dvb modulator master v1.2

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  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2



    Beschreibung der Software frModulatormodul

    Version 2 (Master)

    Autor: KLA

    Projekt: 58102


    Dateiname: D:\SVN\5x\58102\DOC\DVB_Modulator_Master.doc

    Erstellt am: 25.07.2011

    Zuletzt gendert am: 10.06.2013 12:00:00

    Version: 1

    Seitenanzahl: 18

    Gedruckt am: 10.06.2013 12:00:00

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2



    CONFIDENTIAL ................................................................................................................................................. 1

    Beschreibung der Software fr Modulatormodul ................................................................................................ 1

    Version 2 (Master) .............................................................................................................................................. 1

    1 Software........................................................................................................................................................... 3

    1.1 Initialisierung ............................................................................................................................................. 3

    1.2 EEPROM-Adressen .................................................................................................................................. 3

    1.2.1 I2C EEPROM Adresse 0xA6 .............................................................................................................. 3

    1.2.2 I2C EEPROM Adresse 0xA0 (Init data EEPROM) ............................................................................. 4

    1.2.3 EEPROM von Converter Modul ......................................................................................................... 5

    1.3 EEPROM Unterschied .............................................................................................................................. 5

    2 MPT Befehle .................................................................................................................................................... 7

    2.1 Liste aller 1- und 2-Byte Befehle ............................................................................................................... 7

    2.2 Liste aller TSoIP Befehle ........................................................................................................................ 12

    2.3 Liste aller MTS Befehle ........................................................................................................................... 14

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    1 Software

    1.1 Initialisierung

    1.2 EEPROM-Adressen

    Auf dem Modulator Modul befinden sich 2 externe EEPROMs (je 256K), die ber I2C an den AVR32-

    Controller angebunden sind.

    1.2.1 I2C EEPROM Ad resse 0xA6

    Bei einem Zugriff ber RS232/485 hat das EEPROM einen Offset von 0x8000h.

    Adresse Bezeichnung im Quellcode Bytes Beschreibung

    0x0000 EE1MOD_TEMPCOMPSET 1 Bei Inhalt 0xFF wird die Temperatur

    Kompensation Tabelle vorbelegt.0x0001 EE1MOD_FREQCOMPSET 1 Bei Inhalt 0xFF wird Frequenz Kompensation

    Tabelle vorbelegt.

    0x0002 EE1MOD_LEVELCOMPSET 1 Bei Inhalt 0xFF wird Gain Kompensation Tabellevorbelegt.

    0x0003 EE1MOD_FREQLEVELCOMPSET 1 Bei Inhalt 0xFF wird FREQ/Level KompensationTabelle vorbelegt.

    0x0004 EE1MOD_MODPLLGAINSET 1 Bei Inhalt 0xFF wird PLL-Gain Tabelle vorbelegt.

    0x0005 EE1MOD_LOSUPPRESSION 1 Wert 2 bedeutet, dass die I u. Q Tabellenwertevon EEMOD1_LOSUPPR_TABSTART halbiertwerden mssen

    0x0007 EE1MOD_LVLOFFS_CW_L 1 Leveloffset +/- in 0.1dBm0x0008 EE1MOD_LVLOFFS_CW_V 1 Leveloffset +/- in 0.1dBm

    0x0009 EE1MOD_SPECINV 1 !0xFF Spectrum inversion aktiv

    0x000A EE1MOD_FREQCOMPADJ 1 Frequenzkorrektur Offset

    0x000B EE1MOD_RMSCORR 1 RMS Messung Korrektur

    0x000C EE1MOD_TESTPICSTORED 1 0xFF kein Testbild im EEPROM

    0x000D EE1MOD_TESTPICACTIVE 1 0xFF Default picture

    0x000E EE1MOD_PLLGAIN 1 PLL-Gain (fr nicht L-Band Version)

    0x0010 EE1MOD_LTEMPCOMP 30 Tabelle fr Temperaurkompensation

    0x0030 EE1MOD_VTEMPCOMP 30 Tabelle fr Temperaturkompensation

    0x0050 EE1MOD_LFREQCOMP 54 Tabelle fr Frequenzkorrektur L-Band0x0090 EE1MOD_VFREQCOMP 38 Tabelle fr Frequenzkorrektur VHF

    0x0100 EE1MOD_LEVELCOMP_V 8 Tabelle fr Gainkorrektur VHF

    0x0108 EE1MOD_LEVELCOMP_L 8 Tabelle fr Gainkorrektru L-Band

    0x0110 EE1MOD_AUTHCODE 8 Authorisierungs Code

    0x0150 EE1MOD_PLLGAINTAB 19 Tabelle fr Mod. PLL-Gain L-Band

    0x0180 EE1MOD_LOSUPPR_TABSTART ? Freq1 in MHz [2 Bytes], I1 [signed char], Q1[signed char], Freq2, I2, Q2, ...

    0x0200 EE1MOD_FREQLVLTABSTART 1774 (Freq-Lvl-Matrix) 27 tAbellen zu je 31 Int-Werten

    0x1000 EE1MOD_STILLPICSTART 24K Testbild Start

    0x6FFF EE1MOD_STILLPICEND Testbild Ende

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    1.2.2 I2C EEPROM A dress e 0xA 0 (Init d ata EEPROM)

    Bei einem Zugriff ber RS232/485 hat das EEPROM keinen Offset.

    Adresse Bezeichnung im Quellcode Bytes Beschreibung

    0x0001 EE2MOD_SETDEFAULT 1 Bei Inhalt 0xFF wird das EEPROM vorbelegt

    0x0002 EE2MOD_BANDMODE 1 Gertetyp: 0x01 = VHF, 0x02 L-Band, 0x03 =V+L Band, Sonst standartmig als L-Band.

    0x0003 EE2MOD_DEVADR 1 Modulator multipoint Adresse

    0x0004 EE2MOD_RS232 1 RS232/485 Konfiguration

    0x0005 EE2MOD_AUTOSAVE 1 0=off >0= Zeit in Sekunden

    0x0006 EE2MOD_CONFIG 1 Configuration byte Packet delay

    0x0007 EE2MOD_OUTPUT_WATCHDOG 1 0x01 MPT Watchdog an, sonst aus

    0x0008 EE2MOD_FREQBORDER 1 0xFF: Frequenzgrenzen automatischeinstellen

    !0xFF: Auto Einstellung deaktiviert0x0009 EE2MOD_FIRSTSTART 1 !0xAA: First start, load initial values

    0x000A EE2MOD_STALMCOUNT 1 Anzahl der gespeicherten Alarme

    0x000B EE2MOD_STEVTPOS0 1 Start im Ringpuffer fr Stored Events

    0x000C EE2MOD_STEVTCOUNT 1 Anzahl gespeicherter Events in Ringpuffer

    0x000D EE2MOD_GDCFIRTAB_VALID 1 0x01: FIR Tabelle in EEPROM gltig

    0x000E EE2MOD_GDCCONSTTAB_VALID 1 Bit0: Original Const Tabelle in EEPROM gltig

    Bit1: Manipulierte Const. Tabelle in EEP gltig

    0x000F EE2MOD_EXTMUTE 1 0xFF: Inaktiv, sonst aktiv

    0x0010 EE2MOD_YEAR 1 Jahr = 2000+EE2MOD_YEAR

    0x0011 EE2MOD_10MHZ_OUT 1 0xFF: 10Mhz wird nicht zum Ausganggeschaltet

    0x0012 EE2MOD_24VOLT_OUT 1 0xFF: 25V Ausgang aus

    0x0013 EE2MOD_RS232_VALID 1 0x01: EE2MOD_RS232 Einstellungen gltig

    0x0014 EE2MOD_MTS_MCFG_VALID 1 0x01: MTS global configuration parameter inEEPROM valid.

    0x0015 EE2MOD_MTS_CCFG_VALID 1 0x01: MTS channel specific parameter inEEPROM valid.

    0x0016 EE2MOD_MASKWARNING 1 Bit0: =0 DVB input not in sync. (Warning)

    Bit0: =1 DVB input not in sync (Alarm)

    Bit1: =0 FIFO full (Warning)

    Bit1: =1 FIFO full (Alarm)0x0017 EE2MOD_BIASTEE 1 0x01: BIASTEE module is available

    0x0018 EE2MOD_BISSMODE 1 0xFF: keine BISS Variante, sonst mit BISS

    0x0019 EE2MOD_DACVAL 2 12 Bit DAC AD5325

    0x001B EE2MOD_GDCBLOCK_FIR 4 Bits zeigen an, welcher Block manipuliertwurde

    0x0027 EE2MOD_GDCPARAMACTIVE 1 Bit0: =0 FIR standart Parameter aktiv

    Bit0: =1 FIR manipulierte Parameter aktiv

    Bit1: =0 Standart constellation Parameteraktiv

    Bit1: =1 Manipulierte constel. Parameter aktiv

    0x0028 EE2MOD_FPGA_ID 5 FPGA Version, deren standart constellationparameter im EEPROM abgespeichert sind

    0x003E EE2MOD_GDCMANITBL_INIT 1 !0x01: Load initial constellation table from

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    FPGA and save into EEPROM

    0x0048 EE2MOD_BISS_ESW 8 Encr. Session Word

    0x0050 EE2MOD_BISS_CSW 7 Clear Session Word

    0x0057 EE2MOD_BISS_CODECNT 1 Anzahl der Codeeingaben innerhalb 5Minuten

    0x0058 EE2MOD_BIAST_CURRENT 2 Current calibration value0x005A EE2MOD_BIAST_VOLTAGE 2 Voltage calibraion value

    0x0100 EE2MOD_INSTSTATE 768 Speicherbereich fr Savestate

    0x0400 EE2MOD_STEVT_START 256 Speicherbereich fr Stored events

    0x0500 EE2MOD_STALM_START 256 Speicherbereich fr Stored alarms

    0x0600 EE2MOD_MTS_MCFG Start address of MTS global conf. structure

    0x0700 EE2MOD_MTS_MCFG_INIT Start addr. of MTS init. global conf. structure


    0x0A00 EE2MOD_PIDTAB

    0x0FFF EE2MOD_UPLOADER 1 !=0xFF Uploader starten


    0x2000 EE2MOD_GDCCONSTTABLEORIG_I 2K Original constellation Tabelle I

    0x2800 EE2MOD_GDCCONSTTABLENEW_I 2K Manipulierte constellation Tabelle I

    0x3000 EE2MOD_GDCCONSTTABLEORIG_Q 2K Original constellation Tabelle Q

    0x3800 EE2MOD_GDCCONSTTABLENEW_Q 2K Manipulierte constellation Tabelle Q

    0x5000 EE2MOD_MTS_CCFG Start addr. of MTS channel spec. config

    0x5500 EE2MOD_MTS_CCFG_INIT Start addr. of MTS initial channel spec. config

    0x6000 EE2MOD_TSOIP_SCAT2_CFG_INI Start addr. of TSOIP category2 init values

    0x6200 EE2MOD_TSOIP_SCAT2_CFG Start addr. of TSOIP category2 values

    0x6400 EE2MOD_TSOIP_SCAT3_CFG_INI Start addr. of TSOIP category3 init values

    0x6600 EE2MOD_TSOIP_SCAT3_CFG Start addr. of TSOIP category3 values

    0x6800 EE2MOD_TSOIP_SCAT81_CFG_INI Start addr. of TSOIP category81 init values

    0x7200 EE2MOD_TSOIP_SCAT81_CFG Start addr. of TSOIP category81 values

    0x7600 EE2MOD_TSOIP_SCAT84_CFG_INI Start addr. of TSOIP category84 init values

    0x7700 EE2MOD_TSOIP_SCAT84_CFG Start addr. of TSOIP category84 values

    1.2.3 EEPROM von Con verter Modul

    Das EEPROM vom Converter Modul kann ber den Addressoffset 0x10000h erreicht werden.

    1.3 EEPROM Unterschied

    EEPROM Unterschied zwischen AT-Mega128 und AVR32. Im MEGA128 war ein EEPROM integriert. Im

    Gegensatz dazu besitzt der AVR32 kein internes EEPROM. Seine Initialdaten stehen im EEPROM

    Adresse 0xA0. Es werden nur Unterschiede zu vorher genutzten EEPROM Bereichen dargestellt. Neu

    hinzugekommene Bereiche werden hier nicht aufgefhrt. Siehe dazu die Tabelle 1.2.2.

    Unterschied zwischen dem Inhalt des AT-Mega128 EEPROM und AVR32 :


    0x0000 nicht genutzt Bandmode

    0x0007 MPT/PTP auswahl MPT Watchdog0x0009 ReadID First start

    0x000D RS485 Terminierung GDC

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    0x000E nicht genutzt GDC

    0x0013 nicht genutzt RS232 Parameter valid

    0x0014 OCXO Limit nicht genutzt

    0x0017 PLLGain BIASTEE module available information

    0x001B nicht genutzt GDC

    0x0027 nicht genutzt GDC0x0028 nicht genutzt FPGA ID

    0x0040 Freq. Min nicht genutzt

    0x0044 Freq. Max nicht genutzt

    0x1000 nicht genutzt GDC

    Unterschied zwischen dem Inhalt des 2-ten EEPROMs (0x8000)


    0x8007 In einzelband Gert lvloffs_cw_L

    nicht genutzt

    0x8008 In einzelband Gert (V od. L) lvloffs_cw_VLevel offset CW

    0x8050 In einzelband Gert freqcomp_L

    Freq. Compensation tab

    0x8090 In einzelband Gert (V od. L) freqcomp _V

    Nicht genutzt

    0x8010 In einzelband Gert freqcomp_L

    Temp. Compensation tab

    0x8030 In einzelband Gert (V od. L) freqcomp _V

    Nicht genutzt

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    2 MPT Befehle

    2.1 Liste aller 1- und 2-Byte Befehle

    OP Function Parameters Example Public

    M Disable output None M YES

    U Enable output None U YES

    AA Send received FRAME1:1 over SPI

    GDC spezific AA0180000000 Write a 0 into FIRRAM address 0


    AB Send received advancedFRAME 1:1 over SPI

    Size 0 .. 16

    Frames GDCspecific


    Size 2 Frames

    Frame 1 0180000000

    Frame 2 0180000001


    BA BISS add PID to table 0..8191 BA123 YES

    BB BurriedID n.a. n.a. NO1

    BC Set clear session word for


    12 hex digits BC0123456789AB


    BD BISS delete PID fromtable

    0..8191 BD123YES

    BE Set encrypted sessionword for BISS Mode-E

    16 hex digits BEABCDEF1234567890YES

    BI Set injected identifier forBISS Mode-E

    14 hex digits BI0123456789ABCDYES

    BM Set BISS mode 02, ? BM0 BISS Mode-0

    BM1 BISS Mode-1

    BM2 BISS Mode-E (injected ID)



    BN Return amount of valuess

    tored in PID table

    None, ? BN


    BR Read PID table index Decimal value,None

    BR1 Read index 1 from PID table

    BR Read actual index with auto incr.YES

    BT Read TID None, ? BR


    BX Restor PID table None BX YES

    DE Frame error counter 0,4,5 DE0 Reset counter

    DE4 Read Errors

    DE5 Read packets


    EA Alarm history query Number, ? EA1 read first histroy entry

    EAx read x history entry

    EA? read number of history entries


    EC Clear storedalarms/events 1,2 EC1 Clear stored alarmsEC2 Clear stored eventsYES

    EE Event history query Number, ? EE1 read first stored event

    EEx read x stored event

    EE? read number of stored events


    ID Query Software version None, ? ID read AVR32 software version


    JY Set Authorization 16 Hex values ZY0123456789ABCDEF YES

    LO Start bootloader Decimal value LO871118275 YES

    MC Configurationmodulator

    Bit map (Figure 1),?

    MC128 Test mode onMC?


    ME GDC parameter to be set Bit map (Figure 2),None, ?

    ME0 Original FIR

    ME1 Manipulated FIR Parameter

    ME2 Original Constellation Parameter

    ME3 Manipulated Constellation Parameter



  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    MF TX frequency Frequency (MHz orHz), ?

    MF120.500001 Frequency in MHz (VHF)MF120500001 Frequency in Hz (VHF)MF980.500000 Freq. in MHz (L-Band)MF




    0, 1, None, ? MG0 BBFrame input mode offMG1 BBFrame input mode on



    MI PMT PID 168190, None, ? MI17 PMT PID = 17same value as for MV commandis not allowed !




    MK Null packet deletion 0, 1, None, ? MK0 Null packet deletion offMK1 Null packet deletion onMK



    ML TX level Level (1/10 dBm),None, ?

    ML-123 -12.3 dBmML+035 +3.5 dBmML



    MM Modulation typeValue (see Figure

    33),None, ?

    MM06 DVB-S QPSK 1/2MM



    MN Set/Clear

    Roll off signal mode 0, 1, None, ?

    MN0 Roll off sig mode off (5 % = 5%)MN1 Roll off sig mode on (5 % = 20 %)MN



    MO Output TX On/Off 0, 1, None, ? MO0 TX offMO1 TX onMO



    MP PL scrambling code 0262141, None,?

    MP0 Broadcast mode PL scramblingMP261000 PL scrambling n=261000




    MQ Slope compensation Slope (-9+9),None, ?

    MQ4 Set slope to +4MQ-9 Set slope to -9



    MR Roll-Off 0, 1, 2 , None, ? MR0 35%MR1 25%MR2 20%




    MS Symbol rate symbol rate (sps),None, ?

    MS12345678 12.345678 MspsMS



    MT Still picture 0, 1, None, ? MT0 Still picture output offMT1 Still picture output on




    MV VID PID 168190, None, ? MV8190 VID PID = 8190same value as for MI commandis not allowed !




    MY Testmode Bit map (See Figure4), None, ?

    MY1 Enable CW signal output




    MZ Configuration

    modulator DVB S2

    Bit map

    (decimal value,see Figure 5),None, ?

    MZ1 Pilots on, normal FEC length,

    short BCH codeindustry./comp.MZ



  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    QA Read analoguemeasurement values


    from sources

    11, 12 from sources

    QA0 RMS of internal modulator signal(dBm)

    QA1 Tune voltage of the fine stepsynthesizer (V)

    QA2 Tune voltage of the mainsynthesizer (V)

    QA3 3.3 V PSU (V)

    QA4 6.5 V PSU (V)QA5 1.5 V PSU (V)

    QA6 1.0 V PSU (V)

    QA7 2.5 V PSU (V)

    QA8 DVB temperature (C)

    QA11 Modulator temperature (C)

    QA12 Input FIFO fill level (%)

    QA13 BIASTEE output current [mA]

    QA14 BIASTEE output voltage [V]


    QC Converter module MPTaddress

    AZ, None, ? QCA Set converter MPT address to AQC



    QI ASI status Bit table(Figure 6),

    None, ?

    QI Returns asi status


    QT Temperature 1 QT1 Get modulator temperature YES

    QK Read device key None QK YES

    SA Status query (bit 0 - bit31) (Figure 7)

    None, ? SA returns bit mask as hexadecimalvalue


    SB Status query (bit 0 - bit31) (Figure 7)

    None, ? SB returns bit mask as hexadecimalvalue


    ST Self test query (bit 0 8)(Figure 8)

    None, ? ST returns bit mask as hexadecimalvalue


    SU Start JTAG interpreter 34559427 SU34559427 Starts the JTAG USART MPTinterpreter


    VC ID string converter query None, ? VCVC?


    VW ID string modulatorAVR32 query

    None, ? VW


    VX Modulator FPGA versionnumber

    None, ? VXVX?


    WA Set EEPROM address 0 4294967295 WA123 Set eeprom address 123 YES

    WB Set BISS mode 0, 1, None, ? WB0 Disable BISS mode

    WB Query BISS mode



    WD Biastee module selection Decimal, None, ? WD0 BIASTEE module not available

    WD1 24V/10MHz BIASTEE module

    availableWD2 48V/10MHz BIASTEE module


    WD3 10MHz BIASTEE module available



    WE Band selection Decimal, None, ? WC0 L-Band

    WC 1 VHF-Band

    WC 2 V+L-Band




    WG Biastee modulecalibration

    Select: 0 Current

    1 Voltage

    Value: 0..65535


    Set current calibration value to 1234.NO*

    Get overall configuration Select: 0..1 WG1 NO*

    WK EN/DIS compensation Bit map (decimalvalue Figure 9),

    WK1 Temperature comp. disabled


  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    None, ? WK?

    WR Read EEPROM None, decimal, A WR Read value from actual addresswith address auto inc.

    WR2 Read 2 byte from act. addresswith address auto inc.

    WR4 Read 4 byte from act. addresswith address auto inc.

    WR8 Read 8 byte from act. address

    with address auto inc.

    WRA123 Read byte from address 123


    WV DAC value Decimal, ? WV0V123 Set DAC value 123 to GlDACA

    WV0? Read DAC value from GlDACA

    WV1? Read DAC value from GlDACB

    WV2? Read DAC value from FreqDAC


    WW Write EEPROM Decimal, A WW45? Write value 45 to act. Address

    WW45A123? Write value 45 to address 123NO

    YI Error-Warning-Mask Bit map (decimalvalue Figure 10),None, ?

    YI1 Enable DVB not in sync as alarm




    YS Still picture Decimal, None, ? YS0 Set default pictureYS1 Set default picture

    YS2 Set user test picture




    ZA Modulator module MPTaddress

    AZ, None, ? ZAA Set modulator MPT address to AZA



    ZC Systemconfiguration

    Bit map(decimal valueFigure 11), None, ?

    ZC0 Bit mask: 00000000ZC1 Bit mask: 00000001ZC



    ZD Date Decimal value,None, ?

    ZD20040503 2004-05-03ZD returns date in format:



    ZF Factory reset None ZF YES

    ZG External mute input 0, 1, None, ? ZG0 Mute input disabledZG1 Mute input enabledZG



    ZH Enable/disable 10 MHzoutput (onlyHDM2/SDM2-L)

    0, 1, None, ? ZH0 Disable 10 MHz

    ZH1 Enable 10 MHz




    ZJ Alarm relay enable 0, 1, None, ? ZJ0 Alarm Relay disabledZJ1 Alarm Relay enabled



    ZL Load device state State (0..5) ZL1 Load State 1ZL5 Load State 5


    ZM Write device serialnumber

    0 .. 32 Byte, ? ZM1234.1234 Operation has to be allowed withcommand ZQ before



    ZO Autosave 0, 1, None, ? ZO0 Autosave OffZO1 Autosave OnZO



    ZQ Service mode Decimal ZQ10185 Disable Maintenance

    Set Service Flag

    ZQ10186 Enable Maintenance

    Set Service FlagZQ12450 Set LOSUPPRESSION value to


    ZQ12452 Set LOSUPPRESSION value to


  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2



    ZQ13232 Disable I2C master functionality

    ZQ51338 Reset manipulated GDC tables toinitial values

    ZQ39362134 Unlock device to allow writing Serial Nr.

    ZQ911000 Set FPGA Send NULL bit to 0

    ZQ911001 Set FPGA Send NULL bit to 1

    ZQ100001Get used stack value [Byte]

    ZR Configurationserial interface

    Bit map

    (decimal value

    Figure 12), None, ?

    ZR101 Bit map: 01100101:19200 Baud, N81




    ZS Save device state State (0005),None, ?

    ZS2 Save State 2ZS5 Save State 5

    ZS Number of available states



    ZT Time Decimal value,None, ?

    ZT0834 08:34ZT171530 17:15:30ZT returns time in format:




    ZU Enable/disable 24 V DCoutput (onlyHDM2/SDM2-L)

    0, 1, None ? ZU0 Disable DC

    ZU1 Enable DC




    ZY Set Authorization 16 Hex values ZY0123456789ABCDEF Set authorization code0123456789ABCDEF


    ZZ Get Authorization None, ? ZZ


    NO1 : Only allowed if service flag is set

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    2.2 Liste aller TSoIP Befehle

    OP Function ParametersExamples

    (only OPCODE and parameter)Public

    MJA Write to TSoIP module

    (All categories


    Channel 0..255

    Category 0..255

    Setting 0..255

    R/W 0..1 (0=Write, 1=Read)

    length 0..8

    Data byte 7 0..255

    Data byte 6 0..255

    Data byte 5 0..255

    Data byte 4 0..255

    Data byte 3 0..255

    Data byte 2 0..255

    Data byte 1 0..255

    Data byte 0 0..255


    Set receive Multicast address fromTSoIP module on channel index 0 to239.255.255.213

    For further description refer to theDekTec DTM-3200 manual.

    Hint: The number of data bytes isdependent on the parameter length.The highest byte has to be send first.


    Read from TSoIPmodule

    (All categoriespossible)

    Channel 0..255

    Category 0..255

    Setting 0..255

    R/W 0..1 (0=Write, 1=Read)

    length 0..8 (Num. of Bytes to be read)


    Read multicast IP address from channel0 TSoIP module.

    MJC Set overallConfiguration.

    (Category 2)

    Channel 1..6

    Mode 0 (ASI/SPI to TSoIP)

    1 (TSoIP to ASI/SPI)

    Application 0 (Failsafe application)

    1 (Normal operation)

    Memory 0 (Store to Flash)

    1 (Store to Ram)


    Set channel 1 mode configuration toTSoIP to ASI/SPI and normal operation.

    Store DTM2000 data to its Ram.NO*

    Get overallconfiguration

    Channel 1..6 MJC1NO*

    MJD Read TSoIP device


    (Category 1&3)

    Channel 1..6

    Index 0 (FPGA version)

    1 (HW version)

    2 (FW version)

    3 (Serial number)

    4 (Type)

    5 (Device MAC address)

    6 (Device Initialized)


    Hint: If Index 6 is set to 1, the TSoIPdevice is initialized and all commandsare working. After a reset occurred thisparameter indicates if the TSoIP moduleis online again.


    MJI Set device Networksettings

    (Category 3)

    Channel 1..6

    IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    Subnet mask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    Gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    DHCP 0 (Disabled)

    1 (Enabled)


    Set IP configuration from channel 2. IPaddress to, Subnetmask to, Gateway to0.0.0.0and disable DHCP.

    Hint: If DHCP setting changes status,the TSoIP device.has to be reset.


    Get device Networksettings

    Channel 1..6 MJI2YES

    MJM Set multicast address Channel 1..6

    Multicast IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


    Set multicast IP address from channel1to


    Get multicast IPaddress

    Channel 1..6 MJM1YES

    MJR Reboot device Channel 1..6 MJR1

    Reboot TSoIP device connected tochannel 1.


    MJS Get IP Receive andASI/SPI output RO

    channel 1..6 MJS3|7YES

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2



    (Category 0x81 & 0x84)

    Index 0 (FEC delay)

    1 (FEC columns)

    2 (FEC rows)

    3 (IP jitter tolerance) (correlateswith IP-to-output delay)

    4 (IP lost after FEC)

    5 (IP lost before FEC)

    6 (TP per IP)

    7 (Status)

    8 (Protocol)

    9 (Index)

    10 (Output type)

    11 (Packet size)

    12 (Bitrate)

    13 (PCR present)

    14 (Rate-change counter)

    15 (Jitter error counter)

    16 (Lock error counter)

    17 (Delay factor)

    18 (Physical port)

    19 (TS rate)

    Get Channel status from channel 3.

    For return information refer to figure 13.

    MJT Set IP Receive andASI/SPI output settings

    (Category 0x81 & 0x84)

    Channel 1..6

    Index 0 (Addressing)

    1 (Enable)

    2 (FEC enable)

    3 (UDP port)

    4 (IP-to-output delay)

    5 (Rate-estimation mode)

    6 (ASI packet size)

    value 0..4294967295


    Set Addressing from channel 1 toUnicast.

    (Refer to figure 14)YES

    Get IP Receive settings Channel 1..6

    Index 0..6


    *Only available if Service mode is active.

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    2.3 Liste aller MTS Befehle

    OP Function ParametersExamples

    (only OPCODE and parameter)Public

    Global parameter

    MHA Write to / Read fromRegister

    Channel 0..255

    Register 0..255

    High byte 0..255

    Low byte 0..255


    Set register 3 from channel 1 to 5999.NO*

    List register entry fromChannel

    Channel 0..255

    Register 0..255


    MHD Set modulator dualchannel mode

    (Only valid if Single TSmode is set)

    Input pair 0 (Enable Dual Channel 1&2)

    1 (Enable Dual Channel 3&4)

    2 (Enable Dual Channel 5&6)

    Modulator mode 0 (Multi Transport stream mode)

    1 (Single TS mode)


    Enable Dual channel 1 to single TSmode YES

    Get modulator Dualchannel mode

    No parameter, ? MHD


    MHE List parameters ofexternal extensionmodule implementationstatus

    Index 0 (Number of ext. BB channels)1 (Number of ext. ASI channels)2 (Front module ID code)

    3 (Number of ASI channels)

    4 (Number of STD channels)

    5 (Number of SPI channels)

    6 (MTS implementation)

    7 (Build number)

    8 (BISS implementation)

    9 (Fir128 Implementation)

    10 (Pre Distortion Implementation )



    MHK Set modulator mergepolicy

    Policy 0 (Single input stream)

    1 (Round-robin polling)

    2 (Round-robin CDR)

    3 (Round-robin CDR, all frames)


    Hint: If set to 0, SIS is set automaticallyto 1 within FPGA! It is not signalized bycommand MHI because its register isnot updated by FPGA.


    Get modulator mergepolicy

    No Parameter, ? MHK


    MHR Reset Parameters Index 1 (MTS RESET) MHR1YES

    MHS Set modulator to singlestream over one inputmode.

    (Only valid if Modulatormode is set to MultiTransport Stream)

    Status 0 (Disable single stream)

    1 (Enable single stream ch1)

    2 (Enable single stream ch2)

    3 (Enable single stream ch3)4 (Enable single stream ch4)

    5 (Enable single stream ch5)

    6 (Enable single stream ch6)


    Enable single stream over cannel 1.

    Hint: All other channels are disabled.


    Get modulator singlestream modeinformation

    No Parameter, ? MHS


    Channel specific parameter

    MHB Set Baseband generalsettings

    channel 1..6

    mode 0 (VCM/ACM)

    1 (CCM)

    tsgs 0..3 (Refer toFigure 15)

    generic 0..1 (Refer toFigure 15)

    channel activation 0 (Disable channel)1 (Enable channel)

    Test picture 0 (Not allowed)

    1 (Allowed)


    Set interface 1 channel to ACM mode,switch tsgs to transport stream, enabletsgs format and settings, activatechannel, enable test picture.

    Hint: Setting tsgs is only valid ifgsbbframed is set to 0.

    Testpicture will be only shown if tsgs is


  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    set to 3, gsbbframed is set to 0 andthe global TP is activated by cmd MT1

    Get Baseband generalsettings

    channel 1..6 MHB1

    MHG Set Baseband formatsettings

    channel 1..6

    issylong 0..1 (Refer toFigure 16)

    issyi 0..1 (Refer toFigure 16)

    Null packet 0 (Disabled)

    deletion 1 (Enabled)

    padding 0 (Disabled)

    1 (Enabled)


    Insert issyi-field into input stream fromchannel 1and set the issyi-filed to 3bytes, Disable Null packet deletion,Enable padding.

    Hint: Issylong setting is only valid if issyiis set enabled.


    Get Baseband formatsettings

    channel 1..6 MHG1

    MHH Set Merger Fifo values channel 1..6

    mergerfullth 0..32767

    peak period 0..19370666667 [ns]

    priority 0..15


    Hint: The effective priority can be readout by command MHP8 YES

    Get Merger Buffer


    channel 1..6 MHH1

    MHI Set ISI information channel 1..6isi channel idx 0..255

    genericauto 0 (If generic =1 isi valueoverrides isi value of genericstream input data)

    1 (If generic =1 isi value ofgeneric stream input dataremains active)


    Set ISI channel to 1 from input channel 0in TS mode. In BB mode ISI is takenfrom BB.

    Hint : In generic mode only active ifgenericauto is set to 0. In TS modealways active independent fromgenericauto value.


    Get ISI information channel 1..6 MHI1

    MHL Set receive Buffercontrol settings

    channel 1..6buffer size unit 0 (bits)

    1 (Kbits)2 (Mbits)

    buffer size value 0..1023

    bufer size/status insetion 0 (off)

    1 (on)

    buffer status unit 0 (bits)

    1 (Kbits)

    2 (Mbits)

    bufer status value 0..1023



    Get Buffer settings channel 1..6 MHL1

    MHM Set channel specificmodulator configuration

    channel 1..6

    modulation 17..44 (Referto Figure 17)

    FEC frame 0 (Normal)

    1 (Short)Pilots 0 (Disabled)

    1 (Enabled)

    BBMuxInput 0..1

    UPL no reaction


    Set channel 1 modulator configuration to

    S2-32APSK 9/10, normal FEC frame,enable Pilots , BBMux on, upl to 0

    Hint: If Pilots value is 2, the pilotsglobal setting is taken.

    Setting UPL has actually no effect.


    List channel specificmodulator configuration

    channel 1..6 MHM1

    MHN Set input settings channel 1..6

    fault mode 0..2 (Refer toFigure 18)


    Set from channel 0 fault detection onelectrical problems.


    Get input settings channel 1..6 MHN1

    MHO Set Del Null PacketMaximum Value

    Channel 1..6

    Dnp max value 0 255


    Default Dnp max value is 255

    Get Dnp Max Value channel 1..6 MHO1 YES

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    MHT Set input fault timefactor

    channel 1...6Time factor 1..65535

    fault time = time factor * 0.1ms


    Set channel 0 input fault time to1234*0.1ms=1.234s


    Get input fault timefactor

    channel 1..6 MHT1

    MHX Set signal parametervalues channel 1..6Bitmap 0..255MHX1|73

    Set channel 0 packet length to 188,syncbytegs to 0x47, expect positivepolarity on asi input, disableequalization, Select TSoIP interface asinput, disable redundancy mode, set ASIselect fixed on ASI-1, Enable ASI-Autoselection

    Hint: syncbytegs value is only valid ifgeneric is set to 1.

    ASI selection is only valid if TSoIP bit isset to 0.

    For further information refer toFigure21.


    Get signal parametervalues

    channel 1..6 MHX1

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Bit Description 1 0

    7 Test Mode On Off


    SPI Synchronization PSYNC Sync Byte

    5 ASI Input B A4

    (2)TX Clock sync. ext int

    3 Frame Type 204 188


    Data Input SPI ASI

    1 Spectrum Inversion On Off

    0 ASI Auto On Off

    Figure 1: Modulator Configuration Parameters for Command MC

    Bit Description 1 0

    1 Constellation parameter USER INITIAL

    0 FIR parameter USER INITIAL

    Figure 2: Activated group delay compensation parameter

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Parameter Modulation Type


    Parameter Modulation Type


    00 S-BPSK 1/2 17 S2-QPSK 1/4

    01 S-BPSK 2/3 18 S2-QPSK 1/3

    02 S-BPSK 3/4 19 S2-QPSK 2/5

    03 S-BPSK 5/6 20 S2-QPSK 1/2

    04 S-BPSK 6/7 21 S2-QPSK 3/5

    05 S-BPSK 7/8 22 S2-QPSK 2/3

    06 S-QPSK 1/2 23 S2-QPSK 3/4

    07 S-QPSK 2/3 24 S2-QPSK 4/5

    08 S-QPSK 3/4 25 S2-QPSK 5/6

    09 S-QPSK 5/6 26 S2-QPSK 8/9

    10 S-QPSK 6/7 27 * S2-QPSK 9/10

    11 S-QPSK 7/8 28 S2-8PSK 3/5

    12 S-8PSK 2/3 29 S2-8PSK 2/3

    13 S-8PSK 5/6 30 S2-8PSK 3/4

    14 S-8PSK 8/9 31 S2-8PSK 5/6

    15 S-16QAM 3/4 32 S2-8PSK 8/9

    16 S-16QAM 7/8 33 * S2-8PSK 9/10

    34 S2-16APSK 2/3

    35 S2-16APSK 3/4

    36 S2-16APSK 4/5

    37 S2-16APSK 5/6

    38 S2-16APSK 8/9

    39 * S2-16APSK 9/10

    40 S2-32APSK 3/4

    41 S2-32APSK 4/5

    42 S2-32APSK 5/6

    43 S2-32APSK 8/9

    44 * S2-32APSK 9/10

    * not allowed if FEC frame length is set to short (see command MZ)

    Figure 3: Modulation Type Parameters for Command MM

    Bit Description 1 02 Constellation ON OFF

    1 SSB signal ON OFF

    0 CW signal ON OFF

    Figure 4: Test mode parameter

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Bit Description 1 0

    7 not used - -

    6 not used - -

    5 not used - -

    4 not used - -

    3 not used - -

    2 Short BCH code DVB



    1 FEC frame length Short * Normal

    0 Pilots On Off

    * not allowed if the selected modulation is of the type DVB-S2 and if the selected FEC rate is 9/10.

    Figure 5: Modulator DVB-S2 Configuration Parameters for Command MZ

    Bit Description 1 0

    1 ASI B No signal detected Signal detected

    0 ASI A No signal detected Signal detected

    Figure 6: ASI status bits

    Bit Status Bit Status

    31 - (not used) 15 OCXO Oven cold warning

    30 - (not used) 14 External mute active

    29 BIASTEE DC voltage loss 13 TX Off

    28 BIASTEE short circuit 12 108 MHz clock unlock alarm

    27 - (not used) 11 DVB communication alarm

    26 - (not used) 10 Conv communication alarm

    25 - (not used) 9 Reference Alarm

    24 - (not used) 8 Summary alarm

    23 Test mode active 7 Clock PLL lock warning

    22 BISS code activation delayed2)

    6 Local oscillator alarm

    21 Converter PLO alarm2)

    5 Clock oscillator alarm

    20 24 V DC shorted warning2)

    4 FIFO full1)

    19 Invalid configuration 3 Shutdown by security device

    18 PCR Memory full warning 2 Clock PLL overload alarm

    17 ASI B signal low warning 1 Interpolator alarm

    16 DVB input not in sync1)

    0 RAM error alarm

    Figure 7: Bit map for hexadecimal displayed status value

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Bit Description 1 0

    7 I2C cable state Failed Ok

    4 I2C communication with


    Failed Ok

    3 I2C communication withtemperature sensor

    Failed Ok

    2 I2C communication with RTC Failed Ok

    1 I2C communication to ACTEL Failed Ok

    0 I2C communication to FPGA Failed Ok

    Figure 8:Self test status bits

    Bit Description 1 0

    4 DB/DB comp. table Off On

    3 Level gain comp. table Off On

    2 Level offset Off On

    1 Frequency comp. table Off On

    0 Temperature comp. table Off On

    Figure 9: Compensation table active bits

    Bit Description 1 0

    1 Fifo full Alarm Warning

    0 DVB not in Sync Alarm Warning

    Figure 10: Error/Warning mask

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

    0 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved


    Send Delay

    Interface Send Delay:

    These bits sets the transmission delay of the serial interfaces. The answer on areceived command can be delayed. This is helpful for two wire bus systems, wherewithout additional delay collisions between a still active master device and an alreadyactive slave device may occur. The basic delay depends on the baud rate and isapprox. 3 ms for 19200 baud. Possible additional delays are:

    Bit 1 Bit 0 Delay

    0 0 0 ms

    0 1 20 ms

    1 0 40 ms

    1 1 80 ms

    Figure 11: Configuration Bitmap for command ZC

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Figure 12: Serial Interface Parameters for command ZR

    Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

    Baud Rate (Delay) Mode


    Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Baudrate

    0 0 0 4800

    0 0 1 4800

    0 1 0 9600

    0 1 1 19200

    1 0 0 38400


    Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Parity Data bits Stop bits

    0 0 0 0 EVEN 7 1

    0 0 0 1 ODD 7 1

    0 0 1 0 NONE 7 2

    0 0 1 1 EVEN 7 2

    0 1 0 0 ODD 7 2

    0 1 0 1 NONE 8 1

    0 1 1 0 EVEN 8 1

    0 1 1 1 ODD 8 1

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Index Name Description

    0 FEC delay

    FEC delay in milliseconds1 FEC columns

    0..20; FEC columns

    2 FEC rows

    0..20; #FEC rows

    3 IP jitter tolerance 0..120ms; The time (in ms) that the DTM-3200 waits to receive'late' IP packets

    4 IP lost after FEC

    Number of packets lost after FEC reconstruction

    5 IP lost before FEC

    Number of packets lost before FEC reconstruction

    6 TP per IP

    Number of transport packets per IP packet

    7 Status

    Current operational status:0 = Channel is enabled; no errors detected1 = Channel has been disabled2 = Channel is enabled, but there is a problem with theprocessing of the received IP stream

    8 ProtocolProtocol used by the incoming IP stream:0 = UDP1 = RTP

    9 Index Channel index; always 1 for the DTM-3200 (because it supportsa single channel only)

    10 Output type

    Identifies the type of output interface:

    1 = ASI output2 = SPI output11 Packet size 0 = 188 bytes

    1 = 204 bytes12 Bitrate

    Estimated bitrate (in bps@188) of the incoming TS

    13 PCR present0 = No PCRs in incoming TS1 = PCRs found in incoming TSHint: Actually not working




    Counter that keeps the number of bitrate changes detected onthis channel. During normal operation this counter should remainconstantHint: Actually not working

    15 Jitter error counter

    Counter that keeps the number of IP jitter errors for this channel.A jitter error occurs when an incoming IP packet has a jitter thatexceeds the Jitter Tolerance. During normal operation thiscounter should remain constant

    16 Lock error counter

    Counter that keeps the number of channel restarts. A channel isrestarted only under adverse circumstances, like large jitter of IPpackets in combination with packet loss. A channel restartcauses a signal interruption for this channel of about 1 second.During normal operation this counter should remain constant

    17 Delay factor The channel's delay factor in us. Delay factor is a measure ofthe maximum jitter on the IP packets received for this channel

    18 Physical port Physical port number of ASI/SPI output; always 1 for the DTM-3200

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    19 TS rate

    TS rate (in bps@188) of the generated ASI streamFigure 13:Description for command MJS

    Index Name Description

    0 Addressing

    0 = Unicast

    1 = Any-source multicast

    1 Enable

    0 = Disable IP-to-ASI/SPI conversion

    1 = Enable IP-to-ASI/SPI conversion

    Hint: After startup/reboot Enable is indicated

    with 1 but has to be written once to 1 to

    really enable channel.

    2 FEC enable

    0 = Disable FEC decoding

    1 = Enable FEC decoding

    3 UDP Port

    1..65535; UDP port number at which the DTM-

    3200 listens for the incoming TS




    1..9942ms; Delay (ms) from IP input to

    ASI/SPI output in milliseconds (Correlates with

    IP-jitter tolerance)




    0 = Bit rate is estimated using PCRs if

    possible, otherwise the bit rate is

    estimated without PCRs (recommended


    1 = Bitrate estimation is disabled;

    Packets are transmitted immediately

    after being received

    2 = Bitrate is estimated without the use

    of PCRs

    6 ASI packet size

    0 = Generate IP packets with 188-byte

    transport packets

    1 = Generate IP packets with 204-byte

    transport packets

    2 = Use size of received packets

    Figure 14: Description for command MJT

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    0 n.a.

    1 n.a.

    2 n.a.

    3 MPEG transport stream

    base band

    0 tsgs format and setting used


    Base band interface format used.

    Settings overwritten by VCM/ACM

    control word.

    Figure 15:Command MHB further description

    issylong 0 ISSY-field 2 bytes (Used if issyi is set to 1)

    1 ISSY-field 3 bytes (Used if issyi is set to 1)


    0Input stream synchronization not active.

    No ISSY-field inserted.

    1Input stream synchronization active.

    ISSY-field inserted.

    Figure 16:Command MHG further description

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Parameter Modulation Type


    17 S2-QPSK 1/4

    18 S2-QPSK 1/3

    19 S2-QPSK 2/520 S2-QPSK 1/2

    21 S2-QPSK 3/5

    22 S2-QPSK 2/3

    23 S2-QPSK 3/4

    24 S2-QPSK 4/5

    25 S2-QPSK 5/6

    26 S2-QPSK 8/9

    27 * S2-QPSK 9/10

    28 S2-8PSK 3/5

    29 S2-8PSK 2/330 S2-8PSK 3/4

    31 S2-8PSK 5/6

    32 S2-8PSK 8/9

    33 * S2-8PSK 9/10

    34 S2-16APSK 2/3

    35 S2-16APSK 3/4

    36 S2-16APSK 4/5

    37 S2-16APSK 5/6

    38 S2-16APSK 8/9

    39 * S2-16APSK 9/1040 S2-32APSK 3/4

    41 S2-32APSK 4/5

    42 S2-32APSK 5/6

    43 S2-32APSK 8/9

    44 * S2-32APSK 9/10

    * not allowed if FEC frame length is set to short

    Figure 17: Modulation Type Parameters for Command MHM

    fault mode 0

    "Not in sync" Asserts only if input data heavily

    corrupted or physicaly disconnected, effective

    immediately regardless input fault time

    1"Not in sync" Asserts only if input data are 8B10B

    k-charakters for more than "input fault time"

    2"Not in sync" Asserts only if input data are null

    packets for more than "input fault time"

    Figure 18:Command MHN further description

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    BIT Description






    2 Dualsel-Status (0-A selected, 1-B selected)

    1 Dualred-Synthconf, Dual-Red Pair (0-A, 1-B)

    0 Dualred-Synthconf, Dual-Red Pair (0-no, 1-yes)

    Figure 19:Command MHP further description

    BIT Description

    8 Stored Merger FIFO Full

    7 Internal channel disabled

    6 Stored channel shut down

    5 Stored BISS-Input-FIFO-Full

    4 Asipolstat, 0-normal 1-inverted

    3 Stored Sync FIFO full

    2 Stored Conf Auth-Error

    1 Stored Conf Invalid

    0 Stored Input Sync-Loss

    Figure 20:Command MHP further description

  • 8/22/2019 DVB Modulator Master V1.2


    Bit Description 1 0

    7 packet length 204 188

    6 syncbytegs 0x47 0xB8

    5 asipolauto On Off4 qextbypass On Off

    3 TSoIP On Off

    2 Redundancy mode On Off

    1 Redundancy ASI Select Fixed ASI-B Fixed ASI-A

    0 Redundancy ASI Auto On Off

    Figure 21:Command MHX further description

    asipolauto 0 positive polarity on ASI input expected

    1 Input finds polarity of ASI input data automatically

    Equalization 0 OFF

    1 ON