体育・スポーツにおける 多様な性のあり方 ガイドライン...2020/09/30  ·...

性的指向・性自認(SOGI)に関する 理解を深めるために Deepening Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Guidelines on Optimal Sexual Diversity in Phisical Education and Sport 二ヵ国語版 - Bilingual Version - スポーツ振興くじ助成事業

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Page 1: 体育・スポーツにおける 多様な性のあり方 ガイドライン...2020/09/30  · Under these circumstances, many LGBT and other such individuals face substantial difficul-ties

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


Deepening Understanding ofSexual Orientation and Gender Identity

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●



Guidelines onOptimal Sexual Diversityin Phisical Education

and Sport

二ヵ国語版 -Bilingual Version-


Page 2: 体育・スポーツにおける 多様な性のあり方 ガイドライン...2020/09/30  · Under these circumstances, many LGBT and other such individuals face substantial difficul-ties






人 (々p6「多様な性に関する用語」参照)が、自分らしくスポーツを楽しむことができなかっ













した。そうした方 に々も、このハンドブックを手に取ることで、LGBTなどの性的指向や性自認

に関する権利が保障されていない人 が々スポーツにおいて抱える困難に目を向けていただ






は じ め に

公益財団法人日本スポーツ協会スポーツ医・科学委員会 委員中京大学スポーツ科学部 教授

來田 享子









LGBTなどの人 が々スポーツ場面で抱える課題・困難


















● 生物学的な性 ● 性自認 ● 性的指向

● スポーツ活動場面での課題・困難 ● 指導者やチームメイトの対応で困ったこと、嫌だったこと● スポーツ活動を諦めようと思ったこと● スポーツにおける性別確認検査

● 性的指向および性自認(SOGI)の権利保護の状況● 社会制度の改善点と浮かび上がる問題点● スポーツにおける生物学的な性と性自認をめぐる問題(公平性等) ● スポーツにおける性的指向をめぐる問題(ホモフォビア等)

● スポーツ組織ができること ~組織としての姿勢を明確にしよう~  ● 対応の原則 ~当事者の意向を把握しよう~● ハードの整備 ~当事者がいる前提で取り組もう~ ● 指導者やチームメイトができること① ~参加しやすい環境をつくろう~ ● 指導者やチームメイトができること② ~アウティングに注意しよう~

● よいサポート方法












目 次





Elements Comprising Sex

Terminology Relating to Sexual Diversity

Social Trends Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in Physical Education and Sport

Issues and Challenges that LGBT and Other Persons Face in Sport Scenarios

Qualifications to Compete Relating to Diverse Sexes

Examples of Responses and Measures

Responding Appropriately to Coming Out

Role Models

Eight Things Everyone Involved in Sports Should Know

List of project research team members and cooperating individuals












● Biological sex ● Gender identity ● Sexual orientation

● Issues and challenges in sport scenarios● Difficulties & disagreeable situations in responses by coaches and teammates● Incidents that led to athletes considering giving up sports● Sex Determination Tests in Sports

● Circumstances concerning protection of rights relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)● Points of improvement in social systems and rising problems● Issues relating to biological sex and gender identity in sports (fairness, etc.)● Issues relating to sexual orientation in sports (homophobia, etc.)

● What sport organizations can do: Clarifying their stances as organizations● Principles of responses: Determine the intentions of concerned individuals● Physical facility development: Take action with the assumption that LGBT persons are present● Actions that coaches and teammates can take: ① Creating environments that facilitate participation● Actions that coaches and teammates can take: ② Take care not to out others

● Key Support Methods














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 一般的には出生時に女性か男性かの性別が判定されています。そしてこれは、身体(内外性器の有無や形状)を基準にして判定されています。多くの人は、これが一般的とされる男性・女性の器官を持っていますが、実は誰もがそうというわけではありません。 身体的な性の特徴は外形だけに現れるわけではなく、X・Y染色体の型や性ホルモンの多少にも個人差があります。X・Y染色体の型は、一般的には女性が「XX」、男性が「XY」とされていますが、例えば、X・Y染色体が「XY」であっても、アンドロゲン受容体がない場合(アンドロゲン不応症:AIS)などで、女性に生まれ育つ人もいます。また、X・Y染色体の型もさまざまで、少数ながら、「XXY」の男性、「XO」の女性などの性染色体を持つ人もいます。 これらの特徴は、医学には「性分化疾患」と呼ばれていますが,現在では「Differences of Sex Development:DSDs」、「体の性のさまざまな発達」と呼ばれるようにもなっています。性ホルモンも個人差が大きく、一般的には、男性には「テストステロン」(いわゆる男性ホルモン)が多く、女性には少ないのですが、男性でもテストステロンが少ない人、女性でもテストステロンの多い人がいます。また、AISの女性の場合、たとえテストステロンが多くても、テストステロンに反応するレセプター(受容体)が無い、あるいは少なく、単純にテストステロン量だけを基準にすることはできません。 スポーツ界では、過去には、女性アスリートを対象にした「性別確認検査」が行われてきました(p.16)。1966年以来、性器の存在・形状、性染色体の型、性ホルモンの多寡などを検査することによって、女子種目に参加しようとする女性が本当に女性であるのか、あるいは女子種目に参加する資格があるのかが検査されてきました。



















Ⅰ 性を構成する要素


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 人間は、他者との関係においても自己のアイデンティティを形成します。他者に対して強い感情、思いを伴う性的指向もその重要な要素です。男性は女性を好きになり、女性は男性を好きになる異性愛者が多数を占めますが、同性を好きになる同性愛者、両方の性を好きになる両性愛者(多性愛者、全性愛者)、また、どちらの性にも魅力を感じない無性愛者の人たちもいます。 1990年にWHOは、同性愛は治療の対象とはならないと宣言し、日本でも1994年に文部省(当時)は性に関わる問題行動(性非行)から同性愛を削除しました。 SOGIに関する権利が保障されていない人々の割合は、概ね3~8%程度※と考えられています(釡野ほか,2019)。藤山ほか(2014)が体育・スポーツ系の関連学部に在籍する大学生(約3,200人)を対象とした調査においても、2%前後の人が出生時の性と自認する性が一致していないと感じたり、6~7%の人が同性愛または両性愛者であるとの結果が出ました。これらの結果からは、十数人から30人に1人、すなわち、1クラスに1~3人は性的マイノリティであるといえます。 しかし、藤山ほか(2014)の調査では、学生たちが身近にいる存在を認識していないことも明らかになりました。特に男子学生の8割以上が自分の身近にマイノリティが「いない」と答えていました(女子学生は5割)。また、男子学生には同性愛嫌悪(ホモフォビア)が強い傾向があり、SOGIに関する知識も女子学生に比べて乏しいということも明らかになりました。これらのことから、男性のスポーツ領域では、LGBTなどの人々、特にゲイ当事者にとって居心地の悪い空間が形成されていると考えられます。こうした空間では、当事者の存在が不可視化されているうえ、カミングアウトも困難であり、自分のアイデンティティに肯定的に向き合うことがむずかしくなってしまいます。


 性自認のあり方も性別二元制に納まらないことがあります。多くの人は、身体の性が男性であれば心の性も男性、身体の性が女性であれば心の性も女性です。しかし、生物学的な性と性自認が一致しない、いわゆる「性別不合」「性別違和」の人たちもいます。従来、「性同一性障害」という病名がつけられてきましたが、2019年、世界保健機関(WHO)は性同一性障害を疾病リストから外し(2022年から施行)、性別不合を疾病ではなく、多様な心身のあり方の一つとしてとらえ直しています。 本ガイドラインでは、戸籍上の性別と自認する性別に違和を感じる人などを「トランスジェンダー」(Transgender:「性(gender)を越境する(trans)の意」)と総称します。また、

生物学的な性は男性だけれども、自認する性が女性である人を「MtF」(Male to Female)あるいは「トランス女性」、逆に、生物学的な性は女性だけれども、自認する性が男性である人を「FtM」(Female to Male)あるいは「トランス男性」と呼びます。 なお、生物学的な性と性自認が一致しない状態も多様であり、自認する性が「男性」「女性」だけではなく、「どちらでもない」あるいは「どちらにも揺れ動く」人たちもいます。 スポーツの世界では、生物学的な性と性自認が一致しないアスリートが、自認する性の種目で競技できるのかが議論されてきました。2004年以来、性別不合のアスリートたちが自認する性の種目で競技するための条件が定められてきました(p.10,11,17)。現在も議論は続いており、参加条件を定めるルールも変わってきています。現在のルールでは、生物学的な性がもともとは男性で、性自認が女性である「トランス女性」が女子種目に参加するための条件は、「トランス男性」が男子種目に参加する条件よりも厳しく設定されています。




I am a …

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多様な性に関する用語 Ⅱ 体育・スポーツにおける性的指向・性自認(SOGI)に関する社会的動向





性自認(Gender Identity)



性的指向(Sexual Orientation)



Bisexual (バイセクシュアル)






DSDs (Differences of Sex Development)



性的指向(Sexual Orientation)および性自認(Gender Identity)を包括した総称。自己の性表現(Expression)を加えた、SOGIE(ソジー、ソギー)の語が用いられることもある。




体の性の様 な々発達。「これが女性の身体の構造・これが男性の身体の構造とされている固定観念とは、生まれつき一部異なる体の状態の女性・男性」のこと。医学的には「性分化疾患」、一部の欧米の政治運動では「インターセックス」とも呼ばれているが、現実の当事者の人々はそのような包括用語をアイデンティティのようにされることを拒否しており、「アンドロゲン不応症」や「ターナー症候群」など身体状態を「持っている」と認識している。「両性具有:男でも女でもない性」「男女区別がつかない人」「男女両方の特徴」という誤解・偏見があるが、そのような表現は現在では侮蔑的表現とされている。


Female to Male、自分の性を女性から男性に移行した人、または移行したい人の略称。トランス男性。

Male to Female、自分の性を男性から女性に移行した人、または移行したい人の略称。トランス女性。








なぜSOGIに関する権利保護が必要なのでしょうか? 歴史的に、同性愛やトランスジェンダーは精神的な疾患として差別され、あるいは隔離され、国によっては犯罪として処罰されてきました。現在でも、社会的に、また法的にも、様 な々差別が残されています。例えば、世界的に見ると73カ国では同性愛行為が犯罪として処罰されています。また、同性愛者に対する差別を法的に禁止している国はまだ多くはありません。 こうした状況の中で、LGBTなどの人々は、生きていくこと、教育、労働、家族をつくることなどに、大きな困難を抱えている人が少なくありません。人間として、自由や平等の権利を保障されて生きていくために、どのようにしたらよいのでしょうか。









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 性自認と生物学的な性が一致しないために違和感を抱く人の中には、自認する性に近づけるために医学的処置を望む人もいます。戸籍上の性別と見た目の性別が一致していない人が、偏見の目を向けられたり、職場などで不適切な取り扱いを受けたりすることがあります。 2004(平成16)年7月に「性同一性障害者の性別の取り扱いの特例に関する法律」が施行され、この法律により、医師の診断を受け、一定の条件を満たす場合には、性別の取り扱いの変更の審判を受けることができるようになりました(2008(平成20)年6月の改正法によって条件を緩和)。 また、性的指向に関しても、同性愛・両性愛者の人々は、少数派であるがために、場合によっては職場を追われることさえあります。このような性的指向を理由とする差別的取り扱いについては、不当であるという認識が広がっていますが、いまだ偏見や差別は残っています。 法制度上、日本においては、戸籍上の性別が同性の人同士の婚姻や相続などの権利は、まだ法的には認められてはいません。ただ、それらの権利を保障するための様 な々取り組みは開始されています。例えば、東京都世田谷区、渋谷区、那覇市、札幌市、福岡市等の一部の自治体が同性パートナーシップ制度を導入しています。また、企業の中には、結婚休暇、結婚祝い金を同性パートナーに認める、あるいは、忌引き休暇、世帯手当などを同性パートナーに拡大し、福利厚生において具体的な保護を実現させる事例が増えてきています。 スポーツの世界では、2015年に全面改定されたユネスコによる「体育・身体活動・スポーツに関する国際憲章」において、人々がスポーツを実施するために欠かせない環境として、「人権侵害がないこと」を示しています。また、オリンピック憲章(オリンピズムの根本原則第6項)においても「人種、肌の色、性別、性的指向、言語、宗教、政治的またはその他の意見、国あるいは社会的な出身、財産、出自やその他の身分など」として10以上の差別の形態が明示され、差別が容認されないことが宣言されています。 しかし、こうした憲章等があっても、排除や差別の事例は国内外で発生し続けています。競争を伴う身体活動であるスポーツは、性的な差別や不平等が社会の他の分野よりも強固であり、また解消が困難であるといわれています。

国際人権法 国際法においては、国連レベルではSOGIに関する権利保護条約はまだありませんが、EU基本権憲章Ⅱ-21条で「性的指向を理由とした差別を受けない権利」を定めており、EU27カ国に適用されています。また市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約26条「法の前の平等、差別の禁止」に関しても、規約人権委員会は、1994年Toonen v. Australiaに関する「見解」(1994年)において、「sex」差別には性的指向も含まれると解釈しました。すなわち、国際人権規約加盟国(日本も含む)は、26条の差別禁止の国内適用として性的指向による差別禁止も含めなければならないことになりました。ヨーロッパ人権裁判所は、「愛情に関わる領域において、人格の発展と完成に向けて他の人間と関係を築き維持する権利」(X v. アイスランド事件、1977年5月13日)として性的な関係を「人格に関わるプライバシーの権利」(条約8条)として保護しています。

日本におけるLGBTの法的な権利保護の状況 日本では、憲法や法律ではSOGIにもとづく差別禁止は明確には定められていません。ただ過去の判決で、SOGIに関する権利が認められた例があります。同性愛者に対する公営施設の利用制限をめぐる訴訟において、「行政当局は…少数者である同性愛者の権利、利益を十分に擁護することが要請」されている、と判断しました(東京都青年の家訴訟、東京高裁判決1997年9月16日)。SOGIに関する権利の性質は明確ではありませんが、行政当局に同性愛者の権利擁護の義務を課したことは重要です。 労働分野における行政的な施策として、2016年に男女雇用機会均等法にもとづくセクシュアル・ハラスメント指針が改訂され、企業が講ずべき措置として、LGBTなどの人 に々対するセクシュアル・ハラスメントも同指針の対象となったことは大きな変化です。これにより、企業は防止策等を義務づけられることになりました。また地方自治体としては、東京都が2018年に、オリンピック憲章の実現を目ざして『東京都オリンピック憲章にうたわれる人権尊重の理念の実現を目指す条例』を可決し、その中でLGBT差別の禁止を定めています。

平等への道 日本では、SOGIにもとづく差別を包括的に禁止する法律がないため、教育や家族、社会生活のいたるところに差別が存在します。スポーツは社会状況を反映することから、国際的な動向を踏まえ、差別禁止法の制定が望まれます。

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 多くのスポーツは、公平性を担保する目的で「男子」と「女子」に分けて競技が行われます。そのため、生物学的な性と性自認が一致しないアスリートが自認する性の種目で競技に参加するにあたっては、公平性の観点から議論があり、これまでいくつかのルールが作られてきました。 例えば現在のオリンピックのルールでは、トランスジェンダーのアスリートが自認する性で競技をする場合、まず、自分の性自認を宣言することが必要です。そして、いったん宣言したならば、その後4年間はそれを変更することはできません。さらに、「トランス女性」が女子の種目で競技をするためには、競技に参加するまで継続して1年間、血中の「テストステロン」(いわゆる男性ホルモン)を1ℓあたり10nmol(ナノモル)以下にしなければなりません(トランス男性のアスリートにはこのような条件はありません)。 2004年から2015年までは、トランス女性であれ、トランス男性であれ、自認する性で競技をするためには次の3つの条件が課せられていました。①思春期以前に性別適合手術を受けているか、思春期以降であれば手術後2年以上が経過していること、②手術以降、検証可能な方法で適切なホルモン治療を受けていること、③新しい性が法的に承認されていること、です。しかし、性別適合手術は身体への負担がたいへん大きいだけでなく、どれほど実力や実績があっても、手術後2年間は競技ができなくなりま

す。また、性別の変更を法的に認めていない国や地域が多くあるため、トランスジェンダーのアスリートにとっては非常に高いハードルが課せられていました。 2016年以降に採用された新しいルールによって性別適合手術などの条件が削除されたおかげで、トランス男性であるクリス・モージャー選手(米)は、アメリカのバイアスロン男子ナショナル・チームのメンバーに選ばれることができました。 しかし、一方で、トランス女性に対しては、たとえテストステロン値が基準内に抑えられていても、女子種目で競技をすることを批判されたり、あるいは誹謗・中傷にさらされることがあります。たとえば、女子総合格闘技のファロン・フォックス選手(米)は、テストステロンは基準値以下でしたが、一時、女子プロ選手としてのライセンスを停止されることがありました。また、オーストラリアン・フットボールのハンナ・マウンシー選手(豪)もテストステロン値は基準値以下でしたが、身長190㎝、体重100㎏の大柄な体格なため、他の女子選手とのプレーが危険であると考えられ、女子のプロ選手になれないことがありました。その後、女子ハンドボールのナショナル・チームのメンバーに選出されましたが、2019年、熊本で開催された世界選手権には出場できませんでした。 「トランス男性」に対しては参加のハードルが緩和されていますが、「トランス女性」に対しては、ルール以外にも、風評などの障害が立ちはだかっているといえます。




Sport For AllSport For All

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LGBTなどの人 が々スポーツ場面で抱える課題・困難




困ったこと、嫌だったこと 対応のヒント












 スポーツ領域、特に男性のスポーツ領域における同性愛嫌悪(ホモフォビア)は根深く、深刻な問題を孕んでいます。 2013年、アメリカのプロバスケットボールリーグ(NBA)のジェイソン・コリンズ選手がアメリカ4大スポーツの現役選手として初めてゲイであることを公表して話題になりました。それまでは、アメリカのメジャースポーツで同性愛をカミングアウトしたアスリートは誰もいなかったのです。 競泳で5つの五輪金メダルを獲得したイアン・ソープ選手(豪)は、引退後の2014年に自らがゲイであることを明らかにしました。インタビューにおいて彼は、「オーストラリアがゲイのチャンピオンを望むかどうか、不安に思う自分がいた」とコメントしています。また彼は、何年間もうつ病で闘病し、自殺を考えたこともあったと告白しています。それほど、スポーツの世界は、同性愛者などのSOGIに関する権利が認められていない人 が々精神的な負担を感じるような、居心地の悪い空間であるといえます。 2016年のリオデジャネイロ・オリンピックでは、LGBTなどであることを公表したアスリートが50人以上にのぼりました(そのうち、25人がメダリストであり、さらに10人が金メダリストでした)。近年、同性愛・両性愛であることをカミングアウトするアスリートが増えてきています。 しかし、日本の現状に目を転じてみると、公認スポーツ指導者約1万人に対して行った調査によれば、72%の指導者が、身の周りに当事者が「いない・いなかった」と答えています(大勝ほか,2019)「スポーツ指導者に求められる指導上の配慮に関する調査」について)。日本においては、現在でも当事者の存在は不可視化されているといえます。 リオデジャネイロ・オリンピックでは、自らの力を発揮することができたLGBTアスリートがいましたが、来る東京オリンピックでも、またそれ以降も、スポーツに関わる人たちが性の多様性を知り、お互いを認め合い、個性・才能を存分に発揮できるようなスポーツ環境を作り上げていきたいものです。

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[参考資料]…●性はグラデーション(2015)大阪市淀川区・阿倍野区・都島区3区合同ハンドブック ●LGBT等に関する筑波大学の基本理念と対応ガイドライン(2018)国立大学法人筑波大学ダイバーシティ・アクセシビリティ・キャリアセンター ●セクシュアルマイノリティ学生への配慮・対応ガイド(教職員向け)第2版(2019)早稲田大学ダイバーシティ推進室

指導者やチームメイトの対応で困ったこと、嫌だったこと2 スポーツ活動を諦めようと思ったこと3





困ったこと、嫌だったこと 対応のヒント







諦めようと思ったこと 対応のヒント




LGBTなどの人 が々スポーツ場面で抱える課題・困難

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スポーツにおける性別確認検査4 スポーツ界では、1960年代から、女性アスリートを対象にした性別確認検査が行われてきました。性器を確認する視認検査(1966~1968年)、性染色体を調べる検査(1968~2000年)、男性ホルモン(テストステロン)の量を調べる検査(2011~2015年)など、女子種目に参加しようとする女性が本当に女性であるのか、あるいは女子種目に参加する資格があるのかが、様 な々方法で検査されてきました。 しかし、人間の身体のあり方はさまざまで、外性器のサイズや形状、染色体の構成、性ホルモンの産生量など、現実には生まれつき様々な身体の女性・男性がいるのです。ですが、本人には何の落ち度もないにも関わらずスポーツに参加する権利を奪われたり、プライバシーが不当に暴露されたりする事例がこれまでいくつもありました。 2014年、インドの短距離選手であるジュディ・チャンド選手は、当時の検査によりテストステロンが多いことが判明し、競技に参加することができなくなりました。しかし、彼女は、スポーツ仲裁裁判所(CAS)に検査規定の不当性を訴え、その主張が認められた結果、当時の規定が停止されました。 しかし、2018年、世界陸連(WA)は、新たにDSDsのアスリートを対象とする参加規定(p.17下段)を制定しました。この規定が適用されることで、2020年3月現在、キャスター・セメンヤ選手(南アフリカ)など、テストステロン値の高い女性アスリートが一部の女子種目(400m~1マイルの中距離走)に参加できなくなっています。

性の区別をめぐるスポーツ界のルールの変化 国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)は、2000年に女性選手の性別を確認する検査を廃止しました。その主な理由は、①医学的にはひとつの基準だけで性を明確に区別することはできないこと、②人権を侵害しないことのほうが競技の公平性を維持するよりも重視されるべきであること、という2つでした。 2004年には、IOCや世界陸連(WA)は一定の条件の下で性別を変更した選手の参加を承認するルールをつくりました。このルールは、選手自身が自認する性で自分らしく競技をするための第1歩となりました。現在、世界のルールは、選手の自分らしさを守ることと、競技の公平性を維持することの狭間で揺れ動いています。IOCやWAは下表のような参加規定を設けていますが、これにより、ありのままの自分では競技に参加できない選手の訴えも続いています。 バスケットボールでは、身長の高い選手が不公平な存在だとして競技から排除されることはありません。これと同様に、身体については、女性にも男性にも生まれつきさまざまな体の状態があるという認識、性自認についても性自認に合ったありのままの自分として競技ができる仕組みづくりが必要です。

次の要件を満たす必要がある(1)性自認の宣言(宣言後4年間は変更不可)(2)トランス女性(MtF)選手では ①出場前最低1年間、血中テストステロンレベル  が10nml/l以下 ②女子カテゴリーで競技を希望する期間中を通  して血中テストステロンレベルが10nmol/l以  下であること






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 すでに取り組んでいる組織も少なくありませんが、SOGIに関する相談窓口を設置することは、競技団体など組織が真っ先に取り組むべき事柄といえます。弁護士や心理カウンセラーなどの専門的知識を持った相談員が担当することが望ましいでしょう。既存のハラスメントに関する相談窓口や女性アスリートに関する相談窓口などを兼ねているケースも多くみられています。また、LGBTなどの人 に々関する相談ができることを広く周知することも大切です。 次に必要なのは、指導者のSOGIに関する知識の向上に関する取り組みです。指導者研修などの機会を通じて、情報を提供することや、組織全体としてSOGIにもとづく差別を許さない姿勢を明確に示すことで、スポーツ界全体の意識を高める必要があります。 そして可能であれば、MtFトランスジェンダーの選手や、身体が定型的な女性とは異なる状態にあるDSDsの女性選手の競技参加についての基準作りにも取り組んでいただければと思います。競技ごとにその条件は異なると考えられますが、スポーツの場に参加したいと願う当事者がいることを前提に、公平性や危険性を含めた総合的な観点から、どのような条件であれば参加が可能になるのか、その枠組みを専門家とともに検討することが望まれます。








●(一社)日本スポーツ法支援・研究センター スポーツ相談室









DSDs:体の性の様 な々発達(性分化疾患)を持つ人 と々家族を対象としたサポート団体。DSDsを持つスポーツ選手への対応など、個別の相談にも応じている。

Ⅴ 対応事例・対処方法









 一口にSOGIに関する権利が認められていない人 と々言っても、その困難は人により違います。私たち1人ひとりのものの見方や考え方が異なるように、当事者の価値観や希望を一くくりにすることはできません。したがって、組織としても指導者としてもチームメイトとしても、当事者から相談を受けた場合、まずはどのような配慮を望んでいるのか、どこまでオープンにしてよいのかなど、ヒアリングを通じて当事者の意向をしっかりと把握することが必要です。そのうえで、対応できることを本人とともに検討し、相互に了解点を見出すことが原則となります。 「当事者とどのように接すればよいのか」という声もしばしば聞かれます。また、性に関わる話なので、個人のプライバシーとも密接に関わっています。したがって、相談を受ける場合やヒアリングを行う際には、必要以上のことは尋ねないこと、本人が答えたくないことは答えなくてよいと事前に伝えておくことといった配慮が必要になります。指導者や仲間としては、LGBTなどであることをからかったり、女装や男装で笑いを取ろうとするなど、差別的・侮蔑的な言動は論外ですが、特別な対応や心構えが必要なわけではありません。1人の人間として対等に接するという、人との付き合い方としてごく当たり前のことを心掛けることが大切です。



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合は、一部を性別に関わらず使用できるようにすることが望ましいでしょう。 また、事務手続きの面でいえば書類の性別欄にも工夫の余地があります。スポーツの場面では、男性/女性の性別情報が必要なケースはありますが、「本当にその性別情報は必要なのか?」という観点から、選手登録や大会への参加申し込みなどの書類を見直すことが必要です。性別情報が必要な場合でも、「男性/女性」の二者択一にせず自由記述にするなどの工夫が、当事者の書きづらさを軽減することもあります。 こうしたハード面の整備は、手間と費用がかかる場合もあることから、「当事者がいるかいないかわからないのに設備を用意するのは非効率的ではないか」といった意見もあります。しかし、誰が当事者かどうかは外見ではわかりません。LGBTなどの人たちが3~8%いることは明らかになっています(p.5)ので、選手のみならず、観客や大会運営に携わる人たちの中にも当事者がいることを前提として、取り組みを進めることが必要となります。


Q&A こんな時どうする?


 現場で活動する指導者やチームメイトには、何よりも当事者が参加しやすい環境を作ることが求められます。そのためには、SOGIに関する知識や情報を得て、理解を深めることが必要です。そのうえで、スポーツ組織の対応と同様に、その場に当事者がいることを前提として活動することが求められます。たとえば、指導の際に性別を決めつけたような言動をしないように気をつけたり、練習グループを不用意に男女で分けないなどの配慮が考えられます。 また、トランスジェンダーやDSDsについては、当事者の「性自認」を尊重することが大切です。相談を受けた場合は本人の希望を聞き取り、外見や生物学的な性別よりも、本人の意向を一番に尊重してください。 ホモフォビアを許さない姿勢を指導者やチームメイトが明確にすることも、当事者の参加には重要です。性別を問わず、「性的指向」を理由にスポーツの場から排除されることがないようにすべきですが、特にゲイ男性の場合は排除されがちなだけでなく、攻撃の対象になるケースもあり、よりリスクが高いとされています。したがって、当事者が安心してスポーツを行うためには、周囲がフォビアを許さない姿勢を示す必要があるといえます。










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 当事者の困っていることや対応して欲しいニーズなどは、一人ひとり異なります。したがって、指導者やチームメイトとして相談やカミングアウトを受けた場合は、まず当事者の話を聞き、何に困っているのかということと、「何を」「誰が」「どのように・どの程度まで」対応して欲しいのかについて、具体的に把握してください。そのうえで、可能な対応について、当事者と一緒に検討していくことが大切です。 この際、最も気をつけなければならないのが「アウティング」をしないことです。「カミングアウトをした」という事実そのものや、その内容について、本人の同意がないまま他の人に伝えることは、決してしないでください。チームの関係者に対しても同様です。当事者のニーズに対応するにあたって、第三者に情報を伝えなければならないケースもありますが、その場合は本人にそのことを伝え、「誰に」「どの程度まで」話してよいのかを必ず確認してください。 相談やカミングアウトを受けた人がすべてを解決しなければならないわけではありません。1人で背負い込まずに、競技団体の相談窓口や本ハンドブックに掲載されている相談先などに相談してみるのもよいでしょう。ただし、身近な人に相談する場合には、アウティングに十分な配慮が必要です。



Q&A こんな時どうする?


①最後まで話を聞こう②「話してくれてありがとう」を伝えよう③ニーズを聞いて、一緒に考えよう④情報の共有範囲を確認しよう⑤(可能であれば)専門家や 情報源を紹介しよう


Ⅵ カミングアウトを適切に受け止めるために


□性的指向(どういう性を愛するか) □性自認(自分はどういう性か)□社会的な性の表現(服装など)   □恋愛指向(どういう性に心ときめくか)□身体的特質      □精神的特質     □悩みごと □その他

□ただ聞いて欲しい       □自分の状況を理解して欲しい□私をよく知って欲しい     □感想を教えて欲しい□肯定的なアドバイスが欲しい  □否定的であっても何でも言って欲しい□わからないことを質問して欲しい  □特に何も言われなかった□その他

□特に何も必要ない       □受け止めてくれればよい □今までどおり接して欲しい □困っていることをやめて欲しい(何を? →              )□専門家などを紹介して欲しい□他の人へのカミングアウトに協力して欲しい□支援して欲しい(何を? →                    )□特に何も言われなかった □その他

□他の人には絶対に言わないで欲しい□他の人にはできるだけ言わないで欲しい□必要なら他の人に言っても構わない(どこまで? →          )□他の人にも知らせて欲しい □その他



[参考資料]…●国立大学法人筑波大学ダイバーシティ・アクセシビリティ・キャリアセンター『CARIO-NEXT L-81「カミングアウトされたとき」シート』(https://diversity.tsukuba.ac.jp/?page_id=9492)




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●受け入れのロールモデルになりましょう。 ➡あなたがSOGIに関する権利を大切にしており、同性愛嫌悪やトランスフォビアを許さないと示すことによって、その生徒・学生は、あなたを協力的な教育者とみなします。



●あなたに打ち明けた生徒・学生は、カミングアウトする前も後も同じ人であることを忘れないでください。 ➡もしあなたがショックを受けたとしても、生徒・学生の見方や扱い方を変えないようにしてください。


トランスジェンダーの生徒・学生への追加留意事項●性のアイデンティティや表現を生徒・学生に確認してください。 ➡生徒・学生が伝えた性別や個人が要求する代名詞や名前を使いましょう。例えば生徒・学生が「女性」であると言った場合は「彼女」と呼びます。または性別を問わない言葉を使用します。


生徒・学生があなたにカミングアウトしたとき生徒・学生に言ってはいけないこと●「私は知ってた!」 ➡あなたが固定観念に基づいて生徒・学生を仮定していたことになります。

●「それは確かですか?」「混乱してるだけだ」「ほんの一過性にすぎない」●男性に「まだあなたにふさわしい女性を見つけていない」と言い、女性に「ふさわしい男性が見つかっていない」と言う。 ➡これは全員が男性は女性を、女性は男性を好きにならなければならないという決めつけをすることになります。

●「このことは誰にも言ってはなりません」 ➡左記は、LGBTなどであることを隠す必要があることを意味します。

●「同性愛者のはずがない。これまで異性の人と付き合っていましたよね」LGBTなどの人 を々傷つけるようなふるまいを目撃したときの対処方法●ふるまいをあげて注意してください。 ➡例:「私はあなたがホモという言葉を使っているのを聞きました。それは軽蔑的であり、(このクラスでは)受け付けられません」

●ふるまいを止めた後に必ず教育をしてください。 ➡教育する際、個人的に行うか、公的に行うかは適宜決定してください。

●中傷の対象となった生徒・学生をサポートします。 ➡生徒・学生が追加のサポートを要求する場合にのみ、生徒・学生がカウンセラーと面会することを提案します。

●中傷を行った生徒・学生に責任を持たせます。 ➡学校の方針に基づき、あらゆる種類の悪口や、いじめ、嫌がらせに対して処分が均等に適用されるようにしてください。

生徒・学生の味方であるためにすべきこと、してはいけないこと●話を聞くこと ➡SOGIに関する権利が保障されていない状況にある生徒・学生は、自分自身を表現することに不安を感じています。

●機密性を尊重すること ➡他の人に知らせることは、生徒・学生にとって安全でない環境を作り出す可能性があります。

●生徒・学生の助けになること ➡効果的な味方は、いつ、どのように生徒・学生を外部支援に紹介するかも知っています

●あなたにも偏見があることを意識すること●すべてに答えがあると思わないこと ➡解決方法がわからない場合は、答えを見つけようとすることを生徒・学生に知らせてください。

●非現実的な約束はしないこと ➡生徒・学生との信頼関係を損なう可能性があります。●性別や性的指向に関する古い固定的な考えを持ち続けないこと ➡生徒・学生が何を必要としているかを思い込まないことも重要です。常に生徒・学生の声に耳を傾け、どのように支援できるか尋ねてください。


● 自分のことについて他の人に言ったことがありますか?● 学校(職場・現場)は安全だと感じていますか?● あなたの人生で支えてくれる大人はいますか?● 何かのサポートが必要ですか? ● 私は、知らずにこれまでにあなたを怒らせましたか?


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Ⅶ ロールモデル





栄光と孤独の日々 を描いたドキュメンタリー映画






『カランコエの花』■製作:2016年/日本 ■脚本・監督・編集:中川駿 ■上映時間:39分





『アバウト・レイ 16歳の決断』■製作:2015年/アメリカ ■監督:ゲイビー・デラル ■上映時間:92分



『ECHOES』■作:歩/宝島社 ■発売:2016年12月10日



『スポーツ フォー エブリワン』【内容】オリンピック・パラリンピック開催に合わせ、LGBTとスポーツに関する期間限定の情報発信施設を運営するプライドハウス東京が制作。スポーツに関わる全ての人々が知るべきLGBTに関する基礎知識、LGBTがスポーツをする上で直面する困難、LGBTも含む全ての人 が々スポーツを楽しむことができる環境づくりのためのヒントを紹介。http://pridehouse.jp/handbook/

人権団体「ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ」による報告書『出る杭は打たれる 日本の学校における LGBT 生徒へのいじめと排除』■Copyright © 2016 Human Rights Watch All rights reserved.  ■Printed in the United States of America ■ISBN: 978-1-6231-33481 Cover design by Rafael Jimenez

本報告書内の漫画は、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチがインタビューした方々が、ご自身の経験を自らの言葉で語ってくださったお話に基づいている。いくつかのシーンでは、ストーリー展開に必要な文章が追加されている。© 2016 歌川たいじ [引用]…https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/japan0516_japanesemanga_web.pdf


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❸LGBTや性の多様性に関する正しい知識や情報を 自ら得る努力をする

❹指導者自身がジェンダー・性自認・性的指向に関する 考え方・発言に自省的である

❺本人が「どうして欲しいのか」の希望を聞き、 それを尊重する

❻アスリート自身が相談できる場所や情報を 提供できるようにしておく

❼カミングアウトを受けた場合には、自分自身の 判断だけで行動を起こさず、本人の意向を聞く。 アウティングになることもあるので注意する

❽相談を受けた場合に、病院に行くことや 診断書の提出を安易に求めない


  The Survey and Research on Necessary Consideration for LGBT Individuals in

Sports Coaching began in 2017 as one of the projects established by the Sport Medicine

and Science Research Committee. This project received the cooperation of more than

10,000 sports coaches as well as sport organizations and specialists over the course of

two years.

  The results revealed that persons whose rights relating to Sexual Orientation and

Gender Identity (SOGI) including LGBT individuals (see Terminology Relating to Sexual

Diversity on page 6) are unable to enjoy sports in their preferred manner and are

subjected to discrimination and inequality. The results also indicated that more than

60% of sports coaches want to explore what they can do about this situation and acquire

additional knowledge.

  This Handbook was prepared with the aim of serving as reference material for

athletes, coaches, colleagues, and all persons involved in sport to examine this situation

and take action together. This does not mean, however, that this Handbook specifies

what is “right” for athletes and coaches who seek to enjoy sports. This is the same as

there being no correct answer when coaches face individual athletes during coaching.

  “Continuing to search for answers”: this is the true appeal of sports, and may very

well be the responsibility of participants. Surveys and research will continue under this

project, and revised handbooks will be released to reflect the opinions on those involved

in sports coaching.

  The surveys and research indicated that approximately 20% of coaches have little

interest in this issue. I would like even these coaches too will use this Handbook to

address the difficulties faced by persons whose rights relating to sexual orientation and

gender identity including LGBT individuals are not protected. There is an understanding

in Japan and overseas that this is currently a priority issue that must be addressed by

the sporting world, regardless of the level of competition.

  It is my hope that actions that start with the acquisition of this Handbook can move

the sporting world forward and contribute to the development of a society with no

discrimination or inequality in sports.

March 2020


Kyoko Raita, Ph.D.Member, Sport Medicine and Science Research Committee, Japan Sport Association Professor, Chukyo University School of Health and Sport Science


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Biological sex

  Generally speaking, a determination is made whether a child is male or female at the time of birth. This determination is made based on physical charac-teristics (the presence and configuration of external genitalia). Many people have the generally-accepted male or female organs, but this is not true for everyone.  Physical sex is not neces-sarily manifested by external appearance, and there are slight variations among individuals in the X/Y chromosome types and sex hormones. With respect to the X/Y chromosome, generally, females have an XX chromosome and males have an XY chromosome, but even in the case where, for example, an individual has an XY chromosome, if androgen receptors are lacking (such as in Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)), that individual may be born and raised female. There are diverse X/Y chromosome types, and while rare, there are males with XXY chromosomes and females with XO chromosomes.  These characteristics are medically referred to as “ Disorders of sex devel-opment,” but they are now coming to be referred to as “Differences of sex devel-opment”(DSDs), in Japanese, “Karada no sei no samazamana hattatsu (Diverse development of physical sex)”  The disparities in sex hormones among individuals are large, but generally, males have high levels of testosterone (the so-called male hormone) while females have low levels, but there are males with low levels and many females with high levels of testosterone. In the case of an AIS female, even if testosterone levels are high, there are no or few receptors to react with the testosterone, and therefore, testosterone levels alone cannot serve as a criterion.  In the sport world, female athletes were subjected to sex determination tests (p. 44). Since 1966, testing has been performed on the basis of the presence and configuration of sex organs, sex chromosome type, sex hormone levels, and other factors to determine whether female athletes seeking to compete in women’s events are truly female or if female athletes are qualified to compete in women’s events.


  The society in which we live has adopted a gender binary system that divides the sexes into male and female in many areas. In sports too, nearly all events are divided into “men’s” and women’s” competitions. Sport is a physical activity that entails competition. Because of this, competition has been divided by sex to maintain fairness. The gender binary system in sport is accepted as an unquestioned given and is a system more rigid than those seen in general society.  Dividing people into “male” and “female” based on only one criterion of human sex, however, is in fact extremely difficult. It may not even be possible at all. There are in fact a diversity of human sexes and we can say that “100% male” and “100% female” do not exist. There are various elements that comprise sex. Within each of those elements, there are people who do not fit into the typical patterns. In this section, we discuss three of the elements that make up sex̶biological sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation̶and examine the diversity that exists within each of them.

Ⅰ Elements Comprising Sex

Elements Comprising Sex

The blackboard says, “There is a diversity of biological sex.”

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Sexual orientation

  Humans form their identities in part in the context of their relationships with others. Sexual orientation, which entails strong emotions and feelings regarding others, is an important element of this. Heterosexual individuals, where males are attracted to females and females are attracted to males, constitute a majority, but there are also homosexuals who are attracted to the same sex, bisexuals who are attracted to both sexes (poly sexual and pansexual), and asexual individuals who are not attracted to either sex.  The WHO declared in 1990 that homosexuality is not subject to treatment, and in Japan, the then Ministry of Education removed homosexuality from prob-lematic behavior (sexual misconduct).  The percentage of persons whose rights relating to SOGI are not protected is believed to be in the 3% to 8% range (Kamano et al., 2019). A survey of university students (approximately 3,200 persons) enrolled in sports related departments conducted by Fujiyama et al. (2014) determined that approximately 2% of persons feel a disagreement between their birth sex and self-identified sex and 6% to 7% of persons are homosexual or bisexual. Based on these results, it is believed that one in about one dozen to 30 persons, or one to three persons per class are members of a sexual minority.  However, these survey by Fujiyama et al. (2014) also revealed that students are unaware of the nearby presence of sexual minorities. In particular, more than 80% of the male students responded that there are no sexual minorities within their circles (the ratio for female students was 50%). In addition, there was a strong tendency towards homophobia among the male students, and awareness regarding SOGI was low compared to the female students. Based on these results, it is believed that the male sports field is a particularly unwelcoming space for gay participants. Such spaces make the existence of sexual minorities invisible, make coming-out difficult, and impede individuals from proactively facing their own identities.

3Gender identity

  Gender identity also does not always fit into the gender binary system. For many people, if their bodies are male, their psychological sex is also male, and if their bodies are female, their psychological sex is female. However, there are also individuals whose biological sex is not the same as their gender identity̶persons with gender incongruence or gender dysphoria. In the past, this was referred to gender identity disorder, but in 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed gender identity disorder from its list of diseases (effective starting in 2022), and gender incongruence is not seen as a disorder, but as one of the diverse statuses of physical and mental condition.   In this Guideline, persons who feel inconsistency between the sexes specified on their birth certificate and their self-identified sex are referred to as transgender (meaning transcending gender). Also, persons whose biological sex is male but

who identify as female are referred to as “MtF” (Male to Female) or trans women, and persons whose biological sex is female but who identify as male are referred to as “FtM” (female to male) or trans men.  There are many different conditions of inconsistency between biological sex and gender identity, and there are people who do not identify as either male or female or who shift between male and female.  There is debate within the sport world whether athletes whose biological sex is not the same as their gender identity should be permit-ted to compete in events for the sex with which they identify. Since 2004, conditions have been established to enable athletes who experience gender incongruence to compete in events for the sex with which they identify (p. 38, 39, 45). The debate is ongoing, and the rules setting the conditions for participation have changed. Under current rules, the conditions to allow trans women whose biological sex was male but who identify as female to participate in women’s events are stricter than the conditions for participation by trans men in men’s events.


※Note: “Sexual orientation and gender identity demography” = 3.3%, Dentsu Diversity Lab (2018) = 8.9%

I am a …

Elements Comprising Sex

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Circumstances concerning protection of rights relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)1

Terminology Relating to Sexual Diversity Ⅱ Social Trends Relating to SexualOrientation and Gender Identity (SOGI)in Physical Education and Sport





Gender Identity



Sexual Orientation









DSDs (Differences of Sex Development)

  Socially and culturally formed sexual identity.

  A term encompassing sexual minorities. In the past, this term was derogatory, but today it is used as a positive term that connects sexual minorities.

  An abbreviation for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. SOGIE, which also includes self-expression, is also used.

  Discriminatory or negative feelings or attitudes towards persons who are transgender or whose gender representation does not fit within the sexual norms of society.

  Discriminatory or negative feelings or attitudes towards lesbians, gays, bisexuals, or persons who are suspected of being lesbian, gay, or bisexual.

  Persons who do not have an established gender identity or sexual orientation. Persons who intentionally do not make a choice.

  In Japan, it is called “Karada no sei no samazamana hattatsu” (Diverse development of physical sex). DSDs indicate women or men who are born with physical structures that are partially different from the stereotypical view such as ‘this is the structure of a woman’s body’ or ‘this is the structure of a man’s body’. Also referred to medically as “Disorders of sex development” and as “intersex” in some political movements in the West, but in Japan, individuals with such traits reject these comprehensive terms as identities and recognize that they have physical traits such as Androgen insensitivity syndrome or Turner syndrome. There is misunderstanding and prejudice that persons are Hermaphrodite (neither male nor female), but this type of expression is currently regarded as offensive.

  An individual’s awareness of their own gender.

  Female to Male. An abbreviation for persons who have changed or want to change their sex from female to male. Trans men.

  Male to Female. An abbreviation for persons who have changed or want to change their sex from male to female. Trans women.

  The orientation towards which an individual feels attractive including sexual interest.

  A woman who is attracted to women. A female homosexual.

  A man who is attracted to men. A male homosexual.

  Discriminatory or negative feelings or attitudes towards bisexuals or persons who are suspected of being bisexual.

  A person who is attracted to both men and women.

  Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. Used as a general term for sexual minorities. In addition to LGBT, LGBTQ, which adds Q (for queer or questioning), and other terms are used.

  A general term for persons who feel uncomfortable with the sex assigned at birth, persons whose gender identity does not fit within the two categories of male or female, and persons who do not fit into the socially-expected sexual roles or gender representations. Broadly speaking, transgender includes transsexuals who have a gender identity opposite that assigned at birth and who seek gender reassignment treatment.

Why is it necessary to protect rights concerning us SOGI?  Historically, sexual and transgender individuals were discriminated or were isolated on the ground that they were suffering from a psychological disorder, and in some countries, were subject to criminal penalties. Even today, there are various forms of social and legal discrimination remaining. For example, 73 countries around the world continue to punish homosexuality as a crime. Furthermore, there are a few countries that legally prohibit discrimination against gay and lesbian individuals.  Under these circumstances, many LGBT and other such individuals face substantial difficul-ties in their lives, education, employment, and establishing families. What should be done so that the rights to freedom and equality of these individuals are protected as human beings.

How should protection of rights relating to SOGI be approached?❶ It is possible to protect the rights of LGBT persons by prohibiting discrimination on the

basis of sexual orientation. For example, 32 of the 36 OECD countries (not including Japan) have established laws prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and the Olympic Charter includes “sexual orientation” among the prohibited bases for discrimination.

❷ The protection of rights relating to SOGI adopt the language “discrimination on the basis of gender” in some cases. In countries that do not prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation such as the United States, discrimination on the basis of same-sex marriage is treated as discrimination based on the gender of an individual’s partner, and equality is required.

❸ In areas other than marriage, in the United States, rights relating to SOGI are protected based on the right to privacy, a fundamental freedom protected by the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution. Family life, marital status, and sexuality are positioned as matters falling under fundamental freedoms in which the state should not intervene.

TerminologyRelating to


TerminologyRelating to

Biological Sex

TerminologyRelatingto GenderIdentity

TerminologyRelatingto SexualOrientation

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Points of improvement in social systems and rising problems2

Social Trends Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in Physical Education and Sport

  Among those individuals who feel uncomfortable because of an inconsistency between their gender identity and biological sex may seek medical treatment in order to achieve a status closer to their gender identity. A person whose outward appear-ance does not match the gender on his or her family register may be subject to preju-dice and may be treated inappropriately in the workplace and other settings.  The Act on Special Cases in Handling Gender Status for Persons with Gender Identity Disorder came into effect in July 2004. Under this law, if a physician makes a diagnosis in certain conditions are met, it is possible to obtain a court judgment for a change in the handling of an individual’s sex (the conditions were relaxed pursuant to an amendment in June 2008).  In terms of sexual orientation, homosexual and bisexual persons may in some instances be forced to leave the workplace due to their minority status. There is widespread recognition that such discriminatory treatment based on sexual orien-tation is unjustified, but prejudice and discrimination persist.  Under the legal system in Japan, the rights of marriage and inheritance between persons of the same sex in the family register have not been recognized. However, some efforts to protect these rights have started. For example, some local govern-ments, such as Setagaya-ku, and Shibuya-ku in Tokyo, Naha City, Sapporo City, and Fukuoka City have introduced same-sex partnership systems. In addition, the number of companies that permit marital leave and provide marriage gifts, permit bereavement leave, and provide household allowances and so on to same-sex partners is increasing, and there are more instances where specific protections are provided under social welfare programs.  In the sporting world, the UNESCO International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Sport, which was extensively amended in 2015, provides that “the absence of human rights violations” is an essential environment for people to engage in sport. In addition, the Olympic Charter (Fundamental Principles of Olymp-ism, Article 6) provides, “The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Olympic Charter shall be secured without discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status,” expressly indicating more than 10 forms of discrimination and declaring that discrimination shall not be tolerated.  Despite the existence of the Olympic Charter and other provisions, instances of exclusion and discrimination continue to occur in Japan and other countries. It is said that sport, which is a physical activity that involves competition, has more rigid sexual discrimination and inequality than other areas of society, and it may be difficult to eliminate such discrimination.

International Human Rights Law  In international law, there are no treaties protecting rights relating to SOGI on the United Nations level, but the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union states in Article 21, “discrimination based on … sexual orientation shall be prohibited,” and this applies to 27 EU member states. With respect to Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which provides, “All persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law,” the 1994 opinion of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Toonen v. Australia held that sexual orientation is included in discrimination on the basis of “sex.” This means that member states of the Covenant (including Japan) must include the prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation within the scope of domestic application of the prohibition of discrimination in Article 26. In X. v. Iceland (May 13, 1977), the European Court of Human Rights held that sexual relationships are protected under the “Right to respect for private and family life” (Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights) as the “right to create and maintain relationships with others for the development and perfection of character within the area of love.”

Legal protection of the rights of LGBT individuals in Japan  In Japan, there are no express provisions prohibiting discrimination on the basis of SOGI in the Constitution or laws. There are earlier court cases, however, that recognized rights relating to SOGI. In a case relating to restrictions on the use of public facilities by gay and lesbian persons, the court held, “ Administrative authorities are required to adequately protect the rights and interests of gay and lesbian persons, who are a minority” (Case Involving Youth House in Tokyo, Tokyo High Court Judgment of September 16, 1997). This case did not clarify the nature of rights relating to SOGI, but is significant as it imposed a duty to protect the rights of gay and lesbian individuals on administrative authorities.  The sexual harassment guidelines pursuant to the Act on Securing Equal Opportunity in Treatment between Men and Women in Employment were revised in 2016 as an administrative measure in the area of employment. The major change is that making sexual harassment of LGBT persons and other sexual minorities subject to the guidelines is specified as a measure that employers should take. As a result, employers are obligated to take preventive measures. With regard to local govern-ments, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government adopted the Ordinance on Achieving the Principles of Respect for Human Rights Set Forth in the Tokyo Olympic Charter, and this ordinance includes a prohibition on discrimination against LGBT persons.

The path to equality  There is no law in Japan comprehensively prohibiting discrimination on the basis of SOGI, and as a result, discrimination occurs in educational, family, and social settings. Sport reflects social conditions, and consequently, in light of international developments, it would be desirable to enact legislation prohibiting discrimination.

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Issues relating to biological sex and gender identity in sports (fairness, etc.)3

  Individuals can change their bodies and live their lives ac-cording to their self-identified gender

  Administrative au-thorities are required to protect the rights of by gay and lesbian per-sons

[Act on Special Cases]

Sport For AllSport For All

  In many sports, men and women compete separately with the aim of ensuring fairness. Because of this, there has been debate from the perspective fairness when athletes whose self-identified gender does not match his or her biological gender complete, and a number of rules have been established to address this issue.  Under the current Olympic rule, for example, in cases where transgender athletes compete according to their self-identified gender, they must first declare their self-identified gender. Once such a declaration is made, it cannot be changed for four years. For trans women to compete in women’s events, levels of testoster-one (a male hormone) in the blood must be maintained at no more than 10 nmol (nanomoles) per liter for a period of one year before competing (there are no corresponding requirements for trans male athletes).  From 2004 to 2015, three conditions for competing according to one’s self-identified gender were imposed on both trans women and trans men: (1) the athlete underwent sex reassignment surgery before puberty or if after puberty, at least two years prior; (2) the athlete underwent verifiable and appropriate hormone therapy since surgery, and (3) the athlete’s new sex is recognized by law.

  However, sex reassignment surgery imposes a heavy burden on the body, and no matter how powerful or successful the athlete is, he or she will not be able to compete for two years after surgery. Additionally, there are many countries and regions that do not legally recognize change of sex, and this imposes extremely high hurdles for transgender athletes.  Under a new rule effective since 2016, the conditions regarding sex reassign-ment surgery have been eliminated, and as a result, Chris Mosier, a trans man from the United States, could be selected as a member of the U.S. men’s duathlon national team.  On the other hand, trans women are subjected to criticism for competing in women’s events or exposed to slander and defamation, even if their testosterone levels are kept within the standards. For example, Fallon Fox, a mixed martial arts athlete from the U.S., had her license as a women’s professional temporarily suspended even though her testosterone levels were within the standards. Also, Australian-rules football athlete Hannah Mouncey of Australia had a testosterone level below the standard but could not become a professional athlete, as it was believed that competing against other female athletes would be dangerous due to her height of 190 cm and large build of 100 kg. Mouncey was later selected as a member of the women’s handball national team, but was unable to compete in the World Championships in Kumamoto in 2019. The hurdles to participation by trans men have been lowered, but there are still considerable impediments for trans women other than the rules including rumor.

Social Trends Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in Physical Education and Sport

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Issues and Challenges that LGBT and Other Persons Face in Sport Scenarios

  Here, we discuss the issues and challenges that LGBT and other individuals face in in sport scenarios from two perspectives: (1) actual sport activity scenarios, and (2) responses by coaches and teammates. We examine suitable responses by making reference to hints concern-ing responses.

Issues and challenges in sport scenarios1

  Consider whether it is necessary to distinguish between men and women.  Consider the uniforms or athletic wear that can be worn regardless of sex.  Allow individuals to select their own clothing.

Difficulties & disagreeable situations Hints to responses

  Ask each individual’s preference in advance or create opportunities for individuals to express their preferences.  A request is made, take that request into consideration and make a determination through discussion with the individual. Each individual’s situation (e.g., the extent to which they have come out) will differ, so try to respond while respecting the individuals wishes.

  Consider whether it is necessary to separate men and women.  Consider activities that men and women can participate in together.

  Provide individual rooms that can be used by anyone.  Allow individuals to use the coach’ room.

  In the case of a shared bath, divide use into time segments.  Make it possible for individuals to use one-person baths.

The colors and styles of men’s and women’s uniforms or athletic wear are different.

Women’s official clothing includes only skirts.

Groups are divided by positioning “men here and women there.”

Everyone used the same locker room for practice, something I hated.

During training camp, the rooms were divided between men and women without asking about preferences, something I found unpleasant.

At training camp, I did not like using the bath with others.

Issues relating to sexual orientation in sports (homophobia, etc.)4

  In the field of sports, homophobia is deep-rooted and poses serious problems, particularly in men’s sports.  In 2013, Jason Collins, a National Basketball Association (NBA) athlete in the United States, became the first openly gay professional athlete in one of the four major sports in the U.S. Until then, no one had come out as gay in a major American sport.  Ian Thorpe, an Australian swimmer who won five Olympic gold medals, came out in 2014 after retirement. In an interview, Thorpe commented, “I wondered if Australia wanted a gay champion and felt insecure about it.” He also revealed that he struggled with depression for many years and even considered suicide. Thus, it can be said that the sport world is an uncomfortable place where individuals whose rights relating to SOGI are not recognized such as gay persons are subjected to psychological burdens.  At the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, more than 50 athletes announced that they were LGBT or members of another sexual minority, and 25 of them were medalists, including 10 gold-medal lists. In recent years, increasing number of athletes are coming out as gay, lesbian or bisexual.  Nonetheless, looking to the current situation in Japan, according to a survey of about 10,000 certified sports coaches, 72% responded that there are and were no LGBT individuals in their circles (Okatsu at el., 2019) (Survey on instructional considerations required of sports coaches). It can be said that even now, LGBT individuals in Japan are not visible.  At the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, there were LGBT athletes who were able to demonstrate their capabilities, but at the upcoming Tokyo Olympics and beyond, we would like to see the development of sports environments where all involved persons are aware of and mutually acknowledge the diversity of sex and where each individual can demonstrate their individuality and talent.

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[Reference Materials]…●“There Are Gradations In Sex” (2015), Handbook prepared by Yodogawa Ward, Abeno Ward, and Miyakojima Ward in Osaka City ●“Basic Principles and Guidelines on LGBT Persons and Others at the University of Tsukuba” (2018), University of Tsukuba Diversity and Accessibility Career Center ●“Faculty and Staff Guide on Consider-ation for and Responses to Sexual Minority Students,” 2nd ed., (2019), Office for Promotion of Equality and Diversity, Waseda University

Difficulties & disagreeable situations in responses by coaches and teammates

Incidents that led to athletes considering giving up sports2 3

Case Involving Outing at Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo District Court, February 27, 2019)  A Hitotsubashi University graduate student who was outed by a classmate fell from a school building in what is believed to be suicide in August 2015. The student’s surviving family members sued the classmate and the university for compensatory damages. The family and classmate reached a settlement in January 2018, but the case against the university was dismissed by the court (February 2019).

Hints to responses Incidents that led to athletesconsidering giving up sports

Difficulties &disagreeable situations Hints to responses

Issues and Challenges that LGBT and Other Persons Face in Sport Scenarios

  Address men and women (or boys and girls) in the same manner.  Ask each individual how they want to be addressed and what they want to be called.

Disparities in the ways men and women (or boys and girls) are addressed.

  Many competitions and matches are divided by men and women (or boys and girls). In the case of recreation and activities that are not particularly competitive, examine the necessity for separating the sexes and have the sexes participate together in cases where it is not necessary.

  Coaches should understand that there are various sexes.  When an athlete comes to you to discuss matters (including coming out), ask them what they want to talk about and what they would like you to do, and be sure to talk with the athlete about future responses. In many cases, an individual will request that information regarding their coming out be kept confidential. Take care that you do not inadvertently out someone.

  Coming out can be a considerable burden. No one should be compelled to come out, but it may be necessary for a team to create an environment and atmosphere where individuals feel safe coming out.

  Coaches should gather information in advance regarding the measures and responses of sport organizations. When consulted, it may be necessary to approach associations and groups so that the athlete can continue competing.

Men and women (boys and girls) are always separated for events

Teams are always divided between men and women (boys and girls)

Lack of understanding by coaches

Uncertainty about coming out to teammates

Uncertainty about ability to continue competing after sex reassignment surgery.

  Children listen attentively to the things that coaches say. It is often said that children are more likely to be hurt by the language used by adults rather than their peers. If you inadvertently say something inappropriate, say, “What I said was wrong.”

I heard a coach saying things like, “Gays are creepy” and “I hate gays” and this made me feel resentful and confused about my own existence.

  Coaches should point out to team members that expressions such as “homo,” “lesbo,” and “fag” are derogatory and should instruct members not to use these terms. Also, coaches should not turn a blind eye to the use of this type of language.  Children also quickly adopt words that are used on TV. Coaches should tell team members that such language can be hurtful to some people and that spreading rumors is not good.

Teammates called team members “homo,” “fag,” “lesbo,” or “dyke,” but the coaches didn’t pay any attention.

  This conduct is referred to as “outing.” Disclosing an individual’s sexual information or sexual orientation without their consent is an invasion of privacy. Coaches who were consulted about such matters should be sure to confirm with the individual what the individual wants and act accordingly.

When I went to talk to the coach about an issue, the coach told my teammates without my approval.

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Ⅳ Qualifications to Compete Relating to Diverse Sexes

  In highly competitive sports, it has become the unques-tioned practice to divide competition according to the two sexes, which makes it difficult for some athletes to compete. Here, we examine changes in rules and current conditions and use them to identify hints for considering future rules.

Sex Determination Tests in Sports4  Sex determination tests of female athletes have been conducted in the sport-ing world since the 1960s. Various methods have been used to test whether a woman is really a woman or is eligible to participate in a women’s event including visual confirmation of the genitalia (1966 to 1968), testing to examine the sex chromosomes (1968 to 2000), and tests to check the amount of male hormone (testosterone) (2011 to 2015).  However, the human body takes various forms, and in reality, there are women and men with body types that vary by birth such as the size and shape of the exter-nal genitalia, the composition of chromosomes, and the amount of sex hormone production. Nonetheless, there have been many instances where an athlete was deprived of the right to participate in sports and was subject to an unfair invasion of privacy despite the absence of any fault on the part of the athlete.  In 2014, Dutee Chand, an Indian sprinter, was unable to compete when tests conducted at the time revealed high levels of testosterone. However, she appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on the grounds of the unfairness of the testing provisions, and her claims were recognized and the provisions were suspended.  In 2018, however, World Athletics (WA) established new regulations on competition by DSD athletes (the second paragraph on page 45). As a result of the application of these regulations, as of March 2020, female athletes with high testosterone levels, such as Caster Semenya (South Africa), cannot participate in some women’s events (400 m to 1 mile medium-distance races).

Changes in rules in the sport world relating to sex differentiation  The International Olympic Committee (IOC) eliminated testing of the sex of female athletes in 2000. There were two main reasons for this: (i) medically, it is not possible to clearly distinguish between the sexes using only one standard, and (ii) not violating human rights should be more important than maintaining fairness and competition.  In 2004, the IOC and World Athletics (WA) established rules permitting trans-gender athletes to compete under certain conditions. These rules were the first step in enabling athletes to compete in their own way according to their own gender identities. Currently, rules around the world are swinging between protect-ing the identities of athletes and maintaining the fairness of competition. The IOC and WA established the competition provisions indicated in the table below, but litigation by athletes who cannot compete as they are is ongoing.  In basketball, tall athletes are not excluded from competition on the grounds that their height is an unfair advantage. Similarly, with respect to the sex charac-teristic, it is necessary to create a system that recognizes that both women and men are born with a variety of body traits, and with regard to gender identity, it is neces-sary to create a system that allows them to compete according to their identity.

The following conditions must be satisfied:(1)   The athlete has declared his or her gender identity

(may not be changed for four years after declaration)(2)   In the case of trans women

(i) Serum testosterone level of no more than 10 nml/l for at least one year prior to competition, and(ii) Serum testosterone level of no more than 10 nml/l throughout the period of desired eligibility to compete in women’s events.

(1)   Determinations will be made for each athlete based on six conditions ((i) The starting time and (ii) details of (iii) medical measures according to age and sex, (iv) elapsed time since the start of measures, (v) androgen levels, and (vi) details, timing, and results of responses and monitoring after measures).

(2)   DSD females competing in races from 400 m to 1 mile (approx. 1,600 m) control serum testosterone to be no more than 5 nml/l for at least six months.

IOC Rules on Competition by Transgender Athletes (As of December 2019)

WA Provisions on Competition by DSD Athletes (As of December 2019)

*Subjects of provision (2) for participation by DSD athletes are women born with an XY sex chromosome

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What sport organizations can do: Clarifying their stances as organizations

  There are a number of organizations that are addressing these issues, and it can be said that establishing a SOGI consultation desk as the first thing that competitive bodies and other organizations should do. It is desirable that a consul-tant with specialized knowledge such as an attorney or psychological counselor be in charge of such consultation desks.  In many cases, an existing consultation desk that addresses issues of harass-ment and female athletes also deals with matters relating to SOGI. It is important to broadly publicize information that the desk is available to consult on issues concerning LGBT individuals and other topics.  What is needed next is an effort to improve the knowledge of coaches concern-ing SOGI. It is necessary to raise awareness throughout the sport world by provid-ing information and clearly showing a stance of nondiscrimination on the basis of SOGI as an organization through opportunities such as coach training.  It is recommended that criteria be established for competition by MtF trans-gender athletes and female DSD athletes whose physical traits varies from the typical female. The conditions are likely to vary from event to event, but with the assumption that there are individuals who wish to participate in sport, it is desirable that investigations be conducted with experts on the conditions that are necessary for participation from a comprehensives perspective including fairness and dangers.




●Japan Sport Law Support and Research Center, Sports Consultation HotlineConsults on issues concerning systems and legal questionshttp://jsl-src.org/?page_id=31

●Japanese Society of Gender Identity Disorder (GID)Provides referrals to healthcare personnel with specialized knowledge and institutions with mental health professionalshttp://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/user/jsgid/index.html

●Pride House JapanA project that provides information and conducts events relating to LGBT issues on the occasion of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Gameshttp://pridehouse.jp/

●Nijiiro DiversityAn organization that conducts training and consulting for companies and other organizations and works to support LGBT individuals in sportshttp://nijiirodiversity.jp/

●nexdsd Japan

Ⅴ Examples of Responses and Measures

●Training on LGBT issues during governance training (Japanese Para-Sports Association)●Incorporation of LGBT-related courses into update training for coaches with an emphasis on coaching (Japan Sailing Federation)

●Inclusion of measures for environmental development with consideration for LGBT individuals and training on LGBT individuals in business planning (Japan Sailing Federation)

Training and environmental development

●International sport federations created standards for participation by LGBT athletes, and domestic rules were established based on those standards (Japan Triathlon Union)

●An MtF athlete was to compete as a woman using her regularly-used name, but in response to a request from other female athletes, the athlete in question and the hosting organization engaged in discussions, and it was agreed that the athlete could compete as a woman but records would be for reference purposes only and the athlete would not be eligible for medals (Japan Triathlon Union)

●Pursuant to a request from a member, a registered member changed their sex (Ski Association of Japan)●Although difficulties are anticipated concerning competition by MtF athletes, a basic stance of permitting competi-tion if the conditions are satisfied was adopted (Japan Wushu Taijiquan Federation)

Athlete participation

Reference Cases

Principles of responses: Determine the intentions of concerned individuals

  We understand that rights relating to SOGI are not generally recognized but, the resulting difficulties vary from person to person. Just as each person is an individual and has different perspectives and ideas, we cannot assume that the values and aspirations of each concerned individual are the same. Therefore, when consulted by someone, whether as an organization, coach, or teammate, it is first necessary to determine the intentions of that person through discussion such as what consideration they want and how open they want to be. The basic principle for subsequent action is to consider with the concerned individual what responses should be taken and to find points of mutual understanding.  People often commented that they don’t know how to deal with LGBT individuals. Also, since this is a matter that relates to sexuality, it is closely related to personal privacy. Therefore, when an LGBT individual consults with you, it is necessary to indicate in advance that you will not ask more than what is necessary, and the consulting individual need not answer any questions they do not want to answer.  As a coach or teammate, discriminatory and derogatory speech or conduct such as ridiculing an individual for being LGBT or laughing at the wearing of women’s or men’s clothes are of course out of the question, but special treatment or attitudes are not necessary. It is important to keep in mind that it is common sense for people to interact with one another by treating each other as equals.


A support information for people and families with Diverse development of physical sex (differences of sex development; DSDs). Offers individual consultations including responses concerning athletes with DSDs.http://nexdsd.com

Examples of Responses and Measures

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Physical facility development: Take action with the assumption that LGBT persons are present

  Something that sport organiza-tion and operators of competitions can do is the provision of locker rooms and bathrooms. For example, spaces for private use can be created in locker rooms through the use of curtains, tents, partitions and so on, and in addition to the locker rooms for men and women, space can be provided for use by anyone regard-less of sex. In cases where temporary bathrooms are installed, it is desir-

able that some of them be designated as gender-neutral.  With respect to administrative procedures, measures regarding the “sex” column on documents can be implemented. In the context of sport, there are cases where sex information is necessary, but it is necessary to re-examine athlete regis-tration, competition applications, and other such documents from the perspective of whether sex information is really needed. Even in cases where this information is needed, innovations such as athletes to fill in the sex information freely rather than selecting from two options (male/female) will reduce the burdens on the concerned individuals.  These hardware-related measures will result in expenditures of time and money, and some are of the opinion that it is inefficient to take measures without even knowing if there are any concerned individuals. It is not possible, however, to discern visually who might be affected. It is clear that LGBT individuals and other sexual minorities make up 3% to 8% of the population (see page 33), and accord-ingly, implementing these types of measures is necessary based on the assumption that concerned individuals include not only athletes, but also spectators and event operators.


Q&A : What should I do?

Actions that coaches and teammates can take: ① Creating environments that facilitate participation

  Above all else, coaches and teammates who are active in the field need to create environments in which concerned individuals can participate. To do this, it is necessary to acquire knowledge and information about SOGI and deepen under-standing. As in the case of responses by sport organizations, it is necessary to act on the assumption that there are concerned individuals present. For example, when coaching, it is necessary to take care not to engage in speech or conduct that identifies individuals by sex or to thoughtlessly divide practice groups by sex.  Also, with respect to transgender persons and individuals with DSDs, it is important to respect the gender identity of the concerned individuals. If you are consulted, listen to the person’s wishes and give the highest priority to that person’s intentions rather than their outward appearance or biological gender.  Coaches and teammates adopting a clear stance that homophobia will not be tolerated is also important for the participation by LGBT individuals. Regardless of gender, such individuals should not be excluded from sports on the basis of sexual orientation, and there is a tendency for gay men in particular to be excluded and they may be the targets of attacks and at higher risk. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt the stance that homophobia will not be tolerated in order to enable concerned individuals to participate with a sense of security.


During a match, I heard a member of the other team ridicule LGBT persons.Inform the referee or the coach of the other

team that discriminatory speech or conduct occurred and call attention to it. In all circumstances, clarifying the stance that homophobia and other discrimination against LGBT individuals will not be tolerated will lead to the development of environments throughout the sports world where such individuals can participate with peace of mind.


●At the national competition held each year, consideration is given to athletes so they can select from multipurpose, men’s, and women’s bathrooms (Japan Wushu Taijiquan Federation)

●Separate men’s and women’s changing rooms are provided in temporary tents, but each has private spaces to accommodate individuals who are uncomfortable changing in front of others as well as for breast feeding (Japan Triathlon Union)

●There are 26 sports centers for individuals with disabilities throughout the country that have family changing rooms, multi-purpose bathrooms, and other facilities (Japanese Para-Sports Association)

Reference Cases

No discriminatory speech or conduct!

Examples of Responses and Measures

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Actions that coaches and teammates can take: ②Take care not to out others

  Each individual will face different issues and will want different responses. Therefore, if someone consults you as a coach or teammate or comes out to you, listen to the person and identify specifically what issues they are facing and how, who, and to what extent they would like action to be taken. After doing this, it is important to discuss with the individual possible support that could be provided.  At that time, the most important thing to be careful about is not to out the individual. Never tell others that an individual came out for details about coming out without that person’s consent. This also applies with respect to others involved with the team. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide information to a third party in order to respond to the needs of the concerned individual, but in such cases, be sure to confirm with the person who came out about with whom and to what extent you may discuss their issues.  An individual who is consulted or to whom and LGBT person comes out need not solve every problem. Rather than attempting to do so on your own, it may be advisable to consult with a consultation hotline and so on of a sport organization or other organization referenced in this Handbook. If consulting with someone nearby, however, you need to take adequate clear about outing someone else.


Q&A : What should I do?

Someone came to me to consult about their issues or to come out to me …

(1)Listen to everything the person has to say.

(2)Thank them for speaking with you.(3)Ask what the person needs and

consider the issue together.(4)Confirm the extent to which informa-

tion may be shared.(5)(If possible,) Refer the individual to

a professional or other information source.


Ⅵ Responding Appropriately to Coming Out

  In general, coming out is extremely burdensome. In addition, in many instances the individual to whom some-one has come out wonders how they should respond. Being prepared will be useful both to you and to avoid having to ask individuals repeatedly. Refer to the following as one step to being prepared.

□ Sexual orientation (to which sex is the person attracted?)□ Gender identity (which sex does the person identify as?)□ Social sex expression (clothing, etc.)□ Romantic orientation (to which sex is the person romantically attracted?)□ Physical characteristics□ Emotional characteristics□ Difficulties□ Other

□ I just want you to listen□ I want you to understand my circumstances□ I want you to understand me□ I want you to tell me how you feel□ I want affirmative advice□ I want you to say something, even if it’s negative□ I want you to ask me anything you don’t understand□ Was not told anything in particular □ Other

□ Nothing in particular is needed□ All you need to do is listen□ I want to be treated the same as before□ I want you to stop doing something that bothers me (What? →           )□ I want you to refer me to a professional□ I want you to cooperate with me coming out to others□ I want you to support me (How? →                       )□ Was not told anything in particular□ Other

□ Do not tell anyone else at all □ Do not tell anyone else as much as possible□ Others may be told as necessary (To what extent? →            )□ I want you to tell others□ Other

Details ofcoming out

Requestsmade whencoming out

Requestedresponses aftercoming out

Informationcontrol requestedby the personcoming out

Take action in the following order

  Thank you for speaking with me.  I will of course respect your privacy.

[Reference]…CARIO-NEXT L-81: ‘If Someone Comes out to You’ Worksheet, Center for Diversity and Career Development, University of Tsukuba (https://diversity.tsukuba.ac.jp/?page_id=9492)

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Key Support Methods* Excerpt from Safe Space Kit by GLSE (2016, U.S.)

Points to keep in mind when LGBT students come out to you●Provide the support that students want. Note that not all students necessarily need help.

●Be a role mode of acceptance. ➡Show that you respect their rights concerning SOGI and you are intolerant of homophobia and transphobia. The students will see you as a supportive educator.

●Recognize the student’s courage to come out to you.●Hear them out.●Conversation with students is confidential. Respect their privacy and assure them that you will not share the information with anyone else without their consent.

●Ask questions that demonstrate understanding, acceptance and compassion.

●Remember that the student who has come out to you is the same person as before the disclosure. ➡If you are shocked, try not to let the surprise lead you to view or treat the student any differently.

●Do not conform to outdated and fixed norms concerning gender or sexual orientation.

●Be prepared to give referrals such as to counselors and hotlines to students when they ask you questions you cannot answer.

Some additional things to keep in mind when students come out to you as transgender:●Validate the student’s gender identity and expression. ➡Use the pronoun and name that the student requests. For example, if the student says “woman”, then use “she” or use gender neutral language.

●Remember that gender identity is separate from sexual orientation.

What not to say when students come out to you:●“I knew it!” ➡This expression indicates that you make assumptions based on stereotypes.

●“Are you sure?” “You’re just confused” “It’s just a phase ‒ it will pass.”●“You haven’t found the right woman yet” said to a presumed male student or “the right man” said to a presumed female student . ➡This assumes that all men must like women and all women must like men.

●“Don’t tell anyone about this.” ➡This implies that being LGBT must be kept hidden.

●“You can’t be homosexual. You’ve had relationships with people of the opposite sex.”

Suggested responses when you observe behaviors that hurt LGBT persons :●Identify the behavior and warn the individual. ➡For example: “ I heard you use the word ‘homo’. The term is derogatory and its use will not be tolerated in this class.”

●Make sure to educate the person after stopping the behavior. ➡Decide whether you will provide guidance privately or publicly as necessary.

●Support the targeted student. ➡Suggest that the student visit a counselor only if they request support.

●Hold the offending students accountable. ➡Make sure disciplinary actions are consistently applied for all types of name-calling, bullying and harassment in accordance with school policy.

Dos and Don’ts of Acting in Allyship With Students●Listen. ➡Students feel unsafe to express themselves when their SOGI rights are not guaranteed.

●Respect confidentiality. ➡If you inform others, it may create an unsafe environment for the student.

●Be a resource. ➡Effective allyship includes when and how to refer students to outside help.

●Be conscious of your biases.●Don’t think that you have all the answers. ➡If you don’t know how to solve a problem, let the student know you will look into the matter to try and find an answer.

●Do not make unrealistic promises. ➡Doing so can damage the relationship you have with the student as an ally.

●Do not make assumptions and perpetuate stereotypes about gender identity or sex orientation. It is also important that you avoid assuming you know what the student needs. Be sure to listen to the student and ask how you can support them.

Responding Appropriately to Coming Out

● Have you told anyone else?

● Do you feel safe in school (or work place)?

● Do you have adults that support you in your life?

● Do you need any help of any kind?

● Have I ever offended you unknowingly?

Suggested questions

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Ⅶ Role Models

An electrifying sport drama of a historic tennis match between a woman and a man

Battle of the Sexes■ Produced: 2017, US, UK■ Directors: Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris■ Duration: 122 minutes

Storyline: Realizing that the prize money for women was one-eighth of that for men, Billie Jean King, the women’s world champion, created the Women’s Tennis Association with her colleagues. Various movements advocating gender equality were starting to rise up in 1973, when Bobby Riggs, a former world champion, called out for a match as a representative of male chauvinists. Billie Jean loved her husband Larry, but she knew, embarrassingly, that she was also attracted to a woman and could not resist her feelings of being in love. The film depicts a woman who lived in the era when same-sex relationships were not acknowledged.[Reference]…https://www.foxmovies-jp.com/battleofthesexes/*Image from: https://movies.yahoo.co.jp/movie/363665/

A documentary film featuring John Curry, his glory days and solitary life

The Ice King■ Produced: 2018, UK■ Director: James Erskine■ Duration: 89 minutes

Storyline: A documentary film featuring John Curry, a legendary skater who redefined figure skating as a major sport and elevated it into an exalted art form. After he won a gold medal at the Innsbruck 1976 Winter Olympics, the first thing the media reported was his sexuality, which was not supposed to be made public. The presence of a medalist publicly known to be gay at a time when homosexuality was not accepted surprised the world and gave rise to considerable debate. John was trifled with by the times and treated unfairly, but he did not yield and aspired to excellence. The film depicts the story of an athlete who kept skating and dancing while alienating people in spite of his hunger for love.

[Reference]… https://www.uplink.co.jp/iceking/#intro

A grand prix film at the Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

Karankoe-no-Hana■ Produced: 2016, Japan ■ Writer, Director, Editor: Shun Nakagawa ■ Duration: 39 minutes

Storyline: “Maybe someone in our class is LGBT?” One day, a lecture titled “About LGBT” was given to a class in the second year of high school. No such lecture was given in other classes. It had repercussions on the students in their daily life. What behavior resulted from an internal struggle unique to adolescence?


A film showcasing family bonds and conflict.

About Ray■ Produced: 2015, US ■ Director: Gaby Dellal ■ Duration: 92 minutes

Storyline: Ray, a 16 year old transgender boy, tells his mother that he will live as a man both in body and mind. Ray’s mother was embarrassed at this sudden confession, while his grandmother, an out lesbian supported Ray’s decision. The film portrays Ray, who wants and tries to be himself, and his family.


An animated film about basketball that addresses issues of gender dysphoria.

ECHOES■ Animator: Ayumi, Takarajimasha ■ Released: December 10, 2016

Storyline: Sei Igarashi, an excellent athlete on a women’s basketball team, is unsociable and out of place on the team. Sei is attracted to Asuka. The two bond as they train for the national championships. Sei has special feelings she could not tell anybody about. Is this friendship, adoration, or something else....


A handbook produced by Pride House Tokyo

Sports for Everyone  This handbook was produced by Pride House Tokyo, an organization that operates a temporary facility offering information on LGBT and sports during the lead up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It provides basic information about LGBT issues that everyone should know, issues that LGBT persons face when participating in sports, and tips to create an environment where everyone can enjoy sports.


A report prepared by Human Rights Watch, a human-rights body

The Nail That Sticks Out Gets Hammered Down: LGBT Bullying and Exclusion in Schools in Japan■ Copyright © 2016 Human Rights Watch All rights reserved. ■ Printed in the United States of America■ ISBN: 978-1-6231-33481 Cover design by Rafael Jimenezhttps://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/japan0516_japanesemanga_web_3.pdf

Role Models

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❶ There is a diversity of sexes.

❷ Respect the diversity of sex.

❸ Make an effort to acquire accurate understanding and

information concerning LGBT issues and the diversity of


❹ Coaches should reflect on their thoughts and statements

regarding gender identity and sexual orientation.

❺ Ask individuals what they want you to do and respect

their wishes.

❻ Create places for athletes to consult and make it possible

to provide information.

❼ If someone comes out to you, don’t take action on your

own initiative, but rather, ask that person’s intentions.

Take care not to out someone.

❽ If someone consults with you, do not immediately send

them to a doctor or make them submit a diagnosis report.

Eight Things Everyone Involvedin Sport Should Know

● 発行日:2020年9月30日 ● 発行:公益財団法人日本スポーツ協会● 問い合わせ先:公益財団法人日本スポーツ協会 スポーツ科学研究室 〒160-0013 東京都新宿区霞ヶ丘町4-2 JAPAN SPORT OLYMPIC SQUARE URL : http://www.japan-sports.or.jp/  E-mail : [email protected]● 制作:日本文化出版株式会社 ● 印刷:図書印刷株式会社 ● 英語翻訳:和田翻訳室

● Date of Publication: September 30, 2020 ● Published by: Japan Sport Association● Contact: Sport Sciences Laboratory, Japan Sport Association JAPAN SPORT OLYMPIC SQUARE 4-2, Kasumigaokamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0013 URL : http://www.japan-sports.or.jp/  E-mail : [email protected]● Published by: Nippon Bunka Publishing Co., Ltd. ● Printed by: Tosho Printing Co., Ltd.● English Translation: Wada Translation Service



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來田 享子大勝 志津穂高峰 修建石 真公子田原 淳子藤山 新松宮 智生伊東 佳那子石塚 創也松中 権村木 真紀ヨ ヘイルmoriuo

中京大学 スポーツ科学部 教授(監修,p.17) 愛知東邦大学 人間健康学部 教授(p.13-15,23,28)明治大学 政治経済学部 教授(監修)法政大学 法学部 教授(p.7-8)国士舘大学 体育学部 教授(監修)首都大学東京 ダイバーシティ推進室 特任研究員(p.18-22)清和大学 法学部 准教授(p.2-6,9-12,16)中京大学 スポーツミュージアム 学芸員(p.24-27)公益財団法人日本スポーツ協会 スポーツ科学研究室 研究員特定非営利活動法人グッド・エイジング・エールズ代表 / プライドハウス東京代表認定非営利活動法人虹色ダイバーシティ代表 / プライドハウス東京ネクスDSDジャパン主宰 / 日本性分化疾患患者家族会連絡会代表

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●







Kyoko Raita

Shizuho Oktasu

Osamu Takamine

Hiroko Tateishi

Junko Tahara

Shin Fujiyama

Tomoki Matsumiya

Kanako Ito

Soya Ishizuka

Gon Matsunaka

Maki Muraki

Yeo Hyeil


Professor, School of Health and Sport Science, Chukyo University (editorial supervision, p45)

Professor, Department of Human Health, Aichi Toho University (p41-43, 51, 56)

Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University (editorial supervision)

Professor, Department of Law, Hosei University (p35-36)

Professor, Faculty of Physical Education, Kokushikan University (editorial supervision)

Project Researcher, Diversity Promotion Office, Tokyo Metropolitan University (p46-50)

Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Seiwa University (p30-34, 37-40, 44)

Curator, Chukyo University Sports Museum (p52-55)

Researcher, Sport Sciences Laboratory, Japan Sport Association

Representative of Good Aging Yells / Representative of Pride House Tokyo

Representative of Nijiiro Diversity / Member of Pride House Tokyo

Representative of nexdsd Japan● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

〈Group Leader〉

〈Group members〉




Project Research Team Members and Cooperating Individuals

Deepening Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Guidelines on Optimal Sexual Diversityin Phisical Education and Sport

56 57