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DASAR-DASAR PENULISAN KARYA ILMIAH Dr. Ja’far, MA Dosen Pascasarjana UIN-SU Managing Editor Jurnal MIQOT Email: [email protected] Website: jafar.uinsu.ac.id

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Dr. Ja’far, MA Dosen Pascasarjana UIN-SU

Managing Editor Jurnal MIQOT

Email: [email protected]

Website: jafar.uinsu.ac.id


Argumen Religius

Perintah membaca dan menulis;

Perintah mengikat ilmu;

Karya dapat menjadi amal jariyah;

Tradisi ulama dan peradaban Muslim.

Argumen Legal-Formal

Syarat menyelesaikan studi;

Kewajiban publikasi artikel berbasis riset;

Kenaikan pangkat bagi guru dan dosen.

Apa itu Karya Ilmiah

Karya ilmiah (bahasa Inggris: scientific paper) adalah

laporan tertulis dan diterbitkan yang memaparkan hasil

penelitian atau pengkajian yang telah dilakukan oleh

seorang atau sebuah tim dengan memenuhi kaidah

dan etika keilmuan yang dikukuhkan dan ditaati oleh

masyarakat keilmuan.

Artikel berkala ilmiah adalah sebuah artikel berbasis

penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam sebuah jurnal dan

penyusunannya dimaksudkan untuk memberi kontribusi

atau peranan terhadap sebuah teori dan

penerapannya. Berkala ilmiah hanya menerbitkan artikel

berbasis riset. Temuan baru menjadi keunggulan.

Tujuan, Fungsi, dan Jenis

Karya Ilmiah

Tujuan: memecahkan masalah, menambah dan mengembangkan ilmu tertentu.

Fungsi: pendidikan, penelitian,

pengembangan ilmu.

Jenis-jenis Karya Ilmiah: Karya Ilmiah Pendidikan (makalah kuliah, risalah sarjana

muda, skripsi, tesis, disertasi); Karya Ilmiah Panduan (textbook, handbook, diktat)

Karya Ilmiah Referensi (kamus, ensiklopedi) Karya Ilmiah Penelitian (makalah seminar, laporan hasil

penelitian, artikel berkala ilmiah)

Karakteristik Karya Ilmiah










Kompetensi yang Diperlukan

Menguasai disiplin ilmu yang dikaji dan dituliskan (ilmu sosial, alama, atau humaniora);

Menguasai logika berpikir (deduktif/induktif);

Memiliki referensi yang tepat (primer, sekunder, tersier);

Menguasai kaidah bahasa yang digunakan (kata baku [KBBI], diksi, jenis kutipan, penyusunan kalimat, dan penyusunan paragraf);

Menguasai teknik penulisan ilmiah (gaya selingkung), termasuk model-model penulisan referensi seperti Turabian Style, Harvard

Style, Vancouver Style, American Psychological Association (APA) Style, atau Chicago Style;

Menguasai dasar penelitian ilmiah (riset sebagai sarana menyelesaikan masalah, menemukan masalah, merumuskan masalah, instrumen pengumpulan data dan analisis data (reduksi,

pemaparan, dan penyimpulan). Mampu tidak saja mendeskripsikan data, tetapi menafsirkan, mengkritik, membandingkan data, dan menyimpulkan);

Penguasaan Kaidah Bahasa

Diksi (pilihan kata yang tepat dan selaras

untuk mengungkapkan gagasan).

Kata baku (kata yang benar menurut

aturan dan ejaan kaidah bahasa Indonesia.

Sumber: KBBI.

Struktur kalimat( terdiri atas subjek, prediket,

objek, pelengkap, dan keterangan).

Struktur paragraf (seperangkat kalimat yang

terdiri atas satu kalimat pokok dan

beberapa kalimat penjelas)

Karya Ilmiah:

Menyelesaikan Masalah

Masalah: kesenjangan antara harapan (das sollen) dengan kenyataan (das sein), antara kebutuhan dengan yang tersedia, antara yang seharusnya (what should be) dengan yang ada (what it is) [Suryabrata, 1994: 60];

Stonner [1982]: masalah-masalah dapat dicari apabila terdapat penyimpangan antara pengalaman dengan kenyataan, antara apa yang direncanakan dengan kenyataan, adanya pengaduan, dan kompetisi.


Menemukan Masalah

Hasil Observasi (pengamatan),

Dedukasi Teori,

Ulasan Kepustakaan,

Hasil Penelitian,

Masalah sosial yang aktual,

Pertemuan Ilmiah (seminar),

Pernyataan Pemerintah atau ilmuwan,

Pengalaman Pribadi.

Menyelesaikan Masalah

Menentukan pendekatan yang tepat

(Teologis Normatif; Antropologis; Sosiologis;

Filosofis; Historis; Psikologis);

Didasari data yang akurat (studi dokumen

[primer dan sekunder), wawancara, atau



Dampak: melawan hukum, dan sanksi.


Menanamkan kejujuran dan kreativitas


Menulis karya: unik, aktual, baru, dan hasil


Mampu membedakan kutipan langsung

(mengutip sesuai dengan sumber aslinya dan

kalimat yang dikutip tidak diubah) dan

kutipan tidak langsung (meringkas kalimat dari

sumber aslinya, tapi tidak menghilangkan

gagasan asli dari sumber itu).


Pengenalan dan Penulisan Artikel




Dr. Ja’far, MA

Dosen Pascasarjana UIN Sumatera Utara

Managing Editor MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman

Website: http://jafar.uinsu.ac.id http://www.jafaruinsumaterautara.org

E-mail: [email protected]

HP. 0813 6295 4860

Peraturan Berkala Ilmiah

• Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian

Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor

49/DIKTI/Kep/2011 Tentang Pedoman Akreditasi Terbitan Berkala


• Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Kemendikbud Nomor 1 Tahun 2014

Tentang Pedoman Akreditasi Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (revisi);

• Surat Edaran Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor :

2050/E/T/2011 tanggal 30 Desember 2011, perihal tentang

Kebijakan Unggah Karya dan Jurnal;

• Surat Dirjen Dikti No. 1223/E/T/2012 tentang Kewajiban Berkala

Ilmiah Secara Elektronik;

• Surat Dirjen Dikti No. 152/E/T/2012, Wajib mempublikasikan

karya ilmiah, baik S1, S2, maupun S3 (S1: jurnal lokal; S2: jurnal

nasional; S3: jurnal internasional).



Internasional tidak bereputasi;

Internasional bereputasi (terindeks

scopus, thompson);

Nasional tidak bereputasi;

Nasional (terakreditasi Kementristek

Dikti, terindeks di moraref, IPI, dan Sinta,

Indonesia OneSeacrh, ISJD).



Menerapkan OJS. Dapat diakses secara online;

Memiliki p-issn dan e-issn;

Jurnal terindeks di lembaga indeks internasional

(misalnya Scopus);

Penulis, reviewer, dan pengelola berasal dari

minimal 3 benua dan memiliki ID scopus;

Naskah berbahasa PBB (Seperti Inggris atau


Beredar, dibaca, dan disitasi oleh masyarakat

akademik secara internasional;



Naskah berbasis riset (lapangan atau


Tema naskah: aktual, unik, orisinil, dan menarik,

atau respons terhadap persoalan global terkini;

Referensi mutakhir dan standar yang dilengkapi

dengan artikel dari jurnal terindeks scopus;

Memenuhi ketentuan jurnal bersangkutan dan

kaedah akademik;

Naskah akan dinilai oleh reviewer internasional.



Penulis dapat melacak jurnal yang terindeks

scopus di www.scimagojr.com

Contoh jurnal: Studia Islamika (Jakarta), al-

Jami’ah (Yogyakarya), Intellectual Discourse

(Malaysia), Contemporary Islam (Belanda), dan

American Journal of Islamic Social Science (AS);

ID Scopus penulis dapat dilacak di






Situs jurnal internasional

Situs jurnal internasional



Terakreditasi Kemenristek Dikti, lihat


Menerapkan OJS. Dapat diakses secara online;

Memiliki p-issn dan e-issn;

Berbahasa Indonesia atau Inggris;

Penulis, dan pengelola (termasuk penyunting ahli)

bersifat nasional;

Sudah terindeks di lembaga indeks non-internasional

(Sinta, IPI, ISJD, moraref, Crossreff, dan DOAJ);

Diterbitkan oleh badan ilmiah;

Beredar secara nasional;



Tema naskah aktual dan unik, sedapat mungkin

bercorak nasional, dan berbasis riset (lapangan

atau kepustakaan);

Referensi mutakhir (3 tahun terakhir), dan

didukung oleh artikel yang terbit di jurnal


Naskah akan dinilai reviewer bereputasi


Contoh jurnal: MIQOT (Medan), Akademika

(Lampung), Ahkam (Jakarta), Islamica (Surabaya),

dan Ulumuna (Mataram).

Situs Jurnal Nasional:

Situs Jurnal Nasional/Internasional:


(5000-7500 Kata / 20 hal.) Tema: aktual, unik, orisinil, dan menarik. Diutamakan respons

terhadap persoalan global terkini

Judul (akademik dan mencerminkan masalah);

Nama & Afiliasi Penulis;

Abstrak (masalah, teori, metode, & temuan [bahasa Inggris, Indonesia)

& kata kunci; (berisi istilah kunci dalam naskah, bukan judul) [1 hal],

Pendahuluan (masalah dan rumusan masalah, penelitian sejenis,

metode, dan teori) [2 hal.],

Pembahasan (jawaban terhadap rumusan masalah (jumlah sub-bab

sesuai rumusan masalah) dan analisis penulis); [14 hal.],

Penutup (kesimpulan [jumlah sesuai dengan rumusan masalah), dan

saran); (1 hal.],

Pustaka Acuan [2 hal.], terdiri atas sumber primer dan sumber

sekunder, termasuk dari artikel yang terbit di jurnal nasional

terakreditasi dan jurnal internasional bereputasi.


Dari berbagai organisasi Islam yang tumbuh dan berkembang di Nusantara, bisa

dikatakan bahwa NU dan Muhammadiyah menjadi dua organisasi Islam terbesar. Sebagai

organisasi Islam, Muhammadiyah memiliki amal usaha yang sangat besar, dan telah berdiri

di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Cukup disayangkan, kajian selama ini masih terfokus pada

Muhammadiyah secara nasional, tetapi kurang merambah sampai ke wilayah daerah,

padahal Muhammadiyah di daerah relatif sukses dalam menanamkan ideologinya. Artikel

ini akan mengkaji dinamika organisasi Muhammadiyah di Sumatera Utara. Kajian ini

merupakan studi kepustakaan, di mana datanya berasal dari telaah terhadap dokumen

terutama dokumen resmi organisasi ditambah dengan referensi karya para ahli tentang

gerak juang organisasi ini baik secara nasional maupun lokal. Kajian ini mengajukan

temuan bahwa Muhammadiyah telah memasuki daerah Sumatera Utara sejak masa

kolonial, dimana organisasi ini banyak mendapatkan penentangan dari penjajah dan pihak

kesultanan di Sumatera Timur, meskipun akhirnya kondisi sosial politik di Sumatera

Utara di era kemerdekaan membuat Muhammadiyah dapat dengan leluasa

mengembangkan paham dan gerakannya hingga menjadi organisasi besar di kawasan ini

menyaingi Al Washliyah dan Al Ittihadiyah. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan

kontribusi bagi pengkajian Islam di Nusantara, dan memperkuat referensi tentang Islam

dan Muhammadiyah di luar Jawa.


Bukan istilah kunci dalam judul;

Melainkan istilah-istilah kunci

dalam keseluruhan naskah;

Bermanfaat bagi peneliti lain yang

hendak mencari naskah penulis

ketika telah terbit.

Tidak lebih dari lima istilah


Mengemukakan masalah kajian;

Merumuskan fokus dan masalah-

masalah yang hendak dikaji;

Merumuskan tujuan dan kegunaan


Mengemukakan metode kajian;

Mengajukan teori yang dipakai

sebagai pisau analisis.


Mengajukan temuan dan kebaruan kajian;

Menjawab rumusan masalah sesuai dengan

metode yang dipakai;

Mengajukan interpretasi dan sistematisasi

terhadap fakta dan data;

Mengajukan kritik dan solusi sebagai pemecahan

terhadap masalah;

Membandingkan dan menganalisa temuan

dengan teori para ahli sebagai analisis;

Mengajukan kesimpulan dalam setiap sub-bab


Mengajukan kesimpulan

yang jumlahnya sesuai

dengan rumusan masalah;

Mengajukan saran-saran

kepada pihak yang relevan

dengan kajian;


Ditulis sesuai dengan gaya selingkung jurnal (biasanya:

Nama Penulis, Judul Buku/“Artikel”. Kota Terbit:

Penerbit, Tahun Terbit. Dapat ditambah ISBN, ISSN,

atau DOI;

Menulis karya yang hanya dikutip dalam catatan kaki

atau catatan akhir, bukan sembarang tulis;

Mengedepankan referensi primer;

Melengkapi dengan artikel jurnal nasional terakreditasi

dan/atau jurnal internasional bereputasi;

Perlu mengutip artikel yang terbit di jurnal yang

terindeks secara nasional dan internasional, terutama

Scopus, Thomson, Crossref, dan DOAJ.


Gagasan pokok: berasal dari hasil pengamatan

dan perenungan mendalam penulis terhadap

berbagai sumber yang dibaca;

Gagasan pendukung: merupakan kumpulan

informasi, data, dan teori yang diperoleh

penulis dari berbagai sumber terpercaya

untuk mendukung gagasan pokok penulis;

Kesimpulan: keputusan penulis terhadap

gagasan pendukung yang menguatkan gagasan



Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah didirikan oleh para ulama dan banyak

melahirkan ulama-ulama yang bermazhab Sunni. (GAGASAN


Organisasi ini didirikan pada tahun 1930 oleh alumni Maktab Islamiyah

Tapanuli yang merupakan ulama-ulama terkemuka Sumatera Utara

seperti Ustaz Ismail Banda, Ustaz Muhammad Arsyad Thalib Lubis,

Ustaz Muhammad Yusuf Ahmad Lubis, dan Ustaz Adnan Lubis

[Syamsuddin: 1956, 2]. Menurut Ja’far (2015), mereka mendalami ilmu-

ilmu agama kepada Syaikh Hasan Maksum dan Syaikh Muhammad

Yunus yang merupakan ulama Sunni terkemuka di Sumatera Timur, dan

meraih pengetahuan dari Sumatera Timur dan Timur Tengah. Mereka

bahkan telah melahirkan karya-karya keislaman dalam berbagai bidang

seperti tauhid, tafsir, hadis, tasawuf dan pendidikan yang telah ikut

memperkuat tradisi Islam Sunni di Nusantara. (GAGASAN


Jadi, dapat dipastikan bahwa mereka memainkan peranan sebagai

benteng bagi tradisi Sunni di Nusantara. (KESIMPULAN)


Pendahuluan ◦ Masalah: harapan vs kenyataan;

◦ Rumusan Masalah (RM):

1) Rumusan Masalah 1

2) Rumusan Masalah 2

3) Rumusan Masalah 3

◦ Teori dan Metode Kajian.

Hasil dan Pembahasan ◦ Sub-bab 1: Jawaban RM 1;

◦ Sub-bab 2: Jawaban RM 2;

◦ Sub-bab 3: Jawaban RM 3;

Penutup ◦ Kesimpulan

Jawaban Ringkas RM 1;

Jawaban Ringkas RM 2;

Jawaban Ringkas RM 3;

◦ Saran-saran: pengguna hasil penelitian.

APA Style Citations (American Psychological Association)

This guide provides basic guidelines and examples for citing sources using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.

APA style requires that sources receive attribution in the text by the use of parenthetical in-text references. General guidelines for in-text references are included on page 5 of this guide.


Book:One Author

Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year of Publication). Title. Publisher Location:


Sample Citation:Welch, K.E. (1999). Electric rhetoric: Classical rhetoric, oralism, and a

new literacy. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Book:Two or More


Format: Author Last, First Initial, & Author Last, First Initial. (Year of Pub). Title.

Location of Publisher: Publisher.

[Note: If an article has seven or fewer authors, all names should be included in the reference list. If there are more than seven authors, list the first six in this format and complete the author section of the citation with � et al.� ]

Sample Citation:Lunsford, A., & Ede, L. (1990). Singular texts/plural authors: Perspectives

on collaborative writing. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

Masters, W.H., Johnson, V.E., & Levin, R.J. (1974). The pleasure bond: A newlook at sexuality and commitment. Boston: Little, Brown.


Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year). Title. Available from doi: or URL

[Note: The doi (digital object identifier) number should be used any and all cases where it is available.]

Sample Citation:Dickens, C. (1910). A tale of two cities. Retrieved from http://books.google.com/


Chapterin a Book

Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year of Pub). Title of Chapter/Article. In Editor's

First Initial Last (Ed.), Title (pp. inclusive page numbers). Location ofPublisher: Publisher.

Sample Citation:Wells, I.B. (1995). Lynch law in all its phases. In S.W. Logan (Ed.),

With pen and voice: A critical anthology of nineteenth-centuryAfrican-American women (pp. 80-90). Carbondale: SouthernIllinois University Press.

Encyclopedias,Dictionaries, &

Other Reference Works

Format: Editor Last, First Initial (Ed.). (Year of Pub.) Title (# of edition ed., Vols.

total # of volumes). Location of Publisher: Publisher.

Sample Citation:Shally-Jensen, M., et al. (Eds.). (2004). Encyclopedia Americana (2004 ed.,

Vols. 30). Danbury: Scholastic Library Publishing.

An Entry in an Encyclopedia,Dictionary, or

Other ReferenceWorks

Format: Entry Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year of Pub.) Title of Entry.

In First Initial Last Name of editor (Ed.), Title of Work (# of edition ed., Vol. # of volume, pp. inclusive page numbers). Location of Publisher: Publisher.

[Note: If the entry has no author listed, place the title in the author position.]

Sample Citation:Stout, J.J. (2004). Hydroelectric power. In M. Shally-Jensen, et al. (Eds.),

Encyclopedia Americana (2004 ed.,Vol. 14, pp. 646-651). Danbury: Scholastic Library Publishing.

An Entry in an Electronic

Encyclopedia,Dictionary, or

Other Reference Work

Format: Entry Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year of Pub.) Title of Entry. In First Initial

Last Name of editor (Ed.), Title of Work. Retrieved from URL

[Note: Use the doi number instead of the URL when available.]

Sample Citation:Kania, A. (2007). Philosophy of music. In E.N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia

of philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/music/


Journal Article:


Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year). Title. Journal Title, volume number(issue number)

inclusive page numbers.

[Note: If a journal is paginated by issue instead of volume, the issue number should be included in parentheses immediately after the volume number. Example: 42(3). The sample below does not require the inclusion of the issue number.]

Sample Citation:Haraway, D.J. (1994). A game of cat's cradle: Science studies,

feminist theory, cultural studies. Configurations, 2, 59-71.

Journal Article

with DOI

Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year of Publication). Article title. Journal Title,

volume #(issue number), start page-end page. doi: alphanumeric string

[Note: See the published APA Style Guide to Electronic References for more information on the use of digital object identifiers (doi).]

Sample Citation:Welch, K.E. (2005). Technical communication and physical location: Topoi and

architecture in computer classrooms. Technical Communication Quarterly, 14(3), 335-344. doi: 10.1207/s15427625tcq1403_12

Journal Article

without DOI

Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year of Publication). Article title. Journal Title,

volume number(issue number), start page-end page. Retrieved from URL

Sample Citation:Fisher, D., Russell, D., Williams, J., & Fisher, D. (2008). Space, time & transfer in

virtual case environments. Kairos, 12(2), 127-165. Retrieved from http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/12.2/binder.html?topoi/fisher-etal/articleIntro.html

Journal Article:

Multiple Authors

Format: Author Last, First Initial, & Author Last, First Initial. (Year). Title. Journal Title,

volume number(issue number), inclusive page numbers.

[Note: If there are more than seven authors, list the first seven in this format and complete the author section of the citation with � et al.� ]

Sample Citation:Gautreau, R., & Cohen, J.M. (1997). Birth and death of a black hole.

American Journal of Physics, 65, 444-446.

Richardson, J.R., Aldridge, A.E., & Endersby, I.D. (2007). Post settlementbehaviour of brachiopods on hard and soft substrates. New ZealandJournal of Zoology, 34(1), 43-49.


Magazine Article:


Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year, Month Day of Pub). Title. Magazine Name,

volume number(issue number), inclusive page numbers.

Sample Citation:Swartz, M. (2002, May 6). An Enron yard sale. New Yorker, 78(10), 50-52.

Magazine Article:


Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year, Month Day of Pub). Title. Magazine

Name. Retrieved from URL

Sample Citation:Leonard, A. (2005, May 18). Embracing the dark side of the brand. Salon.

Retrieved from http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2005/05/18/star_wars_lego/index_np.html

Magazine Article:

from a Full-Text Database

Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year, Month Day of Pub). Title. Magazine Name,

volume number(issue number). Retrieved from URL

[Note: As of 2009, database names are not required in APA citations for magazines. Instead, include the doi if available. If a doi is not available, provide a link to the home page of the publication. See sample.]

Sample Citation:Swartz, M. (2002, May 6). An Enron yard sale. New Yorker, 78(10).

Retrieved from http://www.newyorker.com/

Magazine Article:

Multiple Authors

Format: Author Last, First Initial, & Author Last, First Initial. (Year, Month Day of

Pub). Title. Magazine Name, volume number(issue number), inclusive pagenumbers.

Sample Citation:Silver, M., & Pethokoukis, J.M. (2002, May 13). Attack of the cloned

light sabers. U.S. News & World Report, 132(16), 63.

Burnsed, B., Gloeckler, G., Grover, R., Lawyue, M., Lowry, T., & Polek, D. (2008,October 13). The power 100. Business Week, (4103), 52-57.


Newspaper Article:


Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Newspaper

Name, p. page number.

[Note: When citing a newspaper article in APA style, all page numbers should be included. If an article is published over several pages, replace the "p." above with "pp." and then include each additional page separated by commas.]

Sample Citation:Lewin, T. (2005, May 15). SAT essay scores are in, but will they be used?

The New York Times, p. A22.

Newspaper Article:


Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year, Date of Publication). Article Title.

Newspaper Name. Retrieved from URL

Sample Citation:Mapes, L.V. (2005, May 25). Unearthing Tse-whit-zen. Seattle Times.

Retrieved from http://seattletimes.nwsource.com

Newspaper Article:

from a Full-Text Database

Format: Author Last, First Initial. (Year, Date of Publication). Title of Article.

Newspaper Name. Retrieved from URL

Sample Citation:Flores, M. (2001, December 18). San Antonio, Texas-area business students

manage real portfolio. San Antonio Express-News. Retrievedfrom http://www.mysanantonio.com

Electronic Sources

For a more comprehensive listing of citation formats for electronic sources, download our guidelines for � APA Style for Electronic Sources.�

Multi-PageInternet Site:

Entire Site

Format: Corporate Author Name or Last Name, First Initials of Author. (Year,

Month Day of Pub). Title of Site. Retrieved from URL

[Note: Retrieval dates are only necessary when it is likely that the information will change, as in a Wikipedia entry.]

Sample Citation:Bird Studies Canada. (2005). Avibase: The world bird database.

Retrieved from http://www.bsc-eoc.org/avibase/avibase.jsp?pg=home&lang=EN

Multi-PageInternet Site:

Single Pageon Site

Format: Author Last, First Initials or Corporate Author Name. (Year, Month Day

of Pub). Title of Page. In Title of multi-page site. Retrievedfrom URL

Sample Citation:Lileks, J. (2008). Comic sins: Lesser examples of a long-beloved medium.

In The Institute of Official Cheer. Retrieved from http://www.lileks.com/institute/funny/index.html

PersonalHome Page

Format: Author Last, First. (Year, Month Day of Pub). Title of home page.

Retrieved from URL

[Note: The APA does not encourage the use of personal home pages as scholarly sources of information. Consult your instructor or course syllabi before including a citation for personal home pages on your References page.]

Sample Citation:Harvey, Billy. (2004). Billy Harvey has had hair longer than yours.

Retrieved from http://www.billyharvey.com

In-Text Parenthetical References in APA Style

To cite the use of a source in the text of an essay, APA advocates two methods: parenthetical citation and attribution within the essay� s content. Parenthetical references should be included immediately after the quotation marks used in direct quotations or immediately after the use of the source, even if this means including the parenthetical reference in the middle of the sentence. The following is the general form for parenthetical citations in APA style:

Parenthetical Citation: (Author Last Name, Year of Publication)Example: (Smith, 1988)

To make the citation of the source less distracting, the APA also suggests mentioning the author in the essay� s content so that only the year of publication and page number may be required in the parenthetical reference.

Attribution in text: Author Last Name (Year of Publication) has argued this point.Example: Smith (1988) has argued this point.

Page numbers are not required in APA in-text citation. However, it is highly suggested that these be included. To include references to a specific part of the text, add the page number or chapter number after the year.

Examples: Smith (1988, p. 244) has written that... or Smith (1988, chap. 5) has written that...

When a work has two authors, both names should be cited in every parenthetical reference. Use an ampersand (&) to separate the names of authors. If a work has three or four authors, all authors should be included in the first parenthetical reference. After the first parenthetical reference, only the last name of the first author and the phrase � et al.� may be used.

First mention of the reference: Johnson, Smith, and Brown (1999) agree that...Subsequent mention: Johnson et al. (1999) also argue...

If a text has been authored by more than five individuals, the full listing of authors is not required in the first reference or any subsequent in-text references.

If a group or corporation is the author, the full name of the group or corporation should be included in place of an author's name. If an organization has a recognizable abbreviation, this may be used in subsequent references.

First mention of the reference: (American Medical Association, 2002)Subsequent mention: (AMA, 2002)

If no author is given for a specific text, use the first few words of the title in place of the author's last name. Title fragments should be formatted using the same punctuation as titles on the References page.

Examples of attribution in the text:

The recent publication Plagiarism and You (2002) offers some explanation...

In "Five Ways to Protect Yourself" (2000) one can find...

Examples of parenthetical attribution: (Plagiarism and You, 2002) or ("Five Ways to Protect Yourself," 2000)

When no date is given for the publication of a text (as is the case with many websites), include the abbreviation � n.d.� in place of the year of publication.

For other considerations related to in-text referencing using the APA format, see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association , 6th ed. (pages 174-179).

Chicago Style Citations (Author-Date Style)

This guide provides basic guidelines and examples for citing sources using The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. Chicago style includes two options for citing sources. This guide covers the author-date style for writers who use parenthetical references as a means of giving attribution to sources. Guidelines for creating parenthetical references are included at the end of this guide.

Citations for Electronic Sources: URLs are required for online sources. If a DOI (digital object identifier) number is available, this should be inserted in the place of the URL preceded by “doi:”


Book:One Author

Format:Author Last, First. Year of Pub. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher.

Sample Citation:

Welch, Kathleen E. 1999. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism,and a New Literacy. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Book:Two or More


Format:Author Last, First, and Author First Last. Year of Pub. Title. Location of

Publisher: Publisher.

[Note: If a book is credited to 4 to 10 authors, include all authors in the bibliographic citation. In the parenthetical citation, include the first author’s name followed by “et al.” If more than 10 authors are cited, include the first 7 authors in the bibliographic citation followed by “et al.”]

Sample Citation:

Lunsford, Andrea, and Lisa Ede. 1990. Singular Texts/Plural Authors:Perspectives on Collaborative Writing. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

Patten, Michael A., Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt. 2003. Birds of theSalton Sea: Status, Biogeography, and Ecology. Berkeley: University of California Press.


Format:Author Last, First. Year of Publication. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher.


Sample Citation:

Welch, Kathleen E. 1999. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a NewLiteracy. Cambridge: MIT Press. http://www.netlibrary.com.

Chapterin a Book

Format:Author Last, First. Year of Pub. “Title of Chapter/Article.” In Title, edited by

First Last, inclusive page numbers. Location of Publisher: Publisher,Year.

Sample Citation:Wells, Ida B. 1995. “Lynch Law in All its Phases.” In With Pen and Voice:

A Critical Anthology of Nineteenth-Century African-AmericanWomen, edited by Shirley Wilson Logan, 80-99. Carbondale:Southern Illinois University Press.


Format:Original Author Last, First. Year of Publication. Title. Translated by First Name

Last. Location of Publisher: Publisher.

Sample Citation:Eisenstein, Sergei. 1968. Film Sense. Translated by Jay Leyda. London: Faber

and Faber.

SpecializedEncyclopedias,Dictionaries, &Multi-Volume


[Note: The Chicago style suggests that only specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works be included in the list of References.]

Format:Author Last Name, First. Year of Publication. Title of Book.

Ed. First Name Last of editor if necessary. Edition information if available.Location of Publisher: Publisher.

Sample Citation:Murphy, Bruce F. 1999. Encyclopedia of Murder and Mystery. New York:

St. Martins.


Journal Article:


Format:Author Last, First. Year of Pub. “Title.” Journal Name volume # (issue #): inclusive

page numbers.

[Note: Day, month or season of publication are rarely included if an issue number is present.]

Sample Citation:Haraway, Donna J. 1994. “A Game of Cat's Cradle: Science Studies,

Feminist Theory, Cultural Studies.” Configurations 2 (1): 59-71.

Journal Article:

Two or MoreAuthors

Format:Author Last, First, and Author First Last. Year of Pub. “Title.” Journal Name

volume # (no. issue #): inclusive page numbers.

[Note: If an article is credited to 4 to 10 authors, include all authors in the bibliographic citation. In the parenthetical citation, include the first author’s name followed by “et al.” If more than 10 authors are cited, include the first 7 authors in the bibliographic citation followed by “et al.”]

Sample Citation:Gautreau, Ronald, and Jeffrey M. Cohen. 1997. “Birth and Death of a

Black Hole.” American Journal of Physics 65: 444-446.

Pridmore, William, Mitchell Chamlin, and Adam Trahan. 1997. “A Test of Competing Hypotheses about Homicide Following Terrorist Attacks: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis of September 11 and Oklahoma City.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 24 (December): 381-96.

Journal Article:

From a Full-TextDatabase

Format:Author Last, First. Year of Pub. “Title.” Journal Name volume # (issue #): inclusive

page numbers if available. URL or doi number.

Sample Citation:Ferrell, Robert H. 1990. “Truman's Place in History.” Reviews in American

History 18 (1): 1-9. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2702718.

Journal Article:


Format:Author Last, First. Year of Publication. “Title.” Journal Name volume #, no. issue #

(Month Day of Pub): inclusive page numbers, URL.

[Note on page numbers: If online articles do not include page numbers, leave this space blank in the citation. See the sample. Note on dates: If a season is providedinstead of a publication date, include the season in place of the Month and Day. See sample.]

Sample Citation:Jobe, Karen D. 2000. “Women and the Language of Hackerdom: The

Gendered Nature of Hacker Jargon.” Kairos 5, no. 2 (Fall),http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/5.2/binder.html?coverbweb/jobe/women&hackerdom.htm.


Magazine Article:


Format:Author Last, First. Year of Pub. “Title.” Magazine Name, Month Day.

[Note: Chicago Notes style does not require page numbers for a magazine article, although these may be included. Page numbers should be included in parenthetical citations.]

Sample Citation:Swartz, Mimi. 2002. “An Enron Yard Sale.” New Yorker, May 6.

Magazine Article:

Two Authors

Format:Author Last, First, and Author First Last. Year of Pub. “Title.” Magazine

Name, Month Day.

Sample Citation:Silver, Marc, and James M. Pethokoukis. 2002. “Attack of the Cloned Light

Sabers.” U.S. News & World Report, May 13.

Magazine Article:

from a Full-Text Database

Format:Author Last, First. Year of Pub. “Title.” Magazine Name, Month Day. URL or doi.

Sample Citation:Swartz, Mimi. 2002. “An Enron Yard Sale.” New Yorker, May 6.


Magazine Article:


Format:Author Last, First. Year of Publication. “Title.” Magazine Name, Month Day.


Sample Citation:Leonard, Andrew. 2005. “Embracing the Dark Side of the Brand.” Salon, May 18.



Articles from daily newspapers are rarely cited in Chicago style; however, these sources may be referenced within the text. If articles from daily newspapers must be cited in the bibliography, writers should use the following forms.

Newspaper Article:


Format:Author Last, First. Year of Publication. “Title.” Newspaper Name, Month Day of Publication.

[Note: Chicago Notes style does not require page numbers for a newspaper article, although these may be included. Page numbers should be included in parenthetical citations.]

Sample Citation:Lewin, Tamar. 2003. “Disability Requests Reflect Changes in SAT Procedure.”

New York Times, November 8.

Newspaper Article:

from a

Full-Text Database

Format:Author Last, First. Year of Publication. “Title.” Newspaper Name,

Month Day of Pub. URL.

Sample Citation:Flores, Matt. 2001. “San Antonio, Texas-Area Business Students Manage

Real Portfolio.” San Antonio Express-News, December 18.http://search.ebscohost.com.

Newspaper Article:


Format:Author Last, First. Year of Publication. “Title.” Newspaper Name,

Month Day of Publication. URL.

Sample Citation:Mapes, Lynda V. 2005. “Unearthing Tse-whit-zen.” Seattle Times, May 25.


Electronic Sources

Multi-PageInternet Site:

Entire Site

Format:Last Name, First of Author. Year of Pub. Title of Site. Last modified or Accessed Month Day, Year. URL.

Sample Citation:Weissmann, Anne. 2006. Ernest Haeckel: Art Forms in Nature. Accessed January 14, 2007. http://www.mblwhoilibrary.org/haeckel/index.html.

Multi-PageInternet Site:

Single Pageon Site

Format:Author Last, First. Year of Publication. "Title of Page." Title of Site. Last modified or Accessed Month Day, Year. URL.

Sample Citation:Sun, Yee-Fan. 2005. "Shacking Up." DigsMagazine.com. Accessed March 2, 2005. http://www.digsmagazine.com/lounge/lounge_shackingup.htm.

Multi-PageInternet Site:

Corporate Author

Format:Corporate Author Name. Year of Publication. Title of Site. Last modified or Accessed Month Day, Year. URL.

Sample Citation:Miller Center of Public Affairs. 2005. American President. Last modified 2010. http://


PersonalHome Page

Format:Author Last, First. Year of Publication. Title of Site. Last modified or Accessed Month Day, Year. URL.

Sample Citation:Harvey, Billy. 2004. Billy Harvey Has Had Hair Longer Than Yours. Accessed May 24, 2008. http://billyharvey.com.

Parenthetical References

The Chicago Author-Date style requires the use of parenthetical references in the text of the essay as well as a list of citations on a “References” page at the end of a text. Parenthetical references should be placed at the end of the sentence, before the period, when a resource has been used. If the sentence is either long enough or complex enough so that the cited portion of the sentence is not obvious, the parenthetical reference may instead be inserted immediately after the use of information from the source. Page numbers should be included whenever possible.

General Form: (Author Last Name Year of Publication, Page #)

Example: (Smith 1992, 142)

The following examples illustrate parenthetical reference formats for works with more than one author.

(Smith and Johnson 1998, 14)

(Smith, Johnson, and White 2001, 42)

(Smith et al. 1998, 203)

(National Alliance for Social Consideration 1932, 11)

When organizations or corporate authors are the author of a text, the name of the organization may be shortened to its most basic title. Abbreviations for the organization are not encouraged.

In the Chicago style, daily newspapers are rarely included in a list of References. Instead, attribution may be given to information from a daily newspaper in a parenthetical reference.

General Form: (Newspaper Name, Day Month Year of Publication, Section and Page #)

Examples: (San Antonio Express-News, 2 June 2005, B2)

(New York Times, 2 June 2005, A2)

(Durant Daily Democrat, 2 June 2005, 3)

The Chicago style guide does not offer examples for creating parenthetical references when there is no given author. Standard practice has been to include the title of the work in place of the author. The title should be formatted in the same manner as the formatting in the References list entry.

(Plagiarism and You 2002, 142)

("Five Ways to Protect Yourself" 2000, 33)

Electronic sources commonly lack a date of publication, as do other sources. When there is no date of publication listed for a source, include the abbreviation "n.d." in place of the date.

(Statistics for Water Rights n.d.)

For further information on citing sources using the Chicago style, see pages 796-810 in The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed.

Turabian Style Citations (Notes-Bibliography Style)

This guide provides basic guidelines and examples for citing sources using A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th edition, by Kate L. Turabian.

Turabian style includes two options for citing sources: the notes-bibliography style and the author-date style. This guide covers the notes-bibliography style for writers who are using endnotes or footnotes as a means of giving attribution to their sources.


Book:One Author

Format for Citation:Author Last, First. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub.

Format for Note:Note number. Author First Last, Title (Location of Publisher: Publisher,

Year of Pub.), pages cited.

Sample Citation:Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism and a

New Literacy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.

Sample Note: 43. Kathleen E. Welch, Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralismand a New Literacy (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999), 143.

Book:Two or More


Format for Citation:Author Last, First, and Author First Last. Title. Location of Publisher:

Publisher, Year of Pub.

Format for Note: Note number. Author First Last and Author First Last, Title (Location of

Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub), pages cited.

[Note: Include all authors regardless of number in the order they appear on the book's title page when creating your Bibliography. Abbreviated author entries are allowed in endnotes or footnotes, using the terms "et al." or "and others." See page 163 in A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian for further information.]

Sample Citation:Lunsford, Andrea, and Lisa Ede. Singular Texts/Plural Authors:

Perspectives on Collaborative Writing. Carbondale: Southern IllinoisUniversity Press, 1990.

Patten, Michael A., Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt. Birds of the SaltonSea: Status, Biogeography, and Ecology. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press, 2003.

Sample Note:8. Andrea Lunsford and Lisa Ede, Singular Texts/Plural Authors:

Perspectives on Collaborative Writing (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UniversityPress, 1990), 59-60.

11. Michael A. Patten, Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt, Birds of theSalton Sea: Status, Biogeography, and Ecology (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press, 2003), 52.


Format for Citation: Author Last, First. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub.

Format of e-book.

Format for Note: Note number. Author First Last, Title (Location of Publisher: Publisher,

Year of Publication), format of e-book.

Sample Citation:Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism and a

New Literacy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999. netLibrary e-book.

Sample Note:15. Kathleen E. Welch, Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism

and a New Literacy (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999), netLibrary e-book.

Chapterin a Book

Format for Citation:Author Last, First. "Title of Chapter/Article." In Title, edited by First Name Last,

Inclusive page numbers. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year ofPublication.

Format for Note: Note number. Author First Last, "Title of Chapter/Article," in Title,

ed. Editor's First Last Name (Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub.),pages cited.

Sample Citation:Wells, Ida B. "Lynch Law in All Its Phases." In With Pen and Voice:

A critical anthology of nineteenth-century African-Americanwomen, edited by Shirley Wilson Logan, 80-99. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1995.

Sample Note:32. Ida B. Wells, "Lynch Law in All Its Phases," in With Pen and Voice:

A critical anthology of nineteenth-century African-American women, ed. ShirleyWilson Logan (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1995), 34.


Format for Citation:Original Author Last, First. Title. Translated by First Name Last. Location

of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Publication.

Format for Note: Note number. Original Author First Last, Title, trans. First Name Last

(Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub.), pages cited.

Sample Citation:Eisenstein, Sergei. Film Sense. Translated by Jay Leyda. London: Faber and Faber, 1968.

Sample Note:23. Sergei Eisenstein, Film Sense, trans. Jay Leyda (London: Faber

and Faber, 1968), 14-15.


Journal Article:


Format for Citation:Author Last, First. "Title." Journal Name volume #, no. issue #

(Month/Season Year): inclusive page numbers.

Format for Note: Note number. Author First Last, "Title," Journal Name volume #, no. issue

number (Month/Season Year): page number used.

Sample Citation:Haraway, Donna J. "A Game of Cat's Cradle: Science Studies,

Feminist Theory, Cultural Studies." Configurations 2, no. 1(1994): 59-71.

Sample Note:33. Donna J. Haraway, "A Game of Cat's Cradle: Science Studies, Feminist

Theory, Cultural Studies," Configurations 2, no. 1 (1994): 64.

Journal Article:

Two or MoreAuthors

Format for Citation:Author Last, First, and Author First Last. "Title." Journal Name

volume #, no. issue # (Day Month Year): inclusive page numbers.

Format for Note: Note number. Author First Last and Author First Last, "Title," Journal Name

volume #, no. issue number (Month/Season Year): page number used.

[Note: Include all authors regardless of number in the order they appear in the byline for the article. Abbreviated author entries are allowed in endnotes/footnotes, using"et al." or "and others." See page 163 of the Turabian manual for more information.]

Sample Citation:Gautreau, Ronald, and Jeffrey M. Cohen. "Birth and Death of a Black

Hole." American Journal of Physics 65 (May 1997): 444-446.

Sample Note: 14. Ronald Gautreau and Jeffrey M. Cohen, "Bird and Death of a Black Hole,"

American Journal of Physics 65 (May 1997): 445.

Journal Article:

From a Full-TextDatabase

Format for Citation:Author Last, First. "Title." Journal Name volume #, no. issue # (Month or Season

Year): inclusive page numbers if available. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Format for Note: Note number. Author First Last, "Title," Journal Name volume #, no. issue # (Month or Season Year): page numbers used, URL (accessed date of access).

Sample Citation:Ferrell, Robert H. "Truman's Place in History." Reviews in American

History 18, no. 1 (March 1990): 1-9. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2702718 (accessed February 3, 2005).

Sample Note:14. Robert H. Ferrell, "Truman's Place in History," Reviews in American

History 18, no. 1 (March 1990): 8-9, http://www.jstor.org/stable/2702718 (accessed February 3, 2005).

Journal Article:


Format for Citation:Author Last, First. "Title." Journal Name volume #, issue # (Month

Day, Year of Pub), URL (accessed Month Day, Year of Access).

Format for Note: Note number. Author First Last, "Title," Journal Name volume #, issue # (Month

Day, Year of Pub), URL (accessed Month Day, Year of Access).

Sample Citation:Jobe, Karen D. "Women and the Language of Hackerdom: The Gendered

Nature of Hacker Jargon." Kairos 5, no. 2 (Fall 2000),http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/5.2/binder.html?coverbweb/jobe/women&hackerdom.htm (accessed March 23, 2005).

Sample Note:42. Karen D. Jobe, "Women and the Language of Hackerdom: The Gendered

Nature of Hacker Jargon," Kairos 5, no. 2 (Fall 2000), http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/5.2/binder.html?coverweb/jobe/women&hackerdom.htm (accessed 23 March 2005).


Magazine Article:


Format for Citation:Author Last, First. "Title." Magazine Name, Month Day, Year.

Format for Notes: Note number. Author First Last, "Title," Magazine Name, Month Day, Year,

page number used.

[Note: Bibliographic citations do not require inclusive page numbers for an article, although these may be included. Page numbers cited should be included in the note.]

Sample Citation:Swartz, Mimi. "An Enron Yard Sale." New Yorker, May 6, 2002.

Sample Note: 13. Mimi Swartz, "An Enron Yard Sale," New Yorker, May 6, 2002, 51.

Magazine Article:

Two or MoreAuthors

Format for Citation:Author Last, First, and Author First Last. "Title." Magazine Name,

Month Day, Year.

Format for Notes: Note number. Author First Last and Author First Last, "Title," Magazine Name,

Month Day, Year, pages used.

[Note: For more information on citing more than two authors, see the explanation under “Journal Article: Two or More Authors.”]

Sample Citation:Silver, Marc, and James M. Pethokoukis. "Attack of the Cloned Light

Sabers." U.S. News & World Report, May 13, 2002.

Sample Note:41. Marc Silver and James M. Pethokoukis, "Attack of the Cloned Light

Sabers," U.S. News & World Report, May 13, 2002, 63.

Magazine Article:

from a Full-Text Database

Format for Citation:Author Last, First. "Title." Magazine Name, Month Day, Year. URL (accessed

Month Day, Year).

Format for Notes: Note number. Author First Last, "Title," Magazine Name, Month, Day, Year of

Pub, pages used, URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Sample Citation:Swartz, Mimi. "An Enron Yard Sale." New Yorker, May 6, 2002.

http://web.lexis-nexis.com/universe/document?_m=b68471eb6243cfc730dc18cc03d6c746&_docnum=1&wchp=dGLbVtb-zSkVA&_md5=0c8c5465eafe026db72b1a417350c8e9 (accessed June 23, 2004).

Sample Note:13. Mimi Swartz, "An Enron Yard Sale," New Yorker, May 6, 2002, 51,

http://web.lexis-nexis.com/universe/document?_m=b68471eb6243cfc730dc18cc 03d6c746&_docnum=1&wchp=dGLbVtb-zSkVA&_md5=0c8c5465eafe026db72b1a417350c8e9 (accessed June 23, 2004).

Magazine Article:


Format for Citation:Author Last, First. "Title." Magazine Name, Month Day, Year of Pub.

URL (accessed Month Day, Year of Access).

Format for Notes: Note number. Author First Last, "Title," Magazine Name, Month Day, Year of

Pub, URL (accessed Month Day, Year of Access).

Sample Citation:Leonard, Andrew. "Embracing the Dark Side of the Brand." Salon.com, May 18, 2005. http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2005/05/18/star_wars_lego/index_ np.html (accessed May 22, 2005).

Sample Note: 24. Andrew Leonard, "Embracing the Dark Site of the Brand," Salon.com, May 18, 2005, http://dir.salon.com/story/mwt/feature/2005/05/18/star_wars_lego/index.html (accessed May 22, 2005).


When using Turabian notes style, newspaper articles do not need to be included in the Bibliography, but they should be included as notes. For more information on citing newspaper items, see Kate L. Turabian's A Manual for Writers, 7th ed. p. 186-188.

Newspaper Article:


Format for Notes:Note number. Author First Last, "Title," Newspaper Name, edition info if necessary,

Month Day, Year of Publication.

Sample Note:7. Tamar Lewin, "SAT essay scores are in, but will they be used?," New York

Times, May 15, 2005.

Newspaper Article:

from a Full-Text Database

Format for Notes: Note number. Author First Last, "Title of Article," Newspaper Name, Month Day,

Year of Publication, edition if necessary, URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Sample Note:13. Matt Flores, "San Antonio, Texas-Area Business Students Manage Real

Portfolio," San Antonio Express-News, December 18, 2001, http://find.galegroup.com/ itx/infomark.do?&contentSet=IACDocuments&type=retrieve&tabID=T004&prodId=SPN. SP00&docId=CJ120721119&source=gale&srcprod=SP00&userGroupName= txshracd2584&version=1.0 (accessed February 10, 2004).

Newspaper Article:


Format for Notes: Note number. Author First Last, "Article Title," Newspaper Name, Month Day,

Year of Publication, URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Sample Note:19. Lynda V. Mapes, "Unearthing Tse-whit-zen," Seattle Times, May 25,

2005, http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/news/local/klallam/index.html (accessed August 1, 2005).

Letter to theEditor

Format for Notes:Note number. Author First Last, letter to the editor, Newspaper Name, Month

Day, Year of Publication.

Sample Note:22. Deborah D. Davies, letter to the editor, San Francisco Chronicle,

May 16, 2005.

Electronic Sources

Multi-PageInternet Site:

Entire Site

Format for Citation:Last Name, First of Author. Title. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Format for Notes: Note number. Last Name, First of Author, Title, URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Sample Citation:

Weissmann, Anne. Ernest Haeckel: Art Forms in Nature. http://www.mblwhoilibrary.org/haeckel/index.html (accessed January 14, 2007).

Sample Note:16. Anne Weissmann, Ernest Haeckel: Art Forms in Nature, http://www.

mblwhoilibrary.org/haeckel/index.html (accessed January 14, 2007).

Multi-PageInternet Site:

Single Pageon Site

Format for Citation:Corporate Author Name or Last Name, First of Author. "Title of Page." Title

of site. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Format for Notes: Note number. Corporate Author Name or Last Name, First of Author,

"Title of Page," Title of site, URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Sample Citation:Sun, Yee-Fan. "Shacking Up." DigsMagazine. http://www.digsmagazine.com/

lounge/lounge_shackingup.htm (accessed March 2, 2005).

Sample Note: 12. Yee-Fan Sun, "Shacking Up," DigsMagazine.com, http://www.

digsmagazine.com/lounge/lounge_shackingup.htm (accessed March 2, 2005).

Multi-PageInternet Site:

Corporate Author

Format for Citation:Corporate Author Name. Title of Site. Owner of site if different

from author. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Format for Notes: Note number. Corporate Author Name, Title of Site, Owner of site if different

from author, URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Sample Citation:Miller Center of Public Affairs. American President. University of

Virginia. http://www.americanpresident.com (accessed June 14, 2005).

Sample Note:19. Miller Center of Public Affairs, American President, University of Virginia,

http://www.americanpresident.com (accessed June 14, 2005).

PersonalHome Page

Format for Citation: Author Last, First. Title of home page. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

Format for Notes:Note number. Author First Last, Title of home page, URL (accessed

Month Day, Year).

Sample Citation:Harvey, Billy. Billy Harvey Has Had Hair Longer Than Yours.

http://www.billyharvey.com (accessed May 25, 2005).

Sample Note:18. Billy Harvey, Billy Harvey Has Had Hair Longer Than Yours,

http://www.billyharvey.com (accessed May 25, 2005).


Format for Notes:Note number. Author of e-mail, email message to author, Month Day, Year

of email message.

Sample Note:

15. Christopher Nolan, e-mail message to author, September 5, 2003.