efectos sensitivos y motores del dolor inducido en pacientes con epicondilalgia

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  • 8/7/2019 efectos sensitivos y motores del dolor inducido en pacientes con epicondilalgia


    Sensory and motor effects of experimental muscle pain in patients withlateral epicondylalgia and controls with delayed onset muscle soreness

    Helen Slatera,b, Lars Arendt-Nielsena, Anthony Wrightb, Thomas Graven-Nielsena,*

    aLaboratory for Experimental Pain Research, Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajers Vej 7D, 9220 Aalborg E, Denmark

    bSchool of Physiotherapy, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA, Australia

    Received 1 July 2004; received in revised form 22 November 2004; accepted 2 December 2004


    This study compares the effect of experimental muscle pain on deep tissue sensitivity and force attenuation in the wrist extensors of

    patients with lateral epicondylalgia (nZ20), and healthy controls (nZ20) with experimentally induced sensori-motor characteristics

    simulating lateral epicondylalgia. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in wrist extensors of healthy controls was induced by eccentric

    exercise in one arm 24 h prior to injection (Day 0). Saline-induced pain intensity (visual analogue scale, VAS), distribution, and quality were

    assessed quantitatively in both arms for both groups. Pressure pain thresholds (PPT) were assessed at three different sites in the wrist

    extensors. Maximal grip force and wrist extension force were recorded. In response to saline-induced pain in the extensor carpi radialis

    brevis, regardless of arm, the patient group demonstrated a significantly quicker pain onset ( P!0.01), mapped larger pain areas and more

    referred pain areas, compared to healthy controls (P!0.03). Pain persisted significantly longer in the sore arm of the patient group, compared

    with all other arms (P!0.02). Patients demonstrated significant bilateral hyperalgesia at extensor carpi radialis brevis during and post saline-

    induced pain compared to pre-injection and healthy controls (P!0.04). The sore arm in patients and the DOMS arms in healthy subjects

    showed significantly reduced maximal force (P!0.0001), at all Day 1 times compared with the control arms. In patients, the bilateral

    increase in deep tissue sensitivity and enlarged referred pain areas during saline-induced pain might suggest involvement of central


    q 2004 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Experimental muscle pain; Hyperalgesia; Referred pain; Peripheral sensitisation; Central sensitisation; Lateral epicondylalgia; Delayed onset

    muscle soreness (DOMS)

    1. Introduction

    Lateral epicondylalgia patients present with pain and

    mechanical hyperalgesia at the common extensor origin,

    pain radiating into the dorsal forearm and hand and force

    attenuation of the wrist extensors (Haker, 1993; Pienimaki

    et al., 2002a,b; Stratford et al., 1993; Vicenzino et al., 1996,1998). While the aetiology of lateral epicondylalgia remains

    unclear, evidence of a tissue-based pathology includes

    degenerative changes at the common extensor origin

    consistent with tendinopathy (Khan et al., 1999); altered

    recruitment and timing patterns contributing to repetitive

    microtrauma of the extensor carpi radialis brevis (Bauer and

    Murray, 1999; Riek et al., 1999); intrinsic muscle pathology

    (Lieber et al., 1997; Ljung et al., 1999a,b) and increased

    substance P immunoreactivity (Ljung et al., 2004; Uchio

    et al., 2002).

    Tissue-based pathology alone does not appear sufficient

    to explain the chronic nature of lateral epicondylalgia, or

    reports of referred pain (Leffler et al., 2000) and evidence ofhyperalgesia (Vicenzino et al., 1998; Wright et al., 1992,

    1994). In response to initial tissue injury, the process of

    sensitisation of peripheral nociceptive apparatus results in a

    lowering of the normally high mechanical threshold for

    nociceptors (Graven-Nielsen and Mense, 2001). In patients

    with lateral epicondylalgia, the clinical correlate of this

    peripheral sensitisation could be seen as local pain and deep

    tissue tenderness associated with repeated load and move-

    ment of damaged tissues. Additionally, sensitised

    Pain 114 (2005) 118130


    0304-3959/$20.00 q 2004 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    * Corresponding author. Tel.:C45 96 35 9832; fax: C45 98 15 4008.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Graven-Nielsen).

  • 8/7/2019 efectos sensitivos y motores del dolor inducido en pacientes con epicondilalgia


    nociceptors also demonstrate an increased responsiveness to

    noxious stimuli that may be expressed clinically as a

    mechanical hyperalgesia at the attachment of the common

    extensor tendon to the lateral epicondyle. Widespread pain,

    referred pain and changes in somatosensory sensitivity raise

    the index of suspicion that patients with lateral epicondy-

    lalgia may demonstrate alterations in the way in which thenervous system processes nociceptive and non-nociceptive

    information. Expansion of experimentally induced referred

    pain has been demonstrated in various musculoskeletal

    conditions such as fibromyalgia, whiplash and osteoarthritis

    and might reflect central sensitisation (Arendt-Nielsen and

    Graven-Nielsen, 2003). However, the role of central

    sensitisation in chronic lateral epicondylalgia has yet to be


    The aim of the current study was therefore to compare

    the sensory manifestations and motor effects during

    experimental muscle pain in patients with chronic lateral

    epicondylalgia and in healthy controls with acute exper-

    imentally induced pain simulating lateral epicondylalgia.

    This combined experimental model has previously been

    shown to be an effective vehicle for simulating character-

    istics of lateral epicondylalgia (Slater et al., 2003).

    The specific hypotheses to be tested in this study are:

    (1)Saline-induced pain in the sore armof patients with lateral

    epicondylalgia results in a more substantial increase in pain

    areas, deep tissue sensitivity and force attenuation than in the

    asymptomatic arm, and compared with matched controls; (2)

    In healthy subjects with DOMS, saline-induced muscle pain

    is associated with a more substantial increase in deep tissue

    sensitivity and force attenuation than in the control arm, and

    controls demonstrate similar sensory manifestations andmotor effects in response to saline-induced muscle pain as

    seen in patients with lateral epicondylalgia.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Subjects

    Two groups, each of twenty subjects, participated in the study.

    There were 10 males and 10 females in both the patient group

    (mean age 48.25 years, range 3465 years) and the healthy controls

    (mean age 47.45 years, range 3263 years). The patient populationwas drawn from volunteers who responded to a newspaper article

    and radio interview discussing tennis elbow. Subjects were then

    selected by satisfying the inclusion criteria for a clinical diagnosis

    of chronic lateral epicondylalgia, that is, pain on palpation over the

    lateral epicondyle and the associated common extensor myotendi-

    nous unit; pain associated with functional activities such as

    gripping and pain with resisted contraction of the wrist extensors or

    extensor carpi radialis brevis, or with passive stretching of the wrist

    extensors (Haker, 1993; Stratford et al., 1993). Symptoms had to

    have persisted for at least 3 months and be unilateral.

    A comprehensive musculoskeletal physical examination was

    performed on both upper limbs to ensure that the unaffected arm

    had full pain free range of elbow and wrist motion, and no

    abnormal tenderness to palpation of the soft tissues in the extensor

    muscles of the forearm and wrist (Haker, 1993; Travell and

    Simons, 1983), or reduced muscle length. Exclusion criteria

    included involvement of the contralateral arm, cervicothoracic

    spinal pathology, other upper limb musculoskeletal disorders or

    neurological disorders. A profile of the clinical characteristics ofthe patient group is shown in Table 1.

    Subjects in the healthy controls were matched for age, gender

    and affected arm (either dominant or non-dominant) with patients.

    Exclusion criteria for subjects in the healthy controls included a

    history of upper limb pain, fractures or neurological disorders, or

    prior wrist extensor training. A bilateral upper limb physical

    examination, with the same requirements as described for the

    unaffected arm in the patient group, was performed. Clinical tests

    of wrist stability were performed (Taleisnik, 1988) as a precaution

    against excessive intercarpal motion during the experimental

    exercise procedure. Patients and healthy controls taking regular

    anticoagulant medication or medications known to influence pain

    sensitivity (e.g. analgesics, non-steroidals, antidepressants) wereexcluded from the study. All subjects were requested to refrain

    from using analgesic or non-steroidal medications during the

    testing period. Written informed consent was obtained prior to

    inclusion in the study. The study was performed in accordance with

    the National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines and

    with the Helsinki Declaration. The Human Research Ethics

    Committee at Curtin University of Technology had approved the


    2.2. Study design

    For each group (patient and control), and for both arms, a set of

    quantitative tests (pressure pain thresholds, muscle soreness,maximal grip force and maximal wrist extension force) was

    performed and repeated at each time period, as indicated in Fig. 1.

    In the healthy controls, the effect of combined DOMS and

    saline-induced pain on deep tissue sensitivity was assessed.

    Subjects participated in three sessions (Day 0, Day 1 and Day 7).

    For the healthy controls, exercise to induce DOMS in the arm

    matched to the patients sore arm, was performed at Day 0, with

    the set of pre-exercise and post-exercise measures recorded for

    both the DOMS and control arms. There were 2325 h between

    Day 0 and Day 1 sessions. At Day 1 prior to injection, subjects in

    both groups were asked to rate the worst level of lateral elbow pain

    experienced in the preceding 24 h using a 10 cm visual analogue

    scale (VAS) where 0 cm indicated no pain and 10 cm most pain

    Table 1

    Clinical characteristics of patients (GSE, nZ20) on entry into study

    Duration of current episode 6.5G1.1 months

    Baseline VAS 3.2G0.4 cm

    Right arm dominant nZ17

    Right arm affected nZ17

    Recurrence nZ8

    Mechanism(s) of injuryInsidious nZ4

    Tennis (increase volume, frequency,

    changes in racquet)


    Trauma nZ4

    Overuse (keying, painting) nZ5

    VAS, visual analogue scale. Baseline VAS was described as the worst level

    of lateral elbow pain experienced in the 24 h preceding injection at Day 1.

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    imaginable. This level of pain was defined as baseline VAS. For

    both patients and controls, the Day 1 protocol was identical, with

    saline-induced pain provoked in the extensor carpi radialis brevis

    muscle of the DOMS and sore arms. At pre-injection, during the

    saline-induced pain period and 20 min post-pain, quantitative

    measures were repeated. To act as a control, the extensor carpi

    radialis brevis of the contralateral arm in both groups was alsoinjected with hypertonic saline (using the same injection

    paradigm), and the same Day 1 measures repeated in this arm.

    The sequence of testing of arms was randomised. For each subject,

    the time between consecutive injections into the affected (sore or

    DOMS arm) and control arm was approximately 60 min. The Day

    7 session involved a repeat of quantitative measures for both arms

    (in randomised order) in both groups.

    2.3. Saline-induced deep pain

    Hypertonic saline was infused using a computer-controlled

    pump (IVAC, model 770, USA), with a 10 ml plastic syringe

    (Graven-Nielsen et al., 1997). A tube (IVAC G30303, extension setwith polyethylene inner line) was connected from the syringe to the

    disposable needle (27G, 20 mm). A bolus injection of 1.0 ml of

    sterile hypertonic (5.8%) saline was injected over 40 s. The needle

    was removed at the completion of the injection. The site of

    injection for extensor carpi radialis brevis belly was identified

    using a technique described by Riek et al. (2000). Ultrasound

    imaging was used in five subjects to confirm that this injection

    protocol for needle localisation was reliable and valid. The

    ultrasound imaging was performed with a 512 MHz linear probe

    using an ATL HDI 5000 (Bothell, Wash, USA). One investigator

    (HS) inserted a disposable needle vertically through the skin

    surface approximately 10 mm into the extensor carpi radialis

    brevis muscle belly according to the procedure described by

    Riek et al. (2000). The needle tip was then identified with

    ultrasound imaging and in all cases was shown to be correctly

    located into the muscle belly of extensor carpi radialis brevis. To

    avoid any direct contact with the posterior interroseus nerve, the

    nerve was manually identified prior to injection.

    Saline-induced pain intensity was scored continuously on a

    10 cm electronic VAS where 0 cm indicated no pain and 10 cmmost pain imaginable. The VAS rating was sampled every 5 s by

    a computer. The area under the VAS-time curve (Painauc), maximal

    VAS (Painmax), time of pain onset and duration of pain were

    determined from the VAS recordings. After the injection, subjects

    described the pain using the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ)

    (Melzack, 1975). Words from the MPQ chosen by at least 30% of

    the subjects were used in data analysis. The pain distribution

    experienced by each subject was mapped on a body chart. The pain

    circumference was later digitised (ACECAD D9000 Digitiser,

    Taiwan) and the area calculated in arbitrary units (Sigma-Scan,

    Jandel Scientific, Canada). Pain areas were also classified from the

    body charts as local and/or referred. The arm was divided into five

    areas for classifying local and referred pain areas (Fig. 2). Areas

    were defined as: (A) proximal to the elbow joint; (B) elbow joint toupper third of forearm including the injection site; (C) mid third of

    the forearm; (D) lower third of forearm; (E) distal to the proximal

    wrist carpus, including the hand. Referred pain was defined as pain

    outside the injection area.

    2.4. Delayed onset muscle soreness

    DOMS was induced with repeated eccentric wrist extension

    contractions in the nominated matched arm. The exercise

    protocol was performed using the isokinetic mode of the

    KinCom dynamometer (Chattecx Corp. Hixson, TN). This allowed

    the maximal wrist extensor effort produced by each subject in

    Fig. 1. The experimental protocol for healthy controls and patients is shown. In order to generate delayed onset muscle soreness, healthy controls were required

    to undertake the eccentric wrist extensor exercise protocol in the matched arm 24 h prior to injection (Day 0). A battery of quantitative tests was performed in

    both the matched and control arm at pre-exercise and post-exercise. Day 1 involved the identical protocol for both groups with injection of hypertonic saline

    into the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle of first one arm (either the control or sore/exercised arm). Quantitative measures were recorded for the tested arm

    at pre-injection, during injection and post-injection. Following a 30 min post-pain period, the protocol was repeated in the contralateral arm. The order of

    testing of arms was randomised. At Day 7, quantitative measures were repeated in both arms for all subjects.

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    the healthy controls to be matched by the dynamometer during

    the eccentric phase. To allow familiarisation, prior to the eccentric

    exercise protocol, subjects were required to complete a warm-up

    on the KinCom. Subjects maximal eccentric effort was determined

    as the force at which the subject could no longer prevent movement

    initiation of wrist extension. The magnitude of the maximal

    eccentric effort was marked on the computer screen. A minimum

    force of 20 N was necessary in order to trigger an eccentric

    contraction. Subjects were instructed to maximally resist the

    dynamometers movement from wrist extension to wrist flexion.

    The exercise protocol was designed to passively extend the wrist at

    a speed of 1008/s and to cause flexion of the wrist at a speed of 258/s

    when the subject exerted a wrist extensor torque (eccentric wrist

    extension). The duration of each cycle of eccentric contraction/

    passive recovery was set at 4 s contraction with a second of passive

    recovery. The total exercise period was 25 min, with 5 bouts each

    of 5 min duration (60 repetitions per bout), with each bout

    separated by a minute rest interval (Slater et al., 2003).

    Subjects were positioned in sitting with the pronated forearm

    stabilised on a padded forearm rest attached to a seat. This forearm

    rest could be adjusted in height and length to allow appropriate

    alignment of the wrist joint with the KinCom axis of rotation. Ahand attachment was designed to provide fixation of the wrist joint

    close to the axis of movement of the KinCom. The wrist position

    was preset at 258 wrist extension and not less than 508 wrist flexion.

    This allowed an extensive through-range eccentric exercise

    without the associated risk of end range joint or soft tissue injury.

    A visual display of successive efforts was also provided on the

    computer screen and subjects were encouraged to use this as

    feedback to assist them in maintaining the desired eccentric effort

    throughout the exercise period. Each subjects maximal eccentric

    effort was marked on the screen initially and subjects asked to try

    and maintain this level of force for as long as possible. Subsequent

    marks were made on the screen at each successive bout to match

    the best eccentric effort if the effort had dropped considerably.

    Subjects completed a Likert scale of muscle soreness (High et al.,

    1989) specifically modified for the upper limb, with 1 defining a

    light soreness and 6 indicating severe muscle soreness (Slater et al.,

    2003). Soreness was also assessed in patients although they did not

    undertake the exercise protocol.

    2.5. Assessment of deep tissue sensitivity

    Pressure pain thresholds (PPT) were recorded using an

    electronic algometer (Somedic AB, Sweden) with a stimulation

    area of 1.0 cm2. PPT was calculated as the mean of 3 trials with a

    30 s interval between repetitions. The pressure was increased at a

    rate of 30 kPa/s until the subject detected the pain threshold. Three

    sites were assessed: the common extensor origin at the lateral

    epicondyle, the belly of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle,

    and the radial head laterally.

    2.6. Assessment of grip force and wrist extension force

    Grip force was assessed using an electronic digital dynanometer(MIE Medical Research Ltd., Leeds, UK). The subjects upper

    limb was positioned in pronation and elbow extension. Peak values

    determined the maximal grip force, and were found as the mean of

    3 trials. Wrist extension force was recorded via a force gauge

    (AFG, range 0500 N, Mecmesin Ltd., England). A specifically

    designed padded hand attachment was connected to the underside

    of the force gauge. The transducer was mounted on a flat platform

    and placed on a table to the side of the plinth. The height of the

    hand attachment and force transducer was adjustable to allow for

    variations in hand sizes. The wrist was positioned in pronation and

    wrist extension (208) with the 3rd knuckle abutting the centre of the

    hand attachment. Subjects were instructed to maximally extend the

    wrist by pushing the dorsal surface of the hand onto the padded

    Fig. 2. Mean (nZ20) VAS profiles and the associated areas of pain for injections of hypertonic saline into extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle of the sore arm

    (1)in the patient group andtheircontrol arm (2),and theDOMS arm in the healthy controls (3)and their control arm(4). The armwas divided into five areas for

    assessing local and referred pain (5). Areas were defined as: (A) proximal to the elbow joint; (B) elbow joint to upper third of forearm including the injection

    site; (C) mid third of the forearm; (D) lower third of forearm; (E) distal to the proximal wrist carpus, including the hand.

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    surface of the hand attachment. The height of the device was noted

    for each subject to ensure reliable measures. Peak values

    determined the maximal extension force, and were found as the

    mean of 3 trials. Subjects were requested to perform maximal

    contractions for each motor task.

    2.7. Statistical analysis

    Mean and standard error (SE) values are given in the text, tables

    and figures. A majority of measurements associated with PPTs and

    VAS data met the requirements of a normal distribution as

    determined by the ShapiroWilk normality test. A 2-way mixed

    model analysis of variance (ANOVA), with factors group

    (between-group: patient and healthy controls) and arm

    (repeated: sore/DOMS and control), was used for analysis of

    VAS data. For analysis of PPT, maximal grip force and maximal

    wrist extension force, 2-way and 3-way repeated measures mixed

    model ANOVA were used, with repeated measures (factors time

    and arm) and a between-group factor (patient and healthy

    controls). When significant this was followed by parametric

    StudentNewmanKeuls (SNK) post-hoc tests. Spearmans corre-lation coefficient (R) was used to describe correlations between

    parameters. Significance was accepted at P!0.05.

    3. Results

    3.1. Baseline assessments

    3.1.1. Deep tissue sensitivity

    The patient group demonstrated a significant hyperalge-

    sia to pressure at common extensor origin in both sore and

    control arms compared with healthy controls (Table 2;

    F1,38Z4.7, P!0.04). For both groups, the PPT at the

    common extensor origin in the sore arm and arms allocated

    for DOMS was lower than for the control arms (F1,38Z15.1,

    P!0.001). The symptomatic arm in the patient group

    demonstrated more muscle soreness compared with all other

    arms (F1,38Z49.4, P!0.001; Table 2).

    3.1.2. Maximal grip force and maximal wrist extension force

    As shown in Table 2, there were group differences for

    maximal grip force (F1,38Z16.4, P!0.001) and maximal

    wrist extension force (F1,38Z9.6, P!0.003). Patients had

    significantly weaker maximal grip force and wrist extension

    force in their sore arm compared with their contralateral arm

    (SNK: P!0.001) and compared with both arms for healthy

    subjects (SNK: P!0.001). The control arm in the patient

    group was also weaker than the control arm in healthy

    subjects (SNK: PZ0.002).

    3.2. Effects of eccentric exercise in the healthy controls

    3.2.1. Effects of exercise on deep tissue sensitivity

    There was a bilateral decrease in PPT at the common

    extensor origin at pre-injection (Table 3; F2,38Z6.6,

    P!0.003), compared with pre-exercise and post-exercise

    (SNK: P!0.02). Eccentric exercise did not significantly

    alter pre-injection PPT at the extensor carpi radialis brevis.

    Muscle soreness was different between arms (Table 3;

    F2,38Z40.3, P!0.001), with the exercised arm demonstrat-

    ing an increase in soreness at pre-injection (Day 1)

    compared with post-exercise, pre-exercise (SNK:


    0.001) and compared with the control arm (SNK:P!0.001).

    3.2.2. Effect of exercise on maximal grip force

    and maximal wrist extension force

    Maximal grip force and maximal wrist extension force

    differed between the exercised and control arms (Table 3;

    F2,38Z16.4, P!0.001). Maximal force for grip and wrist

    extension was significantly decreased in the exercised arm at

    pre-injection compared with pre-exercise and post-exercise

    (SNK: P!0.001). Additionally, the DOMS arm was weaker

    in both force measures compared with the control arm at

    post-exercise and pre-injection (SNK: P!0.005).

    3.3. Muscle pain and soreness

    3.3.1. Saline-induced deep pain

    Injection of hypertonic saline into the extensor carpi

    radialis brevis muscle on Day 1 induced different pain

    profiles in the two groups (Table 4; Fig. 2). The patient

    group displayed a quicker pain onset than healthy controls,

    regardless of arm (F1,38Z7.2, P!0.01). Saline-induced

    pain duration varied between groups (ANOVA: F1,38Z6.3;

    P!0.02), with substantially longer pain duration

    Table 2Mean values (SE, nZ20) for pressure pain thresholds, muscle soreness, maximal grip force and maximal wrist extension force of pre-injection (Day 1)

    measures in the patient group compared with pre-exercise (Day 0) measures in normal controls

    Variables Patient group Healthy controls

    Sore arm Control arm Pre-DOMS arm Control arm

    PPT-CEO (kPa) 257 (34)*,** 357 (45)* 384 (38)** 464 (48)

    PPT-ECRB (kPa) 228 (37) 239 (30) 257 (28) 306 (46)

    PPT-RH (kPa) 284 (32) 291 (39) 331 (33) 332 (29)

    Muscle soreness (AU) 2.0 (0.3)*,** 0.1 (0.1) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0)

    Max. grip force (N) 206 (18)*,** 303 (23) 317 (19) 311 (22)

    Max. wrist extension force (N) 56 (8)*,** 87 (9)* 117 (4) 114 (7)

    PPT, pressure pain threshold; CEO, common extensor origin; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; RH, radial head; AU, arbitrary units; Max, maximal; *P!

    0.05 (SNK) compared with healthy controls comparable arm; **P!0.05 (SNK) compared with the contralateral control arm.

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    experienced by patients in their sore arm, compared with

    the contralateral control arm and compared with both arms

    of the healthy subjects (SNK: P!0.004).

    Regardless of arm, the patient group mapped signifi-

    cantly larger areas of saline-induced pain (Table 4; F1,38Z

    5.3; PZ0.03). Patients experienced more widespread pain

    emanating from the injection site and more referred areas of

    pain in the distal forearm compared with healthy controls

    (Table 4; SNK: P!0.01). All subjects reported a localised

    pain response around the ECRB muscle belly (Fig. 2).

    Additionally, for the sore and DOMS arms, saline-induced

    referred pain was described at the common extensor origin


    4 per group). The saline-induced pain descriptors mostcommonly used were intense and aching (Table 4).

    Patients selected the word radiating as a pain descriptor,

    while sharp and throbbing were chosen by patients and

    by healthy controls but only for the DOMS arm.

    3.3.2. The effect of saline-induced pain on deep

    tissue sensitivity

    The extensor carpi radialis brevis in the sore arm and

    DOMS arms demonstrated a pronounced mechanical

    hyperalgesia post-pain in both groups, and during saline-

    induced pain only in patients. The magnitude of this

    hyperalgesic effect was greater in the patient group than inhealthy controls, and in the sore arms compared with the

    control arms. The statistical bases for these findings are

    interactions between group and time for PPT at extensor

    carpi radialis brevis (F3,114Z3.3, P!0.02; Fig. 3), and arm

    and time (F3,114Z3.4, P!0.02). Compared to healthy

    controls, and compared with pre-injection values, the PPT at

    the extensor carpi radialis brevis in the patient group was

    hyperalgesic to pressure during saline-induced pain and

    post-pain (SNK: P!0.05). In the sore and DOMS arms,

    this hyperalgesia persisted at post-pain compared with

    pre-injection and Day 7 (SNK: P!0.02). Additionally,

    the decrease in PPT at post-pain was greater in the sore arm

    and DOMS arms than in the control arms (SNK: P!0.001).During saline-induced pain in the sore and DOMS arms,

    Table 4

    Mean (SE, nZ20) VAS parameters and pain areas after hypertonic saline injection into the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle of patients and normal controls

    VAS data Patient group Healthy controls

    Sore arm Control arm DOMS arm Control arm

    Painauc (cm s) 3251.7 (258.7) 2829.6 (317.9) 2663.4 (578.5) 2612.6 (302.4)

    Painmax (cm) 7.5 (0.3) 7.5 (0.4) 6.6 (0.6) 6.9 (0.5)

    Painonset (s) 17.0 (1.7)* 14.8 (1.9)* 21.3 (2.4) 22.3 (1.4)

    Painduration (s) 889.3 (56.8)*# 669.8 (65.6) 585.3 (67.6) 606.0 (53.4)

    Total pain area (AU) 5.8 (0.6)* 5.4 (0.9)* 3.8 (0.7) 3.3 (0.7)

    Pain area (AU)

    Area A 0.32 (0.17) 0.00 (0.00) 0.20 (0.19) 0.30 (0.29)Area B 1.64 (0.21)* 1.11 (0.17)* 0.67 (1.10) 0.78 (0.15)

    Area C 2.20 (0.31)* 1.67 (0.33)* 1.14 (0.24) 0.93 (0.21)

    Area D 0.55 (0.18) 0.78 (0.23) 0.79 (0.27) 0.47 (0.20)

    Area E 0.43 (0.20) 1.24 (0.44) 0.35 (0.19) 0.47 (0.24)

    Pain descriptors (% of subjects)

    Intense 50 35 40 40

    Aching 50 30 35 30

    Radiating 35 35

    Sharp 40 30 30

    Throbbing 35 30

    *P!0.05 (SNK) compared with healthy controls, #P!0.05 (SNK) compared with contralateral control arm. Pain areas were classified into five categories: A.

    proximal to the elbow joint; B. elbow joint to upper third offorearm including the injection site; C. mid third of the forearm; D. lower third of forearm; E. distal

    to the proximal wrist carpus, including the hand. Referred pain was defined as pain outside the injection area.

    Table 3

    Effects of exercise on mean (SE, nZ20) pressure pain thresholds, muscle

    soreness, maximal grip force and maximal wrist extension force in normal


    Day 0,


    Day 0,


    Day 1,


    Deep tissue soreness

    PPT-CEO (kPa)

    DOMS arm 384 (38) 392(38) 325 (31)*

    Control arm 464 (48) 409 (38) 359 (39)*

    PPT-ECRB (kPa)

    DOMS arm 257 (28) 257 (29) 234 (33)

    Control arm 306 (46) 259 (41) 261 (38)

    PPT-RH (kPa)

    DOMS arm 331 (33) 332 (35) 331 (36)

    Control arm 332 (29) 319 (29) 298 (26)

    Muscle soreness (AU)

    DOMS arm 0.00 (0.00) 1.21 (0.35)** 3.16 (0.38)*,**

    Control arm 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.05 (0.05)

    Maximal grip force (N)

    DOMS arm 317 (19) 240 (17)** 276 (19)*,**

    Control arm 311 (22) 304 (22) 302 (20)

    Maximal wrist extension force (N)

    DOMS arm 117 (4) 77 (7)** 81 (5)*,**

    Control arm 114 (7) 107 (7) 101 (7)#

    PPT,pressure pain threshold; CEO,common extensor origin; ECRB, extensor

    carpi radialis brevis; RH, radial head; AU, arbitrary units *P!0.05 (SNK)

    compared with post-exercise and pre-exercise; **P!0.05 (SNK) compared

    with control arm; #P!0.05 (SNK) compared with pre-exercise only.

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    higher clinical pain intensities and longer pain duration

    were associated with a greater decrease in PPT at extensor

    carpi radialis brevis (RO0.39; P!0.02).

    Patients and healthy subjects demonstrated differences

    in pressure pain sensitivity at the common extensor

    origin in response to saline-induced pain (F1,38Z4.6,

    P!0.04). Overall, compared with pre-injection there was

    a hypoalgesic response at common extensor origin during

    saline-induced pain, which was still evident at Day 7

    (F3,114Z3, P!0.014; SNK: P!0.03). During saline-

    induced pain, although this hypoalgesia was evident at

    the common extensor origin in the sore arm of the

    patient group, the PPT remained significantly lower than

    all other arms (SNK: P!0.005; Fig. 3). Collectively, the

    sore and DOMS arms demonstrated a lower PPT than

    the control arms (F1,38Z12.3, P!0.001). The PPT at

    radial head was not significantly changed in response to

    any factor.

    Fig. 3. Mean (CSE, nZ20) pressure pain thresholds for the sore and DOMS arms and the control arm for both groups Day 1 (pre-injection, injection and post-

    injection) and Day 7. At Day 1, injection of hypertonic saline into the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle was done in both the sore and control arms for both

    groups. Pressure pain thresholds were assessed at extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB), common extensor origin (CEO) and radial head (RH). The PPT at

    ECRB in patients demonstrated a significant decrease in both arms during saline-induced pain and post-pain compared with pre-injection and healthy

    controls (*SNK, P!0.05). The PPT at ECRB in the sore and DOMS arm was significantly lower compared with pre-injection and compared with the control

    arms (# SNK, P!0.05). The PPT at CEO in the patients sore arm was hyperalgesic pre-injection compared with all other arms (***SNK, P!0.05), butdemonstrated a generalised hypoalgesia for all arms during pain and Day 7, compared with pre-injection values (** SNK, P!0.05).

    H. Slater et al. / Pain 114 (2005) 118130124

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    In response to saline-induced pain, muscle soreness was

    influenced according to group and arm (F3,114Z10.0, P!

    0.001). The patient group experienced an increase in muscle

    soreness in the sore arm during saline-induced pain and

    post-pain compared with pre-injection (SNK: P!0.001).

    Compared with pre-injection, during saline-induced pain

    muscle soreness increased in the control arms of both

    patients and healthy subjects (SNK: P!0.04). At all Day 1

    times, the levels of muscle soreness were greater in the sore

    and DOMS arms than for control arms (Fig. 4; SNK: P!

    0.001). Muscle soreness had decreased significantly at Day

    7 compared with pre-injection for all arms, except in the

    patients sore arm. Muscle soreness and VAS area were

    positively correlated in the sore and DOMS arms (RZ0.31;


    3.4. Saline-induced pain, maximal grip force

    and maximal wrist extension force

    Changes in maximal grip force in response to saline-

    induced pain differed between arms for patients and healthy

    controls (F1,38Z8.7, P!0.005). The patients sore arm

    demonstrated significantly weaker grip force than all other

    arms (Fig. 5; SNK: P!0.001). The sore and DOMS arms

    for both groups were weaker than the control arms at all

    times (F 3,114Z3.1, P!0.03; SNK: P!0.001). Compared

    with day 7, maximal grip force was significantly lower at

    pre-injection, during saline-induced pain and post-pain

    (SNK: P!0.03) in the sore arm and DOMS arms only.

    Maximal wrist extension force was different between

    group and arms at Day 1 and Day 7 (Fig. 5; F3,114Z6.0, P!

    0.007). Regardless of time, the patient group demonstrated

    more reduced maximal wrist extension force in their sore

    arm compared with their control arm and compared with

    both the DOMS and control arms of the healthy subjects

    (SNK: P!0.005). Similar to the patients sore arms, healthy

    subjects demonstrated reduced maximal wrist extension in

    their DOMS arms compared with their control arm at all

    Day 1 times, but not at Day 7 (SNK: P!0.001).

    3.5. Correlation between clinical parameters

    and experimental data

    In the sore and DOMS arms, the duration of clinical pain

    (in weeks of lateral epicondylalgia or DOMS) and baseline

    VAS were correlated with saline-induced VAS Painauc area,

    pain duration and mapped pain area (Table 5). The decrease

    in PPT at extensor carpi radialis brevis during and post

    saline-induced pain was also correlated with clinical pain

    duration but only in the sore and DOMS arms.

    4. Discussion

    In the current study patients with lateral epicondylalgia

    demonstrated bilateral hyperalgesia to saline-induced

    muscle pain as compared to matched healthy controls. The

    evidence of this was more rapid pain onset, longer pain

    duration, more widespread pain, a greater number of

    referred pain areas and pressure hyperalgesia at the

    muscular part (extensor carpi radialis brevis) of the common

    extensor myotendinous unit.

    4.1. Group differences

    A pressure hyperalgesia at the attachment of the common

    extensor origin to the lateral epicondyle was most

    pronounced in the sore arm of the patient group, consistent

    with previous experimental findings in patients with lateral

    epicondylalgia (Haker, 1993; Vicenzino et al., 2001; Wright

    et al., 1992, 1994), but was also evident in the contralateral

    (aymptomatic) arm. This finding may suggest a pre-existing

    Fig. 4. Mean (CSE, nZ20) muscle soreness for the sore and DOMS arms and the control arm for both groups Day 1 (24 h after eccentric exercise: pre-

    injection, injection and post injection) and Day 7. At Day 1, hypertonic saline was injected into the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle in both the sore and

    DOMS arms and control arms for both groups. A significant increase in muscle soreness compared with pre-injection (*SNK, P!0.05) and compared with the

    control arms (# SNK, P!0.05), is shown.

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    (subliminal) degree of pressure hypersensitivity in the

    patient group. Healthy controls demonstrated no side-to-

    side quantitative differences in any baseline parameter,

    except an unexpected decrease in PPT at the common

    extensor origin in the matched arm (17 from 20 of which

    were right dominant) at pre-exercise. Data on handedness

    and its effect on pressure pain sensitivity in healthy subjects

    are conflicting since no side differences (Fischer, 1987;Greenspan and McGillis, 1994; Maquet et al., 2004; Rolke

    et al., in press; Wright et al. 1995) and increased pain

    thresholds on the right side compared to left (Brennum

    et al., 1989; Jensen et al., 1992; Pauli et al., 1999) have been

    reported. It is plausible that the decreased PPT at the

    common extensor origin in the matched healthy controls

    may relate to a higher frequency of daily loading of the right

    common extensor tendonbone junction associated with

    right hand dominance.

    Both force parameters were most substantially reduced in

    the patients sore arm. Maximal wrist extension force was

    bilaterally attenuated in the patient group, with the greatest

    deficit in the affected arm. Bilateral compromise of motor

    performance in patients with chronic unilateral lateral

    epicondylalgia has been reported previously (Pienimaki

    et al., 1997).

    4.2. Delayed onset muscle soreness in the healthy controls

    Muscle soreness was maximal in the DOMS arms 24 h

    post-exercise. No subjects reported muscle pain at rest, an

    important feature of DOMS (Weerakkody et al., 2003).

    Changes in pressure pain sensitivity in the arms of the

    healthy controls were specific for site with a pressure

    hyperalgesia at the common extensor origin, however both

    the exercised and control arm were similarly affected. While

    not excluding central sensitisation, this finding may suggest

    a degree of peripheral sensitisation secondary to repeated

    PPT measurement, although this effect was not seen at the

    other PPT sites. Similar findings have been previously

    Fig. 5. Mean (CSE, nZ20) maximal grip and maximal wrist extension force for the sore arm and exercised arm and the control arm for both groups Day 1

    (pre-injection, injection and post-injection) and Day 7. At Day 1, injection of hypertonic saline into the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) muscle belly was

    done in both the sore and exercised arm and control arms for both groups. A significant decrease in force compared with compared to all other arms (*SNK,

    P!0.05), compared with control arms (**SNK, P!0.05), and compared with Day 7 (# SNK, P!0.05).

    H. Slater et al. / Pain 114 (2005) 118130126

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    reported using the same experimental protocol (Slater et al.,


    The substantial attenuation in force measures in the

    exercised arm at pre-injection is consistent with the

    development of DOMS as previously demonstrated for

    this model (Slater et al., 2003), and observed in other

    models of DOMS (Bajaj et al., 2001b; Cleak and Eston,

    1992; Paddon-Jones et al., 2000; Weerakkody et al., 2001).

    4.3. Saline-induced muscle pain and referred pain

    Injection of hypertonic saline into extensor carpi radialis

    brevis in the patient group, triggered pain more quickly and

    pain persisted for substantially longer in the sore arm

    compared with the control arm and compared with healthy

    controls. Patients reported more widespread pain and more

    areas of pain referral compared with healthy controls. While

    more pronounced in the sore arm these effects were also

    evident in the control arm suggesting a greater degree of

    central sensitisation in the patient group. Furthermore,

    clinical pain duration and baseline VAS were positively

    correlated with saline-induced pain area, duration and

    mapped pain areas, possibly reflecting time-dependent

    development of central sensitisation. Previous experimental

    pain studies indicate that the nervous system is likely to be

    centrally sensitised in musculoskeletal conditions including

    whiplash (Curatolo et al., 2001; Johansen et al., 1999),

    fibromyalgia (Graven-Nielsen, 2000; Sorensen et al., 1995,

    1998; Staud et al., 2001, 2003), myofascial temporoman-

    dibular pain disorders (Maixner et al., 1995, 1997, 1998;

    Svensson et al., 2001) and osteoarthritis (Bajaj et al.,


    A number of interacting neurophysiologic mechanisms

    may explain this facilitated pain response including the

    awakening of previously subliminal or quiescent synaptic

    connections with dorsal horn neurons (Mense, 1994). Once

    afferent fibres are facilitated, quiescent or latent synapses

    become operational, thereby providing an effective mech-

    anism for convergence of inputs and information transfer

    (Graven-Nielsen et al., 2002). Expansion of receptive fields

    and unmasking of new receptive fields have previously been

    demonstrated in response to noxious muscle stimuli inanimals (Cook et al., 1987; Hoheisel et al., 1993; Hu et al.,

    1992). Additionally, due to the overlapping of excitatory

    fields, the spatial organisation of convergence means that a

    noxious stimulus can potentially activate a larger number of

    wide-dynamic-range neurons (Le Bars, 2002). In this way,

    the increased sensitivity in the sore arm at the common

    extensor origin could effectively prime dorsal horn

    neurons, which then potentially receive convergent group

    III and IV afferents input from the extensor carpi radialis

    brevis. Furthermore, both these sites receive innervation

    from the radial nerve and are contained within the same

    myotome (Bonica, 1990).

    4.4. Deep tissue hyperalgesia and saline-induced

    muscle pain

    The findings of this study indicate hyperalgesia to saline-

    induced pain in patients with chronic lateral epicondylalgia

    and healthy controls with provoked DOMS. During

    saline-induced pain, a bilateral mechanical hyperalgesia at

    the extensor carpi radialis brevis developed within 510 min

    in the patient group and was most profound in the sore arm.

    The saline-induced hyperalgesia increased further at 20 min

    post-pain in both arms for the patient group and alsodeveloped in healthy subjects DOMS arm. A similar

    time course of neuronal facilitation has been found

    experimentally in rats (Hu et al., 1992). Combined with

    VAS data, the more profound hyperalgesia seen during and

    after experimental muscle pain in the sore arm of the patient

    group may be further evidence of enhanced of neuronal

    excitability, the mechanisms possibly involving the

    unmasking of latent synaptic connections associated with

    the expansion of receptive fields and the generation of novel

    receptive fields in dorsal horn neurones (Hoheisel et al.,

    1993). An imbalance of descending pain modulation

    coupled with an increase in endogenous pain facilitation,

    as suggested in other chronic pain states (Ren and Dubner,

    2002), could also lead to hyperalgesia. Hypervigilance is

    unlikely to be a plausible explanation for the bilateral

    hyperalgesia as this effect was isolated to the extensor carpi

    radialis brevis. In both groups, the generalised hypoalgesia

    at the common extensor origin during saline-induced

    pain suggests facilitation of antinociceptive mechanisms.

    Previously, deep tissue hypoalgesia in extra segmental

    areas remote from a saline-induced pain locus has been

    demonstrated (Graven-Nielsen et al., 1998; Svensson et al.,

    1999) suggesting recruitment of descending noxious

    inhibitory controls.

    Table 5

    Correlation coefficients for clinical data and experimental parameters in the

    sore arm of patients with lateral epicondylalgia and in the DOMS arm of

    normal controls (nZ20)

    Experimental parameters Clinical parameters

    Duration of clinical pain Baseline


    Decrease in PPT at ECRB

    during saline-induced



    Decrease in PPT at ECRB

    post saline-induced pain


    Saline-induced VAS area RZ0.310 RZ0.352

    Saline-induced pain dur-


    RZ0.485 RZ0.505

    Mapped pain area RZ0.404 RZ0.318

    PPT, pressure pain threshold; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; DOMS,

    delayed onset muscle soreness. Baseline VAS was taken as the worst pain

    (10 cm scale) experienced in the symptomatic and matched arms over the

    24 h prior to hypertonic saline injection at Day 1. Duration of pain was

    defined as weeks of the current episode of lateral epicondylalgia or DOMS

    (1/7 week). Spearman (R) correlations shown are significant at P!0.05.

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    4.5. Saline-induced pain influence on maximal grip

    and maximal wrist extension force

    Patients with lateral epicondylalgia demonstrate marked

    deficits in their motor system (Pienimaki et al., 2002a,b;

    Stratford et al., 1993; Vicenzino et al., 1996, 1998). While

    de-conditioning of the intrinsic muscle apparatus andchanges in the load-capabilities of the extensor carpi

    radialis brevis myotendinous unit will account for some of

    the force attenuation evident in the sore arm of the patient

    group (Benjamin et al., 2002; Stratford et al., 1989), the

    bilateral effects indicate that alterations in peripheral and

    central neural control must also be considered. Grip force

    did not show this bilateral deficit in patients, suggesting that

    wrist flexor activity (grip) may be facilitated as a

    compensatory mechanism when wrist extensors are inhib-

    ited or weak.

    Both groups demonstrated no additional effect of saline-

    induced pain on force generation. In the DOMS arms,

    injection of hypertonic saline would normally be expected

    to cause a further reduction in force-generating abilities of

    the sensitised muscle (Slater et al., 2003). The eccentric

    exercise in this study was effective in generating DOMS as

    evidenced by the substantial decreases in maximum force

    associated with eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage

    (Friden and Lieber, 1997). One reason for this apparent

    anomaly may relate to the different ways in which wrist

    extension force was measured. In the current study, subjects

    were better able to stabilise the wrist during maximal wrist

    extension force possibly allowing recruitment of other

    muscles to help compensate for reduced force.

    5. Conclusion

    We propose a simple conceptual model to reflect the

    transition from unilateral localised, pain to a chronic

    musculoskeletal pain condition. The model suggests a

    time-dependent process whereby there is a progressive

    increase in central sensitisation. The localised pain initially

    expands regionally (still unilateral and segmental), the

    clinical correlates of which are increased responsiveness to

    pain, expanded pain areas and referred pain. As pain

    persists, the potential for contralateral and plurisegmental

    spread appears to increase and the associated sensory

    manifestations indicate a greater degree of central sensitis-

    ation. The findings of this study indicate that for patients

    with chronic lateral epicondylalgia management needs to

    extend beyond local tissue-based pathology, to incorporate

    strategies directed at normalising the sensitivity of the

    nervous system.


    The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the

    Danish National Research Foundation. Thanks to Mr Geoff

    Strauss for the excellent technical instruction on use of the

    KinCom; Mr Klaus Sussenbach for design of apparatus;

    Mr Paul Davey for technical assistance and to volunteers for

    participating in this study.


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