el renacer del aguila

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  • 8/18/2019 El Renacer Del Aguila


    El renacer del Aguila

    Cuando te entregas a Cristo te conviertes en aguila “los que esperan en Jehova como lasaguilas…”: "Los muchachos se fatigan y se cansan, los jóvenes flaquean y caen; pero los

    que esperan a Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantarán alas como las águilas;

    correrán, y no se cansarán; caminarán, y no se fatigarán."  (Isaías 4!"#"$%

    Alas de aguila

    &e ' pies con las que pueden volar a mas de ) millas * elevarse hasta a $+ pies *

    Alcan,an las - millas por hora de picada logrando el impacto de una .ala!

    El poder de soñar y alcanzar tus metas mas altas! /uede recorrer hasta $ millas en

    un dia .uscando alimento: te es0uer,as * luchas por lo que quieres aunque tengas que

    recorrer largas distancias no te atemori,as ni desma*as hasta que logras lo que .uscas!

    Antes de El solo so.reviviamos * nos con0orma.amos solo lo que se nos ponia por

    delante o 0ue nuestra suerte!Colossians 3: 1-2, "If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which areabove. Set your affection on things above."

    !hesians 2:, "#e hath $a%e us sit &soar'( together in heavenly !laces in Christ)esus."

    *as aguilas fueron crea%as !ara volar, si tocan el suelo es solo !or unos $o$entos.*os +ue son aguilas !ertenecen al cielo y si tocan lo terrenal es solo !or $ientras.

    Elevarte por encima de tus problemas y Escapar de tus enemigos  : cuando los

    cuervos la atacan no se pone al tu por tu con ellos sino que comien,a a elevarse hasta quellega tan alto que su enemigo comien,a a ahogarse * desiste! Cuando el enemigo te

    ataque no te pongas a su nivel elevate a los lugares celestiales en ala.an,a * adoracion *

    ahí &ios pondra a tus enemigos por estrado de tus pies!

    Avan,ar a ma*or velocidad

    Caerle a tu presa a - por hora

    En la velocidad no se cansa y puede permanecer estatica sin problemas! 1e les ha

    visto volar contra el viento sin es0uer,o en medio de un huracan! 1e pueden mantener casi

    sin avan,ar al acecho de lo que .uscan * no tienen ma*ores pro.lemas!

    2ienes la capacidad de aguantar el a3etreo de los logros * el tra.a3o al igual que la

     paciencia en medio de la larga espera de lo que &ios te ha prometido permaneciendo si es

    necesario en el mismo lugar o avan,ando mu* lentamente sin desesperarte! a cosas en&ios que llegan mu* rapido otras que se tienen que esperar por mucho tiempo como

    A.raham * las $ virgenes! En todo el te ha dado la capacidad de avan,ar sin cansarte *esperar sin desesperarte “los que esperan en Jehova”! 1e dice que los que esperan

    desesperan+ pero el que espera en Jehova no se 0atigan!

    Se mantiene fiel a su companero hasta la muerte, solo tienen una pareja y no la cambian a menos que muera: Tienesla capacidad de ser fiel y permanecer firme en lo que te propones. Puedes soportar y amar a aquellos que puedan no ser muy amables.

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    Puede levantar mas de su propio peso hasta un becerro: tienes la capacidad de

    aguantar+ sostener * aun levantar a otros!

    Su belleza y perfeccion es un proceso: la cabeza y cola del aguila calba no se tornan blancas sino hastael 4to o 5to ano.

    Vision telescopica: a 1, !ies o 2 $illa %e altura !ue%e ver un coneo en la selva y

    caerle a 2 $illas !or hora y en cuestion %e segun%os el ani$al no sabe ni +ue le

    !ego cuan%o ya esta en el !ico y garras %el aguila.*os aguilas tene$os vision !rolonga%a, ve$os lo +ue ios tiene !ara nosotrosaun+ue este $uy leos %e nosotros. Cuan%o es el tie$!o %e to$arlo nos %a la fuer/a

    !ara a!robechar la o!ortuni%a%.

    Vision termica: es el unico animal que puede ver directamente al sol de.ido a una tela

    que tiene en sus o3os como parpados especiales! Cuando su enemigo 5$ el condor mas

    grande que el le ataca no vuela a la derecha ni al nido ni a papa+ vuela directamente hacia

    el sol! Cuando el enemigo trata de seguirla es segado por los ra*os del sol * pierde elrum.o * desiste la persecucion! 6ometeos, pues, a !ios; resistid al dialo, y huirá de

    vosotros. #cercaos a !ios, y $l se acercará a vosotros. %ecadores, limpiad las manos; yvosotros los de dole ánimo, purificad vuestros corazones.6 (1antiago 4!7#'%

     8osotros somos los unicos que podemos ver a &ios (limpios de Cora,on%+ cuando el

    enemigo nos ataca todo lo que tenemos que hacer es ir al 1ol de Justicia * el enemigo no

     puede tocarnos mientras estemos cerca de el!

    Fuerza extraordinaria: la figura es %e un levanta%or %e !esas. 0echo salta%oacintura%a, $uslos !o%eros. lgunas aguilas !ue%en $atar hasta un antilo!e %e

    lbs, 3 lbs $as +ue su !eso !ro$e%io. %iferencia %e otros ani$als, las aguilas $anean $uy bien las tor$entas. ientras

    +ue los ani$ales buscan escon%erse y refugiarse cuan%o biene la tor$enta, el aguila

    enfrenta la tor$enta retan%ola y la atrabie/a !or el $e%io con la cabe/a vien%o hacia%on%e vio !or ulti$a ve/ el sol. 0o%e$os con circunstancias $as !o%erosas +uenosotros. 4ne$os la ca!aci%a% %e enfrentar y %estruir cosas aun $as !esa%as +ue


    Dieta Organica: el secreto %el aguila es +ue cui%a $ucho lo +ue le sirve %eali$ento. 5o co$en na%a +ue ya este $uerto y $ucho $enos +ue este

    %esco$!uesto. *os aguilas ya no nos atrae lo $uerto y %esco$!uesto %el $un%o,busca$os lo +ue es !uro, li$!io, y %e buen no$bre. 6iltra$os lo +ue ve$os oi$os y

    co$!arti$os, enten%e$os +ue to%o es licito !ero no to%o co$biene.

    Vuelan solas+ no en parvada como los ,opilotes o las gallinas que agusto se duermen una

     3unto a la otra: 8o van a donde van todos+ piensan di0erente+ la ma*oria piensan en lomismo una * otra ve,! 9os mismos $ pensamientos son repasados * repetidos por el

    ) ; de la humanidad que va a donde los demas van sin considerar ni cuestionar porque!

    El aguila aunque valla sin nadie “me3or solo que mal acompanado”+ se atre.e a pensardi0erente+ si algo no se ha hecho no cree que sea porque no se puede hacer sino porque

    nadie lo ha logrado… ahun! Curiosamente el ; de la rique,a radica en el ); de la

     po.lasion… la que piensa di0erente! 9a gente que es aguila no canta * ve lo que todoscantan * ovacionan+ lo anali,an * argumentan el contenido * la intencion detr

  • 8/18/2019 El Renacer Del Aguila


    donde va los gua3olotes (vicente%= A donde va la gente+ la gente canta * acepta cosas en el

     peor de los casos noci.a * destructiva+ el me3or de los casos estupidas * sin sentido+ las

    aguilas se apartan de quien no sea como ellos * vuele a su misma altura!

    El que se 3unta con sa.ios sa.io sera…

    Se aparean en el aire: 9as aguilas le hacen el amor solo a un aguila que tenga la agilidad

    de hacerlo a su nivel! Con esto se asegura que no se mete con una gallina o gua3olote! El

    que es aguila selecciona mu* .ien las personas con que intima!

    9as malas companias corrompen…

    El sa.io ve el peligo * hu*e…

    Los dos participan en el cuidado de los hijos: toman turnos para ir a ca,ar * mientrasque uno va el otro se queda * luego invierten el orden!

    The majestic eagle. With its poerful and graceful ings, it can soar through the s!y and

    cause traffic to stop on the side of a road for anything but modest picture. "t is a symbol of

    poer, strength, and thie#ery. $urprised% &ou'll be interested to !no that there are many

    things that you might not !no about the eagle.

    $ee all ( photos

    The )ald *agle


  • 8/18/2019 El Renacer Del Aguila


    by +i!ographer on lic!r

    by -ard/ain on lic!r

    &oung )ald *agle by +i!ographer on lic!r

    The )ald *agle 0Welcome )oo!s1 Amazon Price: 23.3ist Price: 24.65


  • 8/18/2019 El Renacer Del Aguila


    )ald *agle Amazon Price: 27.7ist Price: 28.65

    The )ald *agle 0Pull 9head )oo!s1 Amazon Price: 24.7ist Price: 28.65

    The "llustrated )ald *agle: The ltimate /eference ;uide for )ird o#ers, Woodcar#ers, and 9rtists 0The onarch Amazon Price: 27.7?ist Price: 28.65

    @ust *agles Amazon Price: 238.?6ist Price: 236.57

    The )ald *agle 0True )oo!s1 Amazon Price: 2?.Aist Price: 28.65

    The Bald Eagle

    et's first begin ith the most ell!non and recognized B)aldC eagle. " use quotations

    around BbaldC for a #ery good reason. ;et a close up of the bird and you realize it is anything

    but bald. The hite cron 0cap1 that it ears shines in the sunlight and lets e#eryone !no

    that it is the )ald *agle. When *uropeans first come to +orth 9merica and sa this creature,

    the ord BbaldC meant to them BhiteC. Thus gi#ing us our )ald *agle. "t reminded them of

    their sea eagles bac! home.

    The bald eagle is nati#e only to +orth 9merica and not found anyhere else in the orld. Dfthe estimated A7,777 that currently fly our s!ies, half of them reside in 9las!a. The bald

    eagle prefers to be near bodies of ater since fish is their primary and preferred food source.

     9las!a is !non for its large coastline and for ha#ing fe people. This fits our feathered

    friend's life just fine. The more people, the less animals and territory for the eagle. That is

    hy o#er the years since the *uropean in#asion the numbers of bald eagles declined so



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    "n the early tentieth century, it began to be noticed ho less often the eagle as being

    spotted flying high abo#e o#er our la!es and ri#ers. 9fter numerous studies it as disco#ered

    that there ere just a fe thousand left to co#er the entire are of Eanada, 9merica, and

    >eFico. That is not lea#ing much chance of spotting an eagle. Which does lead to hy e

    are so fascinated hen e do see one. "n 68A our bald as placed on the endangered list.+o, it as protected. 9t that time there ere about 577 mating pairs !non to researchers.

    "n just a fe years in 665 it as placed at threatened status. Then in 377A it as remo#ed

    from the endangered list. "t as still protected but researchers could see huge results. rom

    577 mating pairs to about 5,777 in just a fe decades. That is progress.

    Protection continues under the )ald and ;olden *agle Protection 9ct of 647 hich prohibits

    not only !illing of the birds, but any !ind of contact ith them including e#en possessing a

    fallen feather. nfortunately, many foolish people ere climbing into nests and harassing the

    birds hich interfered ith their sur#i#al. The only eFceptions to this act ere gi#en to the

    +ati#e 9mericans but only if their culture had already used eagles in many of their customsand ceremonies. They are still not alloed to !ill but they can possess the feathers and the

    talons for ceremonial purposes only. "f the +ati#e 9mericans respected this steardship of

    the eagles li!e their ancestors did, there ould be no harassing of the bird since deep

    respect and honor of nature accompanied their traditions.

    The eagle has pro#en itself to be resilient. They can li#e up to ?7 years in the ild and they

    mate for life. They are dedicated to their mate. )ut if tragedy should stri!e, they !no that

    they need to !eep on so another mate is chosen ithout hesitation.

    The males and females pretty much loo! identical. )ut the females get the upperhand by

    being about 35G larger than their mates. " guess e don't ha#e to onder ho does the

    dishes in that household. When they go out on their on, they choose trees high up in the

    s!y that can support a lot of eight. This is not because they eat a lot of fish, but because

    they li!e to ma!e home roomy as the years go by. When a home chosen and constructed,

    there is no thoughts of mo#ing on up, so to spea!. They use the same neFt year after year. "f

    man or nature remo#es their tree, another one in the same neighborhood is chosen. The

    nests can eigh as much as 3 tons 0yes, " said BtonsC1 and be 6 feet ide. The depths of

    these nests ith years of additions can get as high as 5 feet. $ome ha#e been documented

    to be e#en deeper.

    Dnce a home is chosen, a mate is loo!ed for. The mating of the eagles can be aesome to

    atch and at the same time frightful. They begin their courtship up in the s!y ith their talons

    outstretched. " might as ell stop trying to describe their intricate mating and let a master tell


    The Dalliance of the Eagles

  • 8/18/2019 El Renacer Del Aguila


    $!irting the ri#er road, 0my forenoon al!, my rest,1

    $!yard in air a sudden muffled sound, the dalliance of the eagles,

    The rushing amorous contact high in space together,

    The clinching interloc!ing clas, a li#ing, fierce, gyrating heel,

    our beating ings, to bea!s, a sirling mass tight grappling,

    "n tumbling turning clustering loops, straight donard falling,

    Till oHer the ri#er poisHd, the tain yet one, a momentHs lull,

     9 motionless still balance in the air, then parting, talons loosing,

    pard again on slofirm pinions slanting, their separate di#orce flight,

    $he hers, he his, pursuing.

    by Walt Whitman

     9fter ?5 days, the result is of young eagles to carry on their legacy. When the little ones

    brea! out of their shells both parents share in the raising of the young. They ta!e turns going

    out and hunting for food hile the other one stays to guard the neFt from ould be predators.

    The young could be rather surprising to behold at first because they lac! the renon hite

    head. They are bron ith a little hite on their bodies, but not until they reach seFual

    maturity at age 5 do they sho their BbaldC side.

     9t full maturity they can be ? feet tall ith a ingspan of around eight feet. The body eight

    a#erages ? pounds but some ha#e been documented to be bigger. The northern eagles

    tend to be larger than their southern relati#es. The immense size and their ferocious loo!s

    ha#e laid the foundation for many of the myths that ha#e spread about eagles. When e

    mo#ed to +orthern Wisconsin, " as amazed at the number of eagles that " could see sitting

    in my on yard or just dri#ing to the store. " had a huge laugh 0and !ic!ed myself for not

    ha#ing a camera1 hen " dro#e by a la!e to see the guys ice fishing. 9 fe yards aay as

    an eFtremely large eagle aiting to see hat they brought up. +o the bird ould not ha#e

    attac!ed them for the fish but "'m sure he as hoping they ould drop it. D#erall, eagles

    prefer to a#oid people and therefore build their homes aay from them if possible and rarelyhunt near large amounts of human acti#ity. 9ll of our neighbors and relati#es ha#e arned us

    about letting our cats or our dog. The eagles ill ta!e them aay is e're not careful. $orry

    to burst e#eryone's bubble but the odds are pretty slim that that ill happen. The maFimum

    amount of cargo an eagle can carry is 4 or 5 pounds and that is only if it acquired it at full

    speed. The distance it ould be able to go ould be short. To drop don and pic! up prey,

    the eagle chooses animals less than 3 pounds so that they can lift easier and ma!e it to their 

  • 8/18/2019 El Renacer Del Aguila


    nest. The conclusion ould be that most house pets ould be safe from the mighty eagle.

    They prefer fish or carrion 0already dead meat1 to going around !idnapping pets.

    " mentioned at the beginning of all this about them being thie#es. *agles are part of the

    raptor family hich includes ha!s, #ultures, falcons, and ols. They are hunters, but at

    times they tend to be a little lazy and croo!ed. "t is not uncommon for an eagle to sit in high

    reaches of the trees around a large body of ater and atch as other birds soop don

    attempting to catch an unsuspecting fish. 9s soon as one does, the eagle grins slightly and

    pushing forcefully into the air aiming at the successful hunter. With a fe bumps and sharp

    talons, the eagle ma!es off ith the prize lea#ing the other defeated and hungry. They on't

    let the young of other birds in their 5 mile territory pass by either hich is hy you might

    see a fe blac! birds chasing the massi#e eagle aay from their nests.

    "n A(3 the bald eagle as chosen to be the national bird of the ne country of the nited

    $tates of 9merica. "t as chosen for its majestic and solid stance. "t as regal. "t as strong.

     9nd according to )enjamin ran!lin and others it as a thief and should not e#en be

    considered to represent the country. -e anted the noble tur!ey ho as honorable, smart,

    and beautiful to be the emblem. Than!sgi#ing