els yks ydt yds İngİlİzce hazirlik dergİsİ - herkes ......comprehension passages", son on...

Herkes ELS yayýnlarýný orijinalinden çalýþabilsin diye, Bu sene böyle... Zam yok, daha fazla materyal var... Zam yok, % 40'a varan indirimler var... Zam yok, Bonus Card'a 8 aya varan taksit var... ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz kadar istekte bulunabilirsiniz. Bunun için, telefonla ya da e-mail ile bize ulaþabileceðiniz gibi, adýnýzý soyadýnýzý, adresinizi, telefon numaranýzý ve kaç adet broþür istediðinizi 0 216 349 18 25 nolu faksýmýza da iletebilirsiniz.

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  • Herkes ELS yayýnlarýný orijinalinden çalýþabilsin diye,

    Bu sene böyle...

    Zam yok, daha fazla materyal var...

    Zam yok, % 40'a varan indirimler var...

    Zam yok, Bonus Card'a 8 aya varan taksit var...

    ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz kadar istekte bulunabilirsiniz.

    Bunun için, telefonla ya da e-mail ile bize ulaþabileceðiniz gibi, adýnýzýsoyadýnýzý, adresinizi, telefon numaranýzý ve kaç adet broþür istediðinizi

    0 216 349 18 25

    nolu faksýmýza da iletebilirsiniz.

  • Zam yok, indirim var...Herkese orijinal ELS yayýnlarý...


    Yeni öðretim yýlýna baþlarken, hepinize saðlýk, esenlik ve baþarýlar diliyoruz.

    Deðerli öðretmenlerinin ve ELS’in katkýlarýyla sistemli çalýþmalarý sonucu 2006ÖSS-YDS’de baþarýlý olan öðrencilerimizin, onlarý bu baþarýya taþýyan öðretmen vevelilerimizin bizleri arayarak, baþarý ve sevinçlerini bizimle paylaþmasý bizleri çok mutluetti. Bu yýl da ayný mutluluðu sizlerle paylaþmak en büyük dileðimizdir.

    ELS, 2006-2007 öðretim yýlýnda orta öðretim kurumlarýnýn Ýngilizce’yle ilgiligereksinimlerini büyük ölçüde karþýlayacak yeniliklerle sizlere ulaþacak. ELS-YDShazýrlýk dergi setimiz, tümüyle yenilenmiþ içeriðiyle sizlere yardýmcý olacak. Bunun yanýsýra, yeni müfredat ve düzenlemelere göre revize edilmiþ olan ELS-WORKSHEETS9. ve 10. sýnýf setlerimizin bu alandaki boþluðu dolduracaðýna inanýyoruz.

    Deðerli Öðretmen Dostlarýmýz,

    Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS formatýnda, 100 özgün sorudan oluþan ikinci bir “DÜZEY BELÝRLEME” sýnavýveriyoruz. Bu sýnavý deðerlendirirken, soru tipleri üzerinde yapacaðýnýz analizin,önümüzdeki dönemin çalýþma planýndaki aðýrlýk kaydýrmalarýna ve çalýþmaprogramlarýnýzý buna göre düzenlemenize yardýmcý olacaðýný umuyoruz. Ýþlevsel birçalýþma programý, sizlerin paha biçilmez çabasý ve ELS’in katkýlarýyla, öðrencilerimizinÝngilizce’yle ilgili bütün eksiklerini gidereceðine ve zorluklarý aþacaðýna inanýyoruz.

    Ayrýca, bu kitapçýðýn 25. sayfasýndan sonraki bölümlerde, M.E.B tarafýndan yapý-lan düzenlemeler doðrultusunda, zenginleþtirilerek revize edilmiþ olan ELS-WORKSHEETS9. ve 10. sýnýf setlerimizle ilgili ayrýntýlý bilgi verilmiþ ve bu düzeydeki öðrencilere yöneliközgün sorulardan oluþan bir “DÜZEY BELÝRLEME” sýnavý sunulmuþtur.

    Güzel, barýþ içinde ve aydýnlýk bir gelecek dileðiyle…Dostlukla, saygýyla, sevgiyle…

    ELS Yayýncýlýk


    l 35 Dergi

    Her biri belli baþlý gramer konularýna ve YDS soru tiplerininincelenmesine ayrýlmýþ dergi setimizdir. Birinci sayýdan itibaren, gramer bilgisini test eden "Test Yourself", okuma-anlamayý geliþtiren "Reading Comprehension Passages", son on yýlda ÖYS ve YDS'de çýkmýþ sözcüklerin kullanýldýðý "Test Your Vocabulary", "Test Your Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs" bölümlerini ve, her sayýda bir sýnav olmak üzere, 35 deneme sýnavý içerir. (Dergilerin içeriðiyle ilgili ayrýntýlý bilgi için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn 5. sayfasýna bakabilirsiniz.)

    l English Grammar Inside and Out

    Dergideki egzersiz, test ve deneme sýnavlarýnýn alt yapýsýný oluþturan, Ýngilizce dilbilgisini ayrýntýlý biçimde ele alan ve konu anlatýmý, egzersiz ve test içeren 720 sayfalýk gramer kitabýmýzdýr.

    l English Through Reading

    75 Intermediate - 75 Upper Intermediate ve 50 Advanced olmak üzere üçdüzeyde 200 okuma parçasý ve bunlarla ilgili egzersizler içermektedir.

    l Test Your Vocabulary

    Yaklaþýk 150 sayfadan oluþan bu kitabýmýz, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýran egzersizler ve 60'ar soruluk 25 test içermektedir.(Not: Test Your Vocabulary, 2006-Aralýk’ta gönderilecektir.)

    l 35 Konu Testi

    35-40 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk yaprak testlerimiz, her dergide ele alýnan konuyu pekiþtirmek amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr.

    l 16 Ekstra Deneme Sýnavý

    Derginin içinde yer alan 35 deneme sýnavýnýn dýþýnda, 15 günde bir sadece toplu abonelerimize gönderilen 16 ekstra deneme sýnavý, okul, dershane ve kurslarýn, öðrencilerine daha fazla deneme sýnavý sunabilmeleri amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr.

    Not: Konu testleri ve ekstra deneme sýnavlarý, toplu abone sayýsý kadar basýlýr ve yalnýzcatoplu abonelere gönderilir. Ücret karþýlýðý satýlmaz.


    l English Grammar Inside and Out

    ELS-YDS HAZIRLIK tek abone setimiz, 35 dergi ve "English Grammar Inside and Out" adlýgramer kitabýmýzý içermektedir.

    Toplu abone olmanýn ayrýcalýklarýndan yararlanýnýz.

  • Sevgili Öðrenciler,

    2006-2007 yayýn dönemi ELS-YDS hazýrlýk dergimizin ilk sayýsýnýn daðýtýmýna01.09.2006 tarihinde baþlanacak ve 25.05.2007 tarihinde 35. sayýmýzýn yayýmlanmasýylabirlikte set tamamlanacaktýr. 720 sayfadan oluþan gramer kitabýmýz ENGLISH GRAMMARINSIDE and OUT birinci sayýmýzla birlikte sizlere ulaþacaktýr.

    ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergisi neleri içermektedir?

    l VOCABULARY öðretimi, özellikle üzerinde durduðumuz bir konudur çünkü YDS Ýngilizcesýnavýnda 8-10 soruda doðrudan sözcük bilgisinin test edilmesinin yaný sýra, sözcükbilgisi sýnavýn bütününü etkilemektedir. O nedenle, bu konu aðýrlýklý olarak iki özelsayýda verilecek, ancak, sözcüklerin sindire sindire kavranmasýný saðlamak amacýylabirinci sayýdan baþlayarak sistemli bir þekilde bütün sayýlarda "Vocabulary" çalýþmalarýyapýlacaktýr.

    TEST YOUR VOCABULARY bölümlerinin yaný sýra, bu yýl, son on yýlda ÖSS-YDS’dekullanýlmýþ sözcükleri kullanarak oluþturduðumuz YDS-VOCABULARY testlerimiz, 1.sayýdan itibaren dergilerde yer alacaktýr.

    l YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaki soru yoðunluðunu dikkate alarak birinci sayýdan itibarenüzerinde özel olarak durulan diðer bir konu PHRASAL VERBS and PREPOSITIONSkonusudur.

    l YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda temel olarak test edilen, öðrencinin okuduðunu anlamasý veyorumlamasýdýr. Bunu saðlamak ve öðrencinin bu alandaki becerisini geliþtirmek içinbirinci sayýdan baþlayarak her sayýda READING COMPREHENSION çalýþmalarýna yerverilmiþtir. Böylelikle öðrencilerimiz edindikleri gramer bilgilerini bir bütün içerisindegörüp daha iyi kavrayabileceklerdir.

    READING COMPREHENSION bölümünde yer alan pasajlar, uzunluk, gramer ve sözcükdüzeyi bakýmýndan YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaki format göz önüne alýnarak hazýrlanmýþtýr.Cloze test, paragrafýn eksik cümlesini bulma, paragrafýn uymayan cümlesini bulma gibi,YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda kullanýlan bazý soru tipleri, 1. sayýdan itibaren, pasajçalýþmalarýyla bütünleþtirilerek verilmiþtir.

    l Önceki yýllarda olduðu gibi, üzerinde çalýþýlan konudan YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda çýkabile-cek çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan TEST YOURSELF bölümlerine, bu yýl da, herüniteden sonra, özgün ve konuyu kavramayý kolaylaþtýran örneklerle zenginleþtirilerekyer verilmiþtir.

    l Deneme sýnavlarý öðrencinin, edindiði bilgiler ýþýðýnda YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndasergileyeceði performansý en iyi gösteren çalýþmalardýr. Bu yýl dergimiz, her hafta birdeneme sýnavý uygulamasýný baþlatarak, öðrencinin sistematik olarak baþarý grafiðinikontrol etmesini hedeflemiþtir. Bu amaçla dergimizde, 1. sayýdan itibaren her sayýda birdeneme sýnavý olmak üzere 35 PRACTICE EXAM yer almaktadýr.

    l Derginin konu akýþýna ve içeriðine, 2007 YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavý soru formatýndaki olasýdeðiþiklikler yansýtýlacaktýr.

    l ELS olarak amacýmýz, öðrencilerimize, sýnavda ne tür soruyla karþýlaþýrsa karþýlaþsýn,her türden soruyu çözebilecek bilgi ve beceriyi kazandýrmaktýr. Bu nedenle, soruformatýnda herhangi bir deðiþiklik ile karþýlaþtýklarýnda, öðrencilerimizin paniðekapýlmalarý için hiçbir neden yoktur.

    Çünkü biz sadece sýnav kazandýrmayý amaçlamýyoruz; ÝNGÝLÝZCE ÖÐRETÝYORUZ.

    ELS Yayýn Kurulu



    Sevgili Öðrenciler,

    Bildiðiniz gibi, ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk dergisi sizlere bir gramer kitabý ile birlikte ulaþýyor:ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT.

    ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS-YDS dergilerini tamamlayýcý birkaynaktýr ve kitabýn içinde yer alan ünitelerin dergide karþýlýðý vardýr. Kitapla dergi arasýndakibu paralelliði, sayfa 8'deki Çalýþma Takvimi'nden yararlanarak saðlayabilirsiniz.

    ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ayrýntýlý konu anlatýmý ve konuyu anlamanýzýkolaylaþtýracak egzersiz ve testlerle sizi, dergiyi çalýþmaya hazýr hale getirecektir. Dergide iseyoðunluk, çalýþtýðýnýz konuyu pekiþtirmeye, sözcük daðarcýðýnýzý zenginleþtirmeye ve genelolarak Reading Comprehension konusundaki becerinizi geliþtirmeye yönelik çoktan seçmelitestler üzerinde olacaktýr.

    Bütün bu becerileri kazanýp YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýna eksiksiz bilgi ile girebilmeniz vesýnavda "fark" yaratabilmeniz için, kitabý ve dergiyi hiçbir bölüm atlamadan düzenli olarakçalýþmak çok önemlidir.

    Kitapta ve dergide karþýlaþacaðýnýz egzersiz ve testlerle sizleri zaman zamanzorlayabiliriz. Bu gibi durumlarda hemen þu sözümüzü anýmsayýnýz:

    "On ay sürecek bir zorlanma, güzel bir geleceðin kapýlarýný aralýyorsa, KESÝNLÝKLE BUNA DEÐER."


    ELS’in daðýtýmý, geçen yýllarda olduðu gibi, yine abone sistemiyle yapýlacaktýr.ELS’den eksiksiz yararlanabilmeniz ve herhangi bir sorunla karþýlaþmamanýz için en güveniliryöntemin bu olduðuna inanýyoruz. ELS’in bayi ve kitapçýlardan edinilmesi mümkün deðildir.

    Abone olabilmek için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn sonunda bulacaðýnýz abone formunueksiksiz doldurmanýz ve ödeme tablosundan size uygun ödeme seçeneðini iþaretleyip belirtilenbanka hesap numarasýna ödeme yapmanýz yeterlidir. Bankadan alacaðýnýz dekontun birfotokopisini ve abone formunu, aþaðýdaki adresimize elden teslim edebilir, postalayabilir ya da0 216 349 18 25 no’lu faksýmýza gönderebilirsiniz.

    Caferaða Mah.Moda Cad. No: 48/4

    34710 Kadýköy/ÝSTANBUL

    Yukarýda belirttiðimiz yöntemlerin dýþýnda, artýk ONLINE olarak abone olmanýz damümkündür. Bunun için www.elsyayin.com.tr adresinden web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

    Abone iþleminiz gerçekleþtikten sonra, 01 Eylül 2006 - 25 Mayýs 2007 tarihleriarasýnda yayýnlanacak olan dergimiz haftalýk olarak elinize ulaþacaktýr.

    NOT:1. Abone formunuzu bize postayla göndermek zorundaysanýz lütfen APS’yi tercih

    ediniz.2. Dergilerinizin ulaþmasýný istediðiniz adresi özenle seçiniz ve mümkünse daðýtýcýnýn

    doðrudan size veya tanýdýðýnýz kiþiye elden teslim edebileceði bir adres belirleyiniz ve abone formuna bu adresi yazýnýz.

    3. Derginiz size ulaþmasý gereken sürede elinize geçmemiþse 5 gün daha bekleyiniz. Bu süre sonunda da derginiz gelmezse derhal bizi arayýnýz.

    4. Abone formuna size en kolay ulaþabileceðimiz telefon numaranýzý mutlaka yazýnýz.




    l Bir Türk öðrencinin Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþabileceði sýkýntýlarý dikkate alarakhazýrladýðýmýz ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT öðrencilerimizin, YDS-Ýngilizcesýnavýna hazýrlanýrken, üniversitede okurken ya da meslek yaþamlarýnda gerektikçebaþvurabilecekleri bir referans kitabýdýr.

    l Kitabýn bütününde konularý kavramaya yönelik pekiþtirici egzersizlere ve öðrencilerimizindergide de karþýlaþacaðý çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan ve ÖSYM’nin soru mantýðýnýyansýtan "TEST YOURSELF" lere yer verilmiþtir.

    l ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS'nin on yýllýk deneyim ve birikimiyle,dergiye destek amacýyla ELS aboneleri için hazýrlanmýþ olup tüm ELS abonelerineücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.

    l ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT yalnýzca gramer konularý ile sýnýrlýdýr. YDS-KPDS-ÜDS vb. sýnavlardaki diðer soru tipleri, kitabýn amacý dýþýnda olduðu için, dýþarýdabýrakýlmýþtýr. Bu nedenle, sýnavlarda bütünlüklü verim ve üst düzeyde baþarý, dergi ilebirlikte deðerlendirildiðinde saðlanabilir.

    l 720 sayfadan oluþan kitabýmýz I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþtýr.l Kitabýn sýnýf içerisinde kullanýma uygun olmasý amacýyla, “ANSWER KEY” ayrý bir

    kitapçýk biçiminde basýlmýþtýr.

    l ELS aboneleri dýþýnda kitap satýþý, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma üzerindenyapýlmaktadýr.


    l 75 Intermediate, 75 Upper Intermediate ve 50 Advanced olmak üzere 200 okumaparçasý ve bu parçalarla ilgili "comprehension" ve "vocabulary" çalýþmalarýnýiçermektedir.

    l I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþ olup 432 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.l “ANSWER KEY” kitabýn sonunda yer almaktadýr.l Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.l Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.


    l TEST YOUR VOCABULARY, çeþitli egzersizlerle, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýrmayý veeðlenceli kýlmayý amaçlamaktadýr.

    l TEST YOUR VOCABULARY, egzersizlerin yaný sýra, geçmiþ yýllarda çýkansorularýmýzdan derlediðimiz 25 test içermektedir. Her bir test 60 sorudan oluþmaktadýr.

    l Kitabýmýz yaklaþýk 150 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.l “ANSWER KEY” kitabýn sonunda yer almaktadýr.l Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilecektir.l Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.

  • 1. Sayý 01 EYLÜL 2006The English Verb Tenses (1)Practice Exam 1

    2. Sayý 08 EYLÜL 2006The English Verb Tenses (2)Practice Exam 2

    3. Sayý 15 EYLÜL 2006Modals and Similar ExpressionsPractice Exam 3

    4. Sayý 22 EYLÜL 2006The PassivePractice Exam 4

    5. Sayý 29 EYLÜL 2006“If” and “Wish” Clauses Practice Exam 5

    6. Sayý 06 EKÝM 2006Question Words and Noun ClausesPractice Exam 6

    7. Sayý 13 EKÝM 2006Reported Speech Practice Exam 7

    20 EKÝM 2006 TATÝL

    8. Sayý 27 EKÝM 2006Gerunds and InfinitivesPractice Exam 8

    9. Sayý 03 KASIM 2006Adjectives and Adverbs Practice Exam 9

    10. Sayý 10 KASIM 2006Relative Clauses Practice Exam 10

    11. Sayý 17 KASIM 2006Articles, Determiners and QuantifiersPractice Exam 11

    12. Sayý 24 KASIM 2006Conjunctions and TransitionsPractice Exam 12

    13. Sayý 01 ARALIK 2006General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (1)Practice Exam 13

    14. Sayý 08 ARALIK 2006Prepositions and Prepositional PhrasesPractice Exam 14

    15. Sayý 15 ARALIK 2006Phrasal Verbs Practice Exam 15

    16. Sayý 22 ARALIK 2006Translation Studies Practice Exam 16

    29 ARALIK 2006 TATÝL

    17. Sayý 05 OCAK 2007Practice Exams 17

    18. Sayý 12 OCAK 2007Vocabulary (1) Practice Exam 18

    19. Sayý 19 OCAK 2007Vocabulary (2) Practice Exam 19

    20. Sayý 26 OCAK 2007General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (2)Practice Exam 20

    02 ÞUBAT 2007 TATÝL

    21. Sayý 09 ÞUBAT 2007Paragraph Studies (1)Practice Exam 21

    22. Sayý 16 ÞUBAT 2007Paragraph Studies (2)Practice Exam 22

    23. Sayý 23 ÞUBAT 2007Practice Exams 23

    24. Sayý 02 MART 2007YDS soru tipleri (1) Practice Exam 24

    25. Sayý 09 MART 2007YDS soru tipleri (2)Practice Exam 25

    26. Sayý 16 MART 2007YDS soru tipleri (3) Practice Exam 26

    27. Sayý 23 MART 2007General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (3)Practice Exam 27

    28. Sayý 30 MART 2007Further Study on VocabularyPractice Exam 28

    29. Sayý 06 NÝSAN 2007Practice Exams 29

    13 NÝSAN 2007 TATÝL

    30. Sayý 20 NÝSAN 2007Practice Exams 30

    31. Sayý 27 NÝSAN 2007General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (4)Practice Exam 31

    32. Sayý 04 MAYIS 2007Practice Exams 32

    33. Sayý 11 MAYIS 2007Practice Exams 33

    34. Sayý 18 MAYIS 2007Practice Exams 34

    35. Sayý 25 MAYIS 2007Practice Exams 35

    ÇALIÞMA TAKVÝMÝ2006-2007


    Sevgili Öðrenciler,

    Her yýl olduðu gibi, bu yýl da sizlere 100 soruluk bir "Düzey BelirlemeSýnavý" sunuyoruz.

    Bu sýnavdan alacaðýnýz sonuç size, programýn baþýnda düzeyinizin neolduðu konusunda bir fikir verecek ve çalýþma yoðunluðunuzu daha somutverilere dayanarak belirlemenizi saðlayacaktýr.

    Bu düzey belirleme sýnavýnda, YDS'de bugüne kadar uygulanmýþ sorumantýðý ve soru daðýlýmý temel alýnmýþtýr. Gerek dilbilgisini, gerekse dilikullanma yeteneðini ölçen sorularýn aðýrlýðý ve kullanýlan sözcükler YDSdüzeyine uygun olarak seçilmiþtir. Bu sýnavdan elde edeceðiniz sonuç, sizigereksiz bir rahatlamaya ya da umutsuzluða sürüklememelidir. Çünkü gerçeksonucu, programýn sonunda geleceðiniz nokta belirleyecektir.

    Bizler, size Ýngilizce'yi öðreteceðimize inanýyoruz. Planlý ve disiplinli birçalýþmayla bundan sonrasýnýn, yani sýnavda baþarýlý olmanýn, ne kadar kolayolduðunu göreceksiniz.

    Bize ve kendinize inanýnýz…

    Baþarý dileklerimizle…


    ELS Yayýn Kurulu

  • ELS1-22. sorularda, cümlede boþ býrakýlanyerlere uygun düþen sözcük ya daifadeyi bulunuz.

    1. I didn’t bother paying the electricity bill,as there was a large ........ of people atthe bank.

    A) closure B) crowdC) delay D) request

    E) procedure

    2. Until recent times, it was difficult forcommanders to give ........ to theirsoldiers after a battle had started.

    A) victories B) conflictsC) expressions D) orders

    E) statues

    3. Perihan had changed so much duringher years in Belgium that I didn’t ........her when I first saw her.

    A) describe B) witnessC) recognize D) realize

    E) connect

    4. We should take some cash with us incase the theatre doesn’t ........ creditcards.

    A) consider B) tolerateC) earn D) refuse

    E) accept

    5. Fýrat was so ........ about his chance tomeet Hülya Avþar that he was unable tosleep.

    A) fortunate B) willingC) pleasant D) familiar

    E) excited

    6. Between Sicily and Tunisia, theMediterranean Sea, being only about 200metres to the bottom, is quite ........ .

    A) shallow B) narrowC) rough D) steep

    E) empty

    7. The crime writer Agatha Christie ........disappeared for eleven days inDecember 1926.

    A) exactly B) regularlyC) doubtfully D) mysteriously

    E) weakly

    8. That was ........ the most difficult game ofbasketball that I have ever played in.

    A) slightly B) absolutelyC) extremely D) terribly

    E) equally

    9. The bank robbers managed to ........because the police got caught in a trafficjam on their way there.

    A) stand up B) wipe outC) get away D) cut off

    E) go after

    10. As much as 120,000 km2 of rainforest is........ or burned every year.

    A) broken into B) grown upC) cut down D) put out

    E) looked after


    1. Bu testte 100 soru vardýr. Cevaplama süreniz 150 dakikadýr.

    2. Cevaplamaya istediðiniz sorudan baþlayabilirsiniz.

  • ELS11. In order to use a car in many foreign

    countries, the driver ........ aninternational driving license.

    A) is havingB) must be havingC) has been havingD) needs to haveE) might have

    12. Wayne ........ to turn the water heater onbefore he ........ into the shower.

    A) forgot/has gotB) had forgotten/gotC) has forgotten/had gotD) was forgetting/would getE) forgets/has been getting

    13. The penguins on Rio’s beaches ........ along way by the time they ........ into theirAntarctic habitat next month.

    A) will have gone/are releasedB) had gone/releasedC) have gone/are being releasedD) are going/will be releasedE) have been going/were released

    14. When Ernest Giles ........ through centralAustralia, he ........ across the greatnatural wonder of Uluru.

    A) was travelling/cameB) had travelled/will have comeC) has travelled/was comingD) will be travelling/has comeE) will travel/comes

    15. The problem we ........ at the moment........ with at tomorrow’s meeting.

    A) discuss/is dealtB) are discussed/is being dealtC) have discussed/has been dealtD) are discussing/will be dealtE) were discussing/was dealt

    16. In the novel Les Misérables, Marius fallsin love ........ Cosette, and soon she feelsthe same way ........ him.

    A) to/as B) about/forC) of/by D) on/from

    E) with/about

    17. In classical mythology, Prometheus waspunished by the gods ........ giving fire........ human beings.

    A) of/at B) from/forC) for/to D) since/by

    E) on/in

    18. My copy of The Brothers Karamazov is........ big to fit into this little bag that Icarry around with me.

    A) enough B) asC) so D) too

    E) such

    19. The rice is ........ in the cupboard abovethe cooker ........ in the one above thesink, but I can’t remember which one.

    A) neither/nor B) either/orC) not only/but also D) both/and

    E) rather/than

    20. King Lear had three daughters, but onlyone of them was loyal to him; ........ didn’tcare for him at all.

    A) the other B) the othersC) others D) another

    E) each other

    21. The article said that temperatures in theSahara can reach 50°C in the summermonths, ........?

    A) can’t it B) can theyC) did they D) was it

    E) didn’t it

    22. There are only ........ irregular verbs in theSpanish language, unlike in English,where there are a lot of ........ .

    A) a few/them B) any/themselvesC) little/their own D) a little/theirsE) none/their


  • ELS23-27. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    In France, the number plate of every (23) ........ends in two numbers. These represent the areain (24) ........ the driver lives, (25) ........, if aknowledgeable person looks at a French car, heor she (26) ........ where that car is from. Forexample, the number 75 is the number of thecapital, Paris. This system is only going to last(27) ........ 2008, though. In that year, a newstyle of number plate is going to be introducedthroughout the country.


    A) tool B) journeyC) transportation D) vehicle

    E) identity


    A) what B) whereC) which D) whom

    E) whose


    A) and so B) howeverC) since D) as

    E) instead of


    A) will be able to say B) would sayC) has said D) could have saidE) is saying


    A) as soon as B) untilC) by the time D) after

    E) during

    28-32. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    The Royal Opera House in London is (28) ........a new production of Tosca. (29) ........ in Romein 1800, Tosca is about a famous opera singerwho tries to save her lover's life. This leads herinto a deadly struggle with Baron Scarpia, thechief of police. The Romanian soprano AngelaGheorghiu will be appearing (30) ........ theFloria Tosca character, while Scarpia will beplayed by Bryn Terfel from Wales. Gheorghiuplayed Tosca in a 2001 film, but found it (31)........ harder than playing her (32) ........ stage.


    A) coming out B) setting offC) turning down D) reading up

    E) putting on


    A) Setting B) To setC) Having set D) Set

    E) Be set


    A) as B) likeC) for D) with

    E) just


    A) the most B) moreC) much D) so

    E) very


    A) of B) atC) in D) by

    E) on


  • ELS33-42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygunþekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

    33. ........ why the planets would movebackwards and forwards in the night sky.

    A) Ancient societies saw them as gods B) Plato came up with a theory C) Without knowing that they actually

    orbited the sunD) Because the Earth is also movingE) Early astronomers couldn’t understand

    34. In spite of its reputation as a wetcountry, ........ .

    A) England is currently going through aserious water shortage

    B) the seasons are quite variable intemperature, though

    C) certain areas experience flooding quiteoften

    D) the highest temperature ever recorded inEngland is 38.5 °C

    E) England is driest in the east andwarmest in the southeast

    35. ........; otherwise, we would have got tothe cinema after the film had started.

    A) I was really looking forward to going outyesterday

    B) Fortunately, you checked the times in thenewspaper

    C) Don’t forget to look on the Internet forthe schedule

    D) Our bus broke down on the way toTaksim

    E) I wish we had managed to arrive inBakýrköy an hour earlier

    36. Since there isn’t anything else to do inthe office until Tuesday, ........?

    A) when are we expecting some new ordersB) did you have to go into work last MondayC) how often do you have to work on

    MondayD) why don’t you extend your weekend for

    another dayE) do you work so hard all the time

    37. ........, so there are proposals to build abridge between them.

    A) Egypt is situated on the northern coastof the African continent

    B) The countries of the European Unionhave finally agreed on a number of issues

    C) Indonesia’s two main islands have nopermanent transportation link

    D) It is very expensive to dig a tunnelunderneath the Bosphorus

    E) The ferries between Eceabat andÇanakkale are quick and convenient

    38. ........, while his sister, Louise, knew thatthere was no such language.

    A) Vincent spoke to a native Tagalogspeaker the other day

    B) Carl assumed that people spoke“Algerian” in Algeria

    C) Sebastian wants to learn someEsperanto

    D) Elliot was lying when he said that he wasbilingual

    E) Martin is thinking of creating a languagecalled “Examglish”


  • ELS39. In China, ........, fourteen cities have more

    inhabitants than Turkey’s capital, Ankara.

    A) which has such a large population B) until the application of the one-child

    policy C) that is currently somewhere around 1.3

    billionD) thus, its economy is growing at a rate of

    9.9% a yearE) one of which is India, with a population

    of 1.1 billion

    40. I think Paul will be less afraid ofswimming in deep water ........ .

    A) if he used an inflatable rubber ring B) once he’s learnt to float confidentlyC) where he had only just started to swimD) even though he is thinking of working on

    a yacht E) after he took lessons from an

    experienced instructor

    41. The English king Henry VIII’s first wifewas Catherine of Aragón, ........ .

    A) that he kept her as his only legal partnerup to his death in 1547

    B) because he humiliated her later in herlife

    C) therefore, he later left her in order tomarry Anne Boleyn

    D) who had been married to his brotherbefore him

    E) so the capital was Zaragoza on the riverEbro

    42. ........, the area around Sultanahmet isprobably my favourite.

    A) Ever since I moved to Istanbul six yearsago

    B) Istanbul has many interesting historicalsites

    C) I’m thinking of going into the city tonightD) Of all the places that I have seen in

    IstanbulE) I think that the nicest hotels in Istanbul

    43-46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangisorunun cevabý olduðunu bulunuz.

    43. I’ve bought a ticket for the bus.

    A) What is your favourite form oftransportation?

    B) How are you going to get to Ordu?C) Who are you going to Van with?D) Which bus company will you use?E) Did you get a discount on your Mersin


    44. No, but I would like to.

    A) Would you like salt on your potatoes?B) What do you know about the

    Renaissance?C) Have you ever tried parasailing?D) Are you anything like your sister?E) Where are you going on vacation this


    45. She should be here at around 7 o’clock.

    A) Does Olga have time for a game ofcards?

    B) Will Tamara be coming out with us thisevening?

    C) What time are you going to go and visitPhoebe?

    D) How long is Imelda coming over for?E) When are you expecting Cheryl to


    46. I doubt that it will.

    A) Why are you hesitating to propose toAnna?

    B) How do you feel about the newgovernment policy?

    C) Do you think the tennis match will be anygood?

    D) When are you planning to get engaged?E) Supposing we leave at dawn, when do

    you think we’ll be there?


  • ELS47-50. sorularda, verilen Ýngilizcecümleye anlamca en yakýn Türkçecümleyi bulunuz.

    47. Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi, who lived in the17th century, is claimed to have beeninspired by Leonardo da Vinci in hisstudies on the flight of birds.

    A) Kuþlarýn uçuþu üzerine yaptýðý çalýþma-larýyla Leonardo da Vinci’nin, 17.y.y’dayaþamýþ olan Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi’yietkilediði iddia edilmektedir.

    B) 17.y.y.’da yaþamýþ olan Hezarfen AhmetÇelebi’nin, Leonardo da Vinci’denesinlenerek kuþlarýn uçuþuyla ilgiliçalýþmalar yaptýðý bilinmektedir.

    C) 17.y.y.’da yaþamýþ olan Hezarfen AhmetÇelebi’nin kuþlarýn uçuþuyla ilgiliçalýþmalarýnda, Leonardo da Vinci’denesinlendiði ileri sürülmektedir.

    D) Leonardo da Vinci’den esinlenmiþ olanHezarfen Ahmet Çelebi’nin, 17. y.y.’dakuþlarýn uçuþuyla ilgili çalýþmalar yaptýðýsöylenmektedir.

    E) 17. y.y.’da yaþamýþ olan Hezarfen AhmetÇelebi, kuþlarýn uçuþu üzerine çalýþmalaryaptýðý bilinen Leonardo da Vinci’denetkilenmiþtir.

    48. Harriet, a giant Galápagos tortoise whichdied in Australia at the age of a hundredand seventy-six, was once the pet of theBritish naturalist Charles Darwin.

    A) Yüzyetmiþ altý yaþýnda Avustralya’da ölendev bir Galápagos kaplumbaðasý olanHarriet, bir zamanlar Ýngiliz doðabilimciCharles Darwin’in evcil hayvanýydý.

    B) Bir zamanlar Ýngiliz doðabilimci CharlesDarwin’in evcil hayvaný olan dev gibiGalápagos kaplumbaðasý Harriet,yüzyetmiþ altý yaþýnda Avustralya’da öldü.

    C) Ýngiliz doðabilimci Charles Darwin’in,daha sonra, yüzyetmiþ altý yaþýndaAvustralya’da ölen, Harriet adýnda devgibi bir Galápagos kaplumbaðasý vardý.

    D) Bir zamanlar Ýngiliz doðabilimci CharlesDarwin’in evcil hayvaný olan Galápagoskaplumbaðasý Harriet, Avustralya’daöldüðü zaman yüzyetmiþ altý yaþýndaydý.

    E) Ýngiliz doðabilimci Charles Darwin’in evcilhayvaný olan ve yüzyetmiþ altý yaþýndaölen dev Galápagos kaplumbaðasý Harriet,bir süredir Avustralya’da yaþýyordu.

    49. Hundreds of years before Dutch spectacle-makers invented the telescope in the early17th century, the Vikings may have usedsomething similar.

    A) 17.y.y’ýn baþlarýnda Hollandalý gözlükyapýmcýlarý tarafýndan icat edilmedenyüzlerce yýl önce teleskop, Vikinglertarafýndan kullanýlmýþtýr.

    B) 17. y.y baþlarýnda Hollandalý gözlükyapýmcýlarýnýn icat ettiði teleskopabenzer bir þeyi, aslýnda Vikingleryüzlerce yýldýr kullanýyorlardý.

    C) 17. y.y baþlarýnda Hollandalý gözlükyapýmcýlarý, yüzlerce yýl önce Vikinglerinkullandýðý bir nesneden yola çýkarakteleskopu icat ettiler.

    D) 17. y.y. baþlarýnda Hollandalý gözlük yapým-cýlarýnýn teleskopu icat etmesi, yüzlerceyýl önce Vikinglerin kullandýðý benzer birþey sayesinde mümkün olmuþtur.

    E) 17.y.y baþlarýnda Hollandalý gözlükyapýmcýlarý teleskopu icat etmedenyüzlerce yýl önce Vikingler, benzer birþey kullanmýþ olabilirler.

    50. According to some scientists in Japan,silkworms can be used to make anumber of medical products.

    A) Bazý Japon bilim adamlarý ipekböceklerini kullanarak týp malzemeleriüretmeyi baþarmýþlardýr.

    B) Japonya’daki bazý bilim adamlarý, týbbimalzemeler yapmak için ipek böceklerinikullanmaktadýr.

    C) Japonya’da týp malzemeleri yapan bazýbilim adamlarýna göre, ipek böcekleri çoksayýda üretilip kullanýlabilir.

    D) Bazý Japon bilim adamlarý, týbbimalzeme yapýmýnda kullanmak için çoksayýda ipek böceði üretmektedir.

    E) Japonya’daki bazý bilim adamlarýna göre,ipek böcekleri bir dizi týbbi malzemeyapýmýnda kullanýlabilir.


  • ELS51-54. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleyeanlamca en yakýn Ýngilizce cümleyibulunuz.

    51. Organik tarým sistemleri, hem gelenekselhem de bilimsel bilgiden yararlanarakgeliþtirilmiþ biyolojik ve mekanik yöntem-lere dayanýr.

    A) In organic agricultural systems, whichrely on biological and mechanicalmethods, both traditional and scientificknowledge is utilized.

    B) The biological and mechanical methodsused in organic agricultural systemshave been developed by utilizing bothtraditional and scientific knowledge.

    C) Biological and mechanical methods areused in organic agriculture, which relieson both traditional and scientificknowledge.

    D) Organic agricultural systems rely onbiological and mechanical methodsdeveloped by utilizing both traditionaland scientific knowledge.

    E) Organic agricultural systems, utilizingbiological and mechanical methods, relynot only on traditional but also onscientific knowledge.

    52. Steve Fossett kötüleþen hava koþullarýnedeniyle uçuþtan vazgeçmek zorundakaldýðýnda, balonla Brezilya’ya kadargitmiþti.

    A) Steve Fossett was forced to abandon theflight because of deteriorating weatherconditions when he got to Brazil in aballoon.

    B) Steve Fossett had got as far as Brazil ina balloon when he was forced to abandonthe flight because of deteriorating weatherconditions.

    C) Steve Fossett had to abandon hisintended balloon flight to Brazil due todeteriorating weather conditions.

    D) When the weather began to deteriorate,Steve Fossett was forced to abandon hisballoon flight, although he had got soclose to Brazil.

    E) Steve Fossett had reached as far asBrazil in a balloon when he had toabandon the flight, since the weatherwas beginning to deteriorate.

    53. Elektronik bir oyuncak olan Furby’ninduyduðu sözcükleri tekrarladýðý düþünül-düðü için, bazý haber alma örgütleri onuofislerde yasakladý.

    A) Because the Furby, an electronic toy, isthought to repeat the words it hears,some intelligence agencies have bannedit in offices.

    B) Some intelligence agencies have bannedthe Furby in offices because they thinkthe electronic toy is able to repeat thewords that it hears.

    C) The Furby, an electronic toy, is notallowed in some offices of intelligenceagencies, as it is thought to hear andthen repeat the words said in its vicinity.

    D) Some intelligence agencies thought thatthe Furby, an electronic toy, could repeatthe words said in its vicinity, so theybanned it in offices.

    E) The electronic toy Furby was banned insome intelligence offices after it wasdiscovered that it could repeat the wordsthat it had heard.

    54. Ulusal Ýrlanda Tiyatrosu olarak da bilinenAbbey Tiyatrosu, kapýlarýný ilk olarak 27Aralýk 1904’te halka açtý.

    A) The Abbey Theatre, also known as theNational Theatre of Ireland, first openedits doors to the public on 27 December1904.

    B) The Abbey Theatre, which first openedits doors to the public on 27 December1904, is also known as the NationalTheatre of Ireland.

    C) The public went to the Abbey Theatre,the National Theatre of Ireland, on 27December 1904 as soon as it opened itsdoors.

    D) Also known as the National Theatre ofIreland, the Abbey Theatre’s firstperformance open to the public was heldon 27 December 1904.

    E) It was on 27 December 1904 that theAbbey Theatre, also known as theNational Theatre of Ireland, held its firstpublic performance.


  • ELS55-57. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

    A Japanese firm has created a handheld gadgetto check stress levels by analyzing saliva. TheCocoro (Heart) Meter has a microchip which aperson moistens with saliva from his or hermouth and then sticks into the machine. Withinone minute, the machine will tell that personwhat his or her stress level is. The 190-gramgadget measures the level of amylase in thesaliva. Those wanting to check their stress atthe doctor’s usually give blood, which is aprocedure that can be stressful in itself. Anexecutive who tried out the Cocoro Meterregistered a frightening 80. The gadget costs165 dollars, with a package of 20 microchipscosting another 30 dollars.

    55. We can understand from the passagethat the Cocoro Meter ........ .

    A) is put into the user’s mouthB) is only on sale in JapanC) also measures blood pressureD) is easy to carryE) gives additional stress to its users

    56. It is implied in the passage that, on theCocoro Meter, a level of 80 ........ .

    A) means the test may be wrongB) is the highest possible readingC) has only been reached onceD) is nothing to worry aboutE) indicates very high stress

    57. It can be concluded from the passagethat, when a person is stressed, ........ .

    A) he or she should take a blood testwithout delay

    B) the amount of amylase in his or hersaliva changes

    C) his or her mouth becomes very wetD) he or she will need more microchips for

    the Cocoro MeterE) it is likely that he or she is frightened of


    58-60. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

    In 1909, Selma Lagerlöf became the first womanand the first Swedish person to win the NobelPrize for Literature. She had been writing poetryever since she was a child, but she didn’t publishanything until 1890. While writing her stories, shewas inspired by the fairy tales and legends sheheard from her grandmother. She sometimesborrowed elements from Victorian supernaturalstories. Her most popular children’s book is TheWonderful Adventures of Nils, which was partlyinspired by Rudyard Kipling’s animal stories.The book was used as an aid to the teaching ofSwedish geography in primary schools. SelmaLagerlöf, whose house is now preserved as amuseum, is considered a great storyteller.

    58. We learn from the passage that, before1909, ........ .

    A) Selma Lagerlöf was not aninternationally known author

    B) poetry was not appreciated much inSweden

    C) no Swede had been awarded the NobelPrize for Literature

    D) readers were mostly interested in fairytales and legends

    E) only one woman had received a Nobelprize

    59. Upon reading the passage, we can saythat The Wonderful Adventures of Nils........ .

    A) is set in an imaginary land B) was specially written for primary school

    students C) reflects the actual geography of Sweden D) aims to teach Swedish cultureE) is very similar to Rudyard Kipling’s books

    in style

    60. We can understand from the passagethat Selma Lagerlöf ........ .

    A) wrote poetry for quite a while withoutpublishing anything

    B) received the Nobel Prize for Literatureexclusively for her poems

    C) wanted her house to be kept as amuseum

    D) focused on Swedish geography in herwriting

    E) was highly appreciated by RudyardKipling


  • ELS61-63. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

    Thousands of vacationers in the western US willprobably see a wolf in the wild for the first timethis summer. Wolves don't turn and run awayimmediately like most other animals, but shoutingwill drive them off. However, they might not runoff if a person is with a dog, because wolvesconsider dogs as strange wolves and may attackand kill them. There are about 1,000 wolves inMontana, Idaho, and Wyoming, and they havebeen steadily increasing since their reintroductioninto the wild in 1995. It is generally against thelaw to hurt a wolf. The only exception is killingone in self-defence. However, claims will beinvestigated, as it is extremely rare that a wolfattacks a human. The penalty for illegally killing awolf can range up to $100,000 and a year in jail.

    61. The passage suggests that, for a timebefore 1995, ........ .

    A) many people went to prison for killingwolves

    B) there were no wolves in the wilds ofMontana, Idaho, and Wyoming

    C) few people took their holidays inMontana, Idaho, or Wyoming

    D) wolves were a great threat to peoplevacationing in the western US

    E) wolves were not protected under thelaws of the US

    62. It is clear from the passage that wolvesare afraid of ........ .

    A) humans shouting at themB) dogs that are with their ownersC) the majority of other animalsD) animals that look like wolvesE) hurting other wolves

    63. It is implied in the passage that peoplewho say they killed a wolf in self-defence........ .

    A) usually later die of their injuriesB) probably don’t know anything about the

    lawC) most likely were hunting with a dogD) may not be telling the truthE) will not be allowed back into the wild

    64-66. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

    Miss Britto, my geography teacher, taught methat even after repeated partitions, modern Indiawas still a large country. Strangely, world mapsdo not depict India as being so. Was Miss Brittowrong? Open a school geography book.Scandinavia appears to be three times largerthan India. In reality, however, it is three timessmaller. It is not just India; for example, Russiaappears bigger than the entire continent ofAfrica. The northern hemisphere occupies two-thirds of the total area. This is the Mercator map,which was made during an age when Europedominated and exploited the world. However,that time is behind us. This is why the UnitedNations, in 1974, started to use a new map whichis called the Peters' projection. This map showsall areas, whether countries, continents, oroceans, according to their actual size.

    64. It is clear from the passage that India........ .

    A) was colonized by EuropeansB) has a larger area than AfricaC) takes up most of the area on the

    Mercator mapD) is much bigger than RussiaE) used to be bigger than it is now

    65. We can understand from the passagethat Miss Britto ........ .

    A) was actually right in what she saidB) was not a very good geography teacherC) was mistaken about India’s historyD) helped to produce school geography

    booksE) didn’t know how big Scandinavia was

    66. It can be concluded from the passagethat the Mercator map ........ .

    A) makes Europe look bigger than itactually is

    B) was developed in Scandinavia before1974

    C) has never been used by the UnitedNations

    D) misses some countries off completelyE) was the first map to be made in Europe


  • ELS67-69. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

    The picaresque novel originated in Spain withLazarillo de Tormes (1554). In this book, the poorboy Lázaro describes his services under sevendifferent masters. Each of these masters hideshis true mean character from the public under amask of hypocrisy. The clever way in whichLázaro survives under these masters made thebook one of the most widely read of its time. Thenext picaresque novel to be published, MateoAlemán's Guzmán de Alfarache (1599), becamethe true prototype of the picaresque novel. It alsohelped to establish realism as the most importanttrend in the Spanish novel. Guzmán de Alfaracheis written as if it were the autobiography of theson of a ruined Genoese moneylender. Thisbook is superior to Lazarillo de Tormes, and it,too, was enjoyed by a wide readership.

    67. The author of the passage thinks that, ofthe two books mentioned, ........ .

    A) Lazarillo de Tormes was read morewidely

    B) Guzmán de Alfarache earned moremoney for its author

    C) Lazarillo de Tormes is more entertainingD) Guzmán de Alfarache is a realist rather

    than a picaresque novel E) Guzmán de Alfarache is a better novel

    68. It is implied in the passage that thevarious masters of Lázaro ........ .

    A) spend much of their time beating him B) often appear different from how they

    actually areC) make their incomes through lending

    moneyD) help him to become a better personE) were modelled on seven famous

    Spanish people of the time

    69. The passage makes it clear that Guzmánde Alfarache played a role in ........ .

    A) making realism the major trend in theSpanish novel

    B) increasing interest in reading in SpainC) making the Spanish novel recognized

    worldwideD) deciphering hypocrisy in societyE) inspiring new authors to write in his style

    70-72. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

    Doctors have warned that people should not usemobile phones outdoors during thunderstorms.They reported the case of a 15-year-old girl whowas using her phone in a park when she was hitby lightning. Although she was revived, she hassuffered persistent health problems and is stillusing a wheelchair, a year after the accident. Thedoctors say that usually, when someone is struckby lightning, the high resistance of the skinconducts the flash over the body and into theground. But if a metal object, such as a phone,is in contact with the skin, it disrupts theflashover and increases the chance of internalinjuries and death. The doctors have added thatthree fatal cases of lightning striking mobilephone users have occurred in Asia.

    70. It is stated in the passage that the use ofmobile phones in thunderstorms ........ .

    A) is most dangerous in parksB) hardly leads to serious injuryC) has led to several deathsD) is most common in AsiaE) attracts lightning towards the user

    71. We can understand from the passagethat the 15-year-old girl ........ .

    A) was having an important phoneconversation

    B) is either unable to walk properly, or can’twalk at all

    C) was actually aware of the dangers oflightning

    D) wouldn’t have been struck by lightning ifshe hadn’t been using her mobile phone

    E) is living in a country in Asia

    72. It is clear from the passage that thehuman body ........ .

    A) is negatively affected by the use ofmobile phones

    B) helps, to some degree, to protect fromlightning strikes

    C) cannot fully recover from a lightning strikeD) should never come into contact with

    metal objectsE) is more at risk outdoors than it is indoors


  • ELS73-75. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

    In half an hour all was over. The noble andvirtuous Count Ivan Dolgorucki had been torturedto death, and three of his brothers beheaded,and for what? Because Count Munnich fearedthe noble and respected brothers Dolgorucki. Hehad therefore falsely persuaded the EmpressAnna that they were trying to overthrow her forthe purpose of raising Katharina Ivanovna to theimperial throne. No proof or conviction wasrequired. Munnich had said it, and that wasenough; the Dolgoruckis were eliminated! ButNatalie Dolgorucki still lived, and from thebloody scene of her husband's execution, sheleft for Kiev.

    (Adapted from Daughter of an Empress,by Louise Mulbach)

    73. The main point of the passage is that........ .

    A) the Empress Anna was a real oppressorB) Natalie Dolgorucki escaped death by

    going to KievC) four innocent men were killed because of

    a lieD) a rebellion against the Empress Anna

    was taking placeE) Count Ivan Dolgorucki suffered more

    than his brothers

    74. It is implied in the passage that CountMunnich ........ .

    A) followed Natalie Dolgorucki to KievB) wanted to support Katharina Ivanovna’s

    ambitionC) personally tortured Count Ivan DolgoruckiD) wanted what was best for the Empress

    AnnaE) had great influence over the Empress


    75. We can conclude from the passage that,in the country where the novel is set, ...... .

    A) executions were common occurrencesB) the capital was KievC) there was no fair legal systemD) Katherina Ivanovna later became

    empressE) the Empress Anna was very unpopular

    76-80. sorularda, verilen cümleyeanlamca en yakýn olan seçeneði bulunuz.

    76. As a result of the unusually heavy rain inthe resort town, the ground floor of ourhotel became flooded.

    A) Not long after the heavy rain in the resorttown started, the ground floor of ourhotel began to be flooded.

    B) It rained more heavily than it usuallydoes, so the ground floor of our hotel inthe resort town was filled up with water.

    C) It is unusual that it rains in the resorttown, and that is why our hotel wasflooded so easily.

    D) The ground floor of our hotel would havebeen under water if the rain had beenheavier than usual.

    E) Most of the time, the rain wasn’t heavy inthe resort town, but the ground floor ofour hotel still became covered in water.

    77. Unless you want to have a headache onthe beach, you should buy yourself somesunglasses.

    A) You ought to buy some sunglasses foryourself if you don’t desire head pain onthe beach.

    B) The best way to protect against aheadache on the beach is to get yourselfsome sunglasses.

    C) If you had bought yourself somesunglasses, you wouldn’t have had apain in your head while on the beach.

    D) Because you are not worried abouthaving a headache on the beach, don’tbother buying any sunglasses.

    E) Even if you purchase some sunglassesfor yourself, you’ll still get head pain onthe beach.


  • ELS78. Our new flat is a lot like our old one, but

    the living room is larger.

    A) Our new flat looks very old, but it is verylarge, with a very big living room.

    B) We liked our old flat a lot, but in our newone we have a living room which isbigger.

    C) Due to the great size of its living room,our new flat is very similar to the onethat we had before.

    D) Apart from the increased size of theliving room, our new flat greatlyresembles our previous one.

    E) Although we would have preferred abigger living room, our new flat looks agreat deal like our old one.

    79. Uður must have changed his password,because I can’t open his e-mail account.

    A) To prevent me from opening his e-mailaccount, Uður had to get himself a newpassword.

    B) I have stopped reading Uður’s e-mails,since he won’t give me his new password.

    C) Uður had to change his password tostop me from being able to get into hise-mail account.

    D) If I knew Uður’s password, I would beable to get into his e-mail account.

    E) I’m unable to access Uður’s e-mailaccount, so it is probable that he’s got anew password.

    80. Both Hazel and Emily prefer not to get upvery early in the morning.

    A) Hazel and Emily woke up very early thismorning, but they both wish that theyhadn’t.

    B) Hazel and Emily have to get up at a veryearly hour in the morning, but they don’tlike doing so.

    C) Hazel doesn’t like to get out of bed at avery early time in the morning, andneither does Emily.

    D) Hazel chooses to get up at an earliertime than Emily in the morning.

    E) Hazel doesn’t mind getting out of bed atan early time in the morning, but Emilydoes.

    81-85. sorularda, boþ býrakýlan yereparçanýn anlam bütünlüðünü saðlamakiçin getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

    81. ….. . Every so often, I return to it in orderto enjoy its wonderful prose and insightsagain. The book opens by praising RobertLouis Stevenson's Travels with a Donkeyin the Cévennes. Holmes recreated hisjourney by trekking over the mountainsof the Cevennes. It was at this time thathe abandoned his ambition to become apoet, because he was more interested inother people’s lives—in other words, inwriting biography.

    A) In the book, Holmes looks at how abiographer follows the life of the personwhom he is writing about

    B) Richard Holmes’ books can be seen asa journey through the thought processesof a writer

    C) Most of Richard Holmes’ books havebeen made into documentaries on BBC

    D) I first read Footsteps by Richard Holmesmany years ago and it deeply moved me

    E) It is only a small book of essays, but ithas changed the writing of biography forever

    82. The people with the least power overfilms in Hollywood are probably thescreenwriters. The bosses at the filmstudios value star power over thestoryteller, so that is where the big moneygoes. ........ . Some analysts believe thatthis is because audiences are fed up,and want to see better stories. If theirwish actually happens, screenwriters willbecome more important.

    A) However, the profits from films havebeen falling recently

    B) The biggest actors get paid millions ofdollars for one film

    C) They prefer to fund action movies withsimple storylines

    D) John Madden thinks that people go tosee a movie because of who’s in it

    E) For example, a Tom Cruise film canbring in over 100 million dollars


  • ELS83. Lila Downs is a well-respected singer

    ........ . This mixed parentage of hers isclearly reflected in the places she grewup. She spent her early childhood inOaxaca, Mexico, but moved to the USwhen she was a teenager. In her music,she performs her own compositions aswell as modern forms of traditionalMesoamerican music.

    A) Her mother, Anita Downs, is a Mixtec,which is one of the pre-Columbianpeoples of the Americas

    B) This can be seen in the fact that hersong “Burn it Blue” was nominated for aBest Song Oscar

    C) Her father, Allen Downs, was both aprofessor of art and a cinematographer

    D) In recent years, Downs and her bandhave toured widely in Mexico and the US

    E) She was born in Tlaxiaco, Mexico, to anAmerican father and a Mexican mother

    84. The Hermitage Museum, right in theheart of St. Petersburg, is one of theoldest and largest museums in the world.It was founded in 1764, when Catherinethe Great bought a big collection of WestEuropean painting. …….. . Today, theyare exhibited in 400 halls of the museum.

    A) It has six monumental buildings situatedalong the River Neva

    B) The collection now includes works of artfrom the Stone Age to our own century

    C) The interior part had both artistic andhistorical value

    D) In the past, it was used for officialceremonies

    E) After the revolution of 1917, the museumwas opened to the public

    85. Some couples may disagree, but Italianscientists at the University of Paviabelieve that romantic love lasts little morethan a year. ........ . Researchers haveconcluded that raised levels of this proteinwere linked to the feelings of happinessthat are experienced at the start of arelationship. But after studying people inlong and short relationships and singlepeople, they found the levels receded intime.

    A) One aspect of romantic love is therandomness of the encounters whichlead to love

    B) The team has found a protein which theybelieve is likely to be responsible for thefirst flush of love

    C) The scientists admit that further researchis needed in order to confirm all of theirfindings

    D) Psychologist Lance Workman believesthat biological factors do play a role inthe decline of romantic love

    E) Proteins, discovered by Jöns JakobBerzelius in 1838, are among the mostactively studied molecules in biochemistry

    86-90. sorularda, verilen duruma uygundüþen cümleyi bulunuz.

    86. Your uncle is advertising for someone towork in his shop. Your friend Cengiz likesyour uncle and wants the job. However,you know that your uncle doesn’t likeCengiz and won’t hire him. Not wantingCengiz to be hurt, you say to him:

    A) Go ahead and apply—and the best ofluck to you with it.

    B) There’s no way my uncle is going to hireyou, because he can’t stand the sight ofyou.

    C) You can find a much better job than theone at my uncle’s shop, so you needn’tbother asking him for the job.

    D) My uncle is coming over to dinnertomorrow; you should take the chance totalk to him about the job.

    E) There are lots of applicants for myuncle’s job; I’m sure he’s not going tochoose you from among them.


  • ELS87. Your sister has been very ill for the last

    three days. She doesn’t think it isanything serious, but you are worriedabout her, so you say to her:

    A) You disturb me by exaggerating yourillnesses all the time.

    B) If you keep sleeping during the day, I’msure this sickness will pass.

    C) Let me take you to the doctor to find outwhat is wrong with you.

    D) You’ve probably only got indigestion fromeating too quickly.

    E) You may not think your illness is serious,but I’m not going to stay here, as I don’twant to catch it myself.

    88. You are on a night-time bus journeybetween Kayseri and Bursa. You want tosleep, but you can’t because you feel cold.Thinking of a solution to the problem,you get up and say to the driver:

    A) I was wondering if you could turn theheating system on.

    B) I can’t believe how cold it is out here onthe Anatolian plateau.

    C) Could you speed up a bit, as it will bemorning before long?

    D) If you drove a bit more carefully, perhapsI would be sleeping now.

    E) I don’t think I’ll bother travelling overnighton a cold bus again.

    89. Edmund’s mother has just died. However,he has been coming into work ever sinceit happened. His mind is not on his work,though, and he keeps making littlemistakes. Wanting to help him, yousuggest:

    A) Be careful—if you go on makingmistakes, someone around here is goingto get killed.

    B) I know how you feel; I made similarmistakes when my father passed away.

    C) I don’t know why you’re so selfishlythinking about your own problems whenthere’s work to be done.

    D) Why don’t you ask for some time off sothat you can relax a bit?

    E) You should have resigned and lookedafter the arrangements for your mother’sfuneral.

    90. There is an important football match andan exciting episode of a romantic popularsoap opera on at the same time on TVtonight. You want to watch the match,while your older brother wants to watchthe soap opera. Knowing that theneighbours across from you are fans ofthe soap opera, you say to your brother:

    A) I hope our neighbours keep the volumedown so I can watch the match properly.

    B) Go next door later on—they’re bound tobe watching your soap opera over there.

    C) We can zap between the channels andwatch a little of each of the programmeswe want.

    D) The TV channel is almost certainly goingto repeat your soap opera at theweekend.

    E) Let’s watch your soap opera and then,when it’s finished, we can turn over forthe beginning of the match.

    91-95. sorularda, karþýlýklý konuþmanýnboþ býrakýlan kýsmýný tamamlayabilecekifadeyi bulunuz.

    91. Henri:- Do you ever watch films at the cinema?

    Rana:- ........

    Henri: - On what?

    Rana: - On whether I have enough money ornot, and what the film’s reviews are like.

    A) If something good is on, yes.B) Yes, but not very often.C) Only if I’m able to.D) I like to, but I can’t always.E) Sometimes—it depends.


  • ELS92. Filomena:

    - ........

    Brendan:- Hue in Vietnam.

    Filomena:- They look really beautiful; do you mindif I take a look?

    Brendan:- No, here you are.

    A) Did you take any photographs while youwere on holiday in Vietnam?

    B) What is the most interesting place in theworld that you’ve ever been to?

    C) What are those pictures of in themagazine which you’re reading?

    D) Which city in Southeast Asia has themost beautiful buildings?

    E) If you had enough money to goanywhere, where would you go?

    93. Aylin:- Have you fixed that broken window yet?

    Orhan:- ........

    Aylin:- Why not?

    Orhan:- Because I wasn’t the person who brokeit.

    A) No, and I’m not going to do it.B) I will do it after Ihlamurlar Altýnda is over.C) It’s unfair that you’re making me repair it.D) The new glass hasn’t arrived yet.E) No, because I don’t feel well enough to

    do it now.

    94. Eloise:- Why do you lock that drawer in yourdesk?

    Philip:- It contains personal things that I don’twant anyone else to see.

    Eloise:- ........

    Philip:- Well, my diary, for example.

    A) Why don’t you want other people to seethem?

    B) Can you tell me what any of them are?C) Are you sure they’re safe in there?D) Don’t you trust even me?E) Do you write about what you’ve done


    95. Ernesto:- What do you think of Adler?

    Ulrika:- Which one?

    Ernesto: - ........

    Ulrika:- Actually, there are quite a few importantpeople with that surname.

    A) I have no idea. Why don’t you chooseone?

    B) Ada Adler, the scholar from Denmark.C) Do you mean the person who you are

    writing your thesis on?D) The psychologist; why, are there any

    others?E) Doesn’t your best friend have the

    surname Adler?


  • ELS96-100. sorularda, cümleler sýrasýylaokunduðunda parçanýn anlambütünlüðünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

    96. (I) The Earth's magnetic field is caused bymotions in the ball of liquid iron that lies atthe centre of our planet. (II) Electricalcurrents from it produce the planet’smagnetic field. (III) This protects the Earthfrom harmful rays that come from space.(IV) It also helps in navigation, ascompasses align themselves with it. (V)Compasses have been used to finddirections at sea since the first millennium.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    97. (I) The Spaniard Juan de Salcedo leftManila to explore the northern regions of thePhilippines in 1571. (II) In spite of this, noSpaniard had been in that area before him.(III) He returned to the city in 1574 to findthat it was being besieged by a force ofChinese. (IV) Salcedo and his soldiersdefeated them and then followed theirretreat to Pangasinan. (V) There, he and hisforces burned and killed the Chinesecommander, Lim ah hong, and all of hiswarriors.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    98. (I) Michael Winterbottom is a controversialBritish filmmaker. (II) The film Jude is basedon the novel Jude the Obscure by ThomasHardy. (III) While the film is set in the sametime as the book, and the characters havethe same names, director MichaelWinterbottom has made some importantchanges. (IV) For example, the maincharacters are portrayed in a differentmanner, and the ending of the book is cutoff. (V) This makes the film far lessmeaningful or emotional than the book.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    99. (I) A new snake, E. gyii, has beendiscovered on Borneo. (II) In the last 10years, more than 350 new animal and plantspecies have been found on the island. (III)What is amazing about it is its ability tochange colour. (IV) This was discovered byaccident. (V) After the reddish-brown snakehad been casually thrown into a bucket, itwas found to have turned white.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

    100. (I) Staff at a Japanese convenience storegot a shock when they asked an elderlygentleman to stop reading magazineswithout buying them. (II) Although he left theshop, the 70-year-old man returned later onwith a chainsaw. (III) Therefore, his responsewas both a calm and a rational one. (IV)After threatening the staff with this deadlyinstrument, he went back to reading themagazines. (V) He was still doing so whenthe shocked manager called the police.

    A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


  • ELS-WORKSHEETSl ELS-WORKSHEETS, dört kitaptan oluþan bir seridir. Bu dört kitap öðrenciyi

    Baþlangýç Düzeyi'nden alýp Orta Düzey'e taþýmaktadýr.

    l ELS-WORKSHEETS, dört yýllýk lise sisteminde hazýrlýk sýnýflarýnýn kaldýrýlmasý dikkate alýnarak, yeni sistemin müfredatýna göre revize edilmiþ ve sayfa sayýsý artýrýlmýþtýr. Yapýlan revizyonlarla ELS-WORKSHEETS, düz liselerin yaný sýra, Anadolu liselerinde, özel okullarda ve üniversite ve yüksekokullarýn hazýrlýk sýnýflarýnda izlenmeye uygun hale getirilmiþtir.

    l Yayýnýn hazýrlanmasýnda ve revizyonunda, M.E.B'nýn bu okullar için öngördüðü müfredat programý ve okullarda yaygýn olarak izlenen kitaplarýn içerikleri temel alýnmýþtýr.

    l Grammar-Reading-Vocabulary alanlarýnda çok çeþitli ve bol alýþtýrma verilerek öðrencilerin edindikleri bilgileri pekiþtirmeleri, Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþtýklarý güçlüklerin daha kolay üstesinden gelmeleri amaçlanmýþtýr.

    l Dil öðreniminde görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak kitaplardaki egzersiz ve aktiviteler, kuþe kaðýda basýlmýþ renkli, ilgi çekici ve öðretici resimlerle desteklenmiþtir.

    l ELS-WORKSHEETS'i toplu olarak sýnýfýyla birlikte izleyecek öðretmen arkadaþlarýmýz için, içinde çeþitli aktivitelerin, "worksheet"lerin, "quiz"lerin vetestlerin yer aldýðý "Teacher's File" hazýrlanmýþtýr.

    l ELS-WORKSHEETS'in okullarda daha rahat izlenebilmesi için, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Baþkanlýðý'nýn 13.11.1998 tarih, 13577 sayýlý kararý ile onay alýnmýþtýr.

    ELS Yayýncýlýk


    ELS-WORKSHEETS FreshmanELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman, dört kitaptan oluþan ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin birincikitabýdýr. Kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ 18 resim içeren Freshman's Pictorial ile bir takýmdýr.

    Unit 1 To be: am, is, arePersonal Pronouns and Possessive AdjectivesQuestion Types and Question Words(who/what/where/how old) Numbers/Colours/Occupations/HobbiesCountries/NationalitiesGiving addresses and Phone Numbersin/from/at (place)

    Unit 2 Singular/Plural this, these/that, thosePrepositions of place

    Unit 3 Possessive ('s) have got/has gotQuestions with whoHow manyPossessive Pronouns Talking about appearances

    Unit 4 Telling the timeOrdinal numbers (first, second, etc.) Days of the week/Months Telling datesPrepositions of time and place

    Unit 5 There is/there areExpressing the positions of buildings in relationto each otherPrepositions: opposite, next to, behind, in frontof, etc.Talking about the plan of a housePieces of furniturea, an, some, any, how manyREVISION TEST 1

    Unit 6 Imperatives Giving directionsObject Pronouns a, an, the

    Unit 7 can/can't (ability) Linking words: because, so, and, but can (permission)can't/be not allowed to (prohibition) must/mustn't

    Unit 8 Nouns: countable/uncountable some, any, a lot of, much, many How many/How muchcan (request)/would likeone/ones (substitute words)

    Unit 9 Present Continuous Seasons/Items of clothingtoo/either

    Unit 10 Simple Present Expressions of sequence: first, then, next, afterthat, finallyFrequency adverbs Habits/likes/dislikes Neither do I/So do I, etc.


    Unit 11 Simple Present or Present Continuous Non-progressive verbs Present Continuous with a future meaning Questions with who, Wh- questions

    Unit 12 Simple Past: to be: was/wereQuestions with wherethere was/there wereused to/didn't use to ago /in

    Unit 13 Simple Past (regular verbs)

    Unit 14 Simple Past (irregular verbs) Revision of expressions of sequence: first, then,next, after that, finally

    Unit 15 Simple Past (Question forms)

    Unit 16 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Wh- questions


    Unit 17 Making suggestions: Let's, Why don't we...?,How/What about...?, Shall we...?, I/We could...Agreeing/disagreeing with suggestions: I'd ratherPermission/possibility: can/can'tAsking/giving/refusing permission Asking for and explaining reasons Why/because/so

    Unit 18 Expressing obligation/Lack of obligationhave to (had to)/don't have to (didn't have to)not allowed to/can't (couldn't)/must/mustn'tTalking about rules and lawsGiving directions

    Unit 19 Order of AdjectivesComparative and Superlative forms ofadjectives as...as/so...as/the same...asHow and What (How wide is...?/What's thewidth...?)Comparative and Superlative forms withQuantifiers



  • ELS-WORKSHEETS SophomoreELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin ikinci kitabýdýr. Kitabýnsonunda, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler yer almaktadýr.

    Unit 1 going to Future (plans/intentions) for + time phrase/How long?Expressing purpose

    Unit 2 going to Future (Future predictions with strong evidence inthe present)

    Unit 3 Simple Future: will/won't

    Unit 4 going to Future or Simple Future (will/won't)

    Unit 5 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Future (going to/will) Questions with how oftenExpressing frequency of actions Question Tags


    Unit 6 Indefinite pronouns Prepositions -ing Constructions

    Unit 7 Simple Past and Past Continuous When/While sentencesAs/Just as

    Unit 8 Present Perfect Simple Talking about previous experiences Simple Past (with a definite time in the past)Present Perfect Simple Talking about past actions with results in thepresent

    Unit 9 Present Perfect Simple (with for/since) Simple Past (with ago) Questions with when/how long

    Unit 10 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Past Continuous Present Perfect


    Unit 11 Describing people and places Comparing and contrasting climates ofdifferent places quite, very

    Unit 12 Comparative and Superlative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

    Unit 13 The Passive Simple Present/Simple Past

    Unit 14 The Passive Present Continuous/Past Continuous

    Unit 15 The Passive Present PerfectFuture (going to/will)


    Unit 16 Modals Ability: can/could/be able toObligation: have to/must/mustn't/needn'tAdvisability: shouldPossibility: must/may (not)/can'tPreference: would rather/would preferPassive with Modals

    Unit 17 Question Tags too and eitherso and nor/neitherI think so, I hope not, etc.

    Unit 18 Quantifiersa few, a little, too many, too much, etc.

    Unit 19 Present Perfect Continuous since, for, how longPresent Perfect Simple or Continuous

    Unit 20 Gerunds and Infinitives REVISION TEST 4 TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 4



  • ELS-WORKSHEETS JuniorELS-WORKSHEETS Junior, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin üçüncü kitabýdýr. Kitabýnsonuna, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler eklenmiþtir.

    Unit 1 Time Clauses for future actions

    (until, when, as soon as, after, before)

    Unit 2 Conditionals (Type 1-2)


    Unit 3 I wish/If only

    Unit 4 Relative Clauses (defining)

    Relative pronouns:


    Unit 5 used to/would

    no longer/any longer/any more



    Unit 6 both/neither/either/but




    Unit 7 Past Perfect Tense

    Unit 8 Past Perfect in Time Clauses

    Unit 9 Past Perfect or Present Perfect

    Unit 10 Time Clauses (present/future/past)



    Unit 11 Reported Speech (Statements)

    Unit 12 Reported Speech (Questions)

    Unit 13 Reported Speech (Imperatives)

    Unit 14 Reported Speech (Mixed forms)

    Unit 15 Prepositions


    Unit 16 Prepositional Verbs (look at, listen to etc.)

    Unit 17 Phrasal Verbs (put out, take off, etc.)

    Unit 18 Pronouns (mine, yours, myself, himself, etc.)Indefinite pronouns (something, nobody, etc.)

    Unit 19 Articles (a/an/the) Determiners (all of them/none of it, etc.) other/another/the otherSubject-Verb Agreement

    Unit 20 Grammar Revision






    ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin dördüncü ve son kitabýdýr.Kitabýn sonunda, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkliolarak basýlmýþ resimler yer almaktadýr.

    Unit 1 Grammar Revision


    Simple Present

    Present Continuous

    Non-progressive verbs


    Unit 4 PAST TENSES

    Simple Past

    Past Continuous


    Present Perfect

    Present Perfect Continuous

    Past Perfect

    Past Perfect Continuous



    Unit 6 Simple and Perfect Modals

    Unit 7 Present and past participles as adjectives

    Unit 8 Adjective and adverb structures



    Unit 9 Gerunds and Infinitives

    Infinitive with or without "to"

    Infinitive after adjectives

    Gerund after prepositions

    Unit 10 Causatives



    Unit 11 Relative Clauses (defining) that/which/who/whose/whereContact clauses

    Unit 12 Relative Clauses (Non-defining)

    Unit 13 Noun Clauses (as objects)

    Unit 14 Conditionals (Type 1-2-3) Wish Clauses (I wish/If only)

    Unit 15 Connectors and Conjunctions but, and, or, so, because, after, before,etc.


    Unit 16 Prepositional Phrases on time, in a hurry, by mistake, etc. Phrasal Verbs

    Unit 17 Vocabulary Building

    Unit 18 Synonyms and Antonyms Prefixes of Negation (un-, dis-, in-, im-, il-, ir-) Negatives with -less

    Unit 19 Confusing Verbs Confusing Word Pairs





  • 1. Our cat, Kimyon, likes to sleep …… thesofa and the wall.

    A) to B) fromC) between D) outside

    2. Turtles …… breathe underwater, sothey regularly come up for air.

    A) can’t B) aren’t allowed toC) haven’t D) don’t have to

    3. I’m really bored. …… going out to acafé for a change?

    A) Shall we B) Why don’t weC) Let’s D) What about

    4. Southeast Asia’s reticulated python is…… snake in the world, and can oftenbe 6.25 metres or more.

    A) longer than B) as long asC) very long D) the longest

    5. We haven’t got …… eggs, so can youget a box from the supermarket?

    A) much B) someC) any D) a lot

    6. A: I really don’t like dancing at all.B: Oh, I don’t, …… .

    A) so B) eitherC) neither D) too

    7. Tony visited the Arizona desert five orsix years ……, I think.

    A) ago B) alreadyC) yet D) since

    8. Pýnar doesn’t like Ýzmir …… it’s too hotthere in the summer.

    A) because B) butC) or D) so

    9. My wife’s parents …… live in Ýzmit, butthey …… to Ýstanbul last autumn.

    A) must/are movingB) could/moveC) used to/moved D) have to/could move

    10. In many schools in the United Statestoday, students …… clothes of certaincolours.

    A) aren’t wearingB) aren’t allowed to wear C) couldn’t wearD) didn’t have to wear

    11. On most computer keyboards, ……letter Q is on …… top left side.

    A) a/— B) —/theC) the/a D) the/the

    12. Levent …… to study for his exams, butthe noise from the nearby footballstadium is too loud.

    A) tried B) is trying C) try D) tries

    13. Maybe I am strange, but I think instantcoffee tastes …… Turkish coffee.

    A) good as B) very goodC) better than D) the best

    14. A: …… did Esra go to last night’s concert with?

    B: I really don’t know.

    A) Who B) WhenC) Where D) How


    A. Choose the right answer. (2 points for each)

  • 15. Ekþi Sözlük …… still a very popularInternet dictionary in Turkey, and it…… there in 1999.

    A) was/beginsB) is/began C) does/is beginning D) has/could begin

    16. A: …… people attended yesterday’s meeting?

    B: Oh, only six or seven, I think.

    A) Which B) WhoC) How many D) How much

    17. Ned has very light blond hair, and hischildren do, …… .

    A) neither B) soC) too D) either

    18. A: Are …… your shoes in …… mud over there?

    B: Yes, unfortunately. Let me go and get them.

    A) these/this B) that/thoseC) this/these D) those/that

    19. I’m not hungry at all, …… I don’t wantto eat anything right now.

    A) so B) butC) too D) because

    20. The 2.06-metre Bill Russell was not so…… the basketball centers of today.

    A) tall B) tall as C) the tallest D) taller than

    21. You …… take Peter to a fish restaurant—he’s allergic to seafood.

    A) don’t have to B) couldn’tC) mustn’t D) don’t

    22. A: …… are you playing with the back of the TV set?

    B: This TV’s reception is terrible, ……I’m trying to get better picture.

    A) How/because B) What/andC) Who/but D) Why/so

    23. A: …… are the t-shirts there?B: About $10 to $20, I suppose.

    A) How many B) WhereC) What D) How much

    24. The actor and director Mel Gibson isoriginally …… the United States, buthe spent many years …… Australia.

    A) to/from B) from/in C) at/to D) in/at

    25. A: I don’t understand physics very well, you know.

    B: Don’t worry. …… .

    A) Neither do I B) So do youC) So do I D) Nor have I

    26. Hey, I’ve got an idea. …… have a bowlof ice cream!

    A) Why don’t B) Shall weC) Let’s D) How about

    27. Michael …… clean the floors today—Aslýhan is doing them instead.

    A) didn’t use to B) couldC) must D) doesn’t have to

    28. I …… pickles at all, but now Iabsolutely love them!

    A) don’t have to likeB) didn’t use to like C) am not liking D) can’t like

    29. Oh, Garry, please don’t sit …… thefireplace—you may get burned.

    A) behind B) in front of C) to D) from

    30. Every morning at about 6 o’clock, aflock of crows …… over our apartmentbuilding.

    A) fly B) must flyC) can fly D) are flying



    Pat: Would you like to go out dancing tonight?

    Chris: No, not really.Pat: Oh, why not? Please?Chris: Well, I guess tonight you’re just

    (1) ........ energetic ........ I am. I think (2) ........ stay at home and relax.

    Pat: Oh, alright. How about a film? There (3) ........ two good films on TV tonight:Warm Water and Shazoom.

    Chris: (4) ........ one would you like to watch?Pat: Well, Warm Water sounds very good,

    (5) ........ Shazoom does, too. Why don’t you choose?

    Chris: Okay—I choose sleep. Good night! Enjoy the film!

    1. A) more…than B) as…asC) the same…as D) the most…of

    2. A) why don’t we B) what aboutC) shall we D) I’d rather

    3. A) do B) haveC) are D) is

    4. A) Whose B) WhichC) How D) What

    5. A) either B) butC) so D) because

    B. Choose the right answer to complete the blanks in the dialogue. (2 points for each)

    1. It is stated in the passage that thepeople of Çatalhöyük …… .

    A) lived in special open areasB) had a very democratic lifestyleC) made statues of human figuresD) did not put their rubbish in their homes

    2. According to the passage, thebuildings of Çatalhöyük …… .

    A) were the houses of archaeologistsB) had a lot of rubbish inside themC) were all about the same size D) did not have any entrances

    3. According to the passage, Çatalhöyük…… .

    A) got a lot of its food from animalsB) is the oldest evidence of human lifeC) never had more than 8,000 peopleD) used a kind of money in its trade

    4. It is stated in the passage that …… .

    A) more than 5,000 people live inÇatalhöyük

    B) there is a painting of the village on abuilding wall

    C) Çatalhöyük’s men were healthier thanits women

    D) Çatalhöyük’s men hunted and itswomen farmed

    The ancient village of Çatalhöyük in southern Anatolia is over 9,000 years old. During itslifetime, Çatalhöyük probably had an average population of between 5,000 and 8,000 people.There were no streets in the village: the buildings were all next to each other, and the peoplegot in through holes in the ceilings. They buried their dead under the floors, but otherwise theykept the insides of their houses very clean, and dumped their rubbish in special open areasaway from the buildings. There were also many paintings on the inner and outer walls of thebuildings, and archaeologists have discovered many small statues as well. One of thepaintings is a map of the village, and archaeologists say that it is currently the world’s oldestmap. According to the evidence of the burials, paintings, and statues, the people of Çatalhöyükprobably had a very rich religious life. Apparently, they did not have any social classes,because there were no buildings that were very different or larger than the other buildings.Also, apparently there was no great social division between men and women, because thebodies of women show the same amount of nutrition as the bodies of the men. The majorsource of food was hunting, but there was also some basic farming. The people also madeand traded pottery and tools.

    C. Read the passage and then choose the right answer. (2.5 points for each)


    D. Look at the picture and complete the passage with an appropriate word or phrasefrom the choices given. (2 points for each)

    1. A) where B) thereC) what D) it

    2.A) dropped B) dropsC) can drop D) is dropping

    3.A) much B) anyC) a lot of D) many

    4.A) does B) canC) has D) is

    5.A) much B) anyC) lots D) some

    Here is a room in a house in 17th-century Holland on 6 December, St. Nicholas’ Day. Theroom is a bit messy: (1) ........ is a shoe on the ground at the bottom of the picture (maybe oneof the children (2) ........ it there), and a basket with (3) ........ bread is on the floor. The childrenseem a little excited, and the girl in the front of the picture (4) ........ a doll in her hands, and abucket with (5) ........ flowers on her left arm.

    E. Write what is happening in the picture by choosing an appropriate verb from the boxfor each blank in the passage below, and putting that verb into the PresentContinuous tense. Use each verb only once. (2 points for each)

    The boy on the left (1) .......................... his nose. A hat is on his head, and his hair is reddish-blond. He doesn’t seem happy—I wonder what his problem is… The man on the right, with ababy in his arms, (2) .......................... to something outside of the picture. I wonder what it is…Oh, and look! A mysterious woman with a black scarf on her head (3) .......................... in theshadows at the back of the picture. I wonder who she is…

    Also, a picture (4) .......................... on the back wall of the room in the picture, not farfrom the mysterious woman, and a cushion (5) .......................... against the table on the rightside of the picture.

    hang hide point scratch lean


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    10. SINIF SETÝ

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    ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior için hazýrlanmýþ “Teacher's File 3”ve “Teacher's File 4”, yine "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede birkullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir. Ancak, dil öðrencisini YDS soru tiplerine hazýrlamakamacýyla bu setlere, her ünite sonunda kullanýlmak üzere 35 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk konutestleri ve 8 paragraf çalýþmasý testi eklenmiþtir. Bir paragraf çalýþmasý testi, 3 çoktan seçmeli“comprehension” sorusu olan 4 pasaj içermektedir. Böylece, setin tamamýnda, 64 pasaj ve bupasajlarla ilgili 192 “comprehension” sorusu yer almaktadýr. Bu materyallerin yaný sýra“Teacher's File 4”, öðrencinin Ýngilizce düzeyi dikkate alýnarak hazýrlanmýþ, YDS formatýnda100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir. (Deneme sýnavlarý, 2007-Ocak ayý baþlarýndagönderilecektir.) Bu kitaplarýn “Contents” bölümlerini, bu sayýmýzýn 24, 25, 26 ve 27.sayfalarýnda bulabilirsiniz.

    NOT: 9. Sýnýf ve 10. Sýnýf setleri için Teacher's File, 20 ve üzeri toplu alýmlarda gönderilecektir.

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