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“高高高高高高”高高高高高高高高高高高高高高高高 一、 高高高高高高 Focus of the Oral Test Transport and environment People Who Have Mattered in Your Life Routines Marriages Food Culture in China Family Reunions Shopping as a Pastime Home Crime 高高高高高高 高 1 高 12 高

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Focus of the Oral Test

Transport and environment

People Who Have Mattered in Your Life



Food Culture in China

Family Reunions

Shopping as a Pastime




Information for the Examinees:This examination consists of THREE sections. They are:

Section I: Listening Test (25 points, 30 minutes)Section II:Reading Test (50 points, 60 minutes)Section III: Writing Test (25 points, 30 minutes)

The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 2 hours (120 minutes).


Section I Listening Test [25 points]

高级职业英语 第 1 页 (共 12 页)

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Instructions: The listening test will take approximately 30 minutes. There are THREE parts to the test. There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each part to allow you to look at your

questions. There will be a pause of 30 seconds after each part to allow you to think about your


Part 1: Questions 1-5 are based on this part. (5 points)

同学们,本复习题中红色字体部分将和大家最终拿到的考卷一模一样,以下是听力部分的复习题——Review question 1:

Instructions: Listen to a conversation between a woman and a man on a boy’s eating habit, and then complete each of the following statements by choosing the best answer from A, B, C and D.

1 Among the following, ________ is NOT recommended to the woman by the man.

A. fresh salads B. vegetable sticks

C. fresh peas D. pureed cream soups

2 According to the man, ketchup appeals to children because ________ .

A. it is healthy B. it contains sugar

C. it doesn’t have sugar in them D. it is sour

3 By saying “Paul does have a very sweet tooth”, the woman means that ________ .

高级职业英语 第 2 页 (共 12 页)

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A. Paul is keen on sweet food B. Paul’s teeth are not healthy

C. Paul eats too much sweet food D. Paul is crazy about sweets

4 According to the man, ______ is rich in vitamin A.

A. lettuce B. spinach

C. parsley D. watercress

5 According to the conversation, ________ is the season for peas.

A. winter B. autumn

C. summer D. spring

Review question 2:

Instructions: Listen to a conversation between a doctor and a patient and then decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False.

1 Mrs. Wells can also find the instructions of the medicine in her pocket.

T. True. F. False.

2 Mrs. Wells need to take six tablets every day.

T. True. F. False.

3 Mrs. Wells may lose her appetite completely if she doesn’t start taking the medicine immediately.

T. True. F. False.

4 The doctor will be busy with a surgery before eleven o’clock next Wednesday morning.

高级职业英语 第 3 页 (共 12 页)

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T. True. F. False.

5 Mrs. Wells should try to walk to shop by herself every day as an exercise.

T. True. F. False.

Review question 3:

Instructions: Listen to an interview between a reporter and a policewoman and then complete each of the following statements by choosing the best answer from A, B, C and D.1 Out of the _______ candidates, the police committee chose Ms. Pickford as the

chief constableA. 3 B. 4C. 5 D. 6

2 Ms. Pickford is ________ years old now.A. 31 B. 17C. 35 D. 48

3 Ms. Pickford was inspired by ______ from her family to join the police force.A. nobody B. her fatherC. her mother D. her grandfather

4 Ms. Pickford never held the position of ________ in her career as a policewoman.A. chief inspector B. sub-divisional commanderC. assistant superintendent D. chief constable

5 It took less than _________ year(s) for Ms. Pickford to become chief constable from deputy chief constable.A. 1 B. 2C. 3 D. 4

Part 2: Questions 6-15 are based on this part. (10 points)You are going to listen to a monologue about … As you listen, decide whether statements 6-15 are true or false. Write T for “true” and F for “false” on the Answer Sheet.

高级职业英语 第 4 页 (共 12 页)

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这种正误判断题需要在答题前仔细审题,把每个选项中的核心词划下来,以便在听的时候有强烈的目的性。这里复习几个单词,需要同学们在考前烂熟于心,从而扫清词汇对于听力理解的障碍:Livestock, ingredient, legume, soybean, cultivate, hybridization, Indonesia, chiefly, fermented, protein, curd, cheese, tofu, seasoned, derived, paste, adhesive, poultry, investigative, unveil.

Part 3. Questions 16-25 are based on this part. (10 points)You are going to listen to a conversation between … As you listen, complete the summary by filling in each blank with ONE word. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

这道题是中规中矩的“Spot Dictation”,同学们平时在做自测题时已经多次遇到,不应该陌生。但是,根据以往的经验,这种考察拼写的题目丢分现象依然严重。

做题技巧——1、 对于需填写词的前后两个单词要做着重标记,在听的时候一定要重视!2、单词本身写对了还不够,还需要关注其时态,很多丢分的情况在于不知道加上第三人称单数“s”或“es”;或者忘记加上“ing”、“ed”;复数变形通常也会成为丢分点。


高级职业英语 第 5 页 (共 12 页)

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consultancy, export, subsidiary, ownership, investment, risk, license, facility, conflict, venture, typical, terminate, demand, potential, scale, adapt, optimise, force, survive, sustainability.


2)语法不过关,遗漏关键词缀:举个例子,听到 licensing,但写成 license,ing

没写,过去式后该有-ed的漏掉了(如 absorbed 写成了 absorb)。Goose复数的不规则变形 geese等。

3)听力欠准确:辅音听错,比如 depressed听成 impressed;明明是短语,但没有写相应的介词或副词,如 taken up写成 taken等。


unpleasant – pleasant; deal – meal; positive – negative; sold - told 等

5)信息搞混淆:比如 attended a meeting with the Marketing Department. 对话中也提及了 services department, 有的同学就写 services;


高级职业英语 第 6 页 (共 12 页)

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6) 填答案时填错行:比如不会做第五题,却把第六题的答案写上去,造成后面的答案跟着错。

This is the end of the Listening Test.

Section II Reading Test [50 points]

同学们,这部分一共有 5个阅读篇章,算上题目本身的字数共 2500余字,希望大家在考试时安排好自己的时间,同时通过下面复习题的操练切实提升自己的阅读速度。Review passage 1

Alcoholism and Bipolar Disorder

The temptation to have just one more drink may be too great for women with bipolar disorder. Research has found that they are seven times more likely to suffer from alcoholism than other women. Bipolar men are at risk too; they are three times more likely to suffer from alcoholism than other men.

What worries the experts is that these patients try to self-medicate themselves by drinking too much. To understand the drinking problems of bipolar patients, Mark Frye and researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles examined 267 outpatients enrolled in the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network. They questioned patients and physicians about alcohol use.

高级职业英语 第 7 页 (共 12 页)

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Researchers found that men with bipolar, who are alcoholics, most often had a family history of alcoholism, bipolar disorder and drug abuse when compared with nonalcoholic bipolar men. Alcoholism among bipolar women, however, did not stem from family lineage. Their addiction had more to do with anxiety and depression.

Bipolar women are more at risk of developing alcoholism than non-bipolar women. Fortunately, most of the women in the study avoided drinking in the first place. Only 29 percent of them had developed alcoholism. Bipolar men, however, more often suffer from alcoholism--49 percent were classified as alcoholics.

Questions 26-30: Fill in the blanks to complete the following summary according to the reading passage. You can write ONLY one word in each blank. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Both bipolar women and men have greater chances to suffer from alcoholism than others. While men with bipolar disorder are three times more likely to suffer from alcoholism than other men, the figure is ________ (1) times for bipolar women. On the other hand, a research shows that bipolar men more often suffer from alcoholism in that __________ (2) percent of them were classified as alcoholics but only ________ (3) percent of bipolar women had developed alcoholism. The possible causes of alcohol addiction for men and women are also different. Alcoholic bipolar men most often had a family history of alcoholism, bipolar disorder and ________ (4) abuse. The addiction of bipolar women had more to do with __________ (5) and depression.

Review passage 2


FOR: When risk of death from heart attack is plotted on a graph against alcohol consumption, studies consistently show a U-shaped curve, which suggests that non-drinkers and heavy drinkers have higher rates of heart disease than light to moderate drinkers. The implication is that moderate drinking offers protection from heart disease.

For years, doctors believed that the death rate among teetotalers was artificially high because it included a substantial number of reformed drinkers, irreparably damaged by alcohol. However, more recent studies which separate life-long drinkers from abstainers have shown that abstainers are still at high risk.

高级职业英语 第 8 页 (共 12 页)

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Studies have shown that moderate drinkers have higher levels of high-density lipoproteins in their blood. This is the “good” cholesterol that protects against heart disease. Alcohol also appears to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Drinking alcohol in moderation undoubtedly brings some benefits, it is important not to play down the dangers of heavy drinking. Alcohol is related to a string of health problems including cirrhosis of the liver, cancer of the mouth, high blood pressure and hemorrhage stroke.

Some people believe that wine, in particular, has additional beneficial properties that set it apart from other alcoholic drinks. The French have significantly less heart disease than any other industrialized nation except Japan. For example, in Toulouse, France, the annual heart disease death rate per 100,000 men is 78 --- barely a fifth of the number in Glasgow, Scotland. French doctors believe that the low rate of heart disease is a result of the fact that the French consume large quantities of wine.

The relationship between alcohol consumption and the risk of developing cancer has also been studied. Population studies suggest that people who drink moderately are at less risk than those who do not drink at all. Again, wine may be largely responsible for the benefits.

Other research suggests that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol also reduces the risk of catching everyday infections like colds. A recent study showed that drinking two units of alcohol daily can halve susceptibility to infections.

AGAINST: Drinking has been linked to diminished size, minor physical abnormalities and lower intelligence test scores. However, since it is not possible to say how much alcohol a pregnant woman can safely drink, the best advice is not to drink at all until after the birth.

How alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver is not known. It is thought that many years of heavy drinking may cause problems with the repair processes, so that healthy cells are replaced by scar tissue. If the liver is unable to work, blood is forced to find alternative routes back to the heart and this leads to increased pressure in the blood vessels, making them liable to burst and cause a life-threatening hemorrhage.

For women, one of the greatest dangers is heavy drinking during pregnancy causing

高级职业英语 第 9 页 (共 12 页)

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serious birth defects in the baby. In some studies, even moderate amounts of alcohol (two or three units a day) have occurrence of blood clots by making blood platelets less “sticky” and increasing levels of enzymes which dissolve them.

Another serious concern for women is that drinking even moderate amounts of alcohol appears to increase the risk of breast cancer. Researchers from Harvard Medical School in the USA compared women who developed breast cancer with women free from the disease and discovered increased risk among those who had as little as two drinks a day. Doctors advise that each woman needs to assess her own risks. It is sensible for a woman with a family history of breast cancer to limit her alcohol intake.

Cancer of the bowel is also related to drinking. A fifty-year-old man who drinks is 3% more likely to get cancer of the large bowel than a man who does not drink. Alcohol has positive effects on some aspects of health but a negative influence on others.

Questions 1-5: The following is a rewritten version of the passage above. Fill in the missing information with one word for each blank. The first letter of the word has been given. You must choose words from the passage.

Doubtlessly, heavy alcohol drinking harms health. It may cause several dangerous and even deadly diseases, including liver cirrhosis, mouth cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer, high blood pressure, and hemorrhage stroke. P________ 1 women are especially warned not to drink any alcohol at all as drinking is likely to result in serious birth d________ 2. On the other hand, recent studies seem to suggest that moderate drinking may be b________ 3 to human health. Moderate drinkers of alcohol are less likely to suffer heart diseases because they have higher levels of “good” cholesterol in their blood. This is probably why the annual heart disease death rate is relatively low in France which c________ 4 large quantities of wine every year. Besides, moderate drinking may also reduce the risk of developing cancer and catching common i________ 5.

Review passage 3:

Instructions: Read the following passage and answer questions 1-5 according to your understanding.

高级职业英语 第 10 页 (共 12 页)

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Minced Chicken Balls with Mushrooms(Ji Zhan Koumo)

50 grams large mushrooms 50 grams chicken, minced3 grams ham, diced egg whites 3 grams rape, finely chopped

1.5 grams salt 10 grams cooking wine350 grams stock 10 grams cornstarch

1. In a large saucepan, put 150 grams of stock, 3 grams of cooking wine and half a gram of salt. Bring it to the boil.

2. Add the mushrooms and boil for two minutes.3. Remove the mushrooms from the saucepan and drain them.4. Sprinkle the drained mushrooms with 3 grams of cornstarch.5. Mix the minced chicken with half a gram of salt, 3 grams of cornstarch and 4

grams of the wine. Stir them until they are well-blended.6. Beat the egg whites until they are foamy. Add to the chicken mixture to make a

paste.7. Spoon out the chicken paste with a tablespoon dipped in oil, and shape it into

balls the same size as the mushrooms.8. Stuff the mushrooms with the chicken balls. Coat the stuffed mushrooms with

the diced ham and the chopped rape.9. Set the coated mushrooms in a steamer and steam for about half an hour. Wait

until the chicken paste is creamy white in appearance. Place the mushrooms on a plate.

10. In a large saucepan, bring the remaining stock to the boil. Add the remaining wine and salt.

11. Mix the remaining cornstarch with 8 grams of water. Add it to the sauce and stir until it is thick.

12. Pour the sauce on top of the steamed mushrooms and serve immediately.

Questions 1-5: The following is a summary of the passage above. Fill in the missing information with one word for each blank. The first letter of the word has been given. You must NOT use words chosen from the passage.

The passage is a cooking r________ 1 for a dish called “Minced Chicken Balls with Mushrooms (Ji Zhan Koumo)”. It instructs you how to prepare the dish. The first part of

高级职业英语 第 11 页 (共 12 页)

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the passage tells you the i________ 2 (such as “large mushrooms” and “diced egg whites”) and their quantities needed for the dish. The numbered items in the passage represent the twelve s________ 3 to prepare “Minced Chicken Balls with Mushrooms”. These numbered items usually contain information about cooking u________ 4 needed (such as “saucepan” and “spoon”), cooking methods to be used (such as “to boil” and “to stir”), and the e________ 5 to which the food is to be cooked (such as “until … well-blended” and “until … creamy white”).

Review passage 4

Crime Prevention

Can we do anything to protect ourselves from crime? The answer is “yes”. The best way to minimize the risk of being the victim of a crime is to take sensible precautions. The tips below cover several ways in which we can contribute to our own safety, our family’s and our friends’. You may already be aware of some of them, but some may be new to you and you may find them useful.

a. Do fit a viewer or spyhole and a stout door chain on the outside doors. These are all available at DIY (i.e. do it yourself) shops.

b. Never allow anyone (e.g. repairmen) to enter your home without first checking their identity.

c. Never let your handbag out of your sight. On public transport, keep hold of it, with the clasp or zip shut so a thief cannot steal your purse. In the office, keep it in a drawer, or in a corner near you and out of sight. Even in a car, keep it out of sight --- if you have the windows open or a door unlocked, a thief may reach it when you stop in traffic.

d. If you regularly go jogging or cycling, try to vary your route and time. Stick to well-lit roads with pavements. On commons and parklands, keep to main paths and open spaces where you can see and be seen by other people --- avoid wooded areas.

e. When you answer the phone, simply say “hello”; don’t give your number. If the caller claims to have a wrong number, ask him or her to repeat the number required. Never reveal any information about yourself to a stranger and never say you are alone in the house.

f. Never leave a spare key in a hiding place like under a door-mat, in a flower pot or

高级职业英语 第 12 页 (共 12 页)

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inside the letter box --- a thief will look there first. Never leave a garage or garden shed unlocked, especially if it has a connecting door to the house.

g. Always keep your cheque card separate from your cheque book; a thief need both to write a cheque.

h. If you think someone is following you, check by crossing the street --- more than once if necessary --- to see if he follows. If you are still worried, get to the nearest place where there are other people --- a pub or anywhere with a lot of lights on --- and call the police. Avoid using an enclosed phone box in the street, as the prowler could trap you inside.

i. If you often walk hone in the dark, get a personal attack alarm from a DIY shop. Carry it in your hand so you can use it immediately to scare off an attacker. Make sure it is designed to continue sounding if it’s dropped or falls to the ground.

j. If you are selling your home, don’t show people around on your own. Ask your estate agent to send a representative with anyone who wants to view your house.

k. Use time switches --- available from DIY shops --- to turn on lights, radios and other appliance when you are out. This will make it look as if your house is occupied.

Questions 1-5: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for “True” and F for “False”.1 You should jog at quiet places where nobody can see you so that nobody can

assault you.T. True. F. False.

2 If a stranger tells you your address and checks if it’s right on the phone, you should say “No” and hang up the phone.T. True. F. False.

3 If you feel followed on the street, run to the nearest telephone booth as fast as possible to call the police for help.T. True. F. False.

4 If you walk home in the dark after work every weekday, you should always keep a personal attack alarm in your pocket to scare assailants off if necessary.T. True. F. False.

5 When you go out of town for a couple of days, you should make sure that all the windows of your house are shut, all the doors are shut, and the power is shut.T. True. F. False.

高级职业英语 第 13 页 (共 12 页)

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Review passage 5

Each of the following paragraphs describes the main job responsibilities of a certain occupation. Read carefully and match the job titles with their respective job duties.

Job Titles:A. Pharmacy TechnicianB. Government Relations AnalystC. Retail Store Manager D. Pension Analyst E. Warehouse/Converter Technician F. Audit Associate - Financial ServicesG. Manager, Consumer Public RelationsH. Deductions AnalystI. Customer Support/TrainerJ. Department Store Buyer

1. The qualified candidate will have significant prior retail management experience handling all aspects of store operations including matters relating to: driving sales,

customer service, visual merchandising, inventory (存货) control, loss prevention,

shipping/receiving, human resources.

2. Deliver quality service to top tier (等级) clients in the financial services industry as

part of our Assurance practice. Overall deliverables: Audits (审计) and reporting on

financial and non-financial information, annual audits, quarterly reviews, assistance to internal audit departments, implementation of new technical standards and written documentation to Firm standards.

3. Reviewing stock order and place medications orders on pharmacy shelves and pharmacy profiles under the direct supervision of a registered Pharmacist; assisting pharmacists and preparing medication for distribution in the medical center.

高级职业英语 第 14 页 (共 12 页)

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4. Responsible for the processing of death claims and determining the appropriate

payments to Spouses (配偶), Beneficiaries (受益人), and Estates. Also responsible

for the approval of various changes submitted to update payments records of retirees covered under group annuity contracts, resolving lost/missing payments.

5. As a Manager you will: participate in new business development and support organizational initiatives. Develop and cultivate relationship with the Client and external audiences. Oversee day-to-day Client projects and/or events to insure the quality of work meets Client's objective and provides value.

6. Assist congressional lobbyists( 说 客 ) and policy experts within Government

Relations with achievement of a strategy that ensures the successful fulfillment of the company’s legislative and regulatory goals. Monitor media coverage for issues that impact the company, providing research and analysis on such issues.

7. Under direct supervision, responsible for maintaining secure inventory storage and control. Performs duties associated with storage, shipping and receiving of

equipment and supplies. Control the physical flow of converters(变频器,变压器).

8. Responsibilities consist of Help Desk support and end user training. Will participate in relining training material produced by the training development team. Must be able to give training to senior level government employees. Will be responsible for resolving end users’ problems.

9. Opportunity with one of Long Island premier companies for a Credit Specialist with

hands on experience reviewing customer deductions( 扣 除 ) and determining

adjustments for corrected charge backs. Enter customer deduction amounts into database program and work to resolve deduction issues.

10. Will select and order stock from our suppliers in Italy, predict fashion trends, and build a strong relationship with our Italian office. Will have gained your buying

高级职业英语 第 15 页 (共 12 页)

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experience in women’s fashion and will hold a degree in design with a business studies component.

Review passage 6

Instructions: Read the following passage and answer questions 1-5 according to

your understanding.

China National Cereals, Oils & Food-stuffs Import & Export Corporation (COFCO) is a state-owned enterprise directly under the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation (MOFTEC).

Since 1952 when it was initially established in Beijing, COFCO has set up 13 functional divisions, 23 wholly owned subsidiaries and 6 branches in the country and 22 organizations abroad which are directly affiliated to it. Now it handles more than 8 series, including cereals, oils and foodstuffs, fruits, vegetables and aquatic products, poultry, meat and livestock, processed food, sugar, fishmeal, liquors and beverages, and other foodstuffs.

The top level administrative officials of COFCO are the president and vice-presidents. The functional divisions include the Presidents’ Office, the Personnel Division, the Strategic Research Center, the Planning, Financial and Accounting Division, the Enterprise Management Division, the General Service Division, the Transportation Division, the Advertising Division, the Computer and Telecom Division, and so on. China Processed Food Import & Export Co., COFCO Grain & Oil Import & Export Co. are two of the twenty-three domestic subsidiaries, and Top Glory (London) Ltd., and CEROIL-FOOD (New York) Inc. are two of the fourteen subsidiaries abroad. LUDEE Co., China National Maize Export Co., and China National Liangfeng Grain Import and Export Corp. are COFCO’s three associate companies. COFCO also has six branches within the country, including COFCO Heilongjiang Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import & Export Co. and so on, and six representative offices abroad.

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Questions 1-3: Complete the following statements by choosing the best answer from A, B, C and D.

1 COFCO’s business range probably doesn’t cover ________ .A. cabbages B. cornC. crude oil D. cattle

2 COFCO has ________ subsidiaries in all.A. twenty-three B. twenty-twoC. forty-five D. thirty-seven

3 China National Maize Export Co. is one of COFCO’s ________ .A. functional divisions B. domestic subsidiariesC. associate companies D. branches

4True or False questions.When COFCO was established in Beijing , it had only domestic subsidiaries.A: True B: False5True or False questions.Now COFCO has six branches in and out of the country.A: True B: False

Review passage 7Half a Job between Two

Dinkum's informed their workforce last week that in a desperate attempt to save jobs, they would move over to a job-share system. Rather than face unemployment, their workers are being offered the chance to work on a half-time basis where two people will share the responsibilities of one. 'We're giving our workers a choice. They can take redundancy if they prefer but if they want to stay with us, we can only offer them half their previous earnings,' said a spokesman for the factory.

Beryl Harris, 47, is one of the many workers who have opted for the job-share arrangement. 'I know what it's like to be unemployed. I've watched my husband lose his self- respect in these last two years.'

Ron Harris, 49, looks depressed. He's a smartly-dressed man with neat graying hair and a twinkling smile - when you see it. Ron doesn't smile very often these days. 'I was a

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happy man until two and a half years ago when I lost my job. Now I just feel demoralised.'

Ron had worked as a fitter in two other factories before joining Dinkum's 8 or 9 years ago. 'My wife was already working there so it seemed a logical move. Both the other places I'd worked in had closed down. I got a bit of redundancy money from the second one but managed to get fixed up at Dinkum's immediately.' Ron was devastated when he was told he was no longer needed at Dinkum's. Ron had a good working record but Dinkum's operated a 'last in, first out' policy so Ron didn't stand a chance. 'They pay you redundancy money and that's that. Nobody seems to consider what it does to a man in his mid-forties to be thrown on the scrap heap.'

Sunnington has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. Ron has been looking for work since Dinkum's broke the news to him two and a half years ago. 'I’ve probably applied for more than a hundred jobs: as a labourer, a watchman and so on and I even tried to get a job as a dustman once - but nobody wants a guy of my age.'

Ron's experience is not uncommon. 'The streets are full of broken men and the employment exchange is one of the worst places imaginable.' Ron and Beryl are already starting to worry about whether their two teenage children will find work when they leave school. It's bad enough with two of us trying to keep busy at home in the afternoons now but I have nightmares thinking about four of us without jobs,' says Beryl.

Ron spends his days doing odd jobs around the house, gardening and scanning the local newspaper for possible jobs. 'I watch far too much television but that's better than going to the pub.' Ron shakes his head sadly as he talks about other 'decent working class guys' who have taken to drink. 'It's so hard to keep your spirits up but I try.'

When asked what they think of Dinkum's new job-share plan, Ron and Beryl were in agreement. 'At least they're trying to find a solution. It's not their fault that this government of this country has made such a mess of things.' Many other workers were less sympathetic towards Dinkum's, saying that it is 'blackmail'. One male worker, who does not wish to be named, complained 'They're just using us because they know we all dread unemployment. But half wage is no good to anybody. It's just about the same as unemployment benefit.' Several workers we spoke to reported that they saw no point in working when they could get as much money on the dole. Ron Harris takes a different view. 'Anything's better than living on state benefit and waking up every day without

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anything to do.' Ron recalled cases of men he knows who had lost the will to work and the story of an unemployed man committing suicide in a nearby town. 'I can see why he did it but I'll never get to that stage.' It's a widely recognised problem that people who do not work can become severely depressed and listless.

'There are people much worse off than us,' said Beryl. 'At least we've got half a job between the two of us and, who knows, our luck may change.'

When asked about the future of the factory, the Dinkum's spokesman said that they were unable to make any promises but were hoping that the factory would be able to keep going and even re-employ some of its former workers in the not too distant future. This hope is undoubtedly shared by the unemployed of Sunnington.

Questions 1-5: Decide whether the following statements are true, false or not mentioned. Write “T” for “true”, “F” for “false” and “NM” for “not mentioned” on the Answer Sheet.

_____ 1. Workers of Dinkum’s are free to make their choice: take redundancy or work on a half-time basis.

_____ 2. Beryl Harris is against the job-share arrangement because her husband is already laid off.

_____ 3. Ron Harris has been jobless for at least two and a half years._____ 4. It can be inferred that Beryl has worked at Dinkum’s for longer years

than her husband has._____ 5. Though unemployed, Ron still often keeps his twinkling smile.

Review passage 8

Obec’s Annual Business Report

Unfortunately sales results over the last year have failed to come up to our expectations. A number of factors have been responsible, but basically it is the result of too many companies chasing the microcomputer market which is no longer expanding as fast as it once was.

Looking at the past year in detail, it must be admitted that the sales have declined

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considerably over the period. Our market share in wholesales has dropped from 21% to only 10%. The lack of a good local distributor in Asia has meant that our sales of the Obec series have collapsed despite the huge jump in the microcomputer market there during the past year. Our dominance of that part of the market has been lost to Strong, but once we find a new distributor we should come back strongly.

Retail sales in general have been a problem. There has been a tendency for the big high street stores to concentrate on high volume turnover of a few fairly well-known makes. When they stopped promotion of the Obec 1500, sales slumped by 50%. We are negotiating a fresh marketing deal for the new Obec 1600. Once this is settled we expect a gradual rise in sales, which will be followed by a big TV advertising campaign at the appropriate time. What we are facing now is that we have not been able to push the Obec 1600 as much as we would have liked because of insufficient advertising.

Most of our advertising budget went on the promotion of the Obec Extra before last Christmas. Unfortunately we have failed consistently to find the proper marketing strategy for the Extra, which has not been sold to either the leisure or the business market. This market has been captured by Sun, who has a much broader range in this area.

The serious business market has performed worse than any other in the period under review. The main factor was the introduction of the new Legend 586 Plus, when sales tailed off over a period of several months, as wholesalers, retailers and customers waited to see what the 586 Plus would do. With this background it is natural that sales of the Obec 1000 and 2000 have gone into a slide, in fact dropping by 41% and 53% respectively. They showed a slight upturn just after the introduction of the 586 Plus, only to crash again a few weeks later.

To end on a more positive note, our sales in general have been picking up again in the past month and we are looking forward with optimism to the coming year when we plan to introduce new products in the Asian market. I am sure that the year ahead will see a change in fortune for Obec Computer Company.

Questions 1-5: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.

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1 How many computer models are mentioned in this report?A. Four. B. Five.C. Six. D. Seven.

2 How many competitors of Obec’s are mentioned in this report?A. Four. B. Three.C. Two. D. One.

3 Which of the following is NOT a measure suggested in this report to win back the market?A. Find a new local distributor in Asia.B. Launch a big TV advertising campaign for Obec 1600.C. Try to find the proper marketing strategy for the Extra.D. Introduce new products in the Asian market.

4 Which of the following presents the most dramatic drop in sales of Obec products?A. Wholesales. B. Obec 1500.C. Obec 1600. D. Obec 1000.

5 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. None of Obec’s products showed any upturn in sales last year.B. The whole microcomputer market in Asia slumped last year.C. Sun was quite successful in sales during last Christmas season.D. Obec 1000 and 2000 immediately lost about half of their markets to Legend

586 Plus.

Review passage 9

The “Read On” bookstore is managed by the owners, Amelia and Donald Sinclair. They attend to all the major administration of the shop --- the ordering of books, the general accounts, staffing and so on. They employ a total of 11 people: an assistant manager, sales staff, a storekeeper, an accountant and service staff. Eight of these staff members work in and around the shop during opening hours. The assistant manager sells books but also runs the information desk, which provides a full range of services for customers wishing to locate books, find out publication details or place special orders. The sale of books is mainly taken care of by three full-time workers and three part-time workers who are all familiar with the stock in the shop and able to offer advice to customers as required. The storekeeper is responsible for receiving and recording new supplies, refilling the bookshelves and generally keeping the stock room in order. He occasionally

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helps out on the sales desk. A professional accountant is employed to do major accounting for the business on the last Friday of each month. The service staff for the shop consists of only two people: a cleaning lady who works for two hours before the shop opens each day, and a general handyman who is a retired man who works on a causal basis, paid by the hour, when he is needed for repairs and odd jobs.

Questions 1-5: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

1 ________ employees work for the bookstore on a full-time basis.

A. Four B. Five

C. Six D. Seven

2 Customers’ special orders are placed with the ________.

A. owners B. assistant manager

C. sales staff D. storekeeper

3 Refilling the bookshelves is the responsibility of the ________.

A. assistant manager B. sales staff

C. storekeeper D. handyman

4 Which job is NOT the storekeeper’s job according to the passage?A. Helping out on the sales desk.B. Keeping the stock room in order.C. Receiving and recording new supplies.D. Ordering new books.

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5 How many people does the sales staff have?A. ThreeB. SixC. EightD. Eleven

Review passage 10China’s Great Gastronomic Revolution

As you make your way through the crowded stalls of Beijing’s food markets nowadays, you may sometimes be confused as to just what you should be looking for. There is a profusion of fresh vegetables laid out for sale. How different things were only a scant 15 years ago. At that time there was no variety in the selection of vegetables. Today, with bread, jam, milk and eggs available for breakfast instead of porridge, deep-fried dough strips and pickles, more and more people can afford the indulgence of eating whatever they want.

It is all the rage for fashionable teenagers and trendy yuppies to go to a Western restaurant for spaghetti, a hamburger, fried chicken, pizza or a sandwich. Older folks in China have not quite caught on to these trends, as their younger counterparts have, and tend to be more practical, focusing their attention on simple but sensible food. The purpose of eating is not simply to fill one’s stomach, they reason, but also to maintain one’s mind and body. Products like low-fat foods, vegetables, bean products and “black food” (foods dark in color, believed to be highly nutritious) have all won over many older consumers who would probably blanch at the thought of a McDonald’s Happy Meal for lunch.

It is an old Chinese tradition to attach great importance and ceremony to the art of dining. When friends come for dinner, they are often treated to a sumptuous banquet, which results in a lot of wasted food. Young people nowadays pay more attention to quality than quantity, though, and innovative contraptions like chafing dishes are starting to appear on Chinese tables instead of the old “eight courses (usually four meat dishes and four vegetable dishes) and one soup” allowing diners to chat while they eat. Some companies are now beginning to treat guests to buffets instead of the traditional big banquet, which helps in turn to cut costs.

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China is well-known for its food. The famous “eight cuisines” of Chinese kitchens have won accolades from customers as far afield as Capetown and Salt Lake City. But preparing Chinese dishes is no easy job, and it takes one or two hours to serve up one dish with the right flavor, color, taste and shape to satisfy demanding Chinese palates. People of the 1990’s just don’t have the time any more. Affluence brings more fast food and instant meals in a box, especially frozen food, and the introduction of electric steamers, microwave ovens and electric ranges gives many people an excuse to spend fewer and fewer hours in the kitchen preparing a decent meal.

In a fast-growing society, ideas on eating change day by day, and no doubt the last page on China’s gastronomic revolution is still a few chapters off.

Questions 1-5: Briefly answer the following questions according to the passage. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

1. What did Chinese people usually have for breakfast 15 years ago? 2. According to this passage, how would older consumers probably react to Western

food such as a hamburger, pizza and fried chicken?3. Why are some companies now beginning to treat guests to buffets instead of the

traditional big banquet?4. What are the reasons that Chinese people are spending less time in the kitchen now

than in the past? Name at least two.5. What does the title “China’s Great Gastronomic Revolution” suggest?Review passage 11

Instructions: Read the following passage and answer questions 1-5 according to

your understanding.

Charlotte Ascot didn’t realize at the beginning that First would actually become a chain. She was hopeful though. She had always been interested in fashion and she realized that there was a whole market which was not being catered for outside London: men and women who were young enough to want to look fashionable and who could afford the sort of good quality clothes that were only available in London. These people have grown out of shopping in the cheaper, high street shops which cater for the under

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twenty-five age group but do not want to wear the sort of classic clothes that have always been available so there is an obvious gap. Now Charlotte’s shops are helping to fill that gap.

Charlotte Ascot opened her first shop in 1985, in Manchester, selling only women’s clothes. It was an exciting time and it was wonderful watching the sales figure grow during the first year. The success of that shop prompted her to open two more shops the following year --- one in London and one in Oxford. By 1989, Charlotte had 25 women’s shops nation-wide, and 18 First men’s shops. The men’s shops were slow to take off at first but suddenly Charlotte found business was booming. Now she has branches in virtually every shopping center in the country and more than one shop in each big city. In Birmingham, for example, there are five shops, each selling different stock.

Charlotte Ascot always says that hard work is the secret of her success. She hardly ever manages to have a holiday. She believes it’s very important to keep in touch and she never intends to become a businesswoman or a director who sits in a fancy office giving orders to other people all the time. Charlotte personally checks every design that is proposed and if she doesn’t like it, it doesn’t go into the shops. She keeps a close relationship with people who shop in her stores. Charlotte knows what they want and what they don’t want. She wears the clothes herself to make sure that they are fashionable today but won’t look dated or old-fashioned next season. All the clothes in First shops are designed by First’s own designers, with First’s particular market in mind. First’s clothes won’t be found anywhere else but in First shops. Each season, First’s range is color coordinated. If a customer buys a First skirt, she can choose from a large selection of shirts and blouses to go with it. In Charlotte’s large stores customers can also buy everything else they may need --- a handbag, shoes, tights, even make-up --- all color coordinated.

Questions 1-5: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False.

1 Charlotte’s original target consumers are non-Londoners over the age of 25 who want to and have the money to buy clothes in fashion in London.

T. True. F. False.

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2 Charlotte opened her first shop in London in the year of 1986.

T. True. F. False.

3 Now Charlotte owns at least one shop in each city of the country.

T. True. F. False.

4 Charlotte doesn’t like to be a director or give orders.

T. True. F. False.

5 No First design can actually go into the market before Charlotte’s personal approval.

T. True. F. False.

Review passage 12

Instructions: Read the following passage and answer questions 1-5 according to

your understanding.

China established a free medical-care system in 1951. State-owned institutions and industrial factories were entitled to open welfare accounts to help cover medical expenses of their employees. The system has helped protect the health of urban residents, helped promote economic development and maintained social stability.

However, misuse of the system has become more common and medical expenditures have increased in recent years. In 1994, medical expenditures for workers nation-wide amounted to 55.8 billion yuan, which is equal to 6.5 billion US dollars. In 1978, the cost was 2.7 billion yuan, which is equal to 325 million US dollars.

It has become a necessity for China to reform her medical-care system, and the Chinese government has decided to take action. The reform aims to build a new type of medical

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insurance system for Chinese workers and to better meet basic medical demands. The new medical system will be expected to help prevent abuse of medical resources and alleviate heavy financial burdens caused by increasing medical expenses.

In order to gather experience and ensure the smooth implementation of the reform nationwide, the Chinese government has conducted pilot experiment programs in certain cities. The experiments have attempted to create a new medical-insurance system that integrates “overall medical funds with personal accounts”. Under the new system, institutional and industrial employees pay 1 percent of their monthly salary to set up a personal account for medical expenses. Both capital and interest from the account will be set aside for the individual. Units are then required to contribute a sum equivalent to about 10 percent of their entire staff’s salaries, about 50 percent or more of which goes into personal accounts for each staff member. The remainder of the money goes to establish an overall medical fund for cases of serious illness. Medical costs will be subtracted first from employees’ personal accounts. But for serious ailments or costly medical treatment, the overall medical-insurance fund will cover the majority of the cost.

Despite difficulties and problems, the pilot experiment programs have achieved great success. Now the State Council plans to expand the nation’s pilot program involving the reform of China’s free medical-care system to some 80 cities this year. The extension is a follow-up to previous work in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, and Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, launched early last year.

Questions 1-5: Answer the following questions by choosing the best answer from A, B, C and D.

1 Which of the following may be the best title of this article?A. The Medical-care System Reform of ChinaB. China’s Medical-care Reform ExperimentsC. Should Medical-care Be Free?D. The Necessity of Medical-care System Reform in China

2 Why is medical-care system reform necessary in China?A. Because the system is too old.B. Because abuse and enormous cost of the system has become a big problem.C. Because pilot experiment programs have been successful.

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D. Because China’s economy has grown and Chinese people are much richer.3 Which of the following is NOT a goal of China’s new medical-care system?

A. To provide really free medical care for Chinese people.B. To better meet Chinese people’s basic medical needs.C. To prevent misuse of medical resources.D. To control the fast increase of medical-care cost.

4 Who contributes to the medical-care insurance fund in the new system after reform?A. The government and the units.B. The employees and the government.C. The employees, the units and the State Council.D. The units and the employees.

5 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The old system covers all citizens of China.B. Compared with that of 1978, the medical-care expenditures of China in 1994

increased by about 20.67 times.C. The new system is actually NOT free.D. If an employee earns a monthly salary of 1,200 yuan, 12 yuan will be added

to his/her personal medical-care account.

Section III Writing Test [25 points]

Instructions: Your writing should be 150-200 words. You may use the space below to write an outline. Write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

Review question 1:

Suppose you hear from your friend David, who asks you to recommend an English training course. Write a recommendation letter in 150-200 words. You can write about the aim and duration of the course, the teaching staff, the facilities, class size, fee, etc. You are required to use at least 8 of the words or expressions provided below.

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1. feature 2. extend3. conduct4. professional development5. conveniently situated6. tailor-made7. reasonable8. responsive 9. flexible10. It aims at…

Review question 2:

Suppose you hear from your friend Sharon, who asks you to offer safety suggestions on living in China. Write her a letter in 150-200 words. You can write about the kinds of information learnt in EAW Unit 4. You are required to use at least 8 of the words or expressions provided below.

1. lock2. traffic3. It is advisable to…4. burglary5. theft6. public transportation7. bicycle8. emergency9. ambulance10. patrol

Review question 3:

Suppose you hear from your friend Richard who caught a cold recently, you would like

to share with him your suggestions on some treatments to cure a cold, and

recommendations on some measures to prevent a cold, or you may provide advice on

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ways of keeping fit. Write him a letter in 150-200 words. You are required to use at

least 8 of the words or expressions provided below.

1. It is a good practice to…2. avoid3. warm4. window5. air-conditioner6. general practitioner7. injection8. pill9. regular10. problematic

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