entrepreneurs are future of economic development -shenyang#2

June 6, 2022 创创 创创 Jerry R. Mitchell 创创 · 创创创 1 Entrepreneurs are the Future of Economic Development 创创创创创创创创创创创 ---- 2008 Shenyang Northeast Economic Development Forum 2008 创创创创创创创创创创创创

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April 7, 2023 中国 沈阳 Jerry R. Mitchell 杰瑞 · 米切尔 1

Entrepreneurs are the Future of Economic Development

创业者是经济发展的未来---- 2008 Shenyang Northeast Economic

Development Forum

2008 年沈阳东北亚经济发展论坛

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April 7, 2023 中国 沈阳 Jerry R. Mitchell 杰瑞 · 米切尔 2

I want to thank Honorable Vice Mayor Yang YaZhou Angela Yang and Andrew G. Zhu for providing me this opportunity to speak at this conference.


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April 7, 2023 中国 沈阳 Jerry R. Mitchell 杰瑞 · 米切尔 3杰瑞米切尔 杨亚洲副市长

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April 7, 2023 中国 沈阳 Jerry R. Mitchell 杰瑞 · 米切尔 4 杰瑞米切尔 杨亚洲副市长



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April 7, 2023 中国 沈阳 Jerry R. Mitchell 杰瑞 · 米切尔 5

Entrepreneurs are the future of Economic Development.

Entrepreneurs are the bridges between the present and the future.

创业者是经济发展的未来 .创业者是连接现在与未来的桥梁 .

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April 7, 2023 中国 沈阳 Jerry R. Mitchell 杰瑞 · 米切尔 6

Since the dawn of civilization, forward thinkers have been essential to the progress of a nation, and ours is no exception.


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Visionary thinkers and venture supporters have been vital forces propelling our industrial progress.


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None of us wants to miss the future. I have every confidence that we will all be present at its creation. Entrepreneurs put ideas to work and thus are a critical element for innovation if nations aspire to have continued success.

我们没有人愿意错过未来,我坚信我们都是创建未来的见证人。创业者是将思想付诸于实践的人,如果一个国家立志持续成功发展 , 创业者们将是改革创新的一支重要力量。

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Put simply, the future belongs to those who can make sense of the complex, to those can who can take an idea from conception through to realizing a product, to those who get complex products out the export door.


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The skills they bring to the melting pot of innovation include a comprehensive understanding of our society’s structure, infrastructure and nuances; the present state and future potential of science and engineering; and the creativity and outlook to transform our current situation into the potential that awaits us.

他们带给革新大军的技能包括他们对社会结构和基础建设有着透彻认识 ; 对目前与未来科技工程发展趋势的了解 ; 其创造力和远见卓识 , 能将我们现在的社会转变成我们所期待的未来 .

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This is a formidable portfolio. Constant change, accelerated progress, and

increased expectations are emblematic of this new time.

这是个令人敬畏的群体 . 持续的变化、快速的发展以及人们越来越高的


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One thing is certain – this trend of scientific, technological, and societal transformation will escalate, and while much of what lies ahead is beyond predictability 。

有一点是肯定的 --- 科学、技术与社会变革的趋势仍会加快。但更多的未来是我们无法预见的。

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We can, in the words of Peter Drucker “look out the window and see what's visible but not yet seen”.

在此我们引用彼得 · 德鲁克的原话,“向窗外望去,去寻找可能见到但还没有看到的东西。”

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In other words, if we are astute we can anticipate well.


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This capability requires that we are well informed about what is, that we continually focus on what could be, and that we take entrepreneurial risk to bring ideas to fruition.

但这种能力要求我们能够很好地了解各种信息,能够持续关注事情的发展, 并且能够承担创业的风险,来将这些想法转变为成果。

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Of course, without a continually refreshed stack of ideas, there is nothing to bring to fruition.


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Innovation moves us forward earnestly, with fresh science and engineering knowledge. Discovery and innovation are the twin pillars of 21st century progress. Coupled together, they offer the potential for an era of breathtaking transformation.

改革创新在不 断更新的科学与工程 知识陪伴下正在热忱地推动着我们前进。发现与改革创新是 21 世纪发展的 两大支柱,这两者的结 合为一个时代惊人的改革 提供了可能。

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Of course, this is a tall order and may feel daunting, but however elusive innovation may feel, it is not an abstract force. Rather, it's what people do to drive change.

当然,这是一个非常高的要求,也 许会让人感到畏缩,然而,即使捉摸不定,改革创新也是可以感受到的, 它并不是一种 抽象的力量。更正确地说,它就是人们为推动变革所付诸的 行动。

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Innovators break the "rules." It may be a leap of faith to trust them, but trust them we must, or we suffer the quagmire of the status quo.

改革创新者会 打破“常规”。要相信他们需要在理念上有一个飞跃,但是我们 又必须要相信他们 ,否则我们就会困于现状 ,停滞不前。

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Innovators apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different keeping us fresh and moving forward.

改革创新者将 知识运用于各种不同的新产品中 ,让我们保持生机 , 推动我们进步。

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In anticipating the future, we must recognize that civilization is on the brink of a new industrial world order.

期待未来的 同时,我们必须认识到社会文明正处于新工业世界秩序的边缘。

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The big winners in the increasingly fierce global scramble for supremacy will not be those who simply make commodities faster and cheaper than the competition. They will be those who develop talent, techniques and tools so advanced that there is no competition.

在日益激烈的全球争霸中,赢家绝不是那些 仅靠简单地提高生产速度,和更便宜地价格来竞争的人,他们是那些发 挥聪明才干,开发技术和工 具使其先进水平达到无人匹敌者 .

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Warmed by a genuine sense of satisfaction, we are in a position to look toward the future and ask, "What next?"

在享受现有的满足中,我们所处的位置是要 面对未来 问一句:“下一步会发生 什么?”

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In answering this question, we should be aware of two characteristics that will determine how well we are able to meet the challenge of innovation in our 21st century world:

要回答好这个问题,我们应注意两个特点,这两个特点将决定着我们能否更好地迎接 21 世纪的改革创新 挑战:

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how adept we are in anticipating the future, and how wise we are in shaping it to our ends.

我们是否擅长预见未来 ?能否明智地适应未来 ?

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Looking back, we are struck above all by how startling and visionary the ideas were that shaped our nation's R&D enterprise – and equally by how much we take it for granted today!

回顾过去,我们看到了令人吃惊的和有远见的想法是怎样震惊我们的,是 它们塑造了我们国家的研发企业。 --同样,我们也看到了有多少事情在今天已视为理所当然的了。

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We are so steeped now in the rhetoric of "innovation" that it's something of a struggle just to imagine how little salience it had two decades ago.

现在人人都在谈说“改革创新”, 难以想象的是就在 20 多 年前,问津者却是寥寥无几。

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That's an indication of the extraordinary transformations that have swept through our society and our lives during the past two decades. Changes that we scarcely could have imagined 20 years ago are now our common currency.

这正体现了过去 20 年间我们整个社会和我们生活经历了多么伟大的变革。 20 年前我们几乎无法想象的事,如 今已成为了平常之举。

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How will we get from here to there?

我们将如何从现在到未来 呢?

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Standing at the nexus of accelerating scientific and technological change, we are expected to foster progress toward a daunting array of ends –

在持续的科技快速变革的基础之 上,我们所期望的是以 促进取得进展,这是一 项艰巨的一 系列的目 标——

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– creating new knowledge, products, and systems; stimulating economic development; creating wealth and jobs; sharpening the nation's competitive and leading edges;

— 创造 全新的知识、产品和体系;刺激经济发展 ;创造 财富与工作机会;强化国家的竞争优势与领导地位;

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raising our prospects for more creative and satisfying lives; caring for the environment; and strengthening the security of our nation and its myriad infrastructures.

提高我们对生活满意度和创意 性的期望 值;关注环境;增强我们国家的安全体系以及各项基础设施。

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With this as a backdrop, I would like to examine some important questions with you.

What is the essence of innovation? 考虑到以上这些背景,让我们一起探讨一些重

要的问题。 什么才是改革创新的要 素 ?

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What attributes do innovators and entrepreneur’s exhibit?

How do we encourage innovation? 改革创新者和创业者都有 哪些特点呢 ? 我们应该怎样去鼓励改革创新 ?

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Inspiration is a key characteristic of innovation. In the United States, we have admired and even been enchanted by inspired entrepreneurs.

灵感是创新的 核心特点 . 在美国 , 我们钦佩有灵感的创业者 , 并深深为他们的灵感着迷 .

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Life magazine cited our most famous inventor - entrepreneur, Thomas Alva Edison, as the peak achiever in the last millennium.

《生活》杂志将最有名的发明家 -创业 企业家托马斯 ·阿尔瓦 ·爱迪生称为上个世纪中最有成就者。

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This non-stop "idea-to-reality machine" beat out queens and kings, scientists and mathematicians, and writers and artists in the Life magazine competition.

这个从未停止的“从想法到现实的机 器”把王后,国王,科学家,数学家、作家和艺术家们统统挤掉,得到了《生活》杂志的最高褒奖。

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The "Wizard of Menlo Park" was number one in a list of a hundred leaders and thinkers that included Elisabeth I, Galileo, Pablo Picasso, Helen Keller, and Albert Einstein.

“精灵的门 洛帕克”在百名领导人与思想家中排名第一。这其中包括伊丽莎白一世、伽利略、帕布洛 ·毕加索、海伦 ·凯勒和艾伯特 ·爱因斯坦等。

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Despite his stellar record of over a thousand patents, Thomas Edison believed that, "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.“

尽管他有着创记录的上千项发明 专利,托马斯·爱迪生相信,“天才就是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水。”

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In any large-scale societal change, there is a lot of perspiration in the carry-through, but the spark comes from the inspiration.

对于任何大规模的社会变革,总 需要大量辛勤汗水的付出,但是这种变革的 火花总是来 源于灵感。

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Inspiration is that chaotic and complex moment where past and present knowledge combine to synthesize an idea that stands on the edge of the future.

灵感是一个 瞬间过程,在此过程中,过去和当前的知识结合在一起,然后形成一种处于未来边缘的想法。

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Imagining something is where it starts.


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If our goal is to instill entrepreneurship in those we educate, then encouraging them to use their imaginations, to be visionaries, and to think creatively is critical.

如果我们的目 标是教授创业理念给 受教育者 , 那么鼓励他们去充分运用想象力 , 成为有远见卓识的,有创新思 维的人 才是非常重要的。

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We must teach them to think against the grain; swim upstream; challenge the norm.

我们必须教他们去打破常规思考 , 勇于逆流而上 , 敢于挑战规范

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Albert Einstein believed that "imagination" was the key to his work. He said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge.“

艾伯特 ·爱因斯坦认为“想象力”是他工 作的关键因素。他说,“想象力比知识更加重要”。

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Imagination in the hand of entrepreneurs brings the ability to connect the results of research to society, i.e., to envision.

创业者 具有的想 象力能将研究成果推向社会。

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Something new and exciting is happening in the 21st century that can help us foster this capability. The borders between discovery, learning, and innovation are blurring.

21世纪出现了一些新的和令人 兴奋的事 物,从而可以帮助我们培养这种能力。发现、学 习和创新之 间的界限变得更加模糊。

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Increasingly, scientists and engineers, educators, and entrepreneurs are working across many different disciplines, fields and even sectors to make the connections that lead to deeper insights and more creative solutions.

而且,科学家、工程师、教育家和企业家们越来越多地在工 作过程中跨越了不同的学科和领域,并将这些学科和领域联系起来,从而 获得更深的洞察力和更有创意的解 决方案。

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We look ahead to exquisite but practical improvements in everything from drug delivery systems to renewable energy resources. I like to think of this as "creative transformation" - the flip side of the coin of "creative destruction."

我们期待着各种事物的改进,包括从 药物传递系统到可再生的能 源资源。我认为这是一种“创造 性转变”-即“创造 性破坏”的反面。

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Focusing on creative transformation can help us act intelligently as we move ahead. It can cultivate a benevolent approach to robust change.

关注有创造 性的转变能够 帮助我们在前进时采取明智的举措 . 而且对全面的变革 铺垫和谐之路 .

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The question for us is how do we mobilize such an effort?

对于我们来说, 问题就是如 何具体实施?

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A critical founding stone is to ingrain early on in education that failure is a part of the learning process – if students fear failure they will surely avoid changing the status quo.

一个重要的立足点就是在 教育中树立这样的一种思想,即失败是学 习过程的一个 组成部分-如果学生害怕失败,那么他们一定会避免改变现状。

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As students move on, we need to educate them beyond their technical expertise. The best technical training must be combined with understanding how that expertise fits into the larger societal environment, into our overriding national goals, and indeed, into the goals of other nations.

在学生的学 习中,我们要教育他们突破技术专业知识。最好的技术 培训一定要明白如何让专业知识更好地适应社会大环境,适应我们的国家目 标,适应其他国家的目 标。

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If we want to change the way the workforce thinks, and increase its creativity, innovation, and boundary-crossing abilities, we must ingrain these ideas, while students are on the path to becoming the workforce we need them to be.

如果我们想改变劳动者的思 考方式,增加其创造力、创新 性和边界跨越能力,我们就必须从学生做起,在他们成长的过程中把这些理念 灌输进去。

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The business community has a large role in creating the 21st century workforce. Connections and partnerships must be made in a joint effort to draw in and excite young workers.

企业界在创造 21 世纪劳动力方面起着重要的作用。我们必须在相互联系,建立合作伙伴关系方面做出共同努力,以吸引和激励年轻的劳动者们。

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Together, we need to educate today’s students and tomorrow's future entrepreneurs to think strategically and holistically. They need to be able to read patterns and trends from the larger context to envision the future.

我们需要培养当今的学生,也是未来的创业者们,考虑问题要有战略性和历史性。他们需要能够解读发展的 模式和趋势,从而预想未来。

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And, in particular, integrative, cross-boundary-educated, visionary engineers and scientists are critical components to success in our age of complexity.

受过特别的, 综合的, 跨学科教育的,有着远见的工程 师和科学家们,是我们这个 复杂年代取得成功的重要 因素。

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In the larger sense, innovation depends upon a synergistic set of interactions that includes not only science, engineering and technology, but social, political and economic interactions as well.

从更广泛的意 义上来看,创新不 仅取决于科学、工程和技术的互相作用和相互影响,而且包括社会、政治和经济的 互相作用和相互影响。

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We need new arrangements that foster the kind of integration that supports innovation, and the social and economic well being it enables.

我们需要进行调整,从而培养一种综合机制来支持改革创新, 使社会和经济变的更好

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If innovation is at the heart of progress, then we need to understand the skills that foster the capacity for risk taking, for imagination, and a tolerance for unfamiliar and uncertain territory.

如果创新是进步的 核心 , 那么我们就需要了解一些技能,而这些技能可以培养承受风险的能力,想象力,以及对陌生环境和不确定因素的适应能力。

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That in turn will mean that our institutions must evolve to cultivate these skills.

反过来就是意 味着我们的教育机制必须重视发展培养这些技能 .

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With the beginning of high-paced knowledge creation, the technological innovation it prompts, and the growing sophistication we enjoy in our ability to process both, change becomes increasingly more rapid,

随着高节奏知识更新的开始 , 技术革新的速 度增长和日益复杂,使得变革的步 伐越来越快 ,

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drawing the world's people closer in globally-based markets, and creating almost continual shifts in the way we interact with each other.

人们在全球化的市 场中距离越拉越近, 我们相互交往沟通的方式也不断地随之而变 .

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There's a lesson here. If you don't transform the world yourself, someone else will. If you want the world to reflect your vision and your ideals, you will have to roll up your sleeves and become an innovator.

这就有个教训 . 如果你自己不去改变世界 ,别人就会去改变的 . 如果你想让世界体现你的远见 , 实现你的梦想 , 那就卷起袖子成为个创新者吧 .

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But when you're innovating, keep this thought in mind: having the skill to do things right is not enough; doing the right thing must be your aim.

但是 ,当你去创新时 , 要时刻记得 : 光有把事情作对的技能是不够的 , 你必须把做正确的事情当作你的目 标 .

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America’s decade long, record setting expansion of the 1990's can be attributed to a booming entrepreneurial sector.

20世纪 90 年代美国长达十年的创 纪录经济发展可以说是得 益于急速发展的创业 阶段。

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Statistics indicate entrepreneurs in America account for at least two-thirds of all technological innovation and are responsible for as much as one-third to two-thirds of the difference in national growth rates.

统计数据表明,在美国至少三分之二的科技创新企业家们,对国 民经济 增长率的变化 起到了三分之一到三分之二的作用。

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Though they account for only 5-10% of U.S. firms they create two-thirds of the 240,000 new jobs created each month.

尽管在美国公司中,他们仅占 5-10% ,但是每月 240,000 个新工作机会的三分之二是由他们创造的。

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China and the United States are in a position to lead the way. As we jointly contemplate these great challenges for our science, engineering and technology,


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we must understand that there is no peak that we can reach that will assure success. It is not the final destination that we must focus on - but the journey itself.

我们必须明白,我们不一定可以成功征服每一个我们所攀登的山峰。我们不应该过于关注最终目的-而是应该关注的是 攀登山峰的本 身。

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The contribution of entrepreneurs is to tie the whole package of ideas, knowledge, workforce and institutions together into a productive engine of economic growth.

创业者 做出的贡献就是将一整 套想法、知识、劳动力和学术机构结合在一起,并使之成为经济增长的发动机。

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That's not only a big job but a worthy goal and I am certain that you here today can carry this through!

这不仅是一 项艰巨的任务,也是值得人们为之奋斗的目 标,我相信你们能够做到这一点!

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I'll leave you with this thought. You are the vanguard of the future, the architects of change. It won't happen without you.

我将这个想法留给你们。你们是未来的领 导者,是变革的设 计师。有了你们,未来和变革就会实现。

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Q & A


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