enhanced verification flow with nextop's assertion synthesis technology

1 Outline The Need for Auto-generated Assertions Overview of Nextop’s Assertion Synthesis Technology Enhanced Broadcom Verification Flow with Nextop BugScope Success cases of enhanced verification flow Future improvements Conclusion

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Post on 11-May-2015




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Page 1: Enhanced Verification Flow with Nextop's Assertion Synthesis Technology



•  The Need for Auto-generated Assertions

•  Overview of Nextop’s Assertion Synthesis Technology

•  Enhanced Broadcom Verification Flow with Nextop BugScope

•  Success cases of enhanced verification flow

•  Future improvements

•  Conclusion

Page 2: Enhanced Verification Flow with Nextop's Assertion Synthesis Technology


Traditional Verification Flow

Page 3: Enhanced Verification Flow with Nextop's Assertion Synthesis Technology


Our Experience With Existing Methodology

•  Verification process has been successful –  Rigorous flow to guarantee chip success –  Successfully executed for several generations of chips

•  Recently we have seen bugs found late in the verification process –  Such bugs are often malicious –  Indicate that we need to improve the methodology –  Need more visibility into what’s been tested

•  Assertion based verification improves the visibility

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Why ABV is Not Officially Part Of Our Flow

•  We are familiar with assertion based verification (ABV) –  Some designers do write assertions –  We have experience on using formal tools with assertions

•  Issues in manual ABV –  Learning SVA language and mastering assertion coding is challenging

•  Difficult for designers to grasp the language after several training classes •  “Implication” is not intuitive •  Written assertions often do not EXACTLY match designer’s intent

–  Debugging assertions requires simulation cycles and is time consuming –  No good measurement of the quality of hand written assertions –  No clear guideline on sufficient number of assertions

•  Therefore, we don’t enforce ABV –  We encourage designers to write assertions

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Overview of Assertion Synthesis Technology

•  Assertion synthesis produces properties which –  Be true on all given tests –  Not directly implied by RTL only –  Not implied by other properties

•  Designer review properties to decide if a property is an assertion or reveals a coverage hole

–  Assertions help block integration –  Coverage defines signoff criteria

•  Why Broadcom select Nextop’s assertion synthesis tool BugScope? –  Improved quality of block level verification

•  Our eval showed it can find corner case, late stage and post-silicon bugs missed in our old flow

•  Auto-generated properties provide good functional coverage with increased visibility –  High quality properties with low noise ratio

•  On average, there are 1 property per 20 lines RTL –  Property review provides an excellent platform for design review

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Bugscope Use Model

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Enhanced Verification Flow With Bugscope

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Experience On Enhanced Verification Flow

•  Bugs found through BugScope in most blocks –  Most bugs cannot be found with the old flow –  Some bugs are found during property review –  Improved block level verification quality

•  Classified assertions improve visibility at component/chip/emulation –  Large number of synthesized checkers to help capture problems and debug –  Provide a mechanism to collect coverage with no additional cost

•  Overall investment is worthy –  The main cost is designer’s time to review properties –  Classified assertions are reused in all levels up (free)

•  Connect flows at different stages

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Bug1: Review Find Bugs Without Running Tests

Key observation: A spurious property often points to bugs directly

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Bug2: Coverage Closure Find Corner Case Bugs

. Key observation: Better functional view than conditional coverage

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Bug3: Better Debug On Emulation Using Assertions

Key observation: Property to pinpoint the root cause of bugs

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Bug4: Bugscope Property Reveals Bypass Bugs

Key observation: Increase coverage visibility

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Future Improvement Area

•  From what we experience, we like to see BugScope improves on –  Outputting cross module properties –  A GUI tool to support classification

•  Allow more refined classification rules –  Performance improvement on large number of instances

•  Performance is linear to number of instances per module

•  Our methodology can improve in –  Seamless integration with emulation/TBA automation –  When and how many times we should run the tool

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•  Assertion Synthesis is a natural addition to the verification flow –  Increases block verification quality with meaningful functional coverage –  Provides the needed observability in chip/TBA/Emulation testing –  Reduces the demand for manual assertions

•  Enhanced methodology is proven to be useful –  Based on the number of bugs found –  The quality of the found bugs

•  Signoff with BugScope increase our verification confidence

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