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  • ELSYour Guide to the Summit

  • ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd. Þti. adýna sahibiOzan Mert Öndeþ


    Yayýn Kurulu Baþkanýve

    Sorumlu Yazý iþleri MüdürüNesibe Öndeþ


    Genel KoordinatörAli Önder Öndeþ


    Ýdari Ýþler MüdürüÖmer Reyhan Öndeþ

    Yönetim YeriCaferaða Mh. Moda Cd. No:30/4

    KADIKÖY - ÝSTANBULTel : 0 216 349 18 24 - 345 02 47

    Faks : 0 216 349 18 25e-posta : [email protected]

    Basýldýðý YerYapým Tanýtým Yayýncýlýk Ltd. Þti.

    Tel : 0 212 216 51 49 - 50

    Tüm Yayýn Haklarý ELS YAYINCILIK LTD. ÞTÝ.’ne Aittir.Ýzinsiz Basýlamaz, Çoðaltýlamaz, Kullanýlamaz.

    Haftalýk LYS-Ýngilizce Hazýrlýk DergisiYýl: 17     Sayý: Tanýtým Sayýsý (1)    10 Haziran 2010

  • Merhaba…

    ELS çalışanları olarak bizler yoðun ve yorucu bir öðretim yýlýný daha geride býrakıyoruz.. Öðrencilerimizin heyecaný biraz daha devam edecek.. Ama onlar, ELS ile hazýrlanmanýn sýnavda onlara yaratacaðý farkýn farkýndalar.

    Bütün öðrencilerimize baþarýlar diliyoruz...

    2010-2011 öðretim yýlýnda ELS, yepyeni bir içerikle sizlere ulaşacak. Bizler, enküçük ayrýntýyý bile önemseyen titizliðimizle, 2010 / LYS-İngilizce sınavındaki düzeyi ve soru dağılımını temel alarak hazırlayacağımız yeni setimizle 17. yılımıza adım atacağız..

    Gücümüzü, deðerli öðretmenlerimizden, yöneticilerimizden, öðrencilerimizden ve velilerimizden alarak bu günlere geldik. Bu nedenle her yýl daha iyi ve daha nitelikli ürünler vermeyi, yýllardýr siz dostlarýmýza olan vefa borcumuzu yerine getirmek olarak algýladýk. 17. yýlýmýzda da sizlere en iyiyi sunmak için kollarýmýzý þimdiden sývadýk.

    Deðerli Öðretmenlerimiz ve Sevgili Öðrenciler,

    2010-2011 dönemi ELS / LYS-İngilizce hazýrlýk dergimizin ilk sayýsýnýn daðýtýmýna 03 Eylül 2010 tarihinde baþlanacak ve 27 Mayýs 2011’de 35. sayýmýzýn daðýtýlmasýyla setimiz tamamlanacaktýr. Bu “Özel Tanýtým Sayýsý”nýn içindeki açýklamalarýn, önümüzdeki dönemi planlamanýz için sizlere yardýmcý olacaðýný umuyoruz. Ayrýca, sizlerin olumlu katký ve eleþtirilerinin bizler için çokdeðerli olduðunu bilmenizi istiyor ve bu çabalarýnýz için þimdiden teþekkür ediyoruz.

    Yeni dönemde görüþmek üzere, hepinize saðlýk, esenlik ve baþarýlar diliyoruz.

    ELS Yayýncýlýk

  • 4 English Language Studies



    ELS Yayýncýlýk olarak LYS-Ýngilizce hazýrlýk programýný üç aþamada gruplandýrdýk.

    3 9. Sýnýf Seti3 10. Sýnýf Seti3 ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCE Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti

    Bu setler düzey olarak birbirini takip eder niteliktedir ve belli bir sistem içerisindeizlendiðinde öðrenciye, LYS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnýn gerektirdiði düzeyde Ýngilizce ve edindiðibilgileri çoktan seçmeli bir testte kullanma becerisi kazandýrmaktadýr.

    9. Sýnýflar için:

    9. sýnýf öðrencisi henüz ÖSS alan seçimi yapmadýðý için, 9. Sýnýf Seti, bütünöðrencilere hitap etmektedir. Ancak, 10. sýnýfta dil bölümünü seçmeyi düþünen öðrenciler içinbu set, sistemli bir temel oluþturmayý amaçlamaktadýr.

    4 yýllýk lise sisteminde, dil alanýný seçen düz lise öðrencisi eski sistemde olduðu gibidezavantajlý durumda deðildir çünkü sýnava hazýrlanmasý için önünde üç yýl vardýr. Öðrenci buüç yýlý doðru kaynaklarla iyi deðerlendirdiði takdirde, bir Anadolu lisesi mezunu ile eþit þansasahip olur.

    10. Sýnýflar için:

    LYS-Ýngilizce öðrencisi için bu setler, normal olarak, 9. sýnýfta 9. Sýnýf Seti, 10. sýnýfta10. Sýnýf Seti ve 11. ve 12. sýnýfta ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCE Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti biçimindekullanýlabilir. Ancak, özellikle düz liselerde, eðer öðrenciler 9. sýnýfta 9. Sýnýf Seti’niçalýþmamýþsa, 10. sýnýfta hem 9. Sýnýf Seti hem de 10. Sýnýf Seti izlenebilir.

    11. Sýnýflar için:

    10. Sýnýf Seti’ni tamamlamýþ olan LYS öðrencisi, 11. sýnýfta ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCEHazýrlýk Dergi Seti’ne baþlayabilir. Dergi seti, hem 11. sýnýfta hem de 12. sýnýfta yeterli olacakmateryali içermektedir. 11. sýnýfta gramer ve pasaj çalýþmalarýna aðýrlýk verilebilir. (ÖzellikleENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT’un ve ENGLISH THROUGH READING’inIntermediate ve Upper-Intermediate bölümlerindeki pasajlarýn yavaþ bir tempoyla sindiresindire çalýþýlmasý çok önemlidir.)

    Ancak, öðrenci 10. sýnýfý okurken 10. Sýnýf Seti’ni izlememiþse, 11. sýnýfa bu set ilebaþlayabilir ve daha sonra ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCE Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti’yle devam edebilir.

    12. Sýnýflar için:

    Yukarýda belirttiðimiz biçimde, 12. sýnýfa kadar ELS yayýnlarýný izlemiþ olan öðrencilerle12. sýnýfta dergiler, TEST YOUR VOCABULARY kitabý ve okuma kitabýnýn kalan bölümü(Advanced düzeydeki pasajlar) izlenerek program tamamlanabilir.

    Ancak öðrenci, ELS yayýnlarýyla 12. sýnýfta tanýþýyorsa, programa doðrudan ELS /LYS-İNGİLİZCE Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti’yle baþlanabilir ve hýzlý bir programla set tamamlanabilir.

  • 5English Language Studies



    9. Sýnýf Seti

    l ELS-WORKSHEETS (1)  Freshmanl Freshman's Pictoriall Teacher's File (1)l ELS-WORKSHEETS (2) Sophomorel Teacher's File (2)

    Dil öðreniminin ilk aþamalarýnda görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak, ELS-WORKSHEETSFreshman, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ 18 resim içeren “Freshman's Pictorial” ile desteklenmiþtir. ELS-WORKSHEETSSophomore için, yine kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ resimler kitabýn sonuna eklenmiþtir.

    Her iki kitabýmýz da, öðretmenin elinde materyal zenginliði yaratmak amacýyla, "Teacher's File"ile desteklenmiþtir. Her bir "Teacher's File", "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþünitede bir kullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir.

    10. Sýnýf Seti

    l ELS-WORKSHEETS (3)  Junior l ELS-WORKSHEETS (4) Seniorl Teacher's File (3) l Teacher's File (4)l 20 Konu Testi l 20 Konu Testil 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi l 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi

    l 10 Deneme Sýnavý

    ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerininihtiyaçlarý göz önüne alýnarak revize edilmiþtir. Kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ resimler yineher iki kitabýn sonunda yer almýþtýr.

    ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior için hazýrlanmýþ “Teacher's File 3”ve “Teacher's File 4”, yine "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede birkullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir. Ancak, dil öðrencisini LYS soru tiplerine hazýrlamakamacýyla bu setlere, her ünite sonunda kullanýlmak üzere 35 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk konutestleri ve 8 paragraf çalýþmasý testi eklenmiþtir. Bir paragraf çalýþmasý testi, 3 çoktan seçmeli“comprehension” sorusu olan 4 pasaj içermektedir. Böylece, setin tamamýnda, 64 pasaj ve bupasajlarla ilgili 192 “comprehension” sorusu yer almaktadýr. Bu materyallerin yaný sýra“Teacher's File 4”, öðrencinin Ýngilizce düzeyi dikkate alýnarak hazýrlanmýþ, LYS formatýnda 80soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir.

    Bu kitaplarýn “Contents” bölümlerini, bu kitapçýðýn 29, 30, 31 ve 32. sayfalarýnda bulabilirsiniz.

    NOT: 9. Sýnýf ve 10. Sýnýf setleri için Teacher's File, 20 ve üzeri toplu alýmlardagönderilecektir.

  • 6 English Language Studies



    l 35 Dergi

    Her biri belli baþlý gramer konularýna ve LYS soru tiplerininincelenmesine ayrýlmýþ dergi setimizdir. Birinci sayýdan itibaren, gramer bilgisini test eden "Test Yourself", okuma-anlamayý geliþtiren "Reading Comprehension Passages", son on yýlda ÖYS ve YDS'de çýkmýþ sözcüklerin kullanýldýðý "Test Your Vocabulary", "Test Your Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs" bölümlerini ve, her sayýda bir sýnav olmak üzere, 35 deneme sýnavý içerir. (Dergilerin içeriðiyle ilgili konu baþlýklarý için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn 10. sayfasýna bakabilirsiniz.)

    l English Grammar Inside and Out

    Dergideki egzersiz, test ve deneme sýnavlarýnýn alt yapýsýný oluþturan, Ýngilizce dilbilgisini ayrýntýlý biçimde ele alan ve konu anlatýmý, egzersiz ve test içeren 720 sayfalýk gramer kitabýmýzdýr.

    l English Through Reading

    75 Intermediate - 75 Upper Intermediate ve 50 Advanced olmak üzere üçdüzeyde 200 okuma parçasý ve bunlarla ilgili egzersizler içermektedir.

    l Test Your Vocabulary

    168 sayfadan oluþan bu kitabýmýz, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýran egzersizler ve 60'ar soruluk 25 test içermektedir.

    l 35 Konu Testi

    35-50 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk yaprak testlerimiz, her dergide ele alýnan konuyu pekiþtirmek amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr.

    l 16 Ekstra Deneme Sýnavý

    Derginin içinde yer alan 35 deneme sýnavýnýn dýþýnda, 15 günde bir sadece toplu abonelerimize gönderilen 16 ekstra deneme sýnavý, okul, dershane ve kurslarýn, öðrencilerine daha fazla deneme sýnavý sunabilmeleri amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr.

    Not: Konu testleri ve ekstra deneme sýnavlarý, toplu abone sayýsý kadar basýlýr veyalnýzca toplu abonelere gönderilir. Ücret karþýlýðý satýlmaz.


    l 35 Dergi

    l English Grammar Inside and Out

    ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCE HAZIRLIK tek abone setimiz, 35 dergi ve "English Grammar Inside andOut" adlý gramer kitabýmýzý içermektedir.

    Toplu abone olmanýn ayrýcalýklarýndan yararlanýnýz.

  • 7English Language Studies




    l Bir Türk öðrencinin Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþabileceði sýkýntýlarý dikkate alarakhazýrladýðýmýz ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT öðrencilerimizin, LYS-Ýngilizcesýnavýna hazýrlanýrken, üniversitede okurken ya da meslek yaþamlarýnda gerektikçebaþvurabilecekleri bir referans kitabýdýr.

    l Kitabýn bütününde konularý kavramaya yönelik pekiþtirici egzersizlere ve öðrencilerimizindergide de karþýlaþacaðý çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan ve ÖSYM’nin soru mantýðýnýyansýtan "TEST YOURSELF" lere yer verilmiþtir.

    l ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS'nin on yýllýk deneyim ve birikimiyle,dergiye destek amacýyla ELS aboneleri için hazýrlanmýþ olup tüm ELS abonelerineücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.

    l ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT yalnýzca gramer konularý ile sýnýrlýdýr. LYS-KPDS-ÜDS vb. sýnavlardaki diðer soru tipleri, kitabýn amacý dýþýnda olduðu için, dýþarýdabýrakýlmýþtýr. Bu nedenle, sýnavlarda bütünlüklü verim ve üst düzeyde baþarý, dergi ilebirlikte deðerlendirildiðinde saðlanabilir.

    l 720 sayfadan oluþan kitabýmýz I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþtýr.

    l Kitabýn sýnýf içerisinde kullanýma uygun olmasý amacýyla, “ANSWER KEY” ayrý birkitapçýk biçiminde basýlmýþtýr.

    l ELS aboneleri dýþýnda kitap satýþý, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma üzerindenyapýlmaktadýr.


    l 75 Intermediate, 75 Upper Intermediate ve 50 Advanced olmak üzere 200 okumaparçasý ve bu parçalarla ilgili "comprehension" ve "vocabulary" çalýþmalarýnýiçermektedir.

    l I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþ olup 432 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.

    l “ANSWER KEY” kitabýn sonunda yer almaktadýr.

    l Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.

    l Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.


    l TEST YOUR VOCABULARY, çeþitli egzersizlerle, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýrmayý veeðlenceli kýlmayý amaçlamaktadýr.

    l TEST YOUR VOCABULARY, egzersizlerin yaný sýra, geçmiþ yýllarda çýkansorularýmýzdan derlediðimiz 25 test içermektedir. Her bir test 60 sorudan oluþmaktadýr.

    l Kitabýmýz 168 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.

    l “ANSWER KEY” kitabýn sonunda yer almaktadýr.

    l Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.

    l Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.

  • 8 English Language Studies


    Sevgili Öðrenciler,

    2010-2011 yayýn dönemi ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCE hazýrlýk dergimizin ilk sayýsýnýndaðýtýmýna 03 Eylül 2010 tarihinde baþlanacak ve 27 Mayýs 2011 tarihinde 35. sayýmýzýnyayýmlanmasýyla birlikte set tamamlanacaktýr. 720 sayfadan oluþan gramer kitabýmýz ENGLISHGRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT birinci sayýmýzla birlikte sizlere ulaþacaktýr.

    ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCE Hazýrlýk Dergisi neleri içermektedir?

    l VOCABULARY öðretimi, özellikle üzerinde durduðumuz bir konudur çünkü bugüne kadarÖYS ve YDS Ýngilizce sýnavlarýnda 8-10 soruda doðrudan sözcük bilgisi test edilmiştir.Ayrıca, sözcük bilgisi sýnavýn bütününü etkilemektedir. O nedenle, bu konu aðýrlýklýolarak iki özel sayýda verilecek, ancak, sözcüklerin sindire sindire kavranmasýnýsaðlamak amacýyla birinci sayýdan baþlayarak sistemli bir þekilde bütün sayýlarda"Vocabulary" çalýþmalarý yapýlacaktýr.

    TEST YOUR VOCABULARY bölümlerinin yaný sýra, son on yýlda ÖYS-YDS’de kullanýlmýþsözcükleri kullanarak oluþturduðumuz YDS-VOCABULARY testlerimiz, 1. sayýdan itibarendergilerde yer alacaktýr.

    l Önceki yılların YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavlarýndaki soru yoðunluðu dikkate alınarak birincisayýdan itibaren üzerinde özel olarak durulan diðer bir konu PHRASAL VERBS andPREPOSITIONS konusudur.

    l ÖSYM tarafından hazırlanan Ýngilizce sýnavlarýnda temel olarak test edilen, öðrencininokuduðunu anlamasý ve yorumlamasýdýr. Bunu saðlamak ve öðrencinin bu alandakibecerisini geliþtirmek için birinci sayýdan baþlayarak her sayýda READINGCOMPREHENSION çalýþmalarýna yer verilmiþtir. Böylelikle öðrencilerimiz edindiklerigramer bilgilerini bir bütün içerisinde görüp daha iyi kavrayabileceklerdir.

    READING COMPREHENSION bölümünde yer alan pasajlar, uzunluk, gramer ve sözcükdüzeyi bakýmýndan LYS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaki format göz önüne alýnarak hazýrlanmýþtýr.Cloze test, paragrafýn eksik cümlesini bulma, paragrafýn uymayan cümlesini bulma gibisoru tipleri, 1. sayýdan itibaren, pasaj çalýþmalarýyla bütünleþtirilerek verilmiþtir.

    l Önceki yýllarda olduðu gibi, üzerinde çalýþýlan konudan LYS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda çýkabile-cek çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan TEST YOURSELF bölümlerine, bu yýl da, herüniteden sonra, özgün ve konuyu kavramayý kolaylaþtýran örneklerle zenginleþtirilerekyer verilmiþtir.

    l Deneme sýnavlarý öðrencinin, edindiði bilgiler ýþýðýnda LYS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndasergileyeceði performansý en iyi gösteren çalýþmalardýr. Dergimiz, her hafta bir denemesýnavý uygulamasýyla, öðrencinin sistematik olarak baþarý grafiðini kontrol etmesinihedeflemektedir. Bu amaçla dergimizde, 1. sayýdan itibaren her sayýda bir denemesýnavý olmak üzere 35 PRACTICE EXAM yer almaktadýr.

    l Derginin konu akýþýna ve içeriðine, 2010 LYS-Ýngilizce sýnavý soru formatýndakideðiþiklikler yansýtýlacaktýr.

    l ELS olarak amacýmýz, öðrencilerimize, sýnavda ne tür soruyla karþýlaþýrsa karþýlaþsýn,her türden soruyu çözebilecek bilgi ve beceriyi kazandýrmaktýr. Bu nedenle, soruformatýnda herhangi bir deðiþiklik ile karþýlaþtýklarýnda, öðrencilerimizin paniðekapýlmalarý için hiçbir neden yoktur.

    Çünkü biz sadece sýnav kazandýrmayý amaçlamýyoruz; ÝNGÝLÝZCE ÖÐRETÝYORUZ.

    ELS Yayýn Kurulu

  • 9English Language Studies



    Sevgili Öðrenciler,

    Bildiðiniz gibi, ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCE Hazýrlýk dergisi sizlere bir gramer kitabý ile birlikteulaþýyor: ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT.

    ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS / LYS-İNGİLİZCE dergilerini tamamlayýcýbir kaynaktýr ve kitabýn içinde yer alan ünitelerin dergide karþýlýðý vardýr. Kitapla dergiarasýndaki bu paralelliði, sayfa 10'daki Çalýþma Takvimi'nden yararlanarak saðlayabilirsiniz.

    ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ayrýntýlý konu anlatýmý ve konuyu anlamanýzýkolaylaþtýracak egzersiz ve testlerle sizi, dergiyi çalýþmaya hazýr hale getirecektir. Dergide iseyoðunluk, çalýþtýðýnýz konuyu pekiþtirmeye, sözcük daðarcýðýnýzý zenginleþtirmeye ve genelolarak Reading Comprehension konusundaki becerinizi geliþtirmeye yönelik çoktan seçmelitestler üzerinde olacaktýr.

    Bütün bu becerileri kazanýp LYS-Ýngilizce sýnavýna eksiksiz bilgi ile girebilmeniz vesýnavda "fark" yaratabilmeniz için, kitabý ve dergiyi hiçbir bölüm atlamadan düzenli olarakçalýþmak çok önemlidir.

    Kitapta ve dergide karþýlaþacaðýnýz egzersiz ve testlerle sizleri zaman zamanzorlayabiliriz. Bu gibi durumlarda hemen þu sözümüzü anýmsayýnýz:

    "On ay sürecek bir zorlanma, güzel bir geleceðin kapýlarýný aralýyorsa, KESÝNLÝKLE BUNA DEÐER."


    ELS’in daðýtýmý, geçen yýllarda olduðu gibi, yine abone sistemiyle yapýlacaktýr.ELS’den eksiksiz yararlanabilmeniz ve herhangi bir sorunla karþýlaþmamanýz için en güveniliryöntemin bu olduðuna inanýyoruz. ELS’in bayi ve kitapçýlardan edinilmesi mümkün deðildir.

    Abone olabilmek için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn sonunda bulacaðýnýz abone formunueksiksiz doldurmanýz ve ödeme tablosundan size uygun ödeme seçeneðini iþaretleyip belirtilenbanka hesap numarasýna ödeme yapmanýz yeterlidir. Bankadan alacaðýnýz dekontun birfotokopisini ve abone formunu, aþaðýdaki adresimize elden teslim edebilir, postalayabilir ya da0 216 349 18 25 no’lu faksýmýza gönderebilirsiniz.

    Caferaða Mah.Moda Cad. No: 30/4

    34710  Kadýköy/ÝSTANBUL

    Yukarýda belirttiðimiz yöntemlerin dýþýnda, ONLINE olarak abone olmanýz damümkündür. Bunun için www.elsyayin.com.tr adresinden web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

    Abone iþleminiz gerçekleþtikten sonra, 03 Eylül 2010 - 27 Mayýs 2011 tarihleriarasýnda yayýnlanacak olan dergimiz haftalýk olarak elinize ulaþacaktýr.

    NOT:1. Abone formunuzu bize postayla göndermek zorundaysanýz lütfen APS’yi tercih

    ediniz.2. Dergilerinizin ulaþmasýný istediðiniz adresi özenle seçiniz ve mümkünse daðýtýcýnýn

    doðrudan size veya tanýdýðýnýz kiþiye elden teslim edebileceði bir adres belirleyiniz ve abone formuna bu adresi yazýnýz.

    3. Derginiz size ulaþmasý gereken sürede elinize geçmemiþse 5 gün daha bekleyiniz. Bu süre sonunda da derginiz gelmezse derhal bizi arayýnýz.

    4. Abone formuna size en kolay ulaþabileceðimiz telefon numaranýzý mutlaka yazýnýz.

  • 10 English Language Studies

    1. Sayý 03 EYLÜL 2010The English Verb Tenses (1)Practice Exam 1

    10 EYLÜL 2010 TATÝL2. Sayý 17 EYLÜL 2010

    The English Verb Tenses (2)Practice Exam 2

    3. Sayý 24 EYLÜL 2010Modals and Similar ExpressionsPractice Exam 3

    4. Sayý 01 EKÝM 2010The PassivePractice Exam 4

    5. Sayý 08 EKÝM 2010“If” and “Wish” Clauses Practice Exam 5

    6. Sayý 15 EKÝM 2010Question Words and Noun ClausesPractice Exam 6

    7. Sayý 22 EKÝM 2010Reported Speech Practice Exam 7

    8. Sayý 30 EKÝM 2010Gerunds and InfinitivesPractice Exam 8

    9. Sayý 05 KASIM 2010Adjectives and Adverbs Practice Exam 9

    10. Sayý 12 KASIM 2010Relative Clauses Practice Exam 10

    19 KASIM 2010 TATÝL

    11. Sayý 26 KASIM 2010Articles, Determiners and QuantifiersPractice Exam 11

    12. Sayý 03 ARALIK 2010Conjunctions and TransitionsPractice Exam 12

    13. Sayý 10 ARALIK 2010General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (1)Practice Exam 13

    14. Sayý 17 ARALIK 2010Prepositions and Prepositional PhrasesPractice Exam 14

    15. Sayý 24 ARALIK 2010Phrasal Verbs Practice Exam 15

    31 ARALIK 2010 TATÝL

    16. Sayý 07 OCAK 2011Translation Studies Practice Exam 16

    17. Sayý 14 OCAK 2011Practice Exam 17

    18. Sayý 21 OCAK 2011Vocabulary (1) Practice Exam 18

    19. Sayý 28 OCAK 2011Vocabulary (2) Practice Exam 19

    20. Sayý 04 ÞUBAT 2011General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (2)Practice Exam 20

    21. Sayý 11 ÞUBAT 2011Paragraph Studies (1)Practice Exam 21

    22. Sayý 18 ÞUBAT 2011Paragraph Studies (2)Practice Exam 22

    23. Sayý 25 ÞUBAT 2011Practice Exam 23

    24. Sayý 04 MART 2011YDS soru tipleri (1) Practice Exam 24

    25. Sayý 11 MART 2011YDS soru tipleri (2)Practice Exam 25

    26. Sayý 18 MART 2011YDS soru tipleri (3) Practice Exam 26

    27. Sayý 25 MART 2011General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (3)Practice Exam 27

    28. Sayý 01 NÝSAN 2011Further Study on VocabularyPractice Exam 28

    29. Sayý 08 NÝSAN 2011Practice Exam 29

    30. Sayý 15 NÝSAN 2011Practice Exam 30

    22 NÝSAN 2011 TATÝL

    31. Sayý 29 NÝSAN 2011General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (4)Practice Exam 31

    32. Sayý 06 MAYIS 2011Practice Exam 32

    33. Sayý 13 MAYIS 2011Practice Exam 33

    34. Sayý 20 MAYIS 2011Practice Exam 34

    35. Sayý 27 MAYIS 2011Practice Exam 35

    2010-2011ÇALIÞMA TAKVÝMÝ


    Sevgili Öðrenciler,

    80 sorudan oluþan June / Level Exam 11th and 12th Grades, 11.sýnýflar için düzey belirleme, bu yýl sýnava girecek olan öðrenciler için ise,2010-LYS öncesi bir deneme sýnavý olacaktýr.

    Testin hazýrlanmasýnda, YDS'de bugüne kadar uygulanmýþ sorumantýðý ve soru daðýlýmýnın yanı sıra, bu yıl uygulanacak olan LYS-İngilizce sınavına ilişkin ÖSYM tarafından yapılan açıklamalar temelalýnmýþtýr. Gerek dilbilgisini, gerekse dili kullanma yeteneðini ölçensorularýn aðýrlýðý ve kullanýlan sözcükler YDS düzeyine uygun olarakseçilmiþtir. Bu nedenle, doðal olarak, 11. sýnýf öðrencileri bu testtendüþük bir net sayýsý elde edebilir. Ancak bu sizi umutsuzluðasürüklememelidir. Çünkü bu netler size, programýn baþýnda bulunduðunuzdüzey hakkýnda bilgi verecektir. Gerçek sonucu, programýn sonundageleceðiniz nokta belirleyecektir.

    Bizler, size Ýngilizce'yi öðreteceðimize inanýyoruz. Planlý vedisiplinli bir çalýþmayla bundan sonrasýnýn, yani sýnavda baþarýlý olmanýn,ne kadar kolay olduðunu göreceksiniz.

    Baþarý dileklerimizle….

    ELS Yayýn Kurulu

  • ELS

    1-20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılanyerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya daifadeyi bulunuz.

    1.  Although the …… outcome remainsuncertain, the agreed-upon plan seems

    to be working out quite well for the time


    A) fortunate B) endless

    C) final D) obvious

    E) considerate

    2.  The town of Dharamsala, located in theHimalayan foothills, enjoys a …… climate,

    with extremes of neither heat nor cold.

    A) dense B) mild

    C) cunning D) treacherous

    E) religious

    3.  Having climbed all the way to the top ofthe hill in Anadolu Kavaðý, we were

    disappointed that the …… was so poor

    that we could not see the Black Sea.

    A) occurrence B) assistance

    C) distance D) attitude

    E) visibility

    4.  The …… of German cars has alwaysbeen superior to that of Japanese cars;

    they do not break down so much.

    A) sensitivity B) loyalty

    C) actuality D) reliability

    E) ability

    5.  Wheat grows so …… in the midwesternUnited States that every year a largesurplus is produced.

    A) abundantly B) slightlyC) barely D) optionally

    E) primarily

    6.  Though Hindi and dozens of otherlanguages are native to India, English isalso spoken …… there.

    A) exactly B) exclusivelyC) extensively D) accidentally

    E) annually

    7.  Though Turkey did not …… militarily inWorld War II, it did provide Germany withraw materials.

    A) determine B) participate C) contradict D) specify

    E) compare

    8.  The opinions to be found in the letterssection of this newspaper do notnecessarily …… the opinions of theeditors.

    A) encounter B) reflectC) frustrate D) decide

    E) fasten

    9.  I can't …… with my brother at all; wealways argue about something.

    A) get along B) do overC) break in D) take after

    E) look out

    Bu testte 80 soru vardýr. Cevaplama süreniz 120 dakikadýr.


    June / Level Exam(11th & 12th Grades)

    12 English Language Studies

  • ELS

    10. Messages of sympathy have absolutely…… since the news of his death wasannounced.

    A) taken in B) broken intoC) put aside D) flooded in

    E) looked through

    11. In the 19th century chemists …… thatcandles …… harder by adding stearicacid, an ingredient of animal fat, to thecandle wax. 

    A) were discovered / were madeB) have discovered / had been made C) would be discovered / had to makeD) were discovering / must have madeE) discovered / could be made

    12. From the beginning of mankind, men…… with each other and this human trait…… both negative and positiveconsequences.

    A) compete / will be havingB) are competing / is havingC) have been competing / has had D) were competing / is going to haveE) are going to compete / has

    13. I expect, after this victory, hundreds ofsupporters …… at the airport to welcometheir footballers as they …… off the plane.

    A) have been waiting / steppedB) are waiting / will stepC) waited / will have steppedD) will be waiting / step E) had waited / were stepping

    14. I …… their offer if they …… on meworking on Saturdays as well.

    A) had accepted / didn't insistB) ought to accept / weren't insistingC) have accepted / won't be insistingD) were accepting / wouldn't insistE) might have accepted / hadn't insisted

    15. The tourists are looking …… holidaysouvenirs to take home …… them.

    A) at / to B) for / with C) across / for D) after / from

    E) into / through

    16. I am filled …… admiration …… thosewho devote their lives to helping peopleless fortunate than themselves.

    A) for / towards B) in / fromC) with / for D) up / to

    E) out / about

    17. …… the rainy season, the south-western coast of India receives 25 cmof rainfall.

    A) When B) By the timeC) As soon as D) During

    E) While

    18. The charity was overjoyed when a popstar promoted their cause because,…… making a large donation, hebrought a lot of publicity.

    A) despite B) no matter C) moreover D) besides

    E) since

    19. Dieticians stress that, although dietaryfibre …… provides no nutrients, it aidsthe absorption of ……; therefore, it is anessential element in a healthy diet.

    A) its / theirs B) them / itC) their / itsD) theirs / themselvesE) itself / them

    20. I've been looking at the details of ourholiday in America again and we couldstay …… week for only seven hundreddollars more.

    A) another B) othersC) each other D) the others

    E) other


    13English Language Studies

  • ELS

    21-25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçadanumaralanmış yerlere uygun düşensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    (21) ........ 417 m below sea level, the Dead Seais (22) ........ point on the Earth's surface. It ispart of a long depression on the Earth's surface

    called the Great Rift Valley, which extends from

    southern Africa to Turkey. The Dead Sea

    receives (23) ........ 5-10 centimetres of rain ayear, and it is the only place on Earth where

    people can sunbathe for extended periods with

    (24) ........ or no sunburn because the sun'sharmful ultraviolet (25) ........ are filtered out by itsunique atmosphere.


    A) Lying B) To lieC) Having lain D) To have lainE) Lain


    A) low enough B) lowerC) so low D) as low

    E) the lowest


    A) as B) likeC) even D) for

    E) just


    A) few B) severalC) little D) none

    E) any


    A) strengths B) shinesC) infections D) rays

    E) wastes

    26-31. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygunşekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

    26. Although aspirin is primarily regarded asa simple pain killer, …… .

    A) some types can be dissolved in water tomake it easier to swallow

    B) it can also help to prevent heart attacks,strokes, and some forms of cancer

    C) Hippocrates knew about some of theeffects of its ingredients in the 5thcentury BC

    D) some people use it to end the discomfortof minor headaches

    E) Felix Hoffman may not actually havebeen its inventor as was originallythought

    27. Not only did 20th-century Irish satiristBrian O’Nolan speak Irish fluently, …… .

    A) which is a Celtic language most closelyrelated to Scots Gaelic

    B) as well as the satirical novel An BéalBocht

    C) but he also wrote hundreds ofnewspaper columns in the language

    D) nor did he ever publish his great novelThe Third Policeman

    E) and his pen name in The Irish Times wasMyles na gCopaleen

    28. ……, but the former is more thoughtfulwhile the latter is quite savage.

    A) There have been at least four major Englishtranslations of the Gilgamesh epic

    B) There are some similarities between thecharacters of Gilgamesh and Enkidu

    C) Since Babylonia combined the twoterritories of Sumer and Akkad

    D) First told in the Sumerian language butwritten down only in Akkadian

    E) John Gardner’s translation of theGilgamesh epic was the most poetic

    14 English Language Studies


  • ELS

    29. ……, or it will go off if it's left out here

    any longer.

    A) A deep-freeze requires a continuous

    supply of electricity for the food in it

    B) In centrally heated houses, vegetables

    should be refrigerated even in winter

    C) During the winter months, you can

    keep your fruit out on the balcony

    D) Please put that bottle of milk in the


    E) We bought more food than was really


    30. Some of the violent scenes were not

    included in the edited version …… .

    A) so it is certainly not for children, who

    might easily be affected by so much


    B) however, some people try to apply

    certain scenes from films to real life

    C) no matter how many times

    psychologists warn film producers

    about aggression

    D) who wouldn't enjoy the film otherwise

    E) because it was going to be shown at

    peak viewing time

    31. ……, the streets were flooded and

    rubbish had blown everywhere.

    A) As the waves crashed against the cliffs

    far below

    B) After three days of non-stop rain and

    high winds

    C) As part of the council's new road

    cleaning policy

    D) Unexpectedly, an underground pipe

    suddenly burst

    E) We switched on the television in time

    to catch the latest weather forecast

    32-34. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangisorunun cevabı olduğunu bulunuz.

    32. It shouldn’t be more than about 10 or 12,I think.

    A) Have you got any idea about the number

    of people coming tonight?

    B) That was quite a crowded party, don’t

    you think?

    C) There aren’t any more eggs left for

    breakfast tomorrow, are there?

    D) Should we get there a couple of hours

    early or not?

    E) What time did you say your parents’

    flight will be arriving?

    33. Calm down—I’m only checking his earsfor infection.

    A) I’m furious about what my boss said to

    me the other day!

    B) What on earth are you doing to that poor


    C) Have you gotten over your ear infection


    D) What’s the best remedy for an ear that’s

    always ringing?

    E) Basset hounds have the silliest ears,

    don’t you think?

    34. The latter; in fact, it’s among his bestnovels.

    A) You said John Kennedy Toole only wrote

    two novels, right?

    B) Was it in French that Samuel Beckett

    first wrote Waiting for Godot?C) It was in 1968 that Yasunari Kawabata

    won the Nobel prize, wasn’t it?

    D) How many books is Isaac Asimov

    supposed to have written?

    E) Did E.M. Forster or Aldous Huxley write

    Point Counter Point?


    15English Language Studies

  • ELS

    35-40. sorularda, verilen İngilizcecümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçecümleyi bulunuz.

    35. The first outstanding English essayistwas Francis Bacon, who published fifty-eight essays on serious matters.

    A) Ýlk önemli Ýngiliz deneme yazarý olarakkabul edilen Francis Bacon, ciddi konu-larda elli sekiz deneme yayýmlamýþtýr.

    B) Ciddi konularda elli sekiz deneme yayým-lamýþ olan Francis Bacon, ilk önemliÝngiliz deneme yazarý olarak bilinir.

    C) Francis Bacon, önemli konularda ellisekiz deneme yayýmlamýþ olan Ýngilizdeneme yazarýdýr.

    D) Ýlk önemli Ýngiliz deneme yazarý, ciddikonularda elli sekiz deneme yayýmlamýþolan Francis Bacon'dýr.

    E) Ciddi konularda denemeler yayýmlayanilk Ýngiliz olan Francis Bacon, elli sekizönemli denemenin yazarýdýr.

    36. The origin of prosthetics as a science isattributed to the 16th-century Frenchsurgeon Ambroise Paré, who devisedartificial hands and arms for woundedsoldiers.

    A) Bilim olarak protezin baþlangýcý, yaralýaskerler için yapay el ve kol geliþtiren 16.yüzyýl Fransýz cerrahý Ambroise Paré’aatfedilmektedir.

    B) Bilim olarak protezin yaratýcýsý kabuledilen Fransýz cerrah Ambroise Paré, 16.yüzyýlda, yaralý askerler için yapay el vekol üretmiþtir.

    C) 16. yüzyýl Fransýz cerrahý AmbroiseParé’ýn yaralý askerler için yapay el vekol geliþtirmesi, bilim olarak protezinbaþlangýcý kabul edilmektedir.

    D) Fransýz cerrah Ambroise Paré’ýn yaralýaskerler için yapay el ve kol yapmayabaþladýðý 16. yüzyýldan beri protez birbilim olarak kabul edilmektedir.

    E)  16. yüzyýlda, Fransýz cerrah AmbroiseParé’ýn yaralý askerler için yapay el vekol yapmaya baþlamasýyla, protez bilimidoðmuþtur.

    37. The famous poem by Coleridge, "TheRime of the Ancient Mariner", is basedon the superstition that killing analbatross brings bad luck.

    A) Coleridge, "The Rime of the AncientMariner" adlý meþhur þiirinde, albatrosöldürmenin uðursuzluk getireceði batýlinancýný anlatýr.

    B) Albatros öldürmenin uðursuzlukgetireceði batýl inancýna dayanan meþhurþiir "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner",Coleridge tarafýndan yazýlmýþtýr.

    C) Coleridge'in en meþhur þiiri, albatrosöldürmenin uðursuzluk getireceði batýlinancýný anlatan "The Rime of theAncient Mariner"dýr.

    D) Coleridge'in meþhur þiiri "The Rime ofthe Ancient Mariner", albatrosöldürmenin uðursuzluk getireceði batýlinancýna dayanýr.

    E)  "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"Coleridge'in en meþhur þiiridir ve albatrosöldürmenin uðursuzluk getireceði batýlinancýný anlatýr.

    38. The capital of West Java, Bandung issurrounded by rice fields, waterfalls, andvolcanic mountains that rise to a heightof nearly 2,150 metres.

    A) Pirinç tarlalarý, þelaleler ve 2150 metreyüksekliðe kadar ulaþan volkanikdaðlarla çevrili Bandung, Batý Java’nýnbaþkentidir.

    B) Batý Java'nýn baþkenti Bandung’unçevresinde, pirinç tarlalarý, þelaleler ve2150 metre yüksekliðe kadar ulaþanvolkanik daðlar vardýr.

    C) Batý Java'nýn pirinç tarlalarý ve þelalelerleçevrili baþkenti Bandung’un yakýnlarýnda,yüksekliði 2150 metreyi bulan volkanikdaðlar bulunmaktadýr.

    D) Batý Java'nýn baþkenti Bandung, pirinçtarlalarý ve þelalelerle çevrilidir veyakýnlarýndaki volkanik daðlar, neredeyse2150 metre yüksekliðe ulaþýr.

    E) Batý Java'nýn baþkenti Bandung, pirinçtarlalarý, þelaleler ve neredeyse 2150metre yüksekliðe ulaþan volkanikdaðlarla çevrilidir.

    16 English Language Studies


  • ELS

    39. With the soothing effect of the music,she soon forgot all her worries and fellinto a deep sleep.

    A) Müziğin sakinleştirici etkisiyle çokgeçmeden bütün endişelerini unuttu vederin bir uykuya daldı.

    B) Müzik o kadar sakinleştiriciydi ki kısasürede tüm sıkıntılarından uzaklaşıpderin bir uykuya daldı.

    C) Müzik dinlemek sinirlerini yatıştırıyor vekolayca uykuya dalmasını sağlıyordu.

    D) Müziğin sakinleştirici özelliği, dertleriniunutup hemen uykuya dalmasında çoketkili oluyordu.

    E) Sinirlerinin yatışması, kaygılarını unutupderin bir uykuya dalması için en etkiliyöntem müzik dinlemekti.

    40. Scientists observe active volcanoes toobtain information that might helppredict the timing and intensity of theeruptions. 

    A) Aktif volkanları gözleyen bilim insanları,patlamaların şiddetinden volkanın birdaha ne zaman püsküreceğine ilişkinbilgileri elde ederler.

    B) Gözlemleri sonucu elde ettikleri bilgiler,aktif bir volkanın püsküreceği anı vepatlamaların şiddetini tahmin etmekonusunda bilim insanlarına yardımcıolmaktadır.

    C) Bilim insanları, patlamaların zamanını veşiddetini tahmin etmeye yardımcıolabilecek bilgiyi toplamak için aktifvolkanları gözlerler.

    D) Tahmin edilen zamandan önce şiddetlipatlamalar olabilir olasılığıyla, biliminsanları aktif volkanları gözlem altındatutarlar.

    E) Bilim insanları, aktif volkanları gözleyerekedindikleri bilgilerin yardımıyla,patlamanın olacağı anı ve şiddetinitahmin edebilmektedirler.

    41-46. sorularda, verilen Türkçecümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizcecümleyi bulunuz.

    41. Kamuoyu yoklamalarýnda, ankettekisorular mantýklý bir sýrada ve çeþitlieðitim düzeyindeki bireyler için kolaycaanlaþýlabilir olmalýdýr. 

    A) According to public opinion polls, surveyquestions ought to be arranged logically,as well as being readily comprehensiblefor individuals with different educationallevels.

    B) The questions in surveys of publicopinion are logically arranged and easyto understand for persons of differinglevels of education.

    C) Public opinion surveys have questions thatare designed so as to conform to a logicalorder and be readily comprehensible toindividuals of different educational levels.

    D) A logical order and the ability to be easilyunderstood by persons of differingeducational levels are the requirementsfor the questions in a survey of publicopinion.

    E)  In public opinion polls, the questions in asurvey must be in logical order andeasily comprehensible to individuals ofdifferent educational levels.

    42. Sıcaklığın nadiren sıfırın altına düştüğüAdelaide'de, kışlar kısa ve yağışlı,yazlar ise uzun ve kuraktır. 

    A) The summers in Adelaide are dry andlast for a long time, whereas thewinters are short and wet withtemperatures rarely falling below zero.

    B) Winters in Adelaide, where thetemperature only falls below zero onrare occasions, are short and wet, whilesummers are usually long and dry.

    C) The temperature in Adelaide, wherewinters are short and wet andsummers are long and dry, hardly everdrops below zero.

    D) In Adelaide, where the temperatureseldom drops below zero, winters areshort and wet, while summers are longand dry.

    E) Whereas summers are long and dry,the temperature in Adelaide seldomdrops below zero in the short and wetwinters there.


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    43. Kötü tarım uygulamalarının bir sonucuolan toprak erozyonu, yıllar boyu bitkiçürümesi yoluyla oluşmuş olan verimliüst toprağı yok etmektedir.

    A) Soil erosion, a result of poor agriculturalpractices, removes the rich topsoil,formed over the years throughvegetative decay.

    B) Deforestation causes rich topsoil, whichhas been formed through vegetativedecay over the years, to erode.

    C) When the rich topsoil is eroded, as aresult of man's mishandling of theenvironment, the soil becomes toopoor to have any agricultural value.

    D) Poor agricultural practices lead to soilerosion, which means the removal ofthe rich topsoil, which has been formedover the years.

    E) By removing the rich topsoil, which isthe result of many years of vegetativedecay, soil erosion leaves the areaagriculturally poor.

    44. Eric Ambler'in öykülerini günümüzünfabllarý olarak tanýmlayan eleþtirmenleregöre, onlarda hakim olan korku duygusumodern dünyanýn karmaþasýný vebelirsizliðini sembolize etmektedir.

    A) What symbolizes the confusion anduncertainty of the modern world in EricAmbler's stories is the feeling of fearpervading them, which has led critics todub them fables of our times.

    B) According to the critics who have describedEric Ambler's stories as fables of ourtimes, the sense of fear pervading themsymbolizes the confusion and uncertaintyof the modern world.

    C) Fables of our times is how critics describeEric Ambler's stories, owing to the senseof fear that fills them and symbolizes theconfusion and uncertainty of the modernworld.

    D) The feeling of fear that pervades EricAmbler's stories, thus symbolizing theconfusion and uncertainty of the modernworld, is what makes some critics callthem fables of our times.

    E)  Pointing out that Eric Ambler's storiesare pervaded with a sense of fear thatsymbolizes the confusion and uncertaintyof the modern world, critics havedescribed them as fables of our times.

    45. Okul kütüphanemiz, içerdiği kitaplarınsayısı ve niteliği bakımından öğrenci-lerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak yeterli-likte değildir.

    A) The books in our school library are solow both in number and in quality thatit doesn't respond to the needs of thestudents.

    B) In terms of the number and the qualityof the books it contains, our schoollibrary is not adequate to meet thestudents' requirements.

    C) Our school library should be enlargedso that it can meet the requirements ofthe students.

    D) In order to respond to the needs of thestudents, the school library mustcontain more, better quality books.

    E) There are not enough books in ourschool library, nor are they of highenough quality to meet the students'requirements.

    46. Türkiye'de aktif volkan bulunmadığıhalde, ülkenin büyük bir bölümü jeolojikolarak istikrarsızdır ve zaman zamanşiddetli depremler olmaktadır.

    A) Though large areas of the country aregeologically unstable and there are, attimes, violent earthquakes, there are noactive volcanoes in Turkey.

    B) There are no active volcanoes in Turkey,yet violent earthquakes happen now andagain in the country owing to the fact thatthe country is geologically unstable.

    C) The geological instability, which is afeature of large areas of Turkey, givesrise to severe earthquakes from time totime, but the country has no activevolcanoes.

    D) Although the volcanoes in Turkey are notactive, they do, from time to time, causeearthquakes, making a large section ofthe country geologically unstable.

    E) Although there are no active volcanoesin Turkey, a large part of the country isgeologically unstable, and severeearthquakes occur from time to time.

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    47-49. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

    Alexander the Great's official historian was aprofessional flatterer who knew how to pleasehis arrogant king. He called him the newAchilles, from Alexander's favourite hero in hisfavourite book, the Iliad. He acceptedAlexander's claim to be the son of the Greekgod Zeus. When, however, Alexander allowedhimself to be worshipped as a god by some ofhis Asian subjects, Callisthenes thought thiswent too far. This time he quoted the Iliad—against him: "A better man than you by far wasPatroclus, but still death did not spare him."Alexander was enraged and had Callisthenesconnected to an assassination plot that hadrecently been discovered, though he wasinnocent, and found him guilty. According to thehistorian Curtius, Callisthenes was then torturedand crucified.

    47. It is clear from the passage that in theIliad ...... .

    A) the gods are not immortalB) Achilles is a heroic figureC) Achilles and Patroclus are companionsD) Patroclus loses his life E) Achilles is the son of Zeus

    48. The point of Callisthenes' quote was totell Alexander that ...... .

    A) Zeus wasn't his fatherB) Patroclus was a better king than himC) he wasn't a god D) Patroclus died youngE) the Iliad was a great book

    49. We can understand from the passage that...... .

    A) the assassination plot was made up inorder to put Callisthenes to death

    B) Alexander was angered that not all of hissubjects worshipped him as a god

    C) Alexander replaced Callisthenes as theofficial historian with Curtius

    D) Callisthenes got the punishment that hedeserved

    E) to Callisthenes, being the son of a godshould make a man a god

    50-52. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

    There's a lot I've learnt about flowers. They'rejust like people. If you put too many togetherin one vase, they get on each other's nervesand start to fade. If you mix some kindstogether, you get what appears to be a formof class distinction. And, of course, the wateris so important. Do you know that somepeople think it's kind to change the waterevery day? Dreadful! You can hear theflowers dying if you do that. I change thewater once a week, and put a handful of earthin it, and they survive.

    50. The author believes that ...... .

    A) flowers have a lot to teach the humanrace about society

    B) certain flowers affect the nervoussystems of people and animals

    C) flowers will fade if there are too manypeople in a room

    D) people and flowers resemble eachother in many ways

    E) many people prefer the company offlowers to that of people

    51. The author claims that ...... .

    A) the water in the vase should bechanged as often as possible

    B) flowers are healthier when they areplanted in earth

    C) changing the water in a vase toofrequently will kill the flowers

    D) a bunch of flowers consisting ofvarious types looks much better

    E) the person who is kind to people isalso kind to flowers

    52. The author finds that flowers ...... .

    A) are best planted in soil from the gardenB) live longer in water which contains a

    little soil C) only keep well in the house if they are

    a strong varietyD) die if she changes the water every

    weekE) live for a week, but only if they're taken

    out of the ground by hand


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    53-55. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

    How have French people eaten all that fatover the years and still stayed trim andhealthy? Nutritionists call it ''the Frenchparadox''. However, a new trend indicates itsdisappearance. Obesity is on the rise in theland of the slim, and children are leading theway. Recent studies reveal that the number ofoverweight children has more than doubled inthe last decade. Legions of fat children willbecome legions of fat adults, experts say. ''Itall gets played out before the age of 14'' saida doctor at the National Institute of MedicalResearch.

    53. It is clear from the passage that, untilrecently, ...... .

    A) there were more fat children in Francethan there were fat adults

    B) French people were slim and healthybecause they ate almost no fat

    C) there were no fat children in FranceD) nutritionists in France couldn't find the

    reasons for obesityE) the French did not get ill or obese even

    though they ate fattening food

    54. Studies show that, in France, ...... .

    A) ten years ago fewer than half as manychildren as today were overweight

    B) obesity is no longer a problem amongyoung people

    C) the number of slim people has risen by100 % in the last ten years

    D) children are very careful about thenumber of calories they take in

    E) children begin to care about theirweight after the age of 14

    55. Experts believe that ...... .

    A) future generations will be slimmer thantoday's people

    B) fat children are those who are lessenergetic

    C) very often, fat parents have fat childrenD) children who become fat in their early

    years remain so in later lifeE) most French children become fat after

    the age of 14

    56-58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

    While Timothy listened to the music comingfrom the radio, he saw himself as a child again.The picture was quite clear in his mind: he wasrunning through a wood carrying a bag ofstolen apples. He had run straight into ColonelSherrington, who was, at that time, the ownerof the land on which the fruit had grown. Calmand almost cheerful, the Colonel had takenhim back to his house when he discovered hisown apples in Timothy's bag. They hadarrived at the house towards dusk, and as heentered, the young boy had heard the mostexquisite piano music being played by abeautiful girl. That girl was now his wife, but thetune had remained his secret love ever since.

    56. The music Timothy was listening to ...... .

    A) had been composed by his wife whenyoung

    B) was very popular when he was youngerC) reminded him of an event in his

    childhood D) made him remember his first love,

    whom he'd always kept secretE) was the piece he'd composed for his


    57. We understand from the passage thatColonel Sherrington ...... .

    A) wanted Timothy to become friends withhis daughter

    B) didn't seem angry with Timothy aboutthe theft

    C) had established a fruit-farm in hisretirement

    D) had taught his daughter how to playthe piano

    E) had given Timothy permission to pickhis apples

    58. It is mentioned in the passage thatTimothy ...... .

    A) fell in love with the composer of thepiano music

    B) had never been able to forget his firstlove

    C) had always been afraid of the ColonelD) later married the girl in the Colonel's

    house E) had stolen fruit from the Colonel's

    orchard many times

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    59-61. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız.

    Mary Shelley, born on 30 August 1797, inLondon, England, was the only daughter of famedfeminist, educator, and writer Mary Wollstone-craft, who died at her birth, and the equallyfamous liberal philosopher and anarchisticjournalist William Godwin. Her greatest work,Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, wascompleted in May 1816. Frankenstein is in someways allegorical, and was conceived and writtenduring an early phase of the Industrial Revolution,at a time of dramatic change. Dr. Frankenstein'sexperiments can be taken as symbolic of theunchained forces of capitalism, with their basicdisregard for human dignity. Moreover, thecreation rebels against its creator: a mirror of thegrowing unrest among the working class withthe conditions created by the new bourgeoisie.

    59. We can understand from the passage that

    Mary Shelley ...... .

    A) may have questioned society as her

    parents had done before her

    B) pleased her mother by becoming a writer

    C) didn't have any brothers or sisters

    D) had a father who disagreed with


    E) wrote only one successful novel in her


    60. It is stated in the passage that

    Frankenstein ...... .

    A) criticizes working class people for

    causing unrest

    B) gives details of a new form of capitalism

    C) is named after the monster in the novel

    D) was mainly read by the new bourgeoisie

    E) can be read as more than just a story

    61. The author of the passage implies that

    ...... .

    A) William Godwin was more famous than

    his wife

    B) although very young, Shelley created an

    amazing piece of literature

    C) Mary Shelley wrote her novel as a

    criticism of capitalism

    D) the Industrial Revolution helped society

    to improve

    E) Shelley came from a working class family


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    62-64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya görecevaplayınız. 

    Jane Campion was born in Wellington, New

    Zealand, and now lives in Sydney, Australia.

    Having graduated with a degree in

    Anthropology in 1975, she began film-making

    in the early 1980s, attending the Australian

    School of Film and Television. Her feature

    film, The Piano, won the 1993 Palme D'Or at

    Cannes. Campion found that she was drawn

    back to the colonial past of her country of

    birth, New Zealand. She wanted to explore

    the way emotions and situations might have

    been experienced in another century. Thus,

    she created three fictional characters—Ada,

    Stewart and Baines—and set them in the

    powerful landscape of New Zealand a hundred

    years ago.

    62. From the passage, we can say that

    Jane Campion ...... .

    A) has never left her native country

    B) has conducted many studies of

    tribesmen in New Zealand

    C) quit her university education for the

    sake of film-making

    D) makes films, though she studied a

    different subject at university

    E) worked as a professional

    anthropologist until 1975

    63. The writer tells us that, in her film The

    Piano, Campion ...... .

    A) dealt with factual events rather than

    fictional ones

    B) attempted to illustrate how her

    homeland was colonised

    C) reflected the dramatic changes in New

    Zealand's scenery over the last century

    D) tried to visualise life in New Zealand a

    century ago

    E) couldn't help being emotional in certain


    64. It is clear from the passage that ...... .

    A) New Zealand's landscape has

    deteriorated a lot in the last century

    B) Campion was particularly interested in

    life in New Zealand in previous


    C) Campion discovered a lot about her

    family's heritage while filming The


    D) the emotions of New Zealanders are

    quite different from other cultures

    E) Campion had difficulty finding sufficient

    material in modern society to use in

    her film

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    65-68. sorularda, verilen cümleyeanlamca en yakın olan seçeneğibulunuz.

    65. Rather than driving their own car,

    Charlotte and Helen took a lift to the

    beach with Monica.

    A) Charlotte and Helen went in Monica's car

    to the beach instead of taking their own.

    B) Charlotte and Helen couldn't get to the

    beach in their car, so Monica had to give

    them a lift.

    C) As Monica had space in her car when

    she went to the beach, Charlotte and

    Helen went with her.

    D) Although Charlotte and Helen wanted to

    go to the beach in their car, they went

    along as passengers in Monica's.

    E) Because Charlotte and Helen didn't want

    to drive that day, they got a ride with


    66. The special effects prevented the film

    from becoming a boring one with a

    conventional storyline.

    A) The film's strength came from the

    special effects, not from the predictable


    B) What made the film interesting was the

    story rather than the techniques used.

    C) Had we known the ending in advance,

    we wouldn't have watched such a slow


    D) We knew what the special effects

    would be, so we especially liked the

    ending of the film.

    E) Although the story was exciting, the

    special effects were rather poor.

    67. Just about everybody who was asked

    thought that the play was terrible.

    A) There was nobody who enjoyed the


    B) When discussing it, they all agreed

    that the play was dreadful.

    C) Quite a few people told us that they

    thought the play was awful.

    D) Few people actually gave an opinion,

    but those who did said that they hated

    the play.

    E) Of the people questioned, virtually all

    of them had a very poor opinion of the


    68. Except that she had a slight limp when

    she walked, no one would have known

    she'd had a serious accident. 

    A) After the accident, she only had a

    small wound which nobody noticed.

    B) People didn't realise she had had an

    accident because the way she walked

    had always been strange.

    C) The only thing indicating that she had

    been in a major accident was the small

    difficulty she had in walking.

    D) Because she hid the signs very well,

    nobody ever knew about the serious

    accident she’d been in.

    E) It was only because of her careless

    way of walking that she had had an



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    69-71. sorularda, boş bırakılan yereparçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamakiçin getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

    69. Thai dance can be divided into threemain categories: khon, lakhon and likay.Khon is the most stylized form of Thaidance. ........ . Lakhon features a widerrange of stories than khon, by includingfolk tales and Jataka stories. Likay iseven more varied than lakhon or khon. Inthis dance, stories may be original, andinclude singing, comedy, and overacting.

    A) Thai dances are very popular with themany tourists who visit Thailand eachyear

    B) Most performances of this dance solelyfeature episodes from the Thai nationalepic, Ramakien

    C) Thai dances usually tell a story about thearea where they are performed

    D) Each Thai dance is accompanied by aspecial orchestra of Thai musicalinstruments

    E) The word khon in Thai can be used toidentify the origin of a person whencombined with another noun

    70. Driving alone through the sceniccountryside of Southern France, onecannot help but be affected by theimpressive surroundings. From the topof a mountain on a clear day, a vastand spectacular picture unfolds beforeyou. ........ .

    A) A number of climbers regularly campnear the summit

    B) Travellers usually take a packed lunchwith them

    C) However, most photographers prefer totake their own equipment

    D) With careful observation, it is evenpossible to glimpse the blue of theMediterranean

    E) As you go further up the road, you’llsee there are a number of well-preserved beauty spots

    71. “Scrabble” is a word game for 2 to 4

    players. The game consists of making

    words on the playing board using letter

    pieces with various score values. ........

    by using his or her letters in

    combinations or locations that take

    best advantage of letter values on the

    board. The combined total score of a

    game may range from about 500 to 700

    points or more, depending on the skill

    of the players.

    A) Turn all the letters upside down on the

    board and mix them

    B) No letter may be moved after it has

    been played

    C) Any words found in a standard

    dictionary are allowed, except proper


    D) At the end of a game, each player's

    score is reduced by the amount of his

    or her unplayed letters

    E) Each player competes for a high score

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    72-74. sorularda, verilen duruma uygundüşen cümleyi bulunuz.

    72. You open your flatmate's letter by

    accident but stop reading it as soon as

    you realise it's addressed to him.

    Knowing he likes his privacy, when you

    give it to him, you say:

    A) I think you'd better read this right away

    as it sounds important.

    B) Sorry, I mistook the name on the

    envelope for mine—I didn't read it,


    C) Hey, you've got a letter from your

    Auntie Rita! She has some gossip for


    D) I'm sorry. I opened it accidentally, but

    then just couldn't resist reading the

    whole letter.

    E) I didn't know that your nickname was


    73. You are at the cinema with your friend

    and the film is quite boring. In the

    break, you suggest:

    A) We can leave now if you like. I'm sure

    there are plenty of cafés still open.

    B) I can't wait to find out what happens to

    the girl.

    C) Shall I ask the man in front of us to

    swap seats?

    D) I wish this cinema had a smoking


    E) This will be a good one for the

    collection when it comes out on DVD.

    74. You are in need of a holiday. You have

    very little money at the moment, but you

    have been promised a large pay rise on

    your monthly salary, which will come into

    effect after your holiday period. Wanting,

    in effect, to borrow against that for your

    holiday, you say to the travel agent:

    A) If it wasn't for the pay rise that my boss

    is going to give me, there would be no

    way I could pay for my vacation.

    B) You must make a fair bit running a place

    like this—can you lend me some money?

    C) Is it possible for me to take a holiday and

    pay for it in installments?

    D) My boss is really nice—she's giving me a

    big pay rise soon.

    E) I was thinking of travelling to Bali, but I'm

    not sure I'll be able to afford it.


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    75-77. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanınboş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecekifadeyi bulunuz.

    75. Eustacia:- Why do all of Jane Austen's books haverepetitive-sounding titles?

    Clym:- You mean like Sense and Sensibility?

    Eustacia:- ……….

    Clym:- I haven't any idea.

    A) Mansfield Park doesn't have.B) Yes, or Pride and Prejudice. C) She wrote most of them in the 19th

    century.D) And those are not the only ones.E) I thought you wrote something similar.

    76. Henry: - Why don't we go camping thisweekend?

    Lisa: - ..........

    Henry: - Neither have I. It will feel really goodto get out of the city. 

    Lisa: - I can't wait.

    A) Oh, good, I've been dying to try out mynew sleeping bag.

    B) I'd like to, but I haven't got a sleepingbag.

    C) To be quite honest, I've never likedcamping.

    D) Great idea. I haven't been camping forages.

    E) I don't think that sounds like a goodidea; I've never been camping in mylife.

    77. Amy: - ……….

    Lucy: - There is a new place that just openednear my house. I haven't got thenumber, but I can stop by and make anappointment for you.

    Amy: - Could you? Any afternoon would beokay. Are they expensive?

    Lucy: - I'm afraid so, but they make you lookso good I think they are worth it.

    A) Your hair looks fantastic. Where did youhave it done, as I need to go myself?

    B) I'm getting headaches when I readthese days. Do you know of a goodoptician?

    C) I'm looking for a good vet for my cat.Do you know where I can find one?

    D) That's a really nice dress. Where didyou buy it?

    E) I feel awful. Do you know of any gooddoctors?

    26 English Language Studies


  • ELS

    78-80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıylaokunduğunda parçanın anlambütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

    78. (I) Sir Robert (Bobby) Peel organized the

    first London police, early in the 19th

    century. (II) For a long time, the policemen

    in England were called bobbies after him.

    (III) Today people often call a policeman a

    copper. (IV) This comes from the verb “to

    cop”, which is a slang word for “to catch”.

    (V) Modern coppers still carry no guns,

    except when they are looking for armed


    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    79. (I) Sun Yixian was a Chinese revolutionary

    leader and statesman. (II) He is considered

    by many to be the "Father of Modern

    China". (III) He fathered a son and two

    daughters with his first wife, Lu Muzhen. (IV)

    This was because he played a significant

    role in the establishment of the Republic of

    China. (V) It was also due to him being the

    first provisional president of the Republic of

    China in 1912, and de facto leader from

    1923 to 1925.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    80. (I) One of the most influential writers and

    critics of recent times in America is Edgar

    Allen Poe. (II) He suffered the death of his

    wife, child and family. (III) He is best

    known for writing short stories in which

    psychological problems are features of

    most of his characters. (IV) The tales are

    always full of suspense and sinister

    events and are very realistic. (V) What is

    more, the frighteningly effective stories of

    murder and madness which Poe created

    bear a close resemblance to his own life.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



    27English Language Studies

  • 28 English Language Studies


    ELS-WORKSHEETSl ELS-WORKSHEETS, dört kitaptan oluþan bir seridir. Bu dört kitap öðrenciyi

    Baþlangýç Düzeyi'nden alýp Orta Düzey'e taþýmaktadýr.

    l ELS-WORKSHEETS, dört yýllýk lise sisteminde hazýrlýk sýnýflarýnýn kaldýrýlmasý dikkate alýnarak, yeni sistemin müfredatýna göre revize edilmiþ ve sayfa sayýsý artýrýlmýþtýr. Yapýlan revizyonlarla ELS-WORKSHEETS, düz liselerin yaný sýra, Anadolu liselerinde, özel okullarda ve üniversite ve yüksekokullarýn hazýrlýk sýnýflarýnda izlenmeye uygun hale getirilmiþtir.

    l Yayýnýn hazýrlanmasýnda ve revizyonunda, M.E.B'nýn bu okullar için öngördüðü müfredat programý ve okullarda yaygýn olarak izlenen kitaplarýn içerikleri temel alýnmýþtýr.

    l Grammar-Reading-Vocabulary alanlarýnda çok çeþitli ve bol alýþtýrma verilerek öðrencilerin edindikleri bilgileri pekiþtirmeleri, Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþtýklarý güçlüklerin daha kolay üstesinden gelmeleri amaçlanmýþtýr.

    l Dil öðreniminde görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak kitaplardaki egzersiz ve aktiviteler, kuþe kaðýda basýlmýþ renkli, ilgi çekici ve öðretici resimlerle desteklenmiþtir.

    l ELS-WORKSHEETS'i toplu olarak sýnýfýyla birlikte izleyecek öðretmen arkadaþlarýmýz için, içinde çeþitli aktivitelerin, "worksheet"lerin, "quiz"lerin vetestlerin yer aldýðý "Teacher's File" hazýrlanmýþtýr.

    l ELS-WORKSHEETS'in okullarda daha rahat izlenebilmesi için, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Baþkanlýðý'nýn 13.11.1998 tarih, 13577 sayýlý kararý ile onay alýnmýþtýr.

    ELS Yayýncýlýk

  • 29English Language Studies



    ELS-WORKSHEETS FreshmanELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman, dört kitaptan oluþan ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin birincikitabýdýr. Kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ 18 resim içeren Freshman's Pictorial ile bir takýmdýr.

    Unit 1  To be: am, is, arePersonal Pronouns and Possessive AdjectivesQuestion Types and Question Words(who/what/where/how old) Numbers/Colours/Occupations/HobbiesCountries/NationalitiesGiving addresses and Phone Numbersin/from/at (place)

    Unit 2   Singular/Plural this, these/that, thosePrepositions of place

    Unit  3   Possessive ('s) have got/has gotQuestions with whoHow manyPossessive Pronouns Talking about appearances

    Unit  4   Telling the timeOrdinal numbers (first, second, etc.) Days of the week/Months Telling datesPrepositions of time and place

    Unit  5   There is/there areExpressing the positions of buildings in relationto each otherPrepositions: opposite, next to, behind, in frontof, etc.Talking about the plan of a housePieces of furniturea, an, some, any, how manyREVISION TEST 1

    Unit  6   Imperatives Giving directionsObject Pronouns a, an, the

    Unit  7   can/can't (ability) Linking words: because, so, and, but can (permission)can't/be not allowed to (prohibition) must/mustn't

    Unit  8   Nouns: countable/uncountable some, any, a lot of, much, many How many/How muchcan (request)/would likeone/ones (substitute words)

    Unit  9   Present Continuous Seasons/Items of clothingtoo/either

    Unit  10  Simple Present Expressions of sequence: first, then, next, afterthat, finallyFrequency adverbs Habits/likes/dislikes Neither do I/So do I, etc.


    Unit  11  Simple Present or Present Continuous Non-progressive verbs Present Continuous with a future meaning Questions with who, Wh- questions

    Unit  12  Simple Past: to be: was/wereQuestions with wherethere was/there wereused to/didn't use to ago /in

    Unit  13  Simple Past (regular verbs)

    Unit  14   Simple Past (irregular verbs) Revision of expressions of sequence: first, then,next, after that, finally

    Unit  15  Simple Past (Question forms)

    Unit  16  REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Wh- questions


    Unit  17  Making suggestions: Let's, Why don't we...?,How/What about...?, Shall we...?, I/We could...Agreeing/disagreeing with suggestions: I'd ratherPermission/possibility: can/can'tAsking/giving/refusing permission Asking for and explaining reasons Why/because/so

    Unit  18  Expressing obligation/Lack of obligationhave to (had to)/don't have to (didn't have to)not allowed to/can't (couldn't)/must/mustn'tTalking about rules and lawsGiving directions

    Unit  19  Order of AdjectivesComparative and Superlative forms ofadjectives as...as/so...as/the same...asHow and What (How wide is...?/What's thewidth...?)Comparative and Superlative forms withQuantifiers



  • 30 English Language Studies


    ELS-WORKSHEETS SophomoreELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin ikinci kitabýdýr. Kitabýnsonunda, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler yer almaktadýr.

    Unit  1 going to Future (plans/intentions) for + time phrase/How long?Expressing purpose

    Unit  2 going to Future (Future predictions with strong evidence inthe present)

    Unit  3 Simple Future: will/won't

    Unit  4 going to Future or Simple Future (will/won't)

    Unit  5 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Future (going to/will) Questions with how oftenExpressing frequency of actions Question Tags


    Unit  6 Indefinite pronouns Prepositions -ing Constructions

    Unit  7 Simple Past and Past Continuous When/While sentencesAs/Just as

    Unit  8 Present Perfect Simple Talking about previous experiences Simple Past (with a definite time in the past)Present Perfect Simple Talking about past actions with results in thepresent

    Unit  9 Present Perfect Simple (with for/since) Simple Past (with ago) Questions with when/how long

    Unit  10 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Past Continuous Present Perfect


    Unit  11 Describing people and places Comparing and contrasting climates ofdifferent places quite, very

    Unit  12 Comparative and Superlative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

    Unit  13 The Passive Simple Present/Simple Past

    Unit  14 The Passive Present Continuous/Past Continuous

    Unit  15 The Passive Present PerfectFuture (going to/will)


    Unit 16 Modals Ability: can/could/be able toObligation: have to/must/mustn't/needn'tAdvisability: shouldPossibility: must/may (not)/can'tPreference: would rather/would preferPassive with Modals

    Unit  17 Question Tags too and eitherso and nor/neitherI think so, I hope not, etc.

    Unit  18 Quantifiersa few, a little, too many, too much, etc.

    Unit  19 Present Perfect Continuous since, for, how longPresent Perfect Simple or Continuous

    Unit  20 Gerunds and Infinitives REVISION TEST 4 TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 4



  • 31English Language Studies



    ELS-WORKSHEETS JuniorELS-WORKSHEETS Junior, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin üçüncü kitabýdýr. Kitabýnsonuna, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler eklenmiþtir.

    Unit 1 Time Clauses for future actions

    (until, when, as soon as, after, before)

    Unit 2 Conditionals (Type 1-2)


    Unit 3 I wish/If only

    Unit 4 Relative Clauses (defining)

    Relative pronouns:


    Unit 5 used to/would

    no longer/any longer/any more



    Unit 6 both/neither/either/but




    Unit 7 Past Perfect Tense

    Unit 8 Past Perfect in Time Clauses

    Unit 9 Past Perfect or Present Perfect

    Unit 10 Time Clauses (present/future/past)



    Unit  11 Reported Speech (Statements)

    Unit  12 Reported Speech (Questions)

    Unit  13 Reported Speech (Imperatives)

    Unit  14 Reported Speech (Mixed forms)

    Unit  15 Prepositions


    Unit  16 Prepositional Verbs (look at, listen to etc.)

    Unit  17 Phrasal Verbs (put out, take off, etc.)

    Unit  18 Pronouns (mine, yours, myself, himself, etc.)Indefinite pronouns (something, nobody, etc.)

    Unit  19 Articles (a/an/the) Determiners (all of them/none of it, etc.) other/another/the otherSubject-Verb Agreement

    Unit  20 Grammar Revision




  • 32 English Language Studies




    ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin dördüncü ve son kitabýdýr.Kitabýn sonunda, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkliolarak basýlmýþ resimler yer almaktadýr.

    Unit  1 Grammar Revision


    Simple Present

    Present Continuous

    Non-progressive verbs


    Unit  4 PAST TENSES

    Simple Past

    Past Continuous


    Present Perfect

    Present Perfect Continuous

    Past Perfect

    Past Perfect Continuous



    Unit  6 Simple and Perfect Modals

    Unit  7 Present and past participles as adjectives

    Unit  8 Adjective and adverb structures



    Unit  9 Gerunds and Infinitives

    Infinitive with or without "to"

    Infinitive after adjectives

    Gerund after prepositions

    Unit  10 Causatives



    Unit  11 Relative Clauses (defining) that/which/who/whose/whereContact clauses

    Unit  12 Relative Clauses (Non-defining)

    Unit  13 Noun Clauses (as objects)

    Unit  14 Conditionals (Type 1-2-3) Wish Clauses (I wish/If only)

    Unit  15 Connectors and Conjunctions but, and, or, so, because, after, before,etc.


    Unit  16 Prepositional Phrases on time, in a hurry, by mistake, etc. Phrasal Verbs

    Unit  17 Vocabulary Building

    Unit  18 Synonyms and Antonyms Prefixes of Negation (un-, dis-, in-, im-, il-, ir-) Negatives with -less

    Unit  19 Confusing Verbs Confusing Word Pairs




  • 33English Language Studies



    Peþin 35.-   TL

    Bonus Card 35.-   TL8.75  TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 37.80 TL6.30 TL  x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 39.90 TL4.99 TL  x 8 Taksit

    Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior 

    TEK  ALIM   (her biri için) 

    Peþin 25.-   TL

    Bonus Card 25.-   TL6.25  TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 27.-   TL4.50 TL  x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 28.50 TL3.56 TL  x 8 Taksit

    Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior 

    TOPLU  ALIM   (her biri için) 


    Peþin 65.-   TL

    Bonus Card 65.-   TL16.25  TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 70.20 TL11.70 TL  x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 74.08 TL9.26 TL  x 8 Taksit

    TEK  ALIM    

    Peþin 48.-   TL

    Bonus Card 48.-   TL12.-  TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 51.84 TL8.64 TL  x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 54.72 TL6.84 TL  x 8 Taksit

    TOPLU  ALIM    


    Peþin 43.-   TL

    Bonus Card 43.-   TL10.75  TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 46.44 TL7.74 TL  x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 49.02 TL6.13 TL  x 8 Taksit

    TEK  ALIM    

    Peþin 32.-   TL

    Bonus Card 32.-   TL8.-   TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 34.56 TL5.76 TL  x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 36.48 TL4.56 TL  x 8 Taksit

    TOPLU  ALIM    


    Peþin 22.-   TL

    Bonus Card 22.-   TL5.50  TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 23.76 TL3.90 TL  x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 25.08 TL3.14 TL  x 8 Taksit

    TEK  ALIM    

    Peþin 17.-   TL

    Bonus Card 17.-   TL4.25  TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 18.36 TL3.06 TL  x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 19.38 TL2.42 TL  x 8 Taksit

    TOPLU  ALIM    

  • 34 English Language Studies



    9. Sýnýf Seti iki kitaptan oluþmaktadýr: ELS-WORKSHEETSFreshman ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore. Dil öðrenimininilk aþamalarýnda görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak, ELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerlebütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ 18 resimiçeren Freshman's Pictorial ile desteklenmiþtir. ELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore için, yine kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler kitabýn sonuna eklenmiþtir. Her iki kitabýmýz da,öðretmenin elinde materyal zenginliði yaratmak amacýyla,

    "Teacher's File" ile desteklenmiþtir. Teacher's File 1 ve Teacher’s File 2, "worksheets","puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede bir kullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir.

    SÝPARÝÞ FORMUKURUM YETKÝLÝSÝ: ..............................................................................................KURUMUN ADI: ..............................................................................................ADRESÝ: ..............................................................................................


    E-POSTA: ....................................................@.......................................

    TELEFON: ................................ POSTA KODU: ..............................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

    Sayýn yönetici,

    ELS 9. Sýnýf Seti’nizi öðrencilerimiz adýna toplu olarak almak istiyoruz. Setinizin ücretini

    ............... öðrenci x .............................. = ........................................... TL olarak ........../........./2010

    tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým. Setlerimizin adresime toplu olarak gönderilmesini rica ederim.

    Tarih : ........../........../2010

    Ýmza : ..............................Not:1. Toplu alým koþullarýmýz 20 ve üzeri baþvurular için geçerlidir.2. Toplu alým yapan kuruma her 20 alým için ücretsiz bir set gönderilecektir.3. Her 20 alýmda öðretmen için 1 adet Teacher’s File gönderilir.4. Abone bedellerinin banka hesabýmýza toplu olarak abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý

    gerekmektedir.5. Lütfen sipariþ formunu ve banka dekontunu 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz.

    GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6640708 nolu hesap (Ozan Mert ÖNDEÞ)

    GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)

    ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)


    (1)  Freshman

    l Freshman's Pictorial

    l Teacher's File (1)



    l Teacher's File (2)

    Peþin 48.-   TL

    Bonus Card 48.-   TL12.-  TL x 4 Taksit

    Bonus Card 51.84 TL8.64 TL x 6 Taksit

    Bonus Card 54.72 TL6.84 TL x 8 Taksit

  • 35English Language Studies


    10. Sýnýf Seti, ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior olmak üzere iki kitaptan oluþmaktadýr.Her iki kitap da özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ihtiyaçlarýgöz önüne alýnarak revize edilmiþtir. Kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler yine her iki kitabýn sonunda yer almýþtýr.

    ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senioriçin hazýrlanmýþ Teacher's File 3 ve Teacher's File 4, yine"worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede birkullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir. Ancak, dil öðrencisiniYDS soru tiplerine hazýrlamak amacýyla bu setlere, her ünitesonunda kullanýlmak üzere 35 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk konutestleri ve 8 paragraf çalýþmasý testi eklenmiþtir. Bir paragrafçalýþmasý testi, 3 çoktan seçmeli “comprehension” sorusu olan4 pasaj içermektedir. Böylece, setin tamamýnda, 64 pasaj ve bupasajlarla ilgili 192 “comprehension” sorusu yer almaktadýr. Bu

    materyallerin yaný sýra Teacher's File 4, öðrencinin Ýngilizcedüzeyi dikkate alýnarak hazýrlanmýþ, LYS-5 formatýnda 80 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir.

    10. SINIF SETÝ

    SÝPARÝÞ FORMUKURUM YETKÝLÝSÝ: ..............................................................................................KURUMUN ADI: ..............................................................................................ADRESÝ: ..............................................................................................


    E-POSTA: ...................................................@.......................................TELEFON: ................................ POSTA KODU: ..............................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

    Sayýn yönetici,