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    BBC Newsbeat ?@BBCNewsbeat 25 Jul

    Jay Z (@S_C_) says criticism of his deal with Samsung shouldn't overshadow the music on Magna Carta Holy Grail. http://bbc.in/13dbrmd

    Retweeted 62 timesExpandReuters Brasil ?@ReutersBrazil 29m

    EUA enviam carta Rssia garantindo proteo a Snowden http://dlvr.it/3jb6yc

    Followed by Dipl Brasil and 2 othersExpandImpedimento ?@impedimento 30m

    Carta aberta a Ronaldinho Gacho: http://impedimento.org/uma-carta-para-ronaldinho-gaucho/

    Followed by Fabio Seixas and 1 otherExpand?@ramoose 34m

    My brother just asked me if I think that Barack Obama listens to Magna Carta

    , I didn't know what to sayExpandCesar Maia ?@cesarmaia 1h

    Capa da revista CARTA CAPITAL, de hoje, com Cabral. pic.twitter.com/HgC5oojNgs

    Followed by Luis Henrique Diniz and 2 othersExpandEmbedded image permalinkAshley Hamati. ?@childASHHAMbino 1h

    Magna Carta... Holy Grail. Damn, HOVA-- killed it. Brilliance.

    ExpandIDG Now! ?@IDGNow 1h

    Em carta, EUA descarta pena de morte e tortura para Edward Snowden #EUA #Snowden http://bit.ly/1aNmuJ6

    Followed by Consegi and 2 othersExpandjrad t ?@jaredtajalle 2h

    the more i listen to magna carta the more i start liking itExpandConsultor Jurdico ?@Cons_Juridico 2h

    Abedi divulga carta com propostas para melhoria do ensino jurdico http://bit.ly/16jH40s

    ExpandRyan Mott ?@mott09 2h

    Idk how people dont like yeezus and magna carta #rattled #sogoodExpandBoKnows ?@Bo_136 2h

  • 7/27/2019 dsdfrde.txt
