eac magazine "the window" issue 01 (january 2013)


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Founded in October 2012, the EAC Magazine "The Window" aims to provide a platform for our College students, fellows and staff, as well as the wider community of the University of Macau and beyond, to share their unique experiences in and views on the collegiate life in which they study, play, work and live together. Our editorial team mainly consists of student volunteers who are interested in publishing, writing, graphic design and helping develop a strong collegiate community in the college. "The Window" is published bi-annually.



Contents 目录編者的話 Editor's words

Special News: EAC Achievements

EAC Life


Activities’Timeline ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 02聚焦@Focus

Sports Day ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 04 正义,一场思辨之旅 by陈家成 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 06 社会问题研讨 by陈家成 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 07 参观监狱有感 by徐天如 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 09

分享 Share


剑桥琐记。之十六 by 林玉凤 教授 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 11宿生投稿@EACers’Work: Sharing about Summer Exchange

Unique Summer In Germany By Liu Xiaoou ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 12 Sharing about Summer Exchange Program By Wu Gang ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 13 The Colorful Lives In University Of Victoria By Ying Kaijie ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 14 Fun From Summer Exchange Program AU2: Chinese Austrian EU Summer School 2012 By Huang Meng ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 15 Brief Sharing About AU2 By Liang Youyan ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 17

特別企劃@Special Corner

Photoshop入門&上期封面製作大揭秘 By Liang Youyan ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 18


- 2 -

11 16

11 30

Master’s Tea with Prof James Mirrlees, Nobel Prize Winner

11 4

Band Night

11 2

10 26



11 20


12 2

Band Show

12 19

Christmas Party

- 3 -

10 14

Sports Day

10 13

9 19

9 13

< >

9 12


9 6

9 3

8 31

Justice Workshop #1


Floor Orientation


沈芷彤 女單,

混雙 亞軍

雷慕雪 女雙 季

李健達 混合團

體 冠軍,男雙



黃榮輝 男單,

混雙 冠軍

許宇翔 男單 亞

許宇翔 男單 亞

朱琪瑋 混雙 季


李育民 季軍


何嘉琪 女子2

00m 季軍



倩 4x100m 季


雪,童緣 4x4

00m 亞軍


雪,童緣 4x4

00m 亞軍

童緣 女子跳高


EAC MAGAZINE-The windows06

我们首先来介绍一下这个课程。这是以哈弗大学由迈克桑德尔主讲的唯一的公开课(Justice: What is the right things to do)为主题的书院活动。这个研讨会是会每个星期五在21楼的会议厅8:00由我们院长来主持的,并且Andy和Kevin也会到场来一同研讨。那我们马上进入这场思辨之旅吧。

! 先来看一个例子:04年夏,佛罗里达遭飓风查理的袭击,损失惨重,但是就在当地人民处在水深火热中时,有些人却在发灾难财。冰块、修理费、住宿旅馆的价格都涨了好几倍。所以一场关于“反哄抬法”是否应该实行的讨论就展开了。



















正义 一场思辨之旅 正义 一场思辨之旅作者:陈家成

社会问题研讨会 by 陈家成

八月三十号,在书院的二十一楼会议厅举行了由Prof. FONG主持的“澳门实事由你say”的互动研讨活动。整个活动以“提问——讨论——总结”的模式解决和讨论一些澳门当下我们最关心最想了解的实时问题。大家向Prof. FONG围成一个大圈圈,会议气氛活跃融洽,各位同学争相发表自己的见解,最后由Prof. FONG总结并提出自己的想法。同学们在这次的会谈中不仅有机会能各抒高见,而且能了解到其他同学的意见,增长了各自的见识,还拓宽了视野,会从更多更全面的角度去思考问题,编者也觉得获益匪浅。整个会议主要讨论以下几个问题:


澳门是否应设立中学统一考试以提升水平?大家可以先自己思考一下这几个问题。下面我们来看一下Prof. FONG关于这几个问题的论述:



派钱其实还有一个非常重要的作用。就是降低一些舆论压力:有些居民可能会说他们没有从政府博彩业的发展得到一点好处。而派钱就很完美的解决了这个问题,你只要有ID就可以拿钱,就相当于政府拿几千块塞住了舆论的嘴巴。Prof. FONG则认为派钱这个行为应该被改善。虽然这个派钱的确对贫富差距有帮助,可影响实在是微乎其微。而更重要的是这个办法是治标不治本的,不是长久之计。

  所以Prof. FONG认为这个派钱应该是有条件的。就如新加坡一样,按年龄去派不同年龄需要的钱,这能帮助居民更加有效的运用政府的福利,而不是一有钱就挥霍掉,挥霍给有钱人,进一步加剧贫富差距,形成恶性循环。












  以上大约就是Prof. FONG的观点,当然还有本人的一点点看法在内,也当然是仅供大家参考学习。就像本人所说的“万全之策”,也是一种观点,目的是开放大家的思维,提供不同的角度去思考问题。



書院生活  來了快四個月了,終於覺得自己儲存了足夠的觀察和感覺,去寫⼀一下這裡的特色書院生活。

  劍橋大學行實行的是書院或學院(College)和學部(Faculty)並行的管理方式,大家常常聽到的劍橋大學帝國學院(King’s Cllege)或三⼀一學院(Trinity College),就是書院或學院,我們在港澳通常將College翻譯為書院,內地卻翻譯為學院。我們在港澳翻譯為學院的Faculty,像文學院或社會科學院,在內地被翻譯為學部,也就是文學部或社會科學學部。書院有點像個小社區,由來自不同科系的學生和學者(Fellow)組成。Fellow可以是大學各個學系的教授或講師,也可以是受僱於書院專責研究或教學的,或屬於榮譽性質的,還有⼀一種,就是我留在這裡的身份──屬於訪問性質的VisitingFellow。多數書院都是⼀一連幾幢的建築物,裡面有教室,演講廳,圖書館,宿舍,食堂,當然還有招生廣告裡最常見的花園和草地,書院多數宿舍讓師生⼀一起生活,大家各有獨立的房間或⼀一整個住宅單位,所謂生活在⼀一起的感覺,靠的其實是⼀一起吃飯。

  我所在的書院,好像沒有港澳的通行譯法,內地把她叫做克萊爾學堂(Clare Hall),由克萊爾學院(Clare College)中分拆開來,後者是劍橋大學的第二個書院,快有八百年的歷史了,規模很大,她的花園美得驚人,是遊客熱點。從中分拆出來的ClareHall,是個規模較少,只收研究生的書院,而且,這個書院因為強調國際交流,所以容納了最高比例的外地學者,也因為這樣,同事圍在⼀一起,常常像個小型的聯合國。第⼀一到來參加歡晚宴的時候,坐在兩旁的新同事,是來自美國和加拿大的,坐在對面的三位,是捷克、意大利和法國的。



原載2012年5月3日《澳門日報》“新園地”版“筆成氣候”專欄 作者:林玉鳳

Agnes, Lam Iok Fong (Lin Yu Feng)Journalism and Public Communication Program,Department of Communication, FSHUniversity of Macau



EAC MAGAZINE-The Windows12

The events I experiencedThis summer was meant to be unique to me.

As a student majoring in Engineering, I wish to have an opportunity to study in Germany all the time. I am very interested in specialization of earthquake engineering, so I chose Prof. Donka’s course. During the two-week study, I found myself gaining a deeper knowledge on this subject.

Besides learning from different professors in different areas, studying abroad is meant to experience more and broaden our horizon.

Fortunately, 2012 summer was a special time for me as well as for Kassel, even for the whole Europe. The dOCUMENTA (13), the most important exhibition in modern art, was open in Kassel during 100 summer days while 2012 European Cup was one of the biggest football events this year. I went to experience the amazing modern art as well as the biggest fan mile in Europe for the match Germany vs. Greece in Berlin. I even saw one of the biggest annual gay parades in Berlin.

The intercultural differences exist everywhere. But I learned and accepted. That is just the way to broaden my horizon.

The people I metBesides those excellent events I experienced, I have to mention those brilliant people I have met.

I really appreciate my host family for their kindness. That is a big family, in which there are four family members with a big horse, two ponies, a pug and two snakes! Another long-term exchange student from the USA and I have spent a wonderful time with them. We went to the neighborhood party and met a lot of nice and kind people. Some of them even spoke Chinese to me. I also took this chance to learn German from local people and enjoyed the barbecue very much. At weekends, I tried to feed the ponies and ride the horse. My host sisters were very good at riding and have won many medals. I even saw the snakes hunting the mice, which was fierce but exciting. Those

unique people with wonderful experiences will be in my memory for the whole life.

In the university, I also made friends from all over the world. Until now, I still write emails every week to my best friends I met in the summer university. Kate, a girl from London, and I usually talked about every little we found interesting in our life. Although we have different cultural backgrounds, we can totally understand each other.

After the summer exchange, I even spent time in Spain for hanging out with my friends who I met during the exchange in Spain in my high school.

Studying aboard is like an amazing journey. You will never know ahead what you will experience and who you will meet. But everything you experienced and everyone you meet would a great memory that stays in your mind even forever.

Unique Summer in GermanyWritten by LIU XIAOOU,Angela

13 EAC MAGAZINE-The Windows

Sharing about Summer Exchange Programme

Rafael, Wu Gang, from the programme PO1

My summer vacation of 2012 at SUW in Poland was such an excellent experience. I totally enjoyed myself with other friends from different countries (cultures), and also learned some knowledge about EU and EU member countries. I can't say that I learned lots of things there, but I can say that my short stay in Poland gave me motivation to study much harder and do my best whatever I do in the future. All in all, I get something from what I saw, what I listened and what I think up with.

To be honest, I was so worried before the long trip. As a person who had not been abroad alone, the possible trouble came to my mind all the time during the last few days before the flight. What if the customs refuse me to enter Europe? What if I could not find the person who came to pick me up? Poland is not an English-speaking country, and it is still a developing country, I worried I would get lost and meet bad guys...The truth is, I worried much more about it. While I arrived at Warsaw Airport, one of the volunteers, who was wearing a colorful T-shirt with "Summer University Warsaw" written, was waiting for me. Warsaw is not a big city and we arrived at the school after half an hour. I met my classmate from UM. What a comfortable situation after so much worries! I feel so great!

On July 2rd, the programme began. It impressed me a lot even though it has been some time till now. During the weekdays, we had lectures which covered several economical, political and financial themes on Poland

and Eastern Europe. Later on we had the chance to practice our knowledge during the workshops. Many important and well known professors, like the former Polish Minister of Finance Kolodko, gave lectures during SUW. When the lectures were finished, there was always a cultural or social event planned. We visited the Old Town in Warsaw, the Palace of Culture (also known as the Stalin building), the royal castle, and had many trips to one of Warsaw’s beautiful parks or shopping centers. In the evenings, most students gathered together in one of the rooms to talk or

prepared themselves for one of the fabulous parties in Warsaw or events organized by the SUW team. Warsaw has a wonderful nightlife, with amazing clubs and bars. After a day full of interesting lectures it was always nice to relax and have fun with the other students, sometimes till the early morning. Also worthwhile to mention is the Krakow trip during which we visited the beautiful city center, Auschwitz and the salt mines of Wieliczka. We are together with the culture of Europe indeed.

Summer University at the Warsaw School of Economics is not only a great way to learn about several subjects concerning Poland and other Eastern countries, it is also a great way to have fun, explore the Polish culture and meet the other participants from all over the world. I really appreciate all the efforts that my kind and friendly Polish friends (organizers) made during my stay. I hope that I can have another experience in the near future.

I  am  explaining  my  ideas  during  the  inaugura3on

During  the  gradua3on,  all  UM  students  with  2  coordinators

EAC MAGAZINE-The Windows14

The International Institution for Business Management Summer Program began on 4th, July with 15 students from Umac, about 70 students from UIC, one from Austria and two from Germany. Until the end of the program, the students had lectures from seven professors for different aspects of

the business fields including business communication, service management, international business and entrepreneurship. With sufficient knowledge and experience in the business fields, every professor taught the knowledge in their own style with patience and passion.

How to improve the skills of public speaking was the most valuable part for me. In the class, we practiced a lot. For example, in every class, Brian, the professor of business communication, would set up the new style presentation for next class. He also introduced at least three totally new styles of presentation which I never knew before. After class, he would also give comments on the presentation to improve our ways to speak. Besides, we also did the assignments for advertisement analysis and personal resume, which would be useful in the future.

We also expended the knowledge for international business which analyses the same strategy, but totally different situations of Walmart spreading out the market in Germany and Toy Us's market in Japan.

In the service management class, four power for service improvement gave us a refreshment. Through the experiments and the observation, we realized the importance of the service for the customers and how to improve them.

Besides the class, we visited the Butchart Garden, which had at least 100 years. It was the most beautiful

place in this study tour in my opinion. In the garden, We could never count how many kinds of flowers in the garden, the purple lavenders, golden tulips, red roses, feeling like we were in the picture of flowers.

“You are so lucky, few people could see the whale so close!” in the whale watching day, the crew on the boat said with a big smile. To be honest, the whale watching was an exciting but painful process. We felt excited for the first time of whale watching, but the boat shake badly, and every one would more or less have ship sickness. The whale would sometimes surface to say hello to us. When we saw it, we could not help yelling. “Please do not yell, you will scare them," the crew told us. In the Victoria, the cuisine could not be forgot to introduce; cupcakes - tender chocolate or vanilla cake with sweet cream on the top, the chicken wrap - hot and crunchy chicken strips with tender pastry, spaghetti - tomato sauce with big beef balls or prawns with cream sauce.

Time flew so quickly. It was a meaningful study tour; I expanded my knowledge into business fields and new friends from the other universities. Besides, the interesting and exciting activities also made this study tour more colorful.

The colorful lives in the University of Victoria

By Ying Kaijie

This summer I attended Chinese Austrian EU Summer School so as to explore the world and enrich my holiday. During the 26 days of this program, we visited 8 European countries including Austria, Belgium, France, Czech, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and Holland. Every day seems to be a busy day for us.

Throughout the whole trip, the two places we stayed longest time were Vienna and Salzburg, almost a week for each city because we had a series of lectures covering history and structure of the European Union as well as Austrian culture, economy, law, politics, music and philosophy. Through these lectures I acquired some basic knowledge about Europe in general and Austria in particular. There were also examinations coming after the lectures, but it wouldn’t be that hard if you just paid attention to the content and I do have learned a lot from this program.

Vienna, the city of music, was the beginning of our whole trip. I still remember on the first day when I wake up and opened window curtains, I saw a beautiful church cross the street just in front of my window and since there are no other high buildings, I can just have a great view of the whole city. Then I suddenly got the feeling that I was actually in Europe and I was so excited. Vienna is a beautiful city full of history. We stayed there for almost a week

and went to Prague for 2 days during the week. On the first day, we visited the famous palace at Vienna named Schönbrunn. It was the first palace we’ve visited at Europe, and also in my point of view, is the most beautiful one.

Every single room of the palace and the gardens of Schönbrunn all illustrate the high classic tastes, interests, and aspirations of successive Habsburg monarchs, which deeply impressed me. After lectures and arranged activities, we had some free time every day. It was quite interesting to hold

Fun From Summer Exchange ProgramAU2: Chinese Austrian EU Summer School 2012

by Huang Meng, Stella


a map and look for sight spots all by yourselves with your team members together in a foreign country, especially under the circumstance that English is not so useful in German-speaking regions. Since there were 10 people in our team which made it a large group, we started to have people getting lost on the first day in Vienna when we were looking for the well-known restaurant there and we almost lost people every day since then, but luckily every one came back at last.During the days in Vienna, we spent two days to visit Prague, the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. It was a nice trip and from guide’s introduction, I gained a basic understanding about the history of Prague. One of the amazing things happened there was that we found an excellent restaurant in Prague Square and we all enjoyed the food there so much. The other one was that we went to the top of the bell tower and saw a fabulous view of the whole city.

From the second week in Europe, we went to Brussels, the city famous for chocolate. When we crossed the road from Manneken Pis to Grand Place, the whole street was filled with the sweet flavor of chocolate and waffles. Although it’s not a big city, there are many headquarters of European Union organizations here.

We visited some of them, like the EU Council and Parliament and learned a lot about EU. Before leaving Brussels, every one of us bought some tasty chocolate and it’s also a good choice as souvenirs for friends. During this

week, we went to Amsterdam and Luxembourg both for one-day short trips. Comparing with the weather in Vienna, it’s quite hot in these cities and it’s getting hotter and hotter later on, especially in Venice. Luckily, I brought clothes suitable for both summer and autumn weather. Although we tried to walk really fast and shuttled around the city, we still could not walk around the whole city because of a lack of time. And what regretful is I didn’t see the two symbols of Holland: tulip and windmill. So I plan to visit Amsterdam once more in the future.

The next stop was Paris which I was looking forward

to visit for a long time. It was really impressive to see those famous sightseeing spots with my own eyes, especially for Eiffel Tower because it was one of my favorite architectures. My friends and I stayed there for several hours to see the view from sunset to night and it was so excited to see the whole Eiffel Tower lighted in the dark evening. Musée du Louvre was another remarkable place to me. As one of the world’s largest museums, the collections in the Louvre were all masterpieces. As Paris is also a city perfect for shopping, every one of us brought favorites either from luxury stores or from pharmacies and the price here was much cheaper even than that in Macau.

After Paris, we passed through Munich having a nice afternoon there, and then went to Mozart’s hometown, Salzburg. We stayed a week in Salzburg’s suburb living inside Campus Urstein and had another round of lectures. During the time, we went to Hallstatt which is called the most beautiful town in the world. It is located near the Hallstätter See (a lake) and there are full of colorful cabins on the town. Following is a picture from Hallstatt. (Shown in the next page)

The last stop of the whole trip was Venice. When we arrived at the Piazza Venezia, I got the illusion that I was back to Macau in front of Venetian due to the similar architecture style. We took the traditional Venetian rowing boat “Gondola” to visit the city formed a circle round along the river starting from the Grand Canal. The Gondolier explained the history of those sightseeing we passed through


while rowing with a forward stroke. It was so nice to experience Venice by this unique way. Venice was so hot that day, so it became a perfect timing for eating Gelato, the famous Italian ice-cream. It looks so delicious which makes you want to try all the flavors. Actually, it really tastes good and I miss it so much after I left Venice.

Through this whole program, I myself not only broaden my horizons, but also have a memorable summer experience in Europe and gain a bunch of good friends. I want to

thank them for staying there and looking for me when I got

lost in the Louvre. I really treasure the happy time we had been through together in Europe. And we have an amazing group leader Halil. He’s so nice to us and helped us a lot during this long trip. I appreciate all the works he had done for me when I got into trouble. Before we left, we made a DIY T-shirt for him and took pictures at the airport. This EU trip will be an unforgettable chapter in my life and I cherish everything I gained from this program.

Brief sharing about AU2 by Liang Youyan As attended the same program with Stella ,I also have some experience to share with you.

This trip brought me not only colorful foreign culture experience, but also the precious friendship we shared.

In the trip, we lived together and went to different places by ourselves together. Although sometimes we might lose some one, and sometimes we were divided into different small groups that went to different destinations. Waiting time is unavoidable in a long trip, we played games,talked about our travelling experience.Because of each other, the long boring waiting time became a special memory for us.

After the trip, we 14 members have become best friends.Also we made friends with another university’s students in the same program group. Just back from Europe, I went to a short trip in Shanghai with Joyce Hu. In the National Day’s holiday, friends we made in the program came to Macau and shared a good time with some of us.

In my view, a trip is not only about destinations but the whole time period you share with people, stories, emotions.Because of our team, this trip became a remarkable experience to me.

If one day you go to a summer exchange trip, please enjoy everything that happens to you in that trip.


Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems.








Photoshop 教程:开启设计之路Tutorial for designing作者 Liang Youyan





Adobe Family


事前准备 在开始学习前,总是要做些准备的。 首先是软件下载。好多人常问我用哪个版本的PS,哪个版本好。 我想说的是,其实对于不同版本基本功能都是相同的,对于进阶功能就看大家的需求了。(我一路从7.0 CS1-5这么用来,最主要的还是那些基础功能,很多进阶的功能甚至因为变得太快我都未曾了解过。) 我使用的是PhotoShop CS5简体中文版本,最新已经出到了CS6,聽說已經有CS7了。 (由于我使用的为简体中文版本,部分功能的表述和繁体中文版本是不一样的,这方面我无能为力,但是意思差不了多少,大家自己领悟看着学吧- -)

PS特有文件格式——PSD 大家日常所用的图片格式有jpg/gif/png等,这里要给大家介绍一种PS特有的格式——PSD格式。 这个格式的神奇之处在于,在PS里打开该格式的档,是可以编辑的!!这是什么意思呢~比如说你看到楼道那张“英雄召集令”的海报好好看啊,尤其是那个背景,好想要啊,这时,你只要拿到PSD檔,在PS中打开,即可以编辑这个海报,取出背景档化为己用了~ 或者有时候海报出错了,怎么办呢,总不能重来吧~这时只要有PSD档,谁都可以进行编辑了,就像.docx在word里边可以编辑修改一般~ 一般我们制作海报都会留下PSD以作修改之用。像我偶尔脑残没存PSD就会在要求修改的时候很头痛了……


刚接触PS的同学对这个概念难以理解,但其实这是个非常简单的概念。 “图层”就是“图”+“层”=一层层的图的意思!是的,在PS里,图片是像建筑一样立体的,分为一层一层,每一层有不同的东西,对每一层的编辑在一般情况下不会影响到下一个图层,所以大家现在看到的“一张”海报,在PS里其实是“N张”图的迭加呢! 图层栏会显示每层图内容的预览。 (Tip:这个抽象的概念光讲 不 一 定 能 理 解 , 去 找 一 个PSD文檔在PS中打开看就明白了。虽然有点啰嗦,但是不能理解图层的话,PS之路走不下去的啊!!!!!如果你理解了之后你会发现上面的话是多么无聊……) 如果把你的PS操作当做在画画的话,那么必然是在一个画布上作业了。 其实图像和画布没什么好区分的,但是有些同学不明白更改画布大小和更改图像大小的区别,你只要试一次加上我上面的那句话就能理解了……

滤镜、笔刷……这货是什么啊! 滤镜:滤镜主要是用来实现图像的各种特殊效果。大家可以打开随便一张图片尝试各种滤镜的效果~每个滤镜的具体参数、使用方法都是根据每次设计的不同而改变的。(我认为常用的自带滤镜: 模糊—高斯模糊、特殊模糊。 锐化—菜单中各种锐化都很有用。对于进阶读者,我个人很推荐一款下载的滤镜,叫做 Topaz Sharpen,市面上签名文件常见那种油画效果就是这么来的。Topaz其实还有很多滤镜,但是因为人气的关系,似乎最近只简化成Sharpen 功能了。) 笔刷:当你选择画笔工具的时候可以看到有不同形状的画笔,而更多的多种形状的画笔就是笔刷了~ 滤镜和笔刷都是可以自己从网上下载后添加进PS里面的,也可以自己制作笔刷哦~










一般打开一张图,会发现它的图层上显示有一个锁头,如果不解锁是无法编辑这个图层的(此时图像大小和画布大小效果相同)。 解锁方法非常简单,在图层上双击—确定即完成解锁。

调整图像大小(1) 图像—图像大小:此为直接调整图像大小,无


(2) 编辑—自由变换:运用这个可以只针对一个图层变换大小。而它说自由变换,那就说明了除了大小之外,还可以进行角度的变化。按住Shift键进行调整可以保持原图像等比例缩放。(在PS中按住Shift键进行一些调整会起到限制圖形的效果,比如画圆的时候按住Shift键画出来的是正圆。)

(3) 编辑—变换:单纯的顺逆时针,180度、360度变化,角度的变换。

一般调整:(1) 调亮:图像——调整——曲线。鼠标左键按住

斜线移动它就会变成曲线,此时可以看到图片亮度有了明显变化。(小提示:大多数的PS操作都可以直接在原图上预览,看不到的话把调整框移开即可~)(深度研究:曲线上凸一般会变亮,下凹会变暗,这只在RGB模式的时候奏效,CMYK模式时是相反的。原因不明。此处看不懂一点都不要紧- -)

(2) 调整对比度:虽然调整菜单中(对,就是上一个提到的调整)有亮度/对比度的调整选项,但是我不喜欢它操作出来的效果,我一般使用调整菜单中的色阶调整。拉住小三角拖动会有神奇调整效果哦~ (我虽不明白为什么,但是基本每个教程教你作图都先捣鼓一下这两步。如果你是拍摄的照


(3) 除了以上两个基本常用介绍外,调整菜单中还有很多功能,大家可以多多尝试。(Tips:如果一个效果调完不满意,可以通过删除历史记录来恢复图像,就是撤销功能。历史记录不同于撤销之处在于可以一次删除到很久以前的步骤,而撤销一般只到上一步。有些人的PS里看不到历史记录,可以在 窗口—勾选历史记录 将它调出来。)


















3.將圖像複製一層,對原圖像使 用 濾鏡-素描-繪圖筆 效果。具體數值根據圖片實際情況調整。(友情提示:




Eac Post 新學年特別刊 封面製作教程 簡單彩色素描效果製作教程作者 Liang Youyan






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