er and ir spanish verbs in the present tense

Present tense conjugation of –er and –ir verbs

Upload: kathryn-laferriere

Post on 08-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Er and ir Spanish verbs in the present tense

Present tense conjugation of –er and –ir verbs

Page 2: Er and ir Spanish verbs in the present tense

-ER & -IR Verbs-ER & -IR VerbsThere are three types of

verbs in Spanish: –AR, –ER, and –IR.

-ER and –IR verbs are often studied together because all of their endings (except nosotros) are identical.

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-ER endings-ER endingsThe endings for regular

-ER verbs are the same as for –AR verbs, except that the vowel is E instead of A!

yo - otú - esél, ella, ud-. enosotros - emosellos, ustedes - en

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Let‘s Compare-ar verb hablarYo habloTú hablasÉlElla hablaUstedNosotros hablamosEllos/ellasUstedes hablan

-er verb comer Como Comes




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BEBERBEBERLet’s look at an example, the verb BEBER, which means “to drink.” It ends in –ER, so is an –ER verb.

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BEBERBEBERThe verb can be split

into two parts:The base: BEB-The infinitive ending: - -ER

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Now let’s say “I drink.”Start with the base:

BEB-When you talk about

yourself, add –O, just as you did for the –AR verbs.

Yo bebo

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BEBERBEBERNow let’s talk about

you. When the subject is tú, you add –ES because it is an –ER verb.

Tú bebes

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él bebeella bebeusted bebenosotros bebemosellos bebenellas bebenUds. beben

Here are the rest of the conjugations for theverb beber:

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Miguel ______ (leer) filosofía pero no la ________ (comprender) muy bien.



Don’t forget that the base of leer is le-, so there is a double –e on the él form.

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Yo creo

Ellos escondenThey hide

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Ella respond


Él rompeHe breaks

She answers

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They runEllos corren

You (familiar) learnTú aprendes

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Ella vende

Yo comprendo

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Common –er verbsaprenderbebercomercometercomprendercorrercreerdeberesconder

to learnto drinkto eatto committo understand,comprehendto runto believeto owe, shouldto hide

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to readto putto answer,

respondto breakto suspendto sell

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What about the –IR What about the –IR Verbs?Verbs?

Well, take a look for yourself. Can you find the one difference?beber vivirbebo vivobebes vivesbebe vivebebemos vivimosbeben viven

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That’s right!That’s right!The endings are identical except for the nosotros form:

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Regular Present TenseRegular Present Tense

To summarize, here are the endings for the three verb conjugations:-AR -ER -IR-o -o -o-as -es -es-a -e -e-amos –emos –imos-an -en -en

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Let’s PracticeLet’s Practice

> ESCRIBIRYo _______ muchas

cartas, pero mi hermana no _____ cartas.



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Él__________(abrir) la puerta.

Ella __________(unir) las rompecabezas(puzzles).



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Ellos discuten.

She covers.

They argue.

Ella cubre.

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I attend.

Usted decide.

Yo asisto.


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Nosotros existimos.

He goes up.

Él sube.

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Cuando yo _______ (recibir) una carta, _______ (deber) leerla [read it].



Note there was no change in subject, so “yo” was understood to be the subject for both verbs. It was not necessary to repeat “yo.”

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Nosotros ________ (vivir) cerca de [near] un parque y ________ (correr) allí [there] por la mañana.



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Don’t Forget “ir”It is highly irregular and does not follow the regular conjugation.

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Common –ir verbsabriradmitirasistircubrirdecidirdescribirdescubrirdiscutir

to opento admitto attendto coverto decideto describeto discoverto argue or discuss

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to writeto existto permit, allowto receiveto climbto sufferto unite, jointo live