engleski jezik

1 Šifra Kandidata Ovdje nalijepiti šifru učenika ! BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA FEDERACIJA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE TUZLANSKI KANTON MINISTARSTVO OBRAZOVANJA/NAOBRAZBE, NAUKE/ZNANOSTI, KULTURE I SPORTA/ŠPORTA PEDAGOŠKI ZAVOD TUZLA april, 2006. godine Engleski jezik (probna matura) Napredni nivo / Intermediate and upper-intermediate level Prvi dio : Slušanje i razumijevanje govora / Listening Drugi dio: Čitanje i razumijevanje / Reading Treći dio: Upotreba i poznavanje jezika / Use of English Uputstvo za učenike: Pred vama je ispitni materijal sastavljen od zadataka iz savremene literature koja se koristi u izvođenju nastave engleskog jezika u gimnazijama i nastave općeg jezika u drugim srednjim školama u Bosni i Hercegovini. Podatke o sebi ćete u formi šifre unijeti na način kako vam to bude saopšteno pred početak ispita. Ne počinjite sa radom na ispitnom materijalu dok ne dobijete odobrenje od dežurnog profesora u učionici. Budite opušteni i pokažite ono što znate. Nervoza na ispitu je višestruko štetna. Pažljivo pročitajte uputstvo na početku sva tri dijela testa na kojima će se vršiti provjera vaših znanja i vještina: Slušanje i razumijevanje govora / Listening, Čitanje i razumijevanje / Reading i Upotreba i poznavanje Engleskog jezika / Use of English. Nakon što proradite pitanja za svaki dio ponaosob i pripremite odgovore, hemijskom olovkom ili nalivperom, upišite odgovor u predvi đeni prostor isključivo na posebnom listu priređenom za unošenje svojih odgovora / answer sheet koji ste dobili uz ispitni materijal za polaganje maturalnog ispita iz engleskog jezika. Pišite jasno i čitljivo. Pogrešni, višestruki i nejasni odgovori se ne boduju. Napišite samo jedan odgovor. Pokušajte odgovoriti na sva pitanja. Ukoliko ne možete odmah dati odgovor na pojedina pitanja preskočite ih da ne bi gubili vrijeme. Po završetku testa vratite se ponovo na ta pitanja i pokušajte dati tačan odgovor. Svi odgovori se obavezno unose u obrazac za odgovore – answer sheet. Ne ostavljajte prazna mjesta za odgovore; pokušajte unijeti rješenja za koje smatrate da bi možda bila tačna. Pruža vam se mogućnost, jednostavno, da isprobate svoju sreću pogađanjem. Kad uradite test dežurnom profesoru ćete predati list sa odgovorima / answer sheet i dobiveni ispitni materijal .

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Šifra Kandidata

Ovdje nalijepiti šifru učenika !


april, 2006. godine

Engleski jezik (probna matura)

Napredni nivo / Intermediate and upper-intermediate level Prvi dio : Slušanje i razumijevanje govora / Listening Drugi dio: Čitanje i razumijevanje / Reading Treći dio: Upotreba i poznavanje jezika / Use of English Uputstvo za učenike: Pred vama je ispitni materijal sastavljen od zadataka iz savremene literature koja se koristi u izvođenju nastave engleskog jezika u gimnazijama i nastave općeg jezika u drugim srednjim školama u Bosni i Hercegovini. Podatke o sebi ćete u formi šifre unijeti na način kako vam to bude saopšteno pred početak ispita. Ne počinjite sa radom na ispitnom materijalu dok ne dobijete odobrenje od dežurnog profesora u učionici. Budite opušteni i pokažite ono što znate. Nervoza na ispitu je višestruko štetna. Pažljivo pročitajte uputstvo na početku sva tri dijela testa na kojima će se vršiti provjera vaših znanja i vještina: Slušanje i razumijevanje govora / Listening, Čitanje i razumijevanje / Reading i Upotreba i poznavanje Engleskog jezika / Use of English. Nakon što proradite pitanja za svaki dio ponaosob i pripremite odgovore, hemijskom olovkom ili nalivperom, upišite odgovor u predviđeni prostor isključivo na posebnom listu priređenom za unošenje svojih odgovora / answer sheet koji ste dobili uz ispitni materijal za polaganje maturalnog ispita iz engleskog jezika. Pišite jasno i čitljivo. Pogrešni, višestruki i nejasni odgovori se ne boduju. Napišite samo jedan odgovor. Pokušajte odgovoriti na sva pitanja. Ukoliko ne možete odmah dati odgovor na pojedina pitanja preskočite ih da ne bi gubili vrijeme. Po završetku testa vratite se ponovo na ta pitanja i pokušajte dati tačan odgovor. Svi odgovori se obavezno unose u obrazac za odgovore – answer sheet. Ne ostavljajte prazna mjesta za odgovore; pokušajte unijeti rješenja za koje smatrate da bi možda bila tačna. Pruža vam se mogućnost, jednostavno, da isprobate svoju sreću pogađanjem. Kad uradite test dežurnom profesoru ćete predati list sa odgovorima / answer sheet i dobiveni ispitni materijal.

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Izrada testa, sa uračunatim vremenom za upis odgovora na answer sheet, traje ukupno 120 minuta bez pauze, kako slijedi: Listening 30 minuta, Reading 40 minuta , Use of English 50 minuta. Prema broju osvojenih bodova, ocjene su: Osvojeni bodovi Ocjena

- od 0 – 39 .................................... 1 - od 40 – 54 .................................... 2 - od 55 – 69 .................................... 3 - od 70 – 84 .................................... 4 - od 85 – 100 .................................... 5 -

Vjerujte u svoje sposobnosti. Računamo na pošten pristup / fair play, tako da neće biti nužnih intervencija dežurnih profesora i neizbježne diskvalifikacije na ispitu sa svim posljedicama koje slijede . Želimo Vam puno uspjeha !

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PROBNI ISPIT / PRELIMINARY EXAM PART 1: Listening PART 2: Reading PART 3: Use of English

PART 1: LISTENING ( 20 marks )

Section 1: Questions (1) – (10)

Questions (1) – (4) / 4 marks Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer. Conference Registration form Example Name of Conference: Beyond 2000 Name: Melanie (1)………………………………….………..Ms. …………….. Address: ( 2 ) Room: ……..…… at ……………..……………………… Newton Faculty: ( 3 ) …………………………………………………………….………… Student: No: ( 4 ) …………………………………………………………..……. Questions (5) - (10) / 6 marks Circle the correct letters A – C. (5) Registration for: A. Half day B . Full day C. Full conference

(6) Accommodation required: A. Share room / share bathroom B. Own room / share bathroom C. Own room with bathroom (7) Meals required: A. Breakfast B. Lunch C . Dinner

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(8) Friday SIGs: A. Computers in Education B. Teaching Reading C. The Gifted Child (9) Saturday SIGs: A. Cultural Differences B. Music in the Curriculum C . Gender Issues --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (10) Method of payments: A. Credit Card B. Cheque C. Cash

Section 2: Questions (11) – (20 ) Questions (11) – (20) / 10 marks Complete the text below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Name of Beach

Location Geographical Features

Other Information


1 km from Bandela (11)………………………….. ……………………………….

surrounded by (12) ……………… ……………………

safe for children non-swimmers

Da Porlata

east corner of island

area around beach is (13)…................. ……………………

can hire (14) …………………. ……………………….

San get

just past “Tip of Caln”

(15)……………… beach of island

check (16) ………….. …………………….. on beach in rough weather


(17) ………………………… corner

surrounded by (18) ……………… ……………………

can go caving and diving

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close to Blanaka need to walk over (19) ……………… ……………………

need to take some (20) ………………… and ……………

PART 2: READING ( 17 marks )

Section 1: Questions (1) – (8) Questions (1) – (8) / 8 marks You are going to read an extract from a novel. For questions (1)-(8), choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. There was a small breeze... There was a small breeze when Christine came out for her lunch as she usually did, (line 1) even when it was raining, instead of going up to the store canteen. You could never get a table to yourself there, and whoever sat with you always wanted to complain about the shop, the customers, the management or the canteen food. Everyone at Goldwyn’s seemed to have a complaint of some kind, although it was one of the best London stores to work for, and many of the staff had been there for years – some of them were long past retiring age. This was because the management let them stay on even when they were really past it, like poor old Martha, who was always trying to sell people dresses that were much too old for them. Christine herself had been in the book department for more than four years. She had started as a junior, knocking over piles of books and breaking the till once a week in her efforts to serve customers quickly. Now she was Head Salesperson and moved calmly around the department between the bright new paperbacks, knowing that book customers liked to take their time, unlike the people who stampeded through the other (line 14) parts of the shop with never a moment to spare. She knew every book in the place, and all about the new ones before they came out. She was said to be Mr Parker’s right-hand person – and heaven knows he needed one – and was sometimes asked into his office to meet a favoured publisher’s representative. The book department, partly due to Mr Parker’s weak administration and partly because it was thought to be sophisticated, was the only department in Goldwyn’s where you did not have to wear black. This led to some confusion as to who was an (line 21) assistant and who was a customer, not untypical of bookshops, and accounted for the distressed look of people who picked up a book they wanted but were afraid of having their elbows grasped by the store detective before they could find someone to take their money. Christine was wearing her grey suit today. She liked the grey suit. She had liked it

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for a long time, because she had accepted her aunt’s advice that it was better to buy an expensive suit that would last than to keep buying cheap suits that looked very smart for a few weeks, until they began to wrinkle at the elbows and sag at the seat. The grey suit had been what the shop had called a ‘classic’, which meant that nobody would ever turn round in the street to look at it, but it would stand having its skirt taken up or let down according to the swings of fashion. Christine liked her work, as much as one can like any job that imprisons one from nine till five-thirty. She liked Goldwyn’s, but she was always glad to get away from it at lunchtime, even though it meant queuing for a table at one of the restaurants and teashops that fed the local shop-workers. Here people tended to eat with one eye on their watches and had a taste for things like pasta and puddings which were the most filling at the least cost. But Christine, once seated, enjoyed a leisurely, if lonely, sandwich. Alice, who was her junior, was always meeting people at lunchtime. Even if it was only a man who had picked up her handkerchief in the cafeteria, she made it sound exciting, like an adventure. Alice and the other junior, Helen, were always giggling in the classics section where the customers did not go much. If Christine came along, they would suddenly look serious and pretend to be straightening books. Christine thought this should have made her feel very old, but it didn’t. She was so much happier than she had been at the giggling age. She liked her authority in the book department. Sometimes, outside, she insecurely wondered how she stood in relation to the rest of the world. At Goldwyn’s she was someone. 1. Christine preferred not to have lunch at work because she wanted to avoid

A her colleagues. B the canteen food. C the management. D the customers.

2. ‘Stampeded’ (line 14) describes a way of A choosing. B buying. C talking. D moving.

3. Christine was particularly valuable to Mr Parker because A publishers’ representatives liked her. B she knew which books would sell. C she had good relations with customers. D she had knowledge which he lacked.

4. ‘This’ (line 21) refers to A the book department. B a confusing situation. C the assistants’ free choice of clothes. D Mr Parker’s attitude to customers.

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5. Why did customers in the book department sometimes look uncomfortable? A It was unlike other bookshops. B The assistants watched them closely. C They didn’t know who to pay. D There were no prices on the books.

6. Which word most accurately describes Christine’s grey suit? A practical B fashionable C original D inexpensive

7. What was the disadvantage for Christine of the places she went to for lunch? A the type of food they served B the fact that they were crowded C the speed with which she had to eat D the type of people who ate there

8. How did Christine regard the junior members of staff? A She found them annoying. B They made her feel old. C She found them amusing. D They made her feel important

Section 2: Questions (9) – (17) Questions (9) – (17) : true or false statements? / 9 marks You are going to read an extract from a story. For questions (9)-(17), choose the answer T (True) or F (False) which you think fits best according to the text. LIAR! LIAR! YOU’RE A HIGH-FLYER

I’ve always been ambitious. Very ambitious. But I learned quickly that honesty doesn’t always pay; in fact, some of the best careers in the business have been built on lies. There’s no doubt, if you embellish the truth, you really can fly, which is why I rewrote my CV: I changed my school, my university and my background and I altered my family. And I have to say, those fibs took me places. I partied with the Beautiful People and featured on the society pages of the glossy magazines. From there, it was just a few small steps to a job with the BBC as a researcher/producer, followed by a stint as a journalist with The Sunday Times, then the Evening Standard. I learned my lesson the hard way – aged 21, at a screen test for a place on a television training scheme. While burning under the spotlights, I heard the head of the TV company say he’d “never seen anyone so natural”. So I got the position, right? Wrong. It went to the girl whose father played golf with the boss. I was heartbroken – but it taught me talent alone won’t get you that dream job. It’s about who you know – or, crucially, who you say you know.

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So, I started to change my story. Suddenly, I was educated at Roedean rather than my local state school. Oxford University replaced Manchester. Oh, and my father was upgraded from structural engineer to Sri Lankan ambassador. With a few swift strokes of the pen, I became a thoroughly upper-class babe. And people believed me. It was only occasionally, in the evenings, home alone, that reality would hit. But I’d silence the Real Me by reassuring myself this was nothing new. People have told fibs since the beginning of time. And the way things are in the job market, everybody has to bend the truth. But I couldn’t help wondering, would I ever be able to be myself? You see, lying is the new currency for moving up in the world. Whereas honesty was once seen as the best policy, high-flyers recognise a little exaggeration and a few white lies can make the difference between getting that job, that promotion – or staying right where you are. I kept up the act for two years, during which time, I couldn’t have a boyfriend or really get close to anyone. How could I, when this might mean home visits or meeting my parents? My stomach churned, and I developed really bad acne and eczema with the stress. I lost a stone in weight and could never sleep properly. I knew deep down some day the truth was bound to come out. It happened after and inaccurate tabloid report linked me with the Marquis of Cholmondeley. Jurnalists quickly started digging around. Roedean and Oxford had no record of me (surprise, surprise), and the Sri Lankan Ambassador had no recollection of his journalist daughter. After a tabloid expose, I was doorstepped by the very same photographers with whom I’d once partied. But if the unmasking was embarrasing for me, it was even more so for the media executives who employed me. They like to see themselves as openminded - and yet they were attracted by my Roedean/Oxford education. Should school and university really make a difference? I don’t fib any more. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am. Fibs, unfortunately are liable to creep up on you and bite back at the most inconvenient moments. So, all you fibbers beware. Fly high – and lie high – if you must, but always, always keep one eye on your tracks. True or false?

9. The main character is a girl from a rich and influential family. 10. The main character became a member of a high-class society. 11. She worked for the BBC.

12. When she was disappointed because she didn’t get her dream job at the age

of 21, she decided to go to a different university. 13. Her father was a structural engineer.

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14. She never told lies about her life. 15. She was educated at Roedean and Oxford. 16. Her employers were happy when the truth was discovered.

17. She does not lie now because she is afraid the truth might be discovered.

PART 3: USE OF ENGLISH ( 63 marks )

Section 1: Questions (1) – (15 ) Questions (1) – (15) / 15 marks

For Questions (1) –(15), read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. Example: (0) A in B at C of D to

No More Classes

The use (0) ... computers has meant students can study language programmes (1) ... their own speed when and for how long they want - and no need to (2) ... about the teacher having a favourite or doing (3) ... another boring lesson. What’s (4) ... , in the virtual classrooms of the future the student will (5) ... on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school, choose their class, take the books they need off the shelf and (6) ... conversations with other computerised students. They might (7) ... choose to pay a visit to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (8) ... of a button they would be transported to (9) ... realistic settings where they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand (10) ... a virtual English companion. All this perhaps, at the computer, from the comfort of their home: no (11) ... to catch the bus to college, or a plane to England. Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting (12) ... to traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (13) ... the classroom? Hopefully not. (14) ... the need to relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (15) ... at least a little of their time with real people.

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1 A with B for C at D in 2 A concern B upset C trouble D worry 3 A still B for C yet D already 4 A more B additional C besides D moreover 5 A place B put C set D get 6 A take B do C catch D hold 7 A although B preferably C instead D contrary 8 A force B hit C depress D push 9 A so B such C like D alike 10 A with B to C from D for 11 A role B duty C obligation D need 12 A difference B opposite C choice D alternative 13 A replace B restore C succeed D recover 14 A definitely B mainly C totally D surely 15 A spend B make C have D do Section 2: Questions (16) – ( 25 ) Questions (16) – (25) / 20 marks For Questions (16) – (25) read the text below. Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Example: (0) BIGGEST

Kitchen Hygiene

The next time you go to the supermarket don't

forget to buy the (0) ... bottle of kitchen cleaner BIG

you can to (16) ... your work surfaces. INFECT

Recent (17) ... research in America has shown that SCIENCE

the kitchen is often the most (18) ... of all the rooms HYGIENE

in the home.

The (19) ... of food, heat and dampness means the COMBINE

kitchen is (20) ... a breeding ground for bacteria that POTENTIAL

can cause stomach upsets and vomiting.

The study at the University of Arizona examined

15 homes over 30 weeks. Levels of (21) ... were CLEAN

certainly not below average yet cutting boards

and dishcloths were found to contain bacteria in

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far greater number than elsewhere in the home.

(22) ... say ignorance is the cause of the problem RESEARCH

and point out that (23) ... cleaning can lead to ADEQUATE

serious food poisoning.

The (24) ... ? Make sure you clean all work surfaces SOLVE

(25) ... and keep an eye on that dishcloth! DAY Section 3: Questions ( 26 ) – ( 31 ) Questions (26) – (31) / 12 marks

This task focuses on the common prefixes and suffixes used to form opposite words. Choose the correct prefix or suffix to form the opposite of the word in CAPITALS.

in- im- il- un- -less dis- ir-

Example (0): Independent

Forming opposite meanings

(0) When he became a teenager he wanted to be more (DEPENDENT) from his parents. (26) It was really (HONEST) of you to take that money without asking. (27) If you hadn't been so (CARE) with that book you'd still have it now. (28) My broken leg means I'll be (ABLE) to go on holiday with you. (29) In many countries it is (LEGAL) to smoke cigarettes under the age of 16. (30) He waited (PATIENTLY) for the train to arrive at the station. (31) The teacher told me it was (RESPONSIBLE) of me to set off the fire alarm.

Section 4: Questions ( 32 ) – ( 39 ) Questions (32) – (39) / 16 marks

You will need to be able to identify words that go together, that is, common collocations. Choose the answer A, B, C or D that completes each sentence.

Common Collocations

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(32) Guess who I .......... into in the supermarket today? A. knocked B. bumped C. hit D. banged

(33) I wonder if you could .......... me a favour and carry this box for me.

A. make B.do C.give D.hold

(34) After a great deal of discussion we were all .......... agreement that we should have a party. A. for B. at C. on D. in (35) The success of the school play was thanks .......... all the hard work involved.

A. to B. for C. in D. of

(36) Studying abroad is a great opportunity. .......... the other hand, you might find yourself getting homesick.

A. By B. In C. On D. But

(37) He did hardly any work before the exam. .........., he managed to pass.

A. Although B. Nevertheless C. Despite D. Inspite of

(38) She bumped into her ex-boyfriend in the street, .......... all her efforts to avoid him.

A. through B. spite C. despite D. even though

(39) When I saw his awful haircut I burst ....... laughing.

A. out B. into C. in D. off

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ANSWER SHEET Code: ________________ April 2006

1. Listening (20 marks) Section 1: 1. ___________________________ 2. _____________ __________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. ________ 9. _________ 10. _______ Section 2: 11. __________________________________ 12. _________________________________ 13. __________________________________ 14. _________________________________ 15. __________________________________ 16. __________________________________ 17. _________________________________ 18. __________________________________ 19. _________________________________ 20. __________________________________

2. Reading (17 marks) Section 1: 1.______ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. ______ 6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _______ Section 2 : 9._____ 10. ____ 11. ____ 12. ___13. ___ 14. ____15. _____16.____ 17. ____ 3. Use of English (63 marks) Sect. 1 : 1.____________ 2. ___________ 3. __________ 4. _________ 5. ___________ (15 marks)

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6. _____________7. ______________ 8.______________ 9.________________ 10. ____________ 11. ___________ 12.______________ 13. ______________ 14. ____________ 15. _____________

Sect. 2 : 16.______________________ 17. _____________________ 18. ____________ (20 marks) 19. ______________________ 20. ______________________ 21._____________

22. ______________________ 23. _____________________ 24.______________ 25. ______________________

Sect. 3 : 26._____________________ 27. _____________________ 28. ________________ (12 marks) 29. ___________________ 30. ______________________ 31. _______________ Sect 4 : 32._____________ 33. ____________ 34. ____________ 35. ___________ (16 marks) 36. ______________ 37. ____________38. ____________ 39. ___________ The end of the Test. Thank you! For official use only Marks

1. Listening : ______________________

2. Reading : ______________________

3. Use of English: __________________ Total: ___________ of 100 marks. (In words:………………………………………………………….marks.)

Examiners: 1. __________________________________ (Full name, please) 2. _________________________________ (Full name, please)

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3. __________________________________ (Full name, please)