english letter

سي: الرئي1- رهابفحة اقاش دون مكا ن .. وفد الحكومةGovernment delegation: No talks without counter-terrorism 2-م السوري بـ"داعشلنظاقة اثبت عقا ت ا اليوم اورلصافي .. قدمناا" Al-Saafi: documents prove Regime-ISIL relationship submitted. 3-لتفاوضت اى جلسا الجيش الحر ستنضم إل .. قادة منبيق اقAkbeek…FSA leaders to Join negotiations sessions الفرعي:1-ئد لنا اجرو داعش أصبحوا طرلحر ., مها اFree Army … ISIL Immigrants are our enemy 2-مليحةتقدم في ال يش السوري الجيSyrian Arab Army advances in Almelliha 3- يمز .. الحدود السورية التركية بوتقة مميتةلتا اThe Times…. Syria -Turkey borders "deadly spot"

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: English letter


وفد الحكومة .. ال نقاش دون مكافحة اإلرهاب-1

Government delegation: No talks without counter-terrorism

"الصافي .. قدمنا اليوم اوراقا تثبت عالقة النظام السوري بـ"داعش-2Al-Saafi: documents prove Regime-ISIL relationship

submitted. اقبيق .. قادة من الجيش الحر ستنضم إلى جلسات التفاوض-3

Akbeek…FSA leaders to Join negotiations sessions


الحر ., مهاجرو داعش أصبحوا طرائد لنا-1Free Army … ISIL Immigrants are our enemy

الجيش السوري يتقدم في المليحة-2Syrian Arab Army advances in Almelliha

التايمز .. الحدود السورية التركية بوتقة مميتة -3The Times…. Syria -Turkey borders "deadly spot"

Page 2: English letter

لواء القدس يقاتل في حلب

"Quds" brigade fights in Aleppo

Unofficial sources talked about forming “Quds" brigade to fight with the Syrian Arab army ;including 300 Palestinian fighters from Nerab and Handarat in the surrounding fronts of Aleppo .Sources stated that "Quds" brigade fought with the Syrian Arab army during their taking over of the surroundings of international Aleppo airport and military Nerab airport.

Fierce clashes occurred between the Syrian Arab army and the opposition fighters at the range of Military airport “Nerab”, Old city of Aleppo and at the range of Aleppo central prison. A military source said that the Syrian Arab Army killed gunmen in Almarja, Karam Jazmatti, Sukari ,Hanano residences ,Alatareb and at the range of Aleppo central prison .

الحر يتصدى لتعزيزات الجيش السوري

SFA defies Syrian Army reinforcements Opposition sources mentioned that the FSA fighters defied the military reinforcements of the Syrian Arab army heading to Quneitra to reclaim it during “Spring Down” battle which started four days ago whereby they controlled 14 military checkpoints and the medical reanimation countryside checkpoint which is affiliated to “European Union” as well as al-Telal Alhomer.

Page 3: English letter

داعش تعدم قاضيًا في دير الزور

ISIL executes a judge in Deir Ezzor

Opposition sources asserted that “ISIL” fighters executed a judge and a citizen in the criminal court before their evacuation from Aljafra field in Deir Ezzor to be seized later by Jabhit Al-Nusra. At the same time, opposition gunmen arrested an “ISIL” leaders “Abu Zer Al-Iraqi” in Deir Ezzor, sources said.

اختطاف حافلة ركاب

Passenger bus kidnapped

Sources of “Ahrar Alsham” Islamic movement said that a passengers’ bus; which includes 24 citizens, was kidnapped by Kurdish gunmen in Aleppo countryside, where the Kurdish national guard forces took over the region and its countryside.

الحر ., مهاجرو داعش أصبحوا طرائد لنا

Free Army … ISIL Immigrants are our enemy

Page 4: English letter

Free army general staff spokesman said that ISIL Immigrants became enemies of opposition gunmen; referring that Free army, Jabhit al-Nusra and Islamic front chased away ISIL gunmen from Deir Ezzor and they will be expelled from “Salt mine” in Altabna region and controlling it during hours.

داعش يجند أطفااًل في الرقة .. ويتلقى رشاوي إلخراجهم

ISIL Recruits children in Raqqa, bribed to release them

Unofficial sources talked that “ISIL" gunmen trained children under ten in Raqqa on arts and the techniques of fighting in order to change their ideology and childish mentality into a criminal one that accepts killing people with different ideologies and opinions.The sources added that Emir of ISIL takes 1300 dollars to release these children.

سيارات مفخخة في ريف ادلب

Booby-trapped cars in Idlib Countryside A military source stated that Syrian Arab army thwarted an attempt to enter a booby-trapped car to Jasser Al-Shoughour and Eshtabrak in the Idlib countryside by bombing it on the road linking the two cities. The army also eliminated gunmen in Sarakeb, Abu al- Dohour and Jedar Bikalfon. Concurrently, many fighters were killed during a conflict between two groups in Salkeen in Hareem.

وعبوات ناسفة في ريف حمص

Improvised explosives in Homs countryside

Page 5: English letter

In Homs countryside, Syrian Arab Army thwarted an attempt to bomb two improvised explosive devices on Abu Alalalia-Almasoudia way killing 36 gunmen; including Lebanese, Saudis and Chechens at the west of the archeological tower in Zara village.

الجيش السوري يتقدم في المليحة

Syrian Arab Army advances in Almelliha

Informational sources said that the Syrian Arab army advances from the General Administrative of Air Defense in Almelliha, Damascus countryside. The member in the Palestinian reconciliation committee Mahmoud Alkateeb announced that the Jabhit Al-Nusra fighters had left Yarmouk camp completely. Eleven citizens had been injured because of mortars fired at the police hospital surroundings in Harasta, Barzzeh and Jaramana in Damascus countryside.

الحركة السورية لإلصالح والبناء إلقامة دولة عدالة

Syrian Movement for Reform and Construction to build state of justice

Numerous military, revolutionary and civil Syrian agencies announced forming “ Syrian Movement for Reform and Conduction” in order to overthrow the regime of the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad and call to establish a state of justice in the future.

Page 6: English letter

التايمز .. الحدود السورية التركية بوتقة مميتة

The Times: Syria-Turkey borders is a "deadly spot"

World leading intelligence agencies see Syria - Turkey borders as a "deadly spot" from which to start the upcoming attack on western countries, the English Times Newspaper wrote. "The border is teeming with U.S, UK and other European intelligence spies", the Times said.

الخارجية السوريةتطالببإدانةدولية صارمةلمجزرةمعان

Syria demands stern and urgent international condemnation of Ma’an massacre

The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry issued two identical letters to the UN Secretary-General and the chairman of the Security Council, in which it said that armed terrorist groups committed a new massacre in the village of Maan in Hama province. The letters addressed the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council, demanding a stern and urgent condemnation of the massacre committed in Maan, of the terrorists who committed them, and of the sides supporting them, stressing that the time has come for implementing Security Council resolutions on counterterrorism. The letters concluded by saying that the murders which armed terrorist groups keep committing in Syria prove once again that the main task of the UN and specifically the Security Council must be halting violence and combating terrorism wherever it is.

Page 7: English letter

"مذكرة لالئتالف بعنوان "الشراكة بين النظام وداعش

Coalition’s memorandum “cooperation between the Regime and ISIL”

The Syrian national coalition of opposition announced that it developed a memorandum “cooperation between the Regime and ISIL”; including opinions of FSA officials and documents that the opposition fighters obtained it after taking over “ISIL’” sites. The Evidences prove the cooperation between the Syrian army and “ISIL” gunmen for one target which aims to destroy the moderate opposition .On the other hand, Syrian national coalition opposition delegation, which is participant in the second round of Geneva negotiations, announced that the coalition will not participate in the next round if the current negotiations does not make a progress to reach a solution of the Syrian crisis.

لضم مسؤولين منشقين لوفد المفاوضات

defectors to join Coalition delegation

Opposition sources declared that Syrian coalition of opposition seeks to join defected officials, military and civil, especially RiadHijab ,Nawaf Alfares ,ambassadors and directors, besides Syria Rebels Front headed by Jamal Marouf and fighters from Daraa province to the negotiations delegation .

جلسات التفاوضإلى نضم تسقادة من الجيش الحر .. اقبيق

Page 8: English letter

Akbik…FSA leaders to Join negotiations sessions

A member of Syrian national coalition’s delegation Munzer Akbik said that FSA leaders will join the negotiations sessions, referring that the coalition demanded a timetable of the Geneva discussions from the UN Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi . He explained that the coalition will present a document explaining its vision of the political solution in Syria.

جولة جنيف الثانية في وثيقة اإلبراهيمي

Brahimi`s document in Geneva 2

The UN envoy to Syria LakhdarBrahimi presented a new document to determine two main topics in Geneva2 second round discussions ; including stopping battles in all the fronts and establishing a governmental transitional entity.

آذارالمقبل 4 جنيف

Geneva 4 to be held in March

Media sources quoted a close sources to Lakhdar Brahimi that the third round of "Geneva 4 was decided to be held in the tenth of next March.


Third batch chemical transported outside Syria

Page 9: English letter

A joint mission of the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weaponsannounced transferred yesterday a third batch of Syrian chemical elements on board of Norwegian ship to international waters.

تسجيالتلمسلحيحمصبأنهملنيسمحوابدخوألحدإلىالمدينة.. وزيراالعالمالسوري

A-Zoubi: Recordings of Homs` militants to hamper aid access

Syrian Information Minister,Omranal-Zoubi, said that the United Nations has the sound recording and image of armed groups inside the old city of Homs talking about preventing anyone from entering the city, saying to the reporters that every incident or massacre in Syria since the beginning of the events is documented and the delegation of the opposition coalition realizes who committed it and it is amoral and national duty to express its condemnation of the massacre.