eng m testtk2

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  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2


    Paljivo proitajte uputstvo.

    Ne okreite stranice dok to ne dozvoli deurni nastavnik.

    Test iz gramatike, leksike i pisanja traje 100 minuta.

    Za vrijeme rada na testu nije dozvoljena upotreba rjenika i

    elektronskih ureaja. Odgovore treba pisati hemijskom olovkom.

    Kod pisanja sastava dozvoljeno je pisanje koncepta na listovima za

    koncept. Vodite rauna o broju rijei, jezikoj pravilnosti i itljivosti

    teksta. Konana verzija se itko prepisuje na predvieno mjesto u

    testu i ona e biti ocijenjena.

    E N G L E S K I E Z I

  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2



  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2



  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2



    3.2 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.

    Cycling to India

    When I was 11, during a junior school leavers' assembly in front of all the mums and dads, my

    headmistress asked my class what they wanted to do when they

    1...............................................(leave) school. Footballer, doctor, film star, politician, came the

    replies. My answer? "I 2............................................... (want) to cycle round the world and

    raise money for charity." A big "ahhhhh" resounded around the school hall. "So sweet."

    Little did they know that 20 years later I 3............................................... (be) setting off on a

    9,000-mile journey to India. On my own. Carrying everything I needed on my steel-framed

    bicycle, affectionately known as "Shirley".

    I would like to say it was planned to the nth degree and that everything ran like clockwork. In

    reality, I was chased by wild dogs, attacked by bandits.

    On my last day I 4............................................... (cycle) through the Bandipur wildlife park in

    southern India. My flowery bike wasn't great camouflage and startled a number of elephants

    as I passed. They decided 5............................................... (charge).

    The advice is "if an elephant 6............................................... (charge) you, stand your ground,

    and bow your head to show respect". What tosh! With 30 tonnes of muscle and bone

    7............................................... (crash) towards me, destroying small trees and making the

    ground vibrate under my feet, there was no way I was standing firm. I dropped my bike into

    third gear and floored it.

    Yet the greatest memories 8............................................... (be)of so many wonderful people I

    met in every country, who invited me into their homes to c elebrate local festivals, play music,

    dance, sing, eat, and share each other's cultures, beliefs, history and way of life.

    After six months' cyc ling, I rolled into Chembakolli, a tiny village, my final destination. It was

    my 31st birthday 20 years since I 9...............................................first ------ (dream)up the idea.

    I 10............................................... (greet)by a carnival of people playing drums, singing,

    cheering, and waving banners saying "Happy birthday". All I could do was crouch down and

    cry tears of joy. I'd cycled 9,000 miles from England to India. I'd lived my dream.

    By Da niel Bent, 31, tea c her, Essex.

    charge - to rush forward in or as if in a violent attack


  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2



    3.3 Write the correct form of the words in brackets:


    Medical courses st UK and US universities fill all top 10 plac es. Cambridge comes second and

    Oxford fourth in a new 1.................................................................(globe) ranking of medicine

    courses, in which Harvard tops the list.

    Universities are also ranked for 2.................................................................(excellent) in biological

    sciences and 3.................................................................(psychological), with Harvard topping

    the league in these subjects, too.

    J ohn O'Leary, a member of the QS ac ademic

    4................................................................. (advice) board, says: "QS world university rankings for

    biomedica l subjects show that not all the best work takes place in the UK and US. The most

    reputable UK universities 5.................................................................(performance) admirably in

    these rankings but Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Hong Kong

    are all now offering a world-class English-language alternative."

  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2



    4.1 You have just seen the following advertisement.

    We a re looking for a live ly young p erson to help look a f ter our tw o chi ldren (ag ed

    eight a nd six) d uring o ur four-wee k m ounta in trek.

    Ap p l ica n ts shou ld en joy b e ing w ith c h ild ren and be ca pa b le o f keep ing them

    oc cup i ed a nd en te rt a ined .

    We ne ed a f it an d h eal thy perso n who enjoys winter sp or ts an d c a mp ing .

    Perso na l qua lit ies a re just a s imp o rta nt a s exp erienc e.

    Rea so nab le c om ma nd of Engl ish required .

    Please w rite to M r and Mrs Ad am s enc losing a reference .Write your letter of application to Mr and Mrs Adams. Say why you think you would be

    suitable for the job and ask for more details about what you would be expected to do.

    Dont forget to mention your experience and interests.

    Introduce yourself as John/Mary Peters. Write 80-120 words.

    4. WRITING

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  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2





    4.2 Choose one of the following writing tasks. Write 120-180 words.

    Speaking a foreign language helps a lot.

    Write about a situation when speaking a foreign language was very helpful to you.

    Advertising forces us to buy things we dont need






























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  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2




  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2


  • 7/30/2019 Eng m Testtk2
