eindelijk voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven! karlien vanden eynde product marketing manager...


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Post on 04-Jun-2015




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  • Dia 1
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  • Eindelijk voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven! Karlien Vanden Eynde Product Marketing Manager Microsoft
  • Dia 3
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 System Center Essentials 2010 Hoe het allemaal begon De klanten Product overzicht Demonstratie Prijzen Q & A
  • Dia 4
  • In het kort: Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
  • Dia 5
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Dynamic MemoryRemoteFX
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  • Big Technology Breakthroughs For Small Businesses Windows Small Business Server 2003 provides small businesses with many of the same features used by large enterprises E-mail Secure Internet connectivity Business intranets Remote connectivity Support for Windows Mobile-based devices File and printer sharing Back up and restore capabilities All in one affordable, easy to deploy and manage solution
  • Dia 8
  • Business Resultaten Opportuniteiten Reactievermogen verhogen Efficienter gebruik van servers Business draaiende houden Beveiliging Veranderingen in technologie Kosten besparen
  • Dia 9
  • Bespaar op hardware kosten/energie- kosten en op serverruimtes. Proactief beheer in plaats van reactief beheer Snel PC & Laptop problemen oplossen Uitrol van nieuwe software versnellen Hardware & software voorzien van de laatste patchs. Veranderingen op tijd doorvoeren. Overzicht van wat gebruikers hebben, juiste licenties aankopen. Reguliere en interne compliancy Aankopen, uitrollen, beheren & leren van verschillende complexe applicaties om deze taken uit te voeren. IT Infrastructuur draaiende houden Productiviteit eind gebruiker verhogen Systemen up-to- date houden Overzicht van hardware/ software assets
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  • Dia 11
  • 255025050010 Kleine Bedrijven Middelgrote Bedrijven Enterprise MS Segment # of PCs User info Do It Yourselfer (DIY)* IT Generalist IT Specialist Manages server as secondary responsibility 1-5 full time IT Generalists Specialists per workload 100 Integrated System Center Products Platforms Stand-alone +
  • Dia 12
  • Typische klant Microsoft klant 2 servers of meer 10 werkstations of meer Management van kritische applicaties Virtualizatie
  • Dia 13
  • Opportuniteiten? Kleine en Middelgrote bedrijven hebben IT management noden en zoeken naar een betaalbare en makkelijke oplossing op maat van hun infrastructuur. 70%* van de Belgische kleine en middelgrote bedrijven heeft geen management oplossing. Velocitas, Belgi 70 percent* heeft geen IT management oplossing 61% van de KMOs zal server virtualizatie gebruiken tegen 2010. Forrester Research SMB Virtualizatie is de grootste groei opportuniteit, zowel in % als in absolute waarde. Gartner 36% vandaag 35%* van de Belgische KMOs heeft vandaag nog geen virtualizatie technologie Velocitas, Belgi * Gebaseerd op een call-out naar 155 Belgische KMOs
  • Dia 14
  • Scenarios Hoe Verkopen Waarde voorstel van Hyper-V Microsoft platform positioneren als de lange termijn keuze Geen virtualizatie Kosten besparen Samenwerken met VMware Management VMware klanten Minder kosten en meer efficintie met een unieke oplossing voor het beheer van de IT infrastructuur Geen overkoepelende beheertools voor IT Waarde voorstel van virtualizatie met Hyper-V System Center is de beste keuze voor het beheren van het MS platform Een enkele oplossing voor het fysieke en virtuele Infrastructuur Updaten
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  • Dia 16
  • Een vereenvoudigde oplossing met n enkele console van waaruit het beheer van zowel fysieke als virtuele servers, desktops, hardware, software en IT diensten mogelijk is. Makkelijke uitvoering van complexe beheerstaken zoals problemen oplossen van eind gebruikers, monitoren, aanmaken en beheren van virtuele servers, software uitrollen, Increased Efficiency Unified Experience Proactive Management Proactief beheer dankzij het monitoren, de probleemoplossers en inventorisatie capaciteiten die er voor zorgen dat je IT omgeving veilig en up-to-date is. System Center Essentials 2010 Universele beheeroplossing voor KMOs
  • Dia 17
  • Vereenvoudigde beheerservaring Virtuele omgeving opzetten & beheren Makkelijke installatie Geheelomvattende monitoring Beheer van updates Software en hardware inventorisatie Software uitrollen Gentegreerde rapporten
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  • Console Overzicht SammenvattendOverzicht ManagementWorkspaces Samenvatting Virtuele Omgeving Contextuele te ondernemen Acties Tutorials&Community Taken MachineGroups
  • Dia 19
  • Voordelen voor KMOs Meer Controle Minder Complexiteit Bespaar op IT kosten dankzij gentegreerd fysiek en virtueel beheer. Beheer je IT omgeving met expertise en automatisatie. Vereenvoudig het beheer van je IT omgeving dankzij een op maat gemaakte en gentegreerde oplossing. Met Microsoft System Center Essentials bespaar je, krijg je meer controle en vereenvoudig je de complexiteit van je virtuele en fysieke IT omgeving.
  • Dia 20
  • Kosten Besparen Bespaar op IT kosten dankzij gentegreerde virtualizatie en management. Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 technologie nu gentegreerd in SCE 2010 Eenvoudig en snel virtuele servers uitrollen door gebruik te maken van wizards en templates. Live migration van virtuele workloads Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 technologie nu gentegreerd in SCE 2010 Eenvoudig en snel virtuele servers uitrollen door gebruik te maken van wizards en templates. Live migration van virtuele workloads Dankzij:
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  • Meer Controle Automatiseer systeem updates zodat je hele IT omgeving veilig en up-to-date draait. Beheer je servers, PCs, applicaties en netwerk toestellen als een expert door gebruik te maken van de ingebouwde kennis database en best practices. Merk en los proactief IT kwesties op voor het grote problemen worden. Beheer je IT omgeving met expertise en automatisatie. Ondersteuning voor Microsoft, third-party en custom updates Automatisch opsporen en oplossen van server configuraties die niet voldoen aan vereisten. Ingebouwde diagnose informatie om snel problemen te identificeren en problemen op te lossen. Ondersteuning voor Microsoft, third-party en custom updates Automatisch opsporen en oplossen van server configuraties die niet voldoen aan vereisten. Ingebouwde diagnose informatie om snel problemen te identificeren en problemen op te lossen. Dankzij:
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  • Minder Complexiteit Beheer je volledige IT omgeving met n enkele oplossing die zorgt voor een vereenvoudigde ervaring. Vereenvoudig complexe management taken om efficintie te verhogen. Verminder de complexiteit van het gebruik van verschillende tools en manuele processen door gebruik te maken van n enkele oplossing voor virtualizatie en management. Vereenvoudig het beheer van je IT omgeving dankzij een op maat gemaakte en gentegreerde oplossing Een enkel scherm dat samenvattend status, alert en taken overzicht geeft. Centraal uitrollen van software zoals Office 2010. Een enkel scherm dat samenvattend status, alert en taken overzicht geeft. Centraal uitrollen van software zoals Office 2010. Dankzij:
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  • Demo: Monitoring
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  • Demo: Software Inventory
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  • Demo: Software Packaging/RollOut
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  • Feature Overzicht Server consolidatie en live migration Virtuele machines bevoorraden en configureren Server en werkstation health monitoring en beheer Performantie raportering, analyse, hardware en software inventorisering Patch management, software upgrades, en software uitrollen Toepassingen
  • Dia 29
  • Target Customer Profile Does not have a comprehensive and integrated IT management solution Has between 20-500 PCs (desktop and laptops) and 5-50 Servers Has 1 to 5 IT administrators who are not specialized (IT generalists) Does not anticipate growing beyond 500 PCs and 50 Servers in the near future Is predominately a Microsoft shop: Windows and Microsoft applications such as the Office suite Needs an integrated data protection solution for servers, PCs and applications Does not have time and money to purchase and ramp-up on Enterprise IT management solutions Uses Active Directory service, Exchange for messaging, SharePoint for collaboration, or SQL Server for line-of- business applications Typically manually deploys software Knowing your target customer profile can help you focus selling efforts on the best sales prospects
  • Dia 30
  • Target Business Considerations Growing beyond 50 Windows Servers/500 Windows PCs? SC Enterprise Solutions Sarbanes Oxley Compliance required? Audit Collection Services SC OpsMgr Data Warehousing beyond 40 days SC OpsMgr Specialized IT Administrators? Role-based sign-in and security SC OpsMgr Web console SC OpsMgr Enforcement of Desktop configuration? Desired desktop configuration SC ConfigMgr Advanced OS deployment SC ConfigMgr Large Scale or Complex Branch Office Scenarios? Tiering SC OpsMgr & SC ConfigMgr Integration w/other management tools SC OpsMgr & SC ConfigMgr Heterogeneous environment? Native management of VMware SC VMM Significant other than Windows OSs? SC OpsMgr Formal IT problem resolution & asset lifecycle management SC SrvMgr
  • Dia 31
  • Unified Console Single view of the IT environment Overviews w/ summaries and health Integrated virtualization thats simple to use Easy to find workspaces w/ pertinent data In-line tasks, reporting and help New in 2010 Overview pages w/ contextual click-thru Streamlined group creation for common attributes Notification Banners for new MPs Streamlined management tasks Custom views w/ search support
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  • Update Management Easily Configure & Track IT Updates Update management for Microsoft and 3 rd parties Multi-member group support for flexible targeting Compliance & status reports across the IT environment Big Red Button for installation of pressing updates Built upon WSUS technology New in 2010 Auto-manage the software updates needed Auto-approval deadlines- Set and Forget Ability to sync with MU multiple times daily Simple view for Needed updates
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  • Virtual Machine Management Maximize your resources Virtualization management completely incorporated Reduced learning curve with workspace integration Comprehensive monitoring of total physical and virtual server environments (OS, apps and services) Rapid provisioning of new hosts and virtual machines Fast and reliable P2V and V2V conversion Flexibility for your environment Win 2008 Server & Hyper-V for new 64-bit Win 2003 Server & Virtual Server for existing 32-bit Virtualization as a setup component Import of existing virtual servers, including VMWare
  • Dia 34
  • Virtual Machine Management 2010 Virtualization Features Host Configuration Virtual Machine Creation Copy VM from another server (P2V or V2V) Snapshots of VMs for quick backups Intelligent Placement Simplicity from the start Pre-configured virtual machine templates Short task based wizards Automated network configuration Enterprise-class functionality for midsized businesses
  • Dia 35
  • Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Intuitive and easy to use Core feature of Essentials, no additional infrastructure or costs per conversion 5 step wizard based experience Automatically retrieves source configuration Configurable storage, memory, CPU, etc. Preserves network settings and MAC addresses Optional source shutdown Intelligent Placement to identify hosts Automatically determines best host for a VM Uses VM properties and host configuration Factors in Memory, Disk size, Network, CPU Recommendations for easy decision
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  • Installing Essentials Get up and running quickly! Abstracts the complex process of installing Simple 10-screen setup Interactive prerequisite checker to analyze readiness Contextual help, ToolTips and Validation Installation 64-bit and 32-bit server hardware Flexible SQL Server configurations (remote vs. local) New in 2010 Automated Prerequisite Remediation Modular Setup of Components Dynamic updates at install time Core Management Packs Only Migration to Essentials 2010 for VMM WG & Essentials 2007
  • Dia 38
  • Configuring Essentials Simple to configure, guided step-by- step Wizard-driven experience for initial configuration Product configuration Computer and Device Discovery Update Management configuration New in 2010 Improved out-of-the-box experience Extended criteria for Scheduled Discovery Policy conflict detection Monitoring Configuration Wizard recommends monitoring experience automatically imports and updates MPs`
  • Dia 39
  • Target Customer Profile Does not have a comprehensive and integrated IT management solution Has between 20-500 PCs (desktop and laptops) and 2-50 Servers Has one to several IT administrators who are not specialized (IT generalists) Does not anticipate growing beyond 500 PCs and 50 Servers in the near future Does not have time and money to purchase and ramp-up on Enterprise IT management solutions Uses Active Directory service, Exchange for messaging, SharePoint for collaboration, or SQL Server for line-of- business applications Typically manually deploys software Knowing your target customer profile can help you focus selling efforts on the best sales prospects
  • Dia 40
  • Target Business Considerations Growing beyond 50 Windows Servers/500 Windows PCs? SC Enterprise Solutions Sarbanes Oxley Compliance required? Audit Collection Services SC OpsMgr Data Warehousing beyond 40 days SC OpsMgr Specialized IT Administrators? Role-based sign-in and security SC OpsMgr Web console SC OpsMgr Enforcement of Desktop configuration? Desired desktop configuration SC ConfigMgr Advanced OS deployment SC ConfigMgr Large Scale or Complex Branch Office Scenarios? Tiering SC OpsMgr & SC ConfigMgr Integration w/other management tools SC OpsMgr & SC ConfigMgr Heterogeneous environment? Native management of VMware SC VMM Significant other than Windows OSs? SC OpsMgr Formal IT problem resolution & asset lifecycle management SC SrvMgr
  • Dia 41
  • Customer Objections Resolution Objection I have already invested in VMware Our IT management tools are good enough Im not interested in virtualization VMware and Microsoft can coexist Physical and virtual; application aware Cost savings with conversion to Hyper-V System Centers solution will allow your IT staffers to reduce up to 30 percent of time spent on IT management tasks Lower costs with server consolidation Physical and virtual; application aware Cost savings with conversion to Hyper-V
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  • Desktops Devices Network Infra Devices Client Management License (CML) (Per Managed Client) Servers Server Management License (SML) (Per Managed Server) Management Console Een enkele console: -SQL Server 2008 Express Edition - SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition Patching, Monitoring en Software Uitrollen gintegreerd 100 $ 844 $ 100 $ 16 $ Virtual Rights Licensing & Limits 50 Server OSEs Licenties Tot 50 Windows Server devices Tot 500 Windows Desktop devices
  • Dia 44
  • Prijs (tbc) License Type Per managed device Essentials Management Server Virtual Rights Licensing and Limits Licensed Up to 50 Windows Server devices Up to 500 Windows Desktop devices Up to 50 Server OSEs Client Management License (CML) $16 Server Management Licenses (SML) $100 SQL Server 2008 Express Edition $100 SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition $844 Updates for System Center Essentials 2010 For current pricing, licensing, and offers, see: System Center Essentials http://www.microsoft.com/Systemcenter/ essentials/en/us/pricing-licensing.aspx * Note: Listed prices are ERP
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  • Prijs Voorbeeld: 3 Servers 25 PCs Servers: 3 x 100 PCs : 25 x 16 Console:100 --------- Total$ 800
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  • Reclame
  • Dia 47
  • System Center Essentials Training voor Partners Upcoming Class Room Training -2 day Technical Training : Configuring and Managing Microsoft System Center Essentials 2010 -Date: 7- 8 june Several Online Trainings Available Technical Introduction to System Center Essentials 2010 Implementing SCE 2010 How to manage servers in midsized businesses Technical Introduction to System Center Data Protection Manager 2010 System Center Data Protection Manager 2010 and Exchange 2010 Better Together Find Local Training Local Partner Training Framework http://www.microsoft.be/partner/training Find extended online training Partner Learning Center https://training.partner.microsoft.com/learning https://training.partner.microsoft.com/learning Find latest Certification Information & beta exams Microsoft Learning website http://www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/default.mspx
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  • SC Essentials Resources SCE websitewww.microsoft.com/SCE SMB Virtualization website http://www.microsoft.com/virtualization/en/us/ solution-smb.aspx SCE product team blogblogs.technet.com/SystemCenterEssentials SCE product team tweetsTwitter.com/SCEssentials SCE podcasts on TechNet edge.technet.com/tags/SCE Download the RC http://technet.microsoft.com/en- us/evalcenter/ee470677.aspx Ask questions to the Essentials team http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkid=142977
  • Dia 49
  • Better Energy Efficiency with same performance as X5570 and up to 30% lower power 1 More Secure with Intel AES New Instructions and Intel Trusted Execution Technology Performance Leadership with up to 60% performance boost over Xeon 5500 servers 2 Intel Xeon Processor 5600 Series An Intelligent Choice for Server Refresh in 2010 Up to 15:1 consolidation with estimated 5-month payback 3 Now is the Time to Refresh! 1Source: Fujitsu Performance measurements comparing Xeon L5650 vs X5570 SKUs using SPECint_rate_base2006. See http://docs.ts.fujitsu.com/dl.aspx?id=0140b19d-56e3-4b24-a01e-26b8a80cfe53 and http://docs.ts.fujitsu.com/dl.aspx?id=4af74e10-24b1-4cf8-bb3b-9c4f5f177389 2Source: Internal Intel measurements for Xeon X5680 vs. Xeon X5570 on BlackScholes*. 3Source: Intel measurements as of Feb 2010. Performance comparison using server side java bops (business operations per second). Results have been estimated based on internal Intel analysis and are provided for informational purposes only.http://docs.ts.fujitsu.com/dl.aspx?id=0140b19d-56e3-4b24-a01e-26b8a80cfe53http://docs.ts.fujitsu.com/dl.aspx?id=4af74e10-24b1-4cf8-bb3b-9c4f5f177389
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  • Intel & Microsoft Technical Collaboration Intel & Microsoft Technical Collaboration Energy Efficiency Virtualization Intel Hyper-Threading Technology & Windows scheduler enhancements coupled with increased scalability to 256 logical processors Performance/Scalability Intels Deep Power Down Technology and Get Idle-Stay Idle enhancements in Windows Server* 2008 R2 Intels Machine Check Architecture enhancements and Error Recovery in Windows Server 2008 R2 Intel Virtualization technology such as Virtual Processor Identifiers (VPIDs) and Extended Page Tables helps to enhance Hyper-V performance RAS
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  • 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.