engleski, seminar ii

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Sveučilište u MostaruEkonomski fakultet

Irena MilićevićBr.indeksa: 14635

Seminary workEnglish

Page 2: Engleski, Seminar II

Prof. Jadranka Šimunović April, 2007


I. Banking1.1..Bankarstvo…………………………………………………………………….31.2.Make questions………………………………………………………………...31.3.Picture the scene………………………………………………………………..41.4.Abbreviations………………………………………………………………......5

II.Bussines and Environment2.1.Proven environmental commitment helps create committed customers……….62.2.The environment (essay)……………………………………………………….8

III. The Stock Market3.1.Profile: Barco of Belgium…………………………………………………….103.2.Barco of Belguim (essay).…………………………………………………….11

IV. European Union4.1. Eurpoean Union (essay)……………………………………………………....124.2.Magnificent birth of EU……………………………………………………….16

V. Literatura…………………………………………………………………………..18


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I. Banking

1.1. Bankarstvo

Bankarski sektor u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu čini više institucija, koje nadgleda Centralna banka zemlje, Engleska banka. Ova banka pazi na financijsku i monetarnu politiku vlade te se ponaša kao bankar drugim bankama. Kakogod, usluge banaka su javnosti i mnogim tvrtkama osigurane putem komercijalnih ili obračunskih banaka, koje imaju poslovnice diljem zemlje. Ove banke nude širok spektar usluga koje uključuju primanje depozite, davanje zajmova i upravljanje računima klijenata. Trgovačke banke, s druge strane, ne posluju s javnosti nego se specijaliziraju u uslugama za poduzeća i korporacije. Posebno su aktivne u aranžiranju spajanja i bogaćenja i u savjetovanju na području korporacijskih financija.

1.2. Make questions:

1. What is the banking sector in the UK made up of?2. What does the bank look after?3. By who are the banking services provided for the general public and many

businesses?4. What do these banks offer?5. With what do not merchant banks deal?6. What are they particularly active in?


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1.3. Picture the scene

Zamisli scenu

6.30., ponedjeljak jutro. Nalaziš se u prometnoj gužvi na putu za London i imaš presudan sastanak koji će odigrati veliku ulogu za budućnost tvog posla. Trebaš najnovije financijske informacije koje možeš dobiti uključujući i detalje o čekovima primljenim danas. Ali još je sat i pol do otvaranja banke.Sada možeš dobiti sve potrebne informacije za sastanak brzo i jednostavno. Samo uključiš laptop i koristeći podatke skinute s kompjutera Centralne banke Škotske, informacije su tu. Možeš grupirati račune da dobiješ predodžbu o financijskom položaju poduzeća, usredotočiti se na neto položaj određenog dijela poduzeća – čak pripremati izvješća. HOBS – Banka Škotskog doma i služba za uredsko bankarstvo je savršena za ljude poput tebe koji su prezaposleni vođenjem svog posla da bi se brinuli o uklapanju u radno vrijeme banaka.Financijska kontrolaSa HOBS-om u svom uredu možeš:

- pristupiti opsežnim, najnovijim informacijama o domaćoj valuti, stranoj valuti i računima kreditnih kartica

- pokrenuti BACS isplate za plaćanje plaća, dnevnica, isplata dobavljačima itd- pokrenuti CHAPS i Međunarodno plaćanje- prebacivati novac instantno između svojih računa- provjeriti sve svoje naloge i direktne dugove- pronaći specifične transakcije brzo koristeći lanac kriterija za pretragu - otvoriti ekskluzivni HOBS investicijski račun za obavljanje dodatnog posla

doista teškog za tebeFleksibilnostSa HOBS-om više ne morate posvećivati dragocjeno vrijeme rutinskim transakcijama ili prilagođavati svoj posao u radno vrijeme banaka. Kontrolirajte svoje račune kad god to vama odgovara, 24 sata na dan, 7 dana u tjednu.IsplativostSpajanje na HOBS košta samo cijenu lokalnog poziva iz bilo kojeg dijela UK. Buduće nadograđene pogodnosti, kao rad bez priključka na mrežu, značit će da je količina vremena koju trebaš provesti spojen na HOBS svedena na minimum.SigurnostSerije unaprijeđenih dodataka koji se nalaze na vašem kompjuteru dozvoljavaju vam da ograničite pristup određenim korisnicima i da odredite točno kojim informacijama koji pojedinac može pristupiti i koje transakcije mogu obaviti.Prioritetne isplatePoslovni HOBS je dizajniran da se uklopi s vašim postojećim financijskim softverom, dajući vam mogućnost odabira načina izvještavanja o računima i


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isplatama, i prijenos informacija o računima za druge i od drugih paketa kao što su Sage ili Pegasus.BACS direktna funkcija je idealan za distribuciju dnevnica, plaća ili troškova, i pogodna šablonska funkcija će vas poštedjeti upisivanja istih podataka svaki tjedan ili mjesec. Baza podataka korisnika (dobavljača, zaposlenika) se nalazi na vašem PC-ju.Fleksibilnost Kada morate obaviti hitne isplate CHAPS funkcija omogućuje vam da pošaljete sredstva istog dana ili na kraju radnog vremena banaka u 3 sata.

1.4. Abbreviations

Time: - p.a. – lat. Per annum - GMT – Greenwich mean time- A.m. – lat. Ante meridiem (before noon)- A.s.a.p. – as soon as possible

Money:- IOU – input/output unit, I owe you- PAYE – pay as you earn- N/A – not applicable- VAT – value added tax- SFr – Schweizer Franken

People:- CEO – Chief executive officer- MD – Managing director

Companies:- Corp – corporation- AOB – any other business- Plc- public limited company- AGM – annual general meeting- Ltd - limited

Other:- i.e. – lat. Id est. (that is)- e.g. – lat. Exempla gratia (for example)


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II. Business and the Environment

2.1. Proven environmental commitment helps create committed customers

Dokazana angažiranje u ekologiji pomaže stvaranju odanih kupaca

Kada samozvani ''Patagonci'' nazovu Patagoniju, znaju da će dobiti više od visokokvalitetnog vunenog kaputića ili nepropusnih čizama za skijanje. Zahvaljujući robnim katalozima Kalifornijske trgovine na malo i primjernoj metodi podnošenja svog korporacijskog okoliša, kupci ne samo da su upoznati s ekološkim napretkom kompanije, nego su im i odani.Kada kupuju proizvode od Patagonije, kupci također ulaze u savez za ekološku obnovu. Primjer Patagonije pokazuje dobru strategiju ekološkog marketinga.

Upoznati kupce s osobinama i pogodnostima ekoloških proizvodaPatagonija nastoji objasniti ekološku prilagođenost svojih proizvoda i pokazati kupcima pravu sliku. Sredinom 1990-tih, primjerice, Patagonija je počela koristiti samo prirodno uzgojen pamuk. Da bi naglasili prirodne proizvode u opisima proizvoda u katalozima se nalaze objašnjenja o tome zašto su prirodni proizvodi ekološki poželjniji.Drugi članci objašnjavali su teme iznad pojedinačnih proizvoda i procesa. 1996. je, primjerice, u jednom članku kataloga, CEO kojeg je napisao Yvon Chouinard, objašnjena logika prelaska kompanije na prirodno uzgojen pamuk, uključujući i probleme vezane za proizvodnju standardnog pamuka, bolje dugoročne koristi od ulaganja u prirodno dobivene proizvode i potrebu za brigom o dugoročnoj održivosti kada biramo proizvode.Neki bi mogli pomisliti da je objašnjavanje pogodnosti prirodnog pamuka u katalozima strategijski potez otkad kompanija mora opravdati 2 do 10 dolara dobiti po komadu odjeće. Ali drugi su članci, primjerice.naglašavali ekološke teme koje nisu izravno vezane za profit kompanije.Široko ekološko obrazovanje uči kupce da, iako je kupnja prirodnih proizvoda skuplja, u dugom roku gledano manje zagađuje zemlju, a time je bolje i za pojedince..


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Koristiti različitost medija Cilj Patagonijinog reklamiranja i kompanijske literature je obrazovanje. Umjesto da se u katalogu nalaze samo informacije o prodaji Patagonijin katalog je više nalik National Geographic-u. Demonstracije u Patagonijinim trgovinama na malo privlače kupce interaktivnim prikazom zemljinog procesa. Godišnji izvještaji, brošure i druga literatura kompanije objašnjavaju nove ideje u ekologiji. I Patagonija je bila jedna od prvih kompanija koje su raspravljale o održivosti na plaćenim medijima.

Demonstrirati opipljiv ekološki napredak korporacijePatagonija shvaća da kupci ponekad sumnjaju u ekološke tvrdnje kompanije. Kako bi izbjegla odbijanje potrošača, Patagonija objavljuje rezultate svoje unutarnje ekološke ocjene.Ovo izvješće uključuje sve uredske, proizvodne i prodajne aktivnosti i otkriva prilike da se smanji otpad i potrošnja energije. Čitatelji mogu vidjeti kako Patagonija pokušava voditi poduzeće na društveno odgovoran način, od izbora dugoročnih žarulja do osiguranja skrbi za djecu zaposlenih. Čak je i zemljište oko sjedišta tvrtke zasađeno jestivim drvećem – stablima banana.Putem ekološkog dotacijskog programa, neslužbeno nazvanog Earth tax, Patagonija se obvezala dati 1% od svoje prodaje ili 10% od dobiti prije oporezivanja, što god bude veće, malim lokalnim organizacijama za održavanje i obnovu okoliša. Do travnja 1997. Patagonija je donirala više od 8 miliona dolara takvim organizacijama.Vjerujući da pojedinačni napori više podižu svijest društva o lokalnim problemima, Earth tax cilja manje lokalne organizacije predane stvarima kao što su biološka različitost, zasađivanje šuma, ekološki pogodnije metode vađenja prirodnih proizvoda iz zemlje, alternativna energija i voda, društvena aktivnost i ekološko obrazovanje. Pronalazeći preko 350 ovakvih organizacija svake godine Patagonija pomaže u dizanju svijesti o okolišu u cijelom svijetu.

Ohrabriti potrošače da poduzmu neštoGodišnji izvještaj Earth tax-a poziva potrošače da daju potporu lokalnim projektima. Učesnici su brzi u obavještavanju kompanije o ekološkim uspjesima. Jedan nedavni katalog sadržavao je članak o kupcu Patagonijine jakne za vodiče koja je spasila lane rođeno u sred snježne oluje u Koloradu. Sa snažnim komunikacijama, značajnim ekološkim napretkom korporacije i načinima za aktiviranje potrošača, nije ni čudno što i skeptici postaju Patagonijini kupci i kupci postaju Patagonijanci.


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2.2. The environment (essay)

Nowadays, we only talk about environment. Big and important countries and companies are trying to figure out how to save the planet from disaster; we begin to wonder if we will leave anything good to our inheritors. Isn’t it a bit late now? Or almost late, because our planet is beginning to act weird and it is almost shouting for help! The fact that we begin to react just now is very sad, because we could prevent many things which can only be a little bit healed now. The case of ‘Patagonia’ is very rare, although contemporary companies are trying to ‘get some points’ on the fact that they take care about environment. I would like to mention the recent case in Croatia. A man died because he was walking by the river which area was polluted with CO2 coming from the beer factory beside. I think that the main reason is that many factories don’t invest enough money when it comes about environment problems. There are exceptions, of course, but the care is still not serious enough.

The problems that we have to face today are many and big. Pollution is something we already got use to; we live in big cities and breathe air which is all but healthy. Our nature is covered with garbage and materials which can not be restored. It is a shame because we have beautiful resources which are also being polluted. We take nature for granted, as though we don’t realize how important and powerful it is. When I say powerful I refer to natural catastrophes which are mostly a result of our unwariness. I don’t say that we shouldn’t enjoy nature, but we should do it careful and think about its importance. There are lots of animal and plant species there, which are endangered, forests we cut just to make some new road so we could ease the expanding of big industries. It is like we don’t get that one thing leads to another and that cutting forests for example leads to acid rains which are extremely dangerous. It may not seem like that now, but we eat plants which are being polluted by that kind of rain. And is if that wasn’t enough we put many kind of pesticides on vegetables and fruits we raise and it all goes down in the ground and pollutes underground waters and sources. The biggest problem of all is damaged ozone.We can’t stop talking about ozone holes and ultra-violet radiation. It is disturbing the fact that sun has become our enemy and that skin cancer is increasing dangerously. America, Japan, China, Russia have become concerned and are trying to do something about it. It is understandable because those are big countries with big industries which damage atmosphere very much. European Union is also working on it and making actions which are based on the protection of our environment. And what are we as individuals doing about it?-We shake our heads and shrug our shoulders, sometimes while watching television we even decide to do something about it. But soon we forget and get back to our old habits. If each one of us would pick up a piece of litter we would do something great for


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the rest of the world, and that seems pretty simple doesn’t it? I wonder what it would be if we would do something more, or at least the third of us? We would make a world a better place for us all and for those who come after us! It is worth trying, isn’t it?


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III. The stock Market

3.1. Profile: BARCO of Belgium

Profil: Barco, Belgija

Nakon tri godina putovanja Azijom, Joost Verbrugge je, kao voditelj Barkovih aktivnosti u regiji, uvjeren da je Indija jedno od najuzbudljivijih i najsloženijih dugoročnih tržišnih prilika u svijetu. Barko, najpoznatiji po svojim digitalnim projektorima za kompjutere, je od 1994. podigla prodaju od relativno niske razine izvoza u Indiju do prodaje oko 200 milijuna BFr vrijednih proizvoda u jednoj godini, pola uvezenih iz Europe, pola proizvedenih u Indiji. To je mali ali značajan dio ukupnog dobitka od 23 bilijuna prošle godine.Proširenje je u Indiji nastupilo istovremeno kad i preokret u Barkovom strategijskom fokusu, i njegova pojava kao jedne od belgijskih najbrže rastućih tvrtki. Nastala 1934. kao Belgijska korporacija američkog radija, kompanija se odmaknula od potrošnih dobara u 1980-im. Umjesto toga se koncentrirala na određena visokovrijedna tržišta poput kompjuterskih projektora i monitora. Iz svog sjedišta u Kortrijku u Flandersu – njemačko govorno područje Belgije – izvozi u Indiju više od desetljeća, prodajući preko lokalnih agenata opremu za monitore za nacionalnu televizijsku stanicu. Prije četiri godine uspostavila je vlastitu prodaju i poslovne urede u New Delhiu. Sada ima manji odjel prodaje u Bangaloreu, softversku kuću u Chennaiu i projektor sklopa tvornice u Noidi, blizu New Delhia.Budući da su uložili oko 100 milijuna BFr i sada zapošljavaju 150 ljudi u Indiji, planiraju prodajne odjele i u Mumbaiu i komponente tvornica u Noidi. ''To je zaista puno za malu tvrtku kao Barko'', kaže gospodin Verbrugge. ''To je uglavnom ulaganje u budućnost. Tržište je dijelom sada tamo i uvjereni smo da će sigurno i ostati tamo i za par godina.''Ali za one koje žele istražiti potencijal, prepreke i dalje postoje. Iako se Indija posljednjih godina trudila otvoriti svoju ekonomiju, gdin.Verbrugge kaže da Indija ostaje još uvijek zatvorenija od drugih zemalja s brzorastućim tržištem kao što je Kina kada se radi o birokraciji, carinama i porezu.''Nije neobično plaćati carine od 40% na vrijednost proizvoda koje smatrate najobičnijim alatom, kao npr. printer za kompjuter, '' kaže on. ''Kao i visoke carine imate i popularnu ili da kažem nepopularnu birokraciju.'' Ovo može imati važne praktične utjecaje. G.Verbrugge kaže da bi Barko volio okupiti više svojih proizvoda u Indiji, ali to bi značilo uvoz dijelova iz 20 različitih zemalja što zahtjeva veliku papirologiju i zastoje. Iako Indija rado prima strance, g.Verbrugge kaže da postoje i kulturne poteškoće koje ispočetka mogu biti varljive. ''Na prvi pogled Indija se čini lakšom od Kine ili


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Japana jer ljudi govore engleski. Ali tek kada počneš djelovati tamo uočiš svu složenost. Postoji osjetljivost između država, religija, slojeva društva.'' Takve razlike čine zemlju fascinantnom. ''Indija je stotine različitih svjetova koji žive jedan pored drugog u istoj zemlji'', kaže g.Verbrugge.Ove praktične i kulturološke razlike složenosti bile su daleko iza Barkove odluke da smjesti svoje prodajne odjele na potkontinentu. ''Potrebno je mnogo više od agenta s faksom i telefonom. Morate razumjeti tržište, kako djeluju poslovi u Indiji.'' Ali prilike predstavljene u Indiji prevladavaju sve nepogodnosti. ''Ako si možete priuštiti da propustite zemlju petu po broju stanovnika, onda si možete i priuštiti i da ne budete tamo'', kaže g.Verbrugge. ''Mislim da svaka kompanija koja je ozbiljna u namjeri uspostavljanja svjetskog tržišta, ne može izostaviti Indiju''.

3.2. Barco of Belgium (essay)

Barco started exporting to India in 1994., since than a lot has changed – today it sells there a lot more than earlier. Last year it’s selling in India was a significant part of its total.Barco has exported to India for more than a decade, from its base in Kortrijk, Flanders. Four years ago it set up its own sales and services office in New Delhi, after that it expanded even more. Due to its investment and many employers their plan is to expand their sales offices in Mumbai.But India still remains more closed than China and other fast-growing markets.And, although India seems easier than China or Japan because people speak English, it’s not quite true. There are sensitivities between states, religions, levels of society. It also makes the country interesting and fascinating. In spite of that Mr. Verbrugge says ‘If you can afford to miss a fifth of the world’s population, you can afford not to be there’. So, in his opinion all company serious about having a worldwide market should be present in India.


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IV. European Union

4.1. European Union (essay)

The historyThe European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. The six founders are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The 1950s are dominated by a cold war between east and west. Protests in Hungary against the Communist regime are put down by Soviet tanks in 1956; while the following year, 1957, the Soviet Union takes the lead in the space race, when it launches the first man-made space satellite, Sputnik 1. Also in 1957, the Treaty of Rome creates the European Economic Community (EEC), or ‘Common Market’.The 1960s are the period of economic growth. It is a good period for the economy, helped by the fact that EU countries stop charging custom duties when they trade with each other. They also agree joint control over food production, so that everybody now has enough to eat - and soon there is even surplus agricultural produce. May 1968 becomes famous for student riots in Paris, and many changes in society and behaviour become associated with the so-called ‘68 generation’.Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join the European Union on 1 January 1973, raising the number of member states to nine. The short, yet brutal, Arab-Israeli war of October 1973 result in an energy crisis and economic problems in Europe. The last right-wing dictatorships in Europe come to an end with the overthrow of the Salazar regime in Portugal in 1974 and the death of General Franco of Spain in 1975. The EU regional policy starts to transfer huge sums to create jobs and infrastructure in poorer areas. The European Parliament increases its influence in EU affairs and in 1979 all citizens can, for the first time, elect their members directly.The Polish trade union, Solidarność, and its leader Lech Walesa, become household names across Europe and the world following the Gdansk shipyard strikes in the summer of 1980. In 1981, Greece becomes the 10th member of the EU and Spain and Portugal follow five years later. In 1987 the Single European Act is signed. This is a treaty which provides the basis for a vast six-year programme aimed at sorting out the problems with the free-flow of trade across EU borders and thus creates the ‘Single Market’. There is major political upheaval when, on 9 November 1989, the Berlin Wall is pulled down and the border between East and West Germany is opened for the first time in 28 years, this leads to the reunification of Germany when both East and West Germany are united in October 1990.With the collapse of communism across central and eastern Europe, Europeans become closer neighbours. In 1993 the Single Market is completed with the the 'four freedoms' of: movement of goods, services, people and money. People are concerned


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about how to protect the environment and also how Europeans can act together when it comes to security and defence matters. In 1995 the EU gains three more new members, Austria, Finland and Sweden. A small village in Luxembourg gives its name to the ‘Schengen’ agreements that gradually allow people to travel without having their passports checked at the borders. Millions of young people study in other countries with EU support. Communication is made easier as more and more people start using mobile phones and the internet.The euro is the new currency for many Europeans. 11 September 2001 becomes synonymous with the 'War on Terror' after hijacked airliners are flown into buildings in New York and Washington. EU countries begin to work much more closely together to fight crime. The political divisions between east and west Europe are finally declared healed when no fewer than 10 new countries join the EU in 2004. Many people think that it is time for Europe to have a constitution but what sort of constitution is by no means easy to agree, so the debate on the future of Europe rages on.The territoryThe territory of the European Union is formed by the territory of its twenty-seven member states, and expands with the accession of new members. It covers an area of 4,422,773 square kilometres (1,707,642 sq mi).[8] Extending northeast to Finland, northwest to Ireland, southeast to Cyprus and southwest to Portugal, it represents the seventh largest territory in the world by area. It is estimated that the coastline of the European Union is over 150,000 km long.Members of EUThe EU describes itself as "a family of democratic European countries"

Turkey is an official candidate to join the European Union.Croatia is an official candidate country to join the EU and started accession negotiations in 2005.


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In December 2005, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia became the latest country to be given official candidate status.Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia are officially recognized as potential candidates. Norway and Switzerland, however, rejected applying for membership in separate referendums. Iceland is also touted as potential applicant but is opposed to the Common Fisheries Policy.EconomyTaken as a single entity, the European Union has the largest economy in the world, with an estimated nominal GDP of €11.6 ($15.8) trillion[1] Commuter effects distort GDP figures for urban areas with large commuting flows, but even when measured at a scale where such distortion does not apply (e.g. Ostösterreich compared to Romania Nord-Est), there is still a 5-to-1 difference between average western European levels and the poorest regions of new member states.The European Union is the largest exporter in the world and the second largest importer.[26] Internal trade between the member states is aided by the removal of barriers to trade such as tariffs and border controls. In the eurozone, trade is aided by adoption of an uniform currency. The European Union Association Agreement extends such similar economic policies to a much larger range of countries, partly as a so-called soft approach ('a carrot instead of a stick') to influence the politics in those countries.Demographicshe population of the European Union is that of its member states, and changes with each accession (or, more rarely, secession). Each change in membership also affects demographic averages such as life expectancy and fertility rate. The total population of all member countries is approximately 494 million inhabitants as of January 2007Largest citiesThe European Union is home to more global cities than any other region in the world. Over 16 cities with populations over one million inhabitants, counted in its city proper. However, different countries deal differently with large cities.


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The Symbols of EUThe European flag

The 12 stars in a circle symbolize the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoplesof Europe.

The European anthemThe melody comes from the Ninth Symphony by Beethoven. When used as the European anthem, it has no words.Europe Day, 9 MayThe ideas behind the European Union were first put forward on ) May 1950 by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman. So 9 May is celebrated as the EU’s birthday.The motto of EUUnited in diversity!


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4.2. Magnificent birth of EU

For anyone who is old enough to remember European misery in the time of signing The Roman agreement, today EU is a wonder and that is the success and a reason to celebrate.

Berlin - European Community has completed yesterday 50 years. For many, the block of 27 countries has become bureaucratic and boring.EU is not, according to these marks, always so transparent and complicated bureaucracy which is hard to love. But the success of that ’’machinery’’ is the greatest reason why this birthday should be celebrated. ’’Europe has became normal’’, said German chancellor Angela Merkel.

War, never againWhen the Roman agreement was signed in 1957, World War II was only 12 years behind. ’’German and France were still considered almost enemies. And luckily almost nobody remembers that fact anymore’’, continues Merkel about meaning of that agreement. After the World War II, the Marshals plan was the financial injection. NATO gave muscles to Europe. But only after signing the Roman agreement in March, 25. 1957 the second era of peace between European countries had began.Many economic agreements followed that, and in 1973 Denmark, Ireland and Great Britain joined France, Italy, Belgium, Western Germany, Luxemburg, and Germany. European monetary system was established in 1979. Twenty years later new common currency was introduced and it was put into circulation in 2002. Two years later, ten new countries entered the European Union and most of them were under influence of former USSR, and this year Romania and Bulgaria entered too.

Euro in, God outSuccess of the EU, according to Spiegel, has become boring. Six decades of peace and prosperity had put Europeans into sleep and they are now complaining about unfair disposition of money for agriculture. Transparency is one of the folloeing projects. Layers of bureaucracy (24.000 employees) are suffocating the efficiency of some institutes. The EU doesn’t have unique foreign policy. Even the text of Berlin declaration was made at the last moment. A week was spent in the discussion if euro will be mentioned as the main accomplishment and the Christian roots of Europe thrown out of Declaration. The word ’’Constitution’’ (which was rejected by France and Netherlands in 2005) is not in Declaration. German chancellor Merkel set up, as the primary goal, strengthening of the institutions. For anyone who is old enough to remember


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European misery in the time of signing the Roman agreement, today Europe is a frightening wonder and that is the reason for a big celebration of 50 years of EU.

’’Thanks to the powerful wish for freedom of people in the Middle and East Europe, unnatural division of Europe is in the past now and the European integration shows that we’ve learned our lessons in bloody wars and history filled with suffer’’, is stated in common Declaration.

’’Development of multiplex relation with EU is the basic decision of Russia. Yet, from the obvious reasons, we don’t have an intention to enter the European Union or develop common institutions. I agree with Roman Prodij who once described Russian relationship with EU with sentence ’Anything, without institutions’’’, wrote in the birthday card Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Does the openness of EU mean further expansion?In the Berlin declaration the direct expansion of Union is not mentioned, they just generally speak about ‘openness’. That inexplicit dictionary reflects general dissatisfaction in Western Europe because of the possible entrance to European Union of countries like Turkey, Ukraine or Bosnia and Herzegovina. Only the parallel declaration of PES, affiliation of socialist parties in the parliament of EU, calls on stability, peace and prosperity by accepting more countries in the EU.


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- New insights into business; Graham Tullis, Tonya Trappe- Hrvatsko – Engleski rječnik (Milan Drvodelić)- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English II - „Copyright“ 2003

(director Della Summers)- http://europa.eu/abc/index_en.htm - http://www.taktikanova.hr/eH/