha$rma# o 6.S. Se#ate C()$c$al ,omm$ttee


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    e hereb re'$ster o(r s(pport o call$#' Dr. Da## . ,atselas (r$sch$#to a ,o#'ress$o#al hear$#' to prese#t e5$)e#ce a#) test$mo# re'ar)$#' h$s

    perso#al #owle)'e o the ollow$#' alle'e) matters:

    ; )es$'#er 5$r(s tech#olo' $mpleme#tat$o#&; e3traterrestr$al $#teract$o#&; h(ma# s(bects at S4 ac$l$t at Area 8&; Star'ates&; o#$ch Ma#(scr$pt&; $#)(ct$o# $#to a#) prese#t co#st$t(t$o# o MC;2&; ta(;I treat$es&; h$s

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    YPY ;:; YPY ;:; Y;YZY;Y ;:; YPY ;:; YPY

    PART II: Dr Dan Burisch Farewell

    M$crob$olo'$st Dr. Da# (r$sch Ret$res From Area 8& 8/>0/04

    Continued 7romSTAT6S 6DATES

    YPY ;:; Y;YZY;Y ;:; YPY

    The One and Only Public Appearance of Dr. Dan Burisch


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    )o say that it has &een a pleasure to ha.e this rare chance to spea* to

    you personally, ould &e such an understatement+

    I reall )o#t #ow how to tha# e5ero#e who came to Rachel& e5e# $ we)$) #ot alwas see ee to ee. oomer& o( are a#) alwas shall rema$# $#m memor& o#e o the most treas(re) people I ha5e met. Coh#& o( are$rrasc$ble& b(t lo5eable. Ser'& ?($et a#) power(l w$th c(tt$#' ?(est$o#s thatreache) $#to the 5er heart o ma# matters. Ie ma)e me eel so spec$al&welcom$#' me as a# ol) r$e#). The people we met there& e5e# the o#es we)$)#t #ow were $#) sp$r$te) a#) hope(l or a br$'hter tomorrow.

    )o all the 'reat people ha.e met on the forum; can

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    0pDirLotus :8%82! 9;2= pmEDT A=E 4Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $sE#$'ma: ol(me :9

    $ e5erbo)&

    ha.e just &een informed &y security that Dr+ Burisch has said that it istime for me to 'o &ac* to or* " ha.e 'ot to concentrate on the next

    phase of the Lotus project althou'h it onRe: Dr.(r$sch a#) $sE#$'ma:ol(me 0:9

    Ill(m$#ate) o#e... Re& ABoomer d li*e to hear your opinion of Burischand his story on ho he is+Do o( bel$e5e $tG Is he l$#'G bra$#washe)GJ

    These are m $#)$#'s. Da# (r$sch so(#)s le5el hea)e)& art$c(late&$#tell$'e#t. e )$) #ot at a# t$me appear to be )r(''e) or m$#) co#trolle)&

    he was sharp& ?($c w$tte)& a pleas(re to co#5erse w$th. D$tto or Marc$McDowell.

    o( a#swer o(r ow# ?(er whe# o( state that #oth$#' $s be$#' sol) etc.So the ?(est$o# $s......what wo(l) be the po$#t o creat$#' s(ch a hoa3G howo(l) be#e$t rom $tG I we#t to Las e'as spec$$call to meet Da# (r$sch&what better wa to ()'e a s$t(at$o# tha# $rst ha#). I ha5e #o re'rets& '$5e#


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    the opport(#$t I wo(l) repeat the tr$p w$tho(t hes$tat$o#. Spea$#' ormsel& Im relat$5el well e)(cate)& possess ?(al$$cat$o#s $# bothelectro#$cs a#) electr$cal e#'$#eer$#'.

    O#e o the '(s I met $# L $s a ret$re) h$'h ra#$#' pol$ce o$cer& he treatsDa# w$th respect. From the $#ormat$o# I ha5e& th$s perso# has also$#5est$'ate) Da#s stor or a lo#' per$o) o t$me a#) appears to ha5esat$s$e) h$msel re'ar)$#' $ts 5erac$t so ar.

    $ll am$lto# has bee# loo$#' $#to Da#s l$e a#) wor or ma# ears&rom the meet$#'s a#) co#tact he has& he wo(l) ha5e to be $# o# $t too. DoI bel$e5e Da#G a5$#' met the ma#& es I )o. Is he bra$#washe)G I so& the#Marc$ $s also& lets #ot or'et $ll& a#) ma# others... The bottom l$#e $sobo) ass o( to bel$e5e th$s stor& )o theG M l$e wo#t cha#'e beca(se

    o $t& whats the po$#tG hate5er happe#s $s o(t o m co#trol o# thepla#etar scale. The problem as I see $t $s that )$sclos(re o# a w$)e scalewo(l) be met w$th host$l$t& Im o the op$#$o# #ow that perhaps )$sclos(rew$ll occ(r to those that see that $#ormat$o#.

    )hessa :8!82! :;2 amEDT A=E 2"Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $sE#$'ma:ol(me 0:9

    I wo(l) l$e to as o#e ?(est$o#& $ I ma& b(t I1ll #ot a))ress $t to a#o#e $#

    part$c(lar. F$rst beca(se I )o#1t #ow who $s more ?(al$$e) or more w$ll$#'to a#swer $t a#) seco#)& a#) more $mporta#t& beca(se I )o#1t wa#t a#o#e toeel let o(t. 3hat ould li*e to understand is hy its not an issueanymore to tal* a&out and ith Dr Burisch+ I remember whe# th$s threa)starte) that we e5e# )$)#1t #ow $ Dr (r$sch was )ea) or al$5e a#) (st aco(ple o mo#ths a'o someo#e came here sa$#' we were all )el(s$o#al

    beca(se there was#1t a# Dr (r$sch a#) we all ha) a mass$5e )ose oJco#sp$ra#o$)J theor$es b watch$#' 3;$les... Also& $ I remember well& (stlast mo#th someo#e tol) (s that Dr (r$sch was ret$r$#' a#) that ater C(#ehe wo(l) )$sappeare) to some ?($et place to #e5er be o(#) a'a$#. A#) theRachel '$t a#) all that...

    So... what cha#'e)G h all o a s())e# ca# Dr (r$sch be ope#l 7w$th a#a5atarN9 at =L chatt$#' w$th all o (s a#) b that to mae th$s threa) e5e#more 5$s$ble to all that ha5e a cher$she) place $# the$r be$#'s or the)ecept$o#/)$sclos(re s(bect. E5e# $ he $s #ot a#more )$rectl t$e) w$th


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    a# secret proect a#) b that to sec(r$t matters& (#less h$s memor waserase) a#)/or h$s w$ll messe) (p& he st$lls has the #owle)'e to eep (s all

    b(s or ?($te some t$me.

    I1m #ot compla$#$#' 7#ot at allN...9 $t1s (st that J'ro(p )#am$csJ 7LOL..9alwas tr$''ers m c(r$os$t a#) e5e# $ I1m #ot that thr$lle) a#more toe3pect to see the JwhsJ a#) Jwhat orJ o h(ma#/et $#5ol5eme#t e3pla$#e)here 7some o m a#swers ha5e bee# a#swere) elsewhere9& I1m st$ll c(r$o(sto obser5e how th$s threa) w$ll e5ol5e a#) the role that $s reser5e) or $t....J

    Boomeran'< :8!82! :;1 amEDT A=E 2"

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9

    =oo) mor#$#' all& I a'ree w$th Sha) abo(t tr$#'

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch



    oomerYDa#Y$#sto#YMarc$ Y Y Da#YMarc$Y6CYSer'eYoomer








    Boomeran'< :8982! !;2 pmEDT

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9 A=E 28

    $ Marc$ a#) welcome& m '(t eel$#' $s $ts reall o(& please sta as lo#'

    as poss$ble. I ha5e#t rea) the pre5$o(s pa'es as et& $m b(s )ow#loa)$#'photos etc here. I $#) $t $mposs$ble to comprehe#) that Coh# wo(l) )$sposeo a '$t rom Da#....e5er& he was o5er the moo# w$th the '$t o# the )ao matter what the '$t was. Im eel$#' co#(se) r$'ht #ow& th$s )oes#tso(#) l$e the act$o#s o the Coh# that I met.


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    I wo(l) l$e to tell o( o#e th$#' Marc$& the '$t that I rece$5e) rom Da#came home w$th me $# m perso#al ha#) l(''a'e& I )$)#t wa#t to r(# ther$s o $t 'o$#' astra $# the hol) l(''a'e. I wo(l) ha5e bee# )$stra('ht ats(ch a# occ(rre#ce. It w$ll be treas(re) alwas& I ha5e pla#s or $t too& $t w$ll

    be mo(#te) o# the '$t that I rece$5e) rom Ala#& $t w$ll loo ab(lo(s s$tt$#'o# the small p$ece o Fre#chme#s Mo(#ta$# 7s(ch wo#)er(l colo(r$#' othe roc9.

    Im o5eroe) w$th m '$t a#) ca#t tha# both o(rsel a#) Da# e#o('hor all o( )$) or me. O5er the #e3t ew )as I w$ll be show$#' some o mow# $ma'es o# m webs$te& I hope o( 'et the opport(#$t to 5$s$t.

    To all posters here& please treat Marc$ a#) Da# w$th respect& the are realpeople w$th eel$#'s (st the same as o( a#) I& #ot some cber creat$o#.

    Marc$ tr$ppe) a#) $#(re) her #ee at Fre#chme#s& she ble) the same as o(or I wo(l)& she $s a lo5el la)& prett too& her photos )o #ot )o her (st$ce.

    Phi4re58er'e :8982! !;91 pmEDT

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9 $ e5ero#e.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    I was also happ to meet Coh# e#)erso#. At least I ]]]was]]] happ tomeet h$m ; that $s (#t$l I rea) the last ew pa'es o th$s or(m& a#) lear#e)that he )$)#t th$# Da#s '$t was 'oo) e#o('h& or some crap l$ethat.....a#) threw $t awa.

    That $s s$mpl too $#cre)$ble or me to bel$e5e& ater he was so 5er #$ce too(r aces. hat the hell possesse) o( Coh#G I o( )$)#t wa#t $t& at the5er least o( co(l) ha5e tho('ht abo(t the other people o# th$s threa) whowere#t able to atte#)& a#) who m$'ht ha5e apprec$ate) ha5$#' someth$#'l$e that rom Da#. h )$)#t o( se#) $t o# to somebo) who wo(l)apprec$ate $t& $#stea) o throw$#' Da#s '$t $#to the 'arba'e.

    I am ser$o(s& a#) I wa#t a# a#swer Coh#. I am s(re that there $s somebo) o#th$s or(m who wo(l) ha5e apprec$ate) ha5$#' a '$t rom Da#& o#e '$5e#

    rom the heart& e5e# $ o( )$)#t.

    Loo& $ a# bo) wa#ts to tal w$th me& or as a ew ?(est$o#s& Ill )o thebest I ca# to a#swer o( b(t r$'ht #ow& I am so p$sse) o at Coh# I am 'o$#'to e#) th$s #ote here a#) #ow ; beore I 5e#t m r(strat$o# $# those o(rletter e3plat$5es that I am so 7$#9amo(s or.


    oh& a#) b the wa& $# case #obo) has $'(re) $t o(t et& I was the o#e who

    threw o(t those $5e el'$a# me)$a people/camerame# rom the I##

    Dr Burisch continues to anser ?uestionsA=E 2>P o#war) ol. 0

    Dan Burisch :8982! :;! amEDT Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $sE#$'ma:ol(me 0:9 A=E 22

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    ;;;JI was ara$) at $rst beca(se $t ha) bee# so lo#' s$#ce I ha) ope#co#5ersat$o# w$th s(ch bea(t$(l so(ls. I w$ll treas(re the e3per$e#ce or therest o m l$e. So ma# people sa$) to me how ho#ore) the were to meetme...the tr(th tr(l $s that the ho#or was m$#e to ha5e ha) the pr$5$le'e omeet$#' them.

    JIt $s the )a#'er to Earth that m(st be heral)e) to the people $ the Lot(scomes o(t as a co#se?(e#ce& a#) $ I.....am calle) to test$....J ;;;e are#ow part o a mass e3t$#ct$o# process. e ha5e the power to halt $t. e arethe o#l earth spec$es that )oes.

    A#) es& $ I am calle) to test$...I w$ll tell the tr(th& b(t or the sae oh(ma#$t& I w$ll #ot )$5(l'e 7(#)er a# c$rc(msta#ces9 the e to the bl(eapples& wh$ch $s the access po$#t to the r($t o the Tree o L$e.

    Dr Burisch speaks direcly o he Foru! for he "s i!e

    Da# (r$sch :8982! 2;!% amEDT A=E 20

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9

    JellG e all )o 5er well whe# the cat $s awa. The cat $s here or a t$me.ar) o('ht ar'(me#t wo#. ere I am. The poor so(l& the '$t '$5er rom the

    heart. Rea) to be calle) #ames to m ace. I)olG /2004 2;!@ amEDT

    ohn; petted little >arcia hile your ife reclined next to your motor

    home, in the shade, at 7renchman+ )he do's ere on a ru'+ Confirm my

    identity if you are a&le+

    Da# (r$sch :8982! !;1% amEDT A=E 2

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    All o the $#)$5$)(als w$th wh$ch I ha) to wor& were 5ol(#teers. I ha5e#e5er (se) the sc$e#ce or art w$th$# $t& to harm a#o#e. O# to ho(seeep$#'$ss(es...

    Dan Burisch :8982! !;22 amEDT

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9 The OpD$r& at th$s mome#t& $s(#aware that I am post$#' here. I ret(r#e) a ew ho(rs a'o w$th har) o('htree)oms (#)er ha#). I am aware o the th$#'s that I m(st #ot sa& re thet$mel$#es& a#) am clear as to those th$#'s that I ca# sa& re the same. I m(stsa rom the o#set that I ha5e rea) ma# th$#'s that ha5e ma)e m heart eel'la): the car$#' or the tr(th& the ?(est$o#$#' as to whether I ha5e bee#tell$#' $t& a#) the co#cer# or the people o the worl).

    O# the other ha#)& I ha5e also e3per$e#ce) rea)$#' th$#'s that ha5e #otma)e m heart so 'la). The $rst $tem& $s what I perce$5e as the e3pecta#cthat I sho(l) be someth$#' that I am #ot. I co#ess& that wh$le I am a,hr$st$a#& I ma #ot be as ,hr$st;l$e as I w$sh to be.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9

    [ -ncle ohn has some Major mis'i.in's a&out Marcia 4B5 Dan. \


    De3 B/>/2004 2;= amEDT A=E 20

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9

    -ncle ohnB am EDT A=E >

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma:ol(me 0:9

    -ncle ohn here; ust &ac* from a 12 hour dri.e+ ... .

    Met w$th Da# a#) Marc$a at Rachel a#) Fre#chma#s. M(ch to tell. =ot lotso $t recor)e). Da# e5e# ca(t$o(sl we#t o5er the bl(e apple th$#'. =ot to(#w$#) the roa) $tters. Later

    6#cle Coh# B//2004 1;%2 amEDT A=E >

    6#cle Coh# here: @ate& a# p$ct(res I se#t o(t o# ema$l are p(bl$c )oma$#a#) ca# be poste) b a#o#e.[ PF0)0at http://scorp$(s.spaceports.com/Ybem(se)/Rachel.html\There $s 'o$#' to be some )$sc(ss$o# abo(t the 5$)eos a#) a()$o that weretae#. I1m ma$#l $#tereste) $# sec(r$#' the r$'hts to all 5$)eos tae# to bea5a$lable to all $# a# orm. Lots o camera1s were roll$#'. It1s 'o$#' to be atra)$#' r$'hts sort o th$#'. I o( th$# that I1m cra* o# chats& wa$t to o(see how I am $# 5$)eo a#) a()$o. LOL.

    6#cle Coh# B//2004 1;%G amEDT A=E >

    6#cle Coh# here: a5e to ?($cl a)) that oomers a#) ,racaCac1s letterswere rea) o(t lo() to the three )$ere#t 'ro(ps o ETs at the T" meet$#'.e1re tal$#' h$stor here.


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    6#cle Coh# B//2004 2;!: amEDT A=E >

    Do#& I1m soo t$re)& b(t I eep tp$#'& so )o#1t be s(rpr$se) $ $1m wro#'. TheT" ha) alrea) bee# a'ree) (po#& $t w$ll #ot be s$'#e) (#t$l B/%

    Phi4re5 %8982!0:02 pm EDT A=E 0Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $sE#$'ma:ol(me 0:9

    )he meetin'4s5 ent extremely ell, ell &eyond our first hum&le

    expectations+It w$ll tae some t$me or the part$c$pa#ts to p(t all th$#'sto'ether. O co(rse& oomer a#) 6#cle Coh# sho(l) ha5e the $rst sa a#)

    prese#t the collecte) $#ormat$o# $# a more )$'este) orm& altho('h& somema preer to share raw )ata... It was also emot$o#all $#te#se. he# certa$#

    se#s$t$5e areas were to(che)& we wo(l) h$t the #o comme#t barr$er. Theapple ?(est$o# was a))resse) too. Some $#terest$#' )eta$ls s(race) abo(tthe ebrew spea$#' e#t$t that Da# sa$) co(l) spea E#'l$sh& a#) as amatter o act $t so(#)e) l$e th$s was the$r preerre) wa o comm(#$cat$o#.O#ce a'a$# I eel that $t $s #ot m pr$5$le'e to prese#t the co#5ersat$o#7s9.(t I also eel that at least someth$#' m(st be sa$) to help those who are)esperatel wa$t$#' or a# #ews rom Rachel t$ll oomer a#) 6#cle Coh#'et to a place where access to the I#ter#et $s a5a$lable

    Boo!eran# Picked To $ee %ih DanYPY ;:; YPY ;:; Y;YZY;Y ;:; YPY ;:; YPY

    Sterl$#'1s Fr$e#) %81=82!@;!2 amEDT

    Re: Dr. (r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma: ol(me ":9 a'e

    oomera#'& It loos l$e o( are the o#e that Da# wa#ts to meet a#) w$ll bemost ope# a#) comortable w$th. Are o( (p or $tG

    oomera#'1 8/"/2004 @;!9 amEDT

    eral)& J...I w$ll spea w$th $ll am$lto# to co#$rm the 5erac$t o thes$t(at$o#& $ $ll co#$rms $t& the# I am com$#' o5er. lease $#orm Da# Iloo orwar)s to spea$#' w$th h$m...J

    ERALDh 8/"/2004 @;!G amEDT


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Re: Dr. (r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma: ol(me ":9 a'e

    So(#)s 'oo) oomera#'. I ha5e a #ote here that the Operat$o#al D$rector$#orme) Mr. am$lto# o Da#1s )ec$s$o# a#) h$s bosses o ester)a. eILL be there. A b$t o a s$)e #ote here that I calle) Da# a#) $#orme) h$m

    ERALD$ 8/"/2004 @;%: amEDT

    Re: Dr. (r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma: ol(me ":9 a'e

    A#) oomera#' he sa$) ater o( three 7he a#) the OpD$r9 'et )o#e tal$#'$ o( wa#t to ollow them $# a car he wo(l) be happ to show o( where hehas )o#e h$s research at Fre#chma#1s Mo(#ta$#. A b$t o a to(r. e wo#1tha5e others come alo#' tho('h as$)e rom perso#al compa# that o( m$'htha5e w$th o(. e reall seems to l$e o(. :09 e sa$) the cost o show$#'o( aro(#) where he )$) the research wo(l) be a small roc rom o(rhomela#). ,a# o( br$#' o#e to h$mG

    oomera#'1 8/"/2004 @;%= amEDT

    eral)& I ca# etch whate5er Da# wo(l) l$e. Roc rom a# part$c(larlocat$o#G I wo(l) be o5eroe) to ha5e the 1to(r1NNN


    O he sa$) $t wo(l) be abo(t a > ho(r )r$5e bac to e'as. The# he wo(l)show o( the mo(#ta$#& Jw$tho(t a c$rc(sJ a#) he sa$) that Ja# roc hewo(l) eel that $s represe#tat$5e o the bea(t o h$s homela#).J hat a#$'htN (she)N 09

    oomera#'1 8/"/2004 G;@ amEDT

    Tha# o( eral)& For starters& I ha5e some bea(t$(l la5a roc rom ma5o(r$te place the Isle o A#'lese. I w$ll 'et a select$o# to'ether or the

    tr$p& ha5e to watch the we$'ht allowa#ce.....

    ERALD 8/"/2004 G;11 amEDT

    Re: Dr. (r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma: ol(me ":9 a'e


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    O he (st co#$rme): JO the# $t1s solel oomera#'1s )a ater theam$lto# speech (#t$l )$##er. ro. Lot(s $# $t1s last )a w$ll be oomera#'1srom 0:00;B:00N e w$ll #ee) to brea at aro(#) B:00 hrs beca(se weha5e a#other comm$tme#t that e5e#$#'.J T$me or me to 'et sh(t eeoomera#'. I )o#1t #ow $ I w$ll be commo$#' a'a$#& so $t1s bee# a real

    pleas(re. roect Lot(s loos orwar) to meet$#' o(.

    %8218!;; $ll am$lto# w$ll also tae the tr$p to Fre#chma#1s Mo(#ta$#.M(ch a)5$ce help o# the =L threa) as oomera#' 'ets prepare) or h$sst t$me o(r#e across the 1po#) rom the 6@ to the 6SAN

    Field Trip wih $icrobiolo#is Dan Burisch o French!an

    $ounain& 'e(ada

    b L$#)a Mo(lto# owe

    YPY ;:; YPY ;:; Y;YZY;Y ;:; YPY ;:; YPY

    M$(C 4B 3olf5 (E)-(/ A0pciA Hol 1% Pa'e 11

    OpSc$ @8982!2:42 am EDT

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma: ol(me 8:9

    $c sa$):

    I ca##ot spea or all (olo'$sts& b(t $# m boo hes a 'e#($#e hero. Mop$#$o# $s#t l$el to cha#'e o# that. e $s a bra5e ma#& a 'e#$(s& a 'o)lma#...a 'oo) ma#. hat else ca# I saG =o) bless h$m.

    Tha# o( $c. I a'ree w$th o(. O co(rse I ha5e o#e a)5a#ta'e thatmost o o( )o#t& I act(all ha5e #ow# Dr. (r$sch or ma# ears. Ies,stran'e as this seems, ha.e &een alloed to recontact this 'roup, as

    ell as those idiots ho decided to ait until after Dr+ Burisch ent intoretirement and could ne.er a'ain comment &efore they le.eled their

    coardly attac*s+ ha.e a fe thin's to say to those illustrious people+

    I am #ot too please) w$th what I am c(rre#tl see$#'. I# a# e5e#t& co(l)oomer 'et o#l$#e or somebo) else who ca# $)e#t$ meG Marc$


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Marci 40pscinsn5 in conference ith some 7orum participants

    @8982!ol 8 a'e > 4:8B am EDT

    Opsc$#s#: 7Marc$; C ol9 J...m bosses t(r#e) me lose o# those )am#e)

    bastar)s who eep tr$#' to attac Da#.Opsc$#s#: I am co#cer#e) that all th$s #e'at$5e e#er' $s ha5$#' a toll o#Da#. e )oes#t #ow I am )o$#' th$s...J

    J...Opsc$#s#: well& what I 'ot $# br$e$#' was that th$s 4:8B am EDT

    A#o#mo(s ,. 7Marc$9 !/>/2004 4:8 pm EDT

    Re: Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma: ol(me 8:9 a'e !

    I (st $#$she) rea)$#' a re)acte) collect$o# o the posts s$#ce I lo''e) olast #$'ht.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    a#wa. The c(rre#t act$o#s amo#' the 6FO el$te are ser5$#' to pro5eroo$#'s was r$'ht. Most people who are )ema#)$#' the tr(th& whe# ace)w$th th$#'s the ca#t (#)ersta#)& cope w$th or 5al$)ate to the$r heartsco#te#t& th$#'s that )o#t $t $#to the perect l$ttle $ma'e the ha5e create)or themsel5es o how e5erth$#' SO6LD wor& start (mp$#' aro(#)w$th the$r ha#)s o5er the$r ears& whoop$#' lo()l so the )o#t ha5e to copew$th st( #ot 'o$#' the$r wa....J ,O

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    OL IS TE LORD. hat else wo(l) the ha5e to sa to 'et someo#ewho bel$e5es $# the LORD to tr(st themG I am perso#all a# oe#)e) e'ascocroach beca(se I )o#t ha5e a poer ace& )o#t l$e whe# tol) to& wo(l))$e or a# o m spec$es w$tho(t a# prompt$#'& a#) OL& OL&OL #e5er comes b or e5e# a 5$s$t... too b(s o5er there 5$s$t$#' theLIARS& ,EATS& a#) TIEES that mae th$s c$t amo(s.

    Th$# people. eore o( 'et steppe) o# b the $#)(cte) O/DIR whoth$#s $t a pa$# $# the ass to a))ress Jthe ewJ here worth sa5$#'. F6M.

    MAR,I DO

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    I )o#t #ow $ $t m$'ht be o a# help to o(& $ll or L$#)a& as o( are theo#es ha5$#' to weather the br(#t o the $restorm r$'ht #ow& b(t $t )oes reerto the ree;or;all that $s 'o$#' o# r$'ht #ow. Mabe $t w$ll help& I hope so. I#ot& at least $t $s someth$#' o( ca# rea) to help p(t th$#'s $#to perspect$5e.

    To the two =L members I ha5e a))resse) th$s letter to: I am (s$#' o(rema$l a))resses o# behal o the whole or(m. I hope o( )o#t m$#). Thereare (st too ma# to ha#)le. So please eel ree to se#) th$s o# to the rest&a#) $ o( w$sh to post $t& 'o ahea). I ca# see #o reaso# wh #ot. I )o#tth$# $t was mea#t to be a pr$5ate comm(#$cat$o# betwee# msel a#) JCJ.Marc$


    Letter from Jan AinsiderAK re'ardin' Dan Burisch

    Mr. Deppeller a#) all& o( ma )$str$b(te th$s letter to whome5er o(choose. Or& #ot. As a preamble& I )o #ot bel$e5e that the l$brar a))$t$o#(#)er the #ame

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    some other #o#se#se tablo$) spew& #or e5er ha5e to )eal w$th the e?(all#o#se#s$cal tablo$) hea)ers Arth(r ell& =eor'e B

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    It rema$#s m hope that o#e )a a#other oer w$ll be ma)e to the p(bl$c.Mabe the w$ll the# show that the ca# 'rasp what $s beore them. Or&mabe the w$ll a$l a'a$#. O#l t$me w$ll tell (s. I hope that th$s letter hasreache) each o o( $# 'oo) health a#) that o( rema$# so or ma# ears ohapp$#ess. The t$me has come or me to 'o& a#) so o( w$ll also be ret(r#e)to the react$o# that has )r$5e# o(r )ec$s$o# to step bac $#stea) o orwar):o(tr$'ht )$sm$ssal& e#terta$#me#t 5al(e hea)l$#es& the hoa3e);tr(th bo3es othe rece#t ,e#t(r& moc$#'& mo5$#' cartoo#s as respo#ses $#stea) oh(ma# 5al(e& a#) sel a''ra#)$*eme#t. I# m )eepest heart& I pra or each

    perso# here. CJ

    7LE E/) )0 L/D$ M F03E

    $DD)0/$L /70(M$)0/ /H0LH/> Dr D$/ B-(CF

    Do)ep !/4/2004 2:> ama'e 24 ol. B

    J...7 Marc$9...Je$#' Jtae# care;oJ )oes#t #ecessar$l mea# rece$5$#' 'obso mo#e. Maest$c $s 5er s(btle& a#) ote# b the remo5al o obstacles& a#)ac$l$at$o# o a members eorts& the are well tae# care;o. Other membersare tae# care o b ha5$#' sc$e#t$$c e?($pme#t appear (po# re?(est& e5e# $$t )oes #ot belo#' to them ; the are allowe) to (se $t& a#) p(rs(e the$r

    pass$o#. Maest$c has bee# perect$#' metho)s to mo5e (#)etecte) thro('hsoc$et or more tha# 80 ears.

    Thats wh #obo) has e5er bee# able to p$# a#th$#' )ow#...........there arel$terall h(#)re)s o metho)s a5a$lable 7a'a$#& I am o#l be$#' a(thor$*e) tospea to the $ss(es be$#' l$#e) (p a'a$#st Da# or the p(rposes o help$#' tooer some bala#ce9. hat most o these metho)s ha5e $# commo# $s the$r

    br$ll$a#t s$mpl$c$t& a#) s(btlet. lacOp metho)s wor to perect$o#.

    I# esse#ce Maest$c $s e3pert at eep$#' o(r people $# the p(bl$c w$tho(te5er be$#' part o the p(bl$c. lacOps has bee# )es$'#e) th$s wa. A#)#obo) has e5er ca('ht o# ; beca(se $ts 5er )$$c(lt to p$# )ow#. I $t wasEAS to $'(re o(t& the co5er(p wo(l) ha5e alrea) bee# o5er. (t $ts #ot.Its st$ll 'o$#' stro#'... J


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    )he Chapter @ Ban*ruptcy of Dan and De&orah Burisch &y Linda

    Moulton Foe7$th )oc(me#tat$o#9 C(l > 2004

    M$(C C0/HEI /DEP)F /03LED>E 07 D$/


    7Start$#' at th$s post9 oomera#' !/8/2004 4:>! am EDT

    Dr.(r$sch a#) $s E#$'ma: ol(me B:9 a'e >>

    oomera#' @81:82!%:0% pm EDT

    Dr. (r$sch. The search co#t$#(es ol(me ! a'e >

    /e mail recei.ed from Marci, ith than*s+

    $dditional nformation " (e'ardin' Dr+ Dan Burisch

    It sho(l) be #ote) that Maest$c emplos ma# le'al $rst amme#)me#the)'es 7s(ch as the $ss(e o ree)om o rel$'$o#9 $# or)er to pre5e#t people

    or a'e#c$es rom pr$#' $#to spec$$c operat$o#s...7co#t$#(e)9 %:0% pmEDT

    Dr Burisch backround infor!aion also a(ailable a


    DC-0/ 07 M$(C )$)EME/)

    JRE=A< OERJ 7R9 6



  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Lin*s to reproductions of emails from Marci McDoell 4B 3olf5

    (e'ardin' Dan Burisch and academics also at


    %/"/04 D$M B-)/> LE))E( 7(0M Marcihttp://scorp$(s.spaceports.com/Ybem(se)/

    ARR D. DISA=REES %/0/04

    $-)F0(ED ME$>E 7(0M M1

    swatcher 7$ll am$lto#9 G81%82!: pm EDT

    Dr. (r$sch ,atselas. The Re/Search or the Tr(th ol(me " a'e B

    6C&Fere is the full text of the messa'e recei.ed from 1 " thin* the time

    has come to share it ith you+ t as also a re.elation to Dan accordin'

    to him+

    As rece$5e) 5$a tele3 02MA040B>06& a(thor$*e) )$rectl rom thewor$#' 2 J0 MA 2004

    Dear Mr. am$lto#:

    It has bee# )eterm$#e) that a# a#swer to o(r 'e#($#e h(ma# ?(est$o# abo(tDa## sho(l) be pro5$)e).Danny has &een the unittin' star in therelease of information that as determined important lon' &efore he

    as &orn+I# "8%& as part o a# $#ormat$o# e3cha#'e pro'ram establ$she)o(r ears pr$or& the ro) that was later to meet w$th Da## $#orme) the6#$te) States 'o5er#me#t o a #ee) to establ$sh re'(lar treat$es lea)$#' (p toa c(lm$#at$o# o a h(ma# t$me loop para)o3& 84 ears later& $# 202. Thet$m$#' o h$s $#ormat$o# was )r$5e# b #(merolo'. O#ce $#orme)&represe#tat$5es o the wor$#' 'ro(p establ$she) b res$)e#t Tr(ma#

    co#$rme) $t b the ro)1s 'o5er#me#t1s represe#tat$5es. The be$#'s romOr$o# co#$rme) the $#ormat$o# $# "B! a#) a# $mme)$ate meet$#' washel) at h$te Sa#)s betwee# all three 'ro(ps. 6##ow# to (s at that t$me&the ha) establ$she) a base some 8 l$'ht ears awa& $# o(r "8%.

    I# "!>& $# the last ear o a 8 ear sampl$#' a'reeme#t& 'ra#)athere) b "ears o ab)(ct$o#s that ha) alrea) tae# place& Da## was tae# b ,ra$#


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    am$l a'reeme#t to help preser5e the (t(re& wh$le pla$#' as a ch$l) $# a,al$or#$a par. Ma# other ch$l)re# were tae# as well. e has bel$e5e)& toth$s t$me& that he was tae# as a ra#)om sample a#) $s o#l be$#' tol) o thetr(th to)a& w$th th$s letter. The $#term$3t(re betwee# he a#) a#other1s so#&M$chael& )$) occ(r as he was tol)& b(t $t was a pla##e) operat$o#. M$chaelwas )$#' o ca#cer.

    D(r$#' the "!B treat co#ere#ce $t was )eterm$#e) that Da## ma beplace) $# a pos$t$o# or later )$sclos(re o se#s$t$5e $#ormat$o# re'ar)$#'the para)o3& )epe#)$#' o# h$s l$e )$rect$o#. D(r$#' that same ear Da##was $#tro)(ce) to the Los A#'eles M$croscop$cal Soc$et& 5$a a phs$c$a#w$th close t$es& a#) so was bro('ht $#to the e3ter#al sphere o o(r$#l(e#ces. Those $#l(e#ces bra#che) o(t )(r$#' h$s te#(re $# E#'la#) a#)we watche) as he came to a )ec$s$o# o# what s$)e he was o#. e chose the

    Ma$1s )$rect$o# a#) #ot that o the Ill(m$#at$.

    the t$me o the "%8 treat )$sc(ss$o#s& Da## was ma$#' a )$st$#ct$o#or h$msel at the 6#$5ers$t o

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    e was p(t thro('h 6#$5ers$t at

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    7#ot at all relat$#' to th$s $ss(e9 has occ(rre) thro('ho(t the ears. Theco(#sel o s(ch $#tell$'e#ces& alwas 'reatl a)5a#ce) beo#) o(r ow# a#)

    be#e5ole#t& $s be$#' so('ht b those ass$'#e) to )o so. The$r op$#$o#s& (stas those represe#t$#' ma# c(lt(res a#) rel$'$o#s& w$ll be tae# $#to acco(#tas we mo5e orwar) to co(#ter these threats to ma#$#). Da## has #e5er

    bee# $#5ol5e) w$th proects w$th those $#tell$'e#ces. Th$s $s the $rst he hashear) o them& rom a# a(thor$se) so(rce.... o( ma pro5$)e the '$st o th$s$#ormat$o# to those p$c$#' o(r bra$#.

    e hope or a br$'ht (t(re or ma#$#). u&mitted, 1 for the Majestic12, as appro.ed+A

    swatcher22 6L "/2!/2004 2:4 pm EDT

    Dr. (r$sch& C;Ro)& =a#esh art$cle..& the ?(est co#t$#(es.ol.2

    am postin' this on &ehalf of Marci+++ )o 3hom it may concern,

    0n 0cto&er 9th, Marci McDoell ill &e 'oin' into retirement and

    ill not &e a.aila&le for any future pu&lic discourse as of 0cto&er 9th


    A# ope# $#5$tat$o# $s be$#' e3te#)e) b her to a# $#)$5$)(al who wo(l)

    l$e to tal to her abo(t a# $ss(e she has p(bl$cl a))resse)& real$*$#' oco(rse& that there are some $ss(es that ca##ot be a))resse) or sec(r$treaso#. She wo(l) l$e to e3te#) th$s co(rtes as her last p(bl$c act$o#.

    $th that tho('ht $# m$#)& a#) the problem w$th lo'$st$cs& a two ho(r p(bl$cor(m w$ll be hel) at the res$)e#ce o Ala# a#) Sa#) =()a$t$s $# Lase'as& 0& 2004.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    oste) at http://ea'les)$sobe.or'/,MS/mo)(les.phpG#amePFor(ms$leP5$ewtop$ctP80startP>0;:; =L threa) )$sco#t$#(e).'#os$s oste): T(e Oct 2& 2004 B:4" am

    =la) o(1re here too& R So& the co#se#s(s $s to ha5e o#e threa). That1s coolw$th me. ho w$ll )o the ho#orsG

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    ell& helloN E IS DOI oste): S(# /o. 1!, 2!B:28 amhttp://ea'les)$sobe.or'/,MS/mo)(les.phpG#amePFor(ms$leP5$ewtop$ctP2%startP>48s$)P02baBBcB8%e ost s(bect: $n o&ser.ation+

    JI pos$t that o#e )oes #ot a#)/or ca##ot ret$re rom the lac Opscomm(#$t& sa5e or the woo)e# bo3 or w$#)ow p(sh 5ar$et ret$reme#t.

    6#)er th$s ass(mpt$o#& wh$ch $s all $t $s& the Lot(s Mo)el $s #ow #ear$#'complet$o# 7$e: December 20049& a#) the meet$#' w$ll 'o ahea) o# March8th 2008.

    For a#o#e l$5$#' $# the D, area& $t s(re wo(l) mae a# $#terest$#' )a or ac(lt/(ral 5$s$t to the Maso#$c Maso#$c Temple o# 2%00 Bth street.....


    oste): S(# Dec 12, 2!>:82 am ost s(bect: ,oeehttp://ea'les)$sobe.or'/,MS/mo)(les.phpG#amePFor(ms$leP5$ewtop$ctP2% a'e >8

    Burisch /0 more /o ay Fe li.es a mile from unchase apartments

    here he li.ed &efore+ li.e ri'ht at the same apartments he does no+ e comes rom the )$ere#t me#& a#) w$th a woma# I th$# $s McDowell. I see h$mcarte) $# a# o(t b M$* $# (rse Deborah $# the$r s$l5er car at least o#cee5er wee too.

    he# he wals alo#e he1s 'ot h$s coee w$th a bl(e m(' a#) a wh$tem$croscope o# $t. e )oes#1t wal o# the pa5eme#t b(t $# the 'rass betwee#a reall lo#' two rows o trees o# the #orth s$)e o the 'ro(#)s.


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Two mo#ths a'o I saw a l$ttle '$rl that 5$s$ts m #e$'hbor1s $)s r(# (p toh$m a#) a#other l$ttle '$rl. The tale) or awh$le a#) she let. I ase) thel$ttle '$rl who that was. She tol) me that $s $ctor$a1s ather a#) that he $s asc$e#t$st a#) a #$ce ma#. That pro5es $t was h$mN e wale) r$'ht b m

    place wee a'o.

    I1ll eep watch$#' b(t I wo#1t 'et a# closer. Short

    Abstract: Mabe #ot all wor #o plaG

    YPY ;:; YPY ;:; Y;YZY;Y ;:; YPY ;:; YPY^6ESTIO

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Dr. Da# (r$sch& who $s $# a ?(as$ loc;)ow# s$t(at$o#& sa$) he wo(l) l$eto ha5e pres$)e#t$al hope(l& Coh# @err& ass$st h$m $# obta$#$#' a,o#'ress$o#al hear$#'& w$th $mm(#$t& where he co(l) '$5e test$mo# to5ar$o(s blac op proects $# wh$ch he has bee# $#5ol5e).

    S(ch test$mo# wo(l) $#cl()e h$s #owle)'e o a#) $#5ol5eme#t $# creat$#')es$'#er 5$r(ses or b$owarare that co(l) 'et o(t o ha#)& s$m$lar to theAIDS 5$r(s& wh$ch also or$'$#ate) $# a laborator. E5$)e#ce or h$s$#5ol5eme#t $# th$s act$5$t ca# alle'e)l be o(#) $# a s$'#at(re se?(e#cethat he h$#te) at ha5$#' place) $# the 'e#et$c co)e o the weapo#s;'ra)eor'a#$sms o# wh$ch he h$#te) that he ha) wore)& accor)$#' to a# $#ter5$ewo# Apr$l 8& 2004 b arr Dschaa a#) Sterl$#' Alla#.

    WThe worl) sho(l) #ow o

    the )a#'ers we ace& a#)wh&X (r$sch sa$) $# a#$#ter5$ew hel) 5$a a webchat w$th two $#)$5$)(als o#the mor#$#' o Ma 4&wh$ch $s #ow p(bl$she) o#the web.

    The#& o# the e5e#$#' oMa 4& $# a#other web chat&th$s o#e ope# to a#o#ewho wa#te) to o$# $#& he$#)$rectl )$sclose) that hewas $#5ol5e) $# the creat$o# o what has come to be #ow# as the =(l arS#)rome. oth co#ere#ces $#cl()e) the prese#ce o a web cam a#)m(lt$ple w$t#esses who were part to the chat.

    =(l;war s#)rome reers to a# o)) assortme#t o smptoms o$#t pa$#&at$'(e& hea)ache& memor a#) sleep problems`reporte) b tho(sa#)s o

    =(l;war 5etera#s $# se5eral co(#tr$es. Altho('h ma# cases ha5e bee#e3pla$#e) b post;tra(mat$c stress )$sor)er& ro('hl a $th rema$#(#)$a'#ose).

    Reser5$sts or

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    a#) a lot o a#'r protests b the 5$ct$ms& the A ope#e) a re'$str $# "">or =(l ar 5etera#s w$th these smptoms& a#) b September ""> %0&000ha) ma)e cla$ms.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch



    (r$sch )oes #ot wa#t to be s(bpoe#ae) (#t$l ater he completes the Lot(sroect o# wh$ch he $s prese#tl comm$ss$o#e) b a bo) that reers tothemsel5es as Wthe Maest$c Twel5e.X The Lot(s roect perta$#s to the)e5elopme#t o what $s calle) the =a#esh art$cle& wh$ch $s p(rporte) toha5e heal$#' a#) re'e#erat$5e powers& b(t wh$ch has pro5e# )$sastro(s $# atr$al r(#.

    (r$sch sa$) WThe mo)el ILL be $#$she). Ater the mo)el& I w$ll beret$r$#'&X wh$ch $s prese#tl sche)(le) or WMarch B& 2008&X ollow$#' the

    prese#tat$o# o the mo)el wh$ch $#s$)e so(rces close to (r$sch sa$) wassche)(le) to tae place $# ash$#'to# D.,. o# March 8& 2008.

    (r$sch seems to bel$e5e some orm o hear$#' $s alrea) $# the wors. WI Iam )ra''e) a#where& a#) a 'ra#t o complete& (ll& bla#et $mm(#$t $sattache)& thatQs beca(se we probabl alrea) ha) $t ester)aNX

    Reerr$#' to the hea) o the Maest$c Twel5e& who reers to h$msel as WC&X(r$sch co#t$#(e)& sa$#'& WC w$ll ha5e $#str(cte) me to ope# (p the I=ca# o worms.X 7I# ""4& the hea) o the Maest$c Twel5e was ret$re) $ceA)m$ral Coh# M$chael Mc,o##el& 6.S.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    se5eral ho(rs. S(ch a# ope# or(m ormat $s (#prece)e#te) or th$s t$'ht;l$ppe) Lot(s roect.

    The )$rector o the Lot(s roect& Marc$a McDowell& who also 'oes b .C.&was also patche) $#to the o#l$#e meet$#'. McDowell too o5er )$rectorsh$po the proect rom (r$sch beca(se o the e3pos(re that came to the proectollow$#' the Apr$l % press release b Dschaa a#) Alla#.

    he# she o$#e) the co#ere#ce ater a ew m$#(tes o $t be$#' (#)er wa&(r$sch $#orme) her& JI ha5e bee# $#str(cte) b C to procee) w$thcomplete tr(th& sa5e o#e s(bect& where I am to sa

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    the =(l o Me3$co were completel po$so#e)& $ll$#' all l$e& $# what(r$sch has reerre) to as Jlacwater.J

    The p(bl$c ma also wa#t to #ow more abo(t the =a#esh part$cle& wh$chhas )emo#strate) a $ll$#' capac$t& wh$ch (r$sch wa#ts to $#$sh& beore

    be$#' calle) to test$ abo(t what he #ows abo(t )es$'#er 5$r(ses& =(lar S#)rome& a#) other blac op proects to wh$ch he $s perso#all pr$5.

    JFor the Sae o (ma#$t;;Tell the orl)NJ sa$) (r$sch $# the co(rse othe p(bl$c chat sess$o#. JThe ra$s$#' o the co#sc$o(s#ess o the worl) $s a#$mporta#t th$#'& to me& b(t act$#' respo#s$bl $s as well.J

    $lso pu&lished at;http;88+ He'as Micro&iolo'ist mplicated in >ulf 3ar yndrome

    "" 7riendly 7ire 3MD

    #r. #an Burisch see$s John %erry&s hel! for gaining immunity to testify

    in 'ongressional (earing about designer viruses and other blac$ o!

    !ro)ects. *cientist behind !roviding bac$firing immunity to the Gulf +ar

    vets now wants immunity to testify about his $nowledge of this syndrome.

    A classic case of Karma catching up with someone.

    By terlin' D+ $llan

    Greater Things News Service

    Ma B& 2004

    LAS E=AS&

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Dr. Da# (r$sch& who $s $# a ?(as$ loc;)ow# s$t(at$o#& sa$) he wo(l) l$eto ha5e pres$)e#t$al hope(l& Coh# @err& ass$st h$m $# obta$#$#' a,o#'ress$o#al hear$#'& w$th $mm(#$t& where he co(l) '$5e test$mo# to5ar$o(s blac op proects $# wh$ch he has bee# $#5ol5e).

    S(ch test$mo# wo(l) $#cl()e h$s #owle)'e o a#) $#5ol5eme#t $# creat$#')es$'#er 5$r(ses or b$owarare that co(l) 'et o(t o ha#)& s$m$lar to theAIDS 5$r(s& wh$ch also or$'$#ate) $# a laborator. E5$)e#ce or h$s$#5ol5eme#t $# th$s act$5$t ca# alle'e)l be o(#) $# a s$'#at(re se?(e#cethat he h$#te) at ha5$#' place) $# the 'e#et$c co)e o the weapo#s;'ra)eor'a#$sms o# wh$ch he h$#te) that he ha) wore)& accor)$#' to a# $#ter5$ewo# Apr$l 8& 2004 b arr Dschaa a#) Sterl$#' Alla#.

    WThe worl) sho(l) #ow o

    the )a#'ers we ace& a#)wh&X (r$sch sa$) $# a#$#ter5$ew hel) 5$a a webchat w$th two $#)$5$)(als o#the mor#$#' o Ma 4&wh$ch $s #ow p(bl$she) o#the web.

    The#& o# the e5e#$#' oMa 4& $# a#other web chat&th$s o#e ope# to a#o#ewho wa#te) to o$# $#& he$#)$rectl )$sclose) that hewas $#5ol5e) $# the creat$o# o what has come to be #ow# as the =(l arS#)rome. oth co#ere#ces $#cl()e) the prese#ce o a web cam a#)m(lt$ple w$t#esses who were part to the chat.

    =(l;war s#)rome reers to a# o)) assortme#t o smptoms o$#t pa$#&at$'(e& hea)ache& memor a#) sleep problems`reporte) b tho(sa#)s o

    =(l;war 5etera#s $# se5eral co(#tr$es. Altho('h ma# cases ha5e bee#e3pla$#e) b post;tra(mat$c stress )$sor)er& ro('hl a $th rema$#(#)$a'#ose).

    Reser5$sts or

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    a#) a lot o a#'r protests b the 5$ct$ms& the A ope#e) a re'$str $# "">or =(l ar 5etera#s w$th these smptoms& a#) b September ""> %0&000ha) ma)e cla$ms.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch



    (r$sch )oes #ot wa#t to be s(bpoe#ae) (#t$l ater he completes the Lot(sroect o# wh$ch he $s prese#tl comm$ss$o#e) b a bo) that reers tothemsel5es as Wthe Maest$c Twel5e.X The Lot(s roect perta$#s to the)e5elopme#t o what $s calle) the =a#esh art$cle& wh$ch $s p(rporte) toha5e heal$#' a#) re'e#erat$5e powers& b(t wh$ch has pro5e# )$sastro(s $# atr$al r(#.

    (r$sch sa$) WThe mo)el ILL be $#$she). Ater the mo)el& I w$ll beret$r$#'&X wh$ch $s prese#tl sche)(le) or WMarch B& 2008&X ollow$#' the

    prese#tat$o# o the mo)el wh$ch $#s$)e so(rces close to (r$sch sa$) wassche)(le) to tae place $# ash$#'to# D.,. o# March 8& 2008.

    (r$sch seems to bel$e5e some orm o hear$#' $s alrea) $# the wors. WI Iam )ra''e) a#where& a#) a 'ra#t o complete& (ll& bla#et $mm(#$t $sattache)& thatQs beca(se we probabl alrea) ha) $t ester)aNX

    Reerr$#' to the hea) o the Maest$c Twel5e& who reers to h$msel as WC&X(r$sch co#t$#(e)& sa$#'& WC w$ll ha5e $#str(cte) me to ope# (p the I=ca# o worms.X 7I# ""4& the hea) o the Maest$c Twel5e was ret$re) $ceA)m$ral Coh# M$chael Mc,o##el& 6.S.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    (r$sch the# sa$) that Wthe cha#ces o th$s happe#$#' are......&X b(t )$) #ot$#$sh the se#te#ce& '$5$#' a# $mpl$cat$o# o 5er low probab$l$t.

    e the# sa$)& WI I was place) $# that s$t(at$o#& I a'ree that I ma be a#appropr$ate lea) '( as the poster ch$l)X o the )$sclos(re proect or thetho(sa#)s o blac op proects that ha5e bee# $# operat$o# o the past halce#t(r.

    ,omme#t$#' o# th$s )$sclos(re sce#ar$o (r$sch )escr$be)& Dschaa sa$)& JItrees o the arre# ,omm$ss$o#& $# wh$ch a pr$5ate 'ro(p 'ets the (ll)eta$ls& wh$le the p(bl$c $s '$5e# a 5ers$o# that has bee# completel wh$te;washe).J

    Dschaa has bee# a e plaer amo#' a small 'ro(p o c$t$*e#s worl)w$)e

    who ha5e act$5el ollowe) the (r$sch sa'a o# a p(bl$c or(m threa) at=o)l$epro)(ct$o#s.com 7=L9 s$#ce & where $#ormat$o#rom the $#s$)e has bee# leae) a l$ttle at a t$me& a#) where )$s$#ormat$o#has bee# )$$c(lt to wee) o(t rom 'e#($#e acts.

    The J$' ca# O wormsJ ma ha5e act(all bee# ope#e) the #$'ht ollow$#'the Ma 4 7earl am9 chat. JC&J came o#to the =L or(m at :02 pm EDTa#) sa$)& JI am 'o$#' to ope# (p Da# (r$sch to a co#ere#ce $ o( wa#to#e. Th$s w$ll be o(r LAST cha#ce to spea w$th th$s ma# that o( are

    p(sh$#' aro(#) whe# o( #ow l$ttle o h$m. ow )o I #ow o( #ow sol$ttleG It1s beca(se o( ha5e re'ar)e) h$m as a sa$#t. I ha5e $#str(cte) h$m totell the complete tr(th to o( people& sa5e o#e $ss(e. That w$ll becomeappare#t. e w$ll sa

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    se5eral ho(rs. S(ch a# ope# or(m ormat $s (#prece)e#te) or th$s t$'ht;l$ppe) Lot(s roect.

    The )$rector o the Lot(s roect& Marc$a McDowell& who also 'oes b .C.&was also patche) $#to the o#l$#e meet$#'. McDowell too o5er )$rectorsh$po the proect rom (r$sch beca(se o the e3pos(re that came to the proectollow$#' the Apr$l % press release b Dschaa a#) Alla#.

    he# she o$#e) the co#ere#ce ater a ew m$#(tes o $t be$#' (#)er wa&(r$sch $#orme) her& JI ha5e bee# $#str(cte) b C to procee) w$thcomplete tr(th& sa5e o#e s(bect& where I am to sa

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    the =(l o Me3$co were completel po$so#e)& $ll$#' all l$e& $# what(r$sch has reerre) to as Jlacwater.J

    The p(bl$c ma also wa#t to #ow more abo(t the =a#esh part$cle& wh$chhas )emo#strate) a $ll$#' capac$t& wh$ch (r$sch wa#ts to $#$sh& beore

    be$#' calle) to test$ abo(t what he #ows abo(t )es$'#er 5$r(ses& =(lar S#)rome& a#) other blac op proects to wh$ch he $s perso#all pr$5.

    JFor the Sae o (ma#$t;;Tell the orl)NJ sa$) (r$sch $# the co(rse othe p(bl$c chat sess$o#. JThe ra$s$#' o the co#sc$o(s#ess o the worl) $s a#$mporta#t th$#'& to me& b(t act$#' respo#s$bl $s as well.J

    Also p(bl$she) at:http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/4/prweb24>8.php


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch



    Area 8 M$crob$olo'$st Rea) to Tal 7Apr$l %& 2004 ress Release9http://'reaterth$#'s.com/

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch



    $llan ays Burisch is Lyin' to $.oid )estifyin' $&out -++ Blac*"0p

    3eapons of Mass Destruction

    *ays icrobiologist im!licated in the Gulf +ar *yndrome, designer

    viruses, and other blac$ o! !ro)ects, has lied in order to buy himself more

    time and avoid testifying on these life-and-death matters that could im!act

    millions, !ast, !resent, and near future.

    Greater Things News Service

    Ma "& 2004

    LAS E=AS&

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    Apr$l 8 meet$#' that (r$sch a#) McDowell ha) w$th Dschaa a#) Alla#.

    More rece#tl& Alla# poste) a press release $mpl$cat$#' (r$sch $# the =(lar S#)rome& (s$#' (r$sch1 ow# wor)s& co#$rme) b Marc$a McDowell&as set (p b the$r s(per$or& ret$re) $ce A)m$ral Coh# M$chael Mc,o##el&6.S.

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    A ew )as ollow$#' the $rst report b Alla#& Dr. (r$sch co#$)e) $# a#assoc$ate& $ll am$lto#& that he tho('ht the press release Jwas premat(re.Jor) came bac that (r$sch wa#te) to $#$sh wor o# the Lot(s roect.(r$sch a#) McDowell both coole) towar) Dschaa a#) Alla#. The ha)ase) or help& b(t )$) #ot seem to l$e the $#) o help a#) e3pos(re thatDschaa a#) Alla# were br$#'$#'. (r$sch certa$#l )$) #ot wa#t to '$5ea# $#) o test$mo# abse#t $mm(#$t.

    O# Ma & Dschaa comp$le) a ser$es o messa'es spa##$#' se5eral ears $#wh$ch he e3presse) stro#' co#cer#s abo(t Da#1s $#5ol5eme#t $# the)e5elopme#t o b$oweapo#r.

    Dschaa reporte):


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    swor)& to '(ar) the wa to the Tree o L$e.J=e# >:24& The Cer(salem $ble

    As I (#)ersta#) $t& rom $#ormat$o# leae) b people $# the proect&h$s s(per$ors wa#t to (se h$s #owle)'e to help them tap $#to th$s

    power w$tho(t a)e?(ate #owle)'e o what $t m$'ht )o. eca(se& ra#lthe )o#1t care what $#) o car#a'e the (#leash& as lo#' as the 'eta weapo# o(t o $t.

    lease tell Dr. (r$sch how $mporta#t $t $s or h$m to res$st thetemptat$o# to tamper w$th =o)s $#te#)e) pla#. e ca# be reache) at>200 McLeo) Dr.& Apt dB2 & Las e'as &

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    a#) McDowell& Dschaa a#) Alla# were $#creas$#'l $#te#t o# 'ett$#'(r$sch $#to a hear$#'& w$th or w$tho(t $mm(#$t& to test$ o what he#ows abo(t these 5ar$o(s operat$o#s a#) the a)mo#$t$o# com$#' rom(r$sch1 $#s$)ers were $#creas$#'l tell$#' Dschaa a#) Alla# to bac o.

    The#& earl o# the mor#$#' o Ma 2& Alla# poste) #ot$ce at the =L or(mthat Dschaa a#) he ha) a co#tact that m$'ht be able to 'et a s(bpoe#a.$th$# ho(rs& McDowell ma)e a# (#prece)e#te) mo5e a#) poste) a re?(esto# that same p(bl$c or(m. She wa#te) a()$e#ce w$th someo#e 5$a a#I#sta#t Messe#'er chat& as soo# as poss$ble.

    O#ce o# the pr$5ate chat& she sa$)& J I 'ot woe# (p th$s mor#$#' to theso(#) o [a\ comp(ter1s alarm. ...It1s 'ett$#' o(t o ha#). Da# has to $#$sh(p h$s wor. Too ma# l$5es )epe#) o# $t or h$m to 'o trott$#' o(t to some

    hal bae) 1hear$#'1 o# the h$ll.J

    JI Sterl$#' a#) h$s cohort eep th$s crap (p& m boss sas that Da# s$mplwo#1t be there. Tr ser5$#' the apoose Lae ac$l$t. That $s e3actl what$s l$el to happe# $ the p(sh th$s.J

    apoose Lae $s locate) #ear Area 8 $#

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    'a5e them the passwor) to 'a$# access to meet w$th (r$sch a#) McDowell.

    McDowell also sa$) that Dschaa a#) Alla# Jl$e) [abo(t\ 'o$#' p(bl$c w$tho(r co#5ersat$o#.J

    Alla# respo#)s that th$s came rom a m$scomm(#$cat$o#. e a#) DschaaJass(me) that (r$sch a#) McDowell #ew that the =L or(m a#) theespec$all were all or )$sclos(re to the p(bl$c.J The$r me#t$o# o Jhol)$#'o or a wh$le beore tal$#' abo(t th$s meet$#' to others mea#t poss$bl aew )as& whereas (r$sch a#) McDowell $#terprete) the$r stateme#t tomea# wees or mo#ths.J

    Alla# sa$) h$s $#te#t was Jto allow some t$me so that the$r locat$o# at thet$me o the meet$#' wo(l) #ot be )$sco5ere).J (r$sch1s sec(r$t was

    s(ppose)l o(ts$)e the ,as$#o& a#) wo(l) #ot #ow o the meet$#' ta$#'place. Alla# wa#te) (r$sch to Jbe able to co#t$#(e to 'o there to rela3.Jhe# Alla# ret(r#e) rom the 5$s$t& a#) )$sco5ere) that ?($te a ew peoplewere alrea) tal$#' p(bl$cl abo(t the meet$#'& wa#t$#' to #ow whathappe#e)& the Jp(rpose o wa$t$#' was re#)ere) moot.J

    eca(se o th$s m$scomm(#$cat$o#& (r$sch a#) McDowell elt that Alla#a#) (r$sch ha) 5$olate) a tr(st whe# the p(bl$she) a press release (stthree )as ollow$#' the meet$#'. The were (se) to comm(#$cat$o#s be$#'ept pr$5ate& e5e# tho('h the cla$m to wa#t people to Jtell the worl).J

    McDowell comme#te) o# Ma 4& JTh$s whole $ss(e has bee# so char'e)&that e5erbo) has bee# polar$*$#' o5er $t. It has become brother a'a$#st

    brother& e5e# $#s$)e.J

    She the# sa$) that JDa# has bee# mo5e) o#e more laer $#to sec(r$t& a#)th$s a))ress $s #ot 5al$) a#more ater we 'et )o#e tal$#'.J

    Jhat $s )$ere#t #ow $s th$s: there $s a co#certe) eort (#)erwa r$'ht

    #ow& b the Ill(m$#at$ to 'et Da# o(t $#to the p(bl$c where the ca# ha5e ath$m. The are st$ll [(pset\ that he re(se) to o$# them all those ears a'o I'(ess. (t the st$ll ha5e e#ormo(s $#l(e#ce a#) ca# 'et people l$eSterl$#' a#) others to )o the$r b$))$#'& wh$ch appears o# the s(race to bethe 1r$'ht1 th$#' to )o. (t $# real$t o#l ser5es the$r ow# tw$ste) a'e#)a.J

    Alla# repl$e): JDa# a#) .C. see themsel5es as wh$te #$'hts $# sh$#$#'


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    armor b(t rom m perspect$5e& the a#) the $ll(m$#at$ are both ser5$#' a#a'e#)a that $s #ot $# the best $#terest o ma#$#). ow a perso# who wasappare#tl $#5ol5e) $# the =(l ar $mm(#$*at$o#s $asco& co(l) the# r(# atest o# h$s #ew proect a#) po$so# 80 s?(are m$les o ocea#& a#) #ot th$#tw$ce abo(t co#t$#($#' the proect& bales m m$#).J

    Abo(t se5e# ho(rs ater McDowell1s plea 5$a chat& poste) to the =L or(m&(r$sch poste) three messa'es )$rectl to the or(m& also (#prece)e#te).e s(ppose)l )oes #ot ha5e )$rect access to the I#ter#et. I# the $rstmessa'e& he (r'e): Jlease stop all operat$o#s o# th$s or(m. 1all ha5emore tha# tol) the worl)N Tha# o( allN For'et abo(t me a#) let me 'et

    bac to wor. It $s 5$tall $mporta#t at th$s t$me.J

    I# the th$r) post& he sa$)& JTha# o( all or the eort to ree me& b(t )o#1t

    worr abo(t me #ow. @eep e3plor$#' a#) ha5e (# l$5es.J

    The or(m $s compose) o #earl 20 re'(lars who ha5e bee# $mmerse) $#the stor or some se5e# mo#ths& $#cl()$#' Dschaa. Alla# $s a relat$5e#ewcomer. The or(m threa) $s #ow $# $ts %th 5ol(me& a#) has $# e3cess o2&000 posts& mostl re'ar)$#' (r$sch a#) h$s wor.

    eca(se a#o#e ca# post a#th$#' o# the ope# or(m& Dschaa a#) Alla#w$she) to 'et 5er$$cat$o# that the post came rom (r$sch.

    e$#' $# e'as that )a& the se#t a #ot$ce to the or(m& $#te#)e) or(r$sch1 #ot$$cat$o#& that the wo(l) be stopp$#' b (r$sch1 apartme#t ;;)e$#' the cla$m that o#e Jca##ot 'et w$th$# 80 eet.J he# meet$#' w$thAlla# a#) Dscaa o# Apr$l 8& (r$sch sa$) that $ someo#e were to approachh$s apartme#t& sec(r$t wo(l) Jmae $t loo l$e a m(''erJ ha) 'otte# tothem.

    Two ho(rs later& Alla# a#) Dschaa showe) (p at (r$sch apartme#t& wh$ch$s s$t(ate) $# a 200;(#$t& two;loor& mo)erate;$#come comple3. The wale)

    r$'ht (p to h$s )oor& #oce) a co(ple o t$mes& wa5e) at h$s webcamstra$#e) o(t the w$#)ow. he# #o o#e a#swere)& the wale) to the par$#'lot a#) saw (r$sch1 car pare) there. (r$sch a#) McDowell a#)co$#c$)e#tall pare) $mme)$atel oppos$#' Dschaa1s 5eh$cle o# Apr$l 8&a#) the o(r $#)$5$)(als saw each other a'a$# $# the par$#' 'ara'e as the)eparte) rom the 000;some par$#' accommo)ate) ,as$#o& so the $)e#t$to (r$sch1 5eh$cle was #ow# b them. O# the e5e#$#' o Ma 4& the saw


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    (r$sch e#ter the same 5eh$cle at a#other locat$o#.

    Dschaa a#) Alla# wa$te) a wh$le lo#'er $# the apartme#t lo(#'e areaoc$#' a#) wa5$#' o#e more t$me o# the$r wa bac rom where (r$sch1car was pare)& a#) the# #ot$ce) as o#e a#) the# a#other pol$ce car p(lle)$#. (r$sch ha) calle) the pol$ce& sa$#' someth$#' to the eect o:JSomeo#e has come to m )oor. I ha5e a Machete& a#) I1m #ot ara$) to (se$t.J

    Dschaa a#) Alla# approache) the o$cers a#) ase) $ the were loo$#'or them. The e3pla$#e) wh there were there. Dschaa ha#)e) theo$cers a #ote he ha) wr$tte#& wh$ch he was 'o$#' to tape to the )oor& that

    bas$call sa$)& Jwe #ee) to tal&J a#) let a pho#e #(mber. O#e o theo$cers too the #ote to (r$sch1s apartme#t& a#) the# ret(r#e) sa$#'& Je

    )oes #ot w$sh to see o( he #e5er wa#ts to see o( a'a$# he wa#ts #oth$#'(rther to )o w$th o(.J

    JI '(ess that co#$rms that&J Alla# sa$) to Dschaa& reerr$#' to the postalle'e)l rom (r$sch that ha) bee# poste) to the =L or(m& (r$schthrea).

    The #e3t mor#$#'& $# the earl AM ho(rs& (r$sch ha) a pr$5ate chat sess$o#w$th two members o the =L or(m& $# wh$ch he )e#$e) e5e# #ow$#'Dschaa a#) Alla#& as $ he ha) #e5er hear) o e$ther o them. e also)e#$e) that he ha) met w$th the two o# Apr$l 8& w$th McDowell. he#

    presse)& he sa$) that the two m(st ha5e met w$th h$s a#) McDowell1sJ)o(ble&J reerr$#' to a loo;al$e sta#) $#. Thro('ho(t the chat& (r$schept press$#' to #ow wh the two ha) come to h$s apartme#t a#) what the$r

    b(s$#ess was. e wa#te) to #ow $ the ha) papers to ser5e (r$sch.

    That )e#$al b (r$sch st$rre) (p a l(rr o co#tro5ers& a#) le) to a seco#)chat sess$o# that e5e#$#'. O#ce a'a$# (r$sch )e#$e) that he ha) met w$thDschaa a#) Alla# o# Apr$l 8& a#) (rther 'a5e e3pla#at$o# re'ar)$#' h$s

    J)o(bleJ alle'$#' that h$s )o(ble also ha) a 4J 3 /4J $#ch scar (p the baco h$s hea) a#) that h$s )o(ble was a)e?(atel aware o all o the $ss(es

    perta$#$#' to (r$sch1 l$e& a#) co(l) th(s a))ress them w$tho(t hes$tat$o#.

    owe5er& Dschaa a#) Alla# sa that (r$sch $s l$#'. The )$) meet.(r$sch )$) $#str(ct them re'ar)$#' h$s )es$re or a ,o#'ress$o#al hear$#'.e )$) tal abo(t how a s$'#at(re se?(e#ce co(l) be $#serte) $#to the


  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    'e#et$c co)e o a )es$'#er 5$r(s a#) that th$s Js$'#at(reJ co(l) be hel) ase5$)e#ce o the h(ma# or$'$# o these a#) other b$o;weapo# or'a#$sms.

    Alla# sas& Je $s tr$#' to blacball (s to )$scre)$t (s so to the po$#t thatwe w$ll #ot ha5e a# swa $# 'ett$#' a# act(al s(bpoe#a to br$#' h$m $# totest$ ;; $mm(#$t or #ot.J

    The co#tact that Dschaa a#) Alla# were p(rs($#' $# the$r tr$p to e'as& thatbro('ht them $#to pos$t$o# to )rop $# o# (r$sch1 apartme#t& was =or)o#

  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch



  • 8/12/2019 Dr Dan Burisch


    ('S )*&'S, +) "P-*B# '$ril , !!4 // -hen it comes to the01ruth is Stranger 1han 2iction0 de$artment, those following the Dr.Dan Burisch story feel they ha%e found the $oster child. Biowarfare,mind/melds with a li%ing e3traterrestrial, daily angel %isits, designer%iruses that incor$orate lethal *1 strains, stargate transmissions,remote %iewing, astrology, Catholic/mysticism, udaic/kaballa, humansub5ects, abductions, treaties with e3traterrestrials, area/67, abductedwhen 8 years old, a &anesh $article that con%eys healing and$ossibly immortality, co%ert o$erations, $ole shifts, !7, fate of the$lanet, black o$s, broken bones from hea%y/handed handlers, 40 37940 scar u$ the back of his head. Dr. Burisch has it all.

    But who he is and what he is doing is only half thestory. 1he other half is the conte3t of the world in

    which he li%es. He is in lock/down, but wants to leakinformation to the outside. Some of his handlers are$ro/disclosure, others are a%idly anti/disclosure. 'dd

    to the mi3 the world of the :nternet where anything can be $osted,true or not, at the $ress of a button, and made a%ailable to anyone inthe world. Disinformation, genuine leaks, agendas $itted againstagendas, infighting. :n the midst of this is one forum in $articular thathas taken an almost cult/like interest in the saga. Some $eo$le $utnearly e%erything aside to focus on what is ha$$ening ne3t. obs takea back seat, family takes second $riority // for the sake of thegrandchildren. 'n insider 5ust $osted to the list. ;r was it< -hat cluescan be followed to confirm the truth of the story
