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  • 8/10/2019 epress novosti.pdf


    Answer thequestions correctlyto win a practical

    backpack and astylish cap.

    PAGE 8


    NO. 1 2014

    Trade fairs Barcode scanner

    Customized products

    are an important part of our work

    PAGES 2-3

    ensures improveddelivery reliability.

    PAGE 6

    Visit us at any of our trade fairsthis spring.

    PAGES 4-5

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  • 8/10/2019 epress novosti.pdf


    many years, but we are now investing moreresources and adding even more power tohelp our customers to find the best solu-tions.

    The head of the new business area is An-dreas Sjholm, who at the time of writing isbusy putting together his team.

    There are many good ideas out therethat sometimes fall at the finish line due tothe lack of resources or a mandate to takethe idea all the way to completion. Here wecan intervene and support the customer,either by escalating a question from the

    subcontractor to a higher level in a globalenterprise, or by producing a really goodsolution for the market in-house, he says.

    Previously, customers often initiallyapproached field sales staff at Elpress andrequested technical assessments.

    Now the question is addressed directlyto specialists instead who can quicklydetermine the business opportunity andmake a technical assessment, while thesalesperson engages in the more commer-cial element of the same question, saysAndreas.

    The new team is open to both short andlong-term projects.

    Sometimes a product has to becertified, which means that we as project

    managers either involve the departmentsinternally and can assist with testing orengage the help of an outside party. As formore long-term relationships, I think thereis huge potential in working with businessdevelopment together with customers. Itbenefits both us and our colleagues in theindustry to work this way, at the forefrontof development, flexible, agile and quick-witted. In short, it all seems very exciting,says Andreas Sjholm.

    He stresses that Elpress will continue toput quality before anything else.

    We help the customer to develop thesafest and best solution. We do not sell acable lug, but a system for secure connec-tions. Our product may look small and or-dinary where it sits at the end of the cable,but if it does not work it could jeopardizethe whole application. We notice that manycustomers take risk assessment very seri-ously nowadays, says Andreas.

    He adds that the new approach towardsindustrial customers is in no way at theexpense of the important domestic market.

    Wholesalers in the Nordic Region are

    still the heart of our business, we continueto develop and nurture these long and ex-cellent relationships, while also moving upa gear in the export market, he says.


    Andreas Sjholm, previously responsible for the Electrical Machines segment, has primary

    responsibility for the work of the Business Development area.


    WE HAVE invested in another Sinico cut-off/end-finishing machine and this timethe model is a TOP 1100 CNC machine.It can cut and end finish pipes with acapacity of around 1,000 - 1,200 pipes/hour.

    This investment increases our cuttingcapacity overall, and in particular thefinishing of pipe diameters from 20 mm and upwards.

    The machine was installed in week 11,which was followed by operator training

    and running-in to become another fullproduction unit in our fleet of machinery.

    It took a massive crane and a lot of precision

    by the crane operator when the 6-tonne

    machine had to be lifted off the transport


    Thomas Jonsson, cutter operator, in front of

    the new Sinico machine.

    NEW MACHINEincreases cutting capacity


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    AT OUR BOOTH, we will be exhibiting our specific solutions forthe rotor blades on wind turbines as well as solutions for very largecables, explains Elpress GM Export Carsten Mathiesen, who willbe on site in Las Vegas in early May.

    Just ten years ago there were not many people who would haveput money on aluminum being a material for the future for thistype of installation but Elpress understood early on that therewas a need for a more cost-effective material to withstand extremeenvironments and excessive vibrations.

    Elpress supplies aluminum solutions for towers, rotor blades,engine rooms and control systems in wind turbines. All applica-tions are approved according to standards such as IEC. We alsooffer servicing and maintenance of our applications, says Carsten

    Matthiesen.Elpress crimp station CS2500, which was launched a few years

    ago, has been well received by wind power manufacturers globally.It has been designed for continuous production of electrical

    connections for really big cables, with aquick locking cable terminals with lowforce, which shortens the total produc-tion time for crimping, Carsten ex-plains. It also comes with software thatenables wind turbine manufacturers toconnect the crimp station to a regularPC for analysis and printing reports oncrimping operations.

    System Elpress is allowing us toadd quality to the market, and we areproud to offer automated productequipment with the highest personal safety possible. Crimping

    methods have progressed at a steady pace with wind power overthe last 20 years, and nowadays we are entrusted to deliver oursolutions to many of the leading technology producers globally,says Carsten Matthiesen.

    Welcome to the Elpress booth at AWEA Wind PowerWhen? May 5 8, 2014 Where? Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, USA Booth number: 2652

    Aluminum is a strong material when used forelectrical connections


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    Welcome to the Elpress booth at CWIEME in BerlinWhen? June 24 26, 2014 Where? Messe Berlin Booth number: 31A54

    We look forward to meetingnew and existing customers

    OBVIOUSLY Elpress will be on site when CWIEME attracts over750 suppliers to Berlin at the end of June.This is a major trade fair that attracts around 7,000 buyers anddesigners from around the world, says Carsten Mathiesen.Elpress has only good experiences of CWIEME in Berlin, the

    worlds largest trade fair for coils and windings in the electricitysector.We have the opportunity to meet our existing customers inthe industry here, and we look forward to forging new contacts

    and discussing potential new projects. At the Elpress booth youwill find high-quality solutions for transformers and generators,and newly developed solutions for aluminum cables, Carstenexplains.Elpress products have been very well received at this particular

    trade fair in previous years, and Elpresss German sales repre-sentative will be attending along with Carsten Mathiesen andLiselotte Hellgren Wgstrm. We look forward to meeting you at the Elpress booth!

    TRAINING is an essential part ofSystem Elpress. Operators must un-dergo the right training for optimum

    operation of crimp tools, and at theEl & Teknik Trade Fair in Odense wecan proudly present a new concept fore-learning.It concerns virtual instructional videosthat will eventually be available on You-Tube via a QR code. In this way, we canassist customers and offer a comple-ment to physical training, as well as facilitating further training,says Per Noergaard, Sales Manager Elpress A/S.In our booth at the El & Teknik fair, we will also be exhibiting ourCS2500 industrial press which is designed for continuous produc-tion of electrical connections. Anyone who wants to acquire a little

    extra training on the crimp station has an excellent opportunity todo just that in Odense in early May.To all our customers and to all wholesalers specializing inindustrial applications, I would like to welcome you to the Elpressbooth, where we will provide coffee and cinnamon buns, saysPer Noergaard.

    Welcome to the Elpress booth atEl & Teknik

    When? May 6 8, 2014 Where? Odense Congress

    Center, Denmark Booth number: C-3000

    With e-learningwe offer acomplement tophysical training







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    ELPRESSS CENTRAL WAREHOUSE in Kramfors sees ap-proximately 9,000 order lines being picked each month.

    Until last fall, each order was printed on paper and thenpicked and finally checked against the order on the com-puter, using just as many keystrokes as order lines.

    This was a natural step to take. We had it in the backof our minds for a while and barcodes have been part ofElpress labels for a long time. We have gradually beenintroducing PDAs to all of our staff since last fall, and theresults have exceeded expectations, says Joakim Wallin.

    Besides the obvious purpose improved delivery reli-ability for customers the barcode reader has also helpedto make order processing more efficient.

    The last step, where we used to sit at a computer andcheck off the order, has been completely eliminated andhas now been replaced with a single button press on thePDA, says Joakim Wallin.

    It is still too early to evaluate the results, althoughJoakim Wallin has seen indications implying that the num-

    ber of replacement deliveries has fallen.Barcode readers provide excellent support for

    staff. They think these work really well and theyare pleased with the results. Above all, theyfeel more secure that their orders are correctbecause the PDA would trigger an alert if theyscanned the wrong product. We are doing abetter job, it is as simple as that, says JoakimWallin.

    Up until now, this initiative has includedscanning the right item, while the next step willinvolve checking for the right quantity as well.

    The inventory process will also be able to ben-efit from the use of scanners.

    We are taking one thing at a time. Nothingis so good that it could not be improved, andof course our long-term goal is to ensure thatcustomers receive exactly what they ordered 100percent of the time, says Joakim Wallin.

    Nothing is so good that it could not be improved. This was the starting point last fall when

    Elpresss Central warehouse decided to introduce barcode readers for picking orders.

    The main purpose is, of course, to improve delivery reliability, says Joakim Wallin,

    Production Manager Central Warehouse.

    Improveddelivery reliability


    EMBLA RA (right-angled) is a version of our stripping and cutting tool EMBLA. The head of

    the new tool is placed at right angles, which facilitates working at a workbench. The EMBLA

    RA has an elaborate ergonomic shape with a rounded and soft grip on the xed handle, and it

    is designed to ensure you can work with your elbows bent and with no tension in the wrists

    while sitting at your workbench. Different, easily interchangeable stripping cartridges ensure

    stripping precision for a wide range of insulation from PVC to PTFE (Teon) using a single

    tool. Fine adjustment means that even very thin insulation can be stripped with no risk of

    damage to the conductors. The tool has been tested to over 150,000 cycles.




    - straight blades, for PVC insulation

    from 0.02 to 10 mm


    - V-shaped blades, for harder insulation

    from 0.1 to 4 mm

    EMBLA RA 16

    - oval-shaped blades, from 4 to 16 mm

    - ergonomic new self-adjusting

    stripping tool with angled handle

    Enisa Spahic thinks

    the barcode reader

    is really great.


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    After almost thirty years with the group, youmust have been involved in a lot at Elpress.What has been the most exciting thing?Seeing the segment concept emerge. Whileservicing our domestic market electricalwholesalers we have been very consciouslydeveloping products and services for themost demanding customers in segmentslike Wind Power, Traction, Offshore andElectrical Machines. This has allowed us totake global market share slowly but surely.

    You are currently the segment manager forTraction, but you were involved whenanother segment (Electrical Machines)saw the light of day. Can you tell us aboutthat?It all began really with a feasibility studythat Elpress conducted with ABB in the mid-1990s. Back then we soldered together thewinding conductors in their large transform-ers, and we wanted to test whether crimpingcould work equally as well or provide aneven better solution. As expected, crimping

    proved to be a safer, cheaper and more ef-ficient method.

    If you were to look into a crystal ball, whatwould you see in the future for Elpress?I never cease to marvel at our products,they account for a thousandth of the valueof the finished application while also beingcompletely critical in terms of both qualityand function. There is nothing really strangeabout this, though. System Elpress is theright tool for the right cable lug and cable,and when you also have an operator with the

    right knowledge, this results in the highestquality. This is the Elpress concept for suc-cess, and we will continue to be the best atcrimping.


    Market Segment Manager Traction, Elpress



    Several of Elpresss customers work with

    their PVL1300s in remote locations as

    well as at high a ltitudes. In situations

    like these, it is crucial to have all the

    components under control when handling

    crimping equipment. Dropping a matrix

    by mistake from a height of 50 meters up

    a wind turbine could cause serious injury.

    The need for a protection mechanismwhile tting the crimping tool had been


    Design update

    The technical department at Elpress

    worked with market representatives andidentied a solution, namely by xing

    matrices 13P29M and 13P37M at the

    PVL1300 crimp tool using a safety cable .

    The cable is attached with a ring to the

    existing hole in the matrix and with a snap

    hook that sits on the front part of the


    Current situation

    The safety cable is available as an accessory

    for existing customers and will be supplied

    with all new 13P29M and 13P37M matrices.


    The marketing organization received

    indications that the 13P29D and 13P37D

    punches in their original design could be

    tted incorrectly in the fork. The problem

    is that the punch ts even if it has been

    incorrectly rotated 90, which means that

    the crimp stop function is eliminated and

    so the connection is crimped excessively.

    Design update

    The new design means that the punches

    can no longer be tted incorrectly in

    terms of rotation as they now have four

    wings in a cross formation, instead of

    only two.

    The old version is shown on the

    left and the new one, cross-shaped,

    appears on the right.

    Safety cablefor PVL1300matrices

    New designfor punches 13P29D and 13P37D


  • 8/10/2019 epress novosti.pdf


    Elpress AB, P.O. Box 186, SE-872 24 KRAMFORS, Sweden. Tel. +46 612 71 71 00, e-mail: [email protected], www.elpress.net

    COMPETITIONAnswer the four questions correctly to be in with a chance of winning a

    practical backpack and a cool cap. We are giving away sets to three people

    who send in correct entries.


    1. How many orders per month are picked at the Elpress warehouse?

    1. 900 per month

    X. 9,000 per month

    2. 90,000 per month

    2. What is the name of the Elpress segment manager responsible for the

    Traction segment?

    1. Joakim WallinX. Andreas Sjholm

    2. Leif Lundberg

    3. What is the name of the trade fair that Elpress will be attending in Las Vegas?

    1. CWIEME

    X. AWEA Wind Power

    2. InnoTrans

    4. What is the name of the new Elpress stripping tool with an angled handle?

    1. Embla RA

    X. Embla VH

    2. Embla AR

    Send or fax your answers by May 26, 2014 to: ELPRESS AB, Box 186,SE-872 24 Kramfors, Sweden. Fax no. +46 612 71 71 51.

    The correct answers and winners will be announced on our website at

    www.elpress.se on June 2, 2014. Any tax must be paid by the winner.





    Zip code






    May 6-8, 2014Odense, DenmarkFind us at booth C-3000.

    May 5-8, 2014Las Vegas, USAFind us at booth 2652.

    June 24-26, 2014Berlin, GermanyFind us at booth 31A54.

    September 23-26, 2014Berlin, GermanyFind us in Hall 12, booth 315.

    September 23-26, 2014Hamburg, Germany

    October 21-24, 2014Dalian Liaoning, China

    October 22-23, 2014Kista, Stockholm

    October 22-24, 2014Beijing, China

    November 25-27, 2014Nuremberg, Germany

    Production controllerChristina Forsgren

    Tel. + 46 612 71 71 11

    [email protected]