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  • Test broj: 1 BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA




    Ovdje nalijepiti ifru uenika !

    junski rok, 2014. godine

    Engleski jezik

    Prvi dio: itanje i razumijevanje / Reading Drugi dio: Upotreba i poznavanje jezika / Use of English Uputstvo za izradu : Pred Vama je ispitni materijal sastavljen od zadataka iz bogate savremene literature koja se koristi u izvoenju nastave engleskog jezika u gimnazijama i nastave opeg jezika u drugim kolama u Bosni i Hercegovini. Podatke o sebi ete u formi ifre unijeti na nain kako vam to saopti deurni profesor. Paljivo proitajte uputstvo na poetku sva tri dijela testa na kojima e se vriti provjera vaih znanja i vjetina: itanje i razumijevanje / Reading i Upotreba i poznavanje Engleskog jezika / Use of English. Ne poinjite sa izradom testa dok ne dobijete odobrenje od deurnog nastavnika. Pitanja paljivo proitajte, a onda hemijskom olovkom ili nalivperom, upiite odgovor u predvieni prostor iskljuivo na posebnom listu / answer sheet koji ste dobili za izradu testa. Piite jasno i itljivo. Pogreni, viestruki i nejasni odgovori se ne boduju. Napiite samo jedan odgovor na svako pitanje. Pokuajte odgovoriti na sva pitanja. Ukoliko ne moete odmah dati odgovor na pojedina pitanja preskoite ih da ne bi gubili vrijeme. Po zavretku testa vratite se ponovo na ta pitanja i pokuajte dati taan odgovor. Svi odgovori se obavezno unose u obrazac za odgovore answer sheet. Kad zavrite sa ispitom deurnom nastavniku ete predati list sa odgovorima /answer sheet i dobiveni ispitni materijal. Izrada testa traje ukupno 120 minuta bez pauze, u skladu sa propozicijama za polaganje eksterne mature , kako slijedi: Reading 40 minuta , Use of English 80 minuta. elimo Vam puno uspjeha na polaganju eksterne mature! Vrjednovanje testova se vri u skladu sa prijedlogom Kantonalne predmetne komisije, shodno lanu 30 i 31 Pravilnika o maturi (Sl. Novine TK, broj: 3/06 i 1/08), prema unaprijed zadatoj kantonalnoj skali: Osvojeni bodovi Ocjena

    - od 0 39 .................................... 1 - od 40 54 .................................... 2 - od 55 69 .................................... 3 - od 70 84 .................................... 4 - od 85 100 ................................... 5

    Vjerujte u svoje sposobnosti. Raunamo na poten pristup / fair play, tako da neete biti nunih intervencija deurnih profesora i neizbjene diskvalifikacije na ispitu sa svim posljedicama koje slijede .

    elimo Vam puno uspjeha !

  • PART 1: READING (25 marks)

    Task 1 (10 marks / each question 1 mark) For questions 1-10, choose the answer -D which you think fits best according to the text.

    Reality Television

    Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened" documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother. Critics say that the term "reality television" is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques. Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity. Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word "reality" to describe his shows; he has said, "I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama." 1. Reality is a form of A. Fake documentary B. Scripted drama C. Professional acting training D. News events programme 2. Reality television has A. always been this popular. B. has been popular since well before 2000. C. has only been popular since 2000. D. has been popular since approximately 2000.

  • 3. Japan A. is the only place to produce demeaning TV shows. B. has produced demeaning TV shows copied elsewhere. C. produced Big Brother. D. invented surveillance focused productions. 4. People have criticized reality television because A. it is humiliating. B. it uses exotic locations. C. the name is inaccurate. D. it shows reality.

    5. Reality TV appeals to some because A. it shows eligible males dating women. B. it uses exotic locations. C. it shows average people in exceptional circumstances. D. it can turn ordinary people into celebrities. 6. Pop Idol A. turns all its participants into celebrities. B. is more likely to turn its participants into celebrities than Big Brother. C. is less likely to turn its participants into celebrities than Big Brother. D. is a dating show.

    7. The term 'reality television' is inaccurate A. for all programs. B. just for Big Brother and Survivor C. for talent and performance programs. D. for special-living-environment programs. 8. Producers choose the participants A. on the ground of talent. B. only for special-living-environment shows. C. to create conflict among other things. D. to make a fabricated world. 9. Mark Burnett A. was a participant on Survivor. B. is a critic of reality TV. C. thinks the term 'reality television' is inaccurate. D. writes the script for Survivor. 10. Shows like Survivor A. are definitely reality TV. B. are scripted. C. have good narratives. D. are theatre.

  • Task 2: ( 15 marks / each question 1 mark ) You are going to read a magazine article about various local campaigns. For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A-D). A: Homes For All Organisations that help the homeless are warning that people will face even greater hardship this winter unless urgent action is taken to offer shelter to those without a home. This warning follows publication of figures showing an increase in the number of homeless people. Susan Evans of the organisation 'Homes for All' said: "With a shortage of accommodation, more people than ever before - young and old - are having to sleep rough. A cold winter is predicted this year which means that these people will have to put up with sub-zero temperatures. Action must be taken urgently to offer these people shelter." A nationwide demonstration to raise awareness of the problem will take place this weekend. Supporters welcome. B: Village Protest Residents of local village, Shilden, are preparing for a night of protest to save their village from Government planners. Proposals for a new motorway to be built that will run within 2 kilometres of Shilden have caused uproar amongst residents. They claim that they were given insufficient time to respond to the proposal. Tony Fellows, spokesperson for the 'Village Protest' campaign explains: "The planned route cuts across some of the most picturesque countryside in the region. Shilden welcomes thousands of tourists each year. Many of the shopkeepers depend on this trade and would almost certainly face ruin if tourists were put off coming by the damage this road is likely to cause". The all-night protest will take place in the fields where the building work is likely to begin. C: New Youth Club Youngsters in the city-centre will lose out on a much-loved project if substantial funds are not found this year. The 'New Youth Club', which is open to young people from the ages of 10 to 17, is being threatened with closure by Health and Safety officials who claim the building is unsafe. The club, built 30 years ago, was badly damaged by heavy storms last year and city engineers estimate that one hundred thousand pounds in needed to repair structural damage. With only limited funds at their disposal, managers fear the club will have to close. Youngsters from the club have organised an Open Day on Tuesday in an effort to raise some of the money needed to enable the repairs to be undertaken. "This alone won't be enough, however" warned Adam Ross, Youth Leader. D: Save lea Valley A rare species of butterfly and many native plants face extinction if the 'Lea Valley office complex' project goes ahead. This is the claim made by local environmentalists involved in the 'Save Lea Valley' campaign. They argue that the proposed development, to be built on the site of woodland dating back hundreds of years, will rob the country of several rare species of wildlife. 'Local people would be horrified if they knew of the consequences of this project,' claimed environmentalist Ian Wilson yesterday. "We need to instigate a local campaign to alert everyone to the dangers. We are starting by writing letters to everyone in the area asking for their support. The office complex developers must not be allowed to do this.".

  • 1 Local businesses could be badly affected. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 2 People in the area are not aware of the problem. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 3 There are plans to build a brand new building. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 4 The campaign do not have to meet together. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 5 The problem affects all age groups. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 6 The problem was caused by bad weather. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 7 If the plan goes ahead it will spoil the look of the area. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 8 The campaign cannot raise enough money on its own. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 9 The problem was announced shortly after a report was published.

  • A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 10 Young people are in danger. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 11 Local people are very angry. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 12 A meeting will inform people of the problem. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 13 People did not have the opportunity to argue against the plan. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley

    14 A demonstration is planned across the country. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley 15 A fundraising event has been planned. A Homes For All B Village Protest C New Youth Club D Save Lea Valley

  • PART 2: USE OF ENGLISH (75 marks )

    Write your answers in the appropriate spaces on the answer sheet Task 1: Word Formation (10 marks / each question 1 mark) Read the text and then write the correct form of the word on the right. There is an example at the beginning: Turn A Hobby into a Business It is not (0) unusual to make a hobby pay for itself


    even if initially you had no (1) ... of turning it INTEND into a business. Depending upon the hobby, the necessary (2) ... EQUIP can be expensive and the idea of (3) ... offering items OCCASION up for sale can at the very least help pay for the hobby. For those looking to make a profit on their (4) ..., CREATE these days an audience for products can range from the local to the truly global. Some hobbyists begin by donating a piece of work to a (5) ... sale CHARITY just to see how quickly and (6) ... it sells. PROFIT Local shops can be the next outlet for items, often the step taken by those making things like hand-made greetings cards for instance. And for the truly ambitious, websites like eBay enable the hobbyists to reach a (7 ) ... audience. WORLD As with any business idea, an honest (8) ... should be APPRAISE undertaken regarding the demand for the work and the price the customer is prepared to pay in (9) ... . REAL However, do not forget the degree of personal (10) ... SATISFY as well. Task 2: Multiple Choice Cloze (12 marks / each question 1 mark) For Questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example below: (0) A series B ISSUE C programme D release Sound Advice for Language Learners A recent (0) ......... of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (1) ........ of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (2) ........ a language course. One suggestion is that you (3) ........... whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language. Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The major (4) ........ will be your own time and effort. Therefore you must make sure that the course on offer leads to a (5) ........ qualification. Also, be realistic in your (6) ...... . If you don't set achievable aims you are more likely to give up. Do not be deceived

  • (7) ........... thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. (8) ........... around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a (9) .......... course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (10) ............ progress were high. Three years (11) ........ she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow (12) ............ her first experience. "I should have consolidated what I'd learn by continuing to study, even if it were by myself." 1 A domain B branch C field D area 2 A wondering B thinking C looking D considering 3 A assess B review C balance D survey 4 A charge B cost C price D valuation 5 A recognised B understood C valued D regarded 6 A sights B ends C objects D goals 7 A by B about C into D in 8 A Nose B Push C Run D Shop 9 A rapid B crash C quick D fast 10 A achieving B doing C gaining D making 11 A on B forward C from D onward 12 A up B on C through D out Task 3: Vocabulary (16 marks / each question 1 mark) Choose the word which best completes each sentence. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.

    1. I Karen and her new boyfriend when I went shopping. a) ran into b) came across c) ran onto d) came onto 2. Have you a dress to wear at the party? a) taken up b) found out c) taken off d) picked out 3. Our plane . an hour late because of the fog. a) picked out b) took up c) took off d) picked up 4. Although he tried to eat less he some weight during the holidays. a) picked up b) took up c) put on d) got on 5. If youre mad at your boss you shouldnt it your wife or husband. a) take up on b) put out on c) put up on d) take out on 6. The bus stopped and I. a) put over b) put off c) got over d) got off 7. The game has been because of the rain. a) called out b) called on c) made off d) called off

    8. Joan heard the clock .......midnight and realized that she had forgotten about their appointment. a) strike b) hit c) beat d) pound

  • 9. The plague in the nineteenth century was a terrible disease that .......millions of people. a) killed b) murdered c) executed d) destroyed 10. In Middle Ages bandits and criminals were publicly .......by hanging. a) killed b) assassinated c) executed d) slain 11. The president of the country was .......because nobody liked his hostile politics. a) killed b) ruined c) assassinated d) slain 12. We are proud that all our students graduated and found .......in good companies and at good wages. a) calling b) commerce c) employment d) duty 13. Stay out of this problem and do not interfere, please! It's none of your .......! a) job b) business c) action d) work 14. I heard the teacher .......out my name from the class register. a) cry b) call c) scream d) pronounce 15. The children were .......with laughter in the schoolyard at the sight of one of the teachers trying to catch the school guinea pig. a) shrinking b) shrieking c) piercing d) sobbing 16. When I saw his face, I discovered that I him before. a) met b) had met c) have met d) meat Task 4: Combined grammar and vocabulary issues (37 marks / each question 1 mark) Choose the word which best fits each gap. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1. Sadly Doris had already turned her back ....... me and gone back to the kitchen. (a) against (b) out (c) on (d) in 2. She rather turned ....... me after that. (a) out (b) back (c) against (d) in 3. Quite honestly all I was doing was simply ....... polite conversation. (a) made (b) having made (c) making (d) makes 4. He wondered what ....... prompted him to take no notice at all. (a) has (b) have (c) had (d) having 5. I asked myself what in all honesty she ....... do next. (a) will (b) would (c) shall (d) had 6. He actually denied ....... anything of the sort. (a) to do (b) doing (c) did (d) done

  • 7. He came into the room and demanded ....... what was happening. (a) to know (b) knowing (c) know (d) having known

    8. Dinosaurs .... back to life using the DNA of birds. (a) could brought (b) could be brought (c) could bring (d) could bringed 9. I think politicians on minimum wage. (a) should be put (b) should put (c) should putting (d) should be putting 10. The water inside the tower. (a) used to be store (b) used to be stored (c) used to storing (d) used being stored 11. If I win the lottery, I .......buy you a very big car as a present. (a) should (b) will (c) am (d) would 12. If you ....... that job, would you have been able to move to a new house? (a) have got (b) had got (c) will have got (d) got 13. Will you come to dinner with us if we .......a babysitter for you? (a) had found (b) will find (c) find (d) have found 14. To be honest, I have never .......in a balloon. (a) flowed (b) flown (c) flying (d) flew . 15. Perhaps she would have been .......by that dog if its owner hadn't been faster and caught him

    right on time. (a) bit (b) bite (c) bitten (d) bitted 16. Last night, I .......I was calling the police and really did it. (a) dream (b) dreaming (c) dreamed (d) have dreamed 17. I would have .......all night if I could but we all had to leave early because Carmen didn't feel

    good. (a) sing (b) sung (c) sang (d) singed 18. Adrian should have never .......home. If he hadn't, he'd be in a better situation right now. (a) leave (b) leaved (c) left (d) leaving 19. And the following programmes are all .......as far as I'm concerned. (a) boring (b) bored (c) board (d) boarding 20. You said you would ....... (a) would you? (b) did you? (c) had you? (d) didn't you? 21. She's definitely not coming ....... (a) will she? (b) isn't she? (c) is she? (d) can she? 22. It drives you mad ....... (a) is it? (b) does it? (c) doesn't it? (d) won't it?

  • 23. He gave orders to the manager, passed them on to the foreman. (a) which (b) whose (c) who (d) what 24. She said that the men were thieves, . turned out to be true. (a) which (b) whose (c) who (d) what 25. We slept in the same room as a handcuffed prisoner, . handcuffs rattled every time he moved. (a) which (b) whose (c) who (d) what 26. Hardly wears a hat these days. (a) anyone (b) everyone (c) someone (d) no one 27. . can do anything unless someone gives us more information. (a) Anyone (b) Everyone (c) Someone (d) No one 28. I couldnt find her (a) anywhere (b) everywhere (c) somewhere (d) nowhere 29. My neighbour is . . . photographer. (a) a (b) / (c) an (d) the 30 . Let's ask him for . . . advice about colour films. (a) a (b) / (c) an (d) the 31. Do you know . . . time? (a) a (b) / (c) an (d) the 32. I told them I ....... just going out for a short walk. (a) would (b) am (c) was (d) will 33. He asked me what I ....... with the paint brush. (a) did do (b) had done (c) will do (d) have done 34. She told me ....... carefully on the icy roads. (a) to be driven (b) to have driven (c) to drive (d) to be driven 35. Sometimes I wish I ....... what the future holds. (a) know (b) known (c) knew (d) knows 36. She ... a bear before she moved to Alaska. (a) will never see (b) has never seen (c) never seen (d) had never seen 37. She wonders why I never ....... abroad by plane. (a) travel (b) has travelled (c) have been travelling (d) will have travelled

  • ANSWER SHEET Code: ________________ May 2014 Part 1: Reading (25 pts) Task 1 : 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ 6 ___ 7 ___ 8 ___ 9 ___ 10 ___ (10 pts) Task 2: 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____5. _____ 6._____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9._____ (15 pts) 10.______ 11.______ 12.______ 13._______ 14.______ 15.______ Part 2: Use of English (75 pts) Task 1 : 1 ______________ 2 _______________ 3 _______________ 4 ____________ (10 pts) 5_______________ 6 ______________ 7 _______________ 8 ____________ 9 _____________ 10 ______________ Task 2 : 1._____2. _____3. _____4._____5._____6. _____ (12 pts)

    7._____8._____ 9. ____10. ____11._____12.____ Task 3 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5 ___ 6 ___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10 ___ (16 pts) 11___ 12___ 13___ 14___ 15___ 16___ Task 4 : 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___ (37 pts) 11___ 12___ 13___ 14___ 15___ 16___ 17___ 18___ 19___ 20___ 21___ 22___ 23___ 24___ 25___ 26___ 27___ 28___ 29___ 30___ 31___ 32___ 33___ 34___ 35___36___ 37___

    End of the Test. Thank you! For official use only Examiners: Marks

    1. Reading : ______________________ 2. Use of English: __________________ Total: _______________________

    1. __________________________________ (Full name, please) 2. _________________________________ (Full name, please) 3. __________________________________ (Full name, please)