dustin wagner


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Post on 17-Nov-2014




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AMANDA PALMERIs an American singer, pianist, and composer. She is known as the “social media queen of rock and roll” and the “eight foot bride”.

AMANDA PALMERis an American singer, pianist, and composer. She is known as the “social media queen of rock and roll” and the “eight foot bride”.

AMANDA PALMERis an American singer, pianist, and composer. She is known as the “social media queen of rock and roll” and the “eight foot bride”.

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DURING HER SPEECH, TITLED“THE ART OF ASKING”Amanda discusses her values and lessons learned through being a public performer both off and on the stage, and how she connected with her audience to drive her career forward in ways she never anticipated.

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Her days spent as a “dollar inthe hat” street performer eventually led her to pursue a business approach in which people relate more to a humble musician more interested in socializing with her fans than sales figures.

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She began a project with the goal of earning a mere$100,000 for her band to fund an album release…

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…. Amanda and the band received enough to do a WHOLE lot more!

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This amount is the highest pledged goal achieved on Kickstarter to date!

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Amanda explains that throughout her life on the road, she connected with her fans in multiple ways. Social media was merely a vessel to allow her to network with people in ways she never could. The individual became more than just a “fan” and she was just as excited to meet them as they were to meet her. They were the only reason she could continue her art.

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She even performed for freespontaneously in a public library after meeting a group of her fans there.

She considers herself more of a nomadic entertainer than a “celebrity”. This is what identifies her more with her fans than other artists.

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AS YOU CAN SEE..Amanda went above and beyond to engage the audience throughout her speech by including multiple slides of her life on the road and literally “throwing herself into the trust of her fans”. Her passion for entertainment shines through in her discussion.

Her fans took note of her humble lifestyle and were far more interested in funding an artist who “asked” for their contribution to her music rather than insisting on it.

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Amanda spoke from the heart and related to the audience through humor, humility, and wisdom. She presented her beliefs in a clear and entertaining manner by including visual aids and heartwarming proof of her beliefs.

Dynamism rating

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Amanda’s speech was very animated and lively. Her personality was just as important to her delivery as were her visual aids. The slides presented matched the ideas she conveyed to her audience and were consistent with the ideals of Nancy Duarte and Garr Reynolds.

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Both Sir Ken Robinson and Amanda Palmer have taken a stance in their speech by concluding that the standardized ways in which a societal process has evolved are non-conducive to the majority of people involved.

Even though Ken’s speech was on education andAmanda’s was on the entertainment industry, both have an opinion that just because this is the way things have been done for a long time, does not make it the best way to do them.

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Ken’s opinions are founded largely upon by the research and conclusions of others before him. His stance on education opposes the issue that affects almost everyone in the standardized education system – one that inhibits creativity in an attempt to focus more on an academic indoctrination of our youth.

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Ken’s time spent as a college professorplays a significant role in how he came to his conclusion. Ken was part of a system that was largely responsible for convincing youth that interests outside of academics were to be less favored due to their unlikelihood to lead to a career.

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During Amanda’s speech, she speaks of how she herself has experienced the effects of the issues Sir Ken Robinson spoke of. While Amanda attended a liberal arts school, she herself stated that she gained more from her experiences as a street performer and that this was more beneficial to her career than her college experience. Both Amanda and Ken found themselves changing their opinions of a society standard based on what they witnessed and experienced.

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The most successful musicians are usually the ones who perform because they are passionate about music. A presenter should discuss a topic that is near and dear to their heart, as they are most likely to give a better speech about something they truly admire.

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