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Empowering Expository Writers

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©2004 Empowering Writers, LLC

Narrative Writing Diamond


ELABORATIVE DETAIL -Story Critical Character, Setting, Object

SUSPENSE or anticipation leading to the main event

THE MAIN EVENTShow action in slow motion, frame by frame, stretch it out! Include description and main

character’s thoughts and feelings!

EXTENDED ENDING:Memory, Decision,


Action leading to SOLUTIONof problem or

CONCLUSION of adventure.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Introduction to Empowering Writers (cont.)

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Student Reference Sheet

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Detail Detail

Detail Detail

Main Idea#1_____________

INTRODUCTIONLead/Topic Sentence


Detail Detail

Detail Detail

Detail Detail

Detail Detail

Main Idea#3_____________


Main Idea#2_____________


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Using these Materials

An in-depth introduction to each skill area, complete with samples from literatureare provided, along with clear lesson plans for each activity .

• All teacher information and lesson plan pages which precede thestudent activities are coded with a border of “Apples”.

• Student reproducible reference and activity pages are coded with aborder of “Pencils”.

The METHODOLOGY we recommend is as follows:1.) INTRODUCE the concept or skill through published examples. We

recommend that you use examples from literature to demonstrate the specifictechniques presented. We provide examples in the text.

2.) MODEL the technique for the class, “thinking out loud” the thoughts andquestions of an author. Specific questioning techniques as well as sample passagesand examples are provided within the teacher preparation pages to assist you in thiscritical step. Students will not demonstrate the skills presented by simply reading,discussing, and analyzing literature. Modeling is the necessary bridge betweenrecognizing the techniques and applying them. The various skills are presented andmodeled in isolation, allowing the students to focus on a specific technique, withoutbeing overwhelmed by the pressure of constantly producing entire pieces of writing.Also, modeling is a powerful vocabulary building opportunity.

3.) Numerous GUIDED PRACTICE opportunities for students are provided throughthe use of the reproducible student pages. First, the teacher models the techniquehighlighted on the student page, asking effective detail generating questions, elicitingthoughtful responses from students, which are then incorporated by the teacher intothe model. Students are affirmed in their efforts and then encouraged to try the sameactivity on their own. They benefit through the teacher’s effective use of vocabulary ,language, and the specific technique being modeled. The teacher circulates,commenting on individual examples, encouraging, and assisting where necessary.

4.) After numerous MODELING and GUIDED PRACTICE opportunities the students’APPLICATION of these skills will emerge in examples of both timed and processwriting.

PLEASE NOTE: Our copyright agreement allows the purchaser to copy thestudent activity pages FOR USE WITHIN HIS OR HER INDIVIDU AL CLASSROOMONLY. Copying materials for use in other classrooms or for training purposes is aviolation of copyright law. Materials may not be reproduced for use on the internetor beyond the purchaser’s individual classroom. Please pass along the order formin the back of this book to your colleagues who may be interested in using theseactivities with their students.

©2004 Empowering Writers, LLC

Using These Materials


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Student Number 1 writes the following main idea sentences:

1.) Zoos work hard to create realistic habitats.

2.) You can see many exotic creatures at the zoo.

3.) You can visit the gift shop at the zoo.

These main idea sentences are distinct, and therefore effective.

Student Number 2 writes the following main idea sentences:

1.) Zoo animals are cool.

2.) There are lots of animals there.

3.) The zoo is interesting.

These main idea sentences are not distinct enough and “overlap”, and thereforeare ineffective.

Look at the following detail sentence:

The hippopotamus is one creature you will meet at the zoo.

Imagine that each student wants to include that detail in their piece.

This is clear for student #1 - this detail obviously belongs in paragraph/mainidea #2. Where would you place this detail based on student #2’s main idea sentences?Because the main ideas are not significantly different from one another, it is unclear asto where that detail might best belong.

Another way to gauge the effectiveness of a group of main idea sentences is torestate the main idea in a single word or two (a blurb). For example:

Main Idea Sentences “Blurbs”

1.) Zoos work hard to create realistic habitats. habitats

2.) You can see many exotic creatures at the zoo. exotic creatures

3.) You can visit the gift shop at the zoo. gift shop

116©2005 Empowering Writers, LLC

Introduction to Generating BroadYet Distinct Main Ideas



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Main Ideas--Overlapping or Distinct? - 3Read each group of Main Ideas. If they overlap, cross out the ideas that are too

similar and replace them with distinct ideas. Then write a main idea sentence for eachmain idea. You may use the sentence starters on the bottom of the page to help you.


MAIN IDEA #1: fun

MAIN IDEA #2: camp

MAIN IDEA #3: no school

MAIN IDEA #1: _______________________________________________________

MAIN IDEA #2: _______________________________________________________

MAIN IDEA #3: _______________________________________________________

Sentence Starters

• During the summer season___. • Summer is the perfect time for___. • Kids enjoy ____.

• The best thing about summer is___. • What’s not to like about___? • Don’t you just love___?

• Most people appreciate___. • Have you ever___? • Summer provides opportunities for___.


MAIN IDEA #1: all kinds of topping

MAIN IDEA #2: nutritious

MAIN IDEA #3: pepperoni

MAIN IDEA #1: _______________________________________________________

MAIN IDEA #2: _______________________________________________________

MAIN IDEA #3: _______________________________________________________

Sentence Starters

• Everyone loves____. • Pizza provides___. • Top your pizza with___. Who doesn’t enjoy___?

• Consider this: Pizza is ___. • Everyone agrees that___. • Go to your local pizzeria for___.

• This delicious food____. • This convenience food___. • Choose pizza when___.

142©2005 Empowering Writers, LLC

Student Page



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MAIN IDEAS--DON’T OVERLAP THEM! - 2 Read the TOPIC and related main idea sentences below. Help the author decide




MAIN IDEA #1: There are lots of things I love about Halloween. ___________

MAIN IDEA #2: Having a great costume is half the fun. ___________________

MAIN IDEA #3: It’s really all about getting lots of candy.__________________


I love making my costume. Main Idea(s) #________

I love sorting through all of the candy I’ve collected. Main Idea(s) #________

The year I dressed as a gypsy I got the most candy. Main Idea(s) #________

I love decorating the house for Halloween. Main Idea(s) #________

Are the main ideas distinct enough?_____________

As a class, use the topic “HALLOWEEN” and PICK, LIST, and CHOOSE in orderto generate an effective collection of BROAD YET DISTINCT MAIN IDEAS.

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Student Page



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Student Reference Sheet


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• What does it “look” like?

(sound like? feel like? taste like?

smell like? seem like?)

• Why is that important?

(Why is that important to your main idea?)

• Is each detail in a separate sentence?

(Separate the Grocery List!)

• Did you give a specific example?

(Avoid general language such as

“stuff” “things” “nice”, etc.)


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Using Detail-Generating Questions - 2 Read the paragraph below on the topic of training a dog. The author has simply

listed a number of facts. None of the facts have been elaborated on in an effective way.On another paper, revise this paragraph by applying the detail-generating questions(in bold print) as indicated. You may use the sentence starters on the bottom of thepage to correct the redundant sentence variety.

Your dog will be happier if he is well trained. He needs to come when he is called.

He needs to be able to sit and stay. Your dog needs to let you know when he has to go

outside. He needs to stay off the furniture. He shouldn’t chew or scratch things.


Your dog will be happier if he is well trained. He needs to come when he is called.

(Why is this important?) He needs to be able to sit and stay. (What does that look

like? Why is that important?) Your dog needs to let you know when he has to go

outside. (What does that look like? Why is that important?) He needs to stay off

the furniture and shouldn’t chew or scratch things. (Is each detail in a separate

sentence? Can you give a specific example? Why is this important?) Most

important, he should know not to bite. (Why is this important?)


• A well-behaved canine____________• It is important for your dog to____________

• Safe, happy dogs know____________• You’ll want to teach____________

• Another critical lesson involves____________• Be sure to instruct your pet to____________

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Student Page



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Sample Modeled Revision:

Your dog will be happier if he is well trained. In order to keep your dog safe from

traffic, and to prevent him from chasing other animals and endangering others, he

needs to learn how to come when called. At your signal, your furry friend should

eagerly sit his wagging tail down and stay put until you tell him otherwise. This

prevents the annoyance of your pet jumping up on people or begging at the table. Of

course, every well-trained canine needs to learn excellent bathroom manners,

barking or standing by the door to signal that he needs to go outside. Your carpet,

your floor, and your nose will appreciate this skill! It is important for your dog to

stay off the furniture. Nobody likes to sit down on the couch in their black trousers

and stand up covered in dog hair! Safe, happy dogs have been taught to chew and

scratch on rawhide or rubber toys. This prevents the destruction of shoes, furniture,

and other personal items, and also ensures that your dog doesn’t get splinters, or

swallow something that will cause injury. Perhaps the most critical lesson to teach

your dog is never, ever to bite. In this way, your family, friends, and neighbors will all

safely enjoy the companionship of your four-legged canine friend!

Teaching Suggestions –

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“The Golden Bricks”Five Powerful Building Blocks That Give Your Pillar Strength

QUOTE: The words of an authority or an expert on the subject you’rewriting about. Be sure to tell the reader who the expert is and whathis/her qualifications are.

ex. Ms. Kathy Jones, executive producer, says, “This movie will be a hit!”

NOT just: Ms. Kathy Jones says....

STATISTIC: Information presented as a number, ratio, or percentage.

ex. On average 100,000 people use this product daily.


It has been proven that 9 out of 10 people own......


Studies show that 85% of people visit.......

AMAZING FACT: An unusual, amazing, little-known fact that will surpriseyour readers.

ex. It is hard to believe, but when a sea star loses an arm, they grow another inits place!

ANECDOTE: A SHORT explicit story used to illustrate a main idea.

ex. That reminds me of the time when I wore my clogs and slipped on the icypath. This is just another example of why it is important to dress appropriatelyfor the weather.

DESCRIPTIVE SEGMENT: A vivid 2 or 3 sentence description that usesthe five senses to illustrate an example of some kind.

ex. Cars and buses rush past in a blur. Taxi horns blare. The air is filled with thesmells of exhaust. Pedestrians crowd the sidewalks. Skyscrapers tower overhead.The city is a bustling place!

Student Reference Sheet

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A LEAD: Catch the reader’s attention with:

• an amazing or unusual fact • a question

• a descriptive segment • a statistic

• a quote • an anecdote

A TOPIC SENTENCE: Briefly, clearly, tell the reader what the piece will be about.

Read each introduction paragraph that follows. Pay attention to the different kindsof leads. The lead appears in italics. The topic sentence is underlined. Notice that thetopic sentence in each example is the same!

They’re cute and furry, sophisticated and intelligent, playfuland independent. Without a doubt, cats are beautiful, easy tocare for, and great company!

(Type of lead: descriptive segment)

These celebrities of the animal kingdom have been featuredeverywhere from Broadway to King Tut’s tomb! Without adoubt, cats are beautiful, easy to care for, and great company!

(Type of lead: amazing fact)

“I’d travel anywhere around the globe to make a picture,”says Hollywood actress Maxine Foster, “as long as I could bringmy kitty cat along on the shoot!” Without a doubt, cats arebeautiful, easy to care for, and great company!

(Type of lead: quote)

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Student Reference Sheet


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What do more than 70 million Americans have in common?They are the proud owners of the fabulous feline! Without adoubt, cats are beautiful, easy to care for, and great company!

(Type of lead: statistic)

Are you looking for a good companion, a faithful friend,some good clean entertainment? Then look no further! Justbuy yourself a cat! Without a doubt, cats are beautiful, easy tocare for, and great company!

(Type of lead: question)

I come home and plop down on my couch, exhausted. Awarm ball of fur rubs against my ankles, jumps onto the couchand cuddles up, purring softly. Suddenly I feel the stress of theday melting away. Without a doubt, cats are beautiful, easy tocare for, and great company!

(Type of lead: anecdote)

Notice that there is no doubt what any of these paragraphs are introducing....anexpository piece of writing that will provide information about the following topic:CATS MAKE WONDERFUL PETS. Also notice that the author can be as creative ashe or she wants to be in constructing an attention grabbing lead--each lead sentencewas effective.

Student Reference Sheet (cont.)

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Leads and Topic Sentences - 2Read each introduction paragraph. Fill in the author’s prewriting plan in order to

highlight each main idea. Underline the lead in red and the topic sentence in blue.Then, on the line below each paragraph, tell which kind of lead the author used:

• Descriptive Segment • Amazing Fact • Question

• Quote • Statistic • Anecdote

In a recent poll, eight out of every 10 kids questioned said thatthey preferred pizza to all other foods. Pizza is a convenient,delicious, and nutritious family food choice.

TOPIC: __________________________________________________________________

Main Idea #1 _____________________________________________________________

Main Idea #2 _____________________________________________________________

Main Idea #3 _____________________________________________________________

Type of lead:______________________________________________________________

Do you enjoy an occasional swim? Would you like to join the artsand crafts club, or learn yoga, karate, or judo? Does a trip to theweight room sound appealing? The YMCA offers sports, crafts, andclubs for people of all ages!

TOPIC: __________________________________________________________________

Main Idea #1 _____________________________________________________________

Main Idea #2 _____________________________________________________________

Main Idea #3 _____________________________________________________________

Type of lead:______________________________________________________________

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Student Page



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343©2005 Empowering Writers, LLC

CONCLUSIONSThe concluding paragraph should “sum up” the main ideas of an expository

piece. However, this should not be a totally redundant restating of the main ideas.Here is an example:

So now you know what frogs look like, where they live, and how they

grow and change. THE END

It is clear that the piece focused on the topic of frogs, and that the main ideasdealt with their physical characteristics, habitat, and life cycles. However, this kindof redundant restating is boring. There are a number of different techniquesthat can be used to creatively restate the main ideas that we will explorein this section:





Some of these techniques (questions, word referents, definitive words/phrases,restatement of general thesis statement) are easy and effective for younger studentsand function as a bridge to the more sophisticated skills (hypothetical anecdote,informative verbs) which are better applied by more mature students. We willexplore each of these techniques, and encourage students to apply them as they areready. An example of each follows:


Would you enjoy a nature walk by the marsh or pond? Are you entertained by the flopping about of tadpoles and the leaping of long-legged green frogs? If so, you should get to know the common, yet fascinating frog!

Let’s analyze the way that each main idea was referenced in the above example. • appearance: long-legged green • habitat: marsh or pond • life cycle: tadpoles - frogs

Teacher Background


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WORD REFERENTS - rephrase key words and phrases for sentence and word variety.

Would you enjoy a nature walk by the marsh or pond? Are you entertained by the flopping about of tadpoles and the leaping of long-legged, green amphibians? If so, you should get to know the common, yet fascinating frog!

Notice the use of “marsh or pond” in place of “where they live”, “tadpoles” and“long-legged green amphibians” in place of “how they grow and change” and “long-legged, green amphibians” in place of “frogs”. (Also, notice the last sentence - anexample of restatement of topic sentence.)

DEFINITIVE WORDS/PHRASES - (list below) lend an air of authority and finalityto the piece.

certainly surely without a doubt clearly decidedly truly for sure

absolutely definitely of course indeed undoubtedly positively

Would you enjoy a nature walk by the marsh or pond? Are you entertained by the flopping about of tadpoles and the leaping of long-legged green frogs? If so, youshould certainly get to know the common, yet fascinating frog!

RESTATEMENT OF GENERAL TOPIC SENTENCE - Many students have atendency to end their pieces with a phrase such as: I hope you liked reading my report.This ineffective, awkward final sentence is fairly typical, because students sense theneed for some closure but are uncertain about how to achieve it. The use of thegeneral topic sentence as the final sentence in the piece is an excellent alternative.Restate the TOPIC along with a general adjective:

Would you enjoy a nature walk by the marsh or pond? Are you entertained by the flopping about of tadpoles and the leaping of long-legged green frogs? If so, you should certainly get to know the amazing, fascinating frog!

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Teacher Background (cont.)


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Teacher Background (cont.)

HYPOTHETICAL ANECDOTE - a situation presented that would, hypothetically,put the reader in contact with your topic.

If you ever stroll along the banks of a pond, or take a kayak or canoeout on a small lake, be on the lookout for these interesting creatures. From egg totadpole, from tadpole to frog, these long-legged, green hopping amphibians willdefinitely catch your eye. Without a doubt, these comical croakers are fascinating!

INFORMATIVE VERBS - replace passive or helping verbs with informative verbsin order to easily restate each main idea. Here is a list of informative verbs forreference purposes:

recognize understand learn about discover uncover reveal study

examine observe analyze investigate find out focus on research

know delve consider determine remember explore

be familiar with be on the lookout become aware of

If you ever stroll along the banks of a pond, or take a kayak or canoe out on asmall lake, be on the lookout for these interesting creatures. You can explore theirhabitat and observe them from egg to tadpole, tadpole to frog. These long-legged,green hopping amphibians will certainly catch your eye. Without a doubt, thesecomical croakers are fascinating!

All of these techniques will be presented to students, from the most basic skills tothe most sophisticated, in the activities that follow. The first lesson introduces thesimpler techniques.

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