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EE 4314 Examples on Compensator Design Spring 2011

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EE 4314

Examples on Compensator Design

Spring 2011

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Stability Margins

Gain margin: (GM): Factorby which the gain can beraised before instability

results Phase margin (PM):

Amount by which the

phase of G(jω) exceeds-180° when |KG(jω)|=1 

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Stability Margins

GM and PM are measuresof how close the Nyquistplot comes to encircling

the -1 point

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Lead Compensator Design Summary

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Lag Compensator Design Summary

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Design Example – Root Locus (p. 261)

G s     s  e   s

  160  s 2.5  s 0.7

 s2 5 s  40  s2 0.03 s 0.06

The transfer function between theelevator input and the pitch attitude



is the pitch angle* (degrees)

is the elevator angle (degrees)




Design the controller so that

1. Rise time of 1 sec or less2. Overshoot less than 10%

* see sec 10.3 for details

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Design Example – Root Locus

According to the specifications:

From (3.60) p.116:

t r  



From (3.64) p.118:

 M  p  e   / 1   2


 n 1.8   rad /sec



As a result, desired closed-loop pole should be at:

 p      j d 



 d   n   1 2 (3.56) p.112

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Design Example – Root Locus

Let’s look at open loop response of the system, by using Matlab: 

>> num = 160 .* conv([1 2.5], [1 0.7]);>> den = conv([1 5 40], [1 0.03 0.06]);>> sysOl = tf(num, den);>> step(sysOl)

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Design Example – Root Locus

Now, look at the root locus of the system:

>> Wn = 1.8;

>> DR = 0.6;>> sigma = DR * Wn;>> Wd = Wn * sqrt(1 - DR^2);>> p = -sigma + j*Wd;>> q = -sigma - j*Wd;>> rlocus(sysOl)>> hold on

>> plot(p, '*')>> plot(q, '*')>> grid on

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Design Example – Root Locus

Root Locus Plot

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Design Example – Root Locus

Using “rlocfind” command to find the gain K that yield the closed-looppoles that locate as close to the desired poles location as possible:

>> rlocfind(sysOl)Select a point in the graphics window

selected_point =

-0.9755 + 0.4105i

ans =


Use K = 0.3260

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Design Example – Root Locus

Use proportional gain K = 0.326 to see if it gives satisfactory close-

loop response:

>> sysClP = feedback(0.326*sysOl, 1)

Transfer function:52.16 s^2 + 166.9 s + 91.28

--------------------------------------------s^4 + 5.03 s^3 + 92.37 s^2 + 168.4 s + 93.68

>> step(sysClP)

The overshoot is greater than10 %, rise time is okay.

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Design Example – Root Locus

Since proportional control is not enough, we can use leadcompensator – as a lead compensator would shift the root locusfurther to the left (lowering rise time and decreasing the transientovershoot (p. 249).

From p. 250, the zero of the lead compensator should be placed in

the neighborhood of the desired closed-loop Wn, and the poleof the lead compensator should be 5 to 20 times of the value of thezero. Let’s pick z = 2 (as Wn = 1.8) and p = 2 * 10 = 20. 

 D s  K   s 2

 s 20

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Design Example – Root Locus

Now pick gain K of the lead compensator:

>> lead = tf([1 2], [1 20]);>> sysLead = lead * sysOl;>> rlocus(sysLead)>> hold on>> plot(p, '*')>> plot(q, '*')>> grid on>> hold off

>> rlocfind(sysLead)Select a point in the graphics window

selected_point =

-8.7708 +14.3523i

ans =


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Design Example – Root Locus

Simulate the step response of the new closed-loop system:

>> sysClLead = feedback(1.7599 * sysLead, 1)

Transfer function:281.6 s^3 + 1464 s^2 + 2295 s + 985.5

------------------------------------------------------s^5 + 25.03 s^4 + 422.4 s^3 + 2270 s^2 + 2327 s + 1034

>> step(sysClLead)

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Design Example – Root Locus

 D s 1.7599  s 2

 s 20

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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

Example 6.17 (p. 358) – a Type 1 Servomechanism System

 KG s  K    10 s s /2.5 1  s /6 1

Design a lead compensator so that the PM = 45° and Kv = 10.

From p. 356:

Step 1: Pick K to satisfy error constant

from p. 181

 K v  lim s0

 sK G s  K    100 1 0 1

 K   1

D i E l C t D i f F R

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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

Step 2: Evaluate the PM of the uncompensated system using Kobtained from step 1

>> Gs = tf(10, conv([1 0], conv([1/2.5 1], [1/6 1])))

Transfer function:10

----------------------------0.06667 s^3 + 0.5667 s^2 + s

>> [mag, phase, w] = bode(Gs);>> [GM, PM, Wcg, Wcp] = margin(mag, phase, w)

GM =


PM =


Wcg =


Wcp =


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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

Step 3: Add extra margin (about 5-10°) and determine the phase lead

 max 45o





Step 4: Determine from (6.40) p. 349: 


   1 sin max

1 sin max



Step 5: Pick at the crossover frequency: ma x

1/T   m ax    

T   0.5


 D s   Ts 1

 Ts 1

  0.5 s 1

0.05 s 1

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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

Step 6: Draw the compensated frequency response and check the PM:

>> lead = tf([0.5 1], [0.05 1]);>> sysLead = lead * Gs;>> [mag, phase, w] = bode(sysLead);>> [GM, PM, Wcg, Wcp] = margin(mag, phase, w)

GM =


PM =


Wcg =


Wcp =


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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

We can use “sisotool” command to find GM, PM, Wcp, Wcg: 

>> sisotool(sysLead)

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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

Step 6: Iterate on the design until all specifications are met.Add an additional lead compensator if necessary.

We can see that with only on lead compensator, we can only get thePM of 23°.

So, we need to repeat Step 1 – Step 5 again to add additional leadcompensator.

Assuming the second iteration gives:

 D s   Ts 1

 Ts 1

  0.25 s 1

0.025 s 1

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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

Let’s check the PM new compensated system: 

>> secondLead = tf([0.25 1], [0.025 1]);

>> sysDoubleLead = secondLead * sysLead;>> [mag, phase, w] = bode(sysDoubleLead);>> [GM, PM, Wcg, Wcp] = margin(mag, phase, w)

GM =


PM =


Wcg =


Wcp =


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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

The overall compensator becomes:

 D s   0.5 s 1(0.05 s 1)

0.25 s 1(0.025 s 1)

Let’s take a look at the step responses of the compensated system: 

>> sysLeadCl = feedback(sysLead, 1);>> sysDoubleLeadCl = feedback(sysDoubleLead, 1);>> step(sysLeadCl)>> hold on>> step(sysDoubleLeadCl)>> hold off>> grid on>> legend('Single Lead Compensator', 'Double Lead Compensator')

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Design Example – Compensator Design from Freq. Response

Step responses of the single lead compensator system vs doublelead compensator system

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Compensator Design Conclusion

Lead Compensator => PD Controller

• Speed up system response• Lowering the rise time•

 Decreasing the overshoot

Lag Compensator => PI Controller

• Improve steady-state accuracy