english for turkish high school

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A 2A1.2




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MİLLÎ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI YAYINLARI. ..................................................................... : 5793

DERS KİTAPLARI DİZİSİ ........................................................................................... : 1581


Her hakkı saklıdır ve Millî Eğitim Bakanlığına aittir. Kitabın metin, soru ve şekillerikısmen de olsa hiçbir suretle alınıp yayınlanamaz

ISBN 978-975-11-3703-6

Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulunun 29.06.2012 gün ve 83 say ılı karar ı ile ders kitabı olarak kabul edilmiş, Destek Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü’nün

.0 .201 gün ve sayılı yazısı ile defa adet basılmıştır.3 .28 3 4 1310094 üçüncü 20 623

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Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak;

Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak.O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak;

O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.

Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl!Kahraman ırk ıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl?

Sana olmaz dökülen kanlar ımız sonra helâl.Hakk ıdır Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl.

Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşar ım.Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşar ım!Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşar ım.

Yırtar ım dağlar ı, enginlere sığmam, taşar ım.

Garbın âfâk ını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar,

Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var.Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar,

Medeniyyet dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar?

Arkadaş, yurduma alçaklar ı uğratma sak ın;Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca ak ın.

Doğacaktır sana va’dettiği günler Hakk’ın;Kim bilir, belki yar ın, belki yar ından da yak ın

Bastığın yerleri toprak diyerek geçme, tanı:

Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı.Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı:

Verme, dünyalar ı alsan da bu cennet vatanı.

Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki feda?Şüheda f ışk ıracak toprağı sıksan, şüheda!

Cânı, cânânı, bütün var ımı alsın da Huda,Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüda.

Ruhumun senden İlâhî, şudur ancak emeli:Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli.Bu ezanlar -ki şehadetleri dinin temeli-

Ebedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli.

O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- taşım,

Her cerîhamdan İlâhî, boşanı p kanlı yaşım,Fışk ır ır ruh-ı mücerret gibi yerden na’şım;

O zaman yükselerek ar şa değer belki başım.

Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl!Olsun artık dökülen kanlar ımın hepsi helâl.

Ebediyyen sana yok, ırk ıma yok izmihlâl;Hakk ıdır hür yaşamış bayrağımın hürriyyet;

Hakk ıdır Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl!

Mehmet Âkif Ersoy

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Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriyetini,

ilelebet muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir.

Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin en

k ıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmekisteyecek dâhilî ve hâricî bedhahlar ın olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti

müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın

vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok

namüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek

düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş  bir galibiyetin mümessili

olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün

tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün ordular ı dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil

işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere,

memleketin dâhilinde iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet

içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini,

müstevlîlerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde

harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir.

Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi vazifen,

Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır. Muhtaç olduğun kudret,

damarlar ındaki asil kanda mevcuttur.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

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 Course Overview ............................................................................................................................8 - 9

THEME 1 - PEOPLE AND SOCIETY ........................................................................................10 - 15

1A- Say Hi, and Smile

1B- Meet my Family

1C- Crazy Neighbours

THEME 2 - EDUCATION...........................................................................................................17 - 22

2A - Good Luck

2B - Free School

2C - At the School Canteen

THEME 3 - PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER........................................................................24 - 29

3A - I love rollerblading

3B - She has got long brown hair

3C - I’m friendly and funny

THEME 4 - JOBS......................................................................................................................31 - 36

4A - I have a different routine

4B - He loves his jobs

4C - I have a volunteer job in Africa

THEME 5 - TOURISM ................................................................................................................38 - 43

5A - People are having fun

5B - I’m wearing shorts and sandals

5C - What are you doing in the afternoon?

THEME 6 - NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT.............................................................................45 - 50

6A - I’m going to climb Mount Everest

6B - I was at Victoria Falls

6C - Where did you go last summer?

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Workbooks are designed as self-study materials.

Shows the name of the content.

Words are practiced in a context and support thewords in the student book.

Exercises give the oppurtunity to practice andcomprehend grammar.

Ss practise the reading skills they are supposed toacquire.

Ss practise the writing skills they are supposed toacquire.

Attractive visuals are provided so that students canbe attentive.

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Each theme in the Workbook ends with aPerformance Task. Students are guidedin details. It is aimed to produce a workwithin a specific time and achieve at leastone outcome.

There are two projects for the whole course. Projectworks are more detailed works than performance tasks.

Vocabulary studied in the Student’s book ispractised.

Exercises give the oppurtunity to practice andcomprehend grammar.

Photos are taken from reallife.

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A. Write the countries.

1. ngdelan E..........2. Anpsi S..........3. Ltyıa I..........4. Racfen F..........5. Ndiai I..........6. Aslaiatur A..........7. Nrkedma D..........8. Pgeyt E..........

B. Do the number puzzle and find the hiddennumber.

11 E L E V E N








C. Write the words and then put “a ” or “an ” in the blanks.

1….. b...............2….. a...............3….. u...............4….. c...............5….. d...............6….. o...............7….. i-...............8….. s...............






D. Complete the dialogues as in the example.

e.g. Sue : What’s your nationality?  Bruno : .. I..’m Kenyan.

3. Adriana : Where are Jane and Dick?  Trevor : ..…..’re at home.

1. Brian : How old is Sedric?Abbey : ................... is 15.

4. Helen : Where is Catrine from?  Terry : …….. is from Sweden.

2. Donna : What’s this?Fiona : .................is a cat.

5. Jane : What is your job?  Tom and Kate : ................... are teachers.

E. Read about Arnaldo and Emily. Then write questions and answers.

e.g Arnaldo / Italian1. Arnaldo and Emily / from Spain2. Emily / from Canada3. Arnaldo / thirteen4. Emily / fourteene.g A: Is Arnaldo Italian?  B: Yes, he is.1. A: ………………………..?  B: …………………………2. A: ………………………..?  B: …………………………3. A: ………………………..?  B: …………………………4. A: ………………………..?  B: …………………………

Good morning!I’m Emily. I’m Canadian.I’m fourteen years old





A - Say Hi, and Smile 

People and SocietyTheme 1

Good morning!

 My name is Arnaldo. I’mfrom Italy. I’m fourteen yearsold.

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G. Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks as in the example.

F. Complete the following dialogue with the questions in the box.

a. How do you spell it?b. What’s your name?c. How old are you?d. Where are you from?

e. What’s your address?Agnes : Hello, I’m Agnes . 1. .........................................?William :  Hi! I’m William.Agnes :2. ...........................................?William :  W - I - double L- I - A - M.Agnes : I’m from Exeter. 3. ..........................................?William : Really? I’m from Exeter, too. 4. ...........................?Agnes : It’s 43, Alphington Road EX2 8NH.William : Alphington Road? I live on Alphington Road too! 5. ..............................?Agnes : I’m seventeen.William : Me too.

H. Write the capital letters in the text.

dear eugene,

hello! my name’s anabella. i’m sixteen years old. i’m in year nine. i’m english. i ’m from manchester. my addressis 42 church road, manchester. this is my sisteranastasia. she is my twin sister.

Guess who is me?

Tilda : Hey! That photo is lovely, Sue. 1……Are……you in London here?

Sue : No, I 2. …….. I 3. ............on holiday with myclassmates in Paris.

Tilda : 4. ……. this Herry?Sue : No, he 5. ………… . He 6.  ……… his twin

brother, Terry.Tilda :  7. ………..they in the same class?Sue : Yes, they 8. ……. .Tilda : Who is that girl?Sue : She 9. . ............... Susie.Tilda : Oh! Linda is here too. 10. .......... Linda and

you classmates?Sue : No, we 11.  …………… .We 12. .................


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B - Meet my FamilyA. Read the dialogue and circle the correct option.

Rachel has got a sister, Halley. Their bedroom is small and theyhave got only one wardrobe.Rachel : Halley, where are you?Halley : I’m here. What’s up?Rachel : I’m in a hurry. Where are my new black trousers?Halley : Hmm….. Aren’t they in the wardrobe?Rachel : No, they aren’t here. Where are they? Oh! I’m so late.Halley : OK. I’ve got your new trousers but they are really dirty.Rachel : Dirty, Halley, you’re in great trouble.

1. Who is Halley?  a) Rachel’s sister b) Rachel’s friend2. Rachel’s bedroom is ……………… .  a) large b) small

3. Rachel’s new trousers are ……………….. .  a) brown b) black4. Who is in a hurry?  a) Rachel b) Halley5. What’s dirty?  a) The room b) The trousersB. Write as in the example.

C. Choose the correct one.1. This is …………hat.

a. John b. Johns’ c. John’s2. Look at that girl over there. She is …………….sister.

a. Tonys’ b.Tony’s c. Tony3. This is the ………….dog.

a. girls’s b. girls’ c. girl4. My ……………..names are Kevin and Timothy.  a. brothers b. brother’s c. brothers’5. This is Mr ………….car.  a. William’s b. Williams c. Wiliam

D. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with “my - her - his - their” or people’s names.Sue : Is it Emily’s mobile phone?Dave : No, it isn’t 1.  ……. mobile phone. It’s 2. …………… mobile phone.Sue : Is it the Whites’ car?Dave : No, it isn’t 3. ……. car. It’s 4.  …………… car.Sue : Is it Tim’s house?Dave : No, it isn’t 5. ……. house It’s 6.  …………… house.Sue : Is it your puppy?

Dave : No, it isn’t 7. ……. puppy. It’s 8. …………… puppy.

4. The …………. ball

2. The ……………. dog

3.The …………… balloons

5.The ………….. pink gloves

The girl’s computer

1.The ………… dogs

Emily and Robert



The Whites

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E. Ask and answer as in the example.


  Lucy : Whose rabbit is this? Trevor 

  Bobby : It’s Trevor’s rabbit.

  Lucy : What colour is it?   Bobby : It’s white.

1.Lucy : ……………..……… ? Charles  Bobby : ……………….………  Lucy : ……………………… ?  Bobby : ……………….………

2.Lucy : ……………..……… ? Linda  Bobby : ……………….………  Lucy : ……………………… ?  Bobby : ……………….………

3.Lucy : ……………..……… ? Emily  Bobby : ……………….………  Lucy : ……………………… ?  Bobby : ……………….………

F. Complete the conversation as in the example.

Interviewer : Excuse me! Can I ask you some questions?Kate : Yes, of course.Interviewer : What’s your name?Kate : Kate. Kate Taylor.Interviewer : 1. … Have... you …got…. a mobile phone?Kate : Yes, I 2. ………… .Interviewer : And 3. ……. you ……. a computer?Kate : No, I 4.  …………. but my father 5. ……………. a computer in his office.

Interviewer : 6. ………he ……..a DVD player?Kate : Yes, he 7.  …………. .Interviewer : Thank you, Miss Taylor.Kate : You’re welcome.

H. Look at the example and write questions and short answers.  e.g. you / any sisters   A: Have you got any sisters?   B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.1. you / an e-mail address A:……………………? B:………………………….2. you / any brothers A:……………………? B:…………………………..3. you / a bike A:……………………? B:…………………………..4. you / a new school bag A:……………………? B:…………………………..5. you / any cousins A:……………………? B:…………………………..

I. Look at Sam and Tilda’s belongings. Make true sentences about them.

1. Sam ……. got a TV.2. Sam ……. got a walkman.3. Tilda ……. got CDs.4. Tilda ……. got a bike.5. Tilda and Sam …… got mobile phones.6. Tilda and Sam ……… got a car.

TVbike mobile phone

G. Write about yourself. What have / haven’t you got?



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A. Tim is at Jenny’s house. They are talking about Jenny’s new neighbours. Fill in the gaps asin the example.

B. Look at the puzzle and find the hidden words then write them under the correct picture.

C - Crazy Neighbours

1. Jenny : My parents and I are in … our…. new home in this photo.

  Tim : Wow, that’s beautiful.2. Jenny : This is Mr Young. He is at home with ……. children.Tim : What a sweet family!

3. Jenny : This is Mrs Dean. She is with ………. cats in the garden.Tim : Oh, I don’t like cats.

4. Jenny : They are Mr and Mrs Seymour with ………… monkey.  Tim : Oh, it’s great.5. Tim : Is that ……….. brother?

Jenny : No, this is ……. cousin with his car.6. Jenny : And this is my puppy with …… purple ribbon.  Tim : That’s so cute!








C L A C R A Z Y..................................






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C. Clara is at her school. She is with her friend, John. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.

John :  1. …………… happy with your new neighbours?

Clara : Yes, I am. They are friendly. I have got four newneighbours.John :  2. …………… crazy people?Clara : Yes, they are. Mr Young 3.  ………….. a sofa on

his roof. Mrs Dean has got 16 cats and dogs. Mrand Mrs Saymour 4.  ………… big trees andanimals in the house.

John : Wow. They are really crazy.Clara : Yes, but my favourite neighbour is Mr Taylor.John : Why? Has he got a giraffe in his garden?Clara : Come on, John. 5.  ……….. friendly and helpful.John : That’s great. Good luck with your new life!

He is - have got- Are they - has got - Are you

D. Match the opposites.

E. Match the bubbles to the pictures.

....1. tall

....2. new

....3. small

....4. noisy

....5. pretty

....6. young

....7. friendly

....8. funny

a. oldb. bigc. uglyd. olde. quietf. shortg. serioush. unfriendly

......... 1. I’ve got astomachache

......... 6. I’ve got the flu .

......... 2. I’ve got a sorethroat.

......... 4. I’ve got a toothache.

......... 3. I’ve got atemperature.

......... 5. I’ve got a backache.

a b c d e f

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Target Performance Research, creativity, writing skills

Duration Two weeks

Type of scoring instruments Scoring rubrics

Topic of the task Prepare a presentation about yourself, your

family, your neighbours and your neighbourhood.Pay attention to these points in yourpresentation:• Describe your appearance• Describe your family and neighbours• Describe your neighbourhood

Things to do • Plan your time.• Use clear and fluent language.• Use appropriate expressions to make your

presentation more powerful.• Don’t prepare your performance taskmore than

four pages.• Prepare a poster to introduce your

performance task to your classmates.• Enrich your performance task and poster with

pictures, drawings, photos, caricatures, etc.• Give a reference for your task and poster.

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A. Complete the puzzle with the names of school subjects.

D. Look at the noticeboard and write the names of the school subjects.

B. Complete the sentences.1. O............................. your books, please.2. S............................. English only, please.3. D............................ late, please.4. W........................... in pairs, please.5. T.................. your rubbish into the bin.6. D............................ the activity, please.7. D............................ anything, please.

8. C............................. the door, please.9. T............................. off your mobile phone, please.10. L........................... to me, please.

C. Read about Heather and Matt. Fill in theblanks with the words given.

helpful - in (x 2) - at - Literature - teacher - from - on -to - favourite


Hello! I’m Matt. I’m in year 96…………. William Blake High School. I’m crazy

about 7.…………….. My friends call me Mr Hemingway.Ms Robertson is my Literature 8……… . She’s so

friendly and 9.…..... . My birthday is 10………..October. I love autumn.

Hi! My name’s Heather.I’m 1.…………class 9 at King’s High School.

My 2.…………….subject is Physics. I love Wednesdaysbecause I’ve got Physics 3…………….. 9.00

4………..10.30 a.m. My birthday is 5………..14th September.

A - Good Luck  

EducationTheme 2



3 6





Prepare a project

about World War IItill next weekend!

 Wr i te a poem on 


T he hand bal l  mat c h i s on F r i d ay  af t er noon! 

Remem ber  to 

 br ing  your  flu tes!

Don’ t  forge t  to  finish  your dra wings!

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E. Match the questions to the answers.

F. Circle the correct word.

G. Match the sentences to the nicknames.

H. Look at Brian’s apartment block. Where are his family members? Write as in the example.

........ 1. What’s your favourite subject?

........ 2. What’s the third month of the year?

........ 3. What comes after Wednesday?

........ 4. What’s the tenth month?

........ 5. Who’s your best friend?

a. Roberta.b. October.c. Geography.d. March.

e. Thursday.

1. Her birthday is in / on  Saturday.2. Our Math class is at / in 10.15 a.m.3. Mum’s birthday is in / on  22 nd August.4. Literature classes are in / on  Monday and Wednesday.5. Rihanna’s concert is at / on  Friday.6. The lunch break is at / in 12.30.7. I’ve got History classes on / in  Tuesdays at / on  2 p.m.8. We’ve got P.E. classes from / at 9.00 to / in  10.30 on / in  Fridays.

a. Mr Sporty b. Ms Leonardo da Vinci c. Brainy d. Ms Shakespeare e. Mr River

……..1. I love writingshort stories and I love

reading poems.

………3. I can playtennis and basketball well and I’m inthe football team of the school. I love

riding horses.

…….5. I love Maths. Ican answer a ll the questions in

Maths exam.

………2. I loveGeography. I’ve got a lot of

books on Geography.

……..4. I’m good at Art. Ican paint very well.

e.g Brian / first floorA: Is Brian on the first floor?B: No, he isn’t. He is on the fourth floor.

1. Cousin Tim / fourth floorA: ......................................?B: ...........................................................2. Uncle Bill / third floorA: ......................................?B: ...........................................................3. Tracy and Jack / second floorA: ......................................?B: ...........................................................4. Patricia / fifth floorA: ......................................?B: ...........................................................

5. Colin / sixth floorA: ......................................?B: ...........................................................

Cousin Tim



Tracy and Jack


Uncle Bill


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A. Write the given words under the right picture. Then find their plurals.

B. Write the words in the correct column.

C. Read the dialogues and choose the correct one.

D. Write ‘and’ or ‘but’ in the blanks.

E. Look at the picture. Are the sentences True(T) or False (F) ?

-s -es -ies -ves irregularerasers dishes dictionaries

1. Rod :  Is / Are  there a ruler in your schoolbag?Amanda : Yes, there is.Rod : Give it to me, please.Amanda : OK.

2. Bill : There are / aren’t  two bananas in my bag.Tim : Oh really?Bill : Here. Take one.

3. Samra :  It is / There is a calculator in my bag.Sarah : Oh, that’s bad.Samra : Take this paper and the pencil, then.

4. Gabriela :  Is it / Are there  colour pencils in your bag?  Betty : Yes.

Gabriela : Give me blue and red pencils, please.Betty : OK.

5. Julia :  They / There  aren’t any oranges in the basket.  Martin : OK. Let’s go to the market.

1. There are two pens ......... three  pencils in my school bag.2.  There are two diaries on my desk

......there aren’t any notebooks.3.  There’s a smart board ......... a DVD  player in my class.4.  I’ve got three candies ......... a

chocolate in my pocket.5.  There is an MP4 player in my rucksack  ......... there isn’t a cell phone.

(…) 1. There is a lamp.(…) 2. There aren’t two stools.(…) 3. There isn’t an aquarium .(…) 4. There are two computers.(…) 5. There are two pictures on the wall.(…) 6. There is a cat on the floor.(…) 7. There isn’t a vase.(…) 8. There is a TV.

  B - Meet my Family

puppy - box - boy - child - tooth - candy - apple - fireman - eraser - mouse - brush - knife - dictionary

eraser / erasers 1. ................ 2…….………… 3…............... 4 ................ 5……...............

6. ................ 7…............... 8. ............... 9................ 10. ................ 11................ 12. ..............

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F. Read the bubble and fill in the blanks with the words below.

J. Catherine is a student at the Free School. She is online with Danny. Complete the dialoguewith the sentences in exercise “I”.

Hi, I’mPatricia. I’m a 1. .................... at Dublin Free

School. My school subjects are very 2. ..................... There areDrama, Gardening and Cooking

3. ..................... . The teachers are very 4. .................... and helpful.Mr. Capono is my 5. .................... teacher. His chocolote

cakes are 6. .................... .

G. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences as in theexample.

1. ..There are.. two keys but ..there aren’t..  any notebooks.2. .................. a mobile phone but .................. an MP4 player.3. .................. a calculator but .................. an eraser.4. .................. three candies but .................. any chocolates.5. .................. pens and pencils but .................. any diaries.

6. .................. six birds but .................. any fruit on the tree.7. .................. three cats but .................. any dogs.8. .................. a horse but .................. any donkeys.

H. Match the questions to the answers.1. Are there any students in the garden?2. Is there a tablet PC on your desk?3. Are the teachers friendly?4. Have you got a dictionary in your bag?5. How many books are there in your rucksack?6. What is there in your hand?

A. Yes, they are.B. Yes, I have.C. Two.D. No, there isn’t.E. Yes, there are.F. A calculator.

I. Unjumble the sentences.

a. have / Thursday / got / on / a Science / I /exam.  .....................................................................b. Cooking / There / a 3 p.m / class / at / on Friday / is.  .....................................................................c. Are / any / Science / or / classes / there / Maths?

  .....................................................................d. There / any / exams / in / aren’t / my / school.  .....................................................................

Danny :  I’m bored because (1) …………………………………………….. .Catherine : Poor Danny! (2) .................................................. .Danny : You’re kidding!

Catherine : No, I’m not. No exams.Danny : Wow! What a school! (3)……………………………………… ?Catherine : Yes, there are.Danny : We have got uniforms. Have you got uniforms?Catherine : We haven’t got uniforms, Danny.Danny : You’re lucky. What about your teachers?Catherine : They are very friendly. Mr. Ayala is my favourite. He’s my cooking

teacher. His pizzas are wonderful (4) ………………………………. .Come and eat with us.

Danny : Cooking class? Pizzas? Oh my God! I’m a student at the FreeSchool next year.

cooking - delicious - student - classes - interesting - friendly  

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A. Write ‘C’ for countable and ‘U’ foruncountable nouns.

1. milk ................ 8. egg ................

2. bread ................ 9. cookie ................3. sandwich ................ 10. chicken ................4. beef ................ 11. omelette ................5. candy................ 12. grape ................6. fruit juice ................ 13. tea ................7. banana ................ 14. cheese ................

B. Write the names of these things in thecorrect list.

ice - cream, ch icken, sandwich, ketchup, cheese,

cucumber, cookie, lettuce, beef, mandarin, bread,strawberry  COUNTABLE UNCOUNTABLE

C. Read the e-mail and fill in the blanks with the words below. One is extra.

shopping list - forget - birthday cake - at - party - any

Hi Kylie, The surprise ................ for Jason is on Saturday afternoon. There is a big................ on my noticeboard and I need your help. The ................ is from Susieand cookies are from Robert. We haven’t got ................ fizzy drinks and fruit juice.Can you buy them? Don’t ................ to go shopping tomorrow and don’t be late.The party is ................ 1.00 p.m in my house.

See you very soon.

D. Answer the questions according to the mail.1. Where is the surprise party? .............................................................................. .2. When is the party? ............................................................................................. .3. What time is it? .................................................................................................. .4. Who is the cake from? ....................................................................................... .5. What haven’t they got? ...................................................................................... .

E. Complete the conversation. Use “some (x 2), how many,how much, any (x 4), a (x 2), is, isn’t or are, aren’t”.

Joe : Let’s make 1. ............. chocolate cake?Mariah : OK. Good idea. Is there 2. .............. flour?Joe : Yes, there 3. ............. .Mariah : Is there 4. ............. milk?Joe : No, there 5. ............. .Mariah : 6. ............ milk do we need?Joe : A bottle.Mariah : What about eggs. Are there 7. ............. eggs?Joe : No, there 8. ............. but there are 9. ............. mushrooms

and there is 10. ............. cheese.Mariah : Are there 11. ............. tomatoes?Joe : Yes, there 12. ............. .Mariah : 13.  ........ tomatoes are there?Joe : I think four.

Mariah : Well, let’s make 14. ............. pizza then.

C - At the School Canteen

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F. Make sentences as in the example.

e.g Julia :  Are there any cats in the garden?  Tilda : No, there aren’t but there are some dogs.

1. Julia : Are there any oranges on the tree?

  Tilda : ................................................... .

2. Julia : Is there any water in the glass?  Tilda : ................................................... .

3. Julia : Is there any coffee in the glass?  Tilda : ................................................... .

4. Julia : Are there any cucumbers on the table?  Tilda : ................................................... .

5. Julia : Is there any pasta on the plate?

  Tilda : ................................................... .

6. Julia : Are there any flowers in the vase?  Tilda :…………………………….in the garden.

7. Julia : Are there any children at home?  Tilda : …………………………….in the park.

PERFORMANCE TASK Target Performance Research, creativity, writing skills

Duration Two weeks

Type of scoring instruments Scoring rubrics

Topic of the task • Prepare a brochure for your ideal school.• Pay attention to these points in your brochure.• Give a name to your school.• Draw the plan of your ideal school.• Prepare your ideal timetable.• Write about the teachers. (What are the

teachers like?).• Write the facilities in the school.• Write about the canteen and the food.

Things to do • Plan your time.

• Use clear and fluent language.• Use appropriate expressions to make yourpresentation more powerful.

• Don’t prepare more than two pages.• Prepare a poster to introduce your

performance task to your classmates.• Enrich your performance task and poster with

pictures, drawings, photos, caricatures, etc.• Give a reference for your task and poster.

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Expected Performance Research, creativity, thinking skills, writing skill

Time 3 months

Type of scoring instruments Scoring rubrics

Topic of the task Preparing a magazine

In this magazine you should:• have sections about various topics ( sports, games, literature, cinema, art, music, environment,

news, jokes, puzzles, riddles, etc.)• enrich your magazine with pictures related to your topics.• have articles or other types of magazine.

While preparing your Project, you should:• choose your teammates.• plan your time.• share tasks among your friends.• do research using books, the Internet, magazines, etc.• find a name for your magazine.• don’t prepare your magazine more than 20 pages.• use clear and fluent language and have coherent narration.• don’t forget that the presentation of your magazine won’t take more than 15 minutes.• keep in mind that each teammate will present one section of the magazine.• prepare your magazine and presentation by ……../………./ 2012 at the latest.

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A. Complete the words for hobbies.

B. Write questions and answers as in the example.

1. P….. a……i…….g c….m…..u……e….. g……m…….s2. W…..t….h……n….. T……3. C… o……i……g4. W….l…..i…..g t…..e d…..g


you / pop music?A: Do you like pop music? 

B: Yes, I do.

1. she / swimming?A: …………………………… ?

B: ………………………………3. he / history books?A: …………………………… ?B: ………………………………

5. you / shopping?A: …………………………… ?B: ………………………………

they / horror fi lms?A: Do they like horror fi lms? 

B: No, they don’t.

2. you / adventure games?A: …………………………… ?

B: ………………………………4. we / TV ?A: …………………………… ?B: ………………………………

6. they / cooking?A: …………………………… ?B: ………………………………

Tanita :  1.  …………………… (you / like) movies, Bob?Bob : No, I 2.  …………………. (hate) movies.Tanita : And your brother, Simon. 3.  ………………… (he / like) them?Bob : Yes, he 4.  ……………….. (love) movies.Tanita : Hmm, 5. ……………… (he / l ike) acting?Bob : Yes, he 6.  …………… (like) it.Tanita : What films 7.  …………………… (he / like)?Bob : He 8.  …………… (like) adventure films.Tanita : And what films 9.  ……………… (he / dislike)?Bob : Oh, Tanita. Go and ask him.

C. Complete the dialogue.

D. Make true sentences about yourself.

1. I like / don’t like  boxing.2. I ............... romantic films.3. I ............... science fiction stories.4. I ................. walking the dog.5. I................ fast food.6. I................ ice cream.7. I ................... running.

8. I ................... washing my father’s car.

A - I love rollerblading

Theme 3 Personality and Character

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A. Look at the celebrities. Fill in the blanks with the correct words below.

straight - smile - slim - eyes - faceGwyneth Paltrow is tall and 1………………… . She’s got 2…………… blondehair. Her 3………………..are blue. She’s got a wonderful 4……………on her5……………. .

eyes - curly - mouth - teethBeyonce has got long 1……………….hair with brown 2…………….. . She’s got anice 3………………..because her 4…………….are very white.

brown - grey - beautifulGeorge Clooney has got short 1…………………hair. His eyes are 2 ……… . He’sgot a 3………………..smile.

eyes – darkRihanna has got short 1…………………hair. She has got beautiful hazel2…………………… . She can sing and dance well.

energetic - brown - wavyRaphael Nadal has got 1………………brown hair with 2……………eyes. He canplay tennis well. He’s 3……………………

   G  w  y  n  e   t   h   P  a   l   t  r  o  w

    B  e  y  o  n  c  e

   G  e  o  r  g  e   C   l  o  o  n  e  y

   R   i   h  a  n  n  a

   R  a  p   h  a  e   l   N  a   d  a   l

B. Read and write the name of the animal.

1. It has got a big grey body. It can swim and jump. …………………………….2. It’s a big bird. It’s got feathers, a long neck and long legs. It can run,  but it can’t fly. ………………………… .3. It’s got a very long neck and long thin legs. It can eat leaves. ………………4. It’s got a big body and small wings. It’s black and white. It can swim

but it can’t fly. ……………………….. .5. It’s got a big body and very big mouth. It has also got sharp teeth. It can swim.

............................... .

B - She has got long brown hair 

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C. Read about Sandra and fill in the table.

My best friend’s name is Sandra. Hernickname is Sandy. She’s got brown eyesand her hair is long and curly. She’s in theDrama club. She can act and dance verywell. But she can’t sing. She likes watchingmovies. She is very talkative and energetic.

Name : .........................................................

Nickname : .........................................................

Appearance : ........................................................

Character : .........................................................

Can do : .........................................................

Can’t do : .........................................................

1. Our neighbours ………………………two dogs, three cats and five birds. They love animals.2. My grandparents …………………a big house. All the rooms are very small.3. Susan can’t drive. She ……………………a car.4. Jason …………………..a new laptop. He’s crazy about computer games.5. The Flintstones ………………….a pet. Its name is Dino.6. My cousin is so crazy. He …………………fifteen piranha fish and two monkeys.7. Jane’s brother hates music. He ………………….. any CDs.

8. My uncle is very rich. He ………………….a lot of money.9. Celine loves reading books so she …………………………….a lot of books in her bookcase.10. Dave ………………….a mobile phone because he doesn’t like using it.

E. Fill in the blanks with the right questions.

• Is he French?• What is he like?• What does Georgio look like? 

Bob : 1...........................................................................Jill : He is tall and slim, with brown hair and blue eyes.Bob : 2 ..........................................................................Jill : He’ s very friendly.Bob : 3...........................................................................Jill : No, he isn’ t.

F. Write a paragraph about yourself. (Your appearance, character, what you can / can’t do.)

D. Write what these people have got / haven’t got. Use the clues.




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A. Match the sentences to the pictures........ 1. My brother is good at karate........ 2. Dave is good at chess.

....... 3. Kevin is bad at fishing........ 4. My mother is good at cooking.

....... 5. I’m not good at baseball.

....... 6. I’m interested in painting.

....... 7. My grandfather is bad at surfing on the Net.

....... 8. Paul is crazy about rollerblading.

....... 9. Adam is good at singing.

....... 10. Andrew is bad at driving.

B. Find the hidden words and put them in the correct group.

Positive Negative

1. .....................................................................2. .....................................................................3. .....................................................................4. .....................................................................

5. .....................................................................

1. .....................................................................2. .....................................................................3. .....................................................................4. .....................................................................

5. .....................................................................

          f      r          i    e    n

  d    l  y ak i   n  


a   r    o   m   a    n   t    i    c  

e  s el fi s  h  c  e

   n   e    r   g 

    e     t     i    c

    r   q      u  i e

 tb l  a  z    y   d    s   h    y   m  

n  o  i  s ys p o s

   i   t  i  v  e


C - Iʻm friendly and funny


d e



g h




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C. Fill in the blanks with the words in exercises “B”.

1. Joe and Tim aren’t ...................... . They like talking in the class.2. I am not a ....................... person. I have got a lot of friends.3. Jane is a ............................. girl. She isn’t negative.4. Our new neighbours are ............................. people. They like listening to loud music.

5. Tim has got 10 model cars. His brother, Simon has got only one. He can’t play with Tim’s carsbecause Tim is very ......................... .

6. My brothers like sleeping all day at home. They are .......................... .7. Mr and Mrs Grey are 65 but they are very ........................... . They like running every morning.8. Jasmine and Nora are ..................... girls. They like reading love stories.9. Today is Jenny’s mother’s birthday. There are some flowers in Jenny’s hand. They’re for her mum.

Jenny is a .......................girl.10. I like my school because all my teachers are .......................... .

D. Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.

Ms. Rubin :  Can I help you?James : Yes, please 1. ................................ be on the tennis team.Ms. Rubin :  Are you 2................................. tennis?James : Sure! I’m 3.  ................................ tennis player.Ms. Rubin :   4................................. volleyball?James : I love it! I play beach volley every summer.Ms. Rubin :  Well, right now 5.  ................................ on the volleyball team.James :  6. ................................ the volleyball team?Ms. Rubin :   7. .................. . You can join the tennis team next year. There isn’t a place at the moment.James : Thanks a lot Ms Rubin.

a. Yes, you can.

b. a very goodc. I’d like tod. good ate. there’s a place for youf. Do you likeg. Can I join

E. Read Kylie’s e-mail and write True (T) or False (F).


I’m Kylie from Australia. I live in Canberra, the capital of Australia. I’m 15and I love sports. I’m the captain of the basketball team in the school. I’malso good at swimming. I’ve got lots of medals. My favourite subject isLiterature, but I hate Pyhsics. I’m very energetic and talkative.

Waiting for your e-mail.


....... 1. Kylie is British.

....... 2. She’s crazy about sports.

....... 3. She’s bad at playing basketball.

....... 4. She’s good at swimming.

....... 5. Physics is her favourite subject.

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Target Performance Research, creativity, writing skills

Duration Two weeks

Type of scoring instruments Scoring rubricsTopic of the task Prepare a poster about your likes and dislikes.

• Think about your hobbies and interests.• Write what you like / don’t like doing in your free time.

Things to do • Plan your time.• Use clear and fluent language.• Use appropriate expressions to make your presentation more

powerful.• Don’t prepare more than two pages.• Prepare a poster to introduce your performance task to your


• Enrich your performance task and poster with pictures, drawings,photos, caricatures, etc.• Give a reference for your task and poster.

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A. Find the hidden jobs in the puzzle. Then write the jobs under the correct picture.












B. Complete the phrases with the verbs fromthe box.

1. ......... to classical music

2. ......... to bed3. ......... badminton4. ......... shopping5. ......... TV6. ......... lunch7. ......... homework8. ......... home

C. Write questions with the verbs in B.

D. Write labels for the parts of the house.Use the words in the box. Then write trueanswers about your home.

1. Where do you and your family eat lunch?................................................................................2. Where do you sleep at night?................................................................................3. Where do you usually brush your teeth?................................................................................4. Where do you watch TV?................................................................................5. Where do you usually do your homework?................................................................................6. Where do you make an omelette?


1. ............... 2. ............... 3. ............... 4. ...............

  5. ............... 6. ............... 7. ............... 8. ...............

9. ............... 10. ............... 11. ............... 12. ...............

1. ..............

2. ..............

7. ..............6. .............. 5. ..............

4. ..............

3. ..............

shopping / friends / weekend / ?Do you go shopping with your friends at the weekend?1. classical music / afternoon?............................................................2. bed / before eleven o’clock / night?............................................................3. TV / evening?............................................................4. lunch / school?............................................................5. badminton / weekend?............................................................6. your homework / afternoon?............................................................7. home / half past seven / morning?............................................................

A - I have a different routine 

Theme 4  Jobs

eat - do - go (x 2) - listen - play - leave - watch

balcony - bathroom - bedroom - dining room -garden - kitchen - living room

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H. Write sentences about the room. Use the clues.

e.g.mirror - fi replace: There is a mirror above the fi replace.

1. coffee table / sofa and the fireplace ................................................2. vase / the table ................................................................................3. pictures / the wall ..................................................................................4. flowers / the vase ..................................................................................5. small armchair / the fireplace ................................................................

6. carpet / floor.....................................................................................

F. Read the paragraphs and put them into the correct order.

.......... A. We always have lunch at half past twelve in the afternoon.From two o’clock to three I have a rest. Then, I playcomputer games, but Ginger doesn’t like computergames. She likes playing with her toys. I have a cup of

coffee at four o’clock........... B. I arrive home at half past ten. I take Ginger out for a walk.

Then, at eleven o’clock we go to bed........... C. I have my dinner at six in the evening. I usually eat some

beef with vegetables. Ginger doesn’t like vegetables. Sheloves bones. At seven o’clock I go to the radio studios. Ihave got my own radio programme. I don’t carry Gingerwith me. She likes watching TV at home.

.......... D. After breakfast, I go to the gym. I don’t take Ginger withme because she hates sports. She is very lazy.

.......... E. Hello! My name is Sammy Green. I’m a champion boxer.I’ve got a dog. Her name is Ginger.

.......... F. Ginger and I get up at six o’clock in the morning. We haveour breakfast at seven. I eat a very big omelette and tentoasts. I drink a big glass of fruit juice. Ginger doesn’ t likefruit juice. She loves milk.

G. Read Sammy’s sentences. Are they True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false sentences.

...T... 1. My dog is called Ginger.

........ 2. I eat two big sandwiches and five eggs for breakfast.

........ 3. Ginger doesn’ t like milk.

........ 4. I go out with my friends after breakfast.

........ 5. I go to the gym after breakfast.

........ 6. We never have lunch.

........ 7. I don’t play computer games.

........ 8. Ginger is crazy about watching TV.

E. Complete the questions with the given words. Then, match the questions to the answers. What time (x 2), When, Where, What, Who

........ 1. ............. do you get up in the mornings?

........ 2. ............. do you do on Sunday?

........ 3. ............. do you come from?

........ 4. ............. do you go to bed?

........ 5. ............. does yoga in your family?

........ 6. ............. do you eat out with your friends?

a. Mumb. On Saturdaysc. At 10 p.md. I go hikinge. Mexicof. At 7.30 a.m.


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A. Match the bubbles to the photos.

B. Write the jobs in the blanks.

C. Fill in the dialogue with the correct words.

A. I work with animals. I

work in a surgery.

B. I work in arestaurant. I serve food and


E. I work in anof fice. I look after people’s


F. I grow and sell flowers. I

work in a shop.

C. I cook delicious food. Iwork in a big hotel.

D. I answer the phonesand take notes. I work in an

of fice.

waitress - dentist - chef - vet - florist - secretary1. Julia is a ………………… . She loves animals.2. Susan is a ……………….. She types letters and uses a computer.3. Mr Huan cooks Chinese food. He is a ………………… .4. Mrs Green sells roses and daisies. She is a ……………………. .5. Chris helps people with their teeth. He is a ……………….. .6. Jenny is kind and helpful. She carries food and drinks. She is a ……………. .

Aisha : 1.  … Does…. your dad collect stamps?Betty : Yes, he 2. ……………Aisha : And your mum? 3.  …………….she collect anything?Betty : Well, she collects recipes. She 4.  ……………a really good cook.Aisha : Oh, 5. ………………she cook everyday?Betty : No, not everyday. She 6.  …………….very busy but when she

7.  ……………free, she cooks Mexican food.Aisha : Oh Mexican food? 8.  ………………it delicious?Betty : Yes, it 9.  ………………… .

.............. 1.

.............. 2.

.............. 3.

.............. 4.

.............. 5.

.............. 6.

B - He loves his job

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D. Underline the correct word.

Simon 1. goes / gets up early every morning and 2. drinks /runs at the seaside with his wife and their dog, Blackie. Thenhe 3. has / have  breakfast. Next he 4. drives /drive  to therestaurant. He 5. works / cooks  there as a waiter. At workSimon 6. serves / talks  the customers. In the evening he 7.sits / talks in front of the TV and 8. watches / listens hisfavourite programmes. He sometimes 9. reads / listens abook. He usually 10. goes / sleeps to bed early.

G. Complete the questions with the words in the box. Then write true answers about yourself.

1. ..................... sports do you like? ............................................................................. .2. ..................... do your lessons start? ............................................................................. .3. ..................... do you help your mum? ............................................................................. .4. ..................... do you come home? ............................................................................. .5. ..................... do you do in your free time? ............................................................................ .6. ..................... colours don’t you like? ............................................................................. .

7. ..................... do you do your homework? ............................................................................. .

F. Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs.

meet - take - play (x 2) - answer - do - help - go ( x 2) - love (x 2)

My cousin, Rachel is very active. She’s got different hobbies. She 1. ……………….. photos of animals. She’s got a perfect camera. She andI often 2.  ……………to the zoo together. She’s a real animal lover. She3. ……………sports. She 4.  ………………badminton and handball andshe often 5.  …………. swimming and scubadiving. She 6.  ……………thedrums and can sing very well. At school she is very hardworking. She 7.  ………………all questions in class and she always 8. …………. homework.

I usually 9.  …………………..her on Saturdays. She 10.  ……………….mewith my homework. I 11.  ………………..being with her.

E. What do they do at the weekend? Write sentences.






e.g. Brian (meet) his friends. Brian usually meets his friends.

1. Celine (cook) Italian food. .................................................................. .

2. Jack and Sandra (play) badminton. .................................................................. . 

3. Molly (visit) her grandparents. .................................................................. . 

4. Lionel (help) his parents. .................................................................. .

5. Aunt Jenny (watch) football on TV. .................................................................. . 

6. Sam (go) to the shopping centre. .................................................................. .

When - Wh ich - How often - What ( x 2) - What time - Where


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C - I have a volunteer job in AfricaA. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

old - laugh - danger - hospitals - talk - turtles - tell - teach - interesting - do

A. My name is Brandon. I’ m from Italy. I’ m a student. I work for the1………….. in the Pacific every summer. The turtles are in 2……………..The scientists 3…………………projects to help them and I help thescientists. I do a great job.

B. I’ m Gina. I’ m from the USA. I’ m an English teacher. I 4…………English to people from other countries in the evenings. I 5………… aboutmy culture and country.

C. I’ m Thomas. I’ m from Germany. I’ m a taxi driver. I have an 6……….. job. I listen to people. I visit 7…………….or lonely people in their homes onSaturdays. I’ m their listener because they need a person to talk. I learn alot from them.

D. My name is Ingrid. I’ m from Sweden. I’ m a secretary. You can call me‘story teller’ because I 8………….stories to children. At weekends I visitchildren in 9…………….. and tell stories. They 10…………..at my storiesand have a good time. I love children.

C. Read the paragraphs again and answer the questions.

D. Match column A to column B to make full sentences.

E. Fill in the blanks with the correct question word below. And match the questions to theanswers.

1. What is each person’ s job? .............................................................................2. Where do they do it? .............................................................................

3. When do they do it? .............................................................................

  A B....... 1. The boys have a. football on Sundays........ 2. Susan does her b. the bus to work at 7:30 a.m every morning....... 3. They start work at 8:30 a.m c. home at 4: 00 p.m........ 4. My sister catches d. and finish at 4:30 p.m........ 5. She always goes e. on weekdays........ 6. Walter plays f. shopping on Wednesdays........ 7. Granddad never goes to the movies g. homework in the afternoon........ 8. I arrive h. lunch at twelve.

What - How often - Where - Why - How - When - Who - What time1. ...................................... do you get up?2. ...................................... do you live?3. ...................................... does she do after work?4. ...................................... do you go to school?5. ...................................... is your favourite teacher?6. ...................................... do they have dinner?7. ...................................... do the boys like basketball?

8. ...................................... does he brush his teeth?

..... 1.

..... 2.

..... 3.

..... 4.

B. Match the paragraphs in exercise “A” to the volunteer jobs in thephotos.

......... a. She goes shopping.

......... b. On foot.

......... c. At 7: 00.

......... d. In Amsterdam.

......... e. Twice a day.

......... f. Because it’ s fun.

......... g. At 7: 30 p.m.

......... h. Mr Kamper.

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F. Read and fill in the blanks with the right jobs.

Hello. My name is Jenny. I live with my family in aflat. I’m a student at Maths Faculty. I have a parttime job at a bookstore. I’m a 1…………….. I sellbooks. I always work from 5 p.m to 10 p.m. I don’tearn a lot of money but I love books.My father, Hugh is a 2. ………………. . He usuallyworks during the day but sometimes he works atnights. He washes his car every morning. At nightshe sometimes watches TV and reads books.My mother, Liz is a 3.……………….. . She teachesEnglish at a high school. She doesn’t have timefor a big breakfast. She usually has some cookiesand orange juice at home. She starts work at 8a.m. and finishes it at 4 p.m. She works very hardbut she loves her students. She goes jogging atweekends. She is very sporty. She plays tennis onSaturday afternoons.

G. Read the text again and fill in the blankswith the right names, Jenny, Hugh, Liz.

1. .............. lives with her family.2. .............. works at a bookstore.3. .............. washes the car every morning.4. .............. goes jogging.5. .............. sometimes watches TV.6. .............. doesn’t have time for a big breakfast.7. .............. doesn’t earn a lot of money.

H. Answer the questions according to thetext.

1. Does Jenny live alone?  ……………………………………………….. .2. Does Jenny’s father sometimes read books?  ……………………………………………….. .3. How often does Jenny’s father work at nights?

……………………………………………….. .4. What does Jenny’s mother teach at school?  ……………………………………………….. .5. What does Jenny’s mother have for breakfast?  ……………………………………………….. .6. When does Jenny’s mother go jogging?

……………………………………………….. .

PERFORMANCE TASK Target Performance Research, creativity, writing skills

Duration Two weeks

Type of scoring instruments Scoring rubrics

Topic of the task Prepare a report, about “the job you would like to do”.Pay attention to these points in your report:• characteristic features of the job• advantages - disadvantages of it• career opportunities• the reason why you want to do this job

Things to do • Plan your time.• Do research using books, the Internet etc.• Use clear and fluent language.• Use appropriate expressions to make your report

more powerful.• Don’t prepare the task more than two pages.• Prepare a poster to introduce your performance

task to your classmates.• Enrich your performance task and poster with

pictures, drawings, photos, caricatures, etc.

• Give a reference for your task and poster.

taxi driver - teacher - shop assistant

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PROJECTExpected Performance Research, creativity, thinking skills, writing skill

Time 2 months

Types of scoring instruments Scoring rubricsTopic of the task Keeping a diary for at least two weeks

In your diary you should:• write your experiences, plans or ideas about various topics.• enrich your diary with pictures related to your topics.• use different types of writing such as poems, lyrics, etc.

While preparing your project, you should:

• find a name for your diary.• plan your time.• follow daily news about your city / town, your country, all around the world.• do reasearch using books, the Internet, magazines, etc.• use clear and fluent language and have coherent narration.• prepare your presentation of your diary which won’t take more than 15 minutes.• not prepare your diary more than 20 pages.• prepare your magazine and presentation by ……../………./ 2013 at the latest.




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A. Match the verbs to the pictures. Then write sentences .

........ 1. cook

........ 2. listen to music

........ 3. talk on the phone

........ 4. brush his teeth

........ 5. water the plants

........ 6. read a book

........ 7. play basketball

........ 8. go jogging

B. What is Robert doing in each picture? Write sentences.

A. Robert is playing basketball. E. ................................................................. .B. He is watering................................................. . F. .................................................................. .C. He is ............................................................... . G. ................................................................. .

D. He ................................................................... . H. ................................................................. .



sleep - do - wash - ride - chat - read

Today is Sunday. We are at home. It’s ten o’clock.My mother 1…………………..the dishes in thekitchen. My father 2……………………………hisnewspaper in the living room. My brother is in thegarden. He 3……………………his new bike. Mysister is in her room. She 4……………………withher friends on the Net. My cat, Cotton, is outside.He 5…………………..on his favourite chair. Oh!Me? I’m in my room. I 6…………………………myEnglish homework. The subject is “ What is yourfamily doing now?”.

A - People are hav ing fun

Theme 5 Tourism

C. Tom is at home with his family today. Everybody is doing something now. Read the text andfill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs.

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D. Answer the questions as in the example.

e.g. A: Are they playing volleyball? 1. A: Is David drinking tea?  B: No, they aren’t. They’re playing tennis.   B: ………………………………………… .

2. A: Is Kevin surfing? 3. A: Is Sheila watching TV ?  B : …………………………………………….. . B:…………………………………………… .

4. A: Are the children drawing pictures? 5. A : Is Kylie dancing?

  B: ……………………………………………… . B : ……………………………………… .

E. Celine is chatting with her penpals, Lucy and Ivan. Read the texts and write what people aredoing now.

Lucy : Hi! It’s Lucy here. I’m very happy. New Year is coming in afew minutes. It isn’t snowing but it’s raining at the moment. Mum andauntie are putting the candles on the cake. Dad is videoing Princess,my hamster. She is eating her dinner now.

Ivan : Hi, everyone. I wish you a happy new year. I’m at home. It’s

snowing outside. My parents are in the Red Square. They’re havingfun with their friends. People are singing, dancing and watching thefirework show. My sister and brother are making a snowman in thegarden. The snowman is wearing a hat and a tie. Oh! No! It’s mytie.

1. Lucy’s father …………………………………………………….. .2. Lucy’s mother and auntie ……………………………………………….. .3. Lucy’s hamster………………………………………………………… .4. Ivan’s parents ……………………………………………………………….. .5. His sister and brother………………………………………………………… .

6. The snowman ……………………………………………………………………. .

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A. Look at the photos and complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs.

play - go - drink - read walk - have - cook

B. Do the wordsnake and find 18 clothes items.

      A       s       u   n   g       l  a

  s s esm s  c   

a    r     f              u     

t            r          

 o       u       s       e      

r          s       c      

  g      l       o     v      e   s  

y ca p  w

  d    r   e    s    s       r    j      e

     a     n    s    m      j        u

   m    p    e   r   k

 boo  t     s     

r           s  k   i      r   t       p s  h  


r          t          z     s    a   n  d   a l s b t r  a

     i      n      e            r      s      x           r      a

         i      n     c    o  a   t  r  h

 a t tsho r   t  s    p   t    r      a      c       k    s  u i       t    c r   a i      n      b      o    o   

t   s  

B - Iʻm wearing shorts and sandals


1. It’s nine in the morning. Raymond ……………coffee in his office now. He always ……………coffee after breakfast.

2. It’s one in the afternoon. Jack and Jill …………lunch now. They usually ………… lunch at one.

3. It’s 4.30 in the afternoon. Amanda ……………the dogs. She often ……………. the dogs inthe afternoons.

4. It’s ten at night. Sue…………………. in herbed. She often ……………… in her bed atnights.

5. It’s 12:00 at noon. Mrs Simpson ………………lunch with her son now. She usually…………………..lunch at noon.

6. It’s 11 a.m on Sunday. Robert and Tim………………… tennis now. They always………………tennis on Sunday mornings.

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C. What are the people wearing?

D. Match the pictures to the sentences.

E. Read the postcard and fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs.

Dear Janet,

Hi, how are you? We 1.  …………….(be) in Sicily. We 2. …………………. (have) a great time! The kids and Mike 3.  ………………….. (swim) right now and I 4. ……………………(sunbathe). We 5.  ………………………..(spend) all day at the seasideand we usually 6.  …………………..(go) out in the evenings and 7.  ………………………….(taste) different dishes.The weather 8.  ………………….(be) wonderful.See you soon,


     A     l     i    c    e

     P    a    u     l    a

     K    a    t     i    e

     G    e    r    a    r     d

     M     i    c     h    a    e     l

Alice is wearing a red top, redskirt and red shoes...................................................................................................

















A.  S p r i n g









 B.  S u m m e r









 C. A u t u m n









 D.  W i n t e r

..... 1. I’m boiling. Let’s go to the beach.

..... 2. Put on your boots and take your umbrella. It’s raining heavily.

..... 3. The weather is warm. Let’s have a barbecue on the terrace.

..... 4. Hurray! It’s snowing. Let’s throw snowballs.

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A. Read Josephine’s letter and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. One verb isextra.

go - drive - fly - stay - join - swim - arrive

Dear mum and dad,

  Thanks for your letter. I’m very happy becauseyou’re coming to New Zealand. Look at our plan.You’re 1. ……………………….on Friday 23rd

January and Mike is meeting you at the airport.You’re 2. …………………with us in Auckland for aweek. In Auckland we’re going dolphin watching.

Then, on Saturday, we’re 3. ……………a sea kayaktour in Coromandel beach.  On Sunday we’re 4. …………………….to Queenstown. We’re spending three days ina hotel on the beach in Queenstown. You cango swimming or sailing there. After that we’re 5............. to Fiordland. There are beautiful waterfallsin Fiordland. This part of New Zealand is very rainy.Don’t forget to bring your raincoats and rainboots.Then you’re 6. ……………………..back to Englandon 7th February.

Lots of love,


B. Read the letter again and answer the questions.

1. Where are Josephine’s parents going?2. Who is meeting them at the airport?3. Where are they staying in Auckland?4. What are they doing in Coromandel beach?5. When are they driving to Queenstown?

6. Where are they going after Queenstown?

C - What are you doing in the afternoon?

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C. a. Look at Steve’s notice board. What is his plan for this week? Make sentences about him.

D. Complete the dialogues with the sentences.

Here you are - Can I help you - What size are youShop assistant :   1.…………………………………….?Judy : Yes, please. Do you have a T-shirt in black?Shop assistant :  Sure. 2.…………………………………………?Judy : Medium.Shop assistant :   3.  ………………………. .The changing rooms are over there.

Can I try them on - Size 10 - How much are these trainersSimon : Excuse me, 4.……………………………………….?Shop assistant :  They’re 35.Simon : Good. 5.………………………………………………?Shop assistant :  Yes, of course. What size are you?Simon : 6.  ……………………………… .

Sure - Good morning - They’re  60Shop assistant :   7.  …………………… .How can I help you?

Jessica : How much are those jeans?Shop assistant : 8.  …………………………. But today they’re on sale.Jessica : Oh, I’m lucky. Can I try them on?Shop assistant :   9.  …………………. .


Can I have 10 please - How much are these magnets - That’s 20Tom : Excuse me. 10.  …………………… ?Shop assistant :  One for 2,5 but five for 10.Tom : Good. 11. ...................................?Shop assistant :  Sure. Here you are 12. …………………. .

b. Now make three sentences about your plans for Sunday.1. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. .2. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. .3. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. .

Sat 10:00have breakfast

with friends

 Mon18: 0 0

p la y  tenn is  w i t h  Jane

T ue 14:0 0 v i si t  T om at  

hospi t al 

 T hurs 15: 0 0

go  to  t he c inema

Sun 19:00

celebra te mum’s 

bir thda y

1. On Monday, Tom …is playing tennis…with Jane.

2. On Tuesday, he ……………………………………….. .

3. On Thursday, ………………………………………….. .

4. On Saturday, ………………………………………….. .

5. On Sunday, ………………………………………….… .

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PERFORMANCE TASK Target Performance Research, creativity, writing skills

Duration Two weeks

Type of scoring instruments Scoring rubricsTopic of the task Prepare a tourism brochure about one of your

favourite towns / cities in Turkey

Things to do • Write a report about the town’s / city’s historyand tourism

  Historical places  Tourism activities  Different types of holiday opportunities etc.• Plan your time.• Do research using books, the Internet, some

posters etc.• If possible go to a tourism information centre to

get more information.• Use clear and fluent language.• Use appropriate expressions to make your

report more powerful.• Don’t prepare your task more than four pages.• Prepare a poster to introduce your

performance task to your classmates.• Enrich your performance task and poster with

pictures, drawings, photos, caricatures, etc.• Give a reference for your task and poster.

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A. Match the pictures to the names.

1. North Lights - Canada

2. Grand Canyon - Arizona - USA3. Kelimutu Crater Lakes - Indonesia

4. Great Barrier Reef - Australia

5. Angel Falls - Venezuela

6. Fairy Chimneys - Turkey

B. Some students are planning to visit the natural wonders with their families. Make sentencesas in the example.

e.g. Patricia is planning to go to Australia. She is going to see the Great Barrier Reef.

1. Sharon is planning to go to Canada. ……………………………………………………. .2 Norman is planning to go to Venezuela. ……………………………………………………. .

3. Ivan is planning to go to the USA. ………………………………………………….4. Joe is planning to go to Indonesia. …………. ………………………………….5. Josephine is planning to go to Turkey. ………………….…………………………………

C. Find the twelve hidden words in the puzzle.








climbing, mountain, team, trip, top, equipment, weather, cold, hot, camp, local, exciting










A - Iʻm going to climb Mount Everest 

Theme 6 Nature and Environment

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D. Dexter and Harmony are professional nature researchers. Look at their agenda and write.What are they going to do?

1.They are going to go to Russia onJanuary 11th.

They are going to see the wild life inSiberia.

2. ………………………………….....  …………………………………….3. …………………………………….  …………………………………….4. …………………………………….  …………………………………….5. …………………………………….  …………………………………….6. …………………………………....  ……………………………………

E. Look at the agenda and write the countries under the photos.

F. My classmates are going to do different things on their holidays. Use the verbs below andmake true sentences about them. One verb is extra.

read – climb – watch - dive – ride - take – sunbathe - haveWhile on holiday ...............1. Timothy ...is going to ride... a camel in the Sahara Desert.2. Tracy .................................with her new equipment in Fethiye.3. Maggie and Dave ............................a camping around the Salt Lake.4. Celine .........................................on the beach all day.5. Kevin ............................................ a volcano.6. Catherine ...................................a lot of photos in Ephesus.7. Me? I ....................................... a lot of books.

1. ...................... 2. ...................... 3. ......................

4. ...................... 5. ...................... 6. ......................

  Whysee Siberia̒s wild life swim in the geothermal spa take pictures i n the rainforestsclimb Kilimanjarolearn its natural historydive in the Coral Reef

When  Where 1. January 1 Russia2. Februar y 10 Iceland3. March 20 Peru4. Apri l 27 Tanzania5. May 15 Kenya6. July 2 Aust ralia


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A. Read the sentences and complete them as in the example.

C. Sara and Julia are talking about Julia’s last weekend. Read the dialogue and fill in the gapswith the correct word.

D. Read the dialogue again and choose the correct option.

………. 1. I… was….alone at work last weekend. Judith and Jeremy … were… in London for ameeting. Wendy and Betty ………… on holiday in Switzerland. My partner, John, ………ill.

…….… 2. The Smiths …………… at a music festival yesterday. Their friends………….. there too. It………….. great but the weather …………. very cold.

……..... 3. Susie ……….. at an Italian restaurant with her friends last night. It ………….her birthday. It………….a wonderful night.

……….. 4. I ………..at the theatre last Friday. The play …………great and the actors …….very goodbut the heating system ..………….very bad. It ………….very cold in the theatre.

…..…... 5. My children ……………at the funfair last weekend. They ……………very happy.

Sara : Where 1.  … were.. you last weekend? You 2. …weren’t.. at home.Julia : I 3. ……………. on holiday.Sara :  4.……….. you alone?

Julia : No, I 5. …………. .I 6. ………….. with my cousin, Samantha.Sara :  7.……….. you in a hotel?Julia : Yes, we 8. …………… .Sara : How 9. ………….. the hotel?Julia : It 10. ………… in the city centre but it 11. ……… very expensive.Sara : 12. …………. it clean?Julia : Yes, it 13. ……….. but it 14. ……….. very small.Sara : How 15. …………. the food?Julia : It 16. ……….. delicious. It 17. ……. really awful. I couldn’t eat it. The staff 18. …… .also so rude.Sara :  19. ………….. there a swimming pool?Julia : Yes, there 20. …………. but it 21. …………….. big. It 22. …………. very crowded so we couldn’t


Sara : So your holiday 23. ……………. good.Julia : You are right. It 24. ………….. a terrible holiday for us.

1. Julia was…………………. .  a. alone b. with her cousin2. The hotel was…………………………. .  a. cheap b. expensive3. The room was ………………………………. .  a. small b. big4. The food was………………. .  a. awful b. delicious

5. The staff were ………………… .  a. kind b. rude

B - I was at Victoria Falls

A. ...... B. ......

C. ......

D. ......

E. ......

B. Match the sentences in exercises “A” to the pictures below.

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E. Who were these famuos people? Write sentences with the words from the box.

musician scientist writer actor rock star artist politician businessman

1. Leonardo da Vinci .....was an artist…..2. Charles Dickens ……………………………….3. Elvis Presley ………………………………......4. Marie and Pierre Curie ………………………..5. Beethoven ………………………………......…6. James Dean …………………………........…..7. Steve Jobs……………………….…….............8. John F Kennedy………………………….........

H. Where were you at these times? Make truesentences about yourself.

1. I……was at the shopping centre …. tenminutes ago.

2. I……………………………two hours ago.3. I…………………………….at 6.00 yesterdaymorning.

4. I ……………………………yesterday afternoon.5. I …………………………..…at 10 o’clock

yesterday evening.6. I………………….at midnight last night.7. I……………………....last Saturday.8. I……………………….last month.9. I…………………….in August last year.10. I ……………………………in 2003.

G. Use the clue words and make shortdialogues as in the example.

1. grandmother / beautiful (+)  Tim : Was your grandmother beautiful?  Sally : Yes, she was.2. tickets for the World Cup / cheap (-)

Sally : …………………………………?  Tim :…………………………………..3. your brother / lazy (-)

Sally : …………………………………?  Tim :…………………………………..4. you / ill yesterday (+)

Sally : …………………………………?  Tim : ………………………………..5. Laurel and Hardy / famous in 1950 (+)

Sally : …………………………………?  Tim : ………………………………..6. the exam / difficult last week (-)

Sally : …………………………………?Tim : ………………………………..

F. Dave and Julia are talking about their first house. Use the given adjectives to complete theirconversation.

Dave : The house was big.Julia : No,1. it wasn’t big. It was small.Dave : The neighbours were rude.Julia : No, 2………………………………….Dave : The furniture in the living room was brown.

Julia : No, 3………………………………….Dave : The kitchen was new.Julia : No, 4………………………………….Dave : The local shops were very expensive.Julia : No, 5………………………………….

white - old - small - cheap - kind


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1. We go to the seaside in summer. (last summer) ….. We went to the seaside last summer…..2. I love cycling at the weekend. (when I was a child) ……………………………………………………. .3. I don’t watch TV every day. (yesterday) …………………………………………………………………… .4. She doesn’t clean her room every Saturday. (last Saturday) …………………………………………… .5. They eat a lot of fruit. (yesterday evening)………………………………………………………………… .6. Do you go to the cinema every weekend? (last weekend) …………………………………………….…?7. Does she drink milk in the mornings? (yesterday morning)…………………………………….…………?

1. Debbie …got up…….. at 7 yesterday morning.2. She…… ………………………………….. .3. She…… ………………………………….. .4. She…… ………………………………….. .5. She…… ………………………………….. .6. She…… ………………………………….. .7. She…… ………………………………….. .8. She…… ………………………………….. .

9. She…… ………………………………….. at 8 for work.

C - Where did you go last summer?A. Yesterday everybody was very busy. Use the correct verbs and write what they did


studied, swam, watched, played, helped, cried, read, cleanedYesterday morning ...................1. Jane ..read.. magazines.2. The baby ................ all day.3. My cousin ................ my father with the gardening.4. My brother ................ English because he had an exam.5. John ................ the guitar in his room.6. Kylie ................ her room.7. The children ................ in the pool.8. I ................ a good film.

B. Rewrite the sentences as in the example.

D. Complete the sentences about Debbie’s yesterday morning. Use the verbs above.

get dressed - have breakfast - listen to music - leave home - have a shower - drink tea - read a

newspaper - get up - brush teeth

C. Match the pictures to the phrases.

12 3 4 5

7 8 9


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E. Look at the pictures and make sentences as in the example. Use the words in brackets.

1. (play) Eddie didn’t play basketball yesterday but he played tennis.2. (eat) Eddie ……………………… fruit but he ……………………………… vegetables.3. (drink) Eddie …………………………… tea but he ………………………………… milk.4. (go) Eddie ……………………………… to Spain but he ………………………. to France.5. (buy) Eddie ………………………… a T-shirt but he ………………………………. a cap.6. (cook) Eddie ………………………… chicken for lunch but he ………………….. pizza.

G. First complete the story of Sheila. Choose the words from the list below.

1. When did you leave home?2. How…………………………………………………………?3. What time …………………………………… at work?4. Where ………………………………………. for lunch?5. Who …………………………………………………… there?6. Where ………………………………………… after lunch?7. Why ……………………………………………… angry?8. What…………………………………………… you to do?9. Who………………………………………… dinner with?10. What …………………………………… after dinner?

11. What time ……………………….……………… to bed?




ü X


ü X






Yesterday I left home at 1………….. and went to work by 2…………… .The journey took for an hour so I arrived there at 3………. . At one p.m I went to the4…………………….for lunch. I 5………….there one of my old friends. Afterlunch we went 6…………………………… . We talked about our 7 ………….days.Time passed quickly. At three p.m I went back to 8…………….. . The managerwas very angry with me because I was late and I 9……………………….. him. Hewanted me to leave the office at 7 p.m. When I got home, it was 8 p.m. I had mydinner 10………………………….. . Then I watched 11…………………….. on TV. Iwent to 12 …………………..at 11 o’clock.

F. Read the dialogue between Simon and Leo and fill in the blanks with “so - but - because”.

Simon : Hi, Leo. How was your weekend?Leo : Very bad. 1………….. I lost my new camera.Simon : How did you lose it?Leo : I went to the concert with some friends. We got on the bus. It was 11.30

p.m. I was very tired. 2.............I left my new camera on the bus.Simon : Oh no! Did you get it back?Leo : No, I didn’t.Simon : Did you call the bus company?Leo : Yes, I did, 3………………. they said my camera wasn’t there.Simon : Oh, that’s terrible.

H. Ask questions to Sheila.

my favourite quiz show - work - didn’t call - restaurant - bus - 8 a.m - with my family - bed - 9 a.m -old - met - for a drink

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PERFORMANCE TASK Target Performance Research, creativity, writing skills

Duration Two weeks

Type of scoring instruments Scoring rubricsTopic of the task Write a mail to your classmates from the place

you last visited.Pay attention to these points in your mail:• where you were• what the weather was like• characteristic features of nature• who you were with• what you did / saw / ate• what the food was like

Things to do • Plan your time.

• Do research using books, the Internet, someposters etc.• If possible go to a tourism information centre to

get more information.• Use clear and fluent language.• Use appropriate expressions to make your

report more powerful.• Prepare a poster to introduce your

performance task to your classmates.• Enrich your performance task and poster with

pictures, drawings, photos, caricatures, etc.• Give a reference for your task and poster.

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