el primer - visitatorremolinos · sus caminos y calles hasta perderse en el mar. la exposición...

Camino del agua. Torremolinos se erige como un destino consoli- dado de sol y playa a nivel internacional. Una ciudad que se ha ido desarrollando en torno al litoral en los últimos años, pero que quiere reencontrarse con sus orígenes. La historia de este municipio de la Costa del Sol se vincula ineludiblemente al agua que brota a pie de monte y que durante siglos ha fluido por sus caminos y calles hasta perderse en el mar. La exposición ‘Camino del Agua’ propone la puesta en valor y la divulgación de la cultura y el patrimonio que atesora la sierra de Torremolinos, hoy poco conocida. Una muestra al aire libre que recupera las raíces, acercando la montaña al centro neurálgico del municipio, la plaza Costa del Sol, desde donde adentrarse en la riqueza ambiental de la locali- dad a través de la recreación de sus escenarios naturales unidos por el Camino del Agua. El primer sendero que une la Gran Senda de Málaga y la Senda Litoral. Una vereda que enlaza los valores y atractivos de nuestro litoral con los de nuestra sierra, atravesando algunos de los lugares singulares que están vinculados al agua y a su historia. Torremolinos no solo se alza hacia al mar, ahora mira hacia su montaña. Cultura del agua. Los manantiales de Torremolinos son el hilo conductor de la historia de este municipio, el motor del que surge la vida, que riega campos y produce fuerza para mover los molinos que desde tiempos inmemoriales han girado y girado en estas tierras. En torno al agua encauzada se han ido levantan- do viviendas, fuentes, lavaderos y acequias, que poco a poco han generado un entramado urbano que hoy, fruto de la gran eclosión del impulso turístico de Torremolinos, vemos casi totalmente transformado, pero cuya huella aún perdura en la identidad del municipio. Torremolinos se ha reinventado constantemente a lo largo de los años, pero también es un lugar que se reencuentra con su pasado. Como el agua, la localidad vive en una permanente transformación. - Exposición: Camino del Agua. - Muestra fotográfica. - Actividades educativas - divulgativas. Camino del agua. Torremolinos is a leading international sun and sea tourist destination. A town developed around the coast in recent years, that wants to reconnect with its historical roots. The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is significantly linked to the water flowing from its mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries. The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, not very well known. An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by the Camino del Agua. The first route connecting the two paths Gran Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water. Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns now to look at its mountain. Cultura del agua. The natural springs of Torremolinos are the common thread in the history of this town, the subterranean origin of life, irrigating the fields and producing driving force to move the mills that have worked in these lands since ancient times. The channelled water has been the axis around which houses, fountains, public laundries and irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in Torremolinos we see completely different today, but left its persisting mark in the city’s identity. Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the town is constantly changing. - Exhibition: Camino del Agua. - Photograpic exhibition. - Educational / informative activities. Enero - junio 2017 Torremolinos C m n d el g a C t ra d a To em li s a ad g er ati na un and Th na ra p g a ur d sti ti . A ow n d ve pe ar un c m on hr d th w it his ori l r ots n pr u ng riv e st y th to wn th Co sta del ol t t me si ifi nt lin ed o t e w ate flo wing g th fro rou m it gh ad an st eet int th se for ng cen hr turi g es. w ic ho se fo t Th ex ib on Cam ino del Agu a en han ces and rr urb ti n c w w h ar s t e c tu e an d h rita ge o f its Mo unta ins, T rre mo o we ee n o in en ng ir he h mo tio nta sh n to ow the g t very e o y cen gi nter s, of th he it re elf o bu o s a o e to n, e P az Co ta ts o el S f the ol, t e tow o sh wn t ow hrou he gh t he ow is on a y cr atio n o ts atu al s e ettin w ngs c th conn ug ecte th ed b y h Ca in de Ag a. e st ou co nne ctin g th nda e tw Lito o pa ral. ths A ro Gran ad - Exh bi on Ca in pu n og th r th e va ues a and or att A acti oa ons of o ur P ot gr pic x a an in o ed m o t un e h in tor as of ng wat by er. om un qu - Ed a on / fo w o l k it mo nt n. gu a. f rr mo no ar h th h or of is w th g rc o o th m s e nt s ub c l n e an ue o t e t fo ri mi c t oo in ee om ple ly ff en to ay, ee ng s st re ik ve wa in er, he a in min d A ua bi on fo m iv ac vi es El primer puente de unión entre la Gran Senda de Málaga y la Senda litoral de Málaga Con esta exposición, Torremolinos recupera sus valores históricos, patrimoniales y medioambientales Con la colaboración de:

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Page 1: El primer - VisitaTorremolinos · sus caminos y calles hasta perderse en el mar. La exposición ‘Camino del Agua’ propone la puesta en valor y la divulgación de la cultura y

Camino del agua.

Torremolinos se erige como un destino consoli-dado de sol y playa a nivel internacional. Una ciudad que se ha ido desarrollando en torno al litoral en los últimos años, pero que quiere reencontrarse con sus orígenes.

La historia de este municipio de la Costa del Sol se vincula ineludiblemente al agua que brota a pie de monte y que durante siglos ha fluido por sus caminos y calles hasta perderse en el mar.

La exposición ‘Camino del Agua’ propone la puesta en valor y la divulgación de la cultura y el patrimonio que atesora la sierra de Torremolinos, hoy poco conocida.

Una muestra al aire libre que recupera las raíces, acercando la montaña al centro neurálgico del municipio, la plaza Costa del Sol, desde donde adentrarse en la riqueza ambiental de la locali-dad a través de la recreación de sus escenarios naturales unidos por el Camino del Agua.

El primer sendero que une la Gran Senda de Málaga y la Senda Litoral. Una vereda que enlaza los valores y atractivos de nuestro litoral con los de nuestra sierra, atravesando algunos de los lugares singulares que están vinculados al agua y a su historia.

Torremolinos no solo se alza hacia al mar, ahora mira hacia su montaña.

Cultura del agua.

Los manantiales de Torremolinos son el hilo conductor de la historia de este municipio, el motor del que surge la vida, que riega campos y produce fuerza para mover los molinos que desde tiempos inmemoriales han girado y girado en estas tierras.

En torno al agua encauzada se han ido levantan-do viviendas, fuentes, lavaderos y acequias, que poco a poco han generado un entramado urbano que hoy, fruto de la gran eclosión del impulso turístico de Torremolinos, vemos casi totalmente transformado, pero cuya huella aún perdura en la identidad del municipio.

Torremolinos se ha reinventado constantemente a lo largo de los años, pero también es un lugar que se reencuentra con su pasado. Como el agua, la localidad vive en una permanente transformación.

- Exposición: Camino del Agua.

- Muestra fotográfica.

- Actividades educativas - divulgativas.

Camino del agua.

Torremolinos is a leading international sun and sea tourist destination. A town developed around the coast in recent years, that wants to reconnect with its historical roots.

The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is significantly linked to the water flowing from its mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries.

The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, not very well known.

An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by the Camino del Agua.

The first route connecting the two paths Gran Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.

Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns now to look at its mountain.

Cultura del agua.

The natural springs of Torremolinos are the common thread in the history of this town, the subterranean origin of life, irrigating the fields and producing driving force to move the mills that have worked in these lands since ancient times.

The channelled water has been the axis around which houses, fountains, public laundries and irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in Torremolinos we see completely different today, but left its persisting mark in the city’s identity.

Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the town is constantly changing.

- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.

- Photograpic exhibition.

- Educational / informative activities.

Enero - junio 2017Torremolinos

España. Ministerio Educación, Cultura y Deporte. AGS, MPD, 51, 045

Camino del agua.Camino del agua.Camino del agua.Camino del agua.Camino del agua.Camino del agua.Camino del agua. Cultura del agua.Cultura del agua.Cultura del agua.Cultura del agua.Cultura del agua.

Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and Torremolinos is a leading international sun and The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around sea tourist destination. A town developed around common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the

with its historical roots.with its historical roots.with its historical roots.with its historical roots.with its historical roots.with its historical roots.the coast in recent years, that wants to reconnect the coast in recent years, that wants to reconnect the coast in recent years, that wants to reconnect the coast in recent years, that wants to reconnect the coast in recent years, that wants to reconnect the coast in recent years, that wants to reconnect

and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills

The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is The history of this town in the Costa del Sol is times.that have worked in these lands since ancient times.

significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its significantly linked to the water flowing from its mountain and that has been running through significantly linked to the water flowing from its mountain and that has been running through significantly linked to the water flowing from its mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries.roads and streets into the sea for centuries.roads and streets into the sea for centuries.roads and streets into the sea for centuries.mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries.mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries.mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries.mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries.mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries.mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries.mountain and that has been running through roads and streets into the sea for centuries. which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and

The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and The exhibition Camino del Agua enhances and irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in

shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, shares the culture and heritage of its Mountains, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, not very well known.not very well known.not very well known. but left its persisting mark in the city’s identity.

An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the An open air exhibition showing the origins, bringing the mountain to the very center of the bringing the mountain to the very center of the

Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the

town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the environmental assets of the town through the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the environmental assets of the town through the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the environmental assets of the town through the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the environmental assets of the town through the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the environmental assets of the town through the town, the Plaza Costa del Sol, to show the environmental assets of the town through the environmental assets of the town through the

town is constantly changing.town is constantly changing.town is constantly changing.town is constantly changing.town is constantly changing.

recreation of its natural settings connected by recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by environmental assets of the town through the recreation of its natural settings connected by recreation of its natural settings connected by the Camino del Agua.the Camino del Agua.the Camino del Agua.the Camino del Agua.the Camino del Agua.the Camino del Agua.

The first route connecting the two paths Gran The first route connecting the two paths Gran The first route connecting the two paths Gran The first route connecting the two paths Gran The first route connecting the two paths Gran The first route connecting the two paths Gran The first route connecting the two paths Gran Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road The first route connecting the two paths Gran Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road The first route connecting the two paths Gran Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road The first route connecting the two paths Gran Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road The first route connecting the two paths Gran Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road The first route connecting the two paths Gran - Exhibition: Camino del Agua.- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.

putting together the values and attractions of our putting together the values and attractions of our putting together the values and attractions of our Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our Senda de Málaga and Senda Litoral. A road putting together the values and attractions of our putting together the values and attractions of our putting together the values and attractions of our - Photograpic exhibition.- Photograpic exhibition.- Photograpic exhibition.- Photograpic exhibition.- Photograpic exhibition.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique spots linked to the history of water.coast and our mountain, passing by some unique coast and our mountain, passing by some unique coast and our mountain, passing by some unique

- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.

now to look at its mountain.now to look at its mountain.now to look at its mountain.now to look at its mountain.now to look at its mountain.Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns now to look at its mountain.Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns now to look at its mountain.Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns Torremolinos does not only face the sea, it turns

Cultura del agua.Cultura del agua.

The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the The natural springs of Torremolinos are the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the common thread in the history of this town, the

and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills and producing driving force to move the mills that have worked in these lands since ancient

which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and which houses, fountains, public laundries and irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in irrigation canals were raised, conforming the urban town, which due to the touristic boom in urban town, which due to the touristic boom in Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, Torremolinos we see completely different today, but left its persisting mark in the city’s identity.but left its persisting mark in the city’s identity.

Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the Torremolinos has constantly been reinventing itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the itself, but is also meeting its past. Like water, the town is constantly changing.town is constantly changing.

- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.- Exhibition: Camino del Agua.

- Photograpic exhibition.- Photograpic exhibition.

- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.- Educational / informative activities.

El primer puentede unión entrela Gran Senda de Málaga yla Senda litoral de Málaga

Con esta exposición,Torremolinos recupera sus valoreshistóricos, patrimoniales y medioambientales

Con la colaboración de:

Page 2: El primer - VisitaTorremolinos · sus caminos y calles hasta perderse en el mar. La exposición ‘Camino del Agua’ propone la puesta en valor y la divulgación de la cultura y

Vía Pecuaria

Vía Pecuaria

PR - A172

Complejo Cañadadel Lobo

Vía Pecuaria

Parque UrbanoTajo Colorado

Jardines“El Pinillo” Pinar

“Molino del Moro”

PinarLos Manantiales

Jardín BotánicoMolino de Inca





Villa DeportivaCiudad de


JardinesHuerta del Olivar

Parque Urbano“La Batería”

Playa deLa Carihuela

Playa deMontemarPlaya de


Nogalera - San Miguel

Parque UrbanoLos Palacios

Centro CulturalPablo Ruiz Picasso

Espacios Bulevares

Playa Los ÁlamosPlaya de Playamar

Playa del Bajondillo

Punta de Torremolinos

Casa delos Navajas



Jardines deAldemar

Acceso a Sierra

Vía Pecuaria





















Parque UrbanoTajo ColoradoTajo Colorado

Parque UrbanoTajo Colorado Acceso a SierraAcceso a SierraAcceso a Sierra

Villa DeportivaVilla Deportiva


“El Pinillo”“El Pinillo”“El Pinillo”“El Pinillo”Jardines

“El Pinillo”“El Pinillo”“El Pinillo” Pinar“Molino del Moro”“Molino del Moro”“Molino del Moro”

Vía PecuariaVía PecuariaVía Pecuaria


Parque UrbanoParque UrbanoParque UrbanoParque UrbanoParque Urbano

Vía PecuariaVía Pecuaria

Molino de IncaMolino de IncaMolino de IncaMolino de IncaMolino de Inca



Parque UrbanoParque UrbanoParque UrbanoLos PalaciosLos Palacios

Parque UrbanoParque UrbanoParque UrbanoParque UrbanoLos PalaciosLos PalaciosLos PalaciosLos Palacios

Parque UrbanoParque UrbanoLos Palacios

Espacios BulevaresEspacios BulevaresEspacios BulevaresEspacios BulevaresEspacios BulevaresEspacios Bulevares

CAMINO DEL AGUACAMINO DEL AGUACAMINO DEL AGUACAMINO DEL AGUACentro CulturalCentro CulturalCentro CulturalCentro Cultural

A GRAN SENDAA GRAN SENDA Pablo Ruiz PicassoPablo Ruiz PicassoPablo Ruiz Picasso

Nogalera - San MiguelNogalera - San MiguelNogalera - San MiguelNogalera - San MiguelSENDA LITORALSENDA LITORALSENDA LITORAL

los Navajaslos Navajaslos Navajas



Jardines deJardines deJardines de

Playa Los ÁlamosPlaya Los Álamos


Complejo CañadaComplejo Cañadadel Lobodel Lobo

Complejo Cañadadel Lobo


Vía PecuariaVía Pecuaria


Vía PecuariaVía Pecuaria


Plaza Costa del SolCamino del Agua

Per�l longitudinal “Camino del Agua” Conexión Gran Senda - Senda Litoral.









0 650


1300 1950 2600 3250 3900 4550 5200 5850 6500










Fuente Bajondillo (desaparecida)

Fuente Carrasco (desaparecida)

Fuente Plaza Costa del Sol

Fuente del Calvario

Fuente del Pinar

Fuente del Pinar

Calera 1

Cueva del Toro

Cueva de Los Murciélagos

Calera 2

Nacimiento del Cañuelo

Vertice Geodésico Punta Paloma

Corrales del Caliche


Torre de Vigilancia


Mirador del Madroño

Mirador del Lobo











GRAN SENDA: 4.200 m.


Gran Senda Málaga y Senda Litoral.

Camino del Agua.

Trazado Urbano.


Plaza Costa del Sol

Avd. Palma de Mallorca

Ambiente litoral

Ambiente urbano

Ambiente pie de monte

Ambiente montaña

Ambiente alta montaña

Paneles Info