普华永道pwc2010校园招聘讨论区://fs1.dajie.com/2009/09/27/152/12540433521632563.pdf ·...

www.dajie.com中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台 www.dajie.com 1 / 17 普华永道 PWC2010 校园招聘讨论区:http://pwc.dajie.com/ 四大里又一家上线了,之前的德勤已经申请了,网申攻略 http://company.dajie.com/discuss/theme/41/0/6269 再来放一下申请普华的全过程吧。 PwC的网申是有OQ的~不过不是很多~多的话要累死了。。。光是这三道就不知道想了多久了~~~不过这些日子做着做 着这 OQ 发觉这样子也挺好的~~~~~难得用英文写东西,有时候也可以开动下脑子了~~~~~~~~就当练习~ 那么,先给各位同学发下 OQ 吧~当做脑力练习~不申的同学也可以练啊~ 1. PwC aims at maintaining high standard of professionalism. Please provide details of a situation and the outcome that you were engaged in a task/ assignment that you took different approach or had different opinion from that of other people (any level) involved. Please share how you reacted to the situation and the rationale of your reaction.(2000 character space maximum) 2. We are running our business in a rapidly changing environment. Describe an experience that you were learning or working in a new environment or adopting a new approach/ methodology to learn or work. Please share specifically what was the experience, the challenges came across and the way you dealt with the issues, and the overall outcome. Futhermore, elaborate what you will do differently if you face similar challenges again in the future.(1000 character space maximum) 3. PwC offers services to diverse types of clients. If you were to join PwC, which industry/ business sector/ of clients or in particular a specific client would be interested to you? What services do you think PwC would be providing to enhance the clients’ success? Please note the industry or client you name does not have to be in current PwC client porfolio. (1000 character space maximum) 接下来看一下网申的主要步骤~ 通过大街网 http://job.dajie.com/position_47931.html 进入普华的网申页面,全英文界面,点击左侧的“apply online”,开始华丽的pwc网申之旅啦。

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普华永道 PWC2010 校园招聘讨论区:http://pwc.dajie.com/

四大里又一家上线了,之前的德勤已经申请了,网申攻略 http://company.dajie.com/discuss/theme/41/0/6269,


PwC 的网申是有 OQ 的~不过不是很多~多的话要累死了。。。光是这三道就不知道想了多久了~~~不过这些日子做着做

着这 OQ 发觉这样子也挺好的~~~~~难得用英文写东西,有时候也可以开动下脑子了~~~~~~~~就当练习~

那么,先给各位同学发下 OQ 吧~当做脑力练习~不申的同学也可以练啊~

1. PwC aims at maintaining high standard of professionalism. Please provide details of a situation and

the outcome that you were engaged in a task/ assignment that you took different approach or had different

opinion from that of other people (any level) involved. Please share how you reacted to the situation

and the rationale of your reaction.(2000 character space maximum)

2. We are running our business in a rapidly changing environment. Describe an experience that you were

learning or working in a new environment or adopting a new approach/ methodology to learn or work. Please

share specifically what was the experience, the challenges came across and the way you dealt with the

issues, and the overall outcome. Futhermore, elaborate what you will do differently if you face similar

challenges again in the future.(1000 character space maximum)

3. PwC offers services to diverse types of clients. If you were to join PwC, which industry/ business

sector/ of clients or in particular a specific client would be interested to you? What services do you

think PwC would be providing to enhance the clients’ success? Please note the industry or client you

name does not have to be in current PwC client porfolio. (1000 character space maximum)


通过大街网 http://job.dajie.com/position_47931.html 进入普华的网申页面,全英文界面,点击左侧的“apply

online”,开始华丽的 pwc 网申之旅啦。

www.dajie.com‐  中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台                                                           

                                                                www.dajie.com                                                                                    2 / 17 











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(1) 选择工作的地点

内地上学的同学如果没有香港、澳门的工作许可证,是不能申请这两个地点的职位的,so,我乖乖的选了 mainland

(2) 注册/登录

点击“click here to create an account”注册。

有两条提示 Using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or above。Browser privacy setting to below "High"

大概意思就是用 ie6 以上的浏览器和隐私级别设置在“高”以下。

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*Please note that we will not consider graduate applications from persons who do not have a right of

abode or an appropriate visa that enables them to live and work in the region to which they have applied.



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登陆后点击 apply

(3) 提示信息

文中说要不时地点击“Save as Draft”按钮保存草稿 因为服务器会 30 分钟刷新一次……

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(5) 填写教育经历

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(6) 语言和其他专业认证技能

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(7) 工作经历

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(8) OQ~

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1. PwC aims at maintaining high standard of professionalism. Please provide details of a situation and

the outcome that you were engaged in a task/ assignment that you took different approach or had different

opinion from that of other people (any level) involved. Please share how you reacted to the situation

and the rationale of your reaction.(2000 character space maximum)

2. We are running our business in a rapidly changing environment. Describe an experience that you were

learning or working in a new environment or adopting a new approach/ methodology to learn or work. Please

share specifically what was the experience, the challenges came across and the way you dealt with the

issues, and the overall outcome. Futhermore, elaborate what you will do differently if you face similar

challenges again in the future.(1000 character space maximum)

3. PwC offers services to diverse types of clients. If you were to join PwC, which industry/ business

sector/ of clients or in particular a specific client would be interested to you? What services do you

think PwC would be providing to enhance the clients’ success? Please note the industry or client you

name does not have to be in current PwC client porfolio. (1000 character space maximum)

www.dajie.com‐  中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台                                                           

                                                                www.dajie.com                                                                                    16 / 17 

(9) 确认信息


做了一个钟头有了吧~关键在填那些琐碎的经历和 OQ 上了~


OQ 么还是练习练习比较好~哈哈~

www.dajie.com‐  中国最先进的大学生互动求职平台                                                           

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