el libro · 2016-01-19 · el libro el chico la chica la oficina los chicos una casa we started...

El año escolar de Español 1-2 El libro El chico La chica La oficina Los chicos Una casa We started with definite and indefinite articles.

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El año escolar de Español 1-2

El libro

El chico La chica

La oficina Los chicos Una casa

We started with

definite and

indefinite articles.

Pablo Picasso. Le Gourmet Feria en Reynosa - Carmen Lomas Garza

1. Unos niños _________________________ muy ocupados (estar - busy).

2. Un hombre _________________________(tocar) el violín.

3. Unas mujeres _____________________(beber) una bebida.

4. Un niño ___________________________(correr).

5. Una mujer ________________________ comida _______ (on top of) de su cabeza.

6. Otras mujeres _______________ algo. (comprar)

La Era: The Threshing Floor - Diego Rivera Baile en Tehauntepec Diego Rivera

We studied the present

tense with pictures!

You were part of a family entering to

the United States!

The customs agents wore badges!


“Clase, doblen la hoja al estilo de una

hamburguesa.” “Doblen la hoja al estilo alargado.”

We made a family tree!

Gustar + Verbo

Present Tense



Me Nos

Te Os

Le Les

A mí me gustan las uvas.

A Carlos y Manuel les gusta este libro.



We learned the verb ‘Gustar’

And we talked into tape recorders.


Revisar Elevar Esquiar Navegar

Andar en paracaídas Pasar

Surfear Despegar Pasear Flotar

Rescatar Subir Ver

We went ‘Soarin’ to learn how to

conjugate the present tense!

Reflejar Caer Chocar Caminar

Nadar Correr Navegar a velas Volar

Jugar Saltar Planear Girarse

Capitán señor Gregory Reynolds

Edad: 38

Fecha de nacimiento: 5/12/1973

Datos físicos:

Altura: 6 pies

Ojos: Cafés

Estado Marital: Casado

Dependientes: Dos hijos

Residencia: San Diego, California

Educación: B.A, M.A. -

Universidad de

California, S.D.


Piloto Militar

-6 años con la Fuerza

Aérea de Los Estados


-3 años con la

Guardia de la Costa

We had a toast party to

celebrate the end of the

first semester!




(Develop 3 questions and 3 answers related to the concepts of

critical thinking.) Pregunta: ¿Cuál es más importante, moral,

mejor, lógico, valido, apropiado?

We made ‘Cultural Posters’ using concept mapping!

We turned the activity into and interactive exchange

through the questions we developed for classmates!





r th



Critical Thinking Objectives


Evaluating (Judging the value of ideas, materials and methods by developing and applying standards and criteria).

Creating Putting together ideas or elements to develop an original idea or engage in creative thinking).

Analyzing (Breaking information down into its component elements).

Applying (Using strategies, concepts, principles and theories in new situations).

Understanding (Understanding of given information).

A Árboles Trees

Compañeros de mi infancia, Companions of my childhood

hermosos gigantes verdes. Lovely, green giants

ciruelos, el peral, pistachios, Plum trees, the pear tree and the


durazneros, damascos Peach trees, apricots

almendros, naranjos, kiwis, Almond trees, orange trees, the kiwi

cerezos, el nogal, manzanos. Cherry trees, the walnut tree, apple trees

Árboles que dan la fruta Trees that give fruit

que mis padres van pizcando. that my parents go along picking.

We read some poems about

nature and culture.

Cesar Chávez

Hernán Cortés

Para los Aztecas – For the Aztecs

The scene is Veracruz, where in 1519, Hernán Cortés arrived from Spain to the eastern coast of


Allá en la costa de Veracruz

Con el calor que daba

El sol por su luz

Dr. Jacobson read her poem ‘Hernán

Cortés: Para los aztecas’ to us.

The ocean waters glistened

And to its gentle waves,

The native indians listened

And while the trade winds flowed from abroad

Not a single worry had they,

Por completo, era una escena de paz y de tranquilidad

Gozando de una vida calmada y sumamente pacífica

Una guerra no anticipaban

Nada así sobre su tierra, nada tan horrífica

Y al llegar Cortés y sus hombres, con México su destino

Todos los aceptaban con amistad y con todo su cariño

They showered him with gifts, they called him friend

Ya no es desconocido, pensaban

This man we can trust, and on this man we can depend

Yet I say, you may have heard ‘the way of the righteous is narrow’

¡Pero les digo, que este hombre es aventurero!

¡Tengan cuidado, les digo tengan cuidado!

You know not the danger you’re in!

He’s cunning, he’s clever.

He’s brave and he’s smart

Y les digo la verdad,

He’s been after it all from the very start!

¡Sí, el hombre de España!

¡Es amigo y conquistador a la vez!

¡Y él se llama Hernán Cortés!

Students helped select the winners who

won a blue ribbon and a certificate!

We had a



One of the winning poems:

Yesterday’s Tribune (Yesterday’s Newspaper)

La tribuna de ayer

Atados por una cadena Bound by a string

Díatras día day by day

A la puerta del anciano at the old man’s doorstep.

Sacudido y torcido sobre los caracoles, Tossed askew onto snails,

Sobre el lodo y el rocío de la mañana. mud and morning dew.

Cubiertas sucias, Grubby shrouds,

negras y grises. black and grey.

Al interior, Adentro Inside,

Cuentos no tanto para acostarse not-so-bedtime stories

de la delincuencia, de la comunidad, of crime, community,

y cuentos para entretenerse. and comic.

¿Ha olvidado con el paso del tiempo, Forgotten with time.

lo acostumbrado del café habitual, Coffee shop staple,

del periódico diario de la mañana? the morning paper.

Sombreros del marinero, de papel adornado,Sailor hats, paper machê,

Una caja decente de memorias. a decent box (of memories)

Todas para ser echadas a la basura, To be all tossed into the bin,

Cada página leída y echada, after each page

Una tras la otra. read in turn after the other.

Una ventana hacia el nuevo del viejo,

A window into old new, from old to


Caperucita Roja

¿Qué está pasando?

1. ¿Quién está viviendo con su mamá?

2. ¿Qué está llevando a su abuela?

3. ¿Por dónde está caminando Caperucita Roja?

4. ¿Con quién está hablando Caperucita Roja?

5. ¿Adónde está corriendo el lobo?

We watched and sang: De Colores

Songs and Videos available on ‘Jacobson Blogspot’ Website through ‘Link’ on this page.

We watched a segment

of ‘Caperucita Roja’ to

help work on sentence

structuring and fluency.

De Colores Of many colors

De Colores se visten los campos en la primavera Of colors the fields are dressed in

the springtime

De Colores Of many colors

De Colores son los pajaritos que vienen de afuera Of many colors are the birds that

come from afar

De Colores Of many colors

De Colores es el arco iris que vemos lucir Of colors is the rainbow we see


Y por eso los grandes amores And for that reason the great joys

De muchos colores Of many bright colors

Me gustan a mí I truly love

Y por eso los grandes amores And for that reason the great

things to love

De muchos colores Of many bright colors

Me gustan a mí I truly love

Canta el gallo The rooster sings (Sings the rooster)

Canta el gallo con el quiri quiri quiri quiri quiri Sings the rooster with his kiri kiri kiri kiri kiri

La gallina The cluck hen

La gallina con el cara cara cara cara cara The cluck hen with her cara cara cara cara cara

Los polluelos The baby chicks

Los polluelos con el pio pio pio pio pi The baby chicks with their pio pio pio pio pi

Y por eso los grandes amores And for that reason the great things to love

De muchos colores Of many bright colors

Me gustan a mí I truly love

Y por eso los grandes amores And for that reason the great

things to love

De muchos colores Of many bright colors

Me gustan a mí I truly love

¡La policía!

Ir de compras En el restaurante

¡En la frontera!

En el zoológico

We wrote and

performed a


El hogar – the home El río – The river

El bosque – the forest La persistencia

Encontrar – To find La charca – Pond

La amistad – The friendship

We read a story

about a dolphin

who became a man

and maintained his


su optimismo.

We read a story about

a frog who found a

new home with the

help of his dolphin

friend through

persistence and

fortitude –por la

persistencia y la


We played

Jeopardy en español!

Vocabulario / Verbos / Verbos Irregulares / El Cuento / SRHS

Cierran Almuerzan

Sean C. es el ganador.



Me, Te,

Lo, La

Nos, Os,

Los, Las




Nos, Os


We studied the following grammatical structures and tenses:

El Presente Progresivo ¿ Qué tiempo hace?

El Comparativo (de igualdad) Stop the Elf

El Presente El Pretérito ¿Qué hora es?

Ser vs Estar Stem-Changing Verbs Preposiciones

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Pronombres posesivos

Please continue your review and study over the summer!

Endeavor to reach the 5-6, 7-8 and AP levels of Spanish

course offerings!

Bilingualism Fine-tunes Hearing, Enhances Attention Tuesday, May 1, 2012, at 3:49 pm by Northwestern News

A new Northwestern University study provides the first biological evidence that bilinguals’ rich experience with language “fine-tunes”

their auditory nervous system and helps them juggle linguistic input in ways that enhance attention and working memory.

Northwestern bilingualism expert Viorica Marian teamed up with auditory neuroscientist Nina Kraus to investigate how bilingualism

affects the brain. In particular, they looked at subcortical auditory regions that are bathed with input from cognitive brain areas.

Kraus has already shown that lifelong music training enhances language processing, and looking at subcortical auditory regions helped

to tell that tale. “For our joint study, we asked if bilingualism could also promote experience-dependent changes in the fundamental

encoding of sound in the brainstem -- an evolutionarily ancient part of the brain,” said Marian, professor of communication sciences.

The answer is a resounding yes, according to the study in the April 30 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The

researchers found the experience of bilingualism changes how the nervous system responds to sound.

“People do crossword puzzles and other activities to keep their minds sharp,” Marian said. “But the advantages we’ve discovered in

dual language speakers come automatically simply from knowing and using two languages. It seems that the benefits of bilingualism

are particularly powerful and broad, and include attention, inhibition and encoding of sound.”

Co-authored by Kraus, Marian and researchers Jennifer Krizman, Anthony Shook and Erika Skoe, “Bilingualism and the Brain:

Subcortical Indices of Enhanced Executive Function” underscores the pervasive impact of bilingualism on brain development.

“Bilingualism serves as enrichment for the brain and has real consequences when it comes to executive function, specifically attention

and working memory,” said Kraus, Hugh Knowles Professor at Northwestern’s School of Communication. In future studies, she and

Marian will investigate whether these advantages can be achieved by learning a language later in life.

In the study, the researchers recorded the brainstem responses to complex sounds (cABR) in 23 bilingual English-and-Spanish-

speaking teenagers and 25 English-only-speaking teens as they heard speech sounds in two conditions.

Under a quiet condition, the groups responded similarly. But against a backdrop of background noise, the bilingual brains were

significantly better at encoding the fundamental frequency of speech sounds known to underlie pitch perception and grouping of

auditory objects. This enhancement was linked with advantages in auditory attention.

“Through experience-related tuning of attention, the bilingual auditory system becomes highly efficient in automatically processing

sound,” Kraus explained.

“Bilinguals are natural jugglers,” said Marian. “The bilingual juggles linguistic input and, it appears, automatically pays greater attention

to relevant versus irrelevant sounds. Rather than promoting linguistic confusion, bilingualism promotes improved ‘inhibitory control,’ or

the ability to pick out relevant speech sounds and ignore others.”

The study provides biological evidence for system-wide neural plasticity in auditory experts that facilitates a tight coupling of sensory

and cognitive functions. “The bilingual’s enhanced experience with sound results in an auditory system that is highly efficient, flexible

and focused in its automatic sound processing, especially in challenging or novel listening conditions,” Kraus added.