educators use of social media

Take This Job and Tweet It Mike Leasor Managing Shareholder Leasor Crass, P.C. Holly Teague Deputy Superintendent Weatherford ISD

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Educators Use of Social Media

Take This Job and Tweet It

Mike Leasor Managing  Shareholder  Leasor  Crass,  P.C.  

Holly Teague Deputy  Superintendent  

Weatherford  ISD  

Page 2: Educators Use of Social Media

Overview Learning Goal •  What is “social media” and

how can it be a problem? •  What rights do educators have

that are related to social media? –  What rights are provided to all

citizens? –  Why are public educators

treated differently? –  How are public educators

treated differently? •  Best practices for staying out

of trouble (and off the 10 o’clock news)

We will identify most common social networking sites and how using social media can promote our personal and professional brand.

I will be able to tell a partner how my use of social media both personally and professionally can help and hurt me.

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Sticky Note
Vine Account? Mobile App
Page 4: Educators Use of Social Media

NaBonal  Study  The Most Recent Free Version

Page 5: Educators Use of Social Media

Over  Half  of  Americans  Have  a  Profile  on  a  Social  Networking  Site  



48  52  









2008   2009   2010   2011   2012  

% Who Currently Have a Personal Profile Page Any Social Networking Website

Source:    The  Social  Habit,  June  2012  

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Awareness  of  Leading  Social  Networking  Sites  is  Ubiquitous  






0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100  






%  saying  "yes"  

“Have you ever heard of the social networking website named…”

Source:    The  Social  Habit,  June  2012  

Page 7: Educators Use of Social Media

Facebook  Is  the  Dominant  Social  Network  






0   10   20   30   40   50   60  





Any  Social  Network  

%  saying  "yes"  

%  saying  "yes"  

“Do you currently have your own profile page on…”

Source:    The  Social  Habit,  June  2012  

Page 8: Educators Use of Social Media

Year-­‐Over  Year  Growth  in  Social  Networking  Greatest  Among  People  Age  45  and  Older  

% by Age Group Who Currently Have a Personal Profile Page on Any Social Networking Website

76  80  

68  63  




81   80  

68   65  




12-­‐14   18-­‐24   25-­‐34   35-­‐44   45-­‐54   55-­‐64   65+  

2011   2012  

Source:    The  Social  Habit,  June  2012  

Page 9: Educators Use of Social Media

Approximately  58  Million  Americans  Have  “The  Social  Habit”  

% Who Use Social Networking Sites “Several Times Per Day”












2008   2009   2010   2011   2012  

Approx.  12  M  

Approx.  58  M  

Approx.  18  M  

Approx.  39  M  

Approx.  46  M  

Source:    The  Social  Habit,  June  2012  

Page 10: Educators Use of Social Media

10  Most  Popular  Social  Networking  Sites  –  January  2014  

 -­‐          100      200      300      400      500      600      700      800      900    




Google  Plus+  







Unique Monthly Visitors – In Millions


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What is social media?

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Social  Media  Webster’s Definition Defini3on  of  SOCIAL  MEDIA  :  forms  of  electronic  communicaBon  (as  Web  sites  for  social  networking  and  microblogging)  through  which  users  create  online  communiBes  to  share  informaBon,  ideas,  personal  messages,  and  other  content  (as  videos)    First  Known  Use  of  SOCIAL  MEDIA  2004  

WISD Handbook Definition Electronic media includes all forms of social media, such as text messaging, instant messaging, electronic mail (e-mail), Web logs (blogs), electronic forums (chat rooms), video-sharing Web sites (e.g., YouTube), editorial comments posted on the Internet, and social network sites (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn). Electronic media also includes all forms of telecommunication such as landlines, cell phones, and Web-based applications.

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In  the  News  

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In the News Teacher Loses Job After Commenting About Students, Parents on Facebook

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In the News Union Township school officials investigate teacher who allegedly made anti-gay remarks on Facebook

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In the News Alabama teacher allegedly mocks special ed students on Facebook

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In the News Gaston Co. teacher suspended after posting student's work on Facebook

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In the News

Teacher sacked for posting picture of herself holding glass of wine and mug of beer on Facebook

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In the News

Carly McKinney: Racy Twitter pix get Colo. teacher nixed

Coolest Teacher Ever Fired For Tweeting Twerk Photos, Calling Students Jail Bait And Smoking Weed

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In the News

Police say teacher used social media to flirt with student at Fort Worth campus

Missouri college professor arrested for shooting threat on Facebook. Posting about taking weapons to bell tower.

Cops: Fired teacher sent Twitter threats

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In the News

Facebook vent burns teacher

Teacher Suspended for Offensive Facebook Post

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What are your rights?

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What Rights do Public Educators Have With Respect to Social Media?

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Rights of All Citizens

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But Wait a Minute…

State of Texas Date given Employee_____________ County of _____ Date returned by Employee___________




1. Position. The ________ Independent School District (“District”) agrees to employ

_________________________________ (you) as a ______________________________ [Certified Classroom Teacher, Certified Administrator, Counselor, Educational Diagnostician, Library Media Specialist, or Nurse].

2. Term. You will be employed on a _____-month basis for the 2011-2012 school year(s), according to the start and end dates set by the District. The District will provide you with your start and end dates by the penalty-free resignation date (see Tex. Educ. Code § 21.210). The District may extend the end date in a school year to the extent the District adjusts the instructional schedule due to a school closing required by disaster, flood, extreme weather conditions, fuel curtailment, epidemic, pandemic, or other calamity.

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A Matter of Balance

Public employee’s right to free


School’s interest in providing efficient services.

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Three Steps to Analyzing a Public School Employee’s Free Speech Claim

Was the speech made

in the course of employment


Did the speech involve a public


Does the school’s

interest in providing efficient services

outweigh the employee’s right to free


Page 28: Educators Use of Social Media

What is Public Concern? Rubino v. City of New York, No. 107292/11, 2012 NY Slip Op. 50189(U) (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Feb. 1, 2012) •  Teacher fired for Facebook post about students stating that she hated

their guts and suggesting that she wanted to take them to the beach and drown them.

•  Court found they were made in her capacity as a public employee because they referenced her students

In re Tenure Hearing of Jennifer O’Brien, State-Operated Sch. Dist. of the City of Paterson, Passaic Cnty., OAL DKT. No. EDU 5600-11, Agency DKT No. 108-5/11 (N.J. Comm‘r Educ. Dec. 12, 2011) •  New Jersey teacher posts on Facebook that she isn’t a teacher “I’m a

warden for future criminals” •  ALJ found not protected because not matter of genuine public concern

Snyder v. Millersville Univ., Civil Action No. 07-1660, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 97943 (E.D. Pa. Dec. 3, 2008) •  Student-teacher fired for encouraging students to contact her on

MySpace (her page had a picture of her dressed as a “drunken pirate”) •  Court says she was acting in her capacity as a teacher and speech did

not touch on a matter of public concern. Therefore, speech not protected.

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Matters of Public Concern

Did the government employer have an adequate justification for treating the employee differently from any other member of the public?

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What are some restrictions?

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Local •  District Board Policies

– CPC-Retention of records – CQ-Technology resources – DGBA-Process for concern, complaints

or criticism – DH-Employee Standards of Conduct

•  Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators

•  Model Employee Handbook

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•  Electronic media includes all forms of social media. Electronic media also includes all forms of telecommunication, such as landlines, cell phones, and Web-based applications.

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Local •  Use With Students

•  In accordance with administrative regulations, a certified or licensed employee, or any other employee designated in writing by the Superintendent or a campus principal, may use electronic media to communicate with currently enrolled students about matters within the scope of the employee’s professional responsibilities. All other employees are prohibited from using electronic media to communicate directly with students who are currently enrolled in the District. The regulations shall address: •  Exceptions for family and social relationships; •  The circumstances under which an employee may

use text messaging to communicate with students; and

•  Other matters deemed appropriate by the Superintendent or designee.

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Local PERSONAL USE –  An employee shall be held to the same

professional standards in his or her public use of electronic media as for any other public conduct. If an employee’s use of electronic media violates state or federal law or District policy, or interferes with the employee’s ability to effectively perform his or her job duties, the employee is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

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Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics

•  Standard 3.9. The educator shall refrain from inappropriate communication with a student or minor, including, but not limited to, electronic communication such as cell phone, text messaging, e-mail, instant messaging, blogging, or other social network communication. Factors that may be considered in assessing whether the communication is inappropriate include, but are not limited to:

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Local District Board Policy DFBB (Local) •  Grounds for nonrenewal include:

–  Conducting personal business during school hours when it results in neglect of duties.

–  Failure to meet the District’s standards of professional conduct.

–  Any activity, school-connected or otherwise, that, because of publicity given it, or knowledge of it among students, faculty, and community, impairs or diminishes the employee’s effectiveness in the District.

–  Failure to maintain an effective working relationship, or maintain good rapport, with parents, the community, or colleagues.

–  Behavior that presents a danger of physical harm to a student or to other individuals.

–  Any reason constituting good cause for terminating the contract during its term

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Employee  Handbook  Personal Use of Electronic Media – Policy DH

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Employee  Handbook  Use of Electronic Media with Students– Policy DH

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Best Practices for Staying out of

Trouble (and off the 10 o’clock news)

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Best Practices

Think before you post, pin, tweet, like, share… •  “It was just a joke!”

– Content, context and the internet •  “I never meant for you to read that!”

– Know your audience (and your audience’s audience)

•  “But that was years ago!” –  “Internet permanence”

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Best Practices

An ounce of prevention. “If you must engage in social media, please use protection.” •  Learn to use privacy settings! •  Never rely on privacy settings!

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Personal  and  Professional  Use  

1.   Never  do,  post  or  say  anything  on  the  internet  that  you  would  not  want  repeated  over  and  over  again  and  which  you  would  not  do  in  public.  

2.  Everything  that  goes  on  the  internet  stays  on  the  internet  probably  forever  as  far  as  your  concerned.  

3.  Use  mobile  social  media  sparingly.  4.  Keep  yourself  safe.    5.  Never  do  your  personal  social  networking  from  a  

workplace  computer.  Never  do  ANY  personal  compuBng  from  a  workplace  computer.  That  stuff  isn't  yours  and  may  be  heavily  monitored.  

6.  PracBce  lemng  go.  7.  It’s  not  going  away!  

Words of Wisdom