engels cse bb...bb-0071-a-18-1-o examen vmbo-bb 2018 engels cse bb bij dit examen hoort een...

BB-0071-a-18-1-o Examen VMBO-BB 2018 Engels CSE BB Bij dit examen hoort een uitwerkbijlage Beantwoord alle vragen in de uitwerkbijlage. Dit examen bestaat uit 30 vragen. Voor dit examen zijn maximaal 39 punten te behalen. Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald kunnen worden. tijdvak 1 maandag 14 mei 13.30 - 15.00 uur Beschikbaar gesteld door Stichting Studiebegeleiding Leiden (SSL). Voor alle eindexamens, zie www.alleexamens.nl. Voor de perfecte voorbereiding op je eindexamen, zie www.sslleiden.nl.

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Page 1: Engels CSE BB...BB-0071-a-18-1-o Examen VMBO-BB 2018 Engels CSE BB Bij dit examen hoort een uitwerkbijlage Beantwoord alle vragen in de uitwerkbijlage. Dit examen bestaat uit 30 vragen


Examen VMBO-BB


Engels CSE BB Bij dit examen hoort een uitwerkbijlage Beantwoord alle vragen in de uitwerkbijlage.

Dit examen bestaat uit 30 vragen. Voor dit examen zijn maximaal 39 punten te behalen. Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald kunnen worden.

tijdvak 1maandag 14 mei13.30 - 15.00 uur

Beschikbaar gesteld door Stichting Studiebegeleiding Leiden (SSL).Voor alle eindexamens, zie www.alleexamens.nl. Voor de perfecte voorbereiding op je eindexamen, zie www.sslleiden.nl.

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Let op: beantwoord een open vraag altijd in het Nederlands, behalve als het anders is aangegeven. Als je in het Engels antwoordt, levert dat 0 punten op.

Tekst 1

1p 1 Waarom schaamde Shane Harper zich tijdens een dansles?

A Hij kreeg de deur van het toilet niet open. B Hij liet een harde scheet. C Hij moest huilen nadat hij hard was gevallen. D Hij scheurde uit zijn broek tijdens een sprong. “When I was younger, I was in a dance class with all these girls. This was right at the age when I was noticing them as cute girls, so I was always trying to look good and be cool. It was my turn to leap across the floor and I was wearing pants that were a little too tight. Suddenly, there was a loud rrrrip. I’d torn my pants and it was so obvious that everyone gasped. I ran to the bathroom, shed a couple of tears and went back out there like I’ll get ‘em with my personality!” Shane Harper (American actor, singer, songwriter, dancer) Have an embarrassing story to share? Send it to: [email protected] bron: [email protected]

Beschikbaar gesteld door Stichting Studiebegeleiding Leiden (SSL).Voor alle eindexamens, zie www.alleexamens.nl. Voor de perfecte voorbereiding op je eindexamen, zie www.sslleiden.nl.

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Tekst 2

2p 2 Welke drie tips gaan over voldoende beweging om rugpijn te voorkomen?

Schrijf de nummers op in je uitwerkbijlage.

A weighty issue Is your school bag weighing you down? Here are some top tips to avoid back pain. 1 Try to move around every 20 minutes or so.

2 Sit properly in chairs – instead of slouching, sit up straight with your

bottom square on the seat, ideally with your knees lower than your hips.

3 Physical activity can help immensely with back pain, despite what you might think! Playing outdoors, going to the leisure centre or even playing a computer game which allows for physical movement, such as a Wii, will help you feel better.

4 Join a sports club or after-school team. Keeping active not only keeps joints exercised, but it builds confidence and strength in both body and mind.

5 Back pain can also be caused by your choice of footwear. Make sure your footwear has cushioned soles and support the natural arch of your feet.

6 Know when to get help – if your back pain is ongoing tell your parents and seek medical advice.

bron: http://firstnews.co.uk/news/kids-school-bags-become-a-weighty- issue-i11457

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Tekst 3

Cinema Fan FILM FANS can take a step back in time at a new picture house inspired by the glory days of cinema.

1 Movie fan Anderson Jones has built a 1930’s style movie theatre in his back garden as a tribute to the no longer existing ABC Cinema chain. The 38-year-old bus driver spent four and a half years and £70,000 of his savings building the 34-seat cinema. The brick building, adorned with an ABC sign, takes up half of the garden of his three-bedroom semi-detached house in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. It has a big screen, a projection room, old-style toilets and a bar. There used to be hundreds of these cinemas throughout Britain after the Second World War.

2 Everything from the door handles to the exit sign has been reclaimed from old cinemas. Mr Jones paid £600 for the seats, exit signs, ticket machine and the long white ‘readograph’ sign with its black letters. They all came from the local ABC Cinema in Hanley which shut down in 2000. ABC Cinemas was founded in 1927.

3 Mr Jones, said: “I’ve always been a cinema fan. My grandmother used to be an usherette, showing people their seats. My wife Jayne also loves films and my children Hannon, who is 21, and Ethan, who is 16, love my hobby too. They have even linked their Xbox to the big screen.” The cinema will be open to friends, family and members of the Cinema Theatre Association next summer. Mr Jones said the first film will either be Back To The Future or Dirty Dancing. Jayne said: “I’m very proud of him. He’s done a fantastic job and I love spending time down there. My role is going to be manning the sweet counter and I’ve got a special outfit for when I hand them out at half time.” bron: bewerking van www.express.co.uk/www.stokesentinel.co.uk

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2p 3 Geef voor elk van de volgende beweringen over Anderson Jones aan of deze juist of onjuist is volgens alinea 1. Omcirkel ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in je uitwerkbijlage. 1 Hij heeft een filmmuseum ingericht in een oude bus. 2 Hij heeft een ouderwetse bioscoop in zijn tuin nagebouwd. 3 Hij heeft een deel van zijn spaargeld gebruikt voor zijn hobby. 4 Hij heeft een reusachtig filmscherm in zijn slaapkamer.

2p 4 Welke onderdelen van een bioscoop worden genoemd in alinea 2? Omcirkel ‘wel genoemd’ of ‘niet genoemd’ in je uitwerkbijlage.





1p 5 Welke taak heeft Jayne, de vrouw van Anderson Jones? (alinea 3)

A Ze serveert drankjes in de pauze. B Ze verkoopt de kaartjes. C Ze verkoopt snoep. D Ze wijst mensen hun plaats.

Beschikbaar gesteld door Stichting Studiebegeleiding Leiden (SSL).Voor alle eindexamens, zie www.alleexamens.nl. Voor de perfecte voorbereiding op je eindexamen, zie www.sslleiden.nl.

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Tekst 4

1p 6 Waarom werd Joe op vakantie in Japan uitgelachen?

A omdat de afbeelding op zijn shirt iets raars in het Japans betekende B omdat een ober hem plotseling een zoen gaf C omdat hij probeerde Japans te spreken

Lost in Translation BOYS CONFESS My parents took me on holiday to Japan. I was really excited and on my first day in Tokyo, I proudly wore my Japanese symbol T-shirt. Everywhere I went people were pointing and laughing at me. I couldn’t understand why until the English-speaking waiter in a café asked me, “Why does your shirt say kissing boys and fish?” Joe, 15, Devon bron: mybliss.co.uk

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Tekst 5

2p 7 Geef van elke bewering over TurboRoo aan of deze juist of onjuist is

volgens de tekst. Omcirkel ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in je uitwerkbijlage. 1 Er was een inzamelingsactie nodig om een karretje voor hem te

kunnen maken. 2 Hij is samen met zijn broertjes en zusje bij de dierenarts

achtergelaten. 3 Hij heeft meerdere karretjes stuk gemaakt tijdens het spelen. 4 De 3D-technologie die voor zijn karretje is gebruikt, komt ook voor

andere honden beschikbaar.

TurboRoo on a roll

1 Meet TurboRoo, the adorable Chihuahua that was born with only his two hind legs. The pooch was adopted as a four-week-old puppy by Ashley Looper, a veterinarian in Indianapolis, USA, who was keen for him to move around like other dogs. After trying out some makeshift mobility units, Looper and her partner Ray Hurt set up a campaign to pay for a set of specially-made wheels. The result is a set of bespoke harnesses and wheels created using 3D-printing technology.

2 Metro: Ashley, what is the story of TurboRoo? TurboRoo was surrendered at a veterinary clinic in downtown Indianapolis by a

breeder who knew that the dog needed more love than she could give because she also had to focus on Turbo’s brothers and sister. He then was fostered by me. Sitting at work one day we decided Turbo needed a cart way before the age of six months old, which is the earliest cart companies will fit a dog.

3 Metro: How did you go about creating the special wheels for TurboRoo? After seeing TurboRoo’s campaign all over the Internet, an aerospace engineer

started to create a design for a cart using a 3D printer that would actually work for TurboRoo. Within a week Mark Deadrick emailed and told us he had built a cart for us to try it out and give him some feedback! TurboRoo started young and, though a small dog, is now bigger than before. That’s why we are currently on version 10 of the specially-made carts.

4 Metro: Are you keen to help out other dogs like TurboRoo? Yes! We have started our own company called TurboRoo Designs, to make these

form-fitting carts available for dogs of all ages that are in desperate need of them. bron: http://www.metro.us

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Tekst 6

The Birthday Party Project

1 On a flight from Dallas to Africa to visit a friend, event planner Paige Chenault daydreamed about the luxurious birthday party she’d organised for her daughter Lizzie. Then, flipping through a magazine, she saw a photo of a poor Haitian boy, his belly swollen. “I thought, this kid has absolutely nothing,” Paige says. The image stayed with her, and she made up her mind to do something to help. “I decided then and there I would use my talents to organise birthday parties for homeless kids,” Paige says.

2 For the next four years, Paige and her husband, Colin, took time out from parenthood to visit shelters to find out how to start with the parties. Finally, in January 2012, Paige started the Birthday Party Project, an organization, providing special days for kids who need them most. They recruited friends and family to help decorate the Family Gateway Shelter in Dallas with balloons and streamers, celebrating the birthdays of 11 boys and girls, with more than 60 homeless kids as party guests. “That first party was better than I could have ever imagined,” says Paige.

3 Now Paige and her staff of three paid employees work with regional volunteers to plan monthly themed parties at 15 shelters all across the country. Each child celebrating a birthday that month gets $30, a photoshoot and an individual cake or cupcakes.

4 One of Paige’s favorite parts of each party is when the kids make a wish and blow out the candles. “They rarely get a chance to dream big,” says Paige. Her daughter, Lizzie, now seven, often helps out at the parties. Paige says, “The one thing I’ve always wanted is for my own kid to be generous.” Donate or volunteer for the Birthday Party Project here. bron: http://www.rd.com/true-stories

1p 8 Wanneer kwam Paige Chenault op het idee iets leuks voor arme kinderen te gaan doen? (alinea 1) A tijdens een bezoek aan een arm land B tijdens een lange vliegreis C tijdens het verjaardagsfeest van haar dochter

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1p 9 Welke bewering over de verjaardagsfeestjes is juist volgens alinea 2? A Er hielpen allerlei vrijwilligers mee aan de uitwerking ervan. B Er werden sponsoren gezocht om alles te kunnen betalen. C Om tijd te hebben voor de organisatie, namen Paige en haar man


2p 10 Geef in de uitwerkbijlage bij elke afbeelding aan of de jarige zoiets wel of niet krijgt op het verjaardagsfeestje. (alinea 3) Omcirkel ‘wel’ of ‘niet’ in je uitwerkbijlage.





1p 11 Wat wil Paige duidelijk maken aan haar eigen dochter? (alinea 4)

A dat al je dromen uit kunnen komen B dat het fijn is om anderen iets te geven C dat je met iets heel kleins anderen kunt helpen

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Tekst 7

Coasteering Celtic Quest Best visitor experience in Wales

What is coasteering? Wriggle into a wetsuit, fasten up your adventure kit, listen to the safety briefing and you’re ready to go. Your guides will lead you along a stunning stretch of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Along the way you’ll find yourself scramble climbing, adventure swimming, rock hopping and of course not forgetting cliff jumping with heights up to 35ft. Who can coasteer? Minimum age is 8 years. You don’t even need to be able to swim as your buoyancy aid will be close at hand. Small groups & individuals welcome. How long does it last and when can I coasteer? Our sessions start at 9.30am and 2pm daily, all year round and in all weather conditions. You’ll be in the water for 2 - 2 ½ hours, meeting on location gives you more time to play in the sea! What do I need to bring? You’ll need to bring swimwear, a towel, an old pair of trainers (to get wet) and a pair of old shorts. We will provide all adventure equipment including wetsuit, buoancy aid, helmet, gloves, hoods and socks. Can I bring my camera? Yes, however your guide will carry a digital camera, capturing photos and videos as your adventure unfolds. They are available to purchase on the day.

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Why Celtic Quest? We are coasteering specialists, it’s ALL we do and we love it! Your guide will tailor your adventure to suit the abilities and expectations of each adventurer. We meet at the beach, giving you more time to enjoy yourselves in the sea. info: www.celticquest.co.uk tel: 013488 881530 bron: folder Coasteering van Celtic Quest

2p 12 Geef bij elke bewering over ‘coasteering’ aan of die juist of onjuist is volgens de folder van Celtic Quest. Omcirkel ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in je uitwerkbijlage. 1 Voordat je eraan begint, moet je eerst naar een instructie luisteren. 2 Je kunt twee keer per dag meedoen aan een tour. 3 Je moet een paar oude gymschoenen meenemen. 4 Je kunt foto’s kopen die je gids onderweg heeft gemaakt.

1p 13 Je wilt met je neefje van 10 jaar iets heel stoers gaan doen tijdens jullie vakantie in Wales. Hij kan niet zwemmen. Uit welke zin blijkt dat hij mee mag doen aan ‘coasteering’? Schrijf die zin over in je uitwerkbijlage.

Beschikbaar gesteld door Stichting Studiebegeleiding Leiden (SSL).Voor alle eindexamens, zie www.alleexamens.nl. Voor de perfecte voorbereiding op je eindexamen, zie www.sslleiden.nl.

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Tekst 8

A new pound coin

1 David Pearce, a 15-year-old schoolboy from Walsall has won the competition to design the ‘tails’ side of the new £1 coin, based on the old threepenny piece, which will be released next spring. He beat off competition from over 6,000 entries, including adults, to design the face of the coin. His design features the four plants associated with the four nations that make up the UK, a rose for England, a leek for Wales, a thistle for Scotland and shamrock for Northern Ireland emerging from a Royal Coronet.

2 David said: “I heard about the competition through my design teacher at school and I thought I had nothing to lose so I decided to enter. I spent a lot of time researching what coin designs looked like and what sort of designs would represent all parts of the UK before submitting my idea.” Entrants were asked to create a design which symbolises Britain and entries included cups of tea, flags, maps, the weather, famous writers, seaside piers, and the Rolling Stones motif.

3 The design was refined by David Lawrence, the renowned coin artist, and Stephen Raw, a lettering expert. The new 12-sided coin is being introduced because the current £1 has become too easy for criminals to copy. The new coin will be as safe as modern banknotes and will help taxpayers by cutting down on millions of pounds worth of fraud. The Royal Mint, which makes new coins, estimates that about 45 million £1 coins in circulation are now forgeries.

4 Like many things, the original idea for the pound can be traced to the Romans. The pound sign – the ‘£’ – comes from the first letter of the Latin words ‘libra pondo’, literally meaning ‘the weight of a pound’. ‘Pondo’ gave us our word, ‘pound’. The early English pound had the value of one pound in weight of pure silver.

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5 There have been 24 different reverse designs on the £1 coin since its introduction, reflecting the four countries of the UK, each image showing bridges, capital cities and national emblems, along with the Royal Arms of the UK. There have been four different portraits of Queen Elisabeth, in different tiaras.

6 However, there is one group of people who will lose out with the new coin – anyone with a machine fitted to take the old round pound. Changing parking machines alone will cost £50 million. Counterfeiters1), too, will find parking a whole lot more expensive. At the moment, it’s estimated that 4 per cent of all pound coins in parking meters are fake. Here’s hoping a lot of crooks will have to dig a lot deeper in their pockets when the 12-sided quid comes our way.

bron: bewerking van telegraph.co.uk/www.dailymail.co.uk

1p 14 De 15-jarige David Pearce heeft een prijsvraag gewonnen. Waaruit bestaat zijn prijs? (alinea 1) A dat hij een groot geldbedrag krijgt B dat hij een rondreis door Groot-Brittannië mag maken C dat zijn ontwerp gebruikt wordt

noot 1 counterfeiters = mensen die (geld) vervalsen/valsemunters

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1p 15 Welke afbeelding laat het ontwerp zien voor het muntstuk van £1 bedacht door David Pearce? (alinea 1)





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2p 16 Deelnemers aan de wedstrijd leverden ideeën voor een nieuw muntstuk. Geef voor elke afbeelding aan of het idee wel of niet wordt genoemd in

alinea 2. Omcirkel ‘wel genoemd’ of ‘niet genoemd’ in je uitwerkbijlage.





1p 17 Waarom wordt er een nieuw muntstuk van £1 ontworpen? (alinea 3)

De oude munten bleken A allergische reacties te veroorzaken. B heel duur om te maken. C makkelijk te vervalsen.

1p 18 Wat wordt er niet uitgelegd in alinea 4? A hoeveel het muntstuk van £1 vroeger waard was B waar de naam voor het muntstuk van £1 vandaan komt C waar het muntstuk van £1 vroeger van werd gemaakt

Beschikbaar gesteld door Stichting Studiebegeleiding Leiden (SSL).Voor alle eindexamens, zie www.alleexamens.nl. Voor de perfecte voorbereiding op je eindexamen, zie www.sslleiden.nl.

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1p 19 Welke bewering over het muntstuk van £1 is juist volgens alinea 5? A Er is een eigen versie voor elk land van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. B Het portret van de koningin is altijd hetzelfde gebleven. C Voor de achterkant is regelmatig een nieuw ontwerp gemaakt.

1p 20 Welke bewering over de invoering van het nieuwe muntstuk is juist volgens alinea 6? A Het omwisselen van de oude munten gaat veel geld kosten. B Het parkeren zal er veel duurder door worden. C Veel muntautomaten zullen aangepast moeten worden.

Beschikbaar gesteld door Stichting Studiebegeleiding Leiden (SSL).Voor alle eindexamens, zie www.alleexamens.nl. Voor de perfecte voorbereiding op je eindexamen, zie www.sslleiden.nl.

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Tekst 9

1p 21 Welk advies aan Maisie wordt niet genoemd in de tekst?

A haar vrienden aanspreken op hun gedrag B het probleem voorleggen aan iemand van de scouting C raad vragen via de hulplijn voor kinderen

Peer Pressure

Q: I am in the Girl Guides1) and really enjoyed it until recently. My friends tease me with my hobby saying, it’s not cool at all. They are nasty to me, it just winds me up and I don’t like it. I am seriously considering giving up the Guides but mum says I should do what I want to do and not give in to pressure from my friends. Maisie A: It sounds like you are really confused about what to do. I wonder if your friends realise how this is making you feel, and what you are prepared to give up? You say that you have spoken to your mum, I am wondering if you could talk to someone at the Girl Guides about this? Sometimes sharing a problem with a person who understands can help. You could call ChildLine free to explore more options if you felt this might help on 0800-1111.

bron: First News

noot 1 Girl Guides = scouting

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Tekst 10

My Life as a Teen Immigrant For Melissa de la Cruz American high school life was nothing like in the movies.

1 The summer before I turned 14, my family and I moved from Manilla, in the Philippines, to California. We left because my father’s investment bank was struggling and also because my parents could no longer live with the gap between the lives of people like my family, who employed seven maids, and the lives of the majority of the population, who could barely afford shoes. Our new home in San Francisco was so small it could have fit inside my parents’ old bedroom. But that was beside the point, we would become Americans.

2 In the Philippines we all spoke and read English and worshipped the American culture. So I was excited about the move, eager to become one of those confident American girls I’d seen in movies. But I was also terrified. At my fancy new high school, mean girls treated me like a freak. They couldn’t find the Philippines on the map, and a few asked me if we lived in trees. I was shocked and insulted by their stupidity.

3 I tried to be cool and dyed the ends of my hair pink. I quickly learned that was against school policy. Miserable, I sneaked through the halls, wishing I were invisible. At lunchtime I sat by myself, embarrassed by the overdone three-course meals my mom would pack for me. I’d go home and beg her for plain turkey sandwiches instead. I didn’t really want to eat them. I just wanted to fit in. When we had a school tea my mom brought (soggy) homemade cakes … while the other moms dropped off chic boxes of Parisian cookies. I felt ashamed.

4 A few months later I met Ally, a girl in my neighbourhood who went to a different school. Ally was friendly and curious about me and my family in a welcoming way, not as if we were aliens. Ally loved my mom’s fried bananas and laughed when I taught her swear words from my own language. She felt comfortable in our house, even though we weren’t allowed to put our feet on the furniture and I felt at home in hers. With Ally I could just listen to music, watch TV and I felt like a regular kid.

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5 Ally’s acceptance helped me see that we all don’t have to be alike and that’s what I needed to find in my adopted homeland. Eventually I made friends at school as well. Then, over the years I became class president and got a date to go to the prom. All just by being myself. bron: seventeen.com

2p 22 Melissa en haar ouders verhuisden van de Filipijnen naar de Verenigde Staten. Geef bij elke reden voor de verhuizing aan of die wel of niet wordt

genoemd in alinea 1. Omcirkel ‘wel genoemd’ of ‘niet genoemd’ in je uitwerkbijlage.

1 Het ging minder goed met haar vaders werk. 2 Haar ouders vonden het verschil tussen arm en rijk te groot in de

Filipijnen. 3 Ze wilden graag bij hun familie in de VS gaan wonen. 4 Ze hoopten in de VS rijk te worden.

2p 23 Hoe voelt Melissa zich volgens alinea 2? Geef bij elk gevoel aan of dat wel of niet wordt genoemd. Omcirkel ‘wel genoemd’ of ‘niet genoemd’ in je uitwerkbijlage. 1 enthousiast 2 angstig 3 beledigd 4 verdrietig

1p 24 Uit welke zin uit alinea 3 blijkt dat Melissa er graag bij wilde horen? A “I quickly learned that was against school policy.” B “I sneaked through the halls, wishing I were invisible.” C “I just wanted to fit in.”

1p 25 Waarom zat Melissa altijd alleen tijdens de lunchpauze? (alinea 3) omdat ze zich schaamde dat A haar moeder de lunch voor haar naar school bracht B ze koekjes meekreeg in plaats van boterhammen C ze uitgebreide maaltijden bij zich had

1p 26 Welke bewering over Ally is juist volgens alinea 4? A Ze kwam graag bij Melissa thuis. B Ze leerde Melissa rare Engelse woorden. C Ze zat op dezelfde school als Melissa.

1p 27 Wat is de belangrijkste boodschap van Melissa in alinea 5? A Door jezelf te blijven, word je vanzelf wel geaccepteerd. B Het kost weinig moeite om je in een ander land geaccepteerd te

voelen. C Je moet accepteren dat je niet met iedereen bevriend kunt zijn.

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Tekst 11

1p 28 Welke bewering over Trackr is onjuist volgens de tekst?

A Die gebruikt geluidssignalen om verloren spullen terug te vinden. B Die kan door meerdere personen gebruikt worden. C Die laat je weten hoe ver je van je kwijtgeraakte spullen af bent. D Die voorkomt dat je spullen gestolen worden.

Trackr Do you often forget your wallet? Forget where you parked the car? Or do you want to prevent your pet from escaping? With Trackr you can easily track your personal belongings. Simply attach it to anything you consider important to you or easy to lose and link it to your Smartphone (with the Trackr application). But… How does it work? Very easy! It will take less than five minutes to put it to work. You simply have to pair the device with your mobile phone and download the free application which will allow you to locate at all times. Once this is done, you simply have to put the device on your key chain, in your wallet or in any object you want to locate always. Now you just have to open the application on your mobile and you can see on the map the position of your device. If you get to lose your keys, simply select ‘find device’ and you’ll get the coordinates of the new location. With Trackr you’ll be able to locate your device at any time. Distance Indicator Hotter? Colder? The Trackr app displays the distance between you and your items – letting you know how far those pesky keys are. Item Ringer With the quick tap of your finger, Trackr can ring your misplaced keys – no more hiding under the mail! Finding keys has never been easier. Phone Finder Can’t find your phone? Press your Trackr device’s button to ring your phone, even if it’s on silent! We make finding your phone extremely easy. Family Sharing Track and ring the same Trackr bravo from multiple phones. It’s perfect for shared items like the remote, shared car keys or the family pet.

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Crowd GPS Lost something? Trackr's item tracking network will help you find it. When another Trackr user is within range of your lost item, you will receive a GPS update. Separation Alert Forgot your phone again? Custom 2-way separation alert notifies you before you leave items behind! Wallet Thin Design Trackr bravo uses beautiful anodized aluminum construction for the wallet thin and most durable tracking device. Alexa Integration Lost something? Just ask your Alexa enabled device. bron: www.thetrackr.com / http://techiefans.com/europe

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Tekst 12

1p 29 Waarom voelde Tanya zich ongemakkelijk tijdens haar afspraakje met

Sean? A Hij had afgesproken in een super chic restaurant. B Hij had een aantal vrienden meegenomen. C Ze droeg schoenen die vreselijk pijn deden. D Ze had kleren aan die niet pasten bij de gelegenheid.

Dressed to distress Sean, the coolest lad from school asked me out to a restaurant with his friends. I picked out a mini skirt, high heels and giant glittering earrings – I was really excited; I was sure he would be impressed by my hot outfit. Sadly for me, our date wasn’t at a fancy restaurant but at a fast food place – and my date and his friends were in trackies and trainers. Next time I’ll check the dress code first! Tanya, 18, Scotland

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Tekst 13

1p 30 Wat wordt er verteld over de hond Riley?

A Hij ging in z’n eentje een bar binnen waar zijn baasje altijd heen ging. B Hij ontsnapte uit zijn tuin om in de hondenopvang met zijn vriendjes te

gaan spelen. C Hij werd naar een asiel gebracht door mensen die hem hadden


Riley loves Happy Dog Café Day Care A lot of dogs don’t seem to like going to kennels when their owners are busy or on holiday. Riley, from North Carolina, appears to be an exception to this rule. His owner, Tonia Mosteller, left him in her back garden when she went off to run errands. The naughty dog managed to lift the latch on the backyard gate, after earlier seeing the dogs from his day care, who he usually plays with, walk past. Riley, who is a familiar face at the Happy Dog Cafe, gave them all a shock when he turned up without his owner. Ms Mosteller told: “We walk Riley every day, usually through town and sometimes we will stop by the day care. Riley knows his way around town.” Riley was looked after in the day care centre for free until Ms Mosteller could pick him up later. Apparently, he had a great time playing with all his friends until he went home. His owners have since put a proper lock on the gate. from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk



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