京都産業大学 2020 webオープンキャンパスmy sister showed up after the airplane...

京都産業大学 2020 WEB オープンキャンパス 9月6日(日) 公募推薦入試模擬試験 解説 ベリタス・アカデミー 渡辺 泰一 先生

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Page 1: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we



WEB オープンキャンパス


公募推薦入試模擬試験 解説

ベリタス・アカデミー 渡辺 泰一 先生

Page 2: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we


2020年9月6日(日) 実施







 ベリタス・アカデミー 渡辺 泰一

京都産業大学 公募推薦入試模擬試験 解説

Page 3: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

(1) Her illness was ( ) serious than we thought at first. ☞ 比較

  1. far   2. more   3. much  4. very  


 very → 原級を強調

 much, even, still, far, a lot, a great deal → 比較級を強調

 much, by far → 最上級を強調


(2) ( ) the heater was on, the room wasn't warm. ☞ 接続詞

 1. Although  2. Even   3. For   4. In spite of

 【解答の根拠】接続詞か前置詞か? 接続詞は後ろに文、前置詞は後ろに名詞。

   in spite of ~ = despite ~   前置詞「~にもかかわらず」

   although S’ V’ … = though S’ V’ … 接続詞「~だけれど」

(3) I listen to the radio a lot, but I ( ) watch television. ☞ 否定

 1. almost not 2. don't almost 3. ever hardly 4. hardly ever

 【解答の根拠】準否定語に注意! hardly = scarcely 「ほとんど~ない」

    seldom = rarely = hardly/scarcely ever 「めったに~ない」

few 可算名詞の複数形 little 不可算名詞 「ほとんど~ない」

Page 4: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

(4) I get lonely if there's (   ). ☞ 不定詞の形容詞的用法

  1. anybody to talk 2. anything to talk to

  3. nothing to talk 4. nobody to talk to



 homework to do 「するべき宿題」← do homework

 a house to live in 「住むための家」← live in a house  nobody to talk to 「話しかけるべき人がだれもいない」← talk to nobody

money to buy food with 「食品を買うためのお金」← buy food with money

(5) Jason succeeded ( ) the problem. ☞ succeed の語法

 1. by solve 2. in solving 3. of solving 4. on solve

 【解答の根拠】succeed の語法 succeed in V’ing … = be successful in V’ing … 「V’することに成功する」

(6) This bag ( ) only 20 dollars. It was a bargain. ☞ costの語法

 1. cost me 2. cost to me 3. price at 4. price was

 【解答の根拠】「かかる」の色々 It cost me 100 dollars to have my bicycle repaired.    「自転車を修理してもらうのに100ドルかかった」

It took me 3 hours to finish this report.    「この報告書を仕上げるのに3時間かかった」

Page 5: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

(7) (   ) so tired, she couldn't get out of bed. ☞ 分詞構文

 1. Be 2. Being 3. Being that 4. To be



 As she was so tired, she couldn't get out of bed.

(8) My team was not as strong as ( ). ☞ 代名詞

 1. that of you 2. yours 3. yours one 4. yours team

 【解答の根拠】代名詞の使い方 I lost my umbrella this morning. But someone found it(=the umbrella) and reported it to the police.

  I lost my umbrella this morning. So I have to buy one(= an umbrella)?

My bag is bigger than yours(= your bag).

The population of Japan is larger than that(= the population) of Korea.

(9) My sister showed up ( ) the airplane took off. ☞ 接続詞

 1. after soon 2. soon 3. soon after 4. sooner or later


My sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑         ten minutes / soon

Page 6: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

(10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we should stop ( ) them. ☞ stopの語法

 1. for hunting 2. hunting 3. not to hunt 4. to hunt



 mind, enjoy, give up, avoid, finish, escape, practice, stop, put off, consider, miss, postpone

(11) Beth keeps ( ) that she used to live in Canada. ☞ 形式目的語

 1. it for secret 2. it secret 3. it secretly 4. its secret

 【解答の根拠】形式目的語 We took it for granted that he would pass the test.

  LCCs have made it possible for us to travel around the world at low costs.

(12) ( ) must have been some reason for her unhappiness. ☞ 助動詞

  1. Because 2. Certainly 3. It 4. There

 【解答の根拠】可能性を表す助動詞 He must be rich. 「彼は金持ちであるに違いない

He can’t be poor. 「彼は貧しいわけがない」

   He must have been rich. 「彼は金持ちだったに違いない

He can’t have been poor. 「彼は貧しかったわけがない」

Page 7: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

(13) He looked quite ( ) to find everybody at the party. ☞ 分詞

 1. pleasant 2. pleased 3. pleasing 4. pleasure



 please 「~を喜ばせる」excite「~を興奮させる」interest「~に興味を持たせる」surprise「~を驚かせる」bore「~を退屈させる」satisfy「~を満足させる」disappoint「~を落胆させる」amuse「~を面白がらせる」confuse「~を混乱させる」などの~ingは、人にこれらの感情を起こさせる物や人に使い、~edはこれらの感情を抱く人に使う。  (例)  a boring teacher 「退屈な先生」 

 bored students「退屈している学生」

 This movie is boring.「この映画は退屈だ。」

 She is bored.「彼女は退屈している。」

 I found this book boring.「この本は退屈だとわかった。」

 I found the boy bored.「私は、その少年が退屈しているとわかった。」

(14) You are very lucky to get the chance. Make the ( ) of it. ☞ 比較

 1. best use 2. best using 3. use best 4. using best

 【解答の根拠】最上級を含む慣用表現 make use of ~ 「~を利用する」

  make the best use of ~ 「~を最大限に利用する」

(15) Thank goodness! My headache ( ) now. ☞ 分詞

  1. is gone 2. is left 3. leaves out 4. went out


Page 8: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

動画英単語2200 動画英熟語1000 動画英文法2700 センター動画英文法

Page 9: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

自分の中の「英語」が変わった ★★★★★

by (`・ω・́)ヤッホー - Version 1.3.0 - Dec 20, 2013

中学の時は英語が全く分かりませんでした。定期テスト平均マイナス20点が当たり前で、5ヶ月間塾に通っても何も分からないまま、お金と時間だけが過ぎて高校に入りました。もちろん高校の内容ですから、尚更(なおさら)わけわからなかったです。しかし、勉強するという言い訳で買ったiPadで、このアプリを見つけました。 やり始めてからは分かる喜びが嬉しくて嬉しくてのめり込みました。 今では英語学年トップになることができました。自分の唯一の苦手が無くなり、楽しい英語ライフを送っております。

素晴らしい ★★★★★by yuuuya10 - バージョン - 1.5.0 - Apr 19, 2015



 私は動画英文法と動画英単語を1年生の冬11月~1月まで約600時間使用し、その時の模試で偏差値30台から75まで上がりました!  私のやり方は例えば文型であれば、文型を基本から応用までやったら次の単元へというのを繰り返し、3周ほどいたしました。2周目からは間違えた問題にはチェックを入れました。  坂木先生の教え方をそっくりそのまま他の誰かに真似して教えられるように、ということを超・超・超・意識しながらやりました。なぜそうなるのか、という根拠をどこまでも追求して下さい。  私の場合、英語が苦手で苦手で大嫌いでしたが、「文型、SVOCM」「自動詞なのか他動詞なのか」を徹底的に追求しやり込んだ時点で英語に対する苦手意識が一切なくなりました。

たった2ヶ月で偏差値20上げ ★★★★★by とんぼとんぼみりみりみりみりやまこう - バージョン - 2.0.0 - July 3, 2016

他の参考書を否定する訳ではないですが、このアプリの問題を1日45問解くだけで偏差値が40から68まで跳ね上がりました。 紙だけでは理解に限界があります。でも、これは1つ1つ丁寧に動画で解説してくれるので理解力の低い僕にとって最強の参考書です。 ほぼ、底辺の高校に通っている僕がたった2ヶ月でこの偏差値なら…。僕より頭がいい人はどうなるんだろう??といつも考えてます(笑) あと、紙を見つめて単語や熟語を覚えるよりも、このシリーズの動画英単語や英熟語でどういう風に覚えたらいいかなど、1つ1つ解説してくれてます。 ちなみに、某有名私立大学の過去問の英語なら難なく解けるようになりました!!

Page 10: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

¶ 1

¶ 2

¶ 3

問 1

問 2

問 3

段落と問はだいたい対応しているので、該当箇所を素早く探すときの参考にして下さい。 どんな長文も段落で区切れば全て短文です!長さにビビらずに段落ごとに処理していきましょう!


基本的には1つの段落で作者が言いたいことは1つ。その要旨はほとんどが段落で最初の文です。 英語では必ず抽象から具体へという流れがあり、具体部分は抽象部分を具体例を挙げながら言い    換えただけ。なので同じ事が繰り返し述べられているだけ!

¶ 1 まとめ


Page 11: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

Anyone who has tried to learn an instrument knows that it can often be a

challenging endeavor. Being able to play an instrument well involves so many

aspects that many people give up after just a few lessons. Others never even bother

trying. First, you have to learn to read a new language, the language of musical

notes. Then you have to learn where those notes are on your instrument. After that,

you have to play those notes in the correct order so that it sounds like the song you

are trying to learn. Or at the least, you have to play those notes in some order that

sounds good. Depending on the instrument you are trying to learn, all this may be

the easiest part. For some instruments, it may take learners weeks or even months

of practice to be able to produce any musical sound at all. Brass instruments like the

trumpet, and wind instruments like the flute, are extremely difficult in this regard.







やりがいのある 努力 ~を含む





極めて 点

Page 12: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

(20) According to the passage, many people do not learn an instrument because ( ).

1. they are expensive

2. there are too many strings

3. there are many things to master

4. it's easier to learn to play a song

(21) According to the passage, some instruments are especially difficult to learn

to play because ( ).

1. it's hard to learn to read their music

2. it's difficult to play the notes in the correct order

3. learning where the notes are on the page is complicated

4. making musical sounds on these instruments takes a lot of practice

Page 13: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

The truth is, though, that many people would like to learn an instrument, and many

more would actually make the effort, if only instruments were a little easier to learn and

play. Realizing this, Bob McNally created the Strumstick, a stringed instrument that

looks a bit like a guitar, only with a longer, narrower neck and smaller body. While a

guitar has six strings, the Strumstick has only three. Also, where you need both hands to

make even the simplest of melodies on a guitar, with the Strumstick, you can produce a

pleasant sound even if you play it with just one hand. Of course, you would need both

hands to produce a more complex melody on the Strumstick.




(22) What is one advantage of the Strumstick over other instruments?

1. It is easy to learn to play.

2. It is longer than the guitar.

3. It is shaped like a shamisen.

4. You can hold it with one hand.

Page 14: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

Because of its shape and number of strings, the Strumstick has been compared to some

instruments from traditional Eastern cultures. One such comparison is with the Japanese

shamisen, the three-stringed instrument that famously accompanies geisha when they

perform traditional dances, However, unlike the shamisen, which takes years to master,

the design of the Strumstick makes playing easy right from the start. With the shamisen,

how you hit the strings (with a special tool, called a pick) is very important. This is not

the case with the Strumstick, which can be played with or without a pick. It is also the

perfect first instrument for a beginner musician because there are no wrong notes. Any

note you play will sound good in combination with any other note you play. This is

because the Strumstick is designed to play the simple do-re-mi scale that is used in 80%

of all pop songs.






弾く 道具





(23) How are the shamisen and the Strumstick similar?

1. Both must be played with a pick.

2. The number of strings is the same.

3. They are both perfect for beginners.

4. They are both from traditional cultures.

Page 15: 京都産業大学 2020 WEBオープンキャンパスMy sister showed up after the airplane took off. ↑ ten minutes / soon (10) The number of wild birds has declined, so we

The Strumstick is not only for beginners, though. Experienced musicians can also get

enjoyment from this unique instrument. With a sound that resembles the banjo,

musicians will find that they can produce fun, easy melodies (24) . Whether

you are a pro, or someone new to the world of musical instruments, with the Strumstick,

you'll be able to play music from the very first time you hold it in your hands.





(24) Choose the best item to fill in the blank.

1. in a few days

2. with little effort

3. like the shamisen

4. only after serious practice